, THE DAILY ASTOltlAJT, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 185)0. TIDIi TAUL12 "Munduy . ., . , Tiii'iiUy VSViliiMilHy, , 'Tluirly .... rrlilay tiiltir.lV . ... tUJ.NJHV ... Monday , . .., 'I'uinilny AVmliM'Hilny . . . Thursday ... I'rl.lay Hnlur.Uv ... H I'M) AY... Monday Tiudey Weduradity , Thursday ... tfrl.lay Saturday. ... Hl'NUAY ... Monday , , , , Tureday WpdlH-adaV , , Thursday.'... Friday Hslurdav ... Hl'MUY... Monday .... , Ttieadev The Morian Job Office est of Stock. Is always prepared 1HLL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS, BUSINESS CARDS, ENVEIjOrES, RECEIPTS, And all kinds of Commercial Printing at Prices as Low, If not the Lowest in the City. NOTICE Or INTENTION 'To fltanse the Orade on Eleventh dirwl, Between Kensington Avenue and Harrison Avenue, MeClura's Astoria. Nolle la bar.br given that tha com mon council of tha alt of Aatorta ro jtoee to re-eetabllah tha inula of thai part of Eleventh .treat In McClure'a Aa torta, aa extended ami changed ly Cyrus Olney, which lias bat warn tha aouth aide of Harrison avenue and tha north side of Kaneliurton avenue, at tha following .halchta alov tha baaa of ra-lre aa es tablished by ordinance No, Tl. anttlli-d "An ordinance to Katabllah a Baa ot flrndc for tha Btraata of Aatorta," to wn: in tlin north side of tha crossing ot aalil Klovonih atraat and Irvine avenue, 1 feet On ilia aouth alda of said crossing, 1 fast. On tha north alda of tha croeslnt ot an I.I Eleventh atraat with Jrroma avenue, 114 feet. On the aouth alda of aald crossing. 1M feet And tinlaaa a remonattene signed by tha ownara of thraa-fourtha of tha prop arty front Inn on said portion of aald street b ninl with tha auditor and po lloa Judge of aald rliy within tan dnya from the final publication of tlila notice, to-wll. on or bafora Juna kith, tha common rounrtl will re-oataMlili aald rda aa Abova pnioad. Ky onlrr of tha common council. Datad Juna (, 1S9. . II, K. NEUtON. Auditor and l'olk-a Judva. NOTICE OS" COMPLETION And Acoaplanco of Tonth Btrait Im provamant, Bctweon Commercial and Exolianca Btraata. Notice la harliy Rlvan that B. Normlln, contractor for tha Improvement of Tenth atraat, between Commercial and K chnnu atrceia. under tha provlalona ot ordlnanca No. )75, on fhe Sd day of Juna, 1k:. flletl In tha office of tha auditor and police Judge of the city of Aatnrla. tha certificate of tho city auveyor and aupor lntendcnt of atroaU, approved by tha committee on atreata and publlo waya. After tha expiration of the time herein after apeollled, If no oliJ"ctlona to tha ac ceptance of auch work be Iliad, and the common counoll ohall doecm auoh Im provement properly completed, aocord Inc to the contract and plana and "paci fications therefor, the aame may ba ao oeptad, Olijectlona to the acceptance of aald Improvement or any part thereof may lit filed In the oflloa of the auditor nnd po ' Ilea Judga on or bafora' tyaftneaday, June 17, 18. Aatorla, Oracon, June 1 1WI, H. B. NELSON. Audlto and Police Judge. NOT1CH OP INTENTION Notice la hereby given that tha com mon oouncll of the city of Aatorla pro pose to re-eatabllah tha grade on that part of Irving avenue. In MoClure'a Aa torla, aa extended and changed by Cyrua Olnay, which Ilea between the west alda of Twelfth atreet and the aaat alda of Tenth atreot, at the following height above the baaa of grades aa establlnhed by ordinance No. 71, entitled "An Ordi nance to Establish a Usee of Oradoa for tha Btraata of Aatorla," to-wlt: On the north aide of the crossing ot snld Irving avonue with Eleventh street, 126 feet. On the south aide of sold orosslng, US .feet. Hy order of the common counoll. Dated Juna 4, 1896, H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Folic Judge. FOR JUNE. Illllll WATKU, Mw WATKU. A. SI, I'. M. A. M. P. u. h.mjfljlijiijfljli.mlft. Ii.m I fl. imi'n dmwiiii mo u 6i.'7H6l rt JW 7 0 0 10. 7: H 84 ft 01 7tf'T l1 I 10 J 4 7 44 ft 7 n 07 T I! ill ft K mas! h A'2 7 a s in i UhH3(l! OH 7 Hi 4UI10 11)67., HID 17 7 H 4 4KO& II etlAHIU MS ! 0 2700 0 02 1 0 0 44 I 0 4 A It i 1 42 2 I 2 44 2 4 IM 2 7 4 20 ft I 6 0.V 8 8 5 44, 3 3 fl 26 H 4 7 06' 8 8 7 4718 2 7 H U 0111,11311 :i4H8, fl 04 Hlft1 IK'lllKi I fMO-OU 0 1'.'H 4 16X117 7151-1 o M ft a 34 fl n; 7 fti t-'i 1B4H6 8 II 7 ll 8 if" .1-2' ..'la 8l! 80 0 21! 2 8 ,.jU . . lift 3 '.'1MB! S HI 7 2 U(l l-Oj 3 0IHO; 4II0 7H l 60; (Ml 4 04 7 61 Ml 7 A 10 K4U)1 ft 060 VI 6 67 7 7 II itfOY fl 14 0 61 I) 44 7 7, 0 IH1 H 10 17 3 A ..'ini 11 13 2 6 0 16 14 10 'Jill 7 IIU ft 3 7 4S 7 0 in a 8Wfil HIHlH'l 2 40 A 10U00 2 USMH6 34H -im I ll) 1 U 2 21; 2 4 al 8 20 2 H 11 14 3 10 '-'4 Sll 4 461-1 4 W 8 0 Mill All! 10 (H o an 1.7 6 i'H 8 1 KttOfl fl 'JH 2-(f, 7 14 Mf 7 mi a-o 8 a-, l oi 0 12 1 0' 0 4H -oa 0 22 8 2 0 m U 1 I 4M fl II 7 14 84 0 64 U II i mi 4 H (fl 2 H H61 6 6 1)42 2 6 I 41 M 7 SOU 7 6 3 40 7 6 4 217 0 2 ill H X 3 1U 7 1I 4 (Hi (10 10 84: 2 4 4 67 7 fl 10 Vd 0 4 II 20 2 1 Neat Work. to print to order LEGAL BUNKS, SIIIITINO TAGS, LABELS, TICKETS, HANDBILLS, etc., Era NOTICE Or TUB IMPROVEMENT Of Thirty-second Btreet, Harrison Avenue and Irving Avenue, In Adair's Astoria. Notice la hereby given that the com mon council propose to order the Im provement of the following named streets In the city of Astoria, aa laid out and reoorded by John Adair: Thirty-third atraat, from tha south Una of Duan atraat lo tha aouth Una of Harrison av nue. Harrison avenue, from tha east nils of Thirty-third street to the east Una , of Ttilrty-flfth street. Thirty-fifth street, j from theeouth Una of Harrison avenue j to the aouth Una of Irving avenue. Irv ' Ing avenue, from the aaat Una of Thirty- fifth atraat to tha west Una of Fortieth atraat. Bald improvement to ronalal ot grading to tha full width of Harrison and Irving avenues and Thirty-tlih street, to tha established grade, and planking the aame to the width of 16 faat to the canter thereof by Ixll Inch fir plank, and grad ing to tha full width Thirty-third street, from the aouth lino of Hurrlson avenue to a point about IS aouth of tha aouth Una of Duane atreet, and aettlng poata and caps and atrlrutera on that ortlon between graded part and tha south line of Dunne street to the width of JO faat In tha ranter thereof and plunking the whole distance from Duane street to Harrison avenue so fret wide In the center thcrvot with SxlJ Inch fir plunk. Shtcwulk lu feet wide to ba placed on both aides ot Thirty-third street, and. In detail, the Im provement shall le In accordance with tho plans nnd speclflcatlone to be pre pared for the same according to ordi nance No. 11KH. relating to the Improve ment of streets. Tha land nnd preailars upon which tho special assessment shall he levied to de fray the costs and expenses of such Im provements Is aa follows: Commencing at the northaaat corner of lot t, block IT, Adnlr'a Port of Upper Aatorla, thence south along the canter Una of block 11 and 3t to tha southeast corner of lot 7, block 3X; thence oust along the south line of hlocka 3. 37 and 36 to the southeast corner of block 36; thence aouth along the east line of block 43 to th northerns comer of block 60; thence east along the north Una or blocks Ml, 8S, 57 and 66 to the northeast corner of block M: thence aouth along the east Una of blocks Ml and 71 to tha southeast corner of block 71; thence weat along the aouth line or blocks 71, 70, fit, 8, 67 and (6 to the south west corner of block 66: thence north along the north line of block R6 to the southwest corner of block 61; thence wast along the south line of blocks 61, and 63 to the claim line between Bhlve ly's Astoria and Adair' Port ot Upper Astoria; thence along anld claim line to the northwaat oorner of block 16: thence east along tha north line of blocks It and 17 to the place of beginning. That the district embraced therein and tha lands and the premises ba and the same are hereby designated and known aa Adair's assessment district No, tl, aald Improvement being continuous Im provement from Thirty-third and Dunn to Fortieth and Irving avenue. And If a remonstrance signed by at laaat one-half of the property owners fronting on aald portion of said street to be Improved or affected by anld Im provement ba filed with th auditor and police Judge on or before the next meet ing of the oommon council, to-wlt. on Wednesday, Juna IT, 1896, the oommon oouncll will not order said Improvement except by a concurrence of two-thirds of all tha members elect of said com mon council. By order of the common oouncll. Dated Juna 6, 1806. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Parties desiring tha best of Job printing at the lowest price should call at tha Astoria Job ofllc before going elsewhere. MATTBIIH MARINE. Movamsnls ol V)axl Mom and lilwHr. Tha slusinar Harrison sailed fur Til lainwk yesterday, Th American hark III Honania left out for Hhanghal, China yesterday. Th Fernbank ha complotod taking on supplies and expect to leave out this morning, On board the Ilrltlsh ship HI. Mungo, on February 16th, John Davis, A. II., native uf Ilultlmor, aged 31 year, died uf consumption, and wa burled th sam day, Th steamer Bltinal, Captain Ilcnila gard, arrived yesterday afternoon from llrltah Columbia and th Hound. Hh ha a large cargo of coal and fifty ton of Chinese merchandise for Portland. A part of the coal will b discharged hr and th steamer will go to Port land Tuesday. Th steamship Htrathnevls, which was adrift off Cap Flattery for av eral weak last winter, ha left the service of the North Pacific Steamship Compauy and sailed early this month from Yokohama for New York, via the Hue Canal, lirr place on tha rout ha been taken by th Olympla, a much smaller vessel. Tha raising of the Jllalrmore devel oped sensation yesterday. It was a greMsome one, as a corpse figured In It and una of Whltelaw'a diver I (till sick from th shock he received. He attempted lo recover a body he dis covered In tha forecastle of the ahlp and one of the limb came away In hi hnd. Th thought of the horror overcame him and h was hauled to Hie surface mora dead than alive. On th Tactile cable scheme proposed In America, Mr. Sakslanl Yoshlro (councillor of the finance office) thinks It disadvantageous to allow America to monopolise th line, and suggests that Japan ahould open negotiations for holding th Una on equal terms with America. The matter will be re ferred to the meeting of th Japan Economic Association next month, and necessary Investigations will b en trusted to a certain engineer of the department of communication. AaahL Price' Cream Haklng Powder ha be come Incomparably the household fa vorite. MENU FOR MONDAY. Breakfast. Fruit. Cereallne with Sugar and Cream. Broiled Spring Chicken. Creamed Potatoes). Sliced Cucumber. Waffle. Coffe. Luncheon. Bunion. Clam Fritter. Thin llce Brown Bread Pineapple Sorbet Cocoa. Dinner. Cream of Corn Soup. ' Koaat Lamb. New Potatoes. Pea. Fried Egg Plant. Cabbage Salad. Wafer. Froxen Cherrle. Cheese. Coffe. ROYAL BaKtng Powder. Highest ot mil la leavening Strtngth.-V. a. Oavsrwt Report FROM NOW UNTIL 8PIUNQ Overcoats and winter wrap will be la fashion. Thay can ba discarded, tempor arily while traveling In th steam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for spaed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway ot th Wast. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE. For a dinner, served on th Dining cars of th Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paid Railway, will be sent to any address on receipt of a two-cant poatag stamp. Apply to Oao. H. Henffurd, General Pas senger Agent Old Colony Building, Chi rso, Illinois. FOR. TILLAMOOK 1NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS 1 1 STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W.'Hv Harrison Augusta.... ...ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing dates to and trom'lllaniook aad Nehakm depend upon th weather. For Freight and Passenger Rates Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AGENTS O. R. N. CO., A genu, Portland. In Medieval Days When beopl Wanted anything Ihey knelt down and prayed for It. How ever, that was soma Urn axe. Along about 1K0 a fellow named Oulan barg, who had "coma da Ithln over," wa monkeying around a carpenter shop In Lent. Ha whit tled soma Utile block and actually mud an alphabet Then h rltfged a sort of wall, a machine that would look something Ilk our let ter press of , today. Ha arranged hi block In' order, put som Ink on them, also a plena of paper, and than crwd his press down. That wss called printing. Old Uulenberg mail a howling succs of th racket and hi bead became so swollen lhat ba really snubbed th king on day, Th king overlooked it however, for he had an Idea what kind of fellow printer would b. Well, finally they got th print ing system down pat and, a th centuries rolled by, began printing newspaper .first parson. Invariably singular number, any gander and hard en a. In This Enlightened Day Thar are many nawspupers a a matter or fact But it is an utter impossibility to get a newapapsr to admit It Th advertising patrons- of a newspaper depends largely yes, wholly upon It circulation. A newspaper Is a great deal Ilk th human body; If lis circulation is good. It prospers; otherwise, otherwise. Borne paper publish Want Columns That Is, a column, or a number ot columns, devoted to small advertise ment. If a fellow wants anything trouble, a wife, a house don't make any dlfferend what It Is he can gat It by means of a small ad. . Incluued In tna "war." column are For Bale," "For Kent" Lot" "Found," "Stolen" and "Miscel laneous." Now, Just sea what chumps soma people are! Why, a man ho been known to hunt over a city this city fur days looking for hous In which to live. Had ba coma to Tha Astorlon office and asked for a want ad. h could hav gotten hi hous without tha least bit of trouble and for about 24 cents. It Is Needless To tell ot Th Aatortan'a circula tion, Th paper has baaa eatab llsbad for a quarter of a century. Why, old Concomly read th first rumor of th building of a railroad lo hla brave from It Circulation I Th Aatoiian'a long suit Conse quently, when a fellow come Into Th Astortan offlo, looks pleasant, throwa down 3t cant on th coun ter and ay he want a house, he get It Why, Just Think ! . Th Astortan roes Into every hous In Astoria and a great majority ot those tn th surrounding sections ot Orasron and Washington. Hence, It you insert an ad. In Th Astorlon, It I equivalent to engaging a man to go around to all tho house aad ' tailing th tn mate that you want something or hav something for sole. Why, talk about a snap! A Bit of Advice When you want anything no mat ter what it Is when you hav any thing for sale; when you lose, find or steal anything, come around and tell your trouble to Th Astortan. Bring S cent with you, and, above all thing, look pleasant Tell th clerk that you want a want ad. In th want column, glv him your B cent and go away happy. Aa Her man Wise would say, a want ad. will restore the blind, th bald and th bowlegged to manhood. 3 Lines 0 C for 3 Cents. .Try It. Agents Wanted 'W.20 LIFE-'M'KINLEY And HOB ART, Republican Candidate for president and vice-president, by Ilobt P. Porter, the noted Journalist present editor of the Cleveland World, and (ultimate friend of McKINLEY for twenty year. Absolutely the only au thentic LIFE OF McKINLEY publish ed. For more than two year In prep aration, and the only work that has receiver the endorsement of MaJ. Mc Klnley and hla most intimate friend. No book equal to It aa a seller. Every body want the book published at McKlnley's home. Porter' book sells at sight Reader will accept no other. A gold mine for live, active vorkera. Our agents are clearing from $10 to 320 a day. Chance for thousands of other to do aa well. This la the oppor tunity of your life. The highest com mission paid. ORDER OUTFIT NOW. Send 20c (stamps taken) as an evidence of good fulth, which amount will be refunded with agent's first order, if It is only for one book, making OUTFIT FREE. Books on time. Charges pre paid, leaving profits clear. Act quick or while you are waiting others will cut you out. THE N. Q. HAMILTON PUB. CO., 1555 Arcade, Cleveland, O. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americana seeking Eng lish captlai for new enterprise. A net containing the naane and addrease) ot 360 sucueesfin promoters who have placed over 100,000,OM Storting In Foreign In vestment within the last six years, and over 118,000,000 for the seven months of 1S06. Prtox 5, or $25. payable by postal order to tho London and Universal Bu reau of Investor. 10, Cneapside, London, E. C. Subscrtbens aril be entitled, by ar rangement with ens directors to receive either personal or tatter ot Introductoin to any ot these eaxasafut promoters. Thl last 1 first olaaa In a vary respect, and every man or Arm who name ap pears) therein may be depended upon. For placing eh following it will be found Invaluable Bonds or Share of In dustrial, Commercial and Financial con cerns, Mortesure loan. Sale of Lands, Patents or Mines. - Derector: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS. HON. WALTER C. PBPTS, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFS. . Copyright. flANHOOD aiijns ta ears all luwHwiwiuue ia. wumm iwra sum Indio The oasis op thp Colorado Leser ew fl H ealth esort BELOW IHE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America f jt yuflerers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objection urged against Indlo In th paat by th large numbers who otherwise would hav been glad to take advantage of Its beneficial climate, baa bn a lack of suitable accommodation. Th Southern Pacific Company takes. pleasure in announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav just bean erected at Indlo station. lhat will b rented to applicant at rea sonable rate. They are furnished with modern convenienses, auppiled with pur artesian water, and so situated a to glv occupants ail th advantages to be le rlvad from a more or lea protracted residsno lq this delightful climate. (From th Ban Francisco Argonaut) "In th heart of th great desert ot tho Colorado which th Southern PaclQo t-avarse thara I an oasis called India which, in our opinion, I th Mnltarlum of th earth. W believe, from personal Investigation, that for certain individual. then la no (pot on thl planet so faver- abH." O. T. Stewart If. D., writ: Th purity of the air, and tho eternal sun shine, flu one with wonder and delight . , . Naturt has ' accomplished much that there remain but Uttl for man to do. Aa to its possibilities aa a health resort her is the most perfect unahln. with a temperature always pleasant a perfectly dry on, for rain I an unknown factor; -pur oxygen, dens atmosphere and pur water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, ahov all other, for lung trouble, and a para dise for - rhonssatlca, ' Considering th number ot Mffrr who hav b. cured. I hav no hesitancy tn recom mending this genial oasis aa the haves of th afflict!." INDIO. Is 6ia miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOSANOELES Fare from Los Angeles $).oe For further Information Inquire ot any Southern Paclflo Company agent or address F P. ROGERS, Asst Gen. Pass. Agt 8. P. Co. 3. B. KIRKLAND, Dlst Pass. Agt Cor. First and Alder ats., Portland, Or I873 189; Fisher Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron tfc Stel, Coal. Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. SEASIDE SflWpiLL A complete stock of lumber on hand In the rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kinds of finish; mouldings snd shingles; also bracket work don to order. Term reasonable and price at bedrock. All order promptly attended to. Office and yard at mUl. H. F. L. LOGAN. Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. BREMNER & HOLMES. Blacksmith. Special attention paid to t earn boat re pairing, first-olaaa horseshoeing; eta ' LOGGING CflJBP (DORK B SPECIALTY 117 Olney street, between Third and ' ' and Fourth. Astoria. Or. A. V, ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. . . Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets. RKTORED.SSSS rvml PesswemtsVwws lBemsmtJjBsv aw.aaa Sn n eaak as Vest Maaaarf. Us maMlt E Jj ssasm aw saaasaaar m eaMHt oaiaa at enaaeei ar stistsXass. whtoa laaVsa trtwnia"ar tany" Caa I yreJa PoeOM. tl par Soa. SW . ar aaaS giata CM Msmsmmmun mm. rrrt rosi a J. W. CONN, eieteat. sUtorU. Are " Yon Going East? Be tur and e that your ticket read . T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -tlM CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. minnea'polis -aod- OM AH A RAILWAYS. , Thia to to GREAT , SHORT LINE Bitwuti DULUTH. ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Ves- tlbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Hav given thl road a national reputa tion. All classes of passenger carried on th vestlbuled train without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line, . All agents have ticket. . W. H. MEAD, F. C. 8A7A0E. Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt 241 Washington St. Portland, Or. You Connect at Billings Mont. with the Burlington Route for Omaha, St Joseph. Kansas City, 8t Louis, Chicago, and ALL OTHER southern - and southeastern points. The . No. Pac , train from the west arrives at Billing at 9:00 s, m. Our train leaves at lS a m. . . No trouble, about tie transfer. The trains are. only a few feet apart. Step oft one on the other. That's alL The , whole thing la over with . In less time than it take to tell you about It ' ' Tickets and tlme-ta- bles at the local ticket office. CSHElbox, G.A. . . rortlaad. Oregon. J.;B. WYATT, Astarle, OrsgM Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Atteatioa Paid ta Supplying Ships. They Lack Life There are twines sold to ftshermes on the Columbia river that stand Is th same relationship to Marshall's Twins as a wooden linage does to the human being; they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twine besides Marshall's will do "Just aa wall." They won't. They cannot tttf Ska aoa-aotatmoaa remedy for Ooaorrhcea, OUliK I Gleet, Spermatorrhea, In nun, ibi.iitii ou chargM, or any inflamma tion, imianoa or oicrm tios of id u c o o Biem- irKEEnsaCHtsK'oO). brane. Soa-airliitnt. lClOloMtW.r- mr awmggBssa, br axonee, prepaid, fur 1 .on. or J bottle., .. Circular seat oa raaaast Few nen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those w serve. We're trying In every way to make them th most en joyable in town. All the "good things" of the season cooked by our excellent oook in the most delicious styla Per fect service. If you invite a friend to the Palace Restaurant the place la a sufficient guar antee that he will receive a good meat The Palaee Kestawant B.F.AIIEf4&S0H Walt Paper, Artists' Materials. Palsts, Oils. Glass, etc, Jspaaase Mattings, Rugs sod Bamboo Goods 365 Ctmmerclal Street. T-Mr-! v-lavl-i Sir Good-Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... Tf: 1 "' '; ij'ili'llijij ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 48a Bond Street. PROFESaiONAI. CARDS. JOHN T. LIGHTER, i ATTORNKT-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs. Astortan Building. DR. ELIV JANSON, PHTSIC1AN AND BUROEOSf. Offlo over Olaan's drug store. Hours, 10 to a a m.( I to I and T to I p. si, Sundays, 10 lo It Da a B. E8TE8, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to disease a ot women and surgery. Offlo ever Danslger store. Astoria. Telephone No. U. JAT TUTTLE, M. D., PHTSICIAN. SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, room I and t, Pythian Building.. Hour, 1 to U and S to I. Kealdenoa, KS Cedar street H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. - SI Commercial street J. O, A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Bond street Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. - Richard Nikon. Cheater V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON k DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, H. B. W and f7. Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection huslne promptly attended to. Claims against th government a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. T. A. F. and A. M. Regular communications held on the Ant and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. LOUNSBERRT, W. M. E. C. HOLD EN, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C CASSELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE. Notary Public. Sit Bond Street. WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Jno. F. Handler Co.. 124 Third atreet and get the Dally Astortan. Visitor need not miss their morning paper while there. , E. ncNElU Kecelver. 11 Gives Choice of Igansqontoental KOUieB, Via Spokane and St Paul. -Via OgdenjDenver and Oroaha or L.Paul. Pullman and Tourist SSItir) Free Raollnlnn Ctwlr Car Astoria to San Francisco. 8 Lata of California, Sunday, Jun. 7. Columbia. Friday. Jun U. State of Cat Wednesday, Jun L Columbia, Monday, June O. State of Cat. Saturday, June 37. Columbia, Thursday, July 1 State of Ca., Tuesday, July 7. Columbia, Sunday, July 7. Columbia, Sunday, July 11. State ot Cat. Friday, July 17. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. T. J. POTTER Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.; leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m. , R. R. TMOMPSON. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday at :S a. m.; leaves Portland dally, except Saturday, at I p. m. For rates and general Information call on or address G. W. LOUNSBERRT, . Agent W. H. HURLBURT. Gen. Par. Agt, Portland, Or. THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on th Chicago, Mil waukee and St Paul Railway. No. Its taxing era vestlbuled. heater by steam, and lighted by electricity. Each sleep car berth bas an electrio reading lamp. It dining cars are the best in the world, and Its coaches ar palace on wheela Thl great railway, connecting as It does with all transcontinental Unea at St Paul and Omaha, assures to the tarvellng publlo the best service known. Tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway are on sale at all railroad ticket offices to any point in the United Biate or Canada For maps, folders and other Information, address. C. J. EDDY, General Agent J. W. CA8EY, Portland. Or. . . . Portland. Orv- ' nnH TVTrTC. A xtp . . Situated on the south side of Astoria's hills." - ; .; , ; . ..Twenty "degrees warmer, and vegetation 30 days hr advance of the North side. , Magnificent sites for res-' idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. . - - ; Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed.