THE DAILY ASTOKIAX. SrXD.VY MOliXlNU, JINK 21. IttSlft, gaily gltftotiait JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone No. til TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Scat by mall, per year..., ,..l.00 Bent bjr mall, per month So Delivered by curler, per week 10 WEEKLT. Bent by mill per year, $1 In advance. postage free, to subecrtbera. All communications Intended for publi cation ahould be directed to th editor. Business communleatlona o( all kinds and remittance muat ba addressed to Tha Astorlan, The. Aatorlan guarantee to Ita aub- acriber tha largest circulation of any ewspaper published on tha Columbia Hirer. Advertising rales can ba had on apple aalion to tha bualneaa manager. Tha Weekly Aatorlan, tha second oldest weekly In the atat of Oregon, has, next to tha Portland Orcgonlan. tha largest weekly circulation in tha state. J no. r. Handley Co., ar our Port land agents, and copiea of Tha Aatorlan eaa ba had every moraine at their stand. Q4 Third afreet. CONFIDENCE AND CAPITAL RE ASSURED. The two great needs of the country are capital and confidence. Neither of these needs can be sup plled without supplying the other. They are mutually lndlspensible. It la easy for demagogues to rail about foreign wealth coming to this country. Does any rational man know of any Important work that has ever been accomplished without capital Can labor itself live without the friend ly aid of capital? A youne; country like the Vnlted States, with an Imperial area inviting vast Investments, with natural re sources assuring It leadership in the . . world of uroaue'.lon, if these resources be brought forth through the energy of capital and labor combined, with population increasing by decades at pace beyond the capacity of domestic capital, must look to older countries for surplus money with which to provide for the mar if old opportunities and emergencies of its Industrial capacity. Today its industrial life la suspended largely because of the withdrawal of foreign capital which has heretofore " seers (n activity in the United States. wftltdrawal due to a single cause ap- , prehension that the borrowers would not return in kind the money borrow ed. , Already the aky is clearing. ' Until 'within the past week American securi ties were flat In foreign markets. Lon don, drugged with idle money, made Idle by lack of confidence, would nelttb ex Duy an American aecnrirv nn, nr..r fer a dollar for use In American em ptbyment Today, thanks to the fart that the St Louis convention has de clared unflinchingly for the mainte nance of the gold standard. American securities have risen abroad, and for eign gold is getting ready to return to the United States. A well known citizen of Chicago, Gharfea L. Hutchinson, who has lately returned from a Journey around the world, makes this timely observation: "I wish 1 could send all the free sil ver advocates to India for a few months. If they found they had to re ceive their pay in silver rupees they would, be-gin. at a ace to hate the white metal The rupee was once worth teats, but free silver brought It down to 27 cents, where it now stands. The natives hope that we will adopt free coinage, as they can then ship us their rupees and raw silver to be coined." It would be a great speculation to buy a hundred rupees for J27 and have them coined into sixty sliver dollars, but the disappointment would come In when It woa. found that though the sil ver had been given a different form It would count for no more In exchange than before. In other word's, free coin age here. Instead of bringing India up to our standard, would merely bring tu down (o hers. The Republican party is now pledged to the protection of American labor, not only against foreign competition, but also against the domestic evil of a debased and dishonest currency. EE OF GOOD CHEER. Thou hast put gladness In my heart Pmlmn, iv., 7. If one would make his life profitable and happy he must be at great pains to fit himself to his circumstances or environment. A vast deal depends on the successful endeavor to do so, bo cause In that way only can he main tain In ordinary times a calm and cheerful or. In the stress of sorrow, a resigned state of mind. Not that he need be entirely satisfied with his environment, for It is also his duty to look forward to something bet ter and to make such changes as am bition may prompt or an honest effort achieve. But to be forever discon ' tented with what you have Is to lessen. t)r possibly to lose, the power to make the best of it There is a kind of restlessness which is almost godlike, for It Implies that the soul Is capable of Indefinite prog ress, and as the clothes of youth are outgrown In manhood, and we pur chase others which fit our Increased ' stature, so the soul must change Its garments and put on larger thoughts and projects and hopes. There Is an other kind of discontent which is thor oughly depressing and Is therefore to be avoided, because it draws the cur tains down and forces you to sit In the dark. When a man says, "This Is well enoufth for today, but tomorrow I shall have more and better," he is In Just the state of mind that makes the more and the better possible. But when one feels that his circumstances are not only a hardship, but also an injustice. he can neither get out of his present the bnt there In In it nor look for ward to the future with anything like good cheer. The people who Indttlg In this latter tr.ln ol nought are a very bad sort of Christians. They are at odds with themselves and with the Almighty. They spend so much time In wishing that things were not as they are that there la no time left In which to use their experience to the best ad vantage. If w would recognise how much we have to be grateful for Instead of find Ing fault because there are those wh seem to be better off than we, we should find a deal of comfort to which we are now strangers. The difference to a man's soul, to his temper, to his general disposition, and, not least o! all, to his bodily health, between the conviction that he can do great thing with what he has and the conviction that he can do nothing because he has not what he thinks he ousht to have, is practically the difference between a life embittered by an estrangement be tween himself and the very nature of things. It la true that there are human be ings who seem to be greatly favored by circumstances or by the accident of birth, and also true that some hare very little capital of opportunity. Why this is so no student of nature or of theology has been able to tell us. It Is one of the pussies of creation, and we ran but guess at a solution. Per haps by and by, when we reach a higher vantage ground and look back on these fleeting years, we shall be as grateful as we are now critical. The matter is not explained either by Chris tianity or by any of the natural rellg- kina which have swayed mankind. I leave the problem, therefore, to take care of Itself and ask my soul this far more lminirtant question. How can I get out of what I have all the en Joyment and good cheer It la capable of affording me? If my neighbor rides while I walk, if he has plenty and I have little, aye. if he has robust health and I boar about with me a thorn In the flesh. I would rather pray for a contented spirit than waste my energy In envy of that neighbor. I do not care how humble ones's circumstances may be, there Is certainly something beaa tiful and holy to be found within the narrow circle. The poorest man who .ver lived, who had not where to lay His head, and who died on the cross, could find a world of betuty In a flower and a helpful truth in a flight of birds. We think too much of our environ ment and not enough of our destiny. Wealth has very little to do with hap piness. . Money gives nothing to. the heart can purchase neither a moral principle nor an inspiration. Strip the millions from one man. take away the poverty from another, pull off every thing until you get down to the naked soul, and you find that the only real difference is a difference of character. I say this, therefore give no atten tion to what others are able to J or Jo enjoy, but devote yourself to doing and enjoying all that Is possible In your own small life. There never yet was a night without a star, and If you search for the star and do what you can to Ignore the darkness yon will find more happiness than you ever dreamed of. The habit of looking at the bright side is well worth cultivat Ing. It is a kind of practical Chris tianity, which the world knows too little about Religion Is not worth much If It encourages your discontent; for, after all If you and the Lord keep together you will always be In good company and always have something to make you glad and cheerfur. What Is around JW win be brightened by what is above you. and today, cloudy though it may be, wm be made radiant by the hopes that come from the great tomorrow. GEORGE H. HEP WORTH. TWO LIVES FATED. Mrs. Phabe Thomas, of Junction Cltr. III., was told by ker doctors she had Consumption and that there was no aope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her, and she says It saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eg gers, la Florida street. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful celd, approach ing Consumption, tried without lesult everything else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and In two weeks was cured. He I naturally thankful It Is such results, ot which these rae samples, that prove the won derful efficacy of this raedlclse hi Coughs and Colds. Free trial oottle at Cbas. Rogers' Drug Store. Regular slse 60 cents and $1.00. There Is talk of women riding men's wheels altogether as they do ra Paris, the gay bloomer costume befnjr a ne cessary adjunct of the innovation. OLD PEOPLE. Old people who require medfefne to reg ulate the bowels and kidney win find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and con tains no whisky or other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach- and bowers, add ing strength and giving tone to the or gans, thereby aiding nature In the per formance or tne functions. Electric Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find It Just exactly nat tney neeo. frice EO cents per bot tle at Chas. Rogers' Drug Btor. Magnetism In wemen counts more than beauty. Age cannot destroy tSe first, though It does the second. BUCKLEN B ARNICA SALVE. The best salve m the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, and All 8km Erup tions,, and positive cure for Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monoy refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. Fer sale by Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. The girl with naturally curly hair Is wise In making a point of spending her vacation at the seashore. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. The very wide rimmed sailor hat is not popular. One swallow does not make Spring, but one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure brings relief. Chas. Rogers. The highest totmccos gtxxl n livery knows t.urc i none just as xkI tA UKUlLaL . ft - n ou wt!l timl - ,M',IV Si? iMKOt w.ic.hcU s Iimiiuiit, Huy a Un; uf this ntc bratcil tolviccouiid rcu.. tliu eoujHm winch gtvrs n list of valuable presents mid bow to set It Is noticeable fact that women Inordinately fond of cats acquire their characteristics. ROUND, ROSY FACES, Laughing eyes, frames full of vigor. and elasticity are blessings attainable by the cadaverous, the haggard, and the dyspeptic who try that wisest of experiments an experiment whose nappy outcome is cemnea to oy myT9 chnr. ttv, j,,.,,,,,,,, th. GnA) riaas vis., a course ot rioatetter s Stomach Bitters promptly begun and steadlly pursued. There Is no tonic com- parable to It In efficacy, none morel mon council of the city of AMorU pro agreeable and speedily beneficial. The 10 ehange and re-eitabllh the gnul nervous and dyspeptic, suffering f rom malaria, rheumatism, constipation, bll - lousness and kidney troubles are rap - i,iu- mi h .h n.... ,. i. ' ' "-""""" I of the best means of counteracting the, effects of excMxlve hodllv or m-nlnl i - , . i i ent weather. Persons of sedentary habits find It a most useful vlvltier and ., rtcuiirra.or oi exiiausieu tnergy. vse, It in order to sleep well, eat heartily and digest thoroughly. Thvslclans ev - . , . . . . . erywhere speak In high terms of It. Why Is it when your thoughts come thick and fast you are always cursed with a hard pencil? Toung mothera dread tha summer months on account of the great mortality among children caused by bowel trou bles. Perfect safety may be assured those who keep on band DeWitt s Colic A Cholera Cure, and administer it pronptly. For cramps, bilious colic, dys entery and diarrhoea. It affords Instant relief. Chaa Rogers. The navy blue and white combination Is a never falling source of delight to the eye of taste. When Baby was sick, w gae aer Cutorla, When she was a Child, tie eried for Castorla, When aha became kin, c duag lo Castoria. t, T&IMna.altegaia than Cutorla. Give a woman nothing to do and a bottle of peroxide and she will get Into mischief sure. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains ao Ammonia or Ahsea. Alfittle Ivy againHt a brick wall does muck toward making a city back yard tolerable. A. L. Wooster, a prominent cltlsen ot Osieo, Mlch after differing excruclutlng- ly from piles for twenty years, was cured In a short time by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, an abseiute cure for all skin diseases. More of this preparation Is used than all others combined. Chaa. Rogem Jackets that open over soft muslin frontt are seen on most of the import ed gowns. Mrs. R. DeToung, Mlddleville, la, writes: I have used One Minute Cough Cure for six years, both for myself and children, and I consider It the quickest acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure I have ever used. Chas. Rogers. Shoppers now congregate around counters displaying bargains In sum mer fabrics. D14 you ever think how readily the blood is poisoned by constipation? Bad blood means bad health and premature old age. DeWltt'es Little Early Risers, the famous little plus, overcome obstinate constipation. Chas. Rogers. The summer evening trolley ride Is once again becoming prominent. One Minute Is the standard time, and One Mlnu.e Cough Cure is the standard preparation for every form of cough or cold. It Is the only harmless remedy that produces Immediate results. Chaa Rogers. More chocolate soda in called for than any other flavoring. Ecsema is a frightful affliction, but like all other skin diseases it can oe perma nently cured by applications of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Halve. It never falls to cure Plies. Chaa Rogers. Bismarck Is falling rapidly, though his mental qualities are unimpaired Pure blood means good health. De Witt's Barsaparilla purines the blood, cures Eruptions, Ecsema, Scrofula, and all diseases arising from impure blood. Chas. Rogers. The small sleeve may have the ap proval of fashion, but It Is not as be coming as the larger style. In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of DeWltt's Little Early Risers, for they always cleanse the liver, purify the blood and Invigorate the system. Chas. Rogers. It's all the same, a slight cold, congest ed lungs or severe cough. One Minute Cough Cure banishes them. Htanley Is regarded as a dismal par liamentary failure. There's more slothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" soap oontalns no free alkali and will not Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice the difference In quality. Ross, Hlgglns Co. claim for otlwr is "Just of Durham. 'Y I oM smoker - GO's tv - n one Cinijo'M insula r son twoonucelMi'.ntui twoivti- "m" ........ ............ - .47 ..,1.1 I, Mil III1UVQ t be in. A 16-year-old girl that giggles Is had enough, but a boy of that age who knows It all Is a still more awful abom ination. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. NOTICE OF INTENTION on Jerome Avenue, ltetwren Tenth nJ Twelfth streets. In Mc- v0... ,. .V.lT,, . ! ; changed by Cyrus Olney. which lbs be- i,,,c,, ,n w,':'1 Twelfth stn-.t " n" ' of "'" street. t the following helitht above th base ot grades, as establlnhul by onllrsrce No. 71, entitle.! "An Ordinance to Ksuhllsh a vi .trout's lor me streets oi as- ! On the north side of the ctoxlng ot I M,J J",rone avenue with eleventh street. 1SJ feet. 0n the south side of said ,ro,ln. 1M I teet 1 J ir of the common council. Dated June (. ISM. . vFIsov i Auditor and Police Judge. ALAMEDA AVENUE GRADE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade on Alumxia avenue. In that part of the city known as Unlontown. at the following h?lght above the base of grades: At the northeast corner of block & at S feet above the base of grades, and at a point directly eppoalte and at right angles to the east line of block t at S feet At the southwest corner of block t at S feet and at a point directly opposite and at right anclea to the west line of block t at U feet and at a point on the north aliU of hhwk 11 Irw-llw aimm.Ii. I fa th aAtithw mm, nf Ktnl. t - n . at right angles to south Una or block I, at 41 feet At the northwest corner ef block It. at 44 feet At the southeast corner of block J, at 4 feet. At the northeast corner of block Is, rt 15 feet, and at a point directly opposite on the south side of block X end at right angle to the north line of block Is. at 46 feet, and at a point directly opponlte to the northeast comer of block H on the west side or block 19. and at right angles ,n rh. -a - H n .I Kin.!, Ifi - . ' t A. im-re.,.,,,, , iinme,i. iv.nli. with the enst boundary of Taylor's As- toria, at 49 feet At the northwest corner of block lg. rt 80 feet At the southwst corner of bk'k !, at 80 feet. At the northeast corner of block 17, at m fret At the souttteast corner of block J, at 81 feet. And unless a remonstrarce signed by the owners of three-fourths of tne prop erty fronting on snld portion of said street be filed with the sudltor and po lice Judge ot said city within tin days from the final publication of this notice, the common council will establish said grades. Dated at Astoria. Oregon, June 6. HM. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. COLUMBIA AVENUE GRADE NOTICK Notice Is h'rehy given that the com mon council of ttle city of Astoria pro pose to establish the grade of Columbia avenue In that pnrt of the city of As toria known as unlontown, at the fol lowing height above tha base of grades At the souhtwest comer of block 't. at 130 feet and at a point directly oppwlta on the east side of block 18 and at r'ht angles to west side of block 19. at 130 feet and at a point ill -not ly oppoilte to the southwest corner of block lit on the north side or bloclt Si and at r' ht angles to the south side cf block 19. at 1: feet At the southeast corner of blc :k 18. at 13! feet, and ut a point directly opposite on the north side or blo k 20 ard s. right angles to the south rl . of hlo?k 18. at 132 feet. At the northwest corner of block 20, at 135 feet At the southw.wt cot.ier of block 18, at 135 feet. At the northeast corner of block 21, at 13 feet. At the southeast corner of black 17, at 13S feet. At the south side of Kingston avenue at Its Intersection with Columbia avenue, at 1MI feet. At the north slle of Kingston avenue at Its Intersection with Columbia aveaue, at 181 feet At the southwest correr of block 2, at 2o4 feet. At the routhorry corner of block 23, at 2M feet At the Intersection of Columbia, Cam bridge and Ilwaco avenues, st Tb& feet At the noitheast coiner r.f block M, at 2M feet At the northerly corner of block JS, at 2D4 feet. i And unbss a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-rourths or the prop erty frontrng on said portion of said street be Died with the auditor and po lice judge or said city wlth.n ten days from the final publication of tMi notice, the common council will establish said grades. Dated at Astoria, Oregon, June 6, 1S96. II. E. NELBON. Auditor and Police Judge. GRADE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city ot Astoria pro pose to establish the grade at the Inter section of Franklin avenue and Thirty sixth streets at 80 feet above the base ot grades. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-fourths or the prop erty fronting on said portion of said street be filed with the auditor and po lice Judge of said city within un days from the final publication of this notice, to-wlt, on or before Wednesday, July 1, 1894, the common council will establlnh said grade. , Dated June i, 1894. H. E. NELBON, Auditor and Police Judge. WW HIIMUIKF'B TAX BALK. Ily virtus ot a warrant lnsue.1 by tli county clerk of Clatsop county, slut of Oregon, under the seul of snld count and state, on the Kilt duy of April A. I IK'S, and to ms directed, roimmiitdltig me to levy upon lhi goods and eliatte of the dellhiiuet taxpayer tunned In the delinquent tax roll of t'luuop county. slut of Oregon, (or lh yenr Ik, thereto ntuchc.1, and It lion be found, then UHMi the real properly na set forth and described In snld di'llimuent tax roll, or so much thvreot as ahull bo siinlcliiit 10 satisfy th amuuiil of liutra ao uliaigcd Uiereiu, together with the corns and iMMises, 1 did. on the Wih duy of May, 1M, levy upon Ihavlng been unable to II ml pvrsorul property aulttcleiil out ot which to make suid (axes) Hie lui set oppoalie the name of the rv pectl purlieu, ririm slid corporations. contained in th following list, to sat Inly th amount of taxes and cutis vwied end chars asulnat such leraoita. nrnis ami corporation In th wild d Itnqucnt tax loll, all ut said property being sliunte in said county and stal and ilciicrllwd un ikilil deilnuiient In roll of said county and stuto lur snld year, as follow, to-wW: Abercrnibte, Mury, lots 4, &, ro IS. T 1 N. It lu W. To actvs, H- I IT Ml AiH'rvromtu, I. it., iHgln on right hank ot Johnson's nlough, w nls. J3. of N.W. cor. of U K, V,; thene K. U rd. to left Imnk of Island slough: Ihenca .town said sloush to Uwis and Clark river at mouth of John son's slough; iImiic up right bank of Johnson's slough to pluc of beginning, sec. I, T, I N., It. in V ;i-lui acres; lw Kill at N.i: cor. of 8 K. . sec, U; thenc S. u hi., to a irv.'k. thence wvstvrly along said creek rd. to fork ut said creek; thenc N. lo N, line of 8 K. l of 8ii k. sec II: thenc N. SIS ft; thenc W. to W. Una of N.K. t of U K. t,, sec. II; thenc N. to a point 10 cha K, of N. line of 8 K. k of s.ild sec; thence K. 10 ch.; thence N, 10 chs.; them- K. 10 chs lu beginning, S. II. T. 7 N , It. 10 W., tr.TJ acres, l.'.Jd H u Allen. Mrs. llrUU-.t lots J, 4, blk. : lot 1 blk. McClurv's Astoria, ns ex't. by Cyrus ol ney. HISu H 01 Aleanlider, O.. 8.W. I 8c, II. T. t .V. K. tl W.. l'A iu-i.s tlltU ... 19 B Allon John. 8. i, of U.K. Kw. ? T. 7 N , It. I W., 80 acrv. I Tl Anderson, u illiam, lot I. j, J,. 4. i, . 7, . , in, II. li IJ, It, IS, 14, blk. HoMslal addition. K i, tt 11 Armmrung. James, N.W. V4 8ce. . T. t N It I W., ISO acres, H It II Austin I.ucretl.i M . ',, 1 4. blk I. Nunnyiiu addition. loo 4 01 uand Harry F, Iota UU blk IC Mcliure'a Astoria, as el d by Cyrus Olney, flo.M J7 If Darker, l-aura P. A., lets 1, 2. 1, 4. 8. (, 7, K. . 10, II. IS. 11, 14, It, 14. 17. 18. 19, 3). Jl, s. 2J. 14. SS. 24, blk. US, Mary Ann Adair's Rouih Audition to th Port of Upper Astoria, U4S 4 ) Harnett Cora, E. t, of 8 W. W. S or 8. K V, Bee. M. T. 4 N.. R. I W., 158V, acres. I.0! 17 71 Barnes. Frank. K. 14 of g W. Vi. a t ' B E. Vi Sect It, T. I N., K. I W.. ISO acre, tt 84 tl 11 uatlln Co., If. E-, begin at N.K. cor. of blk. A. MoKwaa's Add'n. to Ocean Urov: thenc B. W ft, W. loo ft, N. 60 ft. E. 100 rt. to beginning: alto, begin at N.W. cor. blk. A. Mo Kwan's Add'n. to Uoran drove; thenc K. 1W ft, thenc 8. W ft. W. !W ft, N. W ft 10 be ginning. 41e Beach C. L, lota tt, SS, blk. U. Astor Add'n. 10 Astoria: lots 7. 1. blk. t. North Add'n. as lair' out and recorded by E. A. Noyea, Kc TTI 1M Beers. Iuls, lot S, Mk 14, Pros- peel Psrk Add n. to Astoria 4c. Bell. Phllllppa W, lots a. w, blk. n. tract t, Olney'a Add'n. to Astoria, as laid out by Hustler A Aiken, eiec'rs. 11.01 4 X Uennett, A. 8. blk. t, Olney's Add'n. to Astoria, as laid out and recorded by llumler A Aiken, exee'rs.; N.W. of. N.W. 4 of 8 K. 1, See. Jz. T. 8 N, It V, 10 acres; undivided 4 of; lli'gui l.iilCH ft. W. of 8.K. cor. of Bhlvrly 1). I C.: thence W. 144 ft, N. to 8. Una of Bhlvely's Astoria, E. l?0 ft. 8. to beginning 8.-C. 17. T. I N, K. W.. 6 acres. l! ..M SI 1 Bennett, Chut lei, E lots 18. 19, blk 2, Seuvlew Addition, as laid out by A. 1. Oliver. c 4 87 Ulaauind, Duncan, lot 3, blk. 98, van Uusen s Astoria. !7o 1 ar Ulshop, w. C, B K. 14 See. 2a. T. f N, It 7 W., 160 acn-s. tll.M)... tl U tillss, U A.. Jr., lot S, blk. Ii, Mc- Cluro s Asturia, as extended by Cyrus Olney. 11.34 5 i Klodgett Enoch I. begin at N.W. cor. of lllwlgett D. L. C; thence E. 42 90 chs. to N.K. cor. of claim; thenc 8. 12.40 chs. to Howard's N. E. cor.; thence W. to 8.E. cor. of Mrs. (iranl'a land: thenee N. to N.K. cor. of said Mrs. Grunt's land; thence W. to line of said U. L. C.j thence N. to betitnnlng 8-c. 3, T. 7 N., It. 9 W., 48 33 acres; also, land In 8. 4 of lllodgett D. L. C. 8. of land of Howard, und N. and N.W. of land of J. A. Fulton, except tract Bold for cemetery. Sees. 1, 10, T. 7 N., It 9 W., 105.92 acres: i'lo, strip of land running entire distance E. and W. acrom land ot How ard and extending B far enooirh to Include M.33 acres Sec. 3, T. IN, It 9 W, $37.19 44 41 Bradbury, Clement. N.E. I, of N.W. t lot 4. Bee. 18. T. 5 N., It. 10 W 74.B2 acres; N.E. (i of 8.W. i N.W. Vi of BE. Bee. 22. T. N., It. JO W, 80 acres; all or N.W. V, or B.W. V,, lees plat or Bradbury's Addi tion to Ocean Grove, 8ec. 22, T. N, R. 10 w, 22 acres: N.W. (4 Bee. 27, T. 6 N., It 10, W., 160 acres, 147.92 (7 gs Brandt. C, lots 9, 10, 11, 12, l, 14, 15, 16, blk. 8: lot , blk. 90, Hose dale's Addition to the City of Astoria, 18c IS 49 Bradon, William, undivided ot B. y, ot B.W. . B.W. Vi or B E. A Bee. 12. T. 8 N., R. 7 W, 40 acres, 12.74 t JJ Brix, Asmus, lota 1, 2, 7, 8, blk. 100. Adair's East Addition to As toria, 121.28 2J 12 Brown, Peter, estate of, lots 14, 15, block 16, Warrenton; lots I, 10, 11, blk. 8, Bklpannn Addition to Astoria: lot t, blk. 11, Bhlvely's Astoria, 119 86 tl 08 Buck, Elisabeth, lots 7, S, blk. 129, McClure's Astoria, a extended by Cyrus Olney, 15.83 t tt Burney, R. H, lot 1, blk. 21, Alderbrook, First Addition to, K 53 7 tt Bush, W. H, lots 1, 2, E. of N.W. Vt Bo. 80, T. 4 N, It W, 1S6.G9 acres, 14.29 15 98 Burns, A. O., lot 11, blk It, De ment's Addition to the city or Astoria, 17c 4g Buell, Juno 8, lots 11, 12, blk. 20, Laurel Pork Addition, as re corded by H. C. Thompson, 29o I IJ Buchanan, Manlus, lot 8, B.E. Vi of N.W. 8eo 27, T. 4 N., R. t W 40 acres, 12.01 u u Butler, Walter II., lots 4, 7, See. 84, T. 4 N R. 8 W., 42 85 acres; lots 7, 8, N. V4 of B.W. V4 Bee. 15, T. 4 N., R. 8 W., 115.32 acres, 88.33 18 08 Byrd, Bnrnh L., N. ot N.W. 14 Bee. 11, T. N, R. 10 W, 80 acres, 14.01 0 24 Burke, B. C, lots 11, 12, blk. 1.19, Bhlvely's Astoria, 128.81 12 68 Case, Edward, N.W. Bee. 10, T. 6 N, R. 6 W, 160 acres, 18.42 18 12 Carson, Luella C, lota It, 15, blk. 7M II M t It 15 51 II ft 10 41 171 t M 12 70 ill to I to 14 71 Crle. K, It, lot 4 (except trnct sold to A. tUen and N. J. lroni, 8. 0. 25, T. I N.. It. I W , 40 acres, 77c Craven. Frank 8., N. 4 of I K. i,, N.K. l4 of B.W, t, 8 K. of N.W. , 8.M.V 28. T. N It 7 W , IM acre. 117 so Copping, pavld, lots 14, 15. I. 17, blk. ST, tract S. olney's addition to A.lcrlu. n laid out und re. corded by lluatler und Aiken, executor. 83.13 Dnlryiuplo. Ida. und. lot t blk. 4, lluatler Aatnrla. as Inld out and rwurdrd by Astoria Invrst ment Co, I7e Darling, o. I., Iota 1. i. I, 4. . f. 8. 9, 10. II, 11 blk 14. I'acirto addition to Astoria, 3 Dement. J C, lots t 5. 10, blk. II. 1 bill's addition to th city of A, t. tyj Dillon. ,ary, eslat or, lot 7. blk. 1 M 'lure's Astoria. 83134 Doone), Michael, 8 K. t rlec. I, T." 1 N H I W ISO acres. 111!.. Donation, C. It, lots 7, 8. t, 10, It 12, blk 7, Columbia rlxcond ( to Astoria: akto 8 W. I ol B.W. . Brc. t T. J N, K. I W 40 I to 1 a urn lit 988 11 4J acre. tto Donlhark, A. N, Iota I. t, 1 4. bik. 8. Hustler's A lor la, as laid out and recorded by Astorlti In . vtalmnl Co . Ue in n 'uu 1 tt irt 17 81 I 58 10! Dow, c. , lots . tl. It blkv S6. Prootwct Park Exieajdt udl tloa ! Astoria, tc Dvmkin, Jahn li , wf t, f W, , ""O. . 1 r. 4 n. 1 w, sj acre. K a ' Bnsrland. C. 0, lot U, U,blk. 8. 8klMUoa addition to Astoria, tl.lg. ..... .,..... Eiulg Kllsabeth, lots I. t i, bla. ss. folumtOa Becund sddltlon to Astoria, 4Ie Evans C. II, aad H lots 7. 8. 10, 11. 12. 11 14. 15. sulallvhion ol blk. 71 Bhlvely's Aatnrla. Evans. Mrs. Jeanelt. lot 18, blk 8; kits n. 24. bik. 181 Railway adill tlon to Aatnrla. 44c Fair. It K, lot 5. blk. 14. Flral ad dition to AMrrhrook. IS Fsrrar, Isabel C, lots 1, 1 I, I. 1 8. 7. 8, I, 10. U. U blk 8, I'acltlo addition lo Aalarla. 29c 18 to Frldman. I., und. t, lot 14. blk. I, Flavel Canter, as laid out by W. E. Warren. 5o I II Fisher, J. J.. truate. ,ota 15, 16. 17, XI. 28. 2. to. tract I, blk. 27, or olnny'a addition 10 Aatnrla, as laid out ami reoorded by llua tler A Aiken. cxMitora; lots 13, 13, Si. , 31, tract 1 auhdliiahm of block 17 or Olney's addition to Aatorla, as laid out ami re corded by Hustler A Aiken, ex ecutors. Kilo 21 to Fisher, J. J , und. i lots 7. 8. 10. II. 13. 11, II, 15. 16., suhdlvlstnn or bik. 71 Bhlvely's Asturla: und. S lots I, t. t. 1 t, . 7. 8, t. 10, 11, 11 n 11, , Ik 8: und. H lots 1. 1 8, 4, 5, , 7, I, I, 10. II. 11 13. 14, blk 7: und. S lots 1. 1 1. 4. 5. 8, 7. 8, I. 10, 11, H 11 14, blk. 14: und. 4 u,, 1, , j, (i 4, 7, blk. 15: und. 4 lots 1, 8. 1 4. 5. 4. blk. It), lllveralds addi tion to Astoria, ft 40 l' 52 I 18 Flaher, I. II, lota 2, 1 4. 6. 4, blk. 41, t'aclllo add'n. to Astoria. 7c. Flak, W. II., lot 17, tract 1, suIh ilvlalon of blk. 20, olney's sddl tlon to Astoria, a laid out and recorded by Hustler A Aiken, executors, 55c, 127 Flnley, John, lots 1, 4, tract 1 sub division of blk. 14, Olney's addi tion to Aatorla, us laid out and recorded by lluatler Aiken, executors; lot 5, blk. IT, Mc Clure's Asturla; lots 113, bik. t. Hklpunon addition to Aatorla; und. 14 of N.K. 14 of B.E. Bee. 1. T. 7 N It 7 W, 20 acres; N.W. 14 of N.K. N. ", ot N.W, 14 und B.W. i Beo 14, T. 7 N, It I W, 2.Vi acres; N.E. Vi of N.E. ' and W. 1 of W. I, Bee. 15. T. 7 N, R. 8 W, acres, 111.52 60 87 17 42 100 11 41 11 46 153 Flnley, James, B E, V, Beo. 11 T. It 8 w., m aiTea. 89.81 Ford, L. D, und. 14 lot 11, tract 1 sunuivisiun or blk. 20, Olney's addition to Astoria, ss laid out and recorded by lluatler A Alkun,, executors, 29c, Foikman, A. V, und. 4 lots 5. 8. blk. 80, McClure's Astoria, aa extended by Cyrus Olney. 87.99.. Folkmnn, Bertha, und. V lots 5, 6, blk. Ki, Motiiir' Aslorlii, as extnndod by Cyrus Olney, ln.01.. Foot, Angus, lot 4, Bee. 18, T. 1 N, It 6 W, 15.40 acraa. II Futtrup, Nels, lot 16, subdivision or blk. 11, Adair a Astoria. 31.u t 00 Gentry, B. A., InU 17, 18, blk. 6, Astoria, aa laid out and record ed by M. J. Kinney. 29o I 711 unoream, James, lot 12. blk. 9. Dement s addition to th city of Astoria, 17o 1 48 Ulaasol, Annie, heirs of, N.E. 14 of o. v. 14 iota I. 3. 8, 4, Bee. 21, T. 7 N, R. t W, 160 acres. 11179.. 18 08 Olover, Frank, B.W. '4 of B.W. !4 oeo. t, w. y, 01 n.w. i4, N.W. 4 of 8.W. J4 Bee. tl T. 7 N, R. 7 W, 160 acres. 19.63 16 22 Qoff. M. A, und. Vi lots 1, 1 I 4, a,,!,, s, it, h, n 13, 14, blk. 6; und. Vt lots 1, t, I, 4, 6, 8, 7, 8, t. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 14: und. 4 lots 1, 1 3, 4, 5, I, 7, blk. 15; und. Vi loto 1, t, 1 4, 6. 8, blk. 16, Riverside addition to Astoria; und. Vi of lots 7, t, 10, 11, 11 ii, 14, II, 16, subdivision of blk. 71 Bhlvely's Astoria. 17.51 (3 54 41 49 7 17 194 12 47 "rahum, John A, lots 4, 5, 8, blk. 9: lots 1, t, blk. 21, Alderbrook, 132.61 Omham, James, lota I, i 5, 8, blk t, Young's addition to Alderbrook, 6ft..... Gray, W. H, estate of, lot 8, blk. 24, McClure's Astoria, 18 Orlmea, O. K, lots 1, 1, 1, 4, 8, blk. 2, Railway addition to Ocean Orovr t4o Grimes, u C, begin In county road -ba S. and 85.60 chs. E. of t, Uearhart Park, He Carlson, John K V, of 8.W. V Bee, , T. t K , It. W W SO aero, IW.4 , Chiirnmn, Thunma, lot i, blk. lni, Mcliui'v' Aalolia, ss extolided by Cyril Olney, Clark John U., N.E. t uf 8 K 14 Men. to; N. of H V. V), N,W, of 8 K. U Hcc. II, T. N.i It T W WO sores, IS.I4 Cl)lllla v, v n, t or w , w, t of 8 IC. U Bk. I, T. N , II. ' V PU ncria, tu Ml Cook, II. 8 , o 14, l 18, 17, 18 19. ; tl ss. ti, bik. 1: bus t 1, ' U, blk. I; lot 11, It. 15. 10, II, lit. I, HI 21, rs. it, 21, blk. 17; lots 11. 14, 14, 111, 17, 18, It), to, II. VS, ti, 31, blk, 41; lots Is, , II, SS. SS, 24. blk. 47; lots 13, 14, 15, 18, li, IS, blk 51: hits I. t, S. 4. 5. 4, IS. 1. blk 41: lots I, 3. 1, 4. I, s. 7. 8, , II, It. II, 14, 15. 14, 11, 18. IS, SO, II, S3. S3, 24, blk. T: N. H of lots I. S. J, 4, 5. . blk. 14: lot. u 1 i U 1, I. 9, HI, II. 13. blk. 19. I'uclllo Addition to Astorls, 13 35 Craig, Ida 11., lot t blk 1. Olney, 20o Crlm, I', tl . lots 1,1,1, blk. 8, lAiirvl Park addlllon, as n conled by II. C. Thoiupson, 4li). Cress, John M , trustee, N. S of 8 K. l 8eo. II, N. I ol 8 . V, 8ec 13. T. 4 N., It. 1 W . Iu acres, 11571 Cress, John M , W. W of N.K, Vi. K. H ot N.W. l 8ec. 17, f. N It 7. W 117 acres; 8 of 8 K. i aW. , T. 7 N . It. 4 W, M) acres; N. 1 of N K. 8ec. 7, T. 1 N., It t W 80 acres; N.K. t Bo. 18. T. 7 N., It 8 W, lu acre! W. H of 8 W. k, 8. ss, T, 7 N It W , 80 acres: N K. V Beo. XI, T. 7 N It. 8 W, IUI acres: 8.W. Beo. I f, I N, It. 7 W, 180 acres; lots 7, , . 10, 8v. 1. T. I N . It. 7 V V,4 71 acres; W. H of N.W. 8ec. 30, T, 7 N, It 4 W.. 80 seres; 8 K. V, Bee, 15. T. 7 N It, 4 W,, ISO acrva, tliaix N.W, enr, of Hec. in, lliene R, M.75 ell, N. 15 cha , W, II ohs , 8. I IS cha.. M W, li lt chs. to county rend; K. 17 to cha, H. II 88 cha, lu beglnnlns, eicepl 28 acres sold to '. II. Hlu, a per Vul. I'as I1. leeda. He.-. 10, T I N, It 10 W, 8ft seres, 1115! 18 IT llrtiaa, Win. li, Arobblahup of Ore gon, begin Ml H W cur of Hen, II, N. U rda., K. 85 rda H. SS Ma, W, 25 rda. lit liesllillllig, Heft 14. T. 5 N. It J W I acnx, He '41 tlulociin, Thonma, tola I, 8, 7, II bid. t. I.uil Park loldttlon, as reiHtlllMl by II. C, ThlNlipaiMI, 64c , t It (lulhrneth. Jiini.a, lot I, blk 4, Co- lunibla to Aalnrln. lift. I tliinullig. John M , lot 3ft. blk 15, Aalor addition to Aalorln, '.... 1 17 Hull, Charlotte J , lot 7, blk. IS, Wurretitoii: loia . tl, blk I"'. Taylor's Aaloila; lot It. SiiIhIIvI. slon of blk. 41, Hhtvely's As lorl. tl M lUiuly. Milton K , lot I. K. 4 of N W. , He,.. 28. T 4 N, It 9 h acrea, 817 It It llaltaoti, Charles, H 4 of H W, tt Heft II, N, H of N W V Hee. 14, T, t N, It 10 W, 11 acres, 8.1 08 Tt llanaen, Karen, lots I. 1 1 i, 8. 8, 7, t blk. I: lots I. I I 4, 8, 8, 1, 8, blk t: lots I, 1 1 I, 5, 8. I, 8, blk. IS; loia I 1 I. I. 5, 6, 1, 8, blk. is, Mlllann"rt. v51 . 81 U llnrndeii. C. It, Iota IS. , II. 22. A 21, blk t; Iota 18. It, II, IS. blk. 8, of Flavel 1'rnler. aa laid out by W, O Howell. l II 17 Tl Hatch. II. W , und V, loia I, 1 1 t blk. 8, llualler'a Aatu I, aa laid out and recorded by Ilia Aatorla Invealnieiit Co, SVe . . IM llawea, li It, lot I, blk 58. Mo Clure'B Aatorla, aa rtleiidcKl ly Cyrua Ol.iey, IIU87 lit tl llenilrlrkaen. OIf, und 1 lot 30. I'lilonluan, I'1 12 IIH lleii.e, Frank, loia 1 I. blk l.f, .Mary Ann Adnlr's Homh addi tion lo th Port of I'pp'r As turla. tie 4 14 Healer John C. lot I, UK of N W. l lot 1 K I, of H W . I Hc. 7, T 7 N, It I W, 1UU acrea, 110 So 19 01 Hill. W innie A, lol b. blk 13. l' ineiil's addition lo the city of Aalorln. 17c .. t 48 Hill. C , N W. l He. 17. T. t N , It 6 W, ttt acre. I31 10 a Hill. Mr l. lot 5, Idk. n. Van Diiaon'a Aaiuria, lie I Si llnoiwr. C. E. loia II. IS. blk 9. Itlteralde sdd.n to Aatorla. V 4 11 llouaentan, Itoaa, lota K, 3". Si, A A blk. I. CUIaop drove, Sw ... 11 81 Houaenian, Fre.1, N. H ot lots I and 8, Necaiilctini (Irovn, 9V , . 1 tX Hughes. J. M. lot to, blk 10, Hill's First addition to Aatorla. 1317 4M Itungat. Charles A , lots LIU 5. a. 7. 8. 9. 10, II. II II. II, II. 14, 17. I, l. Si. 2t. A A 51, A A r. A , . 1 A 31. SI. sub division of hlk 77, Adair As toria: lota t, I". II. blk I lau rel I 'ark addition, aa recorded by II. C. ThunigMtn; un.1 t, lots I, I 1 4. t, 4. 7. . I. 10. II, a 11 II. 15. 16, 17. 18, 11. at. !1. A blk 19. I'roaaeot IVrk a.ldlilo to i Astoria,; lot I, 1 1 4. 5, 6. t, 6, 8, 10, 11, It, 11 14. II. 18. 17, 18, 18. tfl, tl tt blk. 7; lol I. 1 1 i 8, .. . t. 1 K M, II, II A R I. 14. - It, It, It, 18, It A blk 6. Waah- Ington addition to Astoria, 1:8 JO in 48 Huikcruft O T, lot I. blk. 1 , ;, Chela., subdivision tract No. t, vlu IN Ingram, i. A kola I 1 blk II IUHwy ad.IUuri to Aaloria, 2o I 80 Inno Frank M, W. 14 uf UK. l Her. I. W. H of N K. 4 Hee. 19, T. 4 N, It t W, ISO acre. Idl H 7 Jak. Frank W, lot A blk. lit, Taylor's Astoria. 29e 1 88 JvnVrl, J. M, lot M, blk. 80. Hill's First addition lo Aatorla, ITc. . 21 Jenn, Alex, lol 1 Bee. I. T 6 N , It. 1 W, II acre, 13 US 44 Johnson. II , lots 17, A tract I, suMlvlalon of blk. 17, olney's addition to Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by lluatler Aiken, executor, f I 01 4 H Johnson. 8. J . lots I, 1 1 4, blk 55, lluadala addition lo th city of Aatorla. loo 7 tl Jnhnaon, Adolph, lot 1 blk I, Mer. wether I "owns addition to As toria. 8.' 1 n Johnami, Hannah M. A, lots 1. 1 blk. 1, Meriwether iHmna oddl tloa to Aatorla. lie 4 11 Johanaon, A, 8 W. V, Bee. J, T 1 N, It I W, 1 acrea. 111(3 ... MB June. Ke,.. l , lu, II, JJ, It l. 15, 10. blk. 8. ltoaedal addition to th city nf Aatorla, lfc U f Jordan, I'eter, lot lo, blk 9, War renton, 12.54 id John. I'eter, lot 1, 1 and tide land fronting thereon. Bee. I T. I N, It I W 73 85 acrea, ' 30OI Keenan, Fred L. kit I, blk. 1 Aa torla, as Inld out and recorded by Martin Foard, Ue j 4, Kehoe, Joaeph, K. S of E. Uj of 8 K. Ij. exceit that portion on 8. aide of county road. Beo 11 T. 7 N, It, t W, 23 acrea. 1m' Krmlo, I. E, lota I. 1 I I, 5, , 7 8, I. 10, II. 12. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18 19. 20. 21. a, 33. 21, blk. II. North Tai-ino addition to Aatorla, f.V . SI 17 Kemler. I), lots 9, 10, blk. 10, lull- way adillllon to Aaiuria, Sic ... a Kenney, J. J, lota 5, 11, 14, blk. lfl, McClurs's Astoria, as extended by Cyrus Olney, ,0 - Kinney. M. J, lots 1, 1 7. tills. 1, McClure's Aatorla: E. 25 ft lot I all lots 1 II, E. Vi lot 12 and W. 31(4 ft lot 11 blk. 5; lots ii II II 14. blk. 61. McCliir ' Aa torlu, us extended by Cyrus Ol ney: also, begin on W. Hue of blka. 1 and 14. McClure's Aa. lorla, In center of First at, W. 200 ft, N. to ship's clmnnel uf Columbia river, a) rt, to said W. line of suld blka. 1 and 16, projected N, them-e 8 lo beginning, except w. 100 ft of suld tract deeded to railroad subsidy, ns per vol. 31 of deeds puge 50, 8718.55 -a y Kinney, August C, lot 1. H.o. 16. T. 8 N, It W except t acres ns per vol. to, page 307, of deeds, 24,2 acres; part of lot and . In N.E. V4 Bee. 21, T. I N, U 1 W, 20 acres; also, begin 8 II chs. N. or B K. cor. or Beo. 22 thence W. 7.87 ohs, B. 8.19 chs ' to 800, line; W. 24.13 chs, N 20 chs, W. I chs, to W. line' or B E Vi: N. 10 chs. K, 10 chs, N. 10 chs, to N. Una or B.E, V4' E ens. 10 Vi post, 8, to begin. nlng, except tract as per vol. XI, page 404; also except N.E. . Vi of N.E. Vi. aa per vol. no " page t, of deeds, aold to w! C. Smith; also excepting 4 aores, as per vol. 11 page A or deeds, sold to Walker, Bsc. T. t N, H. 9 W 86 acre. - f ' Nl , of N W' W ot 8.W. Vi, and land In N.W Vi of 8 W Vi Bee. 23, T. I N, It 8 w' acres; 856.40 Kinney, Jane, bealn at V w"'Ul' It 17 of lot 1. Beo. 24, thenca 8. 59' to", E. 16.58 chs, to a point 8.75 I; N. 12.27 chs. to N. line of B.W. Vi, E, B.7B chs. to centor of said Boo.; N. 20 chs, E. It 63 chs, to outer harbor line' N M 15' W. 1.507 ft, N. 00' w! o,-i! If "K "lven ihAt on Monday, the 20th day of June, A. U. m, at thi hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, In front or and at the court house door In the city of Astoria, In said county and state, I shall proceed to sell ths abovs doscrlbed real estate at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash In United States gold coin at tlma of a.t. .,.... to redemption, to satisfy the warrant costs and all aocrulng costs. (Signed.) JAMES W. HARE!, Bh.rirr of Clatsop County and ex-OmdO . uusuuir.