.1 Site WMk&iMUML The Astorlan In it NwuNpiipor no k"Iu kuvIiik Unit. Aatniiu Iium oilier piipui'M, hut tlicy Are Mot Newspapers Want Anything? Put an ad. in the Asto rlan' Want Column, anJ You'll Get It I EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. VOL. XLV. TRUSTEE SALE Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth Ins:, Furnishing: Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at one price to all alike. C. S.JACOBSON TituMTnn BOO.ROM COMMERCIAL ST.. ASTORIA. OR. Our Handy Wagon... Combine, oil III. future of III child plain mm ami a vrlociprde, Atil, all thins cotuildored, coal a th cott.unior Ir.e than lthor. Ho doimWe, convenient and aatlafacory tiaa It proven, that, aa a ready "seller." II haa no equal. Wo taka epeclal pride, tno, In delivering lha earn promptly and In faulllvaa roudl lion to lha trail. . PattiKMAN, lata t Fraaaaaa Holaaae. COLUHBIA IRON WORKS Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers Manufacturing and Repairing of all Kind of Machinery. Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksmith Work SPECIALTIES-W.lch Pat.nl Whe.1. Ship Ssillhlnj ana Staamroal WurW, Canntry ana Mill Machln.ry. Mails an 4 Stationary Boll era Built to OtJ.f. IsTSprilaily cqulpreJ (or Logcers' Work. Located on 1 8th and Franklin (Scow Bay FounJry). Phone 78. Correspondence solicited. ASTORIA IKON WOHK8 Coacoaly St.. fool of Jackeo. Aatorla. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Laa4 and Marloa Eofln.t. Dollar work, Slaaa boat ana Cannery Work a Specialty. Caadaft ef All Deeolptlnee Mas ta Order o Snort Notke. John Foi....Pralttnt and Superintendent A. L. Fox Via President O. B. Praol Secretary First Nallonal Bank ..Treasurer .SNAP A KODAK. at any man coming out ot our ator and you'll get a portrait ot a man brimming over with pleasaul thotighta. Huota quality In tha llqunra w natretoeflrraraeuouglito lileaae any man. COMB AND THY THKM HUGHES & CO. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. "Talephon" lcava Aatorla at 7 p. m. dally (except Bunday). Leave Portland at 7 a. m. dally., ex cept Bunday. "Bailey Oatiart" leave Aatorla Tu day, Wednsaday, Thuraday, Friday and Saturday morning at l:it a. m.; Bunday evening at 7 p. m. Leave Portland dally at I p. m., s opt Bunday. On aaturday at 11 p. m. WALLACE MAUZERY, Agent FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice I hereby given that lh under signed hav tiled their final aooounta In th eatat of L. Wllaon. dsoeaaed, and the eatat of Wllaon A Flahar, and that th county court of Clataop county haa at Monda. , th 12d day of Junee, 1880, at tha hour of 10 o'clock, for th hearing of objection, If any thure b. to th al lowance of aald account. J. Q A. BOWLBY, WILEY B. ALLEN, Executor. May II, 18M. For the One-Price Clothiers. Hatters and Furnisher Children's Wagons, Baby Carriages, Base Ball Goods, Fishing Croquet Tackle, Sets. Garden Tools GRIFFIN & REED CITY BOOK STORE It. T. tAHl.tJ, lata at suction. al Cheap Clothing Th Hop Lee nothing Factory and marts hant tailor, at 4S Bond street make underclothing to order. Sulta and trouaer mad to fit perfectly. Erary order punctually on Urn and aatUfaottoa guaranteed, Oood goods old cheap. Call and bo oonrlnotd. IS THERE? I thar a nan with heart o eold. That from hla family would withhold Th comfort which thty all oould find In artlole ot FURNITURE ot th right kind. And we would suggest at thla season a nlc Sideboard. Extension Tab!, or aat of Dining Chair. W hav tha largtat and finest lln ever shown In th city and at price) that cannot fall to plea in oloeeat tmytr. HEILBORN & SON ROSS HIGGINS k CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Aatorla and Upper Aatorla Fin Taaa and Coffm, Table Dellcaciaa, Doaiaatlt ana Tropical Frulta, V..tabbt, Sugar Cured Hana, Bacon, Etc, Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. THE flSTOHlfl SAVINGS BflflK Acta a ust for oornoratlona and In. dividual Tranaaot . general banking builne. Intereit paW on tlm depoalta O. H. PAOB Prealdent BEN J. YOUNf Vlo-Preldnt FRANK FATTVN Caahler DIRECTORS: J. 4. A. Bowlb. a H. Fag. Ben). Young, A. S. Reed. T). P. Thompon, W. E Dement, D. K. Warren. ASTORIA, OKEfiOX, HUN DAY MOUXIXO, CHEAT STRIKE DECLARED OFJ (Jcntrnl I'ldlni) of Kclltf Throughout the City When the News (iiit Aliniml. sound jt i(;.Mi:.r .'Kivailld ColKl Sanncra .Much llcaicd Thai 1'racctnl Solatloa Via Reached A laturtviate (It cirrcncc. Tliftr waa a grncral r.-.-llri of re ll'f tlimuiiliout the city lant nliflit whrn th nrwa waa ilrruhitid that tin iti.-ut ntrlko nf tha Culuinhltt river nh rrimti, w tilth wn ItiaUKuratcd aomr ton Ktikk ao, shortly aftor lht aut i .nf ul furiniitldii by Mr. Norrla, r-' reaoiitliiK 1 lie A. Ilix lh I'at klng Co., of ChliajC". ( I ho Cnliiiiil.la Itlvcr l'tt k we' AaaiK-lutlcm. The luln- of the nilr (.trtminlty. haa for thru wrek u'ii alnnwi at a atantlatlll. The uauul large amount of moiiry In circulation at thla , n of the year haa liern lacking. The merchant, tw clerk, the lawyer, the dtH-tor, and the flahermen. have all alike eulTorod fndn the con a ''.ilnn of bualnt-a. Now, alt haa been changed. At t o'clock luat evenliiif a maaa mooting of the momben of the Flaher inon' fnion v.a calloil at Flaht-r' Hull. The mooting waa a long and earnoat one. and the aubjret under con !!. ration wua th adjuatmcnt of Uie pr.iMrnt dlfflcultlca. Many argumenta wore iiroarntcil pro and con, and final ly the ballot waa tukrn upon the quea- tlon of the orci ptaiice of the comjron l offor of the ranncrymon, and the calling of the attllto off. Four hundred and thirty vot. were caul, and by a majority of fUty-aeven It waa deckled to aiiv.t four and one-half cent tier nund for aalitioti atralKht, fur the ha I amice of the e.-uaon. anil the atrlke a attfclarrd olf. It wiia reiKirted that a atrotig effort waa made by the five cent men to mulntuln the orlplnul hmI lion of the union, but the bet ter Judgment of the majority prevailed, ami the cvmpromlao wua elTit'ted. A feeling of relief paaaed through the latae aanombly hall, even among those who had been advocating moat etrontr- ly fr the maintenance of the ponltlon originally naaumed by the organisation. The concenaua of opinion on the atreet waa one moat complimentary to the good Judgment of the I'nlon. The men are certainly to be congratulated upon the good aenae which prevailed over raalier cuunael and led them to accept the four and one-half cent compromise offered aome day ao. At 12 o'clock tonight there will be complete resumption of the great aalin on packing Induatry of the Columbia river. The preaent atrlke haa been the longest one ever known In the history of the business on thla river. The re suits have been more or less disastrous to the cummunlty at large, but a vic tory for common sense and law and order has been won. When seen last evening by an Asto rlan representative, Colonel Summers, In command of the First Regiment, stated that while he had not yet re ceived ofllcil Intelligence of the ter mination of the strike, yet he was greatly pleased that satlsfacto; and peaceful adjustment of the ditTlcultlea had been made. "I am very kIhiI to note that the militiamen and fishermen have been on the best of terms, and that no feeling ot animosity haa ex isted between them. I feel that the men of my command are to be comtrat ulated upon their soldierly deportment while In camp, and that they can now return quietly to the arts of peace having nobly responded to the call of duty. They demonstrated that the state of Oregon hns men of whom It may be Justly proud, and who can be relied upon durlns tha most trying emergencies." General Beebe Is expected this morn ing from rortlund. and It Is probable that a portion of the troops at least will return tonight or tomorrow. Suf Pclent numbera will be left, however, to guard against any possible difficul ties which may be experienced by men outside snld to be opposed to the set tlement of matters. Very large quantities of fish were yesterday turned In to the various can neries. The Scandinavian Packing Company was In the leod, and It was reported had recenved shortly after noon alxty-flve tons of salmon, and that enough more was on the way to have mnde ninety tons before night. The cannery was blocked, however, and was compelled to post a notice that it would receive no more fish until further advices. The men of all the Uppertown canneries, or at least a number of them, were tanning their nets and preparing to flsh yesterday aftornoon. Mr. Megler received word that his men at the Brookfleld cannery would probably fish on Monday. A large number of boat were fishing on the lower river, and the canneries up river were consequently enabled to take care of all the fish they received. The action taken last night by the Union was not unlooked for by those who were In touch wlt'n the aUuatlon. Hlierlff Jlaie served fiotlct tliul the close law for Hiiniluy inuat Im observed, and It was understood last night Unit member of the. union tliemm-lv.-s would patrol thn river last night and ii HHt all Infraction of the law. A moat unfortunate occurrence last night, shortly after the announcement of the result of the mas meeting, ere' ated no little comment when, the clr rumstances became known on the street. V. I. Oundersrm, a non-union nsheiman, prepared hla boat last night to go out fishing tonight, by laying In his net, rubber boots, and other sup plies, part of which he had to go Into debt In order to get, and after ar ranging to step in ma boat, he was culled away temporarily. On hi re turn to the slip where his boat was tied he found the boat turned bottom up, and everything he hail left either car rled away or dumped In the river. This Is a Seclva of outrage that Is likely to be common In Astoria from this time on unless some steps ar taken by the authorities to furnish protection to all non-union fishermen. A HE1NOU8 OFFENSE. Private Will Miller, of Co. I, Convicted of Shaving. Laat night there waa an unusual spectacle at Camp Lord. Private W. Mllier, of Co. I, First Regiment O. N. Q., In defiance of the atatute law of that company. Indulged In a shave for thn sole purpose of rendering hi beauty more apparent and thereby captivate the hearts of Astoria' young ladles. The prisoner a as tried by regularly appointed civil court wherein Dr. (. F. McKay actede as Judge and MaJ. II. E. Mitchell aa prosecuting at' torney. The prisoner Kaa represented by Private A. D. Miller and Corporal Meussdorffer, both young attorney of recognised ability. After the Jury waa examined and sworn, the prosecuting attorney read the Indictment against the prisoner. The state's case lasted about two hours, and was replete with contradictory testimony. Attorney Meussdorffer, of the defense, becoming so forcible and eloquent In his objec- tlot.a to the state's evifience. the court In order to maintain the dignity and partiality he was sworn to, ordered ball and chain to be put on said at torney's foot to keep hla mouth shut. Nevertheless, In spite of the punish ment, the irrepressible young attorney could be heard, during the remainder of the trial, entering hla objections to the evidence. After the state had rest ed, Attorlney Miller arose to enter the defense of the prisoner, but the court, fearing thnt It might possibly be suc cessful, ordered the case given to the Jury and overruled all objections there to. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty without leaving their seats. The judgment of the court was "that the prisoner be marched through camp and his crime advertised. Accordingly he was loaded down with chains, placed In a strait-Jacket and with a fantastic hel met, a present to MaJ. Mitchell adorn ing his head, marched through camp to the aound of martial music. CAMP NOTES. Plenty of exercise was given the militiamen yesterday by the officers. In the afternoon an exhibition of the riot drill waa given, along the public streets, the companies being arranged In the most advantageous positions, and going through the marches and Held movements most effective In such emergencies. Several telated comrades, members of different companies, came down on the afternoon boat and were warmly welcomed by the boys In camp. Their persona grata, they were told, depend ed upon a strict observance of the Bhaving regulations. Church service will be held In camp this afternoon at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Dr. Cue, bishop of the M. E. Church. The Iris has been patrolling the river during the day time, while the Dwyer is put on the night run. Col. Jackson, V. 8. A., Inspector of militia of Oregon, yesterday Inspected Cnmp Lord. Colonel Summers says that the camp patrol Is very strict, no one of the men being allowed to pass In or out of the camp without a pass. It is the colonel's endeavor, however, to make matters as agreeable for the boys as possible. It was stated on good authority last evening that In view of the near de parture of the troops, a dance had been arranged for Monday night at which the girls and the boys In blue 111 have a royal good time. Corporal Henneman, of Battery A, has a grievance against the city ot As toria. During the riot drill yesterday his heavy weight went through the street In front of the First National Bank, and but for the heroic efforts of Corporal Morrison, would have plunged Into oblivion among the festive fishes. He says he didn't mind going through the three Inch plank, as In Portland they do not allow him to go where a railroad locomotive cannot safely pass. But he thought It very rude for the boys who followed to make him their favorite stamping ground. Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays th highest cash prlc for fur skins. JUNE 21, 18!). WELL, "BARKUS IS WILLING" The Latest Action of the Controlling Spirits of the reoplt's 1'arty. THEY WILL NOMINATE TELLER The Silver Scaator Would Not Say to a Reporter Lketker tie Woald or Would Not Accept the . llosor. Special to the Astorlan. St. Louts, June 20. The controlling spirits of the people's party have pre pared an address to their followers throughout the country, advising them to make Henry M. Teller their nation al standard bearer. Teller will not say he will not accept either the Democratic or Populist nom ination for president. A reporter to day put the question to him direct: "Would you accept the Democratic nomination for president?" "I cannot say I would not under some conditions. I do not want to talk about It" he answered. "Well, senator, the Populists have is sued an address recommending your candidacy." "I know nothing about that" "Would you accept the Populist nom ination?" "I don't want to be Interviewed." he declared. "I know, but would you take the Populist nomination?" "I cannot say I would not I do not know, what they intend doing nor what they have done. I do not want to be questioned." A POPULIST ADDRESS ISSUED. Teller's Support Advised by the Na tional Committee. St Louis. June 20. As a result of the series ot conferences between thj committees appointed by the acceding silver men of the national convention and a committee composed of proml nent Populists, an address waa Issued tonight from the headquatters ot the people's party national committee In this city advisihg Populists through out the country to make Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, their national standard bearer. Immediately after the silver men walked out of the con vention they appointed a committee of which Charles Hartman, of Montana Senator Pettlgrew, of South Dakota, Senator Cannon, of Utah, and Senator Dubois, of Idaho, were members. to confer with a committee of the Populists. That evening at the Plant er's Hotel they met H. F. Taubeneck, of Illinois, Howard S. Taylor, of Chtca- co, and T. M. Patterson, of Denver, ot the national Populist committee, and a result of that and subsequent con ference, the address was issued. ALASKA NEWS. Seattle, June 20. The schooner Stel la Erland arrived here from Cook's In let this morning. The news brought down is not encouraging. There are 2,000 or more miners scattered about the inlet who are simply awaiting the opening of the season which will not come until July 1st at the earliest All vessels for the Inlet have been re ported except the steamer Royal and the schooner Lincoln. It Is now con ceded that the schooner Lincoln has been lost with twenty-five souls aboard. THE STRIKE STILL ON. Leadvllle, June 20. The strike situa tion has undergone several Important changes. In the first place the Ibex Mining Company's property on Breech Hill has shut down and 350 men are out at that point. The number of men who are now out Is about 1200. There were great crowds on the streets all day eagerly discussing the situation, but the men all appeared to be perfectly orderly and welt be haved. THE MARKETS. Liverpool, June 20. Wheat, spot, firm demand poor; No. 2 red winter, Es 2d; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 6s; No. 1 Cali fornia 6s 2d. Portland, June 20. Wheat Valley, 63 54; Walla Walla, 61. New York, Jpne 20. Hops, steady; 1S95 crop. SfiS; Pacific coast, 1S94 crop, 2Vj4; 1895 crop, 2 8. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. Boston, June 20. Boston, 12; Wash ington, t. Brooklyn, June 20. Brooklyn 3; New York 6. Pittsburg, June 20. Pittsburg 7; St. Louis 4. Cleveland, June 20. Cleveland 12; Chicago 8. THE DERBY RECORD BROKEN. St. Louis, June 20. The national der by of '96, at one mile and a half, worth $20,000 to the winner, will ever be re membered as one of the greatest events ever seen, and ITInce Lief, the winner, aa one of the grandest i-year-old of th season. Ben Brush was second and Ben Ed'-r third. The time, 2:24, lowers the track record one second and was a record for the national derby which will stand for many a day. THE BOY MURDERER. A New Educational Journal Started at Eugene. Eugene, June 20. At the educational convention today arrangements were completed for the publication of an Oregon school journal. Geo. W. Jones, of Salem, was chosen as business man ager. The sheriff of Douglass county arriv ed here this morning with James Dixon the boy who killed Charles Rice. The sheriff said he had reason to fear that the jail would be attacked by a mob and the prisoner lynched, although Dixon Is charged with murder he says he virtually enjoyed hi liberty about Roseburg until the sheriff beard ru mors of the lynching. PAY YOUR BILLS OR NO DOCTOR. French Physicians Decline to Attend Pa tients Who Do Not Pay Their Bills. N. Y. Herald. Medical men everywhere will b inter ested In a remarkable document which has just been Issued by tha County Medi cal Society of Herault In France. Mont pelller, be It aald in passing, la tha capi tal of Herault and Is th headquarters of several well known physicians and sugreona This document bears th signature of Dr. Dlffr. secretary of th society, and announces that a Black Book Is being prepared, copies of which will be sent to the various medical practitioners In th department of Herault In this Black Book will be published the names of all those persons who owe money to medical men tor services rendered, and who, for some reason or other, decline to pay th bill. The document says further: "Every member of the medical society will be re quired to pledge hi honor that be will consult this book, and that he will re fuse to attend any person whose Dam la Inscribed therein. In order that char itable soetetle may nnt become, the ref uge of persons whose names appear In the Black Book, th presidents of the societies will be notified that they will be expected either to refuse admission to such debtor or they must Inform them that medical service cannot be rendered In thetr case until after they have paid the amount which they owe." In plain English, patients who owe money and do not pay It are to be ex communicated by these physicians. They may be suddenly stricken with disease, but unless they have paid what they owe, the doctors will not be allowed to help tbtm. There haa been a good deal of talk In Parts about this strange act of the He rault physicians, and jom very emi nent physicians have not hesitated to peak openly on the aubject Among thesa is Dr. Cornll. professor of the fac ulty of medicine and honorary president ot all the medical societies In France. Being asked for his views on the matter he said: From a moral point of view there can be only one answer. While the phy sician is bound to live by his profession he Is equally bound not to use his pro fession for the sole purpose of acquiring money. While it is perfectly right that he should make money, it Is Imperative that he should succor those who suffer. In my time the medical students at Montpelller were taught to obey the command of Hippocrates. "The first duty of a physician," said Hippocrates, is to attend the poor gratuitously and to give all possible succor to the sick, even though they be his enemies.' They were also taught that a physician has no right to keep secret any remedy which he may discover, and that he should. It learned enough, be willing to teach with out any hope ot reward. Now, I admit that doctors are often under heavy ex penses, and that they often have great difficulty In collecting the fees which are due to them. Still they should not for these reasons ever forget thetr profes sional duties. It I were a Judge I would certainly condemn any doctor who would refuse to attend a sick person unless he knew his place could be filled by some other physician. Monstrous, indeed, would be the guilt of that physician who would wantonly let a fellow creature die when prompt assistance might have saved him." The action of the Herault physicians has given rise to this curious question: If doctors have a right to defend them selves against patients, have not pa tients an equal right to defend them selves against physicians? The case Is cited of a young surgeon In Paris who, solely to show his skill, per formed three entirely useless operations on a young woman who, unfortunately, was under his care. He wanted to per form a fourth, the most dangerous ot all, but luckily for the young woman, two eminent surgeons, Rlchelot and Pean, were called in consultation, and they peremptorily put a stop to the young lancet wlelder and so saved the woman. Again, Inquisitive persons are asking this ugly question: When famous phy sicians of Paris and other cities are sum moned to a consultation, do they not as a rule, divide their fees with the local physicians who have summoned them? If so, Is there not more fraud In the medical profession than any on has hitherto supposed? Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Govt Report mm NO. 145 TI1E M YORK BAM STATEMENT Th Effect of Two Lanje Pinandal Operations Shown by the Week's Statement. DECREASE IN' RESERVE LIGHT Demand lor Bouejf Moderately rirmcr Loass aid Deposits Iscreased Over Last Tear Cold Exports Xot Stepped. New York, June 20. The Financier says this week: The statement of the associated banks ot New York City for the week ending June 20 shows the effect of two financial operations, one the repayment earlier In the week of about $4,560,000 government money by the depository banks on their final bond account and the other the $2,000, 000 or exports one week ago which waa not Included In the previous statement Therefore the banks have lost directly something like $8,500,000 within seven days and against this the Interior movement was the only counteracting force. The decrease In cash reported for the past week Is an indication of the extent of the present interior move ment the flow into the banks having made up a large portion ot the outgo. The decrease in the idle reserve la the vaults is moderate In view of the heavy change of the past week. The expansion ot loans during the week waa slight but the demand for money, la view of the larger stock exchange transactions, has been moderately firm er and rates have responded by a alight advance. During the twelve weeks of 1895 beginning with April (th, the loans from the New York banks increased in round numbers thlrty-twe and one-half millions. The increase during the same period this year haa been only nine millions, but while tha deposits decreased In the same period last year nearly seventy-four millions, th Increase for the corresponding term of 1S96 has been but twelve millions. The greater part of the enormous vol ume of money that flowed Into New York last year at this time helped to maintain the heavy excess reserve and kept money rates at low ebb, despite the fact of the increased loans it ex ceeded all previous records. This year the money flowing to meet these opera tions is going into the treasury and as gold exports are not artificially stopp ed, a large part has been released for export purpose. NOT POPULAR IN LONDON. , London, June 20. The result ot the Republican convention at St Louis was generally expected here, consequently the announcement of McKlnley's nom ination was received with comparative apathy. Financial circles do not re gard the outlook so improved as to Justify jubilation. The foreign rebv tlons plank of the platform Is regarded as of a highly militant character and apparently It has made Investors here somewhat nervous. THE DENVER RACES. Denver. June 20. W. W. Hamilton broke two world'a records today and defeated O. B. Hackenberger in both match races in which the two favorites wer entered. The first of the contests was one mile un paced, which Hamilton made in 2:09-. It was a standing start and the time beat the world's record. Hamilton won the second event a two miles' standing start paced by a quad, in the remarkable time of 3:591k. This also broke the world's record. NEBRASKA RACES. Lincoln, Neb., June 20. The only notable event of the last day's racing waa the exhibition of W. W. P., the pacer, and Klamath, the trotter. The track was heavy from last night's rain and It was announced that no effort would be made at record breaking, W. . W. P. covering it in 1:024 and Kla math in l:03li. CALIFORNIA NOT FOR TELLER. San Francisco, June 20. The Repub licans ot California let loose a lot of enthusiasm tonight and ratified the nominations of McKlnley and Hobart Meetings were held in every county In the state. ' THE DUTCH GET HOLLAND. Butte. Mont., June 20. The 'Demo cratic state convention today adopted a platform declaring for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 1 to 1. rr W V Wi -ati m t ! v i i I i I 'A i I i i I I r - J