The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 20, 1896, Image 1

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The Astortan
Inn Nuwupiipur mi kiiIii.
HtlVllIK tltllt. AnIiII'IiI liux
oilier pu pv I'm, hut tliuy
Are Not Newspapers
Want Anything?
Put an ad. In the Auto
rlan's Want Column, and
You'll Get It!
i ...
th0 fill igw iri25 li' fiirt4'iiir1M'
Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
ing Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets,
Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
For the One-Price
Clothiers, Hatters and Furnisher
miMlt-r I IIUHy l'i I) a prtroell one.
Then1 In ri use (IImk ulwltijf tlx
tlmt .having In n the lnreatte to an
alarming degree. Yi-t"Huy one of t !.-
private preparing for B'tloii. i seen
to Iim grinding bayonet d'wn to a
nuor blade, while It In no unusual x
Olhcrs I'olluw the Lewi or.d I'lshiiiji cum-nc, for members of th hospital The Agitation for a Depreciated Cur-
Seem on the Point of lie
coming (iencrul.
Oltiicr eid Met Mi 4 rt Alike the flerdssltte
ul leap lilc -Plenty of Eurtlut
std r Here lo Stay 11
Lotj it Heeded.
Th.-r now mi to be a flr pros
per! of mi average pak of talmoii on
the Columbia river. A g-hlletnan, who
It well k,.i.. In afTalis, staled last
evening thai from tho ljat Information
at iiaml. and c-inlUrlnic all of I he
presviil conditions, h frit raf In pre.
dining tlmt the park of would
mull JM.iwj rakra. At the meeting of
corp. to rut the underbrush about their
fiu.e with their Ibid weapons.
Astoria boys, to be In style, must
mar atuliliy faces Until the regiment
It lis often been aaked "What's In
name?" Give it up; lut there seems
to In- certainly something In a uni
form. The Kill" all appear to think so
at leant.
Tli llu boya are K'xxl customers of
the candy stores.
During the Rrandea court-martial,
the Judge advocate of Company I lost
hi dignity likewise hi equilibrium.
Attorney Miliar"! object; the qu--
tlon la Irrelevant, liumatcrUI, and er,
Coin iMiy E'a membpra think th-y
ahould be allowi"! th-lr "eae."
Tpnterduy mornlnf onr of the cul-
rency Met by Constitutional
Silver llreodv lo Circalatioa kill ot fk
Ketircd- Tattre Coinje Will 5t
Restricted to bold aid
WaihlnKton, June J. Mlnlater An-
drada, of Vem-iuwla, ha received ad-
vlci-a from Caraeaa a to the final rati
fication of the conatltutlonal amend
ment by which Venezuela adopts the
gold itandard.
Prealdent Creapo advised contrrefis
some months ago to meet the prevail
In agitation for a depreciated curren
aloof from American aecurltles are ul-
rly mlmaken. N.othlnK would please
th peiple here and on the continent
iter than to buy American securities
f they thought they were safe. The
peculators and public are only too
ready to accept and call attention to
the slightest sign that there is a pros
pect of the currency system of the
I'nlted Htates being reformed. But
we have been disappointed too often
to commit ourselves to any great we
nt A dertnlte declaration ex-
ressed In the vote of the people of
the United States In favor of the gold
standard we are sure would be follow
ed by a great change In the attitude
f European capitalists, provided It
were accompanied by legislation plac
ing the treasury In a position to make
he standard effective.
prlts convicted of shaving, waa crown
,i- s-i.h-',m--. t'..! m ruber's hsll H ,,n w-h buln ni marched y by . c,)ntutlonal amendment. Con
yv.trluy frnoo. It was decided to ,nro"Kn "'.. i, "J gres. p.e4 th. Uw and It ha. been
ji !
JssasAr '
Our Handy Wagon...
Combln sll ths feslores of ths child's
plsln wagon and a vlicnxd. ami. sll
tilings ron.litrrt. ii ill ronumr lew
thsn elihrr. Ho ctrlrslle. cinvnlrnt ami
sallsfamry hns It proven, tbai, a
raily -Bllrr." It h no nual. W take
S special prM. too. In delivering tho
sama prompilv and In faultless comlt
tlon to the tril,
Base Ball
Sets. Garden Tools
"Neither the legislature nor the ex
ecutive power, or any other power In
the republic shall in any case, or for
any motive. Issue paper money, nor de
clare as legal tender any bank notes
or any other value, represented In pa
the band. Helng hit first offense be innmui hw .u ,,t the .late. It is
waa let oil easy, Willi a promise to do I f0wi:
.o no more.
Borne of the boy. who went out on
the Iris felt homesick when tbey reach
ed the swell at Tongus point
Interview the members of the differ
ent camps, and you will And there are
in twenty per cent of their earning. ,,,ven ut tht flne"t Camp U,, nor ,. the of lUver or
o. I nlrkel Kn nrderMl m-lthout nrVIOUB 111.
Lieut. Povey. of the engineer corps, thorliatlon of congress, subject to the
Is colonel of the First Iteglment L'nl- Mm. procedure as In the enactment of
form Hank. K. of r. la he colonel, or other law
lieutenant colonel, or notny At Drewnt the Veneiuelan dreula
company c recently received into Its tlon congut, 0f M.000.000 bolivar. (20
demanding that others could nsh at 'd a raw recruit. In one of the camp eeBlt ot whlch 1X000.000 Is In gold and
the cmpromtw r.te offered by the nt" ""' ",r' "ak'd " 1.000.000 In .liver. Thl. silver, already
K-rnilt the flihernien for the Rcandlna'
vlan I'arklng Company to go out at
the Ave cent rate offered by that com
pany, ul.h the understanding that no
nsh were to be delivered to that can
nery except by men owning gear re
ceived from that company, and. fur
ther, that those fishermen should turn
toward the maintenance of the Union,
It was Juldd by the meeting that the
pi Ice of nsh should be maintained at
five cents; but while this was the otTl
clal action, from reliable wiurcea It
was lenrned that there mis tnclt un-
t. rttl'.liMAN, ll, ol Frxswa rMiart.
R. T. EAUI.E, Uts ! Hocktoa. Csl
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers
Manufacturing- and Repairing of all Kluda
of Machinery.
Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksmith Work
other canneries. A better general feel
ing sp-mrd to prevail during the even
ing. Mr. W. 8 Kinney. In conversing
ui.n the subject, said that ho was
snuffled. frfm a careful examination
of affairs the ennnerymen could no!
puy five tents stialiiht. and would not
do so; but thought a majority of the
men now realised the situation, and
that many of tin in would gv out oil
liHtis of four and one-half cents. At
one of the liuget local canneries the
nnhenmn yesterday with one accord
were at work getting out their nets
ready for flihliip. and putting their
Imits In order to go on the river for
tn evening drift. They signified their
willingness to accept the four-and one-
hnlf rent rate. At Hilar Hock the men
who hail previously refused to fish for
lens thuu five cents. It was reported.
went out enmusse yesterday evening,
and commenced delivering salmon to
the home cannery In large quantities
than sardines in a Ix.k. the boys swore
hi in In with all the ancient rites of the
order. lie Is In the asylum now
McCormack A Humphreys, the fish
dealers, yesterday presented to Coin
puny I a live sturgeon eighteen Inches
long. Tresuinably Captain Coffey got
the benefit of the gift.
The commissary -aVpartmont pc
sesse. a number of flne vocalists who
while away many hours very pleasant
ly for that part of the camp.
Company A "! am the only D itch
cake In the Buttery" liismarck
in circulation, will not be retired. Fu
ture coinage will be restricted to gold,
and gold certificate, representing act
ual gold on hand.
Take a Tentative Course and Will Not
Tet Formally Organixe.
St. Louis, June 19. A conference of
the silver boilers was held this after
noon at which It was decided to take
tentative course. The bolting dele
gates will therefore make no formal
rtr-tttoHur tinttl thv have nnrwirtiinlt v
L I .. .. 1 - - . . I .. I . . ... ...... " J ' '
n mint? i'u iiiKiiijr amupeu nu'iieiice I . . . . . . , . v. i
to consult with their party members In
Smllhlag ant Slrantwal Work. Csnry n4
Mill Mulss mi SuUonsry Boll-
Uulll to Orvler.
OT Specially equipped (or Loggers' Work. Loctted on iSth and Franklin (Scow
Bay Foundry). Phone ;8. Correspondence solicited.
f tnttr an.l ine.half cents oer bound.
At Chinook Hearh the men have de- . - ! . compos
dared the strike off and are now put
ting In their gear. Large quantltiea of
fish have been received from Up tho
river during the last twenty-four hotura.
the steamer Telephone alone bringing
down twelve tons and a halt It I.
certainly most creditable to the men
that they have Ut common sense pre
vail, and have recognised the exigen
cies of the situation, meeting the pack
ers on common ground.
Coacoaly St., Ml of Jacluoa. Aston.
General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Usl ant Marin, EnglnM. Bolltr work, Simb
fcoat an Canntry Work a SpaclaHy.
CaiDnfi of All D.,crlr,nnn Madt to Orr oa
shun Nullca.
John Fox.. ..President and Rupsrlntandant
A. L. Fox Vloe Prtsldcnt
O. 11. I'rasl Secretary
First National Bank Treasurer
at any man coming out ol
our stort and you'll gst a
portrait of a man brimming
over with pleasant thoughts.
Hueb quality III the liquors
wa huva to offer an enough to
pleats any man.
Th. Boa Law Cloth log Factory and
marohaat tailors, at Ol Bona .treat,
make, underclothing to order. Suit,
and trousers mads to fit parfsoUy.
Every order punotually oa Um. and
satisfaction guaranteed, Oood goods
Mid ohsap. Call and bo oonvtnoed.
Telephone & feailey Gatzert.
"Ttlsphons" Isav. Astoria at 1 p. m.
daily (except Sunday).
Leave. Portland at 7 a, m. dally., sx
oept Sunday.
"Bailey Oatsert" leaves Astoria Tues
day. Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and
Saturday morning at M a. m.; Sunday
ranlng at 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland dally at I p. m., ex
cept Sunday. 'On aaturday at 11 p. m.
Notice la hereby given that th. under,
signed havo fllod their final aooounts In
th. estate of L. Wilson, deceased, and
Ul. estate of Wilson A Fisher, and that
th. county court of Clatsop county has
set Monda. , th. S2d day of Junes, 1898,
at th. hour of 10 o'clock, for th. hearing
of objections, It any there be, to th. a)
lowanoo of said aooounts.
May U, 188.
la there a man with heart to cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could And
In articles ot FURNITURE of th. right
And w would suggest at this season a
nlos Sideboard. Extension Table, or tet
of Dining Chain. Wo hav. th largest
and finest lint ever shown In th. olty
and at prices that cannot fall to pleas.
th. eloseat buyers.
Grocers, : and : Butchers
Astoria and Upper Astoria
Fine Teas and Coffers, Table Dettcac'ee, Doeieetic
and Troplral r-nilta, Vegetabiee, bugaf
Cured Hane. Bacoa, Etc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
Aot. as ruaU. for corporations and In
Tranaaot A general banking buslni
Interest pair on time deposits.
C. H. PAGE.. ......President
BENJ. YOUNO Vloe-Presldsnt
J. Q. A. Bowlb. . a H. Pags, BenJ.
Young, A. 8. Reed, v. p. Thompson, W,
E Dement, D. K. Warren.
gathered around the guard limit sur
rounding the grounds of Battery A
last evening, and witnessed the rendi
tion of Chinese festival certn-ci.y.
Q. M. Surgeant Dowlltig performed an
amusing vocal Clilneee song while
Trumpeter Fowler saluted Pat il-v
Monica, the Joah. The whole enter
tainment waa accompanied by S;rgL
the member, of the battery. The mu
alcal Instruments were composed chief
ly of tin pan. and soap boxes.
Augusta Cooper Bristol.
I am almost ready to affirm that wom
an s need of the ballot arise entirely
irom tne point ot view of Industrial con.
anions since all rights, privileges, and
needs, develop from the one fundamental
responsibility of austulnlng and develop
ing one's Individual existence. Through
Yesterday afternoon General Beebe the complex development of a civilisation
and the civic authorities met a delete.- based tn competition, we are like women
their states, and determine what meas
ure of approval meets their course In
walking out of the Republican na
tional convention. For thl. reason It
seemed best not to effect any formal
organisation as yet, and It waa in
formally decided to have Dubois, of
Idaho, look after the Interests of the
bolters until such time a It It decided
tn be advisable to perfect a regular or
Nearly all of the silver delegates
hav left the olty. Those now remain
ing are Senators Carter, Teller, Man
tle, Dubois and Cannon and Congress
man Hartman.
tlon of the nshcrmen at the courthouso.
huddling on a sea-shore, driven by a so
cial development that nrevetna anv hm-k.
General neene expiainea to me tinner- ward retreat, and which also forces us
men his mission here and th. position either Into an overwhelming surf, or
of the authorities, saying that he hoped u "V" ", '
the entire matter would soon bo peace- Ufc w, , compelled-nolens volens-"io
fully settled. Judge urny ana mayor ptuimo our own ennoe, ' yet without a
Taylor also spoke upon the subject, f"u,"'B' e ar. in terror or tne
' , , . i, ,lk breakers, and wo plead with man as ho
ami tne iiroieimru ..... ahoots past, conquering nature and clr-
situation from the standpoint of the cumstances. We ask for oars, but he
t'nlon. The meeting was a pleasant smiles good-nntureilly. und tells us that
. , , t., m ,,,k I "WIIIWI niQ Hflllllfl IUU UlllUlliMUn, (Mali
one inruugnoui. .... ....i ... ....... . .,tr.c.iM ., wa wm
better understanding of the condition fore we asked for these things; that we
of affairs on both sides. are not aa picturesque In the boat and
A prominent stenmbontman reported "1 no cannot cieany see wny we are
' I I there An,t IrtileeH mr nnrvelvea An nnt
Inst evening that there were hundreds perceive how It has come about, and
of boats Honing yesterday tn front of we wish It were not so, and th dear old
song commencing "Hnckward, turn back
ward, O lime In thy flight," Is forever
In the heart. But there we are, driven
into the boats by that dread Impersonal
ity civilisation nnd yet the necessary
our has thus far been withheld.
Again to use another metaphor civili
sation with Its competitive system, has
forced the entire nice Into mountain
ranges, which It Is compelled to conquer
and subdue. Woman Is there with her
husband, sons, and brothers, and must
McKlnley Show. No Sign of Wear from
the Strain.
Canton, O., June 19. Governor Mc
Klnley made two more addresses at
hi. home tonight Today has been an
eventful one. The wild enthusiasm of
yesterday has Increased, each Incom
ing delegation la greeted by steam cal
liopes, and shrieking whistles ot every
kind, while trumpets, tin-horns, bands
and drum corps give music to the mer
ry marchers.
Delegates called tonight in rapid suc
cession, but the governor shows no
signs ot wear or relapse after the
strain of convention week.
London, June 1J. Commenting on the
St. Louis convention th Dally News
The Important fact la not that of Mc-
Kl nicy's nomination, which was gen
erally conceded, but that be was com
pelled to stand on a gold platform. It
show that the great party which Is
now believed to represent the political
destinies of the United State, has repu
diated all designs of tampering with
the currency. It also force. Mr. Mc
Klnley to fight rather as a monometal-
11st than as a protectionist Th Re
publicans must be congratulated if not
upon their candidate, at least upon
their refusal to have anything to do
with mischievous free silver delusions.
He Is Elected Chairman of the Nation
al Committee.
Bt. Louis, June 19. The Republican
national committee today unanimous
ly elected Mark A. Hanna, of Ohio, as
permanent chairman.
A Large Audience Present at the En
tertainment Last Night.
A Diversity of Opinion in the Dna
and lirad street Weekly
Ke views.
Stocks Hav Tskca at IpKtrd Tart, atd
Motejr Sccats ttsier Crops Sot
Yet asasred. aid tie Ost
Cosie Doabtfst.
New York, June 19. BradstreeU to
morrow will say:
A political convention at the opening
of the between-season period of dull
ness explains the Increased restriction
In the volume of general trade. In
Industrial line, there la no improve
ment. In iron and steel the price of
some varieties tend lower, and buyers
manifest little Interest as to require
ment. The present activity among
drygoooa Jobbers It confined to work
ing off odd lots preparatory to stock
Manufacturer of cotton, have cut
quotation to attract buyer and wtaila
there la Increased activity in flanneta
for fall delivery, recently opened fan
prints hav found few buyer. The
movement of merchandise la smaller la
volume than a week ago, the greatest
activity being shown In hardware, gro
ceries, drugs, paint. - and clothing.
Manufacturer, of woolen, are reported
more hopeful Relatively tne most fa
vorable trade report for the week la
from Chicago, where Inquiry for iron
and steel has increased and specifica
tions for work are coming forward
more freely. This has created a better
New York, June 19.R. O. Dun V
Co.' Weekly Review of Trade tomor
row will say:
There are continued signs that a gala
In business has begun. Stock have
. A large and appreciative audience
greeted the performers on the rise of
" ... , I gone higher than they were ten day.
Opera House. Miss Kelley at the close , " . . . ,,
the city and In Cathlamet bay. There
are numbers of men out trying their
luck who have not previously been en
Kitged In Hulling, but seem to be meet
ing with fair success. It seems to be
the concensus of opinion by those most
Interested and best posted on both
sides, that the much-mooted question
of difference is almost settled, and con
gratulations were exchanged amongst needs climb because there is no retreat;
.1, v..l !.. nWM When B-n.,d nn. " Pn wn,cn nla" carries
an ..uiiuo o .. " . . both aa support and defense. Is not plac-
and louna judgment prevail, tuir aci- her hands. If she pleads for It,
tlement of dimcultles of this nature Is man responds good-humorodly, but tells
. ... . ii,,. ner sne wouia not gnow now to use it,
sure to follow. m .ii h. ,
Will Open Teller Headquarters In Chi
cago Next Week.
Chicago, June 19. Next week Senator
Dubois will open the Teller headquar
ters In this city. It was Intended to
take all of the bolting delegates to
Chicago, but this morning the plans
were changed.
Portland, Me., June 19. The Hon.
Thos. B. Reed will be tendered a re-
nominatlon to congress by the First
district, and It is announced that he
It ia a matter not to be lightly pass- a disadvantage than a help to the entire has consented to stand, as he greatly
ed over, and one deserving commenda
tion that the officers of the Oregon Na
tional Guard are not too good for their
positions. General Beebe, Colonel Sum
mers and the officers of their respect
ive staffs, sleep on cots In tenta like
company. So she follows as best she
may stumbling, falling, yet smiling, that
no one may guess her tears.
How little the opponents of woman suf
frage perceive and understand, that in
the tlital analysis this Is a question ot
self-preservation In an arena of conflict
ing forces; and that It is as unrelated
desires to be a member of the Fifty-
fifth congress, in preference to resum
ing his law practice.
of the entertainment, waa the recipient
of the highest praise for her manage
ment of the 'affair, which afforded
pleasure from the opening number to
the last selection of the orchestra.
Flower and encores were showered
upon the participant throughout the
performance. The Are laddies and their
belles were there, and Astoria society j
was out in force.
Charming cadences and delightful
harmony made by the mandolin orches
tra, which rendered several selections.
elicited most hearty encores, and the
"Greeting and Parting" march, com
posed by Miss Kelly is deserving of es
pecial mention. Miss Bertha Simpson
sang the touching lover's appeal,
"Won't You Be My Sweetheart," In a
pleasing style, and the Highland Dance
by Miss Jennie Curtis w'aa gracefully
executed. Miss Etta Strauss maintain
ed her reputation as a good performer
upon the guitar, and Mr. Terry Mc
Kean, as the Darktown swell, carried
the house. "Angellne" was a hit.
The audience was carried back to
the old Castlllan days by the dancing ot
the Misses Sovey and Leberman. Miss
Holden appeared to decided advantage
and her contralto solo demanded a re
call, to which she responded with the
child's story in song, "Three Little
It goes without "saying that Mme.
Flnck's solos were par excellent, and
It was with reluctance that the audi
ence allowed her to retire with two
selections. Mrs. J. T. Ross received
emphatic applause for her solo and her
second number provoked great enthu
The Jolly Blacksmiths" by the or
chestra received the appreciation which
it deserved. Miss Clara Dunbar as the
Gypsy Flower Girl, depicted with true
art the affections, strong passions and
Impulsive natures of the race, and as
an encore gave a children's dialogue
which gained for her additional laurels.
Miss Kelley and Mrs, John Gratke
rendered a piano duet, "The Alpine
Storm," which was one of the gems
of the evening.
The scene from Shakespeare' "Mac
beth" was the closing number. Miss
Conn's portrayal of Lady MacBeth's
artful scheming and treachery called
for the most favorable comment. Judge
Cleveland read his lines well and de
lineated to his-hearers the true char
acter of Macbeth.
ago, wheat ana cotton are in oetier
demand, there Is more confidence la
monetary circle and the tendency tow
ard shrinkage in agricultural Indus
tries seem in a measure, at least to
be checked. While the outcome of the
Democratic convention Is uncertain and
the grain crops are not yet wholly be
yond danger, a sure and strong Im
provement could hardly be expected,
but the tone in business circles baa
grown distinctly more hopeful. -
The failures for the week have bee a
7( in the United Slates again S28
last year, and SS tn Canada against V.
last year.
the prlvatea In their commands. They to personal ambitions, as was the cry
were offered the hospitality of the Occi- of Peter to his Master, when he found
...... . ,ji.. i . . I himself sinking.
ueni ana nave ueeii ii--.iij . . . , mnn .hnilM
to dinner oy private citisens, out nave ttna- admit that the social situation which
nreferred to take not luck and eat has led women to as for tho ballot, Is not
Thv will Ot ner rtlHKliiir or uesire; aim me nnniiiK
IB umy kit uiinii.iiv. iidw,.,i, v.
camp fare with their men.
not accept luxuries which cannot be ,ituatlon. Meanwhile progress waits that public did not come In as It had been
Foreign Capitalists Waiting Further
Assurances Against Free Silver.
London, June 19, A financial article
tn the Times says
Speculators In the railroad market
yesterday were disappointed that the
enjoyed by the entire command.
men's philosophy may rise to the height
ot the occasion.
Two new water closets were put In
ttiaa girt 1 1 tt ISniinf. vard veaterdav ex-
pressly for the accommodation of the hara Manitoba, 5s
Liverpool, Juno 19. Wheat, spot
oulet: No. t red winter, 5 2d; No. I
troops, and these, with other conven
ience which are being established,
would Indicate that the stay of the
5s id.
Meany la the loading tailor, and pays
th highest cash price for fur siuns.
hoped on the mere announcement that
a gold plank was included in the na
tional Republican platform. The expla
nation is that the public has wisely de
termined to wait until a satisfactory
solution of the question is In a fair way
No. 1 California, 0f being attained, and American pub
lic men and Journalists who talk and
write aa if European investor, and
speculators had tome object in holding
Yesterday a trade was concluded
which transferred the proprietorship of
the Hotel Astoria, formerly the Parker
House, to a new management The
bouse will hereafter be known as the
Old Parker House, and will be eon
ducted in an up-to-date manner In
every particular. The new owners are
well known hotel men of long expe
rience, and will have the house put In
thorough condition, and will employ a
full corps of experienced assistants.
"Billy" Wright and "Cash" Cole are
the men who will hereafter conduct
this popular caravansary. Charlea
Clark, who Is widely known amongst
the travelling public ot the Pacific
coast, has been engaged aa chief clerk,
and Ed. Sheridan, of Portland fame, ia
the new steward.
In conversation with an Astorian rep
resentative Mr. Wright said last even
ing that they proposed to make this
house first class tn all departments.
The rooms and sleeping accommodst
tlons will be second to none in the
city, while the table, under the stew
ardship ot Mr. Sheridan, he guarantee
will be equal to the best The rate
will be both on the American and Eu
ropean plan, and will be graded to suit
the times. The office and reading
rooms will be fitted up for the com
fort of guests, while at the bar will be
found the very best liquors and cigar,
that money can buy. A new consign
ment of goods was received yesterday-
Roseburg, Or., June 19. John Dixon,
the brother of Jas. Dixon, who shot
Chas. Rice last Sunday near Blakeslys,
rode hurriedly Into Roseburg this even
ing, informing the authorities that a
The entertainment as a whole was a j large mob had been organized near the
surprise and great pleasure to the large scene of the shooting to lynch James,
gathering of the friends of the fire confined in the county Jail. Tonight
boys, and Miss Kelly Is certainly to be ! the authorities are preparing to de
congratulated upon her success. I fend Dixon.
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Govt Report
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