The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 19, 1896, Image 4

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Beaver Hill COAL
and nth St.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Maps on application.
New Astoria...
located at tbe terminus of the Astoria and
Columbia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, and beinj perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay: therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the fmt Northwest.
. These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL ST.
Something New...
Children's and Youth's Steel
Shod Shoes, all Sizes and Styles
W. also carry a fine line of ladles' and
men's shoes, tram the best to the lowest
reliable goods. All roods warranted Just
as represented.
n Commercial Street
Local weather for the 24 hours end
ing at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by
the United States Department of Agri
culture, Weather Bureau.
Maximum temperature. M degrees.
Minimum temperature. 50 degrees.
Precipitation, none.
Total precipitation from September
1st, 1895, to date, 77.09 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 1895, to date, 7.91 Inch.
Forecast For Washington and Ore
gon, fair weather, warmer.
Do good constantly, patiently and
wisely, and you will never have cause
to say that life was not worth living.
George W. Childs.
Cream, cream, cream-Who knows!
the value of cream In the kitchen and !
,ki ivh ..-
a production of our county, for sale ,
In suitable and handy pint jars at
Foard 4c Stokes Co.
A darning club is the latest fancy of
the fashionable.
Sweet cream 10c pint Astoria Cream
ery, No. 451 Duane street.
Mr. C. T. Clark, the well known hotel
man, is visiting In the city.
Miss Ethelyne Mason, of Wolf Creek,
I. visiting friends In this city.
Fresh strawberries every morning at
lowest market price. C. B. Smith.
The merchants report business as be
ing very good at the present time.
,iWhn Erfhft, was yesterday fined K
In the police court for being drunk.
Miss McCormac left last evening for
- a trip east via the Canadian Pacific.
The finest separator cream In the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
The Pacific Commission Co will sell
today three boxes of strawberries for
;y Another large consignment of that
flood butter for 25c roll. Pacific Com
mission Co.
A fisherman who yesterday made
his first drift, turned In salmon to the
extent of J130.
A large variety of fruit etc. arrive to
day from California for the Pacific
Commission Co.
A large number of travelling men
yesterday, having heard that better
rot Feestly or Slrsrn rejr
clkaS kkaoa.k i pricb
If you will look iuto the situation you will see that
is the cream of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition, lit
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices range from $150
to $'25u each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your cha nge and buy a lot in
An office hH been opened by th pro
prletors on door cast of the
hardware .tore. Call. be hown th.
merits of this property, and Invest.
times had come to the city, paid the
city a visit.
If you cannot get fish at 5c lb., you
can get fresh Oregon peas at 5c lb. Pa
cine Commission Co.
Contractor Goerig's men are getting
along rapidly with their portion of the
work at Smith'r point.
New 20th Century tan lace shoes for
ladies. Columbia Shoe Co., successors
to Copeland & Thorsen.
"Billy" Wright returned from Port
land yesterday, and he did not come
with the soldiers, ciiuu-.
Superintendent Wattis Is at the
front, and the Electric took another lot
of men to the camps yesterday.
Dr. Baker left for McMinnvllle, Ore
gon, last evening. In response to a call
from his mother who Is dangerously
Go to the Spa for your candles and
Ice cream. The only first-class place
In town. Crushed fruits always on
Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty,
Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com
mercial street
Yesterday Foard & Stokes made the
flr8t sales of the Kagon of flsn boat
supplies and outfits. They did a thriv-
ln &uIn all dav-
Observer Grover has very kindly con-
sented to order a continuation of the
good weather for the benefit of Gen.
Beebe and bis men.
Kinney's cannery Is a busy place
Just now. It Is difficult to say from its
appearance whether It Is a packing
house or a can factory.
The frame work for the first story
of the Flavel Hotel Is now up, and the
contractors expect to put the shingles
on the roof next week.
A raft of three hundred plies for the
Flavel railroad dock Is expected to ar
rive today. The scarcity of plies has
somewhat delayed this work.
The happiest man in town yesterday
was Mr. Drennan, when he heard of
McKiriley's nomination and the strong
gold platform that was adopted.
The three pile drivers are being
worked to their full capacity sixteen
hours a day. Before people know It
there will be a railroad In town.
The railroad engineers are busily en
gaged In clearing the ground south of
of Alder Creek, and Jut west of Fla
vel for the railroad machine shops..
Mr. J. H. Spadone, who was the suc
cessful bidder for the largest portion of
the new hose purchased by the city,
left last evening for his home In Port
land. The big pile driver Is now at work
at the foot of Ninth street, and soon
the right of way for the railroad will
be In good shape for laying ties and
"frV It
. II J II.,
CO. AfcntS. Astoria.
Owing to an unexpected disagree
ment with the committee, Mr. Releher
finds himself unable to take part In the
wiicert this evening as heretofore an
nounced. Oftlcers of the visiting militia werw
yesterday driven In a carriage about
the city to view the Improvements
going on herv, and to take observations
for their own use.
The I. It. and N. Company Is erect
ing a new warehouse on the dock to
replace the old one which happened to
be in the track of the railroad and met
with a fatal accident.
Wakefield Jacobsen's large water
driver was moved east to Ninth street
about 4 o'clock last evening and com
mence driving piles, working west.
Three bents were driven before dark.
A boy. a horse, and a basket of gro
ceries, became frightened In front if
Ross, Htggtna A Co.'s store yesten!ay,
or rather, the horse did. and the boy
very nearly found a seat on the
Among the Portlamlers registered at
the Occident yesterday were W. B.
Brown. Frank King. M. M. Harris. C.
M. Hodson, Emil Schacht, Graham
Glass and wife. Bob May. S. Schmidt.
John Talt
The medals for the successful plr
tiripants In the recent bicycle races
given under the auspices of the As
toria Athletic club, will be presented
this evening at the concert given by
Miss Kelly.
McKlnley's nomination seemed to
meet with favor on all sides as soon
as the news became known yesterday.
Large crowds stood In front of the As
torlan bulletin boartts all day and late
In the evening.
Charles McDonald and Mr. Prael,
white riding their wheels yesterday,
ran into each other, w hich resulted In
Mr. McDonald receiving a severe cut.
Dr. Jansen took the necessary stitches
In the wound.
The filling made on Grand avenue
at the back of the McClue school
grounds, was thrown onto the yard by
the giving way of the bulkhead, which
made a large amount of extra work for
the contractors.
E'ery canning company In the city,
with the exception of the Scandinavian
has one or more plants In operation,
and it was understood last night that
the Scandinavian people would com
mence work today.
It Is requested that all those holding
tickets to st.ll for the firemen's concert
tonight will make report of same by
o'clock this evening to the foremen
of the different companies, from whom
the tickets were received.
Among the country visitors yester
day were John Leahy and wife, James
Leahy and son, Olney; Allen Olmstead,
Blind Slough; L. Vinson, Skamokawa;
J. C. Adams, Clatsop; Max Lange,
Deep Klver, and Harry Brandt, Lewis
and Clarke.
Recorder Gunderson received the
following deeds for record yesterday!
Charles E. Young to Edward McCoy,
five acres, 1625; Lury C. Young to Chas.
E. Young, twenty acres, $1; Rufus Mal
lury to T. Olsen, trustee, Block 6.
Upper Astoria, 110,000.
It was reported yesterday evening
that a detachment of militia arrested
two or three men at one of the Union
town canneries, who were forcibly pre
venting a fisherman from putting his
net into the boat. The disturbers, It Is
said, are now in the county Jail.
The concert to be given this evening
by Miss Eugenie Kelly, In aid of the
firemen's tournament, promises to be
one of the most enjoyable musical af-
fairs of the season. A large number of
tickets have already been sold. The
program, published yesterday, speaks
lor Itself.
A Bmall child was nearly run over
by a team In front of the old Union
house last evening. By great presence
of mind the teamster stopped the
horses Just before the hind wheels of
the wagon pased over the child's body.
A by-stander pulled the little one out
of danger.
J. F. Wyman, J. A. Maltlandt, and
W. H. Roden, San Francisco; B. A.
Seaborg, Ilwaco; H. H. McGowan, Chi
nook, and E, A. Herman and Dr. W.
Chapman, of the Seattle water commis
sion, who are taking notes of Astoria's
new system, were guests of the Occi
dent yesterday.
For the next ten days we will have
The best chemical compound for wash
ing powder Is "Soap Koam,' as It will
not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the
hands. It's the finest thing In the world
for the bath. One trial will convince
a special sale of velvet, silk, v.d cloth
wraps at wholesale prices, the hand
somest and beat fitting shirt waist,
kiid a large line of duck suits, and
wiapper at way down prices. I, Cohen,
Low IVtci Store, 491 Bond street, cor
ner Eleventh.
The Uunch Uncle Sam and a Urge
fishing boat, both loaded to their ut
most capacity, delivered fish at the
Cutting cannery yesterday. It was
reported that a party of seventy-five or
one hundred fishermen endeavored to
run out on the dock as the boat ap
proached, but were withheld by the de
tail of mllllla on guard.
It was stated yesterday that early
In the morning a couple of fishermen,
who were delivering fish at one of the
canneries, were Inttnilduted and
threatened by a crowd of strikers. La
ter In the day the matter was said to
have grown out of trouble experienced
by one of Kinney's men when return
ing from fishing. The mimes of the
dggressurs wer taken by the watch
man, and complaint was made, but as
no damage was done, the authorities
took no action In the matter.
A gentleman who came down from
Portland yesterday reported that the
up-rlvrr canneries were literally bnxk
ed Kith salmon, and that a large sur
plus Is being shipped to Astoria every
day. It was reported that Kinney re
ceived :1XKI fish yesterday, and that he
shipped the first car of the season east.
It is thought that whether an dwlulle
understanding Is arrived at or not
Kllh the men. there will at least be
enough fishing here to put a lare
umount of money In circulation this
Yesterday morning word was con
veyed to the authorities that a nel
had been stolen from one of the loucr
canneries. A boat was seen sailing
down the river with the net on board.
which Sheriff Hare pursued, over
taking It near Tansy Point, when tin
property was recovered, and the occu
pants of the boat placed under arrest
and taken to the county Jail. The men
claimed that there must be some mis
und-rstan ling, as they were requested
to remove their property and had ac
cordingly done so with the Intention
of fishing. As there did not appear to
be sufficient evidence to hold the men
they were released, the net being re
tained in possession of the cannery.
The parlor meeting given by the la
dles of the W C. T. U. at the residence
of Mrs. Holmes In L'ppertown yester
day, proved to be a grand success.
About twenty-five ladles were present.
The meeting was opened with devo
tional exercises conducted by the evan
gelistic superintendent, Mrs. Bollinger.
A question box proved to be a source
of much amusement, as well as enlight
enment on a number of points. Tlje
state president Mrs. Kinney, was pres
ent, and helped greatly to solve numer
ous questions of much weight. Music
and social chit-chat Interspersed the ex
ercises pleasantly. Refreshments were
served by the hostess, after which the
ladles took their departure, expressing
themselves as having spent a most de
lightful afternoon. The ladies of the
Union desire to return their most hear
ty thanks to Mrs. Holmes and her
charming daughters for their very hos
pitable entertainment In their beautiful
The right-of-way for the new road
from Arch Cape to Nehalem has been
practically finished for several days.
Grading will probably commence at
one, so that the road ran be completed
within a few weeks' time. Those who
have ever travelled over the narrow
trail around the face of Necarnle
Mountain, can appreciate the advan
tages of a roadway of sufficient width
to allow a wagon to go over with per
fect safety. That part of the road
around the mountain will be a much
traveled thoroughfare during the sum
mer time, It being In several places
over 800 feet directly above the ocean,
and commanding a vista unequalled
elsewhere on the coast. The opening
Highest Honors World' Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
up of the Nehalem rd will undoubl
I edly lead to an early development of
I the coal beds In that nelghhorlimHl, as
well as a large area of government
land heretofore Inaccessible to take
provisions and products In ami out
The merchants of this city who
the enterprise financially will surely
reap a rich reward In the near future
Mr. Frank Stokes, who returned yes
terday from Puset Sound, told an As
tovlaii reporter that all he heard In
that country was mines, mines and
mines. Washington has gone wild over
the i event rich discoveries male near
I Spokane, and that city as well as He-
attle, Is booming like old Units. The
'whole matter Is a surprise, even to
I some of the old Washington settlers.
The. hotels In Spokane are crowded to
their full capacity, men are seen In the
stieets. drawing maps of their claims
in the dust. Mr. Stokes says that the
wonderful Increase In trade made by
the Seattle mervhants In Alaska Is sure
to make a large city out of Seattle In
the near future. He thinks that As
toria should have a slice of this busi
ness, and that If she had been In touch
with affairs, steamers would have been
put on between the Columbia river and
Alaska which would have brought rich
returns to the Investors. Mr. Stokes
ysterday wrote to the Chamber of
Commerce, l'ortland, to see what ar
rangements. If any, could be made for
the establishment of a line of steamers
to run between Portland. Astoria and
Sherman A Thing have opened a riding
school next door to Pjp;lfle Eipress onVe.
Competent Instructors constantly In at
tendance. Cleveland -ind Crescent bi
cycles for sals and rent
Tin- plnno recital given last evening
by Miss Barron's pupils, proved to be
a treat to all who had the good fortune
to hear It. Each and every one of the
performers did most excellent work.
Little Miss Alice Wright won the most
hearty applause In her rendition of the
"Slunihtr Song." by tiurlltt. Master
Toil Carrulhers played Lanyon's "Joy
ous Moments" In a way that showed
he knew something about music. An
nie Hansen's rendition of selection
from "Martha." and Master David
Morgan's playing of "The Hunter's
Horn." won deserved applause. In the
second part of the program Miss Ger
trude Kearney gave a fine rendition of
Leybach's "Fifth Nocturne." and the
Misses Lulu and Pearl Estes won en
cores upon the beautiful Interpreta
tions of "La Camr'anella," by Egghard,
and H iler's "Cradle Hong." The gem
of the evening was perhaps Mendell
sohn's "Rondo Caprlctioso," by Miss
May Morgan. Miss Morgan la one of
the most promising young musicians of
the city, and plays with a feeling and
grace of execution seldom equalled by
one of her age. Others who took part
In the entertainment were Miss
Frunklo Estes, Master Earl Fisher,
Miss Lllllc Carlson, Miss Grace Stokes,
Miss Mary Gramms, Eva Goodman.
Space would not permit giving tho
program1 In full, and It Is sufficient to
say that every number fas good, and
showed most careful and painstaking
(Continued from Tlrst Page.)
el's staff, Is the man who can say, "Na
poleon, he looks like me."
Private Burke, of the engineer corps,
yesterday sustained a sprain of his
foot when descending one of Astoria's
precipitous sidewalks.
Private McKlnley, of Company C,
has a severe cold, and was permitted
to return home last night.
If you chance to be conversing with
a sildler who wears epaulettes, every
girl who comes along will give you a
sweet smile, and pronounce your name
In full, when otherwise she probably
wouldn't notice you. Wonder why It
One of the laborers driving a wagon
engaged In grading the hill, met with
a singular and probably fatal acci
dent at the summit of 10th street
shortly after noon yesterday.
The wagon, filled with loose dirt,
wan descending a steep grade, and al
though the soft ground which held the
wheels prevented an Increase of
speed, by some mischance the driver
lost his balance and was thrown under
the loaded wagon, the hind wheel pass
ing over his spine. Dr. J. A. Fulton
was Immediately sent for, and upon
his arrival upon the scene, found the
unfortunate man lying prostrate on his
back In the position in which he had
fallen. A stretcher was provided on
Salton Sea Salt for laths at
the Estes-Crain ; l)rvg Store.
10c and 25c per package.
which the patient was carried to Ht.
Mary's Hospital, where an examina
tion was made to determine the
tent of the Injury. Dr. Fulton was
seen later lit tho day, and replied
thnl the man's back had been broken
by the wheel, and that he could hardly
The name of the Injured man was
ascertained M be Stlncheomk who re
cently came here from lllllsboro, Ore
gon, to work under Contractor Nor
mile, and has been living at the camp
on Mill street.
iMt':sitvTEiii.N curiti'ii M'Tirn
The lady members of tho respective!
societies conreited with the Presby
terian church are particularly reuuest-1
ed to meet together at the church on i
Imtsirtant business Ibis afternoon at
1 o'clock. K C. IIOLDEN.
Clerk of the Session.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
$how Royal Baking Powder
superior to all otbert.
For IS rents you ran secure an exrrl
lent ell-rvit meal at th Hon Ton
Restaurant. No. T Commercial street.
Thsy are also fully prepared to terve
all kinds of fish, asm and delicacies of
the season, ss well as oysters In vry
Imaginable style at the lowest living
prices. Corns once and you will con
tinue to com.
A gentleman's resort, at oorner Bond
and 11th streets. The finest brands of
liquors and clears always on hand. Call
and try us.
lse WVl) foot I'orn I'lire. No
dirt no pay. For snl at Ks-tes-l'rain
Iirujr Store.
Ilenrath a steamers berth
there's Just room enough for
9Spr one of our 13.11 telescope aulchsls
and not near enough for the
ordinary trunk. Hence, a satch
el Is a necessity If you're going
01 a sea voyags.
WANTED Situation to do general
housework. Apply L. M , Astorlan of
fice. WANTED Situation by Japanese;
any kind; moderate wages. Address Y,
WANTED A dressmaker would Ilk
some sewing by the day. Address llox r.l
WANTW-Three unfumlshtd rooms
for light i vutekMptng. "K." Astorlan
WANTED Situation by competent
book-keeper. Address B. Astorlan office.
WANTED To Rent-A house of six or
seven rooms, rrntrally located. Address
J., Astorlan office.
WANTED By house twenty years'
standing, lady or gentleman, willing to
learn our business, then to travel, or to
do office work. Salary, tM0.U0. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope to A.
T. ELDER, Manager, car. Dally As
torlan. FOR BALE.
FOR BALE The Ferrell property, oor
ner of Exchange and 14th streets. Prloe.
M.K0. W. C. Caasell, 471 Bond etre.t, set.
JAPANESE OOODB - Fireworks - Just
out Just received Just what you want,
at Wing Lee's, M3 Commercial street
FOR RENT A small furnished cot
tage at Silver Point Cliffs, Elk Creek
beach. Wood furnished and water at
the door. For the season until Sep
tember 1st, HO. Astoria Land and In
vestment Co., 4(12 Bond street.
FOR RENT Bmall dwelling house; fur
niture for sale. Apply at Astorlan office.
FOR RENT A furnished room, IK trd
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with
board, at Mrs. E. C. Holden's, corner
Duane and Ninth streets. Price reason
able. REWARD.
for any Information which will lead to
the arrest and oonvlctlon of th person
or persons who stole the plush card re
ceiver from the Palace Cafe.
W. W. WHIPPLE, Proprietor.
FOUND A gentleman's gold ring,
marked with Odd Fellow's emblem. Own
er oan recover same by applying at As
torlan office.
R. L. Boyle & Co.
Land &
Bond Street...
Astoria, Or.
Clatsop County, Stale of Oregon.
Whereas, mi the 17th day of May,
ltt, Esther Loire, Jack Lambert.
Adolph Ouolnage and Sam Mrllandt
were waylaid and murdered near t'ath
Innisl Head (twu miles below Clifton),
In Clatsop county, Oregon,
Now, therefore, Clatsop county here
by offers the following reward of
.K IHOl'SANtt ttlixiui iMil.LAHS
for Infoi tnaliiin that will lead to the
arrest or conviction of the p.-r nt or
persons who murdered said parties
Said reward will be paid as follows:
Five Hundred il'.ooi dollar will be paid
for Information that will cause the ar
rest ami conviction of any one vt th.
gang of murderers, and
Five hundred &o will be paid for
Information thai will cause the arrest
and conviction of the balanre of th.
person committing said crime.
Astoria. Oregon, June 0, lsM.
County Judge, Clatsop County, or.
Notice Is hereby given to all parties
holding Clatsop county warrants In
dorsed prior to July 1. Ml, to present
the same to the county treasurer for
payment, as Interest will cease from
this date.
Dated the I .Mil day of June, A. D.
Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or.
Sealed proposals will be received by
the undersigned until noon of June is
at the office of the Astoria and Colum
bia River Kullroad Co. In Astoria, for
the building of a station building with
platform, and a tool tvuse, at Warren
ton station, on the Seashore road.
I'latis and specifications can be seen
at the offices of the company In As
toria. Approved bonds will be required of
tho successful bidder.
Th undersigned r serve the right to
reject any or all bids.
Our large s'nek of Meii's, ldio'MlMn' snd'
Clilldreni 8hue will b
until July ll, lost, without rsscrvs, Nn
your oppurtiisltj ! get sannhlni ruwl
end rebuilt fur your mtniy, wo
at rmnpslltri to mske room fur iinlnreit ftoin Ks'sra
uisnufseturers, am!
now Is Irao'll.
584 Commercial St. sun hi( ki n.t
Emil Schacht
GEO. NICOLL, Assistant.
Kopp's Is! ew Brewery
Open every day from t o'clock to l:M
and 4:10 to l: p. m.
Bubeortptlon rates 11 per annum.
Cloak und Suits made to Order or
ready made at the
Ladles' Tailors.
Hoiise Moving Tools for Rnt.
Cor. Tenth and Bond Slrttts.