The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 19, 1896, Image 2

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Telephone No, 66.
Beat by mail, per year !.
Bent by mail, per month ft
Delivered by carrier, per week .10
Bent by mall per year. IS In advance,
postal?. Tree, to subscriber.
AU communication! Intended for puhll
atton ahould b directed to the editor.
Business communication! of all
and remittances mutt be addressed to
The Astorlan.
The Astorlan guaranters to Its sub
scribers the, largest circulation of any
newspaper published on lh Columbia
Advertising: rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astad&n. the second oldest
weekly In the slate of Oivron, has, &'
to the Portland Oregontan, the largest
weekly circulation In the state.
j no. F. Handley Co., are our Port
land areata, and copies of The Asiorlan
era be had every morning at their stand,
Oi Third street
"The silver men walked out, and the
audience sans the Red White and
McKlnlcy and Hobart. and Sound
Honey forever: three cheers for the
Red. White and Blue,
The Republican party will carry
every state In the Union this fall that
has ever given a Republican majority.
besides a few others It never carried
The country, of course, will feel very
sorry for poor Teller, but if he chooses
to follow the way of the lamented
Grwly It is his own folly and there Is
ski law to prevent him.
It wm probably be found, when the
ides of November have come and pone,
that it wasn't Colorado. Idaho, and
Utah that walked outof the convention
yesterday, but simply a trto or ptain
Individuals named Teller, Dubois and
McKlnley and Hobart, on a platform
af sound money, protection, reciprocity
and restricted immigration, will have
more electoral voies, backed by a lanc
er popular majority, than lias ever
been riven for any national ticket
nominated since the war.
Where protection Is likely to stand
and free silver to fall is rn the United
States senate, according to the best
calculations. These are based on elec
tions held and to come, and taking
Into consideration the attitude of those
who hold over in that branch. Twenty
one of the forty-eight who voted for
free coinage In February step down
.March , while only nine opponents of
the forty-nine go out Of the antls
who remain, twenty-two are Republi
cans and ten Democrats, who might be
expected to oppose any tariff that
might be Introduced by Republicans.
Fourteen Democrats, eleven Republi
cans, two Populists, two silver bolters,
and a senator from Nevada make up
the list of those whose terms are so
soon to end, and their places have al
ready been filled by the election of Alll
. son, from Iowa, re-elected; Foraker,
from Ohio, and Wellington, from Mary
land all Republicans. Vermont, Con
necticut, New Hampshire, Illinois and
Pennsylvania are certain to choose
members of the senate from the same
party, with Delaware and Kentucky
reasonably sure of doing the same, fac
tional disputes alone preventing the
latter states from so acting. The Re
publican list may also be counted as
being swelled by the action of New
York, Wisconsin and Indiana legisla
tures In place of Democrats: Kansas
and South Dakota in place of Populists.
With these sixteen senators there
would be a total of thirty-eight protec
tion and honest money votes, to which
could be Joined ten anti-silver Demo
Is it not a fact that If the gold stand
ard Democrats had succeeded in elect
ing a majority of the delegates to the
Chicago convention they would have
been delighted to nominate John G.
Carlisle for president of the United
States on a gold standard platform?
Is it not a fact that John G. Carlisle
was in favor of the free and unlimited
coinage of silver before the ruinous
effects of that course had been demon
strated? Do not honest money Dem
ocrats accept Mr. Carlisle's own avow
al of his belief in the necessity of the
gold standard?
William McKlnley at one time be
fore the effects of the unlimited coinage
of silver had been demonstrated shared
In a measure the former view of Mr.
Carlisle, and voted with the majority
of bis own party Jn congress on the
moneyquesjlon. .Since the ruinous ef
fects of the, unlimited coinage of silver
became apparent William McKlnley
baa not hesitated, to admit that his par
ty was wrong for a time on that ques
tion. Like John G. Carlisle, he has
been, Blnce that demonstration, an un
wavering advocate of the present gold
standard, and Is an uncompromising
advocate of its maintenance in the
laws of the United States.
If the national Democracy Is willing,
as It is, to accept John G. Carlisle, why
should its leaders not accept the decla
ration of William McKlnley at the
Marquette Club, Chicago?
After the St. Louis convention and
publication of McKlnley's letter of ac
ceptance honest money Democrats will
have no hesitation in supporting Wil
liam McKlnley for president of the
United States on the gold standard
platform to be adopted at that conven
tion. They will have to choose between
and a candidate representing hatlona
honor and Ion rents on a dollar on the
gold basis, and a platform and a van
dldate representing national shame an
repudiation of 50 cents lit the American
Every Democrat who would vote t
Carlisle for president ot the I'ntted
States will be without argument tv
not voting for William McKlnley as
agalnHt a Populist and repudlator run
hlng fr president as a IVmovrnt.
Editor Astorian.1
I desire to express my apprwlati
of the candid and unprejudiced course
which your paper has pursued during
the troubles inaugurate! by the fisher
men's strike. While I am not In
poHUm to judge as to the merits o
the controversy. It aiior to mo that
the Astorlan has been eminently fait
and Impartial In Its treatment of both
parties; certainly n.i right-minded per
son can charge it with distorting th.
facts of the situation, or In trying to
excite public opinion to the prejudice
of any one concerned. In this rvspec
it stands In agreeable relief with the
contemptible tactics of one or two o:
Its contemporaries, who do not seem
able to diMi.xgulsh between straight
forward honesty and open rascality In
their handling of a question fraught
with so much of moment to the peopli
of this city.
If the Budget and the Herald think
their time serving venality escapes the
notice of the public, they raise their
stupidity to the unenviable level ol
their dishonesty. The undl??u!sed ef
forts of one or both of these pitiable
organs of crime and mendacity to make
the most of the situation is as ap
parent as their puerile attempts to
exonerate the fishermen of all blame
at the expense of the cannerymen. I
has been thought that the province of
a newspaper lies In printing the news,
not in suppressing it In the Interest of
this or that faction. The people of
Astoria are too Intelligent not to know
that the news cannot be suppressed
The world is bound to know the truth
about the strike situation here, and
this being the rase, surely It is better
to have It presented through the me
dium of a reputable paper like the As
torian, than through the devious and
unreliable channels of heresay. or In
the lying and disgustingly insincere pa'
tols of a paper like the Budget.
Astoria, June IS, IS9&
Editor Astorlan:
Dear Sir: I deprecate very much
that my name has been used in any
way In connection with the present dis
turbed conditions of our community
But fifteen minutes after a man has
expressed a sentiment on any subject
here. If he shoald meet that same sen
timent running around loose he would
not recognise It
The highest glory of all men Is self
government especially In a Democratic
country, and recognising this principle
I. with all peaceable citlxens, deplored
the arrival of troops, especially as the
leaders of the Fishermen's Union said
that Immediate steps were to be taken
for the final settlement of the ques
tlon. I said then, and say now, that
if it is possible to settle this difficulty
by the withdrawal of the troops, then
the troops should be withdrawn with
out delay. But I am not ready to de
nounce as "Infamous" cr "outrageous"
the actions of civil officers, the reasons
for whose actions I may not under
stand. J. J. WALTER.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City,
III. was told by her doctors she had
Consumption and that there was no nope
for her. but two bottles Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured her, and she
says it saved her lite. Mr. Thomas Eg-
gers. 139 Florida street. Ban Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without result
everything else, then bought one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and In two
weeks was cured. He Is naturally
tnariKiuL it Is such results, ot which
these rae samples, that prove the won
derful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs
ana colas. Free trial -ottle at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store. Regular slxe 60
cents ana 11.00.
The best house-cleaning In the world
often glosses over the miscellaneous
store of articles that secrete them
selves In upholstered furniture.
Old people who require medicine to reg
ulate the bowels and kidneys will And
the true remedy In Electric Bitters. This
medicine does not stimulate and con
tains no whisky or other Intoxicant, but
acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts
mildly on the stomach and bowels, add'
lng strength and giving tone to the or
gans, thereby aiding nature In the per-
formance of the functions. Electric
Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find It Just exactly
what they need. Price 50 cents per bot
tie at Chas. Rogers' Drug Btor.
Old fashioned colors, old fashioned
furniture, and old fashioned names are
affected by women desirous of being
considered good form.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive cure for Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 26 cents per box. Far sale by
Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building.
The application of hot flannel cloths
Is said to do wonders with those dark
circles that will corne under tired eyes.
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mortality
among children caused by bowel trou
bles. Perfect safety may be assured
those who keep on hand DeWltfs Coilc
& Cholera Cure, and administer It
promptly. For cramps, bilious colic, dys
entery and diarrhoea, it affords instant
relief. Chas. Rogers.
A diamond bow knot Is a very pretty
gift If the puree of the purchaser Is
a good-sized one.
There's more clothing destroyed by poor
soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake"
soap contains no free alkali and will not
Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice
the difference In quality. Ross, Hlgglns
The Best
2 SmoklngTobacco Made
The hand that used to rock the cradle
now clutches the handle bar of the bi
Laughing eyes, frame full of vigor.
and elasticity are blessings attainable
by the cadaverous, the hnsgard. and
the dyspeptic who try that wisest of
exrterlments an ixoerlment whose
. . , j . . .
..,.,.. uumnr .s it,,,,, ,o p, mj
rlads via., a course of Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters promptly hetun end
steadily pursued. There Is no tonic om-
parable to It in etneacy. none more i
agreeable and speed!! v beneficial. The j
nervous and dyspeptic, suffering from,
malaria, rheumatism, constipation, bll- J
lousness and kldnev troubles are rap-
Idly aided by the Bitters, and It ls one
of the best means of counteracting the
effects of excessive bodily or mental
fatigue, and exposure In wet or Inclem
ent weather. Persons of sedentary
habits find It a most useful vlvlfler and
recuperator of exhausted energy. Use,
It In order to sleep well, eat heartily
.-j .ii ...... ... vi. . j,
and digest thoroughly. Physicians ev-
erywhere speak In high terms of It.
The true woman never laughs when
slighting remarks are made about her
Or. Price' Cream Baking Powdct
Csatata no amwaoia ar Ahm,
The woman who does not love flow-
era and babies Is not worthy of the
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The widow's engagement ring, to be
good form, la set with a chrysolite.
Did you ever think how readllr ths
blood is poisoned by constipation? Bad
blood means bad health and premature
old ml DetWItf'M TJttl VmcIw n,..n
,Ha fmmmtm 11 1 1 1 ., K.tMM.A . I .1
constipation. Chas. Rogers.
Cute pots for Iced tea are now to be i
found at the silversmiths.
t,, v. ,.. r-
Witt's Sarsaparlila purlflas the blood.
cures Eruptions. Ecsma, Scrofula, and
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
Chaa, Rogers.
........ .
The patent leather slipper never loses
Its hold on feminine fancy.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has beea awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Few women know what is required
of them on a fishing excursion.
Mrs. R. DeYoung, Mlddlevllle, la..
writes: I have used One Minute Cough
Cure for six years, both for myself and
children, and I consider It the quickest
acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure
have ever used. Chas. Rogers.
The mohairs and bareges are
oubtedly banishing the crepon.
One swallow does not make Spring, but
one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure
brings relief. Chas. Rogers.
Dnn't expect a lamp to act right if
It Is not properly cleaned.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The chemical blonde Is the name giv
en to a bleached beauty.
A. L. Wooster. ft nrnmlnen fltl--M .
Osseo, Mich., after suffering excruciating
ly i rum pnes ror twenty years, was cured
In a short time by using DeWitt's Witch
naxei oaive, an absolute cure for all
skin diseases. More of thia niwum,,..
Is used than all others combined. Chas.
Wbea Baby was sick, we ga-e her Castoria,
When she hecame Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she L 3illd o,sbega-them Castoria,
Eczema Is a frightful affliction, but like
all other skin diseases It can be perma
nently cured by applications of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It never falls to
cure Piles. Chas. Rogers.
One Minute Is the standard time, and
One Minu-e Cough Cure Is the standard
preparation for every form of cough or
cold. It ls the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results. Chas.
In the Spring a young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, for they always
cleanse the liver, purify the blood and
Invigorate the system. Chas. Rogers.
It's all the same, a slight cold, congest
ed lungs or severe cough. One Minute
Cough Cure banishes them.
All the patent medicines advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
Hotel, Astoria.
ass" r
To Co
Given Away
thin year in vahuWe
articles to smokers of
You will finl one coupon In
side cuch -oimico bag;, and two
coupon inside each 4-ounco
bag. Huvalwtc,, rendthecoupou
ami see how to get your share.
To Chang and Its-establish Iho tirade
on Jerome Avenue, Between Tenth
and Twelfth streets. In Mc
Clure's Astoria.
Nolle Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to change and re-establish Die grade
on that portion of Jerome avenue. In
MoClures Asto'ta. as extended and
changed by Cyrus Olney. which Ilea be-
I tween the West side of Twelfth street
I and the east side of tenth street, at ths
I following height above th. bus ol
grades, as established by ordlnarce No.
Tl' ""llled "An Ordinance to KstaMlsh a
...... I.. .K.. U . .
J .. t0.w,t " "
On the north side of the croslt,g of
said Jerome avenue with Eleventh street,
0n ,ou,h ,M ()f ,1(, ,.,,,,, ls,
or,l,,f of -'' n coun.ll.
i it F vri w
Auditor and Police Judge.
Notice la hereby given that the com
mon council of thr clir of Astorln pro-
pose to e. Mlsh th irrd rn Alunotla
I avenue. Ir lhat pan of ihe city known
! as I'nlontown. rt the f)iwlng height
ahove ,he ,; of fn
At the northeast corner cf bl -k t at
S feet above the bas of gra.l.-, end at
point directly opposlt.- and at right
angles to the east line ot block I Hi S
At the southwest corner ot block 1. at
O feet, and at a point directly opposite
and at right angles to the west line ot
block 1. at 43 feet, and at a point on the
north aide of block If. directly opposite
to the southwest corner of block 1, ana
at right anglea to south line of block 1.
at it feet.
At the northwest corner of block It, at
44 feet.
At the southeast corner of block 1 at
44 feet
At the northeast corner cf block ID, at
45 feet, and at a pclnt directly opposite
on the south side of block I and at right
angles to the north line of block 18, at s
I feet, and at a point directly opposite to
the northeast corner of block Is on the
west aide of block 15. and at right angles
to the east line of block IS, at 46 feet
At the Interesctlon of Al meda avenue
with the east boundary of Taylor's As
toria, at 4 feet
At the northwest corner of block IS, at
' SO feSt
! A ,h ""thwest corner of block i, at
i im.
At the northeast corner of block 17, at
51 feet.
At the southeast corner of block J, at
,81 feet.
I And unless a remonstrance signed by
! ,n owners of thtee-fourths of the prop-
nl fronting on saiti portion of ssm
I XTeft b nir'1 ,h nu',,,or n'' l'-
' "ce Judge of said city within ten days
l irom tne nnai puoucaiion or tnis nonce.
'the common council will establish' said
, -mile.
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, June 5. DM.
Auditor and Police Judge.
TRana .
ror mrnnnsnoQ ana rm HuulBuilt writs to
1U.NS to, asi baouwr. Ksw Vou.
OTileat bureau for seciirtmr patent In Am.iies,
Krery ruitenl taken out hr us It bmnht before
Uie public by a notice given five of eastv la tbe
tanrest rlilstl of anv s-mttfle paper fn the
World. SplenJl(ilr tUutnu!. No
man thoota be without il Waekir, B.i.ooa
J.r; SljoUimonihi , MtrSs CU.
psinstss, 21 Imadwaj, asw lore CHy,
R. P. Elmore
W- H. Harrison
Sailing dates to and lrom;Tlllaniook
sod Nchalem depend upon
the weather.
For Freight and Passenger
Rates Apply To
ft Solentiflo America!
Ajency for-
sf I ' af v '
0. R. A N. CO., Agents, Portland.
I'y virion of warrunt Issued by th.
county clerk of rintaop county, slat of
Oregon, under Iho seal or said county
ttiul state, on Ihe !tlh day of April A, I.
ltl, and lo mo dlrvctod, commanding
mo to levy upon the gomls and cliatlols
of tlia dollmpiet litxpayvrs named lit th.
dcltmiui'iit las roll of t'latsop county,
slat, of Oregon, fur Hi. yvar Ivo, ihcrolo
attached, and If none b found, then
upon the rviil pruporty as set forth and
described In said doliiiiucnt tux roll, or
so much thorvof as shall b siitllclmi to
satisfy Iho amount of turns so ohargvd
thervln, tog.tlior tilt th. cost, and -t
did, on tho ilnth ly of May,
IMSi, Invy upon (having Uvn uuaM. to
Itnd personal rierty sumclont out ot
which to itwkv sold tuxt'xi tit. real r
luiw sol opposite, tho names of th. re.
speellw iHtrties, firms and corporations,
contained In tho following lists, to s&t
Isly Hut amount ol lake mid costs as
sessed and chai'ito nguliut such persons,
firms and corpurutloiis In th. said d
Unguent tux roll, all ol said property
being situate III said county and slats
and dccrltcd on said dcllutpionl tax
roll of said county and slat, fur said
year, us follows, lo nil:
Al'tr.rvmlile, Mury, lots I. i, sec
IS. T i N, It l W, 70 aort's.
1 1 MVS 17 St
Ahctvronihlv, l It., begin, on right
bank of Jotnohs slough, SO
rds. K. of N, . cor. of 8. K. I,:
theme K. tl rds. lo left bank
of Island slouch; thence down
said slough 10 and
Clarke river at mouth of John
son's slough; Ihenco up right
hunk of Johnson, slough to
place of Ix'BlnnliiK. see. I, T. T
N It. In VY li-luo acres: be
gin at N K. cor. uf 8 K. i. sec,
11; tlieiu. 8. w rls. lo a crwk;
Hi,', i.e westerly along said
creek rd. lo fork of said
ervek; tlvence N. to ,V. lino of
8 K. I of S K, I. seo. II; Iheuce
N. 31 ft.: thence W. to W. linn
of N.K. V of U.K. l. see. II;
Iheiice N. to a lajlnt III cha K.
of N, tine of 8 E. of suld
sec.: Ihenco K. IU chs. ; thence
N. 10 chs.; Ihonce E. 10 chs, lo
tx-glnntiig. Hoc. II. T. 7 N,, U.
10 XV., li tS ucr'S. , 28 1J 44
Allen. Mrs, llrlditol. lots J, 4. I, Ik.
h7: lot , llk. Mct'lure's
Aslorln. as e l. by Cyrus Ol
ney. Ill K K 01
Alexander, U., 8. XX , t,. Hoc. II. T. i
N . It. XX ., I'll acres, til M ... 11 III
Allen John, 8. o,' 8. li. V,. 8ec. 7,
T. 7 N , It. XV., to acre., li.ll. I 77
Anderson, XX illlu.n, loia 1. 1. 1, 4. &,
. 7. S. , U 11. 11 IJ, It, IS. 14,
blk. t Hoe,ll addition, H 30. B 17
ArmttriMig, Jaim-s, N.XX. V, dee.
. T. i N . It I XV . HW acre.,
Austin Lucre! la M , 1, 4. blk.
1. Hunnyald. addition, 3to 4 01
Hand Harry r hiis J. 4. i. t. bis;.
IC. Mct'lure's Astoria, a. ez'd.
by Cyrus Olney. 110 4 IT M
ttarker. Iiura P. A., lot. 1. f, I,
. a. . T. J. , uv u, it ij, 14. 16.
it, i;. is. tit. si. :i. st a. J4.
3s, blk. 1M, Mary Ann Adair'.
Poulh Addition lo th l'ort of
I pper Astoria, II tt
Harnett. Cora, E. X, of 8 XX'. t. W.
v of 8 K. V, Sec. M. T. 4 N.. It.
I XV.. I&SI, acres, (vol 17 j
uarnes, Frank. K. H ot I W. X.
a H of &K. 8c JSw T. I N
K. I XV , 11 acres, I11M ItTI
Battin t-o,, H. K. begin at N E.
cor. ot blk. A. McKwaa's
Add'a. to tXeeaa Urove: thence
8. iv ft., W. ltw ft.. N. 10 ft. K.
IU0 ft. to beginning: also, begin
at N XV. cor. blk. A. Mo
Kwan'a Add'a to Ocean Drove:
Uwnr K. 108 ft, thenc 8 U
ft. W. lis) ft, N. 50 ft to be
ginning. 41c j
lleach C. l. lot. B, 9s. blk. II.
Astor Add'n. to Astoria: lots
7, t, blk. . North Add'n. as laid
out and recorded by K. A.
Noye. Mo 7
tseer. iuls. lot I, blk 14. I'ro-
pect r-ark Add'a to Astoria. 4c. I N
ueii. rnunppa xv . int. B. 14. blk.
JJ, tract t Oln.y's Add'n. to
Astoria, as laid out by Hustler
a AlKen, csec rs, 11.0 4
liennelt. A. 8, blk. t Olnry's
Add'n. to Astoria, aa laid out
and recorded hy Hustler A
Aiken, exee'rs. ; X.XX'. k, of.
N.XV. 14 of U.K. 'i See. T. I
N.. It XX'.. 10 acres; undivided
S of: llegln taKUj ft. XV. of
8 K. cor of fthlvrly I. !.. C:
thence XV. 1C4 ft.. N. to 8. Una
of 8hlvely's Astoria, K. i;o ft,
8. to U'glnnlng 8ec. 17, T. I N.,
It. XV., i acres, ld 6 ( 41
Bennett, t'hnrles K. lot. IK, 19,
blk 2. Seavlow Addition, aa laid
out by A. I'. Oliver. 6c 4 r
Ulsslund. Iunrn, lot J. blk. M.
van Uusen s Astoria, 17c 1 a
IllShoii, XV. c. 8.K. l Brc. , T.
4 N , H. 7 XV.. pat acres. I13.S0. .. XI ts
tillss, u A., Jr., lot I, blk. lus. .Xlc-
Clurs'a Astoria, as extendod by
Cyrus olney. II.M 5 11
tllodgett, KniM-h U. tagln at N.XV.
cor. of lllotlgett I. L. C:
them e E. 42 'JO cha lo N.K. cor.
of claim: thence 8. U.40 chs. to
llowurd's N. K. cor.; thence XV.
to 8.K. cor. of Mrs. Oram's .
land; thence N. to N.K. cor. of
said Mrs. tlrnnt's lund; thence
XV. to line of said U. I.. C:
Ihenco N. to beginning Hec. X,
T. 7 N'.. It. 9 XV.. 4M a, ri.,;
also, land in 8. of lllodgett
t. I.. C. 8. of land of Howard,
and N. and N.XV. of land of J.
A. Fulton, except tract sold for
cemetery, Sees. 3. 10, T. 7 N
K. XV., li.D2 acres; also, strip
ot land running entlro dlatanco
K. aid XX'. across land of How
ard and extending 8 fur enough
to Include H.33 lu res 8ec. 3, T.
7 N.. It 0 XV.. ;.ls 44 41
uriKlbury, Clement, N.K. ' of
N.XV. 14 lot 4. 8ec. II, T. t N
It. 10 XV., U K acres; N.K. l of
8.XV. t4, N.XV. 14 of 8.K.
14 Sec. i!2. T. 6 N., It. 10 XV.. Ml
acres; all of N.XV. (4 or 8. XV.
V4. less pint of ilrnilhury's Adill-'
tlon to Ocean Urovt, Bee. 22,
T. 6 N., R. 10 XV., 22 acres; N.XV.
V Hec. 27, T. 6 N., It 10, XV..
160 acres, M7.92 J7 W
Brandt, C, lots , 10, II, 12, 13, 14,
15, 18, blk. 8; lot I, blk. Iw, Hose
dale's Addition to the City of
Astoria, lsc 15 411
Braden, William, undivided U of H.
H of 8. XV. '4, 8. XV. of 8.B.
V4 Sec. 12. T. i N II. 7 XV.. 40
acres, 12.74 t tl
Brlx, Asmus, lots 1, 2. 7. I. blk. 100,
Adair's Kust Addition to As
toria, I21.2S 28 tl
Brown, j'eter, estate of, lots 14, 15,
block IS, Warrenton; lots 9, 10,
11, blk. It, Bktpanon Addition to
Astoria; lot 8, blk. 13, Bhlvely's
Astoria, I19.84 tl 00
Buck, Kllxabeth, lots 7, 8, blk. 129,
McClure's Astoria, as extended
by Cyrus Olney, 15.13 I 99
Burney, R. H., lot 1, blk. 29,
Alderbrook, First Addition to,
15.83 1 1)
Bush, W. H., lots 1, 2, E. 4 of
N.W. Bee. 80, T. 4 N., R.
W., 1IM.09 acres, 16.29 u 98
Burns, A. O., lot 11, blk 13, De
ment's Addition to the city of
Astoria, 17c . 41
Iluoll, Jane 8., lots 11, 12, blk. 20,
Laurel Park Addition, as re
corded by H. C. Thompson, 29e 1 13
Buchanan, Manlus, lot (, S.E. of
N.W. V4 Hoc 27. T. 4 N R.
W., 40 acres, 12.01 11 58
Butlor, Walter B lots 4, 7, Bee. 84,
T. 4 N., R. 8 W 42.85 acres;
lots 7. 8, N. V, of 8.W. 14 Bee.
85, T, 4 N R. 8 W 115.32
acres, 18..13 18 OS
Byrd, Bnrah L N, of N.W. X4
BC. II, T. 8 N R. 10 W., 80
acres, 14.01 9 24
Burke. B. C, lots 11, 12, blk. 139,
Bhlvely's Astoria, 128.81 81 88
Cass, Edward, N.W. V4 See, 10, T. I
N., R. w 160 acres, 16.42 18 12
Carson, Luella C, lota 13, IB, blk.
t, tlearhart Park, tklc J ts
Carlson, J0I111 l' XV, of 8.XV,
V 8eo, 94, T. N It. IU XV , Ml
acres, tit M II (a
Clinrmnn, Thotuaa, lot t, blk UW.
M.'t'liiis's Astoria, as extended
by Cyrus olney, U .ll i II
Clurk, John O , N.K. V, of 8 K. V
BBC. v; N. H of 8. XV, t N.XV,
l of 8 K. Vt 8ec. 31. T, N , ft.
7 XX" Psl acres, V4 U 51
Colntnlt, P, XV N, l of H XV t. XV,
4 of H K. 14 800. I, T. IN, II,
XV., likl acres, l!IM..,, 11 lit
(Vuk, II. n , lots 14. t.'s PI, 17, Is, I.
, HI, U M, J4. blk. 1; lota l Is,
17, blk. t; lots 11, 14, 15. IU. 17,
U. IS. 31, i'l iX 14, blk. 17;
lots It, 14. lit. Id, 7, IN IS, ru,
31, 1!. a, tl, I, Ik. 41; lois IS, :v.,
si. $i, us, 3. bik. 47: lot. a 11.
li, HI, U. IN blk 57: lots I. 1, 1,
IU II II. blk. si ; lots I. I.
I. 4. ts t, 7. s, , lo, 11, is. It, It.
15, la, 17, It, IS. SO. 31, SS. S3, 31,
blk. 37; N. X, of lot. 1. 3. 1, 4, ft.
, blk. M: lots U U U I,
K . I. II. 13, blk. 3", I'licirlc
Addition lo Asiurla, 13 U 140 4)
Craig, Ida II., lol 3, blk I. Olne).
Slltf 1 71
Crliu, I'. II., lol. I. 3. 3, blk. 0,
laurel 1'urk aibllllon, as re
corded by II. C. Thoiupson, 41c. (U
Cress, John M , trustee, N. 14 of
8 K. X, 8eo. II, N. If of 8 XX, I
8eo. 13. T N It. 7 XV., 1J
acres. 115,73 ti Ttl
Cress, John M . XV. V, of N.K. V.
K. l of N XV. I, 8eo. ?J, T,
N , It. 7. XV., I.'.7 acres; 8. t, of
8. K. t 800. T. 7 N , II. XV..
Ml acres: N. t of N K. X 8eo, 7,
T. 7 N It XV., 0) acies; N K.
X 800. IS, T. 7 N.. It. XV., 1
acres; XV. I, of 8 XV, t Hec. W.
T. 7 V.. It. XV,, SO acres; N.K.
X Hoc. 33. T. 7 N , It. XV.. lu
acres: 8. XV. t Hec, t T. N .
It. 7 XV., ISO acres; lol 7. s. .
MX 80c. 3, T. N , II. 7 XV., IM 73
acres; XX'. I, of N XV. V, Hec. 3d,
T. 7 N.. It. XV., m acres; 8 K
X, 80c JJ. T. 7 N.. II. XV.. Ida
sen's. 1 1 14 to lit b
Crlo, K. It., lot I lexcepl tract sold
10 A. olsen and N. J. lj-rson),
Hec. J4, T. I N.. It. XX ., 3
acres, 77c I Ju
Craeii, Frank 8., N l of 8 11 V
N.K. I, of 8 XV. X,, UK.
1, of N XV. V, H. c. X T. N .
It 7 XV.. imi acres. I7..V 34 Tl
Copping. Puvld. lots It, IJ, IS, 7.
blk. ST. tract 3, Olnry's addition
lo Astoria, as btld out anil re
corded by Hustler and Aiken.
executors. U IJ I 40
Dalrymplo. Ida, utul t( lot 4. ,ik
4, Hustler's Aslorlu, as laid out
and re,-orded ly Astoria Invest
ment Co., 17c 2 ti
DarHus. O. U. lot. I. 3. 3. 4, ft. ,
7. . I. 10, II. 13. blk. 14. raclftu
addition to Asiurla. 3c It M
Dement. J. C. lot. 4. ft, 10, blk. 31.
D nfs addition lo th. city of
A. -V IV 7
Dillon, ,-try, eaiat. of, lot 7, blk.
3. M. ' lure's Astoria, in 34 SU
Dounrj, Michael, 8 K. X, 8ec. t, T.
7 N.. K. I W , lo acre. 13 . 11 A
Uonuhoe. V. It, lol. 7, 8, 9. 10, II. 13. :
blk 7. Columbia Hecond addition
to Astona; also 8 XV. t, of 8. XV.
W He?, I T. 7 N., It 9 W., 40
acres, H ts H
Douihark. A. N . lots 1. 3. t 1
blk. I, Hustler's Astoria, sjtlsl.1
out and recorded by Astoria la
vsttneni Cu, Uc tIT
Dow. C. A. lot. IS, 31. 72. blk. 36.
1'ro.pect Park Kxtrnln :a Wl
Hon to Astoria. c,.' Iff
Dunkln, John B . XV. S of 8.W. V4
8ec. ax. T. I N., It t1 W;. lu
acres. 10 -, j y
Krvglarkl, C. O . lot.Jl. 13. blk. t,
Hklpanun addition la Astoria,
.' .114
Knalg. Rllsabeth, lot. 1. t 3, blk.
3. Columbia Second addition to
Astoria, lie 1 73
Evans C. It., und. V lots 7, t, 10,
IL 11, II 14. 15. sur.llvl.lon of
blk. 72, Hhlvely s Astoria. IV M . 1: ft
Evans. Mrs. Jeanelte, lot Is, blk :
lots 33. 34. blk. I, Hallway addi
tion lo Astoria, 44c
Fair. II. H. lot t, blk. 34. First ad
dition to Alderbrook. tlW 01
Karrur, Isalxd C, lois 1. 2, 3. 4. ft.
. 7, , 9. 10, li. it blk . I'acltlo
addition to Aslorta. ?Jc 19 90
Feldman, I... und. X( lot 11, big. I,
Flavel Center, as laid out hy
W. K. XX'arren, fs; 1.
Fisher, J. J trustee, ;uts IS. Is. 17.
27, 51. 39. SO, tract I. blk. 37, of
Olnry's addition to Astoria, as
laid out and recorded by llu.
tier Aiken, executors: lots IX
13, 29, lu. SI. tract 2, subdivision
Of block 37 of Olney's addition
to Astoria, as laid out anl re
coiled by Hustler A Aiken, ex
culors, 36.40 24 su
Flshrr, J. J , und. , lot. T. . 10.
11. ."' 13. 14. 15, l sursllvlslon
of Sk, 72. Bhlvely's Astoria;
und. H lots I, t, I. 4. 5, a. 7, ,
9. 10, II, 12, 13, II. blk. ; und. H
lota 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, , 7, 8, 9. 10, II,
12, 13. It, blk 7: und. 14 lol. 1. 2,
5. 4, 6, , 7. I. 9, 10, II, 12, IJ, 14,
blk. 14: und. X4 lot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6.
6. 7, blk. 15: und. M, lot. 1. j, s,
4, 5. I, blk. 16, Itlversld. addi
tion to Astoria, ts.44 PC 53
Fisher, I. II., lois 2, 3, 4, 5, , blk.
41, Pacific add'n. to Astoria, 7o. t 18
Flsk. XV. II., lot 17, tract 1, suit
division of blk. 20, Olney's addi
tion to Aslorta, as laid out and
recorded by Hustler A Aiken,
executor. 56o t 2!
Flnley, John, lots 3, 4, tract t, sub
division of blk. 14. Olney's addi
tion lo Astoria, as laid out and
recorded by Hustler ft Alknn,
executors: lot 5, blk. 37, Mc
t'lure's Astoria; lots 1. 2, I, Mk.
6, Sklpanon addition to Astoria:
und. of N.K. 14 of 8.E. t, Hec.
1. T. 7 N., R. 7 XV., 20 acres;
N.XV. ht of N.K. ,u N. 4 of
N.XV. t and 8. XV. 800 14. T.
7 N., It. I XX'., 2ao ueros: N.K. X,
of N.K. 14 and W. X4 of XV, V
Bee. 13, T. 7 N R. 8 XV.,
acres, 141.62 on m
Flnley, Juliu s, 8.E. X4 8eo. 12, T,
s. II. 8 XX., 111 acres. 19.113 17 45
Ford, h. V., una (4 lot 11, tract 2,
sunuivision ot blk. 20, Olnoy's
addition to Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by Hustler ok
Aiken,, executors. Tjc.,. tin
r oiKman. A. v.. und. ft lots ft, 8,
Dig. 83, McClure's Astoria, as
extended ny Cyrus Oluov. 17.911.. 11 u
jroiKmun, uertha, und. 4 lots 6, ,
oik. su, Mcciuros Astoria, as
extended ny t'yrus Olney. Ik.oi.. 11 as
roots, Angus, lot 4, Hec. 18, T. 7 N.,
il. w., 16.40 acres, 11 0
Futtrup, Nels, lot 18, subdivision
of blk, 11, AdHB-'l Astoria. II 116 1 im
Gentry, 8. A., lota 17, 18, blk. t,
Astoria, a laid out and record
ed y M. J". Klnnev. 2o s th
Ollbrsalh, James, lot 12, blk. I,
uena'ni s auuttlon to til. city of
Astoria, 17o 9 u
OlasBi.l, Annie, heir of, N.E. ,4 of
n.w. iota 1, x, t, 4, gc. 21, T.
7 N R. I W., 160 acres. 111.19.. 16 f
Olover, Frank, B.W. X4 of 8.W. 14
poo. et, ,w. Va or .w. V4, N.W.
Of 8.VV. 14 8.0. 82, T. J N R.
7 W 100 acres. 19.63 22
Qoff, M. A., und. lota 1, 2, I, 4,
0, 0, I, 0, V, 10, 11, 12, u, 14, ,(,
6; und. y, lots 1, 2, t, 4, 6, 8, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 14; und.
tt lots 1, 1, I. 4, 6, 6, 7, blk. 16;
und. V, lots 1, 2, t, 4, 6, 6, blk. 16,
Riverside addition to Astoria;
und. H of lots 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 16, 16, subdivision of blk. 72,
Bhlvely's Astoria, 17.61 it u
Araham, John A., lots 4, 8, 6, blk.
9; lots 1, 2, blk. 21, Alderbrook,
83381 41 tu
OnNiam, James, lots 8, 4, 6, 6, blk 8,
young s addition to Alderbrook,
5" 7 17
dray, W. II., estate of, lot 8, blk.
84, 'McClure's Astoria, IS a 94
Grimes. G. K., lot. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, blk.
2, Railway addition to Ocean
Grow 94c 12 47
Grimes, C C, begin In county road
fc. "be 8. and 8C.60 chs. E. of
N XV, cor. of Hoc. 10, tliene K.
M.78 chs , N. 15 oils.. XV, 14 chs ,
8, t It chs , 8 sT XV, 33,(6 li.
to county road: l(. I ' chs., 8.
II Ml eh... In U.glnnlng, oxepl
36 acre, sold lo C, II. Hliaip, a.
per Vol, "," I'sg HO. of
iveds, 800, UV T. N , II. 10
XX'., S acres, HIM
tlross, XVm. II., Archbishop of Ore
gon, besln l 8 XV, cor. of Hoc.
SI. N. X3 Ms , IC, 36 ids,. 8 ti
nls, XV. 36 rds. lo beginning,
Hoc. 31. T 6 N i It 7 W.. ,
acres, 3lo
lluluoun, Thomas, lois I. H 7. II.
blk. 3. IjiuioI Park u.ldlilon, s.
i'oeorlsl by II. C. ThtMiipsoit.
(lalhruolh, James, lol , blk 4, Co
lumbia aildltlon to Aslorta, l'i .
Hunnlug, Jbn M , lot 36, blk k
Aslor addition to Astoria. Sc.,,.
Hall, Chnrlotle J , lt 7, blk. II.
18 It
I 41
I It
I 97
XVnrrenliin: lota M. 81. blk I"'.
Taylor's Asiotla; lot II subdivi
sion of blk. 84, HliHoly's As-
torla. 11 sl ,, Milton K , lot 4, K. W of
N XV. t Hoc. 38. T. 4 N , It 8
XV. , P g acres, t If 18 IT
Hanson. Charles, 8 W of B.W, X
He.- II. N, X, of N XV V, 800.
14, T. I N . It 10 XV , l sores,
tsio 14 7
Hansen, Karen, lots I, J. 3, 4, . s,
7. N blk. 3: bits I, 3, 8. 4. ft, a, 7,
8. blk. 9: lots UUUlt
blk. IS: lots I. I 3. 4, ft. , J. I.
blk. !, Wllllamsport. 8s. 63 Ml
Haradcn. C II, lots Is. 3t. 31. 13. 33.
SI. blk ; lots 16. is, 17. is. I,lk.
8. of Flavel Center, as laid out
by XV. tl Howell. II II 17 Tl
Hutch. II. XV , und V lots I, 3, ,'
4. blk. ft. Hustler's Asiotla. as
laid oul and recorded by Ihe
AslorU Imcstineiil t'u, 3' 8 18
lis o. K. It, lot I, blk i. Mo.
Clure's A toi ls, ss n tended by
Cyrus Ol.iey, Hus; H9
lleuitrtckseri. olor, und 'a lol In.
r, iion, o 0. tm: 11 to
llrnse, Frank, lots 3. 4, blk l.-t.
More Ann A.lnlr'a Mouth U'l'll-
lion lo the l'ort of I'pper As-
lorlu. Mo
Hosier, John C , lol 3, 8 K of
I 34
19 01
I 48
30 81
I a
1 11
1 a
4 84
N.XV X, lot 1. K S ' 4
80c. 7, T 7 N
acres, 110 SO
Illll. XVinnlo A , lot li, LIS XI. la
ment's addition to the city of
Astoria. ITc
Hill. C, N XV I, 8ec i:, T 6 N.
It 6 XV.. IB, acres. 112 M .
Illll. Mrs. I. lot i. Ilk vs. Van
Dusen's Astoria, IV .
HisiiK-r, C K. . Ion II. IS. blk t.
ttlverslilo udd.n lo Astoria, v.
Hoosornan, ltoa. lots 1, r1. XI. 33,
S3, blk. 9. I'luisop tltove. ax, ...
Houseman. Fred. N S of lots ft
and 8, N'ocanlcum tltove, 9v ..
Hughe. J. M . lot V, blk. 3A.
Hill's Flrsl addition to Astoria.
83 17
Ilungate. Charles A, lots I. 1 8. 4.
ft, , 7, S, . Id. II. i:. 11. It, 15. IS,
17, l. 1. l. 31. 33. S3. 34. 36, 38.
37. a. 30. SO. 31. f . U. 34. sub
division of blk. ff. Adslt'a As
toria; lol , 10, D. blk X. Iau
re Park addlllog. as recorded
by II C. Thompsan: urul V lots
1. t. t, 4. 8, 8, 1, I. I, lo. II, 11 IJ,
14. 16, Is. 7, IB. It, , II. 3t blk
19. I'msfXex r J'ork addition to
Aslorta; lot. i. 2, t. 4, ft. 4, 1. ft.
9. 10. II. It IS. 14. Ift. 14. 17. 18, II.
t. Tl. 31. blk. 1; lot I. 8. 8. 4. ft.
. T. 8. 9. It, 11. 13, IS. 14. Ift. 14.
IT, 19, I. I. ft. 3t blk I. VVsJh
rngron addition to Astoria, lift 30 171 41
llulrherofl. O. T.. lot 1, blk. I.
Chslsea .dtaltvlsloti tract No. L
Ingram. J. A.. Iota I, I blk. IX.
Hallway addition to Aaton. 20
Inno Frank M. XV. x of UK V,
Her. .-yr. s rtf if K. t 8e,v a.
T. 4 N . It. XV., 10 acre. IB 41
Jake, Frank W lot U, blk. Hi,
Taylor'. Astoria. Jo
JefTertea, J. M . lol 39. blk. SO, Hill's
First addition to Astoria. 17c...
Jensen. Alex., lol 8, Dec. I. T. 6 ft..
It. T XV., II acres, Kit
Johnson. II. lots r, 38, tract I,
utslivlslon of blk 37, Olnry's
addition to Astoria, a laid out
and recorded by Hustler 81
Aiken, executors, II ot
Johnsim. 8 J . bus I. L 1 I blk 66,
llosnlal addlilon 10 the city uf
Astoria, be
Johnson. Adoliih. lot 3. blk I. Mori
wether iKiwns addition 10 As
toria, 60 ,
Johnsim, Hannah M A . lots I. 1.
blk. 1, Meriwether Imans aj.ll
Hon to Asiurla. lie
Johsnsnn, A., 8 XV. 14 Hoc 8, T 7
N.. It. I XV.. pl acres, i ...
Jones. Ilee. lot 9, 10, II. J. IJ, 14,
16, 18, blk. S, Itoaedule addition
lo th city of Asturlu. is,-
Jordan. Peter, lot 10, blk 9. XX sr
ronton. 13.64
I 90
I 44
i M
4 12
II 91
8 B
30 o
John. Peter, lots I. 1 n,t i,,l
land fromlng I hereon, Hec. I
T. 8 N , It I W 7316 acres.
113 S3
Keenan, Fnsl U, lot I. hlk 3. As
toria, as laid out and recorded
by Martin Foard. ITc
Kohoe. Joseph. K. 4 of K. of
8 K, X, except that portion on
8. sldn of county road. Hec II
T. 7 N , It. 9 XV.. 23 acres, l
Kendo, I K., lots I, I, 3. I, 6 8, 7
, 9. 10. II, 12, j, 4, j, ), , ,,;
19. 31. 33, 33, 24, blk. II. North
PaclDo ad, mi, rn to Astoria, ,'i6c
Kemler. 1) . lots 9, in. Mk, in, I-caiI-ay
addition lu Astoria, 29e ...
Kottney. J. J., lots 6, 13, II, blk. I3,
McClure's Astoria, ss extended
by Cyrus Olney, .',.9t
Kinney, M. J lots I, 2. 7. hlk. I,
McClum'a Astoria; K. 26 ft. lot
2. nil lota 5. 11, K. S lot 18 and
XV. 31 S ft. lot IS, hlk. 68; lol. i
U 13. 14, blk. 61. MoClurt.'. As'
lorlu, as extended hy Cyrus Ol
ney; also, begin on XV. lino uf
blks. 1 nnd PI, McClure's As
torla. In center of First st.. XV.
too ft., N. to ship's channel of
Columbia river, K, sou ft., (,,
said XV. lino of said hlks. 1 and
16, projected N Ihenes 8. lo
Isglnnlng, except XV. 100 ft. of
aid tract deeded to railroad
subsidy, as per vol, 31 of deeds,
page 60, 1718.66
38 17
I 90
10 87
769 81
Kinney, August C lot 1, Hoc 10.
1. 8 N., It XX., except I acres
as per vol. lo. page 3V7. of ded
24.72 acres; part of lot. 6 and
6, in N.K. (4 See. 21, T. I N., It.
9 XV., 20 acres; ulso, begin 1 19
chs. N. of H K. cor. of Hoc. 22
thence XV. 7.87 chs., 8. 6 19 chs '
to Bee. line; W. 21.13 ch N ')
chs., W. 8 chs., lo XV, line of
B K. X4; N. 10 chs, K. 10 chs., N
10 chs., lo N. line of S.E. V4: K
30 chs. lo V4 post, B. to beglni
nlng, except tract as por vol
27, page 44; also except N.K
Xi of N.E, !4, as per vol. so
page 809, of deeds, sold to W,
C. Bmllh; also excepting 4
acres, as per vol. 82, put0 62,
of deeds, sold to Walkor, Hec
22. T. 8 N R. 9 W 86 acre.;
the N. of N.W. 14 of 8.W.
U. and land In J w u ,.t a ...
X4 8c. 23, T. I N., n. I W., 40
acres; 166.40.,,,:
Kinney, Jane, begin at N.wi'oor
of lot I, Bee. 24, thtmre 8. 69'
80', E. 18.68 ch., to a point 1 75
chs. W. of E. line of said lot
2; N. 12.27 chs. to N. line of
B.W. X4. E. 6.7ft cha to oenter of
said Boo.; N. 20 chs, K. 1S.6J
chs., to outer harbor line- N
3 15' W. 1.607 ft, N. 60' w'.
81 17
Notice Is hereby eiven ih.t .
the 2th day of Juno, A. D. lieio. a ,h,
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of sw day, in
front of and at the court houso door In
the city of Astoria, in .ni,, '"1
state, I Bhnll proceed to sell tho above-
... ...rr in,, ai puhiio auction
to the highest nlddor for cash in Untied
States gold coin at time r
to rodemptlon, to satisfy the warrant
costs and all accruing costs
(Hlgned.) JAMKB W. HARE
Bhorlff of Clatsop County and eg-Olficio