The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 17, 1896, Image 4

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THE npn
and nth St.
Beaver Hill (T A I
and Gilman VUAb
rt Family w fMeam Partm f.. I
clean. kkahonalb im rnirs .. Iiy ll,0
ELMORE. SANBORN A CO. Afents. Astoria.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mips oa application.
If you will look into tile situation you will soe that
is tho cream of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole projosition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x10). Prices range from $150
to $2o0 each, bold on installments. Terms to suit. Save ;
,, change ... tay . la, is WARRENTON
A Beautiful Addition on the
West Side.
Land &
Bond Street..,
Astoria, Or.
New Astoria...
located at the terminus of the Astoria anl
Columbia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay; therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the great Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting: Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
Mew Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
Aa offlc hu bean opened by th pro
prietor, one door east of th Crosby
hardware .tore. Call, be shown th.
merit of this property, and Invest
The New Astoria Company M!rtSrL
Mr. Oppenhelmer, of the Crosby .tore
took hi family to Seaside yesterday,
where he will leave them at MoUutre'a
Hotel for the lummer. .
It Is wise for the growing girl not to
make herself up for a young lady too
soon; she will have longer to be old
than .he will to be young.
A knack with plants la possessed by
few, some women acting aa regular
hoodoos to the most vigorous plants,
no matter what attention they pay to
Reports from up-river yesterday af
ternoon stated that more fish were be
ing caught In the vicinity of Clifton
than the canneries there could possibly
Small boys last evening, with Urge
bombs, attempted a little fun by mak
ing an effort to scare th militia. But
after firing two shots they gave up In
Mr. R. L. Boyle left last evening for
Dr. Ilrooke, the fort surgeon, who ha
been sick for a long time, went direct
to Philadelphia last night on a vacation.
Everything on the west side Is live
ly, and Indicate that there is no slow
ness on the part of Contractors Corey
Brother. The spur track to ,the new
dock Is almost completed, and the doek
Itself will soon be lu readiness to re
ceive the new rails If piles are received
fast enough. Mr. Wnttts says that af
ter next week the Iron can come along
as fast as it wants to. Everything
looks prosperous at Flavel. and the I
Urge maount of clearing being done
on the land Is making a decided change
In the appearance of thing..
A Broken Reservoir Onuses Los
Life and Property.
The full program for the concert to
be given In aid of the firemen's tourna
ment Is not Quite ready for publication,
but sufficient Is known to guarantee a
treat to all lovers of music In Astoria.
Among other features of the evening
will be the magnificent solo, "Krnanl
Involaml," by Verdi, which will be
Haker City, or.. Juno H -About 11
o'clock last night the reservoir at the
head of tloodrlch creek, sixteen mile,
west of this city, covering an area of
about slxiy-flve acres and ranging In
depth from thirty to fifty feet, broke
away and the waters rushed down
(oodrich eiei k, tin nee to Tine creek,
and Into the I'owder river valley.
! About five miles down fine creek stood
j the farm house of Lloyd It, French
i and his wife and their five children.
four dauKhters and one son, ranging
In age from one to twelve year. The
! waters completely engulfed the mem
bers of the unfortunate family, who
Here asleep, and their dead bodies Were
not recovered until this morning. All
farm In the course of the torrent were
submerged, and the damage done to
their grain fields was great.
lie foig it t, Mention lt.--tlreiie-" .
"Say I That holgtm I bought of you
blew Into ten thousand piece th first
lime I fired It off. j,,,, , now j
ever got off alive." (lunsel "Oh. ye
i torgot to It-ll you. You have heard
01 mose new disappearing guns the
government I getting? Well, that was
ono of them."-Indianapolis Journal.
a ten days" trip to Idaho In the Inter- I un"r b' Madame Flnck In her Intmlta-
esta of Astoria. While in that part of
the country he will look after his
agencies and establish new ones.
ble style. She will sing it a she did
In Paris under Vlardot tlarcla and I
Marchesl. The press notices of Mar
ame Finck'a rendition of this famous
The opening at the Louvre Saturday ! operatic treasure are most flattering
night promises to be one of the most
largely attended ever given In the city.
Mr. Erickson will spare no pains to
make the event a memorable one.
Mr. Alex Sutton called al the Asto
rlan otfle last night and stated that
the affidavit published In an evening
paper yesterday, signed by tiust. Snugg
Is absolutely false; that he did not
Something New...
Children' and Youth's Steel
Shod Shoes, all 5Ueand Styles
W. also carry a fin Una of ladle" and
men's shoes, from the best to th lowest
rellabl goods. All good warranted Just
aa represented.
f! Commercial Street.
Pillar Rock, are visiting friend in this
W. H. Leroy. Ilwaco, and C. F. Blake,
Portland, are registered at the Hotel
August tnesson Has issued very
handsome invitations to his opening,
June 20th.
Local weather for the 24 hours end
ing at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by
th. United States Department of Agri
culture, Weather Bureau.
Maximum temperature, 63 degrees.
Minimum tetnperatur., M degrees.
Precipitation, cone.
Total precipitation from September
1st. 1895, to date, 77.08 inches.
Excess of precipitation from Septem
ber 1st, 18.15, to date, 8.U Inches. 1
i Forecast-Far Wsuhittfc-ton and Ore
gon, fair weather, warmer.
fitlll let my song a nobler not assume,
And sing th' infuslva force of spring
on man. - Thompson.
. Cream, Cream, cream Who knows
the value of cream in the kitchen and
on the table. Fresh separator cream
a production of our county, for sale
in suitable and handy pint jars ati
Foard & Stokes Co.
All is quiet on the Potomac.
Strawberries today and fresh Oregon
vegetables every day at Pacific Com
mission Co.
Mr. T. M. Lighter, the organist of
Trinity church, Portland, Is in the city
visiting friends.
Mr. 8weeney's challenge may result
in an exciting race during the regatta
should there be one.
25c a roll for choice dairy butter. A
large consignment Just received at Pa
cific Commission Co. ,
The Congregational church 8unday
school will give an excursion and picnic
to Flavel on July 5th.
New 20th Century tan lacs shoes for
ladles. ColumbU Shoe Co., successors
to Copeland & Thorsen.
Manager Johnson, of the Western
Union, will today receive a new duplex
instrument for his office
l .
Chief Engineer Evans, of the steamer ,
Telephone, met with a sad bereave- i
ment Monday, In the loss of his six-
year-old boy, who died from diphtheria, j
The little fellow was a favorite with
all who knew him. 1
The small boy is enjoying his vaca
tion, lesieruay morning quite a num-: hav., any uth conversation at the time
ber of youngster clad In nature's gar- mentioned, with that gentleman; that
ments were in swimming and rolling ; at no me dll! h, , Rn. mnnney refer
In the mud off the netrack at the I to any rU or -inmlie" that was to
Occident cannery. ! u.i for . compromise, nor did he
I have knowledge of any such scheme
' and that he is and has been in fuvor of
a compromise, but has taken no part
in the controversy one way or the oth-
and at no time was he approached
by any cannerymcn on the subject of
i ine smite ana nan nnu no converouuiui
The presence ot the militia again i wlth any of ,hem l,hln month."
brought up many reminiscences, among ! "
those who have seen stirring events In ! A S"k ltt"t v,'nln" on
the past And the man who.could re- j one of ,he "entries at the militia camp,
fer to the greatest number always com-! In ,he dusk of the rVvni"- nd Just f"j
manded an audience. I ,er alJ1e had been ordered out, the
picket on duty thought he recognized
I one. of the soldiers approaching, and
I challenged him, with a question why he
was out at that time of the night.
! The man did not give a satisfac tory re-
thorough sportsman. The challenge ply. o the picket grapped him by the
comes through Captain Johnson, of ,' collar and twk Mm before the officer
Brown A McCabe's office. I or. duly. The arrested soldier, after
getting into the Ump light, quietly re
marked to the officer: "Toq ha1 better
kxik at my buttons before putting me
in the guardhouse." It was thn found
that the one who was thought to be
an offender was one of Uncle Sam's
regulars on bis way from Fort Canby
a most
Mr. E. S. Sweeney, of Seattle, owner
of the yacht Aggie, has offered to race
the Jessie for 11000 to $5000. Mr. Swee
ney is a young man of means and a
One of Astoria's most esteemed clti-
sens and county officers was treated
in a shamefully disrespectful manner
by a crowd of fishermen yesterday af
ternoon. The Union should not b held
responsible for the acts of all of lu
members, but such occurrences as that j to Fan Francisco, who was takitg
Tbe militia is
house square.
in clover, on custom
The First Regiment, O. N. G., Is a
credit to the state.
Sweet Cream that is cream, 15c per
pint, at C. B. Smith's.
Sweet cream 10c pint Astoria Cream
ery, No. 451 Duane street.
M. Campbell, Deep River, was In
from the country yesterday.
The buglers make the welkin ring,
when, their efforts are united.
The Oregon City boys were late but
they got here Just the same.
Fresh strawberries every morning at
lowest market price. C. B. Smith.
The slender woman is the one who
looks best in this season's gowns.
It Is questioned whether there will be
a Fourth of July In Astoria in 1898.
Mrs. R. L. Boyle and family, are vis
iting with the old folks on Deep River.
The finest separator cream in the
city at bedrock prices at C. B. Smith's.
Judge McGulre, of Seaside, went to
Portland last night on a business trip.
Charles Turner and John Lewis, of
Fort Stevens, spent yesterday in the
Mrs. Samuel Oliver and daughter, of
The London Graphic pfcttir of the
royal navy In Captain Johnson's office
has attracted much attention.
The black sailor hats with white
bands are Just the essence of style for
tbe woman H half mourning.
The smouldering fires that ar fre-
ituenuy noticed along the street are
evlednces that summer is with us
The stores deposited at the camp
yesterday denote that the boys do not
intend to go hungry, fish or no fish.
Go to the Spa for your candies and
ice cream. The only first-class place
in town. Crushed fruits always on
Some of Astoria's citizens are sadly
at sea in military matters, but they
wouldn't have you think it for the
The frame work of the Hotel FlavM
is well under way, arid a large force of
men are at work on the big dock at
that place.
fi. .
..ere was but one topic of conver
sation yesterday, and that was dis
cussed by all classes, in all places and
at all times.
Ice cream by the bushel at C B
Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty!
Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com
mercial street.
A 50 foot lot with good business house
on Commercial street renting for 185
per month, for J9,500 on easy terms. R.
L Boyle & Co.
P. S. Chappelle, San Francisco, C.
O. Lappeus, L. c. Pease, and A. G.
Long, of Portland, were guests at the
Occident yesterday.
above mentioned, tend to prejudice the sights. The mi.tak. was
many reasonable thinking people.
It leaked out yesterday evening that
one of th managers at the H. F.
Prael Company, teamsters, had been
arrestvd on complaint of E. L. Rector,
of th& Astor House, for blockading the
street in front of the hotel. Bond
were fixed at )10, and it waa astertaln
ed later that the friends of the gentle
man had no difficulty in raising the
The officer of the Telephone yester
day afternoon reported a large quan
tity of salmon brought down from the
up-river canneries, which were deliver
ed to George & Barker and Hanthorn.
They Said that Hume's and Eureka
had so many fish they were obliged to
send some of them here. The up-river
canneries are running to their full ca
pacity. Mr. Eugene Samuel, agent for the
Equitable Life Insurance Company, ar
rived down from Portland yesterday
morning and spent the day In this city. J
Mr. Samuel has a host of friends here
and was very busy all day renewing
acquaintances. He reports business in
his line as being excellent He will
leave Portland shortly with his wife
for Boise, Idaho, where he will remain
for several months.
A man by the name of Nellson was
arrested yesterday afternoon on Astor
street by Captain Hallock, who expe
rienced some difficulty In getting him
to the station. The man refused to
go along until Attorney Curtis went
with him, and then attempted several
times to strike Mr. Curtis and several
others. It is thought the man is either
crazy or that it is a case of snakes.
natural one, a the uniform of th
regular and the Oregon militia are al
most identical.
The lobby of the postofflce presented
a novel sight yesterday afternoon,
when the first duties of pitching tents
and furnishing them had been perform
ed. The boy were writing home, some
to their mother, others to their wives,
and those who had sweethearts did
not forget them. The writing desk,
the registry department shelf, the win
dow where stamps are delivered, and
even the rest below the boxes, not to
mention the windows, were filled with
the soldier boys' letters, where the
writers elbowing each other, accompan
ied their attitude to the position of
the desk on which they happened to
write. The first comers made a pre
tence of style, with pen, ink and suita
ble paper; next were the boys writing
with Indelllble pencil on note paper
which was plastered against the wall,
while the unmarried youths struck a
romantic devotional attitude on one
knee and scribbled away with an ordi
nary pencil on a postal card.
In the Spring a young man's fnncy
lightly turns to thought of DeWltfs
Little Early Risers, for they always
cleans th liver, purify the blood and
invigorate the system. Chas. Rogers.
The Potter yesterday afternoon
through the kindness of Agent Louns
berry, carried a large number of la
dles and gentlemen to Ilwaco, on Its
trip to bring the two artillery com
panies from Fort Canby, who are re
lieved by the company which came
Sunday. The two companies leave for
San Francisco on this morning's steam
er. Agent Lounsberry's guests enjoyed
a fine trip, the weather being perfect
Highest Honors World's Fa!r,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
!y Florence Hall.
The right to vote and the rltfht to
hold property both originally depended
on the ability to right.
A few day ago at a meeting of the
opponent of equal suffrage In New
York, the statement was once more
made that women should not be allow
ed to vote because they cannot fight.
Tli's argunn nt ha Ix eii used many
times and refuted many times, but, like
other fallacies. It die hard.
It is a survival from the days when
flKhtlng was the most honorable calling
in life, when it was the main business
for noblemen and even fr kings. Thnt
it should still urvle In our own peace
ful and Industrial age. when the ef
fort ot civHIiid imtnkind Is to prevent
wars, whether public or prlate, la one
of those anomalli which can only le
explained by the f.u t that e are all
of us, more or less. Inconsistent.
If the ability to fight Is to be the
test of the abllliy to vote, then the
ballot should only be given to men
within the fighting age namely, from
IS tu to or 45 years. This would de
prive us of th wise counsels of the
men over 43 years of age. a depriva
tion which could 111 afford.
The Idea that the ballot Cannot be
given to women because they are not
fighters is a survival of feudalism, of
a military age and cast of thought.
But In feudal times the right to hold
property also depended upon the abil
ity to fight for It. The feudal lord
hell their estates directly from th
king, and, In lieu of rent, they did mil
itary svrvic, Th.y agreed to provide
thtir royal master with a certain num
ber of fighting men In tlm of war,
each lord appearing at the head of hi
little army unless disabled by age or
Infirmity. But In order to provide the
required quota of soldiers, each earl
or baron called upon those next be
neath him In rank, who held their
lands from him and in their turn rais
ed a band of fighting men. In a word,
the title to real estate was given to
him who could fight In hi own per
son and In those of his followers. Yet
even in these days, women sometimes
held lands and were allowed to send
If anyone now should attempt to say
that women could not hold property
because they could not fight, nor bring
a band of fighting followers Into the
neid, everyone would say "What anti
quated rubbish Is this? Everyone'
property is defended by the police and
In ruse of need by the army." And
yet those who pride themselves upon
their logic, solemnly tell us that wom
en must not vote because the vote, In
a by-gne military age, depended upon
the ability to fight.
Ho slowly, and so hard do old Ideals,
that have long ago lost their force and
meaning, die out of the thoughts of
The U. S. Oov't Kcports
Bhow Royal Raking Powder
iapcrtor to mil other.
SmWoii Sea Salt for bntlm at
the hstt'8-i "rain Iniir Store.
lOo and So per paekajrel
loung uiotnvr urestl th. summer
months on account of th great mortality
among chll.lrvn canard by bowsl trou
bles. I'erfect safety may Ik asaursd
tho who keep on hand 1Wiii'b Collo
Cholera Cure, and admlnlsisr It
promptly. For cramps, bilious colic, ls-
.ntery and diarrhoea. It afford In.tant
roller. I'hua. Itugvr.
Ersrma I a frightful sffllcilon. but Ilk.
all other .kin disease it can tw perms
n.ntiy cured by applications of lVWItt
Witch Hasel Halve. It never fail, to
cur file. Cha.
On Minut I th standard time, and
On kllnu. Coush Cur is th stamlarn
preparation for every form at rough or
cold. It la th only harmbu re in ..I y
that produce Immediate result. Chs.
Th best chemical compound (or wash
ing powder la ' Soap Koain. ' as it will
not "yellow th rloihra," nor burn the
hands. It's the finest tblng in th orld
for th bath. On trial will convince
Moony I th loading tailor, snd psya
th highest rash price for fur (kin.
Vm Weljfoot Corn Cure. No
cure no pay. For sale at Km-tes-Craiii
Inijr Store.
tth a steamer berth
juet room enough for
g. Henri
rone of our lilt telescope, satchels
and not near enough for the
ordinary trunk. Hence, a atch
i I a necessity If you'ro going
on a sea voyage.
Tiff i u r t nt'
Our Urn 'nek of Men's, l4eb',;VllMc' nT
Children (iliuet Mill be
uulll July til, InsI, without tMirve. New It
)utir opiitHunitr lo get estrthm ro0
snd reli.lil. fur your money. u
e fuini'elirtl lu room ttr
SovOa uolered frwiu re'lern
luenufketurer, slid
Ukw Is IrsnitL
584 Commercial St. inHii.,iiiuor
Emil Schacht
GEO. NICOLL. Assistant.
Iopp's Nlcw Brewery
Open vary day from I o'clock to I Mr
and 1:10 la 1:10 p. m.
Subscription rats M per annum.
Clonks itnJ Suits imiJc to Order or
ready iniiJc nt (he
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years th Standard.
The following unclaimed letters were
advertised at the Astoria postoffice on
June, 18M:
Barry, C. It. Bentley, W. H.
Uutlerlch, Vlncent.Cannlng, J. Q,
Carantlno, Stofnno.C'ressy, A.
Faber, C. Hanallam, Eva
Herrlngton, Edw. Hendrlckaon. Lars
Marcotte, Itev. H. MoCarly. D. H.
I'lllman, W. L. Potter, Oeorge H.
Kayner, Harry. Bolllnl, Plo.
Telleson, Wm.' Walker, Jas.
Wagner, D. Wllker J. B.
Asplund, Peter E.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
Additional postage of one cent for each
letter advertised Is charged.
Clatsop County, Htate. of Oregon.
here, on the :7lh day of May,
1M. Esther Loire, Jack Lambert
Adolph Guolnage and Ham Mellandt
wer waylaid and murdered near Cath
lamet Head (two miles below Clifton),
In Clatsop county, Oregon.
Now. therefore, Clatsop county here
by offer the following reward of
for Information that will lead to the
arrest or conviction of the person or
persons who murdered said parties.
Raid reward will be paid aa follows:
Five Hundred (1500) dollars will be paid
for Information that will cause the ar
rest and conviction of any one of the
gang of murderers, and
Five hundred (500) will be paid for
Information thnt will cause the arrest
and conviction of the balance of the
persons committing said crime.
Astoria, Oregon, June 10, 1894.
J. H. D. GRAY,
County Judge, Clatsop County, Or.
Notice 1 hereby given to all parties
holding Clatsop county warrant In
dorsed prior to July 1, 1H94. to present
the same to the county treasurer for
payment, as Interest will cease from
this date.
Dated the 15th day of June, A, D.
18W. B. L. WARD,
Treasurer of Clatsop Co., Or.
Ladle' Tailors.
Most Mevlng Teals tor Rent.
Car. Tenttt as Be4 5lree.
WANTEI-Wtuatlon by Jsnune.;
any kind; moderate wage. Address T,.
WANTED A dressmaker would Ilk
som sewing by th. day. Address Uo rt
WANTED Three unfurntahtd rn.ttn.
for light housekeeping. "K."
WANTED fllluailon by
book-keeper. Addreas B. Astorlan offlue.
WANTED To Hent-A houae of ali or.
sovon rooms, rantrally located. Address.
J., Astorlan office.
WANTED By house twentr
landing, lady or gentleman, willing to
learn our business, then to travel, or to
do ofllc work. Salary, fctOO.OO. Encloses
self-addressed stamped envelop to a
TELDKR, Manag.r, car Dally Al
FOR BALE Th rerr.ll property. oor.
ner of Exchang and 1U etreeta. pre
HKO. W. C., ,71 Bond etre.t,
Sealed proposals will be received by
the undersigned until noon of June 18
at the office of the Astoria and Colum
bia River Railroad Co., In Astoria, for
the building of a station building with
platform, and a tool house, at Warren
ton station, on the Seashore road.
Plans and specifications can be seen
at the unices of tho company In Astoria.
Approved bonds will be required of
the successful bidder.
The undersigned i'servo tho right to
reject any or all bids.
Sherman & Thing hav opened a riding
school next door to Pacific Express offlc.
Competent Instructors constantly In at
tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi
cycle for sal and rant
JAPANEBE OOOUa Fireworks Just,
out-Just recelved-Juat what you want
at Wing Lee'., M Commercial stre..
R. L. Boyle & Co.
run kkjmt-A small furnished cot
tage at Bllver Point Cliffs, Elk Creek
beach. Wood furnished and water at
tho door. For the season until Hep.
tcmbor 1st, no. Astoria L,i ,,, ln.
vestment Co., 4(12 Jlnd street.
FOR RENT Small dw.llighn'u.7uT
nltur, for, sal.. Apply t Astorlan oftl"
street RKNT-A ' """"" room, M Ird"
FOR R ENT Throe or four room.i,h
board, at Mrs. E. C. llolilen-. h
Duan. and Ninth strceti"";
TEN DOLT. Ann ni-tir . ... .
fne n """""" WW 0
iiniuon wn eh will .
the arr.s.t and conviction of ".p-f,'
or persons who stole the plush cart
celver from th. Paine Cafa
W. W. WH1PPLE. Proprietor.
' ' semieman's irnl,l
marked with Odd Fell,"." ,rln.
r can recover same hv . m- Jwn"
forlan offlc. hy "Wlng at As-