The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 17, 1896, Image 2

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5r ; '
gully gUtotimt
Telephone No. A
Bent by mail, per year
Bent by mall, per month .
Delivered by carrier, pr week
Bent by mall per year, B In advance,
postage, free, to subscriber.
All communications Intended for publi
cation ahould be directed to the editor.
Business communication of all
and remittance must be addressed to
The Astorian.
The Astorian guarantees ta li sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
ewspapcr published on the, Columbia
Advertising; rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astortan, the second old st
weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next
to the Fortland Orejonlan, the largest
weekly circulation In the state.
J no. F. Handley A Co., are our rort
land agents, and coplr of The Astorian
cm be had e-ery morning at their stand,
Bt Third street.
There la no need to Inform tntelll
fent cltliens that all expenses Incident
to calling out the National Guard are
borne by the state treasury.
If there is one thing- more than an
other that Is to be regretted In the sil
Terite victory In Kentucky, It la that
K mill bring Precklnrtdge. one re
Jec;ed, to the front. He now says that
be will be a candidate again, and has
the assurance to say that he wtU be
It has been gravely announced by
certain of the strike leaders that If
fishermen would keep off the Columbia
river they would not be murdered.
Now If those who feel so much Insulted
by the presence of men In the city
wearing the blue uniform of the United
States and encamped under the Stars
and Stripes will only be careful to keep
away from the courthouse square they
will not have their tender feelings
Judge Cray and Mayor Taylor deserve
credit for their manly determination
to do their duty under the trying cir
cumstances of the present situation.
They need not fear that any good and
rightly disposed citizen t-" fall to
give them credit for the best Men
tions, or will refuse to stand by them
In the efforts they have j,ut f irth, to
preserve the peace and maintain Asto
ria's credit as a clvlUied and law en
forcing community.
A Democratic paper In Connecticut
' says the West, la Indebted to that state
to the extent of $ltt.t),eoo and that
Connecticut capitalists hare reached
the conclusion not to lend any more
money In the same quarter unless the
words "interest and principal payable
fn gold" are printed in the contract.
And, says the Globe-Democrat, the
lurch of Oregon toward the Populists
will make investors shy of anything
offered there for some time to come.
A citizen asks whether it Is true that
stoppage of unlimited coinage of silver
has or has not contracted the currency
of the country. In 1873 the currency
of the country made a total of J73S.309,
649. In 1SS5 the currency in circulation
was $L604.131.68. In 1S72 the currency
circulation per capita was $18.19. In
1K95 he currency circulation per capita
vas $22. 96. The figures answer the
question. Abolish our present gold
, standard, under which this expansion
on a basis of sound money has been
accomplished, and a law, whose opera
tion is as inevitable as that of the
tides of the sea, will come Into opera
tion. Make silver the standard, and
the gold will quit the country. The
amount of gold in circulation last year
was J469.SS4.0C2. Take this vast sum.
Intrinsically worth Its face value, out
of the volume of American money and
- it will be seen that unlimited coinage of
silver, vhlch means substituting the
silver standard for the present sold
standard, would Inflict upon American
commerce and production a blow from
which its victims would not recover in
a generation. Let us keep every dol
lar we have in our currency and keep
every dollar up to a value of 100 cents.
That is to say, let us continue to main
tain the present gold standard.
Judging from President Cleveland's
strong sentiments on the financial
question, the remark attributed by a
member of his cabinet, that be would
rather vote for McKinley on a gold
platform than a Democrat free sllver
Ite, is not surprising, In a certain sense.
The one strong point in his favor has
been that he is sound on the currency
question, and has given utterance to
bis views when such action Jeopardized
his chances politically. But it was
scarcely deemed possible that he would
go to such lengths as to declare against
the head of the ticket. If free sliver
were the party shibboleth. And yet the
news comes from Washington that not
only the president would be against
the party nominee but several mem
bers of the cabinet would follow his
This will certainly create a stir In the
Democratic ranks. The enemies of the
president will be only too glad of the
handle which it will give them to as
sail him for bis threat to bolt, and
many of the "sink or swim" class will
Join in condemnation. If the silver
men are in a position to control the
convention at Chicago, Mr. Cleveland
considers it better to allow them to go
on, and is opposed to any other ticket
by bolters. If the Republicans come
out strongly for gold,' the Issue would
be clearly defined, and he feels certain
that the Democrats would be u sound
ly thrashed that the punishment would !
bring them t their senses. To hi I
mind the financial question far tran
scend the tariff or anything else, and I
It Is essential for the tountry that
sound money should gain the mastery
In the November election.
With gold or silver the Issue, and the
forces pitted against each other on two I
tickets, instead of a triangular fight,
It Is assumed that the Republicans,
with an anti-silver platform, would bel
able to carry nineteen states, giving
a total of 205 vote, and the Democrats
140, having only to win from lu2 vote
In doubt. In these are Included twenty-
four from Illinois and fifteen frum In
diana, where sliver Is an uncertain
quantity, and the revolt of gold men
may be such as to give the Republicans
a victory. In Kentucky, Tennessee and I
Virginia the Republican leaders believe I
they have a fighting chance, and alto
gether, see no reason for a straddle
at St. Louis, In view of the atmo.t eer-1
tain action of the IVmooiata for
white nutal ticket.
Laufchtng eyes, frames full of vigor.
and elasticity are blessings attainable
by the cadaverous, the haggard, and
the dyspeptic who try that wisest of
experiments an x pertinent whos
happy outcome Is certified to by my
riads via. a course of Hostetter'
Stomach Pitters promptly begun and
steadily pursued. There is no tonic com
parable to it In efficacy, none more
agreeable and speedily beneficial. The
nervous and dyspeptic, suffering from
malaria, rheumatism, constipation, bil
iousness and kidney troubles are rap
idly aided by the Hitters, and it Is one
of the best means of counteracting the
effects of excessive bodily or mental
fatigue, and exposure in wet or inclem
ent weather. Persons of sedentary
habits find It a most useful vlvltier and
recuperator of exhausted energy. Use
It tn order to sleep well, eat heartily
and digest thoroughly. Physicians ev.
erywhere speak tn high terms of It.
May I be at liberty to quote you as
indorsing the sentiment that the voice
of the people Is the voice of God," ask
ed the interviewer. "I would not like
to commit myself to that sentiment un
til after the convention." answered the
candidate. Indianapolis Journal.
Few people know that all plants con
tain digestive principles. They cannot
absorb their food until It Is digested
any more than animals can. The Mount
Lebanon Shakers have learned the art
of extracting and utilizing these diges
tive principles, and It Is for this reason
that their Shaker Digestive Cordial Is
meeting with such phenomenal success
tn the treatment of dyspepsia. The
Shaker Digestive Cordial not only con
tains tom aireauy oigesteo, out it aisoi
contains digestive principles which aid
the digestion of other foods that may
be eaten with it. A single 10 cent aam
pie bottle will be sufficient to demon
strate its value, and we suggest that
every suffering dyspeptic make a trial
of it Any druggist can supply It.
LAXOL is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it In place
of Castor OIL
Renewing the Trouble. Wife "The
minister made an earnest appeal for
contributions in aid of our missionury
work in Africa." Husband "Well,
he'll have to count me out. If he had
his way, he'd have us exporting gold
to Africa just as our country Is get
ting on its feet, too." Brooklyn Llf.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City.
I'd., was told by her doctors she had
Consumption and that there was no nope
for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured her, and shs
says It saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eg
gers, 13 Florida street, San Francisco,
ulTered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without tesult
everything else, then bought one bottle
of Dr. Kings New Discovery and In two
weeks was cured. He Is naturally
thankful It Is such results, of which
these rae samples, that prove the won
derful efficacy of this medicine In Coughs
and Colds. Free trial -ottle at Chas.
Rogers' Drug; Store. Begulor size 50
cents and J1.C0.
"Boys always dress differently from
grown-up men," said the boy. Inquir
ingly. "That Is the custom." "Well,
If all the old people are going to wear
knickerbockers, I gu-s9 you'd better
get me those long trousers I have been
wanting for the last year." Washing
ton Star.
Old people who require medicine to reg
ulate the bowels and kidneys will And
the true remedy In Electric Bitters. This
medicine does not stimulate and con
tains no whisky or other Intoxicant, but
acts as a tonic and alternative. It act
mildly on the stomach and bowels, add
ing strength and giving tone to the or
gans, thereby aiding nature in the per
formance of the functions. Electric
Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find It lust exactly
wnat tney need. Price 60 cents per bot
tle at Chas. Rogers' Drug Stor.
At rn,iB t, ..u.u . , , .
At uuis. Tom hy have Dick and
Grace quarrelled?" Hazel "They are
both learning to ride the blcvcle and
,, .,.. .
last week they met each other in the
park. She tried to bow to him, and
he tried to raise his hat, and each
blames the other for the result."
The best salve in tha vnrM foe fun.
Bruises. Sores. Ulcer. Rait
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive cure for Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. Pr snln hv
Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building.
Benny DictuH-'There Is an article In
today's paper I should like you to get
my wife to read, but It Is no use ask
ing her." Sam Singleton "I'll tell you
how to do it. Cut the piece out and put
It In your pocket." New York Herald.
There's more clothing destroyed by poor
on? iimn oy actual wear. "Hoe Cake"
soap contains no free alkali and will not
Injure the finest lace. Trv ft ind ,n,iA I be
the difference In quality. Ross, Hlgglns
i m n i i' v" m i i
Van wilt aa4 eoapost
lasM mcsi two ematca bag,
sad two cowpttaa IsyaM each
rur asj of Black-
well's liar ham. Owy a ban
t Ikla celebrated ' -baceo
aad read (he cttwpoat whlrb
give a ItM of valuable p
d how to rot theaa.
Sue Divtt-' liow did you like U.r
.tees acting!"' Klla Ciiiion'-i .-,.-,
H-i f i, ,..
say that I liked it. in that death scene
I thought he died very poor." "Well.
you know, must actors do die thut
way." Yonkers Stnt.Miian.
TThea Baby was sick, wa gat her Castorla.
Whea tb waa a Child, she cried for Caatoria,
Whea she became Mia, aha clung to Caatoria,
When she I. uno, she n them Cut orla.
First Goat "Why, Nanette, what's
tne matter.'" Second Goat "Appendi
citis. William." First Goat "Stove
piper Second Goat "No: art post
ers." New York Press.
A. T. WoAltwr. a npc,mln.,n, .1 M..n ..
Osseo, Mich., after suffering excrnelatlna-.
y trora piles for twenty years, was cured
In a short time by using PeWHt's Witch
Haael Salve, an absolute, cur for all
kin disease. Mora of this preparation
la used than all others combined. Cha.
"Tour wife gave us a splendid lecture
on cooking last evening. Why weren't
you there?" "I was home with a ter
rible case of dyspepsia." Detroit Free
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
What's that? An alderman com
mitted suicide" "Tes; he didn't have
relatives enough for all the lobs at hi
dIspoaal."-Detrolt News.
&QYAL. BakttlST POWdcr
hu beca twmrded highest
honors act every world's tair
where exhibited.
Tired Tatters "Yes. sir, pard, It
pays ter be honest." Weary Wraggles
"I know now why ye'r so dum poor."
-Louisville Truth.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
Coo tains so Ammonia or Alas,
A Georgia man was arrested for car -
rying whisky In his bicycle tires. They
probably charged him with pedaling It
without a license. Cleveland Plain
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Jonesj "Good morning, Benson. How
do you find business?" Benson "By
Judicious advertising." Harlem Life.
Did you ever think how readily the
blood Is poisoned by constipation? Bad
blood means bad health and premature
old age. DeWltt'es Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills, overcome obstinate
constipation. Chas. Rogers.
Purs blood means good health. De-
Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood,
cure Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula, and
all diseases arising from lmpurs blood.
Chas. Rogers.
Mrs. R. DeYoung, Mlddlevllle, la..
writes: I have used One Minute Cough
Cure for six VMin. both for rnvslf an.l
children, and I consider It the quickest
""""g and most satisfactory Cough Cure
I have ever used. Chas. Rogers.
One swallow does not make Spring, but
one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure
brings relief. Chas. Rogers.
For the best of commercial Job printing
call at the Astorian Job office.
Overcoats and winter wraps will be In
fashion. They can be discarded, tempor
arily while traveling In the ateam-heated
o Mii w.uaCT ano di.
rv.ui naiinsr, rur sujiu euiiujrt, lor
I" ",u "r " 'oer une cu,
,r. n. -a with this rrrcn , h) ,v ,h,
Most so-called "salmon twines" are col-
orea wun acia. me acias rot tne nnre1
reiiur me materia, unriess. in ine,
offlea ot Elmore. Sanborn A Co. I an oh.;
Ject lesion that ought to be examined by
" fishermen. It Is the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar-
..,,., twlne-from start to finish. Oo
there and examine the color right
through. Tou will see then why Mar
shall's la called the best In tha world.
For a dinner, served on the Dining cars
of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paid!
Railway, will be sent to any address on'
receipt of a two-cent postage stamp.
Apply to Geo. H. HeafTord, General Pas
senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi
cago, Illinois.
A twister In twisting I
May twist him a twist.
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist:
But If one of the twists
Untwists from the twist,
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That Is, when It's twisted with any
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
All the patent medicines advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can
hous-ht at tha lowest neleea At r w
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
Hotel. Astoria.
I tAfflalT
t .-,,'n,,- is ui-reoy ri rn urn lillt coin-
j nu, , olt). llt AorU
I pose to establish the grade oa Alameda.
; ftv,,ne- In that part of (he rliy known
as I'nlontown. ui the following height
. ahoy the base of grades:
At the northeast corner of block I. at
IS feet shore the base of grades, and at
I a point directly opposite ami t right
j angles to the east line of Mock 1. at Si
! feet
I At the southwest corner of Mock 1. at
I 43 feet, and at a point directly opimslte
and at right angle lo the a est line ut
j block 1. at 43 fet. and t a point en the
; north side of block 1. directly opposite
j to the southwest corner of Mock I. unit
1 at rlitht angles to south line of Muck 1,
' at u ret.
i ai tne nonnwest corner of Hock 1. ut
' 14 feet.
At tlie southeast corner of Mock !. at
1 U feet.
I At the northeast corner of Mock ', tit
I ti feet, and at a point directly opposite
on the south side of Mock J iind nt right
angles to the north line of Mock IS. lit 5
feet, and at a point directly opposite to
the northeast corner of block 1 on the
west side of block ID, and at right angle
to the east line of block IN. nt 45 feet
' At the Interesction of Alameda avenue
with the eBst boundary of Taylor's As
' torla, at 43 feet.
1 At the northwest corner of Mock IS, at
i SO feet.
At the southwest corner of block t ut
' w 't
At the northeast corner of block IT. at
51 feet.
At the southeast corner of block J, at
KX feet.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
the owner of three-fourth of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of sstii
street be Med with the auditor ami po
lice Judge of said city within ten day
from the final publication of this notice,
the common council will establish said
Dated at Astoria, Oregon, June t, 19
Auditor aad Police Judge.
' And Acceptance of Tenth Street Im-
provement. Between Commercial
and Exchange Streets
Notice Is herby given that 8. Normllr,
contractor for the Improvement of Tenth
treet, between Commercial and Ex
change streets, under the provision ot
j ordinance No. KITS, on the 3d day of June,
j IS9, filed In the orrtce of the auditor and
' .wvll ,..,1 t V. .. .. 1 . . . n . -. 1 . .
K"' ' . - JWUf,,T V, ,nj w, jumn ill,
certificate of the city uveyor and uper
tntendent of streets, approved by the
committee on streets and public says
After the expiration uf the time herein-
I after specified, If no objection to the ac
ceptance of uch work be tiled, and the
; common council chall dee. m such lin-
nrnt'ainisint nrntuiplir nnnnl..ajl nAjl-
, ng to th(. comrHCt ,, pllin, BIld ,pecl.
Mention therefor, the same may be ac
Objections to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof may be
filed In the office of the auditor find po
lice Judge on or before Wednesday, June
17. lssdi.
Astoria, Oregon, June 8. lS9rt.
Auditor and Police Judge.
To Change and Re-etnbllsh the Orade
on Irving Avenue, Ilt-tween Tenth
and Twelfth Streets. In Mc
CI ure's Astoria
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to re-estnbllsh the grrvle on that
nart of Trvlncr nvenito In li.r,lnn.,i A-
! torla- as extemifri nn,l rhnnn l.v f'vpita
Olney, which lies between the west side
of Twelfth street and the east aide of
Tenth street, at the following heights
above the base of grade as established
by ordinance No. 71, entitled "An Ordi
nance to Establish a llu- of Grades for
the Streets of Astoria," to-wlt:
On the north lde of the crossing ot
said Irving avenue with Eleventh street
126 feet.
On the south side of said crossing, 129
liy order of the common council.
Dated June , 1894.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the nlty of Astoria pro
pose to establish the grade at the later-
section of Franklin avenue and Thirty
sixth streets at J feet above the bass of
And unless a remonstrance signed by
. , ... '
me owners or inrec-rourths of the prop.
erty rrontlng on said portion of said
street be filed with tha auditor and po-
lice Judge of said city within ten days
irom ine nnai puniicniion of this notice,
iw-wm uh ur ueiure weanesnay, July 1.
1896. the common eonnnll win
said grade.
Dated June t, 189.
Auditor and Police Judge.
To Change and Re-establish tha Grade
on Jerome Avenue, Between Tenth
and Twelfth streets. In Mc
Clure's Astoria.
Notice la hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to change and re-establish the grade
on that portion of Jerome avenue, In
McClure's Astoria, as extended and
changed by Cyrus Olney, which lies be
tween the west side of Twelfth street
and the east side of tenth street, at the
following height above the base of
grades, as established by ordinance No.
; 71, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish a
Base of Grades for the Streets of As
toria," to-wlt:
On the north side of the crossing ot
said Jerome avenue with Eleventh street,
193 feet.
On the south side of said crossing, 19
By order of the common council.
Dated June 6, 1S96.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Marshall's twine used by 75 per cent
of the fishermen on the Columbia river.
Hy virtue of a warrant lsuel by tli
county clerk of Clatsop county, stale of
Oregon, under the seal of ald vuuniy
nittl state, on I lie mill uuy uf April A.
1SM1, and lo nie directed, commanding
inn lo levy upon the good and chattel
of dellnquet taxpayer named In the
delinquent tin roll or I'laimip county.
state of Ores-oil, for the year li, Uiireto
attached, and If none lie found, then
upon the rel property n act forth
described in said delinquent lax roll,
so much thereof a shall he uitle.iit
satisfy the amount of taxr so charged
therein, together with ths nan and ex
penses, I did. on l lie Wih day ot May.
INl levy upon (having been unable
nml personal property sumcbut out
which to niiikv said taxes) the rm ra
tat set opposite I lie mime of the ro-
spcctlve parties. Hi ins and corimrntloiia.
i'oniain,',i ui inu following list, to sat
isfy tlui amount or lane and cut
scsscd and dial lie iigalnat such unraona.
nrma and corporations in the said de
linquent tax roil, all of said pruperty
being situate III said county and slats
and descrllvd on said delinquent tax
roil of sold county mid lal for said
year, as follows, lo-ull;
Aheivronibto, Mary, lot 4, i, e
IS. T 1 N, It lu V, W acres.
AlH rcroiiilile, U It., bcittn on right
bank of Johnson s slough, SO
rvls. K of N.W, cor, or H li. 1;
thence E, 31 rds. lo lert bank
of Island slouch; tlienc down
said slouiih lo I.CWI and
t'lurko rUcr at mouth ot John
son's slouiih; thence up right
bank of Johnsons slough to
place or beginning, sec. t, T. 7
N . It. li' V ti-bo acres; bo
gln at N.K. cor. of U.K. i. see.
Hi theme S. no rds. to a rrtvk;
i Innce aesterly along sold
ervek i Ms. to fork of sold
creek: thenco N. to N. Hue of
S K. , of U.K. , sec. II; thence
N. il3 rt ; thence V. lo W. line
of N.K. t of 8 K. K,, see. II;
thence N. lo a point m cha K.
of N. line of 14 K. ' of ald
c. : thence K. lo eh.; thence
N. 10 eh.; thence K. pi t-hs to
beginning. See. II, T. t N , It.
1U , K.7J acre, i; Ji 14 u
Allen. .Mrs lirldget, lot 1. 4. blk
l".; lot . blk. ", Mci-lure'i
Astoria, aa ex t. by Cyrus t.
m y. ill M u oi
Alexander, 11. . 8 W. l. Sec. II, T. (
It. imi acres, til tU 11 n
Allen John. M. i, of U.K. ,. See.
r. 7 N , It. I V., i acr-. till. I 77
Anderson, w llllam, lot 1. J, J, 4, S,
. 7. . . li'. II. li U 14. 11, la.
blk. n Most-dale addition. 13 . n 11
Armstrong, James, N.W. l dea.
1 T. 6 N It W M) acres.
It 11
Ausun l.uerella M , lots , 4. blk
i. Munnyshlo addition. loo a oi
tianu fi.irry r ., lots J. 4. 6, t, blk
KJ. Mct'lure' Astoria, as d
by cyrua Olney, llo.M n it
iiaraer. latura A., lot 1. t X.
4, 5, . 7. I. , Id, II, 13. J, li, ij,
is. 17. IS, IJ, 9. a, St a, J4, J5,
M. blk. 1U, Mary Ann Adair's
South Addition to the Port of
l Piwr Astoria, 13 4.1 m fa
uarnctt Cora. It S of 8.W. Vi. W.
H or Hee. 14, T. 4 N., H.
W., acre. tol 1? a
uarnes. rraiik, K. w of B W. U.
8 l of 8 K. Sec. Si, T. I N
K. W. 1(U acre. Ill It TI
uattin a Co., H. K , begin at N.K.
cor. or blk. A. McKwan's
Add'n. to Ocean drove; thanes
ft M ft., w. loo ft. N. to ft, K.
b0 ft. to beslnnjng: also, begin
at N.W. cor. blk. A. Mc
Kwsn Add'n. to Ocean Grove;
th.-nre K. ICO ft, thencs 8. 10
ft. W. 100 ft. N. to ft to be
ginning. 41c la
Mca.-n C. I, lot . M, blk. 5L
Astor Add'n. to Aatorta; lot
7. a. blk. I, North Add'n. aa laid
out and recorded by E. A
Noyea, Mc t Tl
ueer. I-ouls, lot S. blk II, Pros
pect i-ark Add n. lo Astoria. lr t M
ueii. I'hiuippa W., lots a, 14. blk.
n. tract X, Olney'a Add'n. to
Aatorta, aa laid out by Mustier
Aiken, exee'rs. II. 01 a id
iiennett. A. S. blk. 1 Olney'
Add'n. to Astoria, a laid out
ami recorded by . Mustier a
Aiken, exec'r. ; N.W. of
N.W. li of U.K. k, Sec. JS, T. i
N , It. W 111 acres;
4 of: li.gin S.owii ft w. of
H E. cor. ot Hhlvely U. L C;
thence W. 14 ft. N. to H. line
of Shlvely'a Astoria, K. i:o ft,
8. to iM-ginning rt.-o. IT, T. 8 N.,
It. I 5 acre. USI MM
uennctt. 1 hnrles K lots 18. 11,
blk 2. Seavlew Addition, a laid
out by A. P. Oliver. So 4 tl
Ulsslunil, Imuran, lot 1 blk. u.
an Diisen' Astoria. 17c 1 3t
lllsnop, W. C, U.K. U Bee. a T.
It 7 W xm acre. 113 SO... M tl
miss, u a., Jr., lot I, blk. lot). Mc-
Clnre' Astoria, ns extended by
Cyrus Olney. 11.34 is 14
lilodgett, Kn.xh U. begin at N.W.
cor. of Modgott 11. L. C:
thence K. iZ iu ch. to N.K. cor.
of claim; thence 8. 13.40 ch. to
Howard's N. K. cor.; thence W.
to S K. cor. of Mr. Grant'
land; thence N. to N.K. cor. of
said Sir, fir.uil' liuul; thence
W. to line of said U. U C;
thence N. to tM-giniilng H.-c. J,
T. 7 N., It. W 433 acre;
also. In nd In 8. of lllodgett
li. 1.. C. 8. of land of Howard,
and N. and N.W. of land of J.
A. Kulton, except trai t sold for
cemetery, 8ec. 3, 10, T. 7 N,
It W., 1HD.D2 acres: also, strip
of land running entire distance
K. and W. across land of How
ard and extending 8 far enough
to Include M.33 acres Sec. 3, T.
7 N.. it t W., :t7.19
Bradbury, Clement, N.K. 14 of
N.W. 1.4 lot 4. Hec. H, T. 5 N
K. 10 W 71.02 acres: N.K, Vi of
8.W. (,. N.W. of 8.K.
!4 Sec. 22, T. 6 N It 10 W Ml
acres; all of N.W. 14 or 8.W.
Vt, les plat of Uradbiiry's Addi
tion to Ocean Orove, 8-c. 22,
T. N., It in W., 22 acres; N.W.
Sec. 27, T. N., It 10. W.,
44 41
liw itcri-s, $47.92 57 w
llrandt, C lots . 10, 11, 12, 13. 14,
15, Id, blk. 8: lot 6, blk. 90, Hoae
dale's Addition to tho City of
Astoria, ISc 15 4
Urarten, William, undivided '.-1 of 8.
of 8.W. B.W. (4 of 8.E.
'4 Sec. 12, T. 8 N., R. 7 W.. 40
acres, $2.74 I JO
Brlx. Asmus, lots 1, 2. 7, 8. blk. 100,
AOairs Kust Addition to As
toria, $21.28 !g !
Brown. Peter, estate of, lots 14, 15,
block 10, Warrenton; lota 9, 10,
11, blk. (I, Bklpanon Addition to
Astoria; lot 8, blk. 13, Hhlvely'
Astoria, $I9.M II OB
Buck, Kllxabeth, lots 7, 8, blk. 121,
McClure's Astoria, aa extended
by Cyrus Olney. 15.33 I M
Burney, R. H., lot 1, blk. 29,
Alderbrook, First Addition to.
$5.33 7 IS
Bush, W. II.. lots 1. 1 E. V, of
N.W. Vt Bee. 30, T. 4 N R.
W., 161.69 acres. $.29 II M
Bums, A. O., lot 11, blk 13, De
ment' Addition to ths city of
Astoria, 17c 5 (I
Buell, June R., lots 11, 12, blk. 20,
Laurel Park Addition, a re
corded by H. C. Thompson. 29o 1 13
Buchanan, Manlus, lot 6, 8.E. V, of
N.W. 14 Bee 27, T. 4 N R.
W 40 acres, $2.01 U 58
Butler, Walter B., lots 4, 7, Sec. 84,
T. 4 N R. 8 W., 42 83 ncms;
lots 7, 8, N. of B.W. 14 Bee.
35, T. 4 N R. 8 W., 116.32
acre, $8.33 18 OS
Byrd, Barnh L., N. 14 of N.W. 14
Sec. 11, T. N R. 10 W., 80
acres, $4.01 I 24
Burke. B. C, lots 11. 12, blk. 1.19,
Bhlvely's Astoria, $28,61 82 66
Case. Edward, N.W. Sec. 10, T. t
N.. R. 6 W.. 160 acre. 16.42 16 12
Carson, Luella C. lots 13, 15, blk.
, Ucarluirt 1'ark, Kb'
Carlson, John F W, t, of HAV,
V Heo. 81, T. N It. W V M
acre, Klil.., ,.
Charninil, Tlinltms, lot J, blk lull,
Mci'luru Astoria, a extended
by oyru ulney, Mil
Clark. John II., N IC. 'i of M hi, U
See. .; N. l of H W, I, N.W.
I of U.K. t. Sec. 81, T. I N It.
t V., Itu acres, .V.'4
Colman, P. V N, n of H W t. W.
t of B.K. W See. I, T. N , It.
B W.. IHU Iter,,. Ill N
lo Cook, II, ., lot U. It, lit. It, l, in,
II. 23, S3, :i, blk. 1; Iota Its Hi,
17, blk. 2; lids 13. 14, 15, IK, 17,
IS. Is. II, 23. 21. :i, blk. 17;
lot II. 14. 11, Hi, If, IK, Its fu,
21. 22. a. It, blk. 4H; Una In, ;o,
31, 33, 23, 24, blk. 47; lot IJ. II.
li. Id, II. Ik, blk. 67; lot I. I, 1
4, 6, it, 12, 14. blk. l; lot. I. J,
I, 4, 5, , 7. I, , 10, II, 12, 15, II,
Its Is. 17, Is, IP, to, II, U, 23, 14.
blk. 17; N. H of lot I. tt, 1, 4. 5.
, blk. 24; lots I, I I U , I,
, t, in, , 11, blk. , I'bciiIc
Addition to Aalorla, U 35
Craig, Ida II., lot 1 blk I, Olney,
Prim. P. II., lot 1,3,3, Mk. ,
lAiirnl Park Addition, as re
corded by II. C, Thompson. 4e.
aa -
I 43
1 71
5 (4
Cr's. John M , trustee, N. S of
8 K, 14 8eo, II, N, L, f H V. Si
Seo. IS, T. N It J V I0O
acre. $15 71
Cress, John M , W, y, of N.K. s,.
r.. or n.w. si H-o. 27, T.
N , It. 7. W l acr. ; 8. t, uf
KK. s, Sec. , T. 7 N . It. tl W.,
i acre; N. 4 of N.K. t, Heo. t.
T. T N It. W SO acres; N K.
s Sec. IS, T. 7 N., It W., I
ncn-s; W, of 8 W, l Sec. ,
T. 7 N , It W., an keisa: N.K.
t ('. S3. T. 7 N It. I W., Ui
acre; B.W. I, 8,-c. IT. N.,
It I v l acres: lots 7, , t,
I". Sec. . T. 6 N It 7 W.. l.'.i .71
acres; v. I, r fj.w, si 8co. ,
T. 7 N.. It. W,, Ml acre; H K.
t. Sec. 33, T. 7 N It. W.. m
acrv, IIHIS
111 If
I 30
24 73
I 40
i fa
It w
a 1
Crle. K. It., lot 4 lexcept tract sold
to A. olsen and N. J. 1-rson),
Sec. 24, T. I N It W , 1 u
acr,-, 77e
Craven, Frank 8., N. 1, of K K.
.-v K, 1, or 8 W. s,. 8 K
s, of N.W, s, H,c t. T N .
II 7 W . Ii'si acres, 7 Jo
Copping, David, hits It, IJ. 1. 17,
is. :,. tract :. olney s u, 1,1111011
lo Astoria, as lul,l out mid re
corded by Hustler and Aiken,
executors. j 13
rlrymplc. Ida, and r, lot 4, t,ik
4, Hustler Astoria, as laid out
and re.ord.-d by Astoria Invest
ment Co., 17c
Darling, o. !., lot 1. 3, 1, 4, 5. ,
T. . I. 10. It, 12. blk. II. Pacific
addition lo Astoria. 29a
llement. J. C, lot 4. . 10. blk. II.
Dement' addition 10 the city of
Astoria, so
Dillon, Mary, estate of. lot 7. blk.
3. McClure' Ati-Ia. 13124
Dooney, Michael, 8 K. si 8c f, T.
7 TV., It I W . 11 acre. Ill It .
Donohov, e. It. lota 7. 1 I, 10, n. u.
big i, l olunilaa Becond addition
to Aatorta; aso 8 W. s ot 8.W,
V. Heo. I T. T N., It I W., 40
acres, taotl
Douthark. A. N.. lot 1. 2. 3, t
blk. I, llustlrr Astoria, aa laid
out and recorded by Astoria In
vestment Co.. 550 7 IJ
Dow. C. 8 , o 10, 21. 21 big. JS.
Prospect 1'ark Kxtenstotl a-Ml-tlon
lo Astoria. c.....
I 71
17 It
4 01
II 50
3 II
Dunk In, John U , W. H of 8 W . V,
nee. . T. I N , It. I W.. to
acre. Hil.
England, V. O.. lot II. 12. Mk. I
Hklpanon addition to Aatorta.
Enslg. Kllxaheth. lot I, U blk.
X Columbia Second addition to
Astoria. 41c
Evans C. H., und t, lot 7, I. 10,
11. 11. u 14. 15, sulslhlsbm of
blk. 72. Hhlvrlv's Astoria, t,!! .
Evan. Mr. Jeanrti. lot I, blk ;
lot 23. 24. blk. 19. Hallway addi
tion to Astoria. 44c
Fair. R. E.. lot 6, blk 34. First ad
dition to Alderbrook. lis
Farrar, Isalx-I t. luls 1. 2, I, 4. 5.
. 7. . . 10. II. 13, blk a, pacific
addition to Astoria. S"c
Felilnmn. I,., und. lot II. blk. I,
navel fenter. a laid out by
W. K. Warren. 5c
Fisher. J. J , irustes ,ot 15, l, 17.
27. Si. 29. Hi. tract 1. blk. 27, of
lilney's addition 10 Astoria, a
laid out and recorded by 1 1 us.
tier A Aiken, eieculurs; lots 12,
13, 29. , 31, tract 2, subdivision
of block 27 of Olney'a addition
to Astoria, a laid out and re
corded by Hustler A Aiken, ex
ecutor, $6.411
24 IV
Fisher. J. J . und. tola 7. H. 10.
11. 12. 13, 14. 15. K, subdivision
of blk. 72. Hhlvely' Astoria;
und. 1, lot I, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6. 7, ,
t. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. ; und. H
lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, . Ill, 11.
12. 13, 14, blk 7: und. 4 lot 1. 2,
3, 4. 5. , 7. 8. , 10. 11, 12, is, 14.
blk. 14: und. r lots I. 2, I, 4. 6.
, 7, blk. ll; und. S lot 1, 2, I,
4, 6. 6. blk. 16, Riverside addi
tion to Astoria. In 40
1 53
Fisher. I. II., Iota 2, I, 4, 5, fl, blk.
41. Pacific add'n. 10 Astoria. 7c.
I 18
Flsk. W. 11., lot 17. iract 1. sub
division of blk. 20, lilney's ndtll
linn to Astoria, a laid out and
recorded by Hustler A Alketi,
executor, 55c
Klnley, John, lot I, 4, tract 2, ub-
dlvlslon of blk. II. (Hney'a nihil
tlon to Astoria, as laid out and
recorded by Hustler Aiken,
executors; lot 5, blk. 37, Mc
Clure's Astoria; lota I, 2, 3, blk.
6, Hklpanon addition to Astoria;
und. H of N.K. s, of 8.K. l, Bee.
1. T. 7 N It. 7 W., 20 acres;
N.W. t of N.K. si, N. 1 of
N.W. !, und 8 W. l4 8.0 14, T.
7 N.. It 8 W., 2S0 acre; N.K.
of N.K. '4 ami W. of W. tv
Sec. 14. T. 7 N.. It. W., 200
acres, $41.52
Flnley, Jarne. B.K. si Sec. 12, T.
6, It H W 100 acres. I;i.il3
17 42
Ford, L. D., und. ti hit 11. tract 2.
subdivision of blk. 20, Olney'
addition to Astoria, a laid out
and recorded by Hustler A
Aiken,, executors. Zic
2 00
Folkmun, A. V' und. lot 6. 6.
blk. Mi. McClure's Astoria, as
extended by Cyril Olnev. 17.09..
11 13
11 46
Folkmun, llenha, und. H lot 5, 6,
oik. mi, .McClure Aatorta, as
extended by Cyru Olnev. Hun..
Foote, Angus, lot 4, Sec. 18. T. -7 N..
R. 6 W.. 16.40 acre. II
Futtrup, Nel. lot 16, subdivision
of blk, 11, Adair's Astoria. 11 1st
8 70
Gentry, 8. A., lot 17, 18. blk. 6,
Astoria, aa laid out and record
ed by M. J. Kinney. 2c
Ollhreath, Jiuncs, lot 12, blk. 9.
Dement' addition to the city of
Astoria, 17o
16 05
Olassel, Annie, heirs of, N.K "4 of
a.m. n lots 1, z, I, 4, Bee. 21, T.
7 N R. I W 100 acre, ill to .
Glover, Frank, 8.W. of 8.W. 14
hoc. a, w. Vt of N.W. 14, N.W.
14 of B.W. V4 Sec. 32. T. 7 N.. R.
1 W., 160 acres. $9.63
Ooff, M. A., und. lots I, 2, 3, 4,
d, 0, 1, a, 1, 10, 11, iz, is, 4, 1,11c.
6; und. H lot 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, 6. 7,
8, , 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 14: und.
Vt lots 1, 1, 8, 4, 6, 6, 7, blk. 16;
und. A lota 1, 2, I, 4, 6, 6, blk. 10,
Riverside addition to Astoria
und. '.4 of lots 7, 8. 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, sulxllvlslon of blk, 72,
Bhlvely's Astoria. t7.51
83 54
41 41
12 47
raham, John A., lots 4, 5, 6, blk.
; tots j, x, nik. 21, Alderbrook.
QftMiam, James, lots t, 4, 6, 6, blk 8,
luungs auuition to Alderbrook,
Gray, W. H., estate of, lot 8, blk.
34, -Madura's Astoria, $4
Crimen (J. K., lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, blk.
z, jtnnway audition to Ocean
Grow" 94o
Grimes, c. C, begin In county rond
N W. cur, of See, ID, I hence H,
i;el.s, N. IK'li., W II oh.
8, III I'll. 8 li '. W..
lu eiiiinty road; K. ! '
II M chs. lu lauluniu. ecl
S5 acr.. .old lo C, II Hloois
,.r vol, ''."
IVrds, See. 10. T N. " "
V tn acres, III M
tiros. Win. It. Archbishop Mt
gou. Iwillii at 8 W 001 uf See
II, N 12 rds., I'.'. 25 ids , 8 JJ
ids W, rd to beginning.
Sec. SI. T N . ' 1 w"
acres, lie . "'
UulM.sin, Tliiimas, lot" I. '
, blk. I, Uurel 1'ark addlilon,
recorded by II " Thon'P""".
tl "',
llalbraelh, James, kl t. blk 4. J
liimbia d.1lllon lo Astoiia. l.e .
(liiiinliig. John M . lot X blk .
Astor addlilon lo Astorls. .
Hall. Charlolle J . I'd uk 'f
Wiirrcntim; lot i". t blk I"1
Taylor' Aslmla; lot II. subdivi
sion of blk M. Shlvel)-' A-
mria. II M ;
llandv. Mlllon K . lot I. K '
N.W. si See S. T 4 N , It
V pa 4 acres. I If
Hanson, t'lmrles, 8 W "f 8 W si
8., II. N 1, of N W. V, See,
II. T, N It 10 W , Wi aen-.
I'. ' ' " 'V
Hansen, Karen, lols I. . 3. 4. t, ,
i, . blk . lols I. I. 1. 4. S, , .
, blk. ; tola I, 2, 3 4, ts . 1. .
1,1k II. lots I. I 1. 4, 5, . i. .
. blk IH, VllllnuisHirt. I 12 .
Ilaraden. C, I". Ii I", ' "
31, blk I: Iota li. I". I.' , 'lk
(i, of I'lilVfl ('.liter, as laid out
be W. II Howell. l II
Hatch, II W , und H I"1" l
I. blk , llllslli l s A.toin. ss
laid out and recorded by lbs
Astoria lneslnient i'o,
llaaes, K. It. lot I. blk . M"-
('lure Asiotbi. as . m. nde.1 ny
7 M
19 M
t la
14 fl
I a
1 11
14 I!
II 71
t: U
IT 71
1 n
it 10
4 34
! 01
2 41
fi a
1 3
4 u
ti m
4 M
It M
14 M
Cyrus Hl.iey, IU tIJ
Ilendrlcks.11. 1'lof. uud lot
t'liloniowti. IB
Dense. I'rnnk. lots 1 I. blk l.-s.
Mary Ann Adair' South nd tl-
Hun lu tile IVrl nl 1'pper As.
torla, lo
Hrsirr, John C . lot 1, S K t or
N.W. h lol 3. K i or S w 1
Sec. 7, T 7 N , II I W , l tl
acres, III) M,, ..
Hill. Winnie A . lol 1 1. blk V. I-
incut's addition to Iho city of
Astoria. ITc
Hill. C. N W t, S-c I". T IN,
It W., I acr. s, Hi
Hill. Mrs l. lot :.. Mk . v,.n
Dusen's Astoria, IT,- .
llo..r. r, 1'. K . lols II, 1;. blk I.
Ithrrside add.n lo Asiotia. '
Houseman, llosa, lot Iv ;i. 31, 3,
O, blk t. Clatsop Drove, aw ...
Houseman. Ir'rrd. N S of lol I
and I, NrcAiilctim Drove, v
Hughes. J. M . lot . blk V,
Hill First addition lo Astoria.
Hungate, Charles A, lot I. Ut
5, , 7. a. . !, II. U IJ, II. Its It,
IT. I. I. JO. 21, 22. 23. 34. St.. X
27. 2 1. , II. B. II. 34. sub
division of blk. TT, Adair As
toria: lot , 10, II, blk I Uu
re I l'rk aildlllon, a recorded
by H, P. Thompson und t, lot
I. 2. 3. 4, I. 4, 7. a, l 10. 11. li IV
14. IV lit, IT, li. II. 20. 21. B. blk
II. i'ruspect 1'ark addition to
Astoria, lata t, I U U 1. t,
I. 10, II. U. 12, 14. It. It, IT. II II.
hi. 21, U blk. T? let I. I I, 4. I,
I f. (.1. 1. It. 12, IJ, 14. It. 14.
IT. 1. I. I. 21. tl. blk I. Wash
ington addition to AslorU. HI 111
liuifhrroft. n T., lot I. blk 1
Chelsea subdivision tract No. t,
Ingram. J A . lots 1. I, blk II.
Hallway addlilon lu Asiiiru, 2e
Inno Frank W , W. of 8 K V,
Sec. i, W. S of N E t. See. r.
T. 4 N.. It t W . I scree. U m
I ot
17 71
,s a
1 44
4 M
I 13
13 fr
ill Jke. frank W.. lol 12. blk 111.
Taylor Astoria, 2V
Jefferlr. J M , lol , blk 30, Hill
First addition lo Astoria, Kc ...
Jensen. Alex., lot I, 8,v 2. T N .
It 7 W., It crea. 3
Johnson. II, lot 37, is, irs. t I,
uMilslun of blk 27. nlivy
addition lo Astoria, a laid out
and recorded by Hustler a
Aiken, exreuturs, II 04
Johnson. 8. J . lot I. I. 2, I. blk !A
llosnlaln addition lu lh city of
Astoria, ha-
Johnson, Adoiidi, lot 2. blk t. Meri
wether iHinn addition 10 As
toria. v
Johnson, llniinah M A . lot 1. 2,
blk. I, Meriweiber lmans addi
tion to Asiorla. lie
Johatison, A, 8 W. 1, See. 3, T 7
N, It I W . Ifti acre. Ill ij ...
Jones, Hers, lols I, 10, (I, 13. 13, u,
15. !. blk. IK. Itos.slsle addition
to the city of Astoria, 1o
Jordan, Ivtrr, lot 10, blk , r
ronton, $2.54
John, ivter. tola , 3, and tide
land fronting then-on, Hec 4,
T. 8 N.. It I W 72 acres,
Keenan. Fnsl l, lot 1, blk 2. As
toria, as laid out and recorded
oy aiuriin Foard, lie
Keboe. Joseph, K. W of K I, of
8 K. except thai porllun nil
8 shin of county road. See n
T. 7 N., It I W., 53 acres, II
Kemlo, li. K., lot I, 2, 3. 4, 6 7
. 9. 10. II. 12. 3. 14. II, 111. IT.'u'
19. 2". 21. 22. 23. tl. blk II. North
'aclrto addition to Astoria, iv
Kemlcr, I)., lots , ii, hik 10, lull
way addlilon to Astoria, TV . ,
Kenney, J. J , i(, u M hh
.McClure' Astoria, n exten.leii
by Cyru Olney, $.vj ....
Kinney, M J la j j j ik' '
McClure' Astoria: K. rt lot
2. nil lots I. 11, 1;. 1, , ,j
. 21', ft lot 13, Idk. M; lots II
12. . II, blk. 6. MeClur.,' As
toria, as extended by Cyrus ill
ey; also, begin on w. line f
hlks. 1 and 10, McClure's As
toria, In center of First st W
2"0 ft. N. to ship's channel f
oliimbla river, K. S ft to
said W. line of sold I, Iks 1 ulll
10, projected N., ti.,. H ,
"ginning, except W. loo ft of
said iract denied to railroad
subsidy, as per vul, 31 or deeds
page 60, ;i. .15
1 11
M 17
10 17
' II
Kinney, August C. im 1 b.... ,
T. 8 N, It 0 W excep't 3 ..en..;
as per vol. 30. page. J97, of deeds,
-4,,2 acre; part of lot. 6 and
. In N.K, !4 Beo. 21, T. I N It
t W 20 acres; also, liegin 011)
ch. N. of 8 K. cor. of 8ec. 22
thenco W. 7.S7 chs.. 8. 6 ill eh '
to Sec line; W. 24.13 eh., N. 20
Hh"",w' J '. t W. , ,lf
H-h; h: N. lochs, K. 10 eh,., N.
1 ch., to N. line of B.K. 14- K
30 chs. to Vi post, 8. to beglnl
nlng. except tract a per vol
I, page 4U4; also except N !;
14 of N.K. "4, a per vol. ai'
page 3W, of deeds, sold to w!
C Smith; also excojiting 4
acre, a p,-r vol. 82, poga 62.
of diisls, i0u ,0 Wulk0, 8
S T"s.N" "' " W " M "-"'l
Ihe N. of N.W, of B.W
V4. and la ml In N.W U or H w
!4 Bee. 23, T. 8 N., R, W 40
acres- trj. in - sv
Kinney, J,lnp begin at N.w. cor
ii J, Hoc. 24, thoncn 8. If
so. K 16.56 ch to a point 5.76
2' N 12 n f- "n0 ' "" "
8 W. , u. B.7B ch. to center of
aid Sec; N. 20 ehs, K. 1163
.""..,l00U,,,r h,irlK,r i1"; N.
15' W. 1.607 ft, N. Of W.
Nolle Is hernbv irlo. ... ..' .
the 20th dav of i,oV" V","1 """"J'.
hour of JOo'clnck rrn'of. M'a""!?
front of and nt thn , ,,. 1 7 ' .
ime, 1 ann jirnci.,1 in ...1. .... -.
escribed real estata . l""aD0.?-
o the highest bidder for c, sh in I n eS
?oa,rPed"m0l,l,CO,n M "m 0f "'""'" ot
il.1T4"J3pi ?"' ,0 .""'I' h. warrant
cost and all accruing cost
inigned.) .TAMII-O m ...
Bh'V"' ""P Cmy a.-id Sc.
r -ds B. and 35.60 chs. E. of