v, 1 t '-v. . I ... ) . - - s J THE DAILY ASTORIAV, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 181W. GEn... A resort 1 er mmerclal 4 nth St. OENTLEMEN ALEX CAMPBELL, Pre. WARRENTON Colombia Hartor Land Co. CORNER.,, BOND ani EtfYENTH STS, Maps on application. New Astoria... located at tbe terminns of the AstorU anl Colnratia River RaOroal at the moutb of the Colamtia River. It fronts on the deep water of the Columtla River Harbor, and kin perfectly protected from wind and seas, affords the very best docks for ships on this lay: therefore. It is the exact spot for the seaport of the peat Northwest. These facts were recognized ty the Astoria & Colamtia River Railroad Co. when New Astoria Was Selected as the Starting Point for their Railroad and the Location for the Terminals. New Astoria is platted upon a plane high enough for perfect drainage, and well protected ty a high ridge behind it. Its streets and avenues are wide. and. in fact, it is laid ont on modern plans. Extensive street improvements are now un der way. The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL .ST. Something New... Children's and Youth's Steel 5 bod Shoe, ail Sizes and Styles We also carry a fin Use of ladles' and men's shoes, from the best to the lowest reliable goods. All roods warranted Just as represented. JOHN HAHN CO 47 Commercial Street. THE KEATHEK. Local weather for the 24 hours ending- at 5 p. m. yesterday, furnished by the United States Department of Agri culture, Weather Bureau. Maximum temperature, (1 deg. Minimum temperature, 47 deg. Precipitation, .10 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st. 1&95, to date, 77.01 inches. Excess of precipitation from Septem ber 1st. 1895, to date, 8.75 Inches. Forecast Fftir weather, fresh west to north winds. REDUCED HATES. The 6. ft. and K. Co. has made reduced rates for the following meetings: Republican National Convention, fit Loula, Mo., June M. Democratlo National Convention, Chi cago, III., July 1. People's Party Convention and Ameri can Silver Convention, St. Louis, Mo., July n. National Convention Young People's So ciety Christian Endeavor, Washington, D. C, July 7 to IX . National Education Association Meet ing. Buffalo, N. T., July 1 to 10. Encampment Grand Army of the Re public St. Paul, Minn.. September 14. For Information regarding rates, etc., call at the O. R. and N. ticket office. .Most so-called "salmon twines" are col ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre and render the material useless. In the office of Elmore, Sanborn A Co. Is an ob ject lesson that ought to be examined by all fishermen. It Is the whole of the material used In the manufacture of Mar shall's twine from .tart to finish. Go there and examine the color right through. You will see then why Mar shall's is called the best In the world. FROM NOW UNTIL SPRINO Overcoats and winter wraps will be la fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the steam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the west. Use Webfoot Corn Cure. No eure no pay. For sale at Es-tes-Crain Drug: Store. OUR CORNER. A gentlemen's resort, at corner Bond and 12th streets. Ths finest brands of liquors and cigars always on hand. Call and try us. ANDERSON PETERSON. For 15 cents you can secure an excel lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton Restaurant, No. 671 Commercial street They are also fully prepared to terve all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of the season, as well as oysters In every Imaginable style at the lowest living prices. Come once and you will con tlnu to come. There's mors clothing destroyed by poor soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" soap contains no free alkali and will not Injure the finest lace. Try it and notice ths difference in quality. Rosa, Hlgglns ft Co. Beaver Hill and Oilman " Family r Steam rrw usee CLKAN...HKAIIO!ALK 1M fRirS ELMORE. SANBORN - ..i-u'ikiaim If you will look Into the situation you will soe that WARRENTON ia the cream of west side property. The center of improve ments U here, and as an investment for business or a home there, i Nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. In WARRENTON ots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices range from $i$0 to $250 each. SoU on installments. Terms to suit. Save your change and buy a lot in WARRENTON Ad offlc hu beeo opened by th pro prietors one door oast of the Crosby hardware (tore. Call, be shown the merits of this property, and forest. AROUND TOWN. As things seem large which we through mists descry Dullness is ever apt to magnify. Pope. A tight shoe makes you sick all over. A birkeitine was reported outside yesterday afternoon. Sweet Cream that is cream, 15c per pint, at C. B. Smith's. A choice lot in New Astoria at bargain. R. L. Boyle Co. A choice lot on Irving avenue 75x150 for $400. R. L. Boyle ft Co. John Grant, of North Shore, called on bis Astoria frletds yesterday. Fresh strawberries every morning at lowest market price. C. B. Smith. The Columbine Is expected back from Alaska at the end of this week. L. S. Enyart, and John Elliott, of Elliott's Landing, were In the city yes terday. The regular meeting of the T's will be held this afternoon at 4:15 at Res cue Hall. Engineer Adams and family will leave for San Francisco on the next steamer. Judge J. J. Erumbach, of Ilawco, and F. J. Norvell, of St Louis, are guests of the Cccidtnl. New 20th Century tan lace shoes for ladles. Columbia Shoe Co., successors to Copeland & Thorsen. Ross, Hlgglns Co.'s new Window decorations called out many favorable comments yesterday evening. Business In the various courts yes terday was very dull. As a matter of fact there were no cases heard. Lawyer Frank Spittle left up the river last evening for a few days' visit at various points, Including Portland. Fred Johnson, one of the popular salesmen of Foard ft Stokes, has gone to Gray's River for a month's vacation. The return of sunshine yesterday was welcomed by all, and Mr. Grover says it will stay until a change takes place. The circuit court will convene next Monday morning, and It is expected that Judge McBride will be In attend ance. Mr. Frank Cook and wife i, who have for the past week been rusticating at Pillar Hock, returned to the city yes terday. Miss Alma Holmes arrived In the city yesterday from the East, where she has been attending school for sev eral years. Ice cream by the bushel at C. B Smith's. Ice cream soda a specialty. Private parlors for ladles. 483 Com-i merclal street. .XOAL Tru If 1 Ijf II... A CO. A rents. AstorU. A lot with good business huui. rent ing for JoO per month on Commercial street. 15000. Host buy n Astoria, It. L. Boyle Co. A 50 foot lot with good business house on Commercial street renting for "S per month, fur IS.S00 on easy terms. R. U Boyle ft Co, The 5 o'clock tea given yesterday af ternoon by the Ladles' Guild of Orace church was largely attended, and en joyed by all. Mrs. S, M. Grimm and Mrs. l Miller, of Sacramento. Cal.. are In the city, visiting Mrs. C. B. Haradcn and Mrs. K. Z. Ferguson. Malt Juice from the National Brew ing Company, San Francisco, requires j no brumo seltter in the morning. It is healthful and nourishing. Four or Ave vesels an? now due at any moment at this port, two of them, the Suthirlandshlre and Clackmaiian shire, coming from Calcutta. Mr. E. J. Smith returned yesterday from his trip up-river, and reports business at the points he visited as being In fairly good condition. The coroner's Jury yesterday decided that the body found at Clifton and brought down Tuesday night by Mr. Pohl was that of Sam MellanJt. Short sleeved bathing suits are no longer deemed good form. The puffed affairs reaching to the elbows are pre ferred by women of quiet taste. Among the Portlanders registered at the Occident yesterday were W. 8. Mc Farland, Wm. Ladd. the banker, and wife, H. A. fehurey, and J. V. Pone and wife. The regular weekly meeting of the W. C. T. V. will be held In Rescue Hail parlors this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. A full attendance Is re quested. It was stated yesterday by a gentle man who ought certainly to be In a position to know, that there are many men who want to and will fish this season. A raft of piles is expected today from Goble for the big railroad dock at Flavel. Contractors Corey Bi others will then push the work forward very rapidly. , Contractor Oter!g has everything In readiness to push the work on his sec tion vigorously, and is only waiting for piles, which are expected down the river at once. Children's day will be observed at the Congregational Church on Sunday evening, and the entire school will j meet for rehearsal this evening at 7:30. Let all come. Contractors WakefMd and Jacobsen are rapidly getting their drivers and machinery In position near Kinney's cannery, and will soon have a large force of men at work. August Danlelson returned yesterday from a visit to Skamokawa. He re. ports that the people of that burg are prosperous and that the neighboring farmers are doing well. "Delightful!" says the lawyer; "re freshing," says the doctor, as they are chatting at "The National," enjoying a glass of the finest malt beverage brewed on the coast. The work of tearing down warehouses and docks to make way for the rail road, Is going on rapidly. There will soon be a clear right of way up to the Telephone dock. It is said that there is a good deal of religion which Is purchased on the In stallment plan. You get a quantity of it, but you fail to pay up, and the first thing you know you haven't any. It Is said that a woman can carry a bird cage, two satchels and a bundle of umbrellas and not make the fuss over It that a man does when he brings home a pound box of candy. It was reported yesteiday afternoon that afterr holding a meeting, the com mitter decided to hold no regatta this year. The members of the comittee tendered their resignation accordingly. The Potter reported panning about twenty boats oft Tongue Point yester day afternoon fishing for salmon. As the men were using short nets It Is sup posed they were fishing for their own use. Mr. P. A. McGIUis, brother of Stew ard McGlllis, of the White Collar Line, with his friend, Mr. Phil. Snyder, re turned to Chicago Sunday evening. Both gentlemen spent the winter In Oregon. The Astoria Iron Works yesterday HERE ARE BARGAINS finished repairing three soldering ma chines for the Pacific Sheet Metal Work. This latter concern l working null a large crew of mmi and turning ut quantities of tin ran. Mr, W. J. Honryman. of Portland, one of the bondsmen for Contractor Wolfe, returned from a visit to the prpoaed railroad grade last evening, and reported that no division had yet been arrived at concerning the matter. The new 'bus. drawn by a spanking team, driven by Proprietor Cole, of the Hotel Astoria yesterday afternoon, at tracted much attention. The rig I a handsome one, and Is evidence of the energy of the proprietor of the new ho tel. Mr. J. E. Young, son of the Hon. Ilenj. Toung, returned yesterday from the Washington Lee I'tilvemlty. Isl ington. Va.. a full-fledged attorney at law. having secured hi certificate to practice from the authorities at Salem w hile on his w ay home. The school children of the city are rejol'lng that their labor for the year are about completed. Various exer rises, examinations and entertainment are taking place, and with the gradua tton of the High School class Friday, the business of the school year will close. The Improvements going on at N'-w Astoria, hae begun to call attention to the west side of the bay. It w evl dent that the owner of this proprty do not propose to lose any of the good weather, and regardless of any other consideration, will make hay while the sun shines. For the next ten days we will have a special sale of velvet, silk, and cloth wraps at wholesale prices, the hand somest and best fitting shirt waists, and a large line of duck suits, and w rappers at way dow n prices. 1. Cohen, Low Price Store, 491 Ilond street, cor ner Eleventh. The rehearsals for the concert to be given by Miss Kelly for the benefit of the fund being raised by the firemen for the entertainment of visitors at the tournament to be held In this city are progressing well, and the program as arranged Is an exceptionally fine one. A treat Is In store for lovers of music. At 7 o'clock last evening Miss Chris tina Nordlund, of Bvensnn's Landing, and Mr. John Dixon, were united In marriage by the Hev. J. Mi Cor mac. The ceremony took place In the pres ence of the friends of the contracting parties at the residence of Mr, Me Cbrmac, and afterwards a pleasant re ception was held. Yesterday morning Tom Loughery who was working on Clinton & Sons' pile driver, "ii Exchange street, was struck by a pile head that hud Just been sawed off, which knocked him about sit feet below Into the street. Dr. Estes reports that he sustained se vere internal Injuries, Just how serious have not yet been ascertained. Roth steamer lines yesterday report ed river traffic, both passenger and frelglit, as being very light. The boys In the office now have time to read the papers and look out the windows. They anticipate, however, that the summer travel to the seaside will soon com mence, and that they will have enough work to keep them out of mischief. Contractor Bavles yesterday reported that he had received a barge load of brick for the Flavel hotel, and that to day a barge would arrive with 80,000 feet of lumber, and tomorrow another one will bring down 100.000 feet. Next week the finishing lumber will be re ceived. The work of excavating for the foundation has been completed, and a large gang of men will soon have the frame work up. Captain Olsi,on, of the Earlscourt, who arrived the other day from Aus tralia with a cargo of coal, stated yes terday to an Astorlan reporter that he Awarded Highest Honors World'! Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM 116 Most Perfect Made. 40 Yean the Standard. A Beautiful Addition on the West Side. ...WATCH... FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT was here without a charter, and looking for any freight that h could secure. Hi Vessel will be placed slonu sldn the dock at the ga works, and after discharging lou tons of roal, w ilt proceed to IVrtlatid. The ispu'u ex. IMvts to tart up river about a week front Saturday. Officer At. Seafeldt yesterday resign ed from the police force In order to go Into private business Mi. Fred. Kiwis was appointed to hi place on the force, and w 111 today resign a constable. Mr. Seafeldt has been In the service since February, SM, and lias made an en viable reputation a an officer. Mr OVrg. whose efficiency and experience are well known, makes a fitting addi tion to the force. The report published III Tuesday Is sue of the bearing In Justice Alwr croiuble' couit of the charge luaile by Kosm Hlgglns A Co. against a par') for the theft of a case of egg, serins to have hn made under a misappre hension. Tbe Justice states that since there was nothing produced In the evl denre to show that the gixxl lost had any value, then was no around on w hlch to commit the offender to Jnll. and of necessity he w dismissed A large truck belonging to Ilia I'rael teaming company, heavily loaded with coke, met with an accident at the cor ner of Commercial and Tenth street yesterday afternoon. While passing over the crossing, and when the hind wheel was close to and parallel with the south rail of the street car track. It w it through an old hole which had been temporarily rover-d with an Inch plunk, ami the bed of the truck Mas let down upon the street. Truffle on the street car line was delayed about twenty minutes. Finally by the united efforts of a number of bystander, the nut;on was rescued from Its ugly posi tion. The remarks made ly those who witnessed the action, seemed In Indi cate that there was still room for lin provment In Astoria streets. The Juniors of the Astoria Hlitli School, with fitting honor lust night ushered out tbe clan of 'M at the school building. The assembly hall was crowded with a gala throng of stu dents and parent who enjoyed the llt- rrary program during the first part of the evening. The hall was decorated with beautiful flowers and Various col ored lights. The banquet prepared by the young ladles ws a most dainty one, and all availed themselves of the Invitation to "fall to." Ureal credit Is due to the excellent entertainment pre pared by the program committee, and the affair will not soon be forgot hh by those who were fortunate enough to be present. After the banquet the members of the school board made a few appropriate remarks to the class, The forming of an alumni association was taken up, but action deferred to a later day. Among those who par tlclpated In the program of the evening were the Misses McLean, Morgan, Shlvely. Gray, Ho. Fox, Thompson, Estes, Habel, Hlgglns, and Mr. Lester liusey. Little or no chnnge was made In the fishing sltuntlon yesterday. The Cut ting Packing Company and Elmore's cannery took their boats out of the wa ter and stored them away. In the af ternoon there was a large mass meet ing of fishermen at Fisher's hall, which did not adjourn until a late hour. In the evening, after the meeting. It was reported by a number of the men that It had been decided not to allow thi" fishermen of the Scandinavian Packing Company to go out. It was stated that the Scandinavian men offered to the I'nlon to put up ten, and even twenty per cent of their earnings, If they were permitted to fish on the proposition made by the cannery. It was also as serted by some of the men that the Scandinavian men would In all proba bility arrange to fish anyway. One could hear almost 'any rumor that he wanted to. Just what was done and what the outcome will be It la Im possible to learn. Secretary Nelson, of the Scandinavian Packing Co., said he had received no official notice of the proceedings of the meeting, but that he expected to hear from the officials of the Union today. , BICYCLE ACADEMY. Sherman A Thing have opened a riding school next door to Pacific Express office. Competent Instructors constsntly In at tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi cycles for sale and rant. MH8. HUSKY'S HOOM. The Scholarship League In Mrs. ltusey's room yesterday rendered the following programme: CLASS B. Composition , ..Elsie Elmore Ths best chemical compound lor wash ing powder Is "Soap Foam," as It will not "yellow ths clothes," nor burn th hand, it's the finest thing In ths world for ths bath. On trial will convlnc. you. , Composition.. Guy llrwii ...Alema Nylaud . Herman Sclunld Cllnor Cronk Oua Wirt Composition Composition Composition Violin solo CIVHH A Composition ,. ..Jennie Hurkhesd Composition Ross Ti ullltixrr Composition Lulu Kste Composition.. Knillti Nymsn Composition , ..Lloyd t'nhrsrt limitation Clara Punbar Pluno solo Lulu Kates I n tag Hume Ily Hoys of A and It Classes CLASS II. Composition Mary Nowland Composition , (lua Wlrl Conitioaitlon Ellen t'lwn t'oinKsiiloit Carl Itos Composition , NeUi I'amlccu I'lano solo Allvln KerchofT CLASS A. CoiuiKmitton John Mci'ann Composition Fanny Copelaiul Composition Tom 1'arker ConiMltlon Charles Clevntsnd Sll! :'. .. I. . School Song" A merles" Schisil Til officer of the league sr as fol lows: President, Thomas K. Talker; vlc president. Peter Klnlayson, secretary Kllrn Olsen. REWARD. tlatsop County, State of Oregon Whereua. on the !7th day of My isx. Esther Udre, Js.k Iinlwrl, Adolph (luolnage and Sam Mellaudt were waylaid and murdered near Csth' I a met Head (two mile below Clifton) In Clatsop county. Oregon. Now, therefore, Clatsop county hnre by offers the following reward ol ONE Hint S.Nt (ll"u IXM.LAUS for Information that will lead to the arrest or conviction of the per m or person w ho murdered said purl li s Said reward will be paid a follow Flv Hundred (.'om dollar will he paid for Information that will cause the r real and conviction of any one of the gang of murderer, and Five hundred tiooi will be paid for Information that will rause the arrest and conviction of th balance of the persons committing said crlin. Astoria. Oregon. June Jl, M. J. II. 1. GHAT, County Judge, CI I sop County, Or. The U. S. Qov't Reports $how Royal Baking Powder iaperlor to all other. Salton !Sen Malt for baths at the Estes-Craln Vrvg Store. 10c and 2c perpackage. Meany Is th leading tailor, and pays ths highest cash prlr. for fur skin. Beneath a steamer's berth there's Just room enough for one of our 13 H telescope satchels and not near enough for th. ordinary trunk. H.nce, a satch el Is a necessity If you're going on a sea voyags. THE ARCADE. Grand Concert GIVEN BY- wslnAU Miss Eugenia Kelly t .. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE June 19th To raise a fund to entertain visiting fire men during the tournament and conven tion next August. Tickets, CO oonts, to bs procured of any of the firemen, or at the New York Novel- ty Store, where seats can be reserved without extra charge. PATRONIZE A GOOD CAUSE LADIES' CloukM and Suits iimde tu Order or ready imtdc at the ..UNIQUE.. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING C. A. LE VERB & CO. Ladle' Tailors. Astoria Land & Investment . Co. Bond Street... Astoria, Or. ftaport of tha Condition or Tit. First National Bank OF ASTORIA, At Aitorl. hi llw nuts of tiiegiiti, at ili.i'loss of business, Ms? I, Ism, MSSOI'SCKS. IjmuissikI UUeiMMiu,. ...... u.',m oa tiierorittu seeurett siiutiiiweurriL.H, III IS I. n, llonas In pMltr lreuUl!c,... t3. IV I'r-nduiit en I' a ttouds.M.H. ,..lw., HHH'ks. eeurllle. tn Ii.tfll W littler Ileal kall Slid Hurtls. usufii , i,:m w lu InMii nsliiHisl bank. iMut !! ' sswitsi II l t IhM Inuu slsis Hank and tMiiksr . St Ihte (row seiMoke rrvr aseiiis 9u,.vit 4s checka sod mlisr rsti Itruis is iu Notes u oilier Sslliiual Uaiika. .. . ... g Mekels and es.lt MM' Ijkwrt'L Mnxsv Itsasavs in IUkk, Visi Hiwh .i a m l-SSl leMtlrr Moles.., . ,., U)' HrdeniHtca fumt with t, H Tiraaurer t&peiriil,u(eirculatloiii. , y N Tut) ,,. liV T I.UMlMTiaa. I'spllsl sloe wld lu I !,! 00- NumMiii fund .,.... 4 KM) UU 1'lio.lvttleU mnt less ex penses .i ll Uies ll. . H.VU Jtt Nallousi han soles niit slaiiiliiis . ., .. 00 luo to iat Hsnss slid hanker 4,(l lliilltlilual iti-pusUa sub )ec lor link til. Ms 6 teui rertlOialM ol posit oo-sksx tr Tolsl ,. ,. ll.isg ST tie ol I'regtvn, 1 OmiiiIii of liaison, I I, a. . IomiIimi, nuhier of ths shots sasusl bonk, l solemul) wef Mist Ills stMe staU rnent U true tu til bel tif my knoalrUi; will belief. S. H (OlKlMlN.I alller. Hjuuserlbrd sixl ssjuiu 10 tel"i n this lllli day ol May. In C. k. illoMMiN, Nulary IMbUs, lurren aneii 1 11 IIANTIIoHN, JilllV s pf W IN, J A. nil KAMM. McKrtur. shoes: ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC Our large ix-s of stn, s, I I c, Ul,.i 4 l'niilreatH a ill MOLD AT COHT mult July In, M. wtihiml ihii rH"t ' S'S rod and rrlulile fur yuur tnniie,, as He Pv t .. . .. 1 -. . . . 1 .. la transit. P. J. GOODMAN & CO. 584 COMMERCIAL ST. mcsHi ki H.t 1 WANTED. WA.NTKlA dressmaker would Ilk. soma sewing by th. day. Address Has n. W A NTKD Three unfurntstrd room, for light housekeeping. "F." Astorlan office, WANTKD HemlnaMor. typewriter rov er. Address II. XI , Astorlan Omv., WANTKIl-fllluatlon by compet.nt book keener. Address II. Astorlan ofnra. - WANTKD To llent-A house of six or savon room, centrally loco lad. Address- J., Astorlsa ofnc. WANTED PrtOMPT IKn PAITIIPI-f. suntloman ne latlv Ia fi-mvl fn. ilnto stabllahed nous In Oregon. Hatary, 1710, payaoi. in weekly and .xpnsrs. tiltua lion DermanehL References. KnriAu aj.ir. addressed stamped snvclop. II. II. 1 less. Pres., Dearborn direct, Chicago. WANTED By hous. twenty rear standing, Isdy or gntlsmn, willing to. I.arn our business, then to travel or to do offlca work. Salary, INM.00. Encloso elf-addressed stamped .nv.loo. Is A. T. ELDKIt, Mansgsr. car bally as torlan. FOU SALE. FOIl SALE C1II0AI'-A oil. drlv. rAti. ply to llwaco Lumber Yard, llwaco. FOn BALE The rerr.ll property, cor ner of Kxchsng and lth sireaia Prlo. H:M. W. C. CasMll. 4T1 Uond .treat, sgt JAPANESE OOOrii - Fireworks JTu.s out Just received-Just what you wnt, si oi ijes s. hj i.umm.rrii si rest. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Small dwelling hn..... f,,-. nlture for sal. Apply at Astorlan ofTlco. FOR RENT A furnished room. It Ir4. street FOR RKNTTheaa fmie t.t. board, at Mr. E. C. Holden's, comer Dunn, and Ninth straits. I'ri,-. r...nn- abl. REWARD. TEN rOT.T.A!lH RR-WATin lil K- for any Information which will lead to. th arrest and conviction of th p.ison Or Demon Whn slnla th nliiHh --.1 m celver from th Palnc Car.. W. W. WHIPPLE, Proprietor. FOUND. FOUND A gentleman's gold rlns. marked with Odd Fellow's emblem. Own er can recover same by applying nt As torlan office. Emil Schacht ARCHITECT GEO. N1C0LL, Assistant. OFFICE: lopp's cw Brewerg AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE. For a dinner, served on th Dining cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt. Paid. Railway, will b. sent to any address on. reoelpt of a two-cent postsg. stamp. Apply to Geo, H. Heafford, General Pas senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi cago, Illinois. 1