T'y-;- 5 F t 1 I r i THE DAILY AHTOIIIAN, THURSDAY JJOUNING, JUNE ll, 1830. ( J What is CuatorU. I Dr. Buinu.-l IMU Iicr'n pnmcrlptlon for Iuntnts ond Children. It contain neither Opium, Morphine uor other Knrcotlo substance. It U ft imriuleM substltuto for Paregoric, Drop., Mouthing- Syrup, and Castor OIL It ll Pleasant. IU (runrunteo l thirty yearn' uw by M llllous of Mother. Cuatorin destroys Worms and alluya fcrci-lsline. Cantorlu prevent vomiting Sour Curd, cure Dlarrheen, and Wind Colic Caatorla relieve) teething trouble, cure count! put Ion and flatulency. Costoru aNNiinllittcn the food, rt'ipilutea the stomach and boweU, giving healthy and natural sleep. Ca tvrto 1 tho Children' runacuo llio Mother' Friend, Castorla. "Castorl Ua tiwll.nl vidlHnt ftr cttll 4m. ktcrthirs hen rrpiatfdly told mi of IU (trad eaW upon llitlr chlidtia." l. 0. C. Omood, Luwtll, Castorl! U Hi brat remedy fee thlldmi of Wbtch I im acquainted, I hup Ik day I, But Dir distant when niothire will oauklir (hi tsal Intern) of Ihrlr riilklrae, aad as Casloria Instead f Ihi nihw qajuk anruaa which n destroying Unir land mm, by forcing opium, nutvhlui, soothing lyrup and other trartful cul down Ihrlr thrusts, thereby I Baling that la pmuatur gtm" Pa. J. r. KJNCMBIOB, Coaaray, Ark. Tit Centaur Company, 77 TIDE TABLE Motlilliy Tilri.la) WodnoaiUy Thurlv Frl.Ur Hatunlav SUNDAY Monday IWUy NVtrdnMkUjr Tliurlay PrliUv Balunlav 8 1-N DAY Morula y Tueoitay V,)nr.Uy Ttiorly Friday Katurlay HISDAY , MnuJav . Tm-nUy AVeduxaiUy Tliuri.lay Krily Kattirdav Ht'MUV Mniiilny Tmi-Uv t ' NOTICH Of THE IMI'IIOVKMENT Of Tlilnyaroond Hlrril. Hurrlaon Avvnua and Irvine Awnun, In Ailalr'i Ailorlav Notice la horvliy alven thai ll rom nion i'miiii'II iruMao to order III Im rovmiint of th follnwlna iimitkhI airrvla In th illy of Aaloiia, ua hil.l out and rwonlcd ly John Adulr: Thirty-third atnwt. frum Uia aoutlt Una of Dunno lrot to lh aoutti lint of tlurrlion avv nun. Ilnrrlion avpniiv, from the enat nlln of Tlilny-llilrd atrwet to the ruat lino of Tlilny flfili ilrert Thlny-flflh alrcet. fnun lliraouth Una of llarrlnon avenuo to I ho aouth line of Ininc avrnue. Irv ln avennr, from the eaet Una of Ttilrty Drill ir-"l lo the writ line of Forllelh lrrt. Huld Improvement to romlal of ra.lltia; to the full width of Hiirrlaon ami Irvluir avenuea anil Thlrty-Dih atreet, lo the eiliihlliihnl iintde. ami planklnx Ihe aame lo the wlillli of 10 feet 10 the center thereof ly Sxll Inch fir plunk, ami anul lua to the full width Thirty-third alreet, from the aouth line of llnrrlaon avenue to n point hImmii 13S aouth of tin aouth line or lua.ne alreel, nml acltlna- !na and mM nml atrtiurera on that Hirilun twlwii'ii icrndi'd pari ulhl the eon I Ii tins of limine atreet to the width ol ) feet In the renter thereof and pliinkliur the whole (llalnnce from Huiuio atreet to Hiirrlaon avenue M feet wide In the center thereot with 3x13 Inch llr plunk. Rldewnlk hi feet Will" IO let pllttfed Ol) llOth glllea Ol Tlilriy-lhliil atrerl, ami, In detnll, the Im provement ahull Im In ncrordnuce with the plana nml apeclflcullona lo lie pre pared for the aunie nccorillnir to or.ll niince No. mil, relutliiK lo the Improve menla of alreeta. The land und prenilea UKin which Ihu ie( lnl naMemmetit ahull 1h IcvIihI lo ilc frny the coat a nml extM-naea or auch lin lirovementa la na followa: Commencing nt the tiorthenat comer of lot 2, Muck I J, Adiilr'a Port of t'pi'r Antorln, Ihence aoulh nlona the center line of lilorka ll nml IH to tho aoulheiwt corner of lot 7, I. lock Js; thncc cixt iiIoiik the aouth lino of liliH-ka .1. 3' nod l to the amitho.tat rorner of lihx-k M; thence aoulh nlonit the enal line of block 4S lo tho norlhenxt rorner of block (til: thence enat iilotur tho north line of lilorka Ul. M. ST nml 5(1 to tho northenal corner of block M; thence aouth nlonit the enat lino of hlofka M und 71 to the aouthrnat corner of block 71: thence weat nlonn the aoulh Una of blocks 71, 7i). 00, (IK. 7 nnd (HI to tho aouth weat corner of block fid: thence north nlonit tho north linn of block 96 to tho aouthweat corner of block 61: thenco weat nlonff the aouth line of blocka Al, 62 nnd US to the clulm line between Phlve ly'n Aatorln, and Adnlr'a Port of Upper Antorln; Ihence nlonit an Id clnlm line to the northwnat corner of block 16; thenco enat nlona the north line of block! 16 nnd 17 to the plnoe of beginning-. That the dlalrlct embraced therein no the Innda ami the premlaea be ami the aame are hereby doalirnnted and known na Ailalr'a aaeeaament dlatrlot No. 21, anld Improvement belna a oontlnttoua Im provement from Thirty-third nnd Duano to Fortieth and Irving' avenue. And If a rcmonatrance aliened by at lenat one-hnlf of the property owmera front Inn on laid portion of anld alreet to be Improved or affected by anld Im provement I ftied with the auditor and police Judire on or before the next meet ing of the common council, to-wlt, on Wedneailny, June 17, 1W6, the common council will not order anld Improvement except by a concurrence of two-thlrda of nil the member electo of anld com mon council. By order of the common council. Dated June 1, 1896. H. K. NELSON. Auditor and Police J wine. Partlea dealrlnr the beat of Job prlnttn at the loweat price ihould onll at the Aatoria Job office beforo folng elie-wher. Castorla. "Castaria U tow. II adapted lochlldres thai I recommend It as suptrloc loeny preeertpUoa knows, to DM." II. A. Alms. M. I, III lo. Oslotd St., Brooklyn, N. V. "Our phyiiciass in Ih children's depart, ment hi vi spoke highly of Uwlr "peri lace In Ihrlr oulild pintle with Caaturla, end tllhough wi only have sung our medical supplies what U knows u regular products, yet w art fret to confess that th merits of Cailutta haa won ua to luuk with llvur iiki II." I'xiTao lleemat, ajrp Diersmuav, Huston, Maaa. Alum C. Surra, Am Murray 8trt, Naw York CKy. FOR JUNE. IIK.II WAT KM UiW WATCH. tl. I ":J!L,M J I' l,,ral ft jh "' 1 (u I lj 4 .Ml T 'i a !! i: u fi8.')7 0 MoT 6 .7 tl a ll M 4 i 10 2 7 10 2 4 15 2 1 1.1 I (Hid 405 27 0 0 04-O5 02 10 7 SI 7 1 M 07 7 1 M M 7 8' 0 8H 7 il 10 17 7 H ill 55 8 1 44 1 8 42 2 1 44 2 4 84 2 7 20 8 I 7 U ft 7 fr MM.'ift Hi VMSII I 7 10 671 I H 1 1 M) ! tt 081 05 3 8 11 34 H S, 6 44 S3 25 8 4 , IU . Ill . i.i 1 IK 8 40-09 6 15 11 7 621-2 7 2ii 1-2 8 1)91-0 9 50 (XI 10 84 -01 11 25 0 5 8 8 0 U 2 I 42 Oft, 2 4s:.l4i 8 45 '-I 4 ;w i-7l a 28 2-0! 112-2 7 fill 2-0! 8 10, 8 12 1 o; ii ll) 21 114 II 0 1 16287 05' 3 3 47,8 2 8180 21 2 8 17 2 8 13 2 6 15 1 4 10 19 21 2 4 2li 2 8 2ii 8 0 2H 8 1 22 8 2 14 8 4 Itl 2 8 51 5(1 42 2 5 84 2 i 2i 2 1 UMI5 I MHtt 8 oil H IN 81171 3 60 7 2 4 3H7 8 ll 4 (H 7 17! ft I 6 6 11 7 ft ID 4 67 7 7 11 8 44 7 7, 0 7 42 7 - 1 8 hi; 8 u i same a III 24 Hit 4 11 IU HI; 6 18, fl 1-1 8 N ID 7 018 J; 'JO! M.Vtfi I, Ul 111 K 8 X 11 ll 14 II 3 0 (tt II 1 1 4H i ll 7 2 I7 41 7 a mi 7 5 8 3 411 7 51 U 4 21 7 ii U 4 57 7 fi Id 0 54 0' 1 4lH7j 2 2l 8 2 3 12 7 il 4 00 8 COI.l'MDIA AVENUE GKADE NOTICE Notice la hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Aatnrla pro pOM lo ralahllah the grade of Columbia avenue In that pari of the city of Aa tori known aa I'nlontown. at the fol lowing height above the baae of grudee: At the eouhtweel corner of block ID, at 13U feet, and at a point directly oppoalle on the eaat aide of block 111 ami at rtgbt uiglea to weat aide of block It, at 110 feel, and at a point directly oppoatte to the aouihweat corner of block W on the north aide of block M and at rurbt analci to the louth aide of hlwk la. at 11 feet. At the aoulheaat comer of block K nl 1 13; feet, and at a point directly oppoette on the north aide of block l and nl light anglea to the aouth aide of block 1 at 13J fe..t. At the northweat corner of block , at 13.1 feet. Al the aouihweat corner of block 18, ul 13i reel. At the northeaat corner of block 31. at l?S feet. At the aoulheaat corner of block 17, at 136 feet. At the aouth aide of Klngaton avenue at Ita Interaectlon with Columbia avenue, at IM) feet. At the north aide of Kingston avenue nt Ita Interaectlon with Columbia avenue, at 181 feet. At the aouthweat corner of block 1. at V flHt. Al the aouthrrly corner of block S3, al 264 feet. At the Inti-racctlon of Columhla, Coin bridge nnd llwnco uvenuca, nt Jati feet. At the northeual comer of block 34, at !M feet. At the northerly corner of block Sii, ut 2M feet. And unleaa a remnnatrnnce algned by the owncra of three-foiiriha of the prop erly fronting on anld portion of aald atrect be lllcd with the auditor and po lice Judge of anld city within ten daya from the final publication of tnia notice, the common council will eatabllxh ald gnutca. Doled at Aatoria, Oregon, Juno 6, 1K. H. K. NKLMON, Auditor and Police Judge NOTICE OF INTENTION To Change the Qriule on Eleventh Street, llelween Kenelngton Avenue and Hiirrlaon Avenue, McClure'a Aatoria. Notice la hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Aatoria pro poae to re-eatolillah the grade of thnt part of Eleventh atreet In MoClure'a Aa torln, aa extended and changed by Cyrua Olney, which Ilea between th aouth aide of Harrlaon avenue and tho north aide of Kenalngton avenue, at the following holghla above the baae of grade as ea tabllahed by ordinance No. 71, entitled "An Ordinance to Eatabllah a Bone ot Grade for the Street of Astoria," to wlt: ' 'On th north aide of the crossing ol aald Elevonth atreet and Irving avenue, 128 feet. On tho aouth aide ot said crossing, 129 feet. On the north aide of the crossing ot snld Eleventh street with Jerome avenue, 103 feet. On the south side of said crossing, 196 feet And unleaa a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-fourth of the prop erty fronting on laid portion of said atreet be tiled with the auditor and po lice Judge of sold city within ten ditys from the final publication of this notice, to-wlt, on or before June Soth, 1896, the common council will re-establish Raid grade aa above proposed. lly order of the common council. Duted June 6, 1896. 1 H. B. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. KftANX'O-AMKKICAN UNION. Iluiiiiit In Paris In Honor of Professor Hliinin Nuwcoinli. New York,' June lu.-rlpcclul corres pondence from I'arls to the Jlurabl says: profeaaor Hlmoii Newcuinb, the di rector of the naval olmnrvalory at VVttahlnglon, who I attending the con Kris of astronomy In Paris, was a guest of honor on Wtnlni'sday evening at n lmnicii't given by Ihu inmnliers of the franco-American t'nlon Com inlllen, the object of which committee are to bring Arneilcan atu'lmil Into direct relatione with representative men of France to give them aerl'iua guidance In their studies. Tliehonnrary chairman of (hi com mittee Cointe Carre de Zuterollrs, th president I Coinle Henri tlu llourg, and Us vie president I M. Paul dc llouvlor, the author of the well known work, "Im Vie Amerlcalne." The president, Cointe do Hourg, who took the chair, expressed In an elo quent speech the gratitude of th com mute toward Profeaaor Newcomb for the highly valued moral support which he had given to their project. Profeaaor Newcomb, answering to the speech of the Cointe do Hourg, sal I that he hoped that his Influence would not be overrated by the member of the syndicate, but thi-y might he aa aurnil of his hearty sympathy In the undertaking, of iilch all appreciated the disinterestedness and philanthropic motive. The guests Included Dr. Maglll, of Parte, and Professor Hurry Fowler, of Chicago. IIAKK1IAI.U New York, June 10. New York, 10 Cincinnati, t. Hnltlmore, June 10Italtlmore, 9; Iulavllle. 0. Philadelpliln, June 10 Cleveland, i; Philadelphia. 2. Washington. June 10. Washington, 13; Chicago. 14. CAPTAIN KNOWXKS DEAD. Oakland, Cat., June 10. Capt. Joalah M. Knowlea, a well known shipowner. capitalist and merchant, died today at hla residence here. A aevere cold, which developed Into pneumonia, was the Immediate cause of death. PHETTY HOT. Pueblo, Col., June 10. With the ther mometer at M degrees, today was the hottest In three years and makta a new record for the first ten day of June, which had been M degrees. A HECORD BREAKER. Denver, June 10. W. W. Hamilton, the bicyclist, went a mil agalnat time at Overland today, and broke the rec ord for fast time on that race track. Time, 1:&0. Prince of Wale never ate better food than 1 railed with Price' Bak ing Powder. MENU FOR THURSDAY. Breakfast. Fruit. Oatmeal, with Sugar and Cream. Broiled Liver. Hashed Brown Potatoes. Crumpet. Coffee. Luncheon. Minced Clam on Toast. Cheese Ramaklns. Lettuce Salad. Toasted Crackera. Cheese. ' Berries. Iced Tea. Dinner. Vegetable Soup. Ronst ilcf. Yorkshire Pudding. New Potatoes. String Bean. Sguaah. Tomato Salad. Wafer. Ice Cream. Cheese. Coffee. No liberal man would Impute a charge of unsteadiness to another for having changed hi opinion. Cicero. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength U. S. Oovwnawat Report A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twlat him a twist. For In twisting a twist Three twists make a twist: Hut If one of the twists Untwists from the twist, The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That Is, when It' twisted with any other twine than MARSHALL'S. Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see their new and handsome twine testing machine. Take along some of the twines "as good as Marshall's," In your pocket. and tetit them. Then see how much more Marshall's will stand. It's money In your pocket and fish In your net to nnd out. Xfnmhiill'i tmine liaeri hv 7ft nee eant of the fishermen on the Columbia river. Divorce has been described a a matri monial tlcket-of-leave. NOTICE OF INTENTION To Change and Re-establish the Grade on Jerome Avenue, Between Tenth and Twelfth streets. In Mo Clure's Astoria. Notice Is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria pro pose to change and re-establish the grade on that portion of Jerome avenue, In McClure s Astoria, aa extended and changed by Cyrus Olney, which He be tween the wet side of Twelfth street and the east Hide of tenth street, at the following height above the base ot grades, as established by ordinance No. 71, entitled "An Ordinance to Establish a Base of Grades for tho Streets ot Aa toria," to-wlt: On the north aide ot the crossing of aald Jerome avenue with Eleventh atreet, 193 feet On the south side of said crossing, 196 feet By order ot the common council. Dated June I, 1S96. H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. luf Vti non-pomnoojj) rrmedjr fur Oouorrtiu, Olfmt, Bpvrmktorr hu, Whit,, nrjrjftturftl Jiv charge, or tuy .utUmm tton. trrlutttm or u.i-r ton OI UitlOOUl DlflDl' THtEvuMS Ckcuth Oft, trnfi. Moa-Mtriartmt. Irnlit mnpor. paitl, fur !f-Vfl fi.on, or 3 bottkM, V CirvuUr wot ua r rwiUtMl J M ll 1 1. 6 J OlUIIMtl fj , I bo, t. airl.ir. wus Miucwa. If you want a tur relict (or limbs, ua aa Allcoc BA IN MlND Not on of tions I a good a th genuine KNttMMH CAPITA T. FOR AMEIUCAN JNVHHTMENT8, Important to AmerVani aenklng ig Hah (.'autlal for nw enurpriwa. A Uat CfnrtjUirlng th nainaa and alrM ot KjQ uMrfis firomotar wbo tiav Mavcad ovr iiw,tu fltorttng In Foreign In- MlmiU wluim toe UM llx years, and over flll.OOO.OUO for Uw esvui month of lMft. I'liOJ, IS, or tiU, pyabl by poatat order to the London and Universal Bu reau of Inventor. 10, Cheupalde, London. K. C. Subeorrtiera -wll t enUtled, by ar- rangemont iih till director to reotr Itlwr proiul or laiun of Introductoia to any of thea uoowfiU protnotar. nts last I first otaa In rry respact. and very man or firm whoa nam ap pear unrein may ti apnod upon. For placing Out following It will bo found Invaluable Honda or Shares of Io- dunulavC CommsriMal and Financial eon oerna, Mortgug loan, Hiie of Laoda; PaHaiit or Ulnea. Dtrectora: hi R r.DWAM) C. ROM, HON. WAi.TKR C. PFPYB, CAPT. AHTI1UK STIFFS. Copyrlgbt Indio The Qasis of thp Colorado desert A New ealtb fesort BELOW IHE LEVEL OF THE SEA Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objection urgad against Indio Ut th past by th larg numbar who otherwise would have been glad to take advontag of Ita beneficial climate, bos been a lack of ultaM aooommodation. Th Southern Paclflo Company takes pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just bean erected at Indio station, that will be ranted to applicant at rea sonable rate. They are furnished with; modern conveniences, aupplled with pur moaern oonvaniense, auppuea wun pure orleslan water, and so tuattd atoglv i occupants all the advantagea to be de rived from a more or less protracted realdenoe In this delightful cllmat. (Prom th Ban Francisco Argonaut) "In th heart ot the great desert of th Colorado which the Southern Paclflo traverses thiro Is an oasis called Indio. which, in our opinion, la the sanitarium of the earth. Wt believe, from personal Inveatlgailoo, that for certain Individuals, there la no spot on thl planet so favor able." O. T. Stewart, M. u., writes: "Th purity of the air, and th eternal sun shine, fill one with wondr and delight , , . Nature has accomplished so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to It possibilities aa a health reoort here Is tho most perfect sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain Is an unknown factor; pure oxygen, den atmosphere and pure water. What more can be dealred? It la the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a para dise for rheumatics. Considering th number ot sufferers who have been cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending this genial oasis as th haven of th afflicted." INDIO Is 612 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LUS ANGELES Fare from Los Angeles For further Information inquire ot any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or address E. P. ROGERS. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt 8. P. Co, J. B. KIRKL.AND, Dlst Pass. Agt Cor. First and Alder at., Portland, Or eVMT, tana unra. OlaiON fsargsiT. UUPTRIOHTS. a Tor triform atJoo sad free Handbook writ to MUNN CO, Ml BaotoWAT. Msw Yoaa. Oldest bureau for seeming piunu in America, Every intent taken out by us li brought before tin pubuo by a ootios given bee Uooarge la U Stl fiivlw4ij, lr York Civ. THE BOARD OF TRADE? , PETER DOURELL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth aad Bond Streets. H J Solentlflo American j Agency tor. pam to th back, aid;, rt, or Porous Plaster th ho of counterfeit and Imita 187 1805 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & rVel, Coal. Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Fee.!, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. COMINQ ON ITS OWN TRAINS Til Mttt Traveled, Famoi tad Pepilar Exblbltloae of the Ualvereet BOND BROTHERS' WORLD'S BEST SHOWS! miss GRAND TRIPLE CIRCUS Five Ceatlaeat Rapreeeattd I UBUR1E OF M WILD WW ttnllVal Oaarsa f CartM Cnstleal tsrnui uufu ui nui vooon upposuiu Freseatisg many Extraordlnarr EzhlbHIoaal estares aever before witnessed by Ammcma asdiences. To r either of which is IsCnitelv worth more thaa to ee the taside and ootaid of any ouct show in tae world. The only show oa earth having a drove 0 Performing Elrp hints. The only ibow ha Ting a troupe of Educated nortrs. two oraaa tsxniotuoaa bq l-crlornv aaccs Daily. Door opea at 1 aad 7 r. at. Astoria Saturday, June 13 J. A FASTABEND, OENERAL CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, BRIDGE AJ1D fflHARF BUILDER HOUSB MOVER. ,m ,, . tj foe Dent. ta"Hos. Moving Ms tor Reofc. ASTORIA THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on th Chicago. Mil waukee and St Paul Railway. No. Ita tarlna ar veatlbuled, heater by steam, and lighted by electricity. Each aleep car berth baa an electrlo reading lamp. Ita dining car ar th beat In th world, and Ita coachea are palace on wheel. Thl great railway, connecting aa It doea with all transcontinental ltnea at St Paul and Omaha, assures to th tarvellng public the best service known. Ticket! via the Chicago. Milwaukee and St Paul Railway ar on sale at all railroad ticket offices to any point in the United State or Canada. For maps, folder and other Information, address. C. J. E1JDT, General Agent. J. W. CASET. Portland, Or. Trav. Pass and Tkt. Agent Portland, Or. TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison Augusta.... ALL) OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing date t and rroai.Tlllanook ad Nehaleai depend upon the weather. Per Freight aad Passenger Rstes Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AGENTS 0. R. N. CO., Agents. Portland. E. flcNEIL, Kc!ver. 0) o If 3 Givea Choice of Jwo Transcontinental KOUtCB, Via Spokane and St Taul. Via Ogden.Denver and Omaha or St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist Slfr Pr) Reclining Chair Oar Astoria to San Francisco. Stat of California, Sunday, June 7. Columbia, Friday, June 12. Stat of Cal. Wednesday, Jun L Columbia, Monday. Jun tt State of Col., Saturday, June ZI. Columbia, Thursday, July 2. Stat of Co., Tuesday, July 7. Columbia, Sunday, July 1. Columbia, Sunday, July 12. But of Cai.. Friday, July 17. Astoria end Portlod Steamers. T. J. POTTER ' Leave Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7 p. in.; leave Portland dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m. R. R. TMOMPSON, Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday at I: it a. m.; leave Portland dally, except Saturday, at I p. m. For rate and general Information call on or addrea G. W. LOO'BBERRT. Agent W. H. HCRLBURT, Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland, Or. Are You Going East? B stir and see that yoor ticket read via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -tha- CHICAGO, . ST. PAUL, , MINNEAPOLIS ad OMAHA RAILWAYS. TtUa la Ui GREAT SHORT LINE Betwoea DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnificent Track. Peerless Vea tlbuled Dining and Sleeping Car Traina and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of paaaengers carried on the veatlbuled traina without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una. All agent bav tickets. W. H. MEAD. F. C. SAVAGE. Gen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt 248 Washington at, Portland, Or. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets. They Lack Life There are twines sold to fiaherme on the Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to the human belrur they lack strength life evenness and la ting qualities. Dont fool yourself Into the belief that other twines beside Marshall's will do "lust aa wait" They won't. They cannot. SEASIDE SnWPiIi. A complete stock ot lumber on hand In th. rough or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, celling, and all kind of finish; moulding nd shingles; also bracket work done to order. Term reasonable and price at bedrock. All order promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. F. L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. Hustler's Twentieth St. Good Reason Why Lots ...Are Selling... 7fC ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO. 483 Bond Street. PROFESSIONAL CARL'S JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Astorlan Building. L-ft, EL1V JAN80N. PHVSICIAN AND BUROKON. Office over Olsen's drug stor. Hours. 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 and J lo I p. m. Sundays, 10 to il. DR. O. B. ESTES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to disease ot woman and surgery. Office over Deniiger's store. Astoria. Telephone No. U. JAT TUTTLE. M. D - PHTSIC1AN, SCROEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. Office, room I and , Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 1 Residence H Cedar atreet. IL T, CROSBT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 46S Commercial street. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office on Bond street, Aatoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxooi Chester V. Dolph. DOLPH, NIXON A DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 24. B, and 17, Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against th government a Spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. F. and A. M. Regular communication held on the first and third Tueaday evening ot each month. O. W. LOUN8BERRT, W. M. E. C HOLDEN, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. CASSELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, Notary Public 471 Bond street WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on J no. F. Haodley A Co., 124 Third atreet, and get th Daily Astorlan. Visitors need not mis their morning paper while there. BREMNER & HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, flrst-cUas borsashpelng. ta LOGGING W BOSH S SPECIALTY 127 Olney street, between Third aad and Fourth. Aatoria, Or. Wal Paper, Artists' Matarlal. Piiats, Oils, Glass, ate. Japa Matsags. Regs a4 Baaibee Gooes 365 Cc mmerclal Street. RSTORIR PUBLIC WWW READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Opea every day from t e'eloek t IM and I JO to I JO p. at SubscriptioB rates IS par anaum. aW. COR. ELEVENTH DUAXE 8TS, J. B. WYATT, Phone No. 68 Asteria. Oregaa Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attentio Paid to Sappiylag Ship. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than thoee w serve. We'r trying ta every way to make them th most o- Joyablt In town. All the "good things" ot th aeason cooked by our excellent cookIn the most delicious style. Per fect aervlc. If you Invite a frlenC to the Palace Restaurant th place la a sufficient guar ante that he will receive a good meat The Palace Restaurant Are You Go ng East this Summ When! Where? Via what Une? . The Burlington Is the fastest and best line to Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis and all points south. As good and aa fast aa any other line to Chicago, Peoria, and aU points east If there Is any special In formation the local ticket agent cannot give you, write to ua for It. A. C. SHELDON, G.A. rortlsnd. Oregos. Astoria and McKee Ave. Situated on the south side of Astoria's hills. Twenty degrees warmer and vegetation 30 days in advance of the North side. Magnificent sites for res idences, overlooking river and bay, sunny and shel tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no grading needed.