The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 11, 1896, Image 2

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JuHW T. LIGHTER, Editor.
r " "
Tttepl.oi.ft No. 68.
" '., . DAILY.
Bent tvy wall, per year
Bent by mull, per month
Delivered by carrier, per week..
... ,K
... .10
Bent by mull per year. $2 In advance,
postage free, to subscribers.
All communications Intended for publl
ration should b directed to the alitor.
Bnslnees communication of all kinds
a,;d remittances niual be addressed to
The Astorlarw
The Astorlnn guarantee to Its sub
srrrtwrs the largest clrculutton of any
newspaper published on the Colombia
Advertising rates ran t had on appll
Oklion to the tilnesa manager.
The Weekly Astorian, the second oldest
weekly in the state of Oregon, has. Mil
te tl Portland Oretjonlan, th largest
weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. F. Handler 4t Co., are our Port
land agents, and copies of The Astortan
can b bad every morning at their stand,
XM Third street.
While a convention of men who be
lieve that the tariff should be made a
business Issue instead of a political
issue was being held in Detroit the
National Association of Millers, in con
vention In Chicago, was giving a prat
Ucai Illustration of how at least one
chase of the tariff question can be
taken out of politics.
There Is now very little disnt
among business men of both parties
from the proposition that reciprocity
is a business question and should be
removed as far as possible from the
field of partisan controversy. In con
Bona nee with this sentiment the Na
tlonal Association of Millers forraU'
lated a declaration In favor of reel'
procity and adopted resolutions favor
ing the establishment in the presi
dent's cabinet of a department of com
merce and manufactures and the pro
motion of a special tariff commission
to take the tariff question out of po
ntics. Senator William D. Washburn, of
Ulnnestoa, was among the first to call
the attention of congress to the Im
portance of the reciprocity treaties to
the development and maintenance of
the Sour milling interests of the North
west. Hla plea for the restoration of
this feature of the McKlnley tariff art
of IS), delivered in the United States
senate April S3, 1SH has been regarded
as the most effective and most elabo
rate presentation of the commercial
benefits that accrued from reciprocal
trade arrangements that has yet been
Mule by any public speaker.
If only the flouring industry of the
country were affected by the reciproc
ity treaties enough capital is invested
In it and enough labor is employed by
It to amply justify the government In
negotiating such treaties. The growth
f this industry under the McKlnley
tariff is adequate vindication of the
general principle of reciprocity.
The last census shows 18,470 milling
establishments with a capital of $:$,
473.500. with plants and machinery val
ued at S136.539.S5I, with 63.4S1 people
employed, to whom were paid annu
ally $27,035,712 In wages. The value
of wheat ground in 1S90 was tl34.152.290
and the value of the product was $513,
971,474, The value of reciprocity to the mill
big Industry Is strikingly illustrated
in the case of Cuba, whose imports of
American flour Jumped from 114,44"
barrels in 1S91 to 36.175 In 1S92 and
(1S.40S in 1S93. but which quickly de
clined upon the passage of the customs
law of 1894, when Spain placed a re
taliatory duty of $4.74 per 220 pounds
pon our flour.
It needs no great amount of argu
ment to convince the farmers and mil
lers of this country that the tariff and
reciprocity are purely business ques
tions. Walter Wellman says in the Chicago
Times-Herald: "Senator Teller Is In a
queer situation. He is a delegate to
the St. Louis convention, with the
state of Colorado in the hollow of his
band, and Intends sitting in that con
vention and taking part in its pro
ceedings. But he is more talked
about than any one else for nominee
of the Chicago convention. This is
decidedly awkward for Mr. Teller, who
is a man of honor, and who possesses
a keen sense of the fitness of things.
In consequence he deprecates the talk
of bis nomination at Chicago as much
as he can, and his friends, taking their
cue from him, do the same thing. Mr.
Teller affects to believe the St. Louis
convention will make a platform on
which he can stand, but if he were
wholly frank he would admit that sort
of thing is not likely to happen. Teller
Intends to walk out of the St Louis
convention after the platform Is adopt
ed. and he hopes to be nominated at
Chicago. Indeed, he Is now the most
prominent candidate In the silver
party. The scheme, as it has been
expalned to me by silver leaders. Is to
keep Teller In the background as much
as possible till after the St. Louis con
Tentlon, because of the peculiar situa
tion which he now finds himself in.
But after he has bolted at St. Louis
the Teller boom is to be pushed for all
M is worth, and its backers expect to
make bim the nominee."
As is well know, there was a time
when tobacco was a legal tender In
old Virginia, even church dues being
payable and receivable in that com
modity, yox comes a report that the
orators of eome of the mountain re
gions of the mate are denouncing the
crime thai demonetized this great
staple of a ffeat state, and delegates
will likely j'" up to the Chicago con
vention fully d'.-termlned to precipitate
another rebellion and secession from
the rnlmt unless the Shyhvks of Wall
street consent to the restoration of
tobacco to Its rightful place In the
currency of the world. We may
laugh at these Ignorant Virginian a
much as we like, but what la the dif
ference between their Idea, of finance
ami that of Jones, of Nevada?
You can't stop consequences, so don't
start them. As Senator Cullom said.
In nn entirely different connection, "It
is like standing on the ftvnt stops dur
ing a blUtard and asking the wind to
stop blowing."
Was ld to h;ve supported the world
upon his tthoulilor. If so, he nuisi haw
been a d,vl,U,lly musoulur Individual.
We can't nil be muscular, but we can
enjoy a f;ir modicum of physical tjror
If, when tlust Mt-in l dcnlisl u b
nnlutv. we supplement her deficit by mt
appeal to the national tonic, Ikwicticr's
Stomach Hitters, which reinstates di
gestion iuwi a permanent hasis, reme
dies nervousness, biliousness and consti
pation, and overcomes rheumatic and
kidney troubles. It also counteracts the
poison of malaria In air or water, and
recruits exhausted enercy when Impaired,
by unusual bodily or nuntal fatigue. The
sged. Inttrni and convalescent have no
more potent and thorough helper than
this Justly popular invigorant. with a
successful reoorvl of nearly half a cen
First Commercial Traveler The boot
black told me this evenlnir that that
room you slept In last night has the
reputation of being haunted.
Second Cjmmeerlal Traveler Well. 1
shouldn't be surprised If that were so.
I killed a few there last night myself.
Send your address to H. E. Ducklen It
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box
of Dr. King's New Life rills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy In action and are particu
larly effective In the cure of Constipation
and Sick Headache, For Malaria and
Liver Troubles they have been proved
Invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious sub
stance and to be purely vegetable. They
do not weaken by their action, but by
giving tone to stomach and bowels great
ly Invigornet the system. Regular slie,
25o per box. Sold by Chaa. Rogers,
Detroit Tribune.
Girl Did you enjoy yourself at the
party last night?
Another girl I fancy not. I don't seem
to hare any head this morning.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know Its value, and those who
hare not have now the opportunity to
try It free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle free. Send
your name and address to II. E. Bucklen
ft Co.. Chicago, and get a sample box
of New Life Pills free, as well as a
copy of Guide to Health and Household
Instructor, free. All of which Is guar
anteed to do you good and cost you
nothing. Chaa Rogers, druggist. Odd
Fellows' building.
Adolphe d'Ennery. the French play
wright, has tried In vain to keep secret
the fact that he and his wife have re
solved to bequeath tOOO.ODO francs to the
French Actors' Benevolent Fund. To
this princely donation are added the
mansion and museum In the Avenue du
Bote de Boulogne The venerable dra
matic author, who Is In the best of
health, expects to produce another piece
shortly, which be hopes will be as great
a success as the "Deux Orphellnes."
The best salve In the worll for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive cure for Plies, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by
Chaa. Roger. Odd Fellows' building.
A Belfast man recently stnt a pamphlet
entitled "Evolution Versus Reason and
Theology." of which he Is the author, to
Mr. Gladstone. It elicited a letter in
which Mr. Gladstone said: "I am con
cerned to hear that the passion of un
belief In any degree prevails In Belfast,
for I had hoped that the town was, like
Ireland in general, exempt from Its
sway: but 1 shall be very glad if your
labors should have the effect of contri
buting to a more healthy state of things."
When Baby was sick, we gars her Castorfa.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Xias, she clung to Castoria,
When she I. riBdntn,ahega-them Castoria,
Returned Traveler Mr. Rlchman could
draw his check for a million when I left
How much money has he now? Citizen
He hasn't any. "Eh? What LMn
he fail?" "No; he dled."-New York
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mortality
among children caused by bowel trou
bles. Perfect safety may be assured
those who keep on hand lieWltt's Colic
A Cholera Cure, and administer It
promptly. For cramps, bilious colic, dys
entery and diarrhoea. It affords Instant
relief. Chas. Rogers.
Prince Ferdinand, on his way to Con
stantinople recently, called at Robert col
lege and presented a bit of Jewelry to
Mrs. Washburn, wife' of the president.
ROYAL taking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Colonel Edward Vincent, head of the
criminal investigation department In
Scotland Yard, boasts that he can tell a
man's business by the way he uses the
door knocker.
Eczema Is a frightful affliction, but like
all other skin diseases It can be perma
nently cured by applications of DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It never falls to
cure Piles. Chas. Rogers.
"Did you ever notice that Hailmarker
always speaks of whisky as 'rum'?" "Not
always. When he gets it at the drug
store he calls It 'tonic' "Cincinnati En
quirer. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
William Black, the novel writer, is also
a portrait painter, an enthusiastic botan
ist and an all-round sportsman.
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of
Oaseo, Mich., after suffering excruciating
ly from piles for twenty years, was cured
In a short time by using DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve, an absolute cure for all
skin diseases. More of this preparation
Is used than all others combined. Chas.
H "A very smooth article g
Don't compare
H with low grade tobaccos - compare fl
" Battle Ax " with the best on
1 the market, and you will find you g
1 get for JO cents almost twice as g
much "Battle Ax" as you do of
I other high grade brands. 1
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
"Are you an office holder?"
man to another.
"No: I work for a living."
aid on
Mrs. R. DeYoung. Mkldlevllle, la.
writes: I have used One Minute Cough
Cura for six years, both for myself and
children, and I consider It the quickest
acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure
I have ever used. Chaa. Rogers.
Lieutenant Colonel Baden-Powell's book
on the Enellsh Ashantl camoalrn Is call
ed "The Downfall of Prempeh." and Is
supplemented with a special chapter on
the political and commercial results or
the campaign, by Sir George Baden-
AU the patent medicines advertised in
this paper, together with tht choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
Hotel. Astoria, ' rr
Misery Is easily excited to anger,
Ignorance soon yields to perfidious coun
sets. Addison.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
God's livery Is a very pluln one: but its
wetrers have good reason to be content.
One Minute Is the standard time, and
One Minu.e Cough Cure Is the tanlar1
preparation for every form of cough or
cold. It Is the only harmless remedy
that produces Immediate results. Chas.
Leave glory to great folk. Ah, castles
in the air cost a vast deul to keep up.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powdet
Contains no Ammonia or Alnai.
Studious to please, and ready to sub
mit; the supple Gaul was born a para
site. Johnson.
In the Spring a young man's fanry
lightly turns to thoughts of DeWltt's
Little Early Risers, for they always
cleanse the liver, purify the blood and
invigorate the system. Chas. Rogers.
The girl who Intends to summer In
Europe loses no opportunity to let you
know about it.
Did you ever think how readily the
blood Is poisoned by constipation? Bad
biood means bad health and premature
the famous little pills, overcome obstinate
constipation. Chas. Rogers.
It Is all very well for a m.m to be tidy
about the house, but a fussy one is
Pure blood means good health. De
Wltt's Barsapaiilla purifies the blood,
cures Eruptions, Ecima, Scrofula, and
all diseases arising from impure blood.
Chas. Rogers.
The power to enjoy little things makes
this world a very pleasant place In which
to live.
One swallow does not make Spring, but
one swallow of One Minute Cough Cure
brings relief. Chas. Rogers.
Why is It the furniture always arrives
at your new house before the carpets are
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
If you are In any doubt about the se
lection of a gown get a black one; It
never wearies you.
It's all the same, a slight cold, congest
ed lungs or severe cough. One Mlnuts
Cough Cure banishes them.
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to establish the grade at the Inter
section of Franklin avenue and Thirty
sixth streets at W feet above the base or
Ami unless a remonstrance signed by
the owners of three-fourths of the prop
erty fronting on said portion of said
street be filed with the auditor and po
lice Judge of said city within ten days
from the final publication of this notice,
to-wit, on or before Wednesday, July 1,
lisM. the common council will establish
said grade.
Dated June l, ISM.
Auditor and Police Judge.
"Battle Ax"
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pone to establish the grade on Alamnla
avenue. In that part of the city known
as rnlontown. at the following height
above the base of grades:
At the northeast corner of block t at
S feet above the base of grades, and at
a point directly opposite and at right
angles to the east line of block 1 at
At the southwest corner of block 1. at
O feet and at a point directly opposite
and at light angles to the wrst line of
1 block I. at 41 feet, and at a point on the
north side of block 11. directly opposite
to the southwest comer of block 1, ami
at right angles to south line of block 1,
at 41 feet.
At the northwest corner of block 1, at
44 feet
I At the southeast corner of block i. at
: 44 feet
I At the northeast corner of block 1. at
' 45 'f1' "? I" Pf"' 'J"" opposite
, on the south side of block I and at rlghl
feet, and at a point directly opposite to
the northeust comer of block IN on the
; west side of block U. and at light angles
I to the east line of block 1H. at t: feet
' At the Interenctlon of Alumedn nvi-nue
with the east boundary of Taylor's As
toria, nt 4S feet.
At the northwest corner of block IS, nt
) feet.
At the southwest comer of block 2, at
, V) feet.
; At the northeast corner of block 17, at
I 1 feet.
i At the southeast corner of block J. at
. l feet.
And unless a remonstrance signed by
' the owners of three-fourths of the prop-
, erty fronting on said portion of said
, street be (lied with the auditor and po.
! lice Judge of said city within ten days
from the final publication of this notice,
the common council will establish said
Dated at Astoria, Oregon. June 5. 1M.
Auditor and Police Judge.
And Acceptance of Tenth Street 1m
provement. Between Commerclnl
and Exchange Streets.
Notice Is herhy given that 8. Normlle
contractor for the Improvement of Tenili
street, between Commercial and Kx
change streets, under the provisions ot
ordinance No, 2"7i on the 3d day of June,
ISist, filed In the office of the auditor and
police Judge of the city of Astoria, the
certificate of tho city suveyor nnd super
Intendent of streets, npproved by the
committee on streets anil puhllc ways.
After the expiration of the time herein
after specified. If no objections to the n
"'"". ' L .
provement properly completed, accord
Ing to the contract and plans and spec!
neat Ions therefor, the same may le ac
Objections to the acceptance of said
Improvement or any part thereof may he
filed in the office of the auditor and po
lice Judge on or before Wednesday, June
17, im.
Astoria, Oregon, June S,
Auditor and Police Judge.
To Change and Re-eBtttbllsh the Ornde
on Irving Avenue, Between Tenth
and Twelfth Streets, In Mc
Ciure's Astoria
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of the city of Astoria pro
pose to re-establish the grade on that
part of Irving avenue, In Mcfiure's As
toria, as extended and changed by Cyrus
Olney, which lies between the west side
of Twelfth street and the east side of
Tenth street, at the following heights
above the base of grades as established
by ordinance No. 71, entitled "An Ordi
nance to Establish a Base of Grades for
the Streets of Astoria," to-wit:
On the north side of the crossing ot
suld Irving avenue with Eleventh street.
126 feet
On the south side of said crossing, 12V
By order of the common council.
Dated June (, lfSXI.
Auditor and Police Judge.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed have filed their final accounts in
the estate of L. Wilson, deceased, and
the estate of Wilson & Fisher, and thnt
the county court of Clatsop county has
set Monda , the 22d day of Junee, ISM,
at the hour of 10 o'clock, for tho hearing
of objections. If any there be, to the al
lowance of said accounts.
May 13, ISM.
Ky virtue of a wan-ant Issued by Hit
county clerk of Clatsop cm hi. v. slats of
Oregon, under the seal of said county
and state, on the pith day of April A. I).
PM, and to um dlrwlcd, commanding
ma to levy upon the voud and chattels
ot lh dcltnuuct taxpayers named In tho
delinquent tax roll of Clatsop county,
stale of Oregon, for the year IVsi. I hereto
attached, and If none be found, then
upon the rvul property as set forth and
described In said dellnnuent tan roll, or
so much thereof ns shall ho auillclciit lo
unitary the amount o( tm.s so charged
therein, tugeiher with the costs and r.
H-nsr, 1 ,n,. n the ir.uh day or May,
Inks levy ui'uii ilniwng l iniublv lo
Mud personal property suitlcleiit out ot
which lo make said laXcsi the ival
lata set opposite the names of Win re
spective panics, Hi inn niul cii'u allous,
continued In the following lists, to sat
isfy the amount ,r taxes and coats as
sessed and chain, against such persona,
thins and corporations in the said da
llinpunl lax roll, nil of said properly
Inllig slliiale lu said county and state
lili.l desorilNHl oil said delinquent U
roll of said county and slain for Said
year, as follows, to-wit:
Olseii Andrew, tots S, , hi, It, 1J,
N V. 1, of 8 M. i, Sec. 7, T.
4 N . li : V , 1st v acres, III ; 31 uj
Ol-rn. 1 1. -II. n A, lot i, blk ,
Clatsop ilrove, l;v , tij
Oregon Land I'oniiMny, lots l. j. J.
4. , , s. la, ii. i:. bik xv
I'acltlc a. Union to Astoria; lot
I. I 3. 4. , ft. I. S. ft la, II. 13,
bik I: bus I. 3. 3. t n. 6. ;, s. ti,
la, tt. 13. blk 3. lots I. S. 3, .
S. . . . la. II. IS. blk. S;
I. !. J. 4. 4, . 7. , . 10. 11. is.
blk 4; lots. I, :. 3, blk lots
I. 1 J, 4. IV. . 7. . X in. II. 13.
It It, l.v Is, i;, IX. is. 3a, si, a.
33, 31. blk. 7; lot I. 3, J, 4, tv. ft,
7. K , b'. II. 13. 13, 14. t Id. 17,
iv. l:. 3ii. 31, 33. 3.1. 31. blk. li; lots
7. J. s, la. II, 13, II. 14, 1.V, t, it.
I blk !. lots 1, 3. 3, I, t,
7. , . h, II. 13. x II. IV, I, i;.
I 19, S. 31. .'3. 3.1. 34, blk. la; lots
1. 3. J. 4. 4. ft. 7. s, . b, 11. 13,
IJ. II. li. I. I" l 3U. 31. 35.
. 31. blk 13; lots I. 3. S, I. a, t,
7. s. . in. II. 13. It, It, 14, It, 17,
U. 111. 3". 31. 33. 3.1. 31. blk. IV lots
I. I. 3, 4, .V ft. 7. . . in. II. 13.
1.1. II. I!.. I. 17. K pi, Ja. 3,
SV 31. hi 14: lots 1, 3. .1. 4. , ,
7. . . i. II. 13. 1.1. II. IV. I't. If.
IX. IS. a. 31. r. it, 34. blk l. lot
I. i X 4. K ft. 7. X. , la, 11, 13.
II. 14. I.'.. I. 17. IX. I''. 3U. 31. 33.
33, 31. blk li. lot 11. II. I.V I. 17.
IX. IS. 3l. 31. 33. CI. 34, tik K; lot
I. 3, 3. 4. .1. It. 7. X. III. II. II.
1J. II, 15. H. 17. IX. IS. 3I. 31. 33.
33. 31. blk IS: lot 1, I, 1, 4. 1. ft,
14. I It. 17. IX. H, 30,
31. 33. tt 31. blk 31'; lot
1. 3. 3. 4, S. , 7. .. , la, II. 13.
It, II. IS, !. 17. IX. 19. blk 31: lot
I. t J. 4. 5. ft, 7. . ft H, li. 13.
15. II, 14, 1. K. IS. IS. 9". 31. 31
33. 31. blk 33: lot 1. ?. 17, ft, i,
3t. 31. 33. 33. 14. blk 33; lot
1. 3. 3, I. 4. ft. 7. . 10, U. it
13. 14. 14. I. 17. IS, IS. Si, 31, a,
33. 14. blk. 34; lots I. 1. 1. 4. S, t.
7. , 1. Ill, II. IS. It II. 14. tt. 17.
IS. lft 30, 51. 13. 33, H blk S: lots
I. t t 4. a. 4, 7. ft. . 10, II. It It
14, IS. 14, 17. 1ft 1ft
34. blk. 31; lots I. t t 4, 4. , 7.
ft ft K It It II. 14. 14, It, 17. 1ft
ID. u, 11. a. A II, blk. x ; lots
I. J, t 4. 6. ft 7, ft ft lu, II. 11. it
14. is, it, 17, u. i. m, 11, xt, a,
II blk. 9; lots I. t t 4, 4. ft 7.
ft ft 10. II. It 13. 14. 14, It, 17, lft
1ft . II. S. 33, 34; blk. ; lots
I. I, S, 4, ft ft 7. ft ft 10, II. It
blk. 11; lots I. t ft 4. ft ft 7.
ft ft It). 11. It 13. 14. 14, lft 17, lft
1. 3U. II. 33, 3, 31. blk. S3: lots
It 14, 14. !. U. IX. lft m. It. 3.
It II. blk 33; lots I. t ft t 4. ft 7.
ft ft ID. II. II. It II. 14. It, 17. lft
i. so. 11. a a. ii. bik ii: lot
I, t 1. 4. 4, ft 7, . ft 10, II. it
blk. W: lots 1. t ft 4. 4. ft J,
ft ft ID. II. It 13. 14. 14, III. 17. IS,
15. 31'. 31. a. 3, 14. hlk. 17; lots
I. t t 4, ft ft 7. ft . lu, II, It It
14. is. it, it. i.x. i. a, si. a, a,
34. blk lx, lols It II. 14, It. 1,, IX,
15. 3a. 31. 33. 31. 34, blk. i; lots
ft . 7, II, . 10, 11. It It II. 14,
K 17. x. is. so, 31, a, a. 31.
blk. 4": lot I. 3, 1. 4. 4, ft 7.
. ft lo. II. 13. It 11. is. It, 7, ix,
IS. .i. 31, a. a. 31. blk. 14: lols
1. t 1. 4. 4, ft, 7. ft ft I", 11. 13.
IS, 30, hlk. 43. lois 1. 3. t 4. 4. ft,
7. , IS. 3", 31. 33. 33, 31. hlk.
43; lols I. 2, ft I. I, t. 7.
ft ft 10. II, 13. 13. 14. 14. It. 17, IX,
IS. ?i. 31. a. a. 34. blk 44. lot
I. t 3, 4, S. ft 7. ft , 10. 11, It It
14. 14, It, 17, i.X, IS, 3ii, 31. a. a.
34. blk. 4ft, lols 1. 3. 3, I, t. t. 7.
ft ft 10, 11, 12, It 14, 14, It, 17, IX,
15, 30. 31, a, a, 31, blk 47; lot
L t J. 4. S, ft 7, 8, ft lo. II. 17. II.
14, 11. lft, 17. IX, IS. 3n, 31, a. 3,
21, blk. 4X, lots I, t 3, 4, 4, ft 7,
ft ft 10. 11. It 13, 14. 14, lft. 17, IX,
is, in, si, a, a. 21, hik. 4:1:
lots 1, 3. 3. 4, 5, t. 7. . 9, in,
II. 12, It 14. 14, It. 17. IX. Ill,
20. 21. a. a, 21. blk. f"'; lots
1. 2, 3. 4. 4. t. 7. ft ft lo, II, It 13,
14. 14. Hi. 17, IX, IS, ;n, 21, a, 3.
24, blk 41: lots I. 2. t 4. 4. , 7,
ft 17, IX, IS, 30. 21. a. a. 24. hlk.
42: lots 14. lft, 17, IX, IS, 20, 31, 22,
a. 24. hlk 43; lots I. 2, , 4, 4, t, 7,
8. ft 10, II. It 13. 14. 15, 16, 17. IS,
15, 20, 21. a. a. 21. blk. M. lots
15, lft. 17. lx, IS, 30, 21, a. a, 24.
blk 55; lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 4, t, 1, 11,
ft 10, II, 12, blk. 5ft; lols I. 2, 3, 4,
5. . 7, X, ft lo, 13, 14, 15, lft, 17, 1,
IS, 2o, 31, a, a, 21, blk. 57: lots
1. t 3, 4. 5. t. 7, X. , !, ii. 12,
blk. 4x; lots 15, Hi, 17, lx, IS, 2U,
21, a, a. 21, blk. Mi; lot
1, 2, I, 4, 5, ft 7, ft 9. lu, II, 12, 13,
14, 15, lft 17. IH, IS, 2ii, 21, 22, 23.
24, hlk. Hi; lots I. 2, 3, 4, 4, ft, 7,
ft 9, In, II, 12, 13, 14, !.-, 1. 17. IX,
is, 31, 21, a, a, 24. bik. ei: lots
I. 2, 3, 4, 4, ft 7, X, ft lu, II, 13, 13,
14. 15, lft, 17. IX, IS, 20, 21, a. a.
24, blk. (12; lots I. t 3, 4. 4, ft, 7,
ft 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 15, lft. 17, IX,
IJ, 2l. 21, 22, a, 24, blk. ft3; lots
1. 2. 3, 4. 4, ft, 7, ft ft III, II, 12, 13,
14, 15, Hi, 17, IX, IS, 2d, 21. 23, a.
21; blk. ft4: lots I, 2, 1, 4, 5, ft, 7,
. ft 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, lft. 17, IX,
lit. 20, 21. a. a. 24, blk. 64; lota
1. 2, 3, 4. E, ft 7, 8, ft 10, II, 12, 13,
14, 15, HI, 17, IX, IS. Hi, 21, 22. a,
24. blk. M; lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, II, 7,
ft ft 10, II, 12, 13, 14. 14, HI, 17, IX.
lft 20, 21, 22. a, 24, blk. 17; lots
1, 2, I, 4. 4, 6, 7, 8. 9, HI, II, 12, 13,
14, 15, It, 17. IX, 19, 20. 21, a, a.
24, blk. ftX: lots I, 2, 3, 4, 4, ft 7,
8, 9, 1(1, 11, It 13, 14, 15. Ill, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, a, 23, 24, blk. 09: lots
1, 2, 3, 4, S, ft, 7, ft 9, 10, II, 12, 13,
14, 15, It, 17, IX, 19, 20, 21, 22, a,
24, blk. 70; lots 1, 2, , 4, 4, ft, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, It 13, 14, 15, It, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, , 24, blk. 71; lots
1, 2, I, 4, 6, ft 7, 8, 9, 11), 11, 12, 1.1,
14, 15, It, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, blk. 72: lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, II, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, It 13. 14, 14, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, blk. 73; lots
1, 2, I, 4, C. ft, 7, 8, 9, It), 11, 12, 13,
14, 14, It, 17, IX, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, hlk. 74; lots 1, t 3, 4, ft , 7,
8, t. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14, 111, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, a, 23, 24, blk. 74; lots
1, 2, 3, 4, ft ft, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 18, 18, 17, IX, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, blk. 79; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, G, ft, 7,
8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 14, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, a, 24, blk. 77; lots
1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13,
14, 15, HI, 17, IX, 19, 20, 21, 22, a,
24, blk. 7X; lols 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, II, 7,
X, 0, 10, 11, 12. hlk. i'j; lols 1, 2, 3,
4. 6, t, 7, X, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk. 8ft;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, ft 7, 8, , 10, 11, 12,
blk. 81; lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 6, 7, X,
9, 10, II, 12, blk. 82: lots, 1, 2, 3,
4, 6, , 7, X, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk. 83;
lots 1, 2, 3, 4, C, ft 7, X, 9. 10, 11,
12, blk. 84; lots 1, 2, .1, 4, 5, li, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk. X:,; lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, blk. X, In North
Pacific, addition to Astoria; N.
Vt of N.I1. V, of B R. ' Hen. 35,
T. 8 N., II. 9 W 20 acres, 1.18.30.. 2391 46
Osgood, I, I,., lota I, 9. blk. 44,
Mlilv ely's Alorl, I'f
Otto, t'haiie, lot 1, blk. in. Wor
renlnii, tlo ,
rnckitnl, II, I1'., lid 13, tract S. sub
division of blk. to, nlnry's addi
tion In Astoria, a laid out nnd
recorded by Hustler A Alkoli,
executors, Mo
Packard. Kliuer, H W, V, of N I'l. i.
N K, V, of H K. 14, H l of M lv
t Keo. S3. T, I N., It. , Itlil
acre, III lft
I'nlsli'V. William, lot 1, 3, blk I,
Berry's addition In Asiorla, !1c
Pllllller, Hut 11 h June, H v., it of
8.W. l Hec. XX T. N , II, ft
V HI acres 13 01
Parker, L. 1'., lot ft K. lot 4.
blk ; lot :xl, blk. I", tlearhnrl
I'nrk. tWe
I'nrk. Nellie, lots 1. I, 4, ft i, ft
blk. WV, Hoacdalit addition to till
city of Asiorla, 13c
IVtxrson, li. It., lot I. I. H l or
N K. t, Hoc. J. T 4 N , it.
V., IIS IX acre, tin ml
IViilnsuliir Land nnd Trust Com
pany, lots IS, 23, blk. I7, Tay
lor's Astoria, Ixo
I'cntcr, ileorgn XV,, lota ft I, , ft 7,
ft 9. blk 3: Ion 14. it, 17. blk.
It. North 11. billion, n laid out
and recorded by K. A. Noyea,
lioiieer Historical Hoclety, Im ft
ft blk , Adatr't I'ort of t'ppcr
Astoria. 11113
Pound. 8 M . lols 31. a, blk 14.
North addition, ns laid nut nnd
socorvlcl bv K. A. Noves, yv..
Pool. II V . lot t, blk. It, Chelsea
llnllroad a. billion to Asorla, by
M. M I lee. 15v
Pope, T A . N t, of Hec, Sft, T. S
N . It. ft XV., I2ti acre. 121 3ft ...
Porter. Hubert, lot 4. 9, I", blk 3ft,
New Asiorla. II 15
Powell, Manila, lol 3, blk 3!: lot
I". blk 33: lots HI, 11, It 13. II. 15,
blk 37. of Powell iiddllloll to
Kaal Astoria, Mo
Hauls-. XX'. II , lol e. II. I.Ik 3,
H. 'avli'w addition, a laid out by
A P Oliver, to
ltaii.-o.irt. Lucy A., lot S. blk. 3.
Mailer's addition to XX'arrcnton.
Hasmusseii,, lot t M K, t of
of 8 XX 1, 80c II. T 7 N . It.
10 V.. 7s acre. Is u
Ilnthom. Mary II, tola IS IS blk.
I. t-'lml addition 10 Hceaii
Ilrove, Mi'
Head. Nathaniel ll , Iwuln 1.133 fl.
Iv and ;".i ft. 8 of N XV, cor.
of T P, Power' IV I., i" :
thence 8 1,7ns 33 ft . XV l.ojti rt..
N l.7 3 rt , K. I.0311 ft 10
ginning 8c. X T. t N . II la
XV.. S) orv. 13 11
Healonow, Mis Kn.nm. lot 10, blk.
t. Hallway addition to Astoria,
Heed. Isabel, lota I, I. ft 4. ft blk.
t 8unnylda addition to As
toria. Me
Held. Daniel, lols t 4, blk. II. liol
laday Tark. V XVIIIlrwu nd Annie, lots lft
It. blk II: lots II. It blk 7ft;
lot ft 1 II. It blk. : lots I.
I ft 4. 5. ft, 7. ft ft 10, II. It It
11. 14, It, blk. U; lots ft lu, II. It
It 14. blk : lots t 4. ft ft blk.
9; lots I. t ft 1 ft ft 7. ft ft 10,
II. II It 14. lft lft blk. M. Ito.
dle addition to the city of As
toria, sac
Illce. John, lols 7. ft hlk. . !loe
dais addition lo the city or As
toria, lo
Hubert. Andrew, lots 3ft X. blk. T.
Mertwsihsr Downs addition to
Aston, lie
Hot. W. L. lots I. t blk L
Itobh's addition to Astoria, tl B
Honell. ('has. K , lols ft 4. blk. II.
Itiveralds addition to A tori.
Ho.. Chaa II , lots I. t blk. ft
llolcomb addition lo Aatnrta, c
Rosa, Msncan-I, 8 K X, of N K X,,
k. v, or n k. , r w. 1, or 8
X, 8ec. II. T. 7 N . II. ft XV., Itn
acres, tin 4
Itourke. T K. lot . II. blk ,
Astor addition to Asiorla. to .
Itupp. A.lnh'h. und H lot I, t
blk. lft Prospect Park addition
to Astoria. 40
Hoger. J M . 8 K. 1, 8ec II. T.
t N . It. 10 W., Ii acre. 17 14..
PWnrl. J K . und. 1 of lot I. t
77 O
4 II
I 17
4 10
4 47
II tl
4 47
4 It
11 M
4 44
11 47
I 34
blk HI. Prospect Park addition
to Astoria. 4c
Hcott. Ttiomn ll, und S of 8 K
1, Hec. 3. T. t N., It. I XV., so
sore. ttKl
8haw, y. K. lot a, blk . Hill's
First addition la Astoria. 13 17..
Hnilth. John 11 . lots 7, 14. It. 17. 11.
IS. 3. blk. 1. Kirst uddltlon to
tlearhsrt Park, on Clal'op
lleach, In Ontsop count), 1 ire
gun, n laid out and recorded
by John II. Smith nnd Minnie
Hmlth, II 31
Smith. 8 11. 8 XV. t, or N XV. X,
80c. II. T. ft N.. It 10 XV.. 40
ncres; also, begin In 8 K. nr.
or Hoi. 8mlih I. L r . loon, led
on 8 by 8 line or said claim,
on XV. by A 8 C It. It., on
N. by N. linn or said claim., K.
by K. line or said claim; also
nil or said D. L (' Ivlng XV or
Bmlth's lake nnd XV. or lleo.
Ihivi.lson's IV L. C. and 8 or
the lleo Iv. ChnmlsTlaln tract,
except the plat or Idlcwlld,
Sees. .11, 33. T 8 N , It. 10 XV.,
179 acres. 1.11X1
Bontom. Mathln. lot 12, 11. 14, 15,
lft. 17. IX. 111, si, II, a. blk. 37,
Prospect Park Kxtenslon audi
tion to Astoria, Ine
Hpencer. Peter L., lot ft , S. ,
blk. II, North addition, ns laid
out and recorded K. A. Noyes,
Btandnrd Ijind Company, N. H of
N XV. l 8 XV. X, of N XV. t'
N XV 14 of 8. XV. 1, Hec. It, T.
40 ik
18 11
7 37
N., R. ft XV.. lftft acres, Ixiil....
Btunley, C. !., 8. 14 of 8. XV. i
Hec. 6. N. u, of N.XV. li 8ec. 8.
T. 5 N., It t XV., inn ncres, tlO!KI
Stevens. II. V., begin 132 ft. 8 nnd
450 ft. K. of cor. of Bees. 28, ,
31, 33, thenea K K10 ft., 8. 25
31V K. 3U0.2 ft.. XV. Sflfi, I ft., N.
21' SrC XV, 7 9 rt. to beginning
Hen. 33. T. N, II. 10 XV.. S
ncres. 1.102
Strong, Mary T., lot I, blk. .13. Mc
Clure's Astoria: lots 1. 2, 7, 8,
blk. 115, McCliire's Astoria, as
extended by Cyril Olney: lots
1, 2. 3, 4. S, ft, 7, ft 9. 10, 11, 12,
13, 14. It, It. blk. 12: lots 1, ft 3,
4. 8, , 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, IB,
It. blk. 3. Chelsea; lots 15, 28,
tract 1, subdivision or blk. 28,
Olney's nd. Ill Ion to Astoria, ns
laid out and recorded by Hus
tler AY Aiken, executors: lots 9,
10, tract 1, subdivision of hlk.
9, Olney's addition to Astoria,
as laid out and recorded by
Hustler A Aiken, executors;
17 7t
18 7fl
lots E, ft blk. 2t, Alderhrook,
139. E
108 87
t M
t 90
Stone, W, A., lots IB, lft, blk. 10,
Hallway addition to Astoria, 29c
Stuart, D. M., lots 17, S3, blk. 4.
Hustler's Astoria, as Inld nut
and recorded by Astoria Invest
ment Co,, 29c
Suter. Dnnlel, begin at Intersec
tion of B. line of Fourth St.,
with W. line of D St. of Chel
sea Tin 1 1 road addition to As
toria, thence westerly along
snld fl. line of Fourth St. 800
ft., thencs southerly nnd Pnrnl
Inl with said D st. 208 ft.,
easterly nnd parallel with snld
Fourth t. 300 ft. to westerly
line of Tt St., thence northerly
along westerly linn nf D. St. to
beginning Ben. 27, T. 8 N R.
10 W., 1 acre, Bin
S 43
10 80
17 (13
ft 70
Swensen, N. P., lot 1, blk. ft, Alder
hrook, 18.(14
Taylor, Robert A., fl.W. V, Bep. 9.
T. S N., R. (I W 100 ncres,
Taylor, Bophla, tide land In Bees.
23, 2t, T. 9 N., n. 9 W 45.03
acres, $3.31
Thatcher, Annie I,., lots IB. HI, blk.
7, Klk Creek Beach No. 1, as
Inld out and recorded by Paul
K. Hlckmnn, Be
Thompson, II, I.',, lots IT, lift m tt),
11 blk. X West XX'iiriviiiiiii; lol 4,
blk. lx; Iota t, ft 7, ft ft to, It,
II 44 13. blk It l.nur.'l Park s. billion,
a record, d by II, V. Thompson,
13 n tin
Thompson, I'l I', lol II. blk. It:
lots I, T, ft blk lx; lot 4. ft. 11, hlk.
I 37 I 30; lol t blk. 21, XVaiielilun,
I'boiupsiiii, Merrll I., lots I, 4, I'.'.
1 of 8. XV, H Mee. IX. T ft N
M I II. t XV,, luxe! ncr.s, II11.U lull
Trcnelinrd c, J . lot 3, blk. 31, Me-
I pu I tiuiV Astoria; Im 3, I, ft ft
blk. 43, Hhlvely's Astoria; let
Xi, 40, blk. 17, Hill's I'll st 0,111- ,
t m Hon lo Astoria; Im ft, ft irm t
It, sulsllvislon of blk. ft, ol
ney's addition lo Aslmls, a
I 00 I lol. I out and rsx'otded by Hos
tler A Aiken, executors, .rj II , 47 31
Troiiehnrd, r J, esintn of, bus 9,
Hi 1. 4, ft . 7, ft blk. 14; lot 4, hlk
51. M.'l'luio' Astoria; lot 4. blk.
lot; lota lft II. blk 117, Mu
Kl liur s Astoria, as etleinlrd hy
Cyrus lilney, in Ml lx 00
Tremblay, IV II., lol a. .11, Had
I IV I I. sulsllvisloii of block .. ol
ney a nddtlloii In Astoria, us
laid nut a ml record.'. I by Hus
tler Aiken, executor. l,il. IH
Troiiseii, Ivor. 8 XV. v, nf N XV. t,,
N. H of 8 XV. X,, 8 XV. I, of
8 XV, V, Hmv ft T. N . 11. ft XV..
Hkl sere. 11104 30 tt
11 Turk. Krnuk, K H lot ft blk 131.
Hhlvely's Astorls, 113 57 43 01
t'hlculinrt. Bua XV., lot T, blk 9.
4 to XX arrKlilon, Mo I U
Chleuhnrl, XV, I,, 8 lot 7, blk
97, Ailatr's l.'aat nddltloii to As-
I at lorla. Ill
Vnui:ii Mary A . bd 17. hlk ft
tiatsop tlrove, I Jo I 4a
X'anHuseu, Uraiilmin 11 ml II il .
T rv lot IS, ', blk in, Klnvel Center.
us laid out by XX, ll. Howell, l,v I 71
Walker. J. XV. lol It, J3. tract 3.
tlhdlVistoll of blk 31. Ollle)'
It addition lo Asiorla. as laid out
and recorded by Hustler
Aiken, executor. II oil . I 10
4 17 Wor.l.'ll, Jollies, lot II, 17. hlk 11.
Hallway addition lo Aston. Tiic I Ml
XVallniiin. Ken, lots I, X. blk 131.
I So McCbire's addition, a ext. .mini
by Cyru olney; 8 V. it or
N XV. Vt 8ec. K. T. 7 N , H
Wl XX ., to acre. 17 77 It 31
XVeherg, Johll P, lot hlk lft
Clatsop ilrove, 17c t It
7 isj Weed, Klora K . lot I, blk I. lol li),
blk 1. Olney, I
XVIieelisk. John ll, lot 7, blk lft
AI'lrrir,Hk. tiSI 731
XX'beelir. P. II , and Wood worth
Chas, y. , 8 v or 8 y. Hec so.
N 4 ot N Yl i 8ec . T. t N .
19 11 i XV., 11 acre. 111 ill . . II O
XVhlt.omK it. XV, lot 1, blk 145.
McClom'a Astoria, as extended
I u by Cyrus Olney, $1 11 . lot
Whitconih, W. P , lots I, t, blk. lit).
und. H lot 4, blk 1'X). McCbire's I
I 8 Asiorla, as rxtsnded by Cyrus
Olney. $31 14 MM
7 tl Williamson. John, estate or, 8 54 ft.
lot I, hlk Jft McClure Astoria: 1
also legin 90 rt. W. of 8 K. cor
or land sold by J. XVUManiwn
to il. Oratka, as -r r..irO or
ilee.l It page SI: 8 70 ft.. XV.
lo channel of Nx'snlcum,
Ihence down said river t 08 XA'.
car. of llratk tract. K 140 rt.
10 lirstlllilng 8eo 11. T IN,
H. I XV , V, orr. 7 Ha 11 U
XVllllams. (leorgs W , lols ft ft blk.
ft Hallway addition 10 A tort.
Mo t M
Wlnqulal. Beth, lots tl. tt blk. I.
Astoria, as laid out and revonl-
d by Martin roard. tc I 11
XVIII.II. tl. II , lots II. It blk ft
Hallway addition lo Astoria. Mo t M
Wlnne. M A . lot tft blk It New
Aslorl. 44c t M
WihmI. James, estate of. lot ft blk.
IT. Mcliura s Astoria, as !
tend by Cyrus Olney, tt 47 41
XVoodworth. C. C, blk 10. Illgh-
loft.i Park addition to Atioiia,
74c 4 7
Wnrthrlmsr, Kred. lot I. blk. I,
Youpg't addition to Alderhrook,
no t a
Ylngat. JtMeph II , lol It. lft 10,
hlk. K Powell's addition to
Kat Astorl. 41c Ill
Young. Matwell. K Mil. lot ft blk
1: 8 S bil 10. II. blk. 14; 8 S
lot 11. blk lft Alderhrook: lot
It II. blk I: lots ), 4T. blk. I;
lot II. 33. .13. II. 35. M. 17. blk 4.
Young's addition to Alderhrook,
III"! 14 M
Young. Kdward T . Il It II. lft lft
17. lx. blk 43. North Pacific
a. billion to Astoria. IV 10 Tt
Young. Nathaniel, begin at 8 H
cor. of 11, IV Young llometead
claim. N. 2.110 ft. XV. 177 II It.,
8 1.310 f I , K. 177 14 rt. to begin
ning Her II. T. 8 N H XV
M acre. Ill ?7 IS 17
Young, Charles, begin nt NK. cor
or IK. V,. I hence XV. 91 ill ,
8 17'-, eh . 10. A) eh, N. I.'-,
oh to iMglnnliix, except a strip
33 rt. wide deeded lu the clly
or Astoria. Bee. 27.. T 8 N.. It
t XV., 3145 acrr. 4tl tt
.an, M. and K., mid. H lot 14. hlk
I, Klavel Center, as laid out hy
XX'. K. XX'arren. e , ISO
Astoria Subsidy lluuraiity Cum
pony, lots ft 7, 8. 13, 11, 14. hlk.
St. tract A, or olney's addition
to AstiHia, us laid out and re
corded by Hustler A Aiken, ex
ecutor, 13.7ft It 01
Astoria Subsidy lliiaraniy Com
pany, lot II, II, 1.1, 14, 15, It.
blk. 9, Melrose addition to As.
torla: lots I. 1, blk 2; lot si,
31. 32. blk. ft, Irving Height;
lots I, 3, ft 4. 4. t, 7, ft 9, lo, II,
It blk. 21. Columbia addition to
Astoria; tots 3. 4, blk 1.1, North
addition, as laid out and record
ed by K. A. Noyes; lols 4, 11,
tract A, subdivision of blk. 3t,
olney's addition to Asiorla, a .
laid out and rrcordixl hy Hus
tler A Aiken, executors; lot II,
blk. 114. McClure's Astoria, as
extended by Cyrus Olney; N.
of N K. X, of N.XV. 1,, See. 17.
T. t N , H. 9 XV., I res; N.VV.
H of N XV. li of H XV. l Hec I,
T. 6 N.. ll, 10 XV., 10 acres; N K.
1, of N XV. U Hec. X, T. 7 N ,
It 9 W., 40 acres; N.XV. I, of
H XV. 14 of 8 K. V, Hec. 13, T.
X N , It. I XV., 10 acres; In the
8 XV. cor. nf the following: He.
gin at meander post between
Hers. II, 2X, on right bank of
Young's river, thenea N. 27
42' 10. 14.91 chs., N. 43' K, 12.14
chs., XV. If! 3x chs., H. 8" 30' XV.
4.17 chs., H. 41' W. 17.!1 chs.. K.
ll chs. lo beginning Hec. II, T.
8 N., It. 9 W., 8 acres; 8. of
N.W. 14 of N K. 14 Hec. 2.1, T,
8 N.. II. 9 XV,. 30 ncres: begin
10 chs. N. of B.W. cor. or Hec.
a, thence N. 10 chs., K. 20 chs.,
8 10 chs., W. 20 chs. to liegln-
nlng Bee. 23. T. 8 N., H. I XV.,
20 acres; begin I.4A chs. N. of
B. linn of Bee. 28, nt B.W. cor.
of an 80-nere. tract, thenco N.
10 chs., W. ft chs., 8. 10 chs., K.
S chs. to beginning Sec. IX, T. I
N., II. t W ft acres: W. H of
B.W. 14 of N.W. V, Boo. 16, T.
8 N., R. 9 W 20 acres; B. ty of
B. W. 14 of N.W. Vt Beo. tl, T.
8 N,, It. t W., 20 acres: begin at
N.W. cor. of L. Taylor D. L.
C, thence B. 10 rda., K. 13 rds
N. HO rds., W. Wb rds. to Iwgln
nlng Bee. 33, T. 8 N., It. I W.,
19.30 acres; begin at B.K. cor.
of lot 1, thenco W. 721,31 ft., B.
003.91 ft., K. 721.31 ft., N. Dol.01
ft. to beginning Sec. 8ft, T. I
N., It. W 10 acres: I:i2.03 01 00
Notice Is hereby given that on Monday.
the 29th day of Juno, A. D. IS!!, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, In
front nf end at the court house door. In
the city nf Astoria, In snld county and
state, I shall proceed to sell the above-
described real estate nt public auction
to the highest bidder for cash In United
States gold coin at time of sals, subject
to redemption, to satisfy the warrant.
costs and all accruing costs.
(Hlgned.) JAMKS W. HARE,
Sheriff of Clatsop County and ex-Offlclo
Tax Collector.