' ' I f r w7 '4 r ... r; ASTORIA PUBLIC LIEU AM ASSCCIATIOIl WARRENTON CENTER HOME SITE CO. siiiii'ch, $i i:ch. PAYAlll N i par (wit mimihly fn, lha flr.l tour omnihi. Altulut'v sa'a lnv..imnt. - ll.nJinm. r.lum. In v.iy alum time. Call en er Addreea 471 Bond St., Astoria, Or. WARRENT0N CENTER Th. very hurt of the Warreston-Flanl Tow.ilta. Beautiful Lacatloa. Large, Double Lot, foiloa tmt. EtcMillflf lr L. Prlcee. Take III Opportunity. Liberal Term, Everybody Suited EXCLUSIVE TELEGRAPHIC PRESS REPORT. otfic. ... 471 Bond St.. Astoria, Or. VOL XLV. ASTORIA, OliKttON. THURSDAY MOWING, JUNE 11, 189(5. NO. 130 .-a". sp.-a iii 11 in in h i . TRUSTEE SALE . Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth ing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc., at 'factory prices for cash, at one price to all alike. C. S. JACOBSON THUHTKE ROOROH COMMERCIAL ST., ASTORIA, OR. Our Mandy Wagon... ComWn.e all Ilia fealuri. of th. child', plain wasun ami a vluclpvde, ami. all tlilnaa roii.i.lorr.l, roaia lha rotiaunirr k-aa than elthor. Ho dralrable. convenient and aatletacory haa It proven, thai, aa a ready "ellcr," i haa no eu,ual. We lake a apeclal pride, too. In delivering lha same promptly ami In fatiltloaa coiull tlon lo lha trade. . Fi:LMAN, tela el Pmma a Holiare. COLUHBIA IRON WORKS Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers Manufacturing and Repairing of all Kind of Machinery. Iron and Brass Castings. General BlacksmithJWork tPEClAlTIES Wtlch P.t.nl Wheal. Skip Snllhlnc anil StaalHal Wo.li. t.newfy anl 1 Mill Muhln.ry. Marlaa and Stationary Ball Built to Orl, nrSptilally oulppJ (or Lojgtt' Work. Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence A8TOHIA IHON WOHKH Coacoaly Si., hut of JackaoB, Aatorla. General Machinists and Boiler Makesr Laa4 aa4 Marlaa Enrlnaa, Bolla, work, Siaaa boat and Cannary Work a Spaclalty. Caitlaft of Alt D.(TipHon. M.dt to Ordtf oa . Short Notka. John roK....Praldant and Buprlntndant A. L. Tot Vloa PrMldent O. B. Praal Baoralary Flrat National Bank, Tnaauror .SNAP A KODAK- at any man coming out ot nur aiort and you'll tt a portrait ot a mnu brlnimlnn over Hit plvaaanl UiotiKkta. Hnrh quality In thn llquora . bavatooltxraroenoiVKUto plrna any man. COMB AND TRY THEM HUGHES & CO. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. "Talaphon." leavaa Aatorla at T p. m. dally (axoapt Sunday). Leavaa Portland at 1 a. m. dally., az eept Sunday. "Bailey Oatiert" laavei Aatorla Tuoa day, Wcdnaaday, Thuraday, Friday and Saturday morning at t:4I a. m,; Sunday renlnf at T p. m. Leavaa Portland dally at I p. m ex cept Sunday. On taturday at 11 p. tn. WALLACE MAVZERY, Agent North Paeifie Breiaery JOHN KOPP.Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX PORTER. Leav ord.M with J, L. Carlaoa at tie Sunnyalde Saloon or Loula Boentc. at the Coamopollian Saloon, All order, will b promptly attended to, For the One-Price Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers Children's Wagons. Baby Carriages. Base Ball Goods. Fishing Croquet Tackle. Sets. GardenlTools GRIFFIN & REED CITY BOOK STORE It, T. EARLD. Uta at Stockton, Cat LocittJ on 1 8th and Franklin (Scow solicited. Cheap Clothing: Th. Hop Lm Cloth tag raotory and merchant tallora, at Bond atreet, makes underolothlng to order. Suit and trouaar. mad. to fit perfectly. Erery order ptuotually oa Urn. and aatlafaotlon gu ami teed. Good goods aold ohaap. Call and b oonrlnoed. IS THERE ? I. there a man with heart ao old, That from hi. family would withhold Th. oomforxa whloh they all oould find In article, of FURNITURE of th. right kind. And we would suggeat at this season nlo. Sideboard, Exttnalon Table, or set of Dining Chairs, We har. tb largest and nneat Una ever shown In th. olty and at price, that cannot fall to pleas. th. closest buyers. HEILBORN & SON ROSS HIGGINS & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Aatorla Fine Taaa and Coffeaa, Table Dallcaclea, Dom.itk ana Tropical Frulta, V.j.ubl.i, Sugar v Cured Hama, Bacon, Etc, Choice Fresh and Salt Meat). THE ASTORIA SflVlUGSBflHK Aots as truetee for corporation, and In dividuals. Transact a general banking bualneaa, Intereat paid on Urn. depoalta. C. H. PAOD Prealdent BEN J. TOUNO VlOe-Presldent FRANK PATTON Cashier DIRECTORS! J. Q. A. Bowlby, a H. Page, BenJ. Toung, A. 8. Reed, D, P. Thompaon, W. E Dement, D. K. Warren. CAN HANDLE THE SITUATION Judge (i ray's Kcply to the Open Let' ter of "Inclc" John Minto. WILL ST A XI) NO VIOLENCE Wkcicttr the liicrcmcd Topic till lor Assiat.scc lid Stat What Thcjr Wait. Ike CoMty Will Sec Tkat They Oct It. An Aaturiun rrpr.iiiallv laat f vn Ihk rallnl on Ju1k (iray, and Itilrr vlred him conrrrning the IHlcr, pub llahrd In yralvrriay's Ori-itunlan, slcnetl by tho Hon. John Minto, of Kalem, rrltlrlalng the offlii-ra of Clutsop coun ty. In rrply to the durations of the rrpurtt-r, Juilge Oray snld: "I havo not arvn the Mtrr you refer to." When It was ahown to him he stated: "It Is very remarkable how the sn- Mitlonal rriMirta of corrtuptindenls, and even bualnraa men, magnify and ex .KKerate atatrmrnts of all kinds which luijipvn to come to thvlr ears and tltus do much harm by frightening the peo ple and defeating the efforts of the ofrtrvr. of the law whilst thty are at tempting to capture criminals. "When the ealmon fishing season be gan this var the cannets clalmod they could mi pay more than four cents lvr pound for ftah. Since th. loth day of April the gill net and s'ln. fieher men of the Culumbla river have bwn n a .trlke for Ave cents pr pound for freah aalmon. Thvre have been nu ini-rnua acta of violence committed along the boundnrlcs of Clatsop coun ty. The munli-r of the woman and thre men nvar Clifton on May ZTth U iM-lhtved to have been committed by striking flahermt'n, and Sheriff Hare aii'l drputlr. together with Corone I'ohl have Ixt-n hunting for evidence that would lead to the conviction of the perpetrators ot the crime. IWoie the body of Sum MHIamlt was found yeatrnlny It was considered poealble that he nilicht have murdered the other twi men In a drunken quarrel and af terwards killed tho woman to hide hla crime, and then hnve left the country, The crime wan committed on the Col umbia river, and I contend that the funds appropriated by the legislature of this state for the apprehension of criminals should be used In such cases. Governor Lord has today Informed mo that the state reward appropriation 1 exhausted. I, therefore, for Clatop county, offered today (before I saw Tncle John's' open letter), a reward of one thousand dollars for Information that will lead to the arrest and con viction of the murderers. On the .th day of June two telegrams were re ceived by Sheriff Hare from Clifton asking for protection. He Immediately Informed the members of the county court, who had a few moments pre viously adjourned, that he required a steamer and some deputies. They, the court, told him to go ahead. In re- aHnse to the only other call made on the sheriff, he sent a deputy to take care of the situation, but tt transpired that hla services were not required. : am confident that the sheriff can ban die the situation whenever the can nerymen or others call upon him and tell him what they wish to do. Fifteen hundred or two thousand men on a strike are not usually as orderly as thoae In Astoria today. The strike leaders know that violence will not be tolerated and that the militia will be called for the moment their services are required." TO SELL THE O. H. AND N. The Entire System Is Market. Now on the Oregonlan. The scheme for the reorganisation of the O. R. and N. Co., which has been In process of development for some time. Is Is now in a fair way of being speedily consummated. Yesterday the properties of the com pany. Including the railway lines, roll ing stock, rights of way, real estate, steamships, steamboats, etc, were ad vertised for sale, under foreclosure of the second mortgago bonds, by R. B, Knnpp, master commissioner. The sale Is to take place at Falrvlew, In stead of the courthouse door, as at first decreed, on July 9 at noon. The object tn changing the place of sale was so as to have It on the premises of the company, and not, as some Imagined, tn order to have ample room for the crowds who might be present to buy a flrst-class railroad and steamship prop erty. The sale of the Oregon Extension Company's lines, which form part of the O. R. and N. system, will take place at Island City, Union county, on July 10, and the Washington and Idaho road, also a part ot the system, will be sold at Tekoa on July 13. These sales will all be advertised In the principal papers In the counties where they are to take place, once a week for four weeks. The reason for holding the sales on different days Is to enable the pur- rhuiilrig roinmlttne to bu present at all of them In succeaaUin, It Is not probuble tliit inure will be any ouIhMij bidders pr mmt, tar, even If any i-tio happened to be nround with loose change enouKh In his p-nket to buy a railroad and steamboat system, he could not bid unless he had. In accordance with the order, of the court, previously put up some: Ili&O.OOO, merely a. an evidence of good filth. It Is known, of coum. to all Inter eated In the matter, that the O. R. and N. system is to be sold under mortgaite foreclosure ot the second mort:are bonds, and v (II be bought by the holders of these bonds, subject lo the flrat mortgsge bonds. The holders of the flrat mortgage bonds have had no cause to foreclose, their bonds be ing gilt-edged, worth 11.10 on the dollar, and would be worth $1.25 If It were n for the proposition for sinking fund. The reorganisation of the company, as nearly as can be understood. Is to be effected by the purchasing commit tee, after they have purchased all the properties, turning them over to a new company, which will reorganise the whole concern under their old name, and which. If present arrangements are carried out without mischance, will get possession and control of all the properties by August 1, or perhaps sooner. The reorganisation will enable the new company, by replacing 6 per cent bonds with 4 per cent bonds, to reduce the fixed charge some ftoo.ooo per annum. One of the things connected with the reorganisation of the company which wilt give great satisfaction to a large number of people. Is the fact that large number of bills, many of which were incurred while the t'nlon Pacific receivers were managing the property amounting to over 110,000. are at laat to be paid. General Auditor Benson says the company will be ready to pay these claim, as soon as the papers arrive from Omaha, which will be by June JO or June 25. It will be some consolation to those who have waited so long for their Just dues to know that they arc to receive Interest on the amounts due them, and to many the re ceipt of the money will be Just like finding It. CHAMBER OF COflMEKCB. Meeting Last Night Fairly Well At tended. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce held last evening there was a good attendance of members, and after the routine business, had been transacted, a resolution was Introduced which, after a warm discussion, w laid on the table. The resolution was one denouncing the articles appearing In the Oregonlan during the last fen- days relative to the strike situation in Astoria. A motion was made by Mr. Fulton and carried, that a committee of five be appointed to try and nego tiate with the fishermen and cannery- men for a settlement of the strike. The committee, aa appointed by the chair. Is as follows: C. W. Fulton, F. P. Kendall, H. B. Ferguson, J. 8. Del- linger, and J. W. Welch. The secretary of the chamber was Instructed to communicate with the sheriff and ask him to take some steps towards preventing the patrolling of the river by armed boats. The committee on manufactures made a report submitting a list of the various manufacturing Industries of the city, and suggesting that the cham ber take certain action towards mak ing that body more efficient as a com mercial body. The report was referred to the executive committee. PENNOYEU WILL NOT GO. Portland, June 10. Mayor-elect Pen- noyer will not go to Salem next Sat urday to attend the Populist indigna tion meeting. He says the Populists are themselves to blame for the defeat of Vanderburg. If his suggestion had been carried out, Meyers and Vander burg withdrawn and Waldo nominated, Tongue would havo been so badly beaten that there would have been no cry of counting out. EXPENSE UNNECESSARY. Special to the Astorlan. Portland, June 10. It la reported here that the Cannerymen's Associa tion of Astoria forwarded a communi cation to Governor Lord last night no tifying him that it is unnecessary now to incur the expense to the state of sending troops down the river, they having unanimously decided to aban don all attempts at Ashing for the remainder of the season. GRAND LODGE OF MASONS. Portland, June 10. The Grand Lodge of Oregon, A. F. and A. M., convened today. The following grand officers were elected this afternoon: Master, Philip Metschan; deputy master, W. H. Hobson: senior warden, J. B. Cle land; Junior warden, J. M. Hodson; secretary, J. F. Robinson; treasurer, D. C. McKercher; chairman education al fund, Jacob Mayer, ORDERS ISSUED. Roseburg, June 10. Company A, Sec ond, Regiment, O. N. G received or ders today to be ready to proceed to Astoria at an hour's notice. M'KINLEY ON FIRST BALLOT This Is the Judgment of Mr. Manley, of Maine, a to the Presiden tial Nomination. HEED KEI LSES SECOND PLACE The Colored Brother Tares Badly ia tbt Vy of Hotel iccotmodatioat Te Hotel Keepers Violatisg Their Coat racts. St. Louis, June 10. Mr. Manley, of Maine, said this afternoon: "In my Judgment the convention will nominate Governor McKlnley on the flrst ballot for the presidency. It Is useless to attempt to deny that this will be the result. The action of the national committee In Its overwhelming vote on the Alabama case, settles con clusively how the respective states which the committee represent will vote In the convention." "Mr. Reed's name will be presented and he will be voted for, and I must say that under no conditions or cir cumstances can he, or will he accept the nomination for vice-president if It should be tendered him. The great majority of N-w England delegates will be loyal to Mr. Reed, but It Is evi dent the convention is for McKlnley and 1'. will nominate him." That the color line has been drawn by some of the hotels of this city there can be no longer any doubt. The St. James hotel today openly refused to entertain some negro delegates and cancelled a 16.000 contract it had made tor feeding and housing delegates. Sev eral weeks ago the o (Beers ot the Tlp pacanoe Club under the direction of M. A. Hanna, made a contract with Thomas P. Miller, proprietor of the St. James, to take care of a certain number of delegates for five days dur ing the convention. The club officers then wrote to certain Southern delega tions that rooms had been engaged for them at the St. James. When Mr. Miller learned the club Intended to All the rooms with negroes he objected. "If I permit you to bring negroes here," he said, "all my help will leave. It will put me In a most embarrassing predicament." - Upon the arrival of Mr. Hanna from Cleveland today he was told of what had occurred. "I am sorry for Mr. Miller," said Hanna. to his agent, "but he signed a contract, and unless he lives up to It he will Ond himself Involved In a most unpleasant legal complication." As all the leading hotels are crowded, the Tlppacanoe Club is in a quandery to what It will do with the colored delegates whom It promised to take care of. Hanna's emissaries had also rented the big exposition building for use dur ing the convention, and It was sug gested that cots be placed In It for the use of colored men, but when the man agement of the building learned of this. It told the club that negroes could not be quartered there. It was finally agreed, however, that the colored dele gates might be fed there. Tony Faust, who holds a lease of the kitchen at the exposition building, said he could not furnish either food or cooks to do the work. An officer of the club said tonight that the cooks would be Imported from Cleveland. Many of the colored men, of their own accord, had gone to the homes of col ored people living here, and obtained board and lodgings, Some of them, however, refuse to do this. Dr. John Grant, of Sherman, Texas, who leads the contest for the McKln ley delegation from the Lone Star state. Is mad over the treatment which he is assured the proprietor, George E. Griswold, of the LaClede Hotel, ex pects to give the colored members of his delegation. Grant has a contract with Urlswold for quarters at the La Clede for his people, black and white alike, and this end of It the hotelman is going to keep. The black delegates will not be allowed to eat In the dining hall. ' Meals will be served in their rooms, and there will be no lack of attention to them, but the dlscrimlna tlon will exist Just the same. ALABAMA CONTESTS. Decision of the Committee in Twenty two Cases at the National Con vention. ' St. Louis, June 10. The meeting of the Republican national committee to decide the contests for seats In the na tional convention absorbed the general Interest In affairs pertaining to the con vention today. There were no import ant arrivals, except of the members of this committee, and they were so con cerned with the proceedings of the committee that they declined generally to give attention to other questions. The proceedings were of a harmonious character, and while there was evi dence that there was a genuine feeling In behalf of various candidates, this feeling did not at any time take on a personally aggressive form. The entire day's session was given up to the Alabama contests, which In volved the seats of four delegates nt large, and all of the nine districts, ex cept the Second, making twenty-two seats that were in dispute. The con tests were all decided, except those from the Third and Fifth districts, In which hearings were postponed on ac count of the absence of either contest ants or conteitantees. The points at Issue In the Sixth and Eighth districts were settled outside the committee and the contests in both Instances were withdrawn. Issue was presented to the committee In all other cases. Of the eighteen delegates whose cases were decided, either by vote of the committee or by withdrawal, sixteen are for McKlnley and two for Reed. There was no division upon any of the contests except that made In the case of the delegates-at-large, and this was overwhelmingly in favor of Vaughn, or McKlnley delegates, and against Mosely, or antl-McKInley men. CAMP08 UNDER ARREST. Former Governor of Cuba Challenged General Borrero to a Duel. Madrid, June 10. A sensational re port Is current to the effect that a se rious quarrel has taken place between Generals Martinet Campos and Borre ro In regard to the Cuban campaign and General Campos' conduct of affairs In the Island. General Campos took offense at cer tain remarks of General Borrero. and sent a second to demand satisfaction. The report gained credence In circles which gave it an appearance of au thenticity, and the absence of both generals from the senate since the quarrel also gives strength to the sen sation. Thi minister of war Is said to have Intervened to smooth matters over, This, however, is denied at the war of fice, as Is also the fact of the alterca tion. The affair has caused a great sensation. During a recent private discussion of affairs in Cuba between General Mar lines Campos, the predecessor of the ent captain general of Cuba. Weyler. s nd General Borrero, the argument be came so animated that the discussion developed Into a hot quarrel, and a duel was arranged. " The matter was conducted with the greatest secrecy, but In some manner the authorities received Information of the Intended duel between the gen erals a few minutes before they were to meet on the Primo Rivera. The captain general of Madrid pro ceeded with all haste to the spot, ar riving Just as the principals were be ing placed In position, and It was only with the greatest difficulty that he suc ceeded in stopping the affair before either of the combatants were wound ed. Generals Campos and Borrero were finally disarmed and sent to their respective residences under arrest v ALL ON ACCOUNT OF DEBS. Washington, June 10. The senate has disposed ot the last of the appro priation bills and has fixed 4 p. m. to morrow as the time for final adjourn ment After being in session through out the day, a night session was decid ed upon, in order to adjust many minor differences between the two houses. - A number of bills were passed during the day, including an Important bill giving trial by Jury and other safe guards. In prosecution for contempt of court. The measure has been vigorous ly urged by labor interests, particular ly railroad employes. It Is the result of agitation resulting from the Impris onment of Eugene V. Debs, for con tempt of en injunction issued at the time of the Chicago strike. The bill as passed continues the power of sum mary punishment when an offense Is committed In the immediate presence of the Judge, but in Indirect contempts, such as the violation of an injunction, the bill provides that the accused shall be given a full heating with the oppor tunity to summon witnesses and offer defense. An amendment was made by Cannon giving the accused the right of trial by Jury on application. In the case of convictions an appeal Is provided to the supreme court. ANOTHER BRITISH AGGRESSION. San Francisco, June 10. The steamer Australia from Honolulu today, brings confirmation of the Associated Press story concerning the demand made by Great Britain that Volney Ashford be permitted to return to Hawaii. The Dole government Is very much excited over the report, but the president of the little republic Is pursuing a conser vative course in the matter. There Is a likelihood of Hawaii call ing upon the United States to extend its good ofllces in the dispute. Ashford was convicted by the military com mission of misprison of treason. Highest Of all ia Leavening PowersLatest U. S. Gov't Report AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF WORK Congress in Doth Houses Mahea a Great Effort to Clear Desks of Bills. ADJOURNMENT OCCURS TODAY Caasoa Side a rigbt Agalsst the Stoats Ilea for Tsblic Dsildisgs la the Sssdry Civil Bill Trial by Jury. Washington, June 10. An enormous amount of business was transacted by the bouse today in order to clear the desk for final adjournment tomor row. Members encouraged by the num ber of bills passed under suspension of the rules, besieged the speaker at every opportunity for recognition. With the seventy-five or eighty feet of the area In front of the speaker's desk crowded with members clamoring for recogni tion, with uplifted arms, the scene re sembled nothing so much as a wheat pit during a time of semi-panic Fifty-three bills and Joint resolutions were passed, the most important of which is probably the bill appropriat ing 1200,000 for th. trans-Mlsslsslppt exposition at Omaha. Allen, the wit of the house, enlivened the day with a humorous speech. This was the first lime Allen's voice has been heard this session, and he began by referring t the "universal criticism" of his silence. "I desire to say, however," said be, "that there has been little at this ses-' ston of congress to inspite a Christian man to be loquacious, (laughter), and I want to say further that I am not the only statesman whose recent career has been distinguished by his silence." (Renewed laughter.) Chairman Cannon, of the appropria tions committee, made a gallant fight to Induce the house to stand out against the senate public buildings Items in the sundry civil bill, but the members outvoted him, 100 to 8S. Af ter .the conference report on the Dis trict of Columbia bill, containing Its compromise on the sectarian charities had been presented. Cannon precipitat ed a heated discussion of the political situation, in which Dockery and Ding ley participated. The work ot the ses sion was elaborately reviewed, criticis ed and defended. Cannon, in closing his remarks, said that to sura' up all In a word, "No scan dal can be charged to this house." They (the Republicans) could unite In assur ing the country that If In November they gave the party power they woo. Id write on the statute books the protect ive, economic policy of the Republican party. Dockery declared that the Republi cans had piled up the appropriations higher than every before at a first ses sion in the history of congresses. "I know we will have McKlnley, but twice over, because it will be necessary to have more to pay the mortgages contemplated by the Republican par ty's legislation." ' Dockery concluded by taunting the majority with, its failure to act upon the anti-bond bill Dlngley, who replied briefly to Dock ery, contrasted the prosperous condi tion of the country before the advent of the Democratic administration, with the present depressed condition of trade and the deficits ot the federal treasury. He declared the present con ditions would never end untu the reve nues were Increased to exceed the ex penditures. FAVORS FREE SILVER. Reno, Nev., June 10. A mass meet ing of the so-called "regular" Demo cratic party of Nevada met today. The platform declares for the tree and un limited coinage of silver; is against taking religion Into politics; favors the amendment of the naturalisation laws and endorses Cleveland In everything except his policy on the money ques tion. THE MARKETS. Liverpool, June 10. Wheat spot easy; demand, poor; No. 2 red winter, 6s 4d; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 6s 2Hd; No. 1 California, 6s iVA. Hops Pacific coast, 1 15s. San Francisco, June 10. Hops, nom inal, 2g 3c. ADJOURN TODAY. Washington, June 10. Congress will adjourn finally at 4 p. m. tomorrow. The house passed the District of Col umbia bill, thus clearing all appro priations and has adopted the senate adjournment resolution.