The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 04, 1896, Image 2

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i 1
gitilu. glotca-itut.
Telephone No. .
Sent by mall, per year $.
Bent by mall, per month.. H
Delivered by carrier, per week........ .10
Bent by mnll per year, Iz In advance,
postage free, to subscribers.
All communications Intends for publi
cation should be directed to the tdltor.
Business communications of all kinds
and remittance must he aJ.tnsaid to
The Astortati.
The Astorlan guarantees to lis sul
sertNr ih largisl circulation o! any
newsletter published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly AatorUn, the second okl st
weekly In the stale of Ongon, has, next
to the Portland Orogonltin, the
weekly circulation In the stale.
Jno. F. Handley A Co.. are our l"ort
land agvM. and copies of The Astonan
tan be had every morning- at their s;and,
1SI Third street.
The responsibility for the failure on the
part of the present congress to pass any
kind of sound or beneficial legislation
this aesalon, rerlainb' doea not rest with
the Republican majority in the house ot
representatives. Nor Is It their fault
that Mr. Cleveland will either be W.k-evJ
to call an extra session, or again resort
to the expedient of Issuing bonus In order
to carry on the government. On the
tber hand. If the Republican majority in
the house had done no other service to
the country, the certainty that it may
be depended upon to kill the lmamous
and unpatriotic resolution of the silver
senate to prevent the administration from
selling any bonds during the ensuing
vacation to replenish the public revenue
and maintain Its credit, the value of the
house's service to the country In the pres
ent emergency becomes absolutely In esti
t n.i nn the Neorrl of the Re-
publicans In congress It Is necessary to
remember that they found an empty
treasury at the beginning of the session,
as the result of prevlcus Democratic
legislation. The Democracy ts responsi
ble for the Wilson blU. The president.
It Is true, did not sign It, but for no rea
son that applied to Its capacity to raise
revenue. He was urging- a still further
enlargement of the free list by abolish
ing the duty on Iron and coal He ap
pro red the Wilson bill as It passed the
bouse. But It Is now admitted, even by
many Democrats Mr. Gorman beading
the list that the bill In the shape in
which It was passed by the Democratic
bouse, would have caused a deficit ot
tK6.out.WO per annum.
On ot the first acts ot the Republicans
at this session was to pass a bill provid
ing for an Increase of revenue. This
was drawn on protection lines. And
why should It not have been? Had not
the country at two elections declared
overwhelmingly for protection? Had
not the prevent house, with Its unprece
dented majority, been elected on that
very Issue? Had not It been instructed
as to Its duty? Could It disregard those
Instructions? It brought In an emer
gency bill according to those instruc
tions. The bill was opposed by the
Democrats, who gave two reasons for
their course: First, that It carried with
It the principle of protection, and, sec
ond, that the president would not sign
It The bill passed the house, but was
killed In the senate by a vote Including
every Democratic member of that body.
In the matter of the finances the presi
dent had to lean on the Republicans In
this congress as in the last. His own
party is In no sort of agreement with
bim. The Democratic leader in the
bouse, Mr. Crisp, is for free sliver. The
majority of the Democratic members ot
the senate are for free silver. The pur
chasing clause of the Sherman act was
repealed almost entirely by Republican
votes, and the step was advocated by
Benntor Sherman before the president
wan from oft the subject . The
Repnb!laiis hava all the way through
been bis support In mi-Ir.talnlng the pub
lic credit. The Butler resolution, before
adverted to, received Its principle sup
port from Democrats. But the country
relies upon the Republicans to kill It.
It is not Mr. Cleveland's veto that will
prevent this vicious, mischievous legis
lation. It Is the house of representa
tives that Is the lion In the path.
Mr. J. G. Johns, a Texas gentleman,
who says that he Is not a politician, but
Is engaged In the cattle business, writes
an open letter to Senator Hill, contain
ing some Interesting statements which
Southern and Western fanners might do
well to consider. In his letter, published
In the Kansas City Times of the 8th ult.,
Mr. Johns says:
"Now we (Texans) are buying cattle In
Mexico. Fourteen hundred cows bought
In HAS In Mexico at VJ per head; the
silver was bought in Laredo at SI cents
en the dollar to pay for these same cat
tle. They were shipped to Houston,
Tex., full fed on cottonseed, meal and
hulls, and shipped to Kansas City, and
netted I23.K the food, labor, first cost
and the freight from Mexico to Houston
to come out, which left a net profit ot
110 per head. The Mexican people buy
ing these same cattle or their equivalent
back, paying for profit, our feed bills,
etc., then they pay us 100 cents on the
dollar for all they buy. They are large
buyers of meats, lard, wheat, etc., and
pay us 100 cents on the dollar for every
thing they buy, while we pay them' 61
cents on the dollar for what we buy ot
The writer refers readers to the books
ef the stock yards In Kansas City to
substantiate his statements. If his point
Is accurately taken, it shows very clearly
that If the United States should adopt
free coinage of silver, 1 to 1, and our
currency became depreciated as Mexico's
currency is, our Southern and Western
people would be paid for their surplus
products Just as the Mexicans are now
paid for theirs In depreciated silver
worth from M to fi cents on the dollar
Instead of 10ft cents In gold, which they
now get. '
Governor John P. Altgvld, of Illinois,
emerwei from a rather protracted period
of extraordinary silence lone enough to
aay to the New York Journal that he
does not believe any compromise I pos
sible between the silver and the gold
Democrats "because thus fur every com
promise and ewry straddle has been
treated as a complete surrender to East
ern boeess and Eastern Interests, and the
people are tired of It." The people are
tired of It! In the name of all that Is
decent, when did John P. Altgeld secure
the rhjht to for '"the people." He
may be, as he always has been, the
mivithplcc of the Schwabs and the
M.wu nnd those others who, like him
self, enjoy triNil relations with the an
nrvhlstle elenent. hut he Is ss.tty In error
when he assume to know anything ol
the sentlmen of "the people."
Good Keatuis Why Canacrs innnot Pay
Kite Cents.
Oregon Inn.
A business man irum lis .too, whose
years of exp-Tienee on the Columout gtw
weight to hie utterances, was in the city
yesterday, ami wncu tnn nl the IMnlaliu
by a mwiit of the Otvonun furot.-lied
some ititervsltng information afoul t,ie
situation at Astoria as between the cun-iivr.-t
unu the striking nhcrnun. He;
; "T1k strike has U-en a s useless one
" j from rtrst to Uist. and, if the truth w.ia
KEED CON- ! knoan. the majority ot the ikvj- tih.r
i men ho were ileluded l.y oes.tnlnn
i ovksik s to go Into It. would gladly net oat
of It and co to work on the lout-oeiu Ui-
isia. i n.oriuiiuteiy, it.ese are being int.ra
' idut-d by the lew lawless ones, and they
dare not either act or i',rvss their views,
i i think, however, una' that the election
' U over, an.l thai the Ivmhs will liae no
further use tor the nuti oil shore, that
the men will be jilowed to shut lor tlieiu-
i s'l.s anl will (jo to work on
J the 4-ceuts-a-pound liasts. I think you
j will llnd matter shaping themselves that
I Wav Instill or tin .Llv Tlttt .irtii
j a,ler j, tart u , tsh. running live-
j Iv, a:ul the si;iit of so much wealth p-
i ,n m in " water every .lay now.
ntiii roin up me river to ie caught iy
other r.-ihernieu more Sensible and willing
to a.-o-pt i cent If unatue to k t i w il le
too much tor the h4l:-siared. poor .levlls
who have wasted all these weeks for
"'I was talking to one of the largest c.n
ners at Astoria. Just before I came up,
and he sallsiled me by showing how Im
possible It was. under the prevailing low
price of canoed salmon, for him or any
other canner. to pay i cents for tha raw
material. He proved but statement by
th following Illustration: Alaska salm-
"- ...... ... (uuutj tm til j ij CUM
to the Columbia river Chinook salmon.
Is at present laid down free In Man Fran
cisco at CM per case. A case contains
four dosen one-pound cans, or pounds
actual nsh. Now, to make this 4s pounds
of fish. It takes S pounds of live nsh.
which at i cents a pound would cost S3. 26
for the raw Ash alone, to which would
have to be added the cost ot cans, cases,
labor, freight. Insurance, and wear and
tear on machinery. You can readily see
that, with such a strong opposition as
the Alaska fisheries, the Columbia river
cannera. If they paid I cents, would soon
bave to go Into the hands ot a receiver.
This Is nothing new. Everybody who
knows anything about the salmon Indus
try and the competitions to which It ts
subjected knows that canner cannot pay
cents unless they want to run at
loss; why. even the more sensible of the
sinking fishermen know It. but dare not
express themselves or exert their man.
hood for fear of violence on the part ot
the few selfish leaders who have had
everything to gain by the continuance of
the strike, and everything to lose If the
strike ended before election.
"Another thing, the cannera can hold
out till 'h 1 freeses over,' whereas the
fishermen, without a cent to keep them,
with women and children to keep, can't
remain on a strike very long. In fact.
I think that the crisis Is near at hand,
and before Ions; the poor devils will be
ftKhtlng one another In their anxiety to
accept the 4-cents-a-pound basis."
To the question how. the park would
come out this season, the speaker said
that if warm weather continued and the
men went to work soon, the pack for
1! would not be much short of 1
although, of course. It would be affected
some extent.
The pack of 1&S, of all the canneries
operating on the Columbia, was IM,J
Editor Astorlan;
Well, Brothers, the campaign Is over.
You called us hard names. You called
our candidate for congress a shyster.
You said he would never get a hunOred
votes In this county. Don't you see
that you were mistaken. You said you
would take our names and If ever we
came up for office you would knife us,
Decause we dared to vote lor whnt we
thought was right. Now. we will not
take your names. We will not knife
you either. If you get a nomination.
But If you think you can get along
without us we are willing to sit on the
fence and let you run the next campaign
without us. How much do you think
you would win.
Let us have peace.
Melville, June 2.
People begin to ask themselves, "Where
shall I spend the summer?" An ocean
voyage, an Inland Jaunt, or a coastwise
trip, which shall It be? In either case,
one of the mosst useful traveling com
panions, one that never fails In an emer
gency to which it Is adapted, Is Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters, which remedies
sea sickness, nausea, headache, bilious
ness and malarial complaints. Dyspep
sia, rheumatism, nervousness and kidney
trouble are also remedied by the great
alterative and preventive. Tourists by
sea and land, mariners, emigrants and
western pioneers all testify to Its de
fensive and remedial efficacy. Bodily
and mental fatigue are counteracted by
It, and It prevents maladies which would
otherwise be brought on by exposure.
No one should start on a summer outing
without It. It Is the most genial and
reliable of summer tonics, and suits the
most fastidious palate.
"Didn't you tell me old Bay re was go
ing to marry the pretty Miss Quickstep?"
"That was the arrangement, but he lost
a lot of money lately, and she threw him
over. He has been selling short on Dia
mond Match."
"What does he say about It?"
"Not much. He merely shrugs his
shoulders and says there are some
matches that are not made In heaven."
Did you ever think how readily the
blood Is poisoned by constipation? Bad
blood means bad health and premature
old age. DeWitt'e Little Early Risers,
the famous little pills, overcome obstinate
constipation. Chan. Rogers.
'Tis wrong for any maid to be
Abroad at night alone.
A chaperon she needs till she
Can call some chap 'er own.
Kansas City Journal.
There's more clothing destroyed by poor
sosp than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake"
soap contains no free alkali and will not
Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice
the difference In quality. Ross, Hlrglns
ft Co.
Best Quality!
Largest Size !
Lowest Price!
Said Towser to Kitty, with pussled blink.
"The grown people round us are trying
to think
Which flower Is best for a national one.
Now, don't you think dogwood would be
the most fun?"
"No, Towser," said Kitty; "It seems to
Pussy-willows or catnip much better
would be!"
Little Men and Women.
how Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
acts upon nervous women. It's a mar
velous remedy for nervous and general
debility. Chorea, or St. Vltus'a Dance,
or Inability to sleep, spasms, convul
sions, or "tits," and every like disorder.
Even In cases of Insanity, resulting
from functional derangements, the per
sistent use ot the "Prescription" will, by
restoring the natural (unctions. genrrlly
effect a cure.
For women suffering from any chronic
"female complaint" or weakness; for
women who are run down or overworked;
at the change from girlhood to woman
hood: and. later, at the critical "change
of life" It Is a medicine that safely and
certainly builds up, strengthens, regulate
and cures.
Send for a free pamphlet or remit lo
cents (stamps) for a large look (l'Ji
pages) on Woman's Diseases and how to
cure them with home treatment. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Helical Associ
ation, Buffalo, N. Y.
Harpefs Round Table.
"Oh, denr!" sighed the Hippopotamus.
"I am so tired of this circus life. I
wish some nice little boy would buy me
for a pet. I'd love to sit In a little boy's
lap and have him call me Fldo, and let
me crawl Into his bed and bite his toes
every morning like a puppy dog."
D. W. Fuller, of Canajohurie, N. T.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery In the house and his fam
ily has always found the very best re
sults follow Its use; that he would i.ot
be without It. If procurable. O. A. Dyke
man, DrugKlst, Catsklll. N. Y says that
Dr. King's New Discovery Is undoubtedly
the best Cough remedy; that he has used
It In his family for eight years and It has
never failed to do all that Is claimed for
IL Why not try a remedy so long tried
and tested. Trial bottles free at Chas.
Rogers' drug store. Regular slxe tK
and tl.00.
Toronto Record.
Mulman -I often hear people speak
about brain work being so awfully hard;
it doesn't appear to me so.
Cutter Of course not; to men of your
calibre brayln' work Is easy.
Try Electric Bitters as a n-merly for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. Vhls medicine has been found
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure ol all Fem.ile Complaints, exerting
wonnerzui direct Inlluence in giving
strength and tone to the organs. If you
have Loss of Appetite, Constipation,
Headache, Fainting Rpells, or are Ner
vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy,
or troubled with Dlziy Spells, Electric
Bitters is the medicine you need. Health
and Strength are guaranteed by Its use.
Fifty cents and 11.00 at Chas. Rogers
Drug Store.
Chicago News.
'Do you have your lace curtains done
up every year, Mrs. Blng?"
No; our flat Is so dark they don't need
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
"And are you really the gentleman who
writes those funny things for the morn
ing paper?" asked the Ingenuous girl.
I am," admitted the humorist, with as
much modesty as he could command.
There Is one thing I would like to know.
What makes you put the name of some
other paper after the very funniest
ones?" Cincinnati Enquirer.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
He I would kiss you If I thought no
one would see me. She Shall I close
my eyes? Woonsocket Reporter.
Or. Price' Cream Making; Powder
Contains no Ammonia or Alum,
- ,w n hi "i w sis.' p ii mm want iiwrwwisssw.-
a.-$k:i ... ..
"" v V'V-VA 'il l -
; , : '
I II 'tSvJj W
I. k upm
According to all accounts Cecil 1'ho.lcv
Is actually savage In his hatred of wom
en, or rather of woman In the almtraet.
A nurse who was In s nursing com
munity In Pap Town when he met with
his serious accident while out riding tells
the following story of him: "He was
carried home unconscious, with a badly
dislocated shoulder. A telegram was
Immediately dispatched for a trained
nurse. When the telegram arrived gnat
consternation prevailed No one but the
slster-ln-charge could be Intrusted with
so Important a rase. Just as she had
made arrangements to start came a sec
ond telegram saying. 'lo not come.' In
the meantime Mr. Rhodes had recovered
consciousness, and, realising how 111 he
was. his nrst words were: 'Let no devil
of a woman be sent for! No one dared
disobey him."
The best salve In the worll for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, fleer. Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive cure for Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, B cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building.
The London Chronicle says of Dr. John
Ireland, bishop of Ht. Paul, that he Is
one of the most pronounci-d. ambitious
and resolute American prelate, anil I
known In the Northwest as the Rmma
rola of Minnesota, lie was Urn In Ire
land, and his parents rniler.iteit when ha
was 11 years old. inlutned when n,
i his clerical promotion was similarly
j rapid. Long before he came to tils tth
I year he was elevated to a bishopric, and
In 1.". when Pi years old, h ascended
the archleplscopal throne. He Is a tall
man. of big, burly presence, with a man
terful chin and a prominent aipilllne
nose. He believes In himself and lets
everyone know It.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!.
When she was a Child, she cried for Cast oris,
Wbea she became Miss, she clung to Castor!.
Wheashel ThlMren, the gs ithem Cutorls.
"Mike." said the uiertnten,lent, "then
Is a dead dog reported In the alley lie
tween Illinois and Meridian streets. 1
want you to look after Its illsixislUnn.'
An hour later the Intelligent officer tele
phoned: .'"I have Inquired Hhout the
dog, and find that he had a very savage
disposition." Indianapolis Journal.
young mother dread the summer
months on account of the great mortality
among children caused by bowel trou
bles. Perfect safety may bo assured
those who keep on hand DeWltl's Colic
ft Cholera Cure, and uilmlnlsier It
promptly. For cramiw, bilious colic, dys
entery and diarrhoea. It affords Instant
relief. C'lms. Rogers.
First Bicyclist Did you hear that fel
low on the crossing kick when 1 ran him
down? Second Bicyclist Yes. Hilly ot
him. wasn't It? 1 rememier I used to
do the same thing myself before I got
a wheel. New York Tribune.
A. L. Wooster, h prominent citizen ot
Onseo, Mich., after suffering excruciating
ly from piles for twenty years, was cured
In a short time by using DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve, an ubsoliile cure for nil
skin disease. More of this preparation
Is used than all others combined. Chas.
Peddler-Cnn I sell you a nice motto to
hang on the wall. Here's one: "God
bless our home." Houser-Man alive,
my wife has skipped with the cotichman.
Peddler Oh, If that's the case, buy this
one: "There are others. 1'hlladelnhla
Mrs. R. DeYoung, Mi'lillevllle, la.,
writes: I have used One Minute Cough
Cure for six years, both for myself nnn
children, and I consider It the quickest
acting and most satisfactory Cough Cure
I have ever used. Chas. Rogers.
"I'll teach you how to lie to me," roar
ed the Irate old gentlerian, reaching for
a strap. And so he did. It only look
three or four such: lessons to tench the
youth to lie so well that he was no more
detected. Indianapolis Journal.
Eczema Is a frightful nfhictlon, but like
all other skin diseases It can be perma
nently cured by applications of DeWltt's
Witch Hazel Halve. It never falls to
i cure Piles. Chas. Rogers.
Which Is the best government?
which teaches self-government. (:
ielh .
I One swallow does not make Spring, but
one swallow of fine Minnie Cough Cure
brings relief. Chas. Roger.
I1.V virtue of a warrant Issued by the
outtly clerk of Clatsop county, suite ol
Oregon, under the sint of said county
sod slate, on the Hit h day of April A. I,
IK mid lo in dliectcd, coiiiiniiiiilliig
me to levy upon the goods mid chattels
of thu dellinpiet taxpayers named In the
delinquent tax roll of Clatsop county,
slats of Orviioii, for 111 year lv.4, thereto
attached, and If nolle be loiuid, then
UMn the real property its set forth and
described III said dcllinpichl tat roll, or
so much thereof as hull lie suttlclt tit lo
swtlsfy the amount of taxes so cliaigid
therein, together with the costs nud ex
pense, I .no, on the y.uli day of .May,
IMHI, levy upon (having lecii tumble lo
find oional proHriy suinclcut out ot
which to make said laxesl (he real
lata vi oppolte the names ot the rv
lcctlc imitles, Unas and cortauatlun,
contained In ilie lolloHlug liets, to sat
isfy tile ataonttt ol laics alia costs us
sessed and chaise ai;aitit si.cit persons,
firms and coipoiations in the said do.
Illlipicllt tat loll, all ol nal.t plOHrty
lcliig siliiate in sat.l couiu) and slate
.111,1 dccrllcd oil Slid U.iliupient tax
roil ot said county and Dlaic ar said
.or, as lollco , lo it .
.Via l. 'lolllMi , ,Ur, I, US I, 3, See
IS. T ! N, li 10 W, ;n acres,
MnA i; ;i
Ala ivi'ouil'ie, I.. I! . laln on 1'
tmuk c .lolui-oii s td.uiith, .11
Ills. E. of N . cor ol H i: i,.
Ih.-nco I! ,11 l.l. ,i left Lank
of IMah.t, llietac . low It
said louull lo IaI and
Clarke m. r at mouth of John
sens Mouth, ihcnce up nt;!!t
batik of Jolmwon' loio;ll lo
place el I'CKtonlln;, h, e I, l' J
N . It la . ;.. h.l acres, be
Bin at I. cer ot H Iv i v.
K; thence 8 :w I.ln, to a envk.
Ilicltee meM.rly aleui; iai,l
creek ll lo fork of -aid
click, thence N. lo N line of
S II. I., Ol H V,. eC II. IhelVcc
N. :i: it.: tia v, u w. iin
of N K I, of H V. !,. .c II.
Ill, ii, o N lo a polnl W chs II.
of N line of M i; of said
sv . th.nce V. la elm.; ttu-!tc
N. la dot . (hence K li' tiis to
b Itlnnliu., Sc. ;l, T ; X , It
t" W , 1. ..'. act. s i: : i; in
Allen. Mrs Hi'hU-cl. Ion J 1. I.Ik
: .': lot t. Hi, I M.aior. '
-Woria, as til l-v i'oa id.
Iiev fit IT l'l
At. hi.!, r. ii . S Sc.- II. T 1
N . It V . I-' a,r. 1. flM , If S
Allen J.Oin. Ji '-j of 8 i:. .,. :,
T. I N , It. W . s.r.s. HI. in
Anderson, Minium, .ts I. :. 3. t, Si
. 7. . I '. II. i:. 13. II. I K
I'lk .':. ItoiM'.lalc ailllllon ; V. M K J.nii, .. , s-c
. T. o N . II VV , Pi ace s.
-" till
Austin 1,'uTclU M . lots J. I. I'lk
1. Sniimsiiln a ldiiion, v . 4 j
Hand ll .irv V , lots J. I. i, , Oik.
V.'. Met 'lure's A-torla. as ei'd
by Crus ulncy, :o i. , j; it
Darker, ljturs p. A . loin I. J, .
,&.,,. , lo, II, 1 li, u. li,
is, IT. IS. w. si. Jl, s. a :i. y.
31. bik lii Mary Ann Adair's
South Addition to the Port of
I'pper Astoria, till U IS
Harnett. Cora. K. i of 8 W. t,, W.
S "f f K. I Sec. 14. T. i N . II
It V Ii acres, lull JJ
Harnrs. Frank. K. i of H V. I,,
8 S of 8 K V, Sec. 36, T 5 N-,
K. II W , A1 acres. I!1M TJ
Hatun A Co., H. K , begin at N. K
cor. of blk. A. McKwun's
Add'n. to Ocean drove; thenco
8 At) ft.. W. loo ft.. N. So ft. K.
lev ft. to beginning, also, lln
at N W. cor. blk. A. Mc
Kwan's Add'n. lo I M an Orove;
th.-nce K. Urn ft., thencs 8 SO
ft. W. KM ft., N. So ft to be
ginning. 4lo. 7 4j
Reach C. L. lots . , blk. SI,
Astor Add'n. lo Astoria; lots
7, I. blk. , North Add'n. as laid
out ate! recorded by K A.
Noyea, Jc 7 ;
Hers. Ituls. lot x blk 1H Vnm-
pect Park Add'n. to Astoria. 4c. J
Hell. Phlltlppa W., lots u, M. blk.
a. truct t Olney's Add'n. to
Astoria, as laid out by Hustler
A Aiken, exee'rs. 4 Si A. 8. blk I. iilney's
Add'n. to Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by llimtler
Alkfll. exee'rs ; N VV. i, of
x.w. i4 of s k. ', Sec ::. t i
N., It. W., a acres; undivided
' of; 11. lo s.i:i ft v. of
8 K. cor of Khln-lv 1 1. I,. ;
thence V 14 ft., X. to 8 line
of Shlvcly's sturla, K. l.n ft.,
8. lo Is.glnnlng 80 IT, T. s V ,
It. I w , 6 acres.
Ilennrtt, Charles IT., lots l.l, ,
blk !. Seavierf Addition, us laid
out by A. P. Oliver,
lllsslund, lmnrun, lot 1. Ilk ,
Van I'usen's Astoria, ITc
Illshop. W. C . 8 K i4 Sec. 3. T.
N , R. 7 W IOI acres, II3W...
Illlss, K A., Jr , lot i. I.Ik. ifi. Me.
Clures Astoria, as extetil,-d l.y
Cyrus oiney, .J4
Illislgetl. KniH-h I,., begin nl N.W.
ii M
4 rj
1 at
21 ts
6 It
cor. of lilodgett I). ('.;
thence K. i chs. to N.K. cor
of claim; thence 8. I: m chs. to
Hownnl's N. K. cor ; them o W.
to H K. cor. of .Mrs. Cram's
In ml: I hence N. to N.K. cor. of
said Mrs. drum's land; thence
W. to line of said 1). L. C. :
thence N. to beginning H.c 1,
T 7 N , K. v., ton acres:
also, land In 8. of Hlodgctt
l. I.. C. 8. of land of Howard,
and N. and N.W. of land of J,
A. Fulton, except tract sold for
cemetery, Sees. 3, 10. T. 7 N.,
It. W., li4M acres; also, strip
of land running enure distance
K. and W. iu-ross land of How
ard and extending 8 fur enough
to Include il .ll acres Sec. J. T.
7 N.. It. V IJ7.I9
Hradliury, Clement, N.K. i, of
44 41
N.W. I, lot 4, H.c. ID. T. & N..
11. 10 W., Tl12 acres; N.K. W of
H W. i,. N.W. V, of 8.K.
'4 H-c. n. T. N H. 10 W.. HO
acres; nil of N.W. li of H.W.
'. less plat of liradbury's Addi
tion to Ocean drove, Hec. a,
T. N., Ft. 10 W a acres; N.W.
'4 Sec. Z7. T. N.. K. I", W.,
1 acres, 147 M r7 9, f, IniH II, In, II, 12, J, H,
1", 11, blk. S; lot (I, blk. I, Hose
dale's Addition to the City of
Astoria, ISc 15 y
Ilrudi-n, William, undivided '4 of 8.
Mi of H.W. i,, H.W. i,i of H.K.
V Hec. 12. T. II N., R. 7 W., 40
ucres. $2.74 t jj
I3rlx. Asmus, lots 1, 5, 7, S, blk. 100,
Adair's Kast Addition to As
toria, 121. 2 2 SI
Hrown, Peter, estuto of, lots 14, IB,
block 10, Warrenton; lots 8, ID,
11, blk. , Hklpanon Addition to
Astoria; lot H, blk. 13, Hhlvely's
Astoria, fill .Ml 31 Of)
Uuck, Kllza.lth, lots 7, , blk. 129,
McClure's Astoria, as extended
by Cyrus Olney, 5.33 8 Sll
Rurney, H. H., lot 1, blk. 2TI,
AlderbriMik, First Addition to,
' -33 7 3D
Hush, W. H., lots 1, 2, K. H of
N.W. V, Sec. 3H. T. 4 N., H. 9
W., m m acres, '!,29 10 tH
Hums, A. O., lot II, blk 13, Dc
ment's Addition to the cliy of
Astoria, 17n J 4g
Huell, Jane H., lots 11, 12, blk. 20,
Laurel I'ark Addition, ns re
corded by H. C. Thomfison, 29c 3 90
Hiiehnnnn, Mimlus, lot 0, H.K. tf( of
N.W. V, Sec. 27. T. 4 N It 9
W., VI acres, 12.01 11 r,H
Butler, Waller H lots 4, 7, Sec. 31,
T. 4 N., It. 8 W,, 42.85 acres;
lots 7, S, N. V, of H.W. , Sec.
35, T. 4 N., R. 8 W., 1IB.32
acres. H.m 18 lH
llyr.l, Sarah I. , N. 'j of N.W. 'i
Sec. II, T. N R. 10 W 80
acres, 14.01 '. , 9 24
Burke, H. C, lots 11, 12, blk. 1311,
Hhlvely's Astoria, fJX 01 32 CO
Case, Kdward, N.W. Sec. in, T. 0
N., II. 6 W., 100 seres, $0.12 10 12
Carson, l.ucIU C lots II, IS, blk
, ilearharl Park, Mo
Carlson, John F,, W, of 8.W.
V Sec. li, T, N It, I V w
acres, il el ,
Charmnn, Tbomns, lol 1, blk. tail,
Mol'lurn's Astoria, ns extended
by Cyrus Olticy, MSI
Packard, Klmer, 8.K. H of N.K, t,
N N. I of 8 K. 8 H of 8. K.
t M. T. 4 N II, W 11
ncrws, limfi.,,., ,,,
Pslslcy, llliaiu. loia I. 1, ,1.1 k I,
Hcrry's nddlilon to Astoria, Mh
Palmer, Snruli June, 8K t of
8 W. V He M. T, t N., It.
W., til acres IJiU
Parker. I C. lot X , lol 4,
blk. k; lot X blk in. tloarliaii
Park. We
Park, Nettle, lots 1, 4, , s, 1, ,
blk !V, Koscdals a.l.llllon to tin
tliy of Astoria. ;v
Peterson, d. II , lota , J, 8 14 of
N K l 8. t T. t N., it. 1
W., IIM IS acres, fin Ht
Peninsular I .and and Trust Com
pany, lots l, blk aj, Tnv.
tor's Astoria, v
Politer, ilcoiiie w , lots a, 1. t, . i,
H. I. blk 1: lots 1 lit, ir, I.Ik
11, North ad.lllloii, ns laid out
nud recorded l' K A Noyes,
Pioneer Historical 80el.1v, lois &.
n, blk X, Adult's Port of I'pp.-r
Aslorl.t. IIS M.
PtMin.l, 8 8, lots si, blk IV
North s-ldlilon, as l-tid out and
recorded by II, A oe. Tv .
Pool. d. w . lot tt blk si. Chelsea
llallrond nibllilou to Asorla. l-v
Pope. T A , N l'i of Hec. V, T J
N . II W , acres, $.'1 :
Porter, llolu rt, lois V ?, a, i,m
New tsiorln. ,
Powell. Marlha. lol S. blk !"f. lot
in, blk IS: lots la, II. IS, II, 14. I
blk IT. of Powell s adilllloll lo
Fast AMnrl.t. ivic
ItnntT. , It , ,, is s. SI, blk 1.
8. -o lea n.ldltlon, its laid out by
A P itlcr. Se ,
It incoiirl, l.oi v A , lot S blk S.
Matter's a.l.llllon lo Varr hton.
1 MS
II u
I It
10 M
1 1
1 1
10 91
t II
IT 10
IT 11
I It'
I i
31 to
II it
3 .'V
It Ml
llA-nni--e!i, Kliul, lot i,
of S W 1, 8,-c II, 1
8 I.'.
to w , 1 acres. - II
Itathoui. Marv II, lots Is, It blk
1. I'list il.bllllon Ii tt.-cail
llr.oe, 1c
Head. Naihnnlcl tl, liritin I UT ft.
1: mid .- ft 8 of N V cor
or T P Powers' ! I. C ;
thence 8 n ft., W I. Sell.,
N I.TW a ft , K I. -.-So ft lo !'
sinning 8.0 XT N . It. IM
W . 50 res, till
Itodpitow. Minn h'uinta, kd la, lug
, Hallway addition lo Astoria,
Heel. Isnliel. lots I. !. U t, I.Ik
I. Soitnysi.lo s.l.llllon to As
toria, ' . . . . . , .,
Held. lnnlrl. lois J. 4. blk II. Ilol
laday Psrk. William nnd Annie, lots II,
!, blk 11: bus It. II blk ::
lots , in. n, I, is 10 : i,.,s I.
i 1 1. u a 1, ii. 11. 11 ti
II. It, K Mk lots I. to, II. a
IX II. blk . lots t, Ut blk
. tots I. u 1. 1, t :, i 1. it).-
II. II II 14, l IS, blk M. Has
dais ssldllbm 10 lh rliy uf As
toria, no
Rice. John, lois T, X blk ki. Ho...
dale addition to Ih. city of As
toria, to
Itoherl. Andrew, lots tf. 0. blk. T,
Meriwether iMwns addition to
Astoria, lie
Rot. W L. tuts I, t blk 1
Hold. s addition lo Astoria, ti ll
Itonell. t'hss K . lots X . blk. 11.
Riverside addltton to Astoria,
Rosa. Chas. II . lots I. t blk t,
llolcomb ssldltlon lo Astona, to
Rosa, Margaret, 8 K t, of N K. s.
K. S of 8 K. t. 8 W. 1, of H K.
t 8ec. II. T 7 N , It W., ISO
acres, 110 4
Rourke. T. , lots i. 11, blk to,
Astor addition to Astoria. o .
Ruppa, Adohih, und ' lots I, 1
blk U. Proapee t Pork addition
to Astoria, o
Roger.. J M . 8 K I, Hec SI. T.
N.. It lu W.. acres. IT 14 .
Haarl. J. K. und of lol I, t
blk 1, PrtMiett Park addition
to Astoria, 4c ...
Scott, Thomas d, nrd of MK
v Hec. S3. T t N , It. W . U
acres. irj
Shaw. K. K, lot 13. blk . Hill's
Klrst addition to Astoria, I: 17 .
Mmlth. John II.. lots 7. IV IS, IT. H.
19, So. blk. 1 Klrst addition to
denrharl Park, on Ctnt.op
lleach, In Clatsop county, Ore
gon, as laid out and recorded
by John II. Smith nnd Minnie
Smith, $1 11
Smith, 8 II.. S W i4 of N W. t.
Sec. It. TIN. 11. lo W . o
acres; also, begin in H K. cor
of Sol. Smith It. I.. C . iKHiitdnl
on 8 by 8 line of said claim,
on W. by A. 8 C It. ft., on
N. by N. Una of said claim . K.
by K. line of said rlalm: al.o
all of said D. L. C Ivlng NV of
Smith's Inkr and W. of deo.
Davidson's 1 L, 1". and 8 of
the deo. K. Chamlwrlaln tract,
except the tdnt of Idlewlld.
Hecs. 33. XI, T 1 N , It. 10 v.,
T tores, fl M
Sontorn. Mathtas, lois 1J. 13. 14. IS.
l'l. 17. 1, 19, 20, SI, 22. blk. r.,
Proseci I'ark Kutenslon addi
tion to Astoria, Jno.
Spencer, Peler L., loi 1. , 6, ,
blk. 11, North addition, as laid
out und recordist K. A. Noyes,
Standard Land Company. N i.j of
N W. 1.',. H.W. 1, of N W. li.
N.W li or H.W. I, Sec. I. T.
N.. It. 0 W.. 1011 acres, tint..,.
n n
4 14
4 17
4 U
4 17
1 11
4 47
4 tt
11 H
4 tt
14 4
4 14
It 41
40 It
II 11
7 17
Stanley. C D , 8 S of 8 W. rt
S-c. li. N l of N.W. it Sec ,
T. 5 N , R. 8 W,, IW acres, tin OS
Stevens, II P.. begin Kl ft. 8 and
5.V) ft K. of cor of Sees. 2, 20,
32. 33. thence K. KI ft., S. 2f,'
30' K. 12 ft., W. Hl ft, N,
24 30' W 21179 ft. to lieglnning
Sec. 33. T 8 N It 10 V t
ncres. 13 02
Strong, Mnry T , lot !, blk. 32. Mc
Clnrn's Astoria; lois 1. 2, J, 8,
blk. 11.1, McClure's Astoria, ns
extended by Cyrus lilney: lots
1. 2. 3. 4, t. 8, 7, 1. , 10, II, 12,
13. 14, 18, 18, blk. 12: lots 1. 2, 3,
4, 5, . 7. 8, 9, 10, II. 12, 11, 14, 15.
10. blk. 3, Chelsea: lots It, 28,
trnct 1, solxllvMun of blk. 2.
Olney's addition to Astoria, as
tnld out end recorded by Hus
tler Aiken, executors; lots 9,
1". trncf 1, subdivision of blk
9, Olney's nddlilon to Astoria,
ns tnld out nnd recorded by
Hustler Aiken, executors:
lots 8, 8. blk. 28, AldeHirook,
$39. M
Stone, W, A., lots tR. 18, blk. 10,
Railway nddlilon to Astoria, 20c
flttisrt. 1". M.. lots 17, 83, blk. 4.
Hustler's A.torln. as laid out
nnd recorded by Astoria Invest
ment Co., 2flc
Snter. Panll. heeln st Intersec
tion of B. line of Fourth St.,
with W, line of D St. of Che
sen Railroad addition to As
toria, thence westerly nlong
said 8. line of Fourth st i0
ft, thence southerly and pnrnl
lel with snld D st 2011 ft.
easterly nnd parallel with said
Fourth t 300 ft. lo westerly
line of P st, thence northerly
nlong westerly line of n, st to
ben-lnnlng Sec. 27, T. 8 N,, R.
10 W., 1 ncre, 81c
Hwensen, N. P.. lot 1, blk. 9, Alder
brook. $184
Tnylor, Robert A.. S W. if, For, 9.
18 70
108 87
8 90
3 90
3 43
10 80
17 83
t 70
t M
T 8 N . H. 8 W., 100 ncres, $9.84
Tnvlnr, Sophia, tide land In Sees.
23. 20. T. 9 N R. 8 W 4r..03
acres, $3.13
Thntcber. Annlo I,., lots 18, 10, blk.
7. Klk Creek Bench No. 1, ns
laid out and recorded by Pnul
E. Hickman, tc
Thompson, II. C, lots 27, 28, 29 30,
blk. t West Warrsitloiii lot 4,
blk, IN; lots 8, , 7, I. I, 10. II.
IS. blk. III. Laurel Park itd.lltlon,
ns tiHiudid by II. C. Tlioiiip.ou,
Thompson, K P, lot 14, blk II;
Iota I, T, 8, blk in; lots 4. t, I. blk,
jo: lot I, blk. tl, Warreiiton,
Thompson, Menit I., lois 1, 4. I1!
of 8 W. tf 8cc. I, T N:,
II I W., lit it,' acres. HUM
Trenchant C, J., lot t. blk. II. Mo
Clare's Astorln; tola I. 4, t, a,
I.Ik 41, Hhlv.-ly's Aslorln; lots
at, 40, blk ST. Hill's I'lr.l s. I ll
lion In Aslorln: lots ft, . tract
It, sillsllMslott of blk ft, ol
ney's a.l.llllon lit Astoria, ns
laid mil nud rcvordf.t by Hos
tler Aiken, esca-iilois, fusl ,
Trrllclmld, C J , esml" of, lots 1
1 I. t. T, , blk. It lot 4, I.Ik
.11, M. Cluts's Asto'la: lol I. I'lk
al. lots I J. H, blk IH. MO.
l 'lore's Astoria, as rutiii.leit l.y
Cyrus Olney. st
Tromblny, Ii II , lots 11, II, tract
I, sultttltt.loti of block ST, Ol
ney's mldlilo!! lo A.iorla. as
litl.l mil and recorded l.y Hus
tler Aiken, rueculors. In . Iter, 8 W. 4 of N.W. .
N I, i.f I W. -. 8 W, t, of
8 W. i Hec. fc, T I N,, II. I W ,
lit) ncres. 11104
Turk. Prank. K. I, lot t, blk III.
Hhlvely's Astorln, li: tT
I'lilcnhntl. Hue W., lot 7, blk .
Warrettion, .... ,
riileuhart. W I, . 8 S lot 7. Ilk
ST, Adair's l a.t nddlilon to As.
lortit, Stic
VnnKiten, Maiy A, lot IT, Idk .
I'lal.op tlrox... l?o t
Yuiilioncu, liiitnhain and II tl ,
bits l ?o, blk IS, flat el Center,
n. laid out In W d. Howell, l'-
Walker. J W . bds Jl, X, tltiel :.
suiMivi.ion or blk :i. '!.. .
a.l.llllon to A'tolla. a. laid out
nod record..! by Haier
Aiken, executor. 11 "
J Wstdell. Jauie.. lots II, IS. I.Ik II.
Ifallany nddlilon lo A-iorn.
Wallmaii. Km, lots I V ICS HI
Mct'lille's nddlilon, n. rkt. Il.l.d
b- Cyrus Mlle) ; 8 K , of
N W I, Hec. K. T 7 N . II
1 W . sere.. , TT ,.
I Wei-rs. John P . bd )S l-lk IV
Clnt.op tliot e, ITc ... .
W re.1, Plora f. , lol t, blk I lol i.
I.Ik. I t finer. 4V
lo. k. John tl, lol T, blk !.
Aldcrhr.d. $'.11
Whawb-r. P. II. ao, W.KKlsrorlh
Cttas K . H S of 8 I ' ', See .
N S of N ' 't 8-r ,T.IK,
It, W , lit' acre. . .
Whlteoinlt. It W. lot t blk. 141.
McClure's Astorln. B tendr4
by Cyrus Oln.-y, ! 1 .,
Wlillcttmls W I' , lots t 1, blk. lot,
und i lol I blk twi, M.CIura's
Astoria, ns rstended by Cyrus
Olney. $11 S4
Williamson. John, e.tals of, U ft
lol ?, blk . W.iioi.'. Astoria,
nl.o l-sln ft W of 8 K. cor.
of land sold .y J Williamson
to tl. diwtks. r rsciiro of
doed a pg rt; 8 To ft, W.
10 channel of Nttcantcum,
thence down said river I oil W.
cur. of dralke tract, K let ft
to beginning Hoc II. TIN,
H. 1 W.. I srr. t.'
Williams, deorg W . lots t, . ink
H Hallway addition to Astoria,
Wtnqulst. fWth. lots tl, n. blk I.
Aslorln, as laid out and record
ed by Martin Koar.1. e
Wllleit. II. II , lois It. a blk .
Hallway sikllllon lo Astoria. So
Wlnne. M. A , lol ts. blk. C. Now
Astoria, 44c
Wood. James, estate of, kit X blk
17, McClure's Astoria, as ex
tend by Cyrus olney. twit
Woodwnrth. C. C, blk 40, lltgk
Und Park addition to Astoria,
Worthclmer, re,l. lot I. blk. t.
Toung's addition lo Al l.rl.rook.
Ylngst, Joseph It. lots IH II. H,
blk , Powell's nddlilon to
Last Astoria. 41c
Toting. Maxwell. K. ft. lot . blk.
IV 8 S bds la, II, blk. It; 8 V
lot t!. blk. IV At.lsrbrook: lots
11 tt. blk I. lots r, 47. I.Ik I.
lots It. 13. , M. IV M. IT. Mk 4.
Voting's addition lo Alderhrook,
111 US
roung. Kdward T. lots IV II. IV I.
IT, IV blk tl. North Pncltlc
nddlilon to A.iorla, 1,V
Young, Nathaniel, begin at 8 K.
cor. of o. I. Young HimiestDad
claim. N S.lio ft.. W. in 14 ft..
S 1.110 ft , K 177 14 fi. to liegln
ning 8ec. 14. T IN. It. I W.,
30 seres. 111 57, ,
Young, Charles, begin ul N K. cor
of 8 K. V,, Iheioe W. T rhs,
8 ITt, chs , K. 51 rhs . N. 1.',
rhs lo iH-glnnlng, except a strip
11 ft wide denied to the city
of Astoria, Hec. S, T a N . It
I V II 41 acres, $'. l
Zan, M ami P., on. I lot II. ink.
I, Plavel Center, as laid out l.y
W. K. Wnrrwn. He
Astoria Subsidy fliiaraiity Com
pany, lois , 7. 1. 11. II, II. I.Ik
ft. Hurt A, of tillley's nddlilon
to Astorln, ns laid out an.l re
corded l.y Hustler Aiken, ex
ecutors, n.;t
Astoria Subsidy dmiriinty Com
pany, lots II. 12, 1.1, It, IV Id.
I.Ik. I, Melr addition lo As
toria: lois I. 2. blk. 3: lots .10.
31. 31, blk. t, Irving H.-lxiit..
lot I. t. 1, 4, V I. 7, H, I. to, H,
12. blk. 21, Coliinit.ta u.l.lliioii to
Astoria: litis 1. 4, blk. 13, North
nildllloii, as laid out and record
ed by K. A Noy.-s; lots 6, II,
tract A, suInIIvImIoii of I.Ik. ;tl,
Olney's nddlilon lo Aslorln, as
laid out and recorded .y Hus
tler Aiken, executors; lot H, 114, McClure's Astoria, a.
extended by Cyrus in.-v; N i,
of N K. li of N.W. i, Hec. IT,
T. 8 N , It 9 W la acres; N.W
i, of N.W. nl H W. ', H.-c. I,
T. N , It lu , in , re; N .;
l, of N.W. t, H.-c, H, T. 7 N ,
It. 9 W., 40 acres; N.W. t, of
H.W. '.i of H.K. I, See. 13, T.
N It 9 W 10 acres: In the
H W. cor. of the following: Be
gin III meander poal between
Hecs. 21, rm, on right hank of
Young's river, thenco N. jT'
42' K. 14.92 chs., N. 4.1 K. 12 II
chs., W. fats, chs., H. 8" in' w
4.17 chs.. H. 44' W. 17.11 rhs., K.
12 chs. to beginning Hec, 21. T
8 N It 9 V 8 ncres; H. t nf
N.W. 4 of N R, ii Hec. 23 T
8 N R. 9 W.. 30 acres; begin
10 chs. N, of. H.W. cor. of Hec.
,23, thence N. 10 chs., K. 2U chs ,
8. 10 chs., W. 20 chs. to begin
ning Sec. 23, T. 8 N., It 9 W.,
20 acres: begin l.M chs, N, f
8. linn of Sec. 2N, at H.W. cor,
of an 8o-aer truct, thencs S.
10 chs., W. t chs., 8. 10 rhs., K.
S chs. to beginning Hec. 2K, T I
N.. It 9 W C acres; W. u. of
S W. 14 of N.W. 14 HiK). 2T,, T
8 N., R. 9 W 211 ncres; 8. M, of
B. W, of N.W. 14 Hen, 32, T
8 N., It I W., 20 acres; begin at
N.W. cor. of L. Taylor U L.
C, thence 8. 80 rds., K. 1314 rds
N. 60 rds., W. Ulfc rds. to Itogin'I
nlng 800. 83, T. 8 N., It 9 w.,
19.80 acres; begin ut B.K. cor!
of lot I, thonrn W. 721.31 ft , H
8H3 91 ft. K. 721.31 ft, N. ftM j
ft. to beginning Hoc. 15. r. a
t II
I l
N., It 9 W 10 acres; $,12,03
08 00
Notice Is hereby given thai on M.....t,.
the 29th day of June, A. I), pew, nt the
hour of 10 o'clock n. m. of said duv in
front of and at tho court house. ,in, t
tlm clly of Aslorln, In said couniv I.n.t
slate, I shall proc 1 to sell tho nhove-
described real eslnto at mil, Mr ..,
lo the highest bidder for rash in iion.a
States gold coin at lime of sale, subject
to redemption, lo satisfy tie warrunL
costs nnd all accruing costs.
(Signed.) JAMKH W., HARK,
Bherlff of Clatsop County and ex-OfllcIo
Tax Collector.
11 TV
in II
17 n
iv ro
43 a
1 CD
t M
t I!
4 Tl
It 11
I at
II n
M tl
u u
4 11
t M
I? 47
4 01
II 4
10 71
IS 17
I ft
1 I
..... - (
i -Nt