The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 03, 1896, Image 4

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Md nth SU.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Maps 01 applicattoi.
flew Astoria...
h Ivtfltei at the terminus of tbe Astoria and
Columbia Rivet Faflrwl, at the mouta of the
Columtia River.
It fronts the deep water of the Columbia
River narfcor. anl teinj perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docKs for
ships on this bay; therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the g reat Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columtia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon 1 plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
An office hu been opened by th pro
prtetor on door emit of. th. Crosby
. hardware (tore. Call, be ahown th
merits of thia property, and invest
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL iST.
Something New...
Chlldren'5 and Youth' Steel
Shod Shoes, all Size and Styles
Wi also carry a fin Un of ladle and
men's shoes, from the best to the lowest
reliable roods. All goods warranted Just
as represented.
I7 Commercial Street.
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending at t p. m. yesterday , furnished
br the United States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, U degrees.
Minimum temperature, 41 degrees.
Precipitation, trace.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
ISaS, to date, 73.7S inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, 16, to date, CM inches.
Forecast For Washington, Fair weath
er in northwestern portions, ahowers, fol
lowed by fair weather in eastern and
southern portions; winds.
For Oregon, occasional showers, cooler.
Meany Is the leading tailor, and pays
th highest cash price for fur iklns.
Go to Elmore, Banhorn' office and see
their new and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of th twines
"as good as Marshall's," in your pocket,
and test them. Then see how much more
MarscuUl's will stand. It's money in your
packet and fish In your net to find out
For 15 cents you can secure an excel- '
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. C71 Commercial street
They are also fully prepared to erv
all kind of fish, gam and delicacies of I
th season, as well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at th lowest living1
prices. Come once and you will con
tinu. to come.
Most so-called "salmon twines" are col
ored with acids Tbe acid rot th. fibre (
and render the material useless In thej
office of Elmore, Sanborn Co. 1 an ob-j
Ject lesson that ought to M examined byj
all fishermen. It Is the whole of thej
material used In the manufacture of Mar-
ball twine irom start to nnisn. uo
there and examine the color right
through. You will see then why Mar
shall' 1 called the best tn th world.
For a dinner, served on th Dining cars
of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Pa d
Railway, will be sent to any address on
receipt of a two-cent postage stamp.
Apply to Geo. V HeufTord. General Pas
senger Agent Ola Colony Building, Chi
cago, Illinois. '
Use Webfoot Corn Cnre. No
cure no pay. For sale, at Es-tes-Crain
Drnsr Store.
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond
and Uth streets. The finest brands of
liquors and cigar always on hand. Call
and try ui
"After a man has reached the age of
0," said Mrs. Dlsbrow, "he thinks every
good looking woman he sees is In love
with him." "I am sure, my dear," re
torted Mr. D., "I have never accused
you." Detroit Free Press.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Beaver Hill '
and Oilman
For fiHy wr Steam Cmm
If you will look into the situation you will see that
is the cream of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for busiiu'ss or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Price range from $lf0
to $250 each. 5oM on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your change and buy a lot in WARRENTON
I Before you venture on tbe main,
j Pray once you may return again.
! Before you into battle go.
; Pray twice you may escape the foe.
! But ere you take a wtfe-perdee:
Our prayers should not be Ma tnan three.
From the Spanish
It Is a good time to begin to fill a
rose Jar.
j Mr. B. A. Sea bo nr. of Ilwaco, was in the
city yeateraay.
Sweet cream cheap. Astoria Creamery,
No. IsS loth street.
Call on Snod grass for fine photos. Prices
to suit the times.
The fashionable girl wears her purse on
a slender silver chain.
F. E. Warner, of Seaside, called on his
Astoria friends yesterday.
The only talk on the streets yesterday
was politic"! told you so."
Fred Rogers, the well-known travelling
man, spent yesterday In the city.
Costumes of cream white pilot cloth are
considered chic for mountain wear.
Mr. J. J. Brumbaugh, of Ilwaco, was In
the city yesterday, a guest of the Occi
dent If you want to get fancy creamery but
ter cheap, call at the Pacific Com mis-
slon Co. !
Messrs. O. H. Lip pelt, snd R. P. Olive,
of St Louis, were visiting In the city
yesterday. I
Fred Johnson, Albert Danlelson, and A.
P. Berg, of Fort Stevens, were in the
city yesterday.
Fancy native straw errles from Hood
River to arrive this morning at the Pa
cific Commission Co.
New 20th Century tan lace shoe for
ladle. Columbia Shoe Co., successors to
Copeland oV Tborsen.
The steamer Mayflower wa Inspected
yesterday afternoon by Inspectors Ed
wards and McMermott.
It ha been noticed that the bicyclist
can't scorch with impunity, but the sun
has been doing it right along.
Rex McCoy, the two-year-old son of
Mr. E. McCoy died yesterday morning of
paralysis of the brain.
It la a consolation to the woman with
freckles to know that speckled beauties
are very popular this season.
Messrs. Adam S. Collins and Charles
R. Thompson, both of Han Francisco,
were were In the city yesterday.
Mrs. Rowe and daughter. Amy, of Salt
Lake, and Mrs. E. J. Smith returned
yesterday from a visit to Heaaide.
Pure sweet cream fresh from the sp.
arator every morning and guaranteed to
whip. 2"j per pint C, B. Smith.
Mr. Mark Warren returned yosrerdny
from his ranch at Brighton Beach, and
will spend two or three weeks In the city.
The draw In the railroad bridge was
closed yesterday for the first time. It
Is expected that It will be completed to
day. Ice cream by the bushel at C. B.
Smith'. Ice cream soda a specialty.
Private parlor for ladles. 4W Commercial
Mr. Lara Larsen has resigned as fore
man of Engine Co. No. 3, and Mr. Ray
Morton has been elected to fin the va
cancy. There was a small fire in L'pperton y. s
tenlay morning, but the blaxe was extln-
Tru It
Ill ll.
& CO. Agent. Astorti.
gulshed before th. department reached
th. plac.
Fml Olsen. of 01ny;Jnie Tagg. flat
on: A. It. Johnson, and Mr. J. U.
Johannsen. of Seaside, were In th. city
u. i-fc-riM VHhl un that It la ah.
soiuteiy false that h either voted tor or
assisted In .Inline Mr. 8vndvth or Mr.
iiMinr iha Astoria passenger f Boa
j Frnclco on th. Columbia wr th fpl-
lowlnc: a" " u"1 J"
and i. UcCUo.
Th; civil avrvlc .lamination of aptdl
canta for poalllona In th poatoltloo do
partmnu will take lac at th poatortic
tirx Satunlay,
Th. plain black aUk at-kln wilt aV
way hold Ita own aalnat th. blianv de
alalia that nit 'll aonwh'ro or thy
wouldn't ba lmiorted.
When tho father of th family cornea
bom. with a beadarh. he aatixfaotortly
anawera th. queatlon, "Are men greater
eowarda than women r
Among th. Portlamtera tn the clly yea
terday wr the following: B. Oold.mlth,
J. W. 3ook. C. W". Cottam and K. U.
London. All wr at the Occldwit.
Hoa Ben. Toung left f.t vVpning for
Portland, at which ctty tm UI be Joined
by hla aon. J. E.. wha lll tnk. an ex
amination be for. th bar of th. auprem.
"Now. didn't I tell you be wouldn't be
electt-d? Why, I knew It right along.
You see. It was this way;" and numerous
other atmllar expression, were heard y'
The ateamer Electric yesterday took a
full cargo of .upplle to the
camps east of Tonuue Point. A number
of new men have aloo hern employed on
the work.
The ateamer Ilwaco yesterday brought
up from linker's Hay a carload of eulmon
from the Aberdeen Packing Co. to be
shipped Euwt by the O. ft and N. anil
Union Pacific.
A number of Eastern capitalists are In
the city figuring on a new manufacturing
enterprise. It Is thought that If the
proper facilities are offered, the proposi
tion will carry.
Mr. H. F. I Loguns. of Seaside, puxaeri
through the city yesterday on his way to
Portland to purchase additional machin
ery for his auwmlll. He proposes to have
one of the finest mills on the coast.
The committee on manufacture of the
Chamber of Commerce will hold a meet
ing at the rooms tonight. It is desired
that a full attendance be had. as matters
of Importance are to be considered.
The O. R. and N. Co. will make special
rates to the Republican National Conven
tion to be held at St. Louis. Mo., June 11
For Information regarding rates, etc., call
at ticket office In Occident hotel block.
The Ladles' Oulld, of Grace church, will
give an afternoon tea at the residence
of Mrs. 8hort on Wednesday, the loth.
As these ladles have a way of making
their entertainments very attractive, a
large attendance la assured.
Surgeon BenJ. Brooke, of Fort Can by,
passed through the city yesterday en
route for the East, where he will vlalt hla
parents. Mr. Brooke has been in poor
health for some time past and will con
sult several specialists while awuy.
The pertinent question has been asked
In certain business quarters, why the
Chamber of Commerce does not vigorous
ly take up the subject of trade between
Astoria and Alaska, instead of allowing
the Sound cities to carry off all the
A gentleman who arrived in the city
yesterday on one of the afternoon boats,
reported that the water was rising over
the lower docks In Portland, and that
many merchants on First street were
making preparations to move their stocks
of goods.
It I rumored that Engineer Dllman, of
' the railroad company, has gone out on
! the line of the old Oregon Pacific to ap
praise a lot of Instruments for the use
of the engineers In the work shortly to
, be begun on the line between Tongue
: Point and Ooble.
I The Hon. J. H. Price, secretary of tate
for Washington, I In the city on his way
' to make a visit at Ilwaco. Mr. Price
' say that politic In his state are Just
' beginning to get warm, but that they do
I not anticipate the Popullstts slump Just
experienced by Oregon.
i The teachers' meeting at the Methodlut
, church was well attended last night, and
i two valuable papers were read, one on
I "The Kingdom of Israel," by H. C. Tur
' ner, and the other on the "Character of
! Peter," by Mian Nellie Busey. A review
f of next Sunday's lesson was conducted by
the pastor.
A gentleman well Informed In matters
of finance, states that he has poHltive
knowledge that there are many capital
ists In Portland only awaiting a kou1
opportunity and proper Inducements to
plant larife amounts of money In perma.
nent Improvements In Astoria. It woulo
seem thut the field Is worth cultivating.
It Is said there was a petition In clrcti
: latlon yesterday for the purpose of split
ting the victorious Populist party In sev
eral different parts. The paper, It la said,
pledged the signer to Join the Pop, anil
"throw them down." What the outcome
of the scheme will be remains to he wen.
The petition caused much talk on the
streets yesterday afternoon.
Orovanrle Dluratteo, who waa arrested
Monday for alleged Illegal voting, will
be tried and acquitted In the Justice's
court today. The man's naturalization
paper arrived down from Portland yes
terday, and they, show that he was grant
ed citizenship- papers May 31, 1K94. The
cases of the others arrested for the same
offense will come up before Judge Aber
cromble today.
lAiHt evening wa one of the most beau
tiful of tho season. At sundown the air
was so clear that the oppoatt. shores ol
Washington stood out like the well de
fined figures of a finely-cut cameo. Th.
water, of the bay were perfectly smooth
and the few fishing boats which apiware.1
her and there In the rays of th. setting
sun. added another to th. beautiful pict
ures to N had on the lower Columbia.
The county court . st..r.Uy granted th.
petition of varloua peopl. living along th.
line of the proposed road for the sur
vey of a road fnmi Knappa to (tear
creek. The surveyor will meet at Mr.
Klckman'a house on the Uth Inst. A
petition was also granted for the survey
of a road from Warremon to a point un
th Columbia near th. mouth of the
Lewis and t'larke. Th. surveyor met
,i4t snd will nport to th county
Day before yesterday on the beach ner
Seaside a strange monster of th. deep
made hla appearance, and has since at
tracted Yt-y much attention. II Is a
big flh, but not a whale; of peculiar Jcr
nialion. about thirty feet In length It
I thought by those who are lit
fishoKvgy. that he belongs lo th isrmpu
family, now almost rxilnct. Whatever
his genealogy, th. strung. Manor la cer
tainly worthy of more than ordinary at
tention. IV Campbell and C. R. Illgglns, who
left with their bike for Halem on Thurs
day tftKhf boat, returned yesterday
morning, having covered nearly S0 mile
a-wheel, visiting Vancouver, Wash., Ore
gon City, Aurora. Snk-m and several oili
er place. They report a splendid trip
with perfect weather and tine roa is. and
prxll.-t for the boy who contemplate
taking th. century run on the Tth ot
June, over the sum. road, delightful
On. of the large! funeral cortege
ver to leave this city, yesterday accom
panied the remains of the late peter
linu-h to Ureenwood Cemetery. The ser
vices were conducted under th. auspices
of the old Fellow, the Klks. und th.
Scandinavian licncvolent Society. The
funeral party took the steamer T. J.
Potter about :) o'clock yesterday af
ternoon for the burial ground. The cere
mony at the grave wu an ImpressUe
one. Mr. lirach was well known through
out lb. city and h.'d hosts of frl, lids
who were deeply grieved at his sudden
The try-out for the firemen's tourna
ment took plare last nlcht. the following
contesting: Cl.iire t'oiman, Kloyd o.
good. Jack S.-hultx. W. D Walter, Kd
Miller. James (luftlngton, John Halo, lluf
fington finished first, Walter second and
Caiman third. Walter made an excel
lent run. The start was a poor one, two
of the men having aturte,! before the
gun went. They did not ' ts-at the gun,"
but got a big adwintnce Walter thought
they would be called back, and waited an
instant, but, seeing that the race wus
on, lit out.
The oflirlal board of the First M. E,
church of Astoria held Its regular month
ly meeting last night, and among other
business that came before the church wns
tne following: The choir having asked
for a month' vacation, a resolution of
fered by Secretary ' Turner was passed
by unanimous vote follow: "Re
solved, That w tendi-r our choir our
thank for the valuable service rendered
the church during the last year, and that
we feel they have well earned the vaca
tion asked for." Mr. U H. I'edcrson was
appointed percentor during the vacation
of the choir.
The Shlvely school entertainment given
last evening, at Fisher's Opera House,
drew a large audience which waa well
pleased with the performance. The mu
sical and literary numbers of the pro
gram were well rendered. The Apollo
Club. Mia Eva Shlvely, Mis Conn, Mr.
Rewley. "Fourteen Hoys," Josle lllbds,
Etta Htrausa. Mr. Vldulln and Miss Jes
sie Jewett made some decide,! hits and
won new honor. "The Box of Mon
key." caused much amusement Much
credit Is due to Prof. Jackson' manage
ment of the entertnlnment as well ns to
the able support he received.
The work of improving Tenth street
was completed yesterday, and that thor
oughfare presents a greatly Improved ap
pearance. The street Is rebuilt for a dis
tance of two blocks, from Commercial
to Exchange, but the Mock above was
overlooked like a white check. Had this
block been Improved, the street would lie
one of the beet In the city. The work
of Improving Exchange street ha been
commenced and the thoroughfare will tie
rebuilt for a distance of two blocks. The
Improvement of Exchange street was a
badly needed one, hs the street was In a
disgracefully dilapidated condition. Th
work of Improving Grand nvenue Is pro
gressing rapidly and It Is said this street
will make an excellent track for bicy
clists. The entertnlnment to be given Frldny
exenlng of this week by Miss Kelley. of
San Francisco, for the benefit of tho
firemen of this city, to nld In the tourna
ment, promise to be one of the most
charming end artistic concerts ever given
In the city. An Artorlan representative
wa yesterday afternoon accorded the
privilege of being present at a private
rehearsal of a portion of tho program.
To say that Miss Kelley Is a thorough
musician In saying but little. Hhe Is ver-
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Old Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Agents for th AMERICAN
Stor room at Seaside, i per month.
W III rent lor summer or glv long leas.
Howl location.
Hiorw rKim mi Hond street, at li per
11 room Hut furnished tor sal. Will
trade parity for property.
calls) rHt on Commercial .Irjtt .l ato
Wxiou in Hustler A Aiken. KO
Lot I, t U U t, ami . block
M. Adair Aaloria, twrgaln......
l.xiO biislnea block, central location,
owner lll Ml (or a bargain.
Agents top the Northttustarn
SAtllo. iHMsesse most delicate expria
alon. her technique la perfect, and she
has the faculty of enlisting the sympathy
of her audience frw th. start. The pro
gram contain several novelties, and will
richly repay all who will hae the privi
lege) of listening to It.
Monday afternoon an Aatorian renorur
took a run up to th. Kast Astoria palling
place, and, during th. course of hi
wandering, ran across Postmaster Wise,
The postmaster acted lather qucerly, and
seemed 111. lined lo keep an eye on three
Individual Investigation ills-losrd th
fact that the men had mad an attempt
to vol i n Kast Astoria, but. fallln. In
I this, bad oo.tcludrd to try It In th Hevond
1 ward. 1'o.tmaaier Wise kept his eagl.
j ey. upon them and their Utile money.
J making scheme was frustrated. On. of
th candidate, mad. the remark Hun. lay
j evening that he would Wat almost to
doaih the first man he found trying tu
j repeat Fortunately, he w not obllsej
; tu make good his threat.
One uf III? Isles! rumor current In
certain circles. Is that a deitmie plan
for the forma I ion of a hotel vn.ll.aie la
Astorta proper. I. getting aeil along
towards completion. IhmiMLsmi the U-t
elements of the business eamrltUitlly here
realise that such n tntcrprtce Is ol
prime necessity in view of the material
growth that mny W hoiird for In the
near future. It Is asserted that the ques
tion of profit hardly enters Into the con.
sldcrutlon of tbo project of hulMing a
hotel tor Astoria, for, like thv days ut
th. old shacks In Portland. It has been
found that adequate mcane of housing
and entertaining strangers who may com
to this port, not only with a view of In.
vesting In permanent Improvements, but
even upon the nuut casual business must
be provided. If such a hot. I barely earns
Ita own expenses. It Is a paying Inicsi
incut to tbe community, and ttiose who
are ts-st posted mi y that the scheme can
not lie too quickly materialised
The ahlte pond Illy has U-. ii sungcat'd
by enthusiastic horticulturists as the na
tional flower. Agitation has-N-en rvvheit
In the Kast, It Is sul.l. favoring the adop
tion of a national flower, and strung ar
guments hae been advanced In favur of
tbe Kiiid Illy. Tlie reasona given for the
udoptlon of this charming lloivcr are very
Ingenious The pond lily's petals. It la
claimed, are a spotless while, emblematic
of purity and peace, and are arranged
In concentric, symmetrical iH-ib-r, typi
fying the union of "many In one," urnund
a disc of bright yellow stamens, sugges
tive of golden wealth. Us roots lake It d.l
or the water-a.te,! S"ll. while the stem
rises to the surf.iV of the kike, where It
spreads Its broad leaves Indicating su
premacy both on la ml and water It
has nn ngrreable perfume and Is at once
isith pleusant lo trie senses and noble in
Its proKirtions. Th golden rod, colum
bine, violet, sunflower and calla hae all
been mentioned for the honor but norm
can compare with th. pond Illy either In
simplicity of name or delineation.
. Hherman A Thing hav. opened a riding
s.-IkhiI next door to P -!1c Express olfic.
i Competent Instru-iors constantly In at.
n.nuance. icvci.ina ,inu crescent di
cycle for sale and rant.
Uterary Digest
Among all the application of Prof,
Roentgen's discovery none 1 likely to
yield a more directly financial result
than Its Use In the detection of Imitation
gems. It haa been found that two dia
monds, one real and the other fulae,
though so much alike thut even an ex
pert might lie deceived by th similarity,
can he discriminated at once by the
merest tyro by taking a shadowgraph ot
them or viewing them through a llouro
scoie. ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of mil In leavening
Strength. V. a. Qniruwl Rtport
Chicago Tribune.
"Have you got anything that' good
fur to keep the hulr from fnllln' out'f"
Inquired the customer from the other
end of the township. ,
"We've got Illgglntop'a llniilllnn Hair
Restorer." replied the druggist's clerk.
"Hain't ye got any United States Hair
"There Isn't any In the market."
"Well, I ain't no darned Ilrasllliin," re
Joined ihe customer, turning away In a
Something Now and Rare In Flrt Class
Having secured block 34, In Adair'
Astoria, at a great sacrifice, we ar able
lo offer to the people of Astoria and
vicinity the most beautiful residence
property ever offered In Astoria at a
lower price than such properly ha ever
herore been offered. This property la
now being graded, nnd when completed
will be one of the mont beautiful alte
for a homo In Upper Astoria. The prop
erty Is within two Idoeka of the Astoria
Street Railway, one block of th planked
street, a wngon rond loading to the prop
erty, one block from church ami two
blocks from the Adair school house.
Lots are Co by 1H0, and CO by 1M. Our
terms am the beat ever offered In As
toria, and n discount will lie nllowwl on
cash purchases. These lota will only
last a few dayM, nnd If you want the
best bargain ever offered you In Astoria
do not fall to call on us at once,
It. 1 ROYf.lC & CO., and
Sole Agent.
Th! presidential candidate
Doth now seem small beside
The .pitcher for tho baseball nine, I
Who Is tho city's pride. j
llaltlmorn Sun
Hamnly Bacon I didn't hear you when j
I enmo In last night. Mrs. Ilacon You
mean I didn't hear you. Hamely Bacon
Same thing. New York Herald.
.Sal ton Sen Salt for !ths at
the KstcH-Crain I)riitr Store. I
10c and 25 icr im'knj;e.
Lot tl. tilw'k 17. Nw Astoria, tiouM,
barn, vow, garden and I duaun ebb-kena,
cheap and May l.rma,
Lou t unit t, block It, Kindred I'srk,
cheap and ay term.
U acre meadow land. Cut paatur
hi) head of .lock th yr round, limo,
I) or farm near Oln.y. A good buy.
Sol ag.nts for Hunnymead uml Alitor,
brwik. I'holo loll In AM or brook at from
Iah) to IM, l.ol. In Muiniyiiivftii ( from
t to lit.
limit location on Columbia Itlver for
sawmill, comprising t acre miirr front,
as at Huimyniaad: bo given to parth
who III tiulhl and uperut mill.
Balldlng end Loan Association,
Friday, June 5
To raise a fund to entertain lltlng fire
men during the tournament n conven
tion next August.
Tickets, fs) cents, to Is ttrocurtd of any
of lb., or at the N w York Novel-
ty Hlor, where seats can bo reserved
without extra charge.
In Medieval Days
When people want.. I an thing they
knell down and prayed for tl. How
ever, thai was sons, time agu. Along
about 10 a fellow hainrd llltteh-
berg, who had come de Ithlne
over." was monk.-) lug around a
caris-nier shop in Lent II. whit
tled some little blocks and actually
made, an alpbaliet. Then he ru-god
a sort of well, a machine that
would took something like our let-
ter pres. of today. He srratiHi
his blocks In order, put som. Ink
on them, also a piece of paper, and
then screwed Ills press down. That
was called pruning old Oiitenla rg
made a bowling succeaa or lb.
rocket, and bis head tiecame
swollen that he really snui Ih-,1 th.
king oimi duy. The king overlooked
It, however, for ho had an Idc
wlial kind of fellow, printer would
la. Well, dually th got the print
ing system down pat, and. as lb.
centurta rolled by, began priming
newspapers nrst person. Invariably
singular number, any gender and
hard case.
Enlightened Day
i Them are many newstwi is-ra-as a
i matter of fact. Hut It la an utter
I Impossibility to get a nrwaaipr to
I admit It. Th. advertising patronage
oi a newspaper depends largely,
ves. wholly uiMn Its circulation
A rvewsiMtper Is a great deal Ilk.
th. human body; If Its circulation
Is good, It prospers: otherwise
otherwise. Home paper publish
Want Columns.
That la, a column, or a number of
columna, devoted lo small advertise
ments. If a fellow wojita anything
trouble, a wife, a house don't
make any dlffrrenc what It la-he
ran get It by menus of a email ad
Included In tne "war.!" column ar
"For Sale," "For Rent" "'tMtt,'
"Found," "Stolon" and "Mlacel-
Inneoua." Now, Juat see what
chumps some people are! Why, a
man has been known to hunt over
a clly this rlty-fnr days looking
far a house In which lo live. Had
ha come to The Aatorian office nnd
asked for a want ad. he could have
gotten his house without the least
bit of trouble and for about J& cents
It Is Needless
To tell of The Aalorlan'a circula
tion. The paper lias been estab
lished for a quarter of a century.
Why, old Concomly rend the first
rumor of the building of a railroad
to his brave from It Circulation
I The Astorlan s long suit. Conse
quently, when a fellow come Into
The Astorlan office, look pleasant,
throws down K cent on the coun
ter and suys he want a houae, he
gut It.
Why, Just Think !
The Aatorian goes Into every house
In Astoria nnd a great majority ol
those In tho surrounding sections ot
Oregon and Washington. Hence, II
you Insert an nd. In Tho Astorlan,
It I equivalent to engaging a man
to go a roil nil to all those houses and
tolling the Inmates that you want
something or have something for
sale. Why, talk about a snap!
A Bit of Advice
When you want anything no mat
ter what It la when you have any
thing for sale; when you lose, llnd
or steal anything, come around and
tell your trouble to Tho Astra-Inn.
Bring 25 cents Willi you, and, nbovo
all things, look pleasant. Tell tho
clerk that you want a want nd. In
thn want column, glvn him your 2i
cunts and go awny happy. As Her
man Wise would ay, a want nd,
will restore thn blind, Dm bald and
tho bowlegged to manhood.
3 Lines
for Co
Try It.
Marshall's twine used by 75 per cent
of the fishermen on tbe Columbia river.
Land &
Bond Street..,
Astoria, Or.
Raport of th Condition
First National Bank
At A.l. rls In the ti nf Oirg ,u, l the rlosa
of tiu.ineM, Mar ". laso,
Iswui and dlMsainla ... . I. I.') tsj-
Ovetoralis secured and mie-m tl Ill U
t', a. lUmo. lo .e, nr. rlrcuUteai.....,, u m-
rr-tiiuti. mi I' M Innnia I.i--i iw
moras, MNuille,. el...... II J -SI
fiber IWol rial, and Moiigsge
otd yrw w
III. from Hal mis! bonk, tniH ieris
aii.nii ..... It a. I n
hue from .tale tiaitks t.d hankers ... f.
line teoii siinovel n-trrve areata lUAtl is
titccks an. I other Itrais .... ...... . 10
i.le of ether 11. nk,
KlrkeU and nn'i n ml
Uwrt l Mom t llasssva i iukk, Via:
?pel ,....
lender lailes , . .vl ui 4 HU CO ii tm., i w ill I . n Tieosiirer
iaplcnt,ulrlrrulailoni. W '
TutAl ... ..a niMkmwiumfmniii
....M,vt T
m. uo
t.unil trisa.
I'apllal b-k paid III
surplus fund . ......
I udltided lifoAls less
sasr ai d Utes p.ld.
siun.i boi.k Dig. out-
I Lie lo Ktsie ttstik Slid
llaekert - .
Individual llru Mlk-
Jrel lo rhr. k VMl.sM s
Ifeiost-d r.rtilti-ale ol d H.tsU tU- SMSl If?
Tolal ll:3 T
HI . o Hfo. J
t'louity if i 'is'sop, i
, S), a, laud. in, ravine tlf the shove Ustnett
bank,-rlo soisnimv .weotlllal Itie slsive slsle
Hjstd i Uue lo Itis Ue.4 .4 hi knowledge a,,i
bell. I. (V . tinlilalN.I s.lilrr
Huterllievl Slid em to mr ll'K HtlV
dyo( Ms). I -vs. r. R. itiiUi,
Molar) Ilii-Ho.
tlorreet -Altr.l
J ii IIASTIliiKV. i
JiHIN ir VI. LS, 5 I'lleel.o.
If you want in spend a pleasant v.n
Itif. go to th. ANOtloit. Concert vry
v.nlng by a first class orchestra. Noth
ing but first-class liquors, rlgur n4
Kopp' beer Served over th bar.
No. Ill Astor tet
ANNOUNCEQjENT to the public
Our large wl i f Wee's, I ad ', !oi and
ttiil'lreo S.,. b.
until July I.I, HO, r..ri. Near
yO'lf it-., oltnh lose. IOU.I tftll.f r-d
sad niiil.le fur your lilnliev. s. a,- 'o
eomt tlbd In make fSim lui K.s-L O'llrr.d '
fturu r.asivria tnsaiifartur.ts. snd now in
sign IH
Ued Ho.4
Th He Le Cloth In Factory and
BwrcaaBl tailor, at Ol Dong tirt.
makaa undrlolhlru ts ardsf. Bulla
and trousers mad to Bt prfo11y.
Every ord.r punctually on Urn an4
saUafaotloa guaranlMd, Oood foods
old cheep. Call and b convinced.
i :
WANTED A rellaldTTidy".-?
man lo distribute sa.nplrs snd make a
housn-to-hous canvass for our Vegeta
ble Toilet Soaps and Pur. Flavoring ex
trade. i to ;s a month easily ms.l..
Addrvaa Crofts Heed, Chicago, 111
WANTED Itemlnglor. typewriter cov
er. Address U. M., Astorlan omv.
SITUATION WANTED-lly thoroughly
experienced lady stenographer; AI refer
ence from present ami former employ,
er In Portland. Address p., Astorlan
W A NTEDPA HTN ft R-1 n on "of" TiestT
located saloon In Astoria: moderate rap.
lUil only required. Address H, V., As
torlan office.
WANTED-Hltuailnn hv e,n.......
book-keeper. Address It, Astorlan office.
WANTKD To Rent-A house TfTlx or
seven rooms, centrally located. A.l.ire..
J., Astorlan office.
WANTED PROMPT A vrv r'irviilu-t'
gontlnman or ladv tn imv.i ra ..11..1.1.
established houa In Oregon. Salary, 7ho,
puraom .is wrcsiy ami expense. Situa
tion permanent Heforances. Enclose self,
addressed stamped envelope, II, . n.a
Pr SWI Dearborn Street, Cblcngo. '
WANTED Rv house '.. ;
landing, lady or gentleman, willing to
learn our business, then to travel, or to
do offlc work. Salary, pM.w. Encloa
self-ddressed (tamped envelope to A
T. ELDER, Manager, car Dally A
torlan. FOR SALE.
FOR HALE At u bargain, a nei.rT
new Kimball tilano. A, Mr.... c
FOR HA t.IC Tho Ferroll prup.rty, cor
ner of Kxcharurn and Htli itreeta. Price
H.?M. W. C. C'assell, 471 Unnd itr. et, ,IKt
JAPANKSI5 noons-just out-Just rs.
rslved-Juat what you want, at Wing
Lee's, Ml Cornm.rclnl treat.
FOR RUNT-Smull dwellinVTnseVurl
nitur for sale. Apply at Aatorian office,
FOR RENT A furnished room, m Ird
trcet .
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with
board, at Mrs. E. C. Holden'a, corner
Dunne and Ninth street. Price reason
able. Parties desiring the best of Job printing'
at the lowest price should call nt the
Astoria Job office before going .a.