ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, WARRENTON CENTER WARRENTON CENTER HOME-SITE CO. Th. very hrt erf the Wrrriio.pll Town 5lle. He.utttul Location. Large Doubl. Loll, gallon feet, rcdlngly Low Prlcas. T.fc I ho Opportunity. Mtwral Trm. Everybody Suited Ciiplltil Nock,$IAl,(l(MI Slmi'va, $ I nch. PAYAIII V is osr i.nt monthly M lho Dm four munllii. AI'.Hlut,,v a.l. lnv.,tm.nt. It.nj.,m. Muifli In a v.iy .bull Urn.. Call an of Add' 471 Bond St., Astoria, Or. ICXCUUS1VIC TKUCCiHAIMIIC I'RICSS RICPORT. i owe. ... 471 Bond St.. Astoria, Or. ASTOIUA, OJ.'W.ON, FlilUAV MOHNlNtt, MAV 2!), I.IM.' NO. 125 VOL. ,UV. Hit WmkMmm TRUSTEE SALE Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth ing Furnishing: Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at one price to all alike. C. S.JACOBSON TUUHTI2I2 ROtiHOH COMMERCIAL ST.. ASTORIA. OR. D 0 YOU NEED ANYTHING In Oitice WE VAtt HIT I'M. Y YOU A New Lot of Playing Cards Just Received GRIFFIN '& HIS ED ..ANCHORS.. Boat Stores... &t Everything In the Fisherman's Supply Line ...ffiust Be Sold in the Hext Sixty Days.;. MI'.ClAI41L.liM OP COST SOU OPPENHEIMER Truiilee for M. C. CROHI1Y Ladies... Why wcur liutory-mnJc clouka, couN nnJ cures, when tailor maJc wrap cost no more, tit this .Inure perfectly, iuiU look Jaunty and Htyllsh. Jct a wrnp mndc to order once, and you will weur no other, Coat to order, with material furnt.hod, Odd 17 W 1100 Cape from (3.00 to $100 We Can Do As We Advertise. C. g. Flilil'M AN, laM ol Ffwawa Holm... COLUHBIA IRON WORKS Foundrymen, Blacksmiths. Machinists and Boiler Makers Manufacturing and Repairing of all Kinds of Maohln.ry. Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksralth.Work .PECIALTIF.S- Welch P.i.nt Wh..l, Ship Smithing and St.amruiat Wurk, Cannery and Mill Mitdilnrry. Marin, and Stationary Boll 'era Bulltto Order. tir Specially equlppej for Logcers' Work. Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence .SHAP A KODAK- nt any mini coming out ol our .tor. and you'll Kt a portmlt of a man brliniiiliin oer with pleanant tlioulita. Huob quality In the liquors we have to offer are enough to nleano uny man. COMB AND THY THKM . HUGHES & CO. For the One-Price Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers Supplies? LETTER PIEMK. COI'TINO DOOK8. INKSTAND. TAHMCTB. INK. III.ANK HOOK. Ul.VK HUNT VK I'KK, WA0TK HAHKrCTH. lKHK TKAYfJ. HACKS, TIP WHIT ISO PAIfclt RIUIIOM AND CAIUION I'APKR. ...City Hook Store A. LE YERE & CO. R. T. EARLE, tat. o Stockton, C.I. Located on i8lh and Franklin (Siov. solicited. v IS THERE? 1. there a man with heart o oold. That from hla family would withhold The comfwi. which they nil oould flml In article, of FURNITURE of th. right kind. And w would suggest at this aeaion a nice Sideboard. Extension Table, or let of Dining Chain. W. have the largest and flnerit line ever .hown In the city and at price, that cannot fall to please the cloae.t buyer.. HEILDORN & SON THE ATTACK OF THE POPULISTS Condition of the County Records and the Kicordcr'a Office Is Dkiscd. division or tiiecoim y tax Kipe.act tb.rijtr Ajaiat the Recorder Valid Ire V I'lopcrly to lie Co. -aidcrcd AnsilM flim - Im pruesicu. An Aatorliin reprraeritatlve calhd on Judge Gray yesterday afternoon and In UTvlrtrd him III n-gnrd IV III" slutua 01 tha rouiily record, uml lli nmnrf-r In wlili'h they have been kept. ''What I. I bo rnusrt of the made by leader, of the Populist parly ngalnal tho preaent recorder?" "I do ivot know of uny rniian ihui can Ih unsigned for ItK-Rw ntiuk. excepting that tho gentleman who la the nominee of the Populist purty muy possibly think Ihut by making ain'h atuit'mriitii ho cm, ocurt .'Iri'iiori to oftl. i-. A iiumlr ol aliitnmtMil. hava Win linU' Hull are mla ImiIIii ami are not trur. A circular b U-n Imird by HlU 1!. Kmlth, chairman of tho I'oi.ull.t party, ln-a.l. 0. by the ! for little Chili". p county tiered the rnormou. .urn of llli'.!") pr 'fr .id are liKrrujilii..' Tula circular bu. at'i'ur ently bw prru,r,-l by ilr. Henry J. Week, for I be lKnlurr or Mr. Hmlth, who hu alaaya hud tho rcpuliitlon of alulliur fuel. n. Ill' y wi re, but who Itu . Iirr-n Iwlly mlalnl In Ihta mptUT. Tho tux Of IliH.UtTl la divided up u follow.: Btal. tax, llT.TM:: .late Khool tax. lU.ltlfT. achoul illatrti't No. L tlt,Mi.i4; fourti on dlfTrrcnt dlatrli io' it run the county hnvo IcvM . nwklnw the 10I1U for n bool. W.UT.iv Tho couuiy lux la )7um., iho city of Aatorlii. Iva; road Ux. fT.'J"' U; ThitK- atuicmrnt. .em throu.hout tho lounty broudcial un? uiU-b-uluiK atxl I1H1111I.-I to deceive the ui He. Tho ofrteva of nmlrr urwl county cli'rk bic within Ihv ,v,ur hud u Krrut d,-ul of ckirti work contttatltui ol the rri-onllrta' of autalily d.-rd fur the railroad, 1'hi tuxpaycni of tho cooniy alitntl 11 pi tltloit whl.-h wilh prcitriil.o to tho 1 ouiity court uxklnti that the county br the w-i' of the fconlltiu of three duda. Aft, r duo di llbratlon It di clditl to Hnlt the ntibnl'ly l oninilll. c by rtH-orrllriM ttu-nc railroad deed, ul the t x penao of the eount). I'roiHTty 'uw n, were MrtUru; to ti.-ar up the title, to pruperty uliti li tlay iloiwil.,1, an,t the , x vrtiM of thin work Is prut nhl)' charnnl on the bonk to the county ul .i.'"" or lat. There ba been, 11 14 n.-reiotore .tuicd nil exiH'tiHe of procurtni; ui'ideru IlKlrXra. In the recold. r'. otlKe. blkl It la now porwihte, with the uw of thcc new booka, to awt ruin what la ili-Mred In one minute where It un.1 to take an hour to look up the tlllea or Hilar informa tion. We have ulao .retired inrtal caa. a In tho record, r'. ofllce to hold tho records of deed, and varloiia iKx'uin. iuii Ith-d for record, Ineludliui pint, of the county, etc., and till, cxiieuse. ban been 11 very mw, wiry one. Bo far a. the recorUcr' ottlrc I. concerned, 1 11m w llllnir to defend llio coisdltlon of It Ui every reaped, and 1 urn quite our the county ioinim-lon -rs will do llkcwlae. "In tho olllcu of the county clerk thu work ha bt-r n doubled by rcaon of the dellmjuent taxpayer, and the aellllliK tip by those who have been pa.vinK their Uuk tuXe. within the pant few yearn, ll I. hardly in censary for mytelf, a. county Jiiclk'e to .ay one word to uny tntrlllkciu man of tho Improvements made In the ottVc, and the method, of ilolnti hUKlni ... The inline thlnic cun lie .aid of the aln r Iff'a otllee. When It 1. nqulred to have extra help to do the necessary work It hu. been the policy of the otneera, en doraed by the county court, to take the ground that 11 I. no more expensive to the taxpayer, to employ ten men four day. than It I. to employ one man forty liny a, and especially when the work oukIh to he done quickly In order to comply with tho litw. of the state and avoid op portunity, on the part of technical tax doner, to beirt the county by reason ot the otllelals not strictly complying with the law." When questioned In regard to the re corder', offloe and the eftlcelncy ot the pre.nt Incumbent of that office, Lavwyer John II. Smith said: "I have always found Mr, Oundcrson to be a most ac commodating and efficient officer. Ills of fice I. kept In good shape, and one can lltul readily what one wants. 1 don't know much aUiut the details of the olllco or the expense, of running It as comiuirc with what has been done In the past or whut inltiht bu done In tho future. I have never lni'cKtlgated tho question. 1 know that the olllco Is In good condition now and 1. In chtrgo of a gentleman." Mayor Talynr said In response to ques tions by un Aatorliin rt presi ntutlvo con cerning the attack, made on the record er; "Tho office, of tho county recorder ot Clatsop county Is well and economically conducted. 1 do not take any stock In this talk alKiut tho unnecessary expens, s ho has Incurred. A set of patent In dexes was started before Mr. Utinderson came Into olllce. Ho ilnlshcd up tho work and did It well. Modern Indexes were a necessity, and tho money expended 1 consider a good Investment by the coun ty. The cost of a great deal of work has been charged up against Mr. Oun dcrson with which ho Is not entitled to t.o rharK".!. A lurrfi' number of .ui.My ,b ,-,U for lh railroad hnvo l,-ii rer,rl'l at thr rxpi'niw, of lh county. Wr u,e rnllnsid rommliUi Went to Itu! eounty court and auird.d In g' ttlim it lo Pi curd Uli'lK, deed, at th ritwriar of tho rounly, A Urge flxuro wiia churgid on thu Iwok. In order to kr the .immnn .trnlght, .Ithough the work actually coat not l xcerl lto. The people of tin city and county doriali-d thla property to the, and tlic cotnrnltlne fuul gone to great eipno in cuiinM llon with the matter and felt that tho county ought to record the drrsl. fno of charge to the donor, of the land. This 11 did. "It strike, mo Hint the tireiilnr laau.-o by Mr. Hllas li. Hmlth, rhnlrrnnn of tho ropullal party, la very much like the mnrt who ha. fulled In Id. own hushn-K. arut turn, .round to tell hi. urcrafui rirl.hlM'r. Iitw to ronduet ihrlr'a. "Mr. (iundrraon h .lws. proved hlma.'ir to ! a perfect gentleman In the oftlee, ready mid willing at nil time, to fiinil.h the moat trivial Information to anyone Inquiring nf hlrn. 1 do nol think that we could find a better man to net .. county reorder." ii:atii or a mihkk Hald to Hair Hurled tbvritl Thouannd in, liars on III. Itaneh. Tli funi-ml of Charles Itiingr, who dbl nt the hospital on Wrdnesiluy from ron.umptlon. will take il,-r toeiny from the undertaking parlor, of Wm. Pohl. The Interment will be In ("l.taop ceme tery. The county will pay for the burial. Itiingr lived at leep Itlver. nd wn. found In an iineon.clou. condition In hi. cabin acverol day. ago. He wn. brought lo this illy .ml taken 10 tho hoapliaL but the last nii-dlra! f.!trfidnnc falleo; to save the man's life, end he died Writ nesduy Itunge wn. nlwsy. thought, to be allghtly demrntnl. and hi. neighbor, had noticed on aovrml occasion, that he acted queerly. Some time ago he wa paid a large aunt by . check on a local tmnk. Coming to Aalorfa. he went to the hank and di-mandrd hla money. He npiiearrd quite aane nt the time. The ent:irr auggrated to the nian that. If ie htid no in. for the money, he would do well by allowing It to remain In the bank. iu he could g,-t a good rate of Interest. This Rung flatly refused to do. nnd iiikmi hlng asked hla renaon. .aid he could not tll wh-n condition, would ao change that he would rvrelve silver In plaee of gold. He appeared to lo very much Infatuated with the yellow metal, and said, now that he had gold. h. would keep It. The man Is e ild to lwv buried a Urge ttiru.urtt is? nion- 'oi I ts ri,rh. He wan ktMiwn to have h. n In tH.-MMHist n of largo sums .1 various, nnd luui ulwa'. j lived tike a miser, eutliig only the cheap- i .t (txl uiid doing w ithout ar.y comforts 1 Whop'rer. It Is sitld ho has alsMlt till.: I btiru-l on his farm. I IiKCiiltATl'O." DAY rniMJHAM. ilratul Marshal, Samuel Klmore, at firulln t It.'ol's Hand, ("rm on lit r strTt, rlnht res ltuj on Cnninieriiul sm'rt. Military, under Capt. Wherlty. on i'on -mereial street, left resting cn ltth street. T, a. hers and rhil.lren of the I'ul'lic sehisils. as follows: MeCltir.'s seliool. form on Uth street. 1, ft, resting on Com mercial: Shlvrly's, Adilr's and Alder brook, f irm on Uth street, right resting on v'.min er, east sl-l,.. Astoria Military Hand, on Commercial leit resting on Uth street. Ovlc soib-ites, on Commercial street, right resting on llih street. In the follow ing order' ll)deh'ndellt dnler of l!d Men. S.a-ld- Lodge. No. 12, A. O. V. V. V'lniilsh Itrotrurhood. S. .in liniivl. il. Itelievoh nt Society. l-,r."t rs, Hlks and olhers. Woman's Hell, f Corps. dishing Tost. (5. A. K. The prnees.ston will lie formed In the oiiler iilcen atiove Una of March-North on Uth to Itond: west on Hond to 7th; south on 7th to Cotrnienial: east on Commercial to 1 ,t ll ; ssmth on I'lh to cemetery. Itltuallstlc exercls,, decorating graves address t.y th chaplain, nnd return to lisher's Hall and dismiss. , If morning Is wet, would recommend that children march to hall and hold ser vices there. Respectfully. W. C. OA88K1.U THUS. PKAI.Y, Committee of Arrangements. JITKIFI NOItTIIX l' S 8THENOTH. The Oregonlun. llcneral John It. Weaver, of Iowa, the great apostle of free .liver, who ha. bten canvassing Oregon In the Interest of the ropullst party, returned to Portland yesterday. Ho has been In Wusco, Oil Hum and Morrow countlca, talking for the white metal, and advocating the elec tion of Qulnn for congressman. Every where ho .poke he was greeted with big meetings, and, amongst the Populists, the feeling he describe. I. very strong In favor of electing a straight-out silver man to congress. General Weaver My.: "The Democratla vote I. vanishing In Eastern Oregon. It Is going to the Pop ulist.. Judge Northup will poll a very large vote east of tha mountains, and 1 am very much surprised to see .0 many leading Republican, active. In support ot the sound-money candidate. I was told by a reliable cltlxcn of I'matilia county that Northup would get 500 votes In the city of l'endleton, which surprises me. In Wasco county,, Judge Korlhup will get a big vote: In fact, he will do ao all over Kastern Oregon. Turing my lour, 1 heard no tulk of Kills, not even In his own county Mor row. It may be possible that Kills will get less than 1ik majority, but I really think that ho will not even carry his own county. The congressional light I. really Iwtwectt Northup and Qulnn, and, naturally, our candidate has the best ot the light." Tho monument of the line Sir Menard Hurtnn Is a great tent hewn out of niaiiile. under wiileh his Kidy rests In a steel casket. Uidy lttuion's casket lit beslile It, atid one other Is yet to be put under the tint that of the erratic couple's most talthful "servant und friend,' as Lndy Hurton culled her. The best chemlcnl compound for wash ing powder is "Soap Foam,'' as It will not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the hands. If. the finest thing In the world tor the bath. One trial will convince you. DETAILS OF THE ST. LOUIS HORROR Wholesale Wrcekaije of Property and Life on liotb Sides of the Kiver. MANY MIKACLLOLS ESCAPES Tke Dati.qe tstimtcd i. the .lillio.s. lath ul Which the Cum pa.ici VIII Xiiiiji to r.v cjpe r.viaij. HL Louis, May Si.-W lvn darknes. tem porarily Interrupted the nesrin for the storm's victim, tonight, 3IS people were known to In- dead un both eld-, of the river, and although the com. lite death list will never la- known. It is brllevea It will approximate fi in tie? two cities. The numlsr of Injur,.! U larger and. many of the maimed cannot survive. The. proi-rty loss will rea. h wrl into the million., but the Insurance people, lire men and police alike, refu to baxard a gueaa at accurate llgur-a 1 no unoer Uilnty regarding the lose of life and prop erty I. due mainly to the wide extent ot the bavoo by the alorru. Miles of wreck ed building., a. yet unexplored, and moro numerous collapsed factories, toward, the Investigation of which little progress Is made, may hide almost any number ot bodies, as the police have been unaljlu to secure anything like an accurate list of the missing. In the factory district, many ot the em ploye, on duty at the time the .torra broke were without relative. In the city, and their disappearance would .carccly be noted, even' though they be burled In the rulna. It I. believed by the police that owing to the suddenness with which the crah came many iranij.a and home less one. sought shelter among building, which were levelled and nothing will be known of their death until, perhaps week, hence, their bodies are found. The Hot of the known dead in UL Loul. I. 1ISI and In East St. Loul. 11& The clly is In darknes. tonight, ibo repairs on the electric liabt wlr. hating scarcely lxtn begun and but few of the trolley line, are running. All over the atricke-n dis trict the debris choked streets ure crowd ed with .tght-soers, und through the dim gas lighted aisle, of the city morgue at l.ih sirecl a constant stream of people is urged forward by line, of police. St. Louis, M..y IS. Colonel Weliuore, manager of the Ligegtt & Myers Tobacco plant, which was wrecked, istlmale. the eiiliro proicriy damage at li.we.w which will be, he says, ulmoet a to.aj loss, owing to the luck of cyclone insur ance. Other estimate, range trom 15,wj, u to Ll'.u".1. (.'. but tle majority of tie in are cloe to that made by Colonel V et niore. t St. Louis, May 2S. The storm Va. most peculiar. The wind seemed to take the form of a tornado rather than that of a cyclonu and tho wrecked buildings show none of the twisted Irons and girder, which usually murk the track of a rotary wind storm. The tirst heavy damage was In tho vicinity of Tower Orove and LaFayette Fark. where hundreds or handsome residences were wrecked and many people injured. St Louis, May Si. A river man esti mates that tl.SKi.tiO would not repair and replace the boats alone that figured In yesterday's disastrous storm. The Loul. Lodge broks It. hawser, dur ing the tornado. Four of the crew plung ed overboard and were seen to drown. Others were rescued. The crew and pas senger, of the ferry-boat Christie hud a remarkable experience. When the' storm broke the boat was torn from It. moor ing, at the foot of Spruce street and blown down stream with fearful velocity. The passengers were erased with fear and sixteen two-horse teams stampeded on the lower deck. The water rushed over the boat, filling the hull, but by a miracle It floated and was driven be fore the storm down stream. The river was like sf raging sea, and the crew was unable to launch any of the boats. The passengers crouched In the cabin, expect ing every moment to go down. The boat drifted aa far as Jefferson Barracks, where she sunk In .hallow water. The teams on the lower deck were drowned, but the passenger, were saved. St. Louis, May as. Nothing whatever remains of Broadway from the river to the viaduct and on the east side for a width of probably 600 yards there Is ab solutely no semblance of a house, freight shed or cars left standing. The Big Four, Vundiillu, and L. and N. freight sheils are raxed to the ground, not so much as a stick remaining In un upright position. At the Vandalla depot the loss of life and thu number Injured Is very great. 8t. Louis, May Kl. Business was prac tically at a standstill today. Street cars were running In some directions, but In the vicinity of the wrecked district trol ley, telephone and telegraph wires were badly tangled and practically useless for a great irt of the day. In some streets the telegraph tKiles were all broken on close, to the ground, making passing al most Impossible owing lo tho twisted wires. Through South St. Louis damage was done between Russell avenue on the south, and Choteaut avenue to Tapln street on the north. Within that territo ry, from the city limits to the river, the wreck Is beyond estimate and the loss of lift cunnof lie estimated. Ths most wholesale, alaughter wo ut Kleveiith and Rutgrr streets, where thir teen person, were crushed to death In the Mor-khelm rr saloon and boarding j house. Many others are known to be ( buried m adjacent boui on Rutger ! T(,e National Convention Rejected a street The ruin wa. so compM. that j f j.., fc d 1 th police an4 volunteers did not know where to begin the work of clearing away the ilebrl.. St. Louis, May 2S- A public meeting wa. held In Grand Hall of the Mrrchant. Kxcluxnge a noon today, and tUtXW wa. raised in less than an hour for sufferers by Wemeaday night's storm. St. Loul., May The work of hand ling the unidentified bodies was quickly reduced lo a system by Coroner Wolte. The dead were placed In row. behind creens. The crowd, of people searching for loat frl-nda and the morbidly cuiiou. which thronged about the morgue glided pant the den, I -room at a rapid pace. The bodies were Identified rapidly and a. fa.t aa Identified were removed, and their place, were taken by constantly arriving corpse.. The cene among the bodle were pitiful, a corp. of hospital nurses being constantly employed caring for fainting women and terrified, shrieking children. FROM CHICAGO. Chicago. May S.-All of the line, be tween here and St. Loul. claimed, during the afternoon that their servlc waa hi fair condition, but up to a late hour In the afternoon not a train had entered the city from St. Louis. In one of the offices of the Chlcago-St. Louis roads It waa aald th-it absolutely nothing waa known of the trains due from either of the Mis sissippi river towns. FATETTE COUNTY. Vandalia, 111.. May a. The cyclone last night swept over Jrvtngton and Rich view south of here, destroying every thing In lis path and killing outright thirteen persona. JEFFERSON COCNTT. Mount Vernon. III., May . Mrs. Mar garet Carroll, Robert Foster and three children and their aunt are reported killed, neair Jefferson City, this county, by the cyclone lust night Many were Injured all over the county. FOR THE SUFFERERS. Washington, May 3. A resolution for the relief of the St. Loul. sufferers was passed by tioth houses ami reached the president about i o'clock and was signed by him ten minutes later. PRAYER FOR THE SUFFERERS. Washington. May S. The St. Louis horror was the theme of a touching and eloquent prayer by the Rev. Dr. Mllburn. the blind chaplain of the senate, nt the opening of the session today. ANOTHER CYCLONE. Havoc In the Capital City by a Regular Western Cyclone. Washington. May 2S. For the third time In ten days Washington has expe rienced a cyclone, and for twenty min utes this afternoon wind swept the city and rain beat down with a violence sug gestive of the St. Louis horror. With newspaper stories of yesterday's tornado fresh In their minds, the sudden sweep ot the storm caused much suffering to ner vous folks. The wind came from the southwest at the beginning, about half-past S, and rap Idly Increasing In velocity, swung around to northwest and north, and tore along, sweeping away roofs from a number ot buildings. Including the Lutheran Memo rial church, uprooting scores of trees all over the city and doing other Injury. Much damage waa done to the splendid foliage of the executive mansion grounds and two of the finest of the large old trees were torn up by the roots, making four lost In a week by storms. The wind acted like a genuine western cyclone In the White House grounds, cutting trees and great limbs In a clean but narrow path across the rear lawn. At the capitol the storm caused a tem porary suspension ot business. The tem perature fell thirty-one degrees In fif teen minutes. The force of the wind for the first five minutes averaged sixty miles an hour, gradually Increasing to seventy-one miles for the last five min utes. FIFTY-FIVE WERE KILLED. Victoria. May 28. The work of rescue at the scene of the bridge disaster was completed this afternoon, when the Inst of the bodies was recovered by the div ers. The death roll includes fifty-five names and it Is feared that two or three strangers may yet be missing. Evidence is accumulating showing grave negligence on the part of the city authorities, they having been warned the day before the accident that the bridge would not hold. This afternoon was given up to the funer als of the victims. Twenty burials are arranged for tomorrow. THE STATE GRANGE. McMlnnvllle, Or.. May 2S.-The Oregon State Grange elected the following offi cers today: W. M. Hillary, of Marlon, master: R. G. Leedy. overseer: J. Coslo, lecturer; Frank Wilson, assistant steward: J. W. Messenger, chaplain: J. B. Stump, treas urer; J. H. Scott, secretary: J. R. Booth, gatekeeper: Mrs. M. C. Council, po mona: Mrs. French, flora: Mrs. Clark ceres: Mrs. Waldron, lady assistant steward. Highest of all iu Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 'J - --e. "3 11 v U. V assess ABOE&JTEEtf PURE PROHIBITIONISTS a -r r 1 1 I T 1 Ant mWDtlJ ttjiJlcs apiil l p. TWO PROHIBITION PARTIES i f.rtj Somi.ate Cs.rlitUtcs tor j rrcsidest sad Yice-rresiaest. nd i the Sew I. Trjriig to Adopt ! t n.tfora. I Pittsburg, May 28. The Prohibition mv , tlonal convention today nominated the j following ticket: President Joshua II. : Levering, of Maryland; vice- president. Hals Johnson, of Illinois, The .liver plank wo. rejected and the candidate, were placed upon tha thinnest kind of a narrow guoge platform, env i bodying merely the principle of prohitl i tlon and even omitting the woman suf j frage plank, which ha been the featur i of It. platform, for year. pat Ex-Gov- ernor John P. St John, seconded by near j ly all the Western delegates, made a gnJ j butt fight for the free coinage of silver, j and Helen M. Gougbar, of Indiana, and Mrs. Poole, of New York, struggled In vain for woman suffrage; but tne narrow ' guage people' controlled the convention i and took everything. 1 When nomination, for president were j reached, the name of Charles Bentley, j of Nebraska, a broad guage candidate. was not presented, hi. boom having been ' burs ted by the overwhelming defeat ot the silver force, at the afternoon session. , At a late hour a number ot broad guage delegates left the hall with the avowed ; Intention of organizing a new party, j The entire afternoon session was given to the discussion of the money plank, i The argument was spirited, but by a rule J of the convention the speaker, were lim i Ited to ten minute, each. It developed j that the fight was not so much one at ' gold vs. silver as it was of the narrow guage faction against the free silver ad j vocaie.. Ex-Governor St John spoke for the plank, remarking he would vote for ; free .liver, not only because he cotwlder : ed it right but because his constituent. Instructed htm to, and the debate con tinued until nearly ( o'clock whrn a vote was finally reached, which resulted SSj for and I2T against the plank. The vic tory of the narrow guage faction and tho defeat of the free silver men was greeted with wild applause. The broad guage element left the coa- i..ntlM f,tt lute ttintirhi nnd nre:inlzetf a rump convention In another halL Kiev-, en state chairmen were among tne boilers and twenty-four states are represented. They are now engaged In the formation of a new party and the adoption of s platform and the nomination of candi dates for president and vice-president Moore, of Nebraska, 1. prciding. Among the prominent bolters are Helen M. Gou gar, ex-Governor St John, R. S. Thomu Bon and L. B. Logan. A motion to nam the new party the National party waa lost VERY HONORABLE. San Francisco, May 28. A novel peti tion was presented to the probate court today by Jane L. Stanford, widow ot Senator Stanford. Ever since the death of her husband Mrs. Stanford has, under order of the court been drawing a fam ily allowance of $10,000 per month. At her request Judge Coffey today reduced this ullowance to J2.500 a month, pending further order of the court Mrs. Stan ford considered the reduction of her al lowance necessary because of the present condition of the estate. ARMY OFFICERS. Washington. May 28. The president to day sent the following nominations to tha senate: Lieutenant-Colonel R. C. Corbtn, assistant adjutant genert.1, to be colonel and assistant adjutant general: Major Arthur McArthur. assistant adjutant gen eral, to be lieutenant-colonel and assist ant adjutant general; First Lieutenant Jos. E. Kahne. corp. of engineers, to be captain: Second Lieutenant Jay J. Mor row, corps of engineers, to be first lieu tenant BASEBALL SCORES. Boston, Pittsburg. 8: Boston, S. Philadelphia, May 2S. Philadelphia, 10; Chicago, 8. Tacoma, May Si-Portland. 16; Taco- "seattle. May 28. Victoria, 12; Seattle, JU Other games postponed on account ot rain. BISHOPS' SALARIES. Cleveland, May 28. At the Methodist conference today It was decided to pay the bishops tiM per year and traveling exiienses. The Rev. Dr. A. N. Fisher was chosen as editor ot the Facitlo Christian Advocate. THE MARKETS. Liverpool. May . Wheat-Spot, easy; demand, poor; No. I red winter, Gs iKd; No. 1 hurd Manitoba, 5s 2'!; No. 1 Cali fornia, is 3d. EI 9 A.yrt'