The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 28, 1896, Image 2

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    I . - - - - T t : . ... .... - -,,. ' 'V . ...
gaily gVatortau.
Teli plume No. tit.
Bent by mail, per 'w $.Xi
Bent by mall pr month So
Delivered br carrier, per week 10
Bent by mall per year, $2 In advance.
postage free, to subscriber.
' ill communications Intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communications of all kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
The Astorlan,
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest clrculsilon of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertlslnic rates can be had on appll'
cation to the business manager.
Ths Weekly Astorlan, I he second oldest
weekly in the state of Oregon, has, M
to the Portland Oregonlan. ths largest
weekly circulation In the state.
Jno. F. Handley Co.. are our Port
land agents, and copies of The Astorlan
can bo had every morning at their stand,
134 Third street.
1 belter, ths Republican party at St.
"Louis should be governed by a coosrr
"vatlve sentiment respecting ths tariff,
"but It cannot be too pronounced on tlx
"money question. I ant In favor of an
"Wxeticlt and aneQutvocal declaration In
-favor of msmtslnin ths (old standard;
"for Um money queattoat and not the
-tariff, will ths Issue of the campaign
"Utls year." Benjamin Harrison,
Tba airricultura, manufacturing.
"eantile and wace-earelnc Interests ot
"Um Called States, hava now an oppor--tunity
to put this country beyond the
"cavil of doubt on a sound, safe and par
"ma Dent (old basis. The party which
"falls to aee that this la th only tru
"Issue, and to take Its stand on a gold
"platform, will ficbt a losing battle la
"lbs coming campaign." Chauncey M.
IX pew.
"It the sound mosey sentiment abroad
"la the land Is to save us from mischief
"and disaster. It must be crystaliied and
"combined and mode immediately actus.
"It la dangerous to overlook the taut
"that a vast number of people, with
"scant opportunity thus far to examine
"the question In all Its aspects, bava
"nevertheless) bee.1 Ingeniously Impressed
"with specious suggestions, which In
"this time of misfortune and depression,
"find willing listeners prepared to five
"credit to any scheme which Is plausibly
"presented ss a remedy tor their un
fortunate condition." Grover Cleveland.
' According to a Des Moines dispatch:
Ex -Governor Boles has written a long
silver letter In which he takes the rather
sensational position that wages, and es
pecially those paid to farm laborers, are
too high and should be reduced by pay
ment In cheaper money.
The only "sensational" thing about this
"position" Is the tact that there is one
man who is honest enough to state
frankly one of the reasons why he and
other free silver! tes want 50-cent dollars.
The dishonest reason, which others dis
honestly conceal Boles blurts out.
Boles Is a farmer himself, and hires
farm laborers who are whites; Tillman
Is a farmer, and hires farm laborers who
are blacks. Each of them will get
gold price for his products, thst price
being determined by the demand for
those products In the gold standard coun
tries of Europe. That gold price will
be paid each of them In SO-cent dollars,
. of which they will get consequently twice
as many as they get now 10O-cent gold
But the wages of the white and black
farmhands will not be determined by the
gold price of labor In foreign countries.
Those wages will remain nominally what
they are now, though actually they will
be cut down one-half In purchasing
power. The producer will get twice as
many dollars as before. The laborer will
get the same number as before. Hence,
the farmer will get his work done for
half what It costs him now.
Boles says:
The producers of farm products are
compelled to part with an unreasonable
amount of their farm crop to obtain
dollar of present purcfi.1r.g power of our
currency based upon the gold standard
and Justice to them requires a cheaper
dollar, or one that can be obtained with
a less quantity of the products of labor.
As has been stated, free coinage will
give the fanner cheaper dollars. He
win get twice as many half-value dollars
as he does now whole-value ones. But
that will not make him any richer un
less he can make as effective a use of
his Co-cent dollars as he does now of his
loo-cent ones.
There are two ways In which be can.
One Is by making his laborers take them
at their face value, thus giving labor
"a less quantity of the products of la
bor" giving the farmhand half a bushel
of wheat where be formerly got a
The other way Is by forcing creditors
who are not protected by gold contracts
to take these SO-cent dollars at their face
or nominal value while the debtor took
them at their actual. Intrinsic value.
Then the debtor farmer will make 50
cents on each dollar. The amount ot
outstanding Indebtedness to country
merchants. North and South, not pro
tected by gold contracts Is so large that
dishonest farmers would reap a consid
erable profit. But they could do It only
The city workmen, like the country
farmers, would be paid In 60-cent dollars
In the event of free coinage, and the
employers of the former would give them
no more of the 50-cent dollars than they
do now of the 100-cent ones. While ask
ing consumers twice as much for their
products they would say to the work
lngmen: "A dollars Is a dollar. We
are paying you as many dollars as we
sed to. What are you grumbling
And yet Boles and Altgeld are asking
the farmhands and the workingroen or
Iowa and Illinois to vote for free coinage,
when It will give employers cheaper
money to pay wsgvs with, so that la
borers may he defrauded of half their
hire, Holes and Altireld must have
low opinion of the Intelligence of the molt
they appeal to for aid.
There will be tariff agitators until the
crack o' doom, for It gvs without sy
Ing that no system that can be devised
by the hrnln of man will meet the ap
proval of the entire country, tHpo"ents
there will be. In any caw. for apparently
the whole object of some men In ll(e Is
to play the role of objectors, no matter
net her the ultimate object l the good
of the common weal or not. In fact,
such men would be out of business, their
occupation would be gone, were It other
wise. Then another class think It would
he good politics to keep the fires kindled,
ami so the poor tariff Is loaned about
from pillar to post, whenever an oppor
tunity presents Itself.
Rational business men, who are more
wedded to the currents of trade than the
maelstrom of politics, will hall with
pleasure the Idea of a nttlcnsl commer
cial tariff convention In Detroit. It is
the Idea of the Tariff Commission league
to get congress to pas a law defining
how the tariff should be levied, and es
tahllshira? the principle that the amount
of duty shall In all esses he equal to
the difference In the cost of production
In any foreign country and the cost ct
production In the Vnlted States. This
don ccturre Is to establish a commis
sion, whoso duty It shall be to Investi
gate all matters relative to tho tariff,
and decide upon the schedules to be en
forced. Ths upheaval In tba last congressional
elections, when the Republican deluge
left no uncertain sound as to the opin
ions of the people, practically toM our
lawmakers that the country wanted a
protective tariff, and with this In view
ths convention will endeavor to so work
that Its weight will be felt. It wants
the tariff removed from the realm ot
practical politics. The Idea may be
I'topia, but nevertheless the league con
siders that It Is worth struggling tor.
and the country will be ths gainer.
The telegraphic dispatches continue to
bring awful tales of disaster and loss of
human life by storm and flood throughout
the Middle West, while along the entire
Atlantic coast, ami even In California on
the Pacific, men are dally dropping dead
In the struts under the fearful torrid
heat We grumble sometimes in Oregon
st the slight excess of pure otone and
salty vapor watted to us by gentle
sephyrs from the sea, but after all how
good It Is to live in a climate where
soft wool blanket Is a grateful comfort
every night In the year, and nature's
sweet blessing of sleep may be enjoyed
without th haunting f.-ar of either the
tornado's deadly work, or the sudden
cataclysm of bur. ting water spout.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Omens were plentiful enough already
that the Chicago convention Is to be
animated. If not. Indeed, violent. Any
thing lacking to eager expectancy Is fur
nished in the election of Tillman of
South Carolina as the leader of Its dele
gation to Chicago.
The platform upon which Tillman
coming contains various unsound and
offensive Ideas, but not one of them Is
as offensive or unsound as Tillman him
self. His presence here will render pru
dent the attendance not only of an ample
body of police to protect the rights ot
his fellow Democrats at Tillman's hands,
but also of a sanitary battalion with
chemical deodorisers, disinfectants and
anaesthetics to protect the decency and
decorum of the assembly from violation
by the most disgusting ruffian that ever
appeared In a representative capacity
among civilised people.
The ambulatory cage in which the cir
cus encloses Its feral captive ought to be
sidetracked outside the city limits ss
an appropriate hostelry for one whom
no conventional Inn would feel disposed
to bouse.
What a contrast will be the leader ot
the opposition to the administration In
the Chicago convention of IBM to that In
the Chicago convention of 192! Till
man succeeding a Bourke Cochran, 81
lenus after Hyperion, the pitchfork sup
planting the lute.
Probably, however, enough "keepers"
may be on hand to prevent Tillman from
being too much at large. There are Um.
Its which even pitchforks are not per
mitted to pass.
When Jonah settled in the whale,
The latter did berate
His taking In, because he found
He'd not assimilate;
And as he bolted for the shore.
Thus did his whaleshlp spout:
"Although he doesn't dl-gest yet,
I'd better lay him out."
Yonkers Gazette.
A serious looking person had charge
of the grammar division of a school ex
amination, and gave a bright-looking boy
this sentence to correct: "Between you
and I this is good butter." The boy
shortly returned the slip marked thus:
Incorrect the lamppost is omitted."
Twenty million dollars were left behind
him by the shah, who had grown avari
cious of late years.
is, above an otner
things, the remedy for
sickly, wasted children.
It nourishes and builds
them up when ordi
nary foods absolutely
ps. and ii.oo at all druggists.
M is
1 "Takes the Cake."
You may have "money to
bum' but even so, you needn't
throw it away. For JO cents you
get almost twice as much "Battle
Ax" as you do of other high grades
for the same money.
When the late shah of Persia was In
Paris In ls he visited the Wild West
show and there met the famous lrullan
chief. Red Shirt. The latter was In his
lent and was presented to the Persian
monarch. To the shah's astonishment
Red Shirt held out his hand as though
to an equal. The shah hesitated, but
when the Interpreter whispered. "He Is
a lng." he took the Indian's hand and
shook It. He was evidently Immensely
amused and Interested by the dignified
old warrior, with his feathers and primi
tive surroundings.
from scrofulous, skin or scalp diseases
ought to be given Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery for purifying the
blood. For children who are puny, pale
or weak, the "Discovery" is a tonic
which builds up both flesh and strength.
What Is said of It for children spplles
equally to adults. As an appetising,
restorative tonic. It sets at work all the
processes of digestion and nutrition,
rouses every organ into natural action,
and brings back health and strength.
In recovering from "grippe." or in con
valescence from pneumonia, fevers, and
other wnsttng diseases. It speedily una
surely Invigorates and builds up the
whole system.
For all diseases caused by a torpid
liver or Impure blood, as Dyspepsia,
Biliousness. Blotches ami Eruptions, It
gives most perfect satisfaction.
Washington Times.
"Mrs. Parvenu pedals beautifully,
doesn't she?"
"Yes, but then she has had such ad
vantages." "How's that?"
"Well, before her husband came Into
his fortune she used to rock two cradles
with her feet while she mended his old
Than one. This, of course. Is no news
to veteran fishermen ho clean their own
fish. But there Is always a best way In
everything. The best way to overcome
or prevent malaria, to conquer Incipient
rheumatism or kidney trouble, and to
relieve dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa
tion and nervousness. Is to begin without
delay, and to pursue steadily and regu
larly, the use of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, a standard medicine Indorsed by
medical men everywhere. It strength
ens the system and improves the appe
tite and sleep of those who employ It as
a restorative, and accomplishes health-
giving results which fairly astonish those
previously unacquainted with Its efficacy.
Invalids of all sorts testify in Its behalf.
It Is the leading tonic of this era.
An Atchison man haa two daughters.
One rides a bicycle and the other doesn't
He has found out that the rider eats
twice as much as the one who doesn't
ride and aroes to bed without grumbling
at night. He thinks bicycles are a good
thing. His wife Is also a statistician,
and she adds that the bicycle girl hasn't
Iped a dish since she got her wheel.
and that she Is too tired at night to
turn the sewing machine wheels, and
the work falls on the daughter who
doeant' ride. Atchison Globe.
Mr. G. Calllouette, Druggist, Beavers-
vllle. III., says; "To Dr. King's New Dis
covery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried all the physicians
for miles about, but of no avail and was
given up and told I could not live. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery In my
store I sent for a bottle and be
gan its use and from the first uo&e
began to get bettet, and after using thn e
bottles was up and about again. It Is
worth Its weight In gold. We won't
keep store or house without It." Get a
free trial at f'has. Rogers' Drug Store.
"Must be a awful lot of birds used on
the wlmmern's hats nowadays," said
Uncle Abner, as he removed his bst suit
of clothes. "Why, Abner?" said Aunt
Sophrone. "Wall, they was a feller set
In front of me on the train thet w:is
dresed to kill short coat, a diamond
big as a shellhark hlckemut, an' a
plug hat; an' I heard him tell the fell" r
he was settln' with thet he'd made over
M.OOO this year sklnnin' Jays." Cincin
nati Enquirer.
As a remedy for all forms of Hendarhf,
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It affects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick head
aches yield to Its Influence. We urge all
who are afflicted to procure a boll I .
and give this remedy a fair trial. In
cases of habitual constipation Klectrlc
Bltt'-rs cures by giving the nebd tone
to the bowels, and few cases long reMM
the use of this medicine. Try It once.
Fifty cents, and fl.W at Chas. Rogers'
Drug Store.
Baron de lllrseh died In a fit ot anger
at having N-en swindled, according to the
Hungarian Ivputy de 1'asinandr. writ
ing to 1 Figaro. He had sold his beau
tiful prterty at 8anct Johann on the
March on account of Its dampness and
bought the H."aks pulao near Komom.
with the Idea of turning It Into a chil
dren's hospital. After spending $.'
on the palace without having seen li,
he discovered that It was In a bog at
the confluence of four rivers.
The best salvs In ths worli tor Cuts,
rtrulses. Sores. Ulcers, Salt
Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive cure for Piles, or no
pay required It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or mooy ret jnded.
Price, S cents per box. For sal. by
Chaa. Rogen, Odd Fellows' building.
The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess
of Weimar have Issued orders that the
new Goethe-Schiller house In Weimar
shall be ready for dedication. If possible,
June 2k Some of the most famous
men In Oermany will be present. The
grand duke Is the gramlpon of the fa
mous Duke Carl August, of the lime of
Goethe and Schiller, ami has done every
thing in his power to keep up the rcpu
talion of the beautiful "Athen-on-the-Ilm"
as a center of German literature
and thought.
When Baby was sick, ws gave her Csstoria,
When she s-sa a Child, ihe cried for CsstorU.
When she became Mia, sbe ching to Csstoria,
Wneashsl, bllOrsii, ihs gs Ithaaa CuCoria,
The lecturer Inquired dramatically:
"Can any one In this room tell me of
a perfect man?" There was a dead
silence. "Haa any one," he continued,
heard of a perfect womanr" Then a
patient little woman In a black dress
rose up at the bark of the auditorium
and answered: "There was one. I've
often heard of her, but she's dead now.
She was my husband's first wife." San
Francisco Wave.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
honors at every world" a fair
when exhibited.
The hovel In which the Marquis ot
Salisbury lived while he was gold dlgk'lng
I at Bendlgo, Australia, In 1M the year
before h. entered the house of commons
Is, It seems, still to be seen. On the
place being pointed out to Lady Hope'
toun, and some anecdotes related to her
about Lord Robert Cecil's adventures.
I he Is reported to have remarked:
i the dear old manl 1 aupouse It was ths
1 digging that made him so round-shouldered."
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
At the booksellers' dinner In London
the other day S. R. Crockett told how he
was recently Introduced to a lady to
whom his profession was mentioned.
"Mr. Crockett," she said during. the even
ing, "I hear you are an author. Have
you published any of your works yet?"
Mr. Crockett cnji.yed telling the story,
though It was at his own expense.
Ptuc ..i Baking Powdet
Contains nu Ammonia or Aluss
That the verdict of the court-martial
and the dismissal of Dr. Edward Klrsfj
ner from the navy have had no effect
upon his associates Is shown by the fact
that at the recent meeting of the Alumni
Association of the medical department
of the University of New York at the
Waldrof he was unanimously elected
vice presidelnt of the nssoritlon.
ONCR MORB In harmonv
with the work., 2000
completely cured meu are
tlngUitf nappy pralne for
the vn-atrnt. if ran d-
et and mot nu
ccmfulctire forfi-
Iial weaknft and
rjwtvlpor known to
medical flclence. An
awountof thlawrn-
derful dincowry, In
bonk form, with ref.
entnee and proof,
will hit sunt li I'.
ferinff men (sealed) free. Full manly vlifor
pernmneoUy restored. Failure impossible,
Ity Mime of a annul Isaucl by ihe
county clerk of t'lalmu enmity, state tit
tM'citoit, under the seal of said county
and slate, on the Kith day of Apill A. I.
I vs and tvi mo directed, comma mil im
me to levy upon the no.'.ln and chattels
of tint dellmiuet taMmycr named n ,
delinquent tax fell o( t'lataop county,
state f Oregon, for Hie year IVikV llierrlo
attached, and If nolle be found, then
upit the real properly ss set fxrlh and
dcscrllml In said delinquent las roll, or
so much thereof aa ahull he suttlel, ut to
satisfy Ihe amount of takes so charged
therein, together with the owls and e.
Mtir. I did, on the Pill day of May,
IN1, levy upon (having been unable io
llnd personal ittMrty suillclent out ol
which to make said laieni the real es
tate set opposite I lie names or the re
spective parties, lirtiia and coriKiintmns,
contained in the following lists, Mi.
I'y the amount ol laica ami coats
sesaed and charge against such persona,
firms and corporations In the said de
llitviticnl lax roll, all of said property
la-lug situate In nld county and stats
and descrttwd ll said dellll,)Uel a
nll ol said county and slate lor said
year, ss follow, ti- It :
Atvorcivuihle, Marv, tola i, t, sec
IS. T ! N. It la tt. M acres.
'' I It M
AlvervrvanlUe. L It . Ivsln on right
Niuk of Johnson's slough, III
rds, E of N . cor. of H E. t,
thcruv K. 34 rda. to left Iwnk
of Island slough: thence down
said slough to Usla mid
Clarke river at mouth of John
son's slough, ihvnce up right
bank or Johnson's slough to
place of beginning, see. I, T. 7
N . H III W , ;-ii acres; tw.
gin at N E cor or SKI, v.
II: thence M su nla lo a creek;
thenr westerly along Mid
creek JU rda to fork of said
creek, thence N. 10 N. Un ot
S K. V of 8 K. V. see. 11; thenoe
N. Jl ft.; Ihenoe W. lo W. line
of K E. t of S K. sec. II;
thence N. to a point IS rhs K.
of N. tin. of 8 K. V, of said
sec. ; theitc K. eh: thence
N. hi cha; thence K. W chs to
beginning. 8ec. II, TIN, It
io w . i: r aires. $: a
Allen, Mrs. Hrldgel. lots I, , big
in:; lot , tdk lus. Met 'lure's
Astoria, ss es t by Cyrus Ol.
ney. Ill ft
Alexander, tl.. 8 W. V. rVc. 11. T. I
N. R V. ISO acres, Ills ...
Allen John. R S of 8 E. t. 8ec. t,
It 4
17 01
T I N . It. W.. a) acres, .
Anderson. William, lots I. I, 1 , a,
. 7. , . ID. 11. It IJ, It. U. la.
1)1 k . lioantalv sddlilun. Kti.
Arniatrvng. Janvrs. N W. 8v,
TIN, It. W , loo acres.
Austin l.ucrella M . lou J. 4. ,k
I. Sunnysids addition. ?v
lUind Harry E. lots J, 4. 1. s, tdk
!C Mo'lure's Aalorta. as ex d
by Cyrus ulney, iu4
darker, tiura l". A , lou I. i. i.
t. J. . :. . , k ii. i:. ij, u. ij,
i. i:. is. , .v. at. a 34. .
. big. t.'i Mary Ann Adair's
South Addition to the I'ort of
I'pper Astoria, Ue
Harnett. Cora. E. l, of 8 V. I,. W.
' of 8 E t, 8.-C. 14. T 4 N . It.
S W.. I.VS acres. 1iH
Harries, Frank. E. , of 8 W. tt.
8 S of 8 E. Sec. 1 T I N .
It. W . w arre. (IJ hs
llattln Co.. II. E , begin at N E
cor of A. MeKwan's
Add'n. to tccan tlrove. Ihence
S JU ft , W. ho ft.. N in ft.. E.
h ft. to beginning: also, Iwgln
at N W. cor. blk A. Mo
Ewan's Add'n, to drove;
thence E. I'll ft., Ihence 8 SO
ft . W. lou ft., N. !o ft. to be
ginning. 41c
llea.h C. L. lots tt. JR. blk M.
Aslor Add'n. to Aatorla: lots
7. . blk. . North Add'n. ss laid
out and recorded by E A.
Noyes. Jtc
Ileers, ljuli, lot J, hlk It, Pros
pect I'ark Add'n. to Aatorla. 4c.
Hell. I'hllllppa W . lots A 34. Mlt
a tract I Olnry's Add'n. to
Aatorla. as laid out hy Hustler
t Aiken, exee'ra. 11 1
Hennett. A. 8. hlk. X Olrwy'a
Add'n. lo Aaturta. as laid out
and recorded by liuatler
Aiken, exee'rs. ; N v. t, of.
N.W. i4 of 8 E. i. See. a, T
N.. It s W., lo acrea. undivided
' of: I leg In 2,Oe".i, ft. v. of
8 E. cor of Hhlvely I. L C;
thence W. IM ft.. N, to 8 line
of Shlvely's Astoria, E. Ill) ft,
8. to beginning 8ec. 17, T. N.,
a 17
4 VI
17 It
tl 7J
T 41
1 M
it. .. 5 acrea. Hi l is t
tiennett, Charles E lots Is, 1,
blk I Sea view Addition, aa laid
out by A. V. Oliver, tc 4 J7
tiiasiano. uuncan, lot 1, big. ,
van Dusen's Aatorla, 17c la
iiisnoti, w. c, 8. E. (, See. S, T,
s i., k. ( w.. ) acres, iso... jj jj
miss, u a., Jr., lot 5, blk. Iu, Mc
Clure's Astoria, as extended by
Cyrus Olney, tlJ4 5 ij
niougeti, r.noch L., begin at N.W.
cor. of Iliodgett I). L C;
thence E. 42 W cha to N.E. cor.
of claim: thenre 8. 11.40 cha. to
Howards N, E. cor; thence W.
to B E. cor. of Mrs. drain's
land; thence N. lo N E. cor. of
said Mrs. Oram's land; thence
W. to line of said D. L C;
thence N. to beginning Bee. i,
T. 7 N it. W.. 4HJJ acres;
also, land In 8. 4 of Iliodgett
D. L C. 8. of land of Howard,
and N. and N.W. of land of J.
A. Fulton, except tract sold for
cemetery, Bees. I, 10, T. 7 N.,
R. W., 1(.92 acres: also, strip
of land running entire distance
E. and W. across land of How
ard and extending 8 far enough
to Include M 33 acres Sec. 3, T.
ci., K. 9 W.. fj;.l 44 4f
tirudhury, Clement, N.E. of
N.W. i,; lot 4, Hec. Is, T. f N
R. 10 W 7IM seres: N.E. ti of
8.W. t, N.W. n ol HE.
V4 Sec. 22, T. N., It. 10 W., m
acres; all of N.W, 14 of 8.W.
less plat of liradbury's Addi
tion to Ocean Orove, Bee. a,
T. N., R. 10 W 22 acres: N.W.
Sec. XI. T. N II. 10, W.,
100 acres, 147. 2 57 j,
lirnndt, C, lots , 10, 11, 12, 12, 14,
1. 1, blk. s; lot 6. blk. W, Hose
dale's Addition to the City of
Astoria, 18c 15
Draden, William, undivided ts of S.
of B.W. V 8 W. 14 of H E.
14 Sec. 12. T. 8 N., R. 7 W., 40
acres. 12.74 an
Brlx. Asmus, lots 1, 2, 7, , blk. Utt,
.aoairs Kast Addition to As
toria, 121. 2 2S 32
Drown. Peter, estate of, lols 14, 1C,
block 10. Wurrenton; lots 9, 10,
11, blk. 6, Hklpunon Addition to
Astoria; lot 8, blk. 13, Hhlvely's
Aslorla, I19MI a I Ik
Huck, Ellzula-th, lols 7, ft, hlk. 129.
Mel lures Aatorla, us extended
by f.'yrus Olney. t',33 8 m
Ilurney, It. hit 1, blk. 29,
Alderbrook, First Addition lo,
V .33 1 ,
Hush, W. II.. lots 1. 2. E U. of
N.W. V, Hec. 30, T. 4 N It. 9
W., lOi.Of acres, li.29 IS 98
Hums, A. fj lot 11, blk 13. De-
ment's Addition to the city of
Astoria, 17c 2 48
liuell, Jane H., lots 11, 12, blk. 20,
Laurel I'nrk Addition, as re
corded by H. (.. Thompson, 29c I W)
Iluchanan, Miinlus, lot I, H. E. Vi of
N.W. ft Hec. 27, T. 4 N., R. 9
W., 40 acres, 12.01 r
Ruller, Walter II., lots 4, 7, Sec. 34,
T. 4 N It. 8 W 42. MS nixes;
lots 7, 8, N. V4 of B.W. ', Hec.
ST., T. 4 N R. 8 W., lir,.32
acres, 18.33 18 08
Dyrd, Suriih L., N. of N.W, Vt
Hec. 11, T. 6 N R. 10 W., 80
acres, 84.01 824
Burke, H. C lots 11, 12, blk. 139,
Hhlvely's Astoria, t28. 32 08
Case, Edward, N.W. V See 10. T,
N., II, V Hal acres, il 4J
t'ni-aoti, l.iiella IV. tola 13, III, Idk.
K, tleai'liait I'nrk, Me
Cni'laon, John F , W, U, of H W.
tj Hec. 31, T. II N., It. I" W., Mi
aerea, fit id
riiarman. Tliomaa. lot t, blk li".
McCIuik's Aslorla. aa extended
by Cyrus olney, J3I .
Clark. John tl., N K of 8 E. H
Sec. 8", N. I, of 8 W, V. N.W,
Vi of 8 K, V, Hoc, )l. T, s N , II,
I W., ISO acres, lv,'4
tdniiiii, ', V N, t of 8 W -,, V,
S of IK l See. I. T, N It,
W liu aeraa. IS si
1 Volt. II. 8 , lols 14. lit, It, 17. IN, 111,
. 1. tl H, 31, Idk, I: lots l IS,
IT. blk 1, lols II. It. IN It, If,
l IV. II. tt. a. K tdk 17:
bus II, 11. it, 1;, it, is, un,
si. :i. a. 3i, bik. lois i, 30.
31. SI, M, H, blk. 4i, lols IS. 14.
ii, it. tr, i, bik tt: lois ut
4, 1, , 15. 14. blk. tl: lois I, I,
, 4. , s, 7, s, , li, it It, IJ, 14,
I. Ut 17, l IS, , II, tt, 83, 34,
blk, r; N. t of lots UlU
, Idk t4; lots I. t, I 4. S, I,
. . 10, II, J, Idk. t, Caclllc
Addition to Astoria. 13 U
Craig. Ida II , Uu t bik L oinry.
Crlm, I', II, lot. 1, t J. blk"!
laurel I'ark a.ldiiiou, ss re.
corded by II. c. Thomoaon. 41c.
7 l
13 Ml
6 16
1.1 M
14 tt
ISO 43
33 TV
Cross. John M . trustee, N, S f
8 E. t, 8ec, 14, N. l of 8 , i
Wee II T t N . It 7 W
Vrm, John M , V, V, of N E. t,.
E. S of N W, t Hec. 17. T t
N . It. 7 W.. 1ST acres. 8. l or
HE, 8e.-, , T I N, III W,
! cr,'s. N. , of N E. 14 8e- 7.
T, 7 N , It W . N scrss N E
w See l T. t N , It W Isn
acres. W. , of 8 W, t Hep. .
T. 7 N It. 4 w . res, K e;.
t 8o, JS. T f N R. I w isv
crv. 8 V. V, 8vc, IT I N ,
It t W , ISO acres; lots f, a. ,
!. Sec IT. IS, It t W . 1M 7
acres: W, t, of N v. t, 8w, id,
T. T N It. t W . SO seres: K,
8..C. J3. T. I N It. W,. ISO
acres, tilt tt
Crle. E. It , lot I tescvpt tract sold
10 A. Olawt and N. J l.ersoiii,
8w, S&, T 1 N , It. I tV., 4o
acres, "c
Craxen. Frank 8. N V, of 1.1;
N E. , of H W. U. 8 K,
t of N W. t, Un: 34, T N ,
It i W , 1 acres, i; Ui
Copping. Iavl.. lota It la. It, 17,
blk S7, tract I olney a a ldition
to Aatorla. as laid out ami re
corded by Hustler and A I Sell,
executors, li 11
I'slrymple. Ida. uml I, lot t blk.
t Hustler's Astoria, ss laid out
and recorded by Aatorla Invest
ment Co., 1 7c
Ibxrling. o. I., lots U U M
7. . . I. II. It. blk It PucWo
addition lo Aatorla. 2c
Ivment. J. c lois t J, lu, blk. at,
Is-ment's addition lo Dm i lly of
Aatorla. Jv
Ulllon. Mary, estate or, lot 7. tdk.
1 MottuiVs Aatorla, .'l 34
lKxin-y, Michael, 8 E t, Hec J, T.
I N , It I W . ) acre, 113 It '.
totioho, t', ( , lo'.s 7, I. , o, II. J.
blk 7. Columbia H.'cond atdltton
to Aaiorta. slim 8 W t, of H V.
Hec t T t N.. It 1 w .
acres, ttat
IKvuthark. A. N . lots I. t V s.
big x, Hustler's Aatorla. as laid
out and ra-orv,l by Aaiuria In
vestment Co., iuc ,
Iow, C. 8. lots 3U. a. 3. blk 34,
I'rtMiMvt I'ark Extrnaion addi
tion to Aatorla. c
Dunkln, John II , W. t, of 8 t V,
Sec . T S N. It. I W, SJ
acres, IS 43
England. C. o. lota II, IJ, blk. V
8ki(anon sddlilon to Aaiorta.
11 11
Enaig. Elltala-lh, lota I. :. J, 1,1 k
Columbia Ho.i.nd addlilon to
Aatorla. 41c
Evans C. II, und lota 7. ,'k
II. 12. 11. It li. sulaliviaton of
blk 73. Shlvely's Aalurls. tV. .
Evans. Mrs. Jeanetle. lot , big ;
lots a. 14. blk la. Railway addi
tion lo Aatorla, 44c
Fair. It. E lot 8, bik. . First ad-
111 S
94 71
i II
1 W
a it
is U
1 N
7 17
is 11
I rt
17 1)
II n
1 n
dltlun tu Alderbrook. 13.W
Farrar. laata l C , lota I, 2, 3, 4 a,
. 7. X, . In, II. IJ. tdk . I'aclllc
addition to Alorl. tJt
Frldman, I., und l, lot It blk. 1.
Flavel Center, as laid out by
W. E. Warren, fic
Fisher, J. J , trustee, lots li, It, 17,
17. Ut , 30. tract I, blk 17. of
Olnoy's acl.ll lion lo Aatorla, aa
laid out and recorded by Hus
tler A Aiken, executors, lots 13.
13, 9. l, 11. trart 2, suUllvlsion
of block 17 of Olnry's sd.Utlon
to Astoria, as laid out ami re
corded by Hustler Aiken, eg
cutors, M.40
Fisher, J. J , uml. ' lots 7. . 10.
14 W
11. 12. 11, 14. 11. !,. aub.ll vision
of blk 72, Hhlvely's Aatorla:
und. lots I. 1 J, 4, S, , 7. s,
. lo. 11. 12, 11, 14. bik. I; una. t,
lots 1, 1, J, 4. i, , 7. , , 10, 11,
12. U It blk 7: und. t lots I, t
1. 4, 4, t, 7. 8, . lu, 11, ij, u, 14,
blk. 1': uml. l4j lots I, 8, 3, 4, 6,
. 7. blk IS; und. H lots 1, J, I,
4. t, I, hlk. It, Riverside addi
tion lo Aaiorta, H 4 oJ u
Fisher. I. It, lots 2, 8, 4, t, I. blk.
41, Pariric add'n. to Aatorla, 7c. I la
Flsk, W. 11., lot 17. tract . ut
dlvlalon of blk. 30, Olney's addi
tion to Aatorla, as laid out ami
recorded by Hustler Aiken,
executors, tic j;
Flnley, John, lots 8, 4, tract J. sub
division of blk. 14, Olney's addi
tion to Astoiin, as laid out anil
recorded by Hustler 4k Aiken,
executors; lot 6, hlk. 37, Mc
t'lure's Aatorla; lota 1, 2, 3, blk.
6, Hklpanon addition to Aatorla;
und. U,of N.E. V4 of 8 E. t, Hec.
1. T. 7 N It. 7 V 30 acres;
N.W. 1, of N E. t. N. 4 of
N.W. 1 1 and H W. H.e it T.
7 N.. H. 8 W , mi iwn-f. N.E. 14
. ...n,. -4 ,T . ot VV. 4
Hec. If,, T. 7 N It. 8 W..2HU
acres, Hl.u to 87
Flnley, Jnmes, B K. 14 Hen. II, T.
6, R. 8 W., IN) acres, 9 i!3 '. 17 4J
Ford, 1. 1) und. V lot 11, tract 2,
siibdlvlalon of blk. 20, Olney's
addition to Astoria, as laid out
and recorded by Hustler A
Aiken,, executors, tVc 1 00
Folkman, A. V., tind. Vj lots &. 6,
blk. W, McClure's Aatnrln, as
extended by Cyrus Olney, 17.(81.. IJ 43
Folkman. Herlha, und. H lots 6, 1,
blk. 89, McClure's Astoria, us
extended by Cyrus Olney, $8.01.. 11 4
Foole, Angus, lot 4, Hec. 18, T. 7 N.,
Jt. A W H.40 acres. II a u
Futtrup, Nels, lot III, sulullvlalon
of blk. 11, Adair's Aslorla. 11 iKl 9 in
Oentry, H. A lots 17, 18, blk. K.
Astoria, as laid out and record
ed by M. J. Kinney. 2!ie in
Ulllireath, James, lot 12, blk. II.
I'cincnt's addition lo the city of
Aatorln, !7o 9 u,
OIushcI, Annie, heirs of, N.E. V, of
o. w. vt lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Hec. 21, T.
7 N., 11. 9 W., mo ucres. 11179.. lit nr.
Glover, Frank, H.W. of H.W.
nec. hi, w , if, ol N.W. V,, N.W.
Vt of H.W. 1, Hec. 32, T, 7 N., R.
7 W., ICO acres, $9.a 18 21
Ooff, M. A und. lots 1, 2, S, 4,
6. 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, blk.
8; und. Vj lols 1, 2, 3, 4, (,, 8, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, blk. 14; und.
Vj lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, II, 7, blk. if,;
unit. , lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 8, blk. HI,
Riverside, addition to Astoria;
und. 4 of lots 7, 8, 10, II, 12, 13,
14, in, 111, suhdlvlHlon of blk. 72,
Hhlvely's Asturla, $7.61 83 tH
Ornhum, John A., lols 4, 5, 8, blk.
9: lots 1, 2, blk. 21, Alderbrook,
?21'"1 4149
Oraham, James, lols 3, 4, 8, 8, blk 8,
Young's addition to Alderbrook,
fjlic 1 J7
Gray, W. II., estate of, lot 8, blk.
34, McClure's Astoria, $8 $4
llrliuea, II, K , lols I, 1. K 4, 8, blk.
I, Hallway addlilon to Ocean
Urine. IMc
Iltimea, I' 1'., begin III county mad
Mi in cha 8 and loilo i lia. K of
N VV, cor of Hec I", Ihence E,
! ;a chs , N III cits., W 14 eba,
8 1 12 chs , 8. W. WA 1 ha,
to voiinly road; K, :.'i chs , 8
II 88 1 ll , to beginning, ei epl
8A acres sold lo ', II. Sloop, aa
per Vol ' ." I'age II". of
I I la, Hec. Ill, T. 11 N , II. u
W , aciea, III (.3
llroaa, Win II , Archbishop n' "le
son, begin at 8 vV cor of Hec
31. N. VI rda , K rda , 8 U
Ms., W. Sfi rvls, lo beslniiiug.
See, II. T t N , It I H 0
in res, lie ,,
tluliieun, Thomas, lols I. t, I, 13.
blk. 8, laurel I'ark addlilon, aa
revHinlnl by II. C, Thomlwin,
tlallirnelli, James, , blk I, Co
luitibla addlilon lu Aatitila, 17c.
Dunning, John M , lol Hi, blk (A,
Aslor addlilon lo Astoria, Sc.,..
Hall, I'hnrloltn J, lot 7. blk. II,
Warrvniiui; lots 1 II, blk lot,
Taylur's Aatorla: lot It, siiIhIIvI
alon of blk 84, Hhlvely's As
lorla. tin ,,
Handy. Xllltim K . lol I, K tt of
N.W. H . 'I IN. II.
W.. Iiaes scrss, $t 4T
Ilana.ui. Charles, 8 t, of H V V
See II, N. I of N W, t, Hec.
It T, IN, It W W . IH aotva,
.. .. ,.
Hansen, ha re a, lots L f, 1 t 8. 8,
7, 8, blk t. lols I, !. 8, 4, 6. I. 7.
, blk s. lots I. 3. 8, 4, 6, t, I, 8,
blk I!, lols I, f, 8, I. 4, I, ,, I.
blk 11, Wllllainainirl, v M
Ilarn.lcn. C. II, tola t, i. 31. n.
St blk $. lots l, If, 17. IX. blk
S. of Flavsl (Viiler. as laid out
by W II. Howell. $1 II
llaleh. II. W., vnd. H bda I. !. 1,
I, blk x. Ilualler's Aslorbv aa
laid out and recorded by tn
Astoria, Investment Co, rv
llswss. K It , lol I. blk M. Mc
Clure's Aatorla, as extended .y
Cyrus tM.iey. 114187
Ilen.lrlckaen. Olof, uml. lot 91,
I'nlontown, to 13
Ilelvao, Frank, lots $, I, blk !.
Xlary Ann Adair's South addi
tion lo Ihe I'ort of I'pper .ta
lon. ilc
Healer. John C lot t 8 E of
I 1
N. W I, lo 8, K V, of H W ,
S. 7. T 7 N , II t W . Io 13
acres, f to jo ,
IIIIL Winnie A, lot lu. blk 13. If.
nirnt's addition lo tho . 1 1 y of
Aalorla, I'c
Hill. C . N W, v, ,c. 7. TIN.
It t W., 1W aires. $13 S3 . ...
Hill. Mrs. I), lot t. Idk ss. Van
luison'a Astoria. 17c,, ,.
Hooper, C K. lots II. II. blk .
Itlvrrsld add n to Aalorla. i' Rom, Iota It as II. a,
9. Idk 8. Clatsop llroee. Je
llouaeman. Fre,l. N i of lots t
and 8, Ne. annum llruvs, $' ....
1 1 US Ilea. J M , ,it i, 1,1k )u,
Hill's llrsi addlilon lo Aatorla.
1117 ,
Iliingate, Charles A. bus I. t I, 4.
8. t, 7, . . 10, II, 13. 18, It 18. It,
17. m, i, . :i, xl a. tt sr.. .
V. Tl. . to. II, 83. 81. 11. sub
dlvl.lon of blk. 77. Adair's As
toria, lots s, lit. II. blk t, Uu
rl I'ark addition, ss rm-onled
by II C Thoma.n. und l lots
1. t, 8. I. 8, t, 7, 8, 8, in, II. It a
It It. It 17. It l . 11. n. blk.
I, I'roape,-! I'ark addition 10
Astoria, lois I. t 8, I. 8, t, I, s,
. in. II. It IX II. II, It 17. la. IS
li. 71 blk. 7; lots I, t I I I.
t. 7. 8, s, hi, II. 13. 11, a It. it.
17. I. 18. 31'. 31. ti blk 8. Wash
Ington addition to Aatorla. lit m
llulehcroft. (J T. lol I. blk t
Chehxia sulativ talon tract No 1.
Ingram. J A , luts I. I. blk II.
Railway addlilon to Astoria, an
Innu Frank M . W v of HE
Hec. SU, W L, of N E. l, H.-C .
T. IS, It W , ll seres. $v m
Jake. Frank W. lot ;. Idk 11.
Taylor's Aatorla. 31e
Jeffarisa, J. M , lol 19. blk. lu, Hill's
First sddlilon tu Astoria. 17. . .
Jenaen. Alex , lot , Hec. I. T IN,
It 7 W . II acrea. U 4
Johnaon. It , tola 17. ax. tract I,
sulaliviaton of blk 17. olmy's
addition lo Aalorla, aa laid out
and rwor.le.1 by lluaiirr
Aiken, executors. II m
Johnson. 8 J . lots I, lit blk K.
Roslale addition to the city of
Astoria. I0r
Johnson. Adolph. lol $ blk. J. Meri
wether llowna a.klllKin lo As
toria, t.-
Johnson. Hannah M A., lots I. t,
Idk. 1. Mi-rlwetbsr Downs addi
tion to Astoria, lie
Johsnsnn, A . 8 W. t, Hec l T 7
N.. It I W . ISO acres, $11 81 ...
Jones. Itrva, lots 8. 10, , u, j, 14.
16, It. blk. . ltose.lale addition
to ths city of Aatorls, 18c
Jordan. I'rirr. lot 10, blk , War
renlon, 13 14
John. Peter, lots I. 2, and tide
land fronilng iherron. 8e 4.
T. 8 N.. R. W., 72 85 aires.
Keenan, Fred U, lot , blk. 3, Aa
torla. aa laid out ami recorded
by Martin Foard. 17c
Kehoe, Joseph, E. of E tt, of
8.E. . except that portion on
8. side of county rood. Hec. II
T. t N . It I W.. 23 acres, $1
Kendo, 1), K lots 1, 1, 8, 4, 8, t, 7
8. . 10, II. U 11, It 18, It, 17. 1,
l. 20. II, 22. 23. 24. blk. II. North
Pncllln addition to Aatorla. Wa.
Komler, I) , lots 8, 10. blk. 10, lii.
way addlilon to Astoria, TM- .
Kiuuiey, J, J , lots 6, 11, 14, blk. IK3,
Mct'liirn's Aatorla, as extended
by Cyrus Olney, $!.)
Kinney, M. J., Iota t, $, 7. hlk I.
MiCliire's Aaiorta; E. 2f, fl. lot
2. all lots I, II, , i ,, j llml
W. 21tj ft. t j, i.ii, to. ,,,
12. 13. It blk. 81. McClure's As
lorla, as extended by Cyrus III
ney; also, begin on W. line of
blks. I and 18, .McClure's As
twin. In center of First st.. w
2"0 ft., N. to ship's channel of
Columbia river. E. 2u ft., 0
said W. line of said blks. I and
10. projected N, thence H. to
la-glnnlng, rxonpt W. 100 ft. of
said tract denied to railroad
subsidy, us per vol. 31 of deeds
page W, $71.M ,'
Kinney, Augunt C, o J, Hoc. 18
T. 8 N R. 8 W except $ acres'
as per vol. 80, pngo 3117, of deeds,
34.72 acres; part of lots 8 and
, In N. E. 14 Hec. 21, T. 8 N It.
9 W 211 acres; ulso, begin 8.111
chs. N. of 8 E. cor. of Bee. 22
thence. W, 7.87 chs., 8. 8.18 chs'
to Hec. line; VV, 24.13 chs., N. !8)
chs., W. 8 chs., to W. line 0f
S E. W; N. 10 chs, E. lu chs., N.
10 chs., to N. line of H E. ; E.
30 chs. to ii post, B. to begin
ning, except, tract us imt vol.
27, page, 404; also except N E
!4 of N.E. us per vol. i
pngo S19, of deeds, sold to W,
'-', Hmlth; ulso excoptlng 4
acres, as per vol. 82, page 112,
d la, sold to Walker, Heo.
22. T. 8 N., It. 9 W 88 iutcs;
I lie N. of N.W. of H.W.
Vt, mid In ml In N.W y, of H W
Vt Sec. 23, T. 8 N., It. 8 W 40
acres; $.',6.40
Kinney, June, begin st N.W. i'tirl
uf lot 2, Hec. 24, Ihence 8. W
f, E. lil.fal chs,, to a point 6.78
chs. W. of E. line of snld lot
2; N. 12.27 chs. to N. lino of
B.W. ii, E. 6.76 chs, to center of
said Hec; N. 20 chs, v.. 13.113
chs., to outer harbor line; N.
3H" If.' W. 1.6117 ft., N. m- W.
1,624 ft., to 11 jHilm on said outer
harbor line dun N. of hegln
nlng; B. 64.0S chs. to Iieglniiliur.
769 81
S3 87
Sec. 24, T. 8 N R. Ill W 112
acres, $111.42..
22 31
(Continued In Friday's Uiilly.)
II 47
18 87
; i
I 38
1 u
it it
14 78
87 18
17 71
8 W
l 8
It 30
!' 01.
3 II
ju a
t 31
t u
7 U
i 34
1 48
I 01
8 ss
17 71
I St
8 44
T 84
4 II
16 88
U 17
30 08
t tl
18 17
8 99
10 S7
-v " ry
r r