The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 28, 1896, Image 1

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Th vary hurt of the Warrenton-Ftavel
. Baaudfiil Locate?.
Large, Double Lota, oloo feet.
Eiceadingly Low Prices.
th Opportunity.
Literal Tarns. Everybody Suited
oft ic ... 471 Bond St., Astoria, Or.
Capllul Stock, l (.
SIiuimn, $ I'iicll.
D AYAH I II la per c.nt miiiilhlv hit tlx Ural
(nut aitaillia Ah.olul.'y ..fe
Ilaiijiuinr letuina In vary litl ilnw.
Call en of Aililraea
471 Bond St., Astoria, Or.
NO. 121
,, ...
Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
ing. Furnishing- Goods. Hats. Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Trunks. Valises. Umbrellas, Blankets,
Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
In Office
A New Lot of
Playing Cards
Just Received
...City Hook Store
Boat Stores... !" Everything
In the Fisherman's Supply Line
...(Dust Be Sold in the Next Sixty Days...
Trumoa for M. C. CHOHUY
Why wear factory. madi clonk, cunt and enref. Vlicn tailor
nuiJc wrupn coitt no more, tit the figure perfectly, and look
Jnunty mid stylUh. Get a wrap nmUw to order onco. itnd 'ou
will wear no other.
Coats to ordar, with niaUrlal furuiahed. from 17 to 1100
Cap from $1.90 to 9100
We Can Do As
We Advertise.
S. FREEMAN, laf of FmMi MolaMS.
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths. Machinists and Boiler Makers
Manufacturing and Repairing of ail Kinds
of Machinery.
Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksmith.Work
ILCIALT1KS Welch Patent Wheel. Ship
Smithing aitti Steamboat Work, Cannery anj
j Mill Machinery, Marina and Stationary Uoll
'.r Hull! lo Ordar.
13T Specially equipped for Loggers' Work.
Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence
.sHap a kodak;.
at any man coming out ill
our store and you'll get a
portrait ot a mail brlmmlng
over with pleasant tlioimhla.
Buch quality In the liquor
we have to ofTnr are enough to
plcaae any rnan.
For the One-Price
Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers
R. T. EARLB, lata at Stockton, Cal.
Located on i8th and Franklin (Scow
Ii there a man with heart ao cold.
That from hla family would withhold
The comforts which they all oould find
In artlolee ot FURNITURE! ot the right
And w would suggest at this aeaaon a
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or (at
of Dining Chain. Wa have the largest
and finest line ever ihown In the olty
and at prleee that cannot fall to please
the cloaeat buyers.
Common Council Grunt the Petition
I'raylny the Institution Ik
Nut Allowed.
ai.ii.;iii I'olitical deals
Semsl Tiafjr Kcaolstloss 1 Casdidats
tor Ike LcgMalttrt Caaaa .No Eld
ut Asuaeswil .lore
flrt fluitf.
Thn rirnimon council met In sdjourncd
eraslun last evening, with Thompson,
Young, ffc-harneckau, Welch, BchlclM, and
Hera-man present. The meeting was very
liitrrctalng, and pvllttra wae plainly In
evidence. Tha mayor and Prraldrnl Mc
Gregor bring absent. AMcrman Wrlrh
wua l'!rd chairman.
I'elHluna for liquor Ik-rrue from Alex.
Urant ali'l John Kupp ware referred to
t)i committee on health and pollra. A
p.ltlon to aatahlleh lhr trade of lil
atrert waa referred 10 Hi atreet romnilt
lep. A petition from the Ktral Natlonul
liank to pay Usee delinquent on the aa
aeaament of 1J and liyJ. amountln lo
IIUUj. waa referred to tha waya and
mean com mil tee.
A petition from Noland A Thomaon,
ralllria attention to the roiMllllon of the
city lien dorket, and reronimendlna- an
rauinlnatlon Uiereof, waa referred to the
waya and meane committee. A ietltlon
fn.m V II. Twlllaht ami wife aaklnn
that the levy on lx)t 1. Iiiix k 4. MK'lure'e
Aalotia. for tha Improvement of tuane
aireet, Imi rarH-elle.l, aa referred to the
afreet rummltle. A petition from P. H.
Trulllnaer aeklmt that lie be framed the of iaylnar the aaaeaement for
the Improveiii. nt of llth afreet III Inatall-
ments, wua referred 10 the atreet com
mittee. A petition fnim John N. (lrlffln asking
that the tana errtineouiily aeM
ajtulnat Uit 3. Itlo.K SI. he. refuiklcd, waa
referred to th waya and nieiina commit
tee. A petitlun froia pnH-rty oanera on
Irving avenue aaklng for the improve
ment of Hint thnmuxhfar from iTth to
Mh atreet wna referred to the street
pnnimlitee The oanera of Itlork )"&,
Ailnlr'a Astoria, ptvaenti-d a petition
agreeing to donate auffit'li-nt proierty to
eatahllsh a street In plane of the alley
way now there If aucti afreet would be
ronairurtrd without coat to them. The
petition waa referred to the street com
mittee. A petition from Column! Engine Co.
No. X. stating that the discount, on the
city warrant made the allowance Inade
quate, ami asking aeallance, wna re
ferred to the vaya ami menu rommliti-e.
A petition from W. II. Kelao, slating
that he had pld his taxra for P93 and
asking a receipt for the aame, waa re
fvrrvd to the ways and mean committee,
A pelt'ton from the Finnish Lutheran
church, aettlna forth that the church
had been overchurged for the Improve
ment of 15th aireet, waa referred to the
street committee.
Ilerg Jt Co. asked ami were (Minted
permission to trnnsfer their liquor license
to another location A communication
from the mayor, culling attention to Hie
limit of the plrr-head line, and suggest
ing that the council luke Immediate steps
lo establish a wharf line, wa read. The
communication also suggested that the
council pita an ordinance providing the
manner In which wharve shall be con
structed, and further -that public land
ings be built at the foot of aeveral slrceia
It waa recommended that street grade
be established in thne portions of the
city In which Improvements are likely
to be made. The matter was referred to
the committees on streets and wharves
and watcrfrontage.
The wnye and meana committee report
ed favorably on the following rlnlma: H.
V. Hheminn. : J. a IVIIInger, f4: J. 8.
liclllnger. fS: R. Btrnuaa. T10: Astoria
One Light Co., $S.W: Kvenlng Newa, t'c.
Il&n. Sc. 3c. Oc. and Co. The bill ot
the Morning Aatorlan for M 11 waa recom
mended paid In the aum of tx.80. The
aame committee reported on the remon
strance namtnat the payment of the aa
aeeamont on the drain In Adair's Astoria,
and recommended that the auditor be In
structed to enter the eaat hair of I.ois
1 and 4 against the government. The
report waa adopted.
The health and police committee rec
ommended payment of the following
Claims: Jaiuea Petty. $44,110: Orttfln 4k
Reed, $A.Ji; Aatorta Wood ami Coal Tard,
15.15; Aator House, (06.96. The same com
mittee recommended that George Hartley
be granted a liquor license, which waa
Then the proposed glue factory wa
killed. The health and police committee
recommended that the remonatrAnce
agalnat the factory be granted. The
chair-man (Mr. Welch) took Issue with
the council, stating that he thought all
enterprises should be encouraged. The
report waa adopted. The street commit
tee suggeated the establishment of the
grade along the rullroad at ID feet, and
reported favorably on the bill of OrltTIn
41 Heed Jf Ul. A majority reKrt from
the II ro and water committee recommend
ed the purchase of 1000 feet of hose for
the tiro department. A minority report
recommended the purchase of S.IW0 feet,
and the committee wna Instructed to ad
vertise for blda for the hitter amount.
The following clulma were nnld: M. 0,
it -. J i I ',.) : l'ortlund Klectrlcal Works,
Hit); Klnlnyson Shipping Agoncy, J5.26;
Astoria Iron Works, HS.fiS.
The lire find water committee, of which
W. F. Moitregor, Republican rnndldnto
for thn leglHlature, Is chairman, recom
mended the extension of the lire alarm
syst m -In West Astoria. Mr. Hcricmnn
wanted to know If the suiorestlon was
nn election dodge, and thought It advis
able to lay the matter over till the next
meeting. This cnused considerable amuse
ment. The matter was referred back to
the committee for further consideration.
"Poor Moflrcgor and Turker! I pity
tluni!" said the tender hearted council
man from the Third W ard, Mr. Young.
An ordinance appropriating JH5.76 for
the lieniHI of J. 8. llltchon, waa read
Hint and second times. An ordinance In
structing the auditor to Issue M.IHH) war
rants for the Improvement of Hond street
was referred to the street committee. An
ordinance authorising the Issuance ot
$11X10 bonds for the Improvement of llth
street, waa read first and second times.
An ordinance authorising the auditor to
Issue warrants for tho collection ot the
assessments remaining unpaid on the
drain In Adair's Astoria was rend first
and second times, and, upon suspension
of the rules, placed upon Its final pas
sage. This assessment will he contested.
An ordinance creating an East Astoria
Hond sire, t fund Whs rasd II ml und sec
ond tlmea. und upon soaie-.fiMlon of the
rulea, passed.
Tha following ordinances enme tin for
third rending and passage; Appropriat
ing $7.M for F. M. Orern; providing for
the leeiianre of III S00 bond for the Im
provement of Orand avenue- appropriat
ing lir0 for the benefit of C. W. lniahery.
Heveral onllnancea wr referred back to
first reading, owing to Irregularities.
A resolution waa adopted providing for
tha aptMHntment of a police officer In
West Aatotia during tha flehlng season.
The suparlnlendent of atraeta waa In
structed lo causa the removal of all tele
phone and other poles not now In use.
Tha auditor aw Instructed lo give no
tice of th Intention to ethr)h the
grade al the Intersection of Franklin
avenue and Hth aireet at 41 feat.'
Th surveyor was Instructed l make
estimates for th Imppnvemnt of Cedar
treat in Kaat Aatorla. Th auditor was
Instructed to give nolle of the J n tent ion
to Improve ltd ami If.ih atreeu and )lar
flson an Irving avenue. 1
Then there waa some, more politic. A
resolution by W. F. MoOrcgor aulhoiix
log Ih auditor and pollce )ulg to give
notice of the Inlentlen of the council to
eeiiiblleh the grade of Columbia avenue.
In West Aatorta. rauaed a broad amile
to spread oeee tha features) of In alder
men. Mr. liergman aald lie knew Mc
(Jregor had promised It and thought IC
nothing nurre than right to help him out
(get elected). Mr. Young waa Inclined to
lie llkewlae considerate. The . maturr,
however, waa referred to the aireet com
mute. Another resolution by McGregor
to establish th grade of AUmetla ave
nue. In Weal Astoria, waa adopted after
considerable Joking. "Weat Aatorta
must be going 10 caal tome iJeuocratlc
vote." auggeated a gentleman.
fltveral claims were then referred, after
which the mealing adjourned.
Manufacturing IM-upoelllon Considered
The llattlhlp Oregon.
The Chamlar of Commerce held Its reg
ular meeting last evening. I'reernt, O.
Wingate, In the chair; K. C H olden, ec
retary; Measra. Ilowlby. Gray. Van Uu
aen. Ixiunslierry, Kendall. Ix-lllnger, M.
J. Kinney, K. J. Binlih and other.
The uaual routine Lualiu-aa bring trsna
acted, new business was tiik.-n up ami a
communlcatlun rend from Mr. t: Flynn,
of Klmlrn, Nea- York, asking what en
couriigemctit could be given toward the
establishment of a lioot and shoe fac
tory In Astoria 10 employ thirty or forty
Iiuji.U. Referred to commit ti e on man
ufactures and Industrie.
The following letter wa then read by
the aet n-ury:
Portland, Or., May l
To the President of the Chamber of Com
merce, As' or In. Oregon:
Iear Btr: Hy a unanimous vote of the
general committee, appointed hy the gov
ernor, for the purtioae of ralalng funds
to procure a testimonial for the battle
ship "Oregon." on her vlsll to this state,
the underpinned acre appointed as a com
mittee! to notify you that It was their
desire rnat your chamber submit the
mime of the following gentlemen to
Governor Lord, with a request that they
be added to the general committee, vl :
!r. M. M. Walker. C. W. Fulton. 8. 8.
Gordon. A. J. Megler, and Alexander
Campbell. We beg to remain most re
Sectfully yours.
J. P. M A US 1 1 A, -U
On motion the eecretnry wa Inatructed
to aubmll the names of the gentlemen
mentioned to Governor Lord and to add
to them the names of J. Q. A. Ilowlby
and J. C Trulllnger.
In connection with th above. Judge
Gray submitted th following statement:
Subscriptions made by Clatsop county,
t"4S4: collected nt Portland exiwsillon,
114. tit. 76: from Cascade Unks, making
a total ot $1(4 (15. About $2,000 have been i
sulmerlli.vl by prominent busim-is men
of Portland, which the committee say
enn tv collecleil hen wanted. Since the
organisation of the additional committee
In Portland, arrangement have been
made to raise a largo sum by theatrical
and military exhibitions, ami two or
three thousand dollars more Is promised.
Multnomah and Clatsop county will un
doubtedly have to raise the fund, which
should not be less than $.00u. A.'torla
and Clatsop's share Is $.'4 to $HN. , Hop
ing that wo shall be able to sustain our
good name, I remain yours respectfully,
J. H. D. GRAY,
Member battleship com.
Mr. M. J. Kinney offered the followlrur
resolullon which was adopted:
Resolved. That the secretary 'of thla
chamber address a communication to our
congressional representative requesting
them to endeavor to secure from the
secretary of the Interior the land adja
cent to the upper salmon hatchery on the
Clackamas river and the land along the
Clackamas above said hatchery to Its
head, as a salmon preserve for the prop
agation of salmon.
Mr. Kinney stated that between five
and alx thousand dollars raised by pri
vate subscription among cannerymen and
shippers, was expended at this hatchery
laat year, and about the same amount
had since been subscribed for future use.
An animated discussion on the neces
sity of steps being taken toward the
amerdment of the Iniquitous tax law as
Operated In Clatsop county of late years
was had before the chamber adjourned
and at the next meeting the matter will officially referred to the
legislative and Judiciary committee, con
sisting of Messrs. C. W. Fulton, F. J.
Taylor, J. Q. A. Bowlby, Jaa. W. Welch
and Geo. Noland.
Western Roads Refuse to Allow That
Lino to Carry Bicycles, Free.
Chicago, May W. All Western roads
represented at yesterday's meeting voted
against the Wisconsin Central In Its
proposition to carry bicycles and baby
carriages In lnurgage cars free ot charge.
Tho meeting was poorly attended and
the vote Is Jyv no means considered tlnal.
However, the Wisconsin Central appeal
ed from tho decision of the chair In the
matter, and gave the customary notice
that It would tako tho relief refused.
It wna the sense of tho meeting that
the bicycle, ngrecmnt Is a part of tho
Western Passenger Association agree
ment and that the Wisconsin Central
could not withdraw from the former
without severing Its connection with the
latter. Such a ruling was made by the
chairman In a former case exactly sim
ilar. As the matter now stands, the bicycle
question rests with Chairman Caldwell.
Berlin, May !t. The sultan Is suffering
from continuous nervous attacks.
The Kurds have disarmed the garri
son of Klvaa. They are threatening
South Anatolia, and are preparing for
further massacres.
Another Terrible Cyclone Wrecks the
City of St. Louis,
Hospitals rail of lajarcf sad the Horgsts
trended Villi tat Dead rixes Start
ed Is Virions Sectioss-Tcle-;
8 raps Vires Dons.
81. Louis, May 27. A , tornado blowing
at th rat of eighty miles an hour struck
8l Louis at thla evening and raged
for half n hour with great fury. As a
result hundreds of lives have been lost
on both aides of th river. Many build
ings wer blown down sad several river
steamers sunk with all on board. At
present It I Impoaalble to estimate th
number of live lost. Th hospitals are
full of the Injured and Uie morgue con
tains many dead, while th bodies ot
numerous slain II everywhere among
the ruin of demolished buildings. A
portion of the Kade budge Is destroyed.
Th grandstand at the fair grounds, ana
th women's portion of the Jail were
wer blown down. Th Waters-Pierce
Oil Works are burning and buildings In
various sections of the town are also on
At East St. Louis th damage seems
greatest. H. C. Rice, Western Union
manager at Relay depot, climbed across
the demolished bridge and reported that
the National Motel. $he Tremont House,
Hartell House, DeWolfe Cafe. Haxel Mill
ing Company's mill. Horn's Copper Shop,
and a great many dwellings east ot
tile re a far a Fifth street, were gone
and many people killed.
The Baltimore and Ohio and Vandalla
roundhouses. Standard Oil Works, East
St, Lous and Crescent elevators and
twelve freight houses on the levee are
The Grand Republic and several more
excursion su-anu-rs with all on board are,
reported sunk In the liver and all the
steamers on the levee have gone down.
A rough estimate would place the num
ber of killed and wounded at one thous
and. Both the Western Union and Postal
Telegraph Companlea loat every wire out
of the city, which Is tonlgnt In total
8t. Louis, Msy 17. Death and destruc
tion reign supreme In St. Louis and East
St. Louis and vicinity tonight, as a re
sult ot the most disastrous storm that
ever visited this section of th country.
Bo widespread Is the destruction In both
St. Louis and Eaat fet. Louis, that It is
Impossible to estimate the damage and
loss of life. Buildings of every descrip
tion are In ruins snd as a result hundreds
of people are reported dead and Injured,
but until daylight comes and order is re
stored It will be Impossible to make defi
nite statements.
Reports are In circulation that steamers
at the wharves both on this and on the
East St. Louis side of the river have
been sunk with all on board. The city
Is nearly In darkness, as the electric
lights and trolley wire are down. With
one or two exceptions all street car lines
In the city are at a standstill and thous
ands of people are compelled to remain
down town or walk.
Chicago, May 27. One of the a-orst
features of the disaster at St. Louis Is
thought to have taken place at the rac
track where the races were In full swing,
and the grand stand was crowded. Re
turns from the St. Louis races are re
ceived at the track at Lakeside, Ind.,
and a few minutes after 6 o'clock an op
erator sending a report of the races
stopped his work long enough to remark:
"Ther goes the grand stand," and then
his wire collapsed and nothing more was
heard from him.
In a few seconds the same message was
reported from Lexington, Ky.. with the
additional Uifoi-mntton that fully KX) peo
ple were dead. This Information was
subsequently corroborated by the opera
tor of the Wabash road at Decatur, who
said that In his second message received
from East St. Louis It was declared that
the grand stand at the race track was
down and that fully 160 people were
burled In the ruins.
The storm which tore through th coun
try south of Centralis. III., is said to
have occurred at about o'clock, or an
hour after St Louis was devastated.
These points are in a direct line from
northwest to southwest, ami the weather
officials are Inclined to believe that the
storm was one and the same. At mid
night it waa reported that It was Impos
sible to reach any point further south
than Nnmeokl. which Is nine miles north
east from St. Louis. The operator at
that point said that up to midnight it
had been Impossible to obtain any definite
Information from 8t. Louis, but It was
certain that fearful damage had been
done. He said the ruins at East St.
Louis were on fire and burning fiercely,
but could tell nothing more than that
Memphis. May 17. Word has reached
here by way of Cnrondelot that sixty
dead persons have been taken from the
St. Louis city hospital, which was com
pletely wrecked, and every patient has
been probably killed. The buildings ot
the Refrigerator and Wood Cutter Com
pany were demolished nnd caught tire
and arc destroyed. The losses of life lit
these buildings are believed to be heavy.
Tho United elevator was blown down.
Liggett & Myers' big tobacco manufac
tory, the largest in the West, was totally
wrecked, nnd the loss, of life there was
great. Twenty dead bodies and many
wounded have been recovered from this
building. The scene on the river was
appalling. Steamboats moored at land
ings were torn away, turned over and
sunk, drowning all on board.
Many ipeople were seen clinging to the
floating wreckage and people stood ap
pealing for hel).
Kansas City, May S7.-The train dis
patcher at the headquarters of the Alton
road here has a report from the operator
at Roodhouse that at Drake, 111., Just
south of Roodhouse, on the Alton road,
a tornado, at a late hour this afternoon,
demolished a big achoolhoiis and that
eighty children perished In the ruin. No
confirmation of th report can be ob
tained. At th Alton headquartera tne reports
that Mexico and Rush Hill, Mo., were
swept by th storm are discredited. Rail
road wire through theae place are
working, and no report of serious dam
age have been sent la
Little Rock, Ark.. May I7.-A telegraph
operator at Carotid alet four mile south
of St Louis, says all street car communi
cation between 8t Louis and that suburb
I entirely cut off and tha street ar al
most Impaaaabl. But little 1 known
there concerning th cyclone. The rail
roads between Carondalet Oak Hill and
Bt Louis ar blocked with debris, and
many trestle bar been torn away and
In many place th track bar been
twisted out of line.
Kan City, Ma, May ZL A special to
th Time Mats that ten people were
killed In a tornado which at ruck th vil
lage of Labaddle, Franklin county, this
evening, and that th town of Rentck,
ten mile from Moberty, In Randolph
county, waa completely wiped out Noth
ing definite can be obtained from either
Chicago, May T.-At $: o'clock to
night It wa reported that a cyclone pass
ed through Eaat St Louis, wrecking th
Vandalla Railroad freight bouse, killing
thlrty-flv men and demollahlng the
roundhouse of the Wabash road.
New York, May if. Th Electrical Re
view, In It Issue last week, announced,
by authority, that Nlcaola Teal had per
fected hi vacuum tub system of elec
trical lighting without wire. This Ugbt
la whiter, more brilliant and more In
tense than the arc light and Is produced
with a much smaller amount of electiicar
A laboratory photograph ha been made
by meana of this light with an exposure
of only two second. The detail In the
photograph I remarkably fine. Tesla
further state that his apparatus has
been greatly simplified and he will soon
have It ready for practical use.
Working on different lines Thomas A.
Edison has. according to the Electrical
Review, to be published tomorrow, suc
ceeded in developing new kind of elec
tric lamp or vacuum tub by means ot
which Roentgen rays are turned Into
pur white light Very tittle heat Is gen
erated and nearly the whole of the elec
trical energy expended Is transformed
into light The new lamp is used in
place of Crookes tubes with the ordina
ry X ray apparatus.
. Edison believes that there are great
possibilities In his discovery, and Is now
enthusiastically at work perfecting his
apparatus In commercial form. He ex
pects before long he will so develop It
that It may be used with high economy
on an ordinary Incandescent circuit
The Electrical Review says:
"We cannot hesitate to express our
positive conviction that the Introduction
of a more perfect Ulumlnant Is near at
San Jose Young Man Exterminate His
Family and Several Others.
Special to the Astorlan.
San Jose, CaL, May 27. The most horri
ble crime in the history of the county
was perpetrated at Campbell, a small
place about six miles southwest of this
city, this morning.
Colonel R. P. McGllncey and wife, their
daughter, Mrs. James Dunham: James
Wells, a son of Mrs. McGllncey: a hired
woman. Minnie Shesler, and a hired man.
James Briscoe, were kUled by James
Dunham, a son-in-law ot Colonel Mc
Gllncey. who made his escape. About
midnight a neighborr by the name ot
Page heard a report of shots in the direc
tion of the McGllncey home. Hurriedly
dressing. Page proceeded to the home ot
the McGllncey s and was horrified to And
the body of Mr. McGllncey lying In the
outhouse in a pool of blood. Entering
the house he found the bodies of James
Wells, who had been shot: Mrs. McGlln
cey and her daughter, who had been
stabbed to death by the assassin, and
the hired man and girl, who had been
hacked to death with a hatchet. The
Interior of the rooms where the bodies
of the victims lay were bespattered with
blood, and there was every evidence that
the dead had made a desperate struggle
for their lives.
Saratoga. May 17. In th Presbyterian
General Assembly today the report ot
the committee on conference, with regard
to theological seminaries, to bring them
Into closer relation with the assembly,
was submitted. The report of the ma
jority contains an addendum In regard
to the property of Union seminary. In
New York, with which Dr. Briggs Is con
nected, which concludes as follows:
"We deem It Inexpedient to recommend
the general assembly at the present time
to enter Into any contest In the matter
of th endowment property of th sem
inary, choosing rather to leave the whole
matter to the honor and stewardship ot
those now In charge of the seminary."
The report of the commission on for
eign missions was presented by Dr. BenJ.
C. Henry, of Canton. China. It showed
that the board of foreign mlikina re
ceived $S7fi,i4, exiemted 126,21, n nd re
ported a debt of $76,770.
Washington, May if?. Senator Mitchell,
of Oregon, today reported favorably
from the committee on post offices and
postroads a bill to Increase the pay ot
letter carriers throughout the United
States. This bill is similar to the one
already reported favorably in the house.
Liverpool, May 27. Wheat, quiet: de
mand, poor: No. 3 red winter, 6s lid: No,
1 hard Manitoba, 5s 3d; No. 1 California,
6s 4V1.
Hops Pacific Coast, fl, I5s.
Portland, May !7. Wheat, Valley, 67-35S;
Walla Walla, tVI".
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Atfful Victoria Accident Due t
at Unsafe Bridge and a Very
Heavy Car.
CiMte Cosditlos of tk Bride Vst Veil
Kio)i. sad Tktrt Is Hack ladigsa
tios Over tke Disaster -Tifty-Tkre
Corpses fosad.
' Seattle, May 17. Th steamer Rosall
arrived from Victoria this afternoon. -Captain
Ames, speakln; of yesterday's
disaster, said: ,
"Th people up there don't seem to
know anything more about th accident
than they do down here. The old build
ing formerly called Market Square, and
used a a center for farmers coming la
from tha country with produce, ha beea
turned Into a morgue, and a fast a
bodies are taken from th water they
ar carried to th tnclomr. Up to th
time we left about o'clock Uit morn
ing, forty-nine bodies had been recovered.
All have been identified.
"A atene ha bean stretched aero th
river to keep th ebbrng tide from carry
ing out the bodlea, and they ar using
tha steam power of a pile driver to work
th drags. There are any number ot
bodies yet to b recovered. An estimation
mad by people there place th number
remaining In th water all th wsy from
75 to 1000. It will probably be som Urn
before all are token out and probably
som will never be found.
"Th peopl are very Indignant over th
accident and som action will he taken
right away. In every eurvey that baa
been mode of th bridge for the past
j three years It has been condemned. The
I car that went through I an exceptlon
! ally large and heavy one and has not
( been allowed to run for a year, as It was
considered too heavy for the bridge. Th
bridge ha long been considered unsafe
and a number of time during th uaat
three years the common council ha agi
tated the question of tearing It down.
The knowledge that It was unsafe wo
common property." , .
Seattle. May V. A Victoria special to
the Post-Intelligencer says: a
Fifty-three bodies hare been recovered
from the Point Elite bridge wreck, aim
there are known to be three more be
neath the moss of timbers and Ironwork.
Besides these It I not known Just how
many more there are submerged, but It
Is believed there are close to twenty.
Four bodies were recovered this evening,
namely: Geo. Fair, Harry Talbot con
ductor of the cor, Robert Holme, book
keeper for the Sayward Mill and a son
of a prominent Tacoraa family, and Lilly
Sherret. The following are still among
the missing: Sarah Sherrett, Alio Smith
and Ethel Downces.
Music Required to Restore Order In th
Prohibition Convention.
Pittsburg, May 17. Uproarous and caus
tic In the extreme was the first day's
session of the Seventh National Prohibi
tion convention. At least halt th tlm
th d 'legate were In a bedlam of con
tusion, and on several occasions the pre
siding officer had to call upon the band
to play In order to quiet the disorder.
It was a fight between the broad-guage,
or tree sliver, faction and the single is
sue, or gold standard, delegates from the
East The fight was precipitated a few
moments after th convention was called
to order, and at both the morning and
afternoon sessions things In general ran
riot The free silver faction carried tho
day, however, and at ( o'clock this even
ing elected C. W. Btewart of Illinois,
permanent chairman over A. Stevens, ot
Pennsylvania, who wa backed by th
gold standard delegates.
Tonight th free silver faction is In
an ecstacy of delight over th victory.
Tomorrow will begin the fight over th
platform. Elated with victory, the free
silver crowd Is determined to carry
through a broad guage platform, while
the opposition la quite as determined It
shall be a single issue platform, declar
ing for prohibition alone. Each faction
claims a majority, but from today's fight
It would seem the factions are pretty
evenly divided.
London, May 26. A dispatch from
Greenock to Lloyds says that a heavy
gale prevailed in the Clyde this morn
ing, during which th yachts Evado
and Iris, which were lying at anchor,
were thrown Into collision and badly
damaged; Other yachts at anchor In
the Clyde dragged their anchors or broke
their moorings and drifted away. The
small steam yacht Maggie waa carried
agroun, but she wlU float at the next
high tide.
Washington, May 27.-7Clnclnnatl, 10;
Washington, t.
Baltimore, May Z7.--Baltltuore, 9; St.
Louis, 0.
Philadelphia, May 27.-Phllade!phla, 8;
Chicago, 6.
Boston. Mav 27. Boston 16: F.ttsburg 14.
New York, May 27. Cleveland. 11; New
York. 5.
Brooklyn, May 27. Brooklyn, 8; Louis
ville, 7.
Tacoma, May 27. Tacoma 8; Portland (.
London, May 26. The members of the
Irish national party in the house of com
mons held a meeting this afternoon and
deceiled to call a national convention ot
representative Irishmen from all parts
of the world to meet In Dublin In September.
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