The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 27, 1896, Image 2

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    ' 1 ' a . -
JOHN T. L10HTEK, Editor.
Telephone NO. (.
ll'R.VS OP M H.klPTKiN.
Sent by Biall, per jrwr , ti.tvi
Pent by mall, per month
Delivered, by carrier, per week lo
Bent by mall per
postage Iree
year. C la adnm
to suhscrilieni.
Increase the demand for Kll to ny
gr. :il extent. Alcohol is the standard
for measuring the strength of nil splrlt
ous liquors, yet thai fact has Wfr boon
fotnttl to lie very straining on l,ohol.
All communications Intended for publl
oollon should he directed to the nil tor.
Business communications of nil kinds
and remittances must be addressed to
Vhs Astorian.
The Astorian guarantees to Its sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on th Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
Tbe Weekly Astorian, the second obtest
weekly in the state of Oregon, ha, next
to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest
weekly circulation In the atate.
J no, F. Handley A Co.. are our I"ort
Jand agents, and copies of The Astorian
can be had every morning at their stand,
134 Third street
The gold sdindiird advocates l II, w In
cold an a sun.l.inl, with the Lirgcsl pos
slble safe use of silver anion; the .
pie. The li to I drviittnrs le!leve 111 the
so-called double standard, but we would
be driven by this law to the uw of sll.r
alone. All gohl countries use
large amounts of silv. r and no silver
staiuliirl country uses any gold whi.t
ever. As the practical question is the
use of the metals. It follows that the
gold standard men are the true bimetal
lists and the lii to I people the real mono
metnlllsts. Hence the battle that a 111
ho fought to a Ilnlsh this yir Is whether
we will rmln under a (fold standard,
witn actual olnictuliism tn use among
the people, gold ami slbrr circulating
freely without discrimination against
either, or shall we have a so-called
double standard with silver monometal
lism In actual use? The battle Is be
twoen substance and shadow. between
those who want bimetallism tn fact and
those who want It In name only. The
gold standard advocates are the friends
of silver money, who would bring to Its
aid the power of the government to keep
It Rood, ami they are Its enemies who.
by unlimited coinage, would take from
It the guaranty of parity by Ihe govern
ment, and thereby dVgrade It to Its mar
ket value.
The San Francisco, Chronicle says: H
I Portland cannot see the
I Oregon, let It le her consolation that
"I believe the Republican party at St
"Louis should be governed by a conser
"rative sentiment respecting the tariff.
"but It cannot fw, ..t har which won t let a friendly haul,
J ship poss may some day keep out a hos-
uiojiey question, i am in lavor oi an I t onf
"explicit and uneoulvocal declaration in i .
, , , if the Chronicle would imply that lucre
i.ur iw maintaining i no gom sianaaru; , , ... .
' is any otwtructton which misht impede
w uid uiuuej uesiioa aua noi loe . . , . . , , ,
, the Oregon s entrance Into the Columbia
tariff, will tbe lasue of the nnuuilen I
i difference betwwn sriuliiw a ship of the
I Oregon's unwieldy dimensions up the Hi'
, mile of river which separate I'ortlatid
i from the sea. and sailing "the same fhii'
f J
You will find on coupon
lnt,ls ea.ii two ounes tg
and t no cmioti Inshls eaeb
tour ounce Uii;ot lll.vkKtll's
Inirham, liny a hag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
Hie eoupcm-whlch gives a
lut of vulimhle prenta aud
bow o get them.
Washington Tost.
They w-re sitting In the twlllishl
he was explaining how he lost
You sec It was In this way: In the
Quarter stretch my horse was two lengths
ahead, but he gradullv lost ground, till
Weary Wmklna Ju know. I got half a
mind to take a hulh first chancv I alt?
Hungry lllnulns -Whal-a-a-t? "1 ain't
Joshm". Met a aclentlrte feller this
morning who set down and calculated
and proved by the riggers that I must
be carry In' nKh onto ten pounds un
nokvssary srrlght."-Washington Star.
ok ami
"this year." Benjamin Harrison.
n the home stretch he was n.
nwk with the young tllly "
How lovely." she exclaimed.
riptlng him and moving a little cl.
' How lovely?" he repeated "I
understand I had money on th,
that was dropping behind "
"Yes, Harry. I know: but I was think
It'.g how iHTfcclly I'eailtlfut It must hae
Ni'ti to ne.-k atid mvk "
Then he gae a protracted sUh. a-l-Justitl
hts p.v.ltlon. and there In t!ie st
lonce an.l gt.mtuing they 111 :strati .1. in
pantomime, a modern racing term.
We might tell you more them Ona
I Xllnut Cough Cure, but you probably
; know that It cures a cough. Kvery on"
does who has used It. It la a perfect
j remedy for roughs, colds, hoarseness. It
. Is an especial faiorlf for children. h.
I Ing pleasant to take and quick In ruling.
Chas. ltogera.
Too a-rlcul;unj, manufacturing, mer
cantile and wafie-earnit.g interest ot
"the Vnlted Sutes, bavt now an oppor
tunity to put this country beyond the
"cavil of doubt on a sound, safe and pr
"manent gold basis. The pariy which
"fails to see that this is the only true
"issue, and to lake iu suod on a goto
tdaiform, will fight a losing battle In
"lb coming campaign." Chauncey M.
"If the sound money sentiment abroad
"to -the land la to save us from ni tactile!
"aod disaster. It must be cri sta Used and
"toorobined and made Immediately active.
"It Is dangerous to overlook the fact
"that a vast number of people, with
"scant opportunity thus far to examine
"the question In ail its aspects, have
"nevertheless beej Ingeniously Impressed
"with spedous suggestions, which la
"this time of misfortune and depression,
"find willing listeners prepared to glv
"credit to any scheme which Is plausibly
"presented as a remedy (or their na
"fortunate condition." G rover Cleveland.
The main argument ot the ignorant or
Si-informed free stiver advocate is that
the supply of gold is insufficient to make
It a correct standard, sad Its scarcity
will tend to depress prices. The average
annual output of gold of the world for
the first half of this century, in round
umbers, was t30.000.OUu. From 1SU to
UES, covering the gold boom In California
and Australia, the yearly average was
130.000,000. Tbe output for 1S8 was llij,
60,000, and for 18M 1SJ,0M.(. The birth
rate among gold using countries is not
Increasing, while the production of gold
la on thj increase, as here stated. This
answer ought to satisfy even the ex
treme IS to I people the "per capita"
Populist especially In view of the fact
that Improvements in power and ma
chinery are being applied to the produc
tion of gold, while the genius of inven
tion finds no inducement offered nor field
for operation In the population business.
Another answer to this absurd proposi
tion is that the more highly enlightened
the world becomes, and the greater the
improvements tn business methods, the
less necessity there Is for the use of
actual money of any kind. Steam and
electricity have so knitted clvmxed peo
ple together that they are practically one
community. Business men speak to
each other around the world as If they
were assembled In the same building.
Their business is done on a system ot
credit without the use of money, ex
' cept for ultimate settlement Nor Is this
method confined to business men. It Is
broadening with the evolution of man
from a lower to a higher plain of Intelli
the rarmer may now live for a whole
year on the fat of the land and never
handle a dollar In money during that
time. Me may receive checks for his
crop, deposit them to his credit with the
bank, and draw checks on the bank for
what he owes and spends. Neither he
nor the men who buy his crops need
have a dollar In the bank. They need
only to have credit there. The bank
owns the money In its vaults, and Its
customers simply have the bank's obliga
tions. Bank credits perform precisely
the same work that gold and silver do,
and they perform it much quicker and
more conveniently. ...The Scots are the
most conservative people in tbe world,
' and they have had the best banking sys
tem of any people for 200 years. On a
gold reserve of $23,652,000 they support
bank credits to the enormous amount oi
xta,asa,tw. The best author) ties esti
mate that only one bill of exchange in
100,000 is ever paid In money in England.
Cold, silver, and other money perform
sue per cent of the exchanges In this
country, and credits, tn the shape of bills,
aotes, checks, 'etc.; do the other M per
sent Tbe business of the world could
ao more be done today with gold and
silver than Its Inland transportation
could be done with ox wagons.
Tbe M to 1 orators, in denouncing the
act of 1873, assert that half the money ot
tbe country was destroyed, and hold out
the idea that our money has been con
tracted to that extent In U72 our popu
lation was 40,596,000, and our per capita
f money was $18.78. In 1164 after the
country had been suffering, as they say,
with the gold standard for twenty-one
years, our population was 68,275,000 and
our per capita of money was 135.44, and
we have much better money now than we
had then. The adoption of the gold
standard as a measure of value did not
Into the smooth and roomy harbor to he
found within a stone's throw of ttu
ocean at Astoria. The Chronicle surely
knows that the Astoria harbor Is the
only really nrsl-cl.isa harbor on the
whole Pacific coast, and that there Is no
snip in tie world which could not enter
here with perfect safety at any stage ot
water. The Oregon will come to Astoria
In due time, and the patriotic citiaens ot
Portland who want to see their great
namesake in the waters of their own
state, will b offered abundant oppor
tunity to inspect her and witness the
tender of the state's magnificent souvenir
without paying tribunte to 8an Fran
Cisco hotel keepers.
A drowning man would have Utile ue !
for a method of rescue which wo ill re.
quire days. A dyspeptic doesn't want I
to bother with a remedy that Is g.ilnic to
take weeks to show lis .ft. .-is.
The Mount U'Uik'ii Shakers are offer
ing a product under the name of Shaker
ingvsthe Cordial which yt. Ms Imme
diate relief. The very first dise prnes
beneficial in most cases: aiul It is owirg
to their tmhounded conildetice In It that
Vt Ife-W ell. doctor. Iiow
huslvind iwt.u- rntr lo i
to speak: ho uanis a n st
thllurs hae written o it
Hon for an opi te. is-
must 1 glle hl-n tMe tn, dl. lfe
Him? The oi i n,, is rr ,.,
Home und farm
It v. . h
alo .
a T
Atl! w fie'l
" I'., t I -,
mad i ru
tl V
IN AI'Allt ArtiVIUA.
Notice Is hetehy illicit thai Hie ttti
in, nt niiiiio. by ordinance No, iWJ, uf the
clly of Asioiia, t'otulrmtiitf Ho atsesa.
incut on lioll No, I, lor the i iiusirucllon
of n drain Hi the city of Astoria, us laid
out and recorded by John Adair, com
mencing nl a point In block iJi nil, I Iniv
Ing lis outlet III Thlliy-thlld sir. el, he
lved! blocks Hi mid 17, In A, lull As
toria, and known nud Oc-immtcl ns
"lHalnngo iMstrlcl No I," mil bo duo
nud pavablo on the 1Mb day of May, lv
In I', S. gold or slltcr coin, at U s oftb-e
of the city treasurer, and If not so paid
v II Inn or h,-t, ro said time. Ilia c, Million
council will otiler wnrrouis Issuid lor
the collection of the saiito. The ttaacaa
lo, 'lit l as follows:
' li "block
tmd one.
1. A,l,.lr'
und one,
1, Aialr's
they have put la cent sample Wntles on
It's Just as eay to try pns Minute
Cough Cure as anything else. It's raster
to cur a sever rough or cold with it your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Heller medi
cine; bett'r result: better try It. Chas.
the market. Those can he had through "Can you accommodate me- with a ro.m
any druggist: an.l It will repay the at- I tonignt . r, sir Tint or quart
flleted to Invest the trifling sum
sary to make a trial.
The Shaker l!gcsttve Cordial relieves
by resting the stomach and aiding the
digestion of food.
LAXOL Is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend It In place oi
Castor OH.
! In the metropolis of the Western world.
I where the mind of inun Is bu-n.l much
with the liquor prvbein, ttie sdtg 1st
wears Its Inevitable local color In large
cheek (nil terns I ".troll Tribune.
No people ever did business under the
Imaginary double standard, and every
attempt to enforce it has resulted In
alternating from oie standard to an
other. England tried It for 479 years
and II was an utter failure. France
changed her ratio 118 times tn twelve
years, trying to establish tbe double
standard idea. The phrase "double
standard' Is a contradiction of terms.
Standard means correct measure, and
there cannot be two different correct
measures of value any more than there
can be two different correct weights to
ell by, two different correct compasses
to sail by, or two different correct ther
mometers to measure temperature by.
If one measure is correct, the other can
not differ from It and be correct It Is
an Inexorable law of money that when
two metals are coined at a fixed ratio
and both made legal tender, if one be
of leas Intrinsic worth than the other
the undervalued metal goes out of cir
Washington Star.
t wish that those ancestors of our
hadn't sat down and Invented proverbs."
remarked a young attorney of this city.
"Well." replied his friend, "the prob
ably couldn't help putting In their time
that way. They were people of intelli
gence, and they had to do something.
Necessity knows no law.' "
"That's the worst one of the lot" was
the indignant reply. "A long time ago
some person said. 'Neceelty knows no
law,' and the popular Impression to that
effect is now so great that the more
I need practice In my profession the less
people seem willing to trust me with
Judge .North up has made a good Im
pression In Astoria. He carries the same
plain and unassuming manners on the
platform which characterise his dally
demeanor In his court room and on the
street He pretends to no flourishes ot
oratory', but tells what he has to say in
the practical, straightforward, business
like way which carries a conviction of
his sincerity and the truth of his ut
terances to his audience. He abuses no
one, but concedes the same honesty ot
purpose and opinion to his opponents
claimed for himself. He makes no care
less or exaggerated statements and la
careful to back up every proposition he
advances with the name or place of its
authority. His address Impressed every
thinking man who heard It, and, whatever
may be the outcome of his canvass.
Judge Northup is entitled to Indulge the
ratisfactory reflection that the great
cause of sound m-ney has been advanced
and materially strengthened by his pres
ence here last evening.
Than one. This, of course. Is no news
to veteran fishermen who clean their own
fish. But there Is always a best way In
everything. The best way to overcome
or prevent malaria, to conquer Incipient
rheumatism or kidney trouble, ami to
relieve dyspepsia, biliousness, constipa
tion and nervousness. Is to begin without
delay, and to pursue steadily arid regu-
larly. the use of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, a standard medicine Indorsed by
medical men everywhere. It stren:th
ens lh system ami Improves the apiie
ttle and sleep of those who employ it as
restorative, nnd accomplishes health-
giving results whh-h fairly astonish those
previously unacquainted with Its emeai y
Invalids of all sorts testify In Its behalf.
It Is the lending tonic of this era.
AH the patent medicines advertised In
this paper, together with the choicest
penumery. ami toilet articles etc.. can
be bought at the lowest prices at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
HotsL Astoria,
Theatrical Manager In this scene you
must assume the air of a man who has
so much mooey that he Is indifferent to
wealth. The Btar All right. I'll try to
Imagine that you have paid me my sal
ary in full. Philadelphia North American,
Burns are absolutely painless when Ds
Witt's Witch Hasel Salve Is promptly
applied. This statement Is true, A per.
feet remedy for skin diseases, chapped
hands and lips, and never falls ta curt
piles. Chas. Rogers.
"Now, Johnny, do you understand thor
oughly why I am going to whip your'
"Yes'm. You're In bad humor this mom
ln', and you've got to lick somebody be
fore you'll feel satisfied." Harlem life.
Takt a dose of PeWltt i Uttle Early
Risers Just for the good they will do
you. These little Pills are good for In
digestion, good for headache, good for
liver complaint, good for constipation.
They are good. Chas. Rogers.
"What do you think of my work with
the camera?" said the young man, who Is
an enthusiastic amateur photoar.ipher.
"It's splendid. In Its way." replied the
girl who meuns well. "It's tietter than
any of the professional caricaturists can
do "Washington Star.
It ts not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, bnt II will cure nllea That's
I what DeWltt's Witch H,.l Hav will
do, because It has done It In hundreds
of cases. Chas. Rogers.
Mother Robert, I gave you half an
orange, didn't I?
Robert Yessum.
Mother Then why did you steal the
half I gave your little sister?
Robert Cox you told me to always
take her part, boo, hooV
Hotel Keeper What did the stranger
say when you gave him the bill of fare'
w alter 8urb--monstrous prices he nev
saw; we were an nbomlnal gang
thieves. Hotel Keeper iod! Ho h
didn't beconw abusive, then? Hlegi-nde
I.mrs I'. Adair, lol
Adair's Astoria.,,.
I.aura I'. Adair, lot
Adair's AMoiiu
Mary U Adair, lot
.V, lair's Astoria
.Mury l Adair, lol
Adair's Astorlii
Mary I,. Adair, lot
Adair's Astoria
Mary l Adair, lot
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adnlr, lot
Adair's Astoria
Mary 1. Adair, W half
block S, Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot At, block
Adair s Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot IU
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lol ,
Adair s Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lol 11.
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot U,
A, lair's Astoria
Mary l Adair, lot M,
Adair's Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lol St.
A.lalr's Astoria
Ilelty Adair Invidiam, und one-
eighth lot I block Is. Adair's
Hetty Adair Hrenham. mid oits-
, it Inh lot block Is, Adair's
letty Adair llrriiham.
eighth lot i. block
city Adair Hritiham,
cUMh lot s, blocs
Allot la , .. ,
IMtv Adair lireiihim,
ruhth begin at NK connr hit 1
bi s k n thence H fret. W 7i
feet. N feet. K 75 fret, lot X
block Adair's Ast iria
I'll, n Adair Mendell, und one-et.-lttti
lot 1, bio. t, Adair's
lil.n Vlalr Mendell,
. ik-litli lot ;. block
lil.n A.bdr Mendell.
eighth lot S. linck
I'll, u Adair Mendell.
lgh(h, lol , block
Ellen A.lolr Mendell.
eighth begin at NK corner lol X
block . thence H feet. W 71
feel. N M feet, K Tl feel, lot J.
block 40, Adair's Astoria
Kate Adair Welcher, und one
eighth lol X block II Adair's
Kate Adair Welcher, and on,
eighth kit T. blocx li, Adair's
Kale Adair Welcher, und one
eighth lot (. block 1, Adalr'i
Kate Adair Welcher. und one
slghth. lot 1 block 1, Adair's
Kale Adair Welcher. und one
eighth begin at NE corner lot X
block 40. thence m feet W 71
feet. N feet K Tl feel, let t
block 40, Adair's Astoria
Mary Adair Jordan, and one
eighth tot t block it, Adair's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot T, block It, Adair's
Astoria ,
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot I. block L Shlvsly's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lol X block L Shlvely-s
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
elghth begin at NE corner lol X
block 40. thence 8 4 feel. W 75
feel. N 64 feet, E Tt feet, lot I,
brock 40. Adair's Astoria
Mary It Adair. imd one
eighth lol X block Is, Adair's
Mary It
eighth lol
Mary It
eighth lot
Mary R.
eighth lot
Mary It
a 4i
I 41
i a
10 Ml
tt) M
I li
i at
i a
Adair's Aslurla II II
D. W. Hush, lol ttL block 41,
Adair's Astoria II U
Alice M. Hush, lot 1ft. block II.
Adair's Astoria , II 91
Jacob ttossaii, lol Id, block
Atlalr's Astoria 10 M
Jaeoh llossari, lot I it, block IW.
Adair's Astoria
A. limn hold, lol SI, block at,
Adair's Astoria
A, Hrutihidd, lot U. block
Adair's Aslorla ,
Crytis Carrulhers, kit I, block IT,
Adair's Aslorla.,, ,
Cyrus Carrtithrrs, lot T, Mock IT,
Adair's Asloiia ,,
linilmo Ciiserogulla, N luilf lot S,
block Si, Adair's Astoria
Nellie tl. Churl. ton, und half lot T,
block '', Adair's A-toiii.
C, II. Cooper, lot I, block S
Adair a Aslorla
in M
10 M
t II
14 m
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
C. II. Coiier, lol t, block 10,
Adair's Astoria
C. H. Cooper, lol 10, block tt),
Aiulr s Aslorla
C, II. Cooper, lot II, Nook ,
Adair's Aslorla ,
C. II. Cooper, lot IS, block .
Adair's Astoria , ,.
John Chit wood, und quarter lol I,
block l. Adair's Astoria II 10
Ruth A, Cornelius, und half lot X
block O. Adair's Astoria Is X
II. r, If" n nan, und half ni ,
block XI, Adair's Alnrln
II. P. Drennan, lol (, block 41.
Adair's Astoria ,., , . ,
I) A IVinel.on, und half lot T,
block , Adair's Aslorla
1. II. Duncan, lol I, block
Adalr"e Aslorla
J. II. Duncan, lol X block
Adair's Astoria
Haiuurl l.ltnore, lol Ji. block
Adair's Astoria
Samuel Kttuorn, lot K, block
Adair's Astoria
Samuel riniore, lol ST, block
Adair's Aslorla
Samuel I'.'lmors. lol W, block
Adair's Astoria
Ales illlborl. lol I, block Is. Adair's
Annie la lens, lul
Adair's Aslorla
Annie llatens, lot
Adair's Astoria
Catherine iloodinan,
II. Adair's Astoria
I', i iloodmitn, lot
Adair's Aslorla
Anna Maria tlramms, lol at, block
A, lair s Astol la
S, block 17.
' V id'ock " ' n
lol II. block
II. Mock 41.
und on-
I. Adair's
lli.d one
I. Adair's
und one
1. Adair's
und nns
II 10
44 II
10 H
10 M
It) M
10 M
10 M
4 II
IT 41
13 41
is a
10 w
10 M
U 41
U 41
10 00
U 41
T. block
I. block
. block
und one
IC Adair's
und one
1. Shlvely's
und one
1. Shlvsly's
As a rmedy for all forms of Headache.
Electric Bitters has proved to be the very
best. It affects a permanent cure and
the most dreaded habitual sick head
aches yield to Its Influence. We urge all
who are afflicted to procure a bottle, t
nnd give thlB remedy a fair trial. In
cases of habitual constipation Kleetrto I
Bltfrs cures by giving the needed tone I
to the bowels, and few cases long resist '
Pure blood means good health. De
Wltt's Barsaparllla purifies the blood,
cur's Eruptions. Ecxma. Scrofula.
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
Chaa Rogers.
ine inquisitive One !bl you study
your art here or abroad? The Post
Designer Art? I wouldn't dure study
It. I might spoil my stylo. Indlunapo
lis journal.
Busy people have no time, and
people have no Inclination to use
Judge Northup is entitled to the dis
tinction of not only having held the larg
est but decidedly the most enthusiastic
meeting of the present campaign In As
the use of this medicine. Try It once.
Fifty cents, and 11.00 at Chas. Rogers
Drug Store.
remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts
' promptly and gives permanent benefits.
from scrofulous, skin or scalp diseases
ought to lie given Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery for purifying the
Diood. or children who are puny, pale
or weak, the "Discovery" Is a tonic
Whlcn builds up both flesh and strenu-rh
What Is said of It for children applies
equally to adults. As an appetizing,
restorative tonic, it sets at work all the
processes of digestion and nutrition,
rouses every organ Into natural action.
ana onngs oacg health and strength.
In recovering from "grippe," or in con
valescence from pneumonia, fevers, and
other wasting diseases. It speedily and
surely invigorates and builds up the
wnoie system.
ror ail diseases caused by a torpid
mer or impure Dlood, ss Dyspepsia,
biliousness, Blotches and EruDtlons. it
gives most perfect satisfaction.
Mrs. Alios Freeman Palmer. ex-nrsil
ooo m neiieeiey college. Is now in
Venice. She has accented the Invitation
of the American Missionary Association
to be one of the speakers at tbe Jubilee
oi us association tn Boston next Octo
ber. Her subject will be: "Educa
tional equipment for Mlslsonarv flerv.
Richmond State.
Barber (pausing In the mutilation)
Will you have a close shave, sir?
Victim (with a gasp) If I get out of
this chair alive I shall certainly consider
It such.
American (llrl (at Wlndson Castlr)-
t'orter, Is there any chance lo get
I glimpse of tho queen? (ienileman at the
Oate I am not the porter. I am the
I Prince of Walea American (llrl llow
! lucky I am! Is your mother In? New
, York Weekly.
The beat salve In the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum.
Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, snd All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive cure for Plies, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
peneci eaiisr action, or money refunded.
trice, 9 cents per box. For sale
Chas. Rogers, Odd Fellows building.
A little 111, then a little pll. The 111
has gone, the pill has won. DeWltt's
Little Early Rls-rs are the little pills that
. curt great Ills. Chas. Rogers.
Teacher James, what makes you late?
James I was pursuing knowledge,
Teacher Pursuing knowledge? What
don mean? James Why, my dog ran
off with my spelling book, and I ran
after him. Harper's Round Table,
Grand Rapids Herald.
Tommy (surprised) Why,
DeWltt's Sarsaparllla Is prepared for
: el'anslng the blood. It builds up and
1 strengthens constitutions Impaired by
i disease, tnaa Rogers.
thought that one spoonful of sugar was Will H. Low will have a biographl
always enough for my coffee?
Tommys Papa This la a restaurant
my son. Take all tbe sugar you want
cal and critical paper In McClure's
Magaalne for J una on Dante Gabriel Roe-
setti. Hoi man Hunt, Bume-Jones, and
other men of the pre-Raphaellle group,
Illustrated with reproductions of ths best
works of thee painters.
Whoa Baby was rack, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Csatorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
WbensheL rAIldreo. she gai them ConrW
It's all the same, a slight cold, congest
ed lungs or severe cough. One Minute
Cough Cure banishes them.
Mr. G. Calllouette. Drugclst Reavers.
vine, in., says: "To Dr. King's New Dis
covery i owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried all the physicians
for miles alxiut, but of no avail ami was
given up and told I could not live. Hav-
nt. t-i. aumi rsew uiscoverv in niv
mora i sent ror a bottle and be
gan us use and from the first dose
negan to get better, and after using three
bottles was up and about again. It Is
worth Its weight In gold. We won't
keep store or house without It." Get a
free trial at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store.
"Talk may be cheap," says the Mana
yunk philosopher, "but the man who re
tains a lawyer knows differently."
Philadelphia Record.
Bacon It's funny you don't ride? Fir.
bert I'm waiting until they have M.
eyeb-s built for two." "You can get
tandt-ms now." "I know; I mean a bi
cycle built for !2."-Yonkers Statesman.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
It will surprise a good many well-Informed
people that General Lew Wallace
receives higher pay for his wrlllnirs than
any other living American author.
eighth begin at NE corner lot X
block 40. thence S 44 feet. W TS
feet. N M feet. E TS feet lot t
block , Adair's Astoria
Ijiurn Adair Marker, und three-
eighths lot X block 14, AdiUr's
I-aura Adair Barker, und three
eighths lot T, block 1, Adslfa
Ijiura Adair tlnrker, nnd three
eighths lot 5. block I, Shlveiyt
Lnura Adair Barker, und three,
eighths lol I, block 1, Shlvely's
Laura Adnlr Barker, und three
eighths begin at NE corner lot t,
block 40; I hence 8 M feet, W 7S
feet. N" m feet, R 7s feet, lot I,
block 40. Adair's Astoria
A. Booth Packing Co., lot S, block
ISA. Shlvely's Astoria
A. Ilooth Packing Co.. lot t block
.W. Shlvely's Aslorla
Victor Anderson, lot I, block L
Shlvely's Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot S, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
Astoria Savings Bnnk, trustee, lot
, block , Adair's Astoria
Isaac Bergman, lot 12, block 149,
Shlvely's Astoria
Rudolph Barth, lot 4, block It,
Adair's Astoria
Hiram Brown, lot 1. block IT.
Adair's Astoria
Hiram Brown, E half lot t, block
n, Adair's Astoria
Hiram Brown, lot 4. block 17.
Hiram Brown,
Adair's Astorli
Hiram Brown,
Adair's Astorit
Hiram Brown,
(lair's Astorli
Hiram Brown,
dell's Astorli
Hiram Brown,
dell's Astorli
Hiram Brown,
deli's Astoria
Hiram Brown,
(lair's Astoria
Hiram Brown,
lair's Astoria
Hiram Brown,
Anna Maria (iraninis, lol 3D, block
40. Adair's Astoria
Helen V. (irnham. lot I. block H
I S4 Adair's Astoria
Helen F. (Ira ham, lot J, blink C.
Adair's Astoria
I TT I Winifred C. tlrorge. lot T. block L
Shlvely's Astoria
Mary C. Holm. a. lot T. block tt.
it F Adair's Aslorla
Mary C. Holmes, lot X block IT,
Adair's Aafurla
Thomas A I b land, lot S. block SI.
Adair's Astoria
k'rio llouke. lot 4, block 41. Adair's
Aslorla ji rj
Eric llouke, lot T, block 41, Adair's
F. A Hill, lot t, blo. SO, Adair's
IM F. A Hill, lol T, hlocJi 40. Adair a
Aleck Iverson. lot 11. block is.
I TT Adair's Aslorla
Aleck Iverson. kit It, block Is,
Adair's Aslorla..- ,
Is James Jackson, lot S, block H.
Adair's Astoria
Jams Jackson, lot , block ts.
I Adair's Astoria
Louisa Johanssn. lot 10, block 14,
Shlvely's Astoria
John Kopp, ut L block 41, Adair's
Christina A. .Alfred, Josephine snd
rrank I'. Ilnenwsber. heirs of
Frank l-.ln.nw.har. lot S. block
IH . Adair's Astoria
Christina A. Alfred, Josephine and
Frank P. Lslnenwebsr. hslra of
I TT I Frank Iaslnsnweber, lot . block
. Adair's Astoria
Christina A. Ulnenwerier. lot L
IM block U, Adair's Astoria
Christina A. 1-elnenw.twr. lot T,
block Ss, Adair's Astoria.
I Christina A. Lelrwnwsbsr, tot t.
block U. Adair's Astoria
Christina A. Ilnenwsber, lot 1
block t. Adair's Astoria
August 1-ars.n. N half lot L block
St. Adair's Astoria
John Kopp. lot t block 4J. Adair's
Astoria ,
1 14 Mary J Kyis, kit 4, block 41
Adair's Aslorla
Mary J Kyle, lot 1 block 41
I TT Adair's Aslorla
Mrs. Anna Kopp. lol . block 43.
Adair's Astoria
IU P. N. Kearney, und hslf lot I,
block i. Adair's Astoria
James F. Kearney, lot S. block Cl,
Adair a Astoria
Frank J. Carney, und half lot T.
block si. Adair's Astoria
Mary A. ('earns, unit half lol T.
block si, Adair's Astoria
Mury II. Ilnuweler, W half lot
X hloi-k 17, Adair's Astoria
Christina A , Alfred ().. Joecnhene
snd Frank P. Lrlncnwcber, heirs
of Frank Lelnenwelier, lot
7. block , Adair's Aslorla
Christina A , Alfred (I., Jo. phens
and Frank P. I Inenweber, heirs
uf Frank Lelnrnwrber, lot
It, block . Adair's Aslorla
L l.cherk and Olive Wlnlon. bit
I. block 1, Shlvely's Astoria
L ladwok and (Hive Wlnlon. lot
4. block I. Shlvsly's Astoria
L. I.etierk and Olive Wlnton. lot
, block 1. Shlvely's Aslorla
L. I-clx'ck and Olive Wlnton. lot
10, block 1. Shlvely's Aslorla
Nlcholetta Mslsgambn, W half and
H W reel of K half lot I, block Is,
Adair's Astoria
llev. i, W. Morris, lot X block 40.
Adair's Astoria
Uev. II. W. Morris. S 4 lu t lot 1.
block W, Ailnlr-s Aslorla
llev. 11. W. Morris, lot S, block 40.
Amur s Astoria
I 15
IT il
It U
U 41
10 00
11 n
ii n
10 00
l M
10 M
10 M
10 01
44 11
44 IS
If 41
ta ii
tl 41
SI 41
12 41
SI 41
10 00
10 no
T, block
' i"
block U.
block "tl
block isij
block 4J,
block III,
block III,
, block IM,
limit M Nelson, lot
Adair's Astoria ,
tleorgn Nelson, lot I,
Adair's Astoria
(in 1st Nass, lol , block
Adair's AsMtla
I'hrlsl Nnss, lol I", block
Adult's! Asloiia
i'herosa iiiitl.n, lol X block
Adair's. Asloiia ,,
Theresa li'llrleu, lol 1 block
Adair's Asloiia
lalwaid O' Connor, lol I, block II,
Adair's Aslurla
lalwaid lii'otiiiur, lot X block 41,
Adair's Asloiia
Mil aid (iVwnnor, lol I, block 41,
Adair's Aslurla ...
Andrew liseii, lot
Adair's Asloiia
Andrew tlsen, lol
A, lair s Astoria
J II. I'slinvr. lot
Adair's Asloiia ,,,
Anna a Pope, lot
Adair's Aslorla
Ella Pops, lul 4, block tU,
Astoria i
Frank I'allun, trustee, lot M, block
, Adair's Astoria
Frank I'atloli, trustee, lol II, block
Oi, Adair's Aslorla
i, II. Palmer, lol 4,
Adair's Astoria , .
W. W. Parker, lot I,
Shlvsly's Aslurla..,,,,
W. W. Parker, lul I,
Hhlvsly's Astoria
Jennie II. Parker, lot II,
Hhlvidy'a Astoria
Mary J. Ilrrle, lol I,
Adair's Astoria ,
Sarah (I. Sherman, lol , block J.
Adair's Astoria
Mahal I. Sullhan. half lol I,
block tt, Adair's Astoria
N. Hlinons.ii, lol U, block 41,
Adair" a Aslurla ,
N. Hlmonsen, lul 14. block 41,
Adair Aslorla
a Hovey, lot M, block 41. Ad . Ir s
1.) Hue). ,, J I. block 41, Adair
Ilensou Sabine, b I T, Nock 41
Adair's Aslorla , . .
CllSabeth Heslrldl, lot II, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
I.iiialwth Hrafeldl, lot St, block 41
Adnlr s Aslorla .,
Mary A Schroder K half Ml Is,
blink o Adair's Astoria ..
W T H. h.ilrlel,!. und half lol X
block C Adair's Aslurla
W. T. Hcholnrld and K. Ilnuks.
frao lot I, block I. Shlvely's Astoria
W. T H.holnel.t snd K, llouks.
I I. block 1. Hhlersy s Aslorla .
John Selllesa, lot X block 0,
Adair's Astorls
John Selnraa, lot 4, block ta.
Adair's Astoria
I'strr Nufur. half lot S, block tt.
Adslr e Astoria
Jacob I 'I singer, lot t, block tt.
Adair's Astoria
nis ( Vlg. lol Is, block 0. A, lair'
OU (. Via. Iu B, block 40, A.UIr
Aslorla I
nias Verse-hrtiren. W half lot II
block n. Adair's Astoria
Nicholas Wlsiver. lol II. blcx k 41.
Adair's Astoria
Nicholas Wlsner, lot IT, block 41
Adair's Astoria
Charles Wiseman, lol It, block .
Adair Astoria ,
Charles Wissmsn. lot IT, block !,
Adair's Aslarta
George Watson, lol It,
Adair's Astoria
Oeurgs Watson, lol 14,
Adair Aaiona
14 tt
I 41
I (I
SI 41
It U
II u
II u
I 41
i a
si u
10 H
10 M
10 M
10 M
S3 tl
10 M
10 0t
14 01
10 st
ii n
11 a
11 u
u a
i m
10 s
M t
II 11
10 H
1 M
U 0
10 fe
ll it
Hiram Brown,
Adair's Astoria,
Hiram Brown,
lair's Astoria.
Hiram Brown, I
Adair' Astoria.
Hiram Brown,
Adair Astoria.
Hiram Brown,
lot 4, block IL
lot S, block fl,
lot (, block IL
lot t, block M,
"lot" i 'bloA"!
"lot' 'L'''biook"7,
"tot 'i"tock"ri,
iot ' i'''block'7!
"jot "i''blca"s7!
iot' 6, '''bVock"s7!
iot ";"" Mock " i
iot i'' biocii n,
lot I, " biock "t!
Itev. H. W, Morris, lot t, block 40.
1.1, .l-i- AM,...l.,
llev. II. W. Morris, lut'f'biuii'k'iu.'
Adair's Astoria
Itev. B. W. Morris, lot 2. block 01.
Adair's Astoria
Hov. 11. W. Morris, lot 1. block iu
Adair's Astoria...
Rev. H. W. Morris, lot 4. block 41.
Adair's Aslorla
llev. B. W. Morrl. lot 4. block 40.
Adnlr' Astoria
Fred Munsen, lot t, block 43.
Adnlr's Astoria
A, McPharlan. lot K. block an
Adair's Astoria ia as
A. McPharlan. lot 11. block so
Adair's Astoria q n
41 M
44 II
40 IS
4 IS
48 II
40 IS
44 U
41 IS
40 II
SI 41
Marcus Wise, lol
Adair's Astoria...
Marcus Wis, lot
Adair's Astoria ..
Marcus Wise, lot
Adair's Aslorla. ..,
Marcus Wise, M 14,
A.lalr's Astoria.,
Marcus Wise, lot tt,
Adair's Astoria
Marcus Wise, lot 1st.
A.lalr's Aslurla
Mary Wilson, tut 1,
Adair's Astoria
Walter. Mamie. Annie, Oracle and
W llllam Wilson, bslr of William
Wilson, lol t, bi.M-k Adair"
Astoria 10 H
Ola Wllllwrg, lot 11 blo.k 40.
Adair's Astorls it M
Caroline O Wllllierg, lol tX Much
0. Adair's Aslorla 10 M
Caroline i Uilllwrg, lol 54, .o.-k
n, Adair's Astoria 19 M
Charles Wright and S K Harris,
lot t, block 41, Adair's Aslorla ... 11 a
Charles Wnghl and S K. Harris.
lol I, block 41, Adslr's Astoria . . II tl
Charles Wrlghl and S. K. Harris,
lot 10, block i, Adair's Astoria .. II tl
Charles Wright and S K Harris.
lol H, bl.Hk tl, Adair's Aslorla... IJ a
Charles Wright and S K. Harris,
lot It. block i. Adair's Astoria . 11 It
Charles Wright and S K. Harris.
lot in, block II, Adair's Aslorla... 11 tl
Charles Wright and B. K. Harris.
lot :l, block II, A.lalr's Astoria.., II B
Charles Wright and 8. K. Harris.
lol 17, block 41. Adair's Aslorla... U a
Charles Wright and S. F.. Harris,
lot Is, hlock 41, Adair's Aslorla... 11 a
Charles Wright and S. K. Harris,
lot S. block II, A.lalr's Astoria... 13 B
Charles Wright ami S. K Harris.
lol ), block 41, Adair's Astoria... 11 a
Charles Wright and 8 E. Harris.
lot II, block 41. A.lalr's Astoria... 11 B
lot J3, blta k 41, Adair's Aslorla .. 11 n
i naries Wright nnd S. II Harris,
Dated Astoria, Or., April n
Auditor and Police Judge.
Imimrtant lo Americans seeking Brig
llsh Capital for now entsrprtaes. A 11
3f) euisefis; protmilers who hays placed
over nou.ino.tyu Sterling In Foreign In
vestments within We last six years, and
ovr fll.iMI.ono .for (tie seven mootLs uf
Ik, pile. (5, or i, payable by poete
r.ts-r to tbn London and Universal Ko
rean of Investors, , Cheupslde. lndon,
K. C. Siibs.-nts-rw wll be entitled, ,y ar.
rangeinent srlth Ills dlres-tors to rvwwve
either pisre-nwi or Initant of Intruductoia
lo any of ibesn eu-c-swCiil pruinotera I
This lust is first olaasi In .rnr. . I
an.l evnry man or
flrm whoa sum .
peara therein may be d.oen,ti
ii n,m.
piU'lng the fiilbssvin ii .iu ..-
found InvaitiwUe-llotida or Shares of la
UsstnaiH Commercial and Financial con.
erne, Mortmigs rosns. Sale of Lojuka
Patents or Mines.
' Copytb.
Or. Price's Cream .taking Powder
Contains no Ammonia or Alum,
Laura Adair Barker, lot 8, block
17, Aoair s Astoria
Frrsl Hurker, lot 4, block M, Adair's
Kathcrlne C. Illlssett, lot 4, block
39, Ailalr' Astoria
Retina Norwegian Kvangellcal Lu
theran Church, N 60 foet of B
hnlf lot 3, block 18, Adair As-
toria jo 48
u. w. Bush, lot IS. block 41.
Adnlr" Astoria 12 82
v. W. Bush, lot 22, block 41,
41 II I 7
c 1
ttu Q
44 II I J
ss "ill f VI
6241 s M l
1 .r
. v ", a ' it v i u
fl'i ".I Via r ,
S.- ' -' t 't iVI ','l ' ill a
mwm vt "u m i n wm.
4 '2i, I ,'l J'.'l h..t' ,
"im a r. r . -i u , i - st 'tu .-. im m n . - r i iv v. ,u ir r i a .
"ii4,i .. fi.xt m i. j, A lax .. '-it, ax . ri' i , 1-
rim.. .-
" a isum tit:
. J-Kgzfr
, v. I