- : ( V ,.-r - WARRENTON CENTER HOME-SITE CO. WARRENTON CENTER Th vary heart of the Warrcntoa-Raval Town Sit. Beautiful Location. Largs, flnuM. tola, sniloo feat. Licatdlngly .ow Pilc. Taka h Opportunity. ,, LlbcralTarma. Lrhdy fulled Miiil'cw, l I'ltcll. 1 PAVMlt h. , rant auinllilv fur Ilia flial II 11.. ...Mil Al-.,!l,iy aafe lnv.tlm.lll. Hjii iuni i.iiihi. in . vny (ii, n,n. Call on of Aildreaa 471 Bond St., Astoria, Or. EXCLUSIVE TICUCORAPIIIC I'KUSS HICPORT. jtoific....47 Bond St., Astoria. Or. Vo XI, V. ..STOMA, OltWiO.V, VKIM;S)AV MI.XlXJf MAY 27, !!). 1 A TRUSTEE SALE Of the FineLlncsof Men's and Boy's Cloth ing:, Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc.. at factory prices for cash, at one price to all alike. C. S. JIACOBSON THUHTIiH noo-noH For the One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers COMMERCIAL ST.. ASTORIA. OR. D 0 YOU NEED ANYTHING In Office Supplies? FREE SILVER FALLACY Judge Nortliup Explodes the Favorite Populistic Doctorine.' Nearly One Thousand People Assembled and One Third as Many Turned Away. I Ik .Median 'u Wry l!iitliiiKluxtic tiuJ the Cuiihc of Sound Money Wtix (iicatly AIJcJ'l hw IaIN of a J),, predate J l.itr rviwy I'.kpluliKJ ,Mit Siitisfiulorllv. 1MO WBCAN SUPPLY YOU LETTER PREME. COFT1NO BOOKS, INK8TANPH. TABLETS, INKS. BLANK UOOKB, BLUB PRINT PA- PKH. WASTE HAHKRTM, DESK TIIAYS. PKN RACK". TYPHI WHIT INU PAPKK, RIBBON AND CARBON PAPER. A New Lot of Playing Cards Just Received GRIFFIN & REED ...City Hook Store ..ANCHORS.. Boat Stores... m Everything In the Fisherman's Supply Line ...must Be Sold in the flext Sixty Days... HI'.OAHDLHHH OF CUNT SOtU OPPBINHEIMER Trimleo for M. C.CMOHHY Ladies... Why wear fiictory.innJc cloulx, coat nnJ capes, when tailor iiiiiJc wrap cost 1111 more, tit the II (jure perfectly, unJ look Jaunty iiiiil st HmIi. (Jet 11 wrap made to order once, und you will wear no other. Co a. la to ordor, with material furnished, from 17 to 1100 Cape from 91.06 to $100 . , We Can Do As We Advertise. C. A. LE VERE & CO. t. FHI!I:MAN, ltf Fraaman Hulaitt. R. T. EARLE, lata ol Steckten, Cat. COLUHBIA IRON WORKS Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers Manufacturing und Repairing of all Kinds of Machinery. . , . ; .. . . f- , ; . , , . Iron and Brass Castings. General B1acksmIth;Work. s PRCIAI.TIKS-Wtlth Patanl Wh.fl, Ship mtllilnir ana Slaanloal Work, Cannery aitj Mill Madilncrv. Marina anil Summary Dull n UullttoOiarr. ; tirSpedaHy equlpprd for LcRRcrs' vVork. ' l.ocattd on iStli and Franklin (Scow Bav Foundry). Phone 7R. Correspondence solicited. .SNAP A KODAK- t any man foinlun out ot our aiora and you'll nt purl nil I of a ninn brlnimliifc oyer with ilPiwnt thoiilil. Hnch quality In tint liquor wa havetooffnrantiMioiiithto pli'iua any man. ' COMB AND THY THEM HUOHES & CO. IS THERE? Ia triers a man with hort ao cold, That from hla family would withhold The oomft.ria which they all could llnd In artlolea of FURNITURK of the rlirht kind. And we would emfgot at thla leaaon nice Sldoboard, Extension Tablo, or let of Dining Chain. We have th lnrfrent and flncHt line ever ahown In the city and at prices that cannot fall to plraae the cloaeat buyer. HEILBORN & SON Nrvcr Iwifurn In tin- hlaiury f Aalnria ha. tltr,. !.. 11 atii h uri outliurat of rt- tliiialuarri aa ih.ii 1,1. h Kr.rl.il Ju.Ik II. II. Nnrlliui, tin. ri.i n .nu I t. iulilli u t iinililiito fur nmur. . In thla 11 hr r. 0111)1 illalrli't. nln 11 In. opinnr.il at Kluli rr'a In.t cvriilriii In niuk to tht vuti-r of Anlurla uim! IuUuii county on Iti vltul laaiM. now lH.fir Iho H.i...-lho iiuiii-y iii -aiti.il. rinliir'a haa a aulliii i'niriiy of omt I" 1, kikI a iiunlii.g cu irlty- hrn nroraaiiry -of almo.t SO; )rt. d"iii t litat fact, humlrvda fullr.l t 'In ailniln.lnn. Uiik IWoro oVI k, 1 hr hour at fur Ju.lat. ,'orthu' apimir am, the atiacluta luil I aa lltvrally )itnini.il, many Uillra tiring jrnl. Judi.' Northup la a vr'eran ot the civil nr. un.t thi Orand Army ml of Aatorla with th.. atara anj atrliira, wore conaplo uoua up Ml the ata4n. Thoa upon the ilatfiirm coinifiad Damocrata and flr- jiuHU'una. thowlnj only too plainly the atoiiiiir of the maaa of voter In tht rrxinty toward lha mail who would ably, honratly, and conaclontloualy reprearnt the Pcond dlatiict In th national heila of roiitrrra. dhortly before I o'clock Mr. O Win tc. pmaldviit of th Aatorla Chanilur of Commerce. (Uipoad forward and. In a f..w wall chuaen rrmarka. Introduced the orator of the evening. Judge Korthup rirtaed hla dnfip grat Ittcatlon at ntratlng o many Aatoiiana. "I forno brfora th pt-ople of thla dl trli t." a.itd th Julgr. "uimn a tirtnclpla, I did not arak th honor; In fart, t ecrortrt 7 jriK.i: 11. 11. ndktiu v Nat loo j Kfiulilicaa tanilidatc for tooirc to avi-rt It; ihid I only iicoi-iiicil r tie nom nation ikh-hiiw 1 n il it my outy. 1 uc ritcd it for the aitinc rciiaun ttuit ! cn- IIhIihI In the t'uluii 11 nn y In lvil. As Unit viia wan succcKuful, so ulao will this ono N'. und sound nioncyu stahlo currency will (irvvull. 1 mil cnllisl hy many iMTnona u 'bol tcr" from th Kcpulillcun party lx-cauaa I have a'i'i tit to run lndccnli'ntly on u sound money platform fur cons reus. Hut 1 glory In the name of 'bolter' when the rxpreaiilon Implies principle! (Applause) When a purty departs from principle 1 will leave It, for irlnciplo Is the founda tion of political parties; and when they leave that ruck the party goes to piece." Judge Northup spoke of the criticism passed upon the name of certain person who hud signed the petition asking- him to be a candidate, saying he wa not acquainted with all of those who had signed the call; but he waa willing to aubmlt the list In comparison with th name of those who had (at In any ot the recent convention of Portland. Possibly, ho suld, the gentleman who hod criticised th signer ot the petition knew the person to whom objection wa raised better than did th speaker; but, It all that wa stated wer true, he would be the last person In the world to turn them aside when seeking repent ance. W iry Magdolene came to the 8a- lour and was received; and, If these people against whom the crltlclMm hu been matlo desire to leave former as- soclattM und begin a new life, he would welcome thorn to a higher piano of cltl ieiiKhl; and to the truo stanUurd. "While culled a 'bolter,' I am not a Iwlter.' because. I represent the true principles of the Republican party. What Is tho nutlonnl platform of 12? What Is Its declaration on the main IhmucY 1ocs It declare for the free and 11 1 1 1 1 111 -lit rt coIiiiiko of sliver? Nn, It does not. Ia'l mo read the plunk of the platform o you. ... l that 11 declaim Uui for liver? Vour own comity has not only opposed the same, hut has. If possible, made It plainer and li ft no doiiht to tl.u wayfarer. Tho national licp'ibllcati plat form declares explicitly for the coinage of both gold mid silver, to th.it extent to which a purity run bo maintained. Now, my friends. If tho free coinage of liver would destroy thut parity, no man can favor such a policy and cull him self a Republican. Yet Mr. Ellis come litfore you us a free, silver camlliliite. 'What dofs tile Democratic national platform suy7 That Is the platform upon which thnt great mnn drover Cleveland was elected. In explanation I mlKht say mat i was rulM-,1 a liimm-rAI, nr.. I did llr.t vule. that lb k t lor a while; but the war broke out un.t 1 InuiK'-d uiy politics. Ia'l me read i you the monay pi. ink ot the li.-tnocriilc party. . . . Now, 1 ni-k you, la that u .lei l.ir.ition for fr-e allier? or course It Is not. TI1.1t. If the fr. coiiiaite of .lUer would di-.troy the pur ity lor wtiii'ii iiiat platform conti mis, how cm a man consistently rome before llio pontile aa the l)i mocrtitlr nominee when rm faiors a policy which he admit will luing about just what his platform thus contemns? Judne lt'iinelt ha Im-cii nominated on uch a pollry. I nave ninn! that Mr. Kills will. It elected, stand utKin the Ht. Ixuls pint form, whatever that may be. 11 will un doubtedly he an unequivocal declnrntion for the .Untie gold standard: In fact. such a money plank la asaura.1. I have never heard Mr. Kills honcaty qucatlon rd: never In my life. He waa nominated In Portland upon the ground that he was in favor of the free coinage ot etlver. In too national halls of corurrosa he ha uae. ble voice, vote and Influence In aid of free coinage measure, lit friend have worked for him solely because he waa silver man. If he I honest, bow ran he be falaa to hla friends? if he I true to hla pledge, he muat not abide try a gold platform from 81. Laula. ballave Mr .Kill ao honorable man. and consequently that h will stand equarcly oa in aiivir tsau. otherwise, be u not worthy of a (Ingl rot. "My friend. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Ellis are not In the ram. Neither I In the rtghl; both re upon tho wrong side ot the great question. The platforms of th reteot Ire pnrtle of both gentlemen de clare for the gold standard: yet both era before the people upon a ailver plank. Th race la between Mr. Qulnn, the Pop- uuai nominee, and myself, a the result of the polls next Monday will surety imn. As for me. I weuld marh rather see a man who favors free stiver go to congress a a Populist than aa a Re publican or Democrat, But do not he alarmed: Mr. Uulnn will not represent " The s-kcr tlM-n told of his visit to Kastorn rintron. He was the first man to make a bona fide gold stiecch In linker, Mr. Dudd. "a man who can make excel lent sound money sie,.ehe when they'll lei him." not ticirw allowed to tell of the fallacies of free silver. The Judge said the people 0111 ihere were surprised when Ihey heard the other side of the utieatlnn. They hail tsx-n accustomed to listening to silver orators, and were amused when told of the dangers of n Stiver system. "The -.Kills will tell." said the juilce, what the iM-ople of KaMcrn Oreiion think of money. "J ml ire 11,'iui.tt Inn chargl Mr. Kills with 'carrying water on Imth shoulders.' meaning. I supiiose. that he Is endeavor- 11 it to strad.tle the money question. 1 agree with Jinlife Dennett. Mr. Kills can not, and will not. if honcat. put aside the pint form w hich he now represents. which Is free, sliver. I have" a friend who unite often says: My dmr Northup, you are making an awful fuss about this motify question. Just settle the tariff and the money Issue will settle Itseit. My fri.-nds. I say the niuney iiuestlon ia foremost. We cannot have the tariff un til the tiimncial question is a--ttled." Judire Northup then told of severil ef forts to have tariff measures massed tn .'ongrss, and each and every time once dulte re ?ntly, when President Cleveland requested the house and senate not to adjourn for the holidays until some steps hud la-en taken to relieve the treasury the bills had been killed by tho finance committee of the senate, a majority of whom were In favor of free silver, by striking out the tariff proposition and adding nn amendment declaring for ihe coinage of all the silver bullion now In he treasury. "Th bill as amended was then re ferred buck to tho house, where It met It Waterloo. Thank God! I ask If the money question la not first? The silver monster must be strangled, or else It will strangl u all." The speaker then explained that there wn a. conspiracy on foot to elect a free sliver president. Then, with such an executive and a ailver senate, where doe th nation' safety lie? In the house of representatives: and. If you aro patriotic, you will do your duty, regardless of party." Judge Northup explained what waa meant by the expreaslon "sound money." It means, said he. the us of both gold nd silver to an extent to which th parity can be maintained. What doc free silver mean? ha proceeded. It mean, he (aid, that regardless of other earthly condition, aa unlimited amount of the white metal can be taken to th mint and coined. He then explained that, contrary to the silver men's argu ment, free coinage would contract the currency. A friend of mine, who ha recently Islted Mexico, approached m not lorur Ince and told me ho wanted to sell me Mexican silver dollar. He suld he would soli It for just what he paid for It. . 1 asked him hi price, and he said cents;' It uppeura during hi visit to Mexico, he went Into a store one day to purrhfuio some curios. He thought he would buy a dollar and asked tho lei'k for one. In return for which he handed the clerk an American dollar. He not another Mexican dollar In chance in other words, two Mexican dollars for one American dollar. Now. why Is his? liccuuse an Ainerlcun dollar is backed up hy 11 gold dollar mid worth therefore l'Ki cents, while the dollar ot .Mexico has only nn intrinsic value. "1 resident Cleveland and Ids utile sec tary of state are performing 11 patriotic duty when they refuse to pay govern ment obligations In silver. Mr. Carlisle's Is a hard duty: but he Is irulilinir the ship of stato Into a snfo harbor, nnd It congress stands by him all will yet be en. Following this, the judge demonstrated thnt the net of 1ST3 was not a crime, be cause, silver at thut tlmo wa worth more f iKKK TAX. Moll j 1 to Tnl I- the Ariii-rnlrru iit Deflat ed in till. H.THile. Washington, May W.-Tarlff arid finance eui-h lame In for a shuru of considera tion In the eenata today. Karly In the !iy Khermiin siie,el.l In having the filled rhee.,, bill taken up. whereupon DulHila offered an amendment adding eventy-nv4 cents per burr-l to the lax on Ur. The senator said hla amend ment was Intended to test the Inwrlty of tha senators who expressed a patriotic Jelr to aid tho trcuaury by rulalng inor revenue. In aupiiortlng the orrwavlmint, Duliol aid It offered an opportunity to Hhr mnn to x-cula Urn patriotic purpose he had recently express.! without resort In to the Dingley tariff hill, en "unjuat, unsatlafiuduty, aeetional bill, which can not puis the aeiiati'." Thla bill was a trap, transparent, and unfair. Tills beer iiiiiendm. nl would yield ;.', additional reienue, Dutwla said, and the senators could accept thla or . ie Mu.i poking i lore, me country aa oniy patriots. Hhermun replied briefly, urging that this wua a move to cripple the cheese bin, w hich waa In no sens a general revenue bill. Thirty million dolUrs utrrudy was raised from that very us-.ful and com rortitbln drink, and he iHliermani thought the consumer of be.-r paid about enough. He moved t table the bT umt'rklment, which motion wa defeated yens, Zt, nay , as follows: I caa-Jtcpubllcana, Aldrlch, Allison. Ha. ker, liurrows, C'ullom. Davis, Hllltigir, iiawiey, aiiicneii. urejron. Morrill. Nil son, Perkins, Piatt, guay, 8ewell, Mher- man, Hhoup, and Vitlaon. Is; Democrats. Coikeiill, Hill, Mitchell. Palmer. Pascoe. lurpir, Vila. I, lolal. a. Nny Republicans, l.rown. Cannon. 1 aner, uutwia, llansnrough, I'ettlgrew. Teller, T: Democrat. Itacon, Hate. Ber ry. Cattery. Chlllon, Daniel, Faulkner, uray. Harris, Jonea. Arkansas. Lindsay, Mill, Morgan. Pugh. Roach, Vet. Walt- hall. White, IS; Populist. Allen, Butler, ivyie, rener, utewart. 0: total, n. The cheea Mil and the pending beer amendment were displaced by the bond bill at 2 o'clock. FRIGHTFUL I ArP AT1 T fpp i T"na.nd for thl I S llH I I I' l I prominently Identill LlvJJ ll Lll Ltl ot Puget Sound. comn.ltten and hrol held several ofllce of trust. James McCurdy was ti pioneer of lha .Northwest, a resident of Pore Townaend for thlriy-aeven years, antt ed with the blstory WAR VESflEUJ WILL PARADE. Rear Admiral Bunco's Squadron Will Tak Part In th Observance of Memorial Day. Washington. May H Secretary Her bert ha issued orders to Rear Admiral Bunco to detail one of the vessels of hi squadron to steam up the North River on Memorial Day and fir a salute oft Oram a Tomb. It la also understood the secretary ha practically decided to have such vesaela a may be available partici pate In the water parade to be held on Memorial Day. The New York. Raleigh. Cincinnati. Katahdln, and Fern will probably take part in lb parade. Orders" were ' Issued today detaining Chief Engineer J. McKlwell from the Kiuclneerlng Kxumlnlng Board In Phll- delphla on June 4 and providing for his retirement from active service with he relative rank of commodore the same day. Among the Important matters definitely settled are the accuptunce of the senate amendment appropriating $J,."sj for test ing methods of throwing high explosive from guns of shipboard with the ordina ry velocities: Increasing the approprlu- Inns for guns for auxiliary cruisers from fcSO.oou to with a proviso thut the secretary of the navy may, In his discre tion, purchase all or any part of them by contract; appropriating X.V',io tor rms. accoutrements, etc.. for the naval militia; authorizing the construction ot hind te at a cost not exceeding l"..oiv wo submarine torpedo bouts, of the Hol- und type, at a cost not exceeding HTi- ) each, provided the boat now being built fulfils all the requirements and la satisfactory to the secretary of tne navy. (Continued on Third Page.) NO KRKK ALCOHOL. Washington. May a. The house toduv. by a vote of It to 69, passed tne bill for ho ropeul of Section 61. of the present irllT law, providing for a rebate on al cohol used In the arts or medical com pounds. Tho amendment wa attached to bill providing for.u Joint commission to consist of thre members from each house, to examine und report on all uestlons feinting to free alcohol) at the next session. The opposition to tho measure cume entirely from the Eastern and Now England states. An analysts of the vote show that fifty-six Democrats, m Republicans, 11 no live Populist voted for the bill, and sixty Republicans and nine Democrat against the bill. Street Car does Through Bridge In Victoria, British Co lumbia. MANY HEART RENDING SCENES Ol the Lay to a .Military Ktvie ,1ay ot the Sightseer Meet kit Ssddt Death ritiivitic Citf i Moiraiig. Victoria, B. C, May 25. A terrible acci dent occurred here today. A sham fight and review wa to take place at Alucau b y Point, near Esquimau, this afternoon and crowds were rooking- their way thre by every route. All the tram cars w. r packed. Two car left Government street with more, than one hundred people. The lirst got over Point Ellice bridge, which crosses Victoria Arm, safely, but when the oth-r wo about half way over the middle span of the bridge, about IM fet In length, gave way and the car plunged Into the water ono hundred feet below. The car wa completely submerged, and all on board were drowned, wltft the ex ception of some of those who were stand ing on the platforms, and who, escaping Injury by falling Umbers, mauiaged to av themaelve by using the Boating ruin of the bridge, and thus got ashore. Number of bodies have already been recovered, and the work of Identification I proceeding. It Is a difficult matur, a a great many of tho bodies ar thoa ot visitor. So far a known at present th dead are: Mrs. Adam, Victoria, widow of Fred crick Adam, woo was drowned la Velos last rear; Frederick Adams. br bob. E. B. Carmlchael of Victoria, and his wife. J. B. Morton, of Vancouver, represen tative ot Bradatreeu. Mr Edmonds, of Victoria. Miss Nathan, of Spring Ridge, Victoria. Mr. Boaae, storekeeper, Victoria. .. Arthur Fullerton, son of W. F. Fuller too. of Spring Ridge, Victoria. Mrs. HeataerbelL wife of Wm. Heath erbell, of 103 South Road, Victoria. Mr. Wilson, son of Superintendent Wilson, of Victoria. W. Van Bokkelen, a prominent cittxen of Port Townsend. Mis Anna Keast. daughter of Arthur Keost, deputy registrar of the supreme court, Victoria. Captain Leveridge. of Spring Ridge, Victoria. Mr. G. I. Past, of 13J Fernwoor Road. Victoria. Besides the above. Mrs. Lout, of Se attle, and Mis Ida Goodacre, are known HODIKS RKOOVERJKtr" Keattl. May tK.-A bulletin Just re ceived from Wtorla hy the Post-Intel-llgencer say that sixty bodtc had be cm recovered at W o'clock. SENATOR McGRAW. Enthusiastic Republican Push Him for th United Slate Senat. Seattle. May 26. A meeting of prom inent Republican wa held thl evening for th purpose of organising a club for political work during the campaign and particularly to advance lha candidacy of John H. McGraw, now governor of Ihe Stat-', for the seat In the senate re cently hsld by Walton C. Squire. It w-aa one of tne most enthuslaatio political gatherings ever held In Ihe stale. The governor wa sent for and on his arrival was received with rheers which continued for some minutes. He spoke briefly, saying that while not a candi date for th position, he believed that it should go to this county aa the largest, richest and most populous of Ihe state. nd If Ihe Republicans of the county thought him the strongest candidate be would make the fight. Thl declaration wa received with tumultuous applause. The club roll was headed by Andrew P. Burleigh, receiver of the Northern Pa cific Railroad. The list Is practically a complete roster of th leading; active Re publicans of this cliy. There had been some doubt as to whether Governor Mc Graw would allow hi name to be con sidered in connection with the senator ship, but th meeting thl evening; mar b regarded as a formal launching of his candidacy. PROHIBITION WRECKED. Convention In Pittsburg Hay Wreck tho Party by Its Quarrels. Pittsburg. May tt That tiers will be a plit Sa th Prohibition party as a result of tomorrow's . cooveatloo. tho leaders of both faction freely admit to night, Tho split win come, they say, over tb money plank ta the platform. As yet scarcely a word has beea said about prohibition. Th money question has been the all absorbing topic of dis cussion. The bitterness of feeling In crease hourly and when the convention meets It promises to be a little battle of extermination. If the gold atandanl plank should be adopted m the platform by eastern delegate, then tho favor ins; the coinage of silver at the ratio of It to 1. will aecede. - It on the other hand, the so-called: free silver delegates adopt a free coinage plank, then the gold standard crowd will leave, and ahouki the convention fait to declare for woman cuff rage, the femi nine portion of the convention will sever Its connection with the party. It prom ise to be a memorable convention for the Prohibitionists, and bid fair to wreck the party. REVOLT ON THE AMAZON. Movement In the. Northern Part of Pern, to Establish a Free State. Hue-no Ayre. Argentina, via Galves ton. Texas. May W.-An Amazon River teamer plying between Brnxillana ports and towns on the upper part of the great stream In Peru, has brought new that on May 5 a popular movement was pro claimed In the department of Lore to. 10 nave been on the car and are missing. 1 eru. near tne boundary of Kcquedor, Among the saved are the following;: Ex-Alderman W. A. Robertson, of Vic toria, head badly cut Canon Paddon. of Victoria, bruised and nearly drowned. ALDRICH TURNED DOWN. Washington, May M. The Aldrlch-Un-derwood election contest from the Ninth Alabama district was decided today by the house committee on elections, no one being In favor of T. H. Aldrlch. the Republlcan-Popullstlc contestant. NEW RECEIVERS. Appointed for Northern Pacific Property Not Covered by th Mortgages. Milwaukee. May 26,-Frank O. Blgelow and Edwin McHenry. receivers of the Northern Paclflo Railroad, have been appointed by Judge Seaman receivers for the lands of the Northern Paclflo Rail road Co, In Minnesota and North Dako ta, and all other property not covered by the mortgage or trust deeds. A simlla order ha been entered In the court at St. Paul by Judge Caldwell and the at torneys leave tonight to file the order In all the courts along the line, there being property in every state through which the railroad runs not covered by tho mortgages, . CZAR NICHOLAS II. Tho Emperor and Empress Crowned with All Ancient Rites. (Copyrighted, 1S9S, by Associated Press.) Moscow, May KS.-IIIS Majesty, Emperor Nicholas Alcxandrovltch, autocrat of nil the Husslns, nnd Her Majesty, Empress Alexandra Feodorovnn, were solemnly crowned today In tho Cathedral Assump- n, v.1111 i no utmost ceremony and In accordance, with all the religious forms and ancient rites. JOHN HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Baltimore, May 2tS.-At a meeting ot business men of Baltimore today, t:tx,7.-.i was subscribed to aid In freelnir the John Hopkins University from the bur den which the failure of th Baltimore nnd Ohio Railway to pay dividends has ImiKiBed upon It Tne committee Is so liciting further subscriptions and no doubt Is expressed that tho fund will ul timately reach 500,000. G. W. Blggar, badly cut about the head; i Mrs. Blggar, badly bruised and nearly drowned. Dr. Lang, badly bruised. When the bridge broke there were sev eral carriage on the bridge, and these also were precipitated Into the water. Superintendent Wilson waa driving one of these, and had his five children with him. Ho succeeded In saving himself and four children. The fifth, a little boy, waa wedged between some Iron bars and was drowned. The sad affair has cast a deep glcom over the city. Aa soon as the news of the accident reached Macauley Point, the review was brought to as speedy a ter mination as under the circumstances was possible, and the sham tight waa aban doned. At 10 o'clock sixty-one bodies have been recovered. The following are the addi tions to the list: Master Post, son of C. I. Post. Archie Blggar, aged years, son ot Geo. W. Blggar. Mis Blggar, aged t daughter of Geo. W. Blggar. Frank O'Restat. bootblack. Tate St. Miss Minnie Robertson, daughter of W. A. Robertson. Homes, bookkeeper of the Sayward Milling Co. Miss Sophie Smith. Miss Blrt. Ana cortes. Wash. James Laurie. Humboldt street Wm. Pearson, North Park Street Miss Turner. Th two Misses Bowness. Miss F. Jackson, GO Quadra street. Outsseppl Rowe. A son of Sergt. Major Mulcahy. Emma Otsen. Miss Grace Elford. Mr. James. James Thomas Patterson. Gabriel Maratta. Mrs. Woodhouse, Seattle. Sir Jackson, cattleman. H. Talbott, motorman. Geo. Fair, conductor. " Mrs. Housan. Jn. Henry Tyack. ' where rich gold veins have been found. The capital of the province Is iquetoa. It Is stated that a provisional govern ment has been formed, under Colonel Ricardo Seminar! o. and that a meeting has been called to promulgate an organic . law for a prospective free state. PERU WILL SEND CRUISERS. Lima. Peru, via Galveston, May 26. The government has been officially informed of the revolutionary movement at Iqul tos, department of Loreto, and regards it as ridiculous. It is said In official cir cles that It must collapse in time, but if necessary strong detachments of troops and naval cruisers will be sent to quell It A cable message received today from the town ot lquitos, signed by Colonel Semlnario, say mat the state freely rec ognises President Pierola's authority; that the movement is not political, but hi inaugurated solely with the idea of federation. BASEBALL SCORES. IS; S; Washington, May M. Cincinnati. Washington, 5. New York, May S6. New York. Cleveland, i. Philadelphia, May it-Philadelphia, 8; Chicago. L Baltimore, May 28. Baltimore, 14; St Louis, 3. Brooklyn, May 36. Brooklyn, 4; Louis ville. S. UP-RIVER FISHERMEN. Special to the Astorlan. Oak Point Wn., May 2& For the past two nights there has been no fishing whatever in this vicinity and but few go out during the day. The fishermen claim there Is no protection to them at night and rather than run the risk or having their boats and nets destroyed they do not go out BAPTIST UNIVERSITY. Aabary Park. N. J., May SB. The Bap tist anniversary came to a close today. The day begun with a continuation of the frith anniversary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society. The Rev. C. A. Woody, of Portland, Or., addressed' tho assembly on "Fifty Years' Work on the Pacific Coast." TORT TOWNSEND DEAD. Port Totvnsend, May K. J. A. Van Bokkelen nnd James McCurdy were kill ed In tho Viteoria disaster. VanHokkelen was a native of this city and prominent in tho politics of tho state. He had been ASSESSOR SIEFE ARRESTED. secretary of the Republican state central ! worth $10,000. San Francisco, May W. Assesosr John D. Slebe. on trial before Judga Wallace for perjury In swearing to the underval uation of the Market Street Railway, was again arrested today, charged with assessing Judge Wallace's property at $1K) when It Is alleged the proptoty 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report tt8 w ri nr ft A5SOS.UT1EE.Y PUDE .V! - t "TTT