The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 26, 1896, Image 2

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Telephone No. 64.
Bent by mull, per year.,
Sent by mull. per month
Delivered by carrier, per week
. .a
. .10
Bent by mall per year. 8 In advance,
postage free, to subscribers.
All communications Intended for publi
cation should be directed to the editor.
Business communication of all kind
and remittance mum be addressed to
Tha Astoriaa.
in Aatorlaa guarantees to It sub
scribers the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on appli
cation to the bualneea manager.
The Weekly Aatorlaa, the second oldest
weekly In the ttate of Oregon, has, text
to th Portland Oregon!!), the largest
weekly circulation In the ttate.
J no. F. Handler Co., are our Port
land agents, ami copies of The Astorlnn
eaa be had every morning at their (tand.
DM Third afreet
senate of the Cnltod States from free
silver wrecker and give to a Republican
house and a Republican president the co
operation necessary to bring back the
country to prosperity long denied by
sectional selfishness, economic ignorance
and partisan bigotry.
even hundred and forty to IT, end the
fight for honest money and assure the
future of the nation.
We are unalterably oppoeed to any
scheme that will give to this country a
depreciated or debased currency. We fa
or the use of silver as currency, but to
the extent only and under such restric
tions that Its parity with told can be
maintained. Wisconsin Republican con
"A. year ago. in Tnomaavtlle, Ga, Mil w
McKinky. when offered the delegate M
three Son therm state If he would de
clare for free silver, said. In the presence
4? the editor of this Journal: 'If the
Republican platform declares for free
coinage, I will not be a candidate. 1
would sot run on a tree silver plat
term.' "Chicago Times-Herald.
A favorable report haa been ordered by
the house committee on Intrnititte and
foreign commerce on the Motion Nica
ragua canal bill, amended by the sub-
committee. As reported, the Mil pro
vide that the canal company shall hn
a capital stock of lloa,iW.t, the shares
to be non-asscssablc, and the numler
not to b Increased except with the con
sent of congress. It provide that if the
canal company shall, within nine month
after the passage of the act, show that
all the share heretofore Issued, except
those Issued to .Nicaragua and Cost
Rica, have been called In and canceled,
the secretary of the treasury shall sub
scribe In behalf of the Vnlted State
ru, shares tlTO.av.A'O) to the capital
stork of the company in return for the
guarantee of the bonds to be Issued by
the company. Ten thousand shares of
stock shall also be Issued to the holder
of the stock surrendered. The director
ate is to consist of eleven member, one
each to be appolntrd by Nicaragua and
Costa Rica, one by the canal company
ami eight by the president, with the ad
vice and consent of the senate.
r 2
wieranother thing.
tmii rrH Uri TnuMaiir
"l believe the Republican party at St.
"Louis should be governed by a conser.
"vative aeatiment respectlnc the tariff,
""but It cannot be too pronoucced on the
"money question. I am In favor of an
"explicit and unequivocal declaration la
-favor of maintaining- the cold standard;
"for the money question and not the
"tariff, will the issue of the campaign
"this year." Benjamin Harrison.
"The agricultural, manufacturing, mer
"can tile and wage-earning Interests ot
"the United Etates, bars now an oppor
tunity to put this country beyond the
"cavil of doubt on a sound, safe and per
"manent guld basis. The party which
"fails to see that this Is the only true
"issue, and to take lis stand on a gold
-platform, will fight a losing battle in
"the coming campaign." Chauncey 11.
Altgeld says: "Practically the gold
dollar Is a SOO-cent dollar." Then every
greenback must be a 3-ceit dollar, be
cause redeemable In gold. Then every
silver dollar In circulation now must be
a lot-cent one. because It Is a good as a
gold dollar. So If every dollar 1 worth
twice Its nominal value the country must
have twice aa much money as It thought
it had. According to the treasury de
partment the total circulation Is tl
om.ft-0. Altgeld say It I only tl.H,-
UU. Rut if he I correct, ami that
tl.bW.iW.KW in double-value money, as he
alleges, then the country has JiJV.AV.W
of money. And yet Altgeld think that
is not enough, and at the same time
champions a plan to decrease it. For he
claims free coinage would cut down the
value of the goM dollar that Is, of every
United States dollar Just one-half. Then,
according to him. the utility or purcha'
Dig power of the money now in clrcula
lion would shrink one-half. Then he
would have the contraction he dreads.
Altgeld is not a very logical demagogue.
rVn lm
largest piGCG
wy sold for
of 6
r struggling- tor more than a
"quarter of a century, through Labor or
"ganlsations and otherwise, to secure a
"rata of wages which would make the
"proceeds of a day's work equal to the
"cost of a day's subsistence for the
"working-man and his family, you are
"asked by the advocates of free coinage
"to Join them in destroying one-half ot
"the purchasing power of the money In
"which you are paid, and Impose upon
"yourselves the task of doubling the
"nominal amount of your wages here
after; that is, to struggle for another
-quarter of a century, or perhaps longer,
"to raise your wages In a depreciated
"currency to a point which will enable
"you to purchase with them as much of
"the necessaries of life as you can pur
chase now; and if, after years of con
"teutlon. privation and industrial dis--order.
you should at last succeed in so
-adjusting wages that they would pro
"cure at the higher prices of commolitles
"Just what they will procure now at the
"existing prices, what would you have
"gained by the change from the old to
"the new conditions? Money received
"for wages, like money received on every
"other account, is valuable only to the
"extent that It can be exchanged for
"other commodities, and it is scarcely
"necessary to suggest that a dollar
"worth 50 cents will not purchase
"much In the market as a dollar worth
-1W cents. To call a dime a dollar
"would add nothing whatever to Its In-
"trinslc value or purchasing power; It
"would still buy only a dime's worth
"goods." Carlisle's Chicago ad J r ess.
Jeewhilikee! What's thl I hear
Aba out a new machine
A takes a plcter right through wood.
Er anythln' 'atween?
Jumpln' beeswax! If that's so
We'll tool 'em green goods chap.
"N" photygraf their satchels while
Theys playln' us fer yaps.
Jeewhilikee! From all I hear
Aba out them there X rays.
Ain't no excuse no more for folks
To say as how we's Jays
Fer when th' bunko gent comes roun'
All dressed up In his best.
We press the button, 'n', b'gosh!
Them X rays does th rest.
Jeewhilikee! Expect to see,
'Fore very many days,
Th' summer boarders, one an'
'L have them goldarn rays;
N" If they do 'tarnation cats!
'N' photygraf the pie
Jeewhilikee, b'gosh! no one
'L stop to say say goodby!
arching Investigation say that It
would be extremely hard. If not Impossi
ble, to And a single rase of a permanent
cure. However thl may be. pilgrims
are nocking to Vlala. and It I not Im
possible that In a short time the little
hamlet will become quite as well known
as Lourdee.
"I Mrs. Smith at home" niked thi
eaii'r. myslcully, madam, relumed
the educated servant, "she Is. As un
abstract question the fact cannot W dr.
nled. Hut In relation to your desire to
see her I cannot say definitely until I
have ascertained Mrs. Smith's wishes In
the matter. l-rny be seated until I ha e
received advices from above Phtlndcl
phla Times.
Notice I heivhy ghen that the assess
ment mild by Ordinance No, ttW, of the
city of Astoria, cc.ntliinlii lh assess
ment on Roll No. 1, for the conairueilon
of a drain In the city of Astoria, ns laid
out and recorded by John Adnlr, com
mencing at a point In block iM. and hav
ing Ha outlut in Thirl y-thlrd street, be
tseeit blocks III and II. In Adnlr s As
toria, und known niui dcNlgimied a
"ltuliiag IMstilct No. I," will be due
and payable on the 1Mb dny of May. I'M,
In I'. H, gold or sliver coin, at lbs uinv
of the city treasurer, and If not so paid
wllhltt or berr sHI time, ths common
council will order u arrant d-aucd fur
th collection of the sumo, Th uasos.
in-iit l aa follows:
block Is.
block " "li
block 'til!
und on.
I. Adair's
und one
I. Adair's
und on.
of the constitution may follow In the
track of a disordered system, due to Im
pure blood or Inactive liver. Don't run
the risk! The proprietors of Dr. Iterce'a
Golden Medical Discovery take all the
chances. They make a stralghtrorwuni
offer to return your money If their rem
edy fails to benefit or cure In all dis
orders and affectlona due to Impure lug Dr.
blood or Inactive liver. The germs ot storj I
disease circulate through the blood; the
Itver Is the niter which permits the
germs to enter or not, The liver active.
and the blood pure, and you escape dls-
W hen you re run down, debilitated.
weak, and your weight below a healthy
standard, you regain health, strength,
and wholesome flesh, by using the "Dis
covery." It builds up the body faster
than nauseating Cod liver oil or emul
ur. rnerce s Pellets cure constipation,
piles, biliousness. Indigestion, or dyspei1
sta, and headaches.
Mr. O. Caillouette, Drurglst. Iiravcrs
vllle. Ill . says: "To Dr. King's New lls
rovery I owe my life Was tiiken with
I -a Grippe and tried all the pnyslcl.ins
for miles about, but of no avail und was
given up and told I could not live. Hav-
King's New Discovery In my
Sent for a Untie and he.
gan Its use and from the first dose
beitan t get better, and after using thr.-e
bottle was up about uguln It la
worth Its weight in gold. tt won't
keep store or house without It " Get a
free trial at Chaa. Kogvr' Drug Store
Wonderful Cures Said to Have Been Ac
complished by a Swiss Rustic.
All' the slates and territories, except
Alaska, to be represented at St Louis in
the national Republican convention have
adopted their platforms, and from these
a perfectly trustworthy forecast may be
made of the financial plank to be framed
by that body.
Thirty-three states and territories, rep.
resenting a total of 7W delegates, have
pronounced unqualifiedly for the gold
standard and against the free and un,
limited coinage of silver at any ratio.
Nina states and territories, represent
Dig ai total of elgftty-four votes in the
convention, have adopted a free sliver
platform. Eight, Including, Alabama,
Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, West Vlr
ginla, New Mexico, Oklahoma and the
Indian territory, constituting a total of
ninety-two votes, are doubtful. Adding
ninety-two to the eighty-four, the con
vention will stand for the gold standard
and against the free coinage of silver at
any ratio, 740 to 170.
The question, therefore, of the money
platform of the national Republican con
vention Is settled conclusively and final
ly. From that body will come forth to
the country the first Inspiring note giv
ing an Impulse of a new life and warrant
for confident energy to the long dis
heartened Industrial powers of the na
tion, to its labor and its capital, Its
genius and Its enterprise.
On that platform William McKlnley
will be nominated for president of the
United States. On that platform he will
be elected. On that platform there will
be elected with him a congressional ma
jority competent to take up the questions
of national finance and national revenue.
Upon that platform legislatures will be
chosen which In two years will wri-et the
Amaxing as are the predictions made
by the young French woman who claims
to be the mouthpiece ot the Angel Ga
briel, they are considered by thousands
of slight Importance when compared with
the cures which are said to be effected
dally by M. Vlgnes. In the little town
of Vlalas, In the Cevennes district.
A simple peasant, this man Is of the
stern old Huguenot type. He is about
72 years old and comparatively well off.
His neighbors respect him, and for many
years have sought his advice in ail emer
gencies. There is nothing of the char
latan about him. For many years he
has given his neighbor such counsel as
they needed, whether it regarded their
bodily or their spiritual health. He has
quoted the Bible freely ami nas given
them medicine for ail their aliments.
In a word, he has been doing w hat good
he could, but without blazoning It abroad.
and the chances are that the world would
never have heard of him If a Swiss
pastor, named Schlatter, had not mad
his acquaintance and discovered him to
be a marvelous healer.
Schlacter at once began to spread his
fame throughout Switzerland, and thence
it quickly spread through France. As a
consequence, hordes of invalids are flock
ing to Vlalas, con1 dent that their mala
dies will be dispelled by the healer's
magic touch. A company has been
started for the purpose of providing
proper accommodation for the pilgrims,
large numbers being expected to arrive
at Vlalas during the spring anl summer.
Hundreds have already gone there, some
from Berne, Basle and Zurich, and others
from more distant places.
The healer's present method of cure Is
extremely simple. He Is said to have
used medicine In former days, but now
he simply says to his patients, "Have
faith and you will be cured." His words
are believed, and the story goes that he
has effected many wonderful cures.
Cripples. It Is said, have at his bidding.
tnrown away their crutches, and para
lytics have regained their pristine
strength and health. Even venomous
animals, like snakes, we are told, are
rendered powerless in his presence.
BO says his disciples, but. on the other
hand, certain scientists who have made
Dean Hole, of England. Is not a be
liever In Roosevelttsm. At the dinner ot
the South London License,! Vlctualcrs'
Association and Beersellers' Trad- Pro
tective Association recently a letter from
the dean was read. He said: "I would
gladly have testified my sympathy w th
your association and my antipathy to
tyranny and cant but for other eng ig -ments.
The Christianity and cnmn.on
sense which alone can teach true tem
perance seem to be more and more Ig
nored by teetotalers, who would Incar
cerate mankind in Pump court and turn
all the birds iit the air Into wai.-r wagtails."
A guest in a Boston hotel, while going
down the elevator, remurknl to the col
ored elevator man: "1 want to go to
the wharf whT- the tea was thrown
overboard." "Well." snld the man.
looking mysiltbd. "you'd Iw-tn-r Inquire
at th, omVe. I reckon lhat aus tM-fore
I came here; I've only been in Boston
about a y. ar - -t'b v. I'bun I'- nb-r
As a r-m-dy for all form of Mead ich
Electric Bitters has prov,-.! to be the very
best. It alTe-is a iK-rmnncnt cure nml
the most dreaded habitual slrk h.nd
aches yield to Us influence. We urge all
who ure afflicted lo procure a hoitle.
nnd glv this remedy a fair trial In
rnses of habitual constlinitlun Ebcirlc
Mltt-TS cures by giving the r.,!.d t,.ne
to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try it once.
Fifty cents, and II. m nt t'has lbg. rv
Drug Store.
It needs "no ghost to come and tell t.s"
that the sooner dyspepsia Is reme'll d.
the sooner we shall enjoy that right t
which our ancestors laid claim In th
Declaration of Independence "the p i
sult of happiness." A man bh-sstd wuh
a good digestion provided he ha enou'
to eat la happy. There are hosts of
people with ample means to whom the
sole consolation of a healthy puuper is
denied. llostetter's Stomach Bitters Is
a certain, prompt and thorough medici
nal ngent through the use of whb
sound digestion, and the nerve tranquil
ity which Its disturbance causes, can te
recovered. Blllnuanes, malarial i.mi
kidney trouble, constipation and rheu
matism are also remedied by this tin
corrective of a disordered condition of
the system. Appetite and sleep arr
greatly Improved by It
Grandma (who has Just arrived for a
visit Well. Freddie. I s ipKjse your
father was greatly surprised to get my
telegram saying 1 was cumlng?" Fred
die Yes, but mother was the most sur
prised. Grnndma-At the glad news, I
suppose? Frcddled-N'o. ut pupa's lan
guage. I etrolt Krce Press
When Baby we stcx. we gave bar Cantorta,
When she was a Child, the cried for Castnrta,
When she sncame Utss, she clung to (watorla.
Wbeashel TiUure. she ga ithemCastorla.
because of a run-down
condition of the sys
tem, and is not affect
ed by ordinary cough
medicines, will yield
readily to
Scctli SmutiicTu
because it gives
strength to the weak
ened body and enables
it to throw off disease.
Prof. James Beth, of Brown university,
who has been appointed professor f
ethics In the Sage school of ph losop y
of Cornell university, was born In Ed r -burgh
In WA lie was graduated at
Edinburgh university In currying
off all the honors in philosophy, a ler
which he won the Ferguson philosophical
scholarship, which Is open to graduates
of all the Scottish universities.
"Why." uxk'd (' e youni'i st or the neo
phytes. "hy s' o hi truth always rise
again wlw n cri; hed to earth?" "Be
cause or us CKuui'-uy, 01 course, ann-
r d the forn ied phlbis pher. "Don't
you know how eusv It la to stri-teh the
Iruth r - Indianapolis Journal.
i uif Powder
The best salve In the worH for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chltblains, Corns, and All Skm Erup
tion,, and positive cure for Plies, er no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to ghe
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded
Price, 26 cents per box. For sale by
Chaa. Roger, Odd Fellows' building.
"Don't yi. know .hat you musn't flirt
m.w y i are married?" said Mrs T'
spot to J r . Mi l rid-. "But 1 nirt only
sith rrarrl' d men,'' replied tho latter, in
exfnua Ion.- Ni w York World.
Children Cry for
.. .Jastoria.
Lord Dun raven Is really popular In
Ireland. ills appointment as lord lieu
tenant of Limerick has given great sn I
faction to th Irish. Dunraven lives
for several months of the yeHr at A''are
manor, his place In Limerick county, a- d
he Is said to be very hospitable and Is
on good terms with his tenants.
Miss pill-I'm so taken with bloomers
that ' t l ink I'll wear them altogethei
hereuftir AIIkm Bin In the hereafter,
dear, we'll not ree( bloomers. Phila
delphia North American.
Dei in s rtsrssparllla Is prepared for
cl sunns' in, blood It builds up and
efiKiberis constitutions Impaired by i nas lingers.
ROYAL Baking Powder
haa been awarded highest
honors at every world" Mr
where exhibited.
The Duke and Duchess of Marlborou h
are already installed In their town iju: r-
ters, JSo. A ml ley square, London, fir
the season. The duchess hnji revived i n
old cuBtom mentioned In sevirnl if
Thackeray's novels narni-lv, that of hir
ing a rune servant carry the ir yer
nook to church. On these no -a lot
the duchess' young Nubian servant Is a
picturesque sight.
The nurre of the sergeant-at-arms of
the .Marj a d b r; bl.m re Is Devllblll and
1 '' n a 'a Mudd.
Victim of Lo.'.t r.rnb'jd nliouM nend af
wr-H I'.r u book
1 1rti'pji)ii8 ho ir
-J ,.;tnly vmt
n .'-v ntfv i i.l i
It is not a miracle. It won't cur
everything, but It will cur- piles. That's
what DeWltt's Witch Haxi-1 fla've will
do, because It has done It In hundnda
of cases. Chas. Rogers.
i and tnn a.-i,
portlnu of tSo bulv. I
pronfi(ealuI?re tuunyi
r u ut niui r 1
i. .'I. i.u iniiii
. erl lie f rum
n'.-fi inn fif
i i l.::-ue iV ,
I y ,id vice.
":1H liov
: in.' lii, lie
. . i In every
with rn-ttlvu
mi application.
liura P. A. lair, lol t,
Adair' Astoria
Utira . Adnlr, lol ,
Adair' Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot U
Adair's Astoria
Mary 1 Adair, lot It, block (H,
Adair's Astoria
Mnry L Adair, lot IS, block .
Adair's Astoria
Mary 1. Adair, lot Is, block O,
Ailalr Astoria
Mary I. Adnlr. lot 17, block to.
Adair' Astoria
Mary I. Adnlr. W half kt Is,
block , Adair's Astoria
Mary L Adair, lot IV, block Hi,
Adair a Astoria
Mary I. Adnlr,. lot II. block .
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot , block H,
Adair's Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lot U. block ,
Adair's Astoria
Mary I. Adnlr, lot a, block CL
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot A block OL
Adnlr' Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lot Jt. block d
Adnlr's Astoria
Hetty Adnlr I'rrnham, und on
eighth lot t block It, Adalr'i
Hetty Adnlr llrenham, und one-
eighth lot T, block I. Adair
Hetty Adnlr Hrenham. und on.
eighth lot S. block , Adulr'
Hetty Adnlr Hrnhm. und on.
riBhth lot , blocs. I. Adair's
Hetty Adnlr Hrenhnm. nnd on.
eighth te In st NK corner lot 1
block to. thence 8 s tm. W TJ
feet. N feet. K TS feet, lot J,
block , Adnlr' Astoria
:ili n Adnlr MendelL und one-
elithih lot I blte-k 1. Adair's
Astoria ,
:il.-n Adnlr Mendell. und on-
elshth lo 7. I.I.H-h If, Adair
:ilen Adafr Mendell.
eighth lol S, blovlt
Kll.n Adnlr Mendell.
eighth, lot , ldo,-k
Ellen A. lair Men.1,11.
eighth brsln nt NK corner lot l
block . thence M St feet, W T
feet. N feet. K TS feel, lot X.
bliwk at. Adnlr Aalorln
Kale Adair Wrlcher, und one.
elshth lot t block It. Adair's
Knts Adnlr Welcher, und one
elshth lot T. M.--: i, Adair's
Kaln Adnlr Welcher. und one
eighth lot 5, block 1. Adair's
Kate Adnlr Welcher, und one
!j.hih. lol t, block 1, Adair's
Kate Adair Welcher. und one
sighth begin at NK corner lot I.
block a. theno 8 St feet, W TS
feet. N feet. K 71 feel, lot &
blisk m, Adair's Astoria....
Mary Adnlr Jordan, und one
eighth lot t block It, Adair's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot 7. block it. Adair
Mary Adnlr Jordan, und one
elghth lot S, block 1. Bhtvsly'a
Mnry Adnlr Jordan, und one!
eighth lot t. block 1. Shtvely's
Mary Adair Jordan, und on.
eighth liegin at NE corner lot 1,
block ). thence S feet, W 75
feet. N to feet. K TS feet, lot i.
Mock , Adair' Astoria
Mary R. A.lalr. und one--lithfh
lot I bloik l. Adair's
Mnry It.
elkhlh lot
Astoria. . , .
Mary It.
eighth lot 8,
Mary It. Adnlr.
eighth lot t, block
Mary R. Ad.ilr, und
eighth Iwgin at NE corner lot J.
Muck 40. thence S t feet, w TS
feet. N CD feet. E TS fret, lot X,
block 40. A.inlr's Astoria
Ijuira Adair Darker, und ihre..
elghihs lot 2, block It, Adnlr's
Laura Adnlr Barker, und three',
eighths lot 7, block 1, Adnlr's
I4tira Adnlr llnrker, und thre'el
eighths lot !, block 1, Shlvely's
Ijitira Ad.ilr linrker, und threel
eighths lot , block 1. Shlvoly
Laura Adnlr Unrser, und thrse
rlKhths liegin at NE corner lot 1,
block 40; thence H M feet, W 78
f-et, N m E 7S feet, lot I,
Mo-k 4", Alalr's Astoria
A. Honth Packing Co., kit I, block
IV). Shlvely's Astoria
A. Ilooih Parking Co., lot t, block
W. Hhlvely', Astoria
Victor Anderson, lot i, block j!
Hhlvely' Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block "il
Adnlr's Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot S, block
Adnlr' Astoria ,'
Astoria Havings Hank, trustee, 'lot
, block M, Adair's Astoria
Isiwic Hergmnn, lot it, block 14
Shlvely's Astoria
ituiininn iiarth, lot 4, block
Adair's Aslurla
Illram Itrown, lot I, block "l7
Adnlr" Asiorla
Illram Hrown, K half lot I, bioc'k
17, Adnlr' Astoria
Hiram Hrown, lot 4, block 17
Adnlr's Astoria '
Hiram Hrown, lot I, block' tL
Adair's Astoria .'
Hiram Hrown. lot 4, block ti!
Adair's Astoria
Hiram Hrown. lot S, block ti!
Adair's Astoria
Illram Brown, lot t, block tl,'
Adair's Astoria i
Illram Brown, lot t, block tt
Adair's Astoria
Hiram Brown, lot 4, block tt,
Aoair-s Astoria , 4) (
niram urown, lot
Adair's Aatorla.....',
Hiram Brown, lot
Adair's Astoria
Hiram Hrown,
I S3 tl
U 41
I tl
I ti
10 M
10 M
I ti
4 01
1 11
1 11
ii n
t n
t st
i a
Adalr'i Astoria...,,
D, W, Hush, lot H block 41.
Adnlr's Astoria II tl
Alice M. Hush, lot tt, block 41,
Adnlr' Asiorla ,
Jacob Hoasnil, lot IS, block
Adnlr's Asiorla
Jiicoh Hoasnrt, lot It, block U,
Adnlr's Astoria.,,
A. Printliold, lot II, block fu,
Adnlr's Asiorla
A. Ilmnholil, lot U, block to,
Adnlr's Astoria
Cryu twrrulliera, lot t, blmk IT,
Adnlr's Asiotl ,
Cyrus t'nrrulhnis, t t, bluck 17,
Adnlr' Astoria
Ersshno CnserogulU, N half lot S,
blmk JU. Adnlr's Astorln
Nellie tl. chnrlston, und half lot T,
block , Adnlr's Aslcrln
C, II. Cooper, lol I, b,Hk to,
Adnlr's Astoria
C. H. (H.per. lot I, lilock to,
Adnlr's Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot 10, block 10,
Adnlr's Astoria 0 tt
C. II Coopsr. lot II. block 10.
Adair's Astoria
C, II. Cooper, lot It, blw k n,
Adnlr's Astoria , ,
John Chit wood, und quarter lot 1.
block tl. Adnlr's Aatorla lilt
lluth A. Cornelius, und half lot t
block si. Adnlr's Aatorla
II. P. Dmnnan. und half let I.
block il. Adnlr' Aatorla
II. P. Drennan. lot , block tl,
Adnlr's Asiorla
D A. mmrlson, und half lol T.
block Adnlr's Astoria
J. II. Duncan, lol I, block
Adair's Asiorla
J. II. Duncan, lot L block
Adnlr's Asiorla..,.
Snmiu-I r.lmorv, lot IS. block
Adnlr's Astoria
Samuel Elmore, lol M, block
Adairs Astoria
Samuel Elmoro. lot 17, block 4U.
Adnlr' Asiorla
Samuel Elinor, lot n, block eu,
Adnlr' Astoria
Ales Hubert, lot t, block It, Adair's
10 M
10 M
10 M
4t 11
M t
N !0
M !0
10 St
10 M
K block 17,
' i' ' block ' ni
lot II. block
li " bloi'h "it!
tt II
tt it
u 4i
u 41
11 tl
!. block
und one
It. Adair's
urd one.
I. Shlvdy's
und on
1. Hhlvely'
t 14
i a
I 84
i n
i a
I 78
T S3
4 IB
U 41
10 00
11 S3
10 00
48 15
40 18
a 08
tt 18
It 41
82 41
4t IB
to. Adalr'i
block ti,'
block !'
block ti!'
bloi:k "is
Anal tlateii. lot
Adair's Astoria
Annls ilateiis. o
Adnlr's Astoria
Catherine llooitman,
41, Adnlr's Asturl
P. J. (ioodmnn, lot
Adnlr's Astoria
Anna Marl ilrainm. lot 9, block
Aunir Astoria
Anna Maria Ilrainm, jut SO, block
. Adnlr Astoria
Helen f. Ilraham. tut I, block O,
Adair' Astoria
Helen F. Ilraham. lot t, block ti!
Adnlr's Astoria....
Winifred C. Oeorgti, lot 1, block L
Hhlvely' Astoria
Mary C. Holmes, lot T. block 17,
AiUlr's Astoria
Mary r. Holmes, lot t, blo.k IT,
Adnlr's Astorta
Thomas A II y land, lot 8. blook N,
Adair's Astoria
Eria llouk. lot t, blork 41. A.lalr'i
Ilo llouk. lot T. block II. Adair's
F. A Hill, lol t. Modi 10,'Adsirs
F. A Hill, lot 7, bloc
Aleck Ivsraon. lot II,
Adair' Astorta
Alck Iverson. lot u,
Adair' Astoria
Jnnies Jackson, lot S,
Adair's Astoria
James Jack son, lot t,
Adair's Astorti
Iaui4 JohaiiMn. lot lo, block I4.
Hhlvely Aslurla
John Kopp. ol I. block 41 Adnlr's
ChrUtlna A.. Alfred. Josephine and
rank P. Ilnenweber, heirs of
Frank l.!nenwhr, lot 8, block
SO, Adair" Asiorla
Christina A. Alfred, Josephine and
Frank P. Lelnenweber, heir of
Frank 1-elnrnweber, lot t, block
M, Adnlr's Astoria
Christina A. Ilnenwsher.
blwk S. Adair's Aatorla
Christina A. !
blwk W, Adnlr Astoria
Christina A. I.elnenwrher.
blin k U). Adnlr's Asiorla.
Christina A. llnrnweber.
blwk U. Adnlr's Astoria..
August l-arsrn, N half lot 1, block
a. Adnlr s Astoria
John Kopp, lot t, blwk 41, Adair
Mnry J Kyis, lot 4. blork
Adnlr' Asiorla
Mnry J. Kyle, lot 8, blwk
Adnlr' Astoria
Mr. Anna Kopp, lot t. blwk
Adair' Aatorla
P. N. Kenrnev. und half lot
Mock tl. Adair's Astoria tin
James F. Kearney, lot t block tl.
Adnlr' Asiorla
Frank J Carney, und half lot T.
blwk til. Adair's Astoria
Mary A. Crarns, und half lot T.
blwk tl. Adair's Astoria
Mary II. Lelnenwlr, W half lot
I. blwk 17. Adnlr's Astoria
Christina A , Alfred ().. Josenhene
and Frank P. I.elnrnweher, heir
of Frank Lelnenweber, lot
7, block W. Adnlr's Astoria
Christina A., Alfred O.. Jovnhrne
and Frank P. Ii Inenweber, heirs
of Frank Ilmnwrber, lot
, blwk M. Adnlr's Astoria
L. Lebeck and Olive H'lnton, lot
I, block I. Hhlvely's Astoria
L. Ix-beck and Olive Wlnton, lot
4. blix k I. Hhlvslv'l Astoria
L. I-clieck nnd olivet Wlnton. lot
I. block 1. Hhlvely' Astoria
L. I-elieck nnd Ollv Wlnton. lol
10, block 1. HhlvslV's Aslnrl.
Nlcholetta Malngnmba. W half and
o no feet of K half lot t, block W,
Adair's Astoria
Rev. H. W. Morris, lot I. blwk 40.
Adair's Astoria
Uev. U. W. Slums. S s4 r. .1 bit 1
blwk W, Adair's Asiorla
Itev. Is. W. Morris, lot 6. block in
Adair's Astoria
Rev. H. W. Morris, lot t. block lo
Adair's Asiorla
Itev. H. W. Morris, lot 7. bluck 40.
Adair's Astoria
Itev. U. W. Slorrls, lot 2, block M.
Adair's Asiorla
Hv. H. V. Morris, lot I, block tU,
Adair's Asiorla
Rev. II. W. Morris, lot 4. block Aa.
Adair's Astoria
Rov. Ii. V. .Morris, lot 4. block 40,
Aumr Asioria ,,,,
Fred Munsen, lot 3. block a.
Adair's Aatorla
A. MoPharlun, lot If", block So.
Adair's Asiorla
A. Mcl'harlan, lot 21, block 00
Adair's Aatorla
blwk .
'blwk !!
biwk "lit!
lot t
10 N
82 41
SI 41
10 00
SI 41
u a
Id M
10 N
10 u
SI 41
a ot
44 u
4t II
14 41
S2 41
S2 4I
lleorgs Nelson, lot S, block
Adnlr's Astoria
llworss Nelson, lot t, block
Adnlr's Asiorla
Chi 1st Nass, lol I, blmk
Adnlr' Asiorla
Christ Nnsa, lol 10, block
Adulr'l Aatotla
Theresa U lltleli, lol t blm'k
Adnlr's Aniiiila
Theresa ll'llilen. lol I, block
Adnlr's Astoiln
Etlward O' Connor, lol I, block II.
Adnlr's Asiorla.,,,
EdMnid tll'oiinor, lol t, block 41,
Adnlr's Asiorla
Edward li'l'oiinur, lol 1, block II,
Adnlr's Astoila
Andrew Olson, lot T, block
Adnlr's Aatorla
Andrew tilsvii, lut t, bbK'k
Adnlr' Asloiia
J. II. Palmer, lot 8. blwk
Adnlr' Aslurla
Anita M. Pope, lol 8. blwk
Adnlr' Astoria
Ella Pop, lol 4. blwk 10, Adslr'a
Frank I'sllon, truslee, lut U, blwk
su, Adnlr's Astoria
Frank I'allon, trusts, lot II. block
So, Ailalr Aatorla ,,,
J. II. Palmers lol 4,
Adalr'i Aslurla
W. W. l ark.r, lol a,
Shlvely's Aatorla
W. W. Parker, lol t,
Hhlvsly's Asiorla
Jennl. II. Parker, lot II, blmk 1.
Hhlvdy'i Astoels
Mnry J. Ityrle. lot 8, block to,
Adnlr's Astoria
Sarah tl. Hherman, lot t, blwk N,
Adnlr' Astoria
Mnbl I. Sullivan. H half lol 1.
blwk St, Adair Astoria .
N. Hliiumseo, o tX blwk 41,
Adair Astoria
N. Hlnionavn, lot 84. blwk 41,
Adair's Aatorla
O. Hoey, lot U, blwk 41, Adilr'
O. Hover. o II. blwk 41. Adnlr
I Ice. son Sabine, lot T, bb. k 41
Adnlr Astorln ... . .
Ellnlieth Heafeldt. lol II. blwk 41.
Adalr'i Astoria..,..
Elliahelh Heafeldt, lot Jl bl k 41.
Adair' Aatorla
Mnry A Hrhrotler K half lot It.
blwk , Adslr'a Astorln
W. T Schoineld. und half lot t,
block (1. A.lnlr s Aatorla .
W T. Hiholfleld and K. llouk-.
frao lot I. blwk I. Hhlvsly A.
W. T. Scholfleld ami K. Ilouke.
lot t blwk I, Hhlveiy Astorln
John Seines, lol t, blwk V
Adair's Astoria
John Hrlness. lot 4, bbnk ts,
Adair' Aatorla
Psi.r Nufur. H half lol 8, blwk N,
Adair's Aslnrl
Jacob t'talnger, lot 4, la,
Adair's Astoria
OI O. Vlg. lot U. blwk to. A.lslr
Aatorla ......
Ola O. Vlg. lot 23, blw k , Adair
t-ha. Vrrschruren. W half lot II
biwk 40, Adair's Astoria
Nicholas Wlaner, lot 1J, blo-k 41.
Adnlr Asiorla
Nichols Wlsser, lol 17, block 41.
Adair's Astoria
Charle Wtasman, bit IS. blwk tB.
Adnlr Astorta
Charle Wiseman, lot 17, blwk So.
Adairs Astoria
Oetiri Watson, lot IS,
Adnlr Astoria
Ontrg Watstin, lot It,
Adair' Astoria
Ms reus Wise, lot
Adair's Astoria ..
Marcu Wis, lol
Adnlr' Astoria ..
Msrcus Wis, lol
Adslr'a Aslurla...
Mare us Wise, lot 14.
Adalr'i Astoria
Marcus Wla. lol St,
Adair's Astoria
Marcus Wise, lol tt. blwk
Adair' Aatorla . .
Mary Wilson, lot I, blwk
Adnlr' Aatorla
Walter. Mamie. Annie, fir. -Is and
William Wilson, heir of William
Wilson, lol 2. llmk , Adair
I Die. Wlllherg. o 14. blwk tO.
. Adnlr' Aatorla
Caroline t Wllllierg. lot n, blwk
! to. Adair' Astoria
, Carolina ti. Wlllherg, lot 14. block
I . Adslr'a Astoria
' Charle Wright and S E Harris,
I kit i, blwk 41. Adair's Asiorla ...
. Charles Wright snd M K Hnrrl.
It." blwk
it N
a a
It N
10 N
I tt
it a
11 u
It N
It N
n a
it a
it a
it N
10 N
10 N
lot t. blwk 11. Adair's Astorln
Charles Wright and S. K. Harris.
lot 10, blwk II. Adalr'i Asiorla...
Charles Wright snd fl. E. Hnrrl.
lot II, block 41, Adalr'i Asiorla. .
Charles Wright and S. K Harris.
O 41 I lot I', blwk 41. Adslr'i Astorta .
I Charles Wright nnd H. K Hnrrl.
lot V, blwk II, Adnlr' Asiorl ..
Charle Wright and S. E Harrl.
lot II, blwk 41, Adalr'i Aatorla ..
Charle. Wrlghl and K. Hnrrl.
lot Tt, block 41, Adair' Asiorla...
Charles Wright snd S E. Harris,
lot ip, niwR 41. Adalr'i Astoria...
a io
io a
It N
10 N
It N
12 a
i: a
12 a
12 a
12 a
u a
11 a
12 41
S3 41
10 00
10 (0
10 to
41 H
4t IS
a to
44 It
44 IS
44 IS
46 IS
48 IS
44 IS
4 It
82 41
10 N
10 N
i Charle Wrlk-tJit and S. E. Harris
lot 2D, block 41. Adnlr's Astoria... 11 a
Charles Wrlghl snd S. K. Harris.
lot i, block 41, Adnlr's Aalorln... 1122
I Chnrle Wright and H. E. Harri.
; lot tl, block II. Adnlr's Asiorla... 12 a
lot a, blwk 41, Adair's Astoria... 12 B
Limrtrs tvngni snd H. E. Harris,
Dated Astoria, Or., April a
Auditor and Folic Judge
Important lo Americans seklng Eng.
tlah Capilai for nw rnisrprlees. A Ustt
vonnsiiiug me nasnns and ailtrensca ot
S) sHKi-eMful promoter who hnv. iilarsd
over tino.trto.orw Hlerllng In Foreign In
veotmeiM within Uis last six year ana
over fl,l0,0i) for th, wn ,.,'
IN-.. I'iic.i. (5, or ti, pny.Uile py p,M.tal
nnb-r lo tho London and Universal Bu
reau of liiVMinra, SO, Che..p,.e, London.
K. C. Hulisi-rtl-ns wll be entitled, by u
rangoment orlih tits directors to receive
elt1i- ecin.ii: or lottere of
lo any of ihesn su vmmC ill promoters.
This Ilat Is rlrst olajw In every nwues't.
and every man or firm whose name an.
per tiieroln may b. ibfended utam.
Fur . piaclng Oh ful!wing lt wni
found Invalial4e-Hi, or KHgre, of In.
diKWrtal, Commercial and Financial con
cern., Mortgug. ham. Sal of launla
PatotiU or Mima.
.. Oopyrlgtht,
i Astoria
lot 2, block 87,
i ,
lot 4, block 87,
lot 5, block 87,
lot t, block 07,
lot 7, block 87,
lot I, block trr!
84 8S
84 B
Laura Adair Barker, lot 8, block
li, Adnlr's Astoria Mil
Fred Marker, lot 4, block 28, Adalr'i
asiorla It 41
Katherlne C. Illlssett. lot 4. block
IS), Adalr'i Astoria r. ii
Retina Norwegian Evangelical Lu
theran Church, N 00 feet of E
half lot 3, block ZD, Adalr'i As
toria in it
D. W. Bush, lot 18. block 41
Adair's Astoria 19 m
D. W. Bush, lot 22. block 41.
rti ft? VViriW.' T- l-w .,a-J.
. . . . ,
" w i r " "Y'k 'vv.!
'A 'MMMi
r f r ?i a 'ik v it a
14 tt
I u
I 41
U 41
81 41
II 81
ii a
I 41
I ti
10 N
10 N
10 Ot
10 0t
10 N
82 41
N 8
11 a
ii a
ii a
81 41
10 N
8 41
"' 4,