The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 26, 1896, Image 1

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- -V '. ; .' , - ' I-
CiipllHl Stuck, l(,(HHt
Miiiicn, $ Each.
PAVAIII ir i.t wr kiiI nontlily fur Ilia tli.l
lew munllia.,i, ..l. Inv.,
Mn4nm iviurn In a vvty .liarl time,
Call UN er Aduitsa
471 Bond St., Astoria, Or.
Vol, XI.V.
Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
Ins:, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes. Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets,
Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
For the One-Price
,w Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers
In Oppicg
IP 80
A New Lot of
Playing Cards
Just Received
Boat Stores... Everything
In the Fisherman's Supply Line
...Oust Be Sold in the Next Sixty Days...
Trunlcp lor M. C. CHOSUY
Why went fiictory-niudc cloak, cunts an J cupvM, when tuiltir
tntiJc wrnps cmt no more, lit the llmire perfectly, anJ ItHtk
Jiitmty nnil HtyliHh. tact u wrap nuiJe to order once, an J you
will wear no other.
Coat to order, with material furnlahed, from 17 to 1100
Capes from $3.05 to 4100
We Can Do As
We Advertise.
t. PULLMAN, lata al Fraaman A Holma.
Foundrymen. Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers
Manufacturing and Repairing of all Kinds
i ; ' i , of Maohlpery.i, .:'..:';
Iron and Brass Castings. General BlacksmltblWork
SPECIAI.TIPS-Wkh Pstant Whaal, Ship
SmliMaf and Sttamlxwl Wotk, C.nn.ry and
Mill M.chln.rv. Marina and StaUutiary Holl
ers Built to Urdar.
t-Speclally equlrpf J for Logeers' Work. Located on i8th snd Franklin (Scow
B;iy Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence solicited.
At any mail coming out ot
our atora ami you'll Rtt a
portrait ol a nmu brlnimlnn
nrer with plxnnant thoiiiilita.
Huoh quality In the llquora
we havetooffurnreenouxhto
plrua nny nun,
1-4. V Jfl il JsS I
ji im n-v. KrvL u kv'h a . u i.a
...Cltv Hook Store
R. T. GARLB, lata al Stockton, Cal.
Ie there a man with heart eo cold,
That from his family would withhold
The com forte which they all could And
In artlclea of FURNITURE of the right
And we would auirgoit at this leaaon a
nice Sideboard, Extension Table, or aet
of Dining Chain. We have the largest
and flnsBt Una ever shown In the city
and at prices that cannot fall to please
the closest buyers.
icxci.usivE TJCucnKAp'nic phkss kicport.
Mure Cont raitn Are Ik-lny Let snd
Other Are In ('reparation by
the Koijlnccrs.
ivsiTcnoN mil' was made
tte pi4 Cfuvrcs os the Grade Asoti Toagse
foist drade sad Dridijcs os ttrascs
Use 10 ristel Is Well
Coast rsctcd.
tMrliHt the mxt two wrrka llirre will
tw llvrly tlmt-a In Aalorla. t'onitructlon
murk will rotniMiu t at tiia lowrr end of
the city on the grade and trratllmt and
wurk alll coininclwc on the big dork at
Klavrl. The contract for the Klavcl ho-t.-l
will Wt li't. aihl that Work will le
pualml forward u rapidly aa pomllile. It
la morn than rilNilil that within that
tlm the I'M will Imi callr.1 for for ine
liull.lliuc of tl" Bt'"w bay drpot, depot
graunila, fuuuduilona for awilvh tracks,
and the round houae. Ily that time aleo
It la juto certain that work will have
commenced on the grade between Hum
aid" point and UoMr.
Mr. A . loerlg. the rontmctor for
the work brtunn the bridge and Tth
atreel, arrived In the city yeaterday, and
will proceed within four or rive duys to
put hla men to work. The steamer
Thonipoun thla morning will bring down
the cnttlne and hammer for the pile drtv.
er. Mr, Ooerlg eipecta to put a lurge
force of men on the work H u to com
plete It aa soon aa possible. Mr. Wake
field, of VYakenrl.l and Ja.-ol...n, who are
to do the work between 7th street and a
point !' feet eaat of the Bcow bay dt
pot, will be down from Portland In a
few dura, and will start his men to work.
Yesterday the rontrart was awarded to
l'or lirothrrs for the construction of
the blir tthnrf at Klitvrl. Including the
warehouse and other buildings to be
situated uxm It. They are already mnk
n the sru.le for the spur track which
will Irml frum tha main line to this
wharf. It la understood that work Is to
be pu.tmt wiry rapidly on this duck In
order to have the sump finished before
the rirst ship arrives with the Km:llh,
mils. In a duy or two the O. It. nnd N.
t.tni"rs will brlna down a lot of new
tW rails of milium weiKht lor use in
the spur tra.k nnd switch's. In cuee
the K.ngllsh mils do not arrive In time
for u.e on the bridge, this lot of mlia
eipectcd thla Week Will ha III III tern-
IKirnrily across the bridge and up
ihrouiih the city for summer travel. It
Is hoil, however, this will not be
necessary, as It will cause considerable
OIHiise to Hike them up and relay the
Kiutllsh rolls
l'r-slilent Curtis, af the construction
company, lust evcnlos; that It
would take twa wo ks more 10
vet all of the 1I1 lull of the pinna for the
ilepit and other bulldlnira and improve
meuls to le erected ut Hxw bay' In
shape to cill for bills. Mr. Wolfe, who
Is the lowest bidder on the grade woik
between llurnslde Point and Uolile, will
Iw given son.e further time In which to
furnish his bonds. All work Is progress
Inc as rapidly 11a la Msslhle, conipallble
with the lu me Interests al stake.
Hunday the steamer I'wyer took a lurge
party up the river to Inspect the grade
work on the rntlroud, and also to War
renton and Klvl that the pdrtlea might
see what w-iis gotiiK on there. Those In
the party wem Mr. 8. II. Hrown, Jr., L.
II. Sii'li y. M. J. Connell, of Montana,
J. M. Turney. Captain A. C. Flaher, Mr.
and Mrs. Iiincnn Btuart. Mr. iluah
Means, of Lawrence, Kansas, Mrs. lr.
Adair, Cot. John Adair, Miss Nichols, and
several others.
On the way to Ilurnslde l'olnt II was
noticed tlutt a very large amount of work
had been done In the past week. The
fills are being rapidly made, and the
grading w ill soon lie completed. The work
Is iHdng done In tho best possible manner
and rellecla great credit tion Corey
Hrothers, the contractors. htle pass
ing through Cuthlamet Uuy, Just after
leaving Tongue l'olnt, Mr. Council re
marked that there was the Ideal spot for
a city park and pleasure grounds. Tongue
l'olnt, he thought, might bo converted
Into a paradise of beauty, while Cal Il
ia met bay would afford unlimited mcuns
for nmuscnn nt upon the water.
At Warrenton the party disembarked
oral walked over tho railroad grade to
Kluvel. Tho clus of work done on this
part of the road Is fully In keeping with
that above Tongue l'olnt. The grade Is
well constructed, nnd the bridges are
build of heavy timber, the ties being
drrssml on all sides. The rlprnpplng Is
of the heaviest, and evidently tho work
has been done with a view to permanen
cy. Mr. Connell, with Mr. Campbell, or
Warrenton, made a detour on horse
back, to the ocean bench, where he ob
tained a good view of the Puelllc and
Fort Stevens. After Inspecting the hotel
site, and tho location of the whnrf at
Flnvrl. the party returned to the olty.
Mr. Connell was more than pleased with
nil that he saw, and In appreciation or
his entertainment gave an impromptu
banquet to tha party before taking the
boat for Portland, He sold that he would
return next August nnd spend some little
time In Astoria, nnd that he anticipated
becoming Interested In manufacturing
business nt this point. Mr. Beeley, Mr.
Hrown, Mr. Turney, and Col. Adair, ac
companied Mr. Connell to Portland.
These gentlemen will return to Astoria
this morning, bringing with them the
plans for the Flnvol Hotel, when they ex
pect to close the contract for Its con
struction with Hnyles & rnlmberg-.
Tho entertainment of strangers In As
toria by the White Collnr I.lno Is be
coming a fact too well known to need
comment. Nearly all of tho Knatern enp
Itnllsls and rnllrond men who have vis
ited the city during the past two or three
yenrs, hnvo come down on the boats of
this company, and have been entertained
while hero by Its ollleers. It eoems Hint
they never l nn opportunity to show
foreigners whnt Astoria Is ntul Is nbout
to lie. Their energy nnd effort nro tire
less, and tho present satisfactory stale or
affairs Is In a largo measure duo to their
push and enterprise. It Is not u little
thing to hunt up people who linve means
and ability, bring them from the Kast
or Portland, hlro bouts, and show them
Free silver exploded! Judgo Northup
nt Fisher's tonight. Remember S o'clock
Mi MB (jl.'Kfllr.H.
"Clllu-n" Asks I'ariliient 'V 01 si Ions Cog.
renting Kl.liiog munition.
Astoria, May V,, PW.
T'lthe Kdltor:
Tim nshlng Industry of the 'lolumMa
concerns all lha e,sldeiU of Astoria anil
the sluice of fin-ton and Washington
iwurly or "iili aa much aa the oannry
men and nstu rm.n. In otdr that those
not illroctly anaugiNl In the fish Induairy
might have proper Idraa of tho present
controversy, a plain, candid answer to
the following guestlona Would be of ser
vice. 1 If the Cannery men can make money
by pocking salmon at flv cenia, grosa
weight, per pound, for the fish, why do
they allow large plants to lie Idle and
they carry over for the yeura gear?
I -1 r there, la a demand for Columbia
river aalmon. why does not toe stock ot
lust year leave the nvrr and find mark-Is?
I Why cannot the fishermen of tha
lower river fish for four centa per pound
as well as those above! One) hundred
thousand dollars have been earned al
reudy this season by the up-river fisher
men. 4If the fisher at the mouth of the riv
er cannot afford to nsh for four oenta.
why does It require force, destruction
of property ami personal violent-) to pre
vent them from Ashing?
4 If four cents for on-'hlrd of the
season's catch la lost how can It be
made up during Hie balance of the year
even though the price ahould be raised
to five cents?
Take last year's pock for the basts:
JO.oau casts at four cants for nsh groaa,
net lit p.r rase, makes a loss of itt,.
uu less tho llui.ouw earned by the up-rlvtr
llstwrmen. Net lose. lEsj.tM) 90 the first
third of the year.
Catch for tlie balanre of the year ft).
an esses at one cent per pound for fish,
alMve four cents, net per caee sixty-two
rents, total gain, -'t.i0 00 lajil of the
season. It-duct this from the lose of the
Hrst third, and It leuves a net loss ot
l:.nj to the fishermen primarily and
Indirectly to the community al large for
tho season of
If Columbia liver flah Is kept out
of the market this year, will It not he
aupplanted hrst season by Alaska nsh?
Will not the Columbia flsh then and
thereaf'er lose Its "Itoyol" n-putatlon
und sell alonirstdc common salmon anal
at alwut the same rates?
7 If Chlnoon salmon Im put at tl.Su
and Alaska fluh at ninety cvnta per dosen,
will not the averoae consumer wage
earn-.- ia.e thv Alaska flah In preference
to the Chinook?
V Is there not aa much nutriment In a
lpund of Alaska nsh aa In the same
qhuntlty of Chinook fluh?
To the average consumer In the tem
perate lonua, la no) itojAiuska t)h aa
palatable as the more oily salmon of the
10 loee not the Columbia River furnish
less than one-third of the Pacific const
pack of salmon, and cannot the work!
get along without Columbia river Ash
end will Its alMwnce have any great effect
on the market for canned aalmon?
II lkl the Frtucr lllver fish crowd the
Columbia saltnon out of the European
market; although the latter had for
years been the only canned salmon
known there?
1J -Ik not the Ala.-ka flsh, which Is as
good as Kraser Hlver, now pushing the
Columbia flsh out of tbe markets of the
Cnlted States, because of the high price
of the Columbia Klver flsh?
lS-lld not the Alaska flsh Interfere
with the consumption of Columbia River
II Kh lust year, and Is It not the cause
of so much old stock being on the river
now, unsalable? CITIZKN.
A gentleman having access to some
old cannery records and who has been
ail Interested spectator of the present
fishing situation, yestcrduy gave an As
tori.111 representative the following flg
ures, which answer some of the queries
Fifteen years ago on a pack of SA.StXl
cases of salmon on the lower Columbia
river, Jis.lsj was paid for the raw flsh,
and t.l.uo for the material and labor In
Packing, making a total cost to the
eunncrymcn of C4.1SS. The same amount
of flsh, packed nt the present prices,
would cost the cannrrymen about ttW
for the raw material, and about S,d3t
for labor and packing, making a total ot
illi.oui). It would seem, then, from these
tlirurea. that on the present demand ot
live rents for fish, the flshermen would
receive IIH.OOO more than fifteen years
ago, being a saving made In the cost
of labor and packing en account of the
Improved methods nnd machinery now in
use; und they would also receive about
tlH.nOO additional on the raw material.
Fifteen yenrs ago the flshermen were re
ceiving nn average of fifty-seven and one
half cents per flsh.
From the llrltish consular reportH for
the year 1SSS, presented to parliament In
June, lv, the department for Bun Fran
cisco nnd the Pacific coast, reports as
"The total fishing In the Columbia riv
er In this district, shows a marked falling
off In the spring catch, of Chinook salm
on, made up In part, by the catching and
using during the past season, of other
species of salmon, namely, bluebacks and
steelhends, not heretofore used: The
flshermen receive on an average 5s per
"The prices received for salmon pack
ing ranged markedly higher In ISXi than
In 1SS7, but owing to the Increased prlco
of raw flsh, amounting to three shillings
per case, the profits have been divided;
but the closing out of a number of the
co-operative packing establishments has
no doubt made It better for those who
remain in the business than It otherwise
would have been.
"Alaska, however, Is claiming the attention--of
a great number In this vicin
ity, who are caught by the promise ot
the low price of flsh. Irrespective or
other consideration."
When shown these paragraphs from
the consular reports the gentleman refer
ed to above, stated that In connection
with the figures quoted, dt was easy for
any one famllttr with tho situation to
see the end to which the Columbia salm
on Industry was rapidly tending.
Worklngmen! Tour welfare Is at stake.
Hear Judge Northup nt Fisher's tonight.
Denver, May 23. The police have been
Informed of the arrest In IVtroit of Al
fred O. Illghtnn. the noted forger who
was pardoned from the Colorado peniten
tiary by Oiovcrnor Wulle, He Is 65 years
of age. Tho most remarkable of hla for
geries was that committed In Portland,
Oregon, on September 20, 1S4, when ho
hired a special Northern Pacltlo train to
tiyke him to St. Paul, paying for It with
nf' forged check.
Go to Fisher's tonight and hear a well
Informed mun speak.
MAY Hi, ltt.
Six Town Kipcd Off the Map, and
Several Hundred I'ersuns
Are Killed.
Railroad Tracks ricitd tp rjodily aid
Marled Isto a Tnqled Mao -Has
More Deatk May keialt
rroaj lnjirlcs.
Omaha, May 25. A epeclal to the Bee
from Ies Moines, Iowa, says:
JumfH-r and Polk counties were swept
by a very disastrous cyclone last night,
and today's aun ahowed the terrible ex
tent of the disaster. Tbe storm, which,
at first gave promise of notblmr more
than a heavy rain, soon developed into
a tornado, rivaling in fore and deatruct
Iveneaa the recent tornado which devas
tated Texas and Kansas
As far aa can b ascertained al present,
alx towns were partially destroyed. They
are Hondurant, Valeria and Mingo, on
tha line of the Chicago and Oreat West
ern, northeast from Dea Molnea, and
Ankeoy, Folk City and Slater, on an
other brunch of the same railroad run
ning north from DeaMolne. Bondunutt,
Ankny and Polk City ant in Polk coun
ty: Valeria a on the line between Polk
ami Jasper counties; Mingo Is In Jas
per county and Slater la In the south
western corner of Story county.
The flr.t intelligence of the storm
reached this city from Berwick, a small
station nine mile- east of the city. The
railroad telegraph operators' first bulle
tin stated that Valeria and Hondurant
had be.wi almost completely devastated
that the Chicago and Great Western de
pot had been destroyed and that at Va
lerla 9)0 feel of track had been plcktd
up bodily and hurled Into a muss ot
tonl)d, twisted Iron, effectually stop
ping tranl: from the north.
The first fatality occurred two miles
eaet of Hondurant. The house of Rob
ert Bailey, occupied by nlmsrlf. wife and
seven children, was demolished. Mrs.
Itulley. Joe. aged 11. IJiile, sged 18, and
Joyce, aged 13, were killed outright. Bai
ley sustained Injuries which will proba
bly prove falaL
From this point the storm followed the
Great Y extern road to a point above Ira,
In Marshall county, where tbe last traces
of It are found.
Tha town ot Santiago was wrecked and
a family named Boltenbaugh, consisting
of father, mother and one child, were
killed. A number were also Injured. The
next town In the course of the storm
was Valeria. It was swept almost from
the face of the earth. Here a man nam
ed Phelan and his four children were
killed. A large number were Injured, but
as it la a point ten mllea from tele
graphic communication and all news
cornea by carriers. It Is hard to get defi
nite Information.
A dispatch from Altoona says a courier
reports that between Valeria and Ira the
loss of life and property Is great, and
that at least nine persons were killed In
the county and their bodies brought Into
Ira. It Is Impossible as yet to get the
details from there. The best Informa
tion Is that the killed number Just twenty
although this may be slightly increased
by deaths among the Injured.
Dubuque, la., May 25. Passengers on
the train from the north tonight say that
from twenty-five to thirty persona have
been drowned at North McGregor.
Among; the dead are a man named Ma
loney, his wife, child and grandchild.
Two families named Burke and Myers
were w lived out, leaving- no trace. Eight
een are said to have been drowned In
these three families alone. A number ot
tramps are also known to have been
The other names could not be had. A
number of small streams unite at Bula
and flow from that point to the Mlssls
sipp. A flood, which occurred yesterday,
swept everything, houses and cars, be
tween Bula and North McGregor. Into
the Mississippi. Previous estimates ot
the loss of life placed the number ot
drowned at twelve.
Rock ford. III., May 25. Four killed and
many Injured, a number of them fatally.
Is the result of a cyclone which swept
through this section last night at mid
night, besides a great loss to property
and the complete ruin o( crops In the
path of the storm.
Mrs. Godfrey HUdebrand. living near
Monroe, was beheaded while going Into
the cellar to escape the storm. Her
daughter. Elsie, was Instantly killed and
her husband Is dead from Injuries re
ceived. Six other Who were in the house
were blown across the street and Injured.
The house was demolished.
Near Egan City, Mrs. Bird was Instant
ly killed and her five children badly In
jured, two probably fatally.
Oxford. Mich., May 25. A terrible cy
clone struck the village ot Oak wood and
entirely wiped off the earth last night
destroying; all buildings and leaving
death and destruction In Its trail. Just
west of the village fields are strewn with
the dead and Injured, and It Is Impossible
to get a correct estimate ot the damage
until daylight. The storm also struck
the village of Thomas and destroyed
about a doien buildings. Many farm
buildings are destroyed, but no news
can be obtained from the country on ac
count of the roads being blocked with
fallen trees; hut It Is thought tho num
ber of dead and wounded will reach near
ly a hundred. , , , .
Galena, 111., May 25. Tho storm last
night caused a property loss of $100,000
In Galena, Tho river rose rapidly, flood
ing several streets. It was tho heaviest
fall of rain ever known here. Not a
train Is moving on any of the four rail
roads entering the city. One fatality
Is reported. Mrs, R. D. Stryckland was
drowned In her homo. ,
Mount Clemens. Mich., May I'i A cy
clone struck this city nt S o'clock to
night. Thirty houses wero utterly de
molished nnd many others partially de
stroyed. No one has been found to be
seriously Injured, except Mrs. Pohl and
three sons, who are not expected to live.
Detroit, Mich.. May 25. A cyclone
struck the region In which Macomb,
Oakland, SL Clair nnd La Pere counties J
ore located and worked disaster In the :
city of Mount Clements and otner towns ;
In that section. Many people are report- j
ed killed and Injure!.
Remember Fisher's Opera House at
o'clock the sound money orator, Judge
Two Men Molested, One Belnc Severely
Beaten, and Both Robbed.
Special to the Astorlan.
Oak Point. Wn., May It-Saturday
night A. L. Krouts and a man whose
name Is not known, who was In charge
of a boat and net belonging to Mr. Cran
ilnJt, were drifting near Oak Point when
they were approached by a boat con
taining several men, who cut their nets,
smashed their boats and turned both
boats and nets adrift.
The man who was In charge of Cran
dall'a boat wag deprived of hla gum boots
and put on tbe sands on the Oregon side
of the liver. Krouts did not escape so
easily. The attacking party gave him
a beating and also deprived him of his
boots and put his ashore on the rocks
on the Washington side. Both men were
running what are known as "wheelbar
row" rigs, or one-man boats.
Brutal Turkish Troops Shooting- Down
tbe Defenseless.
Lon don. May 25. The Time has a
dispatch from Athens which says:
The long-expected disaster tn the is
alnde of Crete eeems suddenly to have
been precipitated, and since Sunday an
archy has reigned at Gaoea. The Tur
kish soldiery, breaking- all restraint,
poured through the streets, shooting and
massacrelng and pillaging Christiana.
Consuls have all telegraphed for war
ships. The British fleet at Malta sailed
today for Crete. Her Mejesty'a ship
Hood, anchored at Phiilurum, starts
thither tonight Several Greek Ironclads
will probably start tomorrow.
Palouse, Wash.. May 2S.-Albert Tayea J
killed hla wife and then committed sul-
clue at the farm of A. Torrey, about five
mllea south of Palouas this afternoon.
Tayes waa a worthless, shiftless man
and Ill-used his wife. She refused to
live with him. staying with the Torreys.
This morning be came to Palouae, but
found that she was at the ranch alone,
the rest of the family being In town at
tending a circus. He at once rode out.
Mr. Tor.vy discovered the corpse In the
kitchen wallowing in blood. She waa
snot In the temple. No signs of a strug
gle were discovered.
Tucson, Aria, May 25. CoL E. V. Sum
ner, who arrived today from Fort Grant,
has received advice from Gaudelupe
Canyon, Sonora county, that Lieutenant
Averill found the body of an Apache
killed In the recent engagement, and they
are on the trail of another Apache, who
dropped his gun and field glass, leaving
a trail of blood.
Two troops of cavalrv ar now at Ban
Bernardino and two more en route. Col.
Sumner leaves tomorrow to take the field
In person. The report of the killing ot
eighteen persons near San Bernardino
ranch la not credited here.
New York. May 25. The exports of sil
ver from this country to Europe up to
Inst Saturday amounted to about 20.000,-
000. as about 112,000,000 In the
some time last year. The Increase rep
resents the silver shipped to Paris for
coinage Into Russian roubles. The re
quirements for this purpose are under
stood to have been practically tilled for
the time being. Silver is quoted at 694
bid, an advance of one-fourth per cent
from last week's price.
Berlin, May 15. Herren Beoel, Auer,
Pfannkuch. Singei, Gerlsch and other
prominent leaders of the social demo
cratic party, who were recently arrested
under the laws governing associations,
and for having socialist literature tn
their possession, were convicted and fined
from thirty to seventy-five marks each.
London, May 25. The Rome correspond
ent of the Chronicle telegraphs that the
Vatican has been Informed that the Cxar
will pardon all Catholic priests who
have been convicted under the public
worship laws. He will also gradually
largely extend religious liberty In his
Paris, May 25. John 8. Johnson, the
American w heelman, was beaten by Ja
queltn by several lengths In both heats
of the 2.0O0 kilometre match today. John
son come In thjrd In the race of 2,000 me
tres being beaten by Rebeme and Dur
and. A HERO DEAD. '
Ervtne, Ky., May 25. Captain John
Wilson, a hero of Lookout Mountain,
died at his home at Station Camp yes
terday, aged Tt. He waa the man who
first planted the federal flag on the sum
mit of Lookout Mountain.
McMlnnvIlle. Or., May 25. Oka John
son hanged himself thla morning at Day
ton. The cause waa Insanity, he having
been in the asylum. " - --,.-
Berlin, May 23. Two steamers will leave
Hamburg his week for German South
west Africa with 416 soldiers and 200 tonse
of war material. - . . . , . . J
Miss Emma L. Monroe, a little woman
of 13 summers, has now full charge of
the Attalla Beacon, Alabama. Slio Is
sold to be the youngest editor in the
state and conducts her paper admirably.
Tonight at S o'clock sharp. Judgo Nor
thup on sound money. Hear him!
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
51 W'V NJPly
i W C
Tin vary haart of lha Warranton-FlevM
Town Site.
Beaellful Location.
Largs, Onobla Lota, jouoo laat.
Eicaadlngly Low Pi leaf.
tn Opportunity.
Llbaral Tataia. Everybody iultad
otnca...47BonJ st Astoria, Of.
NO. 122
President Cleveland Kill Act Care
fully on the Klier and Harbor
Appropriation Bill.
By the Siprtae Coin la tke Sigir Bositjr
Cims Ccacril Dcfkicacy Bill Fused.
id Carries lboat $10,000,000
Otfcer .Utieal Vwi.
Washington, May 25. President Cleve
land today began consideration of the
river and harbor appropriation bill, which
reached the White Hons Saturday
night. He sent for General Cralghill,
chief ot engineers. As It is figured at '
the White House, the president may act
upon the bill any time up to and includ
ing Wednesday, June t. Tha President
will examine this particular bill care
fully In all of Its details, and although
hla past record shows that such meas
ures are repugnant to him. he insists
upon considering each of them on Its
own merits and without reference to
what has gone before. If a veto Is to
be sent In, It Is believed it will befor
warded to congress about the end ol
this week.
Washington, May 25. Mr. Bowler,
comptroller of the treasury, has taken
prompt measures to comply with the de
cision today of the supreme court In the
sugar bounty cases. la a letter to tho
auditor of the treasury department, he
states that the claims of the Realty Com
pany, of New Orleans, and tbe Ox hard
Beet 8ugar Company, under the act ol
March 2, H36. are now approved for pay
ment, and recommends the Oxhard claim
be withdrawn from court claims. Mr.
Bowler recognizes that today's decision
In these test cases applies to all prop
erly authenticated claims under the act
ot March 2. 15, and will proceed at once
to peas them for payment. The amount
wrtch will be required to pay the cane
and beta sugar claims will be about
t&,25T,JO which, it all are paid before
July L will Increase the deficiency for
the necal year to abont t30.iXH.0oi).
Washington, May 25. Small correc
tions in the speed of the battleship Ore
gon on her recent trial trip were in fa
vor of the contractors, as Is shown by
the following; telegram received by the
navy department today from Admiral
Beardsley. San Francisco:
"The Oregon's speed with all correc
tions applied la 16.7S1 knots."
The first report placed the speed at
1&7M) knots.
Washington, . May 25 The general de
ficiency appropriation bill, the last ot
the supply bills, waa before the senate
throughout the day and passed Just be
fore adjournment- Aa passed the bill
carries about 110,000,000, an Increase ot
$600,000 over the house bilL The most
Important amendment agreed to was that
of tl.W2.9T9 to the Southern Pacific Com
pany for the transportation of malls.
Washington, May 25. The controller
of the currency has declared a dividend
of fifteen per cent in favor of the cred
itors of the Insolvent Linn County Na-.
tlonal Bank, of Albany, Or.
For congress In tho 8econd district
Hon. H. H. Northup. At Fisher's tonight
In California People Choke to Death Try
ing to Breathe.
San Francisco, May 25. The hot spell
of the last two days Is without precedent
for the month of May in this state. The
local forecast official haa issued tha fol
lowing bulletin:
The temperature has risen In the past
twenty-four hours about ten degroes
along the central coast of California, in
the valleys and Northwestern Nevada.
A maximum temperature of 102 degrees
occurred at Los Angeles, 10S at Yuma,
and 106 at Phoenix. In the great valleys
the temperature has ranged from 9u to
100 degrees. The temperature for San
Francisco tonight la twenty-three degrees .
above the normal for this time In Mny.
At Los Angeles, San Diego and San
Luis Obispo temperatures are from 2
to 25 degrees above the normal.
The Battleship Oregon Will Not Go to
the Metropolis.
A dispatch to the San Francisco Ex
aminer, dated Washington, May 21, says:
The battleship Oregon will not go to
Portland to receive the silver service pre
sented by the people of that state. Sec
retary Herbert has decided that In view
of the trouble the Baltimore had In
getting to Portland it would be unwise to
risk sending; the new battleship there.
He will, however, consent to have her
go to any other harbor In Oregon where
there Is no danger to be apprehended
from shall iw water. .
"Any other harbor" probably means As
toria. 1
Santa Barbara, Cal., May 25. The heat
in this vicinity was Intense today, the
thermometer ranging close to 109 de
grees. Charles Gaglla, a laborer, while
working on the La Patera ranch, was
prostrated by the heat and died soon af
terward. Why working men should not vote the
free sliver candidates. At Fisher's to
night 4
nn, art C"'