The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 24, 1896, Image 2

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gaily gUtoviau
Telephon No. ,
Bent by mall, pr year
Bent by mail per month
Served by carrier, per week........
. .So
. .10
Bent by mall per year, 12 In advance
Postage tree, to subscriber.
.All communications intended for pvibll
atlon ahould be directed to the editor
Business communication, ot all kind
and remittance must b addressed to
Th Astorlan.
The Astorlan guarantees to Its sub
scribe rs tlx largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rates can be had on apiul
satlon to th business manager.
Tn Weekly Astorlan. th second oldest
Weekly In th tt of Oregon, has, next
to th Portland OregonUn, the largest
weekly circulation in th. state.
Jnn. T. Handley Co. are our Tort
land acnts, and copV of th Astorlan
a be had evary morning at their stand.
124 Third street.
"I bellev th Republican party at St.
"Louis ahould be governed by a conscr
"tUv sentiment respecting the tariff,
"but It cannot be too pronounced on th
"money question. I am In favor ot an
"explicit and unequivocal declaration In
"favor of maintaining; th gold standard;
"for the money question and not the
"tariff, will th. issue of th campaign
"this year. Benjamin Harrison.
"Tb agricultural, manufacturing, mer
"cantlla and wage-earning Interval ot
"th Cniietl Slates, have now an oppor
tunity to put this country beyond the
"cavil ot doubt on a sound, cat and per
"manent gold basis. Th party which
"falls to see that this la the only true
"Issue, and to lake It stand on a gold
"platform, will fight a losing battle in
"the coming campaign." Chauncey 11.
Many questions have been asked about
the old story that th volume ot money
per capita In th United Stales has been
greatly reduced sine the "crime" of 1371
Tb total volume of all forms of money
In circulation In 1STJ was fTSvUMUk or
SJS.U per capita. In 11 it was 11.444,
OOC.WO, or t-M-50 per capita. There has
been some Increase, chiefly In national
bank circulation, since then. And the
fact I that we nave never bad anything
like as much money per capita In cir
culation a during the last four yean.
Before the war, or in I960, the total per
capita circulation was S13.9& So that It
an Increase In the volume of money had
any effect on business and prices we
should have had a more active business
and higher price for our products dur
ing these years than ever before. In
fact, the business depression of the last
three year set In In face of the biggest
volume of money w ever had, and price
for nearly everything have gone down
while the volume of money has increased.
Not only Is our present money circula
tion per capita SO per cent more than in
1K7J and 8k per cent more than In Wo.
but It Is a greater circulation in propor
tion to population than any of the great
commercial nations in the world except
France. In France checks are rarely
ssed In the payment of bills or account,
while In this country So Per cent of the
traffic exchange of the country are set
tled by checks and bills of exchange.
Bo that France has a very large circula
tion per capita H1S4. But in Great
Britain, where checks are freely usea
and which ha Immensely more trade
than France, the money circulation Is
only til per capital In Germany It la
only $17 per capita These facts demon
strate that business activity or prosper-'
Uy I not dependent upon the volume
of money In circulation to any such ex
tent as la popularly supposed.
In tbia country very little money Is
used In business transactions In propor
tion to their enormous bulk. Of the
thousands of millions of dollars repre
sented by these business transactions
only about S per cent are settled In
money. The other 86 per cent are set
tled by checks and bills of exchange.
Of course, the money Is always on de
posit in the banks to pay these drafts
or checks, but Instead of benig paid out
to meet these checks the bank, through
their clearing house system, count up
every day the amount of checks which
each holds against the others, and the
only money Is the small amount neces
sary to pay the balance which Is found
due each bank.
This fact will explain to our corre
spondents why so little money passes from
hand to hand, and why it Is true that
when the extended use of this clearing
house machinery and Its results is taken
Into account, we have Immensely more
money In circulation In proportion to our
need of money than any other country in
the world.
It has been stated by a Boston news
paper that the American flag is no more
than any piece of bunting. The thought
lessness of this unhappy expression must
receive our commiseration rather than
out contempt
The man to whom the flag of the Uni
ted States is worth no more than Its In
trinsic value, wouM swap his native land
for Uie next best piece of ground that
he stumbled upon, without a twinge of
It is no use to talk the power of the
flag to men who have fought under It;
they know as no one fixe does the mag
netism that lurks in its folds. It is the
man who has never seen the Stars anu
Stripes when smlnhed by the smoke of
hostile fire that needs to reflect upon the
significance of our national emblem.
The flag may not be any better than
any other plt'ce of bunting, hut is not a
mother more than a mere female? It
would horrify the Jester to listen to the
latter assertion, but both go totrethcr.
The man who does not respect his fhig
would be dishonorable to his family.
There Is but one hope that draws all
parts of the United State. There Is but
ene rallying point for every American
citlsen. When th flag Is hissed In the
streets of New York, a fur deeper Insult
Is born to the character of every Ameri
can than were ones' mother slandered.
It Is not real disloyalty that Is neglcct
Itur the flag today. Peace has so long
enshrouded the Star and Stripes that we
do not appreciate the spirit that will
make a thousand men go wild In prison
at the mere sight of a miniature flag,
W should suffer a bit under it; we
should go to Venemcla. perhaps, and
see. Its veneration In the backwoods, and
we shall return convinced that the
we-ttest essence of pure patriotism Is
bound up In twinkling grace of "OKI
It Is probably true, as a New York
paper claims, that McKlnley represents
the tariff Idea of the "wild and woolly
West." That's the reason the Western
farmers, who haven't looked a sheep In
th fact for four Jcijrs, lire ail for Mc
They want another woolly
Nearly all of the great Central West
this year rejoice In the prospect ot
abundant crops. AH the signs, natural
and political. Indicate the ner approach
of the national prosperity so ardently
desired by the people.
As ft nun. ht day are gra.-lNalni.
em., ii.
To what would you liken a man's life?
asked some one centuries ago. It Is like
a bird, was the answer, who flies through
the window from ouur darkness then
tiles through the opposite window Into
the darkness agalu. At the very longest,
life is very short. No man finishes his
work betons he Is called. "Something
unJonr.. ,re wonta to bribed
oo every tombstone. Time may linger
In our youth, but In our ag Its speed la
breathlesa We no sooner leave the
cradle than th grave come Into view.
To tome of us this is a very grave mat
ter; to others it is a matter of small
consequence. If on live In a house ot
many rooms he does not weep when ask
ed to leave the room In which he hap
pens to sit and enter another which will
afford him better accommodation. It.
however, the house has only one room
and you are forced to leave that, your
tear may be pardoned. If w are only
dust, w shrink from going back to thai
from which we came: but If we are soul
also, we may shake the dust off without
a tremor, for the soul will find a better
body somewhere when It need one.
There are periods of life when these
great facts assume special Importance,
and other periods when they seem to be
dreamy and unreal. When we are young,
for example, the near future attracts the
eye, but the tar future is hardly worth
a thought We are so busy laying plans
for tomorrow that we seldom cast even
a glance at the day after tomorrow.
There Is something charming a tout even
the Impulsiveness and carleasness and
thoughtlessness of youth. It Is sufficient
unto Itself, Is full of resources and it
laughs at difficulties. You apeak of evils
to be avoided, but it shakes Its head In
doubt Brst, because It thinks you ex
aggerate matters, and second, because,
however great these evils may be. It feel
itself quite competent to handle them.
Religion seems to buoyant, hopeful
youth rather an encumbrance than a
benefit And so it would be If it were
really the dull and sombre something
which It is frequently represented to be.
When you practically tell a young man
that religion will take all the enthusi
asm out of his life and this is some
times done he very naturally wants as
uttle of It as possible.
One reason why
young men are loath to accept religion
Is that it Is grossly and grievously mis
represented. In very truth. It is tlieir
best friend, and will give them more good
cheer and more ardor and more happi
ness and more assistance in the accom
plishment of their high purposes than
any other system of thought they can
adopt But when they are told that In
order to be religious they must never do
what they want to do, and must always
do what they do not want to uo, we
need not be surprised that during the
years of effervescence they turn their
faces the other way. This Is all the
more pitiful because these years of effer
vescence are the years In which the cor
ner stones of character are laid. In my
judgment, the kind of religion which is
not Joy producing hi rank heresy.
Youth may think Itself sufficient unto
itself, but age knows that it Is not. The
most startling period of life Is that In
which the consciousness steals over you
that more than half of your journey has
been covered. So long as the future Is
longer than the past you may cherish
a certain Indifference, but when the fu
ture Is compassed by only a few more
summers and winters you become solicit
ous as to what that future contains for
you. When you say to yoursHr, "I am
old now," you add. "I must think seri
ously." If there is anything in 'Jcwi's
great universe that can give you hope,
or, better still, a certainty, you reach out
your hands and your heart for it. If It
be true that th-re are "mansions In the
sky," you want to be assured of that
fact, for between doubt and faith there
Is a vast, not to say an awtul, lillfcr
ence. If Christ's promise to "prepare a
place for you" was founoed on ;iuthority.
and not on imagination, all dread of the
days to come Is at an end, and death
merely transports you to the home ot
those who have gone before.
To advancing age, ther. fon-, faith In a
prime necessity, without which there
can be no peace of mind. To die, and so
to end it all, is a stiletto driven Into the
heart by a cruel hand; but to have
heaven to look forward to, with larger
fields of activity and more favorable op
portunitiesthen we ar like the poor
man who has suddenly fallen upon a
large Inheritance, and who Is even anx
ious to get away from the old that he
may enjoy the new.
Religion gives us all th-se assurances.
Their acceptance by the soul ud'ls to it
a dignity and grarulc-ui immeanurabSe,
and withal a peace, a happirr'-H;;, which
r.o words can expn-H. Wnen once
God's hand and yours are clasped lie
may lead you where He will, for the end
of the Journey when nightfall conies will
find you In "the holy city. New Jerusa
DeWltt's Sarsaparllla Is prepared for
cl-anslng the blood. It builds up and
strengthens constitutions Impaired by
disease. Chas. Roger.
The highest
good ns
known there
'mi will fimt coo tvnratn insi.
nidi twomuiccL i,ninl twoctui'
im,m untitle ench f-i'r ouuee
ku;!' ;l.ul.ll Dutlnim.
Iiuv but? f tins ivle-
bnitctl toUiocomi.l rvml llie
coiihhi winch gives ItM
ol valuable presents .mil how
to set
Chicago Post.
It happened after th counell meeting
Monday nlghti One of the favorites ot
fortune was carrying home th flower
that had been ahoaered upon him by
hi admiring constituents, and they took
so much space In the street car that
they Inst-intly attracted the attention of
the Inebriated Individual who happened
to board the same car. The latter
shook his bead and sorrowfully wiped
away a tear as he gated at them.
"Another poor devil lost." he said sol
emnly at last
And. under the circumstances, his re-
mark was not as Inappropriate as it at I
first seemed
of th constitution may follow In the I
track ot a disordered system, due to I in- I
pure blood or Inactive liver. lon't run
the risk! The proprietor of Pr tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery take all the !
chances. They make a straightforward
offer u return your money If their rem- I
edy fails to benefit or cure In all dls- I
orders and affection due to Impure
blood or Inactive liver. The gvrnu ot
disease circulate through th blood; th j
liver is the filter which permit the
germs to enter or not The liver active, j
and the blood pure, and you escape dts- 1
When you're run down, debilitated, (
weak, and your welcht below a healthy
standard, you regain health, strength, 1
and wholesome flesh, by using the "Pis-
covcry." It builds up the body fastrr :
than nauseating Cod liver oil or emul
sions. '
Pr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation,
piles, biliousness. Indigestion, or dysie
sla. and headaches.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
He gaxed down at the gutter.
"Poor old soak!" he said.
come to this?"
A flood of reminiscences seemed to
pour upon him.
"I knew you In your swelling pride,"
he murmured. "Ah. how puffed up you
were; Water was good enough for you
then, but now what a pity! Shull 1
leave you here the butt of every pasaer
by? No, for old times' sak I'll mak
one more effort to redeem you."
Aid. stooping over the curb, he lifted
the ancient bath sponge and bore It
It needs "no ghost to come and tell us"
that the sooner dysjepsla Is remedh d.
the sooner we shall enjoy thut rlttht lu
which fJJ'ir ancestors laid claim In the
Declaration of Independence "the pur
suit of happiness." A man blessed with
a good digestion provided he has enough
to eat Is happy. There are hosts of
people with umple means to whom the
sole consolation of a healthy pauper Is
denied. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters Is
a certain, prompt and thorough medici
nal agent through the use of which
sound digestion, and the nerve tranquil
ity which Its disturbance causes, can be
recovered. Hillousness, malarial und
kidney trouble, constipation ami rheu
matism are also remedied by this tine
corrective of a disordered condition ot
the system. Appetite nnd sleep are
greatly Improved by It
Boston Transcript.
Fuddy So you think Fossler an ex
ceedingly bashful man?
Duddy Eminently so. Why, the other
day he took a bicycle lesson In the pres
ence of some young ladles, and he abso
lutely changed color.
Fuddy Indeed!
Duddy Yes; he was green when he
began, but before he finished he was all
black and blue.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Oun
derman, Dlmondale, Mich., we are per
mitted to make this extract: "I have ro
hesitation In recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results were al
most marvelous In the case of my wife.
While I was pastor of the Haptlst
church at Rives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia succeed
ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxisms of
coughing would last hours with l t'l"
Interruption, and It seemed as If she
could not survive them. A friend
recommended Dr. Kinc's New Discovery;
It was quick In Its work, and highly
satlsfactcrv In Its results." Trial bot
tles free at Chas. Rovers' Drug Store.
Regular size, !ic and $1.00.
Washington Exenlng Times.
Knglishmen have Introduced footho.ll
Into the Lake Nyassa region In Africa.
Whatever elxe may be said of them th,e
English have always been foremost In
adopting the motet formidable means of
exterminating their enemies.
Electric Hitters In a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and filugi'lsh and the need of a tonic and
alterative Is felt. A prompt uho of this
medicine has often averted long nnd per
haps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine
will net more Biirely In counteracting
and freeing the system from the malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti
pation, DIzzlneiM yield to Elee'rio Hit
ters. Wtc and Jl.'X) per bottle at Chas.
Rogers Drug Stons.
Sweetest Hunan When I refused George
ho said he would go and help the strug
gling Cubans.
Dearest Delia When I refused him be
preferred the Armenians.
Tl.f best salve In the worH for Cuts,
Krulses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive euro for Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Rogeri, Odd Fellows building.
claim for other
is "Just .
oM smoker
i none just
gOOtl IIS i
UlcHI. V
Washington Times.
Pastor Ah. MIm Hmartley. things are
not what they seem.
Miss martley-No: that's true. Now.
for exsmple, your sermons are not In
reality very long and yel they seem In
terminable, Wa Kahy was sick, gar hr Cart ris,
VKmm w a (TILL SKiaUhrllnriL
I jrbea she bwams Wm, sh clung to Castorl.
Vbsa sh I 'alkiraa, ah ga Umoi Ouiurl.
Washington Btar.
"Poeter," sold the anxious mother.
"Willie run hardly speak above a whis
per." "Indeed? Has he taken cold, or did
he go to the ball game?"
ROYAL Baking Powder
has beco awarded highest
bonon at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Indianapolis Journal.
Wltkwlre 1 have been thinking ahitt
a narrow escape I had from being killed
by llolmea
Mrs. VYlrkwtre Goodness gracious,
dear' How a as it?
"Oh, he didn't happen to thing of my
name when he was confessing.''
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Philadelphia North American.
throstles Tlmeson wasn't a success as a
railroad conductor.
Gateman No; he couldn't get the hang
ot the time tables.
Crosllrs Ild they discharge him?
Gateman No; they put him In charge
of a bureau of Information.
All the patent medicines advertised In
' this paper, together with th choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can
be bought at the lowest price at J. W.
' Conn's druir Mure, opposite Occidental
Hotel Astoria.
Detroit New.
Mother Did you enjoy the Easier Serv
ice, my dear?
Daughter Oh, ever so much. That
hateful Morton girl had a perfect fright
of a gown, and everybody guyed It.
Or. Price's Cream lUkinjr Powder
Contains no Ammoels or Alum.
Mrs. Custer, the widow of the general,
expects to siiend the summer at Onteorn.
In the Catskllls. Mrs. Custer resent
living In a conventional way. Her plan
for the coming summer is to live In a
stable belonging to Mrs. Mary Mnp-s
Dodge and Just across the mountnln rond
from her cottage.
Takt a dose of DeWltt's I.lttl F.arly
Riser Just for th good they will do
you. These little Pill are good for In
digestion, good for headache, good for
liver complaint, good for constipation.
They are good. Chas. Roger.
"What you want to avoid." nid the
publisher to the struggling author, "Is
writing over the heads of the people."
"I know It," was the answer. "1 was
depending on you to take this book so
that I could come down out of the atttn
and do my work on the parlor floor here
after." Washington Star
It's Just as easy to try On Mlnut
Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier
to cure a sever cough or cold with IL
I yet your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Retter medi
cine: better result; better try It. Chas.
"I," said the crank iKiarder, with the
air of ono who Is challenging contralb
tlon, "I am assurid that Shakespeare h
really Hacon." "It mi In- admitted."
'aid the Cheerful Idiot, In a soolhlng
manner, "that some of Wllllaefs work
Is on the hog." Indianapolis Journal.
We might tell you more about On
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that It cures a cough. Every on
does who has used It. It Is a perfect
remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It
Is an especial favorite for children, be
ing pleasant to take and quick In curing.
Chas. Rogers.
t "Mary," asked the old man, "whose
picture Is that on the front of the paper
you have?" "That Is a picture of Presi
dent Cleveland," said she. "Great
Cieaar's ghost!" exclaimed the old man;
has he been curwl of something, too?"
Adams (Mass.) Freeman.
Hums are absolutely painless whn De.
Witt' Witch Hazel fialve la promptly
applied. This statement Is true. A per
fect remedy for tkln diseases, chapped
hands and Hps, and never falls to cur
piles. Chas. Rogers.
"Ixn't this line Incomplete?" asked the
foreman of the rural 'editor. "What
line?" "This where It says: 'Alexan
der Dumas, fils.' " "The bill," replied
the editor, without looking up. " Kills
the bill,' you fool, you!" Atlanta Con
stitution, t
It Is not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, hut It will etir piles. Thai'
what DeWltt's Witch Hagel Salve will
do, because It has done It In hundreds
of cases. Chas. Rogers.
Iiukane Yoti know Manchester, don't
you? Caswell Yes. "What sort ot
capacity has he?" "Do you mean stom
ach or brain?" Washington Times.
It's all the same, a slight cold, congest
ed lungs or severe cough. One Minute
Cough Cure banishes them.
j ' 1B EBT
9 jfZj
1 M
f. k . JLj
Nolle I hoieby glxen thai the se.
nient made by Ortlliiiiticn No, iWl, of lh
city of Astoria, etinllimliig lh assess
ment on Roll No. I. for Hi construction
of a drain In the city of Astoria, ns laid
out and recorded by John Adair, tm
niriu'ltig at a point In block il. and hav
ing its outlet III Thli'ly-tlilul street, be.
I ween blocks Id and I". In Adair As
toria, nnd known nnd deKlgnaled as
"Pralnag District No, I," will ! do
and pii v a bis on the IMh day of May, IN",
lu C. S. gold or silver coin, at lb oHI.1
of the city treasurer, and If not so paid
wlihln or heftr said time, lh common
council will order warrant Issued for
th collection of ths sum Th assess
ment Is us follows:
l-aura I'. Adair, lol S, block
Adair's Astoria
Ijiurn I'. Adair, let t, block
Adair Astoria.. ,s.
Mary I- Adair, lol II, block
Adair' Astoria
I M 41
M 41
( 43
S 41
10 M
10 St
I 43
4 M
I It
4 TT
Mary I Adair,
Adair' Astoria
Mary I- Adair,
lot II. block
lei' U block
Adair' Astoria
Mary I.. A, lull, lot !, Hi
Adair Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lol 17, block
Adair's Astoria..
Mary 1. Adair, W half lot
block t. Adair' Astoria
Mary U Adair, lol !U, block
Adair' AMorlu
Mary U Adair, lot SI.
Adair Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lol block
Adair' Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lot 11.
Adair's Astoria
Mary L Adair, lol S,
Adair' Astoria
Mary 1.. Adair, lol M, hl.tck
Adair Astoria
Mary 1. I Adair, lot 34. block
Adair's Astoria
Hetty Adair Hrenbam. und ono-
eighth lot t. block 14, Adair's
Hetty Adair Hrenham, und on
rlghth lol T. block 1. Adair's
Aaturlik .
Deny Adair Hrenham.
eighth lol &, bl.k
Hetty Adair ir.iih.ini.
und on.
I. Adulr's'
und on.-
1 35
1 M
i a
1 54
i n
i a
S 54
eighth lot . blocs
1. Adair
A ml tiria
Hetty Adair Hrenham
und one-
eighth begin at NIC corner lot x.
block to, thenc tt M feet, W IS
reel, i w icet, r. ,s iei, lot a,
block Adair's Astoria
Elli n Adair MendelL unj on
eighth lot J. blue IS, Adair's
Kllrn Adair Mendrll, und
eighth lol 7. block W,
Fllen Adair Melldell, Und
eighth lot &, block
Kllen Adair M.-nSolt.
eighth, lol (. block
und on
1. Adair
Kllen A. lair Mendell
tied on.
eighth begin at NK corner lol 1.
block 0. thence S M feet. W 7
block 0. thence S M feet.
feel. N feet, K TS feel.
Mock 40. Adulr' Astoria ..
Kata Adair Welchrr. und
eighth lot 3. block 11 Adair'
Kato Adair Wctcher. und one-eu-hth
lot ?. M---. K Adair'
Kate Adair Welrher. und one
eishth lot K. bhH'k I. Adair's
Kate Adair Welcher. und on
slgMh. lol , block I. Adair's
Kl Adair Welcher. und one
eighth begin at NK corner lol t
bl.M k ). thenc S J feel. W ?J
feel. N W feet. R T feel, lot J.
block 40. Adulr' Astoria
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lol 1 block !. Adair'
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
elshth lot J. bl.Mk 1. Adair's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
elKhlh kl 5, block I. Shlvety'
Mary Adair Jordan, und ons
elghlh lot . block I. Shlvely's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
elchth begin al NK corner lot J,
block 40. thence 8 M feel. W Tl
feet. N M feet, K T feel, lot I.
bl.M k i. Adair' Astoria
Mary R.
und one-
elithth lol
I block
7. block
It. Adair
und on.
K. Adair'
Mary It.
elifhlh lot
Mary R.
Adair. urd one-
I. block I. Hhhely'
Adair, und on.
. block 1. Shlvely's
eighth lot
1 35
Mary R.
eighth lot
i a
J 54
IT 31
t 71
I 71
7 a
46 IS
U 41
10 00
13 81
I 15
10 00
46 15
46 15
23 05
46 15
(1 41
52 41
46 15
46 16
46 16
44 16
Mary R. Adair, und one
elshlh Iwsln at NK corner lot I.
block 40. thence S M feel. W 75
reel, N 6 feet. K 71 feel, lot t,
block 40. Adair's Astoria
Laura Adair Marker, und thr
elchth lol 2. block M. Adair's
Astoria .
Laura Adair Darker, und three,
eighth lot 7. block 1. Adair
Laura Adair llnrker. und three
eighths lot i, block 1, Shlvely's
Laura Adair harker. und three,
eighths lot . block 1, Bhlvely
Laura Adair Darker, nnd thr
ilghths begin at NK corner lot I.
block 40; thence S fig feet. W 75
feet, N M f,et, B 7 feet, lot J,
block 40, Adair' Astoria
A. Ilooth Packing Co., lot 5, block
ICO. Shlvely's Astoria
A. ilooth I'acklng Co.. lot I, block
ffl, Shlvely's Astoria
Victor Anderson, lot g. hloek ,
Bhlvely' Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot 5, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
Astoria Savings Hunk, trustee, lot
2i, block M, Adair's Astoria
Isaac Hergnum, lot 12, block 149,
Shlvely'n Astoria
Rudolph Harth, lot
Adair' Astoria
Hiram Drown, lot
Adair's Astoria
block 10,
block "n!
Hiram llrown, K half lot 3, block
17, Adair's Astoria
Hiram llrown, lot 4, block
Adair's Astoria
Hlrarn I'.rown, lot
Adair's Astoria
Ilirnm llrown, lot 4, block fll,
Adair' Astoria
Hiram Rrown, lot
5, block 61,
Adair's Antorla
Hiram llrown, lot t
Adair's Astoria
block 'ii,
Hlrarn Drown, lot 3, block 66,
Adair's Astoria
Hlrarn Hrown,
Adair's Astoria
Hlrarn llrown,
Adair's Astoria
Hiram Hrown,
Adair's Astoria
Hlrarn Hrown,
Adair's Astoria,
lot 4, block
1, block 7,
46 16
46 16
46 16
46 15
34 66
34 66
34 66
34 66
lot' J,' ' block "fi,
lot" 3, " 'block 'iff!
Hlrarn Hrown, lol
Adair's Astoria
4, block 67,
Hlrarn iirown, lot 6,
block 67,
Adair a Astoria
Hiram Hrown, lot 6, block
Adair s Astoria ,
Hlrarn llrown, lot 7, block 67,
Adair's Astoria
lllratn llrown, lot 8, block 67,
Adair's Astoria
Laura Adulr Darker, lot H, block
17, Adair's Antrjrl
Fred Darker, lot 4, block 38, Adair's
Katherlne C. Illlssett, lot 4, block
39, Adair's Astoria
Il' tlna Norwegian Evangelical Lu
theran Church, N 60 feet of E
half lot 3, block 38, Adair's As
toria .-.
D. W. Hush, lot 18, block 41,
Adair's AHtorla
D. W. Hush, lot 22, block 4L
62 41
t.2 41
52 41
10 48
12 32
10 M
10 44
10 44
10 M
44 II
13 t
14 M
10 44
10 44
10 44
10 44
11 10
44 II
10 M
10 44
10 M
10 44
10 41
10 M
44 U
I! 41
13 n
u n
14 M
II 40
41 II
11 n
11 n
l" M
10 M
10 44
10 44
i Annie tlalrns, lol t. block 17.
Adair's Asfbrla
Catherine Goodman, lot. II, bl.M k
41, Adair's Astoria I
I'. J. Goodman, lot U, block 41,
Adair' Astoria
Anna Maria tlramms, lot 9, block
t. Adair's Astoria ,
Ann Marl Gramma, lot K, block
. Adair Astoria,.,
Helen I. Graham, lol I, block 43,
Adair' Astoria
Helen F. Orahaai, lol 1. block 63,
Adair' Astorl
Winifred C. George, lol I, block I,
Hhlvsty's Astorl
Mary C Holmes, lot T, block 37.
Adair' Astoria
Mary C. llolmea lol 1 block 17.
Adair' Astoria
Thoma A. II y land, lul I, block 34.
Adair' Astorl
Erlo llouk. lot 4, bio. k 41, Adair's
Eric llouk. lot I, block 41. Adair
Astorl ,
F. A Hill, lot 4. bl.M-m 10, Adair s
F. A Hill, lol 7, bio. to, Adair's
Aleck Iversan. lol II. block 41.
Adair' Astoria
Alck lverwn. lot a block 4s,
Adair' Astoria
James Jackson, lol 5. block 44.
Adair' Astoria
Jsmrs Jsckson, lol 4, block
Adair" Astoria
Iiuisa Josansrn, lot 10, fcMck 144,
Shlvely's Astoria
John Hoop, lot 1, block 43. Adalr'a
Christina A.. Alfred. Joaephln and
Frank V. Lrlnenwebcr, heir of
Frank Ilnenwelwr, lot 6, block
W. Adair' Astoria S3 04
Christina A Alfred. Josephine and
Frank I. Ilnenweoer. heirs of
Frank Ilnrnwetier, lol 4, block
W. Adalr'a Astorl 3101
Christina A. Ixlnenwter. lol I,
hloek IS. Adalr'a Astoria 79 04
Christina A. Iliieneler, lol 7,
block W. Adair' Astoria 44 II
Christina A. !.elnenwlr., lol 4,
klock bt. Adair Astoria!,., 44 11
Christina A. Ilnnweber. lol t
block (, Adulr's Astoria ... 9 04
August Ijtrsrti. N half lol 1. block
. Adair's Astoria H 10
John Kopp, lot 3, block 43. Adir's
Astoria 53 41
Mary J. Kyle, lot 4. block 43,
Adair's Astoria U 41
Mary J Kyle, lol 5. block 41
Adulr Astoria !i 41
Mrs. Anna Kopp, lol I, block 41,
Adulr's Astoria 53 41
P. N. Kenrnev. und half lol I,
block 41, Adair's Astoria 34 31
James p. Kearney, lol t, block 41,
j Adalr'a Astoria 61 41
Frank J Carney, und half lot 7.
block 41. Adair' Astoria n lu
Mary A. Crams, und half lol T,
block 41, Adair's Astoria ... Unj
Mary II. Islnnwlr. W half lot
1. block 17. Adair' Astorl B ti
Christina A., Alfred !.. Joscphon
ami Frank I'. Ilnenwrber. heir
of Frank Lclnenwcher, lot
7, block 34, Ailnlr Astoria...,.,.. 51 41
Christina A., Alfred O, Josephm
nd Frnnk I. Ilnenwebtr, heir
of Frank I.elnrnwnbr, lot
I, block is. Adair's Astoria U 41
L. l-beck nd Olive Wintcn, lot
3, block I. Shlvely Astorl 10 0)
L. I -check and Oliv Wlnton, lot
4, block I, Shlvely's Astoria 10 (0
L. I.ebeck and Ollv Wlnton, lot '
t, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria 10 U
L. Ilwck and Ollv Wlnton., lot
10, block I. Shlvely's Astoria I 0
Nlcholetta Mslagamba, W half and
S UO feel of K half lot 3, block 3D,
Alkali-" Astoria 41 43
Rev. U W. Morris, lot J, block 40,
Adulr's Astoria 44 16
Rev. Ii. W. Morris, S 44 ft 1 1 lot 1,
block m. Adair' Aa'.orlu 15 SO
llnv. H. W. Morris, lot 6, block 40,
Adair's Astoria 46 15
Rev. II. W. Morris, lot 1, bio k 40,
Adair' Astoria 46 15
Rev. H. W. Morris, lot 7 block 40,
Adair' Astoria 40 16
Rev. II. W. Morris, lot 2. block U.
Adulr' Astoria , 46 11
Rev. 11. W. Morris, lot 3, block HI,
Adair's Aktorla 46 16
Rev. H. W. Morris, lot 4, block 63,
Adulr' Antorla 40 15
Ruv. II. V. .Morris, lot 4. block 40,
Adulr' Astoria 40 16
Freil Munsen, lot 3, block U,
Adulr' Astoria , 52 4
A, Mi'l'hurlnn, lot 2f', block l0,
Adalr'a Astoria 10 35
A. Mcl'lmrluii, lot II, block 60,
Adulr's Astoria 10 16
Adair's Aslorls.,,,,, ......
D. W. Hush, lot I, block 41,
Adair' Astoria
Alice M. Hush, lol Sft, block 41,
Adair' Astoria. .,.
Jacob Hiissnrl, lol II, block
Adair's AsioiIa
Jacob llosssrt, tot 16, block 60,
Adair' Astoria ,
A. Rrutihold, lot 31, block .
Adair' Astoria
A. Hrinihold, lol Jl. block ,
Adair Astoria..
Cryti Carmine,, lot I, block IT,
Adair' Astoria,,., ,
Cyru Carriithsis, lot ?, block 17,
Adair's Astoria ,
Eraslmo fnserogoll. N halt lol I,
block , Adair' Astoria .,,
Nellie O. Charlatan, und halt lot T,
block W, Adair' Astortu
C. II. Cooper, lot I, block 4U,
Adair' Astoria
C. It. Cooper, lot t, block (u,
Adair' Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot 10, 'block 40,
Adair' Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot II, Mock 60,
Adair' Astorl , ..,
0. II. Cooper, lot It block .
Adair' Astoria. ,,
John Chttwood, und quarter ltd I,
block St, Adair's Astoria
Ruth A. Cornelius, und half lot t
bliM'k 63. Adair's Astoria ,,
II. P. Dr-uinan, und half lot I,
block 61, Adair Astoria
II. 1". Drennan. lot i, block 41,
Adair' Astoria
IV A IV.nclnoti, und half lot 7,
block , Adair' Astoria
J. II. Duncan, lot I, block 4.
Adair' Astoria ,
J. II. Duncan, lot t. block 4a,
Adair' Astoria ,
Samuel l.lmore. lot t&. block
Adair' Astoria
Samuel Klnuir. lol M, block 40,
Adair' Astoria
Samuel Klnioro, lol 37, block 40,
Adair' Astoria
Samuel Klniore, lot St, block
Adair' Astoria ,
Alex Gilbert, lol t, block 14. Adair
Annl Uai.ns, kit t, block 17,
Adulr's Astorl
Oeorg Nelwii. lol . ''I"" n ,. -
Adair' Astorl M "
Oeorg Nelson, lot 4, blotk 17,
Adair's Asloi'l
Christ Nass. lul I. block 64.
Adalr'a Asluila
Chilsl Nass, lul 10. block ,
Adair's Asloil 4
Theresa O'lllleli, lul t block ,
Adair's Asloil
There tl'tlrlsu, lul , block 14,
Adair's Asloil
Edward U' Culimir, lul L block 41,
Adair' Astorl
Kdwsrd ll'Coimur, lol 4, block 41,
Adair' Aslorl '"I
Edward O'Coiilior, lol I, block 41,
Adair' Astoria HO
Andrew Olsen, lot T, block 4a,
Adair's Asturia I 41
Andrew Olun, lol 4, block 41,
Adalr'a Aslorl I
1 II. I'alm.r, lul 4, block U
Adalr'a Astorl,,.. U 41
Aiiim M, 1'ope, lol 4, block 40,
Adair' Astoria 1 44
Ella 1'ops. lol i block 40, Adair'4
Frank l'llon, Irtisle. lol M, block
0, Adair' Astorl U
Frank I'atloii, truslee, lol 14, block
1. Adair' Astorl 14
J. II Painter, lol 4, block 43.
Adair's Astorl M
W. W, l'rker, lol I, blwk 14.
Shlvely's Aslorl
W W, I'arker. lol . bltwk 144,
Shlvely' Asturl...., W
Jennl II. I'arker, lot II, Mock 14.
Shlvely's Aslorl 14
Muiy J Hvrle, lol Is blotk 40,
Adair' Aslorl W 4
Sarah l, Shernil1, lul 4, block, 9,
Adnlts Astorl UK
Msla.l I. Sullivan, S half lul 1.
block . Adair's Aslorl M K
N. Hliiionxin, lol (3. block 41.
Adair' Astorl IH
N Sliuonson, tut 44. bliM'k 41.
Adair' Astorl II H
0. Novey, lot 8, bl.nk 41. Adair's
Astorl I W
O Sovey. lul 14, block 41, Adair 6
Astoria " W
teo,tu Sabine, lol 7, block t.
Adlr' Astorl W 41
Elisabeth Srnfrl.1l. lol II. Milt 43,
Adair Aslorl 10 14
I'.lltalxlh Hrafeldl, lot U, Hock 43,
Adair' Astoria 1" 44
Mary A Schroiler K half lot 14,
black 40. Adalr'a Aslsrl 141
W, T Hchoinrld. unit half lol 3,
block C Adair' Astorl 34 14
W. T. Mfhoineld nd K. Houko.
frao lot I. bl.M k , Shlv.1 s As
ton 144
W. T. S. holflsld nd K. Ilouke.
lol 1. block I. Shlvny Astoria . 10 04
John Seines, lol 4. ldM'k .
A.Valr-s Astorl 14 44
John Nclnraa. lol 4. hlm'k
Adalr'a Astorl 14 41
rter Nufur. half lol 4, blwk 14.
Adair' Astoria Ml
Jacob l'tslngor. lol 4, block I.
A.lalr' Astorl 1141
Ole O. Vigo, o II, block 40, Adair's
Astoria..., ., , 14 M
Ola O. Vise, lol U, bl.Mk 40, Adair's
Astoria II 41
Ch Yerarhriiren, W hlf lot l.
block . Adair's Astoria I II
Nicholas Wlsnrr. lot It. bio-k 41.
Adair Aslorl,.. ... .., II B
N'l.'bels Wlsaer, lot 17, block 41.
Adair Astorl It U
Charles Wlaaman. lot 13. blwk 40.
Adalr'a Aslorl MM
Charle Wlssmsn, lot 17, block 40.
AiUlf Astoria I M
George Watson, lol 15, bliM'k 41.
Adalr'a Astoria . a II D
Oeors Watson, lol 14, bl.Mk 41,
Adair' Asturl II II
Marco Wise, lot It, bb k O,
A.latr' A. tori 14
Marco Wise, lot Hi. block 41.
Adair' Astorl 14
Marvin Wise, lol tt block 41.
Adair's Astorl ... . .. ISM
41 1
Marcus Wlae. lol 4. bl.K k 41,
Adair' AstorU , 14 M
Marcus Wise, lol 30, block 43.
Adair's Aslorl 10 M
War. a m. lol 14. bio. k 43.
Adulr' Astorl MM
Mary Wilson, lol I. block 00,
Adalr'a Astorl 14 M
Waller, Mamie Annie, Oracle and
William WtlMin, heir of William
Wilaon, lot !. thick , A.lalr
Astoria 10 M
Ol Wlllherg. lot II. block 60.
A.lalr' Astorl 10 M
Caroline Wllllrrg. lol TX block
so. A. lair's Astoria 10 M
Caroline II. Wllltierg, lol 34, block
n, Adair's Astoria 10 M
Charka Wright and S K llarrl.
lot I. blo. k II, Adair' Aslorl ... It a
Charlr Wright and S K. Harris,
lol 4, block II. A.lalr Astoria ... II 11
Charles Wright and S. K. llarrl.
o la, bl.M'k II, A.lalr's Astorl... II t
Charle W right and H. K llarrl,
lol II. block II. Adair's A.t..rta. , It tt
Charles Wright and B K, llarrl.
lot . bl.Mk it. A.lalr' Astorl, ... a
Chnrle Wright and S. K Harris,
I.. I i, bl.M k 41. Adulr' Astoria 13 U
Charle Wright n.l S K. Harris,
lo 31, bl.M It II, Adair' Astoria . 13 33
Charle Wright and S. K. Ilarrla
lot 37, block 41. A.lalr' Astoria. , 13 a
Charle W'rlghl and S. E. llarrl.
lol 3. bbx k 41. A.lalr Astoria . 11 U
Charle Wright and S. E. llarrl,
lot Tt, blook 41. A.lalr's A. torts .. 13 11
Charles Wright and kV tt llarrl.
lot i. bl.Mk 41. Adalr'a Astoria... 1 13
Charles Wright and S K. Harris,
lol II, block II. Adair' Astoria.. . II M
lot 33, bl.M k 41, Adair' Astoria .. 11 U
Charb Wright and M E. Harris.
I'ate.! Aslorl. Or., April 31
Au.lllor and I'ollce Ju.lg.
Important to Amnrlcan seeking
IMti Cnmlal for new entarprav. ;
cootAlnlntf thft nuiM ,n,l iiliLu
1 Hot
3fi succewefirl pp. molars who have placed
over HtW.trw.UfW Storting In Foreign In
vestments within the last slg years, ,
over flt.OOO.Onil fur th nnn m.mtl .
lv I'rl.y. IS, or tOi. Durable by n.siti
onb.r to the London and Universal Hu
reati of Invesiurs, 0. ("heupsld... London,
E. C. StilHX-rtla'ra wll Imi etitlDct, by ar
rangement sriih dlrm'tor to rvtv
nitbor MT.n.,i or Inner of Iniroiluctoln
to any of thrae an vsuful pnmunms,
'Plils lust Is tlmi KasM In every reaper!,
ami every mail or linn whose name ap
pear, therein may Im depended uiain.
F. h- p:a.-iiig th following it will be
found InvatiiaUe llonds or Share of In
diwiirla;. Cummi.r.' and Fliianclal ran.
cents, Morigigo loans. Sale of Uin.uv
I'atotiis or MIikvi.
w 1
...... . , . , , ,