THE DAILY ASTOIUAN. ASTON! A,' WKDNKSDA MORNING. MAY 20, 1800. V JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. , Telcphon No. l. TERilS OP US.RlPThON. DAILY. at by mall, per year 14.00 Seat by mall per month to Served by carrier, pr week id WEEKLY. Sent by mall per year. 12 In advance Postage free to obaeribcra. AH communication intended for publl alios ahould b directed to th editor Basin communication of all kind aad remittances must b addressed to IU Astorlan. Ttot Astorlan guarantees to It tub acrfber th largest circulation of any aarwspaper published on th Columbia Advertising rate can be had on appil sstloa to th businca manager. Th Weekly Astorlan, th second oldest weekly In th (tat of Oregon, has, next to th Portland Oregonlan. th largest weekly circulation in th state. Jim. F. Handley Co. are our Port- asa4 agents, and cople of the Astorlan ema be had every morning at their stand. Dt Third street. We are unalterably opposed to any ethsms that will give to this country a Arfvect&trd or debased currency. W fa vee the use of silver us currency, but to the extent only and under such restrtc ttooa that Ita parity with gold can b aaalntalned. Wisconsin Republican corf "A year ago. In Thomsavllle, OS-. Major ktcKlnley. when offered the delegate ot tare Southern suites If he would de clare for free silver, said, in the presence as? the editor of thia journal: 'If th Republican platform declare) for free oinsge, I will not be candidate, t would not run on a free silver plat form.' "Chicago Times-Herald. PUT VP THE BARS. Congress could and ahould adjourn be fore the drat of June. It would adjourn during this month it the leading Demo enltc senator were not blocking the dis posal of the necessary public bulsneea. Before adjourning, however, one great subtle measure now pending should be awt through. There should be restriction ef immigration as proposed In the Lodge and McCsil bills. It has been clearly demonstrated by In controvertible statistics that degradation, pauperism and crime run almost parallel with Illiteracy. . If Immigrants who can ' not read and write are barred out of this country, at least nine-tenths of the foul Influx that Alls the slums of our cities will be cut off. That la what patriotic Americans want, and that la what the Illiteracy test of th new immigration aentrtcrJon bills wiU effect. It will be a crying shame if thia bar Is not put up and the mouth of the old world's sewer tagged for good. Let congress wake up to a just recog nition of thia patriotic demand: Blind toleration and weak paltering with this momentous question have too long per mitted the swelling of the curse. Chol era, and yellow fever are shut out by the strictest precautions, but the worst Mood poisoning by infamous immigration has been supinely suffered, year after year. Everywhere wc see the onward march of sanitation except in this vital concern of the nation's life. American citizenship will cease to be a glory If it continually polluted by a food utterly alien to true Americanism. When the American language Is not tasght to children living under the American flag, when Old Glory is nlssed in the public street of the greatest American city, when the American pub lic school la proscribed, when anarchy roes of the wreck of cur republic, and ' corruption welter In the filth of pesti lential alums, it is surely high time for all true Americans to rally round the Sag they love and uplift It from the mire in which it has been dragged. Let America be indeed for Americana. Birth does not make a true American, ear color nor race. The American touch stone Is unwavering fidelity to the Stars and Stripea and the principles imbedded fen the American constitutions. For every honest. Industrious, Intelligent im migrant who comes over, casting off all foreign ties of allegiance and seeking to become an absolutely loyal American cltl sen, there is here a welcome and a home. But for the horde of aliens who cross the sea to And better chances to loaf, steal or wallow In the mire, who have so appreciation of the duties of American citizenship, no pulse of patriotism, and no heart to love the American flag, we would make America harder to reach than the North Pole. RUSSIA'S MARCH TO THE SEA The Russian bear has been stretching cut his mighty paws over neighboring territory east and west In a way which serves to make the whole family of rival powers uncomfortable. She has prac tically taken possession of Corea. An excellent pretext for this was furnished by the Japanese legation In that country, who undoubtedly Instigated the murder X the queen last October, and drove the king Into the arms of Russia for protec tion. With the aid of a strong Russian force he has driven out the ministers who were under Jupanese influence and has killed all of them he could gel hold of. Including his own father. A new ministry friendly to ' Rusrla has been established. The king lives at the Rus sian legation and Russia dictates Ms policy. In a short time she will thrust aside this weak tool of her ambition and make Corea a Russian province. She has obtained a treaty with China nder which she has acquired the right to. construct railroads through North western China under the Joint control mi the two countries and the prlvlkge f occupying Port Arthur and other har Tsors with her fleetB. While she Is thus establishing her power In the East and the China seas she has accomplished a long stride to ward the Bosphorus In the West through the Intrigues which have enabled her to convert Bulgaria Into what is practi cally a Russian province. The govcrn- la virtually administered by a Rus sian regency which has complete control of the young blackguard of a prince recently converted to the Russian fulih. Th country Is governed by Russian laws. It army Is officered by Russians. Us formal annexation to Russia would not he long delayed but for the active op position of Roumanln hacked by the moral, and no doubt wllh the assurance of the physical, support of Ausiro-Hun-gary. Roumanla, through which and along whose southern border runs th Danube, hss ordered a big naval anr.a ment to defend the Danube and her own territory, as well as her rights In th Black sea. from Russian encroachment. As Roumant separates Russia from Bulgaria and control the mouths of the Danube, her hostility to the annexation of the latter Is likely to prove an ob stacle to the scheme not easy to over come. But nil obstacle must JlvM at length to the persistence with which Russia avails herself of every opportunity to push her policy of controlling the outlet of the Black era upon the Mcdllcrran. an. She has been moving sloaly to that end, as she has been moving slowly toward th establishment of her ascendancy In the Orient, "with the slow, noiseless, slipping. Inch by inch, of a glacier," to quote an English writer. Neither force nor diplomacy can turn her aside from her fixed purpose. She may pause In the face ot obstacles, but she pause only to await her opportunity. And she has this enormous advantage over all her opponents, that she operate from in terior lines, and that within th vast en trenchments of her snows and deserts she can prepare In secrecy to strike when her time shall come for any objective point on her frontiers, and to strike with any force which may be needed to se cure her objects. Her whole game ot diplomacy has been and continues to be played with a single eye to her venlual control ot th sea outlets ot her vast Inland empire. A th result ot her Intrigue her Influence I all powerful In China and In Turkey, anq step by step she la advancing to the goal ot her ambition. The material progress of Russia within the last twenty years ha bene amazing for a despotism which suppresses the freedom and the Individual aspirations, which are the chief Incentive of national progress. Within the next twenty years, or perhaps within the next decade, with the aid ot her. great transcontinental railway, she will make still more tre mendous strides. Napoleon predicted that within th coming century Europe would be all Cossack or all Republican. She will dominate Asia before she domi nate Europe. Turkey will soon be a Russian province and China a dependent vassal of the czar. The forces that will render Russia and dethorne the colossal power which menaces the world will come, not from the armies or the navies ot her enemies, but from within; from the slumbering aspirations for liberty and the smouldering (Ires of discontent with the existing absolutist regime, which are destined to grow with the growth of ber civilization and with her material development. Although few sign of It now appear upon the surface, execpt In the fierce and bloody protests of nihilism against the existing order, Russia is undoubtedly destined to be the theater of the most tremendous political revolution of modern times And the prediction of Napoleon will come true. The Cossack. In his struggle for liberty, will make Russia and then Europe re publican. Astoria has welcomed a large number of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs who have come here from all parts of the state of Oregon In attendance upon the grand lodge and the grand encampment. The general assembly of the Rebekahs has been a notable one, and for the first time In the history ot the organization the assembly degree was conferred on nil members attending. Astorlans are justly proud of their numerous home lodges, and are noted abroad for their Interest In various secret orders. The city by the sea Is always glad to entertain repre sentatives of these bodies, and Is more than proud of the large attendance upon the present occasion. The Astorlan Is In receipt of the third Issue of the Japan Herald, published In San Francisco by Messrs. O. Y. Okada and A. J. Kuroda. The journal Is printed on Japanese paper and appears weekly both In the English and Japanese lan guage simultaneously. Every success Is wished for the new enterprise. THE OREGON SUMMER SCHOOL. While the prospects of our city and county for growth In business and popu lation are now so good. It Is pleusunt to know that there is In our midst other enterprises also that have an equally hopeful outlook. One of them U the Oregon Summer School, which began Its career a yar tgo. In a modest and unassuming way, but laid the foundation of what Is sure to be a great success. While the people of Astoria heard or this enterprise last year and nave It their earnest attention and support, mere are few perhaps who realized, or yet realize, how much It may come to, or how large an Interest It represents, or how much It has to back it. The promoters of this school may have felt a little too diffident about advertis ing Its future or claiming a success. But now the experimental stage has been passed, and as the season opens every thing Is taking shape for a prosperous meeting. The organization has been effected, officers elected, working committees ap pointed and a good attendance Is cal culated upon. As Is well known, owing to the munificent gift of M. J. Kinney and his wife, the school now has Its own grounds, and Is therefore able to arrange for the coming session on its own terms and according to its own regulations. Instead of two or three Individuals, as last year, working without means, there Is now a well-organized plan and there are definite resources to work with. The place, the work, the means and the ob ject, as well as the persons concerned, are all now well known and considered. Probably the advantages to our edu cational interests should be reckoned first. To have here an Institution where our teachers may Improve them selves In their profession Is a great thing. But the advantage to the city and county In the way of general growth and Improvement will also tie very great. Some of the leading men of the suite will make their home with us for a time every year. What they learn ami will tell of our city and county, and Its shores and of our commercial growth, will be a steady and Increaslnc benefit they will be working for Astoria. Many who would never otherwise hear of us will be interested to spend their surnmera here. For an entire year now there hs been constant advertising of this school, and -necessarily of our county, all over met Blackwiu's Dunham iUIIHAW, n, o. To ALL Is Wiig Retail I soap. Merchan 1 BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TODACCO COMPANY. M yes see say dlfflcaNy tm ess, cat eat tkls ' yess Oregon, and among the most Intelligent lass of people. While the school has a very hopeful outlook. It Is nevertheless the policy te go forward only about as far as circum stances justify: and to realise all th it Is reasonably to be expected, further meana will be required. Astoria may very well, for the sake of the good that will come bark to her. both In Intellectual and moral benefit, and also for the sake of having Influential friends all over the state working for her and advertising her attractions, take this enterplrse un der her wings, and recognise It as one of the most hopeful of her offspring As now organised. President Chapman. of the Oregon State university. Is presi dent; President Campbell, of the Oregon Normal school, vice president; and Prof. Ferris, of Pacific university, secretary. Profs. Rurnham and Rlgles, of Portland; Miss Woodruff and Miss Moore, of East ern Oregon: Prof. W. 1). I.yman, ot Walla Walla, and many others well known as leading men and women are also conencted with th school which shows how wide s scope th Summer School takes In. Prof. R. N. Wright, of Astoria, so well known for energy ami business rapacity, haa been appointed chairman of the local committee, and la arranging the details for the next summer session, which opens the 17th of July. H. 8. LYMAN' A BAD WRECK of the constitution may follow In the track of a disordered system, due to Im pure blood or Inactive liver. Don't run the risk! The proprietors of Dr. Hercr's Golden Medical Discovery take all the chances. They make a straightforward otter to return your money If tneir rem edy falls to benefit or cure In all dis orders and affections due to Impure blood or Inactive liver. The germs ot disease circulate through the blood; the liver Is the filter which permits th germs to enter or not. The liver active, and the blood pure, and you escape dis ease. When you're run down, debilitated, weak, and your weight below a healthy standard, you regain health, strength, and wholesome Mesh, by using the "Dis covery." It builds up the body faster than nauseating Cod liver oil or emul sions. Dr. Pierce' Pellets cure constipation, piles, biliousness, Indigestion, or dyspep sia, and headaches NEOLECTTNO HIS DUTIES. Indianapolis Journal. "John," said the eminent statesman, "It has been more than a week since 1 said something real bright. Are you aware of that?" "Y-yess, sir," stammered the hireling "I'll give you three days more, and It I haven't uttered something coruscat ingly brilliant by that time I'll have to get another press agent, that's all. You hear me!" LET IS REASON TOGETHER. It needs "no ghost to come and tell us" that the sooner dyspepsia Is remedied, the sooner we shull enjoy that light tu which our ancestors laid claim In the Declaration of Indrpendence "the pur suit of happiness." A man blessed with a good digestion provided be haa enough to eat Is happy. There are hosts ot people with ample means to whom the sole consolation of a healthy pauper Is denied. Hostetter's Stomach I) I Iters Is a certain, prompt and thorough medici nal agent through the use of which sound digestion, and the nerve tranquil ity which Its disturbance causes, can be recovered. Biliousness, malarial and kidney trouble, constipation and rheu matism are also remedied by this tine corrective of a disordered condition ot the system. Appetite and sleep are greatly Improved by It- A LITTLE DRAGOON. Yonkera Gaxette. "I see, Tremper, that you have a new errand boy at your office." "Yes, great boy he is, too; we call him that little dragoon." "Because he's such a warlike fellow, I suppose?" "Hardly: It's because he has to be booted and spurred before we can get anything out of him." MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. Oun- derman, Dimondule, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: "1 have no hesitation In recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous In the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the ISuptlst church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with lltMe interruption, and It seemed as If she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; It was quick In Its work, and highly satisfactory In Its results." Trial bot tles free at Chas. Rogers' Drug Store. Regular size, 60c and 11.00. GREAT MINDS. Boston Courier. A man by the name of Paul was re cently executed In a Western city, and at latest accounts sixteen of the county pap:-rs had spoken of the affair as 'hanging like a Paul" over the com munity. BUCKLEN'8 ARNICA SALVE. The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup tions,, and positive euro for Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Chas. Rogtn, Odd Fellows' building. NOT AN EDITOR. Yonkers Statesman. Mrs. Penman A penny for your thoughts, dear? Mr. Penman I was Just wondering why the editor had refused to give me even that much for them. Tha 11 C ffnir't )V.nWc I 'I" t ' ILJUI 13 show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. os Tobacco company. Dear 5lr You art antltWsd to recalva PR EC rrora your wholesale dealer. WHITE STAR SOAP with all tiio BlackwelTs Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. On bar of anap Fro with each pound, whether 10 ox., & 01., 4 ox., or a 01., package. Wa havo notified avary whole gala dealer In the United Stats thai wa will supply tham with soap totfiva you FREE. Order a nod aapply ot OEnUINB DUKHAH at once, and Insist on retting your Ona bar of Soap rnrr with each pound you buy. Soap la offer! for a llmltad time, to order today. Youra very truly, street 4t sad m4 f with WARM IVtrult Sunday News-Tribune, "So that I lladea." mused the wraith of the funny man. "Ah. yes, I have several warm friend there" At the moment Charon had his hands full with the helm, rise there Is no tell ing what might have happctird ELECTRIC HITTERS. Electric Hitters 1 a medicine suited for any season, but perhap more gener ally needed when the binguld, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liter Is torpid and sluggish and the nerd of a tonic and alterative Is fell. A prompt use of this medicine has often nvrrtrd long ami per haps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act mure surely In counteracting ami freeing the system from the malarial poison. Ilradache, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dtxilnrs yl, M to Electric Hit ters. 5c and SI W per bottle at Chaa. Rogers Drug Store. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. Sacramento Re. "Pick, you didn't bring your mission ary nickels?" "No'm: there' a circus tomtn' this week, and them heathen'll have to wait." 1 , When a person Is losing flesh and wast ' Ing away ih-r Is cause for alarm. Nolh i Ittg so worries a physician. Consump- I the would never die If they could re- ' gain thrlr usual weight. In fact there ! would he no consumption If there were ' no wasting of the system. The cause of ; this loss of Itesh Is a failure to .woperly ' durest the food eaten. Nine-tenths of all I our disease date back to some lerange- : ment of the stomach. ! The Shaker llp-ste Cordial will stop this wasting of the body. It nets by , causing the food we eat to be digested 1 so as to do good, for undigested food ' does more harm than good. The Cordial contains food already digested and a digester of food as well. Every mother hates to make her chll ; drrn take Castor Oil Laxol Is sweet i Castor oil. Alma Tadema, the artist, haa the most 1 beautiful home In England. The wall of the drawing room Is paneled with tall. I slim pictures, eurh of them by a dlffer- ! ent painter Ilghton. Houghton. I gent. Whistler, and n score of other artist friends each contributing to this ; remarkable decoration. Another Inter ' estlng feature Is the oak and Ivory piano, ! on the Inside lid of which art Inscribed i the autographs of the most celebrated suigers and musicians In the world. When Baby was sick, wa gsre ber Cauoria. When she was a Child, she crird forCastoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatorta. When she L rhlldmn, she ga them Cajtoria, Prince Frederick I-opold of Prussia, who Is the protector of the Herlln In dustrial Exhibition, which was opened a ' few days ago, Is a son of the famous ! "Red Prince." Frederick Charles, the . cavalry leader. lie Is a third cousin I and brother-in-law of the emperor of Germany, and la the richest member ot the Hohenxollern family. ! W might tell you more about On Minute .Cough Cure, but you probably know that It cures s cough. Every ont does who has used It It Is a perfect ! remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It I an especial favorite for children, be- ; lng pleasant to tak and quick In curing. I Chas. Rogers. j It Is said that President Kruger, of the Transvaal republic, had confined hi I readings to the Bible and "lilgrlm's 1 Progress" until recently, when some one ) gave him one of Mark Twain's books, j The humor of the American Joker hnp I pened to hit the Boer rules In the right I place, and he haa purchased a full set i of Mr. Clemens' works. wa . aw v vivnm it.ii.iiig rUSUCI Contains so Ammonls or Alasj. Colonel Rhodes, the brother of Cecil I Rhodes, whose name has been mentioned many times recently In connection with ; tha South African troubles, was for two yeurs In command of the First Knyal Dragoons, and a favorite In txmdun. : He also served as aide-de-camp of Lord ; Londonderry when the latter was lord lieutenant of Ireland. I Burns are absolutely painless when De Witt's Witch Haxel Salvs 1 promptly ; applied. This statement Is true. A pfr- : feet remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, and never falls to cure : plies. Chas. Rogers. Among the Brigand.-Friendly Native (shaking hands with stranger about to I depart) I wish you a pleasant journey, j sir, ami hope you won't be molested by j the brlgunds. Gentleman (who has been j badly fleeced at the lnn)-Vour advice j comes too late, my friend: the thing's i done. Ieschaalle. i Children Cry for j Pitcher's Castorla. j "I am afraid," said the eminent states j man's wife, "that you nro making a mis j take." "How?" "By constantly de j clarlng that If you are nominated It will be against your will." "Hut I've got to ; do HOmethlog to keep them reminded that I'm eligible, haven't I?" Washlng ! ton Btat. Tak a dose of DeWltt's Little Early Risers just for the good they will do you. These little Pills are good for In digestion, good for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation. They ar good. Chas. Roger. Bobby (taking his first lesson in La'lni Mother, does God understand Ltttln? Mother Ot course he does. Hobby Who made him study It? Puck. ! """Y P0I'' have no time, and sensible people have no Inclination to use s slow miy- One Minute cough Cur acts nrnmntlv and crli'a n.mnnfflt hneftta Chas. Rogers. NOTICK OH" ASSESSMENT Or" DRAIN IN ADAIR H AHIMUIA. Nolle Is hereby given that ihy assess ment made by Ordinance No, iM'S, of th city of Astoria, confirming lh- assess ment on Roll No, I, for lb construction of a drain In the city of Astoria, n laid out and recorded by John Adair, com. meiiclug at a point tit block i'.V and hav ing Ita outlet In Thirty-third street, be tween blocks I and IT, In Adair As toria, and known ami deelgnatd ' Drainage District No. I." will l lu mid payable on the lMh day ot May, v,, In 1'. H gold or silver colli. HI th oft.' of III city treasurer, and If not so paid within or bt-ftro said time, th common council will order warrants Issued for th collection of the some. The asses, mrnt Is aa follows; lvura P. Adair, lot t, block 14, Adair's Astoria I U 41 Laura P. Adair, lot , block !, Adair' Astorl U 41 Mary U Adair, lot It, block 4. Adalr'a Astoria I 41 Mary I. Adair, lot l. block 4X, Adair's Astoria t 41 Mary U Adair, lot IS, block . Adair' Astoria , 19 at .Mary K Adair, lot Id, block tt. Adair's Astoria... 10 M Mary I. Adair, lot K. block t Adair Astoria t 41 Mary U Adair. W half lot IV, block 4 Adair' Astorl 4 0t Mary I. Adair, lot S. block 4 Adair' Astoria I II Mary L Adair, lot II, block . Adair' Astorl Ill Mary U Adair, lot ID, block . Adair' Astoria 1 11 Mary U Adair, lot U. block 4s, Adair' Astoria I II Mary 1 Adair, lot H. block M, Adair', Astoria I tt Mary U Adair, lot tt, block . Adair' Astoria I II Mary I. Adair, lot 14, block a, Adair' Astoria 1 11 Petty Adair Urenham, und on rlghth lot t block 14, Adair' Astoria I TT Hetty Adair Urenham. und one rlghth lot T, block 14, Adair' Astoria IN Betty Adair Urenham. und one eighth lot 4. block 1. Adair's Astoria 1 II Hetty Adair l'tnham. und on, eighth lot 4, bloc 1, Adair's Astoria IK Betty Adair Hrrnham, und one eighth begin at NK corner lot 4. Mock 40, thence 8 feet, W 71 feet. N 44 feet, E 71 feet, lot i. block ax Adalr'a Astoria 1 14 Ell.n Aditlr Mendel L und on eluhth lot i. block 14, Adalr'a Astoria I TT Ellrn Adair MenJell, und one eighth lot T, block 1. Adalr'a Astoria 464 Ellrn Adair Mcndrll, ur.d one eighth lot 5. block 1. Adair Astoria I Ellrn Adair MenOII. und one eighth, lot 4, block 1. Adair Astoria I Ellen Adair Mrndell, und on, rlghth begin at NK corner lot t, block ). thrnc S M fret, W 71 feet. N 44 feet, E 71 feet, lot t, block 0. Adalr'a Astoria 1 14 Kate Adair Vr) hrr, und on rlghth lot t block 11 Adair Astoria I TT Kate Adair Wrlcher, und one eighth lot 7. block 14. Adair' Astoria I 44 Kate Adair Wrlcher, und on eighth lot t, block 1, Adair' Astoria 1 K Kate Adair Wrlcher, und one elchln, lot 4, block I Adair Astoria Kate Adair Welrhrr, und one eighth begin at NE corner lot 1 block a), thrnc 8 feet, W 74 feet, N 44 feet, E 71 fret, lot t, block 10. Adair's Astoria 1 14 Mary Adair Jordan, und on, eighth lot t block 14, Adair Astoria I TT Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth lot T, block 14, Adalr'a Astoria 4U Mary Adair Jordan, und one. rlghth lot I, block 1. Shlvely' Astoria IK Mary Adnlr Jordan, und one eighth lot 4, block 1, Shlvely' Astoria 1 U Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth begin at NK corner lot X, block 40. thence S 4 feet. W 74 feet. N "! feet. E 75 feet, lot t, block '. Adalr'a Astoria tit Mary R. Adair, und on, rlithth lot t block 14, Adalr'a Astoria ITT Mary R. Adnlr, und one rlghlh lot 7, block !. Adalr'a Astoria 4M Mary It. Adnlr. tird on eighth lot I, block 1. Shlvely' Astoria 1 U Mary R. Adair, und one eighth lot 4, block 1. Shlvely' Astoria in Mary R. Ad.ilr. und one eighth begin at NE comer lot 1, block 40. thence 8 44 feet. W 74 feet. N 44 feet. E 75 feet, lot t, block 40. Adalr'a Aatorla t U Laura Adair Barker, und three eighth lot t block 14. Adair Astoria JT JJ Laura Adair Barker, und three -eighths lot 7, block 14, Adalr'a Astoria . u n Laura Adair Barker, und three eighths lot 5, block 1, Shlvely' Astoria jj Laura Adair Barker, und three eighths lot I, block 1, Shlvely" Aatorla 75 Laura Adnlr Barker, und three eighths begin at NR corner lot t, -block 40; thence 8 44 feet, W 75 feet. N 44 feet, E 74 feet, lot I, block 40, Adalr'a Aatorla T 41 A. Booth Packing Co., lot I, block ISO, Shlvely' Aatorla 44 16 A. Booth Packing Co., lot t, block W, Shlvely' Astoria tl 41 Victor Anderson, lot 1, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria 10 00 Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block 41, Adalr'a Astoria u jj Tina Amundsen, lot 5, block 41, Adair's Astoria u H Astnrla Savings Bank, trustee, lot Z, block M, Adnlr"s Astoria 1 15 Isnao Bergman, lot 12, block H, Shlvely's Astoria 10 00 Rudolph Harth, lot 4, block 15. Adalr'a Astoria 44 15 Hiram Brown, lot 1, block 17, Adnlr's Astoria 44 15 Hiram Brown. E half lot 1, block 17, Adair's Astoria tS 06 Hiram Brown, lot 4, block 17, Adnlr's Astoria 46 16 Hiram Brown, lot 8, block 41, Adair's Astoria fj 41 Hiram Brown, lot 4, hlock 61, Adair's Astoria 52 41 Hiram Brown, lot 5, block 61, Adair's Astoria , 44 16 Illratn Brown, lot 4, block 61, Adair's Astoria 44 15 Hiram Brown, lot 1, block 64, Adair's Astoria , 44 16 Hiram Brown, lot 4, block 44, Adair's Astoria 44 It Hiram Brown, lot 1, block 47, Adair's Astoria 44 It Hiram Brown, lot 1, block 47, Adalr'a Astoria 44 15 Hiram Brown, lot 1, block (S7, Adair's Aatorla 44 II Hiram Brown, lot 4, block 67, . Adair's Astoria 46 15 Hiram Brown, lot 5, block 47, Adair's Astoria 34 06 Hiram Brown, lot 6, block 07, Adair's Astoria 24 65 Hiram Brown, lot 7, block 07, Adair's Astoria 34 05 Hiram Brown, lot 8, block 47, Adair's Astoria 34 0C Lnura Adair Barker, lot 8, block 17, Adnlr's Astoria 52 41 Fred Barker, lot 4, block 38, Adnlr' Astoria 62 41' Katherlne C. Bllssett, lot 4, block XI, Adair's Astoria 52 41 Betlna Norwegian Evangelical L11- v theran Church, N 00 feet of E half lot 3, block 38, Adair's As toria 10 48 D. W. Bush, lot 18, block 41, -Adnlr's Astoria 12 32 D. W. Bush, lot 22, block 41, Adnlr' Astoria., ........ D. W. Hush, lot It, block 41, Adair' Aatorla ...... Alio M. Hush, lot tt, block 41. Adnlr' Astoria Jacob llossart. lot It, block , Adalr'a Astoria.,.,,, Jamb llossart, lot 14, block 40, Adalr'a Astoria , A. Krunhnld, lot II, block a, Adair' Astoria , ...... A. Hrunhold. lul M. block , Adalr'a Aslorla. Cryu cr nil hero, lot t, block IT, Adalr'l Aatorla , Cyru Carrot h. 1 , lot T. block IT, Adnlr Astoria ,, ,. ,, Eraalimt t'aaerogolla, N half lot a, hlock SI, Adair Aatorla Nellie tl. t'barlslon, und half lot T, block . Adalr'a Astnrla C. II. Cooiwr. lot 4, block 40, Adair' Astorl ,., C. II. Cooper, lot t, block 40, Adair' Aatorla C. II. Cooper, lot 10, block a), Adair' Aatorla , C. It. Cooper, lot II, Mock 40, Adalr'a Astoria C. II. Cooper, lot It, block at, Adalr'a Astoria , John Chit wood, und quarter lot I, hlock 41, Adnlr' Astoria Ruth A. Cornelius, und half lot 1, hlock 4). Adair' Aatorla II. P. Drsnnan, und half lot I, block 4, Adair' Aatorla tl. P. Drennan, lot 4, block 41, Adair's Astoria. D A. Utnslson, und half lot T, block . Adair' Aslorla J. II. Iuncn, lot I, Hock 44, Adair' Astoria J. II. Duncan, lot t, block 4. Adair' Astoria Samuel Minor, lot K, hlock , Adalr'a Aslorla Samuel Elmore, lol ft block 40, Adair's Astoria....,, , Samuel Elmore, lot 17, block 10, Adair' Astorl Samuel Klmore, kit t, block 40, Adnlr' Aslorla Alex Gilbert, lot 4. hlock 14, Adair1 Astoria , , Annie Unions, lot I, blink 17, Adalr'a Astnrla A tin le tlatrns. lot 4, block IT, Adair' Astorl Catherine Goodman, lot II, block l. Adair' Aatorla P. J. Goodman, lol It block 41, Adair' Aatorla Anna Maria Gramma, lot S, block . Adalr'a Astoria. , Anna Maria Gramma, lot 29, block 4. Adair' Astorl Helen F. Graham, lol I. block 43. Adair' Astorl Helm V. Graham, lot t, block 43, Adair' Astorl Winifred C. Grorgs. lot 1, block L Shlvely' Astoria Mary C. Holmes, lot T, block 17, Adalr'a Aatorla Mary C Holme, lot 4. block 17, Adair' Astoria... Thomas A. Ilyland, lot I. block St, Adair' Astoria Eric llouke, lol 4, block II, Adalr'a Astoria Eric llouke, lot T, block l, Adair' Astoria r. A. Hill, lot 4, bloc 10, Adolf Astoria 1111 II U II U 10 44 14 M M 44 10 N 44 II 53 41 14 M M M 10 M ION 14 M 10 M 14 41 11 14 NK 11 ie 44 11 st to :o m 10 H 10 M 14 M 10 M 10 ra 44 II 1141 1141 UK u a 1IM 14 M nn tl 41 I0W M 44 II 1141 UK UK 10 44 10 M I la 14 H 14 H 10 0 H 41 H 41 not KM 44 14 44 II a ot 24 10 u II U41 U 41 51 41 K 10 11 41 K 10 H 04 art 13 41 12 41 10 00 10 00 10 00 lot 41 M 44 II KM) 44 11 44 II 44 It 44 It 44 It 44 It 44 It 52 41 10 M 10 M r. a inn. Astoria.. lot 7, bloc 40, Adair Aleck Iverson, lot Adalr'a Aatorla... 11. block 4. it bkiek ' iii' Aleck lv.naon. k It block Adair' Astoria James Jackson, lul (k block Adalr'a Aatorla Jams Jackson, lot 4, block. 'i' 'ik Adair a Astoria Louisa Johansrn. lot 10, block It. Shlvely's Astoria John Kopp, lot I, block 41, Adair' Astoria Christina A.. Alfred. Josephine and Frank P. lolnenwrbrr, heir of Frank I-elnenwrber, lol 4, block 51. Adalr'a Astoria Christina A Alfred. Josephine and Frank P. Lrltwnwener, heirs of Frank Ilnenwrber, lot 4, block t. Adalr'a Astoria "... Christina A. Ilnrnwsber, lol 1, block 54. Adalr'a Aatorla Christina A. I.elnrnwhcr, lot 7, block ra, Adair' Astoria Christina A. linenwoher, lot 1, block l, Adair' Astoria.. Christina A. I.lnrnwsher. lot t block M, Adair's Astoria August Ijirsrn, N half lot L block Si. Adalr'a Aatorla John Kopp, lot t block it Adair's Astoria Mary J. Kyle, lot 4, block tt Adnlr's Astoria Mary J. Kyle, lot 5. block tt Adair' Astoria Mrs. Anna Kopp. lot I, block 45, Adalr'a Aatorla . P. N. Kearney, und half lot 1. block 41, Adalr'a Astorl.. Jamra F. Kearney, lot t block It, Adnlr'a Aslorla... v Frank J. Carney, und half lot T, block 41, Adalr'a Aatorla Mary A. Cearns, und half lot 7, hlock 41, Adair's Astoria Mary 11. Ilneiiwelwr, W half lot I, block 17, Adnlr's Astoria Christina A., Alfred G., Jnsephen and Frank P. Ilnenweber, heir of frank I,lnnwrbr, lot T, block . Adnlr Aatorla Christina A., Alfred G Jinx phens and Frank P, I-lnenweber, hslra of Frank Lelnrnwrbcr, lot 4, block M. Adnlr's Astoria L. Lcbeck and Olive Wlnton, lot 1, hlock 1, Shlvely's Aatorla L. Lebeck and Oliva Wlnton, lot 4, hlock I. Shlvely' Astoria L. Lebeck and Ollv Wlnton, lot I. Mock 1, Shlvely' Astoria L. lebeck and Ollv Wlnton. lot 10, block 1. Shlvely' Aslorla Nlcholetla Malagamba, W half and 8 Ml feet of E half M t, block U, Adalr'a Aatorla Rev. 1J. W. Morris, lot t block 40, Adair's Astoria Rev. 11. W. Morris, 8 4 text lot t block 10. Adnlr's As'.urla Rev. B. W. Morris, lot 5, block 40, Adair's Astnrla Rev. B. W. Morris, lul 4, block 40, Adnlr's Astoria Rev. B. W. Morris, lot 7. block 40, Adnlr's Astoria Rev. B. W. Morris, lot t block 03, Adair's Astoria Rev. 11. W. Morris, lot 1, block 43, Adair's Astoria Rev. B. W. Morris, lot 4, block 44, Adalr'a Astoria Rev. U. W. Morris, lot 4, block 40, Adnlr's Astoria Fred M unset), lot 3, block 42, Adair's Aslorla A. Mcl'harlan, lot 20, block 60, Adalr'a Astorl , A. Mcl'harlun. lot 21, block 00, Adair' Astoria f i-s II aa I 1 Mmm mm If! MmmltMmMmmm tleorg Nelson, lot 4, block IT, Adalr'a Aslorla.,.. , ........ (lom'ga Nelson, lot 4, block I7( Adair' Aslorla... Christ Nana, lol Adalr'a Astoria.,, Christ Ka, lol Adalr'l Aslorla,,, 4, block ,'VuYiick' Theresa G'llrleii, lul t Mock Adnlr Aslorla.,,... Theresa O'llli.u. lol t, block K, Adalr'a Asloil Edward G Connor, lot I, block 41, Adair's Aslorla Kdward O'Connor, lot t block 41, Adalr'a Astoria , Edward O'Connor, lul t block 41, Adair' Aatorla , Andrew Olson, lot T, block 4, Adalr'l Astoiiu Andrew Dlavli, lot t block 44, Adnlr' Astoria , , , J. II. Palmer, lot L block 41 Adalr'a Aslorla ' U 41 Anna M. fops, lol t block 40, Adair's Astoria , Kll Pope, lot 4, block to, Adair' Astoria Frank I'stlon, trusts, lot U, block 4V, Adair' Aatorla Frank 11 Ion. trualee, lol 44, block 0, Adair' Astorl..., J. II. Palmer, lot 1 Adalr'l Astoria W. W. Parker, lot t Hblvely' Astoria W. W. Parker, lot t, block n. 'bi'ite'k it! bliwk 14!' Shlvely's Aslorla Jennie II. Parker, lol It. block 14. Shlvely' Aslorla Marv J. Ilyrle, lot 4. block 10, Adair' Astoria Sarah G. Sherman, lot 4, block K, Adnlr' Aslorla Malwl I. Sullivan. half lol I, block M. Adalr'l Astoria N. Slinonaen, lot U, block 41. Adair' Aslorla II U N. 8lttto, lot 14. block 4L Adalr'a Astoria 0. Movey, lot tt block 41, Adalr'a Aatorla O. Sotvy, lot 14, block 41, Adalr'l Aslorla lb-noun rtahln. lol I, block 41 Adalr'a Astoria fcllsatwlh Heafaldt, lol II, block 41. Adair1 Astoria 10 H Elisabeth Hcaf.ldl. lul tt hlock 4t Adalr'a Astoria Mary A Schredsr K half lol II. Idock to, Adair' Astoria W. T SchoMeld. und half lot t block 43, Adalr'a Aatorla 1 . W. T S.holfl.ld and K, llouke, fran mt I. block I. Sltlvely'i As toria W. T S.hottleld ami K. Ilouks, lot 4. hlock I. Mhlrely' Aslorla . John SdnrM, lot t block tt Adair' Astoria John Mrlnroa. lot t block 44. Adair's Aslorla Pter Nufur. H half lot t block K. Adalr'a Astoria. Jacob t'Mlnger. lot t block tt, Adair' Astoria 01 O. Via, lot It block tt. Adair Astoria Ole O Vlge, lot C block 4S, Adair Aatorla Cha. Vrrechruren, W half lol If. block 10, Adalr'a Aslorla Nicholas Wlsner, lot It block tt Adalr'a Astoria Nicholas Wl.n.r. lol 17, block 41. Adair' Astoria Charlr Wiseman, lot It block tt. Adalr'a Aatorla Charlr Wiseman, lot 17, hlock t9, Adair Astorl Grorgs W a I son. lol it block Adair's Astoria Grorgs W a I son. lol It block 41. 4t 4t 'tt tt tt 4t 0u Adair's Astoria Marcus Wise, lot It block Adalr'l Astoria Marcus Wise, lot 10, block Adair's Aatorla Marcus Wise, lot tt. block Adair's Astoria Marcus Wise, lol 14, block Adair's Astoria Msrcua Wise, lol 24, block Adair' Aslorla M arena Wise, lot M, block Adair's Astorl Mary Wilson, lot I, block Adulr s Astoria Walter, Mamie. Annie, Grade and William Wilson, heir of William Wilson, lot I. I lock s Adair' Astoria , ... Oln Willing, lot II, block 40. Adnlr' Astoria 10 M Caroline . Wlllbrrg, lol 23, hlock 60. Adair' Astoria Carotins O. Wlllbrrg, lot 14, Idock 40, Adnlr' Astoria Charlr Wright and 8 E llnrrla. lott block 4L Adalr'a Astoria.... Charles Wright and B K. Harris, lot 4, block 41. Adair's Astorl.... Charlr Wrlghl and 8. K. Ilsrrl. lol R bl.ick II, Adalr'l Astta... Charlr Wrlghl and 8 P.. llnrrla, lol II, block 41. Adnlr Astoria... Charlr Wrlghl ami 8. K. llnrrla, lot It, block 41. Adair Astoria... Charlr Wright and 8. K. llnrrla, lol to, block 41, Adnlr' Aatorla... Charlr Wright and 8. E. liar lis, lot It block 41, Adalr'l Aslorla... Charlr Wright and 8. E. Harris, lot 17, block 41. Adair's Astoria... Charles Wright and 8. K. llnrrla, lol 21, block 41, Adalr'l Astoria... Charles Wright and 8. K. Harris, lot 24, blook 41. Adalr'l Aslorla... Charlr Wright and 8. E. Harris. lot SO, block 41, Adalr'l Astoria... Charles Wright and 8. E. Harris, lot II, block 41, Adalr'l Aslorla... lot tt, block 41. Adalr'l Aatorla... Charles Wright and S. E. Harris, Dated Aslorla, Or., April 23. IL E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to American seeking Eng lish Capital fur new en'.erprtor. A ltst containing the names snd addresses ot K4 wceeaftri pro molars who hav placed over I lOO.imo.OOO ' 8ttirt1ng In Foreign In. Teat mem wlttiln tit last six years, and over II4.000.0UO for the seven months of 1M. I'rlc (5. or payabls by p.tal order to tho London and Universal Bu reau of Investors, 20, Cheupslde, London, R. C. Sulnterihens wll be entitled, by ar nvtigemont with ttis directors to rrcelvs ellh.r prre.HM; or lotions of Introdnctoln to any of these au.-caafiij promoters. Tills lis Is first ctass In svery respect, and every man or firm whoa name ap. pears therein may be dpnded upon. For placing th following It will be found Invaluable Honda or Shares of ln diotrl'l, ConM-nerclnJ and Financial con cerns, Mortfmg loam, Sale of Ijuid Paitenl or Mines. IMrector:- 8IR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEI'YB, CAIT. ARTHUR STIFFS. Copyright. - . . , . . fiOSTACt j mrnt. ua tmnjii' wtTM II tl tt 04 I 41 la ti it 4141 11 a II K 11 a la ta 14 H 10 M 10 U H H UN 11 Ot 10 M 10 M till NK II K II H II tt 1141 10 M I a H K IN ItN 14 N It N HK 11 a It N It N la UK UK II N It M II tt 11 n 14 N 14 N 14 N 14 N 10 N 11 N 10 N It N 10 N 10 N 11 a ua tin 11 a 11 a 11 a 11 a 11 a 11 a ua 11 a 11 a ua