The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 19, 1896, Image 1

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TIm vary heart of th Warrto-Fla
Tows Site.
5MulHt Location.
Large. DwM Lets, ohm fU '
Exceedingly Law price.
llM OppertuaHy.
Liberal TrM. everybody Salted
471 Bon j St.. Astoria. Of.
Capllul Stock, IR0.MM
HhtircK, $ I'ucli. in r rnl sionthly fur iha fttil
limr hiUii Alxilultiy afa Inva.taitnl.
HnJam r.luin. In ( vary thufl lima.
Cll M t Addraa
471 Bond St., Astoria, Or.
WmmmSmMi trait
NO. 116
Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
In;, Furnishing
Shoes, Trunks,
Guilts, etc., at
one price to all alike.
In Office
A New Lot of
Playing Cards
Just Received
Boat Stores...
In the Flsherman'5 Supply Line
..must Be Sold in the
Truaitce tor M.
Why wear fuctnry-niitiic cloukri, conts and enpes. when tullor
made wrupn comI no more,
jaunty and NtylUh. (Jet a
will wear no other,
Ooat to order, with material furnished, from 17 to 1100
Cnpoa from to $ too .
We Can Do As
We Advertise.
S. FREEMAN, lata ol Praamaa Hot.
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers
Manufacturing and Repairing- or all Kinds
of Machinery.
.' ; J - . ;
Iron and Brass Castings! General Blacksmith Work
SPECIALTIES - Wkh I' Wheel,' Ship
Smlihlng ana StMmhoat Work, Canntry and
Mill Machinery. Marin, and Stationary Boll
, r Built w Order. .
VT Specially equipped for Loggers' WorK.
Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence
at any man coming out ot
our atora and you'll get 1
portrait of a man brimming
over with pleasant thought.
Such quality In the liquor
we bare to oftnr are enough to
please any man.
Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets,
factory prices for cash, at
For the One-Price
Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers
...City Book Store
Set Everything
Next Sixty Days..
fit the (Inure perfectly, and look
wrap made to order once, and you
. T. EARLB, lata tt Stockton, Cal.
' Located on i8th and Franklin (Scow
solicited. . 1
la there a man with heart 10 cold.
That from hli family would withhold
The comfort which they' all could find
In artlolea of FURNITURE of the right
And we would suggest at thla season a
nloe Sideboard, Extension Table, or aet
of Dining Chain. We hare the Urgent
ana nneat line ever ehown In the cltv
and at prlcea that cannot fall to pleaae
tn oioaeat buyers.
Officer of the Kusslnn I m per In I Ny
lnlts Astoria os lniwrtint
Special ftraUslo ol fkc Cur Obtilie to
Ca Halaua lor tic drst Tim
tiom Kis'iig Waters-
turiaai Isiercatr.
f'rrliape sooner than haa been anlki
patrd by even thus moat cluwly allied
to the ml I road and Interested In-lta build
u. will bo rsiahllahed an ImporUnt
commercial enterprise at thla port Yes
terday Hear Admiral Wm. I. Evaahlnt
tot, of the Imperial RuMlan Navy,
spent the day In Astoria. The object of
hi, vlall area the Mtabllahnwnt of
almon cannery on Avacha Bay, Kant
cnataa. I p to the prvsenl 1 1 mo the
Russian government haa never permitted
th canning of aalmon from the water
of Ita northern rtrer and beye. The
conrrn.liin to pack ftah at A vacua bay
haa Ju.t b-n granted by the crown to'
tha ailmlral. Mr. Frank R. Stokra, the
wll known mrchant cf thla clly. and
vrrai otn.ra equally notnl for thvtr
ntrrrlai. ar InturMtnt In lh prn)rt.
1. mi uirn'i ran connvriion from drrp
walr to the Kaat, aurh a achema bat-
corn entlrrly fcaalblr. It la little If any
furthrr to ahlp aalmon from Kamchatka
to point In the t'nltwl Biatra and Europe
inan irom Aiaaaa. Th canning of aalm
on in Aiaaaa orlglnaled In Aalorln. hut
through lorca of clrcumatancra the hand
ling or tiie bulalnraa waa withdrawn from
inie port. Now. a much larger traffic
a in a fair way to be ratahllahcd with
Ita irlni'lml ahlpplng headquartrr In
nil city. It la the aarneat dralna of all
ruiuirctrd with th nbnrta to handle
iitiinre at thla point, and urh ar-
ranc-mrnta will be made If at all praf
Heme yar ago Mr. Slokra mt Admir
al Kvu.hlnl.(f m KngUmL The acheme
BOW about to be developed, waa talked ud
at that time, but could not be consum
mated a the conaent of the Kuaalan gov.
emmrni waa not then obtainable. Kut
a abort time lnce. In recognition of hi
long aervlre In the navy, the present caar
gave ni vermlmlon to the packing ot
fh In three particular water. If the
entrrprtw. I cotiaummated, a lara can
nery, with all modern appllancea. will be
erwiol thla aeaaon. The la lor to be em
ployed In the cannery will be Chlneae
coolie, and the fishermen will alra be
coolie, broua-lit from the neighboring
. ninme province. Tneae men can be
ntre.1 ror anout thirty-eight centa er day
each, and It la eaay to aee that on auoh
a iwata trie new enterprlae will be
position to compete with the cunnerlea of
m world, r. H. atoke returned la;
evening to Portland with the admiral,
wno 1 going eaat from there, and It la
aniiriiwted that matter will be dotted
up within a hort time. If (ucceuful,
and everything now point to aucceaa.
e.err poaaime errort win be made to
handle the bualneaa at the mouth of the
loiumma river. From an annual park
of Cue or .i0 caaea at the heglnnlng,
it win be but a abort time before the
nuaaian cannery will he turning out two
ur niree QurKireci inouaand caae per
jrar. me auppiy or nsn la unlimited,
and It will be but a queatlon of capacity
and number of men employed.
Admiral KvaahlntaofT waa In Aatorla
twwity-elx year ago when It waa but a
mall village. He enld to an Axtorinn
representative I sat evening that he waa
pleuMil with the growth Iwth thl clly
and Tortland had made alnce hla luat
visit. He la now cn an extended leave of
absence, and will visit varlou part ot
tho country, thoroughly Investigating tht
bualnea In hund. For forty-tour year
he ha been In the aervtce of his gov
emment, and while stationed In Hlberia
hi time waa doubled up In appreciation
of his faithfulness. The vessel under his
comnund CHrrl,a (tno men, and Is one of
the llnest In the fleet HI wife Is now
In attendance upon the royal court, and
both tand high In the ieronul regard
of the craa and canrlna. In personal ap
penmnoe the admiral look to he
68 year of nge. heavy-set medium
height, and withal, a most conlal mn
In both manner and expression of coun
tenance. Highly educated, and apeaklng
Bnglnah fluently, he la yet nlnln and aim.
pie In his address. It la his purpose to
return to, Aatorla In about two months.
The quality of the salmon abounding In
the water of Avacha May and tributary
stream I about the same a our Alaska
almon. The hah are the pink and red
variety, and When packed form a moat
merchantable article.
Politically. Commercially nrul Socially.
aa Told by a Candldulv.
Mr. W. F. Mcflregor. RcDubllcan candi
date for the legtslatura, returned Satur
day evening from a visit to the Nehalem,
Mr. aicuragor report that the ronda are
In very bad condition; In fact they ore
almost Impassible In place. Bttll, trav
eling Is much better than live years ago.
He laya he Is of tho opinion 10000 would
be sufficient to repair the county road
from Aatorla to the NchiUnm. The far
mers In the valley are very tnuoh dis
tressed over the adverse weather con.
dltlons, the lutonesa of spring making It
mpoasime ror them to do any work.
Qua. Oronntill, of Mlahawakn, has a very
largo hop yard planted this yenr. The
vines are in a nourishing condition. Mr.
Lynch, of Mlshawuka, who recently lost
everything he had by fire, haa been ren
dered helplcaa by another stroke of In
flammatory rheumatism. The old gen
tleman haa lost the use of his hands and
Is as helpless us a child. A dance Is to
oon be given et Grand Kupld for hi
benefit. The neighbors In the vicinity
have beon very kind to Mr. Lynch, for
whoch the family express heartfelt
Much Interest la being tnken In noil.
tlca. Nohalem Valley polls a very Inrira
vote, and Is a favorite stamping ground
for candidates. The greatest Interest
centers In the election of a rond commis
sioner and an assessor. Howell Lewis.
the Hopuhlican nominee for commission
er, appears to have quite a following in
the country, although many support W.
I'enver, tne Democratic candidate, bo-
cause he resides In the country. For
recorder, Clark Camohan has manv
friends In the Nehalem, and It Is thought
by the knowing one be will b al-nted
Mr. Miriiregur say that snow fell on
mimr nigrii . on tna mountain near
MIsiiuWHka. and that when he pacsed
siuuniHin on tna way In It was
covered with anow which had fallen the
nigm neror.
Another Atdve Home Hit. Company In
in rieio.
The Warrenton Center Homealt Com
pany haa Inaugurated a hovel method ot
handling real ratal. Tb company own
two Uiouaand and thirty lota adjoining
V, am nion, toui hlng ih Aatorla sod Col
umbia lllver Itallroail, a abort distance
from the Young1 Hay bridge. Thl tract
of land I In the center of the territory
between the Aatorla peninsula and Tan
y Point, und compriae on of the moat
beautiful nomralt tract on the whole
peninsula. It consists of a stretch of
three-quarters of a mile of perfectly level
prairie meadow, then 'gradually rtaes
twenty feet or more, to a plateau. It ha
unuriaaed advantage In pure water.
climate, good churches and school.
warrenton Center I owned by the
Warrenton Center HomeSite Comuanr:
capital, IliO.Oto: the officials of the com
pany are aa follows: President. Jt. Ud
dell; vice-president, D. Campbell; secre
tary. F. D. Mcbtenbergs aaslalant secre
tary. Max Berendea: treasurer. C. H
The plan of the compaey u to sell th
lock, which la of the par value of one
dollar per share, at ten centa per har
on application, and ten pent per share
on or before the first day of earn month
lor four consecutive month following
th date of the certificate of stock. I'pon
a conservative estimate the company ex
perta to divide amongst Ha (bare holders
tan.ta from the aale or Its prop
erly. The officers of th company will
furnish detailed Information upon antill-
cation and guarantee perfect title to aU
Tho property embraced In the holdlnea
of thla company la certainly among the
cnoicewi on in west aide of the hav
Its officer are Identified with th rrow.
ina- interests or tne larger Aatorla. and
will no doubt be foremost In the aecurtng
of manufacturing Industries at the mouib
of thl Columbia river. They know but
one word, and that I "aucceaa."
an overnowtng congregation at the
Metnxilst church listened to th aervlca
or aorretl music on last Sundar evenlmr.
11 waa an even mat deserves more than
passing comment It ha been aatd that
the choir of thla church ts one of lha
brat on this coaat, atal thl is true In the
clue that while th mualc selected
quite classic In chaxcur. 11 la ung with
a iru leeiing or tne meaning if the con
text and with that rtemrd for Uxht
shade and expression which brlona to
good enaemble performance, and. though
small In number, they produce the ef
fect or a much larger body by their urv-
riaioo or attack and unity of utterance.
It la a pleasure to say that one can bear
tho worda that are aung. The choir ta
composed of: Supra noa, Misse L. it
Wee. 8ul Klmore and Nellie Nlcker-
eon: alto, Mr. Carrie Krager: tenor,
Mr. J. v.. Belcher; bassoa. 8. Elmore
ami Terry McKean.
where all were so well rendered it Is
difficult to praise one numlier more than
another, but the mualc lovers seemed
leclally to admire the tender beauty of
rogni Mas a Thousand Eves." bv Ke
vin, ami me epint and vigor of "Thou
Art our Father," by Hummel. Mr. J.
v . UelCher waa the only soloist (and
here let It be said that there I to be
seen, too often. In our concerts, soloist
after soloist singing on th platform to
tne great wearlneae of th audience and
In defiance of good taate), and sang that
lowly air of Schubert' . "Who la
Sylvia?" aet to sac rod mualc. HI
purity ot tone and enunciation and aym
palhellc expression deserve much D raise.
and so also does the performance ot the
cello obligate by I'rof. Fredertekaon.
Th organ accompaniments of Mr.
Crosby were much admired by th mual
cal critics.
The following waa the Droxramme:
The Btara In Heaven" Rhelnberger
Mtgni Mas a Thouaand Eyea" Nevln
With Violin Obllgato.
Chant. I.ord'e Prayer.
Lead, Kindly Light" Dudley Buck
renor soio, "Seek the Savior".. ..Schubert
With 'cello Accompaniment.
'Saints in Glory" Mendelssohn
Thou Art Our Father" Hummel
The church, the choir, and oarUcularl
Mrs. H. T. Crosby, the director, ahoufii
feel very huppy In the entire success of
their efforts, for seldom have the people
of Astoria had an opportunity to listen
to a service In this city that merited so
much praise.
Something- New and Rare in First Class
Having secured block 34. In Adair's
Astoria, at a great sacrifice, we are abba
to oner to the people of Astoria and
iclnlty the most beautiful residence
properly ever offered In Astoria at a
lower price thun such property has ever
before been offered. Thla property Is
now being graded, and when completed
will be one of the moat beautiful sites
for a home In Upper Astoria. The prop
erty I within two block of the Astoria
Street Railway, one block of the planked
atreet a wagon road leading to the prop
erty, one oiocK from cnurcn and two
block from th Adair school house;
LoU are W by 10ft, and 60 by 150. Our
terms are the best ever offered In As
toria, and a discount will be allowed on
cash purchaaea These lots will only
last a few days, and If you want the
best bargain ever offered you In Astoria
do not fall to call on us at once.
R. JU Boyle ft Co. and a Morton,
Sole Agents.
The Shlvely School will give one ot
the best evening's entertainments this
city has seen. There are two parts to
the program the first to be occupied
by the school boy and girls, except the
opening oborua, which la by the Apollo
Club. . .
The last part of th program will be
taken up by auch number as will cater
to both the pleasure seeker, and those ot
literary turn of mind. Mr. Bewley
nd Miss Conn- will give a reading from
Shakespeare, a piano solo will be ren
dered by Miss Conn, The Apollo Club
111 furnish a second selection, and the
program will be concluded by the neat
lloltt comedy, "A Box of Monkeys." Oth
er most excellent numbers have been
solicited and will appear later.
There's more clothing destroyed by noor
soap than by actual wear. "Hoe Cake"
oap contains no free alkali and will not
injure tne finest lace. Try It and notice
the dlffer-once In quality. Ross, Hlcclns
Should Declare Without Equivocation
for the Great 1'rinclplc or
Kcllylous Freedom.
Tstfcscg Is Viiser.bat Vats rskti
Too Tsr It Hijr Ocgescrst I to
rslllaiiBity " Cbarek Is
Sot la folitict.
Washington, May JA-In reply to some
questions addressed through Rev. Dr.
Stafford, of Washington, to Cardinal Gib
bons, the cardinal has sent tb following
It Is the duty of the Iradera of no.
lillcal parties to express themselves with.
out sny equivocation of th principles
of religious freedom which underlie our
constitution. Catholic are devoted to
both of the great Mrtle of the country.
and each Individual Is left entirely to
hi own conscience. We are proud to
say that In the long history of the a-ov-
ernment of the United State th great
Catholic church has never used or per-
ncanowieageo power by seek
ing to malt politics subserve its own
advancement Moreover, It la our proud
boast that we have never Interfered
with the civil and political rights of any
who differ from us In religion. We de
mand the same lights ourselves, and
n tiling more; and we will bo content
with nothing less.
"Not only Is It the duty of all parties
distinctly to set their face against tb
false and un-American principles thrust
forward of late, but liuch aa I would
regret th Identification ot any rellgloua
body, aa such, with any political party,
I am convinced that members of a relig
ious body whose rights, civil and relig
ious, are attacked, will naturally and
unanimously espouse th cauae of the
party which has the courage openly to
avow the principles of civil and rella-leua
liberty according to the constitution. Pa
tience Is a virtue, but Is not the only
vlrtiar. When pushed too far It may
tieaenrmio into pusillanimity."
Present Agreement Improbable Other
Washington News Items. ..
Washington. May 11 -The conferees on
the river and harbor bill expect to have
tneir nrai report ready tomorrow night
th the aame amendments so far passed
upon the house has yielded about one
half. The main queatlon In dispute ts the
additional contracts authorised by the
senate, ine senate amendments author
Ising contracts to the extent of H.T51ui
tne bayou at Plaquemlne, Louisiana, and
the house provision of B15.0U) for the
Calcaalen river, Louisiana, together with
the Delaware river projects, a boat rail
way on the Columbia river, and lake
Union and Washington, and ' a canal
at Seattle, are still In dispute. It Is quite
probable that no agreement will be
reacned on them at present
Washing-ton. May It The confirmation
by the senate of Frank W. Joplln to oe
postmaster at Ellsabethtoajn, Ky., today
terminates a contest that haa been In
progress for two or three years. Jop
lln waa appointed soon after the begin
ning of the present administration to
succeed Emily E. Helen, who waa
alater or Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Mrs.
Helen's friends antagonised tne confir
mation and have been able to prevent it
up to th present time. The confirma
tion was made today without objection.
Washington, May it In tho senate to
day a bill waa passed regulating the pay
of non-commissioned officers of the ar
tillery, cavalry, and Infantry of the ar
my, aa follows: Sergeant-major, tao:
regimental quartermaster, nrat ser
geant ; sergeant, 2; corporal. IV
A proviso to the last bill provides for a
continuance of the longevity pay as here
Washington. May It The treasury to
day lost $1,214,000 In gold coin and 19,0iJ
in bars, which leaves the true amount
of the gold reserve at $US,0,SB.
Possibility of a Deadlock Over the Elec
tion of Two Bishops.
Cleveland. May lS-The impression Is
becoming prevalent that a deadlock will
occur tn the Methodist Episcopal general
conference over the election of the two
new bishops. Five ballo.s were taken
today without a choice, and the election
Is apparently as far away as ever. It is
evident that there is a atrong element
in the conference opposed to the elec
tion of more bishops, and this element
is believed to have been voting tn a scat
hing way lor the purpose of precipitat
ing a deadlock. A motion was made to
day, without a second, to postpone fur
ther balloting Indefinitely, and It Is said
the motion will be renewed tomorrow.
The features of today's balloting were
the losses of Dr. Butta and Dr. Mc
Cabe, two of the strorurest candidates In
the race, and the surprising ruins of Dr.
Cranston, Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Neeley.
it is apparent that a combination hai
been formed by the friends of Drs.
Cranston hnd Hamilton, while the large
eastern contingent which Is opposed to
the election of either Butts or McCuble,
Is supporting Dr. Neeley.
And Says the Free Bllver Forces will
Control the Democracy.
Dubuque, la.. May It In an Interview
tonight, Charles Walsh, secretary of the
Democratic state centra committee, said
the sliver forces have nearly three
fourths of the delegates in Wednesday's
"They will organise It." he said, "and
declare for free sliver and endorse Boles
for president; and at Chicago the silver
men will name the candidates and make
the platform."
Ancient Capital of all the Russia
Scene of Splendor.
Moscow, May It The arrival of the
caar and csaiina this afternoon may be
snld to Inaugurate the festival season in
the celebration of thecoronatlon, and for
which the clly and whole empire ha
made months of preparation. Their
majesties arrived In their special tram
at Smolensk station at I JU this after
noon. Grand Duke Serglus, uncle of the csar,
and governor-general of Moscow, with a
brilliant ult of officers, waited th ar
rival of the imperial party at the station.
The appearance of the train was the
signal for an outburst of cheering and
the military band played the regimental
march aa the train entered th station
and the oar left tils carriage.
The passage of th party through the
streets waa greeted with enthusiasm, the
streets being lined with great crowd ot
spectators. On of the special features
of the present event In Moscow Is th
doing away with the custom of employing-
special constables In citlseraf dress
to guard the rout of the csara coming
and going from the city. On general oc
casions the route of the oar's progress
Is guarded by a doubt line of military,
a double rank of civilian In ordinary
police uniform, th police or the de
fense department, and detective police,
doing away with the sworn civilians, and
will give a better opportunity for th
oar's subjects at large to witness his
passage to the coronation.
Chester Gray Robs a Pensioner and la
Treed by Pursuing dogs.
Crawfordsvllle, Ind.. May U. Testerdav
evening; Fraud Bruso, an aged soldier,
drew hi pension, and started for home.
Chester Gray, a town rough of Darling
ton, followed him, and In a secluded spot
attacked him with a club, beat the old
man senseless, seised the money and
fled. Bruso was found soon after by
farmers, who gave the alarm. Two blood
hounds were taken to the scene and sot
the trail at once. The pursuit continued
all night Gray was captured thl morn
Ins; having taken refuge from the dogs
by cllmblnc a tree. He waa taken to
Crawfordsvllle Jail and Placed underr a
$1,600 bond.
Akron, O.. May It John G. Douglass,
nearro of this city, who haa lectured
throughout the weat on temperance, la
firmly convinced that he will be nominat
ed by the Prohibition party at Pittsburg.
aiay za, and tnat be will be triumphantly
elected. Douglass is well educated. He
believes a negro ta to settle the great
questions before the country and that
he la the chosen one of God.
Caracas, Venesuela, May It In a iham
battle which was fought here yesterday,
between columns of the government
troops one wan was killed and three oth
ers were wounded. The soldier who was
killed stood not far from the eorrespond
ent's point of observation of the battle.
Liverpool. May It Wheat, spot, steady:
demand, poor: No. I red winter, 5e tM;
No. 1 hard Manitoba, 6s 4d; No. 1 Cali
fornia, d.
Hope Pacific Coast, a lie.
Chicago, May lt-Garnler
Ives tonight at lS-lnch balk line billiards,
by a score of XO to iX. Ivea had agreed
iiay aw 10 uarnier s JOO.
Warm Contest Over the Seat of Justice
of Clatsop County.
The old records of the city and county
are most interesting documents. The
moue or doing business In those days Is
to the Individual ot the present age very
In IfSi there was a warm rantMi
to where the Seat of Justice" or ri
county should be situated. Up to that
yer tne town ot Lexington, which occu
pied the present site of Sklpanon. was
the county seat Being situated on the
west side of Young's bay, It was rather
inconvenient for the good folk of the
settlement of Astoria, and the natives on
this side wanted very much the distinc
tion and convenience of beins- the countv
80. after a great deal of talkfnr rt
agitation, it waa finally decided to settle
tne matter in the usual way, and accord
ingly a vote was taken. There were
four contestants for the honor FWr
Clatsop, Lexington. McClure's Astoria,
and Shlvely's Astoria. Adair's Astoria.
It appears, was not In the race. John
McClure was very anvlous for the seat,
and offered as an Inducement to donate
a large tract to the county If the powers
might be made to deal out Justice on
his donation land claim.
The vote was very close, and anm i
ballots were cast In the county. It ta
quite reasonable to suppose a few In
diana were voted, but the dusty records
fall to state this. McClure's Astoria won.
having received nearly DO votes luar
enough to get there. Lexington never
got along very well after that, and was
finally rubbed off the map.
The first case In the circuit court was
that of Gray vs. Welch, or vice versa.
Following this were about a doxen suits.
all being cases of trespass. That waa
before the expression, "Keep off the
grass!" was coined.
The first Individual to declare hi. In.
tentlon of becoming a cltisen of the
United States was one Hugh Byrne, who.'
cn November 4. 1850. forswore all alle
giance to foreign ipower or potentate,
and became a cltisen of this grand and
glorious nation.
The first ordinance tntrortuped in h
legislative body of the town of Astoria
was one governing the trafflo and sale ot
liquors, and flxlmr the license tharsnn
at $IW per annum. Soon after this, an
other Ordinance was passed empowering
th mayor to appoint a town watchman,
and fixing hla compensation at $3 for
every arrest he made. Those were the
balmy days when the tittle .Indian boys
used to put pins on the benches In the
town hall, A glance at th old cltv rec
ords shows that two small pages were
sufficient to contain the doings of the
council for two weeks. In those days
they didn't Introduce an ordiance to ap
propriate 1 out of the general fund for
the benefit of Ketchum and Sklnnum. 1
They did some tall spelling then. The
word "ordinance" used to be spelled "or- .
dlance," and the word "accordance," "ac
cord lance' ' accord Ina? to the minutes.
Highest of all iu Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Govt Report
' , .
Said That General Weyler Has Pro
hibited the Shipment of This
Article From Cuba.
actios Cigiraaker ia Tkii Coutrrf a
Aidiag th Kerolatiosistt 0 Colon
sis Sii to Be Cass of tk
Havana, May It-Some of ,th foreic
commercial bouse have complained t
tho consuls of their respective countries
of the Injuries which they will suffer
through the prohibition of th export at
leaf tobacco. Having; dona this tb eoa
suls cabled their governmenta asking for
instructions and calling- attention to the
Injury which It Is claimed tb prochv-
matlon will do to commerce.
New York. May lt-Tb Importers at
tobacco from Cuba were Inclined to douat
the authenticity of the dispatch from
Havana that General Weyler had for
bidden th exportation of tobacco from
Cuba. General Weyler, It Is understood,
has taken this step because of the finan
cial ajolatanco rendered to the causa C
tb revolution In Colombia by Cuban and
Spanish clgarmakers In this country,
and presumably elsewhere out ot Cuba.
A member of a wholesale grocery beano
that Imports more tobacco and clears
from Cuba than any other firm, speaklns;
of this latter alleged order by the 8paa
Wh commander-in-chief In Cuba, salat
"If the telegraphic dispatches concern
ing this matter are correct the whole
manufacturing tobacco trade in this
country will be demoralised. The pries
of Havana cigars constantly fluctuates
as far as the dealers are concerned, al
though the consumers perhaps do aoc
know It There has been a gradual In
crease In the price of tobacco the last
two or three months, but It la Impossible
to say bow much th price of dameslia
cigars are to he Increased by our faOnn
to get tobacco from Cuba."
Bishop Wigger Creates Consternation by
a Peremptory Order to the Faithful.
Bishop Wigger, or New Jersey, haa
caused a sensation among thousands ot
Catholic members of the various secret
societies In the state by the emphatic
wanting he gave them In the course of
an address delivered last Wednesday am
St Mary's church, Elisabeth, where ha
was confirming a number of young men.
The bishoD'a address was iimn th
j duties of young; men In respect to their
laitniuiness to the church. He took ua
the question of secret societies, espe
cially Freemasonry. He reminded has
bearers that the holy father had de
nounced them and had forbidden Catho
lics to Join them.
The reasons, he said, given by his hoB
ness In denouncing; Freemasonry and
other societies, whose members are bound
to secrecy, were familiar to moat Cath
olic. Catholics, he said, are forblddea
not only to associate themselves with
Freemasonry, but most all other secret
In all secret organizations, the stshap
said, the candidate was required to Inks
an oath upon the Bible never to dlvutga
any of the worktnara of the order. The
church held that no person had a right
to make any unconditional promise ot
that character. How does a candidal
know, he said, when he takes the oath
and thereby makes so unconditional a.
promise, that he or she may be com
manded to commit some Infamy?
In conclusion, the bishop not only for
bade Catholics to become Freemasons or
member of other secret societies, hot
gave them to understand emphatically
that those who did so would be excom
municated. As this interpretation of tho recent
edict from the pope regarding secret so
cieties was so different from that gener
ally understood, which allowed members
of secret beneficial societie ' to retain
their membership. It haa caused great un
easiness among the members of various
societies. To enforce this warning woukt
be to compel thousands of Catholics
who are carrying life Insurance and sick
benefits In the various beneficial socletits
In New Jersey that are secret organisa
tions working under rituals to throw up
these benefits.
As many of these men have been meow
bers for years and are now physically
unable to pass the examination neces
sary to be admitted into any other form
of Insurance, much uneasiness is felt by
the families and th men who come un
der this edict of the pope. Efforts will
be made to secure an exception In favor
of several societies which, while secret,
have tor their main object Insurance and
sick benefit 1 . . :
Cincinnati, May lt-ClnclnnatI, 9: Phil
adelphia, t ' '
Louisville, May It Washington, S;
Louisville. 1
Cleveland, May It Cleveland, 4: Balti
more. I
8t Louis, May IS. -Boston, 3; St. Louis 1
Tacoma, May 18. Tacoma, 14; Port
land. .
Chicago, May It Chicago, ' IS; " Now
York. 1
. Lord Feversham has Just hutlt a new
house at Duncombe, which has cost
nearly fSO.OOO. The old house was burned
In 1879, excepting- one wing, which also
was destroyed by fire about three years
later. The new house, which much re
sembles the old one. Is built of freestone
from Lord Fever-sham's quarrtrs near
Helmsley, and It contains a noble hoM
and several very fine rooms. .. The out
honne was built hy Vanbruch.