THIS - DAILY A8T0KIAN, ARTOWA; SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1896. Tide Table IMTB. r'rl.lay hstttrilnv fiUNlAY .... Monday Tuesday . , , . Wiwlnpwlnjr,,, 'i' 1'rlday hutunlay W.N DAY .... Mun.lay Tuesday Wednesday,.. Thursday fr'Niliy Haturdar MJNPAV Msnday 1 Tuesday Wedn.'aday , Thursday .... J-rlday lnrttny t; N DAY. ... Monday TurUy WsJui'aday.,, Thursday iil j . ' fcatiltilay BIND.W . MATTIIUM MA HI IN 12. MovtmcnNol VmmIi nt Mom axil tsiwlir Hteamahlp Hiat will Mil murniug lur lUn Francisco, tomorrow Tli i"sarea will leave up lha river In Ihw morning. Hit has a charter. Th. inl hiHdKT left out yesterday on bar month's trick pilots Woods ali.i MeWliu an aboard. Teatimoiiy I Mm taken In Portland In VIZ"9 nVm'n ""I"" "- '"""In by w'hkh nZ In bark i-nla. . ,i,i.,. , ... iluaeta Tha llrlll.h alilp O W. Wolff. Captain llullrr, la toaa, haa bn adk'd la lha an ruula Hat frtHn Anlwarp. Tha Hntlah bark llallorhmyla, lumlwr lauan tr na aooin coaai, la aiMoira 10 arrlta down tha rlv.r Tuaolay. ! Tha Itrltlak ahlp Hli-rra Kalr.ll. now on in way rrom t aiiao to tnia iwri, naa aland by Nnrthup, aunh Hiuhiirana aa charlrr lo load whaat. In aVptambar. Ilarrlaon and lppaw, and tha anilra na- llonal Itapubhran parly, aa atnt Kllla Th llrltlah hark I'a. lulua. whlrh all1 mid Ih Jdltchall. Ilourn. aad fualon from Aatorta for Honolulu. arrlnd May I Itrpuhllrana. I am vry (lad lhal thry Hha will load uar thr for Nw York, hava at laat thrown off th maak ao that wa can aea lhro In all I hair trach ltu four-maatMl bark Auatralla Wft try Knd prrrldy. lip ihv rtvr for Portland yaatarday ur. Itourtt. Mr lluma. nor Mr. k.lla niornlna-. whrra ah will dlarhara lha i cannot antar Into a bargain with tha I'op ramalialar of har tin oargo, I ullaia and thn claim tha allrglanr of I twnvat ltpublcana Ihla yar. lt tham Th liroalan and Poal-laialllcancwr . call ua uolirra or traitor, but In lha Bhoul.l not jaah Ih niinal, Mha dar th I knowlnla- of th Juaiira of our cau. Iwat alia can. avn If aha dora hava to . mj our .jvocary of tha prlnclplra oi tlrpand upon lha action of tha wavea and tru IlrpuhllranUm. Ihaaa . pallrta ol wind for ter.ajiotioa otva har ahana. n will fall tutrailrwa al our Ikl Captain ' Mrlurdaan Jaaaaa "With hi CwlumlHn on Mamlay for a four waaka' Inaiwilon trip lo Aluka. At HaajU Coin maialrr Faranholt and l4vulnani-Com. nuutdrr Mrnil will bo taken aboard. UR Jui.a lu Mr. Marrlll will rvlKv Comman. , nr rarwuioii a inixor oi tnia aia. . IMrl. i A I'ort Tawnaand dlapalih aay Vav 1 ral daya aao th nahlna achoorwr Juuo, coainuuukml by Caplaia Jmmmv r- rlvJ frwn Ut orlbn nahlna loka with a of O.h. Whll. I.rr. Cap- , i.i. , hMaiM .nio. wtih ih. charm of a young landy named Ko Moulion. Whll Ilia aallant aklpnrr , aaknl hvr to b hi Ih wily mahlrn laugh.-.! ami aaki aay. Hut Jrnaxn wna not to I OJlduac lat nlaht ha In vlia.1 Jdlaa Moulion la vl.u him alioard ; Ilia boat. HIm a.vrptad th Invitation, u. t...H ak Mr m aluMfil I ka ahll. lha I anchor wa hcav-d am! th aiJioon.r tT"'.,',n ,"",oni ,n lh," ,,y, a',J, ,or aallrd away for Ih. far north with tha ' H-puMlcantam. do not allow crrlaln Al ytmng lady on board A. no ona hra l '""'"f" mt.lcad you on lha old. MM.m to I- particularly Inlcra.lrd In j "fn-out pica of "rmu lar candktalea." tha girl no affort waa mada lo detain Ih. ' , No camlldala la ranular who haa ob flcrlmt , hoonr. I '"ln",1 ""'" by mcana of a dirty trick and bara-faocd deception; so Th. Hill achonar Mtwnllaht left Han . Cainlldat can ba regular who alanda ,-ranclaco Monday aftcrno. oatenalhly "" Platform that haa been kicked for th. Mexican coa.t. Thera waa '' "or" ,h f'""ha of tna amry afloat along th. wh.rvea lhat aa : rU-iaMdcan atata oonyentlona throughout aoon a Hi got oulaldo tha head, her nion- N" ca.m11.lan. la regular who couraa would m changed and ah would ; - enP'n to ba managed by ba headed directly acroaa Ih. I'acMo for Jonathan tlourne. under tha Influeneo mia of tha remote Bouth 8 lalanda. It i Pwalbly In Ih. pay of I'ennoyer e waa whlapcred by aoino of Ih men who I Co- aa.l.te.1 In nmhlmr Ih. voaacl ready for ' J""- Norrhup advocate, true Heptib her voyaca that ah waa probably d- ,lt,' Prlnclplea-.Mr. Kllla aiouw worn lined lo engage In Illicit traltte, either I 0,, nil exploded 1'opultat fallaclea! In lha amua-glliig Una. or "Mackhlrdlng " Mo1" -al.r.Uy Ihla pirate crew troll to lha myat.rtoue manner In ' aaaumad charga of the fopull.t ahlp ua-whl.-h the veaael a crew acted while lha , rt"' command of Captain Jonalh-n aioriHi were being put aboard, lha cua- , Hourna: befor th. carmwlBn In oer ton.a omrtala concluded lhat aomothlng ,h 'H doulillaaa attempt a general wrong waa on foot and they pluecd a fualon. Io not let them deoelv. you. atieclnl walch on th. veaacl. Nothing rcauee they dare flaunt th "regular" of a definite iharacler developed, how. ; H'publlcan Aair at the maathead of their ever, and no provocation wa. rtlacovared "" hM. tor If you do they will aitraly for Intercepting th. .hoon..r when aha " ymj f th aaf. hartwr of the cn.t looaa her tinea and alnrted to aen. Hepul.llcaji party Inlo lha daiigeroua and I'rrraiillona have been taken for keep. plrallcal wntera of IMpullam. lug wwtnh on the Moonlight a move- I "' voted for Ellla Iwlca-whiit haa and upon hvr reupp.iiranc. at an ha dime to merit my aupport aa a Hepub Amerlcan port .he will lie promptly over- . "wn fr third term? He ha repealcd am,,!.,! ly voted with the gung who have held up tarllT and flnnnrlnl left lain Hon for whlrh our tnduatrtc nnd credit were Inngulah The native of tha lalund of Manning , ,ylna;. almply hecauae our atrong atralta and of the Hotnmona have again mP,y,t..ri In ronRrea refune.1 to become hlno.lllilrnty and are looking for ,io,i the hlhlolrlh nf the l'opillt tribe, tradera ami mlaalotwrlea In twloher. Ac- I y true-blue Kepuhllcan owe far more cording lo tha aloiHea told by aome of . . our n,lton luriy than to the o tha' who arrlve.1 on tha Monojvai ciied Mllchcll It.pul.llcnn pnrly; nnd II Hiitunliiy from tho Bouth Beua, the Holo- mona recently maaaacreil a boi.t load 01 acnmcn who went aahore from the hrlg Klo Ue, ami at Hunlunit two Kronch men and ona American, whoae namca could not ba aaccrtiilned. Were atnlibwt ami bxheailcd. On tho Miinnlng tilriitta lalnmla Uio atroclllea hava lieon particu larly cruel. Thla group la Inhabited by cnnnllmla. It la reluled of thetn that line In March Ihey a amall tnullngi ai-hoonar aalled by a Kmnchnian iuiiiuhI nnd an aaelatant nanu-d Meyer. Holh men nnd elKht (Ill- lx.rt lalan.ler who were aervlng aa tna boltera; aIkl tbvlr record ihowa It. Did veaaela' crew ware beaten lo daath with they not hold up th regular Ropuhlluan atonea. The bodlea of the murdered I.I- I cftucu nomine at Unlem during the laat and aulKir wer taken Into tho Interior ..(n? dm they not aupport and vota and a fnaat held. Tha remain, of the , wlUl Tillman and other Popullata In con while men wore not eaten, but were. left gceaa agalnat auch Rvpubllcana aa Bhcr on the benoh. The trading- alallon, nlKn( Morrill, AlUaon and KeedT Are which belomred to amdamatix. waa t(,y not tvm no1l attempting- to fuae broken o)en and looted. The altuntlon I Wtn r0xtllata all ovr Oregon for tha haa bncoroa ao aorlou tlmt amall ataam- pUrpoao of electing a free allver ara ha- been lent to tha lalanda by th tre? tradera In order to take away the people , rj0 not aell your birthright for tha connected with tha mlaalona. Tha Hev. mlncruble mea of pottaga thee frllowa John A. Hoyd. of tha- Kngllah ml.alon think they have the power to offer you. at Bouthweat bay. near whera Onrde- Th8 Republican parly la by birth, tradl muux nnd hla men wore murdered, waa tan an)j history a aound money party; nilHaliiR when h. waa culled for, nnd hla eVery true Republican la or oturht lo be companlona fear that ha hit fallen . a a aound money Republican; every aound victim to tho native.. Ho aturtrd oft money Republican atultlflea hlnwelt and on a hunting trip to ba none but two ro refuaea to do hla duty who falla to aun lltnio dnya, but he hnd not been aocn for port the aound money Republican ctuidl two waeka when tht ataamer arrived. o,ite for congreaa. The otlwra wcro taken awny and landed if ar,y of your Republican friend, talk ut Tonga, to await the arrival of the . aliout regular nomlnntlona aak them If mlaalonnry al.nmer Daylight, which will ) they know how Kllla waa 'nominated? oonvay tlwrn to Bydney.-Han rnnclaco Flxamtnor. It'i Juat aa eaay to try Ona Mlnuta Cough Cur aa anything el, Ifa eatler in cur. a aaver cough or cold with It. Let your next pumhaa. for a cough b. On Mlnut uOUgn L'ura uetier i.imii- cine; better Roger. ult; bettor try IU Chaa. It will aurprla a good many well-Informed people to learn that General Lew WallucB receives hlnher pay for hla writing than any other living American author. for May, 1896. Illlill WATKH. LOW WATKN. A M. f. M. J A. Mi I' P. M. It, in. I ((. Ii. in I (I. ih. in. I fl. jli. in. I (t. "1 k (Ml H.M i 1)7 l 0 III KM il II ", 111 II," a.fl 'J 8 M ft JW n,4; 11(13 II 4 8fi a 4 fin 7 11 i u n,a i w o a , 4 (1 II 7.(1 7 40 0.4 : 0 31 a 6 1 IK) 0.8 ft 7 12 II. 0 ft IMI II. 0 'J 01 3.1 2 Oft I.. It 8 '.Ml U20 7,o; 8 14 'l b ' 8lm I. II 7 0 114 n.H 10 (Ml 7.3 8 hi it.i) 8 4; 1.7 H M UM 0.0 10 JWV 7 6 4 40 1.4 4 84 1.11 0 11 17 I.S II 0(1 7.8 ! 0 10 0.11 S 111 2.1 10 II IM (I. II HUH 8 0! Ml 0 5 6 4.1 U. 4 11 () W 0.7 , 0 VH 0.0 0 14 2.7 jit OUti H.'J 118 (1.7, tH 0.8 .44 2.(1 18 0 40 8.4 160 (1.(1 7 110 0.6 7 10 il H 14 1 I. H O ii iW 0 0 H IU 0 0 i 7 48 8 0 1ft 1 Ml H.A 8 iM ft. 8 ! H 40 0 6 '8 KM 8. it 14 'Jail 8.8 4l4 (l.; 9 SI OA V 14 I 8.3 17 8 17 H.I 4 ft.' 0 1: 10 (Mi 0.3 10 J'i ! 8.2 IN ill 7.7 A 44 0.7 II (Kl O.o 1 11 '2.1 ! 8.1 IU ft ID 7.8 A 87 fi.U , II 57 O.A i j 30 A Ml 11.0 7 81 7.3 0 4:' 3 7 , 0 SH 0 9 21 7 48 0.7 8 34 7 4 . I AH 3,0 3 00 1.8 23 0 04 II.H V IN 7.0 2 r.M 1.) 8 OH ' 1.(1 J.I 10 13 7 1 in 00 H.4 4 01 0.8 4 1.8 24 II 14 7.8 1 10 M H U 4 67 0 (1 ! 4 Ml 2. 1 20 'OKI 7.4 11 40 0.2 A 4N 1.4 , (340:3.8 211 1 02 7 A i II KN I M 1 II iH , ..4 27 0 24 0.4 164 7.3: 7 2.'. 2 1 , 7 20 , 2.7 I'M 111 U.8 2 42 7.1 8 12 3.0 , 8 10 ' 2.H W 1 M 0.0 8 HO 7 I 1 N 61 I. A i II 01 i 3 0 2 40 NO 4 17 7 1 0 4i II I 1 57 I a.O HI 8 H., 7.1) A 00 7 0 10 37 0.4 11 (ill' 8 0 "NATIONAL" ItEI'UIILICANS. As CoitraI)liuiilshcd (rum lh Mpu riuus llllcliell-lioiirii (Iriiua. Astoria, iir.. May IB. IMA j To ui rilltori-. I ata. Ur. Monm. a......-.. of lha MIlrMI committee, adltor and j wrt owner of lha dafuncl l'orilanl Hun. of several .liver mine and Avid marshal of the allver-plated Republicans, . boa fused with lha Populists; and Ihla ! la lha crowd that ralla honest money i Republican "bolters." hawa.ise, i rf.r mora for Judge Northup Ju.lao Nurthup aiaiula on tli plailorm ahlih , will b aditnj at HI. Ixiula en Julia 1(. ! th kind of idatform that llrnjamln llr- rtaon, I'haunrry U 1hsm.w and all tha ImiIiimc hr.iil,ii, an liiira of tha country MVV darlaml furI ho ulnlfonr ihai thrva-foiinha of tha Itrpuhllran ronvan- Ilona IhruuaTlMtuI lha aula hava unuuall- ndly looip1. And I. for on. f;r to Tha itrpublioaa axinor warn ao lone 1 ami ilcfamlnd ao nobly by tha I'Iuhmxi Knlfbl. aad inn which tha alataly llar - rlaoa raat now luaira. can natrar b as chancad for a allvar-platrd coat of I'opu Uam. Our nait national laadrr to whom n ba mrutl th aafkpln of Ihla u-aary la bound lo kp It untarnUhcd. Bourxl mony. protactlun and acrturuc-Uy, i will tw Jnarriiml In tlwlr orur upon our """"ha' atandard, and Ihoaa who : wvuw iniu tnia uuinir in uia auai naa ! botur (a avr at onoa lo Ih Cuacy- - 1 m tMWa boaua I lov my country, I am proud ot and ra- vara my party hlatory. and bacaua I Ullava tliat party will connnua to uidiold th rmllt of tht country aa It haa r uphald th national honor and tha Ameri can haa'. and Ihu ballvvlna; I ahould not do my duly did I fall to aupport Jud Northup with all my might. (X my fpllow-ltcpubllrana. In tlila crcat wo woud atrengthen the of our next preitttont w. mint aend Judge Northup to vungreaa to atnnd cui lioldy for hla party und Ita principle; whereua Kllla, If Uclcd, Judged b hla pant rc onl, mtiat and would go off with tha froa allver crowd and attempt to hold up an eh tariff and aountt mony logli.1 Hon aa may ba aakv.1 fur by our party leadora. Hepul.llcana, do not allow youtn.'Ivc to b deceived by the cry of lioltera; It la the Klllaca, tha Bourn., and their I'opullat coadjutora who ura lha real xa them further who la managing EMU, campnlirnT Who ala. la It but thla aame Jonathan Honrne, -who nearly wrecked the ambition nnd hope of aome of the hrtKbtcat and moat promoting young blood In the party; this attempted v riucer of finical purity and conalxtency, .lie mm, a a nwireiiirj ui .no iw publican state central committee, la at the aame tlmo a Pnpullat candidate for representative, nnd I. secretly plotting to bring about an unholy alliance be tween the candidates of the great Re publican party nnd the most mischievous dnmaffogues of Populism In the state ot Orcg-on. Ara these "regular" republicans; these KIM, lliurnea at at., calling llimaelvea allver l(i'pulillciifi.7 lo not let thorn luol yout Keep your yea vpun ami amy by thu nutiuiml He publican party ami Ha cundlilat In Hi Hmoiul coniirasalutml district, Judga NortlMip, NATIONAL ItKI'L'llLICAN. O.iOTIJLIl OAHI-INKHH CAMPAIGN CI.U1I. ' (l.ifn'ltiii," auld llrother Uardner aa th CsniiiilMii Club came lo order at tna command of tha g.ivul, "1 ar palnad to aunuunca dat da lionurabl llu kwiit.r Hlni'k, of Kintueliy, haa hoofed it fur lit mllea otM't lo dirt roule to delllair an addruaa laifo' dia elub, an' now am aalp uu dv bench In da uumy ruoiii. it pain nw, fuatly, vakiuHi h ar bo.lln' at my wabln frt. ob oliarge aji' am one ot) u biggest aalora t aber aaw; aecuiully, ba kua I know Urn want to borry I, dvl laha of m. an' 1 ain't gut da moral courage to rvtooe hlin; thirdly, bvkaaa h Ilka ill. town an' may neU-r return Ui iilntiitky any mo', in which caa ba may bxcvm alult a nuLaaiio dat Cilv adum Junes will b callod upon to gib hlin d grand bounc. It am awld, how alar, dat h am biilllam orator an' kuowa bow lu una up whllvwaah ao It will look Ilk da fresco palntln' of Horn an' Vwilc. Da oommltlea will o out an' wok hint up an' bring him In an' wa will gin hlin a fu r enow." THK MAN KROM KKNTUCKT. When Ih Honorable Uuckwatcr ap piared on tha platform hla dlmenalona xwliud lo b aa follows: Lenglh ov. r all, 1 feet: braadlh of beam, I laot; depth of hold, feet; carrylim capacity, fourteen mine plea and a gallon ol milk. II waa not a tvamlsoino man. On Ih contrary, hla apiH-aranc would have aont a Cold chill over any wldta dial h happened to meet at mklnlal.l on a lunely highway.' He eermed to l good-tuitured, huwever, afal ha waa de cidedly at hum aa llrother Oardnrr In troduced him, and ha buwd right and left ami ailtatal th lora wtilch paatd out of hi. .hove. A UOOD 8TART. "Patriots of America," ha Ixgun In a vole full of red-core waternulon, "let us presume fur a dat w am atand- ln In da ahaditer ob de mighty I'yramlda ob Kgypt. an' dal de time am Ian thoue and years aa Aero It sandy drarl atreU'Mn' away lur huialreda of mila Wa kin aee de baser of a frmul. awman approai'hln'. (.Cberra for deaerta and woman I Bit buau'l got nuiny clothe on. Her face am muffled up an' ah walka with a limp. In on hand she hulila a bowl of clam broth an' In da odder a blaobanake whip. I Wild chairs for clain brulh.) Oar am tears In har eyes an' brr chin wobble. Hh. drawa nlchtuT. Bh approach. IM nuher aha ounw da mo' aha Itmpa an' da laatrr Iwr tear faU. Ulmeby ah walks light up lo ua, an WUl on haml an hobla out d clam broih aa' wld da odder da whip, an' aha kneels on de ground an' humbly beaawoh man. her lord ar.' auunr, to ewallar dal broth an' dn gin har a HckMY. (In ten xcIuhiumii and aaativrtAar cheer for lord and master and llckicaT.) H drlnka up dal broth wld a yuml rural yum I an n he frowa down de bowl an' larrup her wld dal till h can't boiler. (Whuop for yuml yuml and larrup.) Oat a a woman of d suit.' THK VICUINNINU OP THK END. . Th apeaker had mad a good start and a pleasant exprrwelon, and ven Hrothrr Uardner apeard to forget for tha mo ment that a rniahl have u lend him two dollar aad board him a coupl of week for nolhln;. 'Ten thouaajnd y an ajro, oontlnued th aiieaker, after leelln; of hla uj pemlrr and Oindlna- ineca all O. K "Woman waa a sia-vea thing -bar nam waa mud. alua could ba stepped on aa' walked on an (tunc outer da window. aame aa a yeller dawg. (Crtee of In dlgnatlon, ml lulled with ahouta for yaller dua.) If alas amlled her husband tut her wld a cabbage head. If ah wept h thruw.d bor ober d fern, among da blackberry buahe. On day da worm turned. Dal pala-faoed. aad-eyed. wo begun woman, woo waa lam In boat leg an' all humped obr wld grief, aud- dimly braced rlrhi up, got aa mad aa a wet hen. an de fust thing her husband knowed, he waa knocked down wld de rollln' pin. (Tremendous ch.-er for lam woman, worm and roHUaj pin.) t can't say what brung about de change, but It cum, an' dal was de bearlnnln' o' womanhood de beglnnln' of de aand. D ole man oiened hla ay In surprise, n' he reckoned der waa aome mlatak about It. but by da time he had bin clawed bakUieaded an kicked around de truck patch he mad up hla mind dal a new epocsi had dawned on de k entry. an' dat Lurlnd had cum to stay. Prom dal time woman began to cum lo d front. Bhe aot out to look a arret an' puny, an' lo know brans wrhen de bag waa untied, on If d. ol man looked around fur hla blackanaii whip aha mada a Jump fur da poker. (Cheers lor epochs, Luclnda and th aew order of things.) Lat woman gruwed an' gruwad, an' got mo' saaay abery day, an' ah anally turned Into da new woman of da laat century. THK WOMAN OP TODAY. "My frvna," auld the orator, a. ha wiped his heated brow and took a drink of water, "woman haa gone on gltlln' mo' Indriwndent an' sassy an' etklccated, till she am hut we know her to be to day. ' Hhe am puny an' aweet She can kick aebcti feet high. Bhe kin rlda a buckln hoss an' swim de rapids of Nlagary. Sh kin apln a bike, make a speech, fry pancake, climb a ire or prcuch a sermon. (Tremendous up piuuse, during which Shlndur WataOU swallowed a peachaton and had to be hung out of the alley window.) 8ha write poetry, belna lo make the laws, talks polytlcs, alia on de jury, patches our brueohoe, Inrtooenrca congrtas an' splits da wood fur da kitchen stove, (ln tonse agltullon.) Dc Lawd 1)1. ss woman! Let 'em put a ticket In da mid. Let em organise and strive for vlot'ry. Let ohcry multitudinous Individual wlilln sound of my voice realise de coml.ltut- shun ot the perrlKtiiuuhun an' walk up to do enatuig-ulnod ballot box an' de posit a wote fur de oonaangulntty of de emancipated constitutionality." (Cart loads of applause and hoots of approba tion, lastlnar five minutes after the ora tor disappeared.) My frena," said Brother Gardner when he could make hla voice heard, "mebbe de nax' preladcnt will be a woman, an' mohbe not- We will break de tneetln' In two an' go homo and think about It." M. QUAD. ROYAL Baking Powder has bcea mwwrded highest honor at every worlTa fair whera exhibited. Senator Cameron Is trying to forget all about free silver, apparently. In the City of Mexico. He haa been the object of much social attention there. A re view of one of the cavalry regiments was held In bis honor the other day. Pur blood means good health. De- Witt's Sarsaparllla purines the blood, cures Eruptions, Ecxrma, Sorofula, and all disease arising from lmpur blood. Chaa. Rogers. Mr. Anna B Whitman nf Mnribn-n Mass., who died Inst week, almost 94 years oia, was present at tne laying of me corner aione oi rsunaer xiiu monu ment. DeWltt's Sarsaparllla Is Drecared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions Impaired by disease. Chaa Rogers. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. CIIOLKHA IN KOVPT. Cairo Hnnllary Authorities and Medical Hpsciallat Talk of an Approach ing K4ddemln, Naw York, May J A apwial cable to lha Herald from Cairo, Kgypt, says: Th sanitary authorities and mrdkal apeclsllsL har regard th lucres in cholera, after the unsuccessful efforts mada last winter to stamp out tha dis ease, sa Indicating an approaching epi demic. Tha ohanos of an outbreak la Increased by lb present neat and Ih falling of lha Nils. An official bulletin report nineteen new raaea In Alexandria, and grave tears ara entertained respecting many othera. Ot twenty death reported today, thirteen were discovered by onVlals wnen Inspect Ing dwelling houaea, as lha natives super stltlously conceal tha cases that occur and thua render Ih suppression of con tagion Impossible. Additional polio ar being went to Alexandria Rogers Pasha, fltrsctor general of lha sanitary department, left her yesterday with assistant for Alx andrt. .- ... . Further army enlistments there have been suspended. It I feared that th. Mahmudlyeh canal, from which la drawn Alexandiia'a water aupply, haa been In fected. There hava been two doubtful raaea In Cairo. If you dealra best results In cooking ua Ir. Price's Ha king Powder. MENU POR MONDAT. HreakfaaL Prult Cereallne, with Bugur and Cream. Ilrolled eihsd. Creamed Potatoes. Rolls. Coffe. Lunch. Corned Heef Hash. Poarhed Kag. Ilaked Apples. Cska. Tea. Ilnner. Chicken Soup. Ilrolled Beefsteak, with Mushrooms. Raked Sweet Potatoes. Ilnnana Prttters. Lima ileana. Lettuce Bnlad. Wafer, lc Cream. Cheese. Coffe. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him a twist, Kor In twisting a twist Three twist make a twlt: Uut U on of lb twtau Untwlat from lb twut. Th twist untwisting Letwist th twist. That la, when It's IwlaUd with any other twin than MARSHALL'S. Teacher-What doe b-a-m-m-e-r aoell? Tommy Don't know, ma'am. Teacher What doe your mother drive nail with etupldf Tommy A atove niter. Dan Pranolaoo Wave. m III. man a lull pu. Tflf HI has gone, th pill has won. DaWltt's Little Earlr Riser ar thaUttla nlila thai our great Ilia Chaa, Rogers. Business men. II you want to fix op your office for Ih coming year, with tha beet of letter heads, bill head, state ments, tc, call at Ih Astorlan Job offlo wna re you wui DM in beat af stock and material. Parties desiring the best of Job printing al the lowest prices ah lid call at Ih Aatorlaa Job ofllo batter going else where. Regular Republican TICKET State Ticket. For Bo pram Judg. R. a BEAN. Por Representative In Congress Beoocd District W. R, ELLIS. For District Attorney, T. J. CLEKTON. County Ticket. For Representative. WM. F. McOREMDR. FRANK U PARKKR. For BharitC. JAMES W. HARE. For Connty Clerk. F. L DUNBAR. For County Recorder. C 8. GX'NDERSON. For County Commissioner. HOWELL LEWIS. For Connty Treasurer, a L. WARD. For Superintendent of County Bchoola J. a SCUM ID. For County Assessor. C W. CARNAHAN. For County Coroner. RICHARD RICHARDS, For County Surveyor. N. D. RAYMOND. Astoria Precinct. For Justice of Ih Peace. JOHN ABERCROMBIB. For Constable. FRED WICKMAN. I871 1895 Fisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Ship Chandelery, Hardware), Iron & Stel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed have tiled their final accounts In ths estate of L. Wilson, deceased, and the estate of Wilson Fisher, and that the county court ot Clatsop county has set Morula), ths x2d day of June, 1896, at the hour ot 10 o'clock, for th hearing of objections. If any ther be, to the al lowance of said accounts.. 1 J. Q. A. BOWLBT, WILEY B. ALLKN, Executors. May U, 18M. MANHOOD ill r eeer-eientea. ar atlraelaeax whleh Mi STnTi-, ,.,.',,, . "e Mauieine u, iifORElkUAf ImUSII.6. sua ta TturS aad 'aV.fVassVaf W.'SaU-aJ A. V. AULICN, VIAUH IN Orocrflea, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, CroJtrry, OlaM and Plated Ware. Logger' Supplies. . Cor. Tenth and Commercial straat. ST AMICUS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. "T.lephone" leave. Astoria at T p. as. dally (except Sunday). Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. dally., ex cept Sunday. "Ball aatartH kaeve Lmtm m.,. day, Wwlnaaday, Thursday, Prtday and oamroay morning at ; a, sa.; Sunday anlnf at T n m Lmvm PorUand dally at I p. m.. ex- ewpi aunoay. un aaturaay at 11 p. m. WALtAC MAUZenV. Agent Cheap Clothing Toe Bop La Clothing Padory and swrehaat tallora, at as Bong atrMt, toake nndarolo thing to ardar. Bulu and trouMrs mad u fit parfaotly. Every order punctually oa Urn and satisfaction guarantaed, Good good old cheap. Call and ba oonrlnosd. ROSS HIGGIiNS k CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Asian aad Upper Aaterta ' Fan Tea saa Cefna. Table Delicacies. DoaMv a4 Treekai f-rulla. VageisMaa. Sanr tared Haws. Bate, tic Choke Fresh and Salt - Meats. NOTICE OP ASSEHHMUVT ON EIOIJTEENTH STREET. Nolle Is hereby given thai th assess ment mada br ordituLne Kn i i.. . w. city of Astoria, confirming the ase- meiii. on rou co. it, ror the Improve ment of Klshfeemh .im-i rmn -A...k aid of Exchange atreH to Oie o.ith aid of Orand avenue. In the city of Astoria, will be due and payable on .ho loth day ot June. UM, in United State gold or allver coin, at the office of th city treas urer, and If not ao paid within or befor aaid time tha common council will order warrant Issued for the collection of th. sain. Th. assessment la as follows: Paler Brown, lot s, block U, Bhlve- ly's Astoria IMS) Tbo Braeker, and half N 100 feot lot L block M, Shlvelys Astoria 74 p) Tbeo Braeker, und half N KM feet lot X. block li. Shindy' Astoria a Magdalena M. Claaaen, E half lot . block M, Shlvaly's Astoria If OB Ellen a Cherry, lot L block 111 Shlvlys Astoria lot 40 w m. Dench. 8. 0 feet lot , block it, nmveiys Astoria 10 M Win. Desich, N 41 feet lot 10. block H. IHirvely's Astoria t M wm. Uench and Rati Praoeto Vlch. & I feet of M U Ina i block it Bhtvely's Astoria too n m. uencn area Kali Ftaneto- ' Vich. II. S feet nl V A m-t w 1, block M, Shlvely's Astoria. 1 i x ntoaes to., wt z, block 11. Shlrery's Astoria U 10 FtnnUb L. E. Church, trustee. 8. fa) feet of N. HO teet lot IL block 14. Shlvely's Astoria. a 40 Finnish L. E. Church, trust, R fci feet of N. l'JO feet lot H block 14, bhlvrly's Astoria 7 ft) Kat Franetovlch. 8. 4 feet or 'if. M feet lot W. block It, Shlvely s Astoria..... ib Tho. Houston, lot J, block 112, Shlvely's Astoria 3 0$ Gertrude Harder, E. half N. lot) feet lot X block H, Shlvely's As toria jo jp Sarah Harder, W. half N. 100 feet lot X. block 11 fthlVMlv'a ,a Sarah J. Harder, W. half lot 10. oiock IU, Shlvely's Astoria. 14 to Mary L. Harder, E. half lot 10, block 111, Baiveiy'a Astoria. 14 0 Herman Marks, W. half lot t, blOCk 11 RhlVMlv's lolnria IS AS Abrnm E. Balte, 8. 100 feet lot 10, block 14, Shlvelys Astoria. a A. 8cliernekau, und half N. ICS) feet lot L block li, Shlvely's Astoria.. 74 W A. Bchernekau, und half N. lu) feet lot 1. block 14- Shlv. lv'. jt. John Vragliutan, & 60 feet kit L oioca it, Hiiivery Astoria. 74 John Vraglnsan. R W feet lot Z, oioca 14, onively Astoria a 40 F. R Wehher iwnMk Si ru. . ,- and Is, block 14, Bblveiy's Astoria, I6S.M; .no euiu 01 on uie iota aay of June, Wsi, and the aum ot 14.88 on the loth day of June in eaoh and every year there after for nine Vears. tnarwlhe .K In-- eat on th total amount unpaid at ths rat of t per cent per annum, said inter, est to be paid at the time ot the pay ment of each of said Installments. Q. Zle-lee ' Int. H on., la ....t. " - " mMM . UIUV Shlvely's Astoria,; the sum ot 4U6.U to be paid on tho 10th day of June, Xm, and the sum of fcM.15 to be paid on the lilt h flft V nf J.tna In A-nK .. 1 .. " v m4M OIl.J J CO thereafter for nlhe years, together with nuarvsi on uie total amount unpaid at the rata of S nep Mnt n-f . . i ... t . . interest to bo paid at the time o'f the iHVsM.ioi.i oi cacn ot said installments. Abbi A. Douglass, lot 7, block 1J, Shlvely's Astoria, U0; the sum of JIB on the lOth dav nf J.ii.A let anrf ka of 116 on the 10th day of June In each and every year thereafter for nine years, together with Interest on the total amount unpaid at the rate of 8 per cent iei cm. urn, sum interest to he paid at tho time of the paympnt-of -ach of said Installments. W. L. Gibson, south 60 fee tof lots 11 and 12. block 14. 71.4l: the sum of $7.16 on the loth day of June, 1S96. and the sum of 7.13 on the 10th day of June In eaoh and every year thereafter for nine years, together with Interest on the total amount unpaid at tho rate of 9 per cent per annum, aaid Interest lo bo paid at the time of the payment ot each of raid installments. Nancy Welch, lota 4, 6 and 6 of block 13, Shlvely's Astoria, 146.30: the sum ot 124.63 on the 10th day of June, 1896, and the sum or Ci 63 on the 10th day of June In each and evey year thereafter for nine years, together with Interest on the total amount unpaid at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, said Interest tobe paid at the time of the payment of each of said Installments. Nancy Welch and James W. Welch, lots 4, 6, (, 7, 8 and of block 11, Shlve ly's Astorls, $193.64: the sum of U9.S6 to be paid on the 10th day of June, 1S96, and the sum of 119.36 to be paid on the 10th day of June in each and every year thereafter for nine years, together with Interest on the total amount unpaid at the rata of 8 per cent per annum, sola Interest to be paid at the time of the payment of each ot said Installments. By order ot the common council, dated May U, 1896. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. RESTORED. V-sJra. Lt laa a. Mcaral ai .eieiw sea aa ks-au. a. ... ... i. earn la aeat packet t ar tea. sar , a easll eeeal r-li tree. aeM v all drusflata. Aak ear tt. 4aa ae atkar aumvu.- . raiie, e-eeaaa. UaaePena ns "ee Tasahill ele '--. - J. W. COSS, Agent, Astoria. THE ABOVE PICTUKC DOES NOT REPRESENT A pasasngar train on th Chicago, Mil. wauke and St. Paul Railway. No. Its tarlns ar vestlbulad, heater by steam, and lighted by lectrlcity. Each slep. car berth ba an alectrt reading lamp Its dining car sr th beat In th world, and Its coaches ar palace on whls. This great railway, connecting as It do with all transcontinental line al St Paul and Omaha, assures to Ih larvsllng publlo Ih best eerrtoe known. Tickets via Ih Chicago, Mllwauk and St. Pal Hallway ar on sal at all railroad tick! office to any point In Ih ttnlted Slate or Canada. For map, folders and othav Information, addreaa. C. I. EUDT, General AgnL 7. W. CASET, Portland, Or. Trav. Pas and Tkl. Agent, Portland, Or. E. ncNEIL, Keclvr. o) o m Gives Choice of Tuio TraDseontineDtal A aaaamaaaammmaa' tr- KOUieB, Via Via Ogd'eh.Denver and Omaha' or M.Paui. Spokane and St. Paul. Pullman and Tourist 8lorr ') Rollnlna Chair Car ' Astoria to 5an Franclsxo. Columbia, Thursday April tt BtaU of California, Tuesday, April S. Columbia, Sunday, May 1. Btat of California, Friday, May t ' Columbia. Wednesday. May It BtaU of California, Monday, May 11 Columbia. Saturday, May SL But of California, Thursday, May & Astoria tod Portlnd Steamer. T. J. POTTER Leave Astoria daily, xoept Sunday. at T p. as.; kear Portland dally, xoept Sunday, at 7 a. m. R. B. THOMPSON, . Leave Astoria dally, exoaet Buaday at t:4 a., aa,; leave PorUaad dally, xopt Baturaay, at s p. m. , For rate and general Information can oa or address 6. W. LOUN8BERRT, , : Agent. ; W. H. HURLBURT. ' Gen. Pas. Agt, Portland. Or. Are Yon Golds: EastV B sur and ae that your ticket read via THE NORTH-WESTERN 1 Line. CHICAGO. ST.PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS sand OMAHA RAILWAYS. This la tho GREAT SHOKT LINE Btwa DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Magnlflcont Track, Peerless Vea- Ubuled Dining and Sleeping Car Trains and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. H. MEAD, F. C. SAVAGE. Gen. Agent Trav. I . and P. Agt. 24S Washington St. Portland, Or. Be sure be very sure- that when you ask for a ticket via the Burlington you get a ticket via the Burlington. No matter what your ob jective point Is, you can reach It via our line EASILY. QUICKLY, COM FORTABLY. CHEAPLY. Two routes to the east and south via Billings, Mont, and via St PauL To Omaha, Kansas City, f r I and St. Louis, the route via Billings, being over 100 miles shorter and many hours faster than any oth er, la preferable. To Chi cago and points beyond take the Burlington from Billings or St Paul as you wish. Tickets via the Burling ton and time-tables of th Burlington on application to the nearest ticket agent A. C. SHELDON, G. A. rorttaad, Orego. Btt oat bob -porannnna remedy fur Uonorrhuia, Gleet, Ssermatorrhu'a, Whitee, QBDStarsl dia chargee, or any InnaoiBia Hod, Irritation or ulcera tion of nine an a m.m. ,ntEm OstS'eii (J branee. Noo-Mriniiiil. 8lWTI,0.r"l "r "sagglasa. I br axprves, prepaitl, foi . l li on, or 1 bottlna. i.75. a CiKulsr ecu' uu request PROFESSIONAL CARPH. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Orflc, upstairs, Astorlan Building. Da ELIV JANSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen's drug stors. Hours, lo to 11 a m.; 1 lo f and 7 to I p. m. Sundays, W lo IL ' Da a B. E8TE8, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Special attention to diseases of woman and surgery. Offlc over Danslg.r's store. Astoria. Telephon No. 2. JAY TUTTLE. M. D., PHYSICIAN, SUROKOW AND ACCOUCHEUa Office, rooms I and (, Pythlaa Bulldlnff. Hours, 10 to U and I to I. Ruaideooej, t Csdar stret H. T. CROSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ' 4(1 Commercial street. J. Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Offlc on Bond street, Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxoo. Chester V. Dolph. . DOLPH, NIXON DOLPH, ATTORNEYS AT I-AW. : Portland. Oregon, 14. C, M and 37. Hamilton Building. All legal and col lection business promptly attended to. Claims against ths government a spe cialty. . SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 7. A. F. and A. JoL Regular communications held on th first and third Tuesday .raning eC each month. ' . ' O. W. LOUNSBERRT, W. M. E. C. HOLD EN, Secretary. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. CA88ELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE, Notary Public 471 Bond a treat WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Jno. F. Handler t Co.. 114 Third street, and get th Dally Astorlan. Vial cor need aot mis their morning paper whll ther. J. A FAST ABEND, GENERAL : CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, E5IDCE BSD BfURF BUILDE? -HOUlst MOVER. "Moves MesrtBf Tswta 4er RserL ASTOSU after (Deals! Or at any other tim wbeto you wish good 'c!-bx aak "for tb well known, home-made, . band poade, wbiu labor -iga "Ia Belle Asstoria " Conceded by all imokers to be tbo best etgar manuiaotared. t W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 Nintt? Stitat, asteria. Oragaa. BREMNER & HOLMES. Blaclcssmitbtv flrsMdeJ attentton raid tn etsaimhnait re- pairing, Orn-ctaa bvraeW'Df. te. LOGGING CiUBP EOEK A SPECIfiliTY 17 Ohiey treet tVttwwen Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. B.F.flliliEj&SOiS Wail Paper. Artfttt' MaVrrlall. Palais, Oltt, Glass, etc Japaoea stardnrs. Rugs and Bssiboo Goods 365 Commercial 8treet- USTORlll PUBUC liLBW READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open very day from o'clock to IJi and (J to I JO p. m. SubacrlptioB rate t par annum. B.W. COa ELEVENTH DUANB BTS. J. B. WYATT, Pbos Ne. 6S Asteria, Orego Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attentlo Paid to Supplying Ships. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serra W'r trying la very way to raak them th most zv Joyabl In town. All tho "good thlnga" of th season cooked by our excellent cook In th most delicious style. Per fect rv1ce. If you Invite a friend to the Palaot Restaurant th place Is a sutlclent guar antee that he will receive a good meat The Palaee Sestaorant THE BOARD OF TRADE- PETER DOUKELL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth sad Bead Street. They Uck Life. There ar twines mid to fisherman. on th Columbia river that stand In the same relationship to Marshall's Twine aa a wooden Image doe to th human being they lack strength Ut evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twine beside Marshall's will do "ti aa waU." They won't. They cannot.