The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 15, 1896, Image 4

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yiwwiiti.MBiiBMMMiaiaMMiMi ii i I w , ni , i 1 rsjr TT T--iTl ' ,X4 - I, -j.uu
TUB rjpjM
VJU1 1... a RESORT
and nth St.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Mips oi application.
New Astoria...
s located tt the terminus of the Astoria and
Colnmtla River Railroad, at the month of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water ot the Columbia
River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very test docks for
ships on this bay: therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the f reat Morthwest.
These facts were recounted by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astori3 Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted npon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid ont on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
The New Astoria Company
Something New...
Children's and Youth's Steel
Shod Shoes, all Sizes and Styles
W. also carry a On. Una of ladles' and
men's shoes, from th. boat to th. lowest
reliable (oods. All roods warranted Just
as represented.
47 Commercial Street.
Local weather for twenty-four hours
sodlng at & p. m. yesterday, furnished
by th. United States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature. 52 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 4S degrees.
Precipitation, Jl Inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1896, to date. 72.08 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, Utt, to date, 7.04 inches.
For th. best of commercial job print
Ins call at th. Astorlan Job office.
Meany is Qit leading tailor, snd pay
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Marshall's twine used by 73 per cent
of the fishermen on the Columbia river.
Parties desiring the best of ob printing
at the lowest prices ahold call at the
Astorlan Job office before going else
where. The Oregon Trading Co., 400 Commercial
street, is the placj to buy your dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, men's
and ladles' furnishing goods. Should you
want an auctioneer, 8. FrleJmsn makes
his office at the Oregon Trading Co
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see
their new and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of the twines
"as good as Marshall's," tn your pocket,
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It's money in your
pocket and fish In your net to find out
For 15 cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to terve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters in every
Imaginable stylt at the lowest living
prices. Come once and you will con
tlnue to coma
Most so-called "salmon twines" are col
ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre
and render the material useless. In the
office of Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Is an ob
Ject lesson that ought to be examined by
all fishermen. It Is the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar
shell's twine from start to finish. Go
there and examine the color right
through. You will see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist.
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist:
But If one of the twists
Untwists from the twist.
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That is, when it's twisted with any
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
Overcoats and winter wraps will be ln
fashion. They can be discarded, tcmpor-i
arily while traveling in the steam-heated 1
trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St
Paul Railway. For solid comfjrt, for
speed and for safety, no other line can.
compare with this great railway of the
Beaver Hill
and Gilman
rr FamllT r "team raroose
If you will look into the situation you will hoc that
is the cram of west side property. The center of improve
ments is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices range from $150
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save
your change and buy a lot in
Ad offlc has been opened by the pro
prietor! one door east of th. Crosby
hardware store. Call, be ahown the
merits of this property, and Invest
Days of old.
Ye are not dead, though gone from me;
Ye are not cold.
But like the summer birds tied o'er some
The sun brings back the swallows fast
o'er the sea:
When he cometh at the last
The days of old come back to me.
George tlacDonald.
Mr. I. Rosenberg, of Omaha, Is In the
Planked shad dinner parties are In
Alex Ohls tried Kiickson's new yacht
Mr. J. W. W am bold returned from
Portland yesterday.
Mrs. Carrie Ray, the test and business
medium, at the Oriel.
E. M. Wood, of Salem Lodge, B. P. O.
E, is visiting In the city.
For genuine sweet cream that will
whip go to C. B. Smith's.
The new telephone in the Republican
headquarters Is number 4i.
Architect Enll Schacht, of Portland,
arrived in the city yestepiay.
Judge J. H. D. Gray left for Portland
yesterday on a business trip.
J. D. Mayer, the well known cigar
man of Portland Is In the city.
For your sweet cream and Ice cream,
try the Bonbonnlere, 436 Commercial st.
A large number of fishing boats w-re
seen going up the river ytsterday after
noon. The Pathfinder anchored yesterday at
her berth In the rear of the O. R. ana
.V. dock.
Mr. W. W. Jackson, of New York city,
was In the city yesterday, and at the
Buy your cluars. tobacco, fruit and
candy of Emll Eiickson, Eighth and
Commercial streets.
Messrs. F. M. Coxh and E. A. Palmer,
paymasters of the United States army,
were In the city yeHuvrday.
Vapor Baths, Massage and Magnetic
treatment. lime. DeGrey, The Oriel,
room 12, Commercial street.
Pure sweet freah from the sep
arator every morning nnd guaranteed to
whip. 20c per pint. C. B. Smith.
Mr. A. O. Barker, the popular general
agent of the Chlcao and Northwestern
Railway, returned to Portland yesterday.
John Nelson has Just finished a neat !
little cottage In Alderhrook and Is now I
beautifying his yard with moss and flow- I
Strawberry Juke used to be used by I
our grandmothers In lieu of rouge. It is 1
needless to remark that strawberries are i
In season. j
Col. C. W. Knowles, who was In the '
city yesterday, is reported to have i
brought the bad weather with him from ;
Portland. j
All Incoming "hikes" are decorated
wllh blossoms that their riders have
gathered during their rest l.v the em.n.
try wayside.
A large amount of (trading Is bring
done on the hills and there seems to be
a general move by property owners to
improve their lots.
The body found In the water near Trul- 1
llnger's Mill Wednesday, and thought to j
have been that of Joseph Simons, the
cook of the San Joe, who washed over- !
board, has been Identified now as that
Try It
.. Hj -
A CO. Agents. Astoria.
of Chaa. Miller, a ho disappeared April
A leading dreaamukir report, that th.
fashion of lining a ten-cent dlmtly with
silk make the "simple" summer roan
something of a luxury.
Ml asses Mattte F. and Carrie II. Owen,
of iienessce, Idaho, are In the city. Mis
Mattte formerly resided In this oily and
has a hoet of friends here.
Livery atablea now Include bicycle
among the steed to be hired by the
hour. It la understood, the custom a III
soon be Inaugurated In Astoria.
Divine service at St. Thomas'-liy-lhe-Sett,
Skliuuion. next Tuesday evnlng.
(May lSihl at half Ivan I seven o-cloca,
the Riv. Wm. Seymour Short orfMatliu:.
The northwester continued to blow
with force yesterday and the tuy a
covered with ahltrcapa It Is hopea
that Observer Orover will do l-etter to
day. The big barge Wyatrhle finished un
loading the Iron at the Young's Hay
railroad bridge yesterday and was
brought back to the O. H. and N. dock
in the city.
Mr. J. O. H.inthom. aside from canning
Koyal Chinook., takes great pleasure tn
gardening. Hie garden tn Aldcrhrook ran
not be equalled by any one's on the whole
It was rumored yesterday that one
hundred nshermen had put up iao each
for the building of a cannery to be op
erated In their Interests, but tne rumor
could not be verlrled.
J. V. Cook, the canneryman. of Port
land, arrived In the city yesterday. He
stated that his Clifton cannery a us do
ing nothing, as his men had ull net n
stopped from tlehing.
Mrs. Timothy Richard, ol Skamokawa,
who has for some time pa--t been a pa
tlent In the hospital In Astoria, was sent
home Wednesday hy Dr. Kates, entirely
cured of her trouble.
The Society Minerva held an Interest
Ing meeting at Its rooms tHinrsd.iy
night. It was decided that during the
summer season the society will meet but
once a month instead of weekly.
Mr. Max Yuung, who Uvea In l"pi r
Astoria, has Just finished grading and
fencing the block on which his house
stands, thus greatly adding to the im
provemcnta in Uiut part of the city.
The following Portlundeni were at the
Occldept yesterday: C. W. Knowles, J.
D. Meyer. O. H. Jackson, J. H. Gales,
J. B. Carson, J. W. Cook and A. L. I,ar-
A oersonal encounter occurred veab-r.
I day morning on the corner of 10th and
Commercial streets between a candidate
on the Populist ticket and a newxpaier
man, which attracted some little atten
Land Agent W. Q. Gosalln and Attorney
F. J. Taylor returned from St. Helens
yesterday. Mr. Uosslln reports that It
if more than probable that all of the
right of way will be settled amicably
within a month.
The building of the big dock and ware
house at Flavel will commence soon. The
bids must all be In by Saturday night.
This, with the new hotel to be erecten
near by, will make business lively on
the West side during the summer.
Now that an extension of Cedar street
is proposed the VunDusens are contem
plating having It run entirely through
their addition to Cathlamet Ray. In thl
event the settlers on John Day will be
given much easier access to the city.
An "Art Social" will be given on Friday
evening, May 22, at the residence of Mrs.
C. J. Curtis on Exchange street, by the
Christian Endeavor of the Congregational
church. Pe sure to remember the dale
and attend, as a rare treat Is promised.
Mr. Walter C. Smith, of Portland, pres
ident of the Columbia Harbor laiid Co.,
who arrived Wednesilav morning In As
toria encased in a new spring suit and
nobby head gear, Impressed his friends
with the Idea that real estate was going
The contractor were busy yesterday
with several teams drawing the plies out
of the river at the foot of Tenth street
The big timbers are to be used In repair
ing Tenth street, and the pile driver Is
In position near Commercial to commence
the work.
In some localities of the city systematic
efforts are being made to poison dogs.
A number of attstnpts have been made
on the waterworks hill and In that nel;h
bdrhood, and residents assert that If the
practice does not cease they will resort
to the protection of the law.
Jas. A. Titus, the young lad who was
working In a lodging camp at John Day
and had his hand badly cut at the wrist
by an axe, severing all of the tendons,
was In the city again yesterday with
his father to have th? wound dressed
again by Dr. J. A. Fulton.
Editor Cornwall, of the Cathlamet Ga
zette, was in town the other day, and
was treated for tiouhN; of the eyes,
which whs probably brought on by the
grippe. Physicians report that there Is
(julte n epidemic of sore eyes In the
city, principally among the school chil
dren. ! Mr. Will Madison, of Rosehurg, has
purchased the cigar store heretotore own
ed by Mr. Ferd Levy, and will In the
future conduct the business. Mr. Levy
will engage in the dam-digging business
at the seaside during the summer, nnd
Incidentally sell peanuts and poixorn
at the trains. His many friends wish
him success In his new venture.
Mr. W. E. Nlles, traveling freight afc-cr,t
of the Union 1'aclllc. who has been on a
visit In the city, returned to Portland
yesterday by daylight for the purp
of calling at the various towns on the
way up the liver. Mr. Nllra Is one ut
the best poslrd frvlghl men on the road,
and a hen nrnvsaliy arises can load stock
or salmon with the Uat of them.
It Is an easy matter these days for the
resident of I'ppertown to locate the
work now being done on tha railroad cut
at Tongue Point. Great blasts of pow
der nn frequently exploded and stumps,
dirt, and rock can be seen llying hun
dreds ot feet In the air On several ev
castons particles have been hurled as fr
as the buoy dcHt. about hulf a mile
Mr. C. C. McDonald, the well known
and popular salesman of the Cornell
Falling Cotuvuny, Portumd, Is In the
city. Mr. McDonald has hr-en e.piMded
to rv main over tonight, and is -dat.'d to
attend the enlertalivmeiit at Kisfter's As
he Is re;artd to be qwlte Interested In
some of the actors or actree. It Is
quite prvtHthle that he will my more
than one seat.
The will of the late Auguste Magne
was admitted to probate today and Alei
Gilbert permitted to 'qualify as admin
istrator. The estate Is valued at several
thousand dollars, and the will provides
for Its disiKvsltlon as follows: Augusta
Norman, fcW: Ann Norman, IS": Man
Mas, l"t: Marguerite Champagne. S-t
The balanee of the estate Is to go to
the family of Alex Gilbert.
An Astorlan reporter was engsgd In
convers itlon with the rlecirliian at the
Ixiuvre last e.enlnc, w b, -i tnroe men
upprouche-l and asked the electrician ir
he would not "rlve us a lift." The gen
tlenuut reai-hcd down Irto his pocket and
handed the men two dimes and a nickel.
"I say, old man." said one of the men.
"what time Is It" "Oh. a quarter to
J," replied the electrician. Ha' ha' ha'
Coroner Pohl will have an ordrr for
a little while coffin If si veral smad chil
dren jerl!t In playing about the pile
driver on Tenth street. Every evening
a large numtier of the Utile lo:s congre
gate on the strtet and amuse ihems.iv, s
by climbing up the ladder nnd sliding
down the stays. Some loving futhir
will be lompi lied some evening to gather
what Is left of his little one with a
piece of blotting paper.
The Scandinavian Parking Company. It
Is reported on good authority, have offer
ed the use of their tannery, without unt,
to the fishermen, they to operate It on
their own responsibility, use up the stock
of can m w on hand, and clean up the
ndvunces already made to the men. They
also offered to run the cannery them
selves nnd puy four and one-half cents
per pound for fish. When seen yestenUy
evening. Secretary Jensen, of the Union,
said the fishermen hud not accepted eith
er proposition.
It makes one feel rather cheerful. If not
positively gay, to read this hit of high
falutin' from a Georgia punier: "On this
splendid day, when the sky Is ro beau
tifully warm and cheerful: when the Jay
birds are chanting their safe return from
purgatory and the crows are cawing over
the sprouting of the corn; when the
sheep bells tinkle merrily In th meadows
and children and chlcki-ns nre cackling
around. It seems like everything !n nn-
ture was happy ami everybody ought to
A resident of East Astoria reports that
the fishermen of the Scandinavian eun-
nery are not Idle, by any menus, during
the strike. A large number of them are
busying themselves by cutting drift logs
nto suitable lengths for fire wood They
have a novel way of removing the logs
from the beach Isick of their homes.
After the cuts are made a hole Is bored
n the center of each end and an appa
ratus like a pair of Ice longs Is attached
to a rope and fastened in these holes.
Muscle does the rest.
The American citizens of Astoria, Or,
and of the United Slates of America who
were born In Norway and Sweden, will
celebrate their nntal day Saturday, the
l'dh Inst., by an appropriate program
prepared as follows: Address, by the
resident of the dav: sonKS, lugs of war,
music by the band, ami other addresses
touching the hltsorlr-a! event, and at the
conclusion of the exercises a grand ball
will take place. The reputtillon of those
born In those countries Is a sufficient
guaranty that the whole affair must und
will be a grand success.
Salesman Truesdale yestepiay complet
ed the decoration of one of Foard &
Stokes' windows In his usual artistic
manner. Orandmn's blue table-ware thnt
makes one think of the good old-fashioned
cup of tea when the kettle hung
in the big fireplace at home: dainty Chin
ese and Japanese after dinner coffees,
hanging lamps of nil stylus and colors,
the modern 6 o'clock tea sets, that re
mind one of the wit ami beauty of thn
metropolis, fenther bouquets In majolica
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Agents tor the AMERICAN
Wxlrt) feet on Commercial tr.ct. I D
WxW In Hustler A Athens SM
Lot I. t, S. 4. B. . T. and , block
M, Adair' AatorlH. bargain
Ut S. block a, McCiutV. ha two
buildings renting for 111 pr
month WO
Ut 1, block 4. Mot'lure Mt
Ul S and 4, block 41, Met'lur'.. U.IW)
laU 4, Hock 41, MeOlurvV INO
lood buslneaa block, central location,
owner will sell (or a bargain.
I Ait tl. block TT, New Astoria, house,
barn, cow, garden and doscn chickens,
cheap and easy terms.
Agents for the flortntnestern
! umbrella stands, and an endless variety
' of beautiful things In Chlimware apear
; In rich profusion.
"It Is reported." said an old Astorlan
! yesterday, "tlutt the hottest rwion on
; the earth's surface In In Persia. This la
. rather disturbing, as 1 have always as
I soviatcd I'- raia with cool sherbets, made
of snow from tha mountain tops, and a
1 folk lore so fascinating that It would
make a man forget his own mother. Hut
' our Idols ami our Ideals get a 'all now
. and then Think of ona hundr-d .!
grees In th shade, night and day, (or a
) couple of month, with th mercury one
. In a while trippingly ascntiiltng to on
1 hundred ami thirty. Why, It la enough
i to make Jerked licef of the. enure pci u
i latum. What a delight to turn from
: the contemplation of such a place tu the
1 very thought of Clatsop Ketch and cool
' A deed was filed for record yesterday
i In accordance with a deculim, rendered
by Judgw Mettrlde tn the circuit court
of Columbia county, aimullng all Inter
' est of the wlf. of William Holm In hi.
I property. Thn finding of the court Iti
1 the dlvore procrv-duig were that the
! couple had been married In Ibis city Auc
' ust 4, ivxl: that defendant had neverai
) limes committed adultery with one John
, Nelmt, that said Nelml has alienated the
1 affi'cthMis of defendant from her tin
tmmls; that defendant deserted plaintiff
In August, !, that wlw-n lie left plain
; tiff alio took (.'' which was Intrusted to
her care by hoarder In Holms houa.
and that plaintiff has ilnce tieen oom
I IH-llcd to rejiay the money. The decree
. annuls the marriage relation and the
right of Ihe woman to any IntereMt In
plaintiff's poe.lonH. U-wl(; Th esl
hnlf of laits 1. 17. nd In, and Ihe west
' half of lot X). block 2. Tavlor Astoria
; Sherman A Thing have opened a riding
' schisd next door to Pa i1o Express oftl .
' Competent Instru ctor constantly la at-
trndnnc. Cleveland and Crescent bl
, cycles for sale and rent.
I Astoria Football Club's Ora-na at Fish,
i ct'i This Evening.
I The AMorta PiMitUill Club's dramn. "At
j the Picket Line." will l presented at
Fisher's this evening Nothing has been
left undone to make this the last of all
j local production, and its success is as
I surcd. The Indies anil gentl-mun In tha
i cast have gone through with the tedious
j rehearsals faithfully and every detail
has tieen perfected for tonight's per
formance. Mrs. Patterson, who lake
the part of "Lenorn." a I'nlon spy. Is
an exceptionally good actress for an
amateur, and met with a warm ri ptlon
when Ihe rluh presented "The Private
Secretary." Mr llenrv Weeks, another
artist. Is also In the cast, whl-h la as
I-rf-norn, a mio spy
Sllvy Holmes
Sal, u corpse roblier
Mrs. II Patterson
Miss Jewrtt
C. K. HlKglna
Terry MrK.-nn
J. It. It.ithom
It. E. Ciirmther
Duncan Stuart
' II. II Vldalln
Squire Holmes
Albert Cherrlngton
Harvey Crnsscomb
Hlnim Lufkln
Caleb Holmes
Col. Harford, f. H A .
Bergt. O'Stout. U. 8 A..
Jerry, a rnrpc robber. .
Corporal Dumpy
R. T. Rumen
II. J Weeks
A II. Dalglty
James Meachnn
Members of the awkward squad F. KM
no, Charles Stone, V. Clnrdlna, Chester
Fox. Charles Stone, W. Klirner, A Mc
Inn, and D. Campbell. Soldiers, bu
gler, etc.
Over Soo seats had been reserved up to
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and the
house will lie crowded to suffocation.
The following gentlemen will act as ush
ers: Messrs. ltlchurd Prael, Ehen Rog
ers, Oeorge Smith, Horace Thing, and
W. T. Ileverlilge.
Doors open nt 7:30 and the performance
begin at Kifi sharp. Thosn have not
reserved their seats should do so early
this morning: otherwise they will be com
pelled to stand.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of mil In leavening
Strength. -V. 8. Oov.rnm.nt Report
Something New nnd Rare In First Class
Having secured block ,14. In Adair's
Astoria, at a great sacrifice, we are able
to offer to the people of Astoria and
vicinity the most beautiful residence
property ever offered In Astoria nt a
lower price than such property has ever
boforn liccn offered. This property Is
now being graded, am when completer
will be one of the most beautiful site
for a home In Cpper Astorlu. The prop
erty Is within two blocks of the Aslorla
Street Railway, one block of the planki-d
street, a wagon road leading to the prop
erty, one block from church and two
blocks from the Adair school house.
Lots ure lu by m, and W by m. Our
terms are the best ever offered In As
toria, and a discount will be allowed on
cash purchases. These lots will only
last 11 few days, and If you want Uie.
best bargain ever offered you In Astoria
do not fall lo call on us at once.
It. L. Uoylo & Co. and O. Morion,
Sole A Bell Is.
Salton Sea Salt for liatlis at
the EnteH-Craiii Drug Store.
10c and 25c per package.
Bids will be received at R. L. Rnyle's
office on Commercial street until Friday,
May VAh, for painting, plastering, plumb
ing, tin and brick work for Mr. F. O.
Wilson's residence, 12th street and
Franklin fl-'enue EMIL SCHACHT,
The best chemical compound for wash
ing powder Is "Soap Knam, ' us It will
not "yellow the. clothes," nor burn the
hands. It's the finest thing In the world
for the bath. One trlnl will convince
IsU T and I, block 14, Kindred Park,
cheap anil easy term.
) acre- meadow land, Can pasture
lial head of slock Ilia jrwr round, DM.
140 acre farm nr Olnty. A good buy.
49 acra fruit farm In California to trad
for stock farm In or near Clatsop county.
Timber i' In I in In ('In I nop, Tillamook
anil Columbia counties, Oregon, ami Pa
cific county, Washington,
Hole agent for Niinnymrad and Aider
brook. Choirs Iota In Aldsrbrook at from
t:vo to I7U0, I .via In Ruttnymcad at frum
ttl to tlM.
Balldlng and Loin Association.
Hardware. Dried Fruits. Lard. Bacon. Furniture and Fixtures
la lot la sail archrs at Til gill OWN THICK
Sal MiniMOci A Trill. Id, at t T. at.,
t eoatlaa dally aatll In waul
fern i.
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. and McKec Ave.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
48 2 Bond Street.
A gentleman's rssort, at corn Rond
and 11th street. Th finest brand of
liquors and cigars always on hand- Call
and try ua
I'se W ib foot Corn t'ure. Xo
cure 110 pay. For naif at Ks-
tt'8-Craln Vms Store.
Salmon fisher, end In your order for
wire nets to Washington Wire Work,
Seattle, Wash.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
For IIiiIIJIiik Whin f and Tl cstlc ut
Sealed proposal will b received by Ihe
undersigned at th office of th Astoria
ami Columbia River Railroad Company,
Astoria, Oregon, until 4 p. nv. of Satur
day. May f. for the construction of a
whnrf at Flavel water front, a ware
house thereon, and about tx feet of tres
tle leading to ald wharf from the main
land. Plan and specification ran be seen
at the offlc of the railroad company In
Approved bond will be required of the
successful bidder
Th undersigned reserve the right to
reject any nr all bids
gentleman or lady to travel for reliable
established house In Oregon. Salary, I7N0,
payabM xi.'i weekly and expenses. Situa
tion permanent. References. Enclose a. If -addressed
stamped envelope. II. II. llcss,
Pres., 3T Dearliorn Strcit, Chicago.
WANTED To rent -A schooner rVgid
scow which will carry twenty or more
cord of wood. For further Information
address dipt. J. A. Johnson, Ooble, Or.
PIANO Lnrty wishes to rent a piano.
Address a, Astorlan Ofllce.
WANTED Odd girl for general house
work. IW2 street.
WANTED-Ily house twenty years'
standing, lady or gentleman, willing to
learn our business, then to travel, or to
do office work. Salary, 100.00. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope to A.
T. ELDER. Manager, care Dally As
torlan. FOR 8 ALE.
FOR SALE A large, young draft horse
Enquire at Damsnt's stable,
FOR BALE Thn Ferrell property, cor
ner of Exchange and 14th streets. Price,
11,200. W. C. Caascll, 471 JJond street, ngt.
JAPANKHE QOODH Just out-lust 7Z
clvd Just what you want at Win
Let'., 641 Commercial street.
FOR RENT Eight room furnishea
house with bath. Apply at the olHca ot
R. L. lloylo 4k Co., 536 Commercial alreet.
. FOR RENT Four unfurnished sunny
rooms, Ml Cedar street. Adolph Johnson.
FOR RENT Newly furnished cottage
well located. Apply at Astorlan ofllce.
FOR RENT A furnished room, 186 Ird
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with
board, at Mrs. E. C. Ilolden's, corner
Dunne and Ninth streets. Price reason
able. FOUND.
FOl'NK-lietween Plll'ir Ito'k nnd
Ilrookflcld, l fathoms of l!i-ply new and
old net, marked on leads "II. W." Ap
ply at Cutting Cannery.
Land &
Bond Street...
Astoria, Or.
W have concluded to five up bus
iness la Astoria, therefore we will
sell our whole itock of
.. . mLitiAniiLt: tumrAni
S. rillKIM.M. Aartlonr.
Situated on tlienoutli nitltf
of AtriH'n hilln.
Twenty degree, warmer
and vegetation .'?) days in
advance of the North "ide.
Magnificent nite for rm
idenceH, overlooking river
and Kay, mi nnv ami rhel
tcred. Kny and natural grade;
littlo or no grading needed.
Aria a trustee for corporation sjvd In.
Transact a general banking business.
Interest paid on lltn depo.ll
C. II. rAOK....M PrMld-nt
HENJ. VciUNO Vlce.ew.ldMi
J. Q. A. Ilowlby, C. II. Pag. BuJ,
Toung. A. a Hl. D. P. Thompson. W.
K. lm.nt. t. K. Warren.
North Pacific Breuiery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Lear order with J, I Carlsua at th
Sunnysld Saloon or Leui Uoantg, Bt.
th. Cosmopolitan Saloon. AU orders will
t promptly attaW4 to,
Coacoaly St., roots Jcfcas, Aiiarl.
fGeneral Machinists and Boiler Makes,
L4 n4 Maria. En, Ism. BoIIot SlMB.
boat ml Cansnv Wofk Kiun.
Catting of All D.tcrlptln M.4 10 Or4f us
John Eox..,.Preidat and Superlntndnb
A. L. Fox vi. iw.i.1 .
O- Pt. San,r
First Natlnnal Hank, Treasurer
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming out vl
our .tor and you'll irt a a)
portrait of a man brimming
user with pleasant though!,
Hurh quality lo th liquors
w have to offer are enough to
Cone and Trq Them
A complete stork of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring rus
tic, celling, and all kinds of finish
mouldings snd shingles: also brackst
work don to order. Terms reasonable
and prices at bedrock. All ord.r.
promptly attended to. Offlc and yard
at mill . F. L. LOOAN, Prop's.
Seaside, Oregon.
Is there a man with heart so cold,
That from hi family would withhold
The comfort which th.y all could find
In article of FURNITURE of th right
And we would suggest at this season a
nlcs Sideboard, Extension Tabl. or set
of Dining Chairs. W hav th. largest
and finest line ever shown In th city
and at price that cannot fall to plea
the closest buyers.
If you Want to snsnd aIh,.,i
Ing, go to the ANCHOR. Conoert every
evening by a first class orohostra. Noth
ing but first-class liquors, cigars and
rtopp oeer servea over the bar
No. 113 Astor Street.
Iltislness man, It you want lo fix up
your ofllce for Ihe coming year, wllh the
best of letter heads, hill heads, state
ments, etc., call at the Astorlan Job office
where you will find the beat of aineir
and material.