The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 14, 1896, Image 4

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f . .
and nth St..
Beaver Hill
and Gilman
r"or Femllv or steam 4'wrtmaea Trv It
ELMORE. SANBORN A CO. Afcnts. Astorll.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
Maps oa applicatloa.
If you will look into the situation you will soo that
is the cream of west side pronorty. The center of improve
ments is here, ami as an investment for business or a homej
there is nothing to equal it in the whole jmqHisition. In
lots are all large, full size, 50x100. Prices range from $150!
to $250 each. Sold on installments. Terms to suit. Save!
your change and buy a lot in W A RRENTON
SOxluO feci oil Commercial strict, I v
Soxloa In Hustler Aiken X
Lois 1. t. 1, 4. (L, T, nl H, Mwk
lit, Adair's Astoria, bargain
tat J. block X MeClure's. lis two
building reining fur Hi per
muni It 6onu
Iat I. block 4, MeClurw's hW
Lota I and 4, block M. MeClure's., IUW
Ixt 4. Mock 14, McCltiro's I0
local business block, central location,
owner will sell ror a bargain.
tail !l, block IT. No Astoria, nous.,
lnrn. cow, garden and J dosen chickens,
cheap and rnay terms.
I.ul 7 nml I, block ti, K Indent Park,
i'hni nml pny term.
W acres meadow Intnl. Cull (liira
III) head of slock I ho year round, i;nft,
1A) acre (urn) near Olncy. A Rood Inly,
40 acre (mil farm In California lo trad,
(or stock farm In or near Clatsop county.
Timber claims In Clatsop, Tillamook
nil Columbia counties, Oregon, end '.
virtu county, Washington,
Bolo agent (or Hutinymcad ami Alder
brook. Choice lota In Aldcrhrook l from
fcSW lo I,uta In Mumiyinvail al (rum
I'M to 1W.
Agents fop the Northuiesrern Balldlng and Loan Association.
Land &
Bond Street...
Astoria, Or.
New Astoria...
Is located at the terminus of the Astoria, and
Columbia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay; therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the ? reat Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
der way.
An offlc ha been opened by the pro
prietor, one door east of th Crosby
hardware store. Call, be ahown the
merit of this property, and Invest
l 11
20, pelcet RE?UCT,0N-
Tickets continued to sell rapidly all
day yesterday (or til "Picket I.lm,"
and everything; polnia lo splendid suc
cess tomorrow night. The final rehear
sal will h held this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Rhea, of Heppner.
Or., are visiting In the city. Mr. Rhea
la one or tne leading cattlemen 01 .M
row county. Ho la also interested In
banking Institution at Heppner.
A gentleman Just rvturnod from ur
river rori that the llumo ueople slno
the tenth of April have had two bout
which alone turned In four tons of ft
each, or fc)0 for each at (our oeiu
lr iound.
Won by Uoorm
Oonnor. Sov )' Second
Uryce Third
The will of the late Autust M.iKtie,
who died recently at Olney. was Hi, d
for probate in the county court yeater
ili.v T Krt ilnt,iir,,..nt m.l.i M.,vr,,l Im.
queets, and appoints Alex. Otlhert as ad
Ther has Deen a change In the man
airement of Fisher's Opera House,
Messrs. F. P. Kendall, P. A. Trulllniter,
and others having assumed control of th
building yesterday. Mr. II K. t'urruth, m
Is business manager, an.1 W. A. Sherman
secretary and treasurer of the new com
The New Astoria Company .,
Something New...
Children's and Youth's Steel
Shod Shoe, all Sizes and Styles
W. also carry a Una Una of ladles' and
man's shoes, from the bast to the lowest
reliable goods. All roods warranted Just
aa represented.
Ci Commercial 8 tree t.
"At the Picket Line" tomorrow night.
Miss May Ford, of New Astoria, Is
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ending at i p. m. yesterday, furnished
by th. United State Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau
Maximum temperature, M degrees.
Minimum temperature, 41 degrees.
Precipitation, M lnoh.
Total precipitation from September 1st.
1596, to date. 7LM inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st, UK, to date, 7.04 Inches.
For th. beat of commercial Job print
Ins; call at th. Astorlan Job offlc.
Meany la th leading tailor, and pays
th. highest cash price for fur skins.
Man hall's twine used tr 75 per cent
of th. fishermen on the Columbia river.
Parties desiring th. best of Job printing
at the lowest prices shld call at the
Astorlan Job office before going else
where. The Oregon Trading Co., WO Commercial
street, is the placj to buy your dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, men's
and ladles' furnishing goods. Should you
want an auctioneer, S. Friedman makes
his office at the Orgon Trading Co
Mr. William Allen, of Chicago, is at
the Occident.
Mr. A. Eisenbach. of San Francisco,
Is at the Occident.
In the police court yesterday (mr M
gerath, charged with vagrancy, was on
trial. He got 'T- or skip." and he skip
pel. Vagrancy Is the general charge
present. There are a great many worth
less loafers In the city at pre, n!, a Ian;
portion of whom, it is said, came from
The Pathfinder returned lust night from
Clifton. Everything was ujtet up the
liver yesterday, but It was reported tha
as the fishermen passed up the ri
Tuesday, on their way to Cook's, th
were tired on from the bunks, and one
man had his leg grazed by a bullet, and
another had an ear clipped.
When a man starts to write poetry h
ought to know how to pronounce th
words he uses, or there may be trouble
with his rhymes. At a recent religion
gathering the poet of the occasion pre
swin-d a hymn In which he declures tha
Spirit chafes
'Gainst vile saloons and gilded cafes.
Mrs. Cotine Ray, the test and business
medium, at the OrleL
Mr. Edward Buresa, of Seattle, was at
the Occident yesterday.
For genuine sweet cream that will
whip go to C. B. Smith's.
Fish are reported to be coming Into the
river now in largo numbers.
R. L. Boyle ft Co. have commenced
grading Block S. In Adair's Astoria.
Messrs. J. Weston and J. F. Monk, of
Rainier, were in the city yesterday.
For your sweet cream and Ice cream,
try the Bonbonniere, 4M Commercial St.
Fred Brown left on the Telephone last
evening for Portland, on a business trip.
Mr. William Mackay, of Corvallls, Or.,
is In the city, a guest at the Hotel Astoria.
The American Star Packing Company
commenced canning salmon at ilwaco on
The Y.' will hold their regular meet
ing Thursday at 4:15 p. m., in Rescue
Hall parlor.
Buy your cigars, tobacco, fruit and
candy of Emll Ericltson, Eighth and
Commercial street.
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see
their new and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of the twines
"as good as Marshall's," In your pocket,
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It' money in your
pocket and fish in your net to find out
For 15 cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. 571 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to lerve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, ss well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at the lowest living
prices. Come once and you will con
tinue to come.
Most so-called "salmon twines" are col
ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre
and render the material useless. In the
office of Elmore, Sanborn ft Co. Is an ob
ject lesson that ought to be examined by
all fishermen. It Is the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. Go
there and examine the color right
through, you will see then why Mar
shals Is called the. best in the world.
Vapor Baths, Massage and Mairnetlc
treatment. Mme. DeOrey, The Oriel,
room 12, Commercial street.
The grand lodge of Odd Fellows meets
in this city June 15. There will be a
large attendance, It is thought.
Mr. Dell Mooer left on the steamer
Columbia yesterday for an extended visit
to his parents In 8an Francisco.
The map of Wartvnton Park w:is flle.i
in the recorder office by the Columl la
Harbor L&nd Co. yesterday. Mr. Wal
ter C. Smith, president of the company
was In the city, and says they propose
to push this property on a business basis.
Mr. F. R. Strong, secretary, and C. C
VanEtten, general manager, are well
known business men.
Trees are the great water lifters. The
wise men tell us that an oak tree of
average slxe. with seven hundred thous
and leaves, lifts from the earth Into the
air about 122 tons of water during the
five months it displays Its foliage. There
must have been an oak tree along with
the excursion yesterday, which lifted all
of the water out of the channel.
About 10 o'clock yesterday morning ev
eral men who were standing near the
electric light station saw the body of
man floating in the river. Coroner Pohl
was at once notified and brought the
body to the morgue. It was In a badly
decomposed condition and was Identified
by the tattoo markings on the man's
arms and breast as Joseph Simons, the
unfortunate cook on the 8an Jose, who
was washed overboard on May 5 and
drowned, while the schooner was crossing
In. The funeral will take place today.
Pure sweet cream fresh from the sep
arator every morning nnd guaranteed to
whip. 20c per pint. C. B. Smith.
Mrs. Oliver Stewart expired suddenly
at noon yesterday. The lady was taken
ill on Sunday, with paralysis, but no Im
mediate fears of her death were enter
tained. Yesterday about 11 o'clock she
had a relapse, and breathed her last
at noon. Mrs. Stewart was 61 y, ars ot
age and was bom In Ohio. She had been
a resident of this city for many years
pant, and was highly respected. The lady
was a leading member of the Methodist
church and a devout christian. Mrs
Stewart leaves a huslxtnd and two sons,
one of whom Is a minister of the gospel
In Illinois; the other resides In San
Francisco. The funeral will take place
at 2 o'clock today, from the family resl
dence, 91 Duane street. The Interment
will be In Greenwood.
The superintendents of the different 1
departments of works will be elected to-
day at the W. C. T. U. meeting ut
Rescue hall.
G. W. Fisher, keeper of the Walluskl ,'
bridge, waa In town yesterday, and noti
fied the county court that the bridge
needed repairing. !
A twister in twisting
May twist him a twist.
For In twisting a twist
Three twists make a twist:
But If one of the twist
Untwists from the twist.
The twist untwisting
Untwists the twist.
That Is, when It' twisted with any
other twine than MARSHALL'S.
M. B. 1'pton yesterday transferred to
J. Q. A. Uowlby the west half of blocks
125 and 128, Shively's Astoria. The con
sideration was t2,"XI.
The gas stove In the kitchen means
much greater comfort for the cook than
to continue the use of the rane all sum
merIf the gas mains do not break.
A large number of members of the A.
F. C. will be present nt the theater to
morrow nitrht, occupying a solid tb-r of
seats, and decked out In cluh colors.
For a few days we will offer Home of
the bent bargains In real estate on the
south side of Young's bay ever known.
K. L. Boyle Co., S.15 Commercial street
Shortly before 11 o'clock last night, sev
eral men got Into an altercation In the
Railroad Saloon, and a fight ensued.
Munson and Bentllck were the princi
pals In the row, and Johansen, who was
a friend, In attempting to Interfere, was
thrown out of the place. In his anger
he attempted to batter down the doors
arid with his bare fists smashed a glass
window, severely cutting his right hand
and arm. Just then Sheriff Hare, who
had Just returned from up the river, In
passing, noticed the racket, and m at
tempting to preserve the peace, got hit
In the mouth. He marched Johnnsen to
the city Jail, and there, while calling for
a policeman to open the door, was again
attacked by the man. This time the
sheriff gave him as good as he sent,
and when the man was finally locked up
lr. Kstes had to be called to dress his
wounds. Officer Blnnott arresb-d the man
Bentllck, who claimed he had been robb
ed of I'M In the saloon. One dollar was
found In his pocket and thirty-five cents
on the floor of the saloon. Their cases
will come up today.
Kherman A Thing have opened a riding
i Competent Instructors constantly In at
tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi
cycles for sale and rent ,
Overcoat and winter wrap will be In
fashion. They can be discarded, tempor
arily while traveling In the steam-hated
trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Bt
Paul Railway, For solid comfort, for
speed and for safety, no other line can
compare with this great railway of the
James Pattl, out of three days' fishing
at Ilwaco, In one lift of his traps, se
cured three tons of salmon, and the trap
men there say that the bay Is full of
fish. i
Among the Portlanders In town yeii
terday were J. L. Wiley, II. Btyl-s, W.
K. Mlis, A. O. liark'-r, Waller C. Hmlth,
B. Solomon, C. D. Woodward and G. M.
Heavy rains and spring sunshine make
trees and flowers as charming as freshly
bathed infants.
J The best chemical compound for wash
I Ing powder Is "Honp Foam,' us It will
I not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the
hands. It's the finest thing In the world
, for the bath. One trial will convince
Shortly after o'cKo-k last night
irowdu began flocking to limine siimi,
and by I o'clock lhcrt were fully Ito
persons along the course Tlietv w,r
several now entries, and. its tho txiya
h.ul been trul mum hard, an cxcitn- run
was antlcljwite.1. The course for atuMH
ii yards from the scratch was roci in.
ami the crowd was thus prei.nlcd fnmi j ihemsclca Hwuhll.
Interfering wllh the racers. , foundling (free !!
mere wero ai-out ten atnrtrrs, put, as if Hampton Smith kn... of .m
some did not finish, ih. lr names wrr j I challenge him lo name th.-m
not obtainable. weoriie i tmors. with i iv
a handicap of I nilniiie an. I :ta sc. oimI, i Melville. Mnv 1)
started Mrs'., ut 7 i'2 flat Will Ktgner. I
Charles Itiiu: and Krunk Curran also i .. ... . .. .,
started at 7: W. Timson. n l-mluulo I " fUUMIt ( OHI ( UTe. 0
man did not start, and ibis cause.! an nr lin n-iv lt'nr id la at l'u
unfortunate jumble, for which Sov. v ha.UC,lre 1,0 MJ 1 ' ,,r l fc
to suffer. Instead of starling tov, y, 1 tf 8-Crnill I'tllJ? SlOTt'.
who had i second handicap, 1 nun..te i
after the rtrst starters, he was sent away 1
30 seconds afterward, at 7 '! S Hryce. j HAHKMALL
HlgKins and Ixivrlt, all scratch men, g. t I
uwav next, at 7 id ). . Chicago. .May 11 I mplre Keefe gave
Sovev Kulnrd steudilv on t?i I. ml m. n ! I'alull today's ts.ilne by a oe of ? to 0.
Sals eunimvar. AI'llll. IS. al a l M
entitled to, Kills might ami vnnllKuaa dally UBIII lha wtaol.
If the tleb-uli-a that ' . ,u
Uepiihli.Sine In oilier l.nallti.s from lb.
solltlltlKltl that prrMill.d at tile l pub
lican convention of rial. op couul Per
haps If the coullll ,1. I . il . bad "t
thrt-e delegate to t:n nlali couv, litlou.
which, il- wet
ha been left
adopted tne ound liioncy plaKorni prac
tice what tbey ptvach they will slvc
Judgo N.irthup a hc.iw vote He l ibr
only sound mom y candidate In the flrld
for congress.
There are only two voter that cull
an that ralhera the
eri In tt'i precinct.
We rave conclude! to five up fcui
Iness In Astoria, therefore we will
tell our whole stock of
Hardware. Dried Fruits. Lard. Bacon. Furniture and Fixtures
la lota In lull mrhar. al TIIKIH OVTM I'll If St
ow citwMitut i w. aniKrr a. miikum, AeiUM..r,
I' I
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St. mul MoKee Ave.
and soon after turning the xit
was ahead. Ills race was to beat
Cunnors. us the latter had a minute
handicap over him, and he knew that
so long as he lead Connor he was safe.
He did not know, however, that he h td
had been sent away second too soon,
so, after overtaking Connors he merely
kept his lead, sax line bis strengtu.
Klgner punctured his tire at the t'lty
Limit suloon, and came home in the elec
tric car.
The rulers turnrd the post at the cor
ner of Forty-iliith and Hond stnets as
follows: Connors 7 :lu;H, rtovey
Hryce 7.11.), Hlgglns 7.11.11. Loveit
7.11.41. Ring 7:12
Hryce, liiggtna and Ijictt stayed well
together for some time, but the hitler
did not hnlsh. Hryce nxle a very pretty
race, and finished a good distance ahead
of HlgKins. The men got in as lollows:
Connors 7:20 M. Sove 7 -u:, Hryce
Sovey finished first, Connor acrond
ami Hryce third. Of course, the former
should have had the nice, but, as he
was started 3u seconds too soon, owli.g
to tho unfortunate start, he was .Urn
second place. Sovey nnlshcl fit. Sec
onds ahead of Connors, which, d duct
ing the 3U seconds, gave Cononr ih.
place. Sovey expressed entire saitsfac
Hon wltn tne result, hut the "engine
house boys," who were bucking him for
all they were worth, thought he should
not be made to suffer lor the Judge'
error. He said he w-as positive he
could have won. for, after getting the
lead, he only rode to retain It. He made
the five-mile run In 17:W flat. Hryce,
who got third place, made It In 17 . 49. and
Connors, first. In ls:M.
Bryce's tiding was excellent. He
left Hlsglns and Lovett, of whom much
was expected, easily, ami made the run
In ten seconds less than Bovey's time.
Excepting the unfortunate start, which.
by the way, was purely accidental (per
sons who think otherwise, and there are
some, are mistaken) the race went oft
smoothly. The track was In good con
dition, and much better time would have
been made had there been less wind.
The wind, which was blowing strongly.
made the run home very difficult. There
are several steep hills on the road up,
which Hryce climbed with the greatest
aisparent ease. Taking Into considera
tion the strong wind, the time wus very
The next and last heat will be run on
Wednesduy evening. May 2u, at 7 o'clock
sharp. All who wish to enter the last
run should apply to Secretary Gunn, at
the Occident.
The several riders have the following
number of points to their credit:
Hryce One first, 5: one third, 1; total..
Sovey Two seconds, 6.
Connors One first. 6.
lllng-one third, 1.
It might be well to cull the attention
of a crowd of loafer who Insist In
hanging around Library corner to the
fact that If they do not stop Insulting
lady bicyclists, they will receive a sound
thrashing. There ure several persons
who have nightly stood upon this corner
and pustted insulting remarks concerning
the lady bicyclists. The parties are all
known, and several young gentlemen
have hied notice of their Intention If
such Insults ure again offend to soundly
in roan tne unprincipled fellows whose
languugii Is so offensive. Duane street
Is tho only good riding place In the city,
and a large number of ladles collect there
nightly. That they should be Insulted
Is an outrage, and the gentlemen will
not permit of further abuse. let those
Indecent fellows beware.
Kacb aide had scored four runa In ten
Innings, and lUtun made six more in
the eleventh, and bad bill one out. the
local making no attempt to retire them.
, but doing rtery thing In the way ol wild
I throwing. inuTnux. and f umulliw. playing
I for durkneas. The Kanie win lw pro
I leled.
I "Will. May U -ft. aille, II. Victoria, i.
I' Tacoma, May ll Tut oma. !.', I'ortlalul
Loulavllle, Hay II - Uul III. , ... Iiroot.
lyn. 4.
I Cleveland. May I! --Cleveland. II. Phil
adelpbnt. 4.
Something New and'
In First Cta.a
Having secured bl. k 31. In Ailalr'
Astoria, at a great sacrinee, we are
to ofter to the people of Astoria nml
vicinity the moi Uailifi.l resident
properly en r offered in Astoria ut
lower price man sin n properly lias rv, r
liefore hct4i offered. This properly
now being graded, and when completed
win ne one or the most beautiful llea
for a home In I'pper Astoria The prop
erty Is within two t locks of the Asiorli
street Railway, one block of the planked
trert, a wagon road leading to the proti
erty. one mock from church and two
block from the Adair school house
iats are ai ny ui, and Ml by IV) our
terms are the beat ever offered In A
torla, and a discount will lie allow. -d on
rnah purchases. These lots will only
last a few days, and If you want the
beat burguln ever offered you In Astoria
do not fall lo call on ua at once.
It. L IttiVLK ft) ,
Sole Agents.
Good Reason
Why Lots
...Are Selling...
Sitinitcil on tho Hoiith t-itlo
of Antoriu's hills.
Twenty lejre'M wanner
iuuI vegetation .!() tluys in
atlvanco of tlu Niirlli nitlo.
Magnificent sitts for res
iliences, overlooking river
ami hay, sunny ami pheU
Kusy ami natural grade;
little or no grading ncvleL
48a Bond Street.
Yrcka. Cel., May 11 - Mrs. Henry
L'chwatka ami her alx-year-old daughter
Irene, were shot lo death by a Chlnaae
cook at their llutt. Creek 'iinrh. about
twenty miles from here, today. The
Chinaman was dead also when found,
and It Is supposed that he committed
suicide, after killing the mother ami
child. An attimpt had been made to
kill the Infant ehild, but It fall.d. Men
traveling through the country discovered
the dead bodies, and noillled thn neigh
bors. Hy the time they reached tho
house Mr. Schwatka had returned home
and found his murdered family.
8alton Sea Salt for laths at
the Estes-Crain brog Store.
10c and 25c per package.
Olasgow, May 13.-Empcror William's
new yacht Meteor was launched 11 1 the
yards at St. Patrick, today. After the
launch Ixird Ioinsdale, who rnprrarnied
the emperor, said the Meteor would pos
sibly challenge for the America's cup
next season If she proved to be faster
than the Valkyrie HI.
To the Kdltor:-
The Republican platform for sound
money gives universal satisfaction here.
Voters do not understand how It enme
that Kills, a free sllverlte, got away with
the nomination for congress. There
must b a different sentiment among
Highest HonorsWorld's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength. V. S. tloveranwat Report
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond
and 12th streets. Tha finest brand ot
liquor and cigar always on hand. Call
and try ua
Salmon fishers, send In your order for
wlro nets to Washington Wire Works,
Seattle, Wash.
"Maude, your father says he cannot
afford to dress you as a summer girl
this season." "All right, mnmsey. Oct
me a tailor gown ami a bloomer suit
ami I'll star as an athletic girl." De
troit Free Press.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Ktirdard.
Children Cry for
JPItcher's Castorla.
Sealed proposals will be received hy the
undersigned at tho ofllcn of the Astoria
and Columbia River Railroad Company,
Astoria, Oregon, until (1 p. m., of Satur
day, May 10, for tho construction of a
wharf at Flavel water front, a ware
house thereon, and about l!S) fi et of tres
tle leading to said wharf from tho main
land. 1'lnns ami specifications can bo s. en
at the office of the rallrond company In
Approved bonds will be required of tho
successful bidder.
Tho undersigned reserve the right to
reject any or all bids.
The nliid. the Ujld and the do Uotjtd Re
slotrd In M.lkomJ,
Crowds of people have vlaltrd Ihe
splendidly apiHilnted room of "Herman'
Ilia Wise clothier laal week and Judging
ny ineir smiling cotuilemuicca, "llermiur
has done them good tin. man had
wnrl on his nna: by using ,,nn nf 11,
man's silk handkerchiefs once thn wart
disappeared. Another man aufferrsl fiom
tsiw-legged auper-apondiiirc . ir
Wlae'a well tilling pants made bis legs
appear aa atraighl aa iui otik A man
from the eohalcm came In wllh a weak
ones; a sreeniswx and Herman's well
trimmeil ront put new vigor Inlo tbl
man. Hell Mooer. who has been bald'
headed since the Republican convntln.
was cured by wearing one of Herman's
stylish hats. Even little boys, old maids
anil cbambermuida feel better now In
anticipation of the plcrdo which "Iler-
mun tne v. Is 1 I'rle. Clothier will give
to nis customers next month: one appli
cation of his wonderful ours rellove
If your head aches on .veaiim Of
lean p.x-xettMHjk consult "Herman" the
Wise Clothier, on Commcrvlit street; be
will neither rob nor rub you; he will
treat you well, dress you well and 1 harge
you hltle. A ticket to hla I'lcnlc free
witn every in purchase.
'Hi. or ami cfiimren over must
nave tickets a wall aa gentleman.
Rid will be received at n. I noylo'i
omc on commercial street until Friday
May lit h. for painting, plastering, plumb
ing, tin ana brick work for Mr. F. O.
Wilson' resilience, nth street and
Franklin a-eniie EMIL SCHACHT,
WANTED To rent-A schooner rigged
scow which will carry twenty or mors
corns or wood. For further Information
ssldresa dipt. J. A, Johnson, (loble. Or.
PIANO Lady wishes to runt a Piano.
Aiinreas A. Astorlan Office.
WANTED Oood girl for general house.
work. 3112 street.
WANTED An apprentice girl to learn
millinery trade. Apply at Mr. Hanson'.
u commercial atreet.
WANTEI-Hy house twenty year'
standing, lady or gentleman, willing to
learn our business, then to travel, or to
do ofTlcs work. Salary, fHOO.OO. Enclose
self-addressed stamped enveloDa to A
T. ELDER, Manager, care Dally Aa-
FOR SALE A largo, young draft hor.a
Enquire at Dam ant's stable.
FOR BALE Tho Ferrell property, cor
ner or Kxcnnngo and nth streets. Price,
14,2V). W. C. Cnssoll, 471 Hond street, asu
JAPANESE OOODS-Juat out Just 1
calved Just what you want, at Wlnj
kwi, ass commercial street.
FOR RENT Eight room furnished
house with bath. Apply at the otlleo ot
II. L. lloyle A Co., 695 Commercial street.
FOR RENT Four unfurnlshedunny
room, 961 Cedar atreet. Adolph Johnson.
FOR RENT Newly furnished cottatre,
well located. Apply at Astorlan office.
FOR RENT A furnished room. iaf Srd
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with
bonrd, at Mrs. K. C. llolden's, corner
iuuiis ami nintn streets. Prlc.
ce reason
FOI ND-lteiween I'lllir Ho-k nnd
IlriMiklb ld, l fathoms of ill-ply new and
old net, marked on leads "II. W." Ap
ply ut Cutting Cannery,
Acts as trusts, for corporations and In
dividual Transact a general banking business,
Inleraal paid on Urn. deposit
C. " 'AT5 Prraldcnt
J. 0. A. Rowlby. c. II. Page, Ilwj.
Young. A. & lt-d, D. P. Thompson, w.
E. Dement, D. K. Warren.
North Pacific Breuiery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Lear, order, with J. L. Carlson al th.
unnyald. Saloon or Loul lloantg .t
the Co-anopolltaa aWJooo. All orlWrs wilt
b. promptly atlaoded lay.
Coaesaty St, foot of Jaxkaoe, Aakxlt.
"General Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Ua. as. Maria, easts... Bolkw week, Slaaa
so.! as. Casaem Work a Stems..
Caattaf. of All Ostcriplkw Mae. n Oraw aa
c, . -
0wri 1.01K.,
John Foi....PiidatandiiipHnlandenl
Vlo. Praaldent
A. L rox...
O. H. Pra.l..
First Natlohal Hank
Snap A Kodak
at any mas coming out el
our store and you'll gel a .
portrait ot a man brimming
uter with pleasant thoughts.
Much quality la the llqunn
w bave to offer are enough U
Corrje and Trq Them'
A complete stock of lnnk v..
n the rough or dres.ed. Flooring, rus
lo, celling, and all kind of finish;
mouldings snd shingles; al.o bracket
work done to order. Term a .Z
fnvoa ai oearocg. All
iiiuiiiujr attennea to.
at mm. H,
Seaside, Oregon.
Office ani4
F. U LOGAN, Prop r.
I there a man with Mart so cold.
That from hla famiio ..,,14 .
The comforu which th.y all could find
kind fmiTUHK of th. right
And we would surreal iki. .
nlc. Sld.tward. Exten.lon Table, or s.t
and finest line ever shown In the city
and at price, that oannot fall to please
th. closest buyer.
If you want to sn.mi a ti......
Ing, go to th. ANCHOR. Concert .very
evening by a first class orchestra. Noth
ing but flrst-olass liquors, cigars and
Kopp beer served over the bar
-uiiNMUN ft CARLSON, Trop
No. 1S Astor Street
Business men. It vou want . a. ...
your office for Ihe oomlng year, wllh the
best of letter heads, bill heads, state
ments, etc., call at the Astorlan Job office
where you will find the h.. ...
nd material.
4 .r.;.-