The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 14, 1896, Image 2

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gaily gUtovian.
Telephone No, SO.
tent by mall, per year
Rent by mall per month
Served by carrier, per week
. .10
Bent by mat) per year, ti In advance
Pontage free to subscribers.
All communications intended (or publl
cation should be direc ted to the editor
Business communication of all kind
and remittance must be addressed to
The Astorlan.
The Astorlan aruarantee to In sub
crtbcrs the largest circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rales can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
The Weekly Astorlan. the second oldest
weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next
to th Portland Oresontan, the largest
weekly circulation in the state.
Jno, F. Handler A Co. are our Tort-
land agents, and copies of the AstcrUn
an be had (vary morning at their stand.
124 Third street.
We are unalterably opposed to any
schema that will civ to this country a
depreciated or debased currency. W fa
Tor the us of silver as currency, but to
the extent only and under such restric
tions that Its parity with cold can be
maintained. Wisconsin Republican con
Ten lion.
"A year ago, in Thomas Mr, Ga.. M.ijcr
McKlnley, when offered the delegates ot
three Southern states If he would de
clare for free silver, said, in the presence
of the editor of this Journal: 'If the
Republican platform declares for trie
coinage, I will not be a candidate. I
would not run on a free silver plat
form.' "Chicago Titnea-Heraid.
The past year and a half has witnessed
the solving of a number of vexed prob
lemsproblems that the best Interests of
the public required should be settled both
lightly and permanently. In the list
there la nothing that means so much to
the credit of political parties nothing
that speaks louder for the honor and ben
efit of the country than the passing ot
the machine-made selfish political boss.
This species of boss has been a blight
upon political parties for years. His In
fluence has been well-nigh supreme
wherever he has been tolerated. He has
made and unmade governors and elect a
legislatures and operated them to suit
his own notions and the notions of those
who could afford to employ blm to
manipulate legislatures and do other odd
jobs. His word has been law In the
matter of party policy, nominations anu
the parceling of patronage. Party and
officials could do nothing without the
order or permission of the boss.
gilt the party boss, the kind of a dic
tator pictured selfish. Impudent, grasp
lng has gone forever, unless the rank
and file of parties want him to return,
something that it Is not within the
bounds of reason to expect.
The political boss has been dethroned
by the people, but the honest, outspoken.
Independent press of the country has
shown them how to do It. I'ntll recent
ly the boss could depend upon tne party
press to do his bidding, to second his
efforts, to hide his defects, defend his
every act. lie can do so no longer. The
party press has its eyes open to his de
fects, the danger to good government
there is in him, his capacity to do evil to
party and country. The press can be
counted on to sight its guus at the boss
germ wherever and whenever It Is dis
covered. But for the vigilance, courage and con
stant watchfulness of the best papers In
the country, the Piatt combine, compos d
of the worst type of selfish, conspiring,
determined bosses any party ever had,
would have had a comparatively easy
time In defeating the rank and file of a
great party In their desire to nominate
Governor McKlnley for president. F.ut
for the energy, watchfulness and sleep
less zeal of a press thut Is for the people
and country as against the bosses the
Piatt combine would have won a signal
victory In Wisconsin, Minnesota. Michi
gan, Nebraska and Illinois. It has been
a year and a half of unloading bosses;
and that means a season of the best pos
sible work for parties and the country.
Many assume that the money question
Is a very abstruse one and dilltcult for
the ordinary mind to comprehend It. It
Is made so only because of the crai.k
theorists who present every conceivable
phase of money that has been recorded
in history, from those who favor fiat
monev, making copper or leather equiva
lent to gold by the stamp of the govern
ment, up or down to jo-cent silver dollars
made and maintained as legal tenders by
the governmenL
None of the many advocates of sound
money have presented the silver issue so
fully and so concisely in a few words as
did Secretary Carlisle In his speech de
livered at Memphis, Tenn., some months
ago. After giving a careful review of
our variable financial system and the
financial systems of the world, he sum
marized the whole silver Issue In five
brief points as follows:
First There Is not a free coinage coun
try In the world today that Is not on a
silver basis.
Second There Is not a gold standard
country In the world today that does
not use silver as money along with (fold.
Third There is not a silver standard
country in the world today that uses any
gold as money along with silver.
Fourth There Is not a silver standard
country In the world today that has more
than one-third as much money In circu
lation per capita as the United States
have: and.
Fifth Thi re Is not a silver standard
country In the: world today where the
laboring man receives fair pay for his
day's work.
The foregoing statements are undis
puted. No one of them has been con
tradicted by even the most fanatical of
the silver freaks. The statements are
absolutely true, and when the truth of
these vital facts is admitted, argument
in favor of the free coinage of silver
must end. Every free coinage country
Is on a silver basis; that li. It hits A
degraded ourrvno, ami not one of them
iiw gold as money, while every sold
standard country .'! silver along with
gvdd a u circulating- medium.
The two vital points which must strike
the gr-oat mniwpi if the people un
answerable are the fourth and fifth. The
clamor of all who tire In distress tor la
bor or money is that our present volume
of money should be Increased, but II Is
now- clearly shown that there Is not a
silver standard country In the world
that has one-third the volume of money
In circulation, but we have in the l ulled
States today, and the worklnir man
should be halted at on.-c when he notes
the fact that there Is not a silver stand
aril country where labor Is paid.
These points present the sllv -r Issue In
a nutshell, and he who runs may read
and understand It.
The Chamber of t'vuimu rev made a
mistake In consulting the IKMhouse
board respecting the movement tor the
establishment of range lights at the rlur
entrance. It might have known In ad
vance that the board would recommend
no additional appropriations, however
meritorious, at this late day In -he con
gressional session. The board's estimates
for the coming fiscal ear were doubtless
filed with the secretary of the treasury's
budget, for Incorporation In the sundry
civil bill, some months ago, and these
estimates probably called for a great deal
more money than congress will consent
or the treasury people expect to hale al
lowed. It Is not too late yet to get
the range lights. If the Chamber of Com
merce will go about It In the right way.
A proper showing of the Importance ot
these lights to the Columbia liver com
merce, and the unanimity of demand on
the part of our pilots and sta-laring peo
ple for their establishment, would Induce
Senator McRrlde and Mitchell to secure
the adoption In the senate, at the right
moment, of an amendment to the sundry
civil appropriation bill. Instructing the
lighthouse board to establish these lights
during the coming summer.
Times-Hera Id.
A dispatch from Teheran to the Lon
don Times apropos of the Persian regl
cide says; "Much discontent has existed
for some time through the de.inics ot
provisions, partly caused by tne exces
sive use of copper coins.
We commend the dispatch to the Intel
ligent study of our free silver friends.
Cheap money, dear food, discontent the
logic is the same on the Caspt.m sea as
on the Mississippi river. Abou Ren Till
man, the copper bulbul of Bunpoor. has
been singing for the free coinage of cop
per at the ratio of 16 to 1 for many years.
The silver bugs of Teheran have given
up the fight. It was decreed that coppir
should be the money metal of the coun
try. The' result Is that a turban full ot
shahis Is required to buy a pomegranate,
and when a Persian poet goes to get a
pair of sandals he has to carry the price
on a train of asses.
Verses are a drug on the market. The
nightingale faints in vain, and a frantic
Populist from the country plugs the
shadow of heaven with a bullet. Such
are the consequences of a depreciated
currency. Unless we are very much
mistaken In Persian political methods,
the new shah will consider the coinage
question from the standpoint of the mor
tality In his own family and restore the
parity by the scientific application of the
bowstring ami the sack.
A Psychic Phenomenon Vouched For by
a Confirmed Bachelor.
Washington Star.
Four or live years ago," said a bach
elor In conversation with a reporter, "I
had a sweetheart whom I was deeply In
love with, and wanted to marry, but I
was afraid to ask her. At that time
I was making a study of .jsyrhlc phe
nomena and that sort of .hlng, und It
occurred to me to make a psychical pro
posal by projecting my subjective mind
around the cornr to where the girl lived
and fixing It up -ill ready for me when
1 should take my objective mind around
to have the affair ratified. I went to see
her Thursday evening and I felt sure
that If I asked her I would get her, not
withstanding she wis about equaly In
terested In a friend of mine, whom I
shall call George. Having doubts as to
my courage I ditermlned to make a test
the next evening. Instead of going to see
her, so I retired early, that Is al-out I
o'clock, and, according to formula, I
exerted my ment il faculties to their ut
most, and directed all my mental ener
gies upon the girl ind will with all my
power that she accept me. Fcr halt
an hour, fully, I shut out every thought
but this Important one, and went to sleep
cr Into a trance under the mental strain.
"I awoke an haur or two later and
felt that my efforts had Is en a success,
and that It would be all right next day
when I called. 1 felt so encouraged that
I went to sleep and dreamed beautiful
dreams of her till morning. At 3
o'clock next aft-'rnoon I calltd to make
my real proposal. I talked to her on
some trivial subject or other for hnlf
an hour and then came to the ,ill-im-porltnt
"'Did you fel ar.y peeullir mental or
emotional sensations last evening?' I
"She blushed vlol -ntly, and I was sure
that my subjective proposal had lilt tne
' 'How did you know anythlnr ab-ut
It?' she replied, laughing
" 'Oh, that's ill tiifbt,' I smil.'d tri
umphantly. 'U'h it time i!H It occur?'
" 'Keally I bn't kr!0',v, but It must have
b'.n about I:'. I renvunber th;it I
thought It O'll that the cbe-k should
htrike Jtist as It happened. '
"'Wasn't It rir,arktbl ?'
not one atom
can be lost without the whole
body feeling it. The body is
like a watch, a machine. This
accounts for the success of
Cod-liver Oil in all wasting
disease. It feeds, nourishes,
keeps up the strength when
ordinary food is rejected.
When nutrition is impos
sible death is certain. Cod
liver oil, say the doctors, is
the best nourishment, and
with the Hypophosphites, is
beyond comparison the most
effective form of cod-liver oiL
lac. and f ias at all druggists.
Aood thing-push
The largest piece of
Good tobacco
ever sold for io cents
"I was coming to It by degrees and
wanted to see Just a here I was.
' No. I don't think II was." she ans
wered Indignantly., "tieorge has always
loved me und his proposal last night was
ijuite what 1 exiieoud. e are to N
married in June.' "
"Afflictions sor long time sbe bore
PhyslcUns were !n vain."
At last one day a frl id did s.iy.
"You'd soon 'as w-fll again."
If you would take, as 1 did. Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, for that Is the
cure for all the oecullar ailments ol
womea It Is a safe, ind suro
remedy. It -banishes those illstres.sing
maladies that make woman's life a bur
den, curing nil painful irregularities,
uterine disorder. Inflammations and
ulcerations, prolapsus and ktndrtd weak
nesses. As t nervine It cures nervous
exhaustion, prostration, debility, relieves
mental anxiety and hyp.whondrl.1 and
Induces refreshing sleep. She took the
advice and is well. "Favorte Prescrl
llon" is the only remedy for the delicate
derarurements and weakne. s of females,
sold by druggisrs. A p.imphb't free.
Address World s IMs-isiry Medlcil As
sociation. Buffalo, N. Y.
Asthma cutvd. by lewly discovered
trvatm-nt. For pa-nphb t. testimonials
and references. adi!r-ss Wori I's Dispen
sary Medical Asso -litlon, 'tufT.Uo, N. Y.
YV. Murray Crane, of Dalton, Mass ,
who has consented to !e the Republican
candidate for lieiiteniint governor next
fall. Is one of the most tiopuiar oung
men In the state. He is a wealthy
manufacturers of ;uer, being In part
nership with Mr. Zenas. They have the
government mill where paper with silk
tlber Is made for the bank notes. He
has been an active party worker for
Financial convulsions which disturb
the equilibrium of thn business world
are productive of far less mlschb-f than
tho failure of the i:l!neys to perform
the office aslgnd them by nature.
When these organs oecotne Inactive the
circulation actpiln-s Imnurltles which
bring on dropsy, diabetes, ftrlirht's dls
env. aravel. catarrh of the bladder and
other inaladle. To Impart to the kid
neys ami bladd.-r a healthy Impetus,
very different from the excitement pro
duced by an unmwllcated alcoholic stim
ulant, use Hostettr"s Stomach Hitters,
the T.nest diuretic In existence. This ex
cellent remedy for Inactivity of the kid
neys Is also of the rrre.itest service In
malarial, dyspeptic, bilious and rheu
matic troubles, and has r-c lved the un
qualified sanction of eminent ihyslcians.
The nervous, the elderly and Infirm and
convalescents derive unspeakable benefit
from Its use. L'so It with oerslstence
and at Axed Intervals, and anticipate
with confl lence the happiest results.
The richest man In the world is said
to he John II. Robinson of South Africa.
Kighteen years ago he kept a fcrucery
store in the Orange Free State, and was
In debt. He and his wife begged their
v.iy to Kimberley, where Rohinson plrk-i-d
up a rouKh diamond worth Sl.Jp;.
This was the foundation of bis fortune,
whlrll Is HOW estimated at V',';itn.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irvln, III., writes
that he ha1 a Severe Kidney trouble lor
many years, with severe pains In his
back and also th-u his bladder we.s
affected. He tried many so-cilPd Kid
nty cures but without any good result.
About a year ago he be:on the use of
Kb ctrlc Hitters and found relb-f at once.
!-;cctrlc Hitters Is especially adapted to
cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles
and often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will provs jur statement. Price
r'- and Jl.ea. At C'has. Rogers.' Drug
Mrs. Lake Front I know I have met
that Mr. Jaybird somewhere before. 1
told blm so, but all he ansyered was that
he knew my former husband. The man
must be an Idiot. Mrs. Hyde Park Why
so? Mrs. Lake Front-I've had lour
former husbands! Cleveland Plain
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Ifiifband There are two sides to every
question. Wife Where did you get that
Impression? Puck.
DeWItt's Barsaparllla Is prepared for
cl'anslng the blood. It builds up and
strengthens constitutions Impaired by
disease. Chas. Rogers.
It's all the same, a slight cold, Congest
ed lunxs or severe cough. One Mlnu'e
Cough Cure banishes them.
it alone
Prof .aim. of Notre Dame eolUve,
Iidian.i tKoman Catholic!, has come
prominently to the front by reason ot a
Isiok he wrote in defense of evolution.
Mgr. de Conclllo attacked him lor bis
work and everybody expected to bear el
the lolil professor's cx'-onirnunlc alien,
hut Instead of excoiiituuntc.ittng htm the
pope has called htm to Rome, to be
procurator gem-rul ot the Society of the
Holy Crow
The best salve In the worll for Cuts,
Rrulses. Sores. Vlcers. Salt Rhsum.
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain. Corns, and All Skin Krup
tions,, and positive euro for Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price. 35 'cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Roger. Odd Fellows' building.
"Is that hot enough for you?" said
Satan "Puny warm." admitted the
nely arrived oldest Inha'-ltant. "but I
remember some fifty years airo, when It
was so dura hot that " The attend
ant Imps, nt slirnal, seised him and
shoved him down seven stories ne rer
the tiottom which Isn't there. Indiana
tolls Journal.
When Baby was sir k. we ga her Castor!.
When she was a Child, she cried (or Castoria.
When she became Xlsa, she clung to Castoria.
When she L "bUuren, she ga tthem Ostorla.
Short Engagements.-Little Hoy How
soon are 81s an' you goin' to be married'.'
Accepted Suitor She has not named the
day yet. I hope Mhs do- not believe
Ir. long engagements? Little Hoy She
doesn't. 1 know, 'cause all her eruraxe-ni.-nts
has len short Ton und Coun
try Journal.
w might tell you mors about One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know that It cures a cough. Every on'
does who has used It. It Is a perfect
remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It
Is an especial favorllt for children, br
ing pleasant to take and quick In curing.
Chas. Rogers.
"England has made up Its mind that
we are a portion of the human race that
It ought to elevate," remarked one be
nlnhled native. "Well, there are s v
eral ways of doing that," replied an
other. "Yes, but unfortunately the
quickest way la to blow us up " Wash
ington Star
It's Just as easy to try One Mlnut
Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier
to cure a sever cough or cold with It.
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi
cine: better result; better try It. Chas.
The nenrest Ihlng relillve of !'rf.
Roentgen Is said to be his first cousin,
the Rev. Dr. J. II. C Rnen'gen. pi or
of the First Reformed churrh of Cleve
land. Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
The St. Louis Hostess I urn afraid
you will find our char Missouri abr
unpleasant to your taste, truest -N'.t at
all, madame. It's the best I ever at. .
It Is not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, but It will cur piles. That's
what DeWItt's Witch Haul Salve will
do, because It has don It In hundreds
of cases. Chas. Rogers.
Mrs. Flynn-Whln I die, Mnlke. w II
yez miss ine much? Mr. Klvnn-O li
tell yez whin yex be d ad. Pbalx, Ol'm
not a fortln' ti ller. Truth.
Or. Price's Cream I'sking Powder
Contslns ne n mu or Alum.
"True eloquence r harms us by It sud
denness i.nd lis brevity" "Vs l'ten
to the (sipping of those corks!" ('! ve
land Plain Dialer.
Pure blood means good health. !
Witt's Barsaparllla puillles the blood,
cures Eruptions, Kcx ma, Scio u a, a d
all diseases arising from Impure tipod.
Chas. Rogers.
It seems to be generally br-lb verl in
I(iiK.d;i nt bli coro-M'l n the cz r
will rab-e Prince Loots Naioleofi lo th
rank of gi rieral.
A little 111. then a tittle pil. The ill
has gone, the pill has won. DeWItt's
Little Early RIs rs are the II t e pi Is tl at
cure great Ills. Chas. Rogers.
The Astorian
invites attention
to its Job
Printing Department
Nolle Is beteby given that I he awes
ment made by ordinance No. AVi. of ths
city of Astoria, continuum lh assess
ment on Roll No. I, for the construction
of n drain III the city of Astoiu. laid
out and recorded by John Adair, coin
meiiclng ut a poljit In block 'A and hav
ing Its outlet 111 Tlilttv-tblld street, be
teen blocks 16 and IT, In Adair s As
torlu. mid known and designated as
"Dralnago District No I." will Iw due
and payable oil tile IMIl day ol May. INW,
111 I'. S sold or silver coin, at lbs office
of the city treasurer, and If not o paid
within or befi re said time, the common
council will order warrants Issued for
the collection of the same Tits assess
incut Is us follows.
Laura P. Adiilr, lot block hi,
Adair's Astoria . . IUII
Laura IV Adair, lot i. block III.
Adair's Astoria MM
Mary 1. Adair lot U. block -V
Adair s Astoria IU
Mary I. Adair, lot II, block .
Adair's Astoria '
Mary I Adair, lot b block .
Adair's Astoria . I X
Mary I. Adair, lot IS. block M.
Adair's Astoria I'
Mary I. Adair, lot IT, block
Adair's Astoria '
Mary I- Adair. W half lot l.
block . Adair's Astoria 4 t
Mary U Adair, lot block i,
Adair Astoria I U
Mary U Adair, lot It. blink .
Adair's Astoria I
Mary I. Adair, lot X. block is,
Adair's Astoria Ill
Mary U Adair, lot 11. block 4.
Adair's Astoria 1
Mary I- Adair, lot B. block 4s.
Adair's Astoria II
Mary U Adair, lot JJ. block .
Adair's Astoria 15
Mary I. Adair, lot Jt. block s.
Adair's Astoria Is
Hetty Adair Hreriham, und otie-
elghth lot 1 block 14. Adilr's
Astoria 4T7
Hetty Adair Hrenhum. und one-
iKhth lot T, block 14, Adair's
Astoria M
Hetty Adair Hrrnhant. und one
eighth lot 4. block I. Adair's
Astoria 1
Hetty Adair lir. nham. und one
eighth lot 6. blocs. I. Adair's
Astoria 18
Hetty Adair und one
eighth bruin at NE .-orncr lot 3
block to, thence 8 feet. W T6
feet. N feet, K T5 feet, lot 1
block , Adair's Astoria S M
Ell, n Adair Mendell, und one
rUhih lot i. hloeg It). Adair's
Astoria Ill
Ellen Adair Mendell, und one
etiihth lot T, block I'., Adair's
Astoria 4S4
Ellen Adair Mendell. ur.d orir
elgbth lot I. blrn-k I. Adair's
Astoria IV
Ellrn Adair Mendell. und ons
eighth, lot 4, block 1, Adair's
Astoria I
Ellen Adair Mendell. und one.
eighth tegln at NE corner lot 1,
block ). thence S M feel. W Tl
feet. N 4S feet. E TS feet, lot J,
block to, Adair's Astoria t M
Kate Adair Welchrr, und one
ciithth lot block 14. Adnlrs
Astoria t 77
Kato Adair Welehcr, und one-
Ik lit It lot T, block 14. Adair's
Astoria 4 M
Kate Ad.ilr Webber, und one
elKhth lot f., Cl.., k 1, Adair's
Astoria 1 JS
Kato Adair Web-her. und one
.:;Hn, mi 4. block 1, Adair's
Astoria 1 2d
Kato Adair Web-her, und otie
elghth begin at NE corner lot J.
block W. thence S ot feet, W Ti
feet. N M feet, E T5 feet, lot 1,
block to. Adair's Astoria i M
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot 2. block 14, Adair's
Astoria J 77
Mury Adair Jordan, und one
rlKhth lot 7, block 14, Adair's
Astoria 6 54
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot C, block 1. Shlvely's
Astoria I 25
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot 4. block 1. Shlvely's
Astoria I
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
elghlh begin at NE corner lot J,
block 40, thence S (A feet, W T5
feet, N t feet. K 75 feet, lot I.
block 40. Adair's Astoria I 54
Mary H. Adair, und one
eighth lot 2. block 14, Adair's
Astoria ( 77
Mary R. Adair, und one
elgbth lot 7, block 11, Adalr'f
Astoria J M
Mary H. Adair, urd one
eighth lot C. block 1. Shlvely's
Astoria 1 25
Mary R. Adair, und one
eighth lot 4, block 1. Shlvely's
Astoria 1 IS
Mary R. Adair, und onp
elghlh liegln nt NE corner lot ,
block 40, thence 8 CI feet. W 7.'.
feet, N 64 feet, K 75 feet, lot 8,
block 40, Adair's Astoria 2 54
Laura Adair Harker, und three
eighths lot 2, block 14, Adair's
Astoria 17 21
Laura Adair Hnrker. und three
eighths lot 7, block 11. Adair's
Astoria j (j
Laura Adair riarlccr. und three
eighths lot 5. block I, Shlvely's
Astoria 3 75
Laura Adair Parker, und thren
elghths lot 4, block 1, Shlvely's
Astoria 3 75
Laura Adair Harker, und Ihrse
(lhihs begin nt NE corner lot .1,
block 10; thence H m feet, W 75
feet, N W feet, R 7ft feet, lot 3,
block 40, Adair's Astoria : 7 62
A. Hooth Packing Co., lot 5, block
1.71, Shlvely's Astoria 44 15
A. Hooth Packing Co.. lot 2, block
W. Shlvely's Astoria 62 41
Victor Anderson, lot , block I,
Shlvely's Astoria jo 00
Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block 41,
Adair's Astoria J J2
Tina Amundsen, lot 6, block 41,
Adair's Astoria J2 82
Astoria Savings Hnnk. trustee, lot
2, block m, Adair's Astoria I 15
Isaac llergmnn, lot 12, block 149,
Shlvely's Astoria 10 00
Rudolph Harth, lot 4, block 14,
Adair's Astoria 40 J 5
Hlrrim Rrown, lot 1, block 17,
Adair's Astoria 40 5
Hiram lirown, K half lot 3, block
17. Adair's Astoria 23 08
lllrarn Hrown, lot 4, block 17,
Adair's Astoria 40 15
lllrirn Hrown, lot 3, block 41,
Adair's Astoria u 4
Hirarn Hrown, lot 4, block HI,
Adair's Astoria 52 41
lllnm Hrown, lot 6. block 01,
Adair's Astoria 40 15
lllrarn Hrown, lot 4, block 01,
Adair's Astoria 40 13
lllrarn Hrwn, lot 3, block CO,
Adair's Astoria 40 15
lllrant Hrown, lot 4, block 00,
Adair's Astoria 40 15
lllrarn Hrown, lot 1, block 07,
Adair's Astoria 40 15
lllrarn Hrown, lot 2, block (7,
Adair's Astoria
1 1 ll am Hi-own, lot I, block 07,
Adair's Astoria
1 1 Ham Hrown, lot 4. block 47,
Adair's Astoria ,
Hiram Hrown, lot a, block 7,
Adair's Astoria . ........
I Hi am Hrow n, lot 4, block 41,
Adair's Ailoila
I I Hum Hrow n, lot 7. block (7,
Adair's Astoria
1 1 'ram IIioaii, lot , block 07,
Adair's Astoria .,,
Laura Adair Harker, lot , block
I.', Allan Astoria
t- Harker, lot 4, block 1 Adair'
Kalberlne ' Hllssetl, lol I, block
J. Adair Astoria
Iletlua Norwegian Evangelical Lu
theran church, N 4U feet of k!
half lot 3. block J. Adair As
toria t. W. Hush, lol U, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
D V Hush, lol JJ. block 41,
Adair' Astoria
D W. Hush, lot M, block 41,
Adair' A'lorla
Alice M Hush, lot 35, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
Jacob Hoasart. lot 14. block
Adair' Astoria
Jacob llossart, lol 14, block M,
Adair Astoria
A Hruiibold. lol 11. block ',
Adair Astoria
A. Hriinhold, lot 33. block 40,
Adair' Astoria
Cryus Carrutlicr. lot I, block 17,
Adair Astoria..
Cyrus Carrullisi-s, lot 7, block 17,
Adair Astoria
Eraslmo Caserogolla, N half lot i,
block 19, Adair's Astoria .
Nellie il I'biirlslou, und half tot 7,
block m. Adair A.torK
C II Cooper, lol , block
Adair' Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot , block 40,
Adair's A.iorla
1". II. Cooper. o i block 4U,
Adair's Astoria
C. II Cooper, lot II. block ,
Adair's Astoria
C II Cooper, lot IS. block '.
Adair's Astoria
John Chit wood, und quarter lot 1,
block st, Adair Astoria
Ruth A Cornelius, und half lol t.
block K3. Adair Astoria
II P Dr-niiau. und half lot I,
bio, k l. Adair' Astoria
II I' Dreiuian. Iqy s, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
D A tbtnrl.oit. iiml half lot 7,
block 1' Adair's Astoria
J II Duncan, lot I, block 41.
Adair' Astoria
J II Duncan, lot t, block iV
Adair' Astoria
Samuel l.lniore. bit aV block
Adair' Astoria ,
Samuel Elmore, lot 14, block 40,
A. lair's Astoria
Samuel Elmore, lot 17, block 40.
Adair Astoria
Samuel Elmore, lol St. block 4U,
Adair' Astoria
Alex illlbert. lot I, block 14, Adair
Annie ilatens. lot fx block 17,
Adair' Astoria
Annie Oaten., lot (, block 17,
Adair' Astoria
Catherine iloodman, iot II. block
41, Adair's Astoria
P J tliMklmitn. lot It. block II.
Adair' Astoria
Anna Maria tlramms, lot S, block
4. Adair' Astoria
Anna Maria (iramma, lot V. bio. k
4. Adair's Astoria
Helen P. Ilrahain. lol I. block 43.
Adair' Astoria
Helen K. tlraharn, lol 1, block (3,
Adair's Astoria
Wlnifre,! c. ileorge, lot 7. block I,
Shlvrly-s Astoria
Mary C Holme, lot 7. block 37,
Adair' Astoria
Mary C. Holme, lot , block 17,
Adair' Astoria
Thoma A Hyland. lol 5, block S.
Adair's Astoria
Eric Houke, lol , block 41. Adair's
Eric Houke, lol 7, block 41, Adair's
F A Hill, lol 4. bloc 30, Adair's
Astoria .
F. A lllll, lot 7, block 40. Adair s
Aleck Iverson, lol II, block 4.
Adair's Astoria
Aleck Iverson. lot I!, block t.
Adair's Astoria
James Jackson, lot 5, block O,
Adair's Astoria
James Jackson, lot 4, block 4
Adair' Astiui-; .
Ioiis Junansrn, lot in, block It!.
Hblvelya Astoria
John R'opp. lot I, bio. k 41, Adair's
Christina A .Alfred. Josephine and
Frank P l-lnenweber, heirs of
Frank llnrnwpher. lot 5, block
59, Adulr'a Astoria
Christina A. Alfred, Josephine and
Frank P. Ilnnwnner. heirs of
Frank llnenwelier, lot 4, block
til. Adair's Astoria
Christina A. I.elnenweier, lol I.
block 59. Adair's Asmrla
Christina A. Ilnenweher, lol 7,
block M, Adnlr s Astoria
Christina A. Ilnenwelter, lot 8,
block f,9, Adair's Astoria
Christ Inn A. 1.eliirnwohcr. lol I,
block 50. Adair's Astoria
August lairsen, N half lot 1, block
3K, Adair's Astoria
John Kopp, lot 1, block U. Adair's
Marv J. Kyle, lol I, block 43,
Adair's Astoria
Mary J. Kyle, lot 5. block 42.
Adair' Astoria
Mrs. Anna Kopp, lot 4, block 42,
Adair' Astoria
P. N. Kearney, und half lot 1,
block 41, Adulr'a Astoria
James F. Kearney, lot 3, block 41,
Adair's Astoria
Frank J. Carney, und half lot 7,
block ill, Adair' Asiorla
Mary A. Cenrria, und half lot 7,
block 'd. Adair's Astoria
Mary II. Ilnenwelier, W half lot
3. block 17, Adair's A ilori't
Christina A., Alfred li.. Josephsne
and Frank P. la-ttieiiweber, holrs
of Frank Lelnrnwebvr, lot
7, block 8, Adair's Aulorlu
Clirlstlnri A., Alfred !., Job phi-no
and Frnnk P. I'lnpnwnber, hulrs
of Frank Lelni nwebi-r, lot
H, block is, Adair's Astoria
L. Lebeck and Olive Wlntnn, lot
3, block I, Shlvely's Astoria
L. Lebeck and Olive Win tun, lot
4. block I, Shlvely's Astoria
L. Lebeck und Olive Wlnton, lot
9, block I, Shlvely's Astoria
L, U-licck und Olive Wlnton, lot
44 It
44 It
44 III
SI 4t
81 W
II 45
31 It
U 41
51 41
If) 41
13 31
11 U
ii a
11 It
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 (4
44 It
13 41
34 S)
M !0
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
11 10
11 10
44 II
.1 to
;o m
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 H
10 (a
4 11
U 41
U 41
18 J
13 11
10 M
U 41
51 M
lo to
,1 . . .
, SAI nrrmr .
HI, block I. Mhlvsly' Astoria
Mcboletia .Malugamba, W half and
8 V fevl of K half lot I, block is,
Adair Astoria
Ilev, II. W. Morn, lol I, block 40,
A. lair s Asiorla
Il.n'. II, W, Morris, H 4 let lol i,
block m, Adair Astoila
Ilev, II, W. Morris, lol ft, blm k 4o,
Adall Aalolla
Ilev. II. W. Mollis, lot o, block 40,
Adair' Aalolla
li. v. II. W. Morris, lol 7 block 40.
Adall s Aalolla
Ilev II. W. Mollis, lol 8. block 4J,
Allan Astoria
IteV. II. W, Mollis, lot 1, block "J.
Adall 's Astoila
Rev. II. W Mollis, lol 4. block U,
Adulr's Astoila
Ilev. II. W. Moi l la, Hit I, block 40,
- Adulr's Astoila
l-'red Monseii, lot 8, block 411.
Adair's Astoria .
A. M.'I'barlaii. lol block 0.
Adair Asloil
A. Mci'llarlan. tut 81, block 40.
Adair Astoria
tleulgo Nelson, lot 5, block II,
Adair's Astoila
tleolg Ntdaull, lol 4, block IT,
Adair' Astoria ,.,
Christ Nasa, lol , block 4.
Adair Astoria
Christ ,Nsa, lot 10, block ,
Adair Astoila
There. M lulou. lot I. bbs.k 3.
Adair's Astoila
Theresa n lHl.n. lol 8, block .
Adair's Asiorla
Kdaaid ' Connor, lol I, block 41.
Adair's Astoria
Edwatd O'Connor, lol 1, bio. k 41,
Adair's Astoila
I.dasld li'Colinor, lol 1. bbH k II.
Adair A'toila
Andrew ulseii, lot ?, block 4.
Adair' Astoila
Aieliiw lot , block a.
Adair's Astoila
J II Puliiier, lol I. block 41.
Adair sioila ....
Anna M I '"!. lol 8. block '.
Adair a Astuiia
Ella I 'ope. lol 4 block 40, Adair'
Frank Pat ton. tr ustee, bit 33, hhx-k
to, Adair' Astoria
Frank I'atton, trustee, lol 34, bio. k
m. Adair's Astoria ,
J II Palmer, lot 4, block 4U.
Adair's Astoria
W. W. Paiker, lot I. block ll.
Hhltely' Astoria
W W Parker, lot I, block Its.
Shlvely's Asiorla
J. Hole II I'alker. lot II. block l.
Shlvely's Astoria
Mary J Rule, lot t. block W.
Adair's Astoria 10 M
Sarah il Sherman, lot 4, bio, k 3.
Adair Astoria
Mat I I- Sullivan, li half lol I,
block 34, Adair Astoria
N. glmonsen, lol 83, block 41,
Adair Astoria II O
N. Hlmonsen, lol 84. block 41,
Adair Astorl
O. Sovry, lol 33, block 41, Adair's
O. Sotey, lol K block 41, Adair
lleiison Sabine, lol 7, bl.xk 41.
Adair's Asiorla
Elisabeth Seafrldl. lol II. Mock 41.
Adair's Astoria
ElllalH-th Seafeldl, lol 33. block 43.
Adair's Astoria
Mary A Schroder K half lol I.
t,o k . Adair's Astoria
W T Schoinell). iiml half lol 8,
block C Adair's Astoria
W. T Kchoineld and E. Houke.
frac lol I. block I, Shlvsly's As
toria . . .
W T S. -huineld and K. Houke,
lot 1. block I, Shlvely Astoria .
John Seine... lol 8, block M.
Adair's Astorl .
John Seine... lot 4. block 4a,
84 ft Adair's Astuiia
: Prter Nufur, S half lol i. block 3.
44 11 Adair' Astoria
I Jacob I'ltlngrr. lol 4,
51 41 Adair's Astoria
block 3.
, nln ll Vise, lol II. block CO. Adair's
II a 1 Astoria
; Ole 11 Vlge, lot 27, block . Adair
11 K i Astoria .
1 Chas Versehrureii. W half lol 11.
l' M Mo. k en. Adair's Astoria
Nicholas Wlsner. lol 13. bio. k 41.
lo 4 Adulr's Astoria ..
Nicholas Wlsner, lot 17, block 41.
I 41 Adnlr s Astoria .
Charles Wlasman, lot IS, block 40,
I 41 Adair's Astoria
Charles Wt.sriian, lot IT, block 40,
10 M Adair's A.iorla
(ieorge Wutson, lot U. block 41.
lo M Adulr's A.iorla
(leorge Watson, lot 14, block 41,
b '0 Adair' A.iorla ... .
Marco Wise, lot II, block 43,
15 41 Adair's Astoria
i Marcus Wise, lot . block 43.
Adair' A.torta
Marcus Wise, lot D, block 13,
3 04 Adair's Astoria
; Marcus Wise, lot 14, block 13.
Adair's Astoria
Marcus Wise, lot 25, block
ti 08 Adair's Astoria ...
, Marcus Wise, bit 74, block 43.
13 0 , Adnlr s Astoria
Mary Wilton, lol 1, bio. k 0U,
44 II I Adair's Astoria ,
I Waller, Mamie, Annie, ilrsclr and
44 18 ! William Wilson, heir of William
Wilson, bd 1. I lock , Adair
23 0 Astoria 10 a
Oln Wllllarg. lot II. block 40,
!4 10 Adair' Astoria 10 M
! Caroline O Willhcrg, lot n, block
52 41 I f' Adulr's Astorlu 10 a
J Caroline (I. Wlllberg, lol 24, block
61 41 fs), Adulr's Astoria 10 a
Charlie Wright im,l S E Hiirrls,
11 41 lot 8, block 41, Adulr's Astoria ... 119
Charbs Wright and S E. Harris,
52 41 lot 9. block 41, Adulr's Asiorla ... 11 a
I Charles Wright and H. E. Harris.
2 X ! lot 10. block II, Adulr's Asiorla... 12 a
Charles Wright and H FT llnrris,
62 l bit 14, block 41, Ailalr's Astoria... 11 a
Charles Wright and S E. Harris.
23 10 lot IU, block 41. Adair's Asiorla . 11 Q
Charles Wright ami S E. Harris,
21 lot 20, block 41, Adulr's Asiorla... 11 a
Charles Wright and S. E. Harris,
23 CO lot 21, block 41, Adair's Astorlu... 11 13
Charles Wright and S. E. Hani,
lot 27, block 41, Adair's Astoria... 12 1
Charles Wright and 8. E. Harris.
52 41 lot 2, block 41, Adulr's Astoria... 12 Jl
I Oniric Wright and S. E. Harris,
lot 2, block 41, Adulr's Astoria... 13 81
Charles Wright and S E Harris
62 41 lot 3, block 41, Adair's Asiorla... 12 33
Charles Wright and S. 10. Harris,
10 00 lot .11, block 41, A. lair's Asiorla... 11 a
lot 32, bloc k 41, Adulr's Astoria... 12 81
10 10 Cbailcs Wright (ind S. P.. llnrris.
Puled Astoria, or., April 53
I" 10 II. K. NELSON.
Auditor and Police Judge.
. ,
41 4
44 II
80 M
40 II
44 It
40 It
44 II
44 II
44 U
It 44
II 41
n 04
I ti
13 tl
IS 81
II 84
I 48
3 41
io m
io m
to w
10 M
13 41
10 us
18 41
84 II
ii a
ii n
u a
it a
10 M
10 M
i a
m a
It N
a a
13 M
ii m
10 4
I 41
11 S3
ii a
10 M
10 M
11 n
il a
14 M
10 H
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 N
io a
j.. ...
iKJL .1,. -l .LLA