THIS DAILY ABTORIAN. ASTORIA, WKDNIiLSDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1890. Title Table .TK. FrMity Hittiirilny HUNDAY .... .Moinlay Tucailay Wrlncialsy , , , TlniMntny rrl.lsy Mai unlay HUN DAY Mumlay Tu.lsy , M'tvliMMiUy TlmrfeUy Frlilnjr Haturday MI N HAY Monday Tmwutay WiiirwUy . . , Tliurs.1 J-rl.lar rial unlay Ml' N DAY Mumlay Til. y Wr.lin-a.lsv, ... TbtinhUv Kri.lsy. ; Hstunlay SI'NDAY MATTIJHM MAI.!NI2. Muvmtnl ol Vfuwl l Ham nil r.laeehr. Tim aiiNtnelili ColumliU will rrl Uik ii (rum I'urlUiwI anil vail for Hull KrulHiai'U llila Illuming Tim nliumr An iu mails an rrfurl lo l nut nirly itiurtiliut, hut III" wc.ilur a ihi Hvmt. Hho will aii Uil mur-tilti 1 liora ar now IMiMily.on vi'serl tn rou i. iu this iurt. ilin-v nf h, li urn duo lhl inniiih Tlio loial en rouii' tumiuae Is M,.V1 Tlia rolllrr Wlllajiiaua la tin from ! mild with a rtu ol coal. Thla alll m tlia nrat irl of llila at senior lo Ihla lor for actriul niun i ha The ilxnirr haa Imii on In I'aiuuna run. 'l b. Hrlilah lrk Krla.oun aallxl from Nawcaaila, N 8 W , for Aatorla, .rll M Thai Hrlilah iNU-k Clydaadal no iHHhr, ihI Ih Hrlilah ahlp llatllelij r t Nawi'utl for Ihla port April ., aoaltlnc an oiKrlunliy lo 104 Tho Hrlilah tour-muivO bark Australia tansan ilia. Iiamln Un al lb uorulrU warnhouaa )paianlay. Kourtratn thou aiul on humtr4 and rHily-oiM caara hava bran wilrrad al Ih oualom lioua for ill liari al I til a port. Tlia urlMilal llnar AlUnor aallatl from Yokuttanta for Ihla port April t and III Iw do alMiut May U. Hh bring a full rarto of Japan ami Chiao mar- hanliaa, Im lu.lfa In whk h I tmall InirthHi of Una year' lea crop. II I atatad thai Ih Hrlilah hark rrn Iwtik haa um.n rriarlarvd lo luail whaal lor i h Afrl.a. Hbo will lwin load lug aa a. ion aa hr prrnl rino I dl rhargrd Thla Dill maka lha nith Moulh Afriian cargo frnm lha I'olumlila rlvrr durinai lha paal hn month, Th alranirr Allca lllxnt'tianl arrived Xoalrnlay from Man Kramia -o and other ruaal jnta, liattnc up for I'orilarwl In Hi afternoon Hlw dlaotmrad Ih fol lowlivx frttflit hara: Klv liarT.. vltu var, Kunril A Htoki Co , lull aacka rollrd l.orlnr. Iloaa. Illiciliu A Co.; 10 1, kj. Chliwa o Km; W Iwlaa sail, A. V. Allen. Th liklilhouaa tender Miinaiiilla mail ail allemiil yeaienlay monilna lo land atippllea at lh'tructlon talatd, but th weailier omII not permit of auch action. Amither al tempi will bo nia.1 lixlay. S orkiu.'li are now buay flllliuf Ihn Man aaiilla out lth an elclrlc Haiti ayatem, which will u.lil (really to ih leniler'a general tiaefulnraa. Hi., xliwinr llulwrl rlrarle. Caplnln IMIIA. clraretl from Heatlle lumlier lailen frum I'uil Hlnkelay for Hhanalial on iVe.lneaiia), ai Iho X'lclorla Colonial. Ileloi. U'liui out from Tun lllakelcy twenty mllca Ih rrnw mutlnlnl, think Ilia; llial a th avhoonr-r iliuml ahe woulil mil pui in al any point. In tin Itiey acre lulaiuknn, a Captain I '111 a mid th other nit), era drov I ln niuttiioua crew alt with firearm and kepi I hem there until the aWuxwior re. u hid I'orl TowiuM.n4l. whero art put In nd landed tier crew, ahh'liel lux men and put lo aea for Mhuiiahal. Ttie mutliiviia ctew, which alilpped from rU'iitlle, cl.illuetl thai nilarvprvaontiilloit had Unl mail mid heuco the mullny. Much anilely la fell for Iho a.itYly ol tho American hark Colorudo, tilch aull ed for llouiikoiiK. China, lrcenilwr tl, with a curko of lundier. The veaael la luiw out 113 day. Hho Ima Im'oii aliihlcd but imco, and Utal when ho wim hut a fow tiny out from till purl. Tim Colo rado la coniiiuuitUt by Ct;iiiiln June, Quit a youthful aklpiKT, ninl la uf l.iriu ton riilater. The aveniao run from Anuiriu lo lloiiKktin; retilr.- from Ul lo 7& diiya, rouaepiinlly, leur nre rnier loltied fur the aafety uf lite I'olorailo, A alio wua lumtHT laden Hho Ima nut, In all piolHililllty, meet a fate to thill ol Die CiiiIiow Kureat, lull Ima likely licvii driven lo the north. Hho ciirilc a crew of fourteen men nul la well aupptlcd with pruvlaloiM, no II the crvw liu cul iiahoro '.Ihtm I iluiiKcr uf atitrvatlim. An umiii'liix alory la lohl on Iho atenm achiMiiwr HIkuiI. now lylnK at tho liceiin lock, w hich la vouch.'d fur by a miinlicr of old anil ami men. Hcv oritl year iiko ttie Imitl waa luuklnif a run from Aatorln to Victoria, II. C, and In punaliiK over the Columlila bar en countered a Kule ami the terrlnc aca Hint iniikca the liur ao ilanveruii ut hearty nil aciimuiH of (tio year. Thu riiptnlii illil not know whether lo keep on or put Hliout, hill ha llnelly tleelded lo (O over. About till llmo a liuwa aea atruck tho otiooiitr and torn away a IKirtlnn of tier Kiiuril rail. Thla pier uf timber wua loaaeU alMiut like A cork, but finally not Into the motion uf the wiivee anil lirmin a race to aea with the hunt, and, ucconllnir to aomo puople un tioui-J, acttiiilly beat thd ateamor to ea. After thl Incident It wu augKetid that tlia HIkiiuI lie traruiformed Into a iteam hourae, hut trade in this particular line wu mil brlak and It woi dually decided to continue her In the freight and Chl ne paaannicer traftlc Seattle I'ot-In-tulllciincer. It will be jrratlfyltvr to thoae Intoreatcd In the Bottling- chooncr Kavorlle, aa alao to the many friend of Captain Mcljan, her aklpper, to learn that the veaael Ima doubled the catch of any other of the roiiat aenler which have a yet returned hum. Huch, however, I her Rood luck, reported by Captain MeDougiill, of the City of Ban Diego, which arrived home yoMtorday afturnoon. Cuiilnln McIioug:ill could not recollect the eioct number of akin aocured by the Favorite, but when ho mot her off Croaa Bound on April 25 aho hiu! In the nclich liorhood of Olio Ain. Ilia voaael worked nldngalile the Favorite for a day, and he knew that the latter hunlera In llmt time killed 112 oral. Thero were eovernl other veenela In the anmo locality. The raptnln apoko the llontrlce on April 25 with ST5, anil on tho mime ilny the Ixiula Ulaen with 4t)0 akin. AIkiiiI two week before tho Annlo C. Moore woe fallen In with, and some daya for May, 1896. II III II WATKH. I I.OW WATKH. A. M, I l'i M. I A, M, r. at. Ii. 111, I fl. Ii. 111. I (t. h. 111, I ((, in, I ft. I II (m H N 4 It7 II h III iw (I U 1 o (4 3,8 '1 M H.i 6 hm 114 II W (M II l;i & 4 6ft 7 II l 4'i U ' (l IU 0 ii I 4 (I 7.0 7 4(1 II. 4 i 0 3H aft ! I (Ml 0.8 a 7 1 J 11 0 1 m 11. 11 1 u 111 s.i . m i.. II h vii u s 11 7.11 a 4 & h Mi 1.11 7 U 114 fl.H III mi 7. a n h :.o s 4; 1,7 h m w 0.6 id mi 7 ft 4 411 1.4 4 m 1.11 V II 17 H.ft II OU 7 M ; 0 II) O il A li 3.1 III 11 bn fl. II HUH 111 6 M 0 ft : ft 4.1 14 II ( BH 6.7 6 K8 0.0 II 14 'i.7 13 I) OH 1.3 1 IH 6 7 I DM 0 8 1 n 44 it.H 18 0 40 8 4 1 M 66j 7 Ml Oft 7 IA !i H 14 1 13 8.8 3 m 6 6 I iri 0 fl 7 H 8 (l 15 1 60 8. ft I W 0.0 II 40 0 0 H W 8.3 16 3 00 18 4IH tfl! wl Oft I 914 8.3 17 8 17 8 1 4 fti Ooj 10 (in 0.3 1 10 13 8 3 IN 4 1. 7.7 ft 44 0,7 II (Ml 0 0 II S 8 1 III A 16 7.8 A 87 6.U II 67 O A 3(1 tin) 19 7 HI 7.3 I 0 4. 2 7 ; 0 68 0 I) 31 7 41 0 7 8 34 7 4 I M 3.0 3 (0 i 1.8 M 9 04 6.0 0 IN 7.0' 3 Ah 1.1 ; 8 (HI I 1 .6 t II) 12 7 I III (Ml 8 4 ; 4 HI (18 1 4 lift I M 34 11 14 7.3 IIIA4 4 57 II. fl '-. efiftla.l 3A 0 10 7.4 11 40 0.3, ft 41 1.4 ! 6 4ft 3.8 31 1 03 7 A 0 8H 1 0 i fl 84 ' 3.4 37 OUA 4 1 M 7.3 Tit 3.1 7 l j il.7 ;M I ii.8 3 43 7.1 H I'j 'i ll M lo 1 -2.H :m l ft? n it h ski 7 1 hi ti di ! 3 it "II 3 4.1 8 A 4 17 7.1 U 4'i 11 II f.7 , 3,1) HI 8 8.1. 7.11 l A HA 7 0 11) 37 II 4 II HI), 8 0 lays hrfurs alanine: far horn in Mln Mil, ixik.1i. with olnrllllti llk klne lo Hie Muorr's "i Captain M,.. I'ousall rrrrla nrvnllniily Uml li rwl mil e l.lrr wurltlns Ih.llan craw, (nr. K tit. bud, hla ralrlt vvuuUI now compare fit viiralily with that of I hi- r'avurlti- l.u.k. huwevrr, a aiialnal Mm, ami hi na liih1lt'Mkt llirotiKh Ihn litaa uf .no uwira, dim of which luu aim- nrrlvnl hrro. Thf mlirr i( lnal on a mini lay I'loa In ahorn, an.l Ih Ima III Hi. or no nnilrly lor Iht Ilia ralih u 311 aklna - VlrlorU I'oliMllal. Aror1lna; to I hla, dir. KhIi, uml Anna h of iih.iut iHU aklna la inut-lt alHia ihi nvi-ruit. ll'a all lha earn, a alight cold, congeal ed lung or aever cough. hi Minute Cough Cur ln la he Ihem. HIIK NKVEIt HMIl.Mi AUAIN Hlie Mad (lot II. r Jaw Into l'allli and Hlia Knew llrtter. Chit ago Inter (Iceajl. Mlaa llrown, of it iMveraey atreet, threw baik hrr brail and oiened her moulh wide In a hearty laugh. Whrn h tried lo regain hrr normal coat of countenance ah waa unabl to cluae her J A phyalclan had to be arnt fur to end the laugh by rea.l)uatln th lily'a Jaw Hh atlendrd a party Haturdy evening, aial when all a tart ml Horn arvrral of hrr frlniida accompaiiled her. On of th number lold a atory he aold h had ral omwherv. It waa th report of a ronvvnwtion overheard In a polio court, and ran; Officer What are you chared with, young man? I'naoiwr n i i Judg llmpatlentlyl-omcwr, what I Ihla man charged with? Officer l link, your honor, he la charged with oda water Kverybody laughnl heartily, hut Mlaa llrown worked overtime. Ilr merry "lie! ha!" turned Into a acraam. Her m ilh waa wide open, and It alayol Uval way. Th merrymaker war in a panic. It luuked a though Mia llrown waa being llckUl to death. On uf Ih young; men attempted to force th relraoiory Jaw a together, but waa elopped by Ih warning; "1'iUiii), lanny, you'll brrak her f ar " A dm'tor waa call.Hl when th amateur eTorla failed. tie dlagnoaeil Ih caa by trlllng th young lady the laugh we wag uu ucr. In '.h exc of mirth her lower law had become dlalocatrd. Thla waa raally righted by lh d.H-tor without rviourie to laughing kaa or anything oilier than a deateroua twlat of the wrlat. Mlaa llrown went on In r way rejoicing, but not laughing. All til way lo her home the funny young man who had caused the .llMturbanc lold other atortea he hod read. Kvery body, In fact, tried to cheer up Mbie llrown. Ilui ahe never amlled. end II waa with Jaw tightly held together that ahe an hi good night to her frlenda through her rloaed teeth. Ilouackecpera of all nation unite In prnlae of I'rlce'a Cream I lulling 1'owdrr. MENU FOH THI'IIHOAT. New I'runea In Crenm. Crrvalln with Hugar and Criam Mhad Hoe with llnron. Fried I'otatoea Watercreaa. Coffee. Luncheon, Tomato Omelet. I'otato I'liff. llaillthe. Anchovlea. (linger Hrend. Icetl Tea. Dinner. Vegetable Houp. Cnrnnt lleef. llnllad Cnbbuge. Now I'olatoe. Macaroni, lttuco Hulud. afera. Strawberry Charlolte Coffee, APVKItTISKtl LKTTKR8. The following unclulnied letter were ailvertlaeil nt the Aalorln poatolfloe on I April 77lh. 1NM: ! May II, Ayr.-, Mr. Kllcn Aw, VMwurd. Hnilmacr, Alice, llrown. Charlie. llracklnililge, I'lur- Hecknuin. clco. cue. Dolp, Vliuciu i"l Kllr M. Mr Kinnin Klak & Unas. Hull, Mlaa Ailu. l.nnun, II wry. Malniie, John Martin, W lllle. Macillnnli, Mla I.K Ncvni tn, J. :; l'erklna. Floyd A. IVdcrson, Mra. An 8III', Hoi. nle., Alfred TluuniM, Frank riiomiMiui, Win. Weat, Fruiikln (Si Yoiiik, I. Foreign, l.aiutilon, Alfnnl. I'eraona calling for any of the nhove Icltora will plcane ay "advcrtlecd." Ad ditional pnaiiigo of one cent for each letter advertlaed la charged. 1I1CHMAN W18K. T. M. IT MAY DO A3 Mt'CH FOR YOC. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irvlnn, 111., wrltci that he had a Bevere Kidney trouhlo for ninny year, with aevere pain In hla back and alao that hie bladder wna affected. He tried many ao-ctillcd Kid ney cures but without any Rood reeult. About a year ago he begin the uae of Klrctrlo Hitler and found relief at once. Klootrto Hitter la eapechillv adapted to cure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often give almoat Inatant relief. One trial will prove tur atatrmem. Price Wta and 11.00. At Chua. HotferH' Drug Btore. THE KIBB AND OF HUTCH." "OLD Iluffalo rnnt-KxproM. There la now living In Chicago a man who frequently contented tho whent inar krt with Ed, P.irdrliUe and usually de feated him. This man Is callMl "Old Hutch." When he forced Heptemher wheat up to 13 a bushel nnd held It there while the hoys slipped up to hla office nnd settled, he wis regarded ns the giant speculator of the nice, hut the Inat we heard of "Old Hutch" he was selling wedges of pie for Mve tents nnd shoe strings two for five. The U. S. Gov't Reports thow Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. tiik old iiitiii'ii;. Niagara Huapmialon Jlrldg In ll lie- plicc'l. Th old oaKiiaoii brblgn n"ra Ih gorge below Niagara Km Ha la lo ! replaced by a at. el an h. Till hn been under ronalderallon for a good while and Mr. L. L. Iluck, chief engineer fur lha bridge i ompuhl", prrparH plan and eallmalea of coat hoiiim months ago. lie ceiiuy an agreement wa Into lie twenii th Niagara Kali International llrldga ComiHiny and 'lie Niagara Kalla Miiaienalon ilrldg on on aid, Hi owner of the llide, and Ihn Ornnd Trunk Hallway Compa ly on Ih other eld, as the actual uaer of Ih bridge, under which work ran be begun at once In hiillillig th new struntiir. Plan and aiMetllcalHaii hav lieen rant out for Hid, and It I Iwllavvd that work will b begun ihI summer. 'I'll ulaitng sutHnlon brldgo was completed In ItU. It was built from Ih dealg ua of Mr. John A. Hoehllng, and under hi supervision aa chief engineer. It was a Very rvnarkabl engineering work In Its day, and has stood aa a mon ument to th genlua of Its dealuniT. In luai ih suspended structure and In IMS lha tower were renewed, from th dr. signs of Mr. L. L. Iluck, and under hi aiiiiervlalixi. Tills work was Ion with out Interrupting Irarne, and Is conald.irrd to hav been one of the mist daring and original thing ever attempt 1 l.y an American engineer. Bkwi th record of thla Important work of Mr. Itoebllng nnd Mr Iluck will rilat only on paper. Hid ar called for Ih ronairucilon nnd erection of th metallic auperatru.-tiir and for Hie removal of th prea-nt sua- pettaliat lirldge and lower. The ma iriry fouiMlatlmia and the tetnorary anchor pita will lie prepared by lha bridge com pany 1 1 he bridge will have a main apan ti'l feel baig In-twran renter and end pin. and Will lie ciintltcted With Itie lop of Ih bluff on each aide of Ih river by a truaaed apun 115 feel bffig. The main apan will b un arch with horlanial upper cl..rt, hinged ul the akiwlm ka, and each Iruaa will have a batter of ore linrltunlul lo 10 vertical. Th- width be tween Ibe asee uf the toi chord will Im 30 feel. W-lween the uvea of Itl" rib at the crown It will lie 14 feet, and IhI ween cotiter of ekewback II will be tfi feel ' IncticH. The a.-- of Ih unp-r chord Will lie 111 fret nliov th akcwl.a' ka cell- era, ami Hi aar 'if Ih rlba ul II. e town wll Imi 111 fee above th akew- hui ka one end of each ahur aam wilt tie hlngi-d lo the arch by a pin al the Intrraccilon of the .-nd ial and top chord of the arch, and the ahote end will rest on expanalon rollera on maanm y abiilmenta. The bel pl.ilea of the arrh will real un muaunry foundtd on the rock. The bridge ho two floor, the upper one carrying the railroad track and th lower one the highway, aldewulka and trolley irack Over each poat, real rig on Ih upiier chord uf th arch, will be transverse steel beams. I let ween these beam, riv eted lo the wrlw. will be four line of longitudinal trlnger. 7 feel apart, di rectly under the railroad Irack. Th end of the trmnsverae beam and th railroad tire will be covered by a .teel plale extending from end to end of the bridge ami from the lop of the upper chorda lo th top of th Ilea. Ih hand rail of the railroad floor will be rcured to angles along the top edges of Ihrae platea. The lower floor wilt conalat of trans versa beam and four line of longlludln al alrel at linger about II feet apart, Th two Inltrlor line of atrtnger will be riveted lo the weha of th beam. The outer line will be In the planes of the truaae oral their ends will b riveted to the puat. Lying acroaa the stringers will be l-heams, which will extend feat oulald of the trueaea on each aide to carry the al lewalka. The lateral bracing between the top chord will lie tlff diagonal formed with angle riveted to the chord and lo their Inlerwecllon with the lower llange or the sierl at ringer. Three will form a conllnuou eum of bracing from abort to ahore. Kach bent of the arrh apan will have a web plate secured lo each ot ami tain-red lo make the Inner edge vertical. The vertical edg.-a of thi platr will lie flanged, with analea riveted to them, and there will ue knee brace from Ihrae flung -a to the lower flange of the transverse twain of the upM-r floor. Ttie web plates and their llaugrs will tie riveted to Ihrae tiunatcree beam Kach bent of the arch below the lower floor will have a aystem of away bracing, conalallng of trel strut and Iron rixla ratenillng lo the arch rib. The lateral bracing of the rib will be entirely of urujfle strut and lattice. The crneatle of the railroad track will be 111 Inches by Id Inches by 10 feet, laid ll-lnch center, reeling on the longitudin al etringers. Immediately over the string era. realllut on the Ilea, will lie curinl Umbers. II Inches by I Indira, not-hid one Inch over each tie, and secured by a a. ven-rlkiitll Inch boll al .mch thrld He, piiea'tig down Ihrough the guard timber and He and Iho upper llange of the atrlnger. Kvery fourth croatle will lie extended to curry tho slats for a walk outside of each track, and a similar walk will be placed bclwcon the tracks. Oul viinticd Iron troughs will be plac-d be tween the ties to drain the water toward the optalde, where ll will be received by proper conduelora The highway flour will be laid on Jnlsla i lochi a by 10 Inches, and .he wholo car rluxewiiy uml trolley truck to the width or !7 feet will lie planked with three-Inch oak plang laid lengthwise on the bridge. O-.itslde this will be sldew ilka laid In two-Inch white I'lne plonk. The will be alMiut six Inches above the carriageway. The short approach to the 115-foot epan nt either end will be of plate girder spun tho floor system bring similar to that of the main bridge Hullroud tlaicltc. BtTCKLF.N'8 ARNICA SALVE. Tho beat salve In the world for Cuts, llrulsea, Sure. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, fhllhluuis. Corns, am All Bkln lOrup tlons,, and positive euro for Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by Chaa. Rogers, Odd Fellows' building. Spcuk gently! It Is better far To rule by love than fear: Speak gently! let not harsh words mar Tho good wo might do here. Speak gently! love doth whisper low The vows that true hearts bind; And gently Friendship's acccnla flow, Affection's voice Is kind. Speak gently to the little child; lis love be sure to gain; Teach In It accents soft and mild; It may not long remain. -George W. Hang ford. MONROE DOCTRINE IN NEW LIGHT Its Famous Author Drought Pistols Into Play When Interpreting It. Judge Thomas N. Welch, of Caroline county, Virginia, recalls a new phase of the Monroe doctrine, the details of which he had from the Hps of amea W. Saun ders, who about fifty years ago was a leading lawyer nnd politician of Char lotlsvllle, Vu. Mr. Saunders said that whon he wus a young lawyer, Mr. Monroe, who had already txien president, lived on his farm In Albomarle county, about seven miles from Charlottesville. A person In New York sent Mr. Saunders for collec tion a bond for I.VHI, due from Mr. Mon roe. Alter consulting with some of his friends he started to call on the ex prcrildent to present the claim. Accord ingly, he rode to the residence of tho cx-prt-Blilcnt and round him at home. lie waa received In the most courteous mnn ner. conducted to the ixirlor, nnd a mint Julep was brought In. Mr. Monroe's conversation wag bright ami Instructive. Presently Mr. Saun ders was Invited to partake of an excel lent brettkftiHt, after which ho wont with Mr, Muliroe to hla office, where a good cigar was enjoyed. Finally, h Informed Mr. Monroe of Ih nlijei l of hi vIhii. This he did as pullle ly a a Kalble, niMIng thai Hie crnlllor ili alrad luilniill lie payment. Mr. Monroe llsti lied atlMitlvely, than aroae suddenly from his chair, when to u 'leak, took out two duelling pistols, and an hi' ' II. r ar two duelling pla'ol whl'h I purchased In France (his voice trem bling with angTi, and now, sir, you csn lake your choice, and down Iher In In grove we ran each aril I this mat ter" Tlia Invitation waa dAV lined, and Mr. Maunders left without an Invitation from Mr. Monroe lo rp"at th vlalb A HOLD BRITON'S PROTEST. II Objects to th Artlon That Ih Massachusetts Broke All Battle ship Spaed Record. New York Herald. Although a constant reader and d mlrer of four great paper, I must eon fee to a fllg of mild stupef action on reading- th remarkable account of th speed trials of the Massachusetts pub lished In your columns of April M. In this account ah Is credited with an average apeed of I l knots, which ah appears to hav maintained for a period of aoma three hours and fifty minutes under forced draught and most favorable condition of wind and weather. Thla reault la undoubtedly a credit to Mesara. Cramp, whose experience In building Urge battleships Is naturally limited, but I can hardly regard th com ments un the performance, aa set forth In your columns, ss equally rrnlltable to the veracity of your admirable Journal. Vou credit the Maeaachuaaita with hav ing "broken all records." with being "the fuaiest of all armored ahlps In th world." with "aweeplng the aeus In olnt of apeed." and so on ad lib.. whr..a In reality her ficrformanc la conaldrahly lielow Ibe average of modern battleships of her class. In i'purl of this atiitrment I beg to driiw your attention to a few rraulta, eelcrtcd at random, of ai-i male of Hrlilah tintlleahlpa during the Inst few yrura. And I may add th ilrltlah admiralty cundllluna for audi trUI ar notoriously fur more rlgoruua and ud verae lo the contractora lhan those of the I'nltiil Htutea naval board. J 1 s HrltUh lUtll HliltS Remarks. 1 t ci s' .3 Magnificent..,.. Manlfliviil...h Majralle MuJcaUc I enturbiii Centurion Iln)al Oak Ibiial iak... l .'. 17 It 17 17 t S la 5 II 2 ;I Sitlurai draillbl TO 4 r'urrrd draught .Vi ? Nalural draught Tl 1'itreed draught IS) I Nature! draught 74 jr'urcrd draught 1.0 Nalural draught 7! I forced draught This ahlp has seven sisters, all of which have achieved practically similar speed. Th above rraulta, which speak for themselves, are extracted from the of ficial records and have all been pub lished In the London Times and other leading Journals. And I tentur to sub mil that their accuracy la ns little to be doubled aa la the recent performance of the Massachusetts, In spit ol your some what remarkable editorial explanation that "In crediting th Massachusetts with being Ih fasteat battleship afloat the Herald Ignore the claim of foreign shipbuilders for armored craft of their construction, because th siieeds assigned to the foreign veaael ar either wholly theoretical or have been mad for a short run only, usually on mile." Sir, dors not this savor of ' abusing the plaintiff's attorney." and Is It not calcu lated to lead Ihe casual reader lo adopt the unwilling conclusion that ths great est of Amerlcsn newspapers Is for once allowing Its patriotic seal to outrun Its veracity? Though an Englishman. I would be the last to deny the unrivalled proficiency of the Vnlled States In "breaking all rec ords," but may not that or Ananias be allowed to aland ror the present? ARTHl'R H. I.EE. Captain R. A. Kingston. Ont.. April T7. IS. Captain l-ee asks ihe publication of the foregoing letter, "trusting." he says, "In the Herald's well-known reputation for fairness." The captain's amusing refer ence to Ananias would alone be enough to entitle him to a hearing, because, since he, of course, assumes that his statement are correct. It Is a very clever riposte coming from an Engllshmaa Unfortunately for the captain, however, he Is a landsman, with a landsman's limited acquaintance with the nice feat ures of things nautical. The speeds assigned to the Hrltlsh bat tleships In the captain's letter were taken from an Instrument known as a patent log-, device which, at high speed, always registers much more than the actual rate through the water. Thus on the trial of the 1'nlted 8tates str.imrr Columbia the patent log recorded for a part or her run a speed of about twenty-five knots. it would be Interesting to know where in the Hrltlsh admiralty's conditions for speed trials are "more rigorous and more adverse to the contractors than those of the 1'nlted 8tates naval board." The course over which the Massachu setts was run was carefully Inld out and accurately measured by trlangula lloa There were six vessels anchored along this course to observe the strength of the tide. If Captain Lee knows any more rigorous rule by which a ship's sliced can be determined he probably has a monopoly of the knowledge. If the Hrltlsh battleships have ever been run over a measured distance, be yond a very short one, to test their speed, the fact has been kept from the public. The patent log record Is use less. Two patent logs, towing astern of the same ship at the same time, will vary as much as a knot In the speed j they register, but each of them will show a fiir greater speed than the ship Is mak- In spite of that allusion to Ananias, tho Herald must still credit the Massa chusetts as holding the speed record for first-class battleships. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. tmnnrtant to Americans seeking Eng lish Capital for now enterprase. A Usxi containing the naimea and aaareasmi or 360 successful promoters srho have placed over n00.).0W 8torWng In Foreign In vestment wittitn toe last six years, and over C18.0OO.OOO for the seven months of IMS. pries, 5. or S3, payable by postal order to the London and Universal Bu reau of Inventors, K, Cheap side, London, E. C. Subscriber wll be entitled, by ar rangement nu ttie directors to receive etcher personal! or kfttera of Introductotn to any of ttvssn nt ctusfiU promoters. Tide Met Is first ciassj In every respect, and every man or firm whose nam ap pear therein may be depended upon. For placing the following it will be found InveJuaMe Bonds or Share of In duartriaH, Commercial and Financial con cerns. Mortgage roans, Sal of Lands, Patent or Mines. Dtrector:- SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PBPY8, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyrlgtst. MANHOOD lrJ1 HraiWSja, saa sv asr-eiartMa. ma Paa Med e n oa.. QRaJIUfUUSIf!e. Un TWrs asd Regular Republican TICKET State Ticket. For Supreme Judg. R. 0. UKAN. Tor Representative In Congreagflecond District W. K. KLLIH. For District Attorney, T. J. CLKKTON. Cooaty Ticket. For Representative. WM. F. MoOR&DR. FRANK L. PARK KR, For Sheriff. JAMES W. HARM. For County Clark, F. L DUNBAJL For Count r Reeordtr. C. OUKDER40N. For County Coramleatxur, HOWELL LEWIS. a For County Treasurer. D. L. WARD. For Superintendent of County Schools. J. O. SCHMID. For County Assessor. C. W. CARNAHAN. For County Coroner. RICHARD RICHARDS. For County Surveyor. N. D. RAYMOND. Astoria Precinct. For Justice of the Pear. JOHN AHKKCKOMHIE. For Constable. FRED WICKMAN. ROSS HIGGINS k CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astsrl end Upper Aatorla Fib T4 an CoWera. Tibia benradaa, fbiex sag Tropksl fruit. Vagetsblrs, bug Si Cured Haas, Btoe, tx. Choice Fresh and Silt Meats. 187a 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. Fisher Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron 4 St(el, Coal. Grocerien A Provisions, Flour A Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors A Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons & Vehicles. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial treets. Cheap Clothing The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and merchant tailors, at m Bond atreet. make underclotMnf to order. Suits and trousers mad to fit perfectly. Every order punctually on Urn and satisfaction fuaranteed, Good goods old ckeap. Call aad be convlnoed. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzeit "Telephone" leaves Astoria at T p. m. dally (except Sunday). Leaves Portland at T a. m. dally., ex cept Sunday. "Bailey Gattert" leaves Astoria Tues day. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday moraine; at t-M a. m.; Sunday waning at T p. m. Leave Portland dally at I p. m., ex cept Sunday. On Saturday at 11 p. m. WALLACE MAUZERY, Agent Be su re be very sure that when you ask for a ticket via the Ilurlington you get a ticket via the Burlington. No matter what your ob jective point Is, you can reach it vln our line EASILY. QUICKLY. COM FORTABLY. CHEAPLY. Two routes to the east and south via Billings, Mont., and via St. Paul. To Omaha, Kansas City, and St. Louts, the route via Billings, being over 200 miles shorter and many hours faster than any oth er, Is preferable. To Chi cago and points beyond take the Burlington from Billings or 8L Paul aa you wish. Tickets via the Burling ton and time-tables of the Burlington on application to the nearest ticket agent A. C. SHELDON, G.A. rortlsid. Oregos.' These tiny Ciptulet are superbi to Balsam of Copaiba, CubebtorlnectionsandjUDt' CURE IN 4 HOURS VJ a- . j' - .. '.i j ar J l"U same uiscaics wuwwn rl Inconvenience. 1 &1J tr mil Jrmrristt. RESTORED.?1 far. i mils Tls a a Los waa. il. irarMiT kt Oaiumi Orma at eftaar aas i Uaral ajaa r maarcax pm ar atlnslaauk whir sm4 t taarwm, CiUaa ar Ineaanv cma eamea la vt ockL $1 pr kea, ar , r Ball grain. Omtti In. S014 br all drugglsta. Aak far M. tea ea UaanfaeturaD l Part, ma. Lauia-Davsj Dm ua. Slavi TaasklU u . J. W. CONN, Agent, Astoria, PROITISBIOIfAl, CARDS. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW. Office, upelalrs, Astorian Building. DR. EIUV JAN SON, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Offlo over Olsen's drug etur. Hours. It to ll a. m. ; 1 to I and 1 to I p. m. Sua. days, M to 1L Da O. B. KBTtM. PHTSICI aM AVD aUROKON. Specie' attention to dlsnsn of worn to sad MrgrrT. Offlo over ImuOfTt store, Astoria Tstoplmo Ve It JAT TOTn aL D. V PHYSICIAN, iJUROBOcf, AMD AUOOUCHCUB. Offloe, ' Room t sad C Pythla Building. Mours, is w u ano I v k. Resldesos, tt. Odar street. H. I. CROaTBT. ATTORNKT-AT-LAW. W, M. LaTorts. S. & SesirA La FORCE SMITH. ATTORN ITT S-AT-TAW, M Comsnercial street. . g. A. BOWLB1, ATTORNS r AND COUNSELOR AT LAV. Offlo en Soood Street. Astoria, Or. N. DoIdo. Richard Nlxom Cbeater V. Dolpo. DOLPH. NIXON A DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, 14, tt, M. and 17. Hamilton BulldJog. All legal and ooe leotloa busine attended to. Claims against tb (ovenuoaot a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. TEMPLE LODGE NO. T, A. F. and A. M. Regular eunmunlcationa held on the first and third Tuesday evening of each month. O. W. LOUN8BERRT, W. M. E. C. HOLDEN. Sesntary. MIRCELLANEOD8 W. C. CABS ELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE; Notary Public. 71 Bond street WHEN IN PORTLAND Call M J F. Handler A Co.. 1 Third street, and g th Daily Astorian. Visitors Med m miss their morning paper white there. J.A FAST ABEND, QENERAL CONTRACTOR. HOUSE, BRIDGE 1150 EHARF BUILDE5 HOU8B MOVER. Hee Mvlg TU hr RaC ASTOSU After (Deals I Or at any other time when 70a wish good cigar ask for the well known, home-made, band-made, white labor cigar "La Belle Astoria " Conceded by all imoker to be the best cigar manufactored. W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 NintI? Struct, " Astsrl. Oregsa. BREMNER ti HOLMES. Blacksmiths. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, fl rat -else horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CABP (DOSK 11 SPECIALTY UT Olney street, between Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. B.F-flliliEfl&SOH Wall Paper. Artists' Materials, Pilots. Otlt, Glass, ate Japajws MatUsgs, Rugs sad Ban boo Goods 365 Commercial Street. ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY READING ROOM FREE TO AIL, Open every day from I o'clock to Ml and :) to IJO p. m. Subscription rates U per annum. aw. COR. ELEVENTH A DUANB 8T8. J. B. WYATT, Phone No. 68 Astoria, Oregon Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. Special Attention Paid te Supplying Ship. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serva. We're trying In every way to make them the most sn Joyabl in town. All the "good things" of the season cooked by our excellent cook In th most delicious style. Per fect service. If you invite a friend to th Palace Restaurant ths place Is a sufficient guar antee that he will receive a good meal. The Palace Restanrant THE BOARD OF TRADE PETER DOURELL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth and Bead Streets. They Lack Life There ar twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand la the same relationship to Marshall' Twine a a wooden Imago does to th human being they lack strength life evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines beside Marshall's will do "just aa well." They won't They cannot Indio The Oasis of thp Colorado desert fi New Health 1 csort BELOW IHE LEVEL OP THE SEA ' ' ' ; Absolutely Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most- Favorable i n America for Sufferers from ... Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures The Objection urged asralnat India In the DSSt bv the tara-a riihiImm whA Othtrwis Would hava haan mmA tit l.ka ad van tag of It beneficial climate, baa ucu a i 01 eujtaoi accommodation. Th Southern Pacific Company takes) pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages hav Just been erected at Indio station, that Will b nntSd to annllranta at aa sooabl rates. They are furnished wlUt mod arm nnnranlaai aai aimnlUil aaltK Mt. arteeUn water, aad so situated aa to v oecupanu all th advantages t be le- rived frost a gears or lee protracted residence In this eVUfhtful etlmat. (From th Ban Francisco Argonaut) 'In th heart of the gnat deeert of th Colorado which th Southern PadQe travere Uir I an eaaia eallad India, which. In oar evrnlon. Is the sanitarium of the earth. W believe, from personal taveetlgatlon. that for certain Indrrldaals. there is no spot on this planet so favor- N" O. T. tewai-L H. D.. writes: Th purity of tho air. aad th eternal sun shine, Oil on with wonder and delight. nature aas accomoiisbed so much that there remains but little for man to do. As to its posdbuitlee as a health resort her. Is th moat perfect sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain la an unknown factor; pur oxygen, dans atmosphere and pur water. What mora can be desired? It Is th pise, shore all others, for lung troubles, snd a para dise for rheumatic. Considering th number of sufferers who have beta, cured. I hav no hesitancy In recom mending thla genial oasts as th harem of the afflicted.' INDIO. Is 6l3 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles , For further information inquire at any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or address B. P. ROGERS. Arnt. Gen. Pass. Art. & P. Co. J. & KIRKI.ANPt, Dist Pas. Agt Cor. First nd Alder St. Portland. Or. Are You Going East? Be sura and see that your ticket . reads via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -th CHICAGO, ST. PAUL,, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thla Is Hi GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, , CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their IfsdrnlBoent Track, P eerie Vesv ttbuled Dining and Bleeping Car Train and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Hav given this road a national reputa tion. All class mi of passenger carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una, All agent hav tickets. W. H. MHAD, F. C SAVaOH, Oen. Agent Trav. F. and P. Agt tig Washington St.. Portland. Or. nt ski non.BussnHju ramadr fur IJinnrrlim Gloat, Spermatorrhea. Wbilf. nnsatorsl dia- charge, or aur loflarama liua, vrllatluu or ulcera tion of maeona. mem. irHES8CnESI'-lC0. hraaaa. Kon-aatriaaeut. Ml y Drwggiata, "or sent In plain wrapper. dj expiree, prepaiu, iui 11.00. or 1 bottle.. t2.7ft. Circolavr hd on request. il-4daT VI m OivuiMd mm m mm m Mmtmrt. m i'mmu issriev y"iuciiiti.o 1 si. i V-'-.-i r i .1 i -