THE DAILY ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. WKDXKSDAY MOUNIXfl. MAY 13. 1S0(. J I Hi s i i i .yef"' if JOHN T. LIGHTER, KJitor. Telephone No. 88. ter1s of 51b5cripti0n. daily. nt by mall, per year It. Seat by mall per month to Served by carrier, per week id WEEKLY, eat by nail per year, 12 In advance Postage free to subscribers. All communications intended (or publl cation should be directed to the editor Business communications of all kind and remittance, must be addre.ed to The Astorian. The A.torian guarantees to Its tub Bribers the largest circulation of any aa-wspaper publlihed on the Columbia liver. Advertising ratea en be had on appli cation to the business manager. The Weekly A.torian, the second oldest weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next to the Fortlaid Oreronlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state. Jno. P. Handley A Co. are our Port land agents, and copies of the A.torian an be had every morning at their stand. IM Third street Ws or unalterably opposed to any scheme that will give to this country a depreciated or debased currency. We fa vor the us of stiver as currency, but to the extent only and under such restric tions that lu parity with gold can be saalntalned. Wisconsin Republican con vection. "A year ago. In Thomasville, Oa., Major McKlnley, when offered the delegates ot three Southern states If he would de clare for free sliver, said. In the presence a the editor of this Journal: 'it the Republican platform declares (or lrve coinage, 1 will not be a candidate. I would not run on a five silver plat form." -Chicago Times-Herald. TH ISSVK AS LAID DOWN BY EMI NENT AUTHORITY. There as something in the attitude cf some of our leading public men which comtses a better tone in public life. The old-fashioned Idea Uiat principles were of the nrst consequence ic poll IK s la again coming to the front. :.'ot long since Mr. Carlisle, in a Utter allien the Democratic party might well take as a text book, declared that the platform and not the candidate was that by which the party was to lice or die. A plain declaration for the gold standard was and Is, he said, the best chance of salva tion, or which in the minds of so many men comes to the same thing--of suc cess at the polls. glnce theu ex-President Harrison Is quoted as saying to the Republicans of Indiana that not tariff but currency Is and must be the chief Issue in the corn sag presidential contest. The party. In sis opinion, cannot be too conservative n the tariff question, nor too radical on the money question. In other words, the restoration of our protective tariff as important as it may be that our prostrate Industries should be revived is uuder present condltons a minor bwue compared with the importance of the restoration of public ind private credit, and Mr. Harrison advices the St Louis convention to declare positively for the maintenance of the present gold stand ard and to nail that as the lirst flag to Its mast. And now comes Chaunccy M. Depew and supports with emphasi Mr. Harri son's position. Tiie agricultural, manu facturing, mercantile and wage-enrntr.g tattrest have, he truly says, an oppor tunity to put thin country once for ill on a permanent gold bams. The party which fails to see that this la the true issue and to take its stans? on a gold platform will light a losing battle. That is the testimony of a man at the bead of a great railroad and In other ways closely connect with great business Interests. Hd Is also a Repub lican leader and politician, and that makes It the more significant Repub lican or Democrat matters not what matters is a sound financial policy, and the party which wins the greatest con fidence of the country on this Issue is sure to elect the next president. PROSPERITY'S ADVANCE AGENT. In a little more than a month from now the great national Republican party, through Its representatives in national convention, will have chosen Its stand ard bearers for president and vice-president. The gathering at St. Louis on June It, will be the most memorable of Its kind, perhapB, In the history of the Re publican party, on account of the sharp rivalry between the aspirants for the presidential nomination, at a time when It is conceded on all hands that the Re publican party is ugaln about to return to the control of national affairs. Towering In magnificent brilliancy among the splendid galaxy o( aspirants for the presidency, Is that brilliant or ator, that renowned statesman, diplomat, soldier and great advocate of protection to American Industries and American la-bor-Hon. William McKlnley, of Ohio. Hla protective principles and policies alone have Invited the admiration of the Industrial world; they have long been the admiration o( our greatest orators, statesmen and the press. As an evidence of how highly his Idea has been followed by the great leaders of the party. Senator Quay, when the Wilson bill was under consideration In the Fifty-third congress, threatened to offer the McKlnley bill as an amendment to that measure. The great significance of that threat goes without comment. The reason is plain. There has been scarcely a day since the sitting of the present congress In which the name ol McKlnley has not been uroudly referred to In the debates, either on the floor ot the house or senate. How to best protect American Indus tries and American labor, and how to make our country the most prosperous of the Industrial nations of the earth, uni its people the most contented and happy, has been .McKInley's chief life study, which pre-eminently fits him for the presidency. He Is a true patriot In the roadest sense of that term, and the ami is equally true of him as an Amer ican and statesman. A vote for Mc Klnley at St. Louis means vote for the very best Interest of our country. It will mean an Increase of American In dustries, an Incrvns of work and .igve for American worklngmen. It will be a vote (or all for which the Republican party stands. A storm of popular disapproval of the 16 to 1 silver contention Wing Imminent, the politicians In both parties are mak ing preparations to conic In out of the wiet. Senator Woleott has led off and de clared his Intention to supinvrt the St. l.ouls candidate whoever he may be. and the platform, whatever tt may be. Gov ernor McConn.dl, of Idaho, has t.ik?n substantially the s.ime itround. and has expressed himself as not at all In accord with the extreme Mews of Senator Du bois. So, too, with Senator Shoup, of the same state, who, while declaring himself "loyal to silver," Is not willing to sacri fice all other Issues to It. As the dnys go by and the Republican slate conven tions are seen to be wheeling Into line for money and the gold standard, all the leaders of the party are becoming conscious of a groat lUtht. They kno.v by long experience that when the people are aroused on any question It Is their voice that must be heard, and that the days of the trimmers are past. They are hastening, therefore, to bring themselves Into tine with the popular command. THE HAWTHORN TREE. At the edge of the hedge Is a hawthorn tree. And Its blossoms are sweet as sweet can be. And the bees are humming there all the day. And these are the words that I heard them say: Sweet, sweet Is the hawthorn tree! All the hrwsee, ths.1 breathe o'er I hose blossoms rare A burden of perfume happily bear: tAnd the songsters revel there all day long. And these are the words of their merry song: Sweet, sweet Is the hawthorn tree! And a maid and her lover wander by As the twilight glories fade and die: And they pause 'neatb the fragrant boughs to rest. And above them sways the robin's nest: Sweet, sweet is the hawthorn tree! We. too. they whisper, shall soon build a home 'Neath the axure arch ot the infinite dome: And we. all the day, shall lng like the birds. Rut with deeper meaning in music and words: Swe't. sweet is the hawthorn tree! Nathan Haskell Dole. AN OLD RHYME RESET. "Afflictions sore long time she bore Physicians were In vain." At last one day a frle id did say. "You'd soon be well aain." if you would take, as I did. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for that Is the cure for all the Decullar ailments ot women. It Is a safe, simple and sure remedy. It txmishes those distressing maladies that make woman life a bur den, curing all painful irregularities. uterine disorders, inflammations and ulcerations, prolapsus and kindred weak nesses. As t nervine It cures nervous exhaurtion, prostration, debility, relieves mental anxiety and hypochondria and Induces refreshing sleep. She took the advice and Is well. "Favorte Prescrip tion" Is the only remedy for the delicate derangements and weaknesses of females, sold by druggls's. A pamphlet free. Address World's Dispensary Medical As sociation. Buffalo, N. Y. Asthma cured, by lewly discovered treatment. For pamphlet, testimonials and references, address World's Dispen sary Medical Association, "tuffalo, N. Y. AN EXTRA STRAIN. Detroit Free Press. "You couldn't give me a llfle assistance today, ccul'l you?" said a hedrasruled looking woman with an aid shawl over her head, and whose face was not an unfamiliar one at the 3ffl:e of the Help ing Hand Society. "State your case." "Well, we're ire-ilful por. an' times Is hard, an" you know there's nine In the family. My ole man don't hav stlddy work, an' we're out o' coal an' flour an' kerrysene, an' the rent comes due tomorrom. We don't have but four dollars a week regular Income, an' this week we're under an exrray strain." "Indeed! How Is that?" "Well, you see It's the week o' the Meat Market Clerks' ball, an' our Lily May has had an Invite, an' she's got to have a pair o' white kid slippers an' a bunch o' flowers to wear, an' you know well e-s I do that there won't be much o" them four dollars left aftr Lily May's all rigged out proper." A DISASTROUS FAILURE. Financial convulsions which disturb the equilibrium of the business world are productive of far less mischief than the failure of the kidneys to perform the office assigned them by nature. When these organs oecome Inactive the circulation acquires Impurities which bring on dropsy, diabetes, Tirlsht's dis ease, gravel, catarrh of the bladder and other maladies. To Impart to the kid neys and Madder a healthy Impetus, very different from the excitement pro duced by an unmedlcateil alcoholic stim ulant, use Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, the finest diuretic In existence. This ex cellent remedy for Inactivity of the kld neyB Is also of the irre.itest service In malarial, dyspeptl", billons and rheu matic troubles, and has rclveil the un qualified sanction of eminent physicians. The nervous, the elderly and Infirm and convalescents derive unspeakable benefit from Its use. L'se It with oerylstenee and at fixed Intervals, and anticipate with confluence the happiest results. THE TRAMP'S WAR. VINO. Tall Woman flr.dlirnantly) What brings you here again? Didn't I refuse to Rive you food o;ly a few moments r.go? Tramp Yes, mum: but 1 comes back, I do, tur warn yew mum, thet yew hev got ennermlea, downright ennermles, mum. 1 stopped at de nex' house an' tol' 'em w'ot an excellent cook yew wnz, mum, an' de wummun, one not altosred der pleasln' tew me fastidious eye, says ex how yew couldn't cook fit fur ,iigs, an' wld dat she ornrrht me on a big feed, she did. mum. Tall Woman She raid that, did she? The hussey! You wait a minute, and I'll show you whether I can cook as well as she can or not! Ten minutes later the tramp hobbled away to Join his par i, earylrg the broad est smile and the finest round of rations he had had for many days. The Shakers have mule a discovery which Is destined to accomplish much good. Realizing that three-fourths of all our sufferings arise from stomach troubles, that the country is literally filled with people who :annot cat and digest food, without subcuently suffer ing pain and distress, and that many are starving, wasting to mere skeletons, because their food does them no pood, they have devoted much study and thought to the subject, nnd the result Is this discovery, of their iJlesi'.ve Cordial. A little book can be oh'.ained from your druxglst that will point out the way of relief at once. An Investigation will cost nothing and will result In much good. Children nil hate to take Castor Oil, but not LAXOL, which Is palatable. met BLACKWKLk't DURHAM To ALL Merchants Who Heti in BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY. If ysa fcava say SttfkaNy la prxsrlsg yr smss tmt ttt this Mtkss sad 4 II with yswr snlsr ts ysar wfcjlsisls ttt ttt. Homely Uid-0, I guess you ran till the plucr. My husUiml Is an rnsy man to suit. New Cook (looking Intently at her Yes, mum. I readily twllev It. Homely Uuly no hcracUV-Siramir. she takes that for granted, but probably she knows a superior woman Ilka myself woulibi't marry a York Weekly. THS IKAL I'ANACKA. James I. Francis. Alderman. CJilcago, says: "I regard Pr. King's New covery as an Ideal I'ana.-ea for Coughs, CoMs ami I.ung Complaints, having used It In my family for the lust the years, to the exclusion of physician's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John llurgus, Keokuk. Iowa, writes: "I have been a minister of ths Methodist Episcopal church for .' years or more, and havo never found onythlng so bencllclal or that gave me such speedy relief as Pr. King's New Plscovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial bottles fre at Chaa. Rogers' Prug Store. Letters of Beethoven and Ooelhe which were sold at auctbm In Frankfort a tea days ago among the effects of the lirtn tano family brought unusually high prices. Twelve lett-rs of the compos, r were sold to the officer of the Hothoveu I llaus. In Konn. for IXi murks, almost ! 1, ami twenty-one letter of the pwi 1 brought 4,71 marks, or about ll.. J ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. ' There Is golrg to be a gn at deal of blood shed before long." mild the Centn'l American oNirvr. "Yes." was the reply. "We may as well prepare for It. The mosquito season Is almost at hand." Washington Star. Ws might tell you mors about On Minute Cough Curt, but you probably know that It cures a cough. Every on 1 does who has used It It Is a perfect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It Is an especial favorite for children, be- 1 lnsr nleasant to take and oulrk In eurlnv. ! Chas. Rogers. It Is announced that the two eldir sons of the German emperor are to go to school at Plon. In Holsfcln. iwirtlv us a : compliment to the people of llolstcln and piruy tveause there Is a convenient nl. nt lake In the grounds. The emperor sets j store upon their being taught to 1 row. It's Just as easy to try One Minute i Cough Cure as anything else. It's raster j to cure a sever cough or cold with It , Let your next purchase for a cough be ; One Minute Cough Cure. Better medl- , cine: better result; better try lu Cha Rogers. General Flcxhugh Lee. who was recent ly appoltend consul gnral at Havana, Cuba, will sail for his post next week. He subscribed to the oath of office be- ; for I'nited States Commissioner Thomas i S. Atkins at Richmond, Va., the other 1 day. . , It Is not a miracle. It won't cure everything, but It will cur piles. That's what DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve will do, because It has don It In hundreds of cases. Chaa. Roger. Mrs. Gabble Baby seems 10 lie awfully slow In learning to talk. Mrs. Gabble's Husband Have you ever given him a chance to try? Indianapolis Journul. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains no Ammonia or Alas. Dolllc Uo you believe that man Is made of dust? Cholie He hns to be to get any notice from you.-Detroit Free Press. Take a dose of DeWitt's Little Early Risers Just for the good they will do you. These little Pills are good for In digestion, good for headache, good for liver complaint good for constipation. They are rood. Chaa. Rogers. "Wouldn't you think that the milkman would forget so ninny odd pints and quarts?" "Probably he chalks tiiem all up." Detroit Free Press. DeWitt's Barsaparllla Is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions Impaired by disease. Chaa. Rogers. Acquaintance And does your wealthy f;aher-ln-law foot nil you hills, count? Cuunt Shavyernek Well, he ItlcKs nt 'em. Wave. Busy people have no time, and sensible people have no Inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure act promptly and gives permanent benefits. Chaa. Rogers. "Don't you know It's wrong to fish here on private grounds?" "Well, sir, the line must be drawn somewhere." Yonkers Statesman. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she crlnd for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she L Vbildren, she ga it them Castorla, She Tell me when you were In the army were you cool In the hour of dan ger? lie Cool? Why, I Khivercd! New York Herald. Burns are absolutely painless when De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Is promptly applied. This statement Is true. A per fect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and Hps, and never falls to cure piles. Chas. Rogers. Senator Qu;iy preserves tvery scrap of paper he ricilvcs and a copy of ev-ry It Iter he write. All these are bled awuy, clasnlllw and Indexed. A little III, then a little pit. The 111 has gone, the pill has won. DeWitt's Little Early Kls rs are the little pill that cure great Ills. Cbas. Rogers. as TOIACC0 COMPANY. luRHAM, N. C Der 5iri You art ntitksl to rtctlvo FREE fro111 your wholes) dealer. WHITE STAR SOAP Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. Oa bar of soap I'nse with wtch pound, whether 16 ot., 8 oi., 4 04., or ox., packatc. Wo have notified evry wbolo al dealer la the United SUto that wo will uply them with soap toglvo you FREE, Ordararood uppjy of UENUlNg DURHAM at once, and Insist on gottlng your soap. One bar of Soap FREE w'th each pound you buy. Soap Is offered for a limited time, so order to-day. Yours very truly, Seven collejrea h:,e rtmfrrritl ihe de ary of l.U l. 01. ti 'n rl r'ran, l A Walker, president of ihe Massachusi tts livstitute of Technology Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Cecil Rhodes' liuvme as managing dl rector of the Consolidated Hold Kir Ids Company last year was more than tl I l'..tHl. I Pur blood means good health. Pe- Wltt's Barsaparllla purifies the Mood, cures Eruptions. Kes-tn, Scrofu:. and all diseases arising from Impure blood, Chaa Rogers. FOR TILLAMOOK INEHALEAl AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison ....Augusta ... ALL- OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Selling dates t. and tram Tillamook sad Nchalesa depend upon the weather. For Freight and Psssenger Rates Apply To ; HI Ml I HI- SANK INN til ; ' t -. A CI 12 sfTM O. R. A N. CO., Agents. Portland. E. HcNEIL. Kccetvrr ("iiven Choi' of fmo Transcontinental iDUtCH Via Spokane and St. Paul. Via Ogilen.I enV't" and Omaha or n. Pan 1 Pullman and Tourist ir. Free Raciinlnic ur Astoria to San" Francisco Columbia, Thursday April 21 State of California, Tuesday, April 21 Columbia, Sunday, May I State of California, Friday, May 1 Columbia, Wednesday, May 12. State of California, Monday, May 18. Columbia, Saturday, May 23. State of California, Thursday, May 23. Astoria and Portlnd Steauinri. I T. J. POTTER ' Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.; leaves Portland dally, except Sunday, at 7 a. m. I R. R. TMOM PSO.V, Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday at 8:46 a. m., leaves Portland dally, except Saturday, at 8 p. m. For rates anO generHt ir r- n. un or address O. W. LOUN8UKKRT. Agent. W H Hl'KLGUIlT Oer.. Pas AgT THE ABOVE PICTURE IM)ES NOT REPRESENT A paB;nKr train on the fhlmifo. Mil wauk'-e and Hi. Paul Railway. No he tarlna are vestllnl-i, hiafT ly nfiant i and IlKhted by elc trtrity , Kaf-h Mltf 1 rr&r IVrth haa an Hi-rtrtc rdln lamj. ; Its dining ram are inn 1'-Ht In 'it aciM j and Ha coaohwi an imlm-t-n on whtei ' This KTfat railway, rrnnrtrfilnif un v ! doea wffh all lrarifrori:ln-ntjil lln m Hi I I'aul and Omaha, aniirtfj to 'he i t fllia I public the hf-Ht h'';v)-it known Ti-k i via Ihe ChicaKO, Miluaukt-e and i nt. j Jiti 11 way ar on ante ar nil railroad r I r K - j offl'-PH to any point In th 'rnt-d .i -I or Canada. For mann, roWcra and othni 1 Information, addr?. C. J. KI)DY, Onra. Aani. J. W. CAflttY, Portend. Or Trav. Pi as and Tkt. Agent, I Portland. Or Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing Department THY US NOTICK OF AH8K83MKNT OK Mt.VIN IN APAlIt ASTORIA. ' Notice Is hereby glen Ilia I the assess ment mads by Ordinance No. .UU. of the) city of Astoria, continuing Hi assess, nienl on Roll No. I, for the construction of a dialn In the cliy of Aston, as laid out und recorded by John Adair, com mencing at a point In block M. und hav ing Its outlet in Thli iy-lhlrd street, be tween blocks W and IT, In Ailslr's As toria, and knon nnd designated as "lrtluo,- IMslrlct No. I." will be due and pnahh on the l;.h duy of May, ISW, In I'. t. gold or silver coin, ul the olh.'e of the city treasurer, ami If not so paid wtlhtn or hefire suld time, the common council will order wurrunls Issued for Hie collection of Hie same The assess ment Is as follows: Ijiura ). Adair, lot & block !. Adair's Astoria . . lura I'. Adair, lot , Muck Is. Adair's Antorla Mary U Adair, lot 13, block 0. Adair's Astoria Mary U Adair, lot II. block a. Adair's Astoria Mary I. Adair, lot IS, block M. Adair's Astoria Mary I- Adair, lot Is. block , Adair's Astoria Mary U Adair, lot 17, block , Adair's Astoria Mary 1. Adair. W half lot ID, block s Adulr's Asioria Mary 1- Adair, lot , block Adair's Astoria I U tl U tl 141 tl 10 M 10 M tl 4 C I 19 I U 8 It I 16 I 11 I II I U Mary 1. Adair, lot II, block Adair's Astoria Mary I. A.lalr. lot JO, block Adair's Astoria Mary I- Adair, lot Adair's Astoria H. block a. block S3, block Mary I. Adair. Adair's Aslorla lot Mary U Adair, lot Adair's Astoria Mary I- Adair, lot . block Adair's Astoria Hetty Adnlr Krrnham, rlghth lot t block Astoria Hetty Adair Itrenham, eighth lot r. block und one is; Adair's t 77 8 88 1 28 I 28 und one Is, Adair's Astoria Hetty Adulr Hrenham. rlghth lot &, block , Astoria Hetty Adair Hr, eighth lot I. block Astoria Hetty Adair llxrnhsm. und one 1. Adulr's und one I, Adair's nnd one- eighth begin at NK turner block i, thence 8 feet, fret. N feet. K 78 feet, block 40, Adair's Ast'irla ... Kll.n Adair Mendell, und lot I. W 78 lot 1, : tt I TT 168 1 X 1 24 164 877 868 1 28 1 S one eighth lot 2, blo-k It. Adair's Astoria Kllen Adair Mendell, und one eighth lot 7. block If; Adair's Astoria Kllen Adair Mendell, ui.d one rlghth lot 8, bloi-k 1, Adair's Astoria Kllen Adair Mendell. und one- eighth, lot (, block Astoria Kllen Adnlr Mendell, 1, Adair's und one. eighth lirgln at NK corner lot 1 block . thence H feet. W 78 fed. N U feet. K 78 feet, lot t, bliK'k V, Adnlr's Astoria Kate Adair Welcher, und one. eighth lot :. block It. Adair's Astoria Kate Adnlr Welcher. und one. rlKhth lot Astoria Kate Adair eighth lot Astoria Kate Adair '! tot block !, Adair's Wclcfccr. 1. hlMk und one 1. Adair's Wrleher. . block und one I, Adalrs Astoria Kate Adair Welcher, und one- eighth begin at NK corner lot 1. block to. thence S . feet. W 1i feet. N M feet, K 76 feet, lot J, block to, Adnlr's Astoria Mary Adnlr Jordnn, und one eighth lot 2. block 1. Adair's Astoria Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth lot 7, block 14, Adnlr's Astoria Mary Adnlr Jordan, und one eighth lot (, block I, Shlvely's Aslorla Mary Adnlr Jordan, und one eighth lot 8, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Mary Adnlr Jordan, und one eighth begin at NK corner lot J, block 40. thence S M feet, W 78 feet, N M feet, K 78 feet, lot I, block 40, Adair's Astoria Mary R. Adair, und one eighth lot , block 111, Adair's Astoria Mary It. Adnlr, und one eighth lot 7, hlork 1, A. lair's Astoria Mary H. Adnlr. urd one eighth lot 8, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Mary R. Adair. und one eighth lot t, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Mnry R. Adair, und one eighth begin at NK corner lot 3, block 40, thence 8 CO feet, w 75 feet, N (A feet, E 76 feet, lot 1, block 40, Adair's Astoria Laura Adnlr Marker, und three eighths lot 2. block II. Adair's Astorln Laura Adnlr Hnrker. und three eighths lot 7, block II, Adnlr's Astoria . Laura Adnlr Hnrker, und three--Ighlhs lot 5, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Lnura Adair Hnrker, und three, eighths lot , block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Laura Adair Hnrker, und three ritrhths begin at NK corner lot 2, block 40; thence S W feet, W 76 feet, N m feet, K 7R feet, lot 3, block 40, Adnlr's Aslorla : u I 77 8.68 1 25 1 it 2 64 in 868 1 2E 1 25 264 17 :i 19 68 7B 176 782 48 IS 52 41 10 00 12 32 12 32 I 15 10 00 48 15 48 16 23 06 46 15 T.2 41 62 41 48 18 48 16 A. Booth Pni klng Co., .,t B, block ICO, Shlvely's Aslorla A. Booth Parking Co., lot 2, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Victor Anderson, lot 8, block 1, Shlvely's Aslorla Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block 41, Adnlr's Astoria Tina Amundsen, lot 6, block 41, Adnlr's Astorln Astoria Savings Hank, trustee, lot Z, block fll, Adnlr's Astoria Isnnc Hergmnn, lot 12, block 14S, Shlvely's Astoria Rudolph Hnrlh, lot 4, block 18, Adnlr n Astoria Illrnm Brown, lot 1, block 17. Adnlr's Astoria Hiram Brown, K half lot 3, block 17, Adair s Astoria Illrnm Hrown, lot 4, block 17, Adair's Astoria Illram Brown, lot 8, block 81, Adair's Astorln Illram Brown, lot 4, block 81, Adair's Astoria Illram Brown, lot C. block 11, Adair's Aslorla Illram Brown, lot 8, M'ick 81, Adair's Astoria Illram Brown, lot 3. block 88, Adair's Aslorla Illram Brown, lot 4, block 88, Adair's Astorlu Illram Brown, lot 1, block 87, Adair's Astorln Illram Brown, lot 2, block 87, 48 16 48 16 48 16 Adnlr's Astoria M It Illram Hrown, lot I, Mock 87, Adair's Aslorla 48 It Illram Brown, lot 4, block 87. Adair's Astoria 48 It llttnin Brown, lot t, block 87, Adnlr's Astorln II M Illrnm Hrown, lot 8, block si, Adulr's Aslorla II 84 Illram Brown, lot 7. Mock tt. Adair's Aslorla II 88 Illram Brown, lot . block 87, Adair's Astoria 34 88 l-ntirsi Adair Barker, lot , block 17, Adair's Aslorla 61 41 frcd Hnrker. lot t, block 18, Adair' Astoria M II Kutherlne C. Illluoll, lot t, Mock W. Adair's Astoria U 41 Betlna Norwegian Kvangellcal l.U literati Church. N 90 feet of N half lot t, block U, Adalr s As toria 18 tt IV W. Hush, lot 11, block 41, Adair's Astoria II 31 l W. Hush, lot B, Mock 41, Adair's Astoria UH P. W. Hush, lot M, block 41. Adair's Astoria It 31 Alb's M. Hush, lot , block 41, Adair's Astoria II II Jacob Hoaaart, lot It, block , Adalr s Astoria 10 M Jacob Hosaart. lot It, block 40. Adair's Astoria 10 H A Hrunhold, lot II, block Adair's Astoria 10 at A. Hrunhold, lot 32, Mock 80, Adalr s Aslorla 10 M Cryus Carrot hers, lot 2. block IT, Adair's Astoria 48 It Cyrus Carrulhrrs, lot 7, block 17, Adnlr's Astoria U II Krualmo I'aarrogolla, N bait lot t, block St. Adair's Astoria 38 ft Nellie tl. Clinrl.ion, und half lot T, Mock Adalr s Astoria t". II, Cooper, lot 8, Mock 80. Adalr s Aslorla 10 ts C. II. Cooper, lot t, blink 80. Adnlr's Astoria 10 M C. II. Cooper, lot 10, block 80. Adair s Aslorla 10 18 C. II. Coor. lot II, block 80. Adair's Astoria ID M C. II. t 'coper, lot 12, Muck ', Adnlr's Astoria 10 (8 John Chllwood, und Muarter tot 1, Mock 81, Adnlr's Aslorla , 1110 Ruth A Cornelius, und half lot I. block it!. Adair's Astoria 18 SJ II IV lr-'iinan, und half lot 1, Mock 81, Adair's Astoria 13 It II IV Oienuan, lot . Mock 81. Adair's Astoria 88 It I A IStnelson, und half lot 7, block Xi. Adair's Astoria It J II Duncan, lot I. block 81 Adair's Aslorla ;o M J II. Inmran. lot 2. Mock 88. Adair's Astoria . It M Samuel hlmore. lot J6. blo.k t Adair's Aslorla 10 M Samuel irimore, lot Is, block to, Adair's Aslorla 10 It Samuel Klinore, lot V. Mock 80, Adalr s Astoria It It Samuel Klmre, lot 38, block 80, Adair's Aslorla 10 m Ales HllM-rt, lot 3. blo,-k 18. Adair's Astoria el It Annie tlatrno. lot t. Mock 17, Adair's Aslorla . 13 tl Annl listens, lot 8, Mock 17, Adair's Astoria tl tl Catherine OooOman, lot 11, block 41, Adair's Astoria 1J 33 P J tloodmun. lot 12, block 41. Adair's Aslorla )) Anna Maria tlramms, lot 3. block . Adnlr's Astoria ... 18 M Anna Maria tlramms, lot 30, block ss. Adair's Astoria 10 H Helen I". tlrahsm. lot I, block 83, Adair's Astoria U tl Helm V. tlrahsm. lot 2, block 83, Adair's Astoria 61 tl Winifred C. lleorge, lot T, block 1, 8hlvrly's Astoria 10 8 Mary C Holmes, lot T, block 17, Adalr s Astoria 14 85 Mary t Holmes, lot t. Mock 17, Ailalr's Astoria st It Thomas A. Hyland, lot 6. block M. Adair's Astoria 63 41 Krla llouke. lot 8, block 41, A.lalr Asterla U 33 Krlc llouke, lot 7, Mock 41, Adair's Astoria 12 33 V. A Hill, lot 8. bloc M, Adalrs Astoria lo 14 K A. Hill, lot 7. hlo.Jt tl). Adalrs Aslorla i) it Aleck Iverson. kit II, block Adulr's Astoria I tl Aleck Iverson, lot 1!. block 8, Adulr's Aslorla I 43 James Jackson, lot 6, Mock 01, Adair's Aslorla 10 18 James Jackson, lot 8, Mock .. Adulr's Asiori:. 10 st Louisa Jonnnsen, lot to, bbck U Shlvely's Astoria It) io John Kopp. lot I. Mock 13, Adair's Aslorla . . - 63 41 Christina A..AIfrr,. Josephine and rrnnk t I-lnenweber, heirs of Frank !.elnenwebrr, lot 6, blo,'k 68, Adulr's Astoria 33 08 Christina A Alfrnl, Jos4-phlm nnd Frank IV I-lnenwetier. heirs of Frank I-elnrnwrtier, lot 8, block J). Adair's Aslorla 33 Ot Christina A. I-lnenwener, lot I, block 69, A. lair's Aslorla 33 01 Christina A. Ilnenwvbrr, lot 7, block 69, Adair's Astoria 48 it Christina A. I-lnrnwclier, lot 8, block 69. Adair's Aslorla 48 It Christina A. l-elnrnwetwr, lot 3, block 61, Adnlr's Astoria 33 01 August Ijirsen, N half lot I, block 3, Adulr's Astoria H 10 John Kopp, lot 3, block 42, Ailalr's Aslorla t; 41 Mary J. Kyle, lot 4, block 43, Adnlr's Astoria 63 41 Mary J. Kyle, lot 5, block 43. Adulr's Aslorla 63 41 Mrs. Annr. Kopp, lot 6, Work 42, Adnlr's Aslorla 63 41 P. N. Kenrnev. und hnlf lot 1, block 81, Adair's Aslorla 28 20 James F. Kenniey, lot 2, block 81, Adair's Aslorla 62 41 Frank J. Carney, und half lot 7, block 8, Adair's Astoria 23 10 Mary A. Cenrns, und half lot 7, block 81. Ailalr's Astorlu 23 (t Mary II. IlnenwelHr, W hnlf lot 3, block 17, Adair's Astorni 23 05 Christina A., Alfred tl., Josepheno and Frank P. l-clnciiwrhcr, heirs of Frank I'lnenweber, lot 7, block as, Adair's Antorla 6i 41 Chrlsllnu A.. Alfreil (1., Jot phene nnd Frank I1. Letnenweber, heirs of Frank I.clncnwnher, lot 8, block J, Adnlr's Astoria 6-' 41 L. Iiohcfk nnd Olive Wlnton, lot 3, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria 10 00 I. ladieck und Olive Wlnton, lot 4, block I, Shlvely's Aslorla 10 00 L. la'beck nnd Olive Wlnton, lot 9, block I, Shlvely's Astoria Ill 00 L. I.i'bcrk und Olive Wlnton, lot rk ' - - '" --s ua tw -j..''sr.' . , mw , m 10, block I, Shlvely's Aslorla I N Nli holella Mulugamha, W half and H 9U feet of K half lot I, block IS, Adulr's Aslorla 41 H Hev. II, W. Morris, lot 1, blink 40, Adulr's Asloila 48 II Hev. H. V. Moms, M 4 Bit lot 8, block I", Ailalr's Asloila KM Hev. II. W. Morris, lot a, block 40, Adalr s Aslorla 48 II Hev. II. W, Mollis, lot 8, block 40, Adalr s Asloila 48 U Hev. II. W. Mollis, lot I block 40, Adulr's Aslorla 48 II Hev, II. W. Morris, lot 1, bloik M. Adnlr's Astoria 48 It Hev, II W, Morris, lot i, block U, Adulr's Asloila 48 U Hev. II. . Morris, lol 4, Movk U. Adair's Aslorla 48 It ItvV. II. V, Mollis, lot i block 40, Adulr's Astoria 48 It l-'rrd Munsoii, lol I, block tl, Ailalr's Aslorla tl tl A. Mcl'hurlun, lot bliak SO, Adalr s Aetui la It It A. Mcl'hailair, lot 11, Hoik 89, Adair's Astoria It II tleorgs Nelson, lot t, block 17, Adair's Astoria II 81 lleurge Nelson, lot 8, block IK Adair's Astoria It tt Christ Ness, lol , Muck 88, Adair's Aslorla I 81 Christ Nass, lot 10, block 88, Adair's Astoria I tl Tlirrvsa o Hrlrii, lot 3. bbwk M, Adulr's Aslorla U tl TherwM O'llilen. lol t. Muck A Adalr s Aslorla tl tl Ijleurd O' Connor, lot I, block 41, Adulr's Astoria II 11 Kdtturd O'Connor, lot 3, block 41, Adnlr's Astoria II M N.I oiuil O'Connor, lol 1, block 41, Adalr s Aslorla 11 11 Andrew IMsen, lot 7, block 8, Adulr's Aslorla I 81 AlMlrvw Olsell, lot , Mock 88. Adnlr's Aslorla I 81 J II. I'almvr, lot 8, Mok U. Adnlr's Aslorla tl tl Anna M. I'opo. lot K bbuk 80, Adslr's Astoria 10 It Klla Hope, lot 4. block 80, Adair's Astoria 18 88 Frank Button, trustee, lot 31, blin k BJ, Adair's Astoria 10 Frank I'atton, trustee, lol II. block i. Adair's Astoria 10 J. II I'alnicr. lut 4, bliK'k 83, Adair's Aslorla II tl W. W. Barker, lol 3, block Its, Shli ely's Aslorla It 81 W W. Barker, lol t, block 1U. Shlvely's Aslorla 10 Ot Jennie II, Barker, lot II, block 141. Shlvely's Astoria 19 Ot Mary J. Ityrle. lot t, block SO. Adair's Astoria 19 tt Harsh II. Sherman, lot 8, blin k J9. Adult's Aslorla tl tl Mal L Hullltan. 8 half lot L blmk B. Adair's Astoria MM N. Hlmimsen. lut U, blink tl. Adalr s Asturla It U N. Himonsen. lot H, block tl, Adslr's Asturla II O. Hovey, Ml n. blm k 41. Adair's Aslorla Ill O Hover, lot M. Muck II, Adulr S Astoria 11 0 Benson Hahlne. lot T, block 41. Adulr's Astoria 11 a Klisulwtti K-afeldt. lol 11, block 43. Ailalr's Aslorla II H KlltaUih Heafelrit, lot 13, Mw k 41, Ailalr's Astoria 18 Murr A Hi hrvnler K half lot It. blm k Adalr s Aslorla I 81 W. T Hchoineld. und half lot 3, blmk 83. Adair's Astoria.. MB W T Hchoineld and K, llouke, frar lot I. blmk 1. Hhlvsly's As toria ttt W. T Hchulnrld and K. llouke, lot I. blm k I, Shlvely's Aslorla . W tt John Helnesa. lut t. Mock 8s. Adalr s Astoria It M John Helnrss. lot 4. block 8s, Ailalr's Astoria 10 98 IVIrr Nufiir. H half lot 8, Mm k M, Adair's Astoria It It Jacob I'lslngrr, lot 8, Mock 18, Adair's Astoria 11 O Ole O. Vlgn. lol II. blin k to. Adair's Asturla It 88 tiled Vlge, lul C. block 80, Adair's Astoria 10 tt Chas Verschriiren, W half lot 19. Mark ss, Adair's Astoria let Nicholas Wiener, lol 13, Mock 41, Adair's Astoria II Nicholas Wlsnrr. lot 17, block 41, Adnlr's Aslorla II U Charles Wiseman, lot 13, block 80, Adnlr's Astoria It st Cbnrlrs Wlssmall, lol 17. I. lin k 80, Adair's Asioria 10 U llrorse Watson, lot 13, blink II, Adulr's Asioria 13 13 lleorge Walson. lot 18, blmk 41, Adulr's Aslorla 11 11 Murcus Wise, lot 19, blink U, Adnlr's Aslorla 18 N Marcus Wise, lot blink 41. Adair's Astoria 19 9t Murcus Wise, lot 33. block 41, Adnlr's Astoria 10 88 Marcus Wise, lut 31, block 41, Adnlr's Asioria 10 It Murcus Wise, lot 38, Mock 43, Adulr's Aslorla 10 M Marcus Wise, lol 28. block U. Adulr's Asturla 10 88 Murr Wilson, lot I, block 00, Adulr's Astoria 10 It Walter, Mamie, Annie, Oracle and William Wilson, heirs of William Wilson, lot I. llm k 8U, Adair's Astoria io It Oln Wlllhcrg, lot II, block 80, Adnlr's Aslorla 10 M Caroline I). Wlllberg, lot 23, block 80, Adair's Astoria 10 M Caroline (I Wllllierg, lot 24, block 8il, Adair's Aslorla 19 98 Charles Wright and H. K Harris, lot 8, Mock 41, Adnlr's Aslorla..., 12 31 Charles Wright nnd 8. K. Harris. lot 9, block 41, Adulr's Astorlu ... 11 31 Charles Wright nnd 8. K. Harris, lot 10, block II, Adulr's Astoria... II U Charles Wright and 8, K. Harris, lot 14, block 41, Adair's Astoria,... II H Charles Wright anil 8. K. Harris, lot 19, block 41, Ailalr's Aslorla... II U Charles Wright nnd 8. K. Harris, lot 91, block 41, Adair's Astorlu... 11 33 Charles Wright and 8. 10. Harris, lot 21, Mock 41, Ailalr's Aslorla... 1132 Charles Wright nnd 8. K. Harris, lot 27, Muck 41, Adulr's Astorlu... 12 33 Charles Wright mill 8, K. Harris, lot 2H, bluck 41. Adnlr's Astorln... 12 33 Charles Wright uuil 8. K. Harris, lot 29, block 41, Adair's Aslorla... 12 11 Charles Wright and 8. 10. Harris, lot HI, block 41, Adair's Aslorla... 13 82 Charles Wright and S. 10. Harris, lot 31, block 41, Adnlr's Aslorla... 13 31 lot 3i, block 41, Adnlr's Astoria... 1133 Charles Wright nnd S. K. Harris, l.'nted Astoria, Or., April 23. II. 10. NIOLSON, Auditor and I'ollce Judge. ' - t - I 1 fXJmami2M-iid