TIIK DAILY ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA. SUNDAY MOUNINO, MAY 10, 18. Tide Table MTK. Krliltty Hattir.luy HUN DAY Mu.nlny Tur..y Wr Iiii'mUx Tlmrailay ,, ,,, Frl.Uy rlnrly HUN DAY Monday . , TtixwUy WnlueavLy TliiirmUy Kri.Uy 8si inlay...., HON PAY Msmlsy Tucxlaf W..iielsy Tlmrwlay Kri l7 . . HaMnUy ,,, . . Hl'NDA Y MmiiUy Tm winy Wr.lureiliiy Tbnlr Kn lay HgMnlsv. , ..... . , l'NIAY MTTIJIM MAMItNIJ. Movmnlol V I mt Mortis nil f.laurwrtsjr. Ti lroehlp (Nsloiniil l due I hi. warning from in Kraiii'laco ?u m hooner Hallur lloy sailed yeair u for t'alifurnl Hh ha a cargo of liur-ber. Tlx aoliisaner Km and Ann yeeierday i)U liarged her lalrh uf (ml sklna Tim kin wer in t..allent i'ninlnim ami will lt snipped to nmlniul for sale Three, tnwli ar daw to rrlo al Una port thla month. They ar the fin. ntntiatialtlro mxl NulherWndahir. from t'aU'ulia, aia the Kulwuod. from Urlms- y Th Urtllih four m.il iwrk Prlm-l-(Illy Mllnl yin1y for KnicimJwl Kh liu mmo of M.M tmilo'U of wliral v.liir.l At t..Xo. ni U tamiul for ijiuMwiown, ralmoutrt or rtymnuth for onion. Th AuitnilU In lylti lh I'm-lflc fn l'MitMinr' dork, but ( not yet Ik tin dltt hrlii hr canto nf tin. Tha Autrll mult tha run from Uvnrol IkhiI topnty itayt xnrr than aa af tei-tl. and har ronalmMia had ml po lnrmratlon to hamlla Ilia rarn, a Hum twr of Imnortani twpera parialnltut to tin. tla liarwo IhIii In Han franrlaro. Mhtxi tliay arrlva tlia tin plat will be it la.' ha mail Cntaln Hiirna. the rTnllh ainert. who ram to lna roaat to auier1nl.tfwl lha ralaln of trie I , -ah ahlp n.iirmnrr. which waa rvoeatty otuaat in Man Krn rlaco harbor, and w -wa airavited to vint the wraiuM UhmmAraat aMl mak a report to the owner on the poeailiimy of A.atliaT her haa not arrlwd. Cap tain liuma' trip north haa prolttblr laen alefnmitt until rh HUirmura will haa hen rlirhtetl Meanwhile lha Ulenmurag He tonifuriaJlr In her wuily lrd, nor he.U lha wild ware or wind. Tha Ave-allrker Iula cleared yeatrr day for RhanaThal with TW.TA feet of turn lier. talunl at .'..M( 'Hie 1-oilH wna detalnetl a dar al Hkajnnkawa hy tha ahrrlff of Wahkiakum rotihtr. It ap peara that T llnrrla llnrllrtl, of Tort land, held a note for aialnat J. t'larkatjn, one of the ownora of tne lamu. and on thta he flletl all attai'hml on II, with dlrectlnna In the aherirf of Wahkl nkum counlr to attnch the canto It aa fvural lhal the hill nf la.llnif for the cnrao had Ik'-.ii neitlniet .y tlarkaon tiefom the atilt waa Mind, or the carao nllai-hrd, and the veeat'l waa reltviaetl. Hli- will au to era uUiy. 'Ilil la thn aeMitnl oanio of lumber ever ahlpted lo Khaiuthal direct from tlila port. A IttU III. than lltll pit Tha III tta ajona, tha pill haa won. PwWIIl'a l.lttl Krly Klaer ara thallitl pllli h our f rt Ilia. Chaa Itofara. How lo avoid anld-n piixir;' - ue !r. I'rltV Itaklna; Pjwder. MKNt KOU WKPNKHDAY. Tha aj.lrli nf r.n'h dlali and (cat of all la what Inaecloue ciHika the rellrth call; Kor though the market aenda In loada of final They am all taatelraa tilt (hat make! them good. Klng'a Cookery. Ilrenkfaaf. Fruit. Whaatlet. Cream and Bugar. Calf'a l.lver mid llai'on. Krlnl Tom Cod. (IriUmm llema. Coffee. I.tinchmin. Ilrollrd Oyatera. Celery Muyoiumliui. HmI in I of I luck. Cup CuatiuM. Dlnnar. ('lama. Tomnto 1 1 u will) Croutona. Iliiillahca. Thnn. Ilrolli'd Hlinil. Clyel of AiiieliiM. Veal CrouurllJ'". Hrown Hiiuce. lliik.M n nil Wuffcd Tonmtoea. Ui.iii.lc. I Itllia of lll'Kf. Chlrory Hiilild. Krclli'll Dreaalna;. IIiiIIiiii Cnmm. III VKIH AND HKI.MIUH. The following triiiafcr wero fled for record at llii olllco of Heronl-r Hilliilpr ann yeelcnli.y: W. 11. lleiulliiKtim to Kiidotph llarth. I.ut II. HllK-k 4D. Mc- Ch.rv' I K. n. Itrock ami wife to R. n. Walla, Ijta I, and J, lllock !, Mi'Cluri''a 8. 1. Adulr to I,. M. Ilowca, l.ot IB lo 'a Inclualve, Hlook War re nt on Cluia. Mulidlii to Mary MiitelU, liu ncrea In lownahlp 7 north, rango weal Clutaop county to Mr. C. W, Van atoms quit claim deed to Lota 1, S. i, 4. 6, 6, 7. 1, 9, 10, II, and ii, llluck IS, Pnclllo addition MOO 13.0 li) It'i all tha Kims, a alight cold, congeat 4 lunga or aevoro cough. Ona Mlnut Cough Cur banlahea them. STOCKIlOLriKIlB' MHICTINO. Tha annual meeting of tha atockhold era of the Aatorln lliilldlng A ItOan Aaao olntlon will ha held at their ofDca on Tueaday, May 12th. 1M6, for tha purpoae of clociliig director, for the mailing year and tha tranaactlon of any bualneaa that mny come before the mealing. The eleotlon will tm by ballot, and will be held from 9 p. m. until I p. m. By Older of the Hoard of Director. - W. U KOHB, Soorotary. OUR CORNER. A rantleman'a reaort, at corner Bond and 11th atreeu. Tha flneat brands of liquors and cigar alwayi on hand. Call and try u. ANDERSON A PETHJR80N. for May, 1896. Illllll VtATKII. l."W MATgN. A. Mi ft M. 1 A. Mi f. M. tl. III. J (t. II. Ill I (I. II. III. I fl. II. III. I ft I Jl IKI M H 4 17 U A i Hum 1111 in (4 3. o 'i II M Mi, ft HN 114! Mm 04 II III B.T. 4 fft 7 fl ; fl 'i ii :i o in u a 4 l IU 7 .0 I 7 4'l 0.4 ' 0 .It .1A 1 1 ii O.ft A 7 li II fl ft l A A '. (i . I 1 (A fl H vil 11.8 1 II 'id 7.0 ! a IH 'J. 5 , 8 ) 1.11 7 U IH A H M 00 1.2 i II M 0 8 4,' 1.7 M o 1W A 6 ; 10 IKI 7 ft i 4 40 I 4 4 111 1.1) V II 17 H.6 II (Hi 7.(1 1 0 III U I) , ft li 3.1 10 II ftH OS, II HH HO &M (I A A 4.1 'i 4 11 0 3H 0.7 I A VN 0 II ' H 14 1.7 U 0 gH A. a I I 1H 0 7 I fl frl 0 8 r) 44 It.H U 0 40 A.4 I IU II. A 7 30 O.ft 7 IA U.ri 14 1 13 H.A J !W fl i 8 trj 0 0 ; 7 41 8 0 It 1 W I t fl 90 11.0 ft 40 Ofl ft 8.2 14 a.w ml o4 .! i a w m .a 17 3 17 H 1 1 4 fti fl HHHI O R 10 li 8 9 IH 4 li 7.7 A 44 11.7 1 II IKI 0.0 II 1 8 1 li A IU 7.8 I fl 37 II. U i II f-7 O.A 'ill AbO 9 7 HI 7.'ii 0 47 17 0 Ml Oil 31 7 4H 11.7 ; H U 7 4 I M '4.0 2 HI 1.8 n 904 fl.n vim 7.0 g ah i.i floi i.e 33 10 li 7 I I 10 IKI M 4 I 4 01 0.8 4 US I H U4 1114 7.8 I0A4 N l 4 67 O.fl 4 AA 2.1 lift 0 10 7.4 11 40 O.-ii A 44 1.4 A 45 2 8 'ill ! I 7 A ! fl Si I U (I 84 2.4 37 0 itt li 4 ! I M 7.2 7 'i 2 1 7 W 2.7 !3H 111 tt.Sl 2 42 7 1 H li 2.0 ! S 10 J 'i.H ' 3U I A7 II. 0 , 8 HO 7 I i M to I U . tM 2 V "0 2 4A H A I 4 17 7.1 II 4'i 110 f.7 I 8 0 i 81 8 3. 7 ti A (ft 70 III 27 III ll lii'RU TIIK MTTI.B WOMAN A little hit of a woman rama Athwart my path on day; a liny wn ahe thai ah aeetned 10 be A pity atntyed frmn the inlaly Ben. or a wandering greenwood fay "Oh, you llille elf," cried - "And what are you doing here? Ho tiny aa you will never do for the brutal ruah and hullabaloo f IhU practical work. I fear." "Voire hava 1, good air." aald ahr-- "'Tie aoft an angel'a algh, llul lo fancy L word nf yuur'a fr heanl In the dm of thia world'! nhaurd," HrnlMngly, I made reply. "Manila hava I, good air," ahe quoth "Marry, and lhal you hare! llul amid the alrlfe and the tumult rife. In all the atrtiggle and haiila for life, What ran Iheaa wee hand dof "Kye have I, good air," eh aald "Hooth you have." quoth I, "And leara ahall flow therefrom. I trow, And they lietlmea ahall dim with wo. A lha hard, hard year go hy." That little bit of a woman real liar two ayea full on me. And they mute me aero to my Inn oat ror. And they held me alavad fnrvrmor. Tt would 1 not b frr! Thla lltll bit of a woman'a hand Meachwl up Into my breaal. And rent apart my acofnag heart Aa raunot b tipreaaed. The lltll bit of a woman'a voire Haa grown moat wondrou dear. Above th hlar of all lawhr (An Inaplratlon that mnkf at ear) It rlaeth full and clear. Iear on, I bteaa the aulille power That make m wholly thin: And I'm proud to aay lhal I blraa the lay When a Utile woman wrought her way Into thla life of mln. -Eugen Field. f.I IH'NO CD ANil'H MlflHION. KM-ctrd lo Mlraiigthrn Itual' lnflu e tm and rrnilg In China. Hhanghaf Cor N. Y. Herald. March 1 It la by thla time well-known lo read era of the Herald lhal Chin will he represented al the riar'a coronation cere morlra on Miy 'Jt by the Chinaman whoae name la lnt knuwn to oulaldcr. 14 Hung Clmiui. ainlor tutor lo the heir apparent tlhough there 'a, unfortunately, no heir apparent yrt In l'rklng). acnlor grand arcr. tary of aliite, mlnlatcr auH-r-Intemlent fur the northern porta and arl of the flrat rank, to give him hta correct offlrlul tttlea and hi proper place In the mand.irtnn hierarchy. He ha al ready left I'eklnaT and hy thla lime ought to lie In Ttrnlaln. where a apodal ateumer la walling to bring him here. He la expeutcd lo arrive here neat week, and will rmlwtrk on Jlnroh Pi on In Me angerlca atcamrr Krncat Hlniona. which la In carry lilm to Slara.llle. whence he will travel by rail to Moacow. Ilia aulle ror.alaia of alxiut thirty peo ple, an aealatnnl envoy, I'hao Yu-lln, ei governor of Knrmoan: hla adopted un, the eo-eallrd ' Uir.l ' I.I, eg-mlnlalr al Tokyo' I .In-Tonic, et-attache at the Washington liitailon: Ma Klen-Chong, a Tnrinr. who took a lending part In the almrtlv Mlt-Klrurti deal of l.., and who waa Inllmntely aaaoclnted with the defunct great American houae of Kiiaacll Co., who let poor Ma In for nearly a conl million when II hroko nearly four year ago. I, l a progriimme la lo apend about three month" In the land of the ranr, and then vlalt Vlemia, Herlln, 1'iirla, Ixindon. rv liirnliut In the fall via the I'nltcd Rtatra Ho will vlalt New York, Washington, lloaton, rhllndclphla, Chliugo and Han r'ranclaco, and already Instruction have been hciiI to the Chine riipreacntntlvea In all the r II Ira mimed lo muko. prepara tion for hi vlalt. 1,1 la the Aral Oil mac oltlclnl of flrat claaa rank ever to go iihrimilt- that la. voluntarily. It I true lhal the Imperial commissioner, Vein, who Arty year ago held an almost rorrcsimnillng rank, traveled a far aa India, but he did so na a prisoner on iHiard a llrltlsh warship, which carried lilm na a riuptlve, for his treachery at Canton, to Calcutta, where he illiil In Durance. Further. It I true that LI has been abroad Ivetoro. but that Wat only last year, mid na far us Hhlmono aekl. the nearest point of Japan, which ho went to for the purpose of suing fur pence. NATUIIM OP LI B MI38ION. HI present mlsalon la of li very dif ferent character, thouith It la diiuhtlea largely the outcome of the jvipiul lo his former travels nhroud. It tertulnly Is tho result of hi aurrrsaful ;iollcy uf call ing In the uHslstnme of HuhsU to expel tha Japanese, and buying off . no enemy at the coat of tying up tho Bon of Heav en hopelessly to Hie Little Father of all tho Itusslna. Ostensibly a measure of In ternational courtesy to attend the glo rious crowning of tha young Csar, his mission la In reality Intended to put the finishing touches upon the new and strange union which haa been effected between the oldest and newest Asiatic ei.tplre. I ahall be very much surprised If the outcome of hla vlalt to Petersburg and Moaeow does not raise Russia's position In China lo still greater heights. While the Port Arthur treaty that startled tha world a few months ago may have no actual exlateno upon paper, aa theao fat making Instruments aro rarely commnt td lo writing until all the preliminaries are In .order ami the seals of the con tracting parties can be safely affixed without bringing In tho protests of med dling outsiders. I am perfectly certain that there wna very much more than a germ of truth, and In fact a very solid foundation for these rumors. Port Ar thur may not have been the point se lected, but that Russia, means to obtain a permanent naval bnan In North China la now admitted even by Russia herself. Kyaochnn liny, on Shnndtung, about 100 miles from W'el-llul-Wel, on the Yellow Bea, has since been constantly used by Russian wnr ships as a naval station, and the country around has been posted with Imperial proclamations from I'ekln telling III people not lo be nUrmd St th sppvaratic of the lrang ahlpa, and lha "foreign i) all'" who r China's proved and trusty friends. lll'HHMN INKLI ICNCK HI'll '.AIMMU Russian military and railway survey ing partlea are now overrunning Man churia from Ihre illfferml Matting points In Hlherla-vls , Vladlv-ialouli, the military and nnval ediiiartor nf tha I'rlmorak, or coaaf province; lUlmroff ka, that wonderful lily whl.ih Murvlft founded al the conAuenc of ih I a surl ami Am. Kir rivers, and whl.rh I now lha renier of adinlnletratlva control and th reldhf of the governor gen eral of Raalern Hllwrla, ami lilagonnit dhenak, th great comm-r.ial and gold mining renter of Central Hllwrla, which face th ancient Ally at Algun, about son miles from th mouth of th A moor, where lh flrat treaty with Ituaala and China was mad Iwo hundred year age. The rout for Ih fulur extension of th rtlherlan railway has admittedly been diverted through Chine trr1io.-y, and lh only noli uixin which thr la any doubt la a to th prent part of China or Korea where II will reach Ih opan aea, south of Ih lea line. II I alao ad mitted that Id In hi mission lo llual I much mor roncernt with Ih nego tiation and settlement of the two point than with Ih coronation ceremony. In fact, a high Chines? ortVlaJ hes procured lh publlrnllon of what h alleges la tha text of a secret treaty which Id la charged with negotiating htwn Chin and Ituaala. I'oaalldy hla ol.Je.-t I to defeat any aurh rons'immnllon. but 1 think the f hlrua writer has omwhat overstated hi rase. I Islleve, from what ! can gather from Chine aa well aa from hl-lh Ituaelan ourre, lh.it Ihe maliera which 1.1 will dlBcusa In Ml I'eterslturn will 1 lha signing of a long leaae, la II were, of Kyaoi-han bay lo ih Husslnn Aeei. lh co-nperullnn of Chin In Hie of si lowing a rhorter rout Ihrough Chine territory, and Ihe supply of In'mr, of th lrans-8lherlnn rsllwsy. Ihe reorganise- Ion of China' financial system nnd her mo-le of raising Internal revenues, under Russian advlc and control, the mo-le of paying Ihe indemnity losn to Ituaala and raising th next po.im.ono tarla to py off Japan; lh compensation lo h paid lo China for practically pla.-inif Man churia and A Inrg slice of Mongolia un dtr Ihe admlnlBirallou of the Hlltertan railway lioard. Ih .aiahllehment of closer riMnmerclal relation with Bitiert by Ihe uenlng of Ituatlun ronaiilatr all over the north. I am quit poalilv thai Ituaala ha no Intention of attempt ing lo llrk China's myriad of coolies Into soldier, bill II I quite on th cards that ther may b Included In Ihe bar gain the transfer of aeveral of Russia's otwnlet men-or-war (O I nina, to replace Ih A eel which Admiral Ito sunk or cap tured In IK-. CHINA'S ONE (IRK AT STATESMAN. Out this programme la obvloualy ( tensiv enough for on deal by a Chi arse atateaman who la In hla 73d year, and who haa never bn oulald China xoepl one for a few weeks In Japan under rtrrumatartce h would robab!y ratber forgt. Th Mlerilon of U Hung Chang for thla mission I an aaluta move on Rusala'a part, for, despll all we may say and twllev about U. he la th only big man China po capahl of deal Ing In affair with foreign powers. Though an Imperial prtnr waa Invited lo proceed la Runt lo rprnt His Dragon Majeety at tha coronation, Count Casalrd. who conveyed tha Invita tion to I'kln. knew perfectly wll that neither lrtnr Kunar nor rnnce Chlng had th altghleat practical acquatntsn'- with foreign affair, and that, aa much more serious .bueta had lo b dene after th coronation caromonlal. IJ wal the on man to do It. Aa a precautionary meaaiir. and per hap to nrovul for a more Irngthy o hmrn abroad. IJ haa remllled vaal sum of money to f'urop of In, him any a much aa a.ouu,(0. Vit I think thla nvmber of tarla would be nearer In mark. A con aa hla back la turned he la pretty certain to le netvely assailed by hi erermie all over China, and who know a lhal he may v.- be able to re turn r llenc his foresight In placing a elle of hla vast fortune where he ran lay hla hand upon II In safety If he ha lo aiiend the remainder of his declining years abroad. CHINKflK "HU FF." II ha lately been aae-rted In print that U had threatened Ihe Chinese mlnlatcr at I'ekln. Uaron Havaahl. with repudia tion of the Bhlqionoe-kl tnaty. and Ih toppage of Ihe remainder of Ihe Indem nity, If Ih Japanese rKlma In respect of th supplementary commercial treaty were pressed loo hard. Hut though th statement was published In a little Kng llnh puier published In Tientsin, which 1.1 control, no one who read the state ment carefully could conclude that It waa anything more than one of the usual pieces of Chinese "bluff," which the 'hl ncao love so much to try on occasion ally. Rusala. Franco and Uermany, having to a great extent gone security for China' due performance of her part of Ihe Hhlmonosrkl Irenty, muat of ne ceaalty see that she adhered to It With absolute ('.ml fullh. To consent lo any such act of treachery aa Is sugg.iied In the' Idea of repudiation of her obligation and debt to Japan would put an end to all Interuntlonnl morality and establish a coil utterly ruinous to the scant enough shred of honesty and diplomatic mornllly between nations. Moreover, holding Wel-ltal-Mel with her military "men In possession," It would not be very dlfflcull for Japan to suddenly In crease that force, and begin a march uimn I'ekln which no "friendly advice" could turn her from under such circum stances. Today I met Colonel Wog.ick, the Ru Inn military agent, whoae acquaintance with affairs In Japan. China and Korea la unique, nnd perhnp more extensive and Intimate than that of any other man In Ihe fur Wast, lie has just ar rived from Korea and Japan, and fully confirms my version of the queen of Korea's marvellous escape from her would-be assassins In October last. For six weeks she has been living; with M. and Mine. Waeher. the Russlin charge and his wife, In Seoul, nnd tho public announcement of her being alive Is ex pected to lie made nt any time. The Japan Mull nnd two of the Blmnghal papers nre now publishing letters from their correspondents at Beotil showing that the queen Is nllve and well. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength. U. S. avrnnnt Report BUFFALO HEING KILLED. The Herd In the National Tark la Miss ing From lta Haunts. Missoula, Mont., Mlssoullnn. Mr. W. H. Murphy, of Mammoth Hot Springs, a prominent stock raiser, la In tha city. In conversation with a repre sentative of the Mlssotillan Mr. Humph rey said that the buffalo In Yellowstone National park ' are almost extinct no matter what may be sold to he contrary He had heard of persona being offered sixty-three fresh hide during; the win ter, and aa long as the state of Idaho will not enforce the heavy penalty for killing buffalo It will be Impossible to save the herd In the park, the only buffalo In a natural state now In the confines of the United States. Every winter partlea from Idaho coma Into the pork, and without any trouble drive the animals over the reserve line and slaughter them. Last fall the Smithsonian Institute appropriated some thing like 87.0UU to build a large corral for the protection of the park herd, and this corral was built. It Is an enclosure of ten miles. Tho purpose for which It was constructed was to hold the buffalo during the high snow Inst winter, but when senrch was made for them In their usual graslng grounds not one was to be found. It Is presumed that the herd, conalstlng of lfiO head, which was seen lust fall, had been killed for their heads and hides. The heads bring; from 1400 REGULAR REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Ticket. For Suprm Judf. IL 8. UKAN. For Representative In Congre Second District. W. It. ELLIS. For District Attorney, T. J. CLKKTON. County Ticket. For Rprniatlv. WM. F. MeOkonR. FRANK L. PARKiR. For SharlrT. JAMES W. H Altai For County Clrk I DUNBAH. , ' Tor CouMy Uoordr. C. fl. OUNDEHAOM. For County Commlavl jt. HOWELL LEWIS. For County Treasurer. D. U WARD. For Superintendent of County flchoola. J. U. 0CIIM1U. For County AaaeTr. C. W. CARNAIIAN. For County Coroner. RICHARD RICHARD. For County Surveyor. N. D. RATMOND. Astorli Precinct. For Jualte of th Peafl. JOHN A UF. HC ROM II IK. For Constable. FRED W1CKMAN. lo PM. and the hide from liu) lo 111, o It I easy lo b Been thai poacher rlll run deaperat rlk In order to secure them. Mr. Humphrey believe that there la another herd In lha park of Ih bison variety, but they roam separate and die- llnet from th buffalo proper. He raya that Captain Water, who I at tha head of Ih Yellowstone lake, has purchased IX head of buffalo from Illinois partlea. They ar now en rouet to Montana. Thla la a privet enterprl. Th cap tain believe that by private ownership ami peroanal rare h ran Increase his herd, which will he valuable within a short time. Mr. Humphrey suggests that close to the Hot Springs, on tha Wyoming- side, a large enclosure ehould b built to keep the straggling buffalo. If any ar found. Ha y It la a beautiful spot, tha range I excellent and grass en be found Ihe year round, aa It erldom snows. 1.a warm moisture Using from tha springs haa tha bum effect upon vccwtatlon that th gulf atresm or the Japanese currant ha In tempering vaUra of th ocean A ahort time ago. coming out of tha park. Mr. Humphrey stale that ha saw many larg band of antelope, number ing, he should aay, In the neighborhood of Loot) They frequent th pot ha epoke of aa a natural herding place for tha buffalo owing to the succulent grass found ther and to eacap tha deep nowt In th other portion of tha park. ENOLI8H CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Insportant to Americana Seeking Ekur- ah Capttal for aew rnttrpraeea. 1 conuusrlng the naana and addraaans c 1V0 auceesafi' pro towers who tsar places: over lOO.VW.tOu Sterling In Foreign In. vestment within tit last ls years, and over tU.000,000 for tha seven month of 1Mb. Itic ti. or US. pay4l by poota onh-r to the London and Universal Bu reau of Invwaturs, 20. Cheap aide, London. E. C. 8ubaerbra wil be entitled, by ar rangavn with th director to reoetv elttier -rteraon: or letter of Introductoin to any of mew wc arm promoters. Thl la. Is flrat caa In every reapact, and every man or Arm whoae nam ap pears Usrreln may be depended upon. For phvrtiur eh following It will be found InvwJiiabt Monde or Hharea of In diastri. Commercial and Financial con cern. Mortxttg loans. Bai of Lands, Patents or Mine. Dtrector:- BIR ED WA RD C. ROSS, HDN. WALTKR C. PEPTB, CAPT. ARTHUR 8TIFFE. Copjrrigtst. A TWISTER. A twister In twisting May twist him a twist. For In twisting a twist ' Three twists make a twist: ' Rut If one of the twists Untwists from the twist. The twist untwisting Untwists tha twist. That Is, when It's twisted with any other twine than MARSHALL'8. FROM NOW CNTIL SPRING Overcoats and winter wraps will be to fashion. They ran be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the steam-heated trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the Wast. NOTICE. Salmon Ashera, send In your orders for wire nets to Washington Wire Works, 8eattle. Wash. TILLAMOOK INEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison ....Augusta ALL OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Sailing dates to and from Tillamook aad Nthalam depend apes th weather. For Freight and Passenger Rates Apply To ELMORE, SANBORN & CO. AOBINT8 0. R. N. CO.. A genU, Portland. Ttlst ti ft non-DotBonotti rmfMjy for uonorrnvs, Olmt, Spermatorrhea., I chevrgt, or ttnf luHitmni. vt niifsi. nnnitDri mi- lion, irruacion or iiicertv tinn of uiuoodi mem- LtheEmnS Gheh'MI Co, bnne. iNon-Mtrinwui, Old nj aVJranUM "or wnt In plain wrapper. tiy eiprtMt prfptud, iti i nn, or s bottl, fi.ii. CircuUr wn ou rvquMt f llllMiuj M ; J Ooterntsd bVm. io uittsr. SaWai rMMU MnlUtOk. ntOrKSSIONAL CAIUJk. JOHN T. LIOHTKR, ATTORNKT-AT-LAW, Offlca, upstairs, Astorlan liulldlng. DR. EIUV JANHON, PHYSICIAN AND bUROEON Offlo over Olaen's drug stiir. Hours, 1 to 11 a to.; t to t and 1 to I p. m. Susv days, to to 1L DH. O. ti. ESTEfl, PHT8ICI N AND SURGEON, Hueclal attention to diseases of worn an and surgerr. OfOo over Danslgert store, Astoria Tslephoos VP U JAT TUTTLE. IL IX PHTS1C1AN, SUROEON, AND AOCODCHEUR. Offlo. Roots I aad C Prtkaas Bonding. Hours, II to U and 1 fr Reatdaoo. US. Cedar gtrsst. H. T. CRCMI, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW, SJ OoasBWCBSl StrML W. M. LsFerss. 1. & taalUi La FORCE SMITH. ATTORNEIS-AT-TAW, BSJ Cnmsnarrsil treat. i. U. A. HWLBI, ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. i Offlo. so Beouodl Strset. Astoria, Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nlxos Zbeuur V. Dolpn. LKJLPU. NIXON DOLPH. ATTOitNBTS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon. H U, 24, and V, Hamilton Hullding. All legal and cot leottoa bualneaa promp-ly attaoded to. Claims against the governmoot a sp daily. SOCIETY. MEETINGS. TBMPLE LODGE) NO. 7, A. F. and A. M. Hegular communications held on tha first and third Tuesday evening f caob memth. O. W. LOUN8BERRT, W. M. E. C. HOLDEN, Ba tary. MISCELLANEOUS W. C. CABS ELL, . DEALER IN REAL E8TATE; Notary Public 471 Bond street WHEN IN PORTLAND Call OS Jasx F. Handler A Co.. 1M Third strsst. and get lbs Daily Astortaa. Vlattora seed aa ml thtr morning paper while there. J. A FASTABEN D, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, HOUSE, BRIDGE WD DtfJlRF BUILDER HOUSS MOVER. aTJsTH Mevlag TU for Rt. ASTOSU After (Deals I Or at any other tiro when you wish t good cigar ask for the well known, home made, band-made, white labor cigar "La Bella Astoria " Conoeded by all smokers to be tbe beat oiaTU oiaDufaetured. W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 Nintr; Street, Astarla. Oregea. BREMNER o: HOLMES. Blacksmith. Special attention paid to steamboat re pairing, first -class horseshoeing, etc. LOGGING CflJMP CQORK A SPECIALTY UT7 Olney strset between Third and and Foarth. Astoria. Or. B.F.flliliEH&S04 Wall Paper, Artlits' Malerttlf, Palais, Oils, Glass, ate. Japan Ma Wnr,. Rug aad BaatbooGoedt 365 Commercial Street. flSTOHlfl PUBLIC IiIBHRRY READING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every day from I o'clock to I Jl and :M to 1 JO p. m. Subscription rates It per annum. aW. COR. ELEVENTH A DTJANE BTS. J. B. WYATT, Phon No. 68 Astoria, Oregea Hardware, Sliip Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. 5 Special Attention Paid to Supplying Ships. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serve. We're trying In every way to make them th most en joyable in town. All tho "good things" of the season cooked by our excellent oook In th moat delicious style. Per fect servlc. If you Invite a friend to the Palace Restaurant the place la a sufficient guar antee that he will receive a good meal. The Palace Restaurant THE BOARD OF TRADE PETER DOUR Et-L, .Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth aad Bond Street. They Lack Life There are twines sold to fishermen on the Columbia river that stand lo the same relationship to MarahaU't Twine as a wooden Image does to th. human being they lack strength Uf evenness and lasting qualities. Don't tool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "just as weH" They won't They cannot Please don't lose sight of our St. Paul-Chicago and SL Paul-Bt. Louis lines. The service they offer Is better than evar. Pleas don't loss sight of them. . between St. Paul and Chicago tha Hurllngton offers a servlc that la aa luxurious ss any la tha country. Two trains dally. . Compartment sleeper ataadaJd e!ap r chair ears-dtnars. Btwii SL Paul aad St. Leuls our trains sr faster and better equipped than the of any ether rail road. Ticket and time tables on application to th local ticket offlca mm- C. SHELDON, G.A. rertlaid. Oregon. E. ricNEIL, Kecslver. uj o 1 Gives Choice of JtaoTranseonhneDta) ItOUlCH, Via Via . Ogden, Denver and Omaha or St. Paul. Spokane and St Paul. Pullman and Tourist SIook"" Fro Meolinlnc Chairs Car Astoria to San Francisco. Columbia, Thursday April XL Stat of California, Tuesday, April & Columbia, Sunday, May 1 State of California, Friday, May 1 Columbia. Wednesday. May Is. " Stat of California. Monday. May 11 Columbia, Saturday, May B- 8 lata of California. Thursday, May U. Astoria tod Portlod Stumers. T. J. POTTER Tvaa. AatAeia. rfaflv aiMnt Bttnyl at I p. to.; leaves Portland oaUy, except Sunday, at t a. aa, R R. TMOMPSON, Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday at a. ra.; loaves Portland dally, except Saturday, at I p. m. For rates and general tnformaUoa oa0 on or audresa O. W. LODN0BBRRT. W. H. HTJRLBURT, Oaa. pas. Agt eVnisA f ROSS HIGGINS k CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria aad Upper AsteKa Ra Teas and Cot ee. Table OelkadM. Downer as. Tropical Praia. Vegetable, buf ar Cured Haas. Bacoa. Etc Choke Fresh and Salt Meats. I873 1895 Lubricating OILS A Specialty. pisfyer Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & St el, Coal, Groceries A Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagon 8 & Vehicles. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, FeeJ, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets. Cheap Clothing The Hop Lee Clothing Factory and merchant tailors, at m Bond street makes underclothing to order. Bolts and trousers made to fit perfectly, Every order punctually on time and satisfaction guaranteed, Good goods said cheap. Call aad be ooavtnoed. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. "Telephone" leaves Astoria at T p. dally (except Sunday). Leaves Portland at T a. m. dally., "Bailey Oatsert" leaves Astoria Tues- - QJI... Th,, riav WMaV and Saturday morning at !: a. m.; Sunday evening at 1 p. m. Leaves Portland dally at I p. bl, x eept Sunday. On Saturday at 11 p. m. WALLACE MAUZERY. Agent. MANHOOD aai t Brass Psr rasa. aaa4 ky menean ar ettialaa, wkle BBe l-eaa MadKUDa ua.. llKt.aJIUaIUIUMb. uag ata Tales Indio The Oasis op tms Colorado Desert Wealth Hesort BELOW frlE LEVEL OP THE SEA Absolutely Dry and' Pure tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the mo8t Favorable in America for Sufferers from . . . ; Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objection urged against Indio in the past by th large numbers who otherwise would have been glad to take advantage of lis buwflelal climate, has been a lack of suitable accommodation. The Southern Paelfle Company tail as pleasur In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Just bean erected at India atatloo, that will be rented to applicants at rea sonable rates. They aro furnished with modern conveniences, supplied with pur artesian water, and so at mated aa ts give occupants all tha advantages ts be de rived from a more or lane protracted issldano lo this sVallghtful etlmat. (From th. San Francisco Argonaut) "In th. heart of the great desert of tho Colorado which a Southern Pacta) travrsa Uit Is sn oasis called India, which. Is our opinion. Is th sanitarium of tha earth. , We battere, from personal Investigation, that for certain Individuals, ther la no spot on this planet so favor able." O. T. Stewart. K. D.. write: "Tho purity of the air. and tha sternal sun bins, fill on with wonder snd dXIghC Nature has . accomplished so much that ther. remains but little for than to do. As to Its posslbUIUes ss a health resort hers Is tho moat perfect unshlna, with a temperature always plaa.ac a perfectly dry soil, far rain sa. unknown factor; pur. oxygen, dense atmosphere and purs water. What more can be destredT It la th place, above ail others, for tang troubles, snd a pera dis for rheumatic. Caaaaldorue; the umber of auffcrera who havo bora cured. I bass no hesitancy m reooaii mending this genial oasis as the haven of tha afflicted.' INDIO. Is 613 miles from SAN FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOELES Fare from Los Angeles For further Information Inquire rat any Southern Pacific Company agent, or address B P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. Pass. AgL & P. Co, J. B. KIRKLAJTD, tHst. Peas. AgL Car. First u4 Aider Sta, Portland, Or. Are You Going East? Be sure nnd see that your ticket reads via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. -tw- CHICAGO, ST. PAUL,, MINNEAPOLIS and OMAHA RAILWAYS. Thla to the GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their Harnlflesat Track. Peerless Ves tJboled Dining and Bleeping car Train and Motto; ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All classes of passengers carried on the vestlbuled trains without extra, charge. Ship your freight and travel over this famous Una. All agents hava tickets. W. H. MEAD, T. C. SAVaQH, Gen. Agent Tray. F. and P. AgL til Washington St.. Portland. Or. RESTORED.?. Isaa at I srl aeean, BBSBatss aaa f 1 tm4 a ksSxaarur. n In ar 1 Caa a rllarw W11 1 a Vina kaaaaaa, ssaft WmJltnm. imm at saL Lsat BtaaBBsaa. leieau 1 ejMiBHBM, On ii all 1 1 Oriwa af aa aal laaaBirr earned la is eekt. gl par am. S ear Ba. kv emit praeaial Circular tea, aaa. kr ah druegtetx. Aak far tt. taas a Hlar lfan.iie Br ran, ilaaiai LAB-cavla iam CBk. a Tajakiu e T"T- J. W. CONN, Agsat. Astoria,