The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 10, 1896, Image 2

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Sally glotovlmt.
Telephone No. lit.
Sent by mall, per year K.00
Bent by mall per month , .So
Served by carrier, per week 10
Sent by mail per year, tJ In advance
Postage tree to subscriber.
All communications intended for publl
cation should be directed to the editor
BmlMM communication of all kind
and remittance must be addressed to
TM Aatorlan.
The Astorlan guarantee to It sub
gerlbers tli largest circulation of any
unrnwr Dubllshed on the Columbia
man's proper s It Is, wtll not tie adopted.
The Populist and free sllvcrltcs mill
vote. It down. They are ready to adopt
a free coinage amendment, which would
plunge the country Into misery, but they
will allow not hlii to be done to free the
government from the Inconveniences
growing out of an Insufficiency or reve
nue. They seem to think thut Instif
ficleny may help thorn In some way to
get the depreciated silver standard they
are working for.
Advertising rates can be had on appli
cation to the business manager.
Tba Weekly Astorlan, the second oldest
weekly In the state of Oregon, ha, next
td the Portland Oregonlan, the largest
weekly circulation m the state.
Jno. F. Handley Co. ara our Port
sad. agents, and cople of the Astorlan
an be had every niornlng at their stand.
m Teira street
Wa are unalterably opposed to any
enema that will gtv to tola country a
appreciated or debased currency. We fa
vor the use of silver as currency, but to
the extent only and under such restric
tions that Its parity with gold can be
maintained. Wisconsin Republican con
Mr. Sovereign comes with tha same old
ry of the Populist that 'the poor are
becoming poorer and the rich richer."
when the fact Is apparent to any im
partial student that Just tha reverse of
this proposition Is true, and that the dis
tribution of wealth to more even and
general in this country now than ever
In the face of this fact, which any
nan car. learn by a little painstaking
examination, it seems to the Astorlan a
wrong of almost criminal nature for a
man of apparent Intelligence to go around
m a time of temporary Industrial de
pression seeking to Inflame the passion
af idle and perhaps nearly destitute
working-men, by telling untruthful stories
of wrongs and Injustice suffered at the
bands of capitalists and rich men.
To show the utter unreliability of Mr.
Sovereign's statements, and to prove how
baseless are the woes and complaints ot
Cher Populists, when viewed In the light
t facts and everyday experience, tnke
the statistics, for example. Just pub
lished by the Massachusetts bureau of
swbltc Information. That state furnishes
perhaps more of the capitalistic class
than any other of the Union, yet the
cures presented overthrow tne oft-repeated
arguments of these Popullstic
theorize rs.
Great fortunes have Indeed been made
by many, but that does not .nean an
Increase of poverty with the sober. In
dustrial classes by any means: for who
ever carefully studies society must come
come to the conclusion that there Is an In thj standard of social living
and a steady Increase of home comforts.
The value of Massachusetts estates
has risen on the average from $3,919 to, but this increase has not kept
pace with the Increase of population.
The advance In the wealth of the
wealthy was about 171 per cent., while
the population increase 266.79 per cent.
And It Is clear that from IMS to l-K,
when the times were most prosperous
for laboring men, the rich were less fa
rorably situated, and the poor were re
ceiving better wages and paying less for
the necessaries of life.
The statistics of the bureau also show
that the average of the valuatlin of small
estates was far higher than ever before,
the difference being from 32,604 In lOi
to 14.992 In 1690.
The sverage wealth of the average
rich man In 1830 was far greater than
that of the average rich man In 1890.
Between 1880 and 1890 the small estates
gained 118,000,000, while the great estate
gained only 11,000,000. Their avenge was
reduced during that decade from SlSS.Ouu
to 1157,000.
Thus In a single generation the wealth
f Massachusetts has practically passed
Into new hands, and the same redistribu
tion of wealth Is continually going on,
to the dismay of aristocracy and the
betterment of the poor.
If Mr. Sovereign were a patriotic cltl
sen, and equal to the responsibilities ot
his position as the head of a great la
bor organization, what a world of good
be might do by Inculcating a spirit ot
contentment and thrift among his fol
lowers with such facts as these. And
bow he might cheer the llagcrtng ener
gies of the old and excite ambition among
the young, by Impressing upon their
attention the further 'act that under
our benign laws and free institutions,
the poor men and laborers of one (fenera
tion are the rich men and capitalist or
But, no, it Is not the plan of Mr. Bov
erelgn and other office seekers to preach
this kind of doctrine. Their only hope
of personal aggrandizement lies in their
ability to stir up a state of strife and
dissatisfaction among the poor and lowly,
and thus Induce some form of political
Senator liutler, the Populist from
North Carolina, wants silver to be as
plenty a blackberries In August. Not
content with the flood of silver produced
In American mines he has Introduced a
bill Into the senate making the Mexican
silver dollar and the Japanese yen full
legal tender In the United States. The
strange thing about Senator Sutler's as
pirations after more dollars I that he
seems to prefer So-vnt dollars to those
which are worth lrt cents. If he had
proposed to make foreign gold coins
legal tender in this country the proposi
tion would at least have had the merit
of honesty, whatever defect It might
have contained besides. The proposal
to Increase the number of half-price dol
lars by making legal tenders of foreign
silver coins only shows that Senator liut
ler and those who agree with him care
very little for public or private Integrity.
If the present flood of debased silver
coin Is to be doubled by foreign Importa
tions of the same sort somebody I go
ing to be swindled.
There la never any us. of being dis
couraged about the weather. If It Is
unseasonably cold, before you realise It
a change has taken place, and even
your spring overcoat become a burden.
This climate should produce a vigorua
race of philosophers, schooled to the
cheerful acceptation, not only of sudden
and violent change's In the weather, but
all the other changes to which mortals
are subject.
oreicc or
Dmt 5lrt
Ydu art ntltW to receive
FR E E from your wholesale denier,
Blackwell's Genuine
Durham Smoking1
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of oap l-rvo with each pound,
whether to ox., 0 oi 4 ox., or
a oi., packages.
We have notified every whole
ale dealer la the United State
that we will supply them with soap
to -five you FREE. Order rood
upply of OE.NUl.Nfe DURHAM at
once, and Insist on retting your
oa p. One bar ol Soap FREE
each pound yon buy. Soap la
offered tor a limited time, to order
to-day. Your very truly,
lo toil
M yew say etfllcatty s procartef year
seas, cat eat this lMk as sm It wtlh
yw erder year w lies Is Osalar.
revolution which may yield them
ehance to slide Into potcr and position
which neither God nor their own moral
attainments Intended or have fitted them
to- occupy.
Senator Gorman is going to offer an
amendment to one of the appropriation
kills authorizing the secretary of the
treasury to meet any deficit In the public
revenue by the Issue of not more than
4704,000,000 of Interest-bearing certificates,
redeemable at the pleasure of the gov
emment. An attempt was made In the
last congress to pass a bill containing
a provision similar to this. The bond
bill adopted by the house early In the
year empowered the secretary to Issue
such certificates. As It Is certain that
nothing Is to be done to Increase the
revenues he ought to have the power to
Issue certificates. Then It will not be
necessary to sell bonds to pay current
expense. But this amendment of Gor-
"As he thlnketh iu hi heart, so la be."
rroveros, una:..
There are certain passages of Scripture,
of which this Is one, whose real slgnlfl
cance Is at last being discovered.
In the diamond fit Ids of Africa price
less stones have remained for ages un-
known and undisturbed; and In the do
main of spirit precious truths have lain
for centuries unrecognised. By some
happy chance an explorer of the African
wild stumbles on the scattered gems,
and the world Is at once made richer.
By an equal chance a scientist or phil
osopher announces a new principle or
truth and we find that some old prophet
or seer taught It centuries ago, and the
world has been deaf until now.
The text furnishes an apt Illustration.
In a vague and general way we have
always believed that a man's thought
possesse a kind of creative energy, but
we have not appreciated the practical
value and Importance of this fact. We
have simply glanced at It. and then
passed on by the other side. The rough
diamond wa under our very feet, and
we every day trod on the spot where
It lay; but not until recent years has
any one picked It up and polished It and
shown us Its radiant beauty.
At last, however, it has been revealed
to us that In Its broadest sense the
heart makes the man, and that the
words. "As he thlnketh In his heart, so
is he," are not the expression of a poeti
cal fancy, but of a literal and awful as
well as an encouraging truth. The basis
of all true reform lies In the fact that
body and soul not only reflect each
other's moods, but that In the Meal man,
the Christ man, the soul Is undisputed
master of the body.
Physicians assure us that mental con
ditions produce that is, originate bodily
disease. Therein Is one of the profound
est problems of the profession, and m
some cases Its despair. We are startled
beyond measure when told that not only
will vicious habits result In physical de
rangement, but that continuously vicious
thoughts have the same tendency.
The world has gone wrong for many
generation and become entangled In the
meshes of Inherited maladies, simply be
cause men have chosen their own way
In opposition to God's way. The world's
mental attitude has been the fruitful
source of all the bodily evils from which
It has suffered. If the universal mind
had convinced Itself In the beginning
that unselfishness Is more profitable than
selfishness, that purity pays dividends
while Impurity lays assessments, and
had continued through the centuries to
lovingly live along the lines of the Cre
ator's plan, pain would be a thing un
known, the word disease would never
have been coined, and death would be
like the sweet sleep of childhood, rrom
which we would wake in heaven. So far
as the world Is God's world, it is perfect;
so far as it is man's world, it needs t!ie
succor of mighty remedial agencies.
Now, since mental conditions produce
disease, then it must follow that mental
conditions may check disease and even
produce health. Let us linger here for
a moment, for we are kneeling on the
ground as the Christ passes by and
touching the hem of His garment. We
are on the threshold of very wonderful
discoveries, the value of which cannot
be estimated. If It be true that to pos
sess the Christ spirit Is not merely to
bear the Ills of life serenely, but also to
prevent them lo a degree, then for the
first time we lift our religion out of Its
theological environment and make It a
priceless, practical truth. When It Is
forced upon us that no man can tie
wholly well either In mind or body who
is not consciously God's child, and that
we are well or 111 In body and fcoul In
proportion to our filial relation to Him,
then we put religion where It belongs,
on the. strong foundation from which in
cur Ignorance of natural and moral law
wa long ago removed It.
The Important fact for men to recog
nize Is this that the cardinal virtues are
the corner stones of a healthy body and
a healthy character. The spirit of the
Christ dihtilpates that condition of mind
which produces disease, and tends to re
produce health as surely is wheat seed
If properly sowed will furnish a wheat
crop. The assertion Is entirely within
the bounds of known scien'iflc law
that the ideal man Is he who reverent);
looiui to heaven and says, "In Him I ilve
and move and have my oelng."
Here Is the grand lesson to pondi r,
that faith is rtporseful, that it Is the
equivalent of strength, for It Is the mir
acle worker that not only enable u to
bear pain, but lessens the pain Itself.
How wonderfully practical Christianity
becomes! You must feed the mind will
wholesome thoughts, or you will vn n
feed the body with wholesome 10 hI
Tour physical comfort deHnds uinin
what you are able to see when you h ok
Into the heavens. The heart Is the nuir..
It is like the spring In whl-'h the rlwi
has Its source. Unless the spring I;
kept pure the river will be turbid to u
very mouth, and unless the heart is k pt
pure there can be no home, no health,
no happiness. Undented, religion l
nothing else than the Christ spirit whl
makes each event of life a stepping stone
to higher things, and death the topmost
step from which we are lifted Into
and good food in plenty, tends to mcke
children healthy. If children suffer,
however, from Scrofulous, Skin or Scnln
Disease If their blood Is Impure and
pimples or boll anpear, they should be
given the right medicine. Dr. Pierce'
Golden Medical Discovery brings nhout
the best t!!ty condition. It purine
the blood and renders the llvei active
a well a builds up health and strength.
Puny, pale, weak children get a lasting
benefit and "a good start" from the use
of the "Discovery." It puts on whole
some flesh, and does not nauseate and
offend the stomach like the vurious
preparations of cod liver oil. Once ustd,
It is always In favor.
Dr. Pierce's Pellet cure constipation,
headaches. Indigestion. dvsncpila. One
a dose. Sold by ail dealers.
Krneat T. llnrgrm-e, the newly elected
president of the Theosophlcnl Society,
belongs to an old English family. One
of his ancestors was General Hargrove,
once governor of Gibraltar, tuid his
mother was a descendant of Sir Martin
Froblsher. the famous navigator.
The Astorlan
invites attention
to its Job
Printing Department
Notice I heleby glten that I lie mw
ment iiiuile by Ordinance N IMU, of Hi
city of Astoria, eotitlrmliig 111" assess
ment on Koll No. I, for the construction
of a drain In tho city of Astoria, n laid
out uiid recorded by John Adtilr, com.
nieiiiiug at a point In block and hav
ing its outlet In Thirty-third street, lw-
meeti blocks la and I". In Adair As
toria, nml known mid designated a
"Drainage District No. I. lll I due
and payable on the 1Mb day of May, Isns,
In r. 8. gold or sliver coin, at the ort.H
of the city treasurer, and If not so paid
within or heftrn said time, th common
council will order warrant Iwurd
the collection of the sain. Th assvs
men! is a follows:
block 111,
block '.!
Mock '
block tV,
'bloVit" iff'.
When Baby was dek, we gat her Castor!.
When sb was a Child, she cried f or Cast oris.
When she bream XI, she clung to Outoria,
When lb 1. efciUrasvstwiw' ithM&Caitori,
block a.
"Why did the butcher put up that Inrg
mirror near the diior?" "To prevent
the servant girls from watching the
scale." Tlt-lllta
Burns are absolutely palnle when De
Wttt's Witch Hasel Balvs I promptly
applied. Thi statement Is tru. A per
fect remedy for skin disease, chapped
hand and Hp, and never fall to cure
piles. Chas. Rogers.
She ion the avenue! Thero goes a bl
cycle all In a neap; lieWell, I goes
you II find there a woman at the hot
torn of It. Yonker Statesman.
On his recent visit to the East Tattler
Esbasrh, superior of the Fren.-h semi
nary In Rome, asserts he made a most
interesting discovery. It is the ruin
of the house Inhabited by the Virgin
Mary and St. John after the ascension
of Jesus, at a place about three mites
outside of Epheaus. He says then can
be no possible doubt of the fact, because
some years ago Anne Catharine of
Emmerich described the house as she
saw It In a vision, and the ruins found
by him correspond exactly with her de
scription. The Rome Journal. Italic,
ys that the pope and the cardinals are
mueh Interested In the discovery".
ROYAL Baking Powder
has beett awarded highest
honors at every world's fair
where exhibited.
Klrst Floor Managvr's an awful
rtixor you have dab, MIMah Johnsln.
I.ooks like It could ruhve right through
a man. Second Floor Manuger-Yes,
salt. Dat's a Kontgln rays-or, aah
Memphis Scimitar.
tind olio
1, Adair's
und on.
1. Adair
W might tell you mors about On
Mlnut Cough Cur, but you probably
know that It cures a cough. Every on'
doe who has used It It I a perfect
rwnedy for cough, cold, hoarseness. It
Is an especial favorite for children, be
ing pleasant to lak and quick In curing.
Chas. Rogers.
Mr. Phcrbe Thomas, of Junction City.
Ill . was told by her do 'ton she had
Consumption and that thcr. was no nope
for her. but two bottles Dr. Klns's New
Discovery completely cured her, and she
says It saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eg
gers, IB Florida street, San Francisco,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approach
ing Consumption, tried without lesult
everything else, then boucht one bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery and In two
weeks was cured. He Is nnturstly
thankful. It Is uch results, or which
these rae samples, that prove the won
derful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs
and Colds. Free trial -wttle at Chas.
Rogers' Drug Store. . Regulnr slie 50
cents and 11 00.
Had to Keep Steady. "Did you feel
nervous and trembly whn fllkrlHgh pro-
noe1?" "No: I illdn t dsr to.
IKln t dare tor "No. roil see we
were riding a tandem at the time."
Or. Price's Cresm Hiking Powder
Cer,i "ttm.
"Wunter ter flip iennirts, you four-
eved kid'" iKki'.l the rude ll'tl.' liny.
' With plenMir." onswftvd the Ilo-
r-ian Infant "UHI 011 ciinnne the oh
verse or revne?" Indl innpollo Journal.
Word come from France th tt a mys
terious duel was fought near Paris a
few week ago between Patrice Mac
Mahon, Duke of Magenta, the son of the
great marshal, awl the fiance of the
Princess Margaret of Orleans, and Count
La Rochefoucauld. No one, It seems,
can learn any reason for the affair.
Is a pleasant object to contemplate, par
ticularly It one happens to be 1st pro
prietor. But the hue of that Justly
esteemed coin I not provocative of ad
miration when visible In one' complex
Ion. This indication of biliousness, a
well as discomfort In the vicinity of the
liver, fur upon the tongue, sick head
ache, sourness of the breath, nausea,
constipation and dyspepsia are speedily
remediable with the never falling aid of
Hosteler's Stomach Bitter, the finest
alterative, carminative and corrective In
existence. As a preventive and remedy
for malarial complaints It Is plso thor
oughly rellahle. They whose sedentary
pursuits tend to Impair the nctlve dis
charge of active digestion nnd blllou
secretion never seek It help In vain.
It is a capital appetizer and promoter
of nerve quietude.
Mrs. Lydla Bradley, of Peoria, III., who
has already given that city a hospital,
a home for aged women, a church and
a park of 115 acres, has declared her In-
DeV'ltt's Saraparl!la Is prepared for
cpanetng the blood It huid up and
strengthens constitutions Impaired by
disease. Chas. Roger.
"Is it true that the i?w womnn will
not shake hands wllh a man?" "Th
new woman will not give her hand to
any man until ho asks for It." Detroit
Free Press.
it is not miracle. It won't cure
everything, hut It will cur piles Thai'
what DeWitt's Witch Hasc) Salve will
do, because II has don It in hundred
of cases. Cha. Rogers.
Mother-And are you sure that he
loves you? Daughter -Of course I am'.
Can't I see how he star? at me when
ever I am not looking it him? Flle-
gende Blnetter.
It' Just as esy to try On Mlnut
Cough Cure as anything else. It' easier
to cure a sever cough or cold with IL
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Minute Cough Cure. Belter medi
cine; betfr result; better try It. Chas.
Elizabeth Caly Stanton nya that the
only drawback to h"r happiness as
child was her fear of the devil.
Utura P. A. lair.
Adair Astoria....
Iiura P. Adair, lot
Adair's Atlorl
Muy I. Adair, lot
Adulr's Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lot
Adair's Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lot
Adair's Astoria
Mary L. Adair, lot
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot 17, block ,
Adair's Astort
Mary L Adair. W half lot
block , Adair's Astoria
Mary I. Adair, lut 2V. block
Adair's Astoria
Mary L. Adair, lot 11, block
Adair's Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot SU. block
Adair' Astoria
Mary U Adair, lut II. block
Adair Astoria
Mary 1. Adair, lot B. block
Adair Astoria
Msry U Adair, lot J3, block
Adair Astoria
Mary U Adair, lot 34, block M.
Adair's Astoria
Hetty Adair Hrciiham, und one.
eighth lot J. block la, Adair
Hetty A.lalr llrrnham. und one-
cigluh lot 7, block Is, Adair'
Hetty Adair Brenham.
eighth lot 5, blo'k
Hetty Adulr Br. nham.
eltchth lot , block
Hetty Adair llrrnham. und oiie-
elghih begin at NE corner lot 1.
block at, thence 8 feel, W 75
fret. N M feel. K 75 feet, lot J.
block 40, Adair's Astoria
Klb n Ad.ilr Mendell, und one-
ciuhih lot 2, bk'k II, Adair'
Kll.n Adair Mendell, und one-
euhth lot 7, block Is, Adair'
Ellen Adair Mendell, ur.d one-
eighth lot J, block 1. Adair'
Ellen Adair MrnYll. und one-
eighth, lot (, block 1, Adair'
Ellen Adair Mrndrll. und on.
eighth begin at NE corner lot J,
block 0. thence A M reel, W 7&
fret, N M feet, E 75 feet, lot J,
block V. Adair' Astoria
Kate. Adulr Welcher, und one-
Huhth lot 1. block It. Adair's
Kaln Adair WVIchrr. und one-
iKhth lot 7. block 14, Adair'
Kto Adair Welcher,
elk'hlh lot 5, block
Kato Adair Welcher.
!C Kl rl, lot 6, block
Katn Adulr Welcher,
eighth begin nt NE corner lot 1.
block . thence S S feel, W 75
feet. N S feet. K 75 feel, lot J.
block . Adulr' Astoria
Mury Adulr Jordan, und one-
eighth lut t block It. Adair's
Mnry Adair Jordan, und one-
eighth lot 7. block IS, Adair's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one-
eighth lot 5. block 1, Shlvrly'a
Mary Adair Jordan, und one-
eighth lot t, block I, Shlvcly'
Mary Adair Jordan, und one-
eighth begin at NE corner lot X,
block 40, thenco fl M feet, W 75
feet. N 68 feet, E 76 feet, lot J,
block 40, Adair' Astoria
Mary R. Adulr, und one-
eighth lot 2, block 1. Adair's
Mary R. Adair,
eighth lot 7, block
t, block
und one
1, Adair's
und oiie
I. Adair's
und one-
und ona
1. Adair'
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
The Trince of Wales Is said to have
lost much of his Interest In horse racing.
Mary R.
eighth lot
Mary R,
eighth lot
Mary R.
urd one
1, Shlvely'
. block
und ons
1, Shlvely'
t U
i a
i n
i 54
I 77
i a
i a
i tt
1 X5
1 25
Tak a dose of DeWlii Little Early
Risers Just for the good they will do
you. These Utile Pills are good for In-
i.-nuon ot ircmeutaieiy erecting a poly- I digestion, good for headache, good for
wennic institute wnicn, witn its endow- I liver complaint, good for constipation.
inriiin nun ,Ljnjri:iiujicen, win represent
a cost of t,0).M.
Old people who require medicine lo reg
ulate the bowels and kidneys will find
the true remedy In Electric Bitter. This
medicine does not stimulate and con
tain no whisky or other intoxicant, but
acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts
mildly on the stomach and bowels, add
ing strength and giving tone to the or
ganB, thereby aiding nature in the per
formance of the functions. Electric
Bitters Is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find It Just exactly
what they need. Price 50 cents per bot
tle at Chas. Rogers' Drug Btor..
Mr. Ruskln's health he has Just passed
his 77th birthday Is "fairly good for so
advanced an age." He take long walks,
plays chess and reads novels.
They ar good. Chas. Roger
Mr. Meanlt wish I ha1 the key of
your heart. She-It has no key. It
works wllh a combination Mr. Meanlt
Is tho combination a secret? She
O, no. It is wealth, position and
The best salve In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, fleers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sorts, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and All Skin Erup
tions,, and positive euro for Plies, or no
pay required. It Is uurante:d to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by
Chas. Roger, Odd Fellows' building.
Busy people have no time, and sensible
people have no Inclination to use a slow
remedy. Onf Minute Cough Cure act
promptly and give perman-nt benefit.
Chas Rogers,
"I'm too wtdl educated for the bicycle
business," said the young man, sadly.
what's the matter?" "I lost a cus
tomer today because I Insisted on her
making It clear to me whether she wa
after a nineteen-pound lady's wheel or
a lady's nineteen-pound wheel." Wash
ington Star.
Pure blood means good health. De
Witt' Harsaparllla purines the blood,
cur Eruptions, Ecz ma, Hcro'u'a, a-d
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
Chas. Rogers.
Theodore A. Havemyer intend to
erect a new structure for Delnionlio on
Fifth avenue, New York, at a, cost of
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Inqulrng Tourist (In an Oklahoma res
taurant) That Is a novel ld"a of vour
surely, calling your gue-ds to dinner by
rriruj on one barrel or your ttho'rf in.
Hut, pardon me, why It you discharge
oniy one i.arrel? Proprietor Early lllrd
ilcHiaurant I keep the .ithcr bar'l to
collect payment for the dinner with.
Harper s Bazar.
All the patent m.,. In s ;iilvcrtisd In
this paper, together with the choices!
pcTiurmry. ann louet arti'iin etc., can
be bought at the lowest prlee al J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
Hotel. Astoria.
eighth begin at NE corner lot 1.
block 40, thence 8 (HI feet, W 75
feet, N M feet, E 75 feel, lot i.
block 40, Adair's Astoria i U
Laura Adnlr Barker, und three-
eighths lot 2, block IK, Adair'
Astoria 17 21
Laura Adair Barker, und throe.
eighths lot 7, block 11, Adair'
Astoria 10 eg
Laura Adnlr Barker, uni three-
eighths lot 5, block 1, Shlvely'i
Astoria 75
inura Adair Barker, und three-
eighths lot , block 1. Shlvely'
Astoria 75
i.aura Adnlr Barker, nnd thrse-
(iKhths begin at NE corner lot 1,
block 40; thence S W feet, W 76
feet, N M feet, E 7f! feel, lot 3.
block 40, Adnlr' Astoria 7 tt
A. Hooth Packing Co.. lot 6. block
iw, Hiiiveiy Astoria 48 16
A. Hoolh Packing Co., lot 2. block
W, Shlvely' Astoria 62 41
victor Anderson, lot . bock 1.
Shlvely' Astoria in no
una Amundsen, lot i. block 41.
Adair's Astoria 12 S3
una Amundsen, lot 6, block 41.
Adair's Astoria 12 JS
Astoria Havings Hank, trustee, ot
zt, ntocK ",s, Aaair'a Astoria I 16
Isaac Hergmnn, lot 12. block 149.
Shlvely' Astoria 10 00
iiutiotpn iinrth, lot 4, block 10.
Adair's Astoria 4ft is
Hiram Brown, lot 1. block 17.
Adnlr' Astoria 40 is
Hiram Brown, E hftlf lot S. block
17, Adair's Astoria 2a 05
Hiram Brown, lot 4. block 17.
Adnlr' Astoria 4n 1ft
Hiram Brown, lot 3, block 61.
Adair's Astoria f,i 41
Illmm Brown, lot 4. block 61.
Adair's Astoria 62 41
Hiram Brown, lot 5, block 61.
Adair's Astoria 46 16
Hiram Brown, lot 6, block 61,
Adair s Astoria 40 16
llram Brown, lot 3, block 66.
Adair's Astoria 46 IB
I llram Brown, lot 4, block 66.
Adair' Astoria 46 15
Hiram Brown, lot 1, block 67.
Adair's Astoria 46 15
Hiram Brown, lot i, block 67.
Adair' Aslorl
Hiram Union, lot i,
Adair's Asioila
1 1 Hum Hrowu, lot 4,
Adulr's Astoria
Illiain Hiuwii, lot 5,
Adulr's Astoria
tlli'um llrowii, lot ,
Adair's Astoria
Illrnm llrown, lot T,
Adulr' Asiorlu
1 1 mini llrown, lot K,
Adulr AslurlR
latum Adnlr Hacker, lot I,
17, Adnlr s Asiortit ,
Fred, lot 4, block M, Adair's
Katherlne l Hllssell, lot 4, block
0, Adnlr' Astoria
Iletlna Norwegian Evangelical Lu
theran Church, N W feet of 10
half lot I, block U, Adair's Astoria
D. W. Bush, lot II,
Adulr' Aslorla
l W. Hush, lot B.
Adnlr' Astoria
D. W. Uuah, lot K
Adnlr Astoria
Allc M. Hush, lot K,
Adair's Astoria
Jacob Hossart, lot 15,
Adnlr Astoria
Jacob Hossart, tot It,
Adair's Aslorla
A. Hrunhold, lot SI,
Adair' Aslorla
A. Hrunhold, lot U.
Adair's Astoria
Cryos t'arrtithera, lot t, block IT,
Adulr's Aslorla 4 II
Cyrus Carrot hers, lot 7, block If.
Adair's Astoria. u 41
Frnslmii Caaerogolia, N half lot 5,
block 0. Adair's Astoria M
NVIIIn II. CharUloii. und half lot 7.
Njvk O. Adair' Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot I, Mock
Adair's Aslorla
C. II. Cooper, lot I. block
Adair's Astoria
O. II. Cooper, lot 10, block
Adair's Astoria
C. H. Cooper, lot ll. Mock
Adulr' Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot it, hlock
Adair's Astoria
John i 'hit wood, und quarter lot I,
block 41, Adulr Astoria
liuth A. Cornelius, mid half lot t,
block . Adulr' Aslorla MM
II. P. Drinnsn. und half o .
block l. Adair's Astoria
II. P. Dreniinn, lot t, block. 41,
Adulr's Aslorla
IV A. iMnclnon. und half lot 7,
block . Adair' Astoria
J. II. Duncan, lot I, block It,
Adair' Astoria . ;o
J II. Duncan, lot I,
Adair s Astoria 10 St
block 41.
block ii!
bloc h" 41,
' block 'til
block i!
block si),
41 15
44 15
41 15
SI 15
14 65
II 10
M tl
51 41
10 41
11 a
II u
u a
10 N
10 M
10 M
10 M
It U
10 tt
10 M
IS to
4 II
block ,
i block
It. block
V, block
Samuel r.lniar. lot
Adair's Astoria
Samuel Elmore, lot
Adair's Astoria
Samuel Elmore, lot
Adair' Astoria
Samuel Elmore, lot 9, block to,
Adair' Astoria
Alex tlllheri. lot S. block It. Adair's
Astoria 4t U
Annie Unions, lot
Adair's Astoria ...
Annie Oalma. lut
Ik block
t, block
lot II, Mock
It block 41.
10 tt
10 M
10 H
u a
51 41
ii a
Adulr's Astoria
Catherine tloodman,
41. Adair's Astoria
P. J tloodman, lot
Adair' Astoria u xj
Anna Maria Oramms, kit SI, block
J. Adair' Astoria.. ( M
Anna Maria Oranuns, lot block
tt, Adair") Astoria 14 M
Mrlm K. (Iruhsm, lot 1. Mock U,
Adair' Astoria U 41
Helen P. tlraham, lot t, block (it,
Adair' Astoria sj 4
Winifred C. tleorge, lot 7. block 1,
Shlvrly'a Astoria MM
Mary C. Holmes, lot T. block V.
Adair' Astoria 34 St
Mary C. Holme, lot I, bleak 37,
Adulr' Astoria tt ll
Thomas A. Ilyland, lot I, block 31,
Adair Astoria SI 41
Erlo llouke, lot t, block 41. Adair
Astoria u a
Eric llouke, lot 7, block 11, Adnlr
Aslorl ii tJ
K A. Hill, lot , bloc 1. Adair
Aslorl mil
I A. Hill, lot 7, bloc to, Adnlr
Id, block I, Hblvsly'i Astoria
Nlcholcll Malasamb. W half and
H HO feet of K hall lot , block I,
Adair Astoria
Ilev. II. V. Moms, lut 1, block 40,
Adulr Anloila
Itiiv. H. V. Mains, H 4 Bit lot t,
block , Adnli Asuula
Ilev. H. W. Morris, lot ft, block 40,
Adult's Aslorla
Ilev. H. V. Morris, lot t, block 40,
Adulr Aslorla
Ilev. II. W. Morris, lot 7 block 40,
Adulr' Astoria
Ilev. II. V. Munis, lot 1. bloc k M.
Adulr Aslorla
Ilev. H. W. Morris, lot 3, block al.
Adair Aatoiln
Ilev. II. . Morris, lot 4, block U,
Adair's Aslorl ....
llcv, II. V, Mori Is, lut 4, bloc k 40,
Adair Asioila
r'red Mutism, lot
Adair Aslorl
A. Mel'lmrlsii, lot
Adair Aslorl...,.
A, Mcl'llnrlan, lot
AJuir' Astoria
Ueorg Nelson, lut
Adair Aslorl
tleorge Nelson, lot
Adnlr' Asian
Christ Ns. lot I
Adair' Astort
Christ Nasa. lut I
Adair' Aslorla
t, block
, block
V Mock
t, block
'block '!
41 N
4t II
4t Ii
44 U
4t U
44 II
4t U
4t I
44 U
t. Muck w.
Theresa o llrlnii,
Adnlr Astoria
Theresa ti'llrleti.
Adulr's Aslorl
Kdaard M' Connor, lot I, blin k 41.
Adair Aslorl Ill
Edward 1 1' l 'on nor, lot t, block II,
Adair's A'lorla .
Kdaard li'i'cimior, lot 3, Mock
Adair's Aslorla ,.
Andrew (Own, lot
Adulr Aslorla...
Amlrvw tdsrii, lot
Adair's Aslorl ....
J. II. I'nlinrr, lot
Adulr's Astoria
A ii tut M. Pope, lot
A.lnlr'a Astoria
kiln Pope, lot 4, Mock 40, Adair
Amor la
Frank I'alton, trustee, lot U, block
0, Adair' Aslorl
Erunk ration, trustee, lot 34. Ma k
u, Adulr's Aslorl
, block
11 B
u a
It M
Aleck ! vernon. lot 11. block fl.
Adulr' Aslorla
Aleck Iversnn, lot 11. block tl.
Adulr's Astoria
Jumes Juekson. lot 5. block OIL
Adulr's Aslorla
James Jackson, lot , block fl
Adair's Aslorl:;
.outsa Joiiiinsen, lot 1", hlock 119,
Shlvely' Astoria
John Kopp, lot 1. Muck It Adair'
Astoria. . .
Christina A. .Alfred, Josephine and
Krnnk P. l-lnenwebrr, heir of
Krnok Ilnenweber, lot 5, block
6.1. Adulr' Astoria
Christina A Alfred, Josephine and
Krnnk P. Idnrnwrner, heir of
Krnnk Ilnenwrlier, lot t. hlock
5. Adulr's Astoria
Christina A. !,clnrnwetcr, lot I.
block W), Adulr's Aslorla
Christina A. I-elnsnwebcr, lot 7,
block 51, Adnlr Astoria
Christina A. l-elnrnwdlmr, lot L
Mock 59, Adair's Aslorla
Christina A. l-clnrnwclur, lot i.
dock 50, Adnlr's Aslorla
August Ijirsen, N half lot I. block
M, Adair's Astoria
John Kopp, lot I, block 42, Adair'
Mary J. Kyle, lot 4, block 43.
Adulr' Aslorla
Mary J. Kyle, lot 5, block 42.
Adulr's Astoria
Mrs. Anna Kopp, hit 6, block 42,
Anuir s Astoria
. N. Kenrnev, und half lot I,
block t, Adair's Astoria
James V. Kearney, lot 1, block 61,
AilHlr s Aslorla
Frank J. Carney, und hnlf lot 7.
block 61, Adnlr Aslorla
Mnry A. Cenrns. und half lot 7,
block 11, Adair' Astoria
Mary ll. Ilneiiweher, W half lot
.1, bloek 17, Adair's AHturiu
'hrlstlna A., Alfred tl Josepheiio
and Frank P. Lrlnctiwrher, heir
of Frank Lelnenweher, lot
7, block 3. Adair's Anlorlii
Christina A., Alfred !., Jinv plieno
ami rrank p. L Inenweber, heirs
of Krnnk Ilnenweber, lot
. block :w, Adair's Astoria
L. Iiicck nnd olive Wlnton. lot
block I, Shlvely' Aslorla
L. I.elieck and Olive Wlnton. lot
block I, Shlvely' Astoria
L. Lebeck mid Ollvo Wlnton. lot
9, block I, Shlvely' Aslorla
L. Lchuck "lid Olive Wlnton, lot
lo c
I 41
10 M
10 14
51 41
a ot
o ot
a ot
4t 15
46 15
21 01
2t 30
62 41
14 41
Id 41
52 41
52 1
23 10
23 K
23 05
I! 41
5.' 41
10 00
10 to
io no
J. II. Palmer, lot 4, block 13,
Adair Astoria U II
W. W. I'arkcr. lot I. blck lit,
Shlvely' It M
W. V. Parker, lot I. Mock lit,
Hhlvely Aslorla 10 Ot
Jonnla II. Parker, lot II, hlock III.
Hhlvely' Aslorl MM
Mnry J Itvrle. lot 5, block .
Adair' Aslorla It M
Harsh ll Hlirrnian, lot t, block ,
Adair's Astoria U 41
Malwl L Hulllvsn. S half lot I.
block tt, Adair's Aslorla MM
N. Hliaonrtrn, lut 3. Murk 41,
Adair' Aslorla 11 M
N Hlmonsen. lot 34. block 41,
Adnlr' Astorl II M
O. Hover-, tot M. blorfc 41. Adnlr
Aslorl II M
O. licivey. lot 34, block 41. Adair
Astoria II M
ll,son Dnhlns. M 7, Murk 41,
Adair's Astoria Q
Elisabeth Heafeldl. lot II, Mock a.
Adair's Astoria It tt
Kltsnhrth SeaiVldt, lut B, block 43,
A.tnir s Astoria 10
Mnry A Schroder K half lot II.
block sc. Adair's Astort I 41
W. T Hcholnvid. und half lot 1
block 3. Adair Astorl
W. T. HchoMsId and E. Honks,
frac lot I, Mock I. Shlvely As
toria M
W. T Ncholfleld and R. Ilouka,
lot I. block 1. Shlvely Aslorla . It M
John Hrliiess, lot I, hlock tt,
Adair Aslorl It M
John Seine... lot 4. Mock ts,
Adair's Astorl It M
rtrr Mufur. 8 half tot 5, block .
Adnlr's Aslorla ... MM
Jacob ft linger, lot t, Mock U,
Adair's Astoria II II
tils ll. Vlge, lot II. block 40. Adair'
Aslorl It M
Olnl). Vigo, lot K. block S3, Adair
Aslorla 10 M
Cha. WnM-hrurrn. W bslf lot ll,
block to. Adnlr' Aslorl I 41
Nicholas Wl.ner. lot IS, block II.
A. Inlr's Astorln 11 13
Nicholas Wl.tier. lot 17, block II.
Adair's Astoria . 13 B
Chnrles Wlssman. lot IS. black to.
Adnlr's A.tnrla.. 10 M
Charlr Wl.snmn. lot 17, block i,
Adnlr's Aslorla 10 M
Ocargn Watson, lot IS, bloek 41.
Adulr's A.torla
tleorge Waison. lut It, bloek
Adulr's Astoria .....
10 1
10 I
Mnri-us Wise, lot It, Mock
Adulr's Aslorin
Murcn Wine, lot 30. block
Adulr's Astoria
Marcus Wise, lot 7X block 41.
Adulr's Astoria
Marcus Wise, lot 31, hbs k 41.
Adnlr's Aslorla
Marcus Wise, lot 31. block 43,
Adulr's Asiorlu
Mnrcus Wise, lot M. block 41.
Adulr's Aslorla
Mnry Wilson, lot I, block tW,
Adnlr's Astoria
Waller. Mantle, Annie, Urn. Is nnd
William Wilson, heir of William
Wilson, lot 1, block ', Adair'
Aslorla ,
Olc. Wllllrg. lot H. Mock 10.
Adulr' Astoria
Caroline, n. Wllllierg, lot n, block
no, Adulr's Astoria
Caroline u. Wllllierg, lot 24, block
to. Adair's Aslorin
Charles Wright and B. E. Harris,
lot ft. block 41, Adnlr' Astoria....
Charles Wright ami H. E. Harris,
lot I. block 41, Adair Astoria....
Charles Wright and S. K. Ilnrrl.
lot 10, block II, Adnlr's Aslorla...
Charles Wright and S. E Ilnrrl.
lot 14. block 41, Adnlr's Asiorlu...
Charles Wright and S E. Harris,
lot IS. block 41. A. lair's Aslorla...
Charles Wright nml S. E. Harris,
lot 9t, block 41, Adulr's Aslorla...
-mines Wright and S. E. Hnrrl.
lot si. Muck 41. Adulr's Astoria...
Chnrles Wright ami S. E. Harris,
lot 27. block 41, Adulr's Aslorin...
Churlc Wright nnd S. E. Harris,
lot 2, block 41. Adair Astorln...
Charles Wright nnd H. K. Harris
lot 29, hlock 41, Adnlr's Astoria...
Charles Wright anil S. E. Harris
lot 3ii, block-41, Adair' Aslorla...
Charles Wright and S. E. Harris
lot 31, block 41, Adair' Aslorla...
lot .13. block 41, Adnlr's Astoria...
Chnrles Wright and ri. E. Harris,
Dated AHlorla, Or., April 21.
Auditor and Police Judge,
11 B
it tt
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
10 M
11 a
11 B
11 n
12 a
u a
ii a
ii a
11 a
12 13
12 S3
13 a
ii a
13 8
'MWmVl ilm MIA umln mil