ASTORIA PUBLIC LIBRARY ASCOOTi!, 1 TODAY'S WfATHM, 4 . l a larara.t fnf tira.kla.l.a mitA Oreenai " i Tk ASTORIA", ku Hi brrsal LOCAL i " " . Ouailmal llfhl ikasfti, W IJH. tirunaiwni miirm!t- t Be, and Hi tan Mt TOTAL clrcalauo f P w Ba, aid Bn lircut T J III ptn published I I I Aatorla, ft ICXCLUS1VIC TICLKGRAPIIIC PliESS kicport. VOL. XLV. ASTOWA, ORECOX. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1800. NO. 100 mm TRUSTEE SALE Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth in?, Furnishing: Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Yaliscs, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at one price to all alike. C. S.JACOBSON THUHTI2I2 For the One-Price Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers COMMERCIAL ST.. ASTORIA, OR. D 0 YOU NEED ANYTHING In Office Supplies? wa OAN SUPPLY YOU l.KTTKR FRFXHKa. OOPT1NO TOOKB INKSTAND). TAHLKTB, INKS. 1U.ANK. ITDOH8, DLt'H PHINT PA TV-IX. WArtTK XAXKRTH. PKHK THATS, PKW HACKS. TV PR WHIT INO PA Plat. 1UUUON8 AND CARBON PAPKR. A New Lot of Playing Cards Just Received GRIFFIN & RISED ...City Hook Store ..ANCHORS.. Boat Stores... Everything In the Pisherman's Supply Line ...Oust Be Sold in the Next Sixty Days hiuiahiui:hh oh cumt SOL, OPPENHEIMER Trunloo for M. C.CIiOMHY attmluNIQUE... Suits to Order- Materlal Furnished .Duck Multm... From $2.00 Upward ...Wool Hulta... From $0 to $80 Hllk Hull. (920 Upwnrd Alio 5nrclJ 81 on LADII!S' I'MllikWIiAR. Call and a valut and Price. C. A. LE VERE & CO. AN UNEXCELLED NAVAL STATION Land Locked Harbor of (he I'olumulu That Can ISc Made Im-prctjnablc. DRY DOCKS TO HE IKICIII) Sklppiau nl lac World Caa rk Accoaaodatcd aid Aaiply I'mtcttcd Modcr p. pliaacc Needed fur Coast Delete, tie. 8. PRIillMAN, late ol Freeman a tlulmca. R. T. EAKI.E, lala ol Stockton. CJ COLUHBIA IRON WORKS Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers Manufacturing- and Repairing of all Klnda of Machinery. Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksmith Work N I'l'CIALTIKS Walch Patent Wheel. Ship ) Smithing anil htramfcuat Wurk. Cannery nj Mill Machinery. Marina anil Stationary Boll era Uulll to OrJ.r. ' llTSpeclally equipped for Loggers' Work. Located on i8th and Franklin (Scow Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence solicited. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE A. F. C Box ollloe open at N. Y. NoVBlty 8tore, on Tues day, li)tli lnnt. Presenting- the Grand Military Drama IN B ACTS 'At the Picket Line Get your tickets from Any member or the Club. Admission, 50o To all parts of the house. FRIDAY, MAY 15 Rents Rnsorved without extra charge. Tin- mouth of ih Col-miUli river la Uin only Hrl of Ita alaa ami Importance Hint haa nut on ir too dry disk a. (it all the araiKirui on Ilia Pacino coast Aa turta la prrtuap the on which run be mnat easily defended uailnat a foreign power, and tha ana whose geographical position Will naturally give It the- l.irif at ocean Iraflto In th future. Th har bor la but ten mil 'a lha ocean, la land lo.-kd, and poaaca. the tremen dous advantage of Vln a freak Hater lartKir. Thn main turrrnt and thimni-l at th oanranra of lha f1ver aaaa rluao utwli-r tn brow of th hWrh rlltTa of Port Canliy. and no ahl rojlcl powll'ly intrr th port without th prmiaalon of tha (ovrnainl troopa alittlonisl at that Hiim With molrti niaxt drfrnaa an pllms. th rumparatlvaly amall ie-rt-aon at Knrt Canby ould Minlly prvnt Ihf rurahlpa of tha wurtd frtm t-ntrrlnc in Cnluni'ilo. Tha i'hann -I ol th rtvr la elrrp rnoua-h to acvontmoilat th lnri(-al wur vrla, whll th nr. h int nu.rln IWl of th world rould fttxl ear and arcurr aw-hnrt within tkia har N.r It la thin no wonder that on of tha drat worka of nuticnlludr to Im tin Irrtakm by th projwtora f th lm- trovm'nla at Aatorla and fit low.r ( olumbla. ahouM ha a drydnrk. In whlrh ran b arrommodalpd th lanrxat Vraaola. Wilh tha rrrtemplat.! fat arvl- I. twn Aatnrla and Kan Kmntiaco. and tha handllna of th W,rc numn-r of mer chant vraa.-la N-r nr. aaart to curry on th ahat nnd lumln-r trkfTic of ttr.-on, on of th flrat prnvlalnna Mr Liking rnr of tlita trims will bo a Hunt tloallnf ilrydork. Plant aud prWVillnna of th prtnrlpal drydm-ka nf tha 'rnltd Htali and Ktimpo. ar now In Kia.ainn ot th partit a 1tirrratd In tli hull Una; up of th Iowtt OilumMa Tlvr nort. and It la M peeled that drdntrr action will ) lnk-n In a vary ahirt inn to,ir. th patnblUhnariit h r of a mo.1 -m 11, mi,,. drydork. Th di'rlupmrnt of tn.luatil.-a on lh wrat .l.t vl th lay an-h ia rv dr-ilo-k and hnti. rlrviitora, tc, m.-una but a I'nraoiidirtion of Inii-mta on txith akt.a of th hnr. Thrr raji rw but on loan- one tfr.-M.-r Aaron. n, a,vani-Fmiii on on Yr of Hi Iry mnna th pro nmtlnn of vry lnt.Tt on th othrr. Thrrr r no room for -nHrriw )lnuab-a and romHtltlin. nor inn It Ih' iprta IhM Htty aurh rrinrna-a will n n-roa;-nl1 lrr 1:1 lAti-r It of btialn mrn In lt liter part if ttir tlty. Tho who have hhtitod nt unv aiirMi i-omlltlon or nf fnlra hmv rtrtnlnly mad a ntWinkr. lt ' r wvei aitdw a m r n 011 hav thflr mathln ahnfia, rlpvntora utiH a drydot-k. ann nat Aatorla will hav Ita an-nt wr- lioiiara, Itirtre mi'tvunrtl rt:ihllHtiminta Iwnka, wild rwr.U antoplnv houara. With th Vatina-'a Iwy lirttlKO affonllnir quli k trnnalt tH-lwrim th two tiolnta. berth -n,li of tit rlty will h wnnd tOKtnr In aurh n manner that limhlns can aena. nun fhvlr tnloroata. l.ookhir nt th alt'oitlon of tMa nort from 1h atandtiolnt of urotrotlnn la the nutlon'a Intrrrata. thir can n po IMy rm mlatalte mnrr In aolrr-tlnx thla harbor for a roullna; aiutum and rrnd.a voua for the iroremmrnt'a war vvaarla. At Inflrmrly Iran exiMrran nnd with mtirh Rtvater certainty of ntmohita protection can her n ratnbllahed n naval etnTVrm mmtileto In every reaneot. nrnk-vitnir a dry do and proper conat dffenae appn- " are eainnnHnen. tin the bliitTa at Fort Pnnliy a few mortar and modern prima atntlnned behind the rldir wouM hav romplete control nrer th entmne to thla narbor. It la rvtiaonahly certain nai tneae couat d.-fen will la -ti.. Ilaheil. With proiier action nnd henrtv cn-nttonitlnn on the nart mf the oitta..n. of Aatorla nnd Platanp ooutity It la ulno rrnaonnntr certitln thnt the othr fen- urea necewwry for a lairfect rennort will nlao le a,-cijnd. A drydn-k. atn-h na la required by the Inrsost nnr veawln. nnd the merchant mnrlnv. can cnally ly ontnlneil If only Ine iX'.mlc atitn.t tn nether na n unit upon Ihla auhject na ni'v nnve in their efforts hj aocure rnllrond. What were one the aubur! of C'hlrnco now comooae Ita nutnM rentv-r. Whnt la now a fnrm In Astortn will tomorrow he the henrt of the city. T.Ike tho recent ly forme I irrenter New York, the YoutiR't liny brlilR will Join toireth.-r two differ ent aeetlona. each ap.clnllT ntttid to take it piuco In the new city. One able ot lha buy will not b d"pb'ted to nAviim-e the other. One will nnpplement the oilier. nnt notn toeether will form aplemlld clly well qinilltlod to control the commerce of the Northweat Cotwt. MR. 80VERBION 8 ADDRESS. Spoke to a Large Crowd I.nat Rveolna; on the Fallacy of Sound Money. Jnmea R. floverelgn nddnaaed a lnrg nndletice at Klaher'a lnnt evening on the grout laaite now before tho American people-th money queatlon. l'rohnhly NH neraona naaembltHl to hear Mr. 8ov. erelgn, the arrlke mnklnir the nttendnnce Inrge. Mr. Rvonilaeth, Vopullxt enndb ditto for the loglHlntttre, mndo a brief oiienlng addreaa and IntnHlnced the orn tor of tho evening "Jnmea It. Hoverelgn, grnnd tuoster workman of the Knlghta ot Lnbor." Mr. Sovereign begna with nn attnrk on Secretary of the Treaniiry" John (?. Oar llstle, tho lntter'a ap.'ech to the norklng men of Chicago aeemlntf to bother the free silver orntor more than inythlng else. Mr. Boveregn attributed tho expression 'W-ccnt dollnr" to Mr. Cnrlltle, nnd anld there wna no attch thing. Thnt a.Htlc It. "If I begun telling von of n wn.nnSrt gnllon, or n two-peck bimhel, you would hoot me out of tho honae," anld tho apenker. "Then whv should there t. such n thltiH na a 'Bfl-cent dolliu-T There la no audi thing." lha orntor then went on In lull thnt whrn the government nuts Ita atamn nn- on n piece of silver nnd rnys It shnll be a dollar, n dollnr It l not a Co-cent o.ol lar, but 11 dollar dollar. Tho gentleman did not tell the wondering people, when the government put Ita atamu upon a plec of allvar and guaranteed It should h a dollar, II manl that thn roln aa a dollar wua julvalM to 1ta) rents In gold In the mnrketa of the forld. Mr. Hoverelgn stuted that Kfliind nnd Ih ('tilled Htal could never ngroa on a monetary system hecaua of the dlrr.r- n- In form of aoverninont If this country wra lo hava tha m policy aa Knirlaml, Americana muat have a mon arch form of government. Hut, aa the I 'nlted Rum and I'.riKliuid have both iM-en unler gold atandarda for many yrara past, and aa th former Is still a republic; iiini the latter a mon'trmy, no lKiy surely paid much attention to tha sp-aker! auu-rtlon. I "Jollied" lb fl.herm.-n on th strlka ajid aitld ha knew th-y would win. Ha said further all th tlah.rm.-n must go on u big strike at the polls In June and help to break away from th awful yoke whbh hor Ihem down, lie ralM ihe fishermen "you boys," and they evident ly liked It, for mu-h uplauao follow. d. Then Mr. Sovereign said the volar should foraaka tlu-old parties, and told a story In which he likened tha old party m.-n 10 the principal In th tale. Me said a Presbyterian My once In vited another lady of the Methodist frilth to attend the Presbyterian service. The Invitation ns readily accepted, and to gether the two Indlea entered th house of fJod on the following 8indny. In the the Mothodlat church, recited the speak er, the faithful may rmphiislxe a good point by th pastor with "Amen." or "Hallelujah!' Tills custom la not prac ticed In th Presbyterian church. The Methodist lady became very much In terested In the sermon, nnd when the pastor brought a truth out quite forci bly, showed her Appreciation by an "amen." Th good Prvshytartana naivd at her In ajnaaement Uut th old lady Wiia unconscious of the sharp glance and again burat out with a fervent "Hallelujah!" Then the other looked upon her with hatred, finally th pas tor, getting warmed up to hi subject, drew a beautiful moral, and this time the old lady was delighted beyond meaa ure. A vigorous "Amen! Hallelujah! Illesa the MrdT" waa th result, and then two deacon went over 10 where the lady waa sitting and carried her bodily out of tho church. While they were carrying Iter out the lady shouted at short Intervals. "Oh. 1 cannot stanl th honor!" Hla-lng her upon her feet, they asked her what she meant. ai4 aha replied: "Our good Ird rode Into Jennalem on on donkey, and now two are carry Ing me out of Ills house, oh, 1 tannot atann in nonor: "The ndhereota to th standards of tho old parries ar like unto the old larlv they ar helng carried away by two deti- aeys. uin the eneakcr. Then ie told of in mmocratlo and Renuhfl-aLn rari There waa rll ao dlSeranew tearwven them. While ties a wr In power in ashlngton the peotde wouln sufrer. and he warned thn witer not to aurcumu to th tarfff dose I the Reul llcans. Thtre waa but a dlfft-rrtre ot nnc-fi.ur or on perr-it between (ke Wll son and Mi-Klnley Mils, the ce was as injurious aa th other. The IVmo nieTa twk the tariff off apool thread and put It on sktln thrend: ihe lt.-puhllciuis iua tne iintr orr hooie-poles nrr.l nbic.-o ft uKn hoti jioea. Not a Unv uf dlffer- 1 ne Hopie, coirnnued the spttkw. have mnyeu wttn the old parties an long that 11 fifty veara bs-hlnd m mnases m sint,-nianhti and tlfty year ahead m Tnscnllty nre now In wer In Waah tnaton. Just tVtnk 1f auch honest, up tnirlit. enenretlce-apnltle nnd brilliant m. n -i llolio Coxey nnd ie Ken.-ga.le Wea ver running around the country when they might or making IiiwsMn Washing ton! Hut Tillman, hrlt, Klilning star. ia mere, ana -wttn Htm a 'tttchfork. so mutters an wot so twd a they might be. Yet the floufh Canllhia freak H almost alone, and this makes matter tln less aatlstartnry. Mr. Aovrrrrn told hla hxnn-ra that their Uvea wvr being CTUHhe.1 out by the despotic Uolngs of th millionaires. They muat revolt. He itl not doubt hut what th old fume patnotlim rf the Hevoltitlonary mem was still In the brensta of th American iteople, and be anld he know this -spirit would soon be come evhWit. He said !ota of hnnl things nbout gold atuitliuM ndvocatea, all of which was vorlferoiialy applauded. The npplairae wtr.Hi! hav been much more hearty hut for the fact thnt a re 'henrsal was going ton In tho hall below and a ivqntvt was ma le that nthu etlaats only clap thttr hnn'K Jiinu-D R. ftoviTtiom w.ut n dlsappnlnt men as a lecturer. While his nmnn.r nre those of a geialtunan -and he use lunKuage that Is nt vulgar, he cannot speak. HI reatlensuily traits, legitimate IniiauaKe and modemy give him a big adviititiige ovrr the thnr Itupultsta who go lOiout the country like -.wild Indiana Hut Tdr. Sovereign la not iwMiat can be a good sp.nk.T-. 1n fuct. he Is not its guar I a talker aa wao mlftkl expect to I ... 111. .aw n- Q n U. 1, . I ....u ... -...vj t.nno tvnn run. lit- t-lt'IIKS nowiy, tun not I.-irticrat.ilx and fr' 4'icntly repents hla wsrd; nail at time siaimtntKvd like a maa who Mens simply reciting n incmorli -.1 tpeech prepartM by eemeone elae for hhn. Neither Is he of coninuimllng tppcarnncn. To look nt htm one tvouI.1 iww think ho ruled the Mrtrhts of Labor with 10 firm a hand nnd in m -exc. ll. nl 3. manner. STho fact that Mr. fltiverelKn Is a gneat laWor lend cr vanlMit W denlnl, but he positively Is not a speaker. His dlscotorse last even lug was comiKised largely of Tunny sto ries, which would insist opon "pupping Into my hid, and these utles ervcd grtsitly to 'kep the audience In good Humor, After listening to such an oratorical monstrosity aa Weaver, It wa a ideuaure to hear Mr. Sovereign Uncus the name subject, even It he cannot articulate. The latter will meet with a much better reception In Oregon than did the former, lie any he la going to stay In Oregon till he enrrlea the state for the Populists so he probably win have committed hi leech to memory by thnf time, and thus a long suffering puNIc 111 eventually bo relieved from the poorly -recited and stereolyiH'd hnrangue he delivered lust evening. There were enough person present Inst evening lo elect a candidate nt the coun ty election In June thnt Is, enough sym pathisers or Populists. Now wntch tho ropttllst vote. THE METHODIST STUDENTS' FUND Did Xot Trove So Successful as Was Anticipated Kheo the Idea Was Conceived. LOANS WERE NOT RETURNED Ot Aboit tfrlKMHHI freMitcd to 9tdcot. bit IVl.000 tits Beta Repaid Claiaed to fk Deaorilitiag 01 Recipiuit. Cle eland. May . -Since U7I the board of education of the Methodist church ha been loaning Indigent deserving rtudent money with which to complete their studies necessary to make them minister or missionaries. The loan were for long time and on easy payment. Two days ago Rev. Charles Hayle, of New York, corresponding secretary of the board, presented a report on these loans for the entire twenty years during which they hav been given. This report show ed that tWn.OOO had been presented to the (tudents, and of that sum only t-V),- M had been returned. At a meeting of the conference com mittee on education today this matter came up lo the form of a motion for a ub-conrmlttve to look up the apparently extraordinary state of affair. General Jume T. Huallng, of New Jersey, de clared that the loan ayatem waa evi dently turning Methodist divinity stu dent into paupers, and that It Impaired inrir usefulness and was a bad thing In all wraya for th students. Rnr. J. H. Clendonnlng, of Fort Smith, Ark., said he could circely believe his ane when the figure were placed be-for- him. Th effect t this avstera on atudent could not, he ald. be other than disastrous. Men who would not pay thlr oeoia, ne aectaren. were not nt for roln- Inters. Dr. Hale, srho waa Informed of th reception hi report met with, said: The gentlemen are too hasty: they do not know an fh fact. They should rtad all of the report, which shows the smau return of the loans. When the Plan was irm put Into effect tho re quirements were lax. No notes were taken and the nwiry was generaltT con sidered as a gtft In the cause f Christ. N note -were required up to 1. Again, some of those tided student have taken charges where they can barely get a living. Other of them hav riled. Tut the Tmvm causa of the showing In the Te non rs mere It the fact that the great bunt or thl fMu.WO ha be-n loaneC o recently that sufficient time ha -not elnirsnl for Its repayment." I.AROEST EVER TURNED OUT. Huge PlllAra Completed by the Columbia Iron Works. The Columbia Iron Works, which Is rapidly taking Ha place in tho front ranks of Astoria's mannf -irtnrlnjr Insti tutions, hna Just finished turnlnir out the large Iron pillars for Kopp'a new brew ery. The casting were the Inrgest ever made In this city, nnd were finished on n lathe the only one of Its kind here or in Portland. Architect Sohacht was sim ply delighted with '.ho manner In which the work was executed, ani It is a.ife lo predict that this eompinv will not be behind In the proe.slon during Asto ria's future growth. Messrs. Karle, Free man and Lovell hnve good reason tn ha proud of their success. NEW YORK BANKS. York. May . Purely Rratnclal rvmlderutlrrn were the Important factors In shaping Wall street sentiment Curing the week. The withdrawal of IE.S3i.6d)) in na from the treasury during the -week and indtentlona that draft upon the gevemment reserve would probably con tinue, caused some apprehension which trauld aetm to h nrj'nature, owlna; to the fact that the- aaury holdings of free gold at this time amaunt to 1119.- XK.491. Kaperlenced banker contrail that thl reserve will lie abundantly suffi cient umil the balance of trad shall snve ttnrned In favor of the TTnlted States. It should be recalled that tha efflux of gold at this sensoa of tho year h normal and that gotd 1s rlmttlv for warded In settlement of International trade btfkuices. THE FINANCIER. New York. May . The Ftnanclr?ar: Ytie atonement of the Associated Ptvnks of New York for the week ending May Is tn marked contrast with the one pre ceding it. The change s due rruvhtly to centmueti exports of gold, -which have drawn from the banks a targe amomtt of frmds which otherwise would haw been counted hv excess of the reserve. A note- hy expansion In loans vll ItM-VX) wa also an appreciable factor In -thl connection and wa one M the most fa vornble features of the tatement. Indt enrrng aa R does, a demand to a remt ntint rrom mercantile sources. The market for ' loans during the -week wa on a steadier basis, destte fke irola shlytmnta, .atnd the demarvl for commer cial pn(er h wlthoit doirtjt Inerensing and the business of the banks has taken on a broadening character. Anotker event, which has had a hearing on the situation, has been the payment or seven mlllhais into the sub-.ream-j- by uie go-ernment depository banaxi, so that uhogethxar the -reek's opennlon prevented an accumulation mt Inferior funis, wrilch are still moxlng heavily in this oirectlon. and reducing the flp Tnreni suriiius reserve. Tlie present condition of the market Is more normal than at this time last yeair or tne year previous. Th National League games were as follows: At Iulavllle floaton, 17: laMlsvlll I. At Cleveland f'rooklyn 19; Cl-velanl . At Plttburg-Wahlngt?n H; Puts burg, t. At St. Loul-Nw Tork IS: St. Iruls I At Chicago Philadelphia 11: Chicago I At Ctnclnnati-lialUmor t; Cincinnati t The record of the league 1 as follow: Philadelphia Won, 12; lost, i; played. 18: per cent, .721 Boston Won. 12; lost, t; played, 1 per cent, . Pittsburg-Won, 11; lost, ; played, 17: per cent, .Wl. Cleveland-Won, 1 lost, 7; played. IK; per cent, .13. Chicago Won. 11; lost, J; played, per ent, .SCO. Cincinnati-Won, W; lot, t; played, 1J' per cent. .655. Daltlmore Won. Id; ot, I; played W per cent, .US. Wahlngton-Won, : lost, I; played, JJ; per cent, .5). Brooklyn Won, i: lost, 10: played, U; per cent, 444. St. Louis Won, 7; tost, 1J; played, IS; per cent, .J69. New York-Won, I: lost, U; pUytd, U; per cent, .223. Louisville Won. t; lost, 17; played. 1; per cent. .106. The Portland team beat the Seattle 11 to yesterday, and Tacotna got back at Victoria by a core of I to i. The stand ing of the North Pacific League Is: Port land-Won, 1; lost, 1; played. I; per cent. Seattle-Woo, I; loaf, I; alayed. S: Der cent. .(00. Taco ma-Won. I; lost, 4: played. 7; per cent, .43. Victoria-Woo. J; lost. I; played, $; per cent, .400. THE MARKETS. Liverpool. May 1-Wheat, spot, steady; demand, poor: No. I red winter, ' did; No. 1 'California, S Sd. Hops, unchanged. New York. May .-Hops, quiet: Hate, common to choice, 184 crop. Ir'c: 1S9 crop, 3Sc; Pacific coast, UM crop, ?4c; US6 crop, 14Tc. Portland. May I. Wheat, unchanged. 81LVER GRAY CONTKjfP. Aa Enjoyable Affair, at Which Stewart Won the Prise. Mrs. The "Silver Gray" contest given Friday evening under the auspices of the W. C T. V. was a very unique and enjoyable affair. All the ladles connected with It looked quite handsome with their white kerchiefs, powdered hair and lac caps. The. exercise were opened by a finely rendered Instrumental solo by Mrs. Ran nels: Mother Fox and Mr. Gerllng fol lowed with a song. Mrs. Fox closing with the stately and graceful "courtesy" of "ye olden times," which brought down the house. The quintette consisting of SOUTH AFRICA IS PARAMOUNT Much Dissension la London Over the Government's Attltode Toward Chartered Com pa ay. MINISTRY MAY BE WRECKED Tle Haa ralitier Talkiag for All laerica Cerana Stwspiptr Waris tit Tto pte Hoi to Coat to tk talted State. (Copyrighted. UM, by Associated Press.! London, May 1-South African roubtea ar the talk of the hour, and every other subject seems to have almost disappeared from popular attention. Th annouacse ment of the secretary of stats for taw colonic. Joseph Chamberlain, that ne) committee of Inquiry Into tha affairs of the British South African Csatpans would be approved until After Jameson' trial, which cannot be proceeded witlt until Jun 11. and that Cecil Rhode, to the meanwhile, I to be allowed to ra tal a hi noaltlnn aa rn rtiritnlstritnr aa1 the company's territory and as director ot that organisation, hava caused muck disappointment among th mass of E gtlahroen and others who hava na rlenced a feeling of shame and humilia tion at th recent development at Pretoria- Chamberlain, It la weil known, yielded to the pressor brought to bear upon him 4y friends of th ccmpany who are Influential socially and politi cally, and It seems evident that th gov ernment has decided to shield Cecal Rhodes. Thus, looming darkly la th distance, la a scandal that, may wreck the ministry. Influential weekly papers here, like th Spectator, the Observer, and the Sunday Review, protest sgalnst th Kovenunent'a leaning toward the chartered company, as the tatter's complicity tn th Jameson raid had been established beyond a posst btllty ot doubt. Th recent Interview aa American politic of th Chronlci artts. Joseph Pulitzer, proprietor of the Kew York World, has attracted much atten tion. The St James rjaxett says: "The owner of the largest and most powerful newspaper In America think President Cleveland' mea-sage to simply a party dodge. We do not nnd this consoling, for It means that th gravest Madams Gray. Lelnenweber. Parker and Mr. Wyatt and Judge Gray, delighted ! Uwues of peace or war are at the mercy or any unscrupulous demagogue anxl-wa tha audience, with ,..!- I of th old favorite. "The Old Oaken Bucket," and also "The Inebriate's La ment." -Tommy Don't On" waa also roost effectively sung In character by Mrs. Raimel and Judge Gray. The con testants, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Wright. Mrs. Kronqutst. Mrs. Qerdins; and Mrs. Btt-n, did exceedingly well considering this was their "first appearance in public." Mrs. Stewart won the-prlxe. a handsome book, "Literary works of Mrs. Mary T. La throp." But the decided hit of tke even ing was "The Annals of Flshertown." by Samantha Alien. It wa brimful of sharp thrusts and humorous hits on 3olng in Astoria, particularly Samantha's applica tion f "The X Ray" to the back cont ram of offire seekers and legislators "to dtscwrer a backbone." Altogether the ladles of the W. C. T. V. have reason to congratulate themselves on the success ful exttartsinment -given. SILVER IN THE EAST. A prominent lawyer of this city has Just received a letter from James M. Rice, and attoriney In Peoria. HI., in rex-vd to the settlement an tstate. ooeaa- 01 one heir are residents of Asto ria, and xaence ttn correspKulence. The Pe-wta hrevyor acyi: "In regard to the for votes." Th Globe remarks: "Political econ omists throughout the world will watch with Interest McKlnley and the political campaign. The Isolation of Great Britain through her fret trade policy Is becom ing; dally more complete." WANT GERMANS TO STAY AT HOME (Copyrtghted, 1W. by Associated Press.) Berlin, May , The Rel :hsaiuelger to day publishes a long article warning Ger mans against emigrating to the United States and giving extracts from the an nual report of the German society of New York referring to the Increase ot tho -number of emigrants from Italy, Russia. Poland, Ireland and Austria, with whom, the report adds, the edu cated German mechanics cannot com pete because they are used to a higher standard of living. In addition, German Immigrants with capital are cautioned against Investing In land, the title to which. It la .ih 1. often fraudulent or doubtful, or where in conotitons make investment unproflt- aoie. Clerks, teachers, officers, scientists and female teachers especially are advised 1 not to go to America, no "natter how unoesiraDte xm condition at their homes- new Immigrant law DroDoa.1 win r.n Improve affairs. rJliSn,m' "V" ,ne Relchsanxe also say. thai ta. ha. opphed to every loan company in 1 new Immigrant law nronoall win i-wsna, traertng wcurlty many times the ahs u" the loan desired, but ao far he has own unable to ecure the accom modation. 1'eorile here ire ulrh.ln.iai.. their money from the banks on account ! A ,4- . . . MUCH LUMBER DESTROYED. NEVADA REPUBLICANS. Serai Their Delegates to St. Louis In. tructed tor a Sliver Candidate. Virginia City. Nev.. May . The Re publican state convention met today. Stx delegates to represent the state at the National Republican convention were chosen. The resolutions passed contnhv ea a declaration for the free and unlim ited coinage, of silver at the ratio of K to 1; and favored the election of Ne vndans who mnke their homes In this state to the office of United States con gressman nnd senator. A resolution wn embodied opposing the funding bill. The national delegates were pledgex only lo use nit nonorntue means to nom nate an advocate of sliver at the St. Lewis con-ventlon. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE. How the Team Played Yesterday and me Kespective Standings. Yesterday wns nn off day for home teams. Friday Chicago bested Phllai -1-phla by a score of 5 to 5. Yesterday the Quakers retaliated and won from iy,.-. Suckers by a score of 11 to 1. strange as U may appear, Washington mad 14 runs Ij Pittsburg's 9. Boston nnioinv.i Louisville and New York beat St. Louis. There's more clothing destroyed by nnc soap thnn by actual wear. "Hoe Cake" soap contains no free alkali and will not injure me nnesi race. Try it and notice the difference in auulltv. -Ros iti,-i. Co. of ihe nther arase. to such an extent Four Men Killed at a Fire at Ashland, that tho hanks nnd It difficult to keep Wisconsin. . up their ttsserve fund. Any one borrow- ing money now fens to pay the blghost Ahland. Wis.. May 9. Half a million rate of inn-rest allowed by law on con- j dollars' worth of milling property and tracts rn Hllnols. -vlx., setren per cent, j '"mber went up In the flames this nfter and must an rue ts pay in United States noon. The Shores Lumber Company's goia coin or the present standard of val- the largest on Chequamagon bay, ue and fineness." AN EASTERN ATROCI IT. Is A amniililln. nil. .a a.h .1,1. '- .. .unciiin Willi QVV- i eral thousand feet of lumber docks, loob I which was piled 19.0tW.ou) feet of lumber. i he nre started In V. R. Durf ee's lum ber dock. The ttre is still burning fiercely. t-ai XT' .VJTvTT . D"t has been checked somewhat. Four iitlunilnnt j . , , " t ttU( lit, III IIIO 111 C. 1 1113 H UprUJL imtiEO lOSfl .Utendant and swept his eyes over the n the mlliina- nronerrv i ,io,.u. surging mUy. "Feiiow-eiiia.,r, " h. -i. ' r1"7" on me lumDer, 2a.ia. wi lth7iV,TmlJr VT The boule8 ot tnree men nave already 4'7hanilouortPrrT1ofiery1our !.,n reCVered' "n0,her ma ml- esteem, coming as It does unsought and I unrxpected." i Puuslng a moment while the audience i WESLEY SCOTT DROWNED. pulVd out the legs of an Armenian who I . , had Inadvertently strayed oft the leser-! Known Engineer Fell Overboard vatlon, the sultan resumed; ort the cean Wave. "I asad In your flaalUng eyes and wide. , . ' . ooen countenances . aa ,i.i r-ortiann. May . wasley ScotL the stand by the faith of your ancestors. I 1 'knnwn fneineer. fell overboard The powers, I am told, would depoae me i rom 8tftmer cean Wav early this aa your ruler. But would that answer'' I m'n'n, Hnd VAB drowned. No one saw uiu acciuriu, nui snoriiy auer it occurred his hat was found floating on the water. A search was mado for hi body and It was found late this afternoon. He was a nephew of Cupt U. B. Scott -and well known on the Columbia and Wiliametta rivers. .. Would you have any other master bel fore me" And In one Impassioned roar, wtth unanimity that was marvelous, burst from ten thousand throats th cry: Never bar Allah. Bosphorousr" With a Turkish rua- on hi. .hnM . Abdul Hamld (turned to the reporters. Xet that be your anstveer" ,.u trldlng haughtily away. INTERCOLLEGIATE GAMES. Ithaca, N. Y.. May 9.-The third Inter collegiate championship game between What with Senator Tlllnv.n i..Hn l'0ne,l " he University of ?ennsyl- the West on "Tke Mistakes of Grover IJtZ T ia L tnl venIn8 on the Cleveland," and th genial Colonel Inger- f g i he ZfM wa8 a v,ctoT sol enlightening the East .to "rheTll, ! f" PwaThlnla,.ihUgh Corne"' ho"- Hon. .ed VZfitfJftSZ I ousedVa cling. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I X'N.-i' fa 'ftJfc4 F ! Mug ADSOIUTEIV PURE I. t . J . Jr n aa. -