The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 09, 1896, Image 4

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THE ripiM
VJCrl 1.. a RESORT
and nth St.
Columbia Harbor
Land Co.
BOND and
naps 01 application.
New Astoria...
Is located at the terminus of the Astoria and
Columbia River Railroad, at the mouth of the
Columbia River.
It fronts on the deep water of the Columbia
River Harbor, and being perfectly protected from
wind and seas, affords the very best docks for
ships on this bay; therefore, it is the exact spot
for the seaport of the great Northwest.
These facts were recognized by the Astoria
& Columbia River Railroad Co. when
New Astoria Was Selected as
the Starting Point for their Railroad
and the Location for the Terminals.
New Astoria is platted upon a plane high
enough for perfect drainage, and well protected
by a high ridge behind it.
Its streets and avenues are wide, and, in
fact, it is laid out on modern plans.
Extensive street improvements are now un
1 der way.
The New Astoria Company .COMMERCIAL
Something New...
Children's and Youth's Steel
5bod Shoes, all Sizes and Styles
W. also carry a fine Una of ladles' and
man's shoes, from the best to the lowest
reliable foods. All goods warranted Just
as represented.
479 Commercial Street
Local weather for twenty-four hours
ndtng at 6 p. n. yesterday, furnished
by the United States Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature, 51 degrees.
Minimum temperature, 46 degrees.
Precipitation. .08 Inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1S96, to date, 70.19 Inches.
Excess of precipitation from September
1st. 1896, to date. 6.24 Inches.
For the best of commercial job print
Ins; call at the Astoriao Job office.
Meany Is th leading tallnr, and pays
the highest cash price for fur skins.
Marshall's twine used be 75 per cent
ot the fishermen on the Columbia river.
Parties desiring the best of Job printing
at the lowest prices sh( lid call at the
Astorian Job office before going else
where. The Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commercial
street. Is the placj to buy your dry
goods, clothing, boots and shoes, men's
and ladies' furnishing goods. Should you
want an auctioneer, S. FrleJman makts
his office at the Oregon Trading Co
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see
their new and handsome twine tetirig
machine. Take along some of the twines
"as good as Marshall's," In your pocket,
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It's money in your
pocket and flsh In your net to And out
For 26 cents you man secure an excel
tTL. we"-en:?d at 'be Bon Ton;
Z, V f utUUy PreP!r?lt0 .'erve
all kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters In every,
Imaginable style at the lowest living,
prices. come once and you will con
tinue to come.
Most so-called "salmon twines" are col
ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre!
and render the material useless. In the
office of Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Is an ob
ject lesson that ought to be examined by
Mil fishermen. It Is the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar
shall's twine from start to finish. Go
there and examine the color right
through, you wm see then why Mar
shall's Is called the best In the world.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
For a dinner, served on the Dining cars
of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul
Railway, will be sent to any address on
receipt of a two-cent postage stamp.
Apply to Geo. H. Heafford, General Pas
senger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chi
cago, Illinois.
The Best Blood Purifier Made
125 DOSES FOR $1.00 aV
For wale by the ESTES-CRAIN DRUG CO.
Beaver Hill
and Oilman
For Pumllr or Mmm rTtoen
If you will look into tho situation you will see Unit
is the cream of west side property. Tho center of imptove
merits is here, and as an investment for business or a home
there is nothing to equal it in the whole proposition In
lots are all largo, full size, 50x10'). Prices range f .m l.r0
to $250 each. 5?oU on installments. Terms to su t Save!
your change and buy a lot in
Aa office has been opened by the proprietors
one door east of the Crosby hardware store
Call, be shown the merits of this property,
and Invest.
This is the time, and all the birds are
Upon the old, old quest
If there is one thing left on earth worth
It Is to make a nest.
Mrs. Sarah Piatt.
Scented night caps are the 'ateat ca
price. Today is the last day In which to pay
your water rates.
Mr. Forest, the Westport logger, was
In town yesterday.
Try C B. Smith's Vanilla Ice Cream.
It la something fine.
Mr. F. W. Winter, of San Francisco,
was In the city yesterday.
R. C. Voc'h went to Portland
night on the steamer Telephone.
Mr. B. P. Bell, of San Francisco, was
In the city yesterday and at the Astoria.
There was a blowout at the i
last night-lights were put out at '2 i
o'clock. i
an old Astoria cap- ,
Mr. Wm. Tarrant,
Italist, has returned
to this .ity from
Mr. W. H. Craner, of Philadelphia, ;
was In the city yesterday, a guest at the i
Occident. j
The Fox and Goose game at the Central
Hotel yesterday attracted considerable
Weatherman Grover says that he will
keep this sort of weather going until
further orders.
' i
Ice Cream Soda In twenty-two different j
navors at c. B. smith's, private par
lors for ladles.
Buy your cigars, tobacco, fruit and
candy of Emll Erickson, Klghth and
Commercial streets.
Albert Johnson and Captain Jacobsen, ;
of the life saving station, were over from !
rorc otevens yesiernay. ,
Ross, lupins & Co. report a fairly 1
good day's business yestenlay, consider- i
lng the general depression.
The "learner Electric took a large M
of men and supp,f!, to the Ton(rue ruIm
raHr0iul cam yesterday.
H. E. Dunseth, of Anacort-s, has ar
rived in the city and will take chare-? of
the Astorian'8 press work.
The Chinamen who were yesterday fish
ing off the docks, were almost ns nu
merous as the tomcod In the river,
It Is said that a room twenty-four feet
In cubic dimensions, would hold nil the
gold there Is above ground In tho world.
Mr. F. Lrury, wife and family, left
last evening for Ontario, Canada, their
former home, via the Canadian Pacific
railroad. '
Rapid progress Is being made on the
Tongue Point cut by the railroad work- i
men. i nere wm oe a Dig noie there he
fore long.
Sweden has a deaf and dumb corps of
the Salvation Army. Eut they ran make
Just as much noise, with the buss drum as
anybody else, It Is stfe to say.
The Bond street bicycle academy seems
to be doing a rushing business. A num-
Trv It
1 CO. Agents. Astoria.
ber of the ladles were out yesterday In
new and natty wheeling costumes.
A Line diamond ring on th. hand of
ll well known Astoria business mn yes
terday afternoon, made Commercial
street appear aa If two auna wore shin
ing. A man worklnir on th. roadway In
Uppertown yesterday, almost met with a
.serious affluent, the electric our did not
quite run over him It stopped lust In
Mrs. Carrie Ray. Test and Business
medium. Readings dully In Knallsh,
Scandinavian and German. Room 9 and
' W, The Oriel. Commercial stret. Rend
I Ing SO cent.
Listen to snatches of street roneri
tlon the men are talkinc of dollar, the
women of Ore. After all. It rolve
Into pntrtleallr the aame thine, one
means the other, always.
If you are rKh, you have ewvntrioltles
or pecullaritlea and ure, nevertheless, a
good fellow: hut If you am poor these
same eccentricities are down riRht hud
habits and you are a boor.
The largest sailing ahlt alio.t has Just
been completed at Bremen. 8he I railed
the "rotjsi." Is a fle-mater. ."SI feet
long, SO feet broad, with a draught of IS
feet, and a carrying capacity of t.150 ton.
The following Portlanders were at the
Occident yeatenluy: Wm. Tirranf. S".
Posten. T. O. Honeyman, J. M. Turney.
Thoa. K. Mulr. S. H Itrown, lr, Wm.
Church. Jr.. M. M. Koreff and O. n.
The Knights of lead r. Mr Pov
tnign. calleil on the Fish, rmen's I'
yestenlay afternoon. He was introduc
ed and shook hands all around, and In
vited everybody to hear his lecture nt
Fisher's tontxht.
Mr. Emil Schacht. the architect, has
completed the plana for the Ahb rhrook
depot. The huldlmr will be a eery hand
some structure and will contain romino
dious rooms for the transaction of all
the bulslness at that point.
A large number of people yesterday
took advnntnse of the fine weather
and walked down to thi Yrun.T's bay
bridge, where they were much Interested
in seeing the Iron work hauled up from
the hareo and placed In position on the
draw rest.
Three ladles and a baby bursy block
aded the sidewalk on Commercial street
yesterday afternoon for about twenty
minutes, while the fond mother was ex
patiating upon tho good points of her
captivating little one. Pedestrians, how
ever, had to walk In the roadway.
! The Sisters of the Holy N'am, of Port
land, who purchased the Taylor prop-rty
I the other day, will return about the first
cf Juno and commence the work of flt-
. ting up the building for the new semt-
' nary. It Is the Intention to open the
school in the fall, at the time other
schools open. There Is a good Held for
: private schools m Astoria.
,, ,
Bicycle riding on the sidewalks Is not
on'y Inconvenient to pedettrlans, but al-
so somew-hnt dangerous. A gentleman
yestenlay who was surprised by a
vhln,K. mmlmr un behind hm. who
0j.ted to the foot passenger changing
from one side of the walk to the other,
said that If bicyclists would only give
him a little notice he would walk on
the grass the next time.
The fish market men are still com
plaining that Mr. Seney, the milkman
from Young's river. Is selling salmon
and shad from Ids wag-n to families,
and it Is not fair for him to do business
In that way and undersell those who are
compelled to pay high rent. They claim
that If he wants to carry on that kind
of business he should take out a ped-
dler's license, as others have to do.
Sheriff Hare left lust evenltg for Port
land on the T lephone, to arrest Thomas
Freshet, who should have appeared sev
eral days ago In the Justice's court, and
who was yesterday surrendered by his
bondsmen. The facts were yesterday
communicated to Chlrf Mlnto who
promptly had the man placed In custody
nmi wired Mr. Hare to come on for him.
The case will probably come up on jdon
day next,
! M. J. Kinney and wife yesterday trans-
i ferred to Theodore Bracker and A. G.
Hpexarth Lot 2. Block 61, McClure'g As
i toria. The consideration was $I2,'X). The
property adjoins tho city hall on the
east. Stuart Brothers yesterday closed
up a big deal, whereby they transferred
to a syndicate of twenty capitalists 132
lots on the weHt side of the bay. The
consideration and second parties were
not made public.
Referring to the tel'grim In yester
day's Oregonlan concerning the abandon
ment of certain custom houses In differ-
ent parts of the United States, Including
one In Astoria, Postmaster Wis.; explain
ed last night to on Astorian representa
tive, that this simply meant that I'mie
E-'im wanted to get rid of a lot of dead
property. The property to be disposed
of In Astoria is the old customhouse
building in ITppcrtown. Ther els little
danger of the government abandoning
Its customhouse at a port like Astoria,
! Mr. Samuel Brown, of Boston, nnd L.
B. Seeley and J. M. Turney, of Portland,
arrived yestenlay on the Oatzert, and
brought with them tho architect's plans
! for the new hotel at Flavel. The draw
i Ing of the front elevation of the building
! was planed on exhibition In the windows
of the Columbia Harbor Land Company,
and attracted much attention during tho
afternoon. Favorable comments were
heard on all sides, and tho building, If
; erected on these plans, will certainly he
The best chemical compound tor wash
: Ing powder Is "Honp Foam,"' ns It will
not "yellow the clothes," nor burn the
hands. It's the finest thing In the world
for the bath. One trial will convince
a handsome one and a credit to the west
side of the bay.
Rumor was current on tho street yes
terday that a largo nnmher of fishermen
had gone down to IVsdemona sands. In
the lower river. In the Pathfinder, and
about sixty shIIIxwIs. and had pulled uu
some trip un.1 stopped the work of a
pile driver engaged In driving pile for
a new trap. (iptrllis I'srker. of the II
wucu, and Rehleld, of the Owyer, r-
Hrtel that In paslng the sands vest
lay aftermmn thev saw swarms of flh-
Ing boat there, and that they had proh-
ahly not gene there for fun They were
wrn to be gathered atoiit the pile driver.
Secr-tary Jensen could not been seen last
nU'ht. but one of the eshennen present
slated that he understood the m.'n had
gone down to IVsdeniona sand for th.
purpose of rt moving ome traps.
Free silver speakers are coming this
way. Now thit the strike I on those
Populists will be assured of large and!
enie. J. R. Roverven, grand master
workman of the Knight of Ui'sr. ar
rived dawn ycaterdav afternoon and will
address the multitude at Fisher' this
evening Mr. Sovereign Is well posted
on the money question frm his point of
view ami will endeavor to carry Asto
ria. along with the remainder of the
slate, for the Populists, on March f.i
Ju.lce Dennett. IVmovmUc candidate
frm the coud .ItMrl.t. wlil s'ak en
the political Issues of the day. 'oey,
the champion hotsi. Is coming to this
state, but has not as vt de, his In
tetttlon of telling his trouble to the pco.
pie of Astoria. Soien-ftm fc.vs he Isn't
Kolug home till he i-artl.-s Oregon tor
the Populists, so he mil probahiy make
Innumerable visits to this city.
mcyrt.K acadkmv
Sherman Thing have opened n riding
school next door to P.i 'tie Kxpres office.
Comiwtent instructors constantly in at
t. ndance. Cleveland .tnd Crescent bi
cycles for sal and rent
At the I'pper Astoria Norweslan and
Ihmish M. K. Church the pastor, Itev.
J. Jacolsen. will pr.och lomornw nt H
a. m on "En Krlstl Stridsmand " And
at 7:1.' p. m. he will preach on "Sanvrcn
Er For Kort," ('The Short Hed. or An
Inefllclenl Religion")
M. E. Chur. h-Mornlng subject. 'The
Prophecy of Christ Empire." Ev-nlng.
IVfemlant of the Faith." The choir will
render n sm.cI.i1 program of classical
music. Sunday school and cl iss meeting
and Epworth league at the us'ial hours.
Subjects of next Sunday's sermons at
the Haptist Church In the morning.
The Rejected Pharisee." In the even
ing. "The Accepted Publican." All other 1
service a usual. A cordial invitation la
extended to all, not otherwise engaged,
to worship at this church.
Rids will be received at R. Boyle's
office on Commenial street until Friday,
May, for painting, plastering, plumb
ing, tin and brick work for Mr. F. O.
Wilson's residence, 12th stret and
Franklin avenue. EMIt. SCHACHT.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Astoria Building & 1.0-in Asso
elation will be held nt their office on
Tuesday, May nth, IKsl, for the purpose
of electing directors for the ensuing year
and the transaction of any business that
may come before the meeting. The
election will be by ballot, and will be
held from ! p. m. until 8 p. m.
By order of the Board of tMreetors.
W. I,. ROUU, Secretary.
Overcoats and winter wraps will be In
fashion. They can be discarded, temnor
srlly while traveling In the steam-heated
trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St
Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for
speed and for rafety, no other line can
compare with this great railway of the
A gentleman's resort, at corner Bond
and 12th streets. The finest brands of
liquors and cigars always on hand. Call
and try us.
Salmon Ushers, send In your orders for
wire nets to Washington Wire Works,
Seattle, Wash.
When Vlnlng dies, as even Vlnlng must,
And gets a transfer from this world
of woe,
The guardlun at tho gate, serene and
May say to him: "That transfer
doesn't go."
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Onld Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
flints tor the AWER1CR.
N'ubO feel on Commercial tr-vl.. WO
NixMI In Hustler A Alkoti tM
l.ou I. I. 1. I. ft. . t. and ft, block.
W, Adair' Astoria, bargain
l.ol J, block 1, MoCluiVe. hn two
building renting (or 111 ir
monih two
I Ml 1, block 4. MoClurca tno)
Lota t and block M, MoVlinv.. II.W0
Lot 4, Hock R McClurr's ftlt)
lo.ul biialucs block, oilrnl location,
owner will nil for a bargain.
Iil !l, block JT, New Astoria, nana.,
barn, row. garden and I doaon chicken,
cheap aim) easy term.
Agents fop the Northtnestern
row CASH
I Nature' (lift to I'mle Ham of a Nr
I Volcanic Itoek In the Alaskan.
Few person outside of a mu!l num.
her of .ientlta In Washington, ami tho
natives of l'nalaka. the trading atailun
on the Island of I'lvnlnska. and other
adlulnltur Alaskan vllluges. are aware of
I the fci. t that not a long while ago a
new Island, which has been ealle.1 New
I HogoslorT, has apearel ixar the old ls.
' and of that name, atioul forty or llfty
! mile from the trading atailon on the
' Island of t'nalaska. Never before ha
i the date of the npiearance of n(, island
; Ix-en so m arly nxe.l us In this rase.
j A party from the geological survey. '
j cmiised of I'r Becker. I'r W. II !nll
and Mr Purllngton. assistant geologist ;
' and a photognipher of ahllltv. left Wh- j
i ttucton several mouths ato for nn Inspec. 1
j tlon of the mineral Held of Alaska. I
, After stopping al I'tmlaska and rinding
; the weather pnplllou, thrv decided to
visit the Island nf llogosloff. about Ih. j
new one of which they had heard o ;
; much talk In the distance they ap- ;
1 pean-d In shape not unlike tho ends of i
j two loave of bread, except that the lop
! rldice consisted of a long line of errated '
I point. The old Island of Itogoslotf I
higher lhan the new part, a largf por-
tlon of which consist of a
I but a few feet alnive the level
j The old Island I devoid cf vegetation
! or water On their approach the travel.
, ers noticed a number of i.ek on tho
ns-ks. As thev landed they found thai
they wrro sea parntt. ptirnus, auks and
: dl-rs They appeared lo be very tame
I and could tc approached by memtsrs of
: tin isirty, but If they arose, a they did
In one o-r two Instances, there were so
many that the skv was almost obscured.
I New llogoslolT, I'ncle Ham's recent nc-
ipdslilon. I three-quarter of a mil to
the northwest of old llogoslon iMirtng
tho season of WVt Captain Hague. In the
, steamer lorn, nl n distance of a mite
: and a half from the old Island of llogtis-
, loft, notl I a state of eruption "here.
The Island was entirely envelowd with
smoke and ftame. with r.-d-hot lava Is
; Nulng from It central portion. tlreat
quuntlllc of soft lava ran down the
side of the rock Into the aca. This
eruption of Bogosloff wa reported by
varum ea captain und wa uppord ,
to have continued for about li month. :
In Oclols-r of the same yrar the people .
over at t'nnlaska. forty-five mile awnv.
saw a dark cloud of Inde flcribuhl and
forbidding appearance come up Into the .
sky north of the trading post, where It i
hung very near lo the rarth for the '
larger portion of the day. Ho black and
dense, was It that It completely hid Ihe i
The nlr. even nt I'nalaska. Ix-rame
greatly heated, and some of the Inhabi
tants were In terror fur their Uvea, many
of the superstition ones believing that
the end of the world was at hand. After
a while, however, this cloud collapsed j
a ui1denly a It had arisen, and the
earth nt I'nalaska wa covered with 1
dull, gray asties of the llghtnes of col-
ton. This phenomenon, they said, was I
accompanied with terrible rumbling
nnlMes nnd a ntlght quakn of the earth.
Some time later, Captain Hague, with )
tho Porn, passed again In the vicinity j
of Bogoslntr, nnd to his great astonish-
ment observed a new Island In a spot i
over which he had pn-vlously frequently
sailed. I
Captain Anderson, of the schooner Mat- I
thew Turner, and his crew were the I
only one who snw the Islam while It
wa In proce of formation. In Sep.
tomber Captain Anderson snw the new
Island, which wns then a mas of lire
ami smoke, bubbling nnd seething as the
win Inn liivsk gn mm In fnnl n mll iV..
molten lava came In contact with ill
A most remarkable fiict In connection
with the nppcarante of the new Island
of Bogosloff was the illsappenrnnce of
what wns known ns Ship's Itni k. Cap
lain Cook, In 1771. when navigating along
this coast nnd making his map. Uncov
ered and marked upon bis hart a rock,
almost dlrecily north of the proa nt Isl
and of Old Bogosloff, It wns not very
Inrge, and row but a short distance,
almve the level of he sen. When the
Island of New Bogosloff was born In lVk
Ship's Rock vanished. The relation of
Ship's Rock to Old Itogosloff wa most
muTcming. tor iiokosioii urn not appear olf-nddreacd stamped envelope to A
until nearly fifteen years after the dls- T .KLDEll. Manager, care Dally Aa
covery of Ship's Rock by Captain Conk, torian.
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others,
Julian Hnwthorno Is tho son of Na
thnnlel Hawthorne. He wa born In
but he doesn't show his (if ly years.
When he was a hoy of 7 some lady's re
mark on the fact that he wa "wenk
chested" stung him nnd he determined to
make that comment Impossible In the
future. How well he succeeded is evi
denced by the fact that whllo he was
In college his chest measurement was
forty-eight Inches, and It Is well known
that the late John C. Heenan, tho pugi
list, advised the young man to enter the
prize ring.
A passenger train on the Chicago, Mil-
waukee and St. Paul Railway, No. Its
tarina are vestlbuled, heater by steam,
and lighted by electricity. Each sleep
cur berth has an electrlo reading lamp.
Its dining cars are the best In the world,
and lis coaches are palaces on wheels.
This great railway, connecting as It
does with all transcontinental lines at St.
Paul and Omaha, assures to the tarvellng
public the best service known. Tickets
via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Rullway are on sale at all railroad ticket
offices to any point In the United Slates
or Canada. For maps, folders and other
Information, address.
C. J. EDDT, General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Portland. Or.
Trav. Pass and Tkt. Agent,
Portland, Or.
I.o(ii 1 mul I, block I, Kindred I'ark,
cheap iniil ny term.
U acre meadow land, ("nil pasture
lott head of Block Hi. ynir round, lux).
11 acre farm Hear Olnoy, A good buy.
40 nor. fruit farm In California la trad,
for stock frm In or near Clatsop county.
Timber elaline It) Clutov, Tillamook
h,l Columbia countlo, Oregon, and Pa
clrto county, Washington,
o agent for Hunnymcad ami Alder
brook, ('hole, loin lit Aldirhrook l from
IAD to $nw. l.ol. In Huiiiiynivml at from
I' la lit'.
Balldlng and Loan flssoctatloD.
Hardware. Dried Fruits. Lard. Bacon, Furniture and Fixtures
In lul iu suit purchaser al Til gill OWN I'ltlt'K
Hal. rowim.nres A Till I. la, at I
and .iiullnaes dally until Ih. whol.
sivek I lil,
Ml. f'OMMKItt -tt DtHKaT
Twentieth St.
tii'ii tliirtr tl
i Hilt'
4H2 Hond Street.
Proposal fur construction work of As
toria Columbia River Railroad -Healed
proposal will bo received by tn North
west Construction Company at Ih office
of tho AJtorla A Columbia Itlver
road Compny, Astoria. Oregon, until
noon. May lit h. I.vjn, fur tho construed. .n
of tlui grade of said rallrtrad from th
eastern end of th. portion now under
contract lo lloble or vicinity, a distance
of about 47 mllea: also th. lonstrictlun
of about 7.NI0 fret trestle along the water
front of the city of Astoria. Approved
tMinda will t required of the auecraaful
bidder. Plan and i'c,ifV atlon ran I
Been at the company's oltt -e In Astoria.
Tho right lo reject any and all hid Is
Sealed proposal will be received by Ihe
Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co.
at their office In Astoria until rnon. May
th. 1M, nnd then oiiened. for furnishing
thereto l'M cord of fir wood. Th. wood
I to be delivered In aurh quantities and
at aurh times a the punchaser may de
sire, but nil will be received within one
yenr after bid are opened. Bidder will
state price per cord for I ft. wood, and
price per cord for 4 ft. wood, delivered
on wharf along tho company's line In
Astoria. Also price per cord for each
length of wood on board enr nt War
rentoa Approved bonds will be re
quired of the ucceful bidder. Th.
right I reserved by the company to re
ject nny and all bid. For further par
ticulars apply at office of A. and C. R.
II., Flavel Building, Astoria. Or. En-
v.lnnM entitiilnlttv ,!.( .tin, ,1,4 tu -.--1. -
..,,,, for Woo,, .. ,, add,., A nd
v .
17. u. it , Aaioria, or.
WANTED An apprentice girl to learn
millinery trnde. Apply at Mrs. Hanson's,
(Wo Commercial street
Olrl wanted to cook nnd do light house
work. M Ninth atreet.
WANTED By house twenty years'
standing, lady or gentleman, willing to
learn our business, then lo travel, or to
do offlrn work. Halarv. Isun.on t.!nc1n.
WANTED A good strong girl, to do
general housework, Address W., Asto
rian office
WANTED An honest, active gentleman
or Indy to travel for reliable established
house. Salary, I7B0, payable 115 weekly
anti expenses, tiituntlun permanent. Ref
erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped
envelope, The Dominion Company, fll
omana Building, Chicago.
FOR SALIC A largo, young draft horse
Enquire at Damant's stable.
FOR SALE A small bnslnoss building,
In best locution In tho city, suitable for
any small business. Apply at Hi Ex
change, stroot.
JAPANESE! OOODH-Just out-Just re
ceived-Just what you want, at Wing
s, oh commercial street.
FOR SALE Tho Ferrell property, cor
ner of Exchango and Hth atrcets. Price,
H,!M. W. C. Cassoll, 471 Bond street, iigf.
FOR RENT Four unfurnished sunny
rooms, Ml Cedar street. Adolph Johnson.
RENT Two nicely furnished
Enquire nt 2C8 Bond strnet.
FOR RENT Newly furnished cottngn,
wall located. Apply at Astorian ofllce.
FOR RENT A furnished room, 188 3rd
FOR RENT-Thrce or four rooms, with
board, at Mrs. E. C. Holden's, corner
Dunne and Ninth streets. Price reasonable.
Land &
Bond Street..,
Astoria, Or.
We have concluded to five up bus
iness In Astoria, therefore we will
sell our whole stock, of
. VH KUH A A aell...r.
nnd Mclvee Ave.
Is sittialt'tl tin tho south nitlti ot A
toiiuV liiU.s
tpj;rt'i'ri wnrnuT ami vt-phi-
in ailvniuo of tin' North
MaiiiliiTiit hitt'H fur nHitlt ncps, over-
nvtr ami 1'iiv, riinnv am
I nhi'l-
Kasy ami natural prudes; little or
pnnlm1; net'ensnry.
Acts as truatc f.r corporations and In
dividual. Transact a general banking buslnraav
Interest paid un llm. deposits.
C. II. PAOE President
HENJ YOU NO Vloo-1're.ld.Bl
J. Q. A. llowlby. C. II. Pag. D.r.J.
Young, A. B. Reed. I. P. Thompson, W,
H Ivmrut. I. K. W'arr.n.
North Pacific Breuiery
Bohemian Lager Beer
LMr. ortUr) with i. L. Carkioa at lb.
tfunnyetd. Halooa or Louis Uoeritg. at
th. Coamopollian Saloon, All orders will
b promptly atlndd to.
Coaroaly St .tout or J,kM, Anorla,
rGeneral Machinists and Boiler Makesr
Un and Mailn Enflo.s. Buikr sank. Sim.
post anj Cannwy Work a Sclalty.
CaiHata of All lt, rlpttnni Ma hi Ordw s.
Slwct hoik.
John Fox.. ..President and
A. L Foi.
.Vlo. President
O. II. Prael
l'irat National Bank,
Snap A Kodak
at any man enmliig out of
our ator. and you'll get a
portrait of a man brimming
oer with pleasant IIi0iiIih.
Hurh quality In Ihe liquors
we hare loulTerare enough to
Coroe and Tfq Them
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In the rough or dressed. Flooring rus.
tic, colling, and all klnda of finish;
mouldings and shingle; ,0 bracket
work done to order. T.rm. r...
and prlcea at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Ottlee and yard
at mil H. V. L. LOO AN, Prop'r.
Scaalda, Oregon.
Is there a man with hart so cold,
That from his family would withhold
The comforts which they all could And
In articles of FURNITURE: of th right
And we would suggist at this season a
nles Bldtboard. Extension Table, or set
of Dining Chairs. We have the largest
anil finest line evor ahown In the city
and at prlcea that cannot fall to picas
the closeat buyers.
THlif " A N CH 6
If you want to apend a pleasant even
ing, go to the ANCHOR. Concert verr
evening by a first class orchestra. Noth
ing but flrst-class liquors, cigars and
Kopp s beer served over the bar.
No. 913 Astur Street
Business men, it you want to fix up
your oftlre for the coming year, with th
beat of letter head, bill heads, state
ments, etc., call at the Astorian Job offlc
where you will find th. beat of stock
and material.