"I""" Till-: DAILY ASTORIAN, ASTORIA', SATURDAY MORNING, .MAY 1890. .. .. UNITED STATES SUP1", Family of Hon. William Paine s Celery Compound. a n Ma ' l .i Iiiiii tin In I hi. love of Nsturs ll.il.1a ... minimi. mi oliii . r Mli.l.- forms. Hits I'tttka a iirluila Jmigurti.' No nlir tttta a ilrrpcr lllalffltf Into Ma ture vitya tliall Ilia lllrrlllten.ollt of ll OlIrlY.Uo Uilitiiln gardm of Hie United Hialre at Waaliiiiglon. Nil tMia knows so rll aa ho hl pro CIikib of.orlllllllti-a rolne altri Dm aprllig Hunt Hmllh. ik muat a, l.-nll'l.- r-r-una, firmly believe tint etery on uuld be lmlltl. by taking a spring rwnntf while. I he lilnwl la readiest lo he luirlrlnt an.l lilnnrtil rain' rrlrry rotniMjmt.1 Is lha only genuine spring romoly worthy of that name, In ttiruiinlon uf Dopi, Hmllh. Ho write: WAHIIINimiN. It. C. Marrh I. 14. lcnllpnin Th (..male member uf my household am more than delighted wlih I'alnee rliry romiiound. I Irarn from oihrr friends lh.il i xiiulartlf la Ir-aullly griming It ahla digestion, an.t In view of lha rvsjrn.-s of dyateriala. II la on of Ihe l-onrfo. llooa of lha age. Very ll.w tfully, tVm. It. Hinllh. f4iit t'. B llotstil,- Harden I'alne'e relery rompound la aa far r moed aa Ihe poire from lha many triv ial, unmientlfle preparations that rail lriemvre spring remedies. It has earn. MATTIillM MAIIINIS. Moamenla of Vaaalai n I tot and llakowitieirva The llrlfla.li hark Krrnl.ank flnlalied clla hmitir reliielll at lttiatl.r'a w Imrf yeaienlay iniirtiliif ami left up the river for r.irilitiHt The five Hinlr,l achiMiner loula arrival down fn.in rtknntokaw.i yoatertlav af trriwin In low of Iho eteamer (hkln tiama. The vraael Ima nUmt .ii,i0 feel of lumber for Mlouiahul, China. The aleamahlp Hlnle anllivl for H.m Krnnrlai'o yraienlny iiinmltia Amnnt the Aatorla mjaenarem were Mm. M. A. Htnvena, Mlaa KfTV HiMitliia'ion. Mra lra-e Curl. ton. Mra J. W. Armatronf, Mra I'eljine ami M. I. Kant. Tlie four-maate.1 llrlllah Iwrk I'rlnrl- palny nrrivetl down from lortliuid yea tenluy. Hhe hna a i nrao of Rruln for ! the I'nlted Klh.lini The rrlm liiullty ! will lake homo Ihe rffer'.a of the two 1 men who were killed when Iho illnn niorn atranded, I fitptuln Mornn, of the aealltur aohnoner Kale und Ann, whlrh arrived In Thiira liny, reporla thai on Miirt'h M. nlmut ft mllea off I'olnt Arena, lie tlulitod what lie aupiMMO-tl to lie the malnmiit of u two.maateil arhoonnr. Tha atlek had boon luv wrnl off juat uImivo the aaddle, and liud evidently t.n n In Ihe water but a abort lime. The malnmill waa aet nnd the rlKKliut wila baiialnir lo the tlmlier. The wriH-kigie evidently came front pome 1 vciuicl w hich. boltioT at nick by a aquall and thrown upon her Ix-nm. waa forced to cul awny Ihe timet. No .ichonnor audi na the itiiiat mUht have come from hue IxM-n reported lout, nnd lit all prolmhlllty the tltnl.r tella of Iho fiilo of ntiollier veeael which will never b In iird from. The I'nlted fttiitea orulaer I'lilludelplilii, the nuuahlp of the I'ncHIc aiiuidnin, nr rltrd In Hun Kriinclaco Tuoadiiy from Han IMeiio. Hhe etopped nt Monterey fur a few hniira on her way tip, nnd went to Mure IhIuiiiI for a rleiinlnir. Tho rhllmli.lplilii'a lirat nrdera w. ri to r to VukcI eoiind nt the cloeo of Ihe l,ori An Itelea (leatil, but allH'c lliell three of I11T ofllcera worn aelected lo net on the tmvnl boiird of limped Ion ti iiccomiiny the buttleahlp Dri'Kon on her trial trip, nnd tlmt ciimpclled her to atop here. find II not been for HiIh the HilkhIiIii would have none on lo Tort Orchard. It la tlioinrht now thut the Dreuon'a trl.il trip will take vln.-e nlHiut Ihe end of thle week. Admiral lleiiritnlee, who la nbmird the I'hlliulelphln, la conMiied to hla cabin with a aevern attack of la Krtppo. The Pacific. Mall atcamcr f'lly of Print. 1 which loft Han Kriinclaco on Iho mill of l.mt month, with Inatrtictloni to put Into tho port of Corlnlo on her return from Panama, iiotwItliHlandlnK the dcclurntlon of the Nlcnrnicunii tnaurircnta that they would open tiro upon liny forelitn veaael ; which put In art iippvarunra there, will not have to rlk tha chance of Imvlmr B cannon ball annt throuirh her hull, anya tho Kxamlner. Cnptnln Wllhum I.. Merry, who la the NIcariiKiiiin oonaul nt thla Kirt, received today a illapntch from Dm government ho repreaenta nottfyliiR him that tho port of t'orlnto had been rioclnrod opnn once more, and that tho I'nnnma alenmcra could enter wllhout fear of molcHtntlon. Several thousand tona of frelKlit deatlnod for Curlnto ac- ) riimuhilcd at Panama na tho reault of tho threata of tho InHurironta. A (treat deal of frolitht for Corlnto waa offered to Iho company at thla port, but It waa all rofuaed. For Iho paat four montlia ; none of the steamer have linen permit- ' I 7. If you want a sure relief for paint in the back, tide, chest, or ji y limbs, use an 7 A UnniSa Porous I I jrAiS.Jy O Plaster !j 7 Bkar in Mind Not one of the host of counterfeits and imita- P tioni is as good as the genuine. 'J H, Smith Made Well by 54 -d the r.iiiil'lc. roiinI.Miit of men mill women Hit. w-orhl ovur. II la M.'lllalVrlr nii.ovn In fnmlllra Whrrn lllillilna aluirl uf Ihr lirat of rv . r v 1 1 a i tat iN-rinliiliia hi-ullli will ilo II Ima IIvihI tip lo Iho moat aanjrutna vllirrlalloiia of ihya.-lana who naturally look for mlrnnrilinary rraulia from lha iliainvrry of an pinliirnt a ihya. lan at rrnf l-lwor.l K. I'hrl., M U, I.U V. of littrtmouth mntlcaj arhool. Tim I raliw'a i-lrry compounit dora run (Kialiivrly anil rrmaiunlly all dla rnaoa arlalnn from Impure. I1I00.I or tic' rllna In Ilia tlaor of Iho lu-rvra la rhnr fuly allralnl hy Ihouaniwla of ritrn.a1 men anil woman. Visknroa, il-tirrkalon. Irritability, pnln aikl lamriior tell thai lha ncrvuna mattrr In lha liraln, iwrvra ami aplnai rori la not grlilna; aufflrlrnl nourtahmanl. To gulikly fumlah a fre.h ami lun ilanl ai iit y of miirlmrni for every tlasna of lha boly hi lha purpose fur whl. h Talna'a rrl. ry roniound waa Unit prn, pared. Thle rapid pmlurtlon of freah nenoua enrr am) pure I.I00J waa tha aim of I'rof. Kdwanl K. I'lialpa" lone aiu.iy of the rauaea of nrrvoua rkliaua lllMV The reaull of hie life work waa Pal ne'e celery compound -Ihla remarkable rem. tily that permanently rurre Jlaraara of the llvrr. klitiwya ami alomarh It la me areaieat nerve reulatar and Mood puriner or thla century. old to enler t'oiinlo. The Hai-lfic Mnll tfavv onl.ra to t'anialn Itumaeii .r . ... lily of I'ara. to Rather up the t'orlnto i".imi lyina- at J'nnnma on. I make a daah Into -i.rlnto nnd lake he i-hnmea of iwinjr lire. uion. William Wairica. one of Ihe heal-known buatmen on Ihe Hnn Klnn.l.co water front, ho. a vliuroua complaint lo make Kultiat the I'nllcd Hlalea (overmtient. Walflra waa employed by one of the caiorcre on ihe cruioer Concord Tucaday lo carry out lo that vreM a iiuintlly of freeh vttetuhlra and other provlBlona. He place.1 a heavy load In hie boat and made Ihe trip out Into Ihr atrium auc rraafuliy. l Kin arrtvlti aloiut.l.te the crulner he made faat to her and waa Alwiit lo I.. l 11 pnaalii hla enrso nlxwrd. when a hey nieal cruk umldenly came tumhlltur out of one of Iho Concord porta ami landed aiiiarrly on hla head. Wafllea wua lirtlnlly alunneil, and the raak knocke,! s h,iiu 1.. 1,1. 1 . . . ihjki ami amaahnl one of hla rowlocka and una of hla oars. WafTlea went overboard and wa drownliuf when aome of the eullore of the crulair came to hla nwcuo and drnmiixl hltn out. The Uvutman, It Rl. eara. atoppml Jut liem-ath Ihe Kirl Ihrounh which Iho refuae from the rrulaer'a italley la diimMMl overlmard. Waftlea wuntrd tho dHlcura of the flaht lii veeael to pay for tha ilnmime done lo hla Unit, but they referred hltn to Ihe aeerrlnry of tho navy, ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening ttrength.-V. t. OovanuMal Report. ClU'NTY OOCKT PltOCKKDINdS. Oltti lal IteiMirt, Compiled by K. I. Dun bar, County Clerk. VVedneeday, May 6th. 1NJ, third day eatiie present ua yeaterdiiy. Court met and wua duly opened at :S0 o'clock a. m. Petition of Blducy Pell to remit pen alty on tux purchuM-a for year isS, 'KJ, and '!M, not Kriuitiil. nnd that ho bo re ferred io Ihe lawa of Oregon for 1S9J, 1'i'Ko is. Now cornea O, N. Denny, trualoe, nnd icpreaenta that Iho iiMneeamciu and Halo of certain lota In Aldcrhrook, aaaeeaed to II. c. Htratton, trunlee, are IrrcRiilar, and Invalid, and the Court hitvlntr con aldercd the matter, It In ordered that ui oti payment to Hie clerk of TO.ai, for taxes fur 1MI2, and of itiW.ss tn nrcoant of taxes for m, a certificate of rc tlemptlon bo Inaued tu H.t lit (. N. Denny, trom Ihe ale of isjia, nnd that the county JuiIrm nnd clerk execute a deed to aald I). N. Denny, conveying all Intercut ac quired by sale for 192. Ordered that Court do now adjourn until tomorrow at D:! o'clock a, m. Thursday, May 7th, lsutl, fourth day, name present oa yesterday. Court met and was duly opened tit 10 o'clock a, m. In tho matter of tha ferry ncroaa Yountt'a Itlver; now nt this time Is opened a bid from Wm. Lnrsen to main tain a ferry for one year acrosa Younjr'i river, provided the court will provide approaches, and allow the use of ferry boat now used near Chadwell, the coun ty court to allow for use of his steam boat Hrlsk, one hundred and fifty dol lars per month, leas such sum as may 1m collected as fares; ordered laid over for further consideration. Now eomos C. W. Rhlvely and applies to tho court to have the county tinea of 1KH, paid by hltn on lots donated by lilm to the railway subsidy remitted; ordered that a warrant for IM.OO Issue In favor of C. W. Rhlvely. In the matter of the tnics for ISM, as- s..al Miiiilnst the pro.rty dimiti4 as lha rallrond subsidy. Thla matter corn- IriK on fur ciiiialderallon and It appear ing to the court Ibiil the city of Astoria nml hVho'il Dial. No. I, haa authorised the county court lo cancel arid remit Iho lines levied arid assessed fur suld city nnd school district, arriilrist sold property urid that snld property has Imh1 n ilonutcl fur the purpuse of iilillriH IIm. curiatriie Hun of a rullruad whh h will bn of public beiuflt lo C'liilaipp loiinty; II la rvdered Unit all Intea excepllrik laxea dun school dlatrl'ta other than Dlalrlct No. I. na. aeaaed and chanted HKiilnat the real ea. lute known us lha railroad aulwldy, upon Ihe tux roll fur 1K". Ia nnd the same are hereby remit led, vacated and set aside. In the matter of tax ante to tha eoon- ly morltriiKea, fur yoara prior to 1K4; It appearlrisT to the court that lbs tax sales of mortKimea saseased prior to IM4 are Irregular In many cases, and IheYs la doubl whether aald Bale ran 1st collected, ami tha court havln heard Ilia aritumeiita of J. (J. A. Ilowlhy. J II, Hmlth. J. A. Kskln, f. It. Thomson and C. W, Pulton: It la ordered thai 11 1 win payment lo lha county rlrrk of t of tha tax aaaeaaed avalnat aald mnrtaasrea ha ta aiiihorisel to Isaua a redemption rertincala In aettlement of aald sales. ordered lhat court do now adjourn un til tomorrow at ' o'clock a. m Krldny, May th. IsM, 61 h day, aama present aa yesterday. Court met and waa duly opened at 10 o'clock a. m. Communleatloti from C. W. Imirtiery chief of uilce, atiillna thai he li.il.1s a warrant fur Hie collection uf Duane street assessment renil; the cu-irt bav Ins etamlruMl the matter, and It appear- Ina' fnim Hectluii iU, war XT, of the eity charter, that public projM-riy la n. mid frutn street aswaamelita, It Is ordered thut mi sctiun tnkm herein Ordered thai court do now mtjonrn alne die. J. II I) OltAV, Jlldire. It M WimiDKV, CllltlH I'KTIItHON. I'urimiU.lorii'r.i. t Attest ) V I DCNIlAK. -..rk i:.ert cunks use Dr Prl.e'a ll'ikltia Powder Is-inuae It nibla to th.-lr fume. MKXI' Fdll HATI'ltDAV Th. olce of one who KUCB liefore lo mnke Tl:e piitha of June mure bejiutlful Is thine Hweel May. -Helen Hunt llreakfnst. Htawln-rrlea Trleil Cereallne poucbe1 KifK. Thin Hashers of llrulleil Hum I'll, In Wnrriea I.unrti. lyatera. Cold ltuual Ijimb. ajirnl.hed with Creas, lladlshes, with Hlli.1 Tomatoes. Peach Krlttera. Pinner. Clams. Oreen Turtle Roup llollrd Mucker. I. Caper Raucs PlKeon Cutlets Terwlrrloln of Iteef, RturTnl Tomatoes PolaliMHi, au Nalurel. Ralml of Plover. Chicory flalad. Btrnwlxrry Parfalt, Coffee. t.KTTKIt T. Anl How It Indicates Character. Ac ronllnc to a Frenchman. Kxehane. A Krench irnpholostat haa discovered that character can he read from the let ter "I" alone. He rlnlma that Ihe vertl ral line repreaenta lha fatality of life. and Ihe hortsontal bar the Influence hu man will exerrlsra uiion this fatality. In addition, ha rlalma lhat the hlrher part of Ihe vertical line that projcctlnir atiove the horisnntal liar-Haa Indications of Ihe amount of Ideality contained In Ihe make-up of the writer, and that the Inferior part of thla linn correaponda to the practical and material purl of tha man s character. For Instance, Ihe optimist crosses hla t'a with a line thai slope upward from the earth to the aky, aa It were. The poet often crosses hla t'a iiiiie above the vertical line: In other words. In the sky. The pessimist crosses ,ils t'a with a downward elnplna; stroke. The line, which commences at the I leal portion of the letter, descends little by Utile until It la lost anions' the sal realities of earthly existence. The pnt.'tlcal man, It appears, always steers a middle course, and crosses hla t'a neither In the Ideal nor In the ma terial, but exactly midway between the two. It's all tha same, a sllaht cold, contest ed limits or severe couch. One Minute Cotixh Cure banlahes them. an Arouav. Our Hoy and fllrla. A man who haa a reputation for being very can. less aa to hi toilet waa elected town clerk In one of the small towns In this slate some time ajr, and the local paper thouxht It would tie a good Joke to announce that ".Mr. Makeup will wash himself before he assumea the office of town clerk." On readme the notice Mr. Makeup was furious and demanded a letra 'tlon, which Ihe paper accordlnKly made the following day, In thla fashion: "Mr. Makeup reuueeta ua to deny that he will wash himself le fore he assumes he ofl'ce of town clerk." And still Mr. MiiKeup was not pleased. How hard It Is to satisfy some people! Beauty and Purity of Skin and Blood Cuticura means health and happi ness to suffering thousands. Health, because of pure blood ; Happiness, because of clear skin. Thousands of useful lives have been embittered by disfiguring humors. iiciira Remedies Are the greatest of skin purifiers As well as blood purifiers. They are successful in preventing And curing all forms of Skin, Scalp, and Blood humors, When the best physicians fail. Bold thrsntttiont tha world. Price, CtrricnaA, toe.; r)up,26o,; Kbboltsnt, $1. 1'oTTsaDHua iND Cnia. Corp., Hole l'ropi., lloaton, U. B. A. Uow to Cure Hkln llsasssa," mailed free. If3 for Infants and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Know that foregone, Bairman' Ittopt, Godfrey's Cordial, many axxsllad toothing syrups, aod most remedies for chlldraa are enmpoted of opium or awrphlncl tut Ton Krnrw that optnm and swrpblo arc stupefying aareotle poisons? H V Know that la Boost countries drefjlaUarc ska permitted loacTi nscootica wtthoat Isutllng tbrm pot sons f T Vw Know that yoa ahonld not permit any toed Id na to bs gleaa yoarcaUd alsas yoa or your pbysklaa kaow of what It Is composed 19 Yosl Know that Caatorla b s purely rgetabl prrparatloa, and that Bat of lis Ingredients is published with every bottle t Io Tow Know lhat Caatorla I the prescript ion of lbs fsaioaa Dr. iamaet pftcbsr. That It baa beta la us for Dearly thirty years, and that aura Caatorla la bow sold tbaa of all other remedies for chlldrea combined t Io Vow Know that the I'atent Office Department of the United States, sad of other countries, bars issued exclusive right lo In. pitcher and his assigns to use the word Caatorla " and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison orTcnscf yo Vow Know that one of the reasons for granting this gorrrnrarot protectlos was because Castor t had been proven to be a tOI lately barmlcaa 7 Wo Vow Knosar that JJ average doacs of Cattorta are furnished for 33 ecu la, or one cent a dux? to Vow Know tlut when possessed of this perfect preparation, your cblldrrn may be srt.il well, aad that yoa may have unbroken rest? Well, tticsc thtriira are worth knowing. They are facts. The fnc-ssttn aifirrifatiire of Children Cry for Regular Republican Ticket. State Ticket. for Buprema Judge, R B. DEAN. For Repreaenutlv In Congreaa Beoond District. W. R. ELLIS. For IMatrlct Attorney, T. J. CLEKTON. County Ticket. For Representative WM. f. aleOREODR. FKANK U PA UK SR. For Bherlff. JAMES W. HARB. For County Cleric. F. I. DUNBAR. For County Recorder. C 8. OUNDERSON. For County Commlaslmer. HOWELL LEWIS. For County Treasurer. D. L. WARD. For Superintendent of County Schools, J. Q. BCHMID. For County Assessor. C. W. CARNAHAN. For County Coroner. RICHARD RICHARDS. For County Surveyor. N. D. RAYMOND. Astoria Precinct. For Justice of the Peace. JOHN AHKHCKOMH1E. For Constable. FRED W1CKMAN. ENOLI8H CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVEflTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng- Hah Capital fur new en'.erprssea. A Ilex containing the names and address ot 3U) auoceewfirl promoter wtio bar placed over flW.OW.OoJ Sterling in Foreign In vestment within the last six years, and over (I8.OOO.O1XI for th seven months ot l.xsfi. l'rlcj. S, or t payable by postal order to tho London and Universal Bu reau of InvMtora, 90, Chcopelde, London, E. C. Biibacnbera wll be entitled, by ar rangement with the director to receive elrtier pernu2 or Vattora of Introductoln to any of tfceaw anixniaf.u promoters. Thla Ikst Is first ctaa In every respect and every man or firm whose name ap pears therein may be dtspended upon. For placing the fonowrtng It will be found Invaluable Bunds or Shaiva of In- d isst rial. Commercial and Financial con cern a. Mortirure loans. Sale of Lands, Patent or slinea. Ifcrecton: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. W ALTER C. PEPYB, CAPT. ARTHUR ST1FFE. Copyright Tho Rnulllan minister and his family will spend the summer nt their pretty camp In tho Adlrondacks. a tlttlsh 111 Ih.n a llttl- nil TV. 01 has gone, the pill has won. DeWitt's Little Early Risers ar the Uttle pills that cure great Ills. Chas. Rogers. A TWISTER A twister In twtstlni? May twist him a twist, For In twisting a twist Three twists mnke a twist; Hut If one of the twists I'ntwlsts from the twist. The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. Thnt Is, when It's twisted with any othor twine than MARSHALL'S. lea & mmm is now V W I nrinrr.,! In yf ssasskwu III t BLUE, diarronally r.:ros3 the OUTSIDE wrapper of ever j boiiic of ! , Tlio Or!;,lna! ana tioit-lne Woi.rsirKSHIRE, as a farther rro- d () txlicn 0&iii3.. l litiitaiions. i J -MIent.lirt..elnlteif.r.ti..JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS ,N.V. in on ere-ry wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. "I hardly know whether to feel ag grieved or not," said the ancient one. "Mr. Talcott told me I waa as true daughter of Eve." "What Impudence," said the sweet young thing. "You don't look to be more than a granddaughter of Eve at the very utmost, "-Cincinnati I Enquirer, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "What two beautiful children! Are they twins r1 said an old bachelor to an Auatln lady with two children, "O, yes, they are twins," replied the lady. "Ex cuae my curiosity, madam, but are you the mother of both of OiamT" Texas Sifting. Busy people bay no time, and Mnsfble people have no Inclination to oa a slow remedy. On Minute Cough Cor act promptly and ftvea permanent benefits. inu Kogers, "I don't believe you know who I am. said Mrs. Gaylelgh to Tommy. "No, ma'am," said Tommy. "1 don't know who you are, but I know who you was. heard mamma telling Aunt Susan." Harper s liasar. Takt a do of DeTTltfa LlttJ Early Risers Just for the good they will do you. These little Pills are good for In digestion, asrood for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation. x ney are good. Chas. Kogers. After nearly fifty years' service Prof. George J. Becker, of Glrard College, Phil adelphia. Is to be retired on April J on a pension of S2.500 a year. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can be bought at the lowest price at J. W Conn' drug store, opposite Occidental Hotel. Astoria. Wife (to her husband, who la a great criminal lawyer, and who has found fault with the dinner) There you go aguln, always finding fault with my cooking. You never see any redeeming qualities In me. and yet you have an excuae for every murderer that cornea along. Philadelphia Inquirer. It's lust as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything; else. It's easier to cur a sever cough or cold with It Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi cine; better result; better try It Chaa Rogers. His Wife My dear, you have been talk ing a great deal In your sleep lately. Presidential Possibility Have I ahem! I hope a I hope I have not expressed any decided views about the currency question. Puck. Pure blood means good health. De- Witt's Sarsaparllla purifies the blood, cures Eruptions, Ecscma, Scrofula, and all diseases ' arising from Impure blood. Chas. Rogers. Miss Goodly What's the matter, my poor man, you look 111. Tramp Madam. something I haven't eaten has disagreed witn me. ttuui. Tf I- MA - I . T t ... ,,wv .t. . . nun v curv everything, but It will cure pllrt. That's what rinWIll'. TVI..K 1 J .... I D. . ... do, because It has done It In hundreds 01 casea. vnas. Hogem. Kvnnirellnt Runlcoi- tlnm-a 1., IwriypiiyiiiK crowua in UllKliimt, cnl. Not enough money ta gathered In the collections eto pay for the lights. DeWitt's Sarsanarllla is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions Impaired by disease, wnas. nogera pKoraaiONAX. card. JOHN T. LIGHTER, ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW. Office, upstairs, Astortan Ilullillng. OIK. KIL1V JANBON, FHVfllCJAN AND SUttOEON. OfTIo over Olsen drug stor. Hour, It to 12 a. m.i t to t and 7 to I p. m. Sun. days, 10 to 1L DR. O. B. E8TEH, , PHTSia sN AMD 8UROEON. Special attentloa to dlssuss of worn a and orgerr, Offlo orer Dansl gar's atora, Aatorla Tatophnaa yp U JAT TUTTLH U. D. I'HIHICIAN, EURO EON, AMD iOCODCHEUR. Offlo, Room t and (, Pythias. Building. Hours, 10 to U and I i. Rasndeooa, U, Cadar street. H. T. CROSBY, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW. 4m CofamsrcJal Btrwet. W. M. Larorce. I. B. ScoltA LaFORCB SMITH. ATTORNEYB-AT-IAW, M ComaMrdal atraat. J. W. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIsOB AT LAW. OfBoa 00 BacoDd Btract Astoria. Ct. t. N. Dolpn. Richard Ntxoa Chester V. Dolpo. DOLPH. NIXON h. DOLPH, ATTOKNUYa AT LAW. Portland, Oregon, M, JS, U, and 17, ; Hamilton liuilduig. Ail legal and cot-1 lexlloQ business promp.ly attended to. Ciaiuia against tha government a spe cialty. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Tr.'MPLE LODGE NO. 7, A. T. and A. M. Regular communlcatlona held on the first and third Tuesday evening f each month. O. W. LOTJNSBERRT, W. H. E. C. HOLDEN, Baswwtary. MISCELLANEOUS. W. C. CASS ELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE; Notary Public, 471 Bond street WHEN IN PORTLAND Can oa J a. F. Handler Co.. LM Third treat, and gal tha Dally Astorlaa. Visitors aaad af mlaa thalr morning paper whil Lberm. J. A FAST ABEND, OENERAL CONTRACTOR. HOUSE, BRIDGE AI0 EHARF BUILDER HOUSE MOVER. Hoas Mvif Teola far Riat. ASTORIA After (Deals I Or at any other time when too. wish a good cigar ask (or tba well known, borne- made, bud-made, white labor ci4rar "La Belle Astoria " Conceded by all smokers to be the beat eiwr manufactured. W. F. SCHIEBE, 71 H'vntt) Stretrt, Astarla. Oraga. BREMNER & HOLMES. Blacksmiths, ftaedai attsinHnM mm t -,un.K. pairing, flrat-claa borseaboelng. etc. uOGGIflG CflJBP BOSK fl SPECIALTY lT Olney street, between Third and and Fourth. Astoria. Or. B.F.AIiliEJx&SOrx Wall Paper, Art! its' Materials. Psion, Oils, Glass, etc Japanese Matting. Rugs and Buboo Goods 365 Commercial Street. ASTORIA PUBLIC MBRARY READING ROOM FRSS TO -t.t. ODea every dav from 1 aVImw ia k aa and t JO to I JO p. nv Subscription rate tt per annua. 8.W. COR. ELEVENTH DUANE BTS. J. B. WYATT, Pbone No. 6S Astoria, Oregoa Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS and OILS. 3 Special Attentloa Paid to Supplying Ship. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serve. We're trying; in every way to make them the. most en joyable in town. All thai "miul .Kln of the season cooked by our excellent 000a in me most delicious style. Per fect service. If you Invite a friend to the Palace neauaurani me place la a sufficient guar antee uiai ne wm receive a good meat The Palaee Restaurant THE BOARD OF TRADE; PETER DOURELL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth and Bond Streets. They Lack Life There are twine sold to fisherman on tha Columbia river that stand la the same relationship to Marshall's Twine aa a wooden Image does to tha human being they lack strength lit evenness and lasting qualities. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "just as well." They won't. Thej cannot Please don't lose sight of our St. Paul-Chlcaira and St t'aul-Ht. Loula line. Tli service they offer to Ix tter than ever. Pleas don't loae right of them. Retween St Paul and Chicago th llurllngtoa offer a servlo that Is aa luxurious aa any In tha country. , Two tralna dally. Compartment sleepers standard sleep are chair ear dinar. lietwssn Bt Paul and St. Louis our tralna r faster and better equipped tbaa thoa of any other rail road. Ticket and tint table on application to tha local ticket office. A, C. SHEIDO. C.A. rortlaltf, Oregoa, E. flcNElU Kecaivar. fepi if. ... i 111 y Givea Choice of Jmo Transcoptinental Koutea, Via Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or tit. Paul. i SjK)kane and St. Paul. Pullman and Teurlat SImm Frae Raxjtining Chair Car Astoria to San Francisco. Columbia, Thursday April a State of California, Tuesday, April ML Columbia, Sunday, slay t But of California, Friday. May f. . Columbia. Wednesday, May 11 Bute of California, Monday. Mar U Columbia. Saturday. May It. Btata of California, Thursday, May O. Astoria SQd Portlnd Steamers. T. J. POTTER Leave Astoria daily, exoapt Sunday, at T p. m.; leave Portland dally, except Sunday, at T a. m. R- R. THOMPSON. ' Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday at a m.; leave Portland dally, exoapt Saturday, at I p. m. For rate and general information caB oa or addren . U. W. IA7CNBBERBT, W. H. RTTRT.PrTRT Gao. Paa Art rtlaad. Or. ROSS HIGGINS & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria aasl Upper Astoria Raa Tau and Cof era. Table Detlcades. Doassstk sb4 Tropkal Fruits, Vegetables. Sugar Curta Haa. Bacoe. tic. Choice- Ffcsh and Salt Meats. 187a 189$ Fisher Brothers, Sell ASTORIA Lubricating OILS A Specialty Ship Chandelery, Hardware, Iron & SOel, Coal, Groceries & Provisions, Flour & Mill Feed. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Loggers Supplies, Fairbank's Scales, Doors & Windows, Agricultural Implement Wagons tt Vehicles. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Tenth and Commercial streets. Cheap Clothing The Hop Lee Clothmg Factory and merchant tailors, at IS Bond street, makes underclothing to order. Bults and trousers mad to fit perfectly. Every order punctually oa time audi satisfaction guaranteed, Good goods sold cheap. Call and be convinced. STEAMERS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. "Telephone" leave Astoria at T D. m. dally (except Sunday). Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. dally., ex cept Sunday. 'Bailey Gatsert" leaves Astoria Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning at a m.; Sunday owning at T p. m. Iveaves Portland dally at I d. m.. ex cept Sunday. On Saturday at 11 p. m. WALLACE MAUZEUY, Agent. I ass uvii -puuruoiratn nmxly fr Oonorrhte. OI(wt, Spermatorrbtra, oh&rttni, or or inflamm.v- l'mou MBUcut. tion of tnuconi oim- or rnt iq plain wra rapper. luf rV Circolar tea oa ruswtu. T 1 f. ; i i r ' 'a. " X