" M - " - - - - , . . . .. ... ........ -- --iMiitiiiiiiMlMrtBWIII'lMa Ml"MT"rii,irJ""Tl nmTWTI n -tomuM TWi' m m I" I ji --- mhhiiii Jiijiiii. i ii - - v fH., .,. ,,.. .--- -...-r'.-sx w .'.,. , , ...... . , . .... - . . . . , - . . . . t 4 , . . , . , . . $ , ... - " ' V" ASTORIA WBUCUBMBTilSSOCLWM 1 TOIUV'I WCATHER. ) J Ftrwail for Wiihinlo mil Oiruni Oai sully Mr Mlhr J Tin ASTORIA 2 clfxwlatlooi th I tie, i4 thi lir. ASTORIA hit Hit tart LOCAL i final I I rCUCD.I .1 ' rfMl TOTAL clnul.lln. F 1CXCLUSIVIC TICLKGRAPHIC IHESS RICPORT. ASTOfUA, ()UH(i()N, SATUUDAV MOUXINO, MAY 1896. I MA ino i II I lll.ll I ill 11 I' I run itrrurn no rmwiuii irid f'lnum Mm f linn Aitn..i... l . , , TRUSTEE SALE Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth ing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Blankets, Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, a one price to all alike. CS.JACOBSON THUHTI2I2 HOft.ROH For the One-Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers COMMERCIAL ST.. ASTORIA, OR. D 0 YOU NEED ANYTHING In Office Supplies? iro W CAN HOPPLY YOU l.KTTKH rnCMBKR. COI'TINO IlrtOKH, 1NK8TANDH. TAIII.KTH. INKS, IU.ANK 1KJOKS. HLUB MII.NT PA PKIt, WAHTK HABKKTH. DKHK THAT. PKN HAC-KH. TYI'B WHIT IND PAl'RIt, IllllUONU AND CAM HON PAPKIt A New Lot of Playing Cards Just Received GRIFFIN & RISISD ...City Hook Store OTHER VIEWS ARE EXPRESSED ScmtHry Jensen Ktpluln a Mlsun (IcrsUmlinj) ih to Men u I'osltliin. TO.IJi: I ! VIC CENTS OK N(ITIII.(j Siggoiiuii to Hatcberic ti HttMt ill rMilagnai. IV i Toig HiUt imt fcrtlacit Rcntrkto Ike Mlnaliu. ..ANCHORS.. Boat Stores... Everything In the Fisherman'A Supply Line MUST BE SOLD IN THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS ...REGARDLESS OF COST... SOL OPPENHEIMER Triinlcc for M. C. CKOHIIY AU2LUNIQUE... Suits to Order- Material Furnlstitd ...Duck HtillH... Prom $2,()() Upwnrtl ...Wool HultM... From ffi to $50 Milk HultM, 20 Upwnrcl Alta 5pll Sal on LADIliS' tlut anil I NDLRWEAR. Call and u Prlwa. C. A. LE VERE & CO. S. FKUGMAN, lata of I'm man A Hulmri. K. T. EAHLU, late ol Stockton, Cat. COLUHBIA IRON WORKS Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers Manufacturing and Repairing of all Kind of Machinery. Iron and Brass Castings. General Blacksmith Work In rornmrnllna- upon tin mpjrla mado In tho iiuH-ni rmlrnlny, and purllrularly Uun lha anrimnt In tha Aalurlun, Boo rnluiy Jrn-n, of Uw Pluhrrnwn'a I'nlon. atl Hint tlia KulPinnit that tha flfl) rrinrn h'nl muds any kind of praioii. ilun lo nmimmiM on four conta, m nilMlulrmonl, nilaundrrntajidlnf, and dlmlly ronlrury to I ho KMlilon of thr nv-n. Cummin did call upon tha ran mrymi-n, tint In ubrnllt!n their prop- iinlilim lo return tarlnn and net. Mr. n.Mii itya thry did not Inland to convry tha Mr thnt thoy would bo aril line to nh for four rem after tha other men had dropprd out. "There nr men hut. If hey ran the pay for their nettlnf. will no out of tha nnhln hml lir, and leava a lelti-r ehan' for lha mhera to mnke aomethlnar tha talanr tha ae.ion. Hut even now, at Ave rinl. with hu If tha men worklnjr. they rould hanlly n.nke w;icea. The men rati d to e ilm ranneiymen Thurwlny to mrn what they would he wlllln lo do. rheew were the aiih-nnranlaullona of aarh annery. They had held meetlna-a of heir own, and were aniliiua to find out If the raniH-rynien would he wllllna to iiko hark lha nel and pay Ihe men for their Inhor In knltllne them. The pnre fur year paat for knltilnr common Kill net, ha been one-half cent ner menh. They did not maka any proposition to h at four rent. The lata aprlna; III mnke a ahnrt park In Alaxka ell a on the Columbia river. rlre now aet for 1(4 at five tvnta, and It III be that ur nothln. The three lmt ear have leen comparallvrly rood on he t'ntumlila river, and no we can look for an off yenr. nil genera! principle It would eem at the qunnlliy of nh In the river la en.llly decrraalnr. anI I do not think hat Ihe hiilrherlea will matrrtnlly heln the alluatlon unleaa different methcel are mir,ieM.. Not until It t umnwl hi away wllh email meah enr. whe-l nd Irnpa. ran Ihero tie eineetp,) an rolcilDn to Columbia river Bh. In d- lllliin to lhl rople In the Kant and fnr- rlirnrr mum be rduraliM concemln Ihe llllT. renre between flue Columbl.1 river Chinook and Hie lower ura le of nh pin-kit! on I'uicet Bound and In Hrtllnh Columbia. We believe that matter can he o nninxed that the rnnnerymen can pay live eonl ami we are t.ndlnf on thnt proponitliiti.' A irroup of (enllemrn were yeatenlay nflernoon dlncumiln; the alluatlon and amonif thi m win Mr. IlenJ. Youn. That gentleman aald: "I am a tnekholder In n Inri paeklnit company In Alueka. Hlnre the Colurnbl.i strike hna been on. the atock of our company ha Rone tip ien point, i am biIvihc.1 that they ex peci 10 puck wm.ono cnae. and thnt It wm cot mem only fifty cent a cnae to put up the rood. I rnlly do not e how the Columbia river pneker can meet aueh comprtltlnn and pay five cent I" iioumt for flh. Hunlnc In the city la nlmoat fifty wr eenl lea than It nhbulil lie nt thin aeaaon of ttie year, on account of the trlke, and while the romllllon of affair help Alaaku and lirltlah Columbia pucker, yet peraonnlly. aa a realdrnt of Aitorln. I have for wifk been very annlou to ee a ei tlement hrouitht aliout. I live In fpper- inan, ami mnny nnhcmien paaa my houne eviry day. I hive cnIIihI many of tnem in and have talked mutter over with them. During the pnt we.'k or ten day I got the aame lda from mnnv of the men a were preaented In thl mornlns'i Aatorlan: nnd I think; that eomo auoh nrranirement would I a kwhI one. If preaent condlllnoa continue and the Columbia river nncker nrw com. nelleil lo met the tremendous competi tion of Aliinkn nnd lirltlah Col tmbl.i enn iierl", where Intmr la ao ch?.ip, there will never niraln to pnld rive cent per pound for llnh on the Columbia. riNer," full liefor he rch"d Ihe r'latnop Mill at which placa be took a mm hie that lout him the race. Here h broke lha front rim of til wheel and waa compelled to cut tha alv to prevent the tiro from rtplodlmr. He w wheellea. t,iit bor rowed an lc wniron from a ympathetlo bydunder and flnlahid tha race. Hryra got homa at l.ti.V and Hovey at 7 J7;0J. Th former' lime waa I mln uiea, T aecond, and tha latter" It mln uiea J5 eeconda. Th other rider did not flrilah till aeveral minute afterward and even then could not reach Ihe final becauae of the crowd on tha trick. Hovey" handicap of X aecond gav flrvre lha nr. tiv u . n.l. mer would undoulKedly have won wit for ',,( IKON AM) STEEL DEMAND nie nnioriunaie afeiiirnta. Iloih i-e and Hovey put up fine runa. tha former firovlnjr hlmull u a ii . , , ., vey'a grit In aurvlWng hi repeated fall Stocl i Sal rnqciaCO Took II I' p. iiu -noving me ic wagon home I verv commendable. Km.ill' rihlhlilon waa not up to eiiwtatlon. iU la null, an IMPROVEMENT IN GENERAL TRADE Xo Disturbnnce Over the Heavy Gold Nhlpments Troves Our Finan cial Soundness. athlete, and wheelman looked for a good howlmr for him. Hut ha proh-ihly la. rnme dlguled with Ihe comlninn , Ihe track and took hi time. Ring ur prlne.1 everyone. n Wii thought he would never finlh, but he "lived the rati out and came home alih Hmall. KxcpMng the eoviltlon of the track, the only dlagreable feature 'waa the pcrliency of the crowd In blocking tha home elretch Men who should have better aenae acted like wild Indiana and awarmed on the track near the Anal cratch. Hryc got through all right, but Hovey had to find hi way, while Hmall and Ring could not fore an en trance. The gentlemen having the ar rangement of the raca In charge ahnuld treteh rope, along th homa atretrh or tatlon men every two or threo ynrd wirming aenp inna prraon who al low their enthualaam to et it.. of what Utile ena they might po.-, off the rourne. The aecond ra- oceura Win.... evening at T o'clock- hrp. Rider nhould be on hund promptly that hour the committeemen aert rolttvrly that they will not delay the race fne anyone. Tom llryce ha five nolnl ta hi. ji. and 8ovey three. ' I'eraon who had not entered th. a-.i race may enter the other Thoae dealr bur to run ahould aimiv m o.... Clunn. of th A. K. C. at the Occident. ward Jloventit. The nectdtd. Driiyiig Rail to Tkrec Broker. New York, May I -R. J. Dun I Com pany' We kly Review of Trade, which lue tomorrow, will ay; Tht the export of .o.H) gold thl. week have produced no monetatry dla- luroance i at once proof of the ound ne of financial condition wl of the prevailing confidence In better thing to come. Much of tha hesitation at present I due to the temporarily reduced de mand in all Industrie, and In Iron and teel the power of the new combination l twin teated by a refusal of order. o that the production exceed the con sumption: but tha consumption exceed Ihe new buying. The r-ncral lrrugijlnrltr o price and the ilarkneaa of the de mand for flnlahed product does not pre vent the marking up of prices by com bination, but are largely dua to th doubt where uch prices p fixed If they can be maintained. Traders in wheat have lifted prices a little, and yet nobody question thr correctne of Western report Indicating more than an ordinary yield of winter wheat and un uaual progre In the planting of spring. IIRYCK WON THR ROAD RA."K. 8ovcy Fell Three Tlme, Drokc HlaWherl and r Inlnhcd a Good Second. N 1'FOAI.TinS Welch Patent Wheel. Ship . Smlthlnir and Steamboat Work, Cannery anJ lMlll Machinery. Marin anJ Stationary Boll art Built to Ordar. tlTSpeclally equipped for LogRers' Work. ' Located on 18th and Franklin (Scow Bay Foundry).' Phone 78. Correspondence solicited. FISHER'S OPERA HOUSE A. F. C. Box office open at N. Y. Novolty Btore, on Mon day, 11th lnat. Presenting the Grand Military Drama IN B ACTS 'At the Picket Line Get your tickets from Any member of the Club. Admission, BOo To all porta of the house. FRIDAY, MAY 15 Seats Reserved without extra c barge. At last the first run of thnt much. tulkitl-of bicycle rond nice hfi taken place. The nun shone brightly nil dnv yesterday, nnd the hope of the wheel men wore IiIkIi : "hornlike," Riild they, "Ihe rond will he dry nnd wo will hnve nice race." They were doomed to dla- appointment, however, for shortly before o clock the rain bennn to dron. ni. though not In large nuuntllle. Durlmr tho course of the run no ruin fell, but the rond wn Just wet rnough to make fnst riding dangerous. Duane street wa crowded with a surg ing mass of humanity; persons whom the street urchin calls rubborncckcrs." La dles were out In full force, and manl feslod qullo as much Interest as did the gentlemen. It was general ly thought thnt the race would be between CeJTl Hovey and Tom llryce. with the former tho favorite. Hovey had a handicap of .Tii seconds over llryce, which mean snout HK) ysrds. For once neon I nro. Phcslod correctly, although Sovey did not win. There were but four starters whn the gun went off-Sovey, Hryce, Small and Ring. Hryce was scratch, Povey hud 30 seconds handicap, Ring had 30, nnd Small 10, The others who had entered fnlled to matorlullse at the proper mo ment nnd were not wnlted for. The start wn mono nt 7:07:). The four contest ants stayed well together on the road up, Sovey being the only one to neet wllh an accident. Near Columbia Engine Houko he became mixed up with a street car track and was thrown, tlryce was setting the pace, n he was the only scratch man. and Sovey had hut to "hang uplo" him. This fnll lost the lat ter ten seconds, during Which limn TIptT. had Increased his lead about 200 yards. Hy hard riding Sovoy closed un the nn and the riders turned the upper pont as follows: , VYf?'1S ,flat! 8ovcy- T:1S:M: Small. 7:15:10; Ring, 7:15:11 During the run home the hlkee h.... to string out, Hover and Rn h..i.. well In the lend. But Boey's troubles were not at am end. He had two mora DANOEROl'S BOC1AI.I8TIC I.EQISLA- -JIUJ. The New York leslalat passed a law comnelllrur rnllen.t. . carry bicycles free of charge. Why not pasa a mw that paaaengers hall ride free and have done with It? This Is a part of the socialism bv which rr-.. sk th government to pay the freight of their export product to foreign port, which gave the Interstate commission power to regulate ratten.. tariff and which created the bill now before the New York leellature restrict Ing the romblnntlon.ot productive enter prise under tha flew of vreventlng "corner." All thl onlr shoar. .hu Inngerou legislation I nosalhle i.n.l.. . il-mi rri.ey when the voter . n. of et'onomlc and political science. Thl ucycie law la slmpuly a hid for the ote of bicycle lider ai ihe of Ihe rallronds. It I a reflit-tion unon he goo.1 sense and public Intecrtiv nt the political party re)Knslhe for It. If a bicyclist should save hi wheel carried free, why ehould not an em,... Irian have hi hore carried free when he wants to go by rail? The popular assumption that railroads and large cor porations should constantly he made the victims of attack by legislation shows a state of economic vlclousness. This kind of legislation Is being constantly Introduced Into state legislatures as a menna or compelling corporations to pay blackmail to HIHIcal lobbyists and cheap legislator. The public sentiment which has made this possible Is but the natural fruit of the educational campaign to men ine American neonle hv. Ku. BRADHTREETB REPORT. New Tork, May t-Pridatreefa tomor row will say: The relatively unfavorable feature of the general business situation this week Includes the unfavorable cool weather, which at some centers has checked trade; the falling off In the demand for lumber at St. Louts and Mirmeapoll and the continued dullness In Iron and steel, where, although mill and furnaces are fairly active, there Is a continued ab sent of new orders. Chlcaco Jobbers report business In light, aeasonoble fab brlcs as the only fairly satisfactory transaction In clothing smaller than a year sgo. and the leather market weaker owing to the lack of demand, but the light hardware relatively the more active. The favorable side of the picture ln e4e)c a mark! Increase In the total volume or Dank clearings, a longer list of staples for which quota'lons have advanced, almost uniform and unexpect eiiy improved prospects for c.Treal and cotton crop, and the reflection of business In the Improved demand through more confident r?eilng as to the autumn out the territory supplied by St. Louis naniuts nty. umaha. St. Paul. Mln no li poll a, Milwaukee. Duluth and Sioux i nr. There were 2S7 business failures report' eu throughout the I'nlted States this weeg a compared with td last week: 224 in the week one year ago. 1M In the nmi woe ot May. ism, and as compared with Jl In the corresponding week of inere were S8 business failures re ported from Canada this week, against K lost week, !7 in the week one year ao and 90 two years ago. Ac s against public sentiment and the recommenaaiions or two hoard of army ..i,.... ..mi, v( imuornia, or m mentml on the extraordinary condition by which the commerce committee of the senate waa forcing an appropriation on the state acatnst the wishes of It wnaiurs, representatives and people. HI91.Vf YOL'NiJ ATTORNEY. Nephew of Henry Villard Commits Bui ewe in Hpokane, Wn. Bpokane. May l-A. M. 8. Hllgard. nepnew or Henry Villard, and a rising anorner OI Bpoxane. la believed l uav commitiea sulrld at t o'clock thl morning, tie hsd been duwlpating, and had been beard to discus wlf-detruo- uon. ne leic nis room about midnight, taking a loaded revolver with him Wh his roommate detected his absence he reported the fact to police headquarter. At daybreak Hllgard's hat was foils wn ine rosi ureet hrl.lge Jut above the main isiia or ine Hpokaoe Klver. An In. iiecuun or ine onnge Indicated th.. Hllnard had climbed over tha ratlin and. hanging on with one hand, sent a bullet through hi brain, Hllgard, who was a social favorite, waa attorney for the Oregon Mortgage Co., and other large concerns, and hy many waa thought w oan nnu ine lairest prosnects of ur i" " at ine par. i-noe Who knew blm more Intimately, however that he was given to periods of dlsalua- uon. FREBHCTT ARRESTED. J-oruand AuthorlUes Apprehend a Man names. Here ror Adultery. Special to the Astoria n. Portland. Mar 4.-T. T. FrMh. Astoria, was arrested by DetecUvs Cody In this city today on a telegram from As toria aaylng that Freshett la wanted there to defend a charge of adultery. The prisoner denies that he la milt r h. charge, and claims he came to Portland for the purpose of securing witnesses necessary to his defense. Kreshett has been in Portland foe cral days "looking for witnesses," and his case In the justice's court baa been postponed twice. Judge Abercromhl haw came tired of waiting for him. and sent thertff Hare to Portland to bring Fresh elt back. He will be tried Mondsv 1 MINING 8TOCKS BOOM'iD. 8m n Francisco, May H Then, u treated during the last decade by free m ,n ,he n'nlng stock market today, trade doctrinaires and socialist propa- " wa" 'aul to at ,wl9t three brokers, gnndlsts. It was largely a campaign of Z " f,"u,', Kfn announced nt noon. Industrial blackguardim for the ole Ih bmkm are In difficulty are purpose of discrediting a tnrlrT policy J"narle p Harris, E. L. AUlnson. and thinking thnt Ignorant nntogonlsm would .HMry L- Fox- Th various amounts be Inflamed more easllv hv m.i..,i. ,n which the llrms have failed la un. known, but It will require six figures to uci-iKiuite ine loial. The flurry In the stock market was caused several dnys ago by the I) ml Ing of a good streak of gold ore In the Ilrunswlck lode, which parallels the Corn stock. The Brunswick lode la n.n.ul H. crippling the Industrial enterprise of the "L" plnH'u, Comstock companies and pointing to successful bus! large ronwratlona as plunderers of the poor. The consequence Is, the nation Is saturated with seml-soclallst senti ment which Is bearing fruit In a crop of dangerous soclullstlo leirUtniir.. which. If continued, will succee.1 in nituun. rrom (.(union's Miuraxtne iv v for May. ' HAD MAN WITH A GUN. Came Pretty Nearly Killing fleer Seafeldt. ollce Of- About l:f0 this mornnlg a miv in.ii- vldunl and a gun at the corner of Rlvit. and Bond streets, on tho Bowery de traeled a great deal of attention. Evl. lently tke fellow wn shoiin. hear thme noise, but nut in nu-hi n law abiding cltlxen In the nelKhborhooil Police Officer Seafeldt heard the .....t. nn.1. gun In haml. ran around the corner' When tho shooter saw the officer he threw his gun to the ground, which, sinking, exploded, the ball whistling past th officer's ear and lodirlmr In the h lin ing. The man was promptly lalled. KINO MENEI.EK AND THE CAMERA Argonaut. When some of the native priests saw photograph of Kmneror Menel.lr nf Aoyssinia tney upbraided him for allow ing a Ktiroican to reproduce his features Dy means or an instrument Invented by the devil. "Idiots," replied Menelek, "on me contrary, it Is God who has created the materials which make the work pos sible. Don't tell me such nonsense again or I'll have you beheaded." He Is a great admirer of the French. After ine r ranco-uermnn war he asked a mis sionary ir nc might not contrihute a sum or money toward paying off the Indem nity. ami when Carnot was killed he sent a wreath to be placed upon the Krave. the result was a steady rise in rnnei. stock. Only a few days ago Chollar stock begged buyers nt JO cents. The neea 01 me uruswlck discovery boomed this stock until yesterday, when It reach ed 3. while today its bids receded to lis. All the Comstork companies felt the boom, and after the market went up short sellers like Harris and Atkinson found themrelves unable to buy and were practically shut out. Consolidated Virginia on May 1 was ouoted ut 165 and at the close of ihe market yesterday It was R.S. Today stock reached to 3 nnd closed at t ' S5. Short sellers who were forced to buy and sell from flay to day it the market prices could not stand the upward tendency and smashes were Inevitable. The supreme court decision today In the Hale & Norcross case. -ei-eiMing' the decision of Judge Hobard, caused a slight flurry In the slock of that company. The price dropped from $1.19 to $1.23 GOOD 8HOOTING. Fred Gilbert, of Spirit Lake, Iowa, Wins uio American cnamptonshlp. New York. Mar S. Tha ahonilna- vm. ney which begun at Gntteabura: w completed today. The principal feature waa the champlonshlD contest. ahM was Introduced for the purpose of de termining who waa entltlml to the kn... of being the c ham Ion target shot of America, and alter an exciting ami well contested series of twelve event. h. title and sriver eon were rem hv v Gilbert, of Bplrit Ijtke. Ioara. while Ful ford. of Itlca, and Elliott of Kansas City, tied for second place. Gilbert broke a out of J0 targets. BOOTH-Tl'CKER COMING NORTH. Bon Francisco. May g. -Commander and Mr. Booth-Tucker left this city tonight and are now on their wav north r num. as tner stood in tha vol, In. f the ferry building at the foot of Mar- aireei iney jointly composed a fare well address to th Salvationists of ,k. the Pacific Coast and to their friends. IFOR AIDING THE REBELLIONISTS Crew of the Amerltaa Schooner Com petitor on Trial fay Court Martial. ONE PRISONER AN AMERICAN Hi !Uae It Jokl Miltos. Tkmaat to He . Satire of KiiMt-Sciooicr Had a Lirg Quitit of Vir rlateriil. THE BALLOT FOR WOMEN. SNAPS FOR CLERKS. INCONSIDERATE. Boston Transcript First Lady Do you see that man over merer well. 1 want to tell you about nun. no a a most insulting creature. I got Into the electrio the other day, and he gave me his seat After I had oeen seated, perhaps a mile or so, he comes up to me and. says he, "If you are rested, marm, I think I'll take my sent." Second Lndy-Mercy! What did you say? first Lndy-Say? I said nothing I gave him such a look! Becond Lady And served him The presumption of the monster! but right. There's more clothing destroyed bv none soap than by actual wear. "Hoe ct." soap contains no free alkali and will not Injure the finest lace. Try It and notice the difference In quality. Ross, Hlcglns House Appropriates for Its Members nivcr ana Harbor Hill Completed. Washington, May S.-The members of the house today voted themselves $1W ier monin tor cierk hire during the re cess or congress. Under a resolution passed by the Fifty-second congress, the members of subsequent congresses re- eivcu iuu per month ror clerk hire dur ing the sessions. Today the proposition to extend this allowance to members dur ing the recesses of congress came up In the form of the Hnrtman resolution, ad versely reported from the committee on nccounty. It occasioned some very sharp debate. It had the support of Cannon, chairman of the appropriations committee, but was opposed by Dlngley, the floor leader of the majority. Aldrlch said It would In volve an additional expenditure of I2l6,d00 per annum. The resolution was amended so as to except members who are chair men of committees having annual clerks, and as amended was passed 130 to 108. An analysis of the vote shows that lit Republicans, 15 Democrats and 1 Hiiv.-i. voted for It. nnd 53 Reouhllcans M !-...,- crats and 1 Populist voted against It. RIVER AND HARBOR BILL. Washington. Mnv The ri. ... hnrhor bill was completed in the senate today wllh the exception of an Item for a deep sea harbor on the Ronth.rn ci Ifornla coast. This has nmn.i opposition, tho two California senators opposing the proposed contract appro priation of W,098,0n0 for a harbor at Santa Monica Boy on the ground that if i. a project fostered by the Southern Pact- Elisabeth Lyle Saxon of New Orleans. The legal and civil disabilities of wora. an are a violation of human h -ht. odious abuse of power on the part of the strong,' with the cruel ailvn nni out In the action "mlsht makes right" n oman is today ready for civil liberty, by the progress she has made, and by the duties that have been thrust upon her by changed conditions, which com. pel her to labor outalde of domestic life for her own, and her children's support. Women are Just as capable of Judging and determining the use of Ju and equitable laws as men are. and have a strong love of country, and as exalted ana pure patriotism as men have. Woman has from the long centuries ot Inability to earn for herself, been eom. pelled to economise the money grudging- u uuieu. ur ireeiy given, and she will carry into the national household her spirit of economy and order, her love of detail, and hate of waste and foolish ex pense, will reform government, and sup- .iit3o murvum ana accumulation of of fices, will produce much from little In stead of like men, producing little from much: and the poor tax-payer will not find fault with the change. The negro always feels that his chance for securing Justice Is Increased by hav ing one of his own race on the Jury It tried for crime, or suspicion of crime, yet woman Is made amenable to lows, nnd tried, even punished by death, un der laws to which her consent has never been asked or given: It Is declared "men shall ba tried by a Jury of their peers" she is tried by a Jury of masters by right of both sex and law: deprived of the ballot she has no means of protec tion against legal or Judicial injustice Possessed of the voting power they will stand before the law equal with men, and will be able to not only redress their own wrongs, but to vote for purer men if women go to the polls, the better class of men will go-those who aro now con spicuous by their absence, and have by their neglect turned municlDal r-o.-.m. ments over to a class of men with whom nicy wouiu not entrust a purae for ten seconds. Under such conditions every evil has been fostered, that will drag down and ruin the youth of the land, for sons roilow the father's example, oftener than the mother's counsel when they pass from under their control. English municipalities are better gov erned than those of America; there W,0m,enJote' anJ the baliot symbol of dignity, as well as of liberty, and It alone can give real cltlsenshlp. HE DIDN'T KNOW. Mrs Henpeck-I called on young Mr. and Mrs. Newed today. Now. I think It nice to see a couple happily married and settled down. thVnk'T-o lft;,nIy)-ye, I should think It would be. (Copyrighted, 1KW. by Associated Press.) Havana, May l-Th trial by court martial of the men captured on board the American schooner Competitor, of Key West Fla.. by the BpanUk gunboat Mcnsajera on April 23, began la tha court of Justice at the navy yard hers today. Before beginning their work the mm btrs of th court assembled la the chapel of the navy yard and reverently wltnoss ed th celebration of mass, going these) directly to the court of Justice, when) many other officers bad assembled. A guard of picked marine Infantry soldiers then brought In the prisoners. The first to enter the court room wsa Alfredo Laborde, who Is classed as a leader of the filibustering expedition. Af. ter Laborde came Dr. Ellas Bedla. anal a man named John Mlltoa. said to be m native of Kansas: William Olldea. aauA to be British subject and Teodoro hed Mala, described aa fishermen, and classed) a witnesses. The prosecutor dmimI th proceedings by describing In detail th capture of the Competitor. He said that Lieutenant Butron, In command of the gunboat Mensajers, was notified trr some fishermen on April 8 that a saugaV clou looking schooner, apparently a pilot boat was oft Beracos. The Menaajera, waa headed for that part of tha roost and when within balling distance of tho schooner called upon her to show her colors. The schooner did not do so, asat the men on board her Jumped overboard and mm for the shore. Two of tha lattr were seen to go down, and other may have been drowned. In addition two more of the ao-calloJ filibusters were killed br the rifle nro of the crew of the gunboat while trying to reach shore. The filibusters who were) already on land, continued the prose cutor, opened hro on the gunboat, ho dfcl not succeed tn hitting anybody. Tbw ' sohooner was then seised. Lieutenant Butron said he found m board the captured schooner a number of documents. Inscribed and classified or ders from Colonel Munson. an Insurgent offlcer: recommendation from Estrada, an Insurgent chief, to Callaao. another insurgent leader: proclamations signed by Laborde: lists of the members of the expedition and of the war material on board, and permit for the Competitor to be used as a "lifeboat." Lieutenant Butron also said that that war material captured consisted of 9 Remington rifles, ) carbines, X pounds of dynamite, and tjO.OOO cartridges. ARRESTED IN BAN DIEGO. San Diego. May (.-Charles N. WyBe. a young man who Is wanted in Union county. O. gon. tor forgery, waa ar rested In this city tonight. The nolle. here were not notified from Oregon) "' "isi " eaneenay to De on the look out for Wylle, and they soon located him at a hotel where he was reglstred as C. B. Wilson, of Chicago. His arrest was deferred Rending the arrival of the papers, but tcday It was learned that he had bought a ticket for Arizona, so on the strength of the copy of the Ore gon complaint forwarded by telegraph, a new complaint was sworn out and he was taken Into custodv. He la accused of forging- a warrant for JS0 against School District No. 8, Union county. Or DEMOCRATS ARE PROMPT. Chicago. May 8. Chairman Harrlty, ot . the Democratic national committee, with S. P. Hern, of Indiana: Judge 1raether. of Missouri: T. H. Sherlev, of Kentucky; and Ben. T. Cable, of Illinois, an mem bers of the sub-committee of the nav tlonal committee, came to Chicago today and went Into session at the Wellington Hotel. They were Joined by Joseph Don nerberger and A. A. Goodrich, of tho lo cal committee. Donnerberegr handed check to Harity for 115,000, whloh with $10,000 already pnld, makes C5.000, leaving only 115.000 yet to be paid for holding the national convention at Chisago. "When you visit us next," said Don nerberger, "the account will be cleared." IDAHO BIMETALLISTS. Wardner. Idaho, May &-The Dubois men led the Shoshone county convention today by over J to 1. An attempt had been made to prevent Dubois securins; a delegation to the state convention to nominate delegates to the national con vention. The opposition waa led by W. D. Heyburn, In this county, and Governor McConnell In Latah county. The Dubois men have won over both opponents. Res olutions were, adopted declaring 'or bi metallism, proection and reciprocity, for me iree ana independent coinage of sil ver, and heartily endorsing the position of Senator Dubois In the recent firm stand taken by him In the United States senate. TO SUCCEED MILLER. Lawrence, Kan., May 8.-Af ter having; taken 113 ballots during a struggle ex tending through four days, the Second Republican Congressional district con test this afternoon nominated J. P. Har ris, a fanner and banker of Ottawa. Franklin county, to succeed Hon. Orrtn I Miller In congress. Observer Grover deserves a good mark In the chimney corner for having gives us one day of sunshine. , Highest of afl in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report II ABSOLUTORY PURE v. 4 ' r 1 v (1 ii4y-aa1 . ! i- ... sat,. 1 .