The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 03, 1896, Image 2

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1 . V" J - x I - V --'
J. "v.
6- r 1 1 t. .r Ui'riui'i' "m.
gaily SVatovlan.
Telephone No, M.
rtHM op sirosCKiTitM
Bent by mall, per year W W
Bent by mall per month So
Served by carrier, per week 10
Bent by mall per year, 23 In advanc
Postage free to subscribers.
All communication intended for puldl
cation should be directed to the editor
Business communication! of all kind
and remittance must be addressed to
The Aslorian.
The Astorian guarantee to U ub
acrlbcrs the larget circulation of any
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rale can be had on appli
cation to the business manager. j
Th Weekly Astorian, the second oldest!
weekly In the state of Oregon, has, next!
to tha Portland Oregonlan, the largest
weekly circulation in ttoc state.
Jno. F. Handley Co. ar our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorian
can be had every morning at their stand,
124 Third street.
We are unalterably opposed to any
scheme that will give to this country a
depreciated or debased currency. We fa- j
Tor the use of sliver aa currency, but to
the extent only and under such re. trle
tlons that Its parity with gold can be
maintained. Wisconsin Republican con
The ratification of the Behrlng Sea
treaty attracts little attention, but prom
ises) a final settlement of a Ions; standing
and much vexed controversy. The senate
ought to have credit tor its share In
perfecting the treaty which Mr. Olney
and the British ambassador framed beV
tween them. The share of the senate.
It U true, consisted for the most part
tn letting their work alone, but that Is
WuMathlw in )A arrAtofiil frtr V T UrtPw
... . . .
a oau into ui ui u "
allow the treaty to be ratified unless with
such amendments as should express his
own personal and very peculiar view ot
the decisions of the Paris arbitration tri- ,
buna! This threat, however, has nroved !
' empty. Mr. Morgan retired from the !
scene," and the vote of the senate was i
unanimous. j
''The treaty will not be made public tUl
ratifications have been exchanged be- I The thoughtful man. who carefully
- tween the two governments. It ought. j watches what may be called the strug
1 meantime, to have one good effect There S'e of nature. Its Joys, Its shadows. Its
, la a section of the English press, more j
noisy than Important, which has con- 1
irtanUy accused this ;ountry of bad
faith because congress refused to pay
, the lump sum agreed on by Mr. Greshara !
and Sir Julian Pauncefote. They said the !
' Paria tribunal had awarded this sum. !
. In tact, the Tarts tribunal awarded no
sum whatever, but left the matter ' for
' negotiation between the two govern
ments. . r, It might have done no great harm If
- we had paid the amount flrst proposed.
" Be that as It may, we have now fully
' carried out by this treaty the Intentions
. of the arbitral body at Paria The Joint
commission created by the treaty will
determine the amount due from us on
account of Canadian claims, and con- 1
1 gress
will have no reason for declining j
to vote the money so awarded.
Free silver statesmen who are gravely
asserting that there will be no perma
nent return to prosperity until the circu-
, taUng medium has a corresponding rats
Of increase with the movement of our
population should study current banking
returns. Idle money from the interior Is
' flowing to all the Eastern centers. A
recent statement of the Associated Banks
shows an Increase of nearly three and a
'half millions cash at New York, during
. the week before, and the excess of re
serve Is now nearly twenty-one millions.
It is unfortunate that products of the
soil bring such low prices that farmers
s are poor; but if the government should
-at , once coin a thousand millions of sti
ver dollars the farmers could not get
any of them unless they had something
to give in exchange. If they had this
needful something they could procure
:' some of the unemployed dollars that are
' flowing in millions to the Atlantic sea-
'' board. The farmer Is generally crtdited
i. with a degree of intelligence sufficient
to prevent his being fooled with the clap
trap of these windy statesmen. He ought
to understand that he can obtain more
dollars, not by Increasing the heaps now
In the vaults of the banks and the treas
ury. aut by assuring the stability of the
' currency and by establishing a high level
of credit personal and local ns well as
' national.
The money question Is settled so far
"as sound currency la concern?! for It is
certain there will be no change in the
btandanl-none whatever. There will be
no free sliver coinage by local effort or
international combination. The world
will, as it has dona for a generation
continue to limit silver on account of its
superabundance until thj increase of the
stock of gold brings the two metals to
an eq'.dvulency not far from the old
ratio. Now this may not happen, but it
is the only way free silver coinage will
ver take place In a nation that has been
.' o enlightened and fortunate up to this
time as to escape the silver standard.
For us to go at and adopt the silver
measure after achieving the gold stand
ard along with the foremost nations in
prosperity and power, and getting the
" good of it. not In cheap currency, which
., is always a curw, but cheap capital,
which is always a blessins, is preposter
ous; and the statesmanship based -ipon
that sort of thing will peter out If we
: 1 will give it time and rope.-Mjrat Hal
but give it time and rope.-Murat Hal-
The Portland Chronicle temporarily
, turns its attention this week from the
fishermen of the lower river, whom it
scathingly denounced last week as Igno
rant, dissolute Finuujders find Russians.
' and pours out the vials of its wrath
n the beads of the editor of the Ore
jonlan and Judge Northup, the sound
money Republican candidate for congress
In this district From the whole tone of
its abuse of Mr. Scott and Judge Northup,
It Is nntursl to Infer that the Chronicle,
would settle the congressional fight In
the Second district In the same vigorous
and effectual method It advocated In last
week's article for disposing of the dispute
between the cannerymcn and the fisher
men: namely, that of tmploylng a
Oatllng gun to kill every foreign fisher
on the river. It Is to be feared Mr,
Kills' friends In the Second district ar
using some very poor tools to secure his
return to congress.
Rvcry lawyer and businessman In the
I'nlted States will rejoice over the pas
sage of the Torrvy bankruptcy bill by
the house yesterday. It is very doubtful,
of course. If It will get through the sen
ate, since It was given out some time
ago by the free silver conspirators that
no hills except the necessary appropria
tions, should be allowed to become lawa
unless some "concessions" were made
to free silver. The large majority for
the bill In the house, however, shows that
the country has at last awakened to the
Importance of a uniform system of bank
ruptcy, and there Is thus good neatn W
believe that when the people shall have
voted for the purification of the. senate
this fall, as they have sternly resolved to
do. there will be no trouble In getting
this and other beneficent Hws on the
statute book early In the next admlnts
t ration.
Nixon Materman, In L. A. W. Bulletin.
How much does the baby weigh.
All in all? Oh. who can say?
Not his dainty flesh and bone.
Not his sweet, pink cUv alone.
Not his limbs so soft and fair:
These are trifles light as air.
These are but a thing apart.
When we welch him in the heart.
Who can weigh the light that He
In the heaven of his eyes?
Who can weigh his sunny smiles.
Or his sweetly winsome wile?
Who can estimate the worth
Of an angel's kiss at birth
Pimples playing hide and seek
In his round and rosy cheek?
Who can know the hopes and fear
Of the mother's smiles and tears?
Who can weigh the pravers expressed
For the loved one at her breast?
Who can tell the father's joy
Wrapped within that baby boy?
How much does the baby weigh.
All tn all? Ah. who can say!
Seedtime ami harvest, anil roM and heat.
, ami numnier an. I winter, a.u! tt-iy und ntcht.
I -oeneMs, viii..
Tl,. ts th pli.nvM whteh m,rk tha
recurring seasons of the year, snd their
counterparts are to be found In the
' mn- A year and a man pass through
history of every human being are to be
found periods of heat and cold, of see
lnw of harvest, and of day and night.
dear and cloudy skies. Its fragrant
flowers and r.oxlous weeds, must feel as
though he were looking Into the glass of
'a"' wherein he sees reflected all the
peculiarities of his own spiritual Mfe. He
nl nature are passing through prectsely
the same changes, and there Is neither
weed, nor flower, neither ice nor heat,
neither tempest nor calm, for the on
which the other does not equally experi
ence. What more exquisite In their beauty,
their fragTance and their mystery than
the bubbling, babbling, ioyous spring
times of nature and of -nan? We are
puzzled by the process of growth In both
Instances and by the boundless exuber
ance of both.
Within the seed Is a handful of om-
nlpotence. a moiety of Intelligence, and
when it Is bedded It silently sets about
a task so mavellous that If you were to
see Its work for the first time you would
hardly contain yourself for wrnder.
What Is that divine propulsion which
draws from the soli materials which the
most skilful chemist cannot reach?
The boy Is spiritually a seed also, and
the mystery of his growth Is equally be
yond solution. What marvels of possi
bility are packed within that narrow
soul! As the sculptor finds an angel In
every block of marble, and with hammer
and chisel slowly brings It to view, so
In every boy there Is a grandeur of char
acter, an archangel's excellence, all the
elements of that kind of success which
God smiles upon. They need but th
Master's hand and the discipline of life,
and then you win see a true nobleman.
The springtime IS full of gladness and
fragrance and laughter and a certain
kind of happiness; but Is It, after all,
the best season? I think not
Then comes the summer, with Its tor.
rid heat. Its fields of ripening grain. Its
vineyards and orchards laden with their
luscious products. Nature has teen
hard at work, and tne results of her
toll are in evidence. The very planet
must be heavier, since all the blossoms
of spring have changed to fruit so gen
erous In weight that the branches can
hardly bear the strain. Abundance,
abundance everywhere.
An equally curiouB transition has come
to the boy. Childish thln-'S have teen
put away, and he Is bearing with the full
strength of physical maturity the heat
and burden of the day. With a godlike
Intellect he makes companions of the
stars and forces from them secrets
which stretch through the countless
years of the past; ho corrals for the
practical benefit of minklnd the in
numerable natural laws which have
never before known subjection except to
the will of God. They are tamed and
harnessed and become 'is obedient and
docile as were the genii of fairy tales.
Summer Is the season of achievement.
The man has developed capa liies which
excite our wonder, for he grasps the
east and the west with his two hands.
The earth trembles under his feet, and
the heavens are within eay reach. And
yet the appetite for knowledge grows by
what it feods on, and he Is Impressed
and oppressed by the consciousness that
he has not reached the limit of discov
ery, or of his own ability to dis
cover. Is It true that he will continue
to grow, or Is there a boundary which
he cannot pass? It has not yet been
found, and the future oeckons him to
still greater accomplishment.
Therefore I say the summer of life Is
not Its best season.
Autumn comes with its chilllntr frosts,
and winter treads on autumn's heeln, its
arms full of snow and The earth
yields up Its glorious harvests, then be
comes drowsy and Boon falls on slum
ber. The sap no longer flows, the leaves
wither and cover the ground, the trees
emu o
Biacnwcu.' Durham Tobacco Companv.
to-day. Youre very truly,
H yea he say drfflcalty la srecarteg year
seap, cat eat this tce aad sen It with
year order t year wh.lmli dealef.
In orchard and forest 'ire denuded, and
a kind ot sadness hovers over the earth
like a canopy of eked.
The same experience come to man.
His maturity has passed, his work Is
done. The heart leglns to beat like a
muffled drum, and the presage of ap
proaching dissolution whispers strung
posatbilltlea In hi eara
Ah! but the fields and forests ar not
dead: they only sleep. You may grow
sad In winter, but both delds and forests
will tell you that they are glad to rest
a while, for another spring will soon
beckon them, and then they will begin
the work of production once more.
The correspondence between nature
and man still continue, for the winter or
life lll by and by give way to the
springtime ot eternity. The man who
dies has not reached the limit ot his
powers, tut In some other world and
under more favorable conditions will take
up the work which death forced him to
I say. therefore, that the best season
of the souls' long year la the spring
time of Immortality that is to come.
Overcoats and winter wraps will be lo1
fashion. They can be discarded, tempor
arily while traveling In the steam h std
trains of the Chicago, Mllwauke- and 51
Paul Railway. Per solid eomf.wt. for
jpeed and for safety, no other line can
compare with this great railway of the
A gentlemsn's resort, at corner Bond
and 11th streets. Th finest brands of
liquors and cigars always on hand Call
and try ua
Salmon Usher, send In your orders for
wire nets to Washington Wire Work.
Seattle. Wash.
Fisher's Opera House Throws Wide
Ojen Its Doors This After
noon and To-night
Ami HerrrndB the Hi;ikr Kll Kr-
poit HLs WnikTfl .Manifc.-ta-tion
in Allaiatini) Suf
fering Humanity.
Once Monr Will the AltlictH Kejoice aisd' the
fabliau Aftnrted limitr Opportacut;
of Vtittusiag the Woeacrlnl. Gud-Uke
Vork f Her row n the Healer is Bin
UneUs ttealitu Miistrstiu.
For the benefit of luwidreet who were im.
ble 10 attend uuit nliiht's deuimis-lraliuu, m-
lug to the large crowd which. U1 ue tiieuiw
0 overflowing, or because me im-ie
weulher. and ill respon tu. hundreds of c.
Kent iettenMUid penuaial entrvutiea. Itoe liu&a-
agement ha ujhiiomi 10 umu
treat the atnicuu ai uie coiircjHiMiin me
was the original Intention tlu i'rw. Hall n-
vale lectiira mis urwrnism atei umiuiiu
this i.liernitfiu ajul eveeuiue U his !..-,
nre. but Willi their rlianMUrLttte retard !
Hie poor and siitrerliia, wl aee nut able u
v lor treatment ai ute imium, ie wue,
to prolong each deiiicmtrulujtt in oftier
llie ni(Mi wnriiiy n n,u um.
rented at llie ooueluM l lur ie -
uri.. tiiv ladies thifeufleruo!! uuu ilie mu
tunlght. -Ulref.,re, Heme It u ei lilll
ufllirled wlio wish ln-heriimd will be kivi-i.
front seal- which will enUUi- liotiu to lie
.-t-aimelit utsin tne ttaije.
lit zenuf Astoria and stranger wu " vr
irates who wlli to witness t& trawtiuriuuiiiM
tt human lieliuis wiaweo he ltMse, uiii
terliu e verge f th irsve. u Uie Mi" .,
robust hniiyaucy rf tnanfciNMl aiel
Ineei r.eilu HOI tail lo lie reellb ai i!,etr
leriU'CMLic leeture llll'I lielliljlerl.iM I'U.
afternoon and lonilil, ai c-verthiu iul
lltely free.
Tfie two private ;ee.tun u oe- ueuvereii y
Prof.. W. Hull, one lo ibe
afternoon and III other la Die uie-ti
are both liialeiei'e 111 tlieir rn,.n' I
fields. Tiie suiijirt ol Hi private leii 11. .
indies 'aily
at 2 O'-.lork Is entitled. "Sintering tttuvi 1
atitl iler Heroic Koriiiuife to kjiilutt- I
li'ettire Is ftir lailius In it dncuuoimt wo
ror women, it lias reeeUed the mclie-i n
inhiiiw Iriim the pres vl all eotnorieh : .
woman who VMjues lier health or houir t. ion 'I
f-iil 'JO hear it The subject ta ilie i.iiMiit- e
lure to iue'iioiv, this,
hl'.NHAY NlfiHT
Is entitled, "iiir Disobeilleu-n iif N.t tin
Uiws " Thla bs'f "re l for men only s.xl !
hot s will lie admitl."!.
At thb wiKt.xt Hotel Todat mi.
All th'sie who desire, and areiilile ami !
Ing to pay for, private ueatim-m lnu '
frniii 10 a. 111. bP m. today and loimr ow
lrdiawareeoiisl(lered IneunJile, ,e wl
so state to all itienlKaiiil their cases will 110
ollis-es have been especially sxiired i ...
Oeeldelilliolel for tiie ris-eptlull an I p Ivu i
treatment ol all who are able 10 pay fo li
"Votisiiltatlon, with full dlia-ms ' f ..
disease In all eases, tl.m. Tlekeis a 1 be
cured at reeepllon risiin uf e,-i . n .
An Austrian who for several years has
been a waiter at various restaunnts In
Sacramento, Cal., and not a very pros
perous man, because nor a cerv wind
waiter, came last weeK into a fortune
of a little more than half a million dol
lars. He was the scapegrace son of a
wealthy and distinguished Austrian, who
wns at one time comptroller of the
prince of Montenegro, but he ran away
from home eight or ten years i.go. His
father died recently, and the 1 x-wnltrr
started last week for Austria to Inherit
the fortune left to him.
Dear Strt
You ar entitled to receive)
FREE fro vour wholesale dealer.
BlackwelTs Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. On bar
of snap I'reo with each pound,
whether 16 ox., 8 or, 4 ox., or
B 01., packc.
We have notified every whole
ale dealer (n the United State
that we will upply them with soap
to live you FREE. Order a rood
upply o OtMltffc DURHAM at
once, and Insist on getting your
aoap. One bar of Soap FREE with
each pound you buy. Soap la
offered for a limited time, to order
Precocious Arthur- You needn't shake
your pockctbook at mr, Aunl liiirn. I
know what It Is tilled with. You enn't
.1 inle me with your wraith! Aunt
Clara You Impertinent boy! What Is
there In It. then? I'rvoocl.xi Arthur
O, u (-cent tlece, four .x'nules, two
cards, a aioe-buttoner, a nail tile and
Sfvcrul other worthless artl ies, nlth a
handkerchief and a love letter from
your diirllnc tlconre.-New York Id -er.
Wbea Baby was tick, w gar ber CastorU.
When ah wa a Coud. ah cried for Outorla,
When ah bream Mlas, sh clung 10 Cantoris,
WhahL "hlldnw, sh g Iheia Outoria
"Some men huv been circulating false
hood about me." said the public official.
Indignantly. "What do they iwy?" hi
wife inquired. "That I have nin.l a
great deal of money sine my election."
"IVj you think It will hurt you?" "I
1 should sav It would Every one of my
creditor has written me a letter un tlie
strvnmh of the rumor." Washington
It Is not a miracle. It won't cure
everything, but It will cur' pl'r. That's
what DeWltl's Witch Has, I Salve will
do. because It has done II In hundreds
of cases. Chas. Roger.
"I guess 1 nil stuck." s.i! 1 the answer-to-ronvspondents
man " Is It?"
akcd the rest of the force In deep sym
pathy. "Girl writes to know which of
hi r fiances should have the preference
In going with her to chnrch-the first
one or the second." Cincinnati Enquirer
All the patent medicine advertised In
this rMer. tocether !!h the rl-otcent
perfumery, and toilet articles etc , ran
be bought af the lowest price at J W
Conn's drug store, opposite Oocldenral
Hotel A tor la.
"I'd Tike to hare you that snow
, In tho fmnt of the house, and then I'll
glv you a breakfast." snld the ludy of
the house'. "If clean eao'.ifth. ma'am.
I'm uain hnvln' tklngs too clean." an
syrred the Statesman.
A llttl III. then a little pit. The III
has gone, the pill has won. Hewitt's
Little Early R1s r art the Mitle pills that
. cur-? great Ills. Chaa Rogers.
"Aha. I bellefe (he ml rr int has been
foiled." Tear came unhldaVn to her
eyes. "Polled. she r;s-ulrd T.nrs
came unhidden to her tj.t ns che direct
ed their attention to the teeth murks In
the dust at their feet. "Vtrolt Tribune.
Pure blood means gooa health. IV
Wltt's Parsaparl'la purine the blood,
cur s Eruptions. Krs ma. Serene, aid
all diseases arl'lng from Impure bbod.
Chas. Rogers.
Judge (to prisoners-Why did you take
only 1 fie money and knic the basket of
silver? Prisoner Hevause It was Pki
heavy. Judge (excitedly) -Aren't you
ashamed of yourself, you laxy man?
Pllegende Ulaetter.
Tr in rrv On Mlnut
ccmrti Cure as snything els. If easier
to cure
revsr cough or cole) with It
Let your next purchase for a cough be
One Mlnut Cough Cur Retter medi
cine, better result: better try lu Chaa.
How could the Chicago yojng woman,
who was enifased to a man who forgot
her name when h? went' to procure the
the wedding llcena", ever have trusted
him to bring home a spool of thrvad?
Kansas City Star.
Rurn are absolutely palnies wbn De
Wltt'a Witch Hazel Salve la promptly
aDnlled. This statement l true. A pr-
feet remedy for skin diseases, chapped
hands and Hps, and never falls to cure
piles. Chas. Rogers.
"He Is good natured, Is he?" "flood
natured? Why, I have known that man
to wear a smiling face whin he was
speaking of taking off a porous plaster!"
Hoston Courier.
The U. S. Oov't Reports
thwir Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
Harry I cannot offer you wetilth,
Marie: my l-nilns are nil the '-irttine I
posws. Marle-O, Hurry, If you nre
as badly (iff as that, run afruld papa
will nevir give Ids consent.--IndLinnpull
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
flzwiic I understand you are- working
fer 7 11 week. Jiizrlif You're mistaken.
I get 7 per week, tint I'm working for
H". Itoibury flazettui.
v might tell you more about On
Mlnut Cough Cure, hut you probably
know that It cures a cough. Kvcry on' who has used It. It Is a perfect
remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It
h an -special favorite for children, be.
Ine idensant to lak and quick In curing.
Chas Hotter.
"Von look sbvpy. Tou miiHt have been
up with the boys last nlfiht." "I was.
We have twins at our house." Iliirbm
HeV Itt's Rar'aparllla Is prepared for
e nn-inV the hlood. It builds up and
'trerivthens constitutions Impaired by
ill . H-. ''has. Hi.Kers.
Poet I hnte written a tragedy In six
;.. fs. Critic That's carrying the Joke
a littie too far Fllegendo Hlaetter.
T' e f 'st salve In tho worl-1 for Cuts,
r k, s. r' rec, 1'b ers, Halt Rheum,
Fever fores. Tetter, f.'hnpped Ilariils,
' hll! t ut s. Corns, and All Bkln Irrup
tion.',, in.l positive cure for Plb-s, or no
pev no ired. It Is .,'iiaiaiito'- to give
p. r'ect e.iiiKfaetlon, or money refunded.
Price, 2'i cents per box. for sale by
Chas. Ffoir. re, Odd Fellows' building.
The Astorian
invites attention
to its Job
Printing Department
Notice la hivby glrn that th as
nieiit mudo by Ordlmtnc No. a't of th
city of Astoria, lunflrmlng Ihs a
mwit on Roll No. 1. for llm eonstructloa
ot a druln In Hi city of Astoria, a laid
out and recorded by John Adair, coia
1111 uclug at a point in block Ca. and hav
ing Its outlet In Thirty-third trt, be
tween blocks l and IT. lit Adair' As
toiia, nad known mul deMgnald a
"lruluago lltrlcl Ni I." will tx du
nil. I paynble on the leth l..y of May, lssL,
In C. 8. gold or silver d in. tl tb oftt.-e
of (he city treasurer, tind It not o paid
within or U-fvre r.n.l lime. Hi common
council will older wnrnint Issued for
the rollcciiun or th sutne. Th assess
ment 1 i.a folic;
Itura P. A.lulr, lot J. block W.
Adair's Astoria I U II
Laura P. Adnlr, lot , bloik lii,
Ad.ilr's Astoria U il
M try I Adair, lot 13, blink J.
Adair's Astoria I 41
Mary I- Adair, lot it. block ..
Adair's Astoria 1U
Mary I. Adair, lot li, blo-k CI
Adair Astoria W W
Mary I. Adair, lot li, tdo.k it,
Adair' Astoria II
Xiu y I. Adulr, lot 17, bl.s k .
Adair' Astoria I
Mary 1. Adair, W half lot 1.
block . Adair' Astoria 4 ul
Mary L Adair, lot 91, blo-k
Adair's Astoria I 14
Mary L Adair, lot II. block (.
Adair Astoria lit
Mury U Adnlr, lot ), bbsk .
Adnlr Astoria II
Mary U Adair, lot 11, block
Adulr Astoria tt
Mary I.. Adair, lot 8. block O,
A.lalr' Astoria I U
Mary U Adair, lot a. blo,k O.
Adair' Astoria HI
M.iry I- A.lalr. lot 3, M.vk M.
Adair's Astoria Ill
Helty Adair lirefiham. und one.
eiishth lot 1 block I. Ad.'lr
Hetty Adair Hrenhnm. und one
eighth lot . blo-k 14, A.lalr
Hetty Adair Hrenham. und on.
rtK-hth lot S, hke k I. A.lalr'
Hetty Adulr Hr. nham. und one
eighth lot 4. block 1, Adair'
Hetty Adslr Hrrnhum. und otie
Ighth brgln at NK corner lot J.
bank M thence 8 feet, W 7
f.-el. N feet, K TS feet, lot L
Mock . Adair' Ast iru
Flit n Ad.ilr Mendell, und on
tl'.'hth lot I bliwk l. Adair's
Klbn Adair Mendell. und on-
1 It
I 8
I 64
rlehth lot 7. block i's Adair
i Klb-n Adair Mendell. ul.d one
eighth lot S, blue'k 1, Ad.tlr's
Astorli. -
Ellen Adulr Mendell, und one
eighth, let , Mock I. Adair'
K4.n Adair Mendell, und on
eight b U-gln at fK comer lot 1.
l,t.K-k ). thence M feet. W 7S
(snr, N feet, K 7b feet, lot X.
bank ". Adnlr' Astorii
Km Adair Welcher. und on
eltlith lot 1. block M. Adair
Kate Adulr Welcher. und one
livhth lot 7. blin k IS. Adair's
1 54
I 77
1 X
t 77
1 25
1 It
1 54
( 77
1 25
1 25
2 M
17 a
10 K
t 75
7 62
46 15
52 41
10 00
12 22
12 22
I 16
10 00
46 15
46 15
22 06
46 18
r.2 41
52 41
46 15
46 IE
46 15
46 15
46 II
Kate Adulr
tind one
I. Adilr's
e.Khth lot
r.. t.i.H-k
' Astoria
Katit Adulr
and oue
1. Adair
eight I -. lot
, blCH'k
Kuto A lair WeMier. und one
eighth begin at NK comer lot 1.
block W. thence 8 Bl feet, W 75
feet. N tR feet, K 75 fet, lot i.
block e. Ailalr's Astoria
Mary A.ittlr Jordlin, und one
eighth lot 2, black IS, Adulr'
Mary Adlir Jordan, und one
eighth lot 7, block 1. Adair's
Mary Adair Jordan, und one
eighth lot E, block I. Hhlvrly'a
Mary Atlalr Jordirn. und on
elghth lot . block I. Bhlrely'
Mary Adnlr Jordnn, und ono
elghth lx.gire at NR comer lot J,
block to. thence H t feet, W 75
feet. M M feet, K 75 feet, lot J,
block 40, Adair's Astoria
Mary It. Adair, und one
elKlith lot I block II, Adair's
Mary It.
eighth lot
Adnlr, tind one
r, block IB, Adair's
Mary It. Adnlr. urd one
eighth lot 5, block 1, Hhlvely's
Astoria q.
Mary R. Adair, und ona
elghth lot , block 1, Hhlvely's
M.iry R. Adair. und one
eighth begin at NK corner lot .1,
block 40; thence S feet. W 75
feet, N Wl feet, R 75 feet, lot J,
block 40, Adair's Astoria
Laura Adnlr Barker, und three
eighths lot i. block, 1H. Adair's
Laura Adnlr Parker, und three,
eighths lot 7, block Adulr'
AHtorlft .
Lnura Adnlr Ilsrher, und three
eighths fot 5. block I, Shlw-ly'i
Laura Ad.ilr Harker, und three
eighths (ot (I, block I, Hhlvely's
Laura Adnlr Parker, und threo
1 lhths begin nt NK corner Int S,
block 10; theneo 8 M feet, W 7T
feet. N m ftt-t. K 7P feet, lot .
block 40, Adair's Astoria
A. Ihmth Packing Co., lot 5, block
l.Vi; Hhlvely's Astoria
A. Hflolh Packing Co.. lot 2, block
W, Hhlvely's Astoria
Victor Anderson, lot 8
Hhlvely's Astorln
Tina Amundsen, lot 4,
Adnlr' Astoria
Tina Amundsen, lot B,
Adair's Astoria
block 1,
block 41.
block 41.
Astoria Havings Hunk, trustee, lot
ti, block CS, Adulr's Astoria
Isnsc Hcrgmnn, lot 12, block H,
Hhlvely's Astoria
Rudolph llnrth, lot 4, block 1I,
Adair's Astorln
Illrtim Hrown, lot 1, block 17,
Adair's Astoria
Hiram llrown, K half lot 1, block
17, Adair's Astoria
Illram llrown, lot 4, block 17,
Adair's Astoria
Illram Hrown, lot 1, block 61,
Adair's Astorln
Illram llrown, lot 4,
Adulr's Astoria
Illram Hrown. lot 5,
Adair's Astoria
Illram Hrown, lot 6,
Adulr's Astoria
Hlrum Hrown, lot 3,
block 61,
block Ol',
block m,
block OT,
Adair's Astoria
Illram llrown, lot
Adnlr's Astoria
Illrnm llrown, lot
Adair's Astoria
Illram Brown, lot
V block 'wi
1, block 67,
J, "block ei,
A.lulr' Astoria
Illrnm llniwll,. lot 1, Mock 67,
Adair's Astoria ,
Illram llrown, lot 4, block 67,
Adulr's Astoria ,
Illram llrown, lot N block 67,
Adair' Astoria
Illram Hrown, lot ft, block 67,
Adair' Astoria
Illrum llrown, lot 1, block 67,
Adulr's Astoria
Illrum Hrown, lot , block 67,
Adulr' Aslnria,..,
Laura Adulr darker, lot 6, block
17, Adulr Astorln
1'ivd Harker, lot I, block IK, Adair's
kullierlns C. Ittlssett, lot 4, block
ID, Adnlr' Astoria
Hntlii Norwegian Kvangellcal Lu
theran Church, N 60 feet of N
half lot i, block M, Adair's As
P. W. Mush, lot 16,
Adnlr's Astoria
I. VV. Hush, lot D,
Adult's Astoria
IV W. Hush. lot. 26,
Adair's Astoria ...
Alio. M. Hush, lot n
Adalr'a Astoria ' ..
Jacob lloasart, lot l
Adalr'a Astoria
Jsooh Hosanrt, lot 16,
Adair' Astoria
block 41,
block Vl!
idoek 41.
'block" 'S,
' block" 6t'
A. llrimhold, lot II,
Adnlr' Astoria
A. Hrunhold, lot U,
Adalr'a Astoria
Cryua t'arruther, lot 2, block IT,
Adalr'a Astoria ,
Cyru Carriilhem, lot 7, block IT,
Adulr' Astoria
Kraslnut Caseroaolla, N half lid t,
block S. Adnlr Astoria
Nellie II. Charlston, lilwl half lot 7,
block IN. Adnlr Astorln
t II. CootHsr, lot . bliH-k (H
A.lalr' Astorta...
C. II. CooKr, lot t, bloi k 60,
Adulr Astoria
C. II. Cooper, lot lu, bltak 4U,
Adulr' Astoria
C. II. Cooiwr, lot II, block .
Ad tlr's Astoria
C. II. CisiM-r. lot IJ, bloik ,
Adnlr' Astoria
John I'hltwood, und quarter lot 1,
Mock 61, Adnlr Aslorln '.
Ruth A. Cornelius, und half lot 1,
block J. A.lalr' Astoria
II. I. lrnnn, und half lot I,
block 61. Adalr'a Astoria
II. I', lirennan, lot a. ..s k 41,
Adalr'a Astoria
D, A. IViiirlson. und half lot J,
block . A.lalr' Astoria
J II. iuti.-un. lot I, btoi'k 44,
Adair Astoria
J. II. Ihincan. lot t blot k 66,
Adalr'a Astoria
Humiiel Llmorr, lot Jtv. -o,'k n,
Adair' Astoria
Hainuel liuiore. lot 16, bltH-k 60,
Adnlr' Astoria
Hamoel Klmor. lot 17, block 60,
Adair Astoria
Hamuel Kltnore, lot 26, block 40,
Adalr'a Astoria
Ale Ultbert, kit J. bio. k It, Adair's
A tin I listen, hit 6, block 17,
Adair Aalnrla
Annie Oaten, kit 6, block IT,
Adulr" Astoria
Catherlov aitaidman, lot II. block
41, Adalr'a Astoria
I. J. Uoedman. lot 12, block 41,
Adalr'a Astoria
Anna Maria flramnia, lot 26, block
40. Adalr'a Astoria
Anna Maria (Iranims, lot V, block
1. Adair' Astoria
Helen K. tiraham. lot I, block 62,
Adalr'a Astoria
Helen K. (Iraham. lot t block M,
Adalr'a Astorta
Winifred 0. doors., lot 1, block I.
Hhlvely's Asturta
Mury C. 'lolinra, lot 7, block 17,
Adair Astoria
Mury C. Holme M K block 17,
Adulr' Astoria ..
Thomas A. Ilylunc. lot y bltwk .
Adair' Astoria
Krlo llouke, lot 6. block II, A.lalr'
Klio llouke. lot 7. block 41, Adair's
K A Hill, lot 6. blot's . Adair's
F. A. Hill, lot 7. block 40, A.lalr
Aleck Iverson, lot II. block 66,
Adulr's Astoria
Aleck Iverson. lot 1?.
Adulr's Astoria
Jnrnes Jucksoli. lot 5, 61.
bl.R'k 66.
block ,
Adalr'a Astoria
Janie Jackson, lot 6,
A.lulr's A st 01 In
l-nulsih Johnnsen, lot IC,
Hhlvely's Astoria
block ll,
John Kopp. lot 1. block 12, Adair's
Christina A. .Alfred, Josephln and
Frank P. Ixinrnwober. heir of
Frank I-ltienweber, lot 5, block
5ti. Adnlr' Astoria
Christina A. Alfred, Josephine ami
Frank P. tx-lnenwelier, heir of
Frank Ivlncnweber, lot 6, block
W, Adulr's Astoria
Christina A. t.etncnweiM'r, lot 1,
block U), Adalr'a Aatorki
Christina A. Ilneiiweher, lot 7,
blts-k tf, Adair's Astoria
Chrlstlnn A. Ilnenwelwr, lot 6.
bbs-k Adnlr' Astoria
Christina A. I,clnf nweher. lot 2,
block U, Adulr's Astoria
August 1-nrsen. N half tot 1. block
SH. Adair' Astoria
John Kopp, lot 2, block 42, Adair'
Mary J. Kyle, lot 4. block 42,
Adulr's Astoria
Mury J. Kyle, lot 5, block 42.
Adair's Astoria
Mr. Anna Kopp, lot 6. block 43,
Adulr' Astorln .
P. N. Kearney, und hulf lot 1,
block 61, Adnlr's Astorln
James K. Kearney, lot Z, block 61,
Adulr's Astoria
Frank J. Carney, und half lot 7,
block 11, Adnlr's Astoria
Mury A. Corns, und half lot 7,
blot-k 'II, A.lulr' Astoria ...
.Mury II. I'lnenwelier, W half lot
n, block 17, Adnlr' Astoria
Christina A., Alfred !., Joseph. iia
und Frunk P. !elncnwr!fr, heir
of Frank Iinetiwefier, lot
7, block S, Adnlr's Antoriu
Christina A., Alfred )., Jno-h.-no
un. I I'rniik P. Irf-lncnweher, heir
of Frank Ix-lnenwehcr, lot
ft, block 3. Adnlr' Astorln
L. iH'beck and Olive wititnn, lot
3, l.loi k I, Hhlvely's Astorln
L. I-el.eck mul (il I v-i. Wlnton, lot
4, l.lo. k I, Hhlvely' Astoria
L. I-I.eek and Olive Wlnton, lot
0, block I, Hhlvely' Astoria
L. Lii.ei-k und Olive Wlnton, lot
52 41
52 41
U 41
52 41
26 20
52 41
21 10
21 (
23 n
5.' 41
10 00
46 II
46 II
46 ID
11 61
14 (It
14 OA
II 66
59 41
(1 41
10, block I, Rhlvnly's Astoria
Nlcholella, W hulf ntal
H IN feel ul K half lot a, bluck M,
Adulr' Aslnria
Huv. II. W. Mollis, lot , block 40,
Adulr' Aslnria
Huv, II, , Moms, H 4 fi. t lot i,
block 10, Adnli' Aalollu
Ilvv, II. V, Mollis, lot 0, block 40,
Adulr' Ami.iiIu ,.,
Ilcv, II. V, Moins, lot 6, block 40,
Adulr' Astoria..
Ilcv. 11. V. Morris, lot 7 block 44,
A.lulr' Astoria
Ilvv. II, . Mollis, lot 1 block 64,
Adulr's Aalotla .... 46 It
Huv. II. W. Mollis, ul 1, bluck U,
Adult' Aatoii
Rev. II, V, Mollis, lot 4, block U,
Adulr Aaloiia .,
Her. II. W, Aiorils, lot 4. block 40,
Adair's Astoil ..
10 41 I -ed M unsn, lot s, UhKik 41,
Adair a Astoria
II u I A. Mcl'harlau, lot It', block 60,
Adair Aatorla
Ua A. Mcl'harlau. lot lis block 66,
A.lalr Aatorla ,.,.
11 22 0org Ndaoit, kit 5, Uock 17,
Adulr s Astoria
U B (!or Nlon, kit 6, block 17,
Adair Aalarl
tt M Christ Ns, lot t. block tk.
Adair' Astoria
It M Christ Nana, lot 10, block 66,
Adalr'a Asiorla
It M Theresa O'Hilen, lot 2, bl.ak J,
Adair's Asiorla...,
IS st Thiva O'lirlen, lot t, bl'H'k M,
Adnlr' Asiorla
4t II ICtlwaixl o' Connor, lot I, tdiwk 41,
Adalr'a Asiorla
0 41 K.Usrd o'Cunnur, lot 2, block 41,
Adalr'a Asiorla
26 10 K.I ward O'Connor, bit 1, bbuk 41,
I Adalr'a Astoria
26 20 1 Andrew Olsen. lot 7, bba k ,
Adalr'a Astnrlu
10 SJ Andrew Olsrii. lot , hl.K-k H,
I Adulr's Astoria
10 66 I J II. Palmer, lot 6, block 4t
Adulr Astoria
10 16 Anna M Piipc, lot a. Mock tu,
Adnlr' Asiorla
10 M Kile Pop, lot 4. block 60, Adair'
10 66 Frank Patton, trustee, lol U, bbu k
, Adair' Astoria
11 10 Frank I'allon, Irustiw, lol II, block
to. Adulr Astoria
16 26 J. II. Palmer, lot
Adair Astoria
11 It V. W. Parker, lul
Hhtvely'a Aatorla ...
4, bbs-k ,
6. id.ick IIS,
"t. lidock i.
4 II W W Parker, lul
Hhlvely' Astoria
26 to Jennie II Parker, lot II, block H.
Hhlvely' Astoria
10 M Mary J Hvrte, lot t, Ido. k 0,
Adalr'a Astoria
10 sj darali O Hherman, lol 6, block .
Adair' Aatorla
106 Ualwl L Hulllvan. half lot L
block . Adair's Astoria
10 M N. Hlmonaen. lot H. block 41.
Adalr'a Astoria
It N N Hlmonaen, lot H, block 41,
Adslr' Astoria
10 1 O. Hovey, lol H. bba k II, Adair's
4 II ( Hovey. lot 14, block 41, Adair
U 41 llonaon Habln. lot 7, bbH k 41.
Adalr'a Astoria
U II Kllaalieih Heafeldl, lol II. block O.
Adalr'a Astorta
11 tt :ilaahlh Heafeldl, tot 22, block 41,
Atlalr' Anuria
Un Mary A Ibiirtsler K half M It,
block . Adair Aatorla
It M V. T Hrholfleld. und half lot I
block si. Adair's Aslnria
6 1 W T g- hoineld and K, llouke.
frac lot I. bloik I.'s As-
U ti lorta
W. r. Hrholfleld and R. Ilouk.
6141 lot f, blm-k I. Hhlvely' Aslorlu .
John Heine, lot a, block 41,
W 00 A.Uir Astoria
I John Heine, lot 4. block X
M (6 ' Adair Aatorla
Peter Nufur. H half lot t, block .
4t It 1 A.lalr'. Astoria
1 Jacob t'lalnger. lot 6, hl.vck ,
U 41 , Adslr' Astoria
Ole O. Vlge, lot II. block CO, A.lalr
II 11 i Asturl
1 Ole o. Vlge. lot 23. block CO, A.lalr
11 2 I Aatorla
Cha Vernchruren, V half lol It.
block 60, Adalr'a Aatorla
Nichols Winner, lot 13, blot k 41,
Adair's Astoria
Nicholas Wi.nt-r. lot 17. block II.
A.lalr' Astoria
Charb Wissman, lot 13. block 60.
Adair' Astoria
Charles Wissinun, lot 17, block 61),
Atlalr Astoria
Otorie Watson, lot 15, block II,
A.lair's Astoria
Oeorga Watson, lot It, block 41,
A.lalr' Astoria
1" M :
10 16
I 41
10 M
10 M
lo 16
1 Marcus Wi.. lot 19. block 3.
I! 41 I Adair's Astoria
, Marcus Wise, lol 30, block 43,
I Adulr' Asiorla
Marcus Wise, lot 23. block 41,
A.lulr' Astoria
Marcu Wise, lot 34. block 43.
A.lulr' Astorta
Marcus Wise, lot 25, block 13.
Adulr' Astoria
Marcus Wis, lot 26. block 43,
Atlalr' Astoria
Mury Wilson, lot t, block i,
A.lulr' Astoria
Walter. Mnmle, Annie, Oracle nnd
a ot
23 01
21 06 i
46 15
46 15
William Wilson, heir of Willlnm
Wilson, lol 2, lbs k , Adnlr
Astoria 10 26
2108 I
3t 20 1
Ola Willla-rg. Int It. block 60,
Adnlr' Aslorls
Cnrolln O Wlllherg, lot 23, block
ft), Adalr'a Astoria
Caroline O. Wlllherg, lot 24, l.lo. k
60, Adulr'a Astoria
Charles Wright and 8. K llurrls.
lot , block 41. Adalr'a Astoria....
Charles Wright and H. K Harris.
lot t. block 41, Adair Astoria ...
Charles Wright and B. K. Ilnrrls,
lot to, hlnek II, Adulr's Astoria.,.
Charles Wright and 8. K. llurrls,
lot II, block 41, Adulr' Astnrlu...
Charles Wright ami H. K Harris,
hit 1!, I. lock 41, Adnlr' Aslorln...
Churles Wright nnd 8. K, Harris.
lot 31, l.lo.k 41, Adulr's Astoria...
Charles Wright and H. U. llurrls,
lot :i, block 41, Adalr'a Asiorla...
Charles Wright und 8. I', llurrls,
lot 27, block 41, A.lulr Astoria...
Charles Wright nnd H. K. llurrls,
lot 2.1. l.lo. k (I, Adulr' Astoria...
Churles Wright and H. K. Harris,
lol 2!i, block 41, A.lalr' A-.torlu...
Charles Wrlkht and H. 10. Harris.
U 41 1
lot 30, block 41, Adulr's Astoria...
Churles Wright and H. K. Harris.
lot 31, block 41, Adulr's Aslorln...
I lot 32, I. link 41, Adalr'a Astnrlu...
10 00 I Charles Wright and ri. I). Harris,
. 1 iidsj Asiorla, or , April Z.I
10 10 I II. I-:. NKLHON.
1 Auditor and Pollco Judge,
n mi tt 11. lit la. 1 Qui. rrw , wm i.m.ju
41 N
46 II
tt W
46 II
46 U
46 U
46 II
4 II
46 It
u m
n 6
U tl
11 n
11 11
11 a
I 41
10 16
10 J
10 Nt
13 41
10 01
to us
10 ot
10 (4
13 tl
M to
11 a
u n
11 n
u 11
10 it
to It
It at
U 41
10 M
10 nt
I a
13 22
12 13
10 M
10 M
11 23
II n
x m
to 66
10 M
it tt
10 M
It 16
12 S3
II 22
11 13
12 12
12 23
11 21
13 13
12 32
12 32
12 22
1.' 92
12 32
12 U