r r V TlfK fMlXV AHTOKU.V, ,iNTMM, WEDMEMIMY MORM.VO, A Pit I L 1 im. Tide Table for April, 1896. DATK. Wixlnrihlny, Tliursiluy , , , J-'rlilny , Unliinlny , .., l'M.Y .., M.in.luy Tiiea.lnv . , . Vr.lne.liiy . , Tliiira.iy, . , , Jrl.lay Naliir.luy. , , , HUNDAY ... Monday Tuesday WmliMmliy . . Tliurwiny. , , . Friday Haltirilay,. . . M'NUAY.... Monday . . . .. Tuesday Wmhiiwlay Thursday . Friday . . . , Hutor.lav Hl'NIUY , MiimUy Tui'MUy.,.. WpiliH'ility. Tluiie.ay.. . MATTIJIIM MAUIMI2. Movoionuul VmII "" .awlie". Tl.i. mlition i"' .elh hl lull In '. A ... I l. .'v. 'I"T I" X' "" llcr-lulur Ihcy'vu ccucd nir. when out uf thn im-u. HI ul In-coming luaeliui Tr((1 Tho iMtrnll Tm u'Wienler arrived vet.rdy from )"" In '-allasl and will load luiiilwr for li i'all(..rnl mat Wot Tli three masted cho.her Hallor Hoy armed in yealerday frjm llnlumtu, Mi will irnll'l l''l I'll"'"'!' 'or "'" n" Kri'i"''u mtfli111. Tir l i""' iiii lumiwrmm r miUlix lumlw ri..in li 1'U-uiim. Mr ll 'I' Vl. lor II l niti m In tli i l ",k "" ,h" miir ocr Hh I""-' liinl ! far ma Th n hiii wr l" Tn Mm! lor th Mirv "I lwlnli4 lumlwr tnu tullir. biuIiIiib liiillr irl. lli and arl. H)IW. (iwlrrln th lumlwr ImliKiry In ll H lrnhr nix! furln Uvrll rl hn ttt Th trk Krmlnolr., rhl-h rrivl from rlnv, N H. W . ynrdny. with t IM Ion uf "!. h"! -lltr nrl' nra. "h all't on KoiTiinry t. n(l lo rty lir iintn Wtn i1lv rri1 thai l l-aliln An rtml tinltnn ho.t lhl hull thr f-t umtiT lh l-r lln hi1 lrlwt. nd nn fforl mml riwlr lh rtanr ir over Bfir tn th rro Jrlll.onwl, l.ul lh ! "'''I r-o. lirl Cm. lain Wriln lhn iln-IW la tun for lh llft1 of Tonrr.v, hlrh liU.- n rnfhr4 on Murh 36 for frw ilolUr h hlrl uil of pcrl rtlvr. nit In ! thn n hour ihrw in hmt iil th lk nl pt-h1 lh hot ui lih a I'lw of Th men went iloan Hark nakMl. nt wmilil work unlrr aier a ruil of mlnuir al a Urn Hud an Amerl.-an divr heen Unl II oul. ir.itw!ly hv coal III hH a roupl of lmnlrHt itnllar AftT dlwharalna' H Hmilnolo will on ih dry lo k for an ovrhaulln. -;U Th Utllrhli ron l'lm.n.l will b UHr.l along" hy at-vcral orform-ain-r l lh Mriiam Uraiul Ihraler. ',,rllun.l The ran I a mo.l norlhy one, nml. ahll fl.iia.il coiinly hn ut .rU.l Ill-rally. I.r rlilien lll no douhl ahl tlil new .liemo t f"'" fund A.l'.rlan vlHln n I'oriland liotiM nut lull I" aiieml. and ink ninny friend" a .ilhle. N"o on alii run Hi enoemllnir. hut. i"H" to lh mnlrary, when th oiron ienm lino the Coliiml-U. vry ul.Tller hrarl alll 'H Hh I'tid that h h , .M..I hi mil to aid In lh uir-han of a arrvtra to rre o worthy a name- , ...i. Th. Tel.araJii aa): "ll l 10 J htiNNt for th reputation ' lha lnlr." aald a lilln man I hi monilna. "I hat th orrformanrea to Ik len at lh Mar qiinm In aid of th fund for th haul hill (iivgon memorial, alll tw ao nbun danily uatronld that no furth-r inier talnmenl or uh. rlinunn will ne.M jtry In th llht of th pint.iiiou Wln of othr lnle In tht mntier of prntlnr naval naniowik. with llr rial. Ithrarl. elf .. our iril.in lu al ready hn iifrlr-lently dllntorv to nroim eommenl. Ho 1. 1 rvr-y ono lr a hand and llk la. kel li.ua make up th deflWl In lh fund through, thru ntrulnmnt." TIIK TIU'B HKNT1.EMAN. Aa )l Wag rndrratnod hy t'nrilltml Nrwmnit. Kxi'hang. ' , ,,.,. Ttila la fnnlliml Ncwnu.ti .Iciiultlnn of a gentleman. The reiiinrkiild.. p.i ang. occur In hla "IX. lUi-cura. Ad dreaacd lo the faUillc 111 UllMln. 1 It la ilmoat a dclnlllon of n gciulctimli to any Hint It l one who never millet puln Till ileacrlptum I I'olh retliird iui.1, a fur ua II go. a. .iccurnto II I miilnlv occupied In merely removing the uliatiiel.a whl.h hinder III" fr.o and tin cuil...rr..aHed action of I how l'"l ' and heeoiicuralnthelr moveimuit rnlhrr than l.ikea the Inlutlve hlmclf. I I iH-nellla limy !" conaldered ita p.ir.tllcl lo what urn culled comfort or con venience In nrriinm incnl of it p. rw.nnl nut tiro- like an "" '"nlf or a good I' re which il th'lr l""'1 " 1II"I"K cold and f.illK'te, tluiUKll imliliv prmhlea Poih meiin of rent nnd utilmnl hen! wlihntit them. Tim true- geiitlemun, In like nmnnir. ciirefiilly avoid whatever may cm Jr or it Jolt In tho tnlnd. of thoiw with whom ho l rnat-nll el:iHh UiK of opinion, or colllalon of l.i llng. nil n.triilnt, or atmplflon. or gloom, or re- 1. 1 i.f..iii concern hclnrf to acillineoi. make every ono t their nnd ul home. I ...... i.u tn nil lit com mune, lie o.ie ion -v- - - puny; he I tender townrd tho haahful. genllo toward mo hihiihh, " toward tho nlweiil. He nut recollect to whom he I apcnklng; h guuid iigulnat linacuaomtldv ullualona. or toplcg which may Irrllitle; he I ael.lotn promltuMit In converaatlon, and never wt-nrlaome. Ho make light of fuvora when ho doe Ihem, nnd eem lo he receiving when ho la conferrliux. H never gpraki of lilmaelf xecpt whn compell'it. nrvr tlefendg hlmaelf by a mere retort: he ha no enn for ilander or goaalp. I ertiilm In Imputing motlvaa to tho who Inler fer with him, and Interpret everything for th beat. Ha la never menn or llltla In hla dlaput, never take unfair ad vantage, never mlatakea peronnlllleg or harp aaylngi for argumriil, or Inalnti atna evil which ho dare not any out. From a long-ilghted prudence ho ol nrvea the maxim of the ancient attgo, that we ahotild ever conduct ournelvcg to aur enemy aa If he were one day to b our friend. He halt too much good aona to he affronted at ItiHiilla; he la too well employed to remember Injurleg and too Indolent to beitr malice. He la ptitlcnt, forhenrlng and reHlgncd on phllo aophlcul prlnclploa: ho guhniltg to pnln beciiiiB ll I Inevitable, to bereavement beriiiwe It la Irrepnntble, nnd to denth Imciitme It I" hi deatlnyi If he ongiwoa in conlruvenc of any kind, hla dlaplplli ed lulelleet preaerve him from tho liluruler ng. illaeourteay of better, perhapa, but lina educated mind, who, like blunt weupona, tear and hack Inatoad of cul- IIIIIH WaTXM. IW WAtr.lt, A. M. jl r. M. A. II. H, H, h. in. I ft. jili. in I ft, ill. 111. I ft. j'li. 111. I It. 1 . 4M ll.il : H tt 7.1 U !U " 7 I I' ti ' 4 I 'J II il'J 11.0 4 Ml 114 Ml 'W (I ft , III Ml 112 :i 4 iM h n i ft mt ft. 7 11 M 11 1 11 ir. u.h 4 ft IH H.O ' 7 V.1 ft 7 4'J ti.it !. ft tl 27 7 II H 41 ft 11 II 4ft II l I M O.ft n 7 44 7 :1 11 44 11 4 it 211 h.n mi o.i 7 HM 7. a 1 ID 2M II II a H4 H.4 M 0.7 H 10 (HI 7.1 I II 01 7.'i i HI !M 41 O.N ID Ml 7 2 ! II 1X1 7 6 ft 17 2.0 ft 1H 1.1 10 II 114 7,'J i j 6 Ml 16 0 4H l.'i 11 0 in 7.7 0 14 7.H fl 21 I I ! 21 1 4 12 0'J.i H.O OljO 7.2, 62 OH 047 1.7 lit 0 At H.'i I 1 2ft 7 1) 7 21 O A 7 10 2 0 It 1 lit H.4 1 2 1X1 II H 7 ftO 0 X 7 H4 2 H lft 4A H.4 1 2 40 li ft H 22 0 2 H 111 2. ft lit 2 17 H.fl 8 22 4 H 67 0 1 i H 82 i 2.7 17 2 61 H 4 4 10 ' 7 2 0 .ifl 0 .1 I U 10 H I IH .1 !I6 K.2 AIM H.O KI2A 0.2 : 10 01 3 4 II) 4 27 7.U All 0 1 1 V7 0 4 II 12 j 8. ft 2D ft Hi I 7 II 7 21 II I , 0 0 0, ! 21 II 47 7 4 H 22 0,6 0 47 H 0 I I 47 ; 0 7 va h a 7 4 ti in 7.1 a 17 h o a fti o 7 ".'I "Ill 7. ft ID 04 7.7 8 2H a I 4 I O.H 24 10 '.tl 7 H ID Ml H 3 4 20 1 2 4 :il 1 O.H 2ft II 24 HI II Ul H 7 6 14 0.4 6 "II O.H UK 0 17 H 2 II ia 0 4 H 14 ' 1.2 27 I) 12 II I 1 07 HI II 61 1 I A Aft I 2H 0 64 H.4 I fti 7 0 7 HI I ft 7 !IM 2. II 111 I ltt 114 2 4H 7 6 H a; 1.6 ; H 21 2 4 0 2 III 0 2 U 42 7.1 II 16 18 U OH , 2.H ling rteun, who mlalak the point In nrgunieiit. waal their ln nalli mi trlt1. . mlx'oni'rlt their aderMry and lav III iiiellon mora Involved than Ihoy rind II. II muy Im tight or wrong in hi opinion, but he too (letir-lieiidfd to da lllijliet; he U Na altlipln a he la fnrrl I'lr, ariil a lirief a he la ilri lalve No where llall e Hhd greater llll dur. n.ll. Hlileratlim. Indiilgetu'e; h Ihrowa liliitM-ir li. lo the lunula uf lila iipiuim nia, he iw- ottnla for lllvtr mlMl.tkia. He t.tloA-a the Weakll'-aa uf himmn reuMill aa wi'll aa II atrengih. Ila protlme and Ha lim it a. If lie h an Unix Mr v. r. Im will Ih Iihi prtifoiind and lurge-tnliuli-d lu rlill - rule rrllgloll or In a't agnltiat II, h H loo WIm to he a iloitltiallal or f.illnll.' Ill lila InM.I. III)' lie r. .M., l. pi. ly nii.l do. viillon; h rten aupporia InaMliitlona na Vellrrulile. Im-MOHTii! or liar fill, 10 Will' ll he doc not aaai'tti, tie hotiora th nilu lairra of retlglun. an-1 II runt.'iiia him to drtdlnn lla tnalerlea Wllhoul unalllng nr deiioumlng them. Ho la a friend ol relli'loua luh-rullon. tinil that not only lc-i-aii hi hllooihy Ima taught him to look on all foinia uf fallh wlih an Im partlnl ry. hut nlao fnim lh grntleneiui ami effenilnamy of feeling, which la lh atlendajil on clvllltatlun. Nut that ha may nut hold a religion, too. In Ida own war, even when hn la not a Chrlailan. In that raa hl religion I on of Imag ination and aenllinenl: II la tha emboli ment of thoa idea of th auhllme, ma Jeatln and heaiillful, without whl.h I hire ran hr no larg i hlloanphy. riomeilmr he ai'kllow Inlgi l tha tielng of tlud, aome tlmra h Inveal an unknown prln.ipl or nuallilea with tha altiihuteg of wr ftH llon. And hla deduction of hi rraaon or rrratlon of hla fam y he m.ik th itreaainn of auoh excellent thought, and th alartlng Hlnt of ao varied and -emall a lea.hlng. that he even tu-ema Ilk dla.-ljile of fhrlaiunity liaelt. Krom th very gi'rurary and aleadlneaa of hla loglral Hiwera h t ahl 10 aea what aentlmenl ar coiilu nt In thnaa who hold any rWlidou dorttina at all, and ha aprara lo other lo feel and to hold a who! rlr.ie of theological truth, which rglala In hla mind not other la than aa a numla-r of deduction Much ar om of lh lineament of the ethical rharacter which I ha cultivated Intellect win form, apart from th religi on principle. They ar aeen within lh pal of the church and without II, In holy men and In protllgale; they form th beau-Ideal of the world; they partly aaalat and partly dlatnrt tha develop ment of the fahtollr. They may eutiaerv th education of a HI. Fraud do Hnha or a I'nrdlmil I'ole; they may lie th lim it of contemplation of a HhaflraUiry or a i)lhton kiall an. I Julian . r fcllow aludent al th hoola of Athene: and une tirH-amr th anlllt nnd doctor Of the church, the other licr acolflng ind rr lintlca foe. ! TIIK HHTIIH'II 1 ttela ltattle.1, hut Keen Then la Hard to ' fat eh. j New York Journal. I t Hit rlr lira ar raughl hy htintera on I horaeltack occiialonalljr, but It I not tie catia they lack lh ajiccd to acud away , to aafely. The oatrh h la a very tupld bird, but h doe not know It, When pumiied by th hornemun h liecomea i eicltel to that degre termed "rattled." i Having no Idea af trategy. ho think ! h ha, and h commence running over the velvet In a llggag coorac, deviating ; from lh alnilKlit courae a matter of ' a mil at each turn. ' The riiM-ricncctl hunter, aware of t hi ' iiecultarliy, guld.a hit hnra In a atralKht I line, then.hy anvltut th anlmul. and at the aamn I line getting th benefit of the I deviation of the oatrleh. Kven then the ! chum, la it long one. luatlng for hour. ' nnd on ome occnaloiui all day. If the natrlch run In a almlght line the home- man would not ho In the chime for a minute. The bird at luat, however, loac i heart, nnd then .! the moat rl.llruli.ua ' thing that any living creature I guilty of. Ho hiirlea hi head In the aan.1. Th buahmeii y that the bird doe not fear danger Hint It d.M not cr. ' other think that lla net la a almpte aiirren.lcr In fute. Men, atood up to bo ' bhol l.y n llle of aoldlera, eloae their eye, or UHk to In. blindfolded. Hunting om-trl.-hc lu I li IN minuter doe not pny, na audi a chuae freinent1y rcNtillH In the ruin of the horae. Tha favorablo method ' of the buHlunen la lo atiilk the giimr, the hunter, concenlid In the akin and fruitier of one of lh f. :i;I..T Kluliln, l'.. Inir all,, lo get within hnwahnt of the deal In.., I ; vlcltm. They lienemlly travel In Kn.np ; of from three to Fix. ! No tiienna rxlt lo aaci rtuln ex.i.ily what ieed the t. ritrleh can altuln. but. 1 apciiklntf eontimriitivel) , n full-lifted mid I uiiilure.l bird can, by ll.ci ul.l of til i powerful leita-liga ih.it can glvn 11 mot I viclou nnd deadly kick, c.imp'ired to I which Unit of the American mule 1 n l ive tnp-iind with hi wiim minting, I get over the ground nt the rule of about a mile n mlnulc. A bicycle, to atund nny Hhow In an oairtclt nice, would netd winga, na aupplementary to I'. regulur motive power. lellrlouly nnpettilng doiiKhntita, when Price linking Ponder I used MKNIJ KOR THl'KSDAY. Ilrenkfiiat. Reedle Orange. Mlne.M Lamb, all llratln. Jlrolled Freh Mackerel. Hlowed Potatoes. ' Entire Wheat Pancuke. Coffee. Luncheon. IlMlled Oyatera. Celery Mnyoniuilse. Ilccfatei.k I'le. Muah ltlacult Cocoa. Dinner. Clama. MulllKiitnwney Botip. Olive. Pale do Kola Oraa Sitndwlohea. Hrook Trout, Anchovy Sane. Cnlfa" Krnlna, Krhnl, Tnrtiire Bntice, Klllet of Heef, with fliluheltl. Mitahed Spinach, Willi Kgira. Cohl Aapnnigua. French Drcaalng. linked Apple Ditmpllngii. Coffee. The beat chemical compound (or wash ing powder la "H.inii 1' onm, ' n It will not "yellow the rloihen," nor burn tha hand. It' tho "not thing In the world for the bath. One trial will convince yott. THE COMPLETED DEPOT SITE All I'.U'hiiiijicH I'lnally Made uml All DciilH uml Cnittiiu'tH Ku'culcd. wiiii r .hi N;u; i iioKiirr aalnriaia 84 Clataop Coaaiy Ciliicia Will I'aak roiward lo lb( dual -"Step by Hlcp" lid "Sloae by Stoat" VIII ti Itallt lireatcr Aatorla. Th final tranauctloii connrctial with Hi transfer of lh Meow Hay depot alt 10 Hi railroad cuiiaj.any war complotad yealerday. Th railroad company now haa nothing to do but to proceed with tha work of conatructliin, ami aauranr I given thai Hit will b don at one. There la not a rvaldolil of tha city or county who la not well plead that till .location I aetiled. Tha railroad com pany on It part la mora than glad that Hi mailer of terminal fa'tlltl. In the city haa been dlaHed of un.l that work an Im puahed forward Int.'lllgen'ly. Conlr.i. tora W. W. Corey and W. II. Vt'alila left yealerday afternoon for a trip over the enilra tin lo (lo'.le. Th. y will miiko a careful eaamlitutl.in of th lay uf the land and will bo prepared lo put In their 1.1.1a fur th conira't for conalru.il. in of the baluuc of the road. M.aaia. fjiraeri ti.MMlnough, of Mon tana, ar expected to urrlva heru within a day ul two, and th..y will ulao n ici ihe Hue preHtrat..ry to Mii.mttilng hi. la Th ar.iiliecl are procwdlng with Hi drawing of plan for the AMtorta d lot, and .Min work will I. In progr- along tlio whole lint'. Th v.iil.n .ar loud of bridge Iron for the .Iran In lh Young' buy hrl Ige, arrived down yeat.-r.ltiy' afternoon on th big barge Atlua, in tow of the t ickl th.imt The burg waa moored to 'he tl It. and N. do. k, where "lie will r.xnuln until It I decided wlteth.-r to make dellcery tilr?t at the bridge or on the to k Thl ip.ea II, .n will proluibly la- a ltl.-.l t.l,.y. Now that a good alart ha been mml ii.on rallroud eotiatrueilon for thla -aon, It I rrrtJlnly advlutld to aiy th ruat, that many oth-r Improvement h put under way lmullanrouly with Hi building of the road. Aa rprraed by on of the large! profiy owner In Aatorla yealerday. thl la the tlm and opportunity for harl work on the part of not only Aalortana but the rltl gen of Clatanp county generally. "Kv rry man. woman and child, atandlng aolldly together, ami with on object In view, can forg uch a powerful weapon for th advancement of thl comincntty. th fighting of It battle agalnat oppoal Hon In vry form, that nothing tan pre vnl th consummation of th enda de Hlred. It cannot be eipected that one great leap ran le taken Into fame and proepcrity hy a city or a community any more than by an Individual. Con stant work, day by day, built up on a aur foundation, I th only mean by which aucce can be obtained. Hound hy round th top of th ladder la reach ed, and by piling atone on atone, th hlghet wall I bulldcd. W have com mence.! with a goal foundation and our watchword ahould b Ilk that cf th great ltualan empire, "Hucc-aa." For renlurtea th Huaalana hav hail but on national ob)ectlv point, th spread ing of It empire lo the aoulttern sen a, and an outlet to th Kat. Inch by Inch with a never-wervlng puriioae, ll dlplo mat hav puahe.1 forwar.1 to lhat end. Today they ar In a poaltlon where they can ay that thl end ha been nccom .il.e. In control of Turk 'y on the outh. Corea and a Chine port on the eaat, with the Hlherlan railroad filmnat flnlaheit, their Mwer la ao great lhat naught aav Internal dlenlona can overthrow It. "It Aatorla. th community nl th mouth of th Columbia, and In fart tha atale of Oregon, work xilldly tcgrthrr for the building up of a ommrnitil cen ter that shall he second to r.one on the continent, ami If th principles followed by ItusNla are olmerved only half so well, there ran tie no doubt or uuestlnn of luccf-. Hlcp by top, ne thing at a time, and all work done upon the hroadet of line, cannot fall of .iccom pllalilng Ihe deareal wlah of every Asto rlnn and th fulfillment of th dreams of John Jacob Asturn, w ho marly a century ago, realised the poaalbtllllrs of thla port." (Continued from First Pago.) caoc Judge AoorcrJnible had a hard fight. C. II. Stockton and It. Humphreys running him clos.dy. Tho race for school auia-rlntendcnt waa the cloaca! of nil, n Mr. Smith having; lied Mia Warren on the ilrsl liallot. on the Inat ballot the vole was 14 to 43. Punched heiids and generally dlstli;urtd count. 'tiuncea, auch, as they have In I'ort lun.l, were not III evidence, nnd ths con vention passed off harmoniously. lte- publlcniui generally express sailsfitctlon wllh the ticket, although there i.ro somo dutil.ts us to the elec I loll of a few can didate-. Mt-Hara. McOrvgor and I'lirker are both staunch gold standard men. CoiiHlderitblti dlBsittlafuctlon was cx- prcsHcd lust night over the nomination of Howell lx'Wix for tho utiles of county coiumlHMloner. The dlt.aallt.lii lion gen erally wit voiced by delegate! from the Nehalem, who claim that Mr. Lewis Is a pronounced Populist, having for saken tho Hcpuhllcau party two year! ago for the Popullut, which, It la as serted, ho thought would bo victorious. Thero wero several other candidates for the olflce, but Mr. Iawla received a great deal lurger vote than all tho other as pirant!. Mr. Lewis' Popullstlc tenden cies will probably leave the office of county commissioner the weak spot on tho Republican ticket. lly Ita declaration axalnat silver the Republican party of Clatsop county greatly assist! the honest money men In the state In the fight agnlnat the sil ver erase. The itate la almost tqually divided on Ihe money question, and thla county! action will be the aource of much satisfaction to those of round money views. Chairman Barker and Secretary Hide linlgh were highly complimented yea- tcrday evening for ths manner In which they presided over the convention. Mr. ltldehitlKh waa especially oongrattilated and the delegate! said he uroi the Drat seemtury they had ever had wlnae voice could be heard all over the hall. ROYAL Baking Powder haa been awarded highest honors at every world's fair where exhibited. AGAINST UK SILVER CLIFK-l'WKI.I.KKH, Itemarkable Macovrry Made Uf m Hunter In Arlaona. I'reacnlt Arlg , Cor fllobclMmiocriit. The mummy of one of tha nnrbn rl!(T dwelleM of Arlaona, lh f.rat of undoubt ed uthentlclir vr dlscovrred, ha ln found by a hunter well known In North rn Arlaona, John Mccarty. In a cliff dwelling on th Vrd rlfer, a dinu-n mile from Ihe moiilh of th Kuat Vrd, h nollcd that when on of h walls was hit with metHl a hollow aound ema nated Thla led In- tha dla. ovary of a sort of rryt't. In thla crypt th mummy w.ia illaiovered. II had evidently been propHd up In a Billing poaltlon agalnat tha wall, though ther were no Indica tion thai th cliff-dweller of long ago had been walled up alive, and there left to dl of starvation or aufforailon. isy the aid of Ui mummy war found sev eral broken pottry bowl and a ton i, and In th very anlt wr picked up a dosen ohaidlan and flint arrowhead, aaveral of them exceptionally larga-slsad and of rare workmanship. The mummy, which welgha II pound, wa taken away by tha n ruler on aa In dian litter dragged behind a burro, till a wagon road waa reached. It Is now In thl city. Th body la thai of a male, and la of unuaually large ttur. The akin, which I broken In savsral placea, rvallng the hones, I of tha color of dried hwf. The trunk la perfect, the kin covering It being unbroken. In th skull, however, Ilea lh rlement of great eat Interest. Th formation la entirely different from lh-it tyilcal of th an cient dweller In the valley of Arlaona. Th valley dweller were Tollers of al most Caiicalan cranial feature The akull of the mummy, wllh forehead re. treating from the no and large rear development. I of the Altec type. The teeth ar entlr nnd well preserved, and protrude a In the ranln trth. A the mummy ahowed sign of dlalntegrailon, M.i'arty has given It a rout of varnlah, preparatory lo placing It In an alr-tlghl gltian-covered IhjX. For morn than a hundred yeira the Bha kers have li n sludylnt th r 'medial roH.rtle of plant. They ).av mad many dlarotmr. but Ihelr greaHat achlrvemenl waa maiU- laal )r. It la a cordial that ronlalua already tlxcRitd ft il and l a digester of food. It la ef fective In removing dlatrea after alir.g. and create an appetite for more 'o.t, ao thai eating hcmea a pleasure. I'.-il... linn a,ple iK-crre plump and healthy under Ita m. II arrr-fla the waaticg of consumption. Ther never haa lici-n such a step for ward In the cur of Indigestion is 'Ms Khaker Cordial. Vou' druggist will In glad to give you'a little book descriptive of lh product. Olve th babies I Jixol, which is Car tor Oil made as palatable aa Honey. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN I INVESTMENTS. i Important to Americana eeeatlnf Bcg Mah Capxtai for new en'.erprlaee. A Beg containing th naimee and addrewn ot JbO auccweafiil promotere who tiav placed over lao.ono.OW Storting In Foreign In-! vnanmenui wtttim Ul laet a!x year, and ' over fll.OuO.OUO fur the seven mootha of 1M6. l'rlo ri, or t5. payable by powtal onV-r to the London and Universal Bu reau of Inrnetor!, 10. Cheapald, London,; K. C. SubeCTtoera wil be entitled, by au rangsment rlth tti directors to receave itlxr perenniii or letter ot Introductota to any of ttiew u-caasg'iil prunaotera. I Thla last Is final eCaas) In every reepect, and every man or firm who name ap peaum tlwrwln may be depended upon. For pUcing the foriowmg It will be: found Invaluable nofida or Miarea of In duvurkC. CommercUl and Financier co eerne, Monartg bana, flsi of Latvia, rJtnta or Mlnea. Dereciore: SIR rilWARl) C. ROSS. HON. WACTKR C PKPra, CAPT. ARTHUR 8TIFFE. Copyrtgtat. , FROM NOW DNTIL BPItINO Overcoats and winter wrapa will be In fashion. They can be discarded, tempor arily while traveling In the stram-hated trains of the Chicago. Mllwauke- and St Paul Railway. For aolld comfort, for speed and for safety, no other line can compare with this great railway of the West. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OK FARE. For a dinner, served on the Dining car of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paid Railway, will be sent to any address on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp.' Apply to Geo. II. Hf afford. Oentral I'ss senger Agent, Old Colony Ilulldlng, Chi- -rago, Illinois. i NOTICE. Notice I hereby given that I will not b responsible for any debt! contracted : by K. Thompson for or on account ot ; the Astort Tent and Awning Company, W. J. COOK. 1 Astoria. Or. April M. 1S9S. Ruslnesa men, It you want to fix up , roar office for the coming year with the ! heat of letter heads, bill heals, state ment, etc., call at the AMorlvt Job office where you will find the beat of stock i and material. I Doctor Thla bacon doesn't npnear to me to be well cured: doe! It to you? Ijt.ly of the House Perhaps not, doctor; It Is probably like aome of your patients -doctored, but not cured. Richmond ! Dispatch. "Why did Mr. Dash send for you?" "Why, her carelosa servant mixed up her real cut-glass with the tea store kind and she wanted me to help her separate them." Philadelphia Record. "No," snl.l Mr. Wlckwtre, "I haven't tried to get funny around this house since I told the hired girl to boll tho Ice and she did." Indianapolis Journal. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. WANTED. WANTED An honest, active gentleman or Indy to travel for reliable es'ablished house. Salary, STiiO, payable (IS weekly and expenses. Situation permanent Ref erences. Enclose self-addresaed stamped envelope, The Dominion Company, nt, Omaha Ilulldlng. Chicago. FOR 8ALE. FOR BALE CHEAP A large quantity of three-fourth! and double bedsteads, box mattresses, atands, bureaus, waah atanda, chamber crockery, blankets, eta Inquire 231 Everett Street, Portland, Or. FOR SALE BY ORDER Nina oil paint ing, landacapes and figures, by renown ed artists, all richly' framed, and large alio. Inquire 231 Everett street, Portland. JAPANESE OOODSJust out-jtut re celved Juat what you want, at Wing Lea's, 141 Commercial street. FOR 8ALE Tho Ferrell property, cor ner ot Exchange and 14th street!. Price, t4,K0. W, C. Caaaell, 471 Bond street, ngC FOR RENT. FOR RENT A furnished room, 186 Srd !treet FOR RENT Three or four rooms, with board, at Mrs. E. C. Holden'i, corner Duane and Ninth streets. Price reason able. FOR RENT Two business houses, one with 19 furnished rooms upstairs, other with 7 furnUhrd rooms upstairs and bar fixture! down stairs. Call at this office. FOR RENT A furnished fulte of rooms on ground floor, centrally located. 414 ! Exchange itreet ' Job Printing The Astorian invites attention to its Job Printing Department TRY US. NOTICJ5 OF AeJSF.HIWF.NT OF DRAIN IN ADAIK 8 ASTORIA Notice I hereby give that th assess ment made by Ordinance No. JWl, of Ihe city of Aatorla, confirming the aassas ment en Roll Ne. I, for lh eonalruetloa of a drain In Ihe dty of Aatorla. aa laid out and recorded by John Adair, com mencing at a point In block (a. and hav ing Ita outlet In Thirty-third atreet, be tween block 11 and 17, In Adair As toria, aad known and designated aa "Drainage Dletrtrt No. I," will be due and payable on the lith day of May. Ilea), In I '. B. gold or sliver coin, at lle ofnV of th idty treasurer, and If not ao paid within or beftr asld time, th common council will order warrant! laaued for the collection of the aame. The aaaeaa ment I a follow: Ijtura P. Adair, lot , block 14. Adair Astoria I U 41 Itura P. Adair, lot I, block 16. Adair' Astoria U 41 Mary I.. Adair, lot 12. block W. Adair's Aatorla t it Mury I.. A. lair, lot 11, block (, Adair's Aalorla S 42 Mary L. Adair, lot li, block A. lair a Aatorla 10 M Mary I.. Adair, lot 11, block . Adair's Aatorla 10 M Mary I. Adair, lot 17, block W. Adair's Aatorla ( 41 Mary L. Adair. W half lot It. block , Adair's Astoria 4 W Mary 1. Adair, lot X. block U, Adair's Aatorla I 15 Mary 1- Adair, lot 21. block a. Adair's Aatorla I li Mary I., A. lair, lot 30, block , Adalr'a Aatorla I U Mury I.. Adair, lot tl, block 3. Adalr'a Aatorla I U Mary L. Adair, lot X. block . Adalr'a Aatorla IU Mary L. Adair, lot O. block . Adalr'a Astoria IIS Mary L. Adair, lot M. block . Adalr'a Astoria I U Betty Adair Hrenham, und one eighth lot 2, block 14, Adair! Astoria 4 77 Hetty Adair Hrenham. und one eighth lot 7, block M, Adair's Astoria M Betty Adair Brenham, und one eighth lot i, block 1. Adulfi Astoria IS Betty Adah Brunham, und one eighth lot . block I. Adalr'a Astoria 1 8 Betty Adair Brenham. und one eighth begin at NE corner lot S. block 40, thence B M feet, W 71 feet, N M feet. E 7 feet, lot I block 40. Adair's Astoria M Ell. n Adair Mendell. und one eighth lot X block If, , Adalr'a Aatorla I 77 Ellen Adair Mendell, und one eighth lot 7, block It, Adalr'a Astoria tSf Ellen Adair Mendell, und one eighth lot 5. block L Adalr'a Astoria 1 8 Ellen Adair Mendell. und one eighth, lot 6, block 1, Adair's Astoria 1 S Ellen Adair Mendell. und one eighth begin at NE corner lot t, block 40. thence 8 feet- W 75 feet. N M feet, E 75 feel, lot J, block 40. Adalr'a Astoria I 54 Kale Adair Welcher, und one eighth lot i block 14. Adair! Astoria I 77 Kate Adair Welcher, und one eighth lot 7, block 16, Adalr'a Astoria 456 Kate Adair Welcher, und one eighth lot 5, block 1. Adalr'a Astoria 1 S Kate Adair Welcher. und one eighth, lot 6, block 1. Adair's Astoria IS Kate Adair Welcher. und one eighth begin at NE -orner lot J. block 40, thence 8 feet, W 75 feet. N 6 feet. E 75 feet, lot t block 40, Adair's Astoria 2 54 Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth lot 2. block 16. Adair's Astoria I 77 Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth lot 7, block 1. Adair'! Astoria 156 Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth lot 5, block 1, 8hlvely'a Astoria 1 S Mary Adair Jordan, und one eighth lot 6, block 1. Bhlvely'a Astoria IS Mnry Adair Jordan, und one eighth begin at NE corner lot 3, block 40. thence 8 feet. W 75 feet, N 6 feet. E 75 feet, lot J, block 40, Adalr'a Astoria 2 54 Mary R. Adair, und one eighth lot 2. block 16. Adair's Astoria 5 77 Mnry R. Adair. und one eighth lot 7, block 16. Adair"! Astoria 156 Marc R. Adair. urd one eighth lot 5. block 1. Shlvely"! Astoria IS Mary R. Adair. und one elgiith lot 6. block 1. Shlvely'i Astoria IS Mary R. Adair. und one elchth begin at NE corner lot 1 block 40, thence S 06 feet. W 75 feet, N 66 feet, E 75 feet, lot S, ' block 40. Adalr'a Astoria 5 54 Ijuira Adair Barker, und three eighths lot 2. block K Adair's Astoria 17 21 Laura Adair Barker, und three eighths lot 7. block K Adair's Astoria W to Ijiura Adair Barker, und Ihrw eltrttlha lot 5. block 1, Shhely's Astoria S 75 Laura Adair Barker, und three eighths lot S, block 1, Shlvcly's Astoria S 75 Laura Adair Barker, und three eighths begin at NE corner lot S. block 40; thence 8 Sti feet, W 75 feet, N 68 feet, E 7R feet, lot 3, block 40, Adalr'a Astoria 7 6! A. Booth Packing Co.. lot 5, block 150. Shlvely's Aatorla 46 15 A. Booth Packing Co.. lot 2, block SS. Shlvcly's Astoria 52 41 Victor Anderson, lot 2, block 1, Shlvely! Astoria W 00 Tina Amundsen, lot 4, block 41, Adair's Astoria 12 22 Tina Amundsen, lot 5, block 41, Adalr'a Astoria 12 22 Astoria Saving Bank, trustee, lot 29, block US, Adair's Astoria 1 15 Isaao Bergman, lot 12, block 149, Shlvely'! Astoria 10 00 Rudolph Barth, lot 4, block 16, Adalr'l Astoria 46 15 Hiram Brown, lot 1, block 17, Adalr'a Aatorla 46 15 Hiram Brown. E half lot 2, block 17. Adalr'a Astoria; 23 05 Hiram Brown, lot 4, block 17, Adalr'a Aatorla 46 15 Hiram Brown, lot 2, block 61, Adair's Astoria 52 41 Hiram Brown, lot 4, block 61, Adnlr's Astoria 52 41 Hiram Brown, lot 5, block 61. Adalr'a Astoria 4 15 Hlrnm Brown, lot 6, block tl, Adnlr's Astoria 46 15 Hlrnm Brown, lot 2, block 66, Adalr'a Astoria 46 15 Hiram Brown, lot 4, block 66, Adair's Astoria 46 15 Hiram Brown, lot 1. block 67. Adair's Astoria 46 15 Hiram Brown, lot .2, block 67, i I Adair! Astoria It Hiram Ilrown, lot 2, block 67, Adnlr's Aatorla 46 14 Illram Ilrown. lot 4, block 67, Adalr'a Aalorla 46 It Illram Brown, lot 6, block (7, Adair' Aalorla 14 Of Illram Ilrown, lot f, block 67, Adalr'a Aatorla , 24 65 Illram Brown, lot 7, block 67, Adair's Astoria UK Hiram Ilrown, lot t, block 67, Adalr'a Aatorla 24 M Laura Adair Barker, lot I, block 17, Adair's Astoria 52 41 Fred Barker, lot 4, block M, Adair"! Astoria ' 51 41 Katharine C. Bllasett, tot 4, block , Adair Astoria 12 41 Betlna Norwegian Evangelical Lu theran Churoh. N 4 feet of B half lot 2, block K, Adair's As toria U) 41 t. W, Buirh, lot , block 41. Adalrs Astoria 11 B D, W. Bush, lot 22, block 41, Adair's Astoria 11 11 t. W. Bush, lot 36, block 41, Adalr'a Astoria Jl 21 AIX- M. Bush, lot 25, block 4L Adalr'a Astoria 11 32 Jacob flow-art, lot If, block an, Adair's Astoria '.. It US Jacob Bouart, lot Is, block 10, Adair's Astoria It M A. Brunhold, lot II, block JO, Adalr'a Aatorla 10 M A. Brunhold. lot tt, block 60, Adair's Astoria 18 If Cryus Carruthera, lot 2. block IT, Adair's Astoria 46 U Cyrus Carruthera, lot 7, Mock 17, Adnlr's Aatorla SI 41 Kraalmo r'aaerogolla. N half lot 5, block . Adalr'a Aatorla M 20 Nellie . Charlaton, und half lot 1, , block r?, Adair's Aalorla 8 C. H. Cornier, lot t, block 40, Adair's Aatorla M H C. H. Cooper, lot , block 60, Adair's Anorla 10 M C. If. Cooper, lot 10, block 60, Adalr'a Astoria.'..... 10 M C. H. Cooper, lot 11, block . A'Ulr'a Astoria 10 M C. H. Cooper, lot 12, block to, Adalr'a Astoria 19 M John Chltwood, und quarter lot L block 61. Adair's Astoria 12 10 Ruth A. Cornelius, und half lot t, block J. Adnlr's Astoria 220 H. P. Dretinan, un.l half lot Tu block 61. Adair's Astoria 11 10 H. P. Drennan, lot t, block 41, Adair's Astoria 4 It V. A. IVjnelson,, und half lot 7, block 39, Adair's Astoria 8 20 J. H. Duncan, lot I, block M, Adair's Astoria 10 M J. H. Duncan, lot t block 68. Adalr'a Astoria 10 M Samuel l.lmore. lot 25. block CO, Adalr'a Astoria 10 M Samuel Elmore, lot 8. block 60, Adalr'a Astoria 10 M Samuel Elmore, lot 27, block 40, Adair's Astoria 10 M Samuel Elmore, lot 28, block 60, Adalr'a Astoria It M Alex Gilbert, lot 3, block It, Adair's Astoria 4t IS Annie Gatens, lot t, block 17, Adair's Astoria.. 52 41 Annie Gatens, lot 6, block 17, Adair's Astoria 52 fl Catherine Goodman, lot U. block 41, Adalr'a Astoria 12 C P. J. Goodman, lot 12, block 41, Adair's Astoria U tt Anna Maria Gramma, lot 8, block 4. Adair's Astoria. It H Anna Maria Gramma, lot X, block t, Adair's Astoria 10 M Helen F. Graham, lot L block 42. Adalr'a Astoria 53 41 Helen F. Graham, lot 2, block 42. Adair's Astoria 52 41 Winifred C. George, lot T. block L Shlvely's Astoria 10 Ot Mary C. Holmes, lot T, block 17, Adair's Astoria 14 tt Mary a Holmes, lot t, block 17, Adair's Astoria 4t 15 Thomas A. Hyland. lot 5, block JS, Adalr'a Astoria 52 41 Eric Houke, lot , block 41, Adair's Astoria 13 12 Erie Houke, lot ., Uk 41. Adair's Astoria 12 22 F. A. Hill, lot t, block 30, Adalr'a Astoria lit it, F. A. Hill, lot 7. block 60, Adair Astoria 10 tt Aleck Iverson. lot U. block ts, Adair's Astoria. la Aleck Iverson. lot 12, block tg, Adalr'a Astoria t 42 James Jackson, lot 5, block 63, Adalr'a Astoria It IS James Jackson, lot t, block 68, Adair's Astoria. 10 It Louisa Johansen. lot 10, block 140, Shlvely's Astoria 10 (t John Kopp, lot L block 42, Adair's Astoria 5! 41 Christina A., Alfred. Josephine and Frank P. Lelnenweber, heirs of Frank Lelnenweber, lot 5, block 50. Adair's Astoria. 3 08 Christina A. Alfred. Josephine and Frank P. Lelnenweoer. heirs of Frank Lelnenweber, lot t, block 59, Adair's Astoria 23 08 Christina A Lelnenweber, lot 1, block 50. Adalr'a Astoria 8 08 Christina A. Lelnenweber, lot 7, block 59, Adair's Astoria 46 15 Christina A Lelnenweber. lot 8, block !. Adair's Astoria. 46 15 Christina A. Lelnenweber, lot 2, block 50. Adair's Astoria 8 08 August La men. N half lot 1. block SS. Adalr'a Astoria 8 20 John Ktpp, lot 2, block 42, Adalr'a Astoria .-. 52 41 Mary J. Kyle, lot 4. block 4J, Adair's Astoria 51 41 Mary J. Kyle, lot 5, block 42. Adair's Astoria 52 41 Mrs. Anna Kopp, lot 6. block 42, Adair's Astoria 52 41 P. N. Kearney, und half lot 1, block 61. Adair's Astoria 8 20 James F. Kearney, lot 2, block 61. Adair Astoria 52 41 Frank J. Carney, und half lot 7, block 61, Adair's Astoria 8 10 Mary A. Cearns. und half lot 7, block 61. Adair's Astoria 3 f5 Mary H. Lelnenweber. W half lot J, block 17. Adair's Astoria 3 05 Christina A.. Alfred G., Josephene and Frank P. Lelnenweber, heirs of Frank Lelnenweber, lot 7, block 3S, Adalr'a Astoria 52 41 Christina A , Alfred G., Josephene nnd Frank P. Lelnenweber, heirs of Frank Lelnenweber, lot S, block 38. Adalr'a Astoria 5! 41 L. Lebeck and olive Winton, lot 3. block 1. Shlvely's Astoria 10 00 L Letieck and Olive Winton, lot , block 1. Shlvely's Astoria 10 CO L. lebeck and Olive Winton, lot 9, block 1. Shlvely's Astoria 10 CO L. Lebeck and Olive Winton. lot 1 TJOttAlO'OOMSMAJLCD T0fVfJ?y0?r. YCWfifCPr$60AfMrWffl 'f- tt 41 Adair's Astoria 4 It Itev. li. VV. Morris, a 14 fcit lot Muck Adair's Aalorla , Bey. ll. W. Morris, lot t, block 40, Adair's Aalorla r .... Rev. H. W. Morris, lot t, block 40, Adair's Astoria Itev. ll. W. Morris, lot 7. block 40, 35 60 4t U Adair's Astoria 4tU itev. a. vv . Morns, lot 2. block r Adnlr's Astoria .... Kev. II. W. Morris, lot 3, block 3, Adair's Astoria ftev. B. W. Morris, lot 4, block tt, Adair's Astoria .... Rv. H. W. Morris, lot . block 40, Adair's Astoria rred Murawo, lot t. block 42, Adair Asuiria A McPharlao,' lot 10, block 60, Adair's Astoria... A. McPharlaa. lot IL block tt, AJaurs Astoria 44 15 4t 4tlt 4f tt 5)41 UN It M MM att 141 141 53 41 53 41 ua 128 11a 14 141 ua Oeorg Nelson, lot I, block V. Adair's Astoria.... Oeorg Nelson, lot t, block tl, ' Adair's Astoria Christ Naas, lot t, block 48, Adalr'a Astoria Christ Naas, lot 10, block 6s, Adair's Astoria Theresa, O'Brien, lot 2, block , Adair's Astoria Theresa O'Brien, lot 3, block B. Adair's Astoria Edward O Connor, lot 1. block 4L Adair's Astoria Edward O'Connor, lot & block 41, Adair's Aatorla Edward 0Connor, lot 1. block 4L Adalr'a Astoria Andrew Olsen. lot 7, block ta, Adair's Astoria. Andrew Olaen, lot t, block 68, Adalr'a Astoria I. H. Palmer, lot t, block 42, Adair's Astoria Anna M. Pope, lot 3. block to, Adalr'a Astoria Ella Pope, lot 4, block to, Adair'! Astoria Frank Patton, trustee, lot 33, block 60, Adalr'a Aatorla Frank Patton, trustee, lot 24. block . Adairs Astoria ton 10 8t 10 it 10 SS) 12 41 10 60 10 0 10 01 10 81 52 41 88 12 J. H. Palmer, lot 4, Adair's Astoria block 63, W. W. Parker, lot 8, block 10. Shlvely s Astoria W. W. Parker, lot I. Shlvely's Astoria block 141, Jennie -H. Parker. lot U, block H. Shlvely's Astoria Mary J. Ryrie. lot t, block 60, Adair's Astoria. Sarah G. Qrierman, lot t, block 8. Adair's Astoria Mabel I- Sullivan, I half lot L block 8. Adair's Astoria N. Blmonsen, lot 23, block 41, Adair's Astoria N. Blmonsen. lot 24, block 41, Adair's Astoria.. US O. Bovey. lot 13, block fl, Adair Aatorla O. Bovey, lot 24, block 41, Adair's Aatorla Benson Sabine, lot 7, block 42, Adair's Astoria Elisabeth Seafeldt, lot XL block 43. Adair's Astoria. Elisabeth Beafeldt, lot 22, block 43, Adalr'a Astoria. Mary A. Schroder E half lot It, block 60. Adair's Astoria W. T. Bchol field, und half lot 2. block H. Adair's Astoria. W. T. Bcholfleld and E. Houke, frme lot 1, block L Shiveiya As toria W. T. Bcholfleld and Houke, lot 2. block L Shlvelys Astoria John Seine, lot 3, block 48, Adair's Astoria. John Belneas. lot 4, block 48, Adair's Astoria Peter Nufur. B half lot 6, block 8. Adalr'a Astoria Jacob Culnger. lot t, block 3a. Adalr'a Astoria...... Ole a Vige, lot IS, block tt, Adair's Astoria . Ole O. Vlge, lot & block It, Adalr'a Astoria ... ....... Chaa. Verschruren, W hair lot Tt, . .Mock to. Adair's Astoria. NIchMaa Wlaner, lot U, block t Adair k. Aatorla. Nicholas WKner, lot 17, mock 41. Adair's Astoria. ua 11a 52 a MM U M ta 88 IN 10W UK u m 88 63 41 M 81 MM 'l4 u 1132 Chariea Wiseman, lot 13, block 10, Adair's Astoria.... - Charles Wiasman, kH 17. block . Adair's Astoria 10, block 1, Shlvely's Astoria Nli.holetta Alaiagamh, W hall and fj fust of K half lot 2, block , Adair's Astoria Itev. 11. W. Morris, lot 2, block 40, JOS MM ua ua 10 s 10 8t 108 10 8 10 8 10 a 10 a 10 86 10 8 10S 10W ua 12a UM; 12 a u .12 32 " U 32 11 fl 12 33 12 32 ua 13 a 12 a George Watson, lot 15, block Adair's Astoria 4L "a, "42! George Watson, lot it, block . Adairs Astoria.. Manjua , ieei nil , uiova Adair's Astoria - Marcus Wise, lot 20, block Adalr'a Astoria Marcus Wise, lot 22. block Adair's Astoria Marcus Wise, lot 24. block "a. Adair's Astoria Marcus Wise, lot S. block 43. Adair's Astoria Marcus Wise, lot 8, block 42, Adair's Astoria Mary Wilson, lot 1. block to, Adair's Astoria Walter, Mamie, Annie, Grade and William Wilson, heirs of William Wilson, lot 2, I lock Adalr'a Astoria Ole Wlllberg. lot 14, block 60. Adair's Astoria I Caroline O. Wlllberg, lot 23, block 60, Adair's Astoria Caroline O. Wlllberg. lot 24, block to, Adalr'a Astoria Charles Wright and 8. E. Harris, lot 8, block 41. Adalr'a Astoria.... Charles Wright and 8. E. Harria, lot 9. block 41. Adalr'a Astoria.... Charles Wright and B. E. Harris; lot 10, block It, Adair's Astoria... Charles Wright and 8. E. Harris, lot 14, block 41, Adair's Astoria... Charfes Wright and a E. Harris,. lot 19. block 41, Adair's Astoria... ' Charles Wright and 8. B. Harrut. lot 20, block 41. Adair's Aa'oria... Charles Wright and 8. E. Harris, . lot 2t, block 41, Adair's Astoris.., Charles Wright and S. E. Harris,, lot IT. block 41, AdAlr's Astoria... Charles Wrigh! and S. K. Harris, lot SS. block 4L Adair's Astcria... Charles Wright and S. E. Harris, lot 29, block 41, Adair's A-torfa... , Charles Wright and 8. Ji Harris, lot 30, block 41, Adalr'a Astoria... Charlea Wright and 8. E. Harris, lot 21, block 41. Adair's Astoria... lot 33, block 41, Adair's Astoria... Charles Wright and S. E. Harris, Dated Astoria, Or., April 23. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge, . a . - a A7 I 4 l i efr10. . 1- 'TT