The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 29, 1896, Image 1

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T ThsASTOHl" hu lb li-it-it lOCAl
g elreltlom Huli-rnt GF.ME.RAL elrt - a
S Mm. jI th. llrrul TOTAL tln-lilitl-HI f
2 fwwill fw WlihlnflM ini Oil l ill
Occiilootl iltimiri, f
" 1
4j III pjrt ublnhtd III Aito'tl.
NO. !.
Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
ing, Furnishing Goods. Hats. Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Trunks, Valises. Umbrellas. Blankets,
Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
Io you mcl an) tiling in O0i- &ilic-HF Lvltrii
I'n-hHt'H, Copying Hooks, luUtiimlf, TiiMctt., Juki-, JJlynkj
Jtoukn. Itluc Print J'iipr, WiiHc 1-n.ktte, lUik Triiji", Ft"
Kiukx. Typi- Writing Pnpr, Kii-I" ns hmI Ciirlcn Tflpci.
If , wv can hiipply yon.
A new lot of Plnying CnnlH
jimt received.
Griffin & Reed,
City BooU Store.
Such a Never Uccn
Miriwirt. Granite Ware. Rope. Stoves. Iron
Pipe. Terr CotU Pipes. Bar Iron. Steel.
Cannery Supplies. Loners' Tools
At prices that defy competition.
Done ty experienced workmen.
On at Fixture ot Cowl.
Sol Oppenheimer,
8. I HI:I;MAN. lale of Freeman A It .lme.
Foundrymen. Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler' Makers.
i,n nH Bfass Costinq.
Welch Patent Wheel, Ship Snilthlnit anil Steamhoat Work,
Cannery and Hill Machinery, Marine and Stationary
Bollera Built to Order
r Specially equipped for Losers' Work. Located on 18th and Franklin (Scow
Foundry). Phone 78. Correspomlrme
tfphone & Bailey Catzert.
.'elnphone" leave Aatorla at 7 p. m.
y (except Sunday).
vee Fortland at 1 a. m. dally., ex-
1 Hunilay.
'alley Oataert" leavea Aatorla Tuea
Wedneaday. Thuraday. Friday and
. jrday morning at 6:4 a. m.i Sunday
.jvejinm at 1 p. m.
Ijave Portland dally at I p. m ax.
eeil Sunday. On aaturday at 11 p. m.
For the One-Price
Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers
Offered Bcfur In
Cnlt nttel Bo Convinced
Trustee for M. C. CROSBY.
R. T. tiAHt.K, late of Sleckton, t'al
General Blacksmith Work,
Tha Hop V Clothlnc Faatory and
merchant tallon, at id Bond atreet.
makei underclothing to order. Suits
and trouaera mad to fit perfectly,
Every ordor punctually on Urn and
antlsfaotlon guaranteed, Oood goodi
atd abeap. Call aa4 be eoarlnee,
So Declares the KepLiblicnn
County Platform.
M'Oretfor nnd PurUcr Noiiiinfitcd on the
I.Lt;iHliitivc Ticket.
Cmvcn(liin TrniiMUclcit llnilncni IK-liiod Clmctl Doorn,
KxcltKlInu Kvcryone.
Msvlliiu Wn. I la'iii.,l.,ii, AMIumijii Hinie of lli Crilwt
CliiuoMliillurm tcl..rm l'l,.ll- for ;li - I "riit
IiwumiIktiiI nrlly
The Itcput.lli an puriy of 'l'' i-oun- i
ly ha proved liprlf worthy of ihe rum.', '
and l.y ll u.ilun y.sler.liy bus put a
quietus mi nn iliiuht " to II Ii ihIi ncy
toward m debused rurren v. An une
quivocal declaration fur sound money U
Ihe um uml iilianc of the platform
adopted. TIh money iiliink have no
room fur Joulu to tlio ti-'ul.'in y ot
Chilnip luiinty Hi pulill' uiilmn, nnJ
irmr Hint tin- (Mfiy of tlif n)il
not lcn curr1i-1 any ly th I'upiillnilo
iixv of vlnloiwry currcn-y hlih
ll otrr tin' I'ouiitry. rurrylns Kith It
it rn iiti r or l.--r numlwr of iwn wtio,
tlirouFh liriiornixo murv tlinn molMng
lr, rn 1 luili j.
Tli uri-i-mi of til" It.'UilWI. mi lnrly,
by Ik d.iliirutlon of yi-tir.luy. l
luml. mul tin- f 'uiullnla. undur lti
muk of Ix-iiiotrniy, who UihI.hv.1 for
tho unllnillr.l nilmiKK of frw IK-r ut
the court loi)e mine time So. lll o
r. Ivrfuir.l Inn- the iliirknv of oli'lvion
nl th.i romliut June rl.vtlon. ,-irvir to
rlM nitnln. All rn.lll. however. I doe
to thoe few lirnve oll lienvjcMtlc wur
hiirain who iUkA out ucalnat the virlvn
ry Menu of the remnlnder. nnd, al
though they were defeniiil In i-oiiM-nilon.
mlnii eventa will ileinonnlniie to their
entire ntlri'tloii they wro In the
That tlm.e miund money IVimvnm
and their follower will vote with the
Kuld utan.l.ird KepuMI alu' Kix will-out
aayliut. fur ainiliillim with hone.t is.
piihllinnii i iimiln-t Ilka amil.flin with
alli'Ked r'eiii.K-ratu In fael. pronounced
ri.piilliitu-will if their only wur-; nnd
nueh eouriie th.-y will pureue. The lle-
ptiMlran pariy rim puieeu ue-ii i-jv.iu
the pale of the llvr hereiiy. and. na It
control thin county- overwhelmingly.
OlntiMin county may Im nlleil upon to
work agalnut nny l-opullntle whenie to
bring the country' ilnancea Inio dlnre
pule. CON v r.N i n in
I'romptly at II o'clock ycm. rd iy I'lmir-
man llark-r called the H-puldlfiin coun
ty convention to order, nflir which the
report of the commit! -e on . nil-nllul
which how.-.l 11 full atli-nilnnro of d.le
gate, either t iermm or by proxy.
w nilopiid I'nwllng the iiil.M'tlon of
till riport. n motion by In-leicate Jo
hii'innen, of S.-.itl.l.-, to not re -oi.-ni.ii-
primle held by peimui n ii llnK cutKlde
the iireclin-t tront w hich :ht del. kiiIo
Imulng the proxy nulded nnviillcd. the
action bcliiit lu hnrmonr wlih the ruh
adopted ut the former meeltin? of the
The chairman then fulled up m Secreta
ry ltldchaluh to rend the report of the
cominltlce on platform
llefnre the Kecr.-Mry Kuan realm the
platform IVIigiito J.imos V. Welch mov
ed that the convention RO Into eiiu.-im of
the whole to adopt n platform and nmko
nomination for the various the
nomination to be nitlllid In open -hIoii.
PcliKiite Wade Hiimplon Smith
siild he had no objection to uolns Into
caiicu, but that he would not be i.sham
rd of nnc pint form the convention mlKht
ndopt. He k.iw no rcnon why the pub
lic should be barred fr.uu the
Iiikw, iiiul moved therefore, it an amend
ment to Mr. Welch' mollun that the
convention ro Into ciiucu only to make
nomination and not for the adoption of
n platform.
Tho chiilniian called for nn aye and
nay vote, which left him In doubt, but
on rising vote the amendment wa
lout. The original motion wn then car
ried, nnd tho convention, much to tho
illnriit of the newspaper reporter, went
Into cnticti.
Many ileleKitte did not attend the cnu
cit, anylne they were willlnff to abide
by nny platform the renvilnder of tho
delegate wuv tit to adopt. On the cor
ner of Twelfth mil Commerclil street
n Inrge crowd collected nnd many opin
ions w-eto expressed as to the Importance
of the two nmln IsBtios-money nnd tnr
1IT. An expression that the former was
paramount brought out n statement from
lelegnte Ingalls.
"(lentlemen," said Mr. Instil, "give ua
tho McKlnley tariff for throe or four
year: start the wheel of Industry and
the Hplndle of the mills to working,
and ho how q'lL-kly the money question
will be lost."
Many other expression were, beard
hut that the money question wa the
ull-lmportant Issue seemed the opinion ot
Ihe majority.
Prospective candidates rustled during
the noon hour, and many buttonhol
were rent asunder. The hopeful ones
set forth 'their respective sterling quae
l!lrMilnn In ttiuny different Inng.iuge,
Hllli vurlulion. and the delegates from
tllo uutlayliif dlntrtrta lUti .u-d; and, Hal
.-nlna, fh-y w uiidertnl ; and their arnax.
ineiit km w no louiid.;
"Tor auri-ly' aaid thoy, "thetw nien
are of a notde race: and they are well
III to make for ua Hie !uw; and, bu
Uudli, w.'ll volo fur itn!"
ilul the (iinilldiitea wjre 'o numrrou.
uiid lltu delegate hud to vun'.ent
wlvua with vo'.Uik for a firm led iiumUr.
AKThKNuuN SKSrilo.N.
The email. cx'cuid ilia initrv tlii.e of
the ruiiveiulou until 4 1', wln n the doura
were HKinn thrown uwu in I the nr. an
ri'tirineiiUiilvea admlltid. Why the
niiiiilii.illuna wera m le In i-aueua no
one aema to know. Some .Maimed th
dileiintek could nol oth rwtix; Iw ol
tliiKMlKhed from Msltorv llul the hall
ai hiiMlrl.-ntly large to iwruul dividing
thn ue nibly. Aa a result of the cau
ruri, and Hit failure of the Axtorlan re
purter tu " a tumble to hlmeelt"
until too lale. It la linpoa.llle to ubllali
tiie mcrel pioccvdlnga, i
M KItil. J l.ail I a meellug place for 1 at the end of which lime it had reached i
..eral secret aockstk-s. and In Hi, rear!" ',Jle ,of. ue.'ore ex- ,
. ; p reiced by any county,
door Is a nuill hole through which one i, ncon.l We Ulleve la a urotec-.ive '
may wv and hear all that c-s on. The ! tarm, .such as will protect American j
reporter did not get onto mis until noml- i 1"lK,r a,lJ American products. anJ. at i
iiii.ioiia ,u. jiinnn , "" i
la-nig-made. If lie had. the account of j
I ho coiivetitlun would h..e levn extreme- i
ly Int. renting. Secretary Kideiialgh was ;
u.-'ked for the vote on the Scv-ral c.n- 1
ilt.latis mil wu willing ;hcy should be J
i.uhllsh.d. na was also Chalrm-in Iturker: !
but Mr. Janus W. Welch wa not, und
tho farce proo-vdlngrt of a riitlilcuiton '
inceliiib' are all lhui cart lie given the I
After the convention met In open es
slon Chairman Parker culh-d for the
reading of the platform, that It might
be adopted. Mr. James W. Welch
moved the platform be adopted without
reading, which motion was carried.
YVudi Hampton Smith ure und ex
plained that his "no," which was the
only dissenting vote, was against the
money plunk. Mr. Smith favors oceans
of silver.
Then followed tho formality of ratify
ing the nominations. Tho caucus nomi
nees were renominated, eulogised and the unanimous choice of the
convention. The ticket Is precisely as
slated, utul follows:
llepresenlutlve-F. I
Parker and W.
1-". McGregor.
County cominlssloncr Howell L
Sheriff -James W. Hare.
Clcrk-F. I. Dunbar.
lliH'ordor-C. 8. Gunderson
Tn-asurcr It. 1 Ward.
Assessor-Clark Curnulian.
School suiK-rlntendcnt Miss
Surveyor X. D. Raymond.
Coroner Richard iltchurds.
JiiHtices of the peace
Astoria precinct J. A. Ab-rerombte.
Clatsop precinct J. A. Mclntyre.
Seaside prcclnct-Phlllp Condit.
Lewis and Clurko precinct Lot 011
morc. Kuappa precinct tlcorge Abcrnothy.
Jewell prc-clnct-C. II. Miller.
lilncy precinct C. II. Osgood.
Allslittiiuku precinct W. U. Prcscotl.
Walluskl precliu-t J. P. Ryan.,
For constable
Astoria prcclnft F. l.-kman.
I'lutsop precinct K. W. Houghton.
Seaside precinct Win. Stoddart.
lowis and Clarke proolnct Mr. Hcll
slrom. Knappa precinct -J. M. Darling.
Jewell precinct W. H. Miller,
oiney precinct T. H. Anderson.
Mlshwiiuk.i precinct D. Tweeille.
Wiilluskl precinct D. Gamble.
Hear Creek lind Wcstport are without
Justice of tho pence and constables, no
niinn having been presented
The formality of nominating the ran-
ilidatc was uninteresting until Uenj.
Worslcy placed In nomination the name
of Junius W. Hnre for the office of
county sheriff. Mr, Worslcy eulogised j
.vir. tturo nigniy, alia aula he was the
peer of any man who was contesting
for tho olllce. Mr. Charles H. Stock-
ton. in seconding Mr. Hare's nomlna-
tlon, mudo a very forcible speech.
"Never In the history of Clatsop .
coiiiily," said Mr. Stockton, "hu such
un uptight. honet, conscientious miin o'" ior tnrce or tour years, out. wme
as Mr. Hare been singled out by such how or otl"r' he hM nevr bwn nomi-
a galaxy of d d rascal!"
The speaker referred to the anony
mous letters which had been circulated
broadcast throughout tho city nnd coun
ty, and which vlllltled Mr. ilare In a
dastardly manner. Where were the
ours who circulated and caused to be
clreiiliiteil those vile letter? continued
till. tMMiJ(er.
"U hii'i are they 7" asked a delegate.
'They nr. hern in this room, within
tho hearing of my voice, the unprinci
pled ectiumlrela:" replied Mr, HUckion.
The speaker concluded his remark by
predicting an easy victory for Mr. liar,
otherwise the ratification was without
Intrreatltig feature The chairman
then appointed a county coinrnlit..',
which I composed of the following
nulla d gentleman:
W. W. hldchalgh, W. 11. Painter, K. It.
Cole, W. II. Lewis, 1. II. Johano.ii, J.
I. l.'itron, Jiiine W. Welch, T. II. An
leron, C. J. Mndeil, K, 11. Ilenaud, I'.
J. Ken. lull, II. I). Kcrg.json, K. U.
Bbele. h. il. Houghton and -V. II. Twi
light 1'ruf. Itrower then afe and thanked
lltu contention tor riomin&tlrur him two
'hij Uio f'jr the ofri:e of sup--rintcnd-ilil
of whools, stilting tiiut thai wu Ihe
llrst oi'purtoiilly ho hud bad of voking
his appm-tailon. It app-ur Mr Hrow
er' uuine was bciurv the couv-mlon
yiuiWrday for the sjune olhce, but the
gi ntlrm.ui expuiued such uctioa was
tuk. ii without hi knowledge or consent.
Iluwever, hu was truly gmtsful for what
hi Iri.-rul hud done for him.
Mr. Jam.- W. Welch moved tliul all
vncuni-Jes cuiiwil by death, wilhdraaal
or other act of Cod or man be filled by
Ihe county committee; and the .notion
Then ui '- o'clo.k unl l'l minutes, upon
motion of Mr. lames W. Welch, the
convention adjourned slnu die; and the
June caniiuign begar..
The platform as adopted follows. (
Viiere wu some oppo:ililon to It. Dele- ;
gate V. J. Uoodm&n, who wa a member J
of the committee on plulforui. It la said, '
urging the strongest oppoaltion:
Astorlu. April S:h. IM
We. your i-ommlitiu on pUlfunn, sub
mit the attached draft of il nform and
recommend lis adoption by thl conven- .
Ktrst We, the representative of the
ib-publlcana of Clatsop county, Oregon,
In convention aiuu-nibled, n-aillrm our be
lief In the principle and poU.-y of the
IK-pjlilicun p.irty, uud.r which the coun-
try nrosiHTe! during thirty year, and
ine same lime. luriusn revenues icr ine ,
support of the government, cx-ata a uf- I
nt urplu over the ordiruu-y ex-j
l-nditurs thereof, to provide for coast
di-fi-n., for a steady upbuildinx of our
nu y, ami for u gradual decrease In Hie
debt. We believe in protection to
our shipbuilders through a po'.t y of dis-
criminating dun. In .'avor of Vrmrl an
bottoms, ami In the reciprocity policy
of th;i great American i.tale.nnan.
jame G. Llalne.
Thlrd-We favor the use of 1-oth gold
and silver, to the extent to wnu-n tney
can be maintained In circulation, at a
parity in purchasing and dt-bt-paylrg
poivt r. und are earnestly optKised. under j
present conditions, to the free and un
limited coinage of silver by the l r.lted
Stale alone, believing It would destroy
such purity, and thereby contract the
volume of currency.
Fourth We favor the construction und
control of the Nicaragua by the
t'nlted State government, and urge Its
completion as peedlly a possible.
Fifth W e believe In the election of
I'nltid States senators by x;mlar vole,
und heartily Indorse the propo-eJ amend
ment to the constltuiion of the I'nittd
States, now pending in the I'mted States
Sixth We advocnle the const ructlm
and maintenance of good .'otinty roads
; throughout the county. Vllcvln-,- that the
development of the county Is dependent
Seventh Wo the Republican
party to a policy of right economy tn the
cxpciHlltiire of public money, in both
county and stnto affairs, to the reduc
tion of exees.-dve. salaries, the abolish
ment of the fee system wherever pos
sible, nnd the ntollshmcnt of all useless
Fighth We believe In national and
state aid for lh. nrtltlcial propagation
i of salmon and sturgeon In the waters
i of Ihe Columbia rlvi r and Its tributaries,
' nnd In conl nlng the right to tish therein
to ritixcn of the I'nited State.
i Committee on I'ltut'oim.
From what could bo learned from
j scraps of conversations belw-jen delc
! gates, Messrs. Parker and McGregor, had
sonie opposition for the legislature, but
' It wa easily overcome. lames W.
! Welch was not In It from the stun, but
he took his defeat good mituredly and
; made u ringing sHt-ch In support of Mr.
For county commissioner Howell Lewis
had a "snap," there being no opposition.
The renominutlon of Sheriff Hare was
a surprise. Inasmuch as there was
thought to be considerable opposition to
his candidacy. The sheriff can thank
those anonymous vilifications for his
complete victory. It Is said he polled
76 out of M votes.
Several ballots were required to decide
' Wmitl whose name on the ticket the
, ',x"r'Siilon or snouia appear. .Mr.
I Worslcy. was In It to the finish, nnd It
Is said he polled a large vote. F. I.
Dunbar and C. S. Gunderson had walk
over for the offices of clerk nnd re
corder. R. M. Stuart was a candidate
I for U, ''tst-named office, and attributes,
' or' ru,her' -'t. his defeat to the
raft tnat ne was not on the slate; also
because he did not receive sufficient
, votes. Mr. Stuart has been after this
R. L. Ward wns the almost unanimous
choice of the convention for treasurer.
H. D. Thing wished to handle the coun
ty's shekel, but the delegates wouldn't
have It that way. For Justice of the
(Continued on Third Page.)
I'roiilint Kriiiit-r IniMJM: the Sen
tence I ixin John Kays Hammond
ami His AsMniaics.
fit I ,1kiij the Scstesct Big Ikst tkc
llcsicmcy of rsrdo Will Be the
brciier - fditioa Circslsttd
il too'jrcsj.
Hie'Clnl to the Astorlan.
1-oTnlon, April . Secretary of State
for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain an
nounced In Ihe house of commons today
that the five leaders of the reform com
mittee at Johannesburg, J. H. HammoDl,
Francis Rhode, George Kerrer, Lionel
Phillip, and Charles Leonard, bad been
condemned to death. j Maryland senator as to the responritoillty
The sentence of the reform committee i tor the failure of tariff legislation la
to death ha. produced a great nsat!on ' h ",1COnf T7'torT"'M ""T
' i and me frequent healed colloquys It dn-
In London. In well Inform'! '.lrcles, v loped, attracted great Interest, crowds
however, the sentence has causid Utile filling the galleries for the first Una
urprte. It has long been understood j lnc the Cohan debates, and many
, members of the bouse coming ever la
thai a very severe senteaoe would bo I ,,,. to p rf,. tmuntp.
paused. In order that tha cl -m.?ncy which j Item was not completed when the senate
President Kruger Is certain to exercise ! adjourned.
might appear the greater. It la thought ' w'hn the senate resumed consideration
probable that the sentence of death will of the naval appropriation bill today,
be commuted to a short term of lmprts- I the pending question was on the amend
onment, and a big tine, unless Chamber- : ment offered by Chandler, making It
Uln s dispatch to President Kruger, rrad i unlawful for retired naval orflcer ta
In Ihe house of common, should Irritate 1 enter Ihe service of contractors famlsh
the chief magistrate of the Transvaal ! In material to the government. Tho
into greater severity than hs would oth- ; Chandler amendment was agreed lo. 46
crwlse exercise. Chamberlain's telegram , to IL As adopted the prohibition against
Is regarded here as being precipitate, and ! naval officers serving as auval contntct
u leaving President Kruger no lime to i or a"0 '"to effect June , .mi. This
act on his own account, and as having, i hrought the senate to the moat Important
moreover, the ring of dictation. ; feature of the bill Ihe approprUtl m for
: fcr battleships to cost $J.75,WO ,ach:
pK-rtTtriv rnn niuuivivn via ! ' thirty-knot torpedo bouts at ISOviSb,
PETITION FOR HAM M D.N DS tf. unHlo boU t &.. Gor-
' ' ; man moved an amendment to fix tha
Washington, April 28. When Senator i number of battleships at two Instead ot
Stewart, who Is a personal friend ot j four, and Quay an amendment r.zing tha
John Hays Hammond, heard ot his con- j number of battleships at six.
vlcllon, he Immediately set to work to ! Gorman then addressed the senate In
prepare a petition In Hammond's behalf, ' support of hi amendment. In closing
which he had circulated among seiato.-j ' his speech Gorman, with great sarcasm,
and members of the house. The petition referred to the secretary of the navy and
is addressed to President Kruger and is I his ambition to build up, man and equip
a plea for pardon. It sets forth the I "a splendid navy." . ...
high character of the accused and. while i "Our great secretary of the navy. ' ha
Il is conceded by the petition that the
crime lo which he has pleaded Kuilty Is
a niost serious one, and directed i:alnst
u government for which the signers have
high regard, they still a-k, as an act
of clemency, lhai the offense he condon
ed and the prisoner liberated. The pe
tition was signed by all to whom It was
rr.-at England's Alleged Friendly Spirit
With Much Contempt.
(Copyrighted. 1SK, by Associated IVe.)
Cape Town. April 28. The text of Pres
ident Kruger" reply to the invitation ot
the britlsh government, through the sec-
retury of state for the colonies, to visit ;
England and discuss the matter connect- i
ed with the Transvaal and Its future, i
is a voluminous, uoiuiuc,,,, t-"""'?
Indicates the firm attitude assumed by
ihe lioers. The president begins l-y stat
ing that hi visit to England has de
pended upon a settlement of the basis
of discussion, and he regrets that the
basis has not yet been reached. Con
tinuing, he says:
-In a friendly spirit, but from the very ,
first, the government clearly saw und i
recorded Its opinion that no foreUn In- j
terference In Ihe affairs of the iepubllc !
could be allowed. Chamberlain admits ;
the Justice of this position, yet to 'nil- !
mutes that Great Britain desires that
particular International measures be ,
taken by the Transvaal, the latter can't j
allow to pass unnoticed the exiirt-i--ion.
ud in It led grievance." and expr.-sses re-
gret that, having Intimated Its desire for
a reeonsidee-itlon of the London conven-
tlon. In consequence of the Inroad of Dr.
Jameson, the position should be assum
ed that the discussion of the so-styled
'admitted grievance' must be includ -d ns
sine qua non. In the event of Ihe recon
sideration of the convention being agreed
Krucer adds that the South African
republic has always been prep-if.-d to
rve fl'i.l consioer in a iricnaiy i piru
...I.,... Biu'i'oallnii, nf th. 1-nv- ,
' ... ". . .... , . ,.i.
crnnieill rcitariuni; me iinereais 11 urn-
Nh subjects, although It has nev,r ad-
mltted the existence of a so-called "ad-
i mltted grievance," and must deny on
Ihat account that the right exist to
create reN lllous movements.
-It appears to be the wis-r. ' he says,
-nn, to nr. ss the ouestion of ,iv nro-
ceding to England any further ct pri s
ent. but to leave it open, -spe i.illv In
view of the coming session of the eclks
raad, and the desirability of my presence
duriinr at least a porih n of the sc.stntv
when important measures are to be con-
soldered. Is apparent."
In regard to Chamberlain's proposal to
guarantee the Trunsvnnl protec'ton from
outside attack in exchange for the tem of the I'ltlanders' grievances. Pres
ident Kruger says:
Something Is offered the South Af
rican republic which It already possessed
ns the obligations and selections of the
South Afrlcun republic to Great Britain,
recognlxed by International law, preclud
ed nn attack upon the Independence of
the republic."
Matalnies Are Drawing Closer to the Fe
sleged Town.
(Copyrighted, by Associated Press.)
Cape Town, April 2S. The dispatches
which filtered through from liuluwnyo
yesterday increased the feeling cf an
xiety felt here regarding the fate of the
besieged town. According to ihe latest
advices the circle of tierce varriors, be
hind mound fortiflcRtlons, had aaln
been drawn closer to Buluwiyo, and, at
Highest Of all iu Leavening
W V hSlfWli tv
s . -x -wr a mat m m a a. ia a
YV-.WU Ufa
Ihe umn time, extended The M'ahlnv
when thl new was sent out from tho
endangered town, had been furthf rein
forced, snd another larger body of neta
was leaving Matoppo hills, xo?ting to
efTaet a Junction with other boills ot
huetlle natives and completely surrsund
the phve from all side, while keeping
outh of the fnrtlfted pa Thl h I., 'he
key to the aituatlon in thai dlrrctDn.
In adtlltion, another strong fore of
hostile has gone In thn direction of tho
route being followed by the mlleif corps
of about men. and nine machine guns
advancing from Mafeklng.
Iate last evening It was reported h re
that there had been further severe Tght
Ing about Buluwayo and that tho Mat,
belea were defeated with great loss.
Treated Becretary Herbert's Request for
More Vessel with Contempt
Washington, April W The senate wag
plunged Into so exciting financial da
bale today after several weeks of serine
and formal procedure, on Ihe approprla-
I Hon bills. The naval approprUtl n bill
was under consideration and an tern for
four battleship, to cost SI&,0,'ims served
aa Ihe text for a speech by .ionnnn.
pointing out that the revenues of tru
government are less than the receipts.
Gorman's statement brought on an an-
j Hl4le and' chandler Joined Issue with tha
said; then, after a pause, "that Is. to
say, our secri'ary of the navy who Is
not great, who went Into the cabinet
because of the succeas of the IVmr.i(le
Ideas, as we supposed, n.kxl for more
ships and more men." He described tha
demand of the secretary with contempt,
and attributed much of his Inspiration
tt association with naval itficers whs
were anxious for ships to l.
Washington, April H The house to-
; day passed the Pickler general pen -ion
bill by a vote of 1ST to 54. The republi
cans and Populists voted solidly In favor
of the measure and the Democrats, witk
: six exceptions, solidly agalfist it. The
1 section to whlchi the bulk of the oiidosI-
tjon was directed provide that veterans
otherwise entitled to pensions Khali not
be disqualified on account of prior ser-
vice in ine v-onieuerate Army, provided
they joined the I'nlon forces
days before Lee's surrender.
, He Wants Silver, but Will Take Gold It
He Must
Washington. April IS. Senator Wol
cott. of Colorado, has written a letter
defining his position in regard lo the St
Louis convention. The s?nat?r's pol
tton I radically different from the posi
tion of his colleague. Senator Teller, as
Senator Wolcott Indicates hi Intention
of remaining with the Republican party.
whatever action It may tuke on the ei:r-
I rency question. His letter Is wrltt n ta
I the chairman of the RerubU-ati state
committee of Colorado, and savs:
! "I have received many letters from
j Colorado friends on the subject of the
' coming Republican nutlantl convention.
many of them asking me If I desired ta
be a delegate. To avoid ..ny possible
misconception as to my posltlin, I writ
this letter to you as chairn in of the
Republican state central .-onvnlt.-:e. I
prefer not to go to St. Lout .is a dele
gate. I have, however, nn opinion -oa
! the subject of our renr -sent-iM m at the
- . , , , .
! convention which It s? -ms prop-r I
1 sh express to you , hen the Re-
: pu ican sum- convention meets in -oi-
' "f " -- "e ,
i wanted in M Louis, or It may select
, delegates. If the latter, the rtuty of the
Uelegatlon, In my opinion, will be to at-
tend the convention, make the best tight
lH-ssiblc for bimetallism, and. after hav
ing insited on every proper method upon
the duty of the convention to declare In
favor of a restoriatlon of '-liver as a
! measure of value equally -vlth gold, to
accept the will of the Tiijority of the
convention, and endeavor to secure the
nomination of the candidate most friend
ly to Western Intetests."
Port Townsend, April 2S. Word reach
ed here today from Xenh 3ay that six
Indian sealers on the acnooner Deeahks,
which carried a full Indian -Tew, wera
lost while sealing off Cape Flattery. Ihe
six men left the schooner In two canoes
five days ago and have not since been
seen. Aft-sr a prolonged search they
were given up and the schooner returned
to Neah Bay and reported the loss.
Pittsburg. April 28. Pittsburg, 2; Cleve
land, 0.
Philadelphia, April 28. Brooklyn, T2;
Philadelphia, 5.
Baltimore. April 28. Washington. - ;
Baltimore 5.
New York, April 28. Boston ; Hew
York S. : r
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report '
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