V ,'7:" m-Tr ' '. -e . . . -Wl , .... - .,.. . , V I - i-..- . , 1 a.- .a..-..-i it - .. ..... , : vi1 v v-' - - THK DAILY ASTON AN. M. KkIHaY M(KNINU ATlClL 4. IBM t ! i ,? ; 1 I 4 e J n r - 1 J i "i : I' If ' H 1 i JOHN T. UOMTER, Editor. Toll phone "o. i. IfcKWk W MMMAIPIIM DAiLT. Bent by mail, pr year K k' Bant by mail per month... fc erxed by carrier. per week 14 WKKKI.Y. Bent by mall per year, K In advance Postage free lo subscribers. All communications n.tended for publl cation should be directed to th edllor Butns communications of all kind and rmltince muat be addressed to Ihe Aslorlan. -The Astorlan guatantees to Its ub scribcrs the largest circulation of any ewtpaper published on the Columbia tiver. Advertising rate can be had on appd- atlon to the buslneaa manager. Th Weekly Astorlan. the second oldest weekly In th. state of Oregon, has, next to the Portland Oregonlan, the largest weekly circulation in the state. Inn. F. Hsndley Co. are our Port land scents, and rcples of the Astorian an ba had every morning at their stand. Dt Third street. We are unalterably opposed to any scheme that will give to this country a depreciated or debased currency. We fa ' ror the use of silver aa currency, but to the extent only and under tuch restric tions that Its partly with gold can be maintained. Wisconsin Republican con vention. PARTIES AND THK MONKT ISSUE. There la no better, cleaner, or more In fluential Democratic paper la the country than The Times of Philadelphia. The Ugh character, ability and experience of its editor. A. K. McClure, attract atten tion and gives unusual prominence to Bjs utterances throughout the Union. Last Friday's issue of The Times con tained aa editorial which so well repre sents the drift of the best polttt.-al opin ion. Is so deserving of a wide .'lrculatlon, and is so pregnant with particular mean km for Oregon Republicans, that the As torian republishes It for the benefit of Its leaders, as follows: "One of the most hopeful signs of the times Is the steady drift of the Republi can party, that is ieaonuhly certain to elect the next president and congress, toward a positive sound money platform to be declared by the St. taut conven tion. It is now evhlent that the ills graceful straddle made by the Republi- . cans In ISM will not be repeated, and . that tbje party likely to be chanced with . the dlracttoa. of the government during - th next aumtnlKtrattoa will present its - Candidate and its tfeclajattoo of faith on . a platform of an absolutely sound finan cial policy. ' "It la not orMlltahle ta the Democrat ' that Ncfclle Unlr' opponents, with every aa-oasex 6X vlctcry. are rapidly eonverg- '.. mar to mfs moner platform, the party wheae presid. nt ha given to the ountry and the world the moat heroic and patri- - atte aeration to public and private credit seems to be drifting toward cheap money -and national discredit. The free silver ' erase has vwept the Democracy of Ala aasa from the od sound money iroor Irra. and this first deliverance In the South promises to make the "outhern states practlcalyl united for free silver I and cheap money In the Democratic na tional convention, with the single excep tion of Kentucky. "When Nebraska and North Dakota, the heart ef the free sliver craze, de clared distinctly for honent money through their Republican state cenven tions, and selected delegates to the ra tional convention instructed to maintain the money standard of the clvil'ied world, it may be accepted as certain that the Republican national convention will not make a doubtful deliverance on the subject. With these states the Kepub Kens of Kentucky come manfully to the front In favor of a sound financial sys tem. Indeed, all of these three states, together with Massachusetts. New York and New Jersey, have put to shame the "miserable, cowardly straddle on the money question adopted by the state convention of Ohio. It Is now evid- nt that McKlnley must reject this demagogic straddle of the money issue if he ' all be called upon to accept the Republican Bominatlon for president "A delegation from the Republican national convention of ISM unqualifiedly In favor of sound money will do mire to Inspire business confidence throughout the country and throughout the world than any other movement that could be made at this time. It Is generally be lieved at home and abroad that the Re publicans will control the next admin sstratkm. Including both branches of con- frresw, and a deliverance in favor of the crapulous maintenance of public and private credit by that body will be ac cepted throughout the world as practi cally anchoring this nation on the hlgh est plane of souni public and prlvite credit. Regardless of -ill oliteal con siderations, therefore, the present trend of the Republicans to .in unriuall'iedly honest money platform gi"i the high est promise of confidence and prosperity to the cour.lry. "If the Democratic national convention ad the courage and patriotism to follow the Republican national convention by declaring in favor of a sound money policy, the question would be settled for EVts:. The free silver craxe aould be practlealy eliminated from our political conflicts, and It would die a natural death: but the chanefs arc at least even today that the next Democratic conven tion will be dominated by the free silver freaks, and if so they will not only as sure the defeat of the party by an un exampled majority, but it would be a defeat without th hope of resurrection. "The declaration of the Democratic na tional convention Is not so Important to the country or the world as that of the Republican convention, because of the general expectation that the Hf)'ibll"ars will elect the next president: but If It would hope to live in the future as a conservative and successful party, It -should be honest with Itself and honest with the country by manfully declaring In favor of the money standard of the civilized world." Two facts appear In the revival of patriotism that ore of pleasing signifi cance at this time the Increased Inter est In the study of our Institutions by the general public and the enthusiasm evinced by the pupils of our public schools toward the flag of the nation. The Boston Standard makes a sugges tion that ought to be adopted by the public schools of Astoria. It Is the custom of our government to have two sixes cf Old 'Jlory: one small, strongly made flag, for ordinary display from the staff of the port or the mast of the ship of war, while a larger one Is used on holidays or patriotic occasions. The Standard says this custom of the nrmy sr.d navy, If followed by our schooU, would save for holiday and memorial oc casions the beautiful flairs that exposure to storms and high1 wind on ordinary days have seriously Injured. The chang proposed would give emphasis to the great days of the naUun and make more Impressive the lessons of II st.irry sym bol. The Standard ws on lo commend this chanee lo iV boards of education throughout the land, and say It has leen often suggested by member of the lirand Army of the Republic, whose love for the oM fUg and deelrr for Us most iffivtlve dtspliy will not be doubled by the youth of America. Let the public schools of Astoria have the credit ol being first to adopt this custom In Ore gon. While the Unit.-.! Slates ha been bor rowing money to pay the ordinary run ning expense of the government, Knit Und. for the first time In many ymr. ha a surplus in the treasury of over ISViMMW. This effectually dispose of the argument made by the Populist thai the business and Industrial depression here Is caused by the gold standard, and It also answer the explanation advanced by the free trader that the reason limes have not Improved under the Wilson tariff is because of a state of universal puri nes stagnation prevailing In Kurope a well as America. The Republican convention may he reckless enough to defy the sentiment and wlshe of a large element of the party In some of the nomination It will make next Tuesday, but It has already been demonstrated that a nomination on the Republican -ticket In Clatsop county Is nof always equivalent lo an election. At least one county office ami one rep resentative to the legislature will go to the Democrats or Populists If the con ventlon carries out the program which rumor says has been arranged for. DEFICIENCY OF REVENCK. Bankers' M&gaslne. Senator Jotin Uuerinan, of Ohio, ha a paper In the current number of "The Forum" on this topic, except that he baa put It In the form 4 positive arser tlona Instead of Interrogatively. Mr. Sherman is indisputably the best In formed on the publu finance ot any llvuur American, and his long and dis tinguished career give tretght to any views that he may express on question of governmental policy. He Is not only sn able statesman, but sn exceedingly droit paollticiun, and It may not be well to entirely forget this !a(ter fact in con slderlnsr some of the points set forth In "The Korum" article. Senator Sherman stirts'out with the proposal made by President Cleveland to convert the United States and Treasury notes Into . Interest-bearing debt of about IMP.nu.Miu. which Is criticised as a measure that would result In a sharp contraction of the currency, add greatly to the burden of existing debts and ar rest the progress of our Industrie. The Ohio senator holds that the true line of public policy is to furnish the govern ment with enough funds to met current expenditures and to provide each year tor the payment of a part of the public debt. He says that the gold reserve could then be maintained without costs but with "a saving of Interest en United States notes and Treasury notes of live times the Interest lost by the gold held in reserve." Senator Sherman states that "The enly difficulty in the way of an easy main tenance of our notia at par with coin Is the fact that during this administra tion the revenues of the government have not been sufficient to meet the expendi tures authorised by congress." Contrasting the operation of the Mc Klnley law Hnd the Wilson law as pro ducer of revenue. It Is asserted that "During the 'wcnty-five months of the Mckinley law (October. Iva'-Si) the aver age monthly surplus was l,lS4n. Dur ing the existence of the Wilson law (September, 1V4. to December. the average monthly dedclency was Rltf.SO. If the McKlnley law was. in U opinion of the president. Inefficient 'or 1. venue, he should have wild of the Wilson law that it was bounteous In deficiency." After going into the details of the oper ations of these two laas. the senator n?atn makes the positive assertion that "The deficiency of revenue was the pri mary cause of the demand .'or gold lor United States notes." This 'witlon Is maintained at great length. From July I, IO. to July 1. Lsai the redemption of United States note In gold averaged less, than Ibree million dollars a year, while during the last three and one-half years the redemption of United Stales and Treasury notes ex ceeded on hundred million dollars fer each year. From lpii to Vt the giAl reserve Increased from ElMia,)e to R2",. 0U0.OX), and this increase was made wlttt out cost to the treasury, the Knld being received In exchange for paper. H r. Sherman does sat agree with those, who think that the withdrawals of gold have been due to- the operations) of the silver laws. On this point he says: "The Bland-Allison act was In for-e from j 17 to im, when the accumulation of gold occurred, and the great bulk of gold was withdrawn after the repeal of the act of July 14. Iu.- He ah says that while he was secretary of the treasury the government received over )j,mj of gold la- exchange- for silver certificates and United States notes, snd this was done afo?r the lilami-Allison act was in force and the silver certl cates was issued under that a:.. As to the "kmilos chuln," tr the re Issue of the notes when once redeemed. It Is stated that the right to reissue Is a necessary incMent to a einculialng- nctc, the United States only doing whut every bank does. Instead of Joining In Che cry against this provision of the- law, Senator Sherman says "It fsrnlshes a note for circulexion better than any other yet devised by mortal' man. " There Is no lac of expllcltness In these statements as to the dWIcterry of reve nue and lt results, for In concluding this branch of his topic Senator Hherman says: "Sot would deflelencsfes have oc curred had nc the president and both houses of the fifty-third congress, then In political sympathy, unite! In passing a law reducing the reven ee below ex penditures fesr the rlrst time since tht close of thw war, and uompell.d th' executive authorities; to apply a fund cre ated for the; redemption of United States notes to meet the ordinary expenses ef the government. Thlw demonstrated fact Is the source) of as! our nnanclal difficulties." It is recommended that the naes shonld not be reissued except fn exchange for gold coin, and also that the geld reserve should be separated ty law from the general cash assets of the teeaaury. Senator Sherman estimates that de ductlnif the notes destroyed or lose snd those held as bank reserves, the actual amount of United States notes In cir culation does not exceed f.srt.i"!. He thinks that with a proviskm In the law that notes redeemed with coin shall not be reissued except for coin, the value and stability of our currency can never be endangered. He also favors a law compelling the banks to keep their re serves In Unltel States notes or Treas ury notes only, arvulng that the na tional banks are creations of the govern ment and that they ouifht not to be al lowed to do anything that tends to dls "redlt the notes In whl'h they may re deem their circulation. Aa to the other remedies to be applied, Mr. Sherman would haze .vmjrresa at one provide suffielcnt revenues to meet public expenditures. The Invasion and misapplication of the gold reserve he re tards as being of much greater Injury than the Imposition of ten times the amount of taxation. What Is said In regard to the reissue of United States notes is somowhat novel and Interesting. "It is asserted that the continued reissue of United States notes Is mandatory. This Is not a fair con struction of the law. The plain mean orrtet o Blachwcll'b Durham Tobacco Company. To ALL Merchaats lo Retail TOBACCO. to-day. Your very truly, BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOOACCO COMPANY. M yssi bav say dlffkalty 1a greosrief year saass cat Ml tat Belle sad seed It wlta year order te year w jlsssai dealer. ing of it Is that Ihelr redemption shall not cause their cancellation They are placet on the footing of bank noli. What solvent bunk would reissue lis note when them a run upon II It would hold them until the demand ceased. The government ought to ex ercise the same prudence." Mr. Sherman does not think there I much demand for the retirement of the legal-tender except on the part of the banks and In the large cenlers of capi tal To thoe who complain of the pres ent difficulty- of maintaining the note . ; . . T L V .fc ,,r . of fourteen years, when the government's revenue exceeded lis expenditures, and when the public debt w being educed with unexampled rapidity, then- no difficulty In maintaining the parity of the note. There Is a great deal of Information and discussion In reference to the reve nues and the gold reserve that ritnnot be touched upon here, and while many will not agree with the views of the d's tlngulshed and venerable Ohio senator, they will find the complete paper werthy of a careful reading. It concluding paragraph la aa follows: "A careful study of the systems of banking, currency, and coinage adopted by the principal nation of Kuroie con vinces me that our system when cured of a few defects developed by time founded upon the bimetallic coinage of gold and sliver maintained at par at'h each other; with free national hunk established In every city and lua n of lns.n ln th l lie.l .. " V ' , ' , , v. , Ihele tui M aeeured hevnn.1 .tmihl he United State bond or some -oulviilent ecurity, and redeemable on demand In United States notes: and the issue of an amount of United State notes and treas ury notes equal to the amount outstand ing (with provisloa for a ratable Increase with the Increase of population!, always redeemable in coin and supported by an ample reserve of coin in the treasury. not to be Invaded by deficiencies of reve nue, and separated by the Jub-treasury system from all connection with the re ceipts and expenditures of the govern mentsuch a system would make our money current In commercial circles In every bind and clime, better than the best that now exists fn Kurope. bet fer than that of Ureal Uriluin, which now i holds the purse siring of the World.' ' APRIL SO Nil. Cry-baliy April conic along. You can n-vcr tell whether She's going to smile Or cry a while She has such funny weather -ANON THE CKOIVD WORKED. Astoria, Or, April a. Mr. Kdilor:- In the statement made In today's sue of your paper concerning the lire that oeeurre.1 ui c pper ASIorm yesteruay morning, iippeiira the foUowIng: 'As Is customary' a large crowd stood , on the sidewalk across the striet ami , il watchej the building burn, never offering assistance, guch a crowd iih this usually ! congregates at a fire, and the boys on : in r.oxzie would nave been Justlrted In turning the Kream on It." ! This Is a msiapprehenslon of th sltua- ! tlon and an Insult to all the people a ho, to their best ability, remlerel their aslt ance. Had It not been for the "crowd standing by" no doubt the adjoining budding would have gone up In smske, as the boys on the nosxle proved themselves able to handle the thing without assist ance. Besides those who n win ted the fire department, more than a hundred people were busy carrying out tad taklrur care of household goods, furniture, f clothes, etc., from Johansen's and Erk- I lund's buildings. Concerning the loss of those who had no insurance, John Lund alone kt more than 130 worth. P. L. BATHER AN OBSTACLE WHICH IS KASILT SURMxJUNTED. There are, no doubt. Insurmountable obstacles. But thao barrier to the enjoy ment of health, chronic constipation, Is not among them. And this for the rea son that there Is a thorough, ircmpt, and non-grlplng medicinal uirent, Hos tetter's Stomach Hitters, adapt-d to lis relief, as well as to the removal of those bilious and dyspeptic symptoms which accompany It. Violent purga'lve wheth er mineral or vegetable, weaken the bowels and disorder the stomach. The Hitters, on the contrary, strengthens and regulates them both. Moreover,. It tran qulllies the nervous system, and Is a cure for and medicinal safeguard against ' kidney and malarial complaint It Is a I most genial and effective tonle, encnt. r j acts the Infirmities of age and promotes I convalescence. Slep and appetite are ; both benefitted by Its use. It Is a stand , ard remedy endorsed by the entire me ' dlcal fraternity. LOOKI.MT KOnWARD. Rlshop Floss I cannot undennand ahy you selected lor it second husband such a scamp as MIs. when your first hus band was such, a rcllc-loui m;m. She You don't suppose that I have any desire, to met two huslocnds In the hcr after, do yon? A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of CanaJ irie, N. T., says thit he always keeps Dr. King's Now Discovery' hi the houts? and his fam ily has always found the very ties! re- suits follow Its use; that he would not 1 be wl'hout ltt If procuraU. O. A. Dyke- I Zn'rJ:-:. th. he., coi-h XL. Zl V- . .rJS i. m hi. r,n .iJw. "I "I. "rZl .. ,,, i ,. ;rain aiiu luitl It hag never failed to dj all that Is claimed fur It. Why not try rented v so long tried and fsted. Trial bottles free at (."ha. Roenrs' drug store. Regular else Sue. and SI. THE PANA7EA. MIOHHom (on his way to the office) By Jove! I'm feeling fine this r.-.ornlng; guess I'll go In here and take a little whisky. lilossom (the next morning) Hang It! I don't feel very well this morning: think I'll go Into flllly's and get a little whisky. ROYAL Baking Powder. highest ot all In leavening ! Strength. VS. S. Oovernment Beport ' Durham, h c Dcr 5(ri You art tntltlod to rCwtvo FREE from your wholesale- deal. WHITE STAR SOAP with all ths Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco you buy. 0n bar of auap l-rva with each pound, whether 16 m., 8 01., 4 ot., or J o., package. W hays notified every whole ale dealer la the United State that we will supply them with soap to five you FREE, Mer a rood aupply of uLNUlNb DURHAM at once, and Insist on tettlnf your oap. One bar o( Soap FREE with each pound you buy. Soap la ottered tor a limited time, ao order oil! Wt'MAN Mr Vouniiwcd 1 met Ml vVvon to dav Mrs. Young wed- ..What kind of a person I she Mr Youitgwed -She I ery imnly. Indeed. Mrs Younswrd-She mini b awfully homely, then. CHII.DKF.N WHO SUKFKW. I rn,m ,.rofuou, kln or scalp disc. . . .. " . Medical Diacovery, for .unifying the blood. For children a ho are puay. pale, or aeak, the "Plscovery" ta a Ionic wbb-h build up both fj.'h and strength, nuat Is said of It for -hlldrcn. applies equally (o S.lults At in appctlsirui. re- ' storathe tonic, It set .it work all the privroe 01 mention nnn numuon rouses every of can Inlo natural . lion. and bring buck health and strength. In recovering from "grippe." or In con-v.ileacem-e from pneumonia, fever, and other wasting diseases. It speedily and surely Invlguralr and build up the whole system. For all disease caused by a torpid liver or Impure blood, as lp..pla. Illllous ness, lUotchcs, and Kruptlona, It gle most perfect satisfaction. A FKAKFUL SKNTENCK. Ju.lg i l-rlsiMier. you nave been found ! V e vou anything to cay rehire nleii.-e is . - pronounced uiralnM you? UriMonerNotldnr. your hon ir JiaUe Then th nenten.v of thl court I that you Ih condemn. d to lccp In a folding U.1 until you ur. dead, dead. ii.au. ana m i) ine i.ura Till mercy iran your soul. 1I1) YOlf r:KK Try Electric llitiera as a rnedy for your Irjub.ea If no., gt a boltl sow ar.d gel riiief. This medirln has been (.uiid lo be pe-ulirly aluplrd to lh relief and cur of all female anplainl. exer.log a wonderful direct intlunc In giving airength and lone to 1st or sin, If you have of APMtli. Coaxloa- tim Heasiw-'ye,. Filming Spella or art N'.rvou. Sleep . Kxcliable, Mlan c.Ij tr :roab.rO s.:h Dixxy Spe.1. Elc trie Hitter is Dm medicln yoa need. Heiith and Strength ar guaranlred by It use. Larg bottles only W ctwis al Chaa Roarer' drag store. THKOW.V OIT. ' She-Old pa kl. k ry hard against Sur nuptials? IU-I1lesd If I knew: but he kicked j awfully hunt ag.ifnst my trousers. i lil'i'KI.KN S AHNiCA SALVE. riie best ulv in the world foi Cut, i i .inn , r-v ,j ,., alt ukIM v. - Sores T, tier huDt.ed llao.t I lll.lam i-ons. and All Skin Krup - ns. and niMttlvelv euee PIlM nr tirt pay resjtpred :i is guaranteed to f lv p-rfeel satisfaction, or money refunded, Price. 2S cents per box. Fur ss!e by ' has. Hoger. Fellow building. H" i.MK'lTMr S. Little Freddie I o tlgur. ever He pupa? I'upa iex-edltor cif a only when placed at th torlal column, my son. defunct dally) ) head of an edl- I WbraBaarwssalck. gaw her Castorla. When the was a Child, she srird for Castorla. Wbea absHseame Mlav she dung to Castor!, Woeaahei. hUdnm, she gs them Castorla. THE LATKjrr. "Here comes that Miss Fllrlitv her loud skirt. The hateful thing!" with "I don't sec anything loud about her skirt" "Heaven! Can t you hear that rustle? ' "Christmas! I would ,-lve ten dollar extra for a rustle In a skirl like that." Takt a dose of DeWHt's Little Early Risers Jtist for the good they will do you. These llttl Fills ars good for In digestion, good for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation. They are good. Chas. Rogers. NOT HIOH ENOL'OH. Port.ir-The only berth I can give you; mum, is lower ti n. Mrs. Shoddy No Ibwer ten for give me Ihe upper (en or noihlng. ma; Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. MOSTLY OFF. iflossom Do you ride your bike mown? Uloomer Oh, ya. off and on. W might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that It cures a cough. Every on dues who has used It. It Is a perfect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseaess. It is an especial favorite for children, be ch. uZ.r. "ers. ing pleasant ta take and quick In curing-. you pl.y the chl.dre. that sre brought up In lardlr.g housea? ancy having no kitchen of one' very own lo remember In later year. Half the fun of childhood Is in helping when the bak Ing Is going on. Rurns are absolutely painless when De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Is promptly applied. This statement Is true. A per fect remedy for, skin diseases. chaDoed I hands and lips, and never falls to curt plies. Chas. Rogers. MANnOOD narwual ta ear all i m iia as Wat Meaarm Um of trais aw, na, Wall fill i, tost M.skaot. sngwiir tsim, Wil i msia all iiil I of a? Si Q,a,rH Or- of atiher aa aH ar a.arnioa, vaajnrol rr, au is e f an sm m ilmail. whlek Im4 lArlt. Oaa lKi ar Inaaait a narrtad Is veal snrktt. II r bn. Ifsll Ml rtul il- uia. tr. Sol hi all itrumrifta. Ak foe a. lak so hme Maauras.,.-.! , UM Pe Meill'-ln Co.. Pan, rrue Lase-fwrl fKo CW t.m.is Itlng agent. Ourd a4 fsisSlll mm eef'.' ' J. W. CONN, Agent, Astoria. oW.iWif URUSII.C NOT UN YOI'H l.lr'K, Khe-I dislike linmlsouie men: lliey lire so conceited, lie- I'm sure I am not coiu'elled. Children Cry for Pitcher Castorla. No nuttier If the new wonuin docs bother us, there Is cause for ttiniikfillnrs In ths though! that win dower mid worsted imiss mat are no longer ton. sldercd decorative,. I liusy peopu have no time, and ssnalMe I people have no Inclination to use a slow I ramedy. .On Minute rough Our acts ' promptly and give permanent benefits. , Chsa lloger. Tell a wontsn she cnit only teteitniph ten word and alio I sure to ' IT.it msiu Inlo twelve or more Let her go her own way and she send a eoitolae in. se embodied In a third of thai niiliilr. All Ih patent meiiiiir advertised In Ihl paper, together Willi Hi choice! perfumery, and toilet arilcle etc, ran be bought at Ih loaeat price al J W. iVnn's drug tlore. opposite IVcidrnlal Hotel Astoria. I The girl with the pretty unit I glad that the pllsiw sleeve promise lo retain It vogue, while her less favored sister declare that the tcev covering the wrist Is much more- pb-tureHue, Or. Price's Cream lUKinf Powder Contains Asaaaia er Alas. The woman with the Isrwest tr al ways wear the liiiilb-i( hnl, and vice vers. I ' Tur blood means good health. De- Wilt's Sarsaparllla purine Ih blood, j cur' Kruptlona, Krsma, Heroula, and Sll Ulcja srising ivm miuiy eievv, Chsa Koftr. ' o.lor PI t.ir balls: It la ult ood. healthy human ran lo lo trativ qtialllh. weather their iene It's Just ay to try On Minute Cough Cure as anything els, It's easier lo our a svr cough or cold with II. Laii vour aval Durchaae for a coush b Oo ymut Cough Cura Htler mdU cine: better rseuli: better try It. Chsa, Roger. I'araol have appeared on the street and the eyes of th men are hencefort In danger. A llllle III. then a Utile pll. Th ha gone, th pill has won. DeWltl Utile Farly IUst are the little pills that cur great Ilia Cbaa lloger. i Shade are drawn on Ih tunny sld I In the trollev ear K.MILIMII l ll'HAi. "lt AllMUC M , v VMrtTMENT I i i c. t n. i till,..,! mill iu mi .iiai ij v j Bah Capita! lor tin n:trprtar. A containing th name and addr w Xa) Chi-e aiiH utemutiiri a ho hat, fauat ore- !0U. iyij.l)l lltcrlllig III Foreign In veatmenis althln Ui list ri yeur. and over tlS.Ouo.aJD for Um ven mosl!s car Ivt.. I'llo, n. or fx, payable by poelat order to tho txnditl snl Unlverwal Ilu. rmil of InVMdrs. a). Cheupsld. Laadon. K. C. HtCTlerB wll be Milled, by af rancunefvi with rie direct or lo rvcwirs elttssr pswsuratr; or Untcr of Introduciola to amy ot thaws iiprwrfiil prumotw-Sv Th-kr lat Is Brat class In every reepsa-. and every or firm whose name Pears Ibereta Bmv b uaHuhbd niMin For ptvtdna the folio stmt It will found InvabMaH MHide or Niarvs of ln- diswria:, Cotiuner.-lal and Ftaancla' cort- . cern. Monria luana Sale of IjssaIsv : t'siatits or aiinaa I IHrector:- I sir rnwARD c. Ross. HON. WAt.TKH C. PKPYB CAFT. AHTIIl'lt STIFrK. Csvyrlftst. FROM NOW UNTIL SPttlNQ ' overcoat and winter wraps will be la fsshlon. They can be discarded, irmiwr i amy while (raveling In Ih it'nm h'tln 1 trslna of the t'hlrgy, Mllwauke- snd Si Paul Railway. For solid romfirl. for "leu ami nir saieiy, no oiuer line rs "wiwr. wnn tni. sreat railway ot in wm AN ENIGMATICAL HILL OK r .vur. , For a dinner, served en the tuning car l of Ihe Chlcsgo. atllwsajkse and St. l'sul ) Railway, will be sen! to any sddres en I receipt of a two-cent poitage stamp. I Apply to Oeo II. Heaffurd. Oen-rsl Pss- rnger Agent, Old Colowy Ilulldlnc. Clil- I en llllnMla E. ricNEIL, Kecelver. Given Choice of Tmo Transeantinental KOUieH, Via 8kmie and St. Paul. Via Odfii.Denvei and Oioahrt or M. Paul Pullman and Tourist Alaaers Pr OaoiinlriK Oh .Irs Oar Astoria to 5an Francisco. Columbia, Thursday. April 23. State of California, Tuesday, April 28. Columbia, Sunday, May 2. State of California, Friday, May t. Columbia, Wednesday, May 11. State of California, Monday, May 18. Columbia, Saturday. May 21. State of California, Thursday, May 28. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. K. R. Thompson Leaves Astoria at ? p. m. dairy, except Sunday: leaves Port land at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at 8 p. m. Lurllne Leaves Astoria at 8:16 a. m. dully, exenpt Sunday; Sunday ut t p. m. Leaves Portland at 8 p. m., dally exoept Saturday and Sunday; Saturday at IV p. m. For rates and general Information call oo ar address Q. W. LOUNSBEItRT, Agent W. H. HnnXBTJRT, On. Pa. Agt. Portland. Or . RESTORED ItT wadNar II. Teliae Sere fill, fill wnrfl rne4i ROSS HIGGINS & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Aalarls sad Upper Adufls pin Ts ni Ciimi, TM. IWIk , (Vauita tn4 I rorual I tulia. VsgiaMi, bugat t.url Han, llato. I tv. Choke Hrrh and Suit Meat. IJRliMNUR & IIOLeMI-S. IllnoUomltlin. Hpeclal attenllon paid to stambal re pairing, firal-olaaa braliln, eta LOGGING CAfflP (DORK H SPEClAIiTY lT Dliisy si met. between Third and and Fourth Asturia, After (Deals I Or at any olber time when yuti wili a '! oivnr nk lor Ilia well known, luuiip- maili', haml mails, while lalair pisr Hell Asttorita " (.ViiicoIihI Ivy all iiiohir In Iw I be' tawl ol.-ar inaiiufaoliirwl. w. p. senmun, 7t Nintr Street. asterls. Oragsa. J. B. WYATT, Phene N. aa AitoO. Orts M aril wore, Ship Clin tullery, GroceTleti, Proviioim PAINTS niui OILB. VoKlal Atuallea Paid ta aupalyiag Ml. A. V. ALU5N, OcAUKIN Gnxrrlrs, Flour, Fred, Provlsloua, FrulU VfUlle, Cftkkery, Glass atul PUteJWare. Loger'Suppllr, Cot Cast v4 S4pm Siimi. AkSwla. On AMTtmiA IKON WOHK Cawawly A, ) Jckas, Aaurt General Machinists and Boiler Makesr LaaJ ana Matte 1(Im. BuUtt Mfk. Stm tott s CawMry Wk 5 see laity. Caaswg of All Dwttru.Mt Mas Uta oe btmti Nuexa. John rox . ..rretdnl and Buperlnlsnilanl A. I- rox Vie lridni t). II. Pral Beeretsry I Irs t Kallunsl Hauk Treasurer Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than I ho w serve. We're tryinf every way make them the most )oysM In twww. All the eod thlnas" cf the asei ked by eur i cellar cooky la Ih aaeet delirious style. feci servlea If you Invite a friend te th Pslae Restsurant the place I a stinVlent suar ar.t that It wal receive a goad meal. The Palace Restaurant 5 THERE? I there a man with heart so cold. That from hi family would withhold fha comfort which lhy all could find In artlcl of ITIIM Tl'RK of th right kind. And w would susosi at thl season nice Sideboard. Extension Table, or sl of Dlnlns Chslr. W have lh Isneal and finest lln ever shown In Ih ell and at prices that raanot fall to pi Ihe closest buyers. HEILBOHN St SON. B.F.AIiliEN&SON c Wall Papr, Artlitt' Malarlalt, palatt, Oil, Glut, tc. Japan! MarSnf. kuiaanj Uaboo (iowli 36s Commercial Htreet. They Lack Life There ars twines sola ta flshsrmst. on the Columbia river that ataad la the sarns relationship to MarehaU'f Twine aa a wooden Iraao does to the human belnc they task strength lift evenness and laaunf qualltlaa. Don't fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just aa welL" They won't They cannot Snap A rodok H any man omki( oul i I our ator and you'll net t 0 portrait uf a man brlmmln over with pleasant tliouKlit. I Kuril quality In the llipjnr we have tooflcr sreeiMiiiK.il U PLEASE ANY MAN. Coroe Qnd Trq Tbenn HUf.Hr-H & co. SEASIDE SAWMILL. A complete slock of lumber on hand In the rouvh or dressed. Flooring, rus tic, ceiling, and all kinds of finish mouldings and shingle; also bracket work done to order. Terms reasonable nd prices at bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office snd yard ai mm. M. r. u looan. Proo'r. Boaslde, Oregon. HE BOARD OF TRADL I'KTEH DOURKLL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Tenth snd Bond 5trt. A TW18TER, A twister In twisting May twist him a twist. For In twlstlns a twist Three twists make a twist; nui it one or me twists L'nlwlsts (rum ihs twist, The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That Is, when It's twisted ith other twin than MA R8II ALL'S. any r-MtirHMlf1NAL CARDi. JOHN T. LliHITKIL ATTllllNIOt-AT-I.AW, tlltlee, upaialra, Aslurlati llulldlna. OH. IciLIV JANHON, " I'HVSK'IAN AND HMUHtON liltlce over tllsen's drill store. Knurs, It la II a. m.i I lo I and 1 la I p, nt. Nun days, ltt lu II. Hit U, H, ICBTICH, I'llYMIl UN AND SUIIDKIN. Special stlnlln In dlMs ot mi en and urser. Dlflue vr laiislsr'e slurs Asirnia rslephuns V l jat TiirrLhi. m. i. I'llVNICUN. riUIUlKUN, AND aiVtlUCIIKUR. nmr. Mnnirta and I. rythlan llulldlna. I louts. Id tu 11 ami I a ItMldMios. U. (Vdar tlrL IL T. CKiWIlT. ATTlUlN Wt-AT-LAW, 44 Cuaimerelal Hire!. VtU Taroree. U. ami Ik. UrtlltCM HMITH. ATTtlltNltta-AT.tAW, M CuaimercuU street. 4, SI. A. ItuWLMT, aTTtillNK f AND CUUNMKUIM AT LAW. titrti) cn Heixiuil KlrMt, Asturta. Or. j. N. Uilph, Richard Nlao Vhester V. Uolph. JKJUMI. NUUN A IKJU'M, ATTOllNKYa AT leAW. rurUand, trfua, l. 14, K ami IT. Hamilton llulldlna. All lral and oo. leoiHin buiineaa prunip'.ly tilndd to. Claims aaaJtiat til foVeruireMIt a spay. claliy. i. .. . 1 11 i iKtiirrr UKiCTiNaa. TIUIP1.K IX)IHJH NO. T, A. r. and A. M. Regular csimiaunlcatlons hld in the fir l and third Tusdy evenlruj ot eaoh monlh. o. w. iittNanicnttr. w. u. E, C. IKU'IN, a-rsiary. M IrK'KLI.A N KlTW w. c cahVku" I'CAI.KIl IN IIKAL KVTATK; Notary I'ublla. 471 Hum! streei. WHirM IN IHIRTLArftW'all Sa'jMV P. lUndl.y ll'o.W Third HrU and r Ih IHiily Adorlan. Vlaltor nd a) ml their morning paper while Ihere. IH;. iv Fisfyer Brothers, I.tibtkatltig OILS A SpfcUlty I Srll ASTORIA, Ship Cliunilt'lt'ry. Iln rilwttre. Iron it Sti't'l, Coal, (iroct-rit" t Provision), Ploiirit Mill FcmI, Paints, Oilit. VurnidliPM, IxKfivrt ujiplitoj, FaiiliHiik'n cule. DtHr it Wintlowd, Agricultural liiilem'iit V'njonn it Whiflnt. TMI2 AIWIVK IMCU'KH IHIUS MOT RtPMIiSIINT A panar trals on Ih rtilcaso, Mll wauke and Ut. l'sul Railway. No. lis lann sre vmtlbuled, healer by aiut, and Hshted by olwlrlrlty. Kaeh lv ar liertn hss an Wctrlo rvadlng lamp. It dining cars are Ihs bent In Ih acrid, and It roaches are palaras on wheels. Thl grst railway, connecting H do with sll transcontinental lines si Ml. l'sul snd tunaha, axurr to the tsrvallng siiblle th ht rla known. Tk-kt vt ih fhleaio, sfllwauke and Ml. l'sul llnllwsy are on sale at all railroad lick. office to any point In th I'nlttd Hiatrs or Canada. Fnr maps, folders snd olhsr Information, addro. C. J. KDDT. Oeneral Anl, W. CAP.KT. I'ortland, tr. Trav. yum and Tkt. Agent. Portland. Or. The Burlington is a big railroad but It dwan't run every, where. You can't us It If you sr suing In California or liritlah Columbia, or Alas ka, or anywhere west of there. Hut you ran and HllOUM-ue It If ynti ars going anywhere east or south. Not hrrauaa It la cheap er than other .lues. Hut because being much short er. It Is much quicker. To Omatia, Kniiana City, HL Loul and nil suulhern snd stiuihenatern cities th Ihe lliirlllngton la u miles shorter than liny other rullrond. That mean Um saved. And time saved Is what you arm looking for. Tlrkels and tlme-tiihlis St tho local ticket ofllce. A. C. HIIKLriON. O. A., i'ortland, Or. O ROPOHAL8 FOIl FRK8H VKKKAND vren ntulton: Office Chief Com- missary, Vancouver llarracks, Wulli , March 2S, SM. Healed proposals In trip- " "i oe receivco. nere nnd at uftlces f Commissaries at followlns named poets, (for fresh beef snd fresh mutton to hs delivered at that post only), until ociocs, noon, rrtiisy, April 21, VH, hen opened, for furnlnhlns and daiiver lo Hllbalatene Department, U. 8. Army, the frah lieof and fnwh million called for by the Commissary of post to lie sup plied during six months, and slao sen. arate proposals for year, ramm.ni.ii.. Illy 1. laud: Ilolen Ilarrteka ... Hherman, Idaho; Forts Csnby, Hpokane, Walla Walls, and Vancouver Uarraoks, Wash. Fresh beef shall be good In qual ity and condition fit for Immediate use, snd from fore and hind quarter meats proportionally, Including all best cuts hereof. Fresh mutton shall t ......a fat and marketable quality, from Wethers over one and under three years old. Reef nu mutton to no dressed and trimmed nd delivered as prescribed I n elrenl.e n. Instruction to bidders. Froposals will be also received stating prlcn at which ww, um uenvir rresn tieer or .ntiltnn f character above slated, mil m h. llvered of lomiM-ralure not arrealer than HO diarrne Fahrenheit. Oovernm-nt r serve the rlxht lo ref ! the whole or any part of any or all bids. Full Informaiinn rnlHhnd hnre, or by Comnils.nrv m ih vernl posts. Knvelones rontnli,ln posals should be marked "I'ropnsals for Fresh lleef (or Afnlioni .i .... addressed to undersigned or lo dim mis. snry at posts to bs sunnlled. W. It v.k - ,:4g& . .J WaJ., C. 8. . v