The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 22, 1896, Image 2

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gaily 2Utnimt.
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The Astorlan.
The Astorlan guarantees to It ub
sort be rs the largest circulation of any
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Advertising rate cn be had on appli
cation to the buaineas manager.
Th Weekly Astorlan. the second oldest j
weekly In the tate of Oregon, has, next
to the Portland Oregontan, the largest
weekly circulation In the state.
Jno, P. Handley Co. are our Port
land agents, and copies of the Astorlan
can be had every moraine at their stand.
124 Third street
The speech mad by Senator S-iulre, of
Washington, on Wednesday last. In
which he portrayed the defenseless con
dittos of the American seacoast cities
gainst naval bombardment of high
power run and the necessity for taking
Immediate step te protect them by bat
teries armed by similar artillery. I an
admirable presentation of the case.
The senator was especially In earnest
because be represents a stats whosa cities
on the Pacfllc and oa Puget sound Se
attle as one would be utterly at the
mercy of any hostile fleet armed with
modern guns.
The senator stated and he kept within
bounds In his figures that "a large
mount of destructible property, esti
mated at not less than flO,(W,iX)0,irt) In
value. Is exposed to attack, or at least
to heavy assessment for the purpose of
securing Immunity from destruction.'
This estimate does not Include combusti
ble property In Chicago. Milwaukee. De
troit, Cleveland. Duluth, Duffalo and
other lake cities which would be menaced
In a case of war with Great Britain.
In New York. Brooklyn and Jersey City
alone property worth RV).U Is sub
ject to ransom or to destruction for kick
of coast defenses.
"And yet." said the senator, "while
such Is the perilous condition of affairs
congressmen are making fiery speeches
to enforce the Monroe doctrine and de
manding that the United States Intervene
on behalf of Venezuela or Cuba, even
though that Intervention should lead to
war for which they must know the
country Is utterly unprepared, at least,
with Great Britain. " The people ought
to know that Senator Pjotn told the
naked truth when he said:
"Every man who ha Inform-d himself
' on the suhject of national def en es knows
that as a nation w? are not In con
dition to undertake war or suffer war.
We can talk loud and loni;. and profess
sympathy, pass resolutions, and make
believe to ourselves that we are actually
taking a hand In the diplomatic affairs
and international questions of great mo
ment, but those who are not self-deceived
by egotistical glamour and who know the
iruin, mai mi oemanpimiion is mere i
talk and bluster and vapid wntlment. or
at most It is a sympathy thnt is easily j
satisfied with merely verbal expressions." i
It Is the business of the Vnted State
Just now to keep out of conflicts with
strong naval powers, no matter how Just
our cause of resistance. As a choice of
evils we are under the necessity of sub
mitting to wrong and oppression. The
first and highest duty of this nation Is
to put Itself Into a condition where no
foreign power can successfully assault it
or lay its cities In ashes or under contri
bution. Senator Squire says correctly that the
coast cities are not to be defended by
warships. The navy Is mainly for ag
gression, not for defense of ports. To
build a navy powerful enough to defend
the seaboard cities effectively would cost
hundreds of millions of dollars. A mill
ion Invested In forts and high-power guns
will yield better results than live mill
ions spent on war vessels. The cost of
maintenance of warships -Is ten-fold
greater than for forts and In times of
peace fifty times a much.
The senator also called attention to the
fact that England. In spite of her Im
mense navy, has not neglected her sea
coast defenses either at home or In the
colonies, and argued that this govern
ment should pursue the same policy: and
that congress should adopt the landing
bill appropriating Vfi.m.Hfl for coast de
fenses. thus protecting at comparatively
small cost billions of dollars' worth of
public and private property. Said he:
"Fabulous wealth lies at the mercy ot
a freebootlng enemy, if such shall at anv
time elude our small and scatt-rd nm-T.
Our foreign commerce and our coasting
trade are alike without harbors of refuge
behind land defenses. Our creat dry
docks and shlnbull.linir yards, our arms,
factories and powder mills near the coast
are subject to easy destruction and our
own navy Is without proteetel banes for
receiving supplies and for effecting the
repairs that are constantly required.
And yet we plume ourselves on our
The IM.OOO.OOO fortlilcation bill should
pass the senate as -.he appropriation for
fortifications next yar passed the house,
and that was unanimously.
It Is stated that when the United States
grand Jury for th Northern district of
Illinois meets next month two score offi
cers and employes of the railroads run
ning east from Chicago will 1 aked
to tell under oath what they know of
discriminations In freight rate In favor
of large shippers and Rgalnst the small
shippers and general public. That such
discriminations have been and are made,
especially In cattle and grain shipments,
is generally believed. The witnesses
who have been subpoenaed are able to
supply the necessary Information. They
can be forced to testify at all events
under the recent decision of the supreme
court In the Brown case.
A representative of the Interstate Corn
meive Commission ha lieeit In Chicago
for some time quietly collecting; evidence
agAlnst big out tie shippers and others
who have been enjoying the llleiii.l ad
Wantage of cut rate. Alihomrh the re
cent pooling agreement of Kiistetn roads
wits made ostensibly for the purpose ot
putting a stop to those cracilcea, there
I reason to believe that they continue
ami that favored shlpix-r still act ihelr
r bates. Some evidence h-ts already
Iwn obtained.
When the official of the ten big Kist
ern roads are bniUit'tt before the grand
Jury, and are compelled to produce- their
book and tell what they know, the dis
trict attorney will beom iwsc.-wd of
some exceedingly tnt -tvstlnt- Information,
on which lu can base In llctinent which
will stick. Some of the forty suhpniicd
witnesses may net Know anything, but
there will he some who will know a great
deal-lf they divulge It.
There must be convletcd before
the law Is respected oy the stents of
the roads and the shipper that have
been guilty of violating It. When they
so-o somebody found guilty by a Jury and
sentenced by a Judge they will feel that
the law must be obey-M thereafter or
they will suffer dl.arreeable conse
quences. The communication published Jester
day from Mr. P. K. Warren on the sub
ject of wharves along the waterfront,
and the Interviews given In this Issue
upon the same question, are worthy or
the most careful consideration at the
hands of every business man In Astoria.
It must be apparent to every thinking
person that, not only because f the
pledges made by the railroad rittht of
way committees, but because of the most
vital business Interests of the city, the
docks along the water front should be at
one extended to the harbor line. It I
most probable that the United States en
gtneers knew what they were doing when
they established those lines; and the full
development of the business portion of
the city, demands the usage ot every
foot of space within those lines. All
other considerations are secondary mat
ter, and can be easily adjusted, as has
been don In similar Instances In other
cities, when the time come for -onskier-lng
them. After a fall understanding
of the situation, whlcb at the present
seems to have been only partially known
either to the council or the cltixens gen
erally, it Is not to be doubted that the
good business Jndgment and common
sense of toe eounclfcnen, supported by the
views and requirements of the business
men. will effect the seeded legislation.
We havs tlb? new woman, anil new we
are going to have the new watch, ac
cording to scibfltltic reports. The new
woman talks fluently, dr. 4s Xn. Part
Irrgton used to- say, "fjidly," and the
new watch will do the same. It Is to
have a phonographic .rylinder hidden
away, and at the hour amt each quarter
of an hour a tiny vol.e will be heard
giving you the ex art !lm. Think of It!
As you do with yjur repeater, yoor will
simplr touch a spnnaj: hold the watch to I
your ear and the ftttle falrr on tti In
side fl! whisper tha hour. Life is still
worth living.
It Is reported that a -nlsslotsnry some
where' In the wilds wrote to his blsh sp
that a good many Jf his pis-tsnlonera
were cannibals, bur he had at least
taught them the use- of the knife anil
fork. Hew pleas int to know" that If"
you ar-j-served up as a roast yo4 will be
nicely c-ut In -dices and not torn by any
body's flnwers!
Whi n ifif rainy season-sets In la r-jba
liomvs death rumcr will le l.ued
, . . , .
Probably every two w-M in-t-d of
dally a hitherto,
The ceef reason why ronKress should
not adjourn, in July Is tits urgent neces
sity for iL to sdlo'lrn v June or' even
There will he renewed i-owpertty asntng
the New York Democrat now th-tt the
Flower turret has been wfieeleJ Into line.
Quiet Home Life of Hon-Who Wb the
Vt of the Great Orator-Preacher.
s'. Y. Hrald.
Within a stone's throw from Plyswmth
churc Brooklyn, at th corner of Uirks
and Orajoge street. Is :be niodeK resi
dence of Mrs. Beecher,, the widw of
Henry Ward Beecher.
This venerable woman., U years of age.
Is generally at home In the morning
busily writing for some iMiblleatloia The
parksr where she dots her literary work
Is a cheerful and pretty room. wlw pic
tures, birds an dflowers. There- are
numerous photographs of her dead hus
band, representing him from his early
youth to a period shortly before his
death. There Is also a statue of him
by Rogers, which is very lifelike, curi
ously enough, over the grate under the
mantel shelf, the old' family door plate,
with "H. W. Heechur" engraved on It, ,
Is fastened. Mrs. Boucher prefers to live 't
Independently, although all her- children !
have urged her to- reaide wiiti them. I
Twice within a few years she ho madi
the long Journey to Puget sound to vislr
one of her sons, aad has not found th
Journey tiresome. looking through the
lace curtained wlniow toward Plymouth,
church she said: "Doctor and Mrs. Ab
bott and their alstants are very good
to me, nnd so Is- the congr-watlm gn
erally. The pastor and his wife visit me
frequently, and are like children in tilr
Mrs. Heecher Is still superintendent of
the Church Sewing Society, and has
deference shown to her in so ial matters.
When asked If she admires the bronze
statue of Mr. Beecher which ttands In
front of the city hall she exprtstsed a
certain distaste for Its arrangement of
drapery and position. It was Intended
as a pleasant surprise for her, but had
not proved one.
When asked if she believed that we
would recognize our loved ones after
death, she replied. "Most certainly," and
repeated a verse she had found written
on a bundle wrapper of brown paper,
without giving the author's name. It
was as follows:
"When the spring winds blow o'er pleas
ant places.
The violet Is here;
It all comes back, the garden, and the
color, and here
No blank is left no looking for Is
It Is a thing we know.
So after death's winter It must be
Ood will not send strange things we
hardly know:
The old love will look out from old
Dearest, I shall have thee."
It is very sweet and pathetic to hear
this tell her little slory of Mng a
young school teacher In h--r native N w
Kngland village, when Mr. needier, at
the age of 17, was also teaching In a
neighboring village. Th?y boarded In
the same house. Propinquity made
them lovers, and they were married when
very young.
"Oh, how happy we wtr-: In those
met os
BiaCKsYKLL't Dunham tobacco company.
Wto Retail
to-day. Yours very truly,
If ysa bsv say etfrkafty Is erecariaf year
ess, cat est this settee sad ssad M with
year srdsr t year wk.lmli Sealer.
days." sh added; "and worked so
hard, he preaching, leachtni. and 1 taking
boarder, beside my family cares "
Mr. Iteccher a as a moat indulgent
father and husband, but the wife trans
acted business matter, and act-d to his
seeretarv thiv-icli their llfty year or
married life. V, ith their alum lam
means, through Ms large salary and la
come as a !eeturv, she had no thought
of becoming at all str.illelicd In tin inciel
matter, but certain Investments hn
proved disastrous, that she was ob
liged to remove from nr 'onifort.ili
home. A wealthy and generics member
of Plymouth church h purcb;H-d this
residence and given her the use of It for
Mrs. Hee-her Is wonderfully ell pte
served. talks exceedingly well, uiul I
generally Intelligent and well-mformed.
She come from an old Xsw Kngland
family named Kutlard. from whl-h there
has been two or three distinguished
cleriryman. Her tastes are vary simple,
ana she trss an aversion fo the new
woman and the fashionable wtiman. eon
lending that the true sphere fits wc-man
Is the directing her household matters,
and the rhertsking of her home, her hus
band and her children.
"I have no active Interest In rx!l Ileal
rjuestli-ws," she said. "I don't believe
In women's meddling In polities at all,
and It nuke no difference what t think,
I am remembered as the widow of Henry
Ward Ueecher. Many persons evme here
to see me. Hardly a day misses with
out bringing some visitor, some Incident
that reminds me of my ii-n-ptirutdc ft,-."
Clinton Schollard fn St. Mcholua
Little Mr. Hy-and-By.
You wlfl mark him by his cry.
And the way he kilter when
Called again and yet again.
Glum If he must leave his play
Though all time be holiday.
Little Mr. Ry-and-Ry,
Eyes cast down and mouth awry!
In the mountains of the moon
He Is known as Pretty Soon:
And he's cooln ts Don't Care,
As no doubt you're well swars.
Little Mr. !sy;-n-d-ny
Always has a' fretfnl "Why?"
When he's asked t come or go:
Like his stster-6'isun Hlow.
Hoe we'll r.eter-yow and l
Re like Mr. ity-snd-lty.
V. W. Fuller, of C4nJ.DuTle. N. Y.,
says thit he tlwavs keep lr. King'
New Discovery In the iaxisr and his fam
ily ha always f unJ the very best re
salts folljw i:s use: ihiu hsj w.mkl not
he wl'hout it. If prJcuTsble. i .V. Dyke DruTisi. C.i:ski4. N. Y.. s.iys fhjt
Pr. King's New l.scvv;fy Is undoohte.lly
the best cough rwly. th.: h-r h.u used
I; In his family e.glt year and that
It has never f.ti'ed :o d .til tiiat Is
claimed fr I:. Why iat try a. r,-me,y
sj )r:g irled and t s'.rd. Tr.: .1 tittles
fre. a: Chas. Rsjers' drag store. Regular
T Je 5flc. nd tl.
Pew people are aware How many tats
are employed In connection airh the
French navy. They are uetf to pro
tect the provision dt-poor at tOe raval
ports against rats unit mice, and an
allowance of a sou a dy Is maile for
their food. Ilefore, however. trVy reach
this high position they have to pass
throucrh a severe ordeal. They are made
to- take several voyage-, aboard a war
ship, during which they mum provide
their own food by killing tho rats and
mice whlcb Infest the vessel.
Ff s Jnst ss easy to try On Mlnuts
Cough Cure as anything sis. It's easier
to otrre a sever cough or cola with It.
Let your next purchase for a trough be
On Mlnnt Cough Curt, Better medi
cine: better result; bet tar- try H. Chas.
Amateur Artist I sImuIiI like- to pre
sent the best picture I painted to some
charitable Institution. Now, which
wiould you recommend?'
Cruel Lady Friend The blind asylum.
or a
The most effective akin purifying and beau
tifying soap la the world. It is the only
preventive of psnples, hhukheads, red, rough,
and oily akin, mi, rough hinds with stupe
lea nails, dry, tbln, and falling hair, and
simple baby blemishes. It Is o because It
strike st the cause of most complexion!
disfigurations, viz., ths Cumhied, Irhitat-
rashes, freckles, bites and stings of Insects,
Irritations, yellow, oily, and mothy skins,
cbaflngs, and undue inspiration, Ci'TI
Cl.'KA SOAP, because of its delicate medi
cation, is the must smithing, cooling, purify
ing, and healing application, as well as being
beyond all comparison the purest, sweetest,
and most refreshing of toilet, bath, and
nursery soaps. Kale greater than combined
sales of all other skin and complexion soap.
Sold throagbootthe world. Prleo,2ie. Porm
Dsuo isd Chis. Coar., Bole I'ropt., Dostoa.
All about the Hkln, Bcalp, nd nlr," free.
our maw, n. o.
Dcr Slrt
You art entitled to receive
FREE rom yur wholesale dealer,
Blackwell's Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. On bar
of soap true with eaxh pound,
whether i ox., 8 oi 4 oa., or
a ox., p.kac,c.
We have notified (very who)
ale dealer In the United SUtM
thai we will supply them with soap
to give you FREE. Order food
supply of 01:MjIN6 DURHAM at
once, and Insist on retting your
soap. One bar of Soap pR TE with
each pound you buy. Soap la
offered for a limited time, 10 order
Stories of degs and their Jnunves by
train have been related The IHorlel
riilwav, l.oMtlon. bus a ci. howeter,
which Malt the various s'uttona up and
down the It'!. b tlie same means. The
other morning-. for Instance, It was
leaning the ti ll a m trim from Ham
nterMinlth at ttW Hloane aoiure wtutlon.
As the train drew up Ibe dodged
the feet of the s.meng-r. anil sprang
Into third-claw "smoker " There It
eurl.-d Its-lf up beneath the set. al
though attempt avrc mide to eonx It
from Its retirement by other oevnixint
of the apartm-'iil At Victoria the cat
Jumped out of the mm, and. with tall
sect and mrwtng Laidlv, trotted ,itT to
tli higg:lgc entrance Ha this
tli, faculty of distinuls'ilng the station
at wnich It desires to 4f!ght?
fllll.l'HKN WHO Sl'FKU.
Front scrofulous, "kin . scalp disease,
ought fti be given I'r. line's tlol.len
Medic; Discovery, for purifying the
blood. For children who sre puny, pale,
or weak, the "Plscovery" Is a Ionic
which ballils up both fl -sir and strength.
What Is said of It fur -hlMrcn. applies
equally t adults As in irppctlatng, re
storative truilc. It sets at work all the
processes of dlirestlon and nutrition
rouses every organ Into natnnil aetlon.
and hrlngie Ivv.-k health aisl strength.
In recovering frm "gripiie.' or In con
valescence from pneumonia, fevers, ami
oilier a.isting diseases. It ie,slily and
surely InvUoratrs un 1 bulbils up the
whole svstem
Fur all disease CMis d by n (urtil-l liver
or lniiur Mood, as i -;i.'p.i.i. Itilious
ness. lllotehes. and Kr'iptlons. It gles
most K-rfect saetsfa -tlon.
European Edltl'io V Y
There Is talk anout doing away with the
canl for road cycling In Paris., ahlch,
says the fiaulots, was extettd trum
eyellsts 11(1 to the present time. Ity the
new regulation srtil. h Is being elaborated
at the Prefect of Poll-e no nssdaay
srould be prohlhittd to the bleyeln tin
the ulh.-r hand, certain clause.' would
W very a..ver Is n-ganl to eyellsts
gullly of riding rfout town nl'.Unul s
grelot or Identity ksdge.
did rrr ever
Try Electric Inner, as a reavst? for
juar trouble if (:, get a bottle now
r.-l gtt Mle-f. Tli Si medicine has been
ft.uiid to be ssi-uUarly aiip:ed to th
riiref and cur of all female complaint,
tiering a wonderful direct intluetKM in
:1 tr strength and lone to the organ.
I? you have Loss .rf Aipetlte. Co Ml pa -tun.
lleadactte. Fluting Hell(, or are
V rv ,us. Sie-t'eJt Kl.-ttable, Mckan
eT.ily -,r tr ub'-d w-::n lusxy Spells. Klec
tf.c Kl::er Is !Me me-llelne you need.
Tl.-alih and 8Te!ig:,v are guaranteed by
!.' use I. an: bittlrs only M cent st wers' drug sMre.
Crifffll'S CYil.N'! INCIDENT
Eanijan Edition X. Y Herald.
The Journal d-s Ii-h.its r.-ports a curl
on, cyrhrur ac i lent which l alb-tred to
hve occurred In th- Rots de lkmlisyne
on Thursday.
A lady. Mme. H . of Houllles. aa
n'llng a tan,1eni wifh M Hlrmm. her
teacher. They sere going rapidly don
one of th-e roads If-uUng to the fjte Bu-l-eneur
when, losing control oer the
machine, the pair s-rs. thrown Into the
la. Roth were able to get ashore
riln without serloras, hurt.
We would Ilk- to look In to the pleas
ant face of somp urn- who Mas never had
any derangement nrthe digestive organs.
We set the drawn and unhappy face of
dyspeptics In ev.-r-y m .ilk of llf It Is
onr nuilonal -hx.-a-s-m.l nearly all com
plaints sirlng Ir-tm this emrfu Remove
tn stomach llfll tltv ami the work I
i')siefiiiia ami frie, thin peopl. are-
Merally starving . iieeause they don't di
gest their food. Constimptloti- never de
elop in ioi,l- if rnluist and
llgestlon. C.rn-et the walstlng and los
f flish. and run the disease. Do
tis with fmxl.
The Hhaki'r llgestive Cnnllai contains
Irnady dlgestc I fowl nml is a dlgesber
of food at the arm- lime. Its effects are
felt at once, .sn a pamphlet of your
druKglt und Itarn ahuiit 4.
I-nol Is Castor 'HI nuwl" as sw-t as
honey by a new pne ess. Chlldrnti like It.
( Washington Evening Times.
! Wife (reading n letter from a distant
frlendl-llow strange'' Klfredii doesn't
, say whi llier her l,al,y is a buy ir a girl.
Husl,ariil-l:ut do-sn't she say It Is be
ginning to tulk?
i Wife Ys.
1 Hiisbiind -Then Its a girl.
The best salve In the world foi Cuts.
Rrulsi'S. Sure-i. Liwrn, Salt itheum,
Fever S.ires, Tetter ''happed HaniH.
: Chlllilalns. Con.s, and All Hkln H;rup
tlona, anil potutlvely cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price, 25 cents nor box. For sale by
Chas. lingers. idd Fellows' building.
Detroit Tribune.
"Hay an revolr, nnd not farewell," she
exclaimed, passionately.
She. wan regal In her beauty, about us
n gal. In fact, as anything In the block.
"Hay an revolr," she Implored him yet
again. "The French Is so ull-llred swell,
you know."
The U. S. Oov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others,
A handkerchief that In linen parlance
Is culled whb h means that number
of threads to the Inch, Is its fine as gossl
mer and costs seven dollars.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
j Parties desiring the Ih-kI of Job printing
at the lowest prices sh lid call at the
I Astorlan. Job office before going elsewhere.
ill MilHlS i-iisea Mill. ItiM t.ivn Mlilok
Joui'iial Almanack, Canadian sportsmen
rollow their dog on luosei.a k. dismount
ing when a point to chicken or quail I
olUaltiiHl, then shooting lb -in Haiti nnd
let I lit iiiiboilm fashion, It has been
said that snitio men clevu,' ut llie ci'ntt,
but somes hat lastly Imiliusi, trained
their setters to go nut hiitittng alone,
ranging the pruliies at their own sweet
felll, When a point tsa uhlaliii d. und
the birds were fairly located, the saga
clous dog "hllnkiil," or left Ids cutey,
mid trnttisl, tall elect and well content,!
uh hlmstif. back to his inn-tcr. A
tdi-asant look, u sag uf the caudal ap
peudiige, tolil the sli.MiUr that the bird
were found, a ti.l the dog took his uiaslcr
I Ik lit back in Mime the 'iivi y allll lay
cruiuiied lit a beais erlly bypnotlsiil by
the dog, which bad Incited them per
haps an hour-utii be Is.) Ihiui-m befiirn.
Hui-lt uhlnials are called "ri p irters"
pmlmtily bei-aiise they do sueli wonilerful
There un, no doulil, ln-urinounlatiln
otistaclcs. Hut that Imrtier to th enjoy
ment uf health, chenille .-iinst ItMlliin, 1
tint among them. Ami tli I lor the re,
son that them Is a tbociiiigli, prompt,
mid itnu-grlpltiM medicinal ngriit. Hue
tetter's Stomach Hitter, adapted to II
relief, ns well ns In the rem of those
bilious and dyaivptlc syniptoiii v III,-rv
iircoinimny it. Violent piirgailves, wheth
er mineral or vegetable, weaken the
tmwet and dlsiinler the toiuach. The
Hitters, on the contrary, strengthens and
regulates them both Moreover, It Han
qitlllses Inn nervous system, and Is a
cure for and niedlchtsl safeguard against
kidney and malarial ramplaluls It la a
most genial ami elTectiie tntilc. im.nter
acts the Infirmities nf age and promote
Con alec-nce Hti-ep and .tiHttte are
laith benehlted iy Its uat-. It Is a stand
ard remedy endorsed by the entire me
dical fralcrnffy
Collrgii commencement and pranked
shatl dinners are too forms of enter
tainment liHiked to at true t-aHi
WW laby waa tefc, w gars kerrastorla.
Wbea ass wa a ChU ha orled fr Caainrsa,
Wbss ss NtrsiM MLs sha rbug ss Oularia,
WhMafesl nuMrra,ah(UCsaorta.
I trier any thing tuter in lae !,!
world than pretty t.uley twin In a smart
W mlgM 111 you more aheut On
Mlnuts Csugh Cure, ut you penbabty
know that II cure a cough. Evsry oa
4us who bss used It. It I a perfect
inetly for rough, cola. horis . It
Is an sepedal favorltt for chlldrsn, be
ing pleasant lo taks am quick In cut Inc.
Chas. Rogessv
Thoughts f the eosy cortu-r are IWmg
tiansrcrrml lu the arraignment ud ths
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all Im lemveniag
Strength.- V. . OevereeMat Ressft.
SiKirty mi truthfully tbi said to ht
tag to the staiga
Busy peopl hav no tint, and ssnslbls
peosl hav mo Incllnstlon- to ue a slow
remedy. On all nut Cosgh Cur aats
promptly snd glvss permanent benents.
Chasv Roger.
Tin wise w-ssnnn now trus to. serve-up
somstbltitf pivtlrularly dainty The wgti
ter menu need variation at- tempt rag
ging iippfltllnai.
Pnre blood means god health. De
WltV Banutparllla purlnss the blosst,
cur' Eruptlsns, Kciema, florofula. and
all diseases arising from Impur hlosw.
Chas Roger.
An- iiuhapr' little mini wa heard to
remark that lietween snow-shovellug and
tawmmowlng' he hadn't a ctluiice tu rest
thn whole yewr roun.1
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Wltal has become of the ,eal, old-feh-lonsd
bucks heat cake thur tasted of th
llucM WllelU T
Or. Price's Cream Making- Powdef
Coo tain as Asimofila or AtMs.
(irm-n and heliotrope witting paper may
be- tilanrri. but not In tint beat t:iat.
All ths patent medicine advertised In
tbl paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles sic., can
rat benight at the lowest prices al J W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental
Hotel, Astoria.
Th purpl" fad promise to be run Into
nhn ground.
Hum sre absolutely painless when De
Wltt's Witch Hazel Salve Is promptly
applied. This statement Is trss, A per
fect remedy for skin diseases, chapfied
hands and Hp, and. never falls to curs
pllvs. Chas. Hogers,
The Imported misb ls In's win
dow are. very attractive tu fvinuilne passers-by.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Mrs. Jennesn Miller ssys that not one
woman In ten, washe her faco clean.
Take a doss of DeWltt's Llltls Esrly
Risers Just for ths good they will do
you. These llttl Pills are good for In
digestion, good for headache, good for
liver comignlnt, gosd for constipation.
They are ood. Chas. Rogers
Overcoats and winter wrsps will be In
fnshlon. They can tie discarded, tempor
arily while, traveling In the stSnm-hated
trains of the Chicago, Mllwauke- and St
Paul Ilnllway. For solid romfirt, for
speed snd for safely, no other line can
compare with this great railway of ths
Fer a dinner, served on the Dining cars
ot the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paid.
Railway, will bs sent to any address on
receipt of two-cwit postage stamp.
Apply to Geo. II. Hafford, tleneral Pas
senger Agent, Old Colony Ilulldlng, Chi
cago, Illinois.
TRAdc unili.
Design patkmt.
For Infnrmstlnn and fme llandlsjek writ to
tltlNN at CU, Ml UaOsDWAT, NSW Yusg.
Olitest hnreau (at securing pau-nts In America,
V.vfrJ patent taken out hy us Is liroitirht before
pie pubuo by a ootio Klvsn free of diarg La Ujs
rf tMitit mxitm
lArvtt ctrenlstle of sny sr-tentlfln psner fn ths
world, tiplenulillr lllustrauiil, Nn lutrlllgent
man should tie without It. weekly M.'I.IMIa
yssri $l.fs! six months, A'ldrsss, Mll.v.v ft cOm
VuatWkjass. vl ittuadwa, j,sr Vurk City,
Grocers, : ami : Butcher?
Aalorl snd lppr Asloti
lis Thi snJ GiIImi. Tsl'ls IWII, PomiMi
tn Imi'lisl liultt. VsgstsMsi. Nul
Luie Haait, Haiua, t h.
Clmkt Fie li nJ Salt Mrt.
Htsxdaj Itsntloa paid lo stamb.t r
pairing, first Masi hofsshoelng, eto.
It! Olnsy slreei, between Third and
and rourth. Astnriav, iJr.
After (Deals I
Or at stiy other lime
when yos) wish a got"'
eigar as dir Hie well
knowu, home'iBsxie,
hanj maiss, white larmt
Let lsl Atatcxris"
OiskviIihI by all issiker
In be the Iwal olar
71 Ninl StfMt,
Alrls, Oreswa,
AiihIii Orssws
I liirdwnre,
Hhlp ChniKlIcry,
RsMlsl AlteMkss PsM Is gapelslse Sktss.
A. V. ALIsslCN,
GrtK erlrs, Flour, hteJ, ProvUlonj, Frtilto
Vrtrtablri.-Onxkery, Glsu and
Plate J Wire. Ltrft'rs' Supplies.
C Ctw ssi S.iim i AaksH. Oe
Gsvoary St . fots Jsvatsa. Atwi.
General Machinists and Boiler Makert
lasd sal MsrtM tsflnssv KoMs wMk. StMSl
! a4 Caaaery Wsvk a SsskUHV.
f nr gi All DsM'lrSM M4 Orset as
Bn miss.
Joan rot ...PrrssldsssS aad Huprlnuwidnt
I. rox Vise Preaiht
O. II. lrmsl crweary
NsUonal !-. Treasurer
Few Hen W6ulJ Ask
for a Finer Dinner
than thorn w ssrss We're trying la
very way to maks shstst tae most en
inysM In town. AM ths gud thing
f th saaaon-s-wkssl by stir xcsllnl
eooh-la th moat delleloue style fr
leot servira
If you invlt a Mend Is the Pslars
Heetaurant ths plas Is a ssrlK-ssnl guar-
astr that h will rlv a good meal.
The Palace Restanrant
I ther s man wlths heart se raid.
Tksl from hi family would withhold
The comforts ahlch l-Sy all could find
la srtlrla of FL HMrri'Kk: of th right
And w would suggrst st this season a
ntr flldolioard. Extension Tabl. or et
of Inning Chair. W hav lb largest
aad finest litis vr thown In lb city
and at prlcas thatoansiot fall to pleas
th closest buytra.
Wsll Ptper, Artists' M.lssl.H. I'nn.
Ollt. Glist, sK. JpnM Mattlnfs,
(sags ani Bamboo (tood
3r5 ComnierclBl Hlreet.
They Lack Life
There are twines sold lo fishermen
on the Columbia river that stand In
the same relationship to Marshall'
Twine as wooden Image does to tbe
human belrMP-ikey lack strength Uf
evenness atxl lasting qualities. Don't
fool yourself InAo the belief that other
twines besldss Marshal)' will do "just
as well." They won't. They cannot.
Snap A Kodak
at any man coming nut uf
nur sier and you'll get a
portrait of a msn brimming
ni with ple.isn.iit thoughts.
Hue quality III the liquors S
w have te offer are enough to
Conre and Trq Them
IIUdHRH & co.
A complete stock of lumber on hand
In Ike rough or dressed. Klaorlng, rus
tle, celling, and all kind of finish:
moulding snd shingles; also bracket
work done to order. Terms rcaaonahl
and prices at bedrock. All orders
promptly attended to. Office snd yard
at mill. 11. P. L. LOGAN. Pron'r.
Seaside, Oregon.
These tiny Capsules. Ire guperToi
to Daiiam or bopiiba,
pa lame diuatet wlthoufl
A twister In twisting
May twist him a twist,
For in twisting twist
Three twists make a twist;
Hut If on of th twists
Untwist from ths twist,
Ths twist untwisting
Untwist th twist.
That Is, when It's twisted with any
ether twin thtn MARSHALL'S.
jt)TrNT! rrtTTrrKHr
ortlc, upstairs, Aslurlan Ilulldlng
OfTlpe over Olsen's drug slurs. Hours. I
in II a. in. 1 1 to I nml 1 lo I p. in. Hun.
days, ID to 11.
Hit. O. 11. KHTKal,
peclal llentlun to dlssasse of wont
en and surgery
tlfflos over Uanslgsr'e slore. Anuria
Tlphin No fit
OITliw, Rooms and C. Pythtaa
Ilulldlng. Hours, 10 to 11 Md I
i llssTdisnoe, M. Car street
Ii7 T. ojtoeniT.
SSJ Cvssinarelai ptrss.
W. U. LaPoroe. . JL staltk.
M Ceisisrelsl street.
j. taV A. HOWLbl,
Office sa Neeuod IMrset. Astorl, Or.
y N. Isntph. ItlobeWw Ntxosv
Vks-ster V. Dolpb.
Purtlsssst, Orssioa. 14. 14. It. sssd Tl,
Hsunlllon IMslldlM. All legal east roe
leotkin buatwes protup' ly atlssnuWd to,
ClaJsne Ssfwlssst tne twvsrmuetit e pe
el alty.
- i
Huciarrr ucrriN-ja
TKUAPUC U4K1H NO. 7, A. T. aad
A. M. Hsgular commsntcalluiia bold
in the first and third Teeailay svenln)
if saot) month,
. w. tcwgnttmir. w. u.
K. C. IIOMiKN, Usswwlary.
Notary ruhlle.
tfl street
WHIM IM l-OllTTNI-Cll M Jssx
r. Ilsndley A Co . IM Third slrest. and gs
ths lily AX or tan. Vtaltses nd asst
ml their mernlng peter watts I hare.
; i7i
Lubrkatln. Csker
OILS f (
SpevUlly. i Brothers,
! Ship ChaiuMffy,
, Iron A Htel,
! (Joul,
i WriH-wrcwH A PYriiionH,
'Flour Mill FewL
' I'nintfl, Oilri, Vainieiliw,
i IyopRPra Supplies,
' FHirliink"Hcalt,
Doom A Wimlowi.
; AKri'ultnrnl I mplf intMitM
Wilson 8 A V'eliit4fH.
A naasanger train on th Chlesgo, Mil-
wank and ft. Pasii 1lailwao. No. Its
larlns ars tjwtlbulxl. bratir hy si sain.
and Ihttitsd by slMtrlclty. r.seh slsssp-
ar bssnh has an slectrlo rssukng lamp.
It dining cars are ths heat In th world,
snd Its roaches ar palaeas oa wheel.
Tbl great railway, connecting a II
do wsltl all tranetontlnental tine at L
Paul and Omaha, asaurss lu th tarvallng
publlo tits lwt wirvlc knows. Ticket
via tlss Chicago, Milwaukee and Hi. Paul
ltullwsr ar on sal at all relumed ticks
offices to any point In the t'nlted Hi alee
or Canada. Kor rasp, folders snd othsr
nformstlon, addrsw.
C. J. Kllr. n.nseal Agent.
J W. CAHKT. 1'wrtland. Or.
Trss. Pass and Tkl. Agent.
Portlsad; Or.
The Burlington
is a tig railroad
ht It duesrsl run every
where. Vou can't as It If you
am going tit Cullfornlti or
flrlllsh folurshln, or Alns
ka, ur anywheru west of
there. Hut you rnn-and
AH(iri.H- use It f )ou ur
going anywhere rnst oe
Not bei-!siie It Is cbcup
er thiin other .lues Hut
beriiusn being much short
er, It I much ouickcr.
To Oiuahn, Knnsiis City,
Ht. Intsi and nil soulba-rii
and southeastern cities th
the HiirlllnKton ts JO mile
shorter thnn nny other
rullrood. Til at means time
siived. And time saved I
whnt you urn looking for
Tickets nnd tlme-tublet
st the lociil ticket office.
Porllsnd, Or.
L- r L. S.ta,t,.a. flrtlrt. ..I..S .... Sk
, - ten,, ,.,. u , ..I,..', , uiii- ,
nnsaary, Vancouver llsrracks. Wash.,
March 2S, lMSL Sealed proposal In trip-lb-ate
will bs received here and at offices
of tmmlsasrls at following named
peats, (for fresh beef snd fresh mutton
lo bs delivered at thai post only), until
13 o'clock, noon, Friday. April St, Pt,
then opened, for furnishing and dsllvrry
to Subsistence Department, U. 8. Army,
the fresh beef and fresh mutton called for
by the Commissary of post to be im
plied during six months, and alio sep.
arate proposals for ysar, commencing
July 1, JiM: Boise Ilarrecks and Kurt
Sherman, Idaho; Porta Canby, Hpokana,
walla Walla, and Vancouver llarraoks.
Wash. Presh beef shall be good In qual
ity and condition fit for Immediate use,
and from for and hind quarter xneats
proportionally, Inoludlng all best cuts
thereof. Preen mutton shall be of good,
fat and marketable Quality, from wethers
over one' and under thres years old. Hsef
and mutton to be dressed snd trimmed
and delivered s prescribed In circular nf
Instructions lo bidders. Proposal will
be also received stating pries at which
bldtW will deliver fresh beef or mutton
of character above slated, snd to b de
livered of temperature not greater than
(0 degrees Fahrenheit. Oovernmnnt re
serves ths right to reject tli whole or any
part ef any or all bhla. Full Information
furnished here, or by Commissary at th
several posts. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be marked "Proposals for
Fresh Ileef (nr Mutton) at .' and
addressed lo linHerslgned or lo Com mis
sry a posts to be supplied. W, II, Nh
Maj., C. B. .
y 7