The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 22, 1896, Image 1

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Ths ASTORIA hat ft ltrrt LOCAL f
. cirtslitlosi tMUrgwt 6F.NF.flAl elreuls-
S tiaa, wo ttu larrst! TOTAL (IrulallM f
gj tH sisen sgblitlisB la Aslant, J
fltscnt ff Wliln(lH !' Orrfoai
Of the Fine Lines of Men's anl Boy's Cloth
ing, Furnishing Goods, Hats. Caps, Boots and
Shoes. Trunks, Valises. Umbrellas. Blankets,
Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
)o you nwl anything in Ottice KunplUa, Ltttir
Prt'HHt'H, Copying, i.ktanil, TabltlP, lulu, lilnnk
JJcM.ks, Uluo Print lir, W'nMe Iiarktt, Jrk Trny. Ton
Huck, Tyjo Writing l'apoi, RiMon anl Carl en Pnpii.
If hi, wt'cnn Hupply you.
A new lot of Ploylntx Cord
Jimt received.
Griffin & Reed,
City Book Store.
Such a Never Been
ardware, Granite Wire. Rope, Stoves. Iron
Pipe. Terra Cotta Pipes. Bar Iron, Steel.
Cannery Supplies. Loners' Tools
At prices that defy competition.
Done by experience! workmen.
Gctst Fixture est Cost.
Sol Oppenheimer,
. riiHUMAN. lalt ol Freeman Molnwe.
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths. Machinists and Boiler! Makers.
iron and Brass Castina.
Welch Patent Wheel, Ship Smithing and Steamboat Work, .
. Cannery and mil Machinery, Marine and Stationary
Boiler Built to Order. . .
PfTSpeclally equipped for Loggers' Work.
Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence
Telephone' & Bailey Catzert.
"Telephons" leavea Astoria at T p. as.
dally (except Bunday).
Leaves Portland at 7 a. m. dally., ax-
"tty" leave. Astoria Tum
flay, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and
Saturday morning at a. m.; Sunday
vanlni at I p. m.
Leaves PorUand dally at I p. m.,
eant Bunday. On aaturday at 11 p. m.
Cpi ounuay. j, MaUZKRT,
, 1 Afant
I 1J - a
For the One-Price
Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers
Offered Before In
Call and Be Convinced
Trustee for M. C. CROSBY.
R. T. EARLE, let. ot Stockton. Cat
General Blacksmith Work,
Located on 18th and Franklin (Scow
The Hop Le Clothing rnotory and
marohant tailor, at Ol Bond street.
makes undrolothlng to order. Bulla
and trouaer made to Ot parfaeUy.
Bvery order punotuaily on time and
aatlafaatlon (naraataad. Good foodi
old ohaap. Call and be eonTtneed.
Property Owners Think They Have a
Klijht to Nil lid to the
Channel Line.
I'Kon sr to coiwcii. denied
Tk flsalsesa ul tbc City Ucaaad Cc.
tiol ul fmiliah Measrea taijisecra"
Chanel Lisc Shoul J (.nun
Hiker Oarlia.
Thrr ronold. rabl .lrulun yra
Irnlay nniuiiK.l liualiio m-'n on llin
uratlun of harbor 1 1 n mil lh rxlin
lona of utmrvra to ald line from c!ly
tiiuiwriy alrrady In u Th lrtfr
huh aM-arrd In ynlrrday'a Uu.
lanrd by Mr. I. K- Warn-n, rrt many
uckiIp In, IhlnkliHT Thu ronronaua or
opinion mnrd to b thai the city coun
ill iliij noi havn a Irani rlnnl to prrrent
Hi" bull. Una of wharvra uut 10 I he har
bor II n ralabllahrd by tha t'nllrd Rlalra
(ovrrnrrunl. In an Interview upon the
aubW'l. Mr. r. A. Flahvr. of KUhrr
liroa , wild '
"t ninnot ron'-lvi' of any eood rraaon
rllhrr In U, r;uli)r, )u.ilr, rommon
wruH' or upon any prlnrlplv ron.'uiiva
lo (hp ailvani'rmrnt of Ihr cliy'a Inirr
hr Ihr rty coun-!l ahouhl lad
lh riirrmr arllnn whli'h It h dona
ronrcrnln Ihr lullilli( of 'hriva ou
lo the hnrMr lln. I tlo not lrllrvr ,n
in nrot plniYi that tha rounrll haa lha
lKl rlk'ht la InLTfrro In ihr mallrr or
In any way prv-nt property holilera
from bulhllna-. ho r.uuln within lh
llnra ralabll.hrd by the ovrrnmont an-in.-r.
loud laaynra aarra lth in
In thla tolllnn. In tha arcond place.
II an-ma to mr a vrrr fnollah Idra on
the part of thla purtp-ulur council h
cau.e It not only nliatrucia the rurrylnir
on of Improveomenla wilhln the rliy. but
II make an IrmuUr and uitly looking;
line of atructurva alone the city water
front. One city council pernilte one prop
erly holder lo build out to tha water
Una while another round! will not allow
hla nrxt-dour nrlahbor lo ito within a
hundred feet of that line. The water
front thua lieconva judged In apenranre.
while an Injuatlce la ilona to many prop
erly onrr. If rhla aort of Iralalnllon
la to continue. wht kind of a water Kill Aalorld linv. In a few year
from now It la ntmply abaurd for the
law-alien of the city to be Interferlnc
llh the well eaiubliahrd rltrhte of prip-
eriy liol.lcru ami pullinx down the work
which other are trying lo do toward
bulMIni! up the clt.v. The aovernment
aurveya ahould aovern here a elaewhere.
and all theoihrr ran lie enally
arruna.M afterward. What we want In
AMnriu la imlforniliy of i-onairucilon on
the water front. anl the erection of auch
buatneaa houaea aa will accommoilnte
the trafflc aure to follow on the com
pletion of the railroad. I-et focondary
mnitera take their proper lurn and tie
ailjupled when the time cornea for their
ronal.lernllon. What we nant now ta
the blemllna- of every Intereat and the
ahapliur of every enlerpriae to the or.d
common ot'Jwt of puahlnar forward the
Intereaia of the city now -noat Important
to tie ronaldcred.
"It la true I am one of tha Inten-ated
partlea concerned In the rxtenalon of tha
dock In the rear of my More buildlrur.
and which the city council haa enjoined.
1 know, however, that the repnliinir. re
building; and eitenalon of other ilocua
dependa upon the action -which we take
here. Although I have not aeen Mr.
Flavel recently, I am conndent from pre-
tolua talka with Mm that If we extend
our dock he will alao fairly repair and
build hla large dock out to the harbor
line. The city miiat have Increased dock
fnrllltlra, and with the railroad running
through the middle of the preaent docka
there muat be auch facllltica aa will per
mit ot the loadlrur and unloading at the
whnrvea of deep aea veaaela.
Tha action of the city council recently
taken, waa baaed upon a purported reao
luilon of the Columbia Harbor No. B.
That resolution waa an error, In refuta
tion of which you enn publish the follow
ing communication:
To the Honorable Mayor and Common
Council of tho City of Astoria:
Qenllemen: We. members of Columbia
lliirbor No. !2. wlah to recall Ihe protest
nied with you by the clerk of said hHr
bor. protesting nKlnst the building of a
wharf to the harbor line by 1. K. War
ren and A. C. Fisher.
The urotest wiia sent you before a
meet I n of the harbor, and when it as
sembled the memliera did not ratify the
action. At the preaent time we desire
to lake no action In the premise.
W. 8TAKR. Captain.
Columbia Harlior, No. S.
"The situation la a serious one. and
demand Immediate adjustment. I am
not only speaking for our Individual In
terests, aa w hav warehouse room
enough at preaent, and can get along
without the railroad If other can: but.
If the verbal agreement made by coun
cilman J. W. Welch on behalf of the
right of way committee of the railroad
at tho time he solicited the deeds for
this property are to b arrled out, we
are entitled to. and In protection of our
business of necessity must, build our
wharves out to th harbor line In order to
have sufficient accommodation for our
business. Even under thes circum
stances a large money loss In addition
to the loss of property, will be entailed
upon us. Thla w hav ufrred In si
lence, but do not propose to be hampered
In the conduct of our legitimate buslne.
Mr. Hammond I expected here hourly,
the depot site will be closed up, and con
struction upon the railroad through the
Ity will shortly commence. We shall
ccrtnlnly look to the railroad committee
and the council for the protection of our
right In this matter."
Mr. J. T. Rosa, of Ross, Hlggln Co..
whose store I situated on the same dock
with Fisher Brothers, when asked for
his views upon the wharf question, snld
that he of course thorousrhly coincided
with Mr. D. K. Warren and Mr. Fisher.
"It seems to me that the prosperity of
Astoria, the building up of a large trade
here of a general commercial character.
depends largely upon the aecuring of ade
nmu dorks for the handllnr of business
and th transfer of trafllc from car to
boata end boata to care, we wer pre -
pared a Ion tlma o, and you will retol
lect It waa reported a long Mm ago In
the Aatorlan, to prosecute tltfi ork on
our docks. After tha pur;h of a large
amount of auppllaa. piling, etc., w wrra
suddenly slopped fr'nn further pioored-
i Inga by the action oftha coun II. In my
opinion thla haa been or incai-uiaoi aam
age to tha city. If otir lock Mad been
completed other properly owners would
have followed suit, both from Inclination
ami aa a matter of neceaslty. a larga
number of men would hav been given
employment, and considerable sums of
money would hav been distributed In
the city. It la Imperative that these
docka he constructed In the Immediate
future. And 1 think that all of Ihe ob
jecilima raised by the rtty council lurk
foundation and are childish In their na
ture. The consider tlona raised acalnat
I ha building or extension of docka. can
lie eaally adjusted when the necessity
arises. We want large docka now and
must have them. It will coat Koaa, Hlg
glna ft Co. II"" In addition to damage
lone to proiwrty. for the elmple tmvlng
buck of Ita warehouse, In order to afford
room for the railroad tracks along the
wnler front. Falrneaa to all should be
the principle governing In these maiu-r."
Fualonlsta Far Well at the Hands of
T aroma's New Mayor.
Tacoma, April 71. Mayor Fawcett took
office today and promptly appointed to
office a doaen Democrat and I'opttllst
fuslonhits who were prominent In secur
ing his election. Thomas Doherty. a Pop
ulist, waa appointed commlasUner of pub
lic work. Th restraining order Isaued
last night by Judg Prttrh.rd to prevent
the appointment of this jffl-er waa rot
served until S o'clock thla morning, while
Mayor Fawcett made Ma appointment
Just after midnight.
Mullen, of the board of public worka,
who secured the restraining order, re
fused to give up th ottice, and hcth men
niled It today, though Dohery will not
attempt to assume control pemlln the
heating on the order, which Is made re
turnable April 10. Other nnpoin:menta
Included chief of police. R. It. Hoge. a
liemocrstlc lawyer: chief of the flr de
partment. J. D. Horrocka, a c-irpenler.
Populist; city attorney, W. It. H. Kean,
Populist; city librarian. Herbert i:ash
ford. Populist, and harbor Master, H. O.
Hoflln. Six of th termor patrolmen
have been relieved from duty.
I'carcd the Matnklcs Kill Captare
buluwavo and Kill Many.
daisied the frier Arc Acting is Cosccrt
With Ike Kcbclliosis s fur UIok
at British Saprcmccy.
Capetown. April a. Th situation grow
darker every day, In spite of the.very ef
fective mean token to defend l'.uluwayo.
Fully 9UU person have been killed by the
Mulala-lea since the uprising began, and
men of experience In South African war
fare claim to see In the tactic of the
native the guiding hand of th leader
of the Transvaal burgher. They Insist
that the Boers are arming for a struggle
with the llrltlsh for maatery In South
Africa, and that they are actually en
couraged and aaatsted by Germany.
The boera hav mustered about ISO
men and several gun, according to
report, at a convenient distance from
Mafeklng, and It la believed that they are
more than willing to make a common
cauae with the Matabele and strike a
blow at IlrtUsn supremacy. Indeed, ev
erything I In a volcanic state In South
Africa at present, and no person can oor
rectly foretell what the result will be. A
great deal dependa on Berlin.
Executive Committee of the A. F. C
Take Action In the Matter.
The executive committee of tha Astoria
Football Club met last evening, and,
after the disposal of routine business,
took up the matter ot bicycle road race.
This subject haa been occupying the at
tention of bicyclists for some time past,
and the Idea met with much fnvor.
There are many bikes In Astoria, and tha
lack ot place for racing waa a Mg
deficiency. It waa suggested, and wisely,
that the level streets extending to Fast
Astoria would make excellent g'ound for
road races, and the matter was taken
up by the Astoria Football Club.
At tha meeting of the executive com
mittee last evening a delegation, consist
true of Meaars. Uunn, Qlbson and Hfvcr
Idge, wo appointed to arrange for a
series of race, which will occur shortly.
Mr. Ounu suggest an excellent Idea, and
one which will undoubtedly he put into
execution. He recommend that three
races be arranged, the person receiving
the greatest number of points to be de
clared th winner. F'rst place would be
ay ten points: second eight; and so on.
This scheme would give everyone a
chance for a prise. The race will be a
handicap one, and I open to all member
of th Astoria Football Club. Mr. Gunn
I of the opinion that It would be well to
handicap the racers after each race, so
as to give all a fair chance.
The committee will offer trophies for
the persona getting places, and that there
will be an abundance of contestants got
without aylng. The racers will probably
tart from the corner of Sixth and Du
ane. and run to Fortieth and liond and
return, the dltaanc being about five
miles. Duane street will be followed to
the Clatsop Mills, where riders will turn
and take Franklin avenue to the resi
dence of Mrs. Lelnenweber. Then they
will go down a block to Commercial and
down still another block to Bond. From
Bond they will rid probably to Fortieth
street, and perhaps further.
Th rood from McGregor' Mill up Is In
splendid condition, and will make a pret
ty race. Th finish will also be fine, a
Duane street has been reoently rebuilt.
There are several hills on the course.
which will necessitate training. Ladle
are barred. It' too bad, but such I tho
case. But What' the matter with ar
ranging a road race for ladle? There
are many expert In Astoria, and the
rare would be more interesting than the
gentlemen' run. Altogether the season
promlsts to be an enjoyable one for bl
cyclist, for the summer season will soon
be here and Bunday trips to the beauh
will be in vogue.
Next Tuesday evening the member of
the Astoria Football Club will meet and
elect captain for th several team
football, baseball, and tennis. A full at
tendance ta requested. At last night'
J meeting Messrs. Chjnrle Green and Har
1 ry won were eojrauaa to meoMrsaip.
A PHIL 22, 18.
Heroic Action of an Ordinary Sea
man Aboard the Revenue Cutter
Commodore I'erry.
Vkile Atteaptiig to Hcksc Hiaj tkc Otktrs
Were TkrukS Isto tkc Water. id
Woald Hate Set Death kit fur
"oslthropp's HcroiiiS).
Port Townsend, April tl.-Th revenue
cutter Commodore Perry, which arrived
her thla evening from Ban Frarclaco,
report on of th rough eat trip ever
experienced. On Saturday morning a
man was washed overboard and lost, Hla
nam waa Alfred Halfell, the boatswain,
and he was at work forward when the
sea cam that carried bun over.
He waa wearing heavy rubber boot
and an oil coat, which earned him down
quickly and he waa not aeen afterward.
A boat was lowered, manned by Gunner
Johannsen and Seamen Ja-obsen. Thorp
and Dyke, who spent nearly two hour
In search for th lost boatswain, without
success. Then, when they attempted to
board the ship, their boat was capslsed
and all four swept Into th sea. It wa
Impossible to lower another boat for
them, and they were left to be aban
doned, when suddenly an ordinary sea
man. C. C. Moulthropp, aelaed a line.
prang overboard, and, by superhuman
effort, soon had th line around the
bodies of all four man. They were thu
saved, though all wer insensible when
hauled up on deck.
Moulthropp la a nativa of Springfield.
Mas., and shipped on the Perry only
two weeks ago. He la deemed worthy
of a medal by Captain Smith, who will
forward a recommendation to that effect
to th llf earing board.
Well Known Engineer Pa see Away In
Portland, April M Perry Scott, for
mora than twenty years one of the beet
known marine engineer In the North
west, died here last night, uged 78. About
three weeks ago he sustained what he
thought to be a trifling Injury at the
time, by lifting a piece of wood. In a
few days he was taken to hla bed and
never got up.
Perry Scott waa a brother of Captain
. B. Scott, manager of the White Collar
Line, and I known to every a'.eamboat-
man on the Pacific coast. He was rlso
well known In the East, having owned
and operated many boats on the Ohio and
Mississippi rlver.-Ed.
Portland. April n.-It wa stated to
night on what la considered good author
ity that Mr. W. 8. Mason, the candidate
for mayor on the ami-Simon ticket,
would withdraw. No contlrmatlon of the
report could be obtained tonight.
Roeeburg, Or., April 11 Stephen Ml-
Bard, aged St, a pioneer of this (Douglas)
oounty, died here thla morning from th
effect of an Injury received while en
route to San Francisco on board th
steamer Queen, which collided with th
British sailing vessel Strathdon In Ban
Francisco bay, a few month ago.
Indian Appropriation Bill Discussed at
Length In th Senate.
Washington. April H The senate spent
today on th Indian appropriation bill,
but did not complete It. The sectarian
school question was taken up late In the
day and brought out an animated de
bate, Senators Galllnger, Teller and
Thurston opposing and Senator Gray
and Pettlgrew supporting the amendment
offered by Cockreil extending for two
years, the time tor the entire abandon
ment of sectarian schools. Final action
on the question wa not reached.
Cincinnati, April a. -Cleveland, 11; Cin
cinnati, ID.
Pittsburg. April a. nttsburg, 4; Louis
ville. S.
New York. April B.-Phlladelphla, t;
New York. L
Washington, April a. Washington, 11;
Brooklyn. 10.
Baltimore, April a. Baltimore, 14; Bos
ton, t
8t Louis, April a. St. Louis, : Chica
go, t
Declare for Honest Money and Endorse
Ruasell for President,
Special to th Aatorlan.
Boston, April a. The Democrats In
state convention today declared for th
gold standard and againat th free coin
age of silver. The convention endorsed
ex-Governor Russell for president.
Th Ship Channel Formerly Left It In
Oregonlan. J
Forty-two J x ago this summer, the
United Staft steamer Active, which,
as the Goldhunter, In 1850, mad a nam
In Oregon history a the first steamship
to come to Portland, apt several week
at the mouth of the Columbia and made
extensive soundings between C'vpe Han
cock and Tongue Point. IV .' steamer
wa In charge of Lieutenant Video, and
the reault of her work waa well set forth
on a complete map, showing all the chan
nels, buoys, sands, etc A copy of that
map now yellow with age Is on Ml In
Surveyor General Arnold' office, in this
city, and In the past few day has at
tracted much attention from th fact that
It I accompanied by letters which effect
ually settle the dispute aa to the govern
ment ownership of Sand Island, t prea
ent a bone of contention betwe th
fishermen of two atatee. Th map chow
Sand Island to b almoat on a 11 n with
Cap Hanoock and Point Adame, with
no marked channel wei oi m inana,
but with a well-buoyed channel Into Ba
kfs bay, and on up to th east and
eaat and north aide of th island, thu
leaving it entirely on the Oregon aid
of the channel. Th corresponderlfc
which accompanies th map ht a fol
lows: "Department of th Interior, Washing
ton, V. C August 9. IMS-Sir: I have
the honor to lay before you the enclosed
letter of Ihe tb Inst., and accompanying
papers from th secretary of war. asking
that '8 and Island.' In th entrance to
Columbia livsr, Oregon, be reserved from
sale for military purposes, and respect
fully recommended tliat said Island be
retained, aa requested, for a miliary res
ervation. I am, sir. with great respect,
your obedient servant, W. T. OTTO,
"Acting Secretary ."
"To th President of the United States.
On th back of this interesting docu
ment appears th following:
"Executive Mansion, Washington, Au
gust 29, 1MJ. Let the reservation of
'Band island,' in Oregon, b made a
herein recommended by the secretary of
the Interior. A. LINCOLN.
"August , li."
On the eame date that Lincoln' In
dorsement wa made. Acting Secretary
Otto transmitted th paper to James
M. Edmunds, commissioner of tha gen
eral land office, and be In return sent
the following letter to Oregon:
"General Land Offlce, Washington, D.
C. September L lftt Bynon J. Pengra,
Esq., Burvey or -General, Eugn City.
Oregon Sir: Herewith yon will receive
a copy f a letter from the acting secre
tary of the Interior, dated 3th ultimo,
transmitting a ccpy of the president'
order of even date, directing the reserva
tion of 'Band bland,' in the entrance to
Columbia river, Oregon, for military pur
poses. As this Island 1 withdrawn from
sale or other disposition for public use
other thsn tallttary. you are required.
Immediately upon the receipt hereof, to
note this reservation upon the connected
diagram of your district. You are re
quested to acknowledge the receipt of
this communication, advising this office
that th requisite annotation has been
properly made upon the surveying rec
ords In your office, so as to secure and
protect the reservation for th purpose
Intended. 1 am respectfully, your obe
dient servant, J. M. EDMUNDS.
Five Hundred Democrats Witness a
Tragedy in Montgomery.
.lis Killed lor Relation With Asotker's
Vite rrooiaeat Citites of Oakdile.
Cel.. Shot sad Killed.
Montgomery, Ala., April a Five hun
dred Democrats here today, attending the
Democratic state convention, wer borrl
fled by a tragedy at the depot. The
platform wo crowded at 7:30 o'clock this
morning when Bob Kennedy, sheriff ot
Dallas county, Alabama, stepped uut with
a double-barrelled shot gun and cpened
Are upon two brothers. Percy and Mardta
Wood, both cltixena of Selma. When
th brother saw Kennedy they ran for
a place ot safety, but before this could
be reached, Kennedy shot Percy tore ugh
th back. Inflicting a fatal wound.
Manila Wood drew his pistol and fired
at Kennedy five times, without hitting
him. Kennedy re-loaded bis gun twice,
firing in all five shots at Mardta Wood,
shattering his right shoulder und break
ing his left arm.
Tha trouble grew out of the relations
said to exist between Mardta Wood and
the wife of Kennedy, all parties being
residents of Selma. Ala. Wood came
here to attend the meeting of the Dem
ocratic executive state committee, ot
which he la a member. Kennedy. It la
sold, learned that Wood was her and
came over from Selma to kill him.
Mardls Wood ha for forty years been
a prominent figure In politics and two
years ago was the nominee of the Demo
cratic party In the Fourth District for
congress, but withdrew before the elec
tion and Uoston Robhlns, recently un
seated, took his place. Kennedy Is In
Jail here.
Sonora, CaL. April a. CoL Caleb Dor
sey. of Oak dale, a wealthy and promi
nent mine owner and rancher, was ahot
and killed at Dorsey mine, eleven miles
from Columbia, In this county today, by
hi mining partner, J. T. Newcomer, over
a dispute that ensued upon Dorsey
charging Newcomer with cleaning up
and misappropriating amalgam without
the colonel's knowledge.
The defendant will claim justifiable
homoclde. He alleges that, during the
wrangle. Col. Dorsey attempted to draw
his gun, with the usual result of being
too slow. The matter haa created a moat
profound sensation owing to the age and
standing of both parties In thla commu
nity. Both gentlemen were between 60
and TO. Newcomer left the scene ot th
killing before his victim expired and cam
to Sonora and surrendered himself to
the sheriff.
Repraeentatlv Cobb, from the Fifth Ala
bama District
Washington, April a. The house today
unseated James E. Cobb, a Democrat,
representing th Fifth Alabama district,
and voted m to 45 to (eat Albert T. Good
win, Populist, but a point ot no quorum
being made, the house adjourned, with
the final vote still pending. Five Repub
licans voted with the Democrats to re
commit the case, with Instructions to tha
committee to permit the contestant to
offer testimony In rebuttal.
Cobb haa been a member of the Fiftieth
Fifty-first. Fifty-second and Fifty-third
congresses. He was unseated by the Fifty-first
Highest of all in Leaveoing
i . k filial
no. n.
Congregational Ministers of San
Francisco Say Hard Things
About Him.
lev. Bitch Sirs He Is Pireiljr Coavisced of
Dr. Droirs's Gsilt. asd Tkt Be is ts
vortkjr to I" reach Other Hisls
ters Thish the Ssae,
Oakland, CaL. April X!.-Rr. C. O.
Brown I agnin fighting for his ministe
rial existence. Today, before he bar
conference of th Congregational church.
Brown was strongly arraigned by m num
ber of minister. Dr. Hatch, minister of
th Berkeley church, aald at tha council
he bad stood by Brown and had held
the council back from condemning Brown
too strongly. 1 Now, however, he waa
thoroughly convinced of Brow' guilt of
untruthfulness and Improper conduct and
of his general unworthtnes to preach.
Rev. Mr. Free land, of Oakland, said th
man who pays blackmail changa the
presumption In hi case from innocent to
guilty. Hey. Dr. McLean thought Dr.
Brown ahould not be to preach,
and Judg Haven moved that Brown be
suspended from th ministry to til auch
lime as be cleared hla character. A long
discussion followed on thla Th minis
ters. In overwhelming majority, seem to
b opposed to Brown, bat th latter has
some friends who are working for him.
Rev. Phillip Coomb said th ministers
wer trying to set aside their own ver
dict, given through th council, because
Brown bad not received the verdict la
a proper aplrlt.
Delegates to the National Convention
Will Go Vnlnatruc'ed- (
Baltimore. April a. Th Republican
leader of the state art gathering la
Baltimore today for th purpose of at
tending th state convention, which be
gin tomorrow. Th platform which la
still under consideration, will probably
be built upon th lines laid down In that
recently adopted In Maine, and the pres
ent program la to send a delegation to
St. Louis unlnstructed. Its first vote will
be cast for Governor Lown'faa. after
which It will be divided between McKln
ley and Reed, as the adherents ot both
candidate are aure of place In the dele
gation. -
Want a Bound Financial Plank und They
Will Get It.
New Haven, Conn., April U. The tate
Republican convention met tonight to
nominate delegates to th 8t Louis eogf
vention. Hon. Edgar M. Warner, tem
porary chairman, made an eloqu. nt a-gu-
ment In favor of a protective larifT ana
sound money. He said the people de
manded a sound financial '.dank in the
platform and that there woi'ld i.ot be
the slightest question aa to the views of
the Republicans of Connc:i-.-ut on this
Special to th Aatorlan.
Vienna. April a. Boron Hlrach died
today of heart disease, at his estate near
Paris, April a. Leon Say, the distin
guished political economist, died today.
New Orleans. April a Late return
Indicate the election ot Foster. Democrat,
for governor. The count Is delayed at .
most points.
Then Ho Waa Inclined to Pride Himself
Until the aFll Came.
N. Y. Herald.
She waa pretty and pert, and as the
theater train swayed around the high -curves
ot Harlem four men In drees
suits glanced at her approvingly. All at
once aha made a discovery and her man
ner let every one Into her ecret. On
of her shoe was unlaced. At first she
made a show of stooping to tie It up,
but she was uncomfortably adjusted for
lacing her own shoes. In fact, it was a
physical Impossibility. The four young
men In dess suits saw It and soon wer
discussing the young woman' dilemma.
"I'll make a bluff at It, anyway." said
one of them as the train left the Fiftieth
street station. Whereupon, to the de
light of his companions and to the as
tonishment of those who hadn't observed
the situation, he arose and, kneeling de
liberately at th feet of the fair one, he
raised his hat polltey and aald:
"May I hav the?" etc.
Her red lips parted, showing two row
of pearly teeth, while a faint color
mounted to her cheeks.
"It you will be so kind," she aald.
It was a mighty pretty foot, and none
too quickly th job was done neatly and
deftly. The pretty woman thanked him
and he returned to his seat. He was
plainly Inclined to plum himself In the
eye of hi companions, who mad vari
ous remarks about "having her on th
string," ate, all of which waa hoard by
her, as was evidently intended. At the
Forty-second street station aha arose,
and, pausing a moment before the young
man aa she passed, sweetly inquired:
"May I ask where your store IsT"
And then she vanished.
DeWItt' Bareaparllla la prepared for
cleansing tha blood. It builds up and
strengthens constitutions impaired by
dlseas. Chaa. Roger.
Power. - - Latest U.S. Govt Report
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