....... . nV,'i'li saea -.i-;fc(s-ii"J ' " TIIK 1U11.Y S'llil.. ASTORIA. Tl'KSHAY MOKNINU, APKIL 21. IHUlt. Beaver Hill and QUman ...COAL H.Ii.Boyle&Go. H.IM CommtrvlDl HI., Astoria. Op. Weill IiHtnte, LLotitiM, ItivcHtmcutM nml li.Mi.ra.ticc. SPECIAL OFFER-We have now clic7doTtl"markct Mock ToYand water frontace. and will offer lots In that addition at prices way below adjoining property. We will give you good terms on this property, and a few dollars invested In lots in this addition will sure make you money. See fine display map In our window. r.r r.mllji w mum 1'ntw Trv It (XKAS KKAHONaYk IS I'Klt'li . .. I I y WiksaS ELMORE. SANBORN I CO. Aecnts. Astoria. ) warr1entqn IMPROVED. ATTRACTIVE, DESIRABLE THE CENTER OF IMPROVEMENTS on the WEST SIDE Warrenton Is the very best croterty Urge, full lots In Warrenton Tnere can never be anything better than Warrenton Warrenton has everything desirable Think of large, full lots in Beautiful Warrenton for $150 to $250 each THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS EVER OFFERED FOR SICH GRAND PROPERTY Maps sent on application. Columbia Harbor Land Co., cor. Bond and Uth Sts. wanted. WANTED A irtrt for general house- 1 work. S. E., corner th and Exchange. WANTED An heaeet. air gentleman ( or laiy to travel (or relleNe established house. Salary. CM. payable US weekly, and expense. Situation permanent. Ref-! erencesC Endow self-eddreaaed stamped1 envelope, The Pomfnton Company, m Omaha Building, Chicago. I I CALL FOR OOl'NTY WARRANTS. .1 1 YOUNG 1DKA. Notice I hereby iclven to all parties he-MIng Clatsop county warrant Indorsed prior to November 1st. 18B. to present the same to the county treasurer (or payment aa Interest will cease thereon after this date. Dated thl th day o( April. A D. IS. R L. WARD. Treasurer of Clataop County. Doctor tto p.ie boy Who i the I gentleman who railed Just now? ) lime Hoy Stnttji. air. I Doctor What' thut? You should say I Mister Smith. j rure Hoy I'l-ase. air, t didn't know ' he ws married. FISHER'S OrERA HOUSE. FOR SALS. FOR SALE The Ferret! property, cor ner of Exchanges and luh streeta Price, KM- W. C Cassell. ITS Win afreet. at. JAPANESE QOODS-Jusa out-Just r. eelred Juat what yon want, at Wins Lee's. Ml Commercial street FOR RENT. FOR RENT A furnished room. l.vS Jrd street FOR RENT Three or four room, with hoard, at Mrs. E. C Holden's, corner Duane and Ninth streets. Price reasonable. The entertainment to be given Thurs day. April 3d. will be so completely changed that all who were there before should see It again Ml&s X:'Jr. of Sun Francisco, wtll render several selections on the piano and guitar. The songs, many of them, wtll be new, as well as the dancing. As no show is booked for this house for some time, every one should see the Gypsy Fantasia. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. A RECORD IN ORGANS. FOR RENT Two business houses, on with furnished rooms upstairs, other with 7 furnished rooms upstair and bar fixtures down stairs. Call at this office. Our U shoes lor Ladles or Gen tlemen, are as good as lots that you are asked (1 for. We're going to keep saying that to you until every man and woman In Astoria knows It by heart. THE ARCADE. The organs of Haarlem and Frlbourg ! are the largest In th world. It Is dan ; Iferous to use the pip of the former at ' Its greatest power, so tremendous Is the ) vibration It causes to the building. The ! Haarlem organ Is ISO feet high and SO ! feel broad: It contains Vfc) pipes, rrsem ! Wing column of silver from the ground I up to the roof. FOR RENT A famished suite of rooms en venund floor. wmtrmJlY located. 41. Exchange street. j The only place la Astoria to buy j CRAIN'S SAR9APARILLA Is at the Estee-Craln Proa; Company's. I The best Mood purifier Is CRAIX1 SAKSAPAKILLA One hundred and twenty-live doses for tL THE ANCHOR If you want to spend a pleasant even ing, go to the ANCHOR. Concert every evening by a first class orchestra. Noth ing but first-class liquors, clg-irs and Kopp's beer served over the bar. JOHNSON CARLSON. Tropa No. JU Astor Street ! Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains aa Asimeala er Ales. Prof. Henry Drummond. who 's stay ' Ing at Tunbridge Well, Kmrland, is slowly recovering from his nervous brvukdown, and will In time be utile to resume his literary and lecturing work. i W might tell you more about One ' Minute Cough Cure, but you probably ' know that It cures a cough. Every oat does who has used It It Is a perfect ' remedy for coughs, colds, hoarsen.-. It ! Is an especial favorite for children, be i lng pleasant to takt and quick In curing, j Chas. Rogers. AUCTION... ! Mistress Our church Is Just like one I family. ; Mrs. Candid Yea Indeed: I notice there Is a good deal of quarreling among I the members. We have concluded to five up bus iness jo Astoria, therefore we will sell our whole stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES FURNISHING GOODS Hardware. Dried Fruits. Lard. Bacon. Furniture and Fixtures Is lets to sail purchasers at THEIR OWN PRICE BARLOW-WILL . . . MERCANTILE COMPANY S66 COMMERCIAL STREET S. FRIEDMAN, Auctioneer. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. i Mme. Carnot at the Pantheon frequent i ly spends long hours In prayer before I the tomb of her late husband. -yaaie eesnmeaees irtiiL is, si a r. .w aasbeeaUaae dally uatll th whole stbek la seld. - It Is not a miracle. It won't cur everything, but It will cur piles That's what DeWltfs Witch Haxel Salve will do, because It has don. It In hundreds of cases. Chas. Rogers. SOUL ON EARTH. Our Stock of... GROCERIES and CANNED GOODS Is the most complete in tne city We gnarantee our trices will suit you The soul on earth Is an Immortal guest, Compell'd to starve at an unreal feast; A spark which upward tends by nature's force: A stream diverted from Its parent source: A drop dissever'd from the boundless S'-a; A moment parted from eternity; A pilgrim panting for the rest to come: An exile anxious for his nutlve home. Hannah More. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Dli' CALL AND BE CONVINCED FOARD & STOKES CO. The Best Blood Purifier Made RAIN'S SARSAPARILL A 125 DOSES FOR $1.00 Smm U For ale by the ESTE8-CRAIN DRUG CO. c CREAM Moat Perfect Made. 40 Yean the Standard. A Depot ...at Sunnymead is not necessary to make the property desirable and valuable, though a neat little depot is already lo cated on the ground. Depots aro conve nient establishments to have about, but they do not, as a rule, make much of a pay roll for a place. A Saw Mill ...is a different proposition, and Sunny mead is soon to have a large one, cutting over 100,000 feet daily, and employing from 76 to 100 men. Work on the wharf and mill foundation will start within 30 days and pushed to completion. A large subsidy has been given to the parties building the mill. Lots in Sunnymead Are 50x100, Feet Prices Range from $60 to $150 Each ICtrmy PuymentH Astoria Land L Investment Co. 426 BOND STREET ...A SMASH-UP IN PRICES... Blue or Black Cbeviots These suits are made stylishly, wear well and look well; double or single breasted. Chocolate Brown or Cray Clay Wor steds Such beautiful r arm ens need no eulo gies. They captivate at a glance; they's beauties. Cray and Black Invisible Check Cas sitnere Thla is a genteel suit of all wool goods. It Is flt f.r the business man or me- Chocolate Brown Cbeviots. Fancy French facing, wears lik. Iron, fits Ilk. a (love, looks Ilka a peach. Fancy Worsteds, blue or black Round or straight cut, very dressy, like all our suits, sewed with silk, trimm ed with good trimmings; It's a corker. WE HAVE. . A few cheaper ones, but we don't rec ommend them; the above are all good values and our best customers may rely on our recommendation. Regular Price. $7.50 17.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 Special Price. $6.40 14.35 9.85 10.15 10.50 Either Black or Blue Clay Worsted. In round or square cut Nothing Is dressier nor more durable than these beauties. 59 Summer Suits These are one or two of a kind, but you only buy one at a time, anyway. This Is your opportunity. Drab and Slate Pin-Checked Casslmeres Of course these suits are always sold at a close margin, yet we save you Sl.60 on each suit. They are the solid kind, reg-ular knockers. Medium Gray Worsted This Is a handsome suit that will be worn greatly this season. Remember that we also allow 1L off on all separate pants, on hats, shoes, trunks, boys' clothing, shirts, ties, etc., etc. Rerular Price. $15.00 12.50 10.00 Special Price. $11.25 7-50 8.40 12.50 10.25 Extra Sizes, 42 to 48 lilaolc worsted., long Australian wool, stylish and durable. Extra Sizes. 42 to 48 Iron gray caaalmere, will stand a lot of wear and looks solid. Extra Sizes, 42 to 48 Dark blue cheviot; what a great suit this really Is! on. never tires of It; It feels so comfortable and wears so splen didly. Black or Gray Frocks, worsteds There's nothing dressier nor richer nothing better made; It's a swell suit. Blue or Black Frocks, cheviots Tou can buy them with your eyes closed; you can't go amiss, It's one of our leaders. We run our store on th. Eastern plan, civil treatment, energetic work and close prices. Rerular Price. $20.00 15.00 17.50 17.50 15.00 Special Price, $16.35 12.85 13.85 14.00 12.50 We Are Not Afraid to Quote Prices We Are Not Afraid to Show Our Goods HERMAN WISE THE LIGHTEST STORE IN TOWN YOU CAN SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING. The Reliable One-Price Clothier ) r ivV 1 V: . i i . . - .1