The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 21, 1896, Image 3

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' 1 T
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Tide Tabic for April, 1896.
WmWeilMy , ,,,,,,
batnr.liiy .
Monday .
Halunlay , , ,
MuuiUy ,,
Thursday .
Ulldua aid Tuna' Ml-Hko4 o. All
Mitt nd Hiylr
Vi hIho nirry a line 1 lie
adit's' mill iiich'k hlim-n, (ruin
t tit licet to tin lowrnl iclialilc
pMiiln. All goodii wurranted
)UHt art t''pr Hiit'i.
JOHN 1 1 A 1 1 N .V: CO..
ITU ('oiiiiiH'irinl Hi r( t.
Try C. II. Mmllh' Vanilla Ice Crun
l( la omthln fln.
Mny la lh lallur. amt ir
lha IiKIimi rh ir1r for fur kli
Marahall'a lln-uMid by 71 par cam
of lha tUharman on tha Columhla rlvar.
Ira rraajn Bntfa. In lanty-lwo dllTaranl
avora a. C. H. mllh'a. I'll a la par
lors far Udlaa.
Ilualnaaa men. It you ant lo Hi up
tour ornro fur lha eomln yaar wlih lha
bal of lallar haa4a, WB . alala
.nl. ale., roll al tha Aalorlan Job sffli-o
hara you will And lha boat of '
n4l aaalartal.
Tta riraann Tmdln l'o., Commari'lai
iraat. la lha plarj to buy your dry
ajooda. rlulhlnt. boaU .! . man' a
nd ladlaa' furnl.hlni ioo.l, HhouM you
waitl an aunilonaar. . rrlaJntan makra
kla offlrw al lha Oraqn TradlriC Co ,
Oo lo Klmora, llajiborn'a offlro and aaa
thalr naar and hnndaoma Iwtrw taaUna
Mrhlna. Taka aluniT aama af tha Iwlnao
-a rood aa Marahall'a." In your pockn.
ltd laal lham. Than aaa how jnuuh mora
Manhall'a will tiaad.' ll" mnriayla yuur
atorkal and Bk la yoar nal to find oul.
A romlnnt alambial wwn aaya: "My
family hava uwd naarlf a vary brand of
Haaf, Iron and Wln mada, and ara aal
laflad thnt tha preparation mada by lha
Kalaa-4'raln lru( Co. ta lha moal palaia
bal and nuirllloua of any I hey hava avar
Uaad. If you ara run Jun and need
tonlo, you ahould uea It.
10 M ran la you ran aura an eirel
tent well-aarvel mnl at lha lion Ton
ttaataurant. No. 171 t'omm'rrial atraei.
They ara aleo fully praparad to wrva
II klnda of neh. im and dfllilra of
lha aeaapn. a well aa oyatara in every
Imadnalile atyla al I ha laweal lln
auiraa. Com on nod you will on
Unue to ronia.
Moat aoralled "ealmon twin" ara col
ored with aolda. Tha arlda rot lha flhra
ami render the malarial uaeleaa. In the
olTIr of Ktmore. Hanlwrn a Co. ta an ob
ject lea eon thai ouht to be axamtlKd by
all fleherinrn. It la-(ha whole of tha
malarial uaeil In tha manufacture it Mar
ahall'a Iwlne from atari lo Anleh. H)
there and eiamliw lha -rolur rinhl
throuch. You will aaa then why Mar
ahall'a la railed tho beat In lha world.
rharlea WtrkkaJa'a aaloon on Heventh
treet. tha well known and popular ra
anrl In the llowery. atlll maJnlaJna lia
revuiailon. Mr. Wlrkkala la an ine
rlnnced man In bla Una of bualneaa and
heia on hand only tha beet gradea of
wlnaa, llituora and rliara. 1'oooTt every
ovanliur furnlahea amueemant for vlait
ora, and I'rofreeor r)chwala, tha wall
known iilanlet, la maklnK tha munlo one
of tha feature of tha plaoa. fall and
brine your friend with you.
notick ran uids
Notice la hrrnby ctvrn that aoalo.l blila
will lw recolvrd by tha County Court of
Clnl nip tounly. unul Monday, Mny lih.
IWi. ax ii. o'otouk a m., lor Ute muJnlaJn
Irar and opo rutin of a alram ferry acroea
outuf a rlvur from tho county rond and
ln nt l'mrcrtt' t'olnt. In Hno. SO, Tp. I
N.. K. I W . to Caae'a AalorU. for one
or morn year. All Wilder will le rc
qulrnl to elate the ell, lonnuffl and
horae power of Imnl, numlr of trip, to
be maliilnlnd each duy, rale f ferrlnue
to Ihi charirnl, and any oilier Information
In rvaiard to aalalillehlne; and maintain
Inar u"h ferry. Kor further Informullun
and dclnll apnllcatlon ehoulil be made
to J. II. P. 'Ir.iy. County JikIitk. Ail
lilil to Ihi lmloied "I'ropoanl !or Terry
Acnm YounK'a Hlver."
The rlitht to reject any nnd all Mdi
la hereby reserved.
Iiy order of the County Court.
Aetorla, Orrun, April 10th. IKM.
K. I. DUN11AK.
County Cleric.
The followlritf Sinelulnied letter were
dvertliaad nt the Adorlu pomollU-o on
April M, 18M:
.'row, Max.
Coullak, Mr. Ileaele.
KlKliner ft Johnaon.
Iluthe. Illrdeno, K.
)Hcohen, Cliorlea (I)
Murllii, J.
Nlleon, Anna.
Hobliln. Henry O,
Krlckaon, Kmll.
ilraen, John. ! 1
Hunter, frank L,
Johnaon, J. H.
Newmajv J.
Itoblneon, Krmk.
Bmurt, H. A.
Turtle, Mint Ma (3
Wallace, J. !. M. D. Wrliiht, Mr. C. A.
l'ureona calling for any of the above
letter will pleaao uy "advertlaed." Ad
ditional pontage of one rent for each
letter advertlaed I churned.
Tho beart aalv n tho world foi Cut
Urulae. Bora, t'lcera, Halt Hheuni.
Fever Borea, Tetter, Chapped Hnnde,
Chilblain. Con., and All Hkln Krup
tluna, and positively ourea Pllea, or no
pay required. It la guaranteed to give
perfect aatlefaotlon, or money rehinded.
Prloe. IS cent Per box. For le by
Chaa. Roger. Odd Fallowa' building....
f Thoea
mora It
uail U
Thoet men' 41.00 ihoea that fit
perfectly, wear a they ahould.
olid, honeet leather, and
lowly priced than you are
ataJng uch ahoa.
For tha beat oif commarolai Job print
ing call at tho Vetorlan- Job ofllca.
i lill Tuesday' "kv XL . Bsar IN MiNDNot one of the host of counterfeit! and imita-
MlW WaTsM,
A, M. ! I'. Mi j A. M. I I'. H.
ii. 111. 1 (1. ! 1 1 11. ii. in. 1 n. i'ii. in. 11.
1 if 8 II. .'I 8 fsl : 7.1 II 114 0 7 ( 'll ii
u h m 11. 0 j 4 m ! 114 10 : 11 r to mi n:i
:i 4 "11 n it n f.11 1 a. 7 n :u n.i it 16 .h
4 0 IH N O 1 7 ill ! (1.7 I) 4'j 11.2
a n U7 7 n i h 44 ft 0 4ft n.v I im o.a
(I 7 44 7.H ! II 44 II 4 2 W H.H 8 II II
7 H AH 7. a I 10 W II. I) 8 H4 H.4 8 6ft 0.7
H ll) IX) 7.1 II (ll 7.J 4 11 a. 8 4 41 (1.8
0 ii) Aj 7. a ll ao 7 ft ft 17 :.o a is i.i
HI 11 M 7,'i i 5 Ml I S B 4H l.'i
II (I (in 7.7 0 14 7.8 (I n 11 o at 14
la uaf) 8 0 oni 7. a oiw o.s 47 1.7
III 0 &i 8. a 1 :ft 7.0 7 ai o. 7 10 a 0
14 1 1(1 8 4 a 00 8 H 7 W 0 8 : 7 84 a 8
1ft 1 4A 8.4 3 40 A O 8 Ti 0 2 8 01 a. A
IH a 17 B.o XI IM 1 8 07 0.1 8 8 a.7
17 a M 8.4 4 HI 7. a w ;mi 0.1 W 10 H I
18 .1 8ft "... A 118 (1.0 , 10 UA 0.1 10 01 3 4
III 4 il 7.V A II 9.1) : II i7 0 4 1 11 la . 8 A
ao ft no 7. a 7 ai a i i o 8A o 8 !
21 A 47 7.4 H aa 0.8 I 0 7 I 0 ; I 47 0 7
SI 8 n.1 7 4 W 1ft 7 .1 3 17 8 .0 3 M 0 7
n 9 lit 7.5 10 04 7.7 1 8 U8 2 1 1 8 4M 0.8
24 10 20 7 8 10 AO H 3 4 VI 1.2 . 4 U o.M
2A 11 a4 HI 11 81 H.7 j A 14 0.4 A 'Ml ! U.H
Jfl 0 17 8 3 0 02 0 4 A 14 12
27 0 Ii .l I 07 8.1 1 0 81 11 , A fA ; A
28 0 W tt.4 Ifttl 70 788 . ft i 7 HH j 111
:D 1 lift 11.4 2 4H 7 A 8 31 I. A 8 21 3.4
"0 2 IU 0.2 8 42 7.1 0 13 1.8 j V 08 ! 2.8
Movamenlael Veeaelaal Mortia
nil KlMwiivt-w.
The elfjm launch Milk Mnld la on Ilia
wnya al tha !il-lly Iron Murk Ululrr-
aollul ellKllt rrpalra
The arow Maud arrived ilown from
Vouua e river yeeterdny wllh a load of
pulp fur irron City.
The Ainrrlian bark IU- llorianaa leave
up the rlvir today for Hkamokuaa. where
In- a III load lumber fur rlhaiiahnl.
Th lender Columbine ealled i'.elefiliiy
for W lllupa harliur, where alio will l.e
elisuinl tor ecveral day replu. I at buu.
The Menauiilia IM yael-rlay fur
I 'nte lllaiieo to replace liuoyi and .lellver
euppllea Chief I'd rk 'Urker le alxxinl,
and will Uwpecl all atalluiu hoi ween the
CeM and Ilio ColumMa river.
The llrlil.h ehlp FuIwikmI. now an route
lo Ihi port wl'h a rario of rallr-jad Iron.
la In conimaml of Captain l-ewl, who
waa here In l In lb little bark liui
ford, which I now lying In the uream.
The lamr Hiiuat yeelor.Uy landed
thirteen of the Mtwienn Chlmtraim who
amlravored lo atop at Aetorla. the other
an being returned 13 lha land from
wiiene they oame. Mho aba) dlarbaryed
luw mala of rlre and alwui TO ion of
general merchandl, leaving up In lha
after noun.
Tha ateamer Krnplre arrived from Kan
rranlero Hunday morning. Amotva: her
freight wrra eeveruj erataa of nierchan
dlaa for "r. Ilruno." Woculor If ,1 I
old frank, tha man who at one lime waa
worth theuannda, and who now I planied
where tho dallra grow?
" Tha ! earner gueea arrived yeelerday
morning from San rnuirto, with Urt
paaeenger and freight llala. Khe had a
large numlier u( peeener, maoy of
whom were for thia port. Arwuig the
merchant who received frel.hl are John
Kopu, Koanl A Hiukea Co . Kua. Mlagln
Co.. C. M Cullrtrlh. rleh.-r Uroa., A.
V, Allen, and Die u. It. and N. Co. A
large quantity of fruit rame up for Ae
torla buelneaemen about twenty lone
lha other freiaht coneleilng of lui
Ion Tlia gueen left up In the after
The following la from the Colinlal of
April It, and rt kum lUhl on the re-
I iwrted wreck; better received here by
llw Itanuli ImlliMle that another wrrcg
ha occurred vory recently In the neigh
burhood of Ih north end of Vancouver
lelonil, lluiugh tha litenttty of the on for
lunula crnfl la not yet eelnbllehed The
wreckage, from II le and general char
ai ler. Indicate mlehap lo eome big vee
eel. anil from the fact thai large quan
lllle of lumber und lathe have leen
waehrd up on the brarhre nt the eouth
end Of Calvert Inland and along the
allure of Kill ' Hugh aound nlnioat a
far a Klvera Inlet, tha realdent of thoa
pnrta have come lo the roncluel-in that
aotne veaael of the lumtier flri'l haa lieen
wrecked outalde. Tha only clue to I lie
Identity of lha unlucky craft la found
In the word "ileneva." branded In the
plecra of tlmlier that have come aahore
and a none of the lumlx'r Meet hrur
thl appellation the word throw little or
no light on the myntrry. The only
"Denrva" known locally I the eealer of
Urn I name owned by Hall. ()ociel A Co.
and he la at prvecnt eni'e In .'apaneu
watrni. Mr. Jamra Codvllle, of Kill
Hugh aound, In writing on the Kuh)ccl
of the aiipiioaed wreck, rncloalng a rough
ekctch of a Hrtlon of the merited tim
ber, which mny lie eeen al the Colo
nial ofnee, aay: "The whole of the
conal I littered with lumlier, lath, etc ,
ami the wrecknge of eome large nnd
exiM'iiHlva crnft, aa thu tlmhera come In
here wllh large bra bolt In them, one
Inch diameter und eight Inchr long; ulno
a piece of black ali with win cupper
null, over eight Inche ni,g by onr
quarter Inch In diameter, .he mime
"ilenovn" being flumped therein wllh
a hot aliimp the let tern are one Inch
long and the place of timber look Ilk
the encluaed aketch." On the 17th Innl.
the pnM'r any: Since the publication
of the letter from Mr. Jamet Coilvllle, of
Kit HiiKh eouml. In the l'olonl-.l .venter
day morning, there tin been much pecu
Inllon an to tho Identity of ha wreckage
aiippnetd to have hern found. Only one
veaael other than tho Victoria eealer la
known on the coanl by the name Ileneva.
and It Ih thouirht probable, contrary to
the nilveree opinion entertained In Ban
KrnnclBoo, that ahe la the unfortunate
craft. The vram-l I a Imikcntlno of 471
ton rcglMcr, nnd I owned by Matthew
Turner, of Sun KrnncHco. Hhe la said
to have loaded lumber on the Mound for
Kalinliil. Hawaii, aomu time ago, nnd
Ban Frani'litco ailylcu iluo thai he
reported at Kahuliil on the 9th lilt. Not
wllhatnmlliig this, however, a mlHtak, It
I bi lleviil, nnnit have been made nnd
thejdeneva, leaving that port for San
FnmclBco, her next Inteded iiort of call,
on about March S, In command of Captain
PnulHon, muac have mt nn awful fate,
her remain drifting with the etrong
northerly current to where they have
recently been found. ......
Pure blood meant good health. De
Witt' Rareaparllla purine the blood,
curfi Eruption. Kcierno, Borofula, and
all dleaea arising from Impura blood.
Chaa Rogera. "
The annual meeting of the stockholder
of the Aetorla Iron Work will be held
nt their olllce on Friday, May 1, INIKi,
nt 7 p. m., for the punioee nt electing
director for the ensuing year and the
transaction of audi business na mny
riroiHH lj coma before the meotlng.
Tly order of the Tlonrd of Director.
JOHN FOX. President.
Attet: O. B. PHAEU Sec,
Astoria, Or., April 2U, im.
All cock 7q
The lecture on "Crime and Criminals," -TTlIIVJI o piaster 2
"Crimes and Criminals," April 28th, at V 'ons is aa grooo. as me Benuine. ; y
K liter Coiiiiniviliiii Define Iti I'iI
t Inn on Hyilrnntn In I'luln
si'iciAi. Mi:i:ii.(i was in i.i)
Cumaaalcallui rroai Ike tliy Coaacll ii.
acred I So laccriali U(ie
OUtrlliitlni Systtai H Nut
Tct fktl Accepted.
At a epeclul meeting of tha water com
mlaaluu Iwld laat night, some very In
trreatlng proreedlnga were had.
Knglnaer Adiinu wa Instructed to dl
liena with tha laying of lp on Franklin
avenue to Hlxth 'street for th present,
providing aullabla agreemrnt rould b
made with Ih contractor. A communi
cation wa read from M.r hYhulftcId
A llauke, fur Vermlaaton to use th hy
drant for elulclng down and grading a
lut. The permission will lie granted, aa
an op. rlim nt, after the i ommllou have
accepird Ihe dlsirlhutlon systern. A cer
llllcate wa received and accepted ap
proving the completion of work dona
by I'aqurl A K liner, and seven per cent
of the remaining ten per cent order d i
paid. I
The follow lug rurreaponuVnve tin pass- '
ed helwctn Ihe water ruiiiinlssiun and i
the city council upon the ubjet of the '
usu of fire hydrants: ,
Astoria, fin-xon. A nrlj th,
HuH.rlneielent Clly Water Works, As
toria, Oregon.
I enr Mir: I am Informed that on
Thuisiluy lust, wh."i I'nloii lloae t.'om
pany was placed In ai tUe service. In the
eel elal of Ihe clly, you turned ihe
er off from Ihe nmln, so that they were
unable tu gel water from tho hydrants In
thai part uf Ihe city, and that, In so !
doing, you were acting under Instruction
from Hie water roninihMlon. Kindly In- I .
form me If such Is Ihe raae. i
I am also Informed that you have In- commissioner 10 employ all agents, and
eirui lions from sai l commission lo pre- I muke all rules and regulation for the
vent ihe use of the hydrant by the clly. management of Ihe water work, and to
for fir or other purpose, until the met- celalillah rates, provided that Ihe rate to
Irr of compensation by Ih clly, lor ho paid by the city I to he determined
water, shall have been adjusted. Kindly I by both commission and council. In addl
Inform me If such are your Instruct lona, I Hon to all thla there are many extensions
and If not. what your Instruction are j lo be made or will be needed during the
upon that euhject next twelve month. Old pip between
Also, please Inform me If Ihe water la Ihe city and Burnable Hill ahould be lak
lurtied on to tha hydrant, ao that they 1 en up and cleaned In order to preserve
ran ba uaed In com of fir. It. Old reeervolr la unfinished. The are
A prompt answer lo thla communlca- !
Hon la requested
Awaiting your answer, I in,
Very Rrapectriilly,
Mayor of Astoria.
Office Water Commission,
Astoria, April Hi, Its.
To the Honorable Myor and Common
Council of Ihe city of Astoria: I
Gentlemen: The communications of Ihe j
mayor and auditor have hen laid before !
Ihe commission In reply the commie-
elon has directed Ihe following answer '
lo Im made: i
The distribution system has not been
completed: neither haa It been turned
over by the contractors or cerlllrd lo by
Ihe engineer. The superintendent nnd
fins committee have tie.-n requested not !
to handle Ihe hydrants until they shall
tie turned over to the city. It la eiperted
that the works will lie ao far completed '
by May let thai water may lie fumahed
for fire purpoec.
It Is mode the duly of the rommbslon .
to estimate at Ihe beginning of the year !
tha amount necessary to pay Interest on
the three hundred thousand dollars
bonds, the operating gienca and cost '
of extension for the new year.
It was tipKised thai at lessi fjx) per ;
annum would be willingly paid out of the ;
clly treasury toward the maintenance
of Ihe water work In consideration of
the facilities lurnlslird for 'Im pror.r- ,
Hon. It la conceded by all thai the fa- i
clllile for flreproie-tlou will be much ,
greater than under the old lire engine ,
It I estlmilrd that the rrducilm In
cost of Ihe lire depitmeni will lie more
than Ihe .'- asked, ao after paving
that sum Ihe fust to the city would still .
be cheaper than before.
Ureal additional cost has been Incurred
In Ihe const run Ion of Ihe works so that
they would afford effiM-'.lve fire protec- '
lion. The large line on Jerome avenue i
Is only one Instance of the extra expense. ;
There are very few consumers cn thnt I
line, very lew ciuee can so neuriy ai- j on,r Poh h(U1 tukta ce ot ,he re
penee with Hre engine aa con Ihe clly i bu. i. i. , ihous-ht an inouest
of Astoria when the work shall be com-
Jdeled. This Is a matter not always con-
sldered, when It Is eald that some city
dors not pay out Its general funds for
the suiKrl of Ihe system.
Ho efficient will lie the Astoria system
that It la expectiHl the Are Insurance
rates will tie reduced to the henellt of
the property holder.
Where private "consumpllon is so great
that a small rule will pay the Interest
ami rxM-nses, ll perhaps Is proper for
the expense to be borne by the consum
ers; further, the city rilghl derive a
profit from the works, but when thin
method liecomes cxccsUae nnd burden
some It should be divided with nnd shar
ed by the tax pnyerK. The commission
dnea not think the expense of Improve-
mtnts made for I he fu'.ure, or of works 1
made especially for fire purposes should I
he home rutin ly by private consumers.
The commission has been cited to some
cities on the roast w here It Is alien. xl the
general funds contribute nothing for the
public use of water.
Moscow was named, In whl'h n sum
equal to fc per annum per hydrant Is j
niii, niNi jfi iiie iiuiuiy rnie, rami miu
oset Included Is only to dollars n
against two and a h.ilf In Astoria.
The commission thinks the expense in
Astoria on the private consumer Is too j
blKh nnd will be for
year or l wo. to :
lulnilt of free use of water for lire pur- I
poses. Portland, cited by your commit- !
tee, chaws a family rate of fifty cents: j
Astoria one dollar .mil fifty cents. Hut
Pol l land has not such servh e ns As
toria. It cannot so Ken-rally dispense
with steamers. It p-tys for private hy
drants. Tim council out of Ihe general
funds furnished, puts In nnd maintain
nil of the city hydrants. The commission
In Astoria ha furnlih.-d and Is pulling
In tho hydrants at the expense of the
water funds. If Astoria rould furnish
water at fifty rents family rate, there
Would not he Ihe same reason for asking
Id from the council. In Portland, how
ever, tha commission Is not satisfied and
charges the city every month, although
not yet able lo collect. In Pendleton
the receipts fall to meet the disburse
ments, and the deficit Is made up direct
ly or Indirectly from other than water
fund. Tncoma, Seattle, Halt Lake and
Sacramento have much less family rates
than Astoria. Some of them, perhaps
none, can dispense with fire englnna, but
sufficient data for a full understanding
of the working of the cysteine In these
cities are now at hand, to as to allow a
fair comparison with Astora.
Section 17J. City Charter, empowers the
l I J' . J
lessnsas'wsaassaM " im wssvi"1'''ei.'1"''' a"iewiia'win.ft'ei
I l" I f 1 .'HI. 1l1VaV'"afrT-agn t, ft -gfrft r --- dri , M J
for Infants and Children,
THIKTT yee, re eleareatlew of Cmiiwri with the fmtmmm -f
slUIewe f yreame, wrmll wa le eyeak of H wdthaw 4 gaaaalwg.
It i waw 4eaiaMy tlto Vae 4 r aaaaly far Iafqjta aa CMduratl
tlu wartl hae Tea, fcaaarm. aaramUaa. Call.r Dae It It
arfy la With. Tl aril aeT tkMr Ht . la 14 Mat are aara
seaaatlijaia; waioh la aVeeJately aafa aad yrfjJly yarf aa-l aa a
oVilaa aaaaiala.
CaaWta eloj fm
Caatrla a Hays rerarlaha.
CaaWta Wfeaaile w ItJaf taw r CardL
Ca4ayU aw Plarraeaa aaa Wlad Celie,
CaaWla rallaewe TaotMxi; TrawbUa,
Caatrla ewraa CurMpattaaj aid rlatwlamey.
Caetorla awfarajbaaa tlsa aaTaeta af earVawle aela! gaa ar reHaowawa aly,
Caalerla aoaa aet OCTtala aagypblae, etkar aarcatle yreperly,
Caatera aaatjallataa tae food, ragwlatas tha ataaaqca an bewala
artpg; healthy aaj aatwral al y.
Caaterlaja fmt wy la a-eiaa nortUe amly. It ta mat aold la helh.
DraH s'len atiraaa i aaD yea anytalag elaa tha ml or preasiaa
that It ia "Jnt aa geea " aad " will aaewar aver pnrpwe."
tea that yaw ret C-A-t-T-O-8-I-A.
Tha fa-rfaJJ
eigne tor
Children Cry for
eome of the reasons that raua in com
mission to think th rlty council should
contribute toward th maltuenanoa of
; Ihe water system.
Th commissioners would be pleased to
i meet Ihe member of Ihe eouncl) and tha
j honorable mayor Informally at any con
I venlent lime before May 1st to consider
1 the matter of rate and tha use of water
by the fir department.
Keapeclfully yours,
W. W. PARKER, President.
II. O. VanDusen. Secretary.
Veteran of the Cayuse War Burned
Alive Near Seaside.
Sunday evening N. A. Kber-nan. an old
rvslcV-nt rf tM oaunty. w burned
alive at this home near Seaside. The
helpless condition of the unfortnnste msn
makes the affair the eaddrr. Mr. Fiber
man, for the past nve or lx year, had
been paralysed, and he waa as helpless
as an Infant. Sunday evening Mrs. Eber
roon and her two daughters left the res
idence to attend church, leaving the old
gentleman alone. When they returned
the house was In ashes. In which the
charred rem sine of the husband ajid
father were burled.
About II o'clock some neighbors by, saw
flamca Issuing from the building, and
Immediately gave the alarm. A the
house I situated some distance from
other habitations. It was some time be
fore a rescuing party reached the cene.
The party was too late, however, for lha
fire demon had completed hi awful
work, and the blackened corpse only was
to be seen amongst the ashee.
Of course It will never be known how
the conflSKrullon occurred, but every In
dication points to a lamp exrdosljn. Mr.
Kuerman was In bed at the time the fire
started, and. being unable to help him
self, wa forced to watch tho flame
creep up to him. HI terrible suffering
ran better be imagined :han told. Cor-
wm h held
Slm.n A. Elierman wa horn In Henrv
i county, Tenn.. December S, 1S2I, and
started for Oregon In January. 1MJ.
I arriving In October of the same year. He
located near Bklpanon, where be has
i since resided. At the outbreak of the
j Cayuse war he enlisted a a volunteer,
' nnd served throughout the hostilities aa
a scout, acquitting himself with bravery.
; Knrly In the 'Ws he married Miss Em
ma llcbaon, a sister of Hon. John Hob
; son. ex collector of customs of this port.
I lie leaves eleven children to mourn hla
, loss. They are: Mas. Fannie Austin,
j William. Phllo. nirhnrd. Willis. Kate,
I lliirrlll, OeorKa, Nlman, Mamie and Nellie
! Kberman. Mr. Kbecmin wns a member
of the Indian War Veteran 8oclety, of
this rountv
undor whose auaioras the I
funeral will take place. The interment
will occur at 1 o'clock this afternoon from
the church on Clatsop Plains, and the
remains will be laid to rest In Clatsop
Cemetery. The Seaside train will make
two trips today for the accommoda
tion of those wishing to attend the ser-
vices. Friends of the family are Invited
to niienu.
Are you looking for real excellence?
lla Mt.M nn.l .- ll 1 l . . ' T.
d". ''vma
Civet We shnll have
Master Weathercock?
your company,
Weathercock -Wlth all my heart, for I
love good cheer. London Prodigal.
. Breakfast.
Wheatlets with Cream and Sugar.
Omelet, with Fresh Tomatoes.
Codfish Cakes. Fried Pork.
Potato Balls,
i Luncheon.
. I Golden Buck.
Beef 8tew, with Dumplings.
Salad, Hard and Boiled Eggs.
Strawberries, Cheesecakes
Oysters, i
Puree, of Leeks, i
Salted Cod a ta Mattre d'Hotel.
Potatoes, Mashed and Baked,
nrolled Spring Chick w.
Tlmbale of Macaroni a la Mllanalse.
Roast Hlndquarter I-amb, Mint Sauce.
I Toaaat Mnyonnalta.
' BaJftrl Cuetnrd. -Engllih
Sheese. '
t- poffee. .
ii aw era
Pitcher's Castorla.
Try Before
You Trust...
Though you'll appreciate the
the (act that the place
to get your
Spring Dress
U at
There are mo-e, men who have missed
opportunities than there .ire who tave
lacked opportunities. La Beaumellla.
Shoppers were out in force yesterday.
Look at Herman Wise's Prbx List In
today's Asturian.
Mr. O. H. McKensle, of Portland. Is at
the Holt I Astoria.
Mrs. C. O. Roberts, of Portland. Is vis
iting friends in this city-
Messrs. E. A. Beeley and O. M. Resser.
of Portland, are at the Occident
regular communication of Temple
Lodge, No. 7, A. F.and A. M , this even
ing. W. W. Corey went to Camp N. 1 to
see how affairs were progressing there
It Is said that If some Astori.ins were
to have all there la, they would banker
after more.
The Aatorla Box Factory Is turning out
aome enormous timbers for John Kopp'a
new brewery.
Mr. Thomas Boyle has moved his log
ging camp on the Walluskl to a position
near Westport.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Natterslad, of
Gray's River, were in the city yesterday,
guests at the Astoria.
If you want a flrst-claaa meal cooked by
the beat cooks In Astoria, call at the
lion Ton. Meals from IS cents up.
No matter how bad the husband may
be. the true wife -vlll never let any one
say a word against him In her presence.
Country houses are being put In order
and tents on the beach are figuring large
ly In the plans of Astorulns for the sum
mer. Miss Pearl Hoi Jon, who has been vls-
H'ng Miss Maude Spedden. of r?an Jose.
I cut., returned on the steamer Vlueeo yes-
"Blind Josio" Is sure to moke you
laugh, and entertain you In every way.
Next Friday niptu, at the Congrega
tional chucrh.
Miss Bessie Rutter, who haa been vis
iting In Astoria for several weeks, re
turned to her home In Portland on the
Untscrt Sunday evening. ,
The newest sleeves have flaring turn
over cuffs of velvet, slashed up the out
side of the arm. The last ruffles under
the cuffs arc long and full In the slash-
' Ing.
Sunday was an Ideal summer day,
knocking Into the middle of next week
that old aduge which sets forth that. If
rain falls on Easter, like weather will
prevail on the seven following 8undays.
Messrs. McQregor and NorwiUe.' who
recelntly purchased Block 31, Adair's As
toria, from the First Presbyterian church,
ot Portland, have men and teams at work
grading the tract, which wtile placed
upon the market In a few days:
Several enterprising residents of East
Astoria are setting an excellent example
by cleaning the streets In front of their
respective dwellings. East Astoria la
ages ahead of Centra Astoria when It
comes down to clean streets and pretty
The 8unday levenfng chorul service
at Grace Church waa a source of great
enjoyment to all who were present. The
choir did some excellent work, and the
earnest address by the rector emphasis
ing the Easter thoughts for the week,
rounded out a most beautiful service.
Standing room was at a premium at
the M. E. church lost Sunday night. At
the morning service Rev. B. J. Hoadley.
of Portland University, preached a
thoughtful sermon on "The Sea Is His."
Ninety-seven communicants received the
sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The
pastor reports thirty-three additions to
I the membership of the church since his
appointment to the pastorate of the
Everybody smiled ytrdy-depot. j
fsiok at Herman Wise's Price List ,'n
today' Aslorlan.
John Hell nnd Mary Amda ware granted
a mnrrlMgs license by C'oun'y Clerk Dun-
lar yesterday. I
Mrs. Hobaon, who ha been visiting In
California, returned yeit-rdy on th
steamer Queen.
Messrs. David M. Dunne and Charlea
Hitler, of Portland, returned yesterday
from a visit to Heaslde and left for home
on Ih Telephone In th ev-nin.
Th popular doctor of the club Sunday
afternoon for the flrat time view
ed lha new reeervolr. lie wa much
plea sad with the fine ifium of water
works now In th possession of Astoria,
It was reported yesterday that one of
Roes, Hlgglne A Co.' tea ma ran away,
hut a only half a dosao eggs were brok
en, 11 It la damage was dona. No doubt
the horae became friaky irom tha (fleet
of tb fine weather.
The Hotel Astoria, ta whijb extensive
Improvements ale being made, will be
attired In Its new dress on or about May
L Mr. Cole says he will not spare ex
pense to make the hotel a credit to Ihe
future metropolis of the Northwest.
Sunday afternoon the residents of Un
ion town watched with loierest a race
between several new fishing boats which
were being tried for the first time. The
day was fine, with a spanking breese,
and the eight w as Indeed a fine one.
Yesterday afternoon the remalna of a
large whale were washed ashore on the
beach St Seaside. The head and blubber
were partially gone, but tha trunk of Ihe
body measured about forty feet. The
sight attracted many people to the beach.
A gentleman came In from the country
hand and arm, tha result of blood poison
ing irora uanuiiiia aim ihmi. mt. -uuvu
found It ncceaaary to amputate two fin
gers. The tittle eon of Mr. Win. Welden,
Knappton, fell off the porch of the fam
ily residence Sunday afternoon and broke
his thigh bone. Nick Davfch came over
In his boat for Dr. J. A. Fulton, who
dreeaed tha wounds ot the little fellow
and made his comfortable.
The Salvation Army was to have occu
pied Rescue Hall on Saturday evening,
but as a major In the army wbo was to
pay Astoria a visit has Informed Ihe
local corps that he cannot come. Rescue
club will hold form as of yore. Th com
mittee on program will lease art accord
ingly, and have a program for tlaturday
Sunday afternoon Mr. J. O. I Ian thorn
made a trip with his new yacht, the
"Claude B. Hanthom," to Burnslde Point
and return. The various railroad camps
were visited, and a most pleasant trip
was had. A fine luncheon was served In
the afternoon on tne return trip. Among
Mr. Hanthora'a guests were: Messrs.
Oordon, Patton. Mr. C L. Huston and
wife. Mrs. Megmr. Mtsa .'ewett, Mrs,
Hanthorn, and Mia MuoaoB,
Dr. Estes.' who returned last evening
from Seaside, wh-re be had been called
to attend Mra. Clayton, the sister of
Mr. Eberman, who met with the unfortu
nate accident resulting In the lea of his
lafe, says the whole affair was a most
deplorable one. Mrs. Clayton was com
pletely p rostra ted. ond could only be re
stored to consciousness after much hard
labor. Mr. Eberman leaves another sta
ter, Mrs. D. Hyatt, who Uvea In lows.
Louis Morrell, who was examined In
tha Justice's court Saturday, was bound
over to swalt the action of the grand
Jury, en a charge of Ureny from a
dwelling, hla bonds being flxod In the
aum of 1250. As the grand Jury doe not
meet until September. Morrell will serve
quite a sentence awaiting the pleasure
of the twelve good men and true, wbo
always ssk to 'be discharged, having
completed their labors, probably be
cause they are loaded.
The members of the Astoria Football
Club are advocating a road race In this
city. Heretofore the Idea has not been
considered, but It Is now argued sn ex
cellent run could be made from Duane
street to East Astoria and return. The
scheme seems to meet with general ap
proval, and It will doubtless be considered
at a meeting of the executive committee
ot the A. F. C. which meets this evening.
In all probability a medal will be offered
for the winner.
Quite a party left on the launch Triton
yesterday afternoon for Smith's point,
where the work on the bridge was In
spected. The party was headed by Messrs
George A Barker, and among the passen
gers were Messrs. H. G. VanDusen and
G. C. Fulton. When the launch returned
a party of real estate men. chaperoned
by Messrs. Stuart Bros., took a trip to
Merrlwether Downs. Mr. A. K Ross, a
prominent business man of Seattle, was
among the guests. The day was enjoy
sbly spent by all. - -
Hustler's Astoria
Twentieth St.' and McKee Av6. '
482 Bond
3. tAV!
, rlajT
Cm. .Spot i&w (VL (SMPV.
1 1 111 1 it 1 i
Mr. Georg W. Dyche, of Boston, hi
visiting In the city,
Frank Bloke returned yesterday from
an Eastern bualnes trip.
. m. ...
Thomas Peterson, of John Day, mado
a trip to Ihi city yeater.iuy.
Astoria beats the world nn wetther
when she ones Iskes a start.
Strawberries are plentiful In th market
now, and there la a rumor that price
, will take a drop,
A new gilt sign appeared on Eleventh
street yesterday. Th Inscription reads,
Taylor's Astoria."
Mrs. Wei man Is Improving her lot on
Fifteenth street, and contemplni erect
Ing a residence building there.
tt was reported that a number of
oil ware driven on the south side of
Bond Island Sunday by llwaco trap men.
Don't forget th Oypy Fantala Thurs
day evening. New some, new mu.lo.
new dialogues, new people, sew sunshine.
Mr. Venice, of Warren'.on. died at BU
Mary's Hospital Sunday morning of con
sumption. He was about thirty years of
age and leave a wife and four children.
Of all the spelle that of truth Is tha
atrongest A little shaver said yaalerday
h had not learned anything at school
that day someday there was something
new, and eome days not
Bupt Moen wss up at the reeervolr
Sunday taking snap shot pictures. It
Is said that In one of them he caught
a likeness of a handsome and well known
physician, who was visiting on the hill.
School Directors Fultm and Thompson
visited various schools yesterday after
noon. Quite a compliment was paid Di
rector Fulton by the ittle fellows, who
said be made a fine talk, and they could
understand what he said.
Much artistic work Is appearing on the
windows of various off! -ea and buildings.
Mr. flwope, the artist, has achieved en
viable success. In addition lo other work
he has the contract for the sign paint
ing at Erlcksoo's new building.
Mother John Baptists, and Stater Su
perior Perpatua. of St .dary's Academy.
Portland, are visiting In the city, looking
over locations for the sits of a new
church schoot The Haters will return
In about two weeks, and tt Is expected
that work will commence on the school
this summer.
Carrothersr hall last night could not
hold the crowds which attended the en
tertainment given by the Maccabees. A
splendid literary and musical program
prefaced the address of Deputy Supreme
Commander J. L. Mitchell. He spoke In
eloquent term In the tnterests of the or
der, and after the address, sis new mem
bers were added to the Str Knights, and.
eight to the Ladles' Hive.
DONTT FORGET Ifc sale of fancy ar
ticles which will t held Saturday after
noon by the ladles of the Every Monday
Club In the basement of the Presbyterian
Church. Innumerable articles of moot
beautiful design and endles variety, all
made of paper, wVt be offered. Doors
wlU be opea at 1 o'clock. ale to com
mence at iM. Ice cream, eake and tea.
will be served for a consideration.
Sherman A Thing have spaaed a riding
school next door to Partfle Expreee office. -Competent
instructor sonata n Or In at
tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi
cycles for sale and rent
i -
a R-Hmi. Charare. Thai In a hundred-
j ton gun. '
life depeMs
T " ' a
wholly on the boda power
to repair its loss, that is on
nutrition ' In old age this
power grows less and less.
Hence its weakness and sad
ness. Trifles are burdens.
Ordinary food no longer
nourishes. . Multitudes of
elderly persons find new zest
and vigor through the use
of Cod-liver ,OiL It slips into
the blood and helps to digest
other food. It contains fime
and soda to build up the bones
and correct acidity.
' ase,aadlbaaatsUdrsggists
Is situated on the south r-itle of As
toria's hills
Twenty degrees warmer and vtgeta
tim thirty days in advance of the North
"d""' . ...
Magnificent sites f r iisltltrces. ovt-r-lnokinsi
rivtr and bav, sunnv a;.i shtl
tercil. Easy and natural gradts; littlf or no
grading necessary. 1
Street. :
- V "ri
rAir-iiiiair '
V. I l
h !
1 . t
H i
Hi j
! !
is'. If
i - 5
si .
. M :
. I : ( '
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