The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 19, 1896, Image 1

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TheASTORIAN hit the Itrrnl LOCAL h
FwM.ll far WllMafUi. f4 Of.fMI .
Oittilmil tilt (oUr,
(IrenlttlMi In. larger! Z
tloo. wis lb. !ir(M TOTAL clrc.litlw af '
4 p
p.rj .ublulteii In Attorn.
NO. 91..
f)f iMtepgf f f If ft
Of the Fine Lines of Men's and Boy's Cloth
ing, Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps. Boots and
Shoes. Trunks. Valises, Umbrellas. Blankets,
Quilts, etc., at factory prices for cash, at
one price to all alike.
Do you mvtl Anything in OftitT 8vij''litH, lVttor
Tn-HnfH, Cojtying Iltxkn, InkntHiulH, TtiMcth, Ink. Iilunk, liluu Print, Vitf Hjnkitu, Dt-rk frnvf. lVn
Racko, Typo Writing I'flpiM,
If m -, wt ran HUpi'ly you.
A new lot of IUiyln Crxl '
jtmt received.
Griffin & Reed,
City Book Store.
Such a Never Been
Hardware. Gnnltc Wire. Rope. Stoves. Iron
Pipe. Tern Cotu Pipes. Bir Iron. Steel,
Cannery Supplies. Loners' Tools
At prices tbit defy competition.
Done fcy experienced workmen.
data. Fixture niCoat.
Sol Oppenheimer,
ft. PRF.BMAN, feu sf Prsraan A Hota.s.
Foundrymen, Blacksmiths, Machinists and Boiler Makers.
t fllAnurAbiUKinu unu rtcrAiiuivu
Iroi? and Brass Casting. General Blacksmith Work,
Welch Patent Wheel, Ship Smithing and Steamboat Work,
Cannery and mil Machinery, Marina and Stationary
Boiler Built to Order
ty Specially equipped for Loggers' Work.
Bay Foundry). Phone 78. Correspondence
"Do unto othera aa you would have
othara do unto you," la sympathetically
ahown in tha following line, the pre
emption being that sympathy la born,
or akin to pain or aorrow:
"Oantlaman: Pleaaa aend Krauaa'a
Headache Capaulaa aa followa: Two
bozaa to Flora Seay, Havanna. N. Dak.
Two bozaa to Llllla Wlloox. Brookland,
N. Dak. I hava alwaya baen a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
ulna are tha only thing that relieves
me." Youri vary truly.
Havanna, N. Dak.
For aala by Chaa. Roger., Aatorla, Or.,
aola agent
For the One-Price
Clothiers. Hatters and Furnishers
Hiblnm timl Carl on Piij i..
Offered More In
Gntlnnd Be Convinced
Trustee for M. C. CROSBY.
R. T. EARl.E, tat. of Stookton. Cl
Located on loth and Franklin (Scow
The Bop Lee Clothing Factory and
merchant tailors, at US Bond afreet,
make nnderclothlrur to order. Bulta
and trousers made to fit perfectly.
Every order punctually on time and
aatlafaotlon guaranteed, Good food,
aold cheap. Call and be convlnoed.
Spc'iiul Mictlnii Hchl l.ttsl Kvcntn.j
Cunslilcrol I lie Oucstlun of
Hurlwr Lines.
To I'roiftt the Harbor Liar tad Itc-ctas-lith
I. sea Vkerc tb.aacN Arc lliiig.
laij (.emjiittcc to Ktw
l.tioai la a Tea Day.
At a lal nwiing of the ChHtnln-r
of I Vitnmrrr h Id but urnltiif, three
rr prrnt (J, Wingut,, prr.M.nt; K.
V. Jloldi-n. - rrrtury : M.r. XI. J. Kin
nry. K W. TnlUnt. f v. VnnKtlin, Jit.
KlnU).iii. f. H Wright, J li. OoiMland.
H V IiiuuiUrry. (Ino, Ni.lul,
Oray, and ijultr a nunibrr of d.riirnirn.
I'M sl.loiil W Inaata rull. d upon tha m-i--rrtury
to tul th. olOr t of thr mitlttg,
whlc Ima. tia follow.:
A.lorl.i. nr. April 17th,
Ale, il. WiiiKuir. rrr.i.i. ni of C'hnil-r t f
rommrr.. t'lty:
l'rnr Hir: Wr, ttia urnlrraiiintl. clilgrn.
nf A.ttirtM ami ntrrniMTa of tha Criamtirr
of Cumii'rror. Irl. ng ttiut it la a in. tire
of lnixirtnnr. that tmm.llnt action lxt
takrn by tha ClmmtM-r of t'ommrn-e upon
tlu. guratiuii of thf roiuitrtirtlon of il. h
trupa mi tha aonth aldr of 8nd I .In rut,
r.M-.l fully r,iural yuu to cull a aprclal
mrvtltig of aatd IhI) to b h.-ltl tomorrow
rwnliig to evil. III. r an I'l uumllun.
I1KNJ Vor.S'lJ,
f h WKKitrr.
J II 1 11 It AY,
Aftrr the rc.Jltig of thr rail Judga
tlray aroar. and. for tha Information of
the rhamhre, rrd thr following ratrarta
from tha mrr and hartmr act appravrd
H.(.imil.rr 1. 1W0:
H..'. ; Thut It .hall not tnr Inwftil to
bulla Any hnrf. pirr. dolphin. Iwom,
dnm. wrir, brrakwatrr. btilkhrad, )rtty. ,
or ot'.lriKtlon if any kind, out.ldr ra
lahllahril hnrtair-linra. or In any navlga
Pic wut, re of the l nll.l Htatra whrre
no hartior llnra are or may Ihi aatahllahrd.
without thr (irrmlaalon of thr arcrvUry
of war In any port, roa.lntcl. havrn, hnr
tr. navlKtihlr rlvrr, or olhrr walcra of
ill., t int. J Ntalra, In auch in inure u. ah ill
oloitruct or Inipnlr nmvltntlon, .-ommrei-r,
or aii'-horugr of .,ttd watrra, and It .hall
tiot I. Iiiajful hcr-uftrr to commoner tha
.(iti.tru, Hun of any hrl-ltf. brlihrrdraw,
brliltf.'-iirti., and ahutmcnta. etiuacwuy,
or otlu-r wnrka mvr or In unv ort, road,
rim, Lint. I. huvrtt. hurl.ur. nnvig.ihlr rtv. r,
or naviguhlr antrra of thr I' Htatr.,
under any act nf thr Irglalatlvr aoa..m
bly of any alata. until the loml.m und
plun of auch brlilar or other work, have
bren antimlttrd to and approvrd by Ihr
errrvtiiry of war. or to rxcnv.itr or nil.
or ;i any mannrr to alter or modify thr
coiinM-. location, eoiulltlon. or rapurlty.
of thr rhannrl of auld navlgi'lile i.atrr
of the VnltiMl Rtntra, onleoa njiprovcd und
authorlied by thr arcretary of war.
K,'C. Pi. That Ihr rrvtitton of any ob
atrtictlun. not nrbrmallvrly authorlied by
law, to thr navlgablr rapacity of any -tera.
In rraiwt of which the t'nlted
Stiitea lina urtallctlon. la hrr-tby prohlb
Itrd. Tha cntitlniinncr of any auch ob
atrurtlon. except brldgea. plera, docka
and wh.irvea. and almlliir atructurea
erected for btialnraa purooara, whrthrr
heretofore ahull eonalltutr an
ofTenar and rnrh wrek'a rontlnuiim-r of
any aurh olwtructlon ahall he d.-rmiHl a
arpurnle offrnae. Krry iwraon and every
corporation which ahull br guilty of cre
ating or rontlniiltiK any auch unlawful
nhatrurtlon In Ihla act mentioned, or
who ahull violate Ihr provlalona of thr
lnat four preceding aectlona of thla act.
ahull Ihi KUllty of a mlmlrmi'tinor,
and on conviction thereof ahall tie pun
lahed by a flux not exceeding five thous
and dollani. or by Imprlaonmrnt tin the
mar. of a nMurnl pemonl not exi'eeiling
one year, or by Inith auch punlahmenta.
In tht dlacretlnn pf the court, thr creat
ing or continuing of any unlawful d
aleuctlnn In thla net mentioned may be
pervented And auch ohatructoln muy he
rauard to Ih removed by the Inlunctlon
of any clreitn court rxen-lHltur Jurlailletlon
In any dlatrtrt In whloh atich obatructlin
may be threatened or may ex let: nnd
proper proceeding In equity to lltl. end
may be Inatlluted under the direction of
the attorney general of the I'nlled
Bee. II. That It ahull be thr duty ot
ofUcrea and ngenta having the aupervlalon
on the wrt of thr 1'nllc.l Htatea, of the
worka In progreaa for the preaervallon
and Improvement of wild navU.ihle wa
tera, and, In their iibaenre, of tho 1'nltnl ;
Statea collector of ouHtoma and olhrr rev
enue oftlcrra to enforce the provlslona or
thla act by giving Information to the .
dlatrlrt attorney of tho I'nlted State
for thr dlatrlct In which any vlolitlon
of thla net ahall hnve been commltte. '
An Inlere.tlmc dlacuaalon w u held by ,
thoae preaent, when It wua reaolveil by '
the chamber, to notify the ecoretary of I
war of the neceaalty for protection for
our harbor, and tho re-eatahllahment of
the harbor llnra In raaea where the chan- I
nel la Changing. Iiy vote of the chamber i
tho matter wna referred to the commit
tee on commerce and navigation, together
with the prealdent and eecretary, to pee- j
feet the eeaolutlona und report them tor ,
action at the regular meeting to lie held
next Wednesday. i
Good Program at the Regular Meeting
ust wight
There was an Interesting meeting of
Rescue Club Inst night, at the usual
hour, with nil the ohlcera present except
ing Mlsa lliiHcy, who la III. Mrs. H. T.
Crosby presided at tha piano, and di
rected a lino volunteer choir spiritedly
led by Rev. E. 8. llollngor. The audi
ence, well supplied with the new books.
Joined In the singing, nnd learned several
stirring songs In a surprlalngly rhort
time. Mrs. Crosby has most obligingly
consented to direct the singing of the
club, and Judging by thla drat evening's
work, some splendid music may be ex
pected hereafter. The program consisted
of a selection from Oough, read by Rev.
I. Mccormac, who offered prnyer: hu
morous reading. "Deacon llnrbrrry's
Clock," by Mr. Thoa. Irwin, who received
an encore; recitation, "Paddy the Piper,"
by Mr. H. Vtdatln, so Irresistibly funny
ns to send everybody Into fits of Inughter.
Mr. VUlulIn responded to loud encore
1 with "M'ivIiik the Hlov." inottur qiHl
ly utiiu.liHC and wall ri.ndi.riHl arliHtlon;
I tlila muii IuIIowmI hy a m rutin .nl In
) young turn to nvol'l tutoxlciini titnl li-tid
; .ii iiily. honoralila live. Iy Mr. W.ton,
of Hi.. Holvutlon Army; Mra. Krd and
l.4'Ml-r lluiM-y'd af.m.t llnv iiiiihI''
I on 1 litt violin and ilitno, which wna highly
upprw'luti-d by th. audlfric. N'st vk
I in- Itinrtir Club will have no twtlng.
, hut Kill glvn pliwe to iwmo M-tllly
Int. ri'.llna t'lercltwe by tha Hulvatlon
Tim i.oniniltt" on procrnm for to
wi-.-k. hnr t Mla Anna !(' r. Mr.
W. W'. 1'nrkr, and Mr. U. 8. Andrew..
Intention of the Ownera of a .making
Mchootirr to Bond Her to Aluaka.
Hun Kranrlaco, April 1. Bte .nuoua ef
furia are llng made to keep afloat
the arhooner Honanxa, which la moored
at th Muln atrret pier. The Monanaa
waa recently overhauled on the Merchant
ilrydo. k end tilted out for an Alaaka
trading expedition. A valuable curgo of
u-rlahalile auppllea waa phved In her
hold after (he left the dork, but thr day
tM-forr ahe waa to anil It waa dlarovrred
that the vraael waa leaking. The wot.r
waa rlalng In her at the rote of two
Inehre an hour.
Although a thorough examination of
thr hold ana made, the Irak ould not
lie found, and It waa decided to aend
hit to era anyhow, taking the iak of
getting her to Alaaka aafely rather than
loatng heavily on the cargo by unloading
II and permitting It to apod.
The arhooner waa to have dulled today,
but lata laat night It waa lilacovered
that the leak In thr veaarl'a hull had
widened and water waa pouring In at
the rate of ten Inchea an hour. Thr
Idea of aendlng the achooner to era
waa then abandoned and all rfforta were
centered on keeping her from going to
the bottom.
I 8n Kronrlaoo. April H After two
! yeara' Imprtaonment lMca, MctKnuld. for
merly lcr-prraldrnt of the Pacific liank.
la a fre man. He waa rel-aaed on hla
' own rorognlxnnre today by duer1or
! Judge tlahra. There are atlll ihree more
Indlrtmenta pending again.! MrDonald.
I but It la unlikely they will rauee him
! any trouble.
The Committee Makes I'ine I'riKjress
Kith the Collections.
Sahvriptioa ll-d rractically Assared r.
MdBBinBd Wired to Not Come latil
nutters are Coaiplttcd.
The .pedal coenmlttiv having In charge
the securing and collection .if lubwrlp
tluna for the completion of the depot
alte, la meeting with moet unexpertrd
aurceaa. la a-ea than thtrty-elx Iioura'
time, ail but M of the list of umouit.
ulnMidy autworlbeil. waa collated In caah
by the committee, when they ceaaed
work at o'clock lat everting. During
the day aome of the member of the
committee were engaged In getting the
deeda to property token In ex hunge, and
the d.tsla ta property donated In the rite.
Thr subscription Hit necessary to dose
thr deal Is now practically assured. Laat
night the committee telegraphed to Mr.
Hammond In Portland to delay hla visit
to Astoria until next Tuoaday, o that
they might be able to turn the depot
situ over to him completed In overy de
tail. He then would be in position to go
on at once with the projected work. Mr.
Hammond had Intended to be In Astoria
tonuirrow, but tho committee felt that If
he iiltcd another day or two they would
be utile to close up all final details con
nected with tho transaction. It Is possl
lilr, however, thut he may decide to come
tomorrow anyway.
Wu.ii the hard times prevalent not
only In Astoria, throughout Or-gjn and
tho Kaat, are taken Into consideration,
the record made by thla com ailttee la
Indeed a remurkablo one. It la the usual
rule that upon all popular subscription
Hats, like this one, twenty-five per
cent of thr amounts subscribed are never
colliH'tod. The promptness with which
AalorUns are meeting their obligations
In thr faro of every obstacle, not only
apeaks well for the cltltena themselves,
and shows that each and every one has
made an earnest effort to push forward
tho Intiiruata of the city, but It la evi
dence tlutt the committee In charge of
the depot matter have accomplished their
work upon thorough business princlploa.
New York. April !. The Hnhnemana
Association baa Just celebrated the one
hundredth anniversary ot Hahnemann's
new school of medicine In the Carnegie
Chamber Music Hall. Dr. Martin Desch
er, president of the association, presided.
Among those on the platform were Dr.
Lewis Hallock. Dr. Henry Houghton, Dr.
Henry Dearborn, Dr. C. W. Butler, Dr.
C. P. Macy. Dr. 8. H. Vehslage. Dr. A. Q.
Warner, Dr. T. O. Klnne, of Paterson,
N. J., nnd Dr. William Tod Helmuth.
Dr. Klnne delivered an oration on the
life and works of Dr. Hahnemann. Dr.
William Toil Hnlmuth read a centennial
poem, reviewing the recent discoveries
In medicine, science and art.
Clnlclnnntl, April 18,-Clnclnnatl, 11:
Pittsburg. I.
Louisville, April IS. Louisville, 5; Chi
cago, a.
St. Louis, April 18.-Cleveland. 11: St.
Louis, 4.
I Philadelphia, April 18.-Philadelphia, 11;
I Roston, 1.
Washington, April 18.-New York. 7;
i Washington, (.
llaltlmore, April 18. -Baltimore, (;
Ilrooklyn I.
rhllndelphltv, April 18.-Todny waa the
hottest 18th day of April in the history
of tho weather bureau In -.his slty, the
thermometer registering 93 degrees at
1 1 o'clock this afternoon. There were
I many cases of heat prostration, but none
have as yet proved fatal.
Hiiliiwayo, Matahclcland. Said to Ik
Surrounded by a l.anje IMy
uf Hostile Natives.
Ntie Namhtr akoat I.V'MiO .lea, Vhile
the Troops ire L Tkaa I.immi is
Naaiber Cape of Good Nope
Imporuat to EaijUad.
(Copyrighted, 1K5. by Asaorlatrd Prrea )
London. April U-The latest advices
received from liuluwayo, Matabeleland,
prove twyoKd any doubt that the town Is
In a moat critical situation. It Is sur
rounded In part by a large force of hos
tile Mstabelet, estimated to number from
1Vi to l.tW0, the giriiaon Is not be
lieved to number 1.0M) men all told, and
over one-third of them are either forag
ing, holding strategic positions, tcoutlng,
or trying to keep the roads clear for
the provision and ammunition trains
which are on the way to relieve Hulu
wayo. Praldes, It la reported that a
Urge portion of the remainder of the
garrlaon left Puluwayo yesterday to at
tack the Imbrsu regiment of Matabele.
The announcement made in the nouse
of commons today by Chamberlain that
the government Intended to immediately
strengthen thr garrison In South Africa
haa caused great satisfaction here.
Conservatives are suddenly alive to the
fact that the Cape of Good Hope Is of
vital Importance to Gr it Britain, aa be
ing a sort of half-way houne to India,
the most healthy station, etc., and they
loudly demand that It be convert ?d Into
a military base on a Urge rrale. But
what Is really meant la that ''rest Brit
ain should pr.tara for tar with the
Transvaal without loss of time.
Eva W. Spear, Eight Yeara Old. la Able
to Wander t'p and Down Two and a
Half Octaves.
New Haven. Conn.. April 18. The ex
amination by medical experts of Eva W.
Spear, the eight-year-old daughter of W.
H. Spear, of thla efty. who has attracted
a great deal of attention on account of
a peculiar formation of the throat known
aa a whistling larynx, waa postponed, to
day, aa some of the physldana who de
sire to Investigate the case could not
be present.
Medical men, musical men and several
prominent specialists have asked to be al
lowed to Investigate the case. A well
known mualc teacher states that ahe has
a range In her whistling of two and one
half octaves. The only other case on
tveord hi that of a woman who baa a
range of one and a half octave.
Mr. Spear's daughter can whistle with
her mouth closed, and doea not use her
lips, tongue or cheeks In whistling. She
has had this strange power since sfe
was two years old. and music teachers
believe that she will develop wonderful
ability aa a whistler. The peculiar for
mation of the larynx doea not affect the
child in any way. She haa alwaya been
strong and vigorous.
New York Financier Says There la N
Decided Gain.
New York. April 11-The New Tork
Financier says this week: The atatement
of the associated banks of New Kork
city for the week ending April 18 shows
the net receipts of currency during tke
week from the Interior were lighter than
had been estimated. The actual net
increase In caah holdings In the banks
only amounts to IU5.50Q, and as tt.Mu.000
was sent abroad. It Is evident that the
week's receipts from domestic sources
can barely have exceeded tl.W0.0iO. In
general business circles, the week In
dicated a gain, although not aa percepti
bly at Eastern cities as west of the Mis
souri valley. In that section, and also
In Ralllmore and Pittsburg, there has
been extensive retail buying, and thla has
naturally resulted in a better demand at
wholesale. The general tone of the finan
cial week, however. Indicates .hat there
Is no abatement In the almost universal
disposition to deal with unusual con
servatism and not to anticipate future
General Weaver Tells Them of tho Suc
cess of Oregon Populists.
Denver. April. 18. A meeting of trom
Inent Populists waa held today in which
the situation was discussed. Thomas M.
Patterson presided and Gen. J. B. Wea
ver and H. E. Taubeneck, chairman ot
the national Populist committee, were
present. Gen. Weaver had just come
from Oregon, where he says he believes
the Democrats and Populists will com
bine and carry the state. The general
condition of the Populist party of the
nutlon, nnd the relation It should bear
toward the new silver party, were ills
cussed. Chairman Patterson made a strong; plea
for the amalgamation of all the silver
forces regaxdleaa of party.
Rendered by the Tribunal,
Knlghta of Pythias, In Denver.
Denver. April 18. The supreme tribunal
of tho Knights of Pythias closed a three
doys' session here today. This after
noon they rendered a decision which af
fects hundreds of members throughout
the country. It waa In the case of
Joseph Gavin, who waa expelled from
the Leadvllle lodge, under the law or
1894, excluding gamblers and drunkards
from the order. Gavin appealed on the
ground that he waa a member before
the law was passed. The tribunal sua.
tatned Gavin's (ilea and ordered him
reinstated. Fifty cases In Denver alone
are affected by the decision.
Business Men Urging Democratic Leaders
to est a Good Example.
Albany, N. Y., April 18,-Chalrman
Hinckley's announcement that the Demo
cratic state convention to choose dele-gatea-at-large
to the Chicago convention
will not be held until June 13 or 24, which
has the Indorsement of Senator David
B. Hill, together with a ausDlclon that
the convention will not adopt a dearly I
defined financial plank, has aroused much
opposition from the business Intereata.
Tho huaineaa men say tha convention
should lie called at once and should de
clare umqulvoeally for the gold standard.
In order to counteract the free, silver sen
timent manifested by other states.
There Is a growing feeling that the
flnarvial Issue must not be evaded In fa
vor of Morrlaon, or any other candidate,
auapectrd of silver leanings, and consid
erable pressure Is being brought to bear
upon Senator Hill to exert his Influence
In favor of an earlier convention.
Claimed by Scientists to Be a Cure for
Many Dreaded Diseases.
Chicago, April 10. -Consumption la dead.
Diphtheria waa killed outright Typhoid
was annihilated. Cholera has been stunn
ed for fourteen days. Pneumonia waa
barely able to resume Its work. Anthrax
and glanders escaped with serious In
Jury. Thla Is the bulletin from the laboratory
of Professors Pratt and Wlghtmun, who
announced to the world that the Roent
gen ray la a cure for these diseases. Tha
lust and final, efforts to revive tha ex
pired colonies of germs have left four
stone dead.
The Investigators make this a positive
declaration. They claim that every possi
ble scientific precaution was taken, that
there might be no possible reason for
their own deception. They are convlnoed
of the success of the experiment with the
bacilli in the test tubes. They started
yesterday morning In the laboratory a
new series of trials, which they Insist
will prove or disprove the possible use
of the discovery In actual practice.
Boston, April 11 A week of tourna
ment billiards closed this afternoon with
a four-handed match at 14-Inch balk line,
Schaeffer and Daly playing 'vea and Gar
nler for a purse of W. Scha.-fter and
Daly won by a score of 500 to XS.
Stanford University, April It Stanford
won the Inter-collegiate tennis champion
ship for kM this forenoon. Kreeman and
Plcher represented Stanford. Magee and
Gage appearing for Berkeley.
Interstate Commerce Commissioa sad
Railroads Kill Comhine.
Kailtay Officials to Be Torguea for Ttst
Sias ot I'rofiise Not to Do so Aay
Kure-ViMhisgtoa Dcaisl.
Chicago. April 18. The Evening Post
A m deal U reported to hare been en
tered Into between various railroad or
ganisations throughout the country and
the Interstate commerce commission, un
der which cut rates are 'o become a
thing of the past Millions of dollars are
to be added to the Income of the roads.
Tho commission. It Is laid. Is to drop
all proceedings against the roads for
breeches of the law committed prior to
the rendering of the supreme court's
decision In the Brown case, and, under
tha supposition that legislation protected
the roads and their officials from fur
nishing evidence to convict themselves.
The roads undertake to stop their dis
criminations in favor of the big shippers,
to treat all persons and places olike and
become agents of the commission In en
forcing tha law.
Washington, April 18. A number of
railroad men have called at the Interstate
commerce commission office during the
post week and have talked with the com
missioners regarding the effect of the
recent decision ot the supreme court. In
a general way they said they would en
deavor to assist the commission In Recur-
Ing a compliance with the law, but It Is
denied at the commission that a dejl
was made with them and It is pointed
out that the commission could not so act
If It desired.
Democrats and Populists Combine on a
Full Ticket In Josephine. County.
Grant's Pass, Or., April It Tha Dero
ocrata and Populists of this (Josephine)
county met In Joint convention today,
ami nominated a fusion ticket. The fol
lowing nominations were made:
Representative, W. H. Flannlg-an, Dem
ocrat, shetiff, J. F. Anderson. Democrat:
clerk. N. Reynolds, Populist; school su
perintendent. J. D. Hayes, Populist: as
sessor, A. N. Cox. Populist: treasurer,
James Clover, Democrat; commissioner.
R. P. George, Democrat: surveyor, H. C.
Perkins, Populist: coroner, Dr. W. F.
Kremer, Democrat.
Llverpool, April 18. Wheat 8pot, firm;
No. 2 red winter. 5s Sd: No. 1 red spring,
stocks exhausted: No. 1 hard Manitoba,
5a !h1: No. 1 California, 5s 7d.
Hops Pacific coast, 1 15a.
Portland, April IS. Wheat Valley, 60;
Walla Walla, 57058.
Tho Hotel Savoy In New York plumes
Itself on the possession ot the largest
mirror In the world. Only two steam
ships on the ocean, one of them the
Friesland, In whl?h it came, have room
In their holds to stow away such a large
package. It Is a little more than thir
teen feet square, and Is nearly half an
inch thick. To get this perfect plate
Ave different glasses had to be cast. It
was made at the 8t. Gibian GlassworlTs
In Paris, and Is so far Its chef d'ouvre
In that direction.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Govt Report
Adsomjtely pure
While in a Pit of Temporary Insaaltjr
a Wallace, Idaho, Man' Com
mits aa Awful Deed.
After tke Criaie He Gave His Bify to Ris
wife nd Fled, kit was Captared
by Officers Was Twice la
lisue Asylin.
Wallace, Idaho, April IS. -J. K. Terry
killed hla mother with hatchet this
morning, presumably In a At ot Insanity.
The family, consisting of father, another,
wife, and the baby of tha murderer, ar
rived from Tekoa Thursday. There were
no eyewitnesses to tha karri Ma affair.
Henry Ellers, a milkman, met Mrs. Perry
Jr., on tbs street this morning. She told
him they wanted some milk at the house.
As he approached tho house of tbs young
man, his mother went Inside. Ellers
knocked at tbs front door, and raw tha
mother start to come, when tho sos
caught her, and struggled with her for
an Instant He then knocked her down,
and approaching with a hatchet, ordered
Ellers to leave. This he did and tried to
get aome one to help him make tbs
young man quit beating the woman.
Before help waa found tha bloody work
waa done and th emurderer had fled.
After striking the gray-haired woman
Ave times with the edge of the hatchet,
blood and brains flowing through each
wound, Perry picked up the baby, walked
quietly out doors, met his wife, handed
her the baby and fled.
The wife had no suspicion of anything
wrong until she entered tha house and
went back Into the kitchen, where her
mother-in-law lay In the door with her
head chopped Into pieces. As soon as
the alarm was given Sheriff Sac and
City Marshal Rose started In pursuit
They overtook their man about a mile
down the road towards Osburn. He Im
mediately drew the bloody hatchet, and
dared them to approach him. Roaw took
a club and threatened him with It, while
Sage caught him from behind. There
waa a lively struggle. In which th sher
iff's face-was scratched, but they over- '
powered him.
The prisoner Is sulky and refuses to
talk to any one. but from the father It
Is learned that the son has Ions; bean
subject to fits and has twice been In
an asylum, tint at Pueblo, Col., and
again, three years ago, at Medical Lake,
where he remained six months In times
when young Perry was suffering from his
disease, he was always Inclined to quar
rel with his father, and when they knew
this morning that another attack waa
coming, he not having slept for two
nights almost and 'nfalllble sign ha
mother advised the father to go away,
as the boy would be quieter with only tho
wife and mother by. Young Perry Is
about 34 years old. and waa marrt-d Id
Utah In 1891.
, Rand-McNally Bankers' Monthly.
The New York Republican state con
; vention passed the following resolution In
i regard to the money question:
j "The agitation tor the free coinage ot
' silver at the ratio of If to 1 seriously
t disturbs all Industrial Interests and calls
1 for a clear statement of the Republican
, attitude upon thla question, to the end
that the trade of this country, at horns
- and abroad, may again be placed upon a
, sound and stable foundation,
i "We recognise In the movement for tha
tree coinage of sliver an attempt to de
grade the long-established standard or
our monetary system, and hence a blow
to public and private credit at once
: costly to the national government and
harmful to our domestic and foreign com
merce. "Until there Is a prospect of Interna-
tlonal agreement as to silver coinage,
and while gold remains the standard ot
the United States and of the civilised
world, the Republican party of New York
declares Itself In favor of the firm and
honorable maintenance of that standard."
Home fortune-telling Is one of the
amusements included In the programme,
and those who object to fortune-telling
on principle will tlnd it a useful way to
disenchant the creduloua. The "Sybil,"
dressed In gaudy calico, with an old.
broad-brimmed hat tied down over her
ears, will ask to have her palm crossed
with silver. She will then recite this
doggerel verse:
If foky kek Jens bute
Ma sal at lende.
For sore mush klna dromany
That tute kek Jlns.
Thla is supposed to be the Romany
! Rye tongue, and translated reads to tha
, effect taht "the hearer Is warned to 11s-
ten to every one, for every one may
I know something which ha haa yet to
Tea-cup fortune may be used to vary
the entertainment and at the same time
furnish light refreshment to the family.
; Those who tell the fortunes can learn
rrom books on fortune-telling, so that
the apparently wonderful feat of telling
you all you know and much that you do
not know becomes a very simple scheme.
What to do In the long evenings that
are now here la the question just now
agitating the home, and It la a pertinent
one. Life is formal and dull to the more
. respectaote cntid, because he Is debarred
j the pleasures of Bohemia, and the charm
of Bohemia Is Its spirit of amusement
"Laugh and the world laughs with
. you."
Man only blames himself In order that
he may be praised. Rochefoucauld.
..TH-;r -w'. V juJ ' !'' - ov