Til K DAILY. AHTOItl Nf ,HTUU. T11!SI.V JfOUVfXff, APRIL K PRESBYTERIANS IS CONFERENCE 'Interest lnt IWcilliiH nf the I'ort- liiml Tn-slntny ut Ycster iliiy's Seshlun. Ml ( II HISIMiS I KAN.-tACII U i liiitallatliiR lu lie Hade Itriiiirti Head Wuck ill I'rctidrnt Ice. ul I be Alb.iMjr tulltqlmi laatiiiilni. tusi mesded tic. The Presbytery i.( I'orllainl convened at l:M a. tii , and mi r. In a Imlf hour tlotuikitml service whan (ho preabytsry roiieiltutcd nh prayer l.y In Itev. C II Shlelde, Ut-v.'TliiM. Iloyil, Hinder. lur, in ih i Imlr. The ni'1ri,ir announced the following etandlug committees: t'umuilliic nf araiigmiciite-tlev. II. T.lddrll. nn. I Nf-uiu of rhuri'h. Illlli ntid iivcriuree !lov. Win. Trnvls. W. T Viii. w N Wright. Judicial !...,. Hn a. K I'. Mill. II. l, W M Wright. Klder Mariln. crural Aaerttihly Minutes-hev V II l-c. I li. nii.l II J t'ampliell ' Htiiml MiiimIk Itev John slurrlae.in mi'l l Mm re. .VirraiUe fur Aaecmtily, llev. Milter, N T Hr.ill, ami Kldri Wrong. M 1 1 Nui rutin, f..r H)ihkI Itev. V, J 11 w. t'nnii J. A. niwn.r rider I) Kakln, K " l.lk,mi Luke liirra ftimi ra A II, trillion, and (rv m rt-i.l m.l. r Win J Brown aiul W, 1: A ll.il.irl.lan Wii.tlMlna ! d (he rr..,i, rv n, prayer fur iheee licibrcii A call .i. ,l,i.e-l In he lunula of Ilia 'r,.l.)i.iv m.iii Hie Hi. Julma I'liurcli, I'uritntiil, f..r llev r. W HI Pierre., ami al.u a mil (mi,, n,P Third I'liurdi. Port, land, fur llic i.n.lurnl services nf W. J Arm .1,1 i'il rre referred Iii the iirnii' rr i'tnitiiiiiir nev Juii.m iiuiih, if lite I'r.-etiyli'ry r Krarmy. n akn1 lu all i nrrra nm,i. ul.i A rrtirat frmn the ereelon of Ilia Miaiwh iliunh. IVrilaml. aakliitr to lw relieved from Ilia Kenllworlh tle.nn Thla Hia-r mnm rrferrnl lo I ha II M riininiHlea. Tlta rommltlee nn liotiie mleaUma, fl.- W. n Korlie, rhalrman. maila lia rrimrlJ mm iininna; AiilireiHtt ir ell tniirrne aivl the IV M ke1 fur MW tlnrlna I lie (wet all mnniha auul were urented U.f or C Iraa than aakel fur i Imr.'hea are nnar aivlrlntr. vli: Pnmaarua, Kaale I'ark. Thlril, I'ortlnwt Knaia. Mlrrah. rnrtland. iivl M Tateir rhiin-hea, nek ln a Inlal of IJ.n Hie Inllnwlni lleWa nn vacant Tllla mmik anil liar CHy. r-ilian nni 1itiM: rier Aatorla.; t'Urk.iia: Klrat: mj H.rlhBl-r and IIkUiiI, Tha nummltlea hava rellmatcMl ami aent lha eaitmnt to the I.im,M ivaklna fnr l ITV of whlrh la for nrar work, arllh a Kl'la renurat for more fnr new work. Kaicl ark en I luntiaut waa reMtnmen..-.t to the ImaM nf home m tea I ana for hM, aJe: lha Third rhun h. p.ll.a.l, 'or n, Kmil a. for Mm. ami Mlanah. rorln4. fnr 'U. Tha reiwrt waa aiUMed aa a rhl The llev, Julian Hatch, of tha I'rrehy tery of Kearney, Neb, waa received on a letter nf itiamlaaat to thla .Hra'tylery, Mr Match waa fnr threa reara I'rinnhy. tertan mlaaiunary In Neliraaka. for which he a hlahly commended hy hla lra hytery , . The I'ommlitee on Hundny athnol work. reHirtrd. rnlllna attnntlun lo lha lomlmi of Chllitren'a I nv. In June, nmt tecum menilcd n hrnrly nml tinlverMl nliaerv ance of the day and that a collecil in t lakm for the ramw. The rtiinmliire nn mlnlatirlal rellnf rec. nmmendid l for lr turner; Jan fnr W N Hllmaon. ami ll'O for Mra. tlco. Ilnaa; rnrrlrd Tha rtimniltlee on temeraiii,e, Hev. Wm Travle, chairman, rewried Iwo rhiirchca In the I'reahytery hava ecealonnl rnmmltteea: two othera prnmlae to hnv, them: tlilricen aay the Hundny achinil and V I'. H t. K. nrn dnlna aomcthlna; Inatiril the aiiiMircaalon of the IrnfTI two of them uaed aome Inlliience at olltlcal rlmartce: acrn have temtieritncn Rt. hnth: none alvn a collection tu the aaaetn hly rnmnillti-e nn temernice. The re uirt wna adiHiteil. Tha rail of the HI. I,ihna rhurch, of 1'i.rtlund, waa fouml In order, nnd wua Idiiced In the handa of lha Itev. K V: HI. iMi-rre; alao the call of tha Third church, I'ortlnnd waa found In order inul lilnccd Into Ihe handa of Hev. W. J Arnold The ctille were accepted and coin nltteea were niMKilnliMl to rr?.mmend the oriler nf Inatnlliiilon acrvlcca. The mnilnrntor, l)r. Boyd, wna i pollut ed lo miMhrnle and MKUind the tonell liillniml iiieatlnna llev. John Mnrrlann to preach Ihe acrmon: lr Hill to churite the imalnr; nnd IT. Holt the e0ie In tha Inaintlntlon of Ihe Hev. K. W. Hi. IMorre; the Inaliillnllnn to Ink plmt April rth, I o'cIih k p. m The Inainllatlon of Hev. V. J. Arnold waa ni'tl (or April 'th. I p. nt. Ir. Ilnvd lo pivalde nnd proMiund lha conatllutlon ill tieallona; Itev. John Morrlaon lo preach the acrmon: tha Hev. lr. Wllaon to chnra-e Ihe pnetor, nnd the Hev. Ir. HOI lo chre Ihe ieople. Hev Kilwnrd H. lloUlimer. Itev. Dr. llnawi'll nnd Ihe llev. M Hmlth wero naked In all aa corresponding memlu'ra. Hev W. T. Hcott trimrliil Ibc minimi nurrntlve. Of Ihe twciity-nlnn churchca, twenty hava lieen ri'KUlnrly supplied. I 'f the forty Huhhnlh achoola, n few of them urn ntlaalon achoola. only n few eyatom Bllrully lench Ihe ciitechlam: clKhlcen hiive lllirnrlia: two churches have mcn'a aoclctlea, and tlflcen hnva liullca" eoclc tlca; twenty report younif people' ao clctlea nnd aome Of the mlaaloua havo thorn. In nineteen churchca nnd prench InK atiillona apcclnl revival mecllnirn lira reported. A iioodly iiuiiiImt of conver alona lire reported na n reault; Ul pcraona were niMed on conreanlun of ihclr fulth; only nlioiit half the cliiirT'l-a Kiuo to nil the lumrila, while nil Kiive lo ronto of them. Ncnrly ull tha tiimliiy aclinola liuvn lo Hundny achool work on (.'hlhlrcna' lny, nnd to Um home and foiclitn mln alona na ulao hnve the vounK peoplo'a aoclctlea lo tho two hitter ciiuaea. Kcw chiin-hca report apcclnl llnca of moral reform effort Tha report waa approved. Mr. Loula II. Arncaon, of tho Hmlth THE COUGH WHICH LINGERS because of a run-down condition of the sys tem, and is not affect ed by ordinary cough medicines, will yield readily to Sc5tlstriu(sioru because it gives strength to the weak ened body and enables it to throw off disease Title Table PATH. Vcillll'i,ll , , , 'I llHleilll) Irlilny hnlnnliiv mummy .... Muinliiy Tui'aiUy ... . WHa)nJiiy ,, . Tlilira.lH) . ,. , , , Krliy, . . . . Hainriuy Nl'MMY .... MmiiUy Tui-e.Hiy Wixlminliiy . ., Tliurxiiiy Krnly Halurilay HUN HA V Moihlav Iiiiwility Wmlncely Tlnira.lay , . . irlilay . Mnlunlnv Ht'MMY. ... Mumliiy ., , ., 1 111'a.lny .... Wcilnc-ilny , . ibil unlaw . . . Memorlnl church, of Kalrvlcw, prcm-ntcd hlmaclf aa dealrlna; lo atudy for Ihe mm latry and acckltiK to lie lukui iindrr Ihe cure of I ho I'real.ytery. He waa naiun tlied na to hla M,faonnl 'lll'lall.ill extw-rlrtu-e mil hla r.naoin 'nr e4M-kln; Ihe (oacl tnlnlairy Ilia c imlii.i'l'in wna aiiainlncd mid waa inkiui umlcr Ihe cure of Ihe I'reahylrry. Tha flulaop I'lnlna chiir'h waa reeoni iiiemlcd for If" for Ihe aerti 'a of Itev, H Hnyre. A aM.ciii committee waa rtppilnlcd to put Ihe facta of our nccda a a I'realiy- lerv lirfure the Imard of hmne nitaelolia nnd urne the MptNilntmenl of a aem-ral iiilaainiinry lot t'lilumliln, Wnalitnaion mnl TiliimiNik counllca; Hea Unlit, l.ld- .lill. Win. Truvl.. mid C It. Hhl-hla ap- pnllttcd The Iteva. It Unit. II l.ldd.-tl. nnd fl. Hayre were appointed to nrrantfe for a ectitl-ccntciinlnl celehrailon of Ihe nr aallUnllon of Ihe 1'lataott I'lalua church, which waa rfrwie,) H. plrmhrr llh, htt I'raaldent Wallace 11 of tho AI- Imny fotlealaia Inalttiile, waa aci'ordeil Ihe prlvllcgca of Ilia floor and made a atatemeni with reference to the work of Ihe tnatltuilon. The floating deht la alxiut UUO Thera la a niorl.io deht of f'U lowarda which P"0 ara n eight, whan Ihe floating deht la wiped lut. Hharra of l"3 each ara lielng taken and It la hoped that lid aharea will Is) taken hy commencement lima. A map of the I'reahylery maria hy I'rof. Ilrentham and prearntM lo lha l'realy Irry Indicating lha Hundty whoola and tha i huri hea In lha liounda of tha I'reahy lery. Tha thanka of tha treahytary wi ro t ot ail lo I'nif, llrvmhatn (or hU gralult Oua arrvlra. Tha llav. Wm. Trarl waa elected mln laterlal delegate to ihe general aaaemhly and lha Itev. John Morrison aa alternate. Kliler M. I. Im waa elected lay dch-gata and Klder J. K. Mariln aa lav alternate. The assembly meela In Itoxalog Hprlng ' M V , neat May. I The Hev John Morrison. W C). i rorl-a. W. B Moll ti. n . and Klder IVtrr H. Ward and Koberl Uvlngslone were elected aa trustee of the rrehy. trry, ' The following resolutions were pneaed ! relative to lha Albany Collcalaie Inatl- . lite That the work of lraldent Ie be cor dially commended: thai every poaalhle facility be offered ITeshl.-nt I .re for push ing the ttilcresia nf the Institution: that he rhuirhea be urged lo make their con tributions for the hoard of aid directly to this college: that the young people's soclettr lie recommended to make an effort to begin the founding of a library for the college. Hcsolutlnns highly common ling the Oc cident were nftVred by Hev. John Morri son and adopted. Hesolutlon of lhanka were extended hy rising vote lo the pastor and aeadon of Ihla church and rapeclully the ladlea of the church, who provided eo liountlful a lunch for the t'reabytery: also the A- ' 'htu mining. Alaska wvr contain lorlnn for report, nnd the steamboat enough col to supply th world. There companies for special rate to and from ' n i"-" ,n Anai-orte who ha become Astoria. rich by sending one veaad each year to The relation of the Tualatin I'lalna nnd I Alaska, loading her with co-l ami selling Kori'st ilrova churchca and the aupply of the lot oil her return. Il ha dcared Ihe amn. waa referred to the home, ml- ' thotiaand of dollars each year hy send alonnry commute with Instruction lo ', tig but one vessel. lie was offered rcHirt to the next mcilng of Ihe I res- ! I1.V0W for a half Inierest In hla bualnrs bytery. i a short time ago. What could fleet do Hev. It. Uddell wna ennouriged to have i " on vesael reap auch a hnrveatf Tha an oversight over newly developing j fishermen who hnve gone after halibut polnta about A si mln. with a view to re- ' hnve failed, because hnllhtit are only tahllshliut mission In them. vnlunhle when gotten to the market Minute read, roll called nnd I'rrahy- ' fresh. Itelng a tender tlah Ihey spoil Irry ndlnurnrd lo meet nt the call of : milckly. In Centnl and Houth America, the moderator. where such qunnlltle nre used, liecnuse I ti;r peopln are Catholic nd have o MATTI.KS .11 A KINK. Nines, ricked I p Along the Water Troot Yentcrdav. i , I riic I Th nlnl steamship rhlltiiKong dun fnun Honolulu. ; "I1 : I the s. Iimim r U'ltln Is on the wny from Hun Kramiaco lo load lumber. - - I Hit Miner Wall Walln brought In SuO , ions of freight at Tacj.tm Monday and ; took out l ton. . I The schooner Hoy Homers, with uhout I1f,, feet of lumber, sailed for Hnn Kriinclsco yesterday. I The llrltlsh ship Klrkcudhrlhlshlr j aallinl yeslenlay for Algoa Hay. Houth Africa, with n cargo of wheat. j 'he little harli Poxfnrd, which arrived Tuesday, will discharge several hundred tons of coal nt thla port before having up tho river. I Owing lo tho siierlor pnxscnttcr ncoom- I modnllons on the slc.unihlp Mexico, ah I will take thn Toiiekn' place on her next j trip north from Taoomn. , I Htcnmcr Stnta arrived from Pan Krnn- , lisco yesterday morning and discharged ! ninety tuns of freight for Astoria mer- j chant, nftnr which she left up the river for I'ortlnnd. The llrltlsh ship Carnnryonshlrc, which Mailed from Han Francisco December 11, for Queenstown, went nshoro at Cokiin Point, Ireland, and la a total los. Tho craw were aaved. The llrltlsh four-mnaled bnrk Inver- nes-hlre left up tha river In tow of the Ockluhnma yeterdny morning for Port land, where ahe will dlacharge the re mainder of her cargo. The running down of the United State monitor Monterey by the Puget Bound nnd Central Amerlun steamship Transit on Hundny Inst In Seattle harlior, It h i been learned, wa caused by Ihe carry ing away of a part of th Transit' Herr ing gear, rendering the steamer unman ageable. Thn cuptatn of the Transit HluU'S that h Intended passing under Allcoc UKAR in mind Not one oi tions I as (rood a the genuine. JiJix?Jlcos) jJ''S,i?ymrwaiMireUi for April, 1896. Illilll WATKK, 1,4 1 W WATKH. A. M. I I'. M. I A. M. l H. M. ill. III. I fl. ll. Ill I ft. 11. Ill, I fl. Ijll. III. I fl. I n -IH ii.il , 611. 7.1 34 1)7 II u li ' 2 II IU It. il 4 fx 1 , II 4 HI :iil 0 0 In (K) H 2 ;i 4 H (I ft f! ! f. 7 11.12 0.1 Hl'i il.H '4 ft IH H it 7 'it ! ft 7 4a 11.2 I n 11 a; 7 11 1 h 41 1 ft t 04ft si 11 ifti o r. i II 7 44 7. it ' II 41 II 4 '1 ail il.H 00 0 II ! 7 h to 7. a 'in an ; ii.w a jm 8.4 8 r.ft 0.7 ! H lil 00 7.1 j II 01 1 74 ; 4 m 4 41 O H v 10 fta 7 a ; 11 no i 7 0 a 17 .o 6 u 11 ! 10 l ;i,i 7.1 6 ftO 1.0 6 4H l.a II U 00 7.7 I 0 14 7.8 11 i 1.1 II ai 1 4 u 0 a.i h o 0 ft 7. a, fta o h 1147 1.7 1.1 ofti H.a lift 70, 7 at 11. ft 7)0 ao 14 1 Ifl H.4 ( a 00 II M 7 fto 118 7 84 a. 8 ! II l4ft H.4 1 'i4lH8.6, S 22 0 2 i N 01 aft ! in a 17 H.ft' aaa 11.4 h 1.7 0.1 Ihhj i 17 a hi H.4 4 10 '7. a V ail U.I luto 8 1 ih a aft H.a: a on 11 u 10 x'. o.a ' 10 01 j 3,4 III 4 27 7.U Oil 110 '1127 0 4 11 12 I 8 ft an ft 8o 7 b 7 Si u. I i o ar. o 0 ' ai II 47 7 4 N 21 0.6 , 0 47 8 0 I 47 ' 0 7 ln H oft 7 4 9 1ft 71 a 17 8 .0 i 2 61 1 0 7 ii U III 7. ft! Ill 04 7.7, Ban a 1 I 8 4H , ll H 2i iii an 7 hi in mi Ha1 4 an l.a 4 .won a:i 11 a4 hi 118I ft 14 0.4 ; ft -;u o.h ao 11 17 H.a 11 oa 0.4 1 14 1 i.a a7 0 la u. 1 I 07 h i o r.i 1 1 i o ftft 1 1 0 rjH lift! 11.4 Ifti 711 784 I ft : 7 8H ! a .0 tfl 1 !lf 0.4 a 4H 7 ft H 2) I.A ; h ai a. 4 0 2 III !. 8 4.' 7.1 ll lft 1.8 : II OH 2.H 1 1 tha alrrn of th ilonl rey, and wu aieer , lnfc a courae that would have carried 1 1m well ulear of Ihe tiouhor, when auildcnly hla vcaanl refuaml to nnawcr her helm, and, awung ahurp up lino lha wind hy the tide, ran how n Into the Monterey. The hitler aulfere.l iiolhlng mora than having her palnl u ralciicd, while It will rciiilre two wcika to rcpilr Ihe aluva Ik.w of Ihe Irauall. The revenue culler Hartley, anya Ihe I'n 1 1, will prohnhly n-'Vcr again do n rv he In the hay for Iho tiiatofniiduw of ilclala. Hhe la now In Id up lor leimlra, ami Ihe gnaollne launch Any la carrying the lnaectora to Ihe .'nrlniia (orrign In coming ahlpa. The cyllmhT In uila of the lliirlh-y'a englhca are In audi condition Hint It la dungeroua io run her. The plana fnr th-ae w.'re burned up In Ihe Kladim Iron Morka rlre. nlmul llva yiara ago. and Ihe only w-iy of aenting tlupll aia la hy sending to Washington. To do thla would entail a long del.iy and tha aolv'iociit work of reptlrlug would run Into imuilha. In the tneiniime tha lea ciillcr. Ihe tlohlen late, will he com pleti-d anil ready for service, ami then Ihe government will have a launch for teila The III lie culler, that hna lived through awvan adinlnlatratlona and car 1 rt' u " oltlcer of aa many different col- lectori of tha port, 'a now to ha placed In rotten row. Hhe will ba Ihe Drat reve nue culler on lha PaNtlo coast to he placed on the retired Hat, and aa aurn aha will to down In history. The John r. Hartley waa built In Han Krancleco over twenty. rive year ago and haa been In ootitlnnoua service aver alnce. Dur ing her lifetime she baa been rebuilt half a doaen lime and Ihla la the laat atile. Had the drawing for Ihe cylinder head not been burned up ah might hava struggled along for a few month, but now her lime ha come, and if ahe la een again on Ihe bay It will not be under revenue nag- The ruah to Cook Inlet aeema lo be eymT- " the K I . for Ihe present at '" Tha brtgattlna I0keley, which ''' hi north ac noon today, ha been able lo get but about twenty Poaaengers from thla city, and will fill up her aecoomoiatlona with freight. When th lllskeley ram over from Tacom she had forty piunengera n board and In- '- tended lo fill up lo th ntmher of 1110 In 8.attle. Kilty tona of freight will be , taken and feel of lumber. B. P. i Hahm. one of Ihe owner of Ihe Itlnkelcy, Is an advocate of the importance of the llahlng Industry to the Hound. "If I ' had It to do over again," he anld yrater- ' day. "1 would not take n single pneecn- , grr on a boat like thla I would load her with about ISO Ion of salt, lake ; Iwenly-flve men and fish along the Ala- ka coaat for roil, salting the Pah a they are cuturlit. The poaalblll'lc to the Hound In the trad of aall water fish are beyond eellmatr. A source of wealth ' Ilea at our door of greater Importance many fast days, I am told an enormou j demand for a1ud -od exist. In Olou I cester, Mass., every buslneaa man own I fin Inlnmil In anma flahlntf KaaI fl,.,,- buics ahow that HO per cent of the tlsher- n"'n there who go out art-ir salt water tlsli succciyl. They travel a fnr n ISM miles to their Hulling grounds, and Olnucester I associated In the mind of nil wilh the exportation of largo aoan- title of fish. Seattle I In a position to take the lend In Ihe fishing Industry. The finest fishing ground In the world nr within easy reach." Liht biscuit without shortening with j-rlce's Cream Unking Powder. MCNl' FOR KK1DAT. Margarita-Why, wh-re's the illnnerT Leonorn-'TIs not ready, madam. vor i.ii i,. nii I know Ihe iruests. toot Nr r they fairly welcome till I do hid em. -Hole n Wife nnd Hnve a Wife. Urcakfnat Itrnllcd Bait Mackerel. Slewed Potntoe. llnsheil Href nu Uratln. Kite Fritter. Coffee. Luncheon. Fried Perch, Rnvlgnte Sauce. Cold Sliced Heef. Horseradish. Sully Lunn. Canned Plum. Cocoa. Dinner. Monastery Soup. Riullshes. Olive. Potatoes a la Vaiidolse. Pigeons, en Compote. Curry of Lamb. Roaat Chicken. Stuffed Potatoes. Celery Mayonnaise, Served In Apples, linked Hasty Pudding. Coffee. EO DID HE. ltoston Transcript. Mr. Hrolmble tto her offsprlngV-There you go, tracking th floor all over with mud. Didn't I tell you to wipe your feet before you came InT Johnny Oh. nobody's blaming you, ma; you did all you could. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Porous Plaster tne nost oi counterfeit ana lmn.v ' I Porous w mm? y What io i ... j Cftfttorla U Dr. Samuel Pltt-her' premriptlon for InfbaU nnd Children. It conUlu neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic ubntaoce. It U harmleM iubntltaU tut Farcforic, Dtopn, Soothing Syrup, And Castor OIL It' l rieaunt. IU ffuamntee la thirty yean' ut by SliUioDJ of Mother. C&na destroy Worm and allays ' forerialUveM. - Caatoria prerenU Tomltlngr Soar Card, Cre Diarrhoea ' and Wind Colic. Caatoria rellerea tcthlnr tronhlea, cures constipation and flatulency. Caatoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, riving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla la the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Csatorla I excellent medicine fbrcMI drrn. Mother hlv repeatedly told ax of It good cflect npoa their children." Da. C. C Oaooon, Lowell, Mas. "Castorl I th best remedy for children of Which X am acquainted, t hope th day U not far distant when mother will con alder Ih real interest of their children, and aae Castorla Instead of Ih various quack nostrum, which ar destroying their loved oaea, by forcing opium, morphine, aorsbfnf ayrup and other hurtful agent down their thrusts, thereby tending them to prematura grave." In. J. t. KiscMsixsx, Conway. Ark. The CarrUur Company, 77 MATRIMONIAL, ITEM. Texas Sifter. In a Han Antonio (Texas) drawing room a lady was narrating her ead experlcn -e. "Imuglne Ih frightful poaltljn In whh-h 1 am placed . My huaband went north, and now It la almost thrw years alne I had a line from him." "Horrtlir!" groaned th choru. "Ves, but that ain't th worse II I likely to turn up here In town any day and head me off from getting a dtvoro for desertion." An Arctic couple with whom marriage has proved a failure have a very simple a i m.- l. . . v. ., i..uu t , , " i in, ul ii i . .lie nwmnu rm . - th houa for eev-ral day with a nhow "f happlneas be at an end. of real or affected anger, th wife take I Thanks to Dr. Pierce, hi Favorite Fro th hint, park up her belonging and ! rlptlon, prepared by him for women. goes away. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of ail la leavening ttrtnzltl U. . Oovers steal B sport I have omewhere seen It observed that we should make th same use of a book that the bee doe of a flower: ahe teala sweets from It, Colton. but doe not Inlure It.- rtiirna ara ahanliitlw iuImIm. wk.n 1 Witt's Witch Haael Balv Is promptly hii.j irki. . . l.fiii. , ,ia i.iriiirni im ima a V feet remedy for (kin diseases, chapped handa and lips, and never falls to cur ! pile. Cha. Roger. I He who loves not books bef-ire he conic to thirty years of age. will hardly love them enough afterward to under stand them. Clarendon. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. For of the soul the holy form doth lake, for soul I form, and doth th body mitste. Speuser. It Is not a miracle. It won't cure everything, but It will curl piles. That' what DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve will do, because It has done It In hundreds of cases. Cha. Rogers. A beneficent person I Ilk a fountain watering the earth ar.d apreading fertil ity. Epicurus. All tha patent medicines advertiiea In thl paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet article etc., can b bought at th lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental Hotel, Astoria, In Abyssinia no binding form of mar- I rlnge I used, ao that hush&nd and wife dissolve, and renew the relationship at their own will and pleasure. Busy people have no time, and sensible people have no Inclination to use a slow remedy. One Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent benefits. Cha. Roger. In some tribes of American Indians di vorce Is Instituted and proclaimed by the burning of the pieces of stick given to the witnesses t the time of ihe mar- rlnge. When Baby waa sick, we gT her Castorla. When she waa a Child, site cried fur Castorla. When she heoame Miss, ahe clung to Castorla. When she L TilKlreo, she gM them Caatoria. tied Is a bundle of paradoxes: we go to It with reluctance, yet we quit It with regret. Colton. Takt a dose of DeWltt's Little Early Risers just for the good they will do yon. These little puis are good for in digestion, good for headache, good for liver complaint, good for constipation. They art good. Cha. Roger. So sweet the blush of bashfulnesa, even pity scarce can wish It less. Byron. A little 111. then a little pit The 111 has gone, the pill has won. DeWltt's Little Early Rlers ar the little pills that curt great ills. Chas. Rogers. Blessedness Is a whole eternity, older than damnation. Rlchtcr. It's lust as easy to try On Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to cure a sever cough or cold with It. Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Retter medi cine; better result; better try It. Chas. Rogers. Never spend your money before you have It. Thomas Jefferson. Pure blood means good health. De Wltt's 8arsaparllla purities thn blood, cures Eruptions, Ecicma, Scrofula, and all diseases arising from Impure blood. Chas. Rogers. Beauty, without kindness, dies unen Jaycd and undellghted.-Johnnon. Caatoria. "Curtail Is so well adapted tocMldm that I reoDrancndkusuprrkartoanyprescrlptloa kaowa to ma." II. A. Aacnga, M. D, til So. Oatord St., Brooklya, N. T. "Oar physic! In the eWIdrea' depart meal have .pokes highly of thrlr experi ence la their oaUide practice with Castorla, nd although we only hawt among oar medical supplies what is kaowa a regular products, yet we arc fre to con few that th nuriU of Caatoria ba won a to kk wltk (avor upon u." I'arrcn UoarrTAL axs Oisrnuar, Aiiaa C Burnt, fnt. Murray Straot. Now York CHy. j Tartar husbands and wives can divorce I each other upon the most trivial pretext, i the slightest disobedience or difference of taste being considered a sufficient ' ground by the magistrate. The least i lll-tniatment of a wife la considered null enough to Justify a divorce. THE DIMPLE CHKEKED VILLAGE MAID. May not retain her dimples and rosy cheeks "blooming with health," until ahe And a good husband. A .ittl neglect or accident may bring about some of the many "female" diseases and "weak nesses" to which the sex Is subject, snd health may be forever Impaired, and cure the worst ease Of uterine dlaraae. nervouine. neuralgia. Irregularities, and "weaknesses." It 1 a great Invigorating tonle and nervine, and rapidly builds up th health and atrength. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, for constipation, sick headache, biliousness, indigestion. Once taken, always In favor. When a Siamese wife and mother I de 1 """" "wr" na "'Ul viiiiu, miu sww uii me llUBiranu let, Ing Ihe second, fourth, sixth, etc The U. S. OOV't KepOliS ihow Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. In Thibet divorces are very rarely per mitted, and there must be the strongeat grounds before one I granted. More over, the consent of both parties Is In sisted upon, and when once the divorce I granted, neither husband nor wife ,may r"narryi Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla In China divorces are permitted for mutual dislike. Jealousy, Incompatibility of temper or even too much talkative ness on the part of a wife. A son la coniie!lcd to divorce his wife If she dis please his parents and they Insist upon It. Great Is the mother-in-law in the flowery land, and she prevails. 8HlT.OH'B CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure. Is In great demand. Pocket sixe contains twenty-five doer only tS cents. Children love It. Sold by J. W. Conn. Art thou a man, and shamst thou not to beg, to practice uch a senile kind of life? Why, were they education ne'er so mean, having thy limbs, a thousand fairer course offer themselves to thy election. Ben Johnson. We might tell you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but you probably know that It cures a cough. Every on? does who has used It It la a perfect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It Is an especial favorite for children, be ing pleasant to take and quick In curing. Cha. Rogers. Not to understand a treasure's worth till time hna stolen away the slightest good, is cause of half the poverty we feel, and makes the world the wilder ness It Is. Cowper. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Contains no Ammonia or Alum. In Cochin China a husband nnd wife wishing to separate break a pair of chopsticks, or a copper coin, In two. In the presence of witnesses. The husband I compelled to restore to the wife any property which she may ha,"e , brought to hltn by the way of dory. WEAK UB, CURED AS IP BY MAGIC. Victims of Lost Manhood should send at one for a book thatxplalns how full manly vigor s easily, qutckly and permanently restored. No man su (Taring from weakness can af ford to Ignore thh timely advice. Book tells bow 'full atremiLh. de velopment and tone are Imparted to every portion of the body. Sent with positive proofs (sealed ) res to any man on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, MY. B.F.AIiliEH&'SOtf Wall Paper, Artists' Materials, Paints. Oils. Glass, etc. Japanese Mattings, Rugs anil Bamboo Goods 365 Commercial Street. A. V. ALLEN, DEALER IN Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions, Fruits Vegetables, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware. Loggers' Supplies. Cor. Cats aud Stuenioque Stm".. Astoria, 0r Snap A Kodak at any man seining out M our nor and you'll gel a portrait of a man brimming over wlln pleasant thought. Kueh qua Hy In the liquor. we have m offer are enough la rLFAE AMY MAN. Corre and Try Them HUliHRH A CO. p HOPOSALB FOll FRKBH li EES" AND . Vresh Mutton: Office Chief Com missary, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., March , I'M. Sealed proposals In trip licate will be rwetved her and at offices of Commissaries at following named poats, (for fr-ah beef and fresh mutton to be delivered at that poet only), until it o'clock, noon, rrtday, April M. IMS, then opened, for furnishing and delivery 10 Subsistence Department, U. B. Army, th fresh beef and fresh mutton called for by th Commissary of post to be sup plied during six months, snd also 'p arale propoaal for year, commencing July 1, JASat: Boise Barracks and fort Sherman, Idaho: Forts Canby, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Freeh beef hall be good In qual ity and condition fit for Immediate use, and from for and hind quarter meat proportionally. Including all beat cut thereof. Fresh mutton shall be of good, fat and marketable quality, from wether ovr on and under three yeara old. Beef and mutton to be drrteed and trimmed and delivered aa prescribed In circular of Instructions to bidders. Propoaal will be also received stating price at wh'cb , oiaaer win oeiiver iresn beet or mutton of character above stated, and to h; de livered of temperature not greater than,. dVgre" Fahrenheit, feovernm nt .re serve Uie right to re)xt the whole or any part of any or all bids. Full Information furnished here, or by Commissary at Ih? several poets. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef (or Mutton) at ," and addressed to undersigned or to Commis sary at poets to be supplied. W. H. Nash Ms)., C. a - North Paeifie Bremery JOHN KOPP.Prop Bohemian Lager Beer And XX POPTER. Lear order with J. L Cartoon at tha Sunnystd Saloon or Louie Boentgs at th Coaroopoiluxn 81 eon. All order WUI b promptly attended . - THE USTOHIfl SAVINGS BRflK Acts as trustee for corporations and in dividual. . Transact a general banking bust nee. Interest paid on One deposit. C. H. PAGE BENJ. TOUNO ... FRANK PATTON . President Vice-President DIRECTORS: J. Q. A. Bowlby, C H. Page. BenJ. Young, A. & Reed, D. P. Thorn peon, W. K. Denamt, D. X. Warren. The reason whv th Burlington make th fastest time to Omaha, Kansas City and St. Lout Is because It is the short est ss well as the best built line to those and ALL OTHER southern and southeastern- titles. Tickets and time-table at th local ticket office. Letter of inquiry ad dressed to the undersigned will receive PROMPT at tention. A. C. SHELDON. O. A.. Portland, Or. STEAMERS. Telephone & Bailey Gatzert. "Telephone' leave Astoria at 1 a. in. dally (except Sunday). Leave Portland at 7 a. ra. dally., ex cept Sunday. "Bailey Oatsert" leave Astoria Tues day. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning at f:4S a. m.; Sunday evening at I p. m. Leaves Portland dally at I p. m ex cept 8unday. On Saturday at 11 p. m. WALLACE MAUZERT. . Agent, Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. and McKee Ave. Good Reason Why Lots Are Selling! Easy and ASTORIA INVESTMENT 0 482 Bond 7JOttM0aW!SMAL?OT0fyWOlK a THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on th Chicago, Mil waukee and Bl. Paul Railway. Mo. I US tarln are yestlbuled, heater hy steam, and lighted by electrkity. Each sleep car berth ha an electric reading lamp. It dining car are the beat In tha world, nd It coaches ar palace oa wheat a. Thl great railway, connecting aa It doea with all transcontinental lines at 8u Paul and Omaha, assure to th Urvellng public the beat service known. Ticket via tha Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway ax on sal at all railroad ticket office to any point In th United Slate or Canada. For snaps, folder and other Information, ddres. C. J. EDDT, General Agent, I. W. CA8ET, Portland, Or. Trar. pas and Tkt Agent. Portland. Or. ROSS HIGGINS & CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Aaterl tmt Upper Aster . Fl Tea and Cogae. Tattle fVaiaa. Doaandc aa Tropical Fran. Vetvtaeto. &ogr Cared Haass. sWoa. fcK. Choice Fresh and Salt Meats. BREMNER & HOLMES. Blacksmith. Special attention paid to tasunboat re pairing, flrst-cuu horaesboelng. etc. LOGGING CAflP CORK A SPECIALTY U7 Olney street, between Third and snd Fourth sinnru. Or. E. ncNEIL. Kecelver. Gives Choice of ' Jw Transcontinental Koutee, Via Spokane and St Paul. Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or fct.PauL Pullman and Tauriat ; ! Prae) ftaollnlng Chair Car Astoria to San Francisco. Stat of CaltforrJa, Thursday. March IS. Queen, Tuesday. Maxell M. . , But. Sunday. March & Quean. Friday. AurO A State, Wednesday, April 1 Columbia, Monday, April li Astoria art Portlnd Steamers. Th R. R. Thompson will leave Astoria at 7 p. m. daily except Bunday; leave Portland at 7 a. m. daily, except. Sunday. Tb Steamer Lsurtlne win lea Astoria t a. m. dally, except Sunday; leave Portland at I p. m. daily, except Bator day. orrate and gerwraj urormarlnn call oa or address a W. LOUN9BERRT. AgeaC W H. HTJRJLBURT, Geo. Pas. AaTU Peetlan. Or They Lack Life Thera ara twines sold to flshcrmea oa th Columbia, river that stand -ts, the asm relationship to Marshall's Twine as a wooden Image does to tha human being they lack strength IU evennes snd lasting qualities. Dont fool yourself Into the belief that other twines besides Marshall's will do "Just a wen." They won't, They cannot. ' Is situated on the sonth fide of As toria's hills Twenty degrees warmer and vegeta tii n thirty days in advance of the North side Magnificent sites At residences; over looking river and bay, sunny and sheltered. natural grades; little or no grading necessary. , ( Street. B) rvv'riiflt J V 1