THK DULY ASTOKIW. ASTOKIA. KIM MAY MOHXIXH. Al'lill. lt. UNI. H.Ii.Boyle&Go. Commcrclnl Hl.( Awtorln, Or. Rent HHtntc, Loiiiih, litvcMtmciitM ntul ItiHtirtiiicc. SPECIAL OFFER -rWe have now placed on the market Block 105 and water frontage, and wilt offer lots In that i addition at prices way below adjoining property. We will Rive you Rood terms on this property, and a few I dollars invested in lots in this addition will sure make you money. See fine display map in our window. SOMETHING NEW. Cilldrts. isd Tenths' Sttcl-Shod Shi t. Ml Silts n4 Styles We also carry a fino line of adios' and men's shoos, from the best to the lowest reliable goods. All goods warranted just as represented. JOHN HAHX Jfc CO., . 479 Commercial street. SELL CHEAP an YOU'LL SELL AS ill CM AS I 01 K UTHI1R5 Oupm w have, (or It' hant mouth to keep Hll slses In slookot iho lw.lies' Collars and Cuffs thM Mr worn with tM season's shirt watsts. Prlc Uc set. ALBERT DUNBAR YKSTKRDAY'S WKATHF.R. Local wwiht tor twnt)(W:t hour adlng t p. m. yewtwtlay. turntshed by the Vta'.eJ 8tat Department ol Ag riculture, wi -ether hiiresu. Maximum temperature, 4 dcgre. Minimum .tempuratur, f decrees. l'pectpltatlon, .01 Inch. Total precipitation from September 1st. IKW. to date, 6S.01 Inches. Excess of precipitation Crura September 1st, 1SSS, to dat. .M inch. j m " I BUSINESS UH'AIS. ! Job printing of all kinds at th Aslortan , Job omce. j C O. Palmberg. architect. Room Num-! bar I, Kinney's bulldtrg. FRIDAY and SATURDAY akounu town. If thou deslrest ease, la th tint phie take oar of the ease of thy mlml. Ful ler. Crowds visit Tyndail. Call today on TyndalL Th two men. Weaver tinl Kempton, rviwrtcrl In yesterday's dispatch, h being; Itijurvtl In the Ogxlcn explosion, were former employe of Oorey 1'rother ami worked all last summer for th hrm in I'tuh. vjnlto a number of th shermen re miilnc.1 In town yesterday, and them wetv not a few strvet wncr ihiiiusc. The tenor of their delltrntln iwmnl to b that they would stand ly th !e vision of Wednesday's mm'tlnit. Wednesday evening tl So lety Minerva giv Its roirulnr weekly eniettiitnniont In I'ppertown. An interesting proarum of reading and recitations was rendered before a crowded hou.. Th program next ink will liuiude music and a de but. The exirt acoordeon l:iyr t t Carl son s. attracted quit a rowd yesterday ftmoo. He was not a holo brass hand, and dl.l not make as nueh noise as the Oathlatrrt bond, which serenaded I Hie place Wednesday, yet his music was appreciated. Just Arrived A large line of lm;ortrd silk, vvliet and cloth wrap. n two alike: a beautiful line of Muck drvs iroods In th newest designs, uNo fancy j silks for trimmings and waists ad a ! laiv line of duck suits, t. Cohen, Low j Price Store, til Hond street I Mr. C. J. Corey, of iuvv Itrother. Now Is the time to plant and trim rose j ''-May "hl In his otlh an Iron - Many consult Tyndail. T niall at the Occld.-nt. All are Interested In Ciulrvo) anoe. bushes. Summer clothlnr sold at extremely low , priot at P. A. Stoke.' ; George H. Thing, of irtland. Is In the city. Meany Is th leadlmr tailor, and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. ) Laro your future. VUU Tyndail at ! the Occident. Marshall's twine used br o 'per cent 1 of the Bshrran on th Columbia river, i Today to the last day In which to pay session for A irrval many years. It was originally found In A barrel of currants shlpiHs! (rom the oil country, and has bevn preserved as a curiosity. Till' PACKERS' Meet IKtiiiul Closed Doors and He iitfirm Their I'osition on I'rlecs. NO WUVK-KMII) ItKI 1IIK1N tendered his rvslitnailon us panlor of this church, thei-eture l It Itesolved, That while we accept Ms rcHlituallon, slnceri'ly ri'nl that he has deemed It wise so smiu to nii III pastoral tx'latloua with this church. In tlie Ino years of his pastorate w have learned to lo an. I esteem I lai for Ills steadfast christian character, I. Ik a. a In the cause of riuhleousuess, and hi ability as a preacher of the word of Hod t'ur Iwiit wishes and prayers (or Hod' blcsslhits upon him and his ao with him to whatever Held of labar tlod In his provident- may b pleased to pine him UK IMl'l.U NUT lt. l'IMfessor Tyiula'lls Phenomenal Success Forces lllm to teinaln, MiVct'.Vill Not Xovi Vstraitt ttc Tosr' , . rrofessor Tyndail, the London mystic lists per fossil os Salnios flsvcrs l)a N"l Vast CimhIs Xt frc silini) frucv has met with a success oeretotore un ; paralleletl In this city, and will remal , till tonltilit. Tyuilall's suivesa in I til , city has lxin marvelous, n'ld the niitulu , of iM'tsons w ho have consult si him run Into the hundred. Yeslerlay I'lofesse Tyndail waa not slven a mim. nit's res from the crowds which surtred the par. lors of the tVoldont. and n'any were turned away. For this reason the pro- The Coliiiuhla liler Salmon Tackers' AsMH-iation held a meellna yestcnlay af temoon lit iMd Fellows' hall. The pio- ccedltiK were strictly uMU matters per- : feasor has decided to remain hero auoth n... in i.i id., auk-lation. and Hi chuli.u rr ''"V- " his Intention to leave lO' ills hi for 1'ortlnn.l, and he leave III do up o( u..i, business left oxer from f , m(1W.(, ,' , mrv (i, : your water rutea. Marshall's salmon twin la without a competitor, strongest, nuasoiuNt, dvsi. j The Scow Bay Wood Yard Is well sup plied with the beat trade) of Or and hard ! It was reported that August NcUon wood. Orders promptly Ailed ' got beat for congress. justness at the new shooting gallery 1 waa brisk last night. A strange slirht was witnessed yester day when an ordinary sail boat waa seen to put across the liay having in the stern of the lat a cow. fenced In and made comfortable for her perilous trip. She was fixed up with evrv npplLino as though making a trip t Kurope. the last in.'. Urn. consequently, all out were Uured. Aft.r the in.elliiK' adjaurued, It was leanii.l. lMecr, tront one of the mem bers, that the I'.u'k. r stoHl put, on their i.rlglnal proHVltlon, and would maintain the olilon taken as to prices to he lull. I for ran inateilal. They will trim which. Judging from the Interest manifested III this st mine man, since hi arrliul here, lie will rulbly nut tie aiirvli'd I'rofcsor Tymiall ws busy till Ute last night, ami at h ' literally tore him self away from those anxious to consult him. It Is surprising ilia number which ha consult)! the nistle the se.s.n.1 time, so well pleased were they at the they say they cannot. No weak mem bers wrc found In the association, an. I no disposition was shown by any one to back down from the position already announced. It was stat.Hl that the talk alsilit New York market I'rlc. s q.iotid In ncw-i ap. rs Justlfylmt the iiivmciit of ilvi cents for raw was trade without true K.llior l.ily Astorlan T.... al,l. .K. Iw..t lK nrtn.ln. TV- II Smllh'. Vnill I PVeam ! " rl, r- """"" tsopie are ... .... "... ........ .. ..lslr ,r: , r,,,,, or lri .,, .k. iLT. rrf. Z .ii .7 tW.' h i. ..ihin . ! "waiting the opening .if the 'Whir.- s. a- wus sai.l that in- situation is just tue donation of ten lots In "Adair- South Ad Astortan Job office Vfore golrui " else-' j "tv S in. rs. trapmen. and glllnctters in j averse of that pi. turd at trie n.n. r- .,tU, t,mt,r.(. ti.e porcb.ise of a depot .hM i Mr iiiblnins. .if the Waliuski. 1 territory, are an stan.Ku ny tne j V ... site; to me a. trustee." in to ! Messrs. Victor and Osctr Iirs'n, or i TtrookrieM. were In the city yesterday. J They state that evervtVng Is quiet up not pay llie cents ht ihiuikI Ucnuse r.ult of the first audience. who witui.i snow oi uie iiiiure must ne ni in ih cl.lent at an early hour today, as this will doubtless U' the last opportunity to consult the greatest inindreadrr nnj clalrioiiiut now Is-tore tlie public MltS. MKNKFI.I. Til K tllVKIt. Business men. U you want to fx up your eBce for the eomlnir year, with the best of letter heads, hill heals, state ments, eta. call at the Astortsji Job office where you will find the beat of stock and material. waa in town yesterday. The smart black velvet Jacket will be fishermen. m. n s ui.vUn:. 1 uieis sluiw no disposi tion whatever to pay such prices, nor day's Astortan. Th Oregon Trading Co., 8rtj Commercial street. Is the placj to buy your dry Allman, of Cathlamet, are In th city. gooos, ciotnmg, ooois ana snoes, men s are th. v even willing to pay a pi I Th" two men who robbed the crap game that will Justify packers In giilng four at Charles WirkkaU's aioon Wednesday : e. tus for raw material, to sny nothli g night, have not as yet been apprehended, i about live cents. The packer as a The services of Professor Tyn.lall. the : expressed iKinvhis as more man will famous clairvoyant, have been engaged. ! In to pay hie cent lor bsh If th. y could , ni... tuft i veil tie ma II n ill riitieu it 10 i - ...... .. .... ...... ...... n. . ...... , , .l. r. .i. i . i tine me iiu-ii, n u tire 10 lie ........ j . ... .. - . Jack Deock. of Olney. and Thomas H. I , ,k.. ...k. ...... hais one i x.'.'pt ion. wliu has nt a huge at im'. belongs to my worn throughout the summer. Mr. F. H. Kenaud, of Warrenton, called on his Astoria friends yesterday. sister. .Mrs lieo. II Mttidcil, of San t riinclsco, Cul In view of the fad that lots In II. above addition sold readily a tew year ago, at f.w er lot. It may I eonsld. red tnat tfte committee' pn-acnt estimate of value I very conservative one. WM II. AUAlll Astoria, Or. April , I via and ladles' furnishing goods. Should you i Marvelous manifestations of clalrvoy- : want an auctioneer. S. PrieJmsn makes. .nt nower bv Tvodall dully at the Occl- ! his office at the Oregon Trading Co I dent. i I Pr. Estes sa-s that In about twenty-two i lot of last spring's gu.vls left mer which seconds n drop of blood goes the round cannot vv iiisisso ol at current price. tlYl'SIKS. ATTi: NTIt iN" i ne iiypsu nun tile town sure They of the hodv. In aNnit every two mln- Taken attogeth.-r. irom an outsider's utes the entre blood In the IhhIv makes ) stan.lix.lnt. and IcoWlns ut the mutter In won't do a thing with It. only pitch their Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and see .Another dar of Clairvoyance Every- 1 i TOUn" Inrou-n ln" ot ' " ...... .w ., , rl,nrr , ,,,,.ril . ,ollKnt their new and handsome twin, testing ! , TyaU-gPhwomeiL i ienrt' lh" lun,t ' ,ho U" of ,h ' ht',V' "V'1'' T,,v m recommended as quit, a re- machine. Take along some of the twines i interested in Ini!au pnen omenai nt).)r, ,hroU)tn the HI.Ier(,., ttu v.,niK , U-tween the packer and the fishermen at spectul.le tribe, and It 1. also rumor.! as good as Marshall's," In your pocket. ! and teat them. Then see how much more .' work. The latest Parisian petticoats have again to the heart. Marshall's will stand. It's money In your j three dainty rut".- to hold the skirt out vj"' n" " pocket and flsh in your net to find out. ' i. mKi .between the lively times an early day As a merchant said last that they are a fine Inoktn lot r ,...., .. I eivnlng. It is t. greatly regretted thi.t They atx to have the freedom ..f n.. The contrast on the streets yesterday ; the packers cannot find some way to ,.tv. to tell fortunes, while strolling ueeaspuid t.y A prominent steamboat family have used ne Beef, Iron and wine tailed that the nrenaraflnn hiiHa hv th. Estes-Craln Drug Co. Is th most palata- ! th. c. n ...,., tat a"d Tn,utrlttou of nJ hv ; ing at FUher's vpera House was a vJry i ITr- J' T ,? n"1 Wn "d i ucce.f ul affair. t tonic, you should us It ! the crowd on We.tnas.lay and the quiet- .... j in. ....... .... .. r.inqp.iai nuu llie oat man say,: "Mr ! Ice Creara Soda l7tw"enty-two different ! Il,v'i'.h",',tr!liy; T irlX every brand of n.vo at C B. Smith ,. Private par- I ' 3 n J r. ?, i" made, and are sat- I lo for ..i.. ; 'hat a large holy of men neet together men-hunt In the .ily. ei. ry Isink. every real estate niun. every lawyer, doctor, brnker. cl.-rk and lahorttig man, has al ready felt the contraction of business consequent iiiNiu the pr. s nt trouble. It Mrs. N. K. T.-trabson. state commander i ' ""'' lo hoped that the condition of ; for a single object, but when they Ai it makes thing lively. t the ileitiaihls of tin- men. The sum! about. Ther were rvnoesird tn ,ir, the packers hale taken ha affected entertainment, so th. hi.-t oi n... im. every line of business In the cit y Fvery ron....nt.d. am! has made .ill nranirem. nt for tn hnnlusla tonight. Ticket only So cents. For S cents you ran secure an excel-; lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton ' The Maccabees gave a supper at the Bon Ton last evening, a full attendance,.. xr. r-i r- .. I ' " ruer ovumi jhot.i. Ju kind?? ft.h i,rm.P7ri.t0 ,'en', Coal delivered to all part, of the city Si. ? J " i meand. d-"ele o' Call for prices. Cheap for cash, hU- magtnaol style at th lowest living prices, come once and you win con ipu? to come. , Just received, an immense amount ot J Gents' summer clothing, from Eastern i manuiacturers, at r. a. bcokcs. i for the U O. T. Maccabees, has met with great success In her work of irviintstng a Hive of "Lady Maccabees." rpwnrd of forty members have Joined holding life benefit certificates to th amount of jm.oisiAstnrla's Indie are valuable. The Knights of the Maccabees gave them ft fine supper last night as a tfuarnnte for success, und an enjoyable evening was spent. affairs may be soon adjusted. NKCAKNEV 111) AD. Spliscrlptlon liaised by the Farmers for the Improvement of a i'oun:y Highway. .Mr. August P-avHson, of Ilarbarn. Clat sop county, who was In the city yester day, to an Astnrlin representative DeWltfs Bartaparllla Is prepared for cifanstng the blood. It builds un and strengthen constitutions Impaired by ui'rs". i n, iiogera OUR CORN Kit. A gwntlrmsn's resort, at corner Hond and 13th streets. Th. finest brand of liquor ana cigars always on hand. Call and try us. ANDERSON A rETKRSON. Two things worth knowing A bund of Gypsies was seen 1 this way. From all reports they give i show at the opera house t Ik nrst, to make friends: next, to I ness. Fishermen nre not hnylng, and j secure u ru.ul to Astoria. They are ut kep them. W believe our ; probably will not until ther- Is soire , pr,snt without any meant of trunsrxr- LJ granite war stock Is doing ; settlement of dlfferenc-s between the tatlon to their county seat except for a j men and the packers. Other ti-ople are long distance ovrr a verv Indifferent ft "lally. Lrge Dish Pin w cents. l lit. Allc AUti. Most so-called "salmon twines" are col ored with acids. The acids rot the fibre and render the materia useless. In the office ot Elmore, Sanborn & Co. Is an ob ject lesson that ought to be examined by ail ninermen. it a me wnoi or ine tv, i1i ...., material UW in the manufacture of Mar-, Btc,, chips, strawberry, vanilla and ' "ation. and It Is anted on good authority the county have business with the county shell's twine from start to SSljb- Go' moaw4 flavors. A'" 'he famous Butter ! lhat ,h larK,r Interests of the entire ' seat as well as other Pesl.les this, there and examine the color rlgiit unhnn. ' ' I community are hung up In the balance. ' Astoria Is the natural market for their through. You win see then why Mar- , on these two propositions. j products. '"d the natural source of their WANTED. hall's Is called the best ln the world. Miss Mason1 1 No matter how pretty a woman Is she e.. i . tt-1 Li.., ,. . , a i cannot afford to run. She rarely knows voarie. n .ra.aja . uwa ou . . eInlfclton aDt t0 Kg . ; entertainment treet, the well Known and popular re- ; om ment. -6,,, !. SWeS?; "iU m. ntaln" ,l ! TIghe Hotel on Friday afternoon. Apr'! ,,0n: tT -h? "'i? ! A social dance was given last evening 10. at, p. m. All par. n keeps on band only the best grades of- ln t-'ppertown. at w hich a large number wines, liauora and clawr. Poruir. ,e, ; P"- and enjoyed the evening supplies. WANTKDAn honest, active gentleman ... . .... ' ir n.,-i ..v. tk.i ,h. .ii.tnn. "r 'dy to trvl for reliable established s klndergarien wll g!va an : Mr Davidson says thit the dlstnnc ' n.arv r nav.lil. Ill weekly and social tn the nnirt- h-om the Tillamook county line to Hea- " salary, irw. payauie ill weeaiy ed I by ne school at the side I. twenty miles, and i that out of "d expenses. Situ. Ion permanent Ref- J; . . , ' . ji.,, .k .T i ..i- ..i... erences. Knclose self-addressed stamped uiin. r.i.k. - i to tne IUU. or, and Professor Schwabe, the well I .,,.. 7 . . , . , known pianist. Is making the music one ,M T- "18",kth V t to1Po"iand ,afl of the features of the place. Call and nlgnt to Joln nr huabaP'1', wh0 13 , ln brina; your friends with you. attendance upon the political convention in that city. and others Interested or unacquaint ed with kindergarten methods are invited to be present as a iemonstra tlon of this popular and successful plan of education for young children will be the prominent feature of Ut occasion. miles of a road In any sort of passable ""I01;, Th, "''" Company, shape, in aiklltlon to the trade with Omaha Building. Chicago. the lowr Nehalem, thr Is also ft I Tou know what rubbish slips ! t00 elegant new spring patterns along with a bait price nnder ln colore1 'root shirts and ouff s to oover of a COO shoe in some ' match at Herman Wise, the reliable stores, made from sllmpsy, slea- ' Clothier and Hatter. sy, sorryiui stuff. We don't keep that kind. THE ARCADE. I FROM NOW UNTIL SPRING Don't fall to see those 111.50 worsted cheviot and melton suits which have Just arrived at Herman Wise's one price clothing establishment I Encourage home enterprise. Buy your Overcoats and winter wraps will be in coal of Elmore, Sanborn & Co., agents, fashion. They can be discarded, tempor-i Steamer Harrison will arrive today, dl arily while traveling In the steam-h-ated rect from tne oilman mines. trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. j Paul Railway. For solid comfort, for, The steamer Ocklahama, which arrived speed and for safety, no other line can down iaat evening with the Tactolus, compare with this great railway of the Wlll eave up tne river early ;hls morning with the Tlllle E. Starbuck In tow. t Those men's f2.00 shoes that fit j Ray Morton, of Ross, Hlgglns & Co., perfectly, wear as they should, ' Is somewhat under the weather, and one are solid, honest leather, and more lowly priced than you are used to seeing such shoes. THE ARCADE. REMOVAL. of his associates says that It is all be cause "Pa won't buy me a wheel, The funeral of the late H. E. Topping took place yesterday, under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias. The re mains were laid to rest ln Greenwood, . , I van at Herman v ise a x.iorning store . , 5. : . . un"laoor, nl Jook at the latest arrivals in shirt-, to Jeffffs restaurant, I respectfully in-! collars, cuffs, hats and clothing. Some Z, if ."J,u owler n nto of nobby and attractive goods both in style good, honest footwear, to call on me ln snd nricea. the new place. New work as well as re-1 pairing. Good workmanship and live and let live prices. S. A. GIMRE. A TW1BTER. A twister In twisting May twist hkn twist. For ln twisting a twist Three twists make a twist; But If one ot the twists Untwists from the twist. The twist untwisting Untwists the twist. That Is, when it's twisted with any otbr twine than MARSHALL'S. AN ENIGMATICAL BILL OF FARE. All the latest shapes in new spring hats and caps and clothing; new cuts and new styles, new prices. No trouble to show goods, at Herman Wise's, the one price clothier. Mr. E. A. Seeley, of the White Collar Line. Portland, Is In town looking after the Interests of his company, and Incl- . dentally getting pointers on the railroad ! situation. Steamer Harrison Is due with cargo of Oilman coal. Patronize the only steam , ship line making Astoria home port and terminus. Elmore, Sanborn et Co., are agents. For a dinner, served on the Dining cars of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, will be sent to any address on receipt of a two-cent postage stamp. If the steamer Harrison can dispose of enough coal to keep her running regular ly, Astoria wlll have steamer cominuni- Apply to Geo. H. HeatTord. Gem rat Pas- r" "' ... " -Jr... ie. ntd T)itHi -.i '"rn & Co., Agents. senger Agent, Old Colony Building. Chi cago, Illinois. ONLY GIRLS. Boston Courier. Kittle Harry answer. Trllbena How do you know? won't take i.o for an iiornOn Easter Sundty morning, to the wife of John McCormlck, a nine pound girl. Mr. McCormlck Is very hap py over the event, and reports that his family are doing well. Ptate Superintendent of Public Instruc- lrHa Tta hanollu I .han't rrt.,A I, . 1'WIII Wlll IV. lUltf HI II1B him. - "' ' " "J . Methodist rhurch Saturday evening. Mr. i Irvln wlll probably jeeupy the pulpit of th! church Sunday. ROYAL Baking Powder has been awarded highest honors at every world's fair Where exhibited. Contractors have commenc.-d work on the repairs to Tenth street between Du ane and Exchange. This block has long been In bad condition, and every cne wlll welcome a charge for the better. Corey Brothers have all preparations complet-vl for pushing work across the bay. A scow load of rook was yesterday sent from Tongue Point to Tansy, for Hp-rapping purposes. Mr. Fastabend's pile driver and the timber necessary for Its erection, were shipped yesterday to Tansy creek. Work will commence on that bridge immediately. Th- piles have arrived from Goble, and a few weeks' work will finish all that remains to be done on this piece of road on the west nlde. Some complaint Is being made that the streets of the city are not being kept In the clean condition that they should be. Visitors from Portland and elsewhere, have within the last few days, comment ed unfavorably on the condition of Asto ria's thoroughfares, and while the street of Portland are perhaps not In perfect condition, that does not excuse h city like Astoria lit tolerating the dirty streets that are here Iho rule rather than the exception. Thse opinions were not expressed alone by one or two par ties, but are the opinions of many who are well posted ln affairs. Mr. Reuben Brooks, of Gloucester, Mass., Is In the city. Mr. Brooks Is a member of the Russia Cement Company, of Gloucester, which manufactures the famous Page liquid glue. The Russia Cement Company Is the greatest organ ization of Its kind In the world, and owns all or a part of every glue factory on earth. Mr. Brooks has purchased an Interest In the oil works formerly owned by Messrs. Gorman Brothers, and wlll erect a glue factory here. This new enterprise wlll give employment to a number of hands, and wlll be the only glue factory In the state. The offal of salmon wlll be utilized In the manufac ture of glue. large amount of business that could be ; done with Tillamook county If there was : a decent road between ther snd Astoria. 1 The Nehalem people, through the effort ' of Mr. Davidson, have within the 'ast . few days raised a suhflcrlpilon of some thing over . for th prosecutlm of ; work on this road Everyone who has ' been consulted on the subleti, ngr. es I that the toad should V built through from the Tillamook line. Th old Necar- , ney road, up through tieiielde, with the i new road necessary to b built, can be put In passable shape nt a cost not to exoee.1 per mile. The farmer feel that the cltlsens of Astoria should com FOR SALE. . JAPANEHIC QOODH-Just out Juat rs-celved-Just what you want, at Wing Let s. Ml Commercial strt. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Two business houses, on with 19 furnished rooms upstairs, other with 7 furnished rooms upstairs ami bar fixtures down stairs. Call at this office, FOR RENT A furnished suit of rooms on ground floor, centrally located. 414 ORIGIN OF "TEETOTAL." Exchange. The late Rev. Joel Jewell, a Presby terian clergyman, revivalist und petlve temperance worker, Is said to have orig inated the word "teetotal" In this wise: When quite a young man, not then or dained. Mr. Jcwdl was ..'oniliictliu.' a public temperanec meeting In Hector, N. Y. For the pledge against using dis tilled liquors he Introduce1 the letters "O. P.," meaning "old pledge," ;md "T" for "total," the latter Including both dis tilled and fermented liquors. When tak ing the names of those who had ex pressed a desire to sign the pledge a young occupant of a gall ry seat called out. "Add my name and a T,' for I urn 'T-totaller.' " After this the word "tototal" was adopted by Mr. Jewell In his writings and speeches. to their help, now that (hey have done : Exchange street all that they car.. It Is not a matter f RENT Nice rooms, over C. B. ?, . ITii PUr h"",ne,V':T3.' Smith's candy .tor Inqulr. ot Alex tlon In which the merchants of Astoria are more largely Interested than the fnr- mers. An extensive, gllt-eilged trade is being lost every day In this city be cause the farmers have not adi means of reaching their natural of supply. The farmers, on the hand, suffer because they cinnot find; JOHN KOPP, Prop n. iiiiimri tn u reiisoiiiiuie eosi r.r trans1 portatlon, for the produce might raise. In other word their Inability of renchlno- mnrki.1 Vr 1 And A A rUKICK, Davidson says that If only n few hun North Paeifie Bremery e other m find JOHN KOPP, Prop ' triina :,;:hh'yhio,hn;t i Bohemian Lager Beer id, because of ! . . vv or.i.TCD dred dollars were spent this ueason In Improving the worst ptrt of the road, It would be of great assltanc to them. The lower Nehalem iwople have this year a large crop of hay In sight, there are plenty of cattle in th country which are In good condition, snd small fruits and vegetables will be plentiful. The loggers are doing a good business, and the Nehalem Mills are running full blast There Is only one dark spot on the horo scope of the Nehalem valley, and that Is that Astorlans and a largo part of Clatsop county are paving more atten tion to the railroad than they are to the county road. Leave order with J. L Carlson at th Bunnysld Saloon or Louis Boentg at th Cosmopolitan Saloon. All order will b promptly attended to. BICYCLE ACADEMY. Sherman & Thing havo opened a riding school next door to Pacific Express office. Competent Instructors constantly In at tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi cycles for sale and rent REV. DR. LIIjDELL. His Church Adopts Resolutions of Re gret for his Resignation. A congregational mee'lng was held on Wednesday evening In the Presbyterian church to take action on the resignation of the pastor, Hev. It. l.l.ldell. The at tendance was large, Before the opening of the meeting Mr. Lldd-ll In n fe-llng manner, addressed those present, insur ing them that he had 'end. red Ids resig nation only after careful ttnd prayerful consideration. The church md Its mem bers had a warm pla-e In lis heart, but he believed the Interests of the church as well as his own Interests, would be best served by the step he had taken, and, therefore, before the meeting com menced, he wished them to fully under stand that his decision was rlnal and the meeting could act accordingly. Pastor Llddell then called upon Rev. Dr. Garner to act as moderator of the meeting, and he retired. Dr. Cnrner then called the meeting to order and the clerk, Elder K C. Holden, read tho minutes of the last meeting, which were approved. Rev. R. Llildell's resignation was then, on motion, accepted, and the following resolution offered by Elder C. A. Hanson, and seconded by Elder E. C. Iloldon, was unanimously adopted: Whereas, The Kev. Robert Llddell has THE ASTORIA SflYlJlGS BANK Act as trustee for corporations and In dividuals. Transact a general banking business. Interest paid on tiro deposits. J. Q. A. BOWLBY President BBSNJ. YOUNG Vic President FRANK PATTON Cssblsr DIRECTORS. J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. Bsnj Young, A. B. Reed, D. P. Thompson W. E. Dement. Oust Holmes. Wouldn't it be a good idea to takt the Burlington next Urns you go east? Not only Is It the SHORT Una to Omaha, Kansas City, and St Louis, but Its service to those and all other southern and southeastern points Is bet ter snd faster than that of any other railroad. People who take It one?, take It a second, a third. a fourth, a fifth time. Tickets, time-tables and full Information on appli cation to the local ticket gent or by addressing A. C. SHELDON, O. A., Portland, Or. LAST CHANCE To the Public THE WORLD-FAMCD CLAIRVOYANT TYNDALL REMAINS ANOTHER DAY If.' ,'yt' ttff''VWt jjyjtfll) mm ;f S s MM i&mf ...CALL EARLY... IF YOU WISH TO SEE HIM REDUCED FEE AT THE OCCIDENT ...TODAY... ... A Choke Stock of . . . California and Oregon Vegetables et V ft FOARD & STOKES CO. Hustler's Astoria Twentieth St. nncJ McKee Ave. fu gin tlin isi-iiiff. ciii lit nf A a. U00d tori.iH hiliM Reason Why Lots Are Sellinir! j Twriity ilt'jrrei'H warmer ami vi'gcta I t i.ii thirty lnyn in advance of tho North I chic Mngnifu'cnt nitpH for nwdenccB, over looking river and hay, Hunny and hIioI terod. Kimy and natural grades; little or no gnuling neet'HHary. ASTORIA INVESTMENT CO., 482 Bond Street. 4 'S h Ij S , . ........ . , . ROSS HIGGIiNS k CO Grocers, : and : Butchers Astoria and Upper Astoria Fist Ti tnd Coffees, Thl Delktc'ei, Doitnitli snd Tropical rruiti, vgiii. usr Cursd Hsms, Bstun, fctc. Choke Fresh - and Salt Meats. THE BOARD OF TRADE I'KTEIt UOURIILL, Prop. ONLY THE FINEST LIQUORS. Cor. Ttnlh and Bond Streets. I's Marshall's: You take ohsnces on. the others. - .'' api Jfri