I TIM DULY ASTOtUV, .tSTMit. K.tllJ.Y MMimi, AlM!f. V). Vrf. Title Table for April, 1896. Mil Wi'ilnrniluy , , , TliuraiUy . . . I rlilny hiiliir.lny , ., , , HON J)A V .... Monday TiicxUv ... , Wtvlupwlny , . , 'I'liureilay Friday Hnlnnliiv M'NDAV.... Monday . . . Tuesday Wtxliinaday , , , , Thursday Friday Km 1 1 1 r I y HON HAY Muiday Tuesday Wednesday , , Thursday Friday Hatiinlav HON DAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday, .. Thursday. MVIIIKS MAKIM.. Nuici I'Kkcd In Aluay Ibe Vtalcr rum Irairtda). The ' To. alumina ' mum h a new Me el. Tim luiuntal atiamrr Mount ll.uiiuu will artlie down I lila mottling Th Tllllc K. thirhu.k r lit prutKihly leav up tho river ihla morning. The llilllnli hark IauIihi Balled eater ilny (or Mlianghsl Willi a r irno uf l.ux.uM Id ul lumber. Tim steamer South 1'oasl will arrive down from I'urtland and will for Hun ram-cu iihluy. Th alcamer Hlmial ullnd yvalnrilny (r Vaiitxiiivar, II. ', and l'ut Hound K.ri llh iimrvlisiutiM vtud l W,iiJ.! Th. twrk Vl.l.llw, with 4W.0UJ Crl of lumlM-r Irum lh Wlllamvim M IIIm. for lh ll.-dun.lu tallivd CuniiMiny, wtltj lcrd)f. Tlis t'oluiiil.lim did urn oik at lh moii Hi u( ih. rlv.r trvalsrUay. but did Hut to iluan la Tlllnmuuk ruck, aa Ilia M(li.r (uu Mwr lo alluar Ilia laiiUUMj u( aupiilta. Th. ilniwr lliHir. W Kldrr aalM y.airrday lor Man KriwU-o Mha ty lira IKI aai'ka ul ali.al. iiii a4 ka uf vala. Ill aui ka of mry, and Bill bun dloa uf ahuuka from rurlland: and IM bumllra uf aliwika. li,7u fr.l nf lumlicr ami IM rroaa arma from AatorU. Th. Iwrk I'at'lolua arrived down Ih ritrr y.atrrday, In liallaal, rn rtiuta to llunultilu fur a rmu uf auar fur NrW Yutk Th. I'ailulua liaa In-.B rnaaml for aum. Ilmo. bul. a llirra arv nuar Uir-. trvkla luadtn( ausar In Honolulu. II waa lliuiiihl Ih. irm'l tnlalu aa aril il. In I'orlloii.l aa In await hrr rnunrw la loo.l ul I ho ll.tn1a Mha will prul al'ly mil Iwlny Th. old rnium rulirr llarll.y la ai unairady un h.r laat l.ga thai II la duiihtlul If aha will hold out until th. It.w ami rommudloua al.amer ivrrntly of.lt tr.l I.) th. knv.rnm.nl liaa ir.n liullt Th. llarll.y, altuuarh alio waa pallt.d up ahuul Ihrva wrvka aa, u cm Ih. at.k Hal nan 1 11. and 'ha ruatoin huua. odWra wlioaa duly II la lo board v.aarla runtlivx In fum lorlmi poita. hav. bad to i-ur a aub4llluln. Th llurlhy h.ia brok.n dtwn at loaal oiu. a month ftir ao'it. tlin., and durlna; h.r tiyufTa U Ink lla'k.il -anoib.r uf th "baa.brrna"-li4 tak -n h.r iiliu-f, Thl I Hun II.. rualuma oltli. r Unurrd th llai krll and .-Mir.-.l ll.nry IVtciaun i aiwrnr luih. th Am v. for boardliw a.rvlr. Th. Irouhl with Ih March y Ibla urn. waa thn blowlnk mil uf h.r rvlliid.r-hrud. It 'a IIU.iv that aha will I. bud ii for nl .nl two wnt'ka. In th mraiulm. th. Ill lo Amy will put nn nir nrouiut th wai.r rrunt with h.r fl.tar of auvarnmatit authority floallin al h.r at.rn and h.r hnti-h uf braaa-bul-IuiuhI I'uaiuma lnnx-tur.- ICmnln.r. Th. ai.nin.r giui'ii will urrlv. from Han Kranrlnu lixlay, with th. follow Inn iik.t II. II. rti'liuito, Mia M Mniiiia, Mlaa It ttat tc !', .' Johnaon, M Martin. II Johnaon. '. K. I'uwrra, J. I1. Taybir, K. P. I'ond, Ml M- Uin.. Mlaa HhiTWiKid, Ml Juhnaun, Mra. A. ri.orlla. Mlaa K. Mwu-t, II. Wlao, wlf. and tau rlillilr.n, A. I. Hum. mid wlf., I. . Iiicaluiirr, H. Ilr.aluu.r, Mra. K A. rinhy. Mlaa lr.alu. A. Aiuliraon, J. lllll.'ii, J. Moor.. II. I1".. Ix'onan, K. J, hriiuk. I. I.. Snillh. f. Il.dlt.ra-. A. K. Unit. Jr. li. . (Irrutlrv, V. V. tliiHlhik, II. II. Hli.rwood mid wlfi M Hiiillh, rt lllaalnicr mid wlf., Mra. IC. U.lly and iluiiithi.r. I. r.l.Taun. f. H. IVI.raon, II. I I Tiiivit mid wlf.. i). A. Hmllli. K. A. Ilryntil. Mra.K. K. liuawidl. Mra. H. U l.a, Mra. J. Wrnynn ud two I'hllilr.n. Mra V. S Thiimo'Kl. J. Ilurh-y. Mia. H. I'nnliiu, Mra. M. t'utlilM-rt. Mra J. Culhli.n. V. Itiiiu.la. M. I'. Him.nblntt, J. II. Hod look. W. II. lluyiT. J. H. Ilolii.r, f. II fulllii". J. Hllvi-r unil wlf.. 1). V HhlndliT. J. l.yri'llu, W. t I'm ..raon and wlfo, urn Kirk, Mlaa I. Huyr. Mlaa IV.kwood, A l. flurk, It. Wldon. II. WiikbIiiIT. II. W. Hmllh. Mra. A. W. Wllll.ini", Mra. M. Hhorl, J. Minimi, O. V. Tool... I'. 1 hi nim, T. llr.imm.'ll, A. U HIuiik mid wlfi', A. (lorhuiii. T. Lucy. It. K, I mini, f. Clink, V. Oil. K. ur- llnif, J. K. Ill.nilicr. J. Mi'Aaof, W J. Klnii.y. J II. Koinal, V. !'. K.nly. I'. M. t.miK IHon. A. Mulr. J. C. l'eloraon, A. H. How., W. II. Tlioiniiaon, Mr, II. II. lliirrhiKlon. II. i:innillt. Marllui Olaon, Mlaa Wfjliind, Mra. It. I lull, J. Mo tlwlnuo. The commlllin npiiolnlfd In rollont Ilia iiiniwy 10 pay for tho urmy all with nrllva, y.at.rday and mat Willi moat Mi coiiriiKlnir r.ul:a A dulomnlon of them witltfd upon tha Cl.arlng Hon Aaaorla lion, and It ih believed thut lodny the naant'liillon will niinonni'o n llhernl dona tion. The enlhiialiam that everybody la allowing In th endeavor lo rnlaa tlila fund at onne. In order to havo the an proiirliillon fur preliminary work paaaed Hi tills Heaalon of congreaa, will recelva nn Imiielua from the ffood newa tele Krnphed from Waahlnglon City laat nlltht. It la to the effect that the new ena-lneerlnif dlatrlol of the atnte of Waah limlon la lo bo put Inl" operation at oiuu. und that Captain W. L. Flak, en Illneer In charu al I'ortlund, will shortly bo trnnaferred lo Senttlo to lake chnrfe of thla department. In addition to thla rheerlmr newa there la tel.-Krnphed the further Intelllkence that a new ll-hthoua dlatrlet will be created, with headqunr Inra at Rent tie. Many memnrlnl" have been aent lo conifreaa howln that the present UirhthoiiBO dlatrlrt waa the moat extenalva In the whole .oiintry. Iiiklnff In the whole of Oreiron. Waahlnnton nnd Aluakn, with Ihe Columbia river, the Hound and other fc-rent mini". nd thnt theruforv It waa Impoaalble trat niivlmi tlon i-ould itet proper protwtlon. Only reecntly mlvKiea were reoetveil from WiiahliiKlon Clly by the Chumher of Commerce Hint the dlvUlon of thla ex. teiiHlvo (Ualrlrt and the irenllon of a new one wiia not likely to he made. The detinue new to the contrary le there fore a plriiBiint aiirprlae. The new llnht liouao dlatrlct, with headiiuartexa at Be- Illlllt HATKH, I LOW WVlKlt. A. M. I P. M. A. Hi I H. M. h. lit. I II. !h. in I (I jli. in. I ft. j li. in. I ft. I t M 1 11. ; ii Ni , 7.1 ; 11 U 11 7 1 II 'ii 2 i ! 'i M lfj ii.ii1 4jyi0 4' Hi :w nr. In 111 nil it 4 '.'ii HO ft Ml ft. 7 II ;U 0.1 II 1ft .'I.K i 4 ft IH M il 7 'il i 0 7 0 li ii. If 1 ft II U7 7 H H 44 ' ft U I) 4ft U 1 M li ft I II 7 41 7 11 I II 44 I H 4 3 VI M. M ' II Ul ll.ll ,7 H firt 7,'J 10V.M II.U II III 11.4 ftfl 0.7 n in iki 7.1 1 ii oi ::. ; 4 in a. a 4 41 o n ! U 10 nil 7 . ! II IKI I 7 ft A 17 I'.O ft 11 I I 111 11 :ii 7,j 1 1 dm 1.1 11 4H 1,. 1 II 0 00 7.7 1 0 14 7.H 11 .1 I.I H 'il I 4 I J U'l, HO I) Nl 7,'J .11 to OH 1147 1.7 lit 0 M H.'J 1 ;ft 7 0 7 Ul O.ft 7 10 Ii 0 14 i in h 4 v (mi n h 7 no o n , 7 m -i Ift I 4ft H.4 3 40 0.6 N1M O.'i , Hill Uft III '2 17 H.ft; 0 tl II I M f.7 O.I i HIIJ 'J7 17 'i M H.4 4 III 7 ii U .HI 0,1 0 1(1 H I ih a aft h.2 r oh if 0 iii w u.K lo 01 a 4 III 4 '.'7 7.11 II II (I II II '.'7 0 4 '11 1U 8.6 ') A mi 7.1) 7 Ul II I 0 M 0 0 1 SI II 47 7.4 H 'tl O.A , (I 47 U 0 1 1 47 , 0 7 X H oft 7 i 0 lfl 7.1 U 17 0.0 , a M ; u 7 .3 u l 7. ft 1004 7.7 an a 1 j a 4h ok a 10 -.ii 7 n 1 in mi hi 4 ao 1 . a ; 4 an I oh Uft II a4 H.I II H .7 ft 14 0.4 , 6 11 ; O H an 0 17 h.u i oi 111 : 0 u i .a :n 0 1a 11. 1 1 117 m o r,i 1 1 0 '-ft I 0 .H 0 64 M.4 I Art 7 U 7 IW I 6 . 7 3H : U 0 .u i aft u.4 a 4H 7 ft m a; i.ft ai 1 a 4 ii a u n.a a 4a 7.1 ia 1 8 mm m i ' altle. will Include I'uol auuml and lb Waablnalun alxl Alaaka toaata.-Mvatll INwIlnlilllaolicer. Till! IHfHTONIAN. With tin) apH-aranr nf Hi April Num ber. Th Huatonlan eommemea Ha fourth volume, whbli vvtml la celebrated by rr.lorina lha prle of thla populur muk aim lo l.n irnia II mual nut l under atiMKl from II a nam. Ihut the I'oaioulan la devoted la niallera uf lorn I lul.real. It la Ibe only maaaifi. In Ihla euuutry that ire.nia lo It reudere llm.ly luph a uf al aort.lna Interval, ni uinpanlml by nu m.ruua and lienutlful tlbintratluna Tho frimtlapliH- uf the April laaue la a portrait uf th. lain Uov.rnur Kied.rlo Thoiiiaa (Irexiihalk. uf Maaaaehuaolta, aerompaiiled by an aide Irlliul lo the auv.riiur and th man. The bailln ar il, lo la the am-und paier un "'ur I'oaat IVfpnrv." by l.buil. aroea A. Kry. Ilia ltrt iH.nirliiuilon In Ihe i.r.c.llna num ber aurai'led wld-pread attention In lha rank of critical aulhorlllea. I.leut. Kry. baa for many year, made a palnalahln ami eahauatlv rludy of Ih aituallon, and w know of no other writer on the auhJiH-t al Ih pr..nl llin whoa obaervallon are mor calculated lo ba trut worthy and acl.niincally correct. Another tlm.ly rontiibujlon e one en til Id 1 r Nana.na Voya- lo Ihe North I'ule." by John Munlot k, late naluratlal awl ol.aerv.r of Ih United glaive Polar Kipeditlon to Alaaka. Mr. Jalurdork'a vl.wa may tea regarded aa well wcrlhy of attention, and hie topic la crlalnly one lhal never fall lo enite Ih lntrel and culioally of all readrr. A ak.lch of Ih 'fulled Htatea Uf Having Her vk" by lto I Kewcomb. a woman rl.oa.ly eonnecled with the work, forma an ajbtlilonal artlul uf rur.nl nut. Hilll anothr eilremrty readable account la the on under lha head of "Vcated Choir. " by ll. Albert K. ieor. Thla narrative la prefueely llluatrat.-d with phnluarapha A rharmlnal aecund chap ter of Mr Kat Tannalt Wutxl' alory milled "An Old I'urltan Chair, ' ne to complete a numlarr that la aa note worthy aa any Th lloatonlan haa yet preaenlrd. lloatonlan Tub. I'd , U Newbury alreel, lloalon, Trice, 10 cvnia. Xluny are c.fTrrd. bul only few ar ehaaen. rrlre'e Cr.am Haklna powder, MKN1' KOIt HATCHPAV. IVaat (huu think, becauee thou art vlr tuotia, there ahall lie no more cukea and ale -Twelfth Night Hrkfaal. Wheat laVea Fried I'.rch. Hprlnc jmli Chopa, HruiPKl paeon. Cntali an (Iratln. Frle.1 lluiulny. Coffoe. I.uiurheon. Creamed Cap n In Caaea. Tomaf.i" Muyonnabe. tlrren Corn 1 riddle Cakea Or. inn. Iiyer Cake. Tea. IMnner. Oyaler. Houp a In Kautionne. Hauclaeona de l.yon. ollrea linked Fluuiider 11 la HI. Main, rotntoea llordchtlee. Ilrnlail Veal. French Hauce. Spinach, with Poached KKa. Iloiiat Itll. a of ll.H'f Ccleiy 8.il.l. Applea a la Uu. heaae. Coffee. NATIVH IIOHV IN CITIKH. Kxehanae. 11. 'liar. Una Ihe ixipulttoln nl ureal rapl lala. M. Ilertlllon, the French atatlatlclan. haa nia.le known aumc InleriMtliiir facta. London haa the hliritcla iH'tvcntiiKc uf mit'e iHipuliitlon, It lelna RTi per acnt In Vienna the native imputation la i.'. per cent: In lierlln, II; In Si, I'cterabiirg, 1!. nnd In Pitrla. M The itreateal nutntH.r if forcluncra la In Pari, over IM.nn, Incbelliu Sil.ma i!er timna, while In llcrlln there are but ; Frenoh, The ureiileat nurnli-r nf fnr.la-n.ra I rom any one nation In 1'iirn la lli lnlana. Ifi iMi. Of oilier imtl.in illllca there lire U.iH) FukIIhIi, M.WU tbumana. S.om Una alalia 13, 'IH I. lixelllboiil alalia, lH.lim Snlaa nn.l I'l.Kni liultiina. of 1 lip pbra ent pop'il illnn In I'nrla only M per cent were him there. For th. pnat thirty yenr thla pert entaire haa remained prac tically thn aiiuir. lierlln coiitaliia ISHm fnn-lnnera. Hi. I'cterabiiiu ii.mK txin.lon W.iKD, Vienna M.Ouu, HUM DIDN'T TAKH WITH I1KNTLKMKN. TIIK Hhn waa rufln-d, Intellljcnnt, nnd nut bud lookliur bill anmehnw alio nexfr B.emuU In take will) the irrntlcmcn. They didn't like her llatlca wnys: they aald ahu hadn't any "aunp" nbuul her. Poor erlrll aha was Buffering' from folic tlounl Irr.iirul.irltlea, and it waa actually Impossible for her to take much Interval In nr.ylhlnif. Hut a chunge cum. One day she heard nf Dr. Pierced Favorite Prescription. She procund a bonis, and she hud not taken hnlf It contonU be fore ahe fell like another woman. Now she I In tho enjoyment of perfect health, nnd haa suitors by the . score. No womnn need Buffer from functional Irrea ulntltles and weaknesses. The "Favor Ite Prescript Ion" la a safe nnd ticrtnln cure for all Ihe weaknraaea to which wotnei, bra peculiarly subject Pr. Tlercee Pelleta cure constipation, biliousness, Indigestion and headache. One a dose. HIS F1R8T 1MPKB8SION. Mexico City Herald. "That umbrella yon lent mo yester day" aald the mnn who had Just come Into the office "Yes?" "Here It Is. I came lo return It." "Dour mo!" waa tho .lbsnnt-mlnded re ply. "I had no Idea It Wit In hiicIi bad condition na all that!" , KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the' irreat lllood mirifler, Rlvea freshness and clear ness lo the complexion and cure Con stipation, 25 cts., 60 eta., $1.00. For sale by J. W. Conn. THE ROYAL HOAI) TO RICHES Slury nf Mow u Mllllonulrc Aciilrcd Hi l( kins, Hiitlnt) Slmlcd With Nollilii. ANY O.NT. CAN liKT KICII Hcsalur Price dives Home 9sa4 advice to Tuktij .lea. oil Tells Tli est 0ow lo risk a r.irtsse - Out'! flay Is Woiklig Miir. Henator Calvin H. 1 1 rice, of Ohio, talked Ihe other day about wealth and how lo acipilr II. Henntur Uric haa acquired riches and h Is a aelf-madn man, Far back In lb mlaly days of lis younf munhuod ha drove a canal boat mule on Hi Krl. canal. Today ha Is many times a millionaire, a power In pollilra. promi nent In New York. Newport nnd Waah liiktun society, and a camtldu't fur I he Democratic nonilnallon fur Ihe preal dency. The senatur talked with a 'eporter In a parlor car en rout to Waahltivton. "I am kind lo Islk about g.lilna rich ami the yuuns; niun'a chances of the an me," an I.) Henator llrlee, la line down a liook and rxtrnllnk a I. and to the Interviewer, ''la-caliae It la aomethltlJC niton which I have alron- opluloua. end a Ihliia- about which I have never talked "It la an unusual topic for a public man tu dlacuee wealth. I nm well aware lhal In public life a man seeka morn uften to dlaeuaa hla money than ac knowledge It, ami 10 lanore the a.lvnnt aaea uf iHMaealna wealth. To my mind there la a virtue, na well aa a value, In money. WORK AND PRAY. "To the ycunc man who wants lo gel rich I aay, 'riches will be yours.' I ..sr.. with Km.raon that you tan get anything you want In Ihla worl I. If you work lor II, pray fur It and !-' lies you will get It, It Is yours lu time. Kmeraun suya that If you want a ruck In mld'occnn It will come floating lo your feet. That la my own bellaf. "To give advice lhal will be good for something I will lap sieclrtc In my state inenta. If a young man w.inta to get rl'-h 1.1 him get an Int.reat In a hualm-aa and work al It. This dors mean lo put capital In It al th atari. It lilm aelerl a bualmaa and learn all about IL "Young men who study law or Ihe mlnlatry devote four year to the atudy of the law ur Ihe mlnlatry rxrlualvely, after they hav completed an ordinary education. Young men thinking of bual nraa should atudy their bualneaa Just as lung a time before going Into II. "Take Ihe commlaslun bualneaa. that highly honorable and richly repaying line of work. 11 the ambitious com mleelon merchant prepare himself be forehand for Ills work. It him learn about Ibe making of hla goo-Is, the trans porting of them, th prottta possible tnd the (iron I a dealrahle. I .el him learn how hiw he ran aril, aa well as how high. It him barn to discriminate rds al a glance for himself This will lake lime When he knuw It. let him handle goode on an ordinary cummlaal n. "My flrat remark about Kettltig nn In lereat In a bualneaa co.nea in play here. The yotitig commlaalnn merchunt now own part of that bualneaa. He may be wurklng tu sell a capitalist's guode. Hut fur every 110 he makes for thai capitalist he makrs one for himself. The rapl lallet'a bualneaa Ib hla bualneaa. "Tho aame with Ihe Importer. These lines of work are semi-professional, and an rxcrlb-nt examplea of a .ombinatlon of manual labor and brain. l-ct the wuuld-lo imiKirter learn all about Ihe tariff. 1-et him learn th rust cf carry ing good, la-t him act aa carrier until h learn the lips and downs of carrier life. "!.et him get the commission Purines In such a nuii.li.-ll that he will be known as the cut-rate commission man, the one who Bella the best goods al the lowest sipiarn ruto In the clly. There Is a ipilck sale there, a ready protll and the foundutlun uf a fortune. ANYONK CAN OKT RICH. "I am willing lo stake my name and reputation upon thla aaserllun. Any young man can gel rich who Is willing lo get rich. "A great nuiay men do not care for riches. They may have frail health, ur a frail family history, and the r.aaou lhal It la better for them to enjoy life aa they ao along, sure of ..lw os having enough lo live upon. They may be right from their point uf view, but we lire talking about 'the possibility uf getting Noli." "There are people who cannot work continuously at a thing. They gel tired. They meal have recreation. Their phyal eal health will nut permit lOiitlnued "Im plication ten and. yea, fourteen hour a day until well started. It Is more diffi cult fur such men to x-t rich, Lecuuse they cannot give the business as much of their attention as It O'lotil to have at first, In order lo build up that fortune we lite talking about. ' And then there ar peopl' who do not hue ambitions 'or wealth. They can't appreciate the feclln of having money anil bonds, mil eaiaie and pro jectors' Intereats. flier, are always cnouirh of th.'se contented spirits tu leave the Held clear nnd open for Ihe strong, ambitious ones, who want to be directors of capital. "If I wore naked to Mame the IiiihI:U'km es nl whli h a mnn can Ret rich 1 would auy at railroading, mlnlnir, forwarding iiitcola, coiumb-Hlon, liupoi lliiK mid tiianu facturtiitr, and at any of tne other under current Industries that aro the boncslncw and vital, of a great country's Industry. lleliiK hidden, they do not tempt n other llciils tin, and there is an Immense re source of wealth here. Vhe profession are nil mlnca of wealth, "The rules I would lay down are to know all about It beforehand. rVcond, never speculate. Or speculate only with your time. If you sea a irood thing neglected, offer Ihe fupltnllsl who owns It nine-tenths of It. If he will let you keep the other tenth for developing It. Take his ralli'i.i la throuuli Impossible part of the country. Kin. I Haws lit 1 Is presnt wny of doing tlilmrs, Jo them better for him. nnd, iln.illy, work nil the lime, taking III lie rucremlon nnd causing only for health's sake. l?nt nnd sleep, but never take time to Idle. It la your time that counts In a young business. RICH MEN'S SONS. "The claim Is made that the sons of rich men have all Ihe chanrea and the aona of poor men none at all. This I a mistake that, to the rich man. Is ludicrous. Rich men' son are born In luxury. They have luxury enough, money enough. They want someone to take the enre of their auperduoue money off their hands. Here I the chance of the ambitious young; man. With the wealthy fellow as a backer, he can make a fortune for both. "The rich man' on ha a belter chalice of success than the poor man' son. I do not aay that Cornellua Van derbllt's son ha not a better start than the oobbler'a son, but In the long; run the cobbler' son can make very great stride. "The cobbler' son I not handicapped In life, unless handicapped by luck of brains. Here nnd there alone birth tells. The son of a country doctor, tho son of a country clergyman, Ihe ton of a book loving mother, the son of a mnn who rends literature while he cobbles shoes, has the aame chitnoo of ultimate sin cesa a a the capitalist's Hon. The latter, If ho lm no bruins, will spend his money, bul Ihe former, having br.nn, will ac Humiliate II. Aa inn lo lha other giilns. drains and money go hand In bund. TIIF.RH IS NO LOCK, "Luck? Do I bellevs In luckT No. There la no luck, except that brought by i'l vi rnei mul wvrk nnd milking frlenda. Oilier 'luck' Is ? fteetl'ig thai It I not luck, muroly a chance-thrown away. ' Ix.ng ohanoca lire bad things for young men. You can't afford 10 lukn Ibem. flood, st-idy vim, economy, a lllll money In the bunk, a relnvcstim-fit ami an honest, ateudy piirMM will land you where yoii want 'o b. Above all, Imi hmiest. There la no oihr plan or policy worth considering. Leav an bon.al, friendly road behind you, and you will find Ha clear refl'sitlon cast upon Ihe path ahead. "Iut w.ll enough alone. You are doing well. Hav your m ney and keep on. Your employer Isn't 1 well off a yud are, Make yjur"lf his honest friend ami helper. If you are In a little bual neaa uf yuur own, inlarg your Block alowly, pay a you 40--und watch your bank account roll up. "Young men. If Ihey have a fault In ac-klng riches, are not apt lo want lu wurk. A boy, a helper, some nne U aa llileraaleil In th business la Iniruaird Willi Important details, 10 th loss of the man who should have guided ll.e difficult helm himself. "Thla greal country la rich eno igh lo allow every man lo lw a millionaire. You run be one. Ami even Hl10.1l I you not have Ihe good health or the firmness and self-denial to 'isplre lo riches, thla ad vice, If followed, will place you In that stale uf rkmlort desired by King Hnlo-mon-of neither too much nor too little." Itl'HHIA AND J'HANCK. Ht. Petersburg Hhares the Herald' View That the French Government Should Have Joined Ihe OlV-r Powers Ht. pcteraburg, April -plnlon her aa reganla French for darn Iwllcy Is ac curately and strikingly reflected In Ihe r.lliorlal of the Kuroein edition of ll.e New York Herald on March V, which bua been much quoted, what Is essen tially true being that portion which I lo the effect that Franc would lw In a stronger position had site Join -d th other powers. As Ihr Herald sal. I: "fly affording Kngland Its hearty r n-op-rillon do French government vould have heaped coals of fire upon her betd In reg'trd to Ihe ipustlon of the .v.i''tm!lon of F.gypt. As II Is, the action of Frunce only serves lo draw clnaer the ties which bind lla'y and Kngland." A personage who knows exactly what the feeling In RijbiIh b said loduy: "Franc ahnuld hav KH'en her conaenl. but ahe ahould have uccomnnnli-d It by comlltlona. What Russia would Ilk to aee would be Ihe return of M. Ilunotaux lu power, and. curiously mouirh, the aame feeling Is shared by Count Oo luckowskl. the Austrian prime minister, who slated ao recently, and also, which la mure rurloua still, by Lord Salisbury. Ther Is the best reason for asserting that Huaala, aa a signatory of IhV treaty of October 21. iwn. ia taking more than a passing Interest In seeing lhal lha treaty, which waa signed by all the powers, should hold go.nl. all Ih more ao In the preaent condition of affair In the Uast; but acordlng to one who hold a position which forbid mention hla name. Kneels la not going lo emu late the overhastlneas she crlllclvd In M. HeMhelol. late Fren?h minister of foreign affaire. Further, ah doea not believe In any thing like bruaquenesa where there la In volved merely a question of International law which ran easily be brought up and Judged calmly. The Kngllah expedition can laat but n munth and then will pause llll September. The Vlcodmostl, In the course of a aon.es hat violent article, say: "Mr. I ui I four' a statement that Kngland Is not hound In any way simplifies the situa tion. Thla la the laat chance to an nounce Ihe European algnifb'anc of Ihe Huel canal. While the English are In Kgypl there can he no peace for Europe. Knsland Is encircling the World with her territory." CLATSOP NOTES. Clatsop April 7, Hat. Editor Astorlan: The me mlicrs of the county court were sitting In Clatsop City to-lay on the platform waiting for the train, ao I was told. It seems to me lo be the proper thing for the court to take pains to know a little about Ihe roads, bridge, etc. Then when you go lo them they can talk with Intelligence, a,nd If they don't think aa you do, you'll know they think, at least, wherraa, when you know they don't know a thing atojut any road, and then they deride against you, Il make you mad. I heard thev were going to look at the Seaside bridges afler leaving here. There are ecvernl cosily bridge there. If the Lewis and Clarke bridge la made, a number of the hol.lcsr of land along the road from A a I or la to Ihe seaside Intend to sell off five-acre tract so aa to put settlers along the road, thus muklng It easier to keep up a good ruf.d. I aee they are advertising electric bicy cle, and an Eastern paper aays It will lie so soon that the rate of speed on a bicycle on a good road will only depend on the nerve of tho rider. You would need a snap shot Kodak camera to see some of the Astoria boys go by, when those day come. We have had some Interesting evening at our literary society lately. We decided to recognise the belligerent rights of the Cuban Insurgents. Also decided that Christian missions ought to be protected by Christian nations. Next Saturday night the subject under discussion will lie: "Resolved, That city life (Clutaoi City, presumably) Is prefer able to country life." If there was not so much spring work going on. we would lie liable to discuss most nny question. I have often heard that the discussion of political ques tions would cause hard feelings, but II docs not prove so here. We argue on the side we ure put on, If we think that way or not. D. F. STAFFORD. TO THki LETTER. Toronto Catholic Register. An Irish member of tho Sixth regiment of South Carolina Infantry was stationed on the bench of Sullivan island, with orders to walk between two apocled points, nnd to let no no pass without giving the countersign. He was one of those soldiers who believed In obeying orders to the letter. Two hours after Hugh had thuu been stationed, the cor poral with the rell.f appeared In the mconllxht, nnd was astonished to see Hugh walking to and fro up to hi waist In water. The tide had come In. "Who goes there?" demanded the Ben try. "Relief," answered the corporal. "Hall, relief! Advance, corporal, and give the counnrslgn." "Hut I am not coming In there to be drowned. Come out and let me relieve you." "Nlver a bit," said Hugh. "The llf ten.int told me not to leave me post." "Well, then," said the corporal, start ing to move away, "you may ttay there all night." "Halt!" thundered the entry "I'll put a hole In ye If you pans without the countersign. Them's me order from the llftenant," and he cocked nnd lev eled the gun. "Confound you and the lieutenant!" answered the corporal. "Everybody will hear It If I bawl It out to you." "Yls, me darling, and the Uflennnt aald It must he given in a whisper. In with ye: me tinner's on the trlirger." There was nothing for the corporal to do but to wade out where the faithful sentinel stood. "Ite Jabbers,'' said that worthy, "If well you've cornel The dhlrty tide has almost drowned me." On April ! Mrs. I-vl P. Morton and Miss Morion will sail fur Europe for the benefit of the hitter' health. They will be suns until the summor. ONI'ROITriOl'H ! F.xchange. "look here, W'adklna, Ihla won't do! You've signed your 'Add.aaa to Voters' 'W. Thomas Wndklns.' That won't go 1 down with the boy, it looks Ilk put , ting on frills. If you want to be el ted I alib rman from Ibis warl you an'l ufford lo part your name In ltw middle," "I don't know whether 1 enn ur not. hut I know It will kill me In Ihla ward to apll my first name out In full." "What Is your first name?" "Vou won't tell any of the boys?' "No." "It Waterman." A 8I HJKCT OF HINCKItB COKQRA TO LA no.v I Ih non-possnision of an actively sen all lv nervous ytem. Ihcro or host of people who, although free from any positive nervous dlt-ase, are eel, ao to apeak, upon "tenter hooks'' by alight noises or an unexpct-'d occurren..- of th smallest moment. Hoitct'er' Hlom- ; ach Hitler la of In'.-xprsaalld benefit to me nervoua. Taken before bedtime II Insure Iranpill, health -yielding 1 lumber, and used lie! ween nuils II restores that sound digestion usually denied lo nerv ous Invalids. It la ilao eminently bene ficial In sufferers from rheumatlim, ma laria, debility, constipation and kidney troutdes. Persona falling off In the mat ter of appetli. dean an-1 the ability to sleep aoundly ahould resort at once to this superb nervine, alterative and 'onlc For nearly half a century It haa been a h-allng medicine, and has received Ihe hlgh-at trll.. ilea from ihe m.-dl'-.il pro feaalon. I'm It and be convinced. HOW TUB gi'ARUKf, ItEOAN. Exchange. "I drcaimd last night." aald Dick, "that I wenl out Into ihe woods and found a burrel full of gold." "That was bully!" ex. Inln.' d Johnny. "You gave me a whole In of It, dl In'l you V "Course not. I bought the Imng-uppcst bicycle you ever saw with part of II and siienl the nat for candy." "I wouldn't le aa allnny as you are." raid Johnny, "not for a million dollara!" HI.'CK LEN S AP.NiCa SALVE. Th beet enlv In th world fot Cut 'Irulses. Soles 1. leers. Salt rtheum, Fevee gore. T. tier. Chapped Hands, ','hilblain. Cone, and All nkm hrup tlona. and positively 'ure pile, or no pay re.( 11 1 red 'A U guaranteed to five perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Pric. IS cent per box. For s!e by Chae Roger. "V1.1 Fellows' building. OETTINQ CI-OSB TO NATI RE. Exchange. The elephant selxd a wlap of hay. I waved It In the air. and deftly Inserted II In hi mouth. "Hav you noticed," be cold, turning to the camel, "that the (tyle of ladles' sleeve for IM I shiped exactly Ilk my irunkr Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga, Tenn.. aay: "Shlloh's Vltallaer "SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider It the best rem edy for a debilitated system 1 ever need." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble. It excels. Price 71 cts. For sale by 1. W. Conn. I'NSALCBRIOUS. "Yea," admitted the wayfarer, "there was lots of ague In thut country. They voted prohibition, you know, and people got In the way of ahaklng for drinks." Nutnlng waa heard for the space of several minute aave a dull, booming sound, which might have proceeded from Ihe explosion of a dlatant aerolite or from Ihe Impart of a bung atarier upon a devoted head. Pur blood mean good health. De Wltt'a Baraaparilla purine the blood, eurte Eruption. Ecsema, Scrofula, and all disease arising from Impure blood. Chaa. Roger. They are telling In Dublin an old story revamped on Mr. Balfour. It Is said that an eminent Irish bishop, who was a home ruler, once met Mr. Halfour at I a dinner, and In the course of the talk Mr. Balfour said: "Rut, after all. 1 fancy the new-snipers tnak4 more noise than the masse. Do vou think, now. that Ihe people really dislike me?" "Ah, Mr. llnlfour. sal.l the bishop. "If the Irish hated the de.ll only half as much aa they do you my occupation would be gone." PHILOH'B CORE I oid on a guaran tee. It cure Incipient consumption. It I th best Cough Cure. Only on cent a rlo-e 2S cents. U cent, and tl.CO. For sale hy . W. Conn. Pounder What the matter, old man? Rounder (who came home very late the night before! Why, I can see two of my face In the mirror here, and I don't know which one to shave. Boston Tran script. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. A rotten cause ablds no handling. 8hukespeare. It I not a miracle. It won't cure everything, but It will cur piles. That' what DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve will do, because It has done It In hundred of case. Chaa. Roger. French gum drops cost $1 per pound. Or. Price's Cream Baking; Powder Contains nn Ammonia or Alum. ENGLISH CAPITAL FOR AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. Important to Americans seeking Eng Hah Capital for new n:rprkes. A list containing the na-mo agl adoYexxa ot 3W successful promoters who have placed ovw tll.iA).i Sterling In Foreign In vestments within lite last s x years, and ovor flS.OOO.OOO for the seven month of 1M5. I'nc. ti. or fcS, payable by p.v-taj iiekT to the London and Universal Bu reau of InveJKur, N. Chenp.-d.1e, London, E. C. Subscriber, wil be entitled, by ar- raiiiremer.t with the directors to rvcelve oll'hec persotvaC or lot ton of lntroductoln to any of thcew u.c-SMfiu promoter. This Hat Is first cCaas in every respect, and every man or firm whoa name ap pears therein may be depended upon. Fur placing the following It will be found lnvaluabi Bond or Share of In- dumria' Commercial and Financial con cerns, Mortnge roans, Sale ot Lands, Pat arils or Mines. Directors: SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPY8, CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyright THIRTY-FIFTH STREET NOTICE. GRADE Notloe I hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria pro poses to establish the grade of Thirty fifth street In that part ot th city ot Astoria known as Adair' Port of Upper Astoria at the follow Ins; heights above th base of trades. At the Intersection of Thirty-fifth and Harrison at 18 test At the intersection of Thirty-fifth and Irving avenue at l&l feet, and between Harrison avenue and Irving avenue In a direct line at a uniform grade. And unless a remonstrance signed by th owners of three-fourths of the prop erty fronting on said portion ot said street be filed with the auditor and po lice Judge within ten day from the final publication of thl notice, to-wlt: on or before Monday, April 13, ISM, the common council will establish said grades. By order ot the common council. Dated March 18. 1896, H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Canadian Pacific RAILWAY. AMKRICA'H Gristest Trjcs-Coiitiiier,tai Railway System. from oralo ocas -IN- Palacd Dinlnf Room and Sleeping- Carl. Luxurious Dining Cars. Elegant Day Coaches. -also Observation Cars, allowing Unbroken Views Jf the Wonderful Mount ain Country. $5.00 and $10.00 sared1 o all ticket Kaat Tourlit ear Ih beat on wheels. rqulpaanU f Ik very 6 neat IhnmghosL -ALSO- Canadlan Pacific ROM Ml STEAMSHIP li -T0- China and Japan. China steamers leave Vancouver, B. C Esiprc-M nf India taprna of Jitas Eaipreat of Chins fcw-rat of jnita 1-aip.a ot Jacaa taip'rii of Onaa Aur. 51. Aug 6rtl. S-irt. ih. Oct uMl. Nov. 11th. Ix. cak. Australian teasr Uaa Vancouver, B. C , 16th ta) vry SMala). For ticket rates and Information call on or adJress JAS. FINLAYSON, Azent, Astoria, Or. W. F. Carson, Traveling Pass. Art., Tacoma, Wash. Geo. McL. Brown, D'st fas. Art., Vancouver, B. C. PROPO8AL8 FOR FRESH BEEF AND Vreah Mutton: Office Chief Com missary, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., March 25, INS! Sealed proposal In trip. Ilraue will be received here and at offices of Commissaries at following named posts, (for fresh beef and fresh mutton to be delivered at that poet only), until 12 o'clock, noon, Friday. April M. INK, then opened, for furnishing and delivery to Subsistence Department. U. 8. Army, the fresh beet and fresh mutton called for by the Commissary of post to be sup plied during; six month, and also sp arat proposals for year, commencing July L ISM; Boise Barracks and Fort Sherman, Idaho: Forts Canby. Spokane, Walla Walla, and Vancouver Barracks, Wash. Freeh beef shall be good in qual ity and condition fit for Immediate use, and from tors and hind quarter meats proportionally. Including all bast cut thereof. Freeh mutton ahall be of good, fat and marketable quality, from wethers over one and under three years old. Bert and mutton to be dressed and trimmed and delivered as prescribed In circular of Instructions to bidders. Proposals will be also received stating price at which bidder will deliver fresh beef or diution of character above slated, and to b. de livered of temperature not greater than 9) d-axree Fahrenheit Government re serve the right to reject the whole or any part or any or all bids. Full information furnished here, or by Commissary at th? several posts. Envelopes containing pro posal should be marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef (or Mutton) at ." and addressed to undersigned or to Commis sary at posts to be supplied. W. H. Nash MaJ., C. 8. CEDAR STREET GRADE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the city of Astoria pro pose to estabHsh the grade ot C'dar street In that part ot the city of Astoria known as Alderbrook at the following height above the base of grades: At the claim line between Adair's As toria and Alderbrook at a feet at the Intersection of said claim Una with Cedar street At the Intersection of Cedar and Forty seventh street at a feH, and between said claim line and Forty-seventh street In a direct line. At the Intersection of Cedar and Forty eighth street at St feet, and between Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth sire :1s in a direct line and uniform grade. At the Intersection of Cedar and Forty ninth street at 39 fe.n. and between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth streets in a direct line and uniform grade. At the Intersection of Cedar and Fifti eth streets at 48 test, and between Forty ninth and Fiftieth streets In a direct line and uniform grade. At the Intersection of Cedar and Fifty first street at 63 feu, and between Fifti eth and Fifty-first streets In a direct line and uniform grade.. At the Intersection of Cedar and Flfty seoond street at ST f.-et, and between Flfty-flrst and Fifty-second street In a direct line and uniform grade. At the claim line between Aldfbrook and Van Dusen's Astoria at 13 feet and between Fifty-second street and said claim line In a direct line and at a uni form grade. And unless a remonstrance signed by th owners of three-fourths of the prop erty fronting on said portion ot said street be filed with the auditor and po lice Judge within ten days from the final publication of this notice, to-wlt, on or before Monday. April IS, 1SW, the com mon council will establish said grades. By order of the common council. Dated March IS, ls96. H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Police Judge. THIRTY-THIRD STREET GRADE NO TICE. Notice Is hereby given that the common council of the city of Astoria propose to establish the grade of Thirty-third street. In that part of the clly known as Adair's Astoria, at the following height above the base of grades. j At the Intersection of Thirty-third I street and Grand avenue at TO feet, and between Franklin avenue and Grand avenue in a direct 11ns at a uniform grade. At the intersection of Thirty-third and Harrison avenue at 110 feet, and be tween Grand avenue and Harrison ave nue In a direct line at a uniform grade. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of three-fourths of the prop erty fronting on sstd portion ot said street be filed with the auditor and po lice Judge within ten days from th final publication of this notice, to-wlt: on or before Monday, April 13, ISM, the common council will establish said grades. By order of the common council. Dated March 13, 189& H. E. NELSON, Auditor and Police Judge. MANHOOD twaraatasd le eon all rata . Ka I ermasa, Basil! a ar-iitMa, yasttkral areara, .ni.l i. a mi a ar at I ma la ta. whir laai at IsArawqr. Oiiananllia r laaa We Arrf earned ui eaat Porte, Ui Pcan Mtdlflna Co.. trRtifii) AiTi.."USIl;3. tun waauv Third a.''ii-a.'.i--i 0 UNSET 9- LIMITED. MttAMON Or I89f-IBJ4. WILL nlh Tmiee a Week BETWEEN San Francisco AND New Orleans Over the Great s unset Route 11. leaving San Francisco Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday, Nor. 5, 1895 TO) not eo trapes f. mcalara, lagutly equipped and perfectly arranged VsstJ-' bused Trajiacomt I resell si Train la Acasrlcav New Rrulprnerst, eapscrally designed far Direct cMMctJotu la Now Orleans or all Ems tens point. Quick Urn. E. rUNEIL, KecMYOT. lo) no Gives Choice of Tmo Transcontinental ircoutea, Via Sjokane and St Paul. Via Ogden, Denver and Omaha or M.Paul. Pullman and Tourist Slirsi Fraxt Rsxsiinlns Chair Car. Astoria to San Francisco. Stat ot California, Thursday, March Is. Queen, Tuesday, March 24. ' State, Sunday. March & Queen. Friday. Aurll 4. State. Wednesday, April S. Columbia. Monday, April 13. Astoria and Portlnd Steamers. The R. R Thompson will leave Astoria , at 7 p. m. dally except Sunday; lear Portland at 7 a. m. dally, except Sunday. . The 8teuner Lutlns win leav Astoria , at t:t a. m. daily, except Sunday; lear , Portland at S p. m. dally, except Satur day. For rates and general Information call on or address) . ' Q. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent. W. H. HURLBTTRT. Oen. Pas. Act. Pcniand. O THE ABOVE PICTURE DOES NOT REPRESENT A passenger train on the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul Railway. No. Its tarlns are vstlbuled, heater by steam, and lighted by electricity. Each sleep car berth has an electrlo reading lamp. Its dining cars ar the bast In the world, and Its coaches are palaoes on wheels. This great railway, connecting; aa It -does with all transcontinental lines at 8L Paul and Omaha, assures to the tarvellng public the best service known. Ticket via the Chicago. Milwaukee and St Paul Itallway are on sale at all railroad ticket offices to any point In the United Slate or Canada. For maps, folder and other Information, address. C J. EDDT. General Agent, J. W. CA8ET, Portland, Or. Trav. Pass and Tkt Agent. Portland. Or. PRO VJNA BOON. Gentlemen: I hav always remy . mended Krause's Headacne Capsiil wherever I hay had a chance. The have proven a veritable boon In my family against any and all kinds ot headache. ' Tour truly. .?. R. WALTER. Leavenworth, Kansas. For sale by Chaa. Roarers, Astoria, Orwgon. sole scent. RESTORED Vl Dv. Peauas rtna Tila astsssarral im asm, ass a Waa Miami i, Ua at lass f i bb naiallia Oiaaaa t e4tsar as waa ar aiaaiij. aslaaa ana- CWa aa ii aoa. ear as. bt mi aea eTa? rtv. Soid hr all dnicalata. Aa for M tk an cahaa M-.....'-n I Parla. llMjua I .-na- Tl - rjr-.- i. i.Tra-. and Tamil 1 1 ca aiai . J. W. CONN, Agent, Atoria- aw-.u- yi1v . --a' - - -