TIIK DAILY ASTOKIAX. whihU Fill l " Y MOKXINO. APRIL 10. 1JU. . I. '. " I v '4 ( . .11:.:,'. J r r 'Lt 'i l .y ! "v. '' ... ' '. "..'tf 4 :-' i x- gaily gUtovian. JOHN T. LIOHTER. Editor. Telephone No. 6. .,- r:M W SUBSCRIPTION DAILY. Bent by mall, per year Bent by mall per month Served by carrier, per week ..WOO .. .tu .. .10 WEKKLT. Sent by mall per year. In advance. Postage free to subscriber. All communications intended for publl cation ahould b directed to th editor Business communlcatlont of all kind and remittance tnust ba addressed to The Astorlan. The Astorlan guarantee to Ita sub acrltxra tha largest circulation of any newspaper published on th Columbia Itvef. Advertising ratea can be bad on appli cation to tha business manager. Tha Weekly Astorlan, the second oldeat wetkly In tha Mate of Oregon, has, next la tha Portland Oregonlan, the largest kly circulation In the atate. n.' F. lland'ey Co, are our Fort lnd gn. and cjplea of the Astorlan taa be had rr morning at their aland. tt Third street. ' POK VICE PRESIDENT. The New York paper have contained many reference of late to the possi bility of General McAlpln receiving the upport of that atate for the Kepubltcan nomination for th vice presidency of the United State. They evjn go ao far aa to lay that It la rumored that the general haa been eecretly negotiating with the McKlnley manager to get second place a th ticket. It 1 said that Mark yHnn, too la conducting thia stag of th campaign for the Ohio candidate, received overture from General McAlpln a, few day ago. Ihe success of the attempted negotiation la not known, for General McAlpln la silent- Some say that the reason for the secrecy of the general was because he did not wish to appear a traitor to Governor Mcrton. The constitutional restriction of chooa Isg both the president and vice president from the same atate, of course, would explain this. During the convention of the National Republican League of the United Slates at Cleveland last June General McAlpln was preaent throughout the three days' aesaion. Every state but one was tcpre ented there being LT00 delegates and 18,000 league member present. Gtneral McAlpln' headquarter were lrequented by the most prominent Republicans of th country, who were eager to under stand the general's exact position. In reply to the question as to whether he would allow the Introduction of hla name to the convention aa a candidate for the vice presidency he gave an emphatic denial. Be said that the name of Gov ernor Morton would be presented by the Republican of New Tork for the presi dency, and that the governor should re ceive his own active support, as well aa that of every other New Yorker. Gvn eral McAlpln Insisted that his name ahould not be even mentioned before the convention for the vice presidency. It doe not seem probable that General McAlpln would send a message to Mark Hanna with propositions In -egard to a 'combine' with McKlnley, for both t,entle men were preaent at the convention and bad ample opportunity for conferring to gether had they any desire to unite their Issues. - la case that Governor Morton should fan to receive the nomination for the presidency, then General McAlpln, with the solid backing of the state of New York,' would be a formidable candidate for the vice presidency, as New York la too important a state to be unrepresented on the national ticket General McAlpln has a large national acquaintance through hi position of president of the Republican National League, with Its hundreds of thousands of members. He has a great following In New York state, and tf he has any political ambition to gratify he would be a candidate for the gubernatorial cliair of hh mate. Hi.- widespread In CUienee in that s'.iie wouli give his name the". twt avrlDiiK co:nldrailon of every ip Key jf nubl-.ean. clv.rrJ M 'Alpln is a man of high stA .( iriitlon and of largo wealth: but iie i' rfetrneratlc In his Ideas and Is In thc,rlosi sympathy with the rank and fllo of the voters. The situation on the railroad depot site ha been reduced to a fine point A comparatively small -unount of money will open the door to the prosecution of a large amount of work this summer on '. y, the ity. water front and will be the .raeMur.of starting the construction of - raany buitlnes blocks, warehoused, the -"rdnfOt building Jtaelf, a hotel. nd prob r ' ably on or two actorl. The short- 5 j!-n.tedoe9S of several Iwr I rorx-rty 'w oVra, fUret-n to ieUy this work at jesFt'Cor jCewweeks, if not longer. The .Srgtejufoniilly jwccessful work of the enm .r m:U' t n raising M0.;rom shopk'-ep-rs ,niiae?k flo't onlr deserves the highest r oerui!,,but hi aJM prima fade evld-nce tU .t tB bfi been 'done that can done - ' niiib tliyt clasa of businessmen, and that . rt i' ocq time for. the others to step . ' to V'Bd firtlau Up tlie good work already e.-i'imprljibe. The people today are Oindlair either together than they have ! j Tr jdtieon any other proposition. This ' 'sit now the time W spilt on technl- riltli,e r.r-flmtiairxd theories as to the .. jfVijo'siu oi tht bal ince of responel-, -it Illy Th cltj cannot rTord, as a com ' ' wunit), rt! Walt any' ionifef for active :'rw,5-!: -lt' ; Wi(rln''wlOiln tha city limits O'to:d building the line of road and il'.c depot. Regardless of what na been done In the past on any one of the prop ositions connected with the enterjrlxe; or who 1 to receive the benefit of the donations that have be?n wad?, which will be made, or are now asked for, we are confronted wltb the simple proposi tion that 13000 I needed with which to immediately close the depot natter and put thing In shape so that every one can commence to realize some profit upon what he ha or what he oaa do. In the future In the building up jat the city. There are those who can wall two year for the development of the oily, hut here there 1 one of that class, there nrt one hundred who actually need to m-e thin; moo forward at onve. It Is not a question of the ultimate construc tion of the road, and continent pro peril y of the city -a everyone knows that matter w.-is nettled long ago. !lut It Is a question whether some of Iho bene fits shall be re.llvevl In ISM or not. The good roads movement Is nutkti'.g steady pi-OK'S l.i estimation at as!t inKton, a clrvmusun.-c which appear to be In large part owing to the thorough ness of organisation shown by It. Ref erence haa already been made to the house bill providing for the creation of a special commission n highways, whose purpose I to Inquire .rcnernlly how the government may further promote th Im provement of highways, and the best method of securing a svlcntitlc location of highway on the 'ubllc .IcmUii. the employment of the geological survey In the discovery of road materials and the free testing of these, and the construction of modern roads and Instruction In road making at agricultural college and ex perimental stations. It appears that let ter and telegram have poured In from every part of he country Indorsing the Mil and urging Its enactment by congress. It Is understood that in effort will even be made to secure the adoption of planks In the party platforms advocating road Improvement. As usual, the associations of wheelmen are active agents In promot ing the progress of the good roads move ment. The Globe-Democrat says the statement of Mr. KauiTmi-n, of the KaufTman Mill ing Company, of St. Louis, one of the largest exporters of flour In the country, that the sale of that concern In Cuba and Porto Rico taw to f000 per month before the reciprocity trestle were made, and about per month during the time the treaties were In force, whereas aince th repeal of the treatle they have fallen to from WOW to $0 per month, I a conclusive argument In favor of the party which established the reciprocity policy and will restore it as soon a possible. Again, the hard-working men In the treasury" department of the United States have labored In vain to bilng up the national Income to .-assuring rtgure. They have done all tb?y could to present March as a sign of good times. Still, the revenue remains deAetent. Mr. Car lisle seems to have been able, with the whole talent of his .'epartrnent to help him, to ccme within ten millions of guessing up to the rteflcltncy for the fiscal year, as It must now come out: and that was, for Democratic financiers, doing remarkably well DEPOT SITE SUBSCRIPTIONS. The List of Patriotic Cltlxens Who Want to See the Town Go Ahead. FIRST DAY. Foard. Stoke and Janaen i Fisher Bros Van Lusen Investment Company. Andrew Young Benjamin Young New Astoria Land a: Trist Co.... George NoLind W. L. Robb V. Boelling R. L. Boyle It Co W. D. and S. D. Adair mote).... Chinese Merchants F. W. Newell Eherm.in &. Thine Sam E. Harris W. E. Warren Louis Cordes C. M. Cutblrth J O. llar.thorn Peter Grant G. V. Porter A. G. Chutter August Danlelson ISO 00 100 W &) 00 liu l 60 (o 50 00 W 10 t uu SO 00 50 00 SO lM . 10" 00 2 CO t5 ' SO t , 00 3 00 a co ) oe 10 t 1M i lo o 10 IV 10 oo 10 00 10 uo 1) (0 10 00 H. H. Ingalls O. W. Dunbar L. Larsen Evensun A Cook J. Strauss H. Ekstrom Dr. E. Jansen ... O. F. Morton Charles E. Goddard John Kopp Mrs. Gust Holmes Mrs. M. H. Lelnenweber Mrs. F. C. Reed W. F. McGregor Louis Goeltz Theo. Olsen Utxlnger Hoch Oregon Trading Company Ross, HIgglns & Co. (upper store) Mrs. Auir. Larsen L. O. Haven.. Our Corner Saloon Ferd. B. Levy Charles Rogers Frank Spittle A. B. Dalglty Dr. J. A. Bartel Mrs. J. M. Olsen Julius Jacobsen Peter Neufer John Enberg O. P. Brower J. H. Laturworthy John Jurgens Mrs. Betsy Moberg Mrs. P. H. Johnson A. B. Crosby J. H. Seymour Aug. Olsen Max. Btral John Nordstrom Andrew Lake R. S. Norrls F. Hartoldus E. U Belli? C U. Edwards Mike Mouh r John Svenson 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 10 10 CO io to 10 l 10 00 s oo 5 00 6 00 5 00 5 OO 5 C0 5 Ou t 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 z m 2 SO 2 So 2 SO 2 60 2 SO 2 50 2 60 2 SO 2 60 2 50 2 00 2 i) 1 50 1 (0 1 00 1 00 1 OO 1 to 1 J 1 ) 1 oo Total ... 15ll 00 SECOND DAY. J. F. Hamilton 10 01 Griffin & Hetd 20 00 C. S. Brown &) 00 S S. Gordon 20 00 Swan Wilson 10 00 Jeff 10 00 C. E. Lain 10 CO T. J. Thorsn 10 (0 Ah x. Campbell 10 00 Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Old Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; v CREAM . . Most Perfect Made. 40 Year the Standard. a FAR GIVEN AWAY Consisting of on hat of FARM BUILDINGS nd ono hl of 78 8ubJot. DOMESTIC ANIMALS, to. Tbo ar to pleas the children. Th Farm Houo and Animal ran b cut out and mad to stand, thu makUig a cotuplt Mlnlatur Farui Yard. 3 Ways to Get This Farm : tr f 8 Cowponi i or bi?lu 1 Coupvvo uJ 6 Genu t or 10 Oouu without aj Coupon, to LCKWILL' DURHAM TOBACCO CO.. DURHAM. N. C. oad th Farm will b nl you POSTPAID. You will find on Coupon lnsld each J oudl bag, and two Coupon tnald each 4 ouuc bag of BiacKv-eirs Genuins Durnam ToDaGCO. Buv ban of this Crtrbralcxl SmokinR Tolcc, nI read tho COUX0, WlllCn fives a iim oi I CENT TAMPS ACCCPTtO. ltws, lliKliis ,V- Co l R HlKKlns C. It. Thompson George S Georue A. A. Cleveland J. V. Siirprenant It. F. Allen Son i S. Dow F. I. Dunbar Chris Peterson . J. W. Hare C. S Gunderson v. Ziegl. r Dr. M. M. Walker C W. Louuhrcv K. vl. Uocers I. Cohen J. W. Conn H. J. Wherrtty R t. Prael J. S. Delllnirer J P. LundQulst William Edgar M 8. Copcland Arthur Opperhelnier I. M. Jeffrtes Charles Larson Eflck Johnson J. A. Fnstahend Theo Bracket A. J. Megler K. M Richardson W. F. Sehlebe J. H. Wyatt A R Cyrus Co F. Sal Pacific Commission Company Ju Guy Alfred Gibbons C. S. Wright Captain G. Heed Stuart Smith J. L Crandall Father McCormlck R F. Humphrey F. O. Drury Cash Prael A Gray A. A. Saarl A. Pnldamls ,. J. P. Bain M. Babler John Tumala Erie Thompson John Sail Sing Lung T. Luskk Andrew Hackvlst Harry Jones Charles Walros I'pper Astoria School A L. Clark Mary Fossett O. A. Doth Maud Rayles K. A. McCue Carrie Young Astoria .Abstract T. A T. Co Masonic Land A Bldg Ass'n Jim Keating E. Jurbo John Ossenberger Alex Grant The Popular 04 10 "0 m I' l IX 10 00 10 i 1' 00 : iv 1.1 1 10 00 VI lO 10 00 10 oo 15 tl 10 00 5 i i 10 , tW 6 1 i 00 soo 5 X) 6 10 S l0 S00 5 00 5 00 s oo 1 00 00 5 00 6 00 5 4 CO 5 00 2 50 10 00 : so : so : so 5 to 5 CO 1 HI 1 10 1 00 1 00 10 l 5 10 2 10 2 '0 1 A 1 00 : to 2 OO 1 t : 1 00 1 10 I 50 1 00 2 50 2 50 1 00 1 00 1 oo 2 50 S 00 50 CO 10 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 U) Total I C SO Previous list l.'.ll i0 Total $ 21T ro I THIRD DA f. R. ,M. Wright Dora Bedolet Cash Emma Warren Mrs. Krager Jsle Deuly .Mrs. White Miss F'owell Miss Grant William Beek J. A. Kakln Angus Gor Lee Herring Miss MaKnin Davidson Mrs. A. Montgomery John Adair Mrs. Thomas Russell Alex. Gilbert Pete Dourel Berg Co A. C. Carlson W. L. Welnhart Joe Gardlna Ark Wo J. Q. A. Uowlby G. C. Fulton Gen. Office A. C. R. R W. V. TeL Co Trustee for Ellen A. Mend-ll. Total Previous total S 0 2 50 : i 2 5i 2'0, 2 00 I 2 00 i 50 I 2 U) SO 2 SO 10 CO 2 50 10 00 10 00 20 00 s oo 5 00 6 W 5 00 2 00 2 0 1 10 1 HO iw oo 50 00 50 00 10 00 Vf! IJ0 , i 312 00 279 50 Total 279 50 .MARVELOCB RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. Oun derman. of Dlmondale, Mich., we ar I-ermltted to make ths extrjet: "I have no hesitation in recommend. ng Dr. King New Discovery, aa the r-suits were al most marvelous In the eQa, of my wife. While I was paster of the Hip 1st church at Rlves Junction she was brought down with pneumon.a succeeding la srlppe. Terrible paroxysms of couhlig ou,d last hours with little Interruption and seemed as if she could not sur vive the-m. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; It was quick In Its work and hlxtily satisfactory In re sults." Tr.al bottles free at Charles Rogers' drug store. Regular size, 50c and 21. THERE ARE OTHERS. Yonkers Home Journal and .ews. "Can I write my name 'inder the re ceived payment on this hill?" asked the collector, who likes to put things as deli cately as possible. "No, thank you," replied Mr. Urokcly, "I'm no autograph fiend." ELECTRIC BITTERS. Electee Bitter 1 a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gencrslly needed In the spring, when the languid exhausted feeling I prevailing, when th liver Is torpid and sluggixb and the seed of a tonic and alterative Is felt. A prompt use of thi medicine Ins often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fever. No medicine will act more surely In counteracting and freeing the system bottle at Chas. Rogers' drug store. NOT TO BE CONGRATULATED. Boton Transcript. Knddy Ho Oadby W dead? Du'lrty Yes poor fellow, he lins gone to his reward at last. Fuddv Mrnnire how a fellow's Ill-luck will follow him sometime. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. j uuia nmiiuu uvu s-. T!ie 1'reneh roernmMit has decided to e.uiiiniie to M. Pasteur's widow iho an- mi a I pension of !f.'i friars granted to Ik r husband In INOA. tw ri.s of Tvwut'a Utile Early Risers Just for th good they will do i you. These little Pills are good for In j digestion, good for headache, good for I liver complaint, sood for ronstlpatloii. ' They ar." good. Chaa Bogrrs. M. l.ovson, famous na "l'ere Mya 1 elnihr." l lu. ihe tirlent lecturing on Mos, s. Mohammed all I Christ. Ills i ( fort Is to reconcile Islanilsm and Chris I tlanlty. J Children Cry for ! Pitcher's Castoria. I The uenoruil estate left bv Lord l.rlgh ton Is appraised at fci.eu0. The hei are his two sisters, and the will devlolng the prnerty to them was made on the day the artist died Rurns ar absolutely palnlea when De Wltt's Witch llasel Salve is promptly applied. This statement Is trua A per fect remedy for skin diseases, chapped hands and lips, and never falls to cur pllea Cha. Roger. Actor Your play seems loo hroad I Writer Well, we can m ike It an act ! longer, theti.-lvtrolt Trltiune. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all la leavening Strength. V. S. aoveraawat Report I "I hear Jack Fortescue l 111 What I Is the -.rouhle"" ile w is fro-t-bltten I niu ne was k m:i j pose.1 to a lloston girl I Press. "No: he pro-l--trilt Free All the patent medicines advertised In I this paper, together with the choicest ' perfumery, and toilet articles etc., can be bought at th Ion est prices at J. Conn's drug store, opposite Occidental Hotel. Astoria. Protessor Why does the duck put hef iKad under water! Pupil -For divers reasons. jrofesor W hy does she go on land? Pupil For sundry reason. To Date. When Baby was sick, w gae her Caatorlav When the iu a Child, the cried for Csstoria. When she became Mbsa, she clung to Castoria. WheaaheL TiUdrea, she gs them Castoria. I In the Park. My darling, providence I Is with you even when I t ik the candle j awav." "Well, naiiher. d.-ar, would you niln. I t iklng Providence and leaving the candle?" Sketch. The U. S. Oov't Reports thow Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Helen And he actually kissed you. For mi rey's Kike, why didn't you scream? Henrietta -How allly of you: How can one scream when one's lips are In a kiss lug position? " Boston Trans'Tlpt. A little 111. then a little oil. The 111 ha gone, the pill haa won. DeWltt'l Little Early Rls-rs are the little pill that cure great ins. mas. nogers. "He Is very gllted," said Miss Oush Ington. "Why, he can sit down and write poetry by the yard." "Yes," re. plied the envious rlvel "The only dlfll culty Is taht the public reads It by the Inch." Washington Star. It's just as easy to try One Mlnut Cough Cure as anything else. It s easier to cur a sever cough or cold with it Let your next purchase for a cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medi cine; better result; better try It. Cha. Roger. She It Is all so nice for ou to go down to the club to break the monotony and nil that sort of thing, but where do 1 come In? He You get y mr share In getting rid of me for awhile." Cincin nati Enquirer. Busy people have no lime, and sensible people have no Inclination to use a slow remedy. Onf Minute Cough Cure acts promptly and gives permanent benefit. Chas. Rogers. Professor What has become of Tom Appleton? Wasn't he studying with the class last year? "Ah, yes; Appleton poor fellow! A fine student, leit nhsent mlnded In the use of chemleals very. That dlseoloratlon on the celling -notlee It?" "Yes." "That's Appleton. "-Pear-son's Weekly. A DETERMINED WOMAN recently kno'ked down a burglar and held him until the arrival of assistance. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medb al Discovery Is a medicine that checks the frightful In roads of Scrofula, and, If taken In time, arrests the march of Pulmonary Con sumption. It cures Indigestion anil dys pepsia, chronic diarrhea and similar ail ments. TMk woml'Tful medicine has also g lined great celebrity In curing fever and nirue. r.hllls and fever, dumb ague ami like disfases. Asthma cured by newly discovered treatment. Address, for free pamphlet, testimonials and references, World's Dis pensary Medical Association, HtifTalo, N. Y. A Compromise "I am willing lo give up eating pie with a knife," said Ihe fond father to his solicitous daughter, "If I may also give up signing cheeks with a pen. Is It a go?" It went not. Indianapolis urnal. We mlht tell you more about One Minute Cough Curs, but you probably know that It cures a cough. Every on? does who has used It. It Is a perfect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness. It Is an especial favorite for children, be ing pleasant to take and quick In curing. Chas. Rogers. HorrHtllONAl, CARDS J OH tT Litiin" ii It." ATTttKNK Y-AT-LA W, titllce, upstairs, Astorlsn ttulldlng. DR. Kll.IV JANKON, PHYSICIAN AND bt'lUllCON tifrlc ovr OlMn' drug tor. Hour. lo II a. nt.i I to t and T to I p, m. Hun day. 10 to It. Hit. U. it. KSTKS, THYHICI N AND I'UHOKON Cpm'lsl attention 10 dlseaar (if worn an and aiirverv. Offlo over lauslirar s stora, Aatort relephon No M JAY Tt'TTLK), M U PHYSICIAN PU KG ICON. AND AH.)ITCHKU, Orrloe, Rooms and . Pythian Building. Iloui. Id to 11 and I U 1 Heal dene, Uy, CVlar trL rT T. CROUlir. ATTtKNKY-AT-LAW, M Commercial Street. V. M. UFurc. S. a Smith. LaFORCK A SMITH. ATTOKNIBY8-AT-YAW, M CommtrcuU trt. J yj. A. HOWLBY. ATTOHNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW (lines on Seoond Strt Atori. Or. J. N. Dolph. Richard Nixon Chester V. Dolph. DdU'lL NIXON DOLPH. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Portland. Oregon, U 25. St, and . Hamilton Building. All legal and col leotton busine promp'.ly attended to. Claima agaliutt th government a sp olalty. 81KMHTT MEETINGS. TUMPLK LODGE Na 1. A. IT. and A. M. Regular communication bald n th drat and third Tueaday vntuf if ach month. O. W. LOUN8HKRRY, W. M. R. C. MOIJDEN. aLMMtary. MISCELLANEOUS BaTKOTATbCOTARYP W. C. CAM ELI 171 Tenth trL When in ponTLANtiloaii on Ji F. Ilandley a Co.. 1M Third street, and g th Daily Astorlan. Visitor nd n mis their morning paper whll thar. FOR TILLAMOOK NEHALEM AND OTHER COAST POINTS STEAMERS R. P. Elmore W. H. Harrison ....Aupsta ...ALL... OPEN FOR SPECIAL CHARTER Silling dam to and tram Tillamook sad Nchalcs depand upon the weather. For Freight and Pssasngar Rats Apply To ELMORE. SANBORN & CO. AtlENTM 0. R. A N. CO., AicnU. Portland. Are You Going East? B ur and se that your ticket read via T HE NORTH-WESTERN LINE. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS tvnd O&AIIA RAILWAYS. - Tbli l th GREAT SHORT LINE Between DULUTH, ST. PAUL, CHICAGO And all Points East and South. Their MagnMoent Track, PeerleM Ves UbulM uining ana nieeyiug it Train and Motto: "ALWAYS ON TIME " Have given this road a national reputa tion. All claasea of passenger carried on the ventlbuled train without extra charge. Bhlp your freight ana travel over thli famous Une. All agent! hav ticket). W H. MEAD, F. C. BAVAQE, Qen. Agent. Trav. r. ana r. Agt. H8 Washington at. Portland. Or. SEASIDE SAWJIILL A complete stock of lumber on hand i the rough or dresned. Flooring, rus- Ic, celling, and all kinds of ftnlxh; mouldings and shingles; also bracket work don to order. Terms reasonable and prices at "bedrock. All orders promptly attended to. Office and yard at mill. H. F. L. LOGAN, Prop'r. Seaside, Oregon. IS THERE? Is lhr a man with heart so cold, That from his family would withhold Th cotuftrta which t bey all could itnd lit arilels of r'l'UNl I'l'llK of the right kind. And w. would aiiggiMt at this soason a nice Hldloerd, Kxlnslon Tabl. or st of Dining Chair. W hire tut largest and finest Hit vr shown In I lis oily ami at prle that cannot fall lo pleas th cloaoat buytr. HEILROKN & SON. ). A FASTAHICND, OKNl'.KAL CONTKACTOK, HOUSE, BRIDGE ANO (DHARF BUILDER HOUStK MIIVKH. Heat Mavlng Taala tat Hnt. ASTOHIAO A. V. ALUKN, DCAltP. IN Grovfrlf , Flour, FrrJ, PtovNIon, Fruit Vf getjMrs, Cm;ker', OI anj PlatfJ Wre. l.oit,f n' Suppllr v Cot. Cats auJ Sumi Simla AihxU, On B.F.ALibEN&SON Wall Ptf. Anuu' Maisrlalt, Palais, Oili. ilM. ah. Ji'n Maltlaft. Kua asj lUaitnw liw4i Jc5 Coittnterclol Htret. l7 l!Vt Fisfyer Brothers, Lulu Kitting OILS A Specialty Sell ASTORM. 1 Sliip Cluindflery, ; Ilanlwart', i Iron it Sti't'l, Coal. i (Jrooorios it rrovisitiiis, I Flour it Mill Fetnl, j Taints, Oils, Varnislien, i Iiftors Supplies, Fairbank'tt Soalos, , Poors it Windows, , Agricultural Implements Waona A Vehieltw. Indio The Oasis of tup Colorado Desert A New BELOW IHE LEVEL OH THE SEA Absolutely ' Dry and Pure Tropical Climate Pronounced by Physicians the most Favorable in America for Sufferers from . '. . Lung Diseases and Rheumatism Many Remarkable Cures Th objection urged agatnat Indio In the past by the large numbers who othewla would hav been glad to take advantag of It beneficial climate, haa bn a lack of suitable accommodation. Th Southern Pacific Company take pleasure In announcing that several Commodious and Comfortable Cottages have Juat been erected at Indio station. that will be rented to applicants at r-a- onabl rate. They are furnished with modern conveniences, supplied with pur artealcn water and so situated aa to glvt occupants all th advantage to be de rived from a more or leas protracted residence In till dxllghtful climate. (From the Ran Francisco Argonaut.) 'In the heart of the great desert of the Colorado which the Southern Pacific. traverses thero If an oaala called Indio, which, In our opinion, Is the sanitarium of the earth. W bdlevs, from personal nvestlgatlon, that for cfrlnln Individuals, there la no spot on this planet so favor able." O T. Stewart, M. t., wrltea: "Tho purity of th air, and th aternat sun shine, nil on with wond'T and delight Nature has accompllxhid ac much that there remains but little for man tu do. A to Its possibilities a health retort here Is the most perfect sunshine, with a temperature always pleasant, a perfectly dry soil, for rain Is an unknown factor: purs oxygen, dense atmosphere and pure water. What more can be desired? It Is the place, above all others, for lung troubles, and a para dlse for rheumatics. Considering th.! number of sufferer who hav been cured, I have no hesitancy In recom mending this genial oasis as the haven of th afflicted." INDIO. Is 612 miles from SAN. FRANCISCO and 130 miles from LOS ANOKLES Fare from Los Anf;elef 3.oc ITor further lnfV,rmBHni 1-ahIm j any Southern Paclflo Company agent, or addres m p. RooEma, At. Gen. Paa. Agt. B. p. Co. J. B. KIRKLAND, Cor. First nd Alder Sta, Portland, Or. Jealtb presort im'ltacaajlj HUilil on a tuaranhta by alt dnur (tat. 1 eunss Incipient I ..naurnptlua (auilrih best Cough a"t (iiup Otur. T Hal by I. W. Omn. J. 13. WYATT, Phane N. Aalarla, Oraa Htirdwurc, ShlpCluuullcry, GrocericH, IVovIhIoiih. PAINTM nitd OILH. pil AltantlM Paid plyll kls. URUMNHR & HOLMUS. IllncUaamltltat. Hpavtal attontliin paid to laamboal re pairing, first -olaaa hunaaliolng. ta loccinc camp qork a specialty 117 (Hny trt. between Third and kad r-wrtb, Aatorta, Or. After (Deals! Or at thy other tltn alien yott wlab a i"'l cigar ask lor lb well kuowii, luiiiie- luailo, Imiul tnwlc, while lalxir Ptgar "Un Hell Asttnria " (YikkKhI by all smoker Id Ik tk lie I cigar manufacture!. W. F. SCI 1 1 Hill:, 71 Nintf? Strt. Aalarla. Oregea. They Lack Life Thr ar twine uld to fishermen on th Columbia river that ataod la th itim relatlonahlp to Marahall'a Twin aa a wooden Image due to tho human being (hey lack trength Ufa vnnea and lasting quallU, Don't tool yourself Into th belief that other twine bMldea Manahall' will do "Jujrt a well." They won't. They oanooL STIC AM ICRS Telephone & Bailey Gatzert "Telephone" leaves Astoria at I p. m. dally (eicepl Runday). leaves Portland at T a. m. dally., aa cept Runday. "llalley Oatsart" leave Aatnrl Tu day, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday and Raturday morning at t.al a. ra. ; Sunday venlng at T p. m I-eav Portland dally at I p. m.. i eept Sunday. On Saturday at II p. as. WALLACE MAl'ZtllT, Agent. Popular Science Naiur, Invfniinn, rarsMilf BOSTOV JOllVlt Of COIIbTKT I'.nlargad snd Impreved. Contains a large numtier of Short. F-ay. Practli-al, Interesting and Poular, Sslentl flo article, that can h appreciated and enjoyed by any Intelligent reader, vo though h knew little or nothing of sci ence. Profusely Illustrated and Free trom Technicalities Newgdcalers, io cent. $i per year ty Mention Ihla paper for a sampl copy. Largest circulation of any Scientifio paper in tha uvoild Published Monthly by nr:NJ. LtLLAKD, New York. tUf Si Is nn.enlaenniis r(iiedr tr (kilmrrhtM. illiwt, 0s.rmaiiirrliieft. VtlitiM, anaainral du. rliargt, or anr lun.ntina' i.ir. lion, trrualli.n or ulrvra- l !. linn tif in u r ii u niim- iiEtulCMwritRii. . Non.uinsut. kciaciiaiti.o r 1 smi" "7 '" r kg lrtoia, ir aenl la aUIn wraporr, tf "f .iprrw. iri.pil fur ai m, i,r 1 Iwlilm, ),. m (.'irtular sul ou rnjuMt. U.S. I ASTORIA PUBIiIC IiIBRARY ItEADINO IIOOM FflEE TO ALL. Open every day from I o'olock to I. ft) and 6:M to :S0 p. m. Bubacrlpllon rate U per annum. 8 W. COIt. EI.KVKNTH ft UUANK BT8. Few Hen Would Ask for a Finer Dinner than those we serve. We're trying In every way to make them the most n Juyahle In town. All tho "good things' tf the season cooked by our excellent cook In the most delicious styls. l'er fect aervlc. If you Invite a friend to th Palacl IlMtaurant th place Is a sufficient guar antee that he will receive a good moal. The Palace Restaurant Snap A Kodak at any man coining out at our stor and you'll get portrait of a man brimming over with pleasant thought. Such quality In tha liquors wa have to offer are etiought PLEASE ANY MAN,, Conoe and Trq Them HUtsHRS & CO. A.8TOHIA IRON WORKS Coaronly St.. foot of Jackson, Aatorla. General Machinists and Boiler Makers Land and Marina Englnaa, Bolltr work, Slaais boat and Cannery Work s Specialty. Castings of All Detrrletlnna Mad to Ordar on Short Notice. John Fog.. ..President and Ruperlnlendent A- ' F Vlo President O. Tl. Prael Secretary Astoria National Bank . Treaaurar f itlMlelHll 11 MtM ) 7a m. 2 St