The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, April 09, 1896, Image 4

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    T1IK MII.Y ASlUlll.VN. AST0K1V. THl'iSDAY M0KX1NU. Al'Ulh 0. !:.
Cammrvl"' " Anlorln, Or.
ri i j w -.
$itcs ad Stylo j
We also carrv a nne line oi
adieV ami men's shoos, from!
the best to the lowest reliable
goods. All goods warranted
just as represented,
479 Commercial street.
LocaJ weather for tnty-four hour)
ndlng t 4 p. m. ytatsrday, rurtiisneo
by the Vnlted State Department of Ag
riculture, weather bureau.
Maximum temperature H degrees.
Minimum temperature, W degree.
Precipitation, .a Inch.
Total precipitation from September 1st,
1st. MSB, to date, MOO inchea
Kxceea of precipitation from September
lat, ISM, to date. .21 Inch.
Job ptintlnc of all kinds at the AMorlan
. job office.
C Q. Palmberg, architect. Room Sum- !
ber t, K Inner 'a building.
Summer clothing aold at extremely low
price at P. A. Stoke.' j
For tha beat of commerciai job print-!
Ing caU at tha Astortaa Job office, j
Meany la the leadlnt- tailor, and pays
the highest caah price for fur sklu. i
Marshall's twine used fcr 75 per cent i
ef tha fishermen on the Columbia river, j
Marshall's sajmon twine ts without a '
competitor. 8trorurrst. handsomest, best.
The Scow Bay Wood Yard Is well pup.
Piled with the best trade of Or and bard
wood. Order promptly filled
Parties deslrtnjr the best of Job printing
at tha lowest prices she lid call at the
AstoHan Job office, before going else
where. Business men. It you want to fix up
your office for the comlnc year, with the
beet of letter heads, bill heads, state-
menta, etc., call at the Astortan Job office .
where you will find the beet of stock ;
and material.
The OresTon Trading Co.. M Commercial '
Street, la the placj to buv your dry
roods, clothing, boots and shoes, men's
and ladies' furnishing goods. Should you-
want an auctioneer, S. Friedman mtkes
his office at the Oregon Trading Co '
Just received A beautiful lln of all '
wool and silk mixed Plaids, a handsome
Una of dresta roods In hlaelt n,1 .ill the
shades: also silk In all the new st
designs for waists. Just landed, our
spring wraps In silk and velvet. I. Cohen,
Low Price Store, 191 Bond street.
Go to Elmore, Sanborn's office and se
their new and handsome twine testing
machine. Take along some of the twines
as good as Marshall's," In your pocket,
and test them. Then see how much more
Marshall's will stand. It's money In your
pocket and flsh In your net to find out.
A Prominent steamboat man sava: "Mr
family have used nearly every Brand of '
Beef, Iron and Wine made, and are sat
isfied that the preparation made by the
Estes-Craln Drug Co. Is the most palata
bei and nutritious of sny they have ever
used." If you are run down and need a
tonic, you should use It.
For 25 cents you can secure an excel
lent well-served meal at the Bon Ton
Restaurant, No. S71 Commercial street.
They are also fully prepared to ?erve
ail kinds of fish, game and delicacies of
the season, as well as oysters In every
Imaginable style at the lewest living
prices. Come once and you will con
tinue to come.
Most so-called "salmon twins" are col
ored with acid. The acids rot the fibre
and render the material useless. In the
office of Elmore, Sanborn Co. is an ob-!
Ject lesson that ought to b examined by!
all fishermen. It ts the whole of the
material used In the manufacture of Mar-
shell's twine from start to finish. Go
there and examine th color right
through. Tou will see then why Mar-
shall's Is called the best In the world. :
1 delicate silver chain. It may be loosened j
Charles Wlrkkala's saloon on Seventh I at any moment by one movement of the '
street, the well known and popular re- ! fingers. ,
sort In the Bowery, still maintains Its I I
reputation. Mr. Wlrkkala is an cxpe- ! The following Portfanders were In town !
rienced man tn his line of business and j yes'er.iay: Edward Gllllhan, Chas. Fer- '
keeps on hand only the best grades of ; nan, W. W. Wright. T. A. Llnthlclnn, I
wines, liquors and cigars. Concert every George T. Johns, D. Mathlcot, J. C. Bar
renins; furnishes amusement for visit- ! rett, II. Peinls. Walter C. Smith. E. i
ors, and Professor Schwa be, the well I Frank Evans, George R. Iwis, M. Her- j
known pianist, is making the music one I lick and G. W. Kaiser.
of the features of the place. Call and i I
bring your friends with you. j Just Arrlved-A large line of Imported i
" j silk, velvet and cloth wraps, no two j
. . ! alike: a beautiful line of black drees '
.' "ow wal ruoDtsn slips ;
along with a bait price under
oover of a 12.00 shoe In some i
stores, made from illmpsy, elea-
mt uri jiuj Biua. we aon't Keep :
that kind.
Overcoats and winter wraps will be In
fashion. They can be discarded, tempor-
ariiy while traveling in the stam-h"ated
trains or tne cnicago, Milwaukee and St I
Paul Railway.
fw Of., ,
speed and for safety, no other line can
compare with this great railway of the
' wuujii, tor
Those men's 12.00 shoes that fit
perfectly, wear as they should,
are solid, honest leather, and
mora lowly priced than you are
used to seeing such shoes.
... . . ill. Jrl I M
Having removed to Bond street next door and others Interested or unacqualnt
to Jeff r restaurant I respectfully In-1 ed with kindergarten methods are
vl'a ray friend and others ln need of i Invited to be pr-sent as a demonstra
, good, honest footwear, to call on me ln Hon of this popular and successful plan
the new place. New work as well as re- of education for young children will be
pairu.g. (rood workmanship and live and the prominent feature of Uie occasion.
?t II, prices. S. A. GIMRE. 1
Tlere are in business three things
i;"ck:' 'y-knowle'lge, temper and time.
i etttirtm.
. A wi:r la twisting
May twist him a twist,
Kr !u twi;iag a twist
Thre? ywfSts make a twist;
. Hui K cue of Uie twists
I!i?vun frjm the twist,
The untwisting
i i.;wi;i rho twtst.
Thit !a. ji'hen !; twisted with
o r :in than MARSHALL'S.
.':?'l ire the scwis fate does unheeded
of riipht lK-glnnlngs to Important
''.: J '.ivonont.
ROYAL Baking Powder
has been awarded highest
t jnors at every world'a fair
where exhibited.
Rcnl IiMttite, Loiins, IiivcHtmentH (.tut ItiHurmtcc
SPECIAL OFFER-We have now placed on the market Block 105 and water frontajre. and will offer lets In that
addition at prices way below adjoining property. We Mill give you Rood terms on this property, and a few
) dollars invested in lots in this addition will sure make you money. Sec fine display map in our window.
Ca flllf
:otc v..
pt(.Ajj. '.j
Children's Black Cotton
Kosc at Sc t pair
List Jay of TynJ.iU.
Call on TynJnll toliy.
Positively last Jay of Tyndxll.
M. Wie
the city.
Uwnco merchant.
la In
Kverybovly ha Impression.
TynOalliievl ?
Are they ;
J. J. Tflster, of Sin Francisco. Is at
the iVIitent-
Vouf ,aM c),,in0(, t3 consult rtvfessur '
T ndilU ,oJny' !
p0!lltlvly ltu Xfl chl)IV. , ronsui,
,1 the mjTiiK Tyndall. 1
W. C. T. V. meets at I o'clock toJay In
Rescue Hall parlors.
Are thlnjnt dull with you?
Tyndall, he will do you skvI.
Call on
A rainy day costume Is a necessity for
Arril weather In Astoria.
W. E. Cole, wife and children, of Mo
i cow, Idaho, are In the .-tty.
H. P. Hobson. of Harti'ieUl point,
the city, a (tuest at the Park-r.
is In
Clairvoyance Is all the fad Everybody
Is havliiK a tvtititnir wlih Tynd.ill. the
greatest of all mystics.
Ion't fontet Tyndall's last day. All
should seek this opportunity of consult
ing this great clalrvoyint.
The steamer Harvest t3uen will arrive
about I o'clock this morning to tow the
Tlllle Starbuck up the river.
Councilman W. F. Met. rotor and Mr.
Chaa Heilhorn. sailed for San Francisco
on yesterday morning's steamer.
J"s received, an Immense amount of
Gents' summer clothing, from Eastern
manufacturers, at P. A. Stokes.'
The Bonbonnlere. has today the real
Boston Chlis, strawberry, ar.lll.i and
molasses flavors. Also the fa.T.ous Butter
See those elegant new spring
in colored front shirts and cu!Ii to
match at Herman Wise, the reliable j
Clothier and Hatter.
It Is not only women who prevaricate
about their age. The man over -It) hedges
quite as skilfully as his unmarried sister
of an equal number of years.
The regular meeting of the Y.'s will be
held promptly at 4:15 p. m. Thursday.
All memliers are requested to lie present
as Important business must be done.
Owing to the. large number of ladles
and gentlemen thai call-d on Tyndall
and the many that could not get the op
portunity to consult him, he remains one
day more.
Call at Herman Wise's Clothing store
and look at the latest arrivals In shirt-,
collars, cuffs, hats and clothing. Sous
nobby and attractive goods both in style
and prices.
It is stated that low shoes will be as I
popular as ever the approaching season
with the ladles. Extremely pointed toes
are continuing in favor, notwithstanding
all that has been said to the contrary,
A new device for holding up a heavy i
skirt on a rainy day consists of a small j
silver clasp held In place by means of a
goods In the newest designs, also fancy
silks for trimmings and waists and a I
large line of duck suits. I. Cohen, Low I
Price Store. 1 Bond street j
! Mr. E. H. Lewis, of the Lewis and
Dryden Printing Compiny, Fortland, Is
: visiting In the city. Mr. Lewis says
! that business is rather qu.t In Portland.
but that all ar-- agreed that Astoria'!
tlme ,or Improvement has come. The
L"'"1 41 Dt yden Company are prepared
10 do k""18 ' m"P and circular print-
ln lne ""snesi styie ui tne an.
Mr. Robinson, the well known lumber
dealer of San Francisco, passed through
the city yesterday on his way from Port
land to San Francisco. He says that he
has his men at work again at Stella, pre
paring the cradles for another large raft
of logs, to be shipped to San Francisco.
If conditions are favorable, Mr. Robinson
will this season ship three rafts of Ore
gun logs tn California.
Miss Mason's kindergarten will give an
entertainment and social in the aport
ment occupied by the school at the
Tighe Hotel on Friday afternoon, April
10, at 1:30 p. m. All parents
iJr. Tuttle yesterday made
visit to
ry rump on the lallroad construction
, line, and found his patients all doing
well. The man who fell and Injured his
I spine on Saturday Is doing much better
I than was expected, and Hill be around
j aaln In a few days. At Camp N. 3 one
I of the workmen sustained injuries to his
i foot by allowing a heavy instrument to
J fall thereon. Dr. Tuttle dressed the In
jured memts-r, and Bays the man will
soon be well. Work Is progressing
1 smoothly on the grade, despite, the In
; clemency of the weather.
In speaking of learning to ride a bicy
cle, a Will known Astoria lady cyclist
said yesterday: "I have been In a hur
ricane when our steamer was hove to
off the coast of New ICiiiland, anil all
the woodwork was washed overboard:
I have been lit a railway smashup, and
was handed out of the car through a
hole in the roof; I have sat by the o!r
window of a stage coach when a wheel
slipped over the side t a. precipi:e; I
have been In many strange adventures,
but never had I such nn acute feeling
when I nt on the top of that bicycle,
holding on for life to th steering bar."
The sr.iit Tyn.lall at the Ov-eMctil.
Have you any troubles Consult Tyn
Onll Unlay.
uvcr lviy-nve vonsulte.1 the
myutl'-al Tn.lll yet-r l.iv.
I'ncle Mcltriery. .in oUl-tlnier well
ki:on In Astoria, was In the city ia
tetMuy. Piill t the Crow rallerv anil see thoae
"Mantlll:!" alio photo, t:V ir vloicii,
for thirty day.
lea Cream Soda In twenty-two different
flavor at O. It. Smith'. Private par
lors for ladle.
lm't fall to are those 111.' worsted
i-hcvlot ami melton milts tilh have Just
arrived at Herman Wise's one price
clothing establishment.
The good American ship Tlllle K Star
buck, which arrived In yt'H. nl i.v fnm
New York, replonlsheil her atorra at
K.'ss. HlKKln Co .
K.l. Il.ik-ruii. Knappton, John Xante.
Kranktori. Ma.x finite. IVep IUer, M
I. and J I' Me.vha'1. KIHotts
Landinc HfW In the elty yeatenlay.
The enslmers who st irt out this morn.
Inc to do the trrado o-k at New Asto
ria, p.irehased a larue lot of supnll. s (or
their camp at Koss. Millions t'o.'s
The steamer Telephone yesterdw after
non lroviKht down about ;v tlshermen to
atterd the mass nutinj The deleaate
were aceonipanle I by the Catlilairet
brass Kind.
Mr T A. llylin.1 writes fwm S.m
Pl. k-O. C:ll . th It he eV-Vls lo n tui it
to Astoria the Mrt week In May His
mmy friends will v 1 to him
back attain.
I.ars I-nrson and M. Kkstrom left yes
yesterday mornlnu on the steamer for
AI:iVa via San Kranciseo. They ;,re coin.-
t j encase In the can icry busln. ss In
that country.
The Pacific Bridge'iy Is making
good progress with the laying of the
water main pipes to I'niontown. Resi
dents of that portion of the city are con-s-o,uent!y
The contracts have U-,n let to a Mr.
Brown, of Portland, for the oon:ructlon
of the new life-saving station buildings
at Port Canby. it is understood
work will Lommenoe at on.
FHher Brothers received yest-r.lav a
large sto. k of rubtvr and loath, r 1 citing
w hich they will put on the tn irk' t at us
low prUes as the same go id can he pur
chased In IortlanJ or elsewh. re.
S. Johnson. Hans H l l -n. Chas Pavls.
Mr. Mortensen. and Julius Jens.n. or
Chinook, tus Stora. Knapta. and It. J.
Anstudt. John Pays' ,'ro among th,'
visitors from the country y sterday.
Yesterday was an April day with a
venpennc. and those who started1 out
In the morning anticipating fine weather
were sadly fooled in th aft-rncon w hen
they found they had left their umbrellas
fit home.
A prominent buntne man ;vstenlay.
In sH-aking of the railroad s't'iatton.
said that he wa willing to 1s t !.ii that
within thirty days Mr. Hammond would
have men at work on construction
through the city.
The fishermen yester 1 ay took posses
sion of the city, and, -vhlie all was or
dt rlv and well cond ict i. knois of ear
nest talkers wer. gathered at every cor
ner. It was a good day for hotels t,nd
lioardlng houses.
The gathering of the fishermen vest, r
day tn the yarl.ius resor s of tne i ity
alter the mass meeting, was a reminder
of old times, and In fact, one gentleman
remarked that It loolted like worlds
fair time In Chicago.
Fruit trees are now in f ill bioom In
1 Astoria, and the willows are green with
lltavea. Spring Is here, if she Is n little
cold in her first greeting. Hall and aln
were amongst tne unpleasant leuiureu
of yesterday, but the sun shone frequent
ly tn an evident attempt to make up for
lot time.
Contractor Jacobsen, who was up from
he bay yesterday, reported that
foundations for the bridge were well
under way. and tint with fair weather,
they could commence rhe erection of
the Iron work In about rfteen days.
Messrs. Wakefield ft Jacobsen have se
cured recently quite a number of con
struction contracts, and anticipate mak
ing up some of their recent losses.
Messrs. Corey Brothers & Wattls will
send out this morning a corps of about
thirty men who will commence the work
of grading the streets of New Astoria.
Dr. Kinney will accompany the men, and
Intends to ptish matters as rapidly as
posible. In a few days he will occupy
his new office on Commercla street, anil
will throw this addition on the market
In a most vigorous manner. When the
doctor starts out for business something
has to drop.
Captain Brown went to Portland last
night and took with him Kngineer Dren
nan. Mate Sanders, and the entire crew
who will man the steamer Lincoln, which
will be brought down the river Friday.
Captain Brown will report with his
steamer to Superintendent ilegnrt, at
Fort Stevens, who It Is stated, Is to
spend several weeks In making soundings
In the lower river for his tlnal report to
the department upon the results of the
building of the Jetty.
Mr. Walter C. Smith, the real estate
man and Astoria property owner. Is In
the city, looking after his Interests. He
Is Justly proud of the fine ofhee which
Manager VanEtten has fixed up on the
corner of Eleventh and Bond streets, and
says that he believes they have the best
line of real estate maps ever published
and put forth from this city. Lewis &
Dryden, of Portland, did the map and
the Columbia Harbor Land Company cer
tainly have no cause for complaint Mr.
Smith, president of that company, says
that he believes the time Is now ripe
for the pushing of Astoria properties to
the front, and the development of a
phenomenal growth of all ilncs of busi
ness In this city. Mr. Smith Is for As
toria first and last
One of the passengers off tne Fran
cisco steamer yest nlay, whip; walking
about the town, waiting for the ills
charge of the Astoria oart of the cargo,
remarked to an Astorlan reporter that
a stranger's first Imtires-don of this city,
as obtained from the O. It. and N. dock,
was not particularly favorable. The line
of old shacks whose back doors face
the dock, to say nothing of others on
the opposite side of "ommcrcl il street
which front the water, five an Impres
sion of anything but prosperity and tidi
ness. The gentleman remarked that he
thought It mit,'ht he of ridv;intai-'e to the
city generally, and certainly to the prop
erty In particular, to Judiciously use a
few buckets of whl'."wiih on the. spies
of the buildings aforcHalrl. Astoria Is
known abroad as the Venice of the Col
umbia, but she Is not bearing out the
reputation In the sightliness and neat ap
pearance of her buildings along the wa
terfront. A dollar or two properly spent
would make a vast difference In the first
Impressions of strangers landing In the
city by the sea.
Great Matin HcM Yisdnliiv nt
I'l.shcr's Hull h All Claris
tif Uishcnncn.
Mcs l'iviirril ta S Jil tilt lu'il U'lUM
Id - No fishiaii to IV ltwe I. ff
tor lac M.ulrts 1'iucs lor
All Cjhuciicv
Home two thoimmd fishermen from As
toria and all other li-hing station along
the Columbia river. a-. uili d yester
day aftern.ioii In mass riveting at Fish
er's ball. The room, whl-h Is the largest
In tho city, did not b-gla to aocommod ate
all tluw set king iidinltt mco. Hut after
the tinui was slft.-J from tho when,
nearly till tho fishermen managed to
gain entrance. Outsiders having no In
terest In affairs, did not remain at the
meeting. Prom the hum of earnest con
crsanon throuiihout tho audlcnco be
fore the chairman call the meeting to
order, it was extdent that every man was
there for a purpose, and this purpose was
pl.i:tiy demons' irte.l !cforo tho close ol
the prooct'dliigs. The bent of order pre
vailed throughout, and In ii businesslike
in itr.or the ftihcrinon prci-nt look up the
.I'lestlons ts-foro th-m.
'f'hc chairman calb-d Ihe me-tlng lo or
der, and l.rl fly silted i ho ohloet of the
call for the meeting. Mo said that the
l-'iih. r'ti, n' liuon had ,!, (, I -d In es
e utne lon that tu o c.-nts u pound
w i a l ill' prlc for alin.'li. and t tint
(ho men ivo'iM not fN'i tor a low, r fig
ure. But. realiitoig tb-il Ificrt. were many
oth-r wh.s :erh.i!. -Ii-eild tn onsull
el III the mailer. II was decided to call
a m.ns fv.ecllfi of iSh.rmett of all
i'!.is s on the river to uss the prop
osition of the packers.
S, . retiiry J, i,.- n. of tho Flh. rmen's
liuon. road various l, tt -rs from lantury-
men. tn t'te anno in. client
111 oio that owing to 'tie -oii.lllloll ot
the mark,t on canned g-snN. they coul.l
tti.t stand the price of the c uts per pound
on ruv material He fb.-n read .n
York tiewspa(i.r market ,uo(.i:l.n, from
which l,e clai'l'h. .1 the fact flat rive
cuts j-r pound" coul.l tie ,ald. or at
bast, according to hts reasoning ought
lo l. p ud. bv Hie pa. k TS Without
much argument, by a unanimous voe.
the assembled fishermen decided thai
Ih. v would hold o n for the prb-e of five
cents on raw material until tho eth of
August. Three commute, s w.-ro then ap
pointed, one to look after th trap men.
one to watch the s,.r,rs. and the other
t.i s,-e that tile glil net fish Tin,-!! Il,al up
lo tiic provision of the airreenient just
enter, d Into It w as pro. l.l.-d. howe,r.
that the ilsi., rm, n might fish for their
own c,ins.:rtiptl.,n only, h if Ih. v arc not
permitted to s. II any fish io fie market
or private individuals, t.oits, ,,r other
consumers If th,. men are found
Ing tiie provisions of the a-r. eniofil. ami
til-, committees oannM handle the ens.',
the union Is to ts- o.iil...! for he'p
in putting dow n such Infra -Hons nf the
combine rule. Individual cannevmen are
not to bo allowed to emntoy non-union
fishermen or any oth.-r US-mieu, rven
should they U. willing to piv five cms
p,T pn'ind. unless every .ari urv on the
river agree, to that furl
It w is rumored in th- me. tin.?, licit
there were a lot of Isherm.-n up the
river who w.-re willing 'o "Nil for tho
prb-is promulgate! by tho packers. A
committee was appoint.,) to visit all l.p,
river points and put a atop to this de
fection on fh- par: f their numU-rs.
The sani" oomnJ'teM was also Instructed
to put a stop to the flshwhe-.l operations
and thus rnrrpletelv .-!os,. all avenues
of simply ojwn to the i.ackors.
It Is the cone, nsus of opini-m of all
who attended the meeting yesterday, that
unless th- packers con. ..... the demands
of the fishermen, whn the season opens
tomorrow, there will be Inaugnrat-d the
most extensive and Mtter strike ever
known In the history nf fishing opera
tions on the I'olumbli river. Already
every merchant In Astoria Is beginning
to feel the o' circumstances, and
has lc in to curtail his line of credit
and take In sail Of course, all hope that
a compromise may lie reached; but both
sides are well organic s and there seems
to tie little prlspect for anything but a
long-continued strike.
Thinking They Owned the Town.
Ai 'd A -cordlngly.
There were two cases In the police
court yesterday, both charge being dis
orderly conduit, due to an overdose of
rectlfi, ,1 ruin Fred Peterson Is a sea
man on tho Prltish four masted bark In-vernesH-shlre,
and, as Captain Pealtle
has been very liberal with the men, giv
ing them money to enjoy themselves al
most whenever they asked for It, Peter
son, with a characterlstlf peculiar to
sailors, and sev.-ral quarts of vile com
pounds, became Intorhate.l.
Peterson went to the ship, which Is ly
ing at the Pacific Can Company's wharf,
yesterday morning, nft -r a night nshore,
and, coming to the conclusion that he
owned the vessel, proee-ded to tnk-i pos
session. The mat- expostulated with
him, hut It was to no avail. The sailor
drew a knife from his sheath, and In
formed ihe mate that, If he did not allow
him to do about as he pleased, he would
carve him. After considerable difficulty
Peterson was overpowered and placed In
Irons, where he was kept until the police
officers arrived and escort -d him to Jail.
Ills case came up at 3 o'clock, and Judge
Nelson gave him ten days, that he might
rest his weary head on prison bunk
and think of the folly of his way.
John Helber was up on the same charge,
or, to be moro explicit, a like charge.
Hleber, It appears, was guilty of disorder
ly conduct, much to the Inconvenience
of the clerks In the city water works
office. It was well nigh ' nposstble to
fathom the meaning of the complaint,
which will go on record ns the biggest
Joke ever legally perpetrated in this
county. Hleber was found guilty and
Judge Nelson said something i bout 110.
This greatly ex.isp rated the culprit, who,
to show his disgust at the court's action,
threw his hat violently to the ;ioor. Judge
Nelson, however, was equal to tho oc
casion, and fined Hleber $.', for contempt.
Fifteen dollars means seven days.
Sherman & Thing have opened a riding
school next door lo Pacific Express office.
Competent Instructors constantly In at
tendance. Cleveland and Crescent bi
cycles for sale and rent.
Members of Franklin Council. No. 11,
Jr. O. I'. A. M., are notified to be In
attendance at the hall at I .':. today to
attend the funeral of our .'ate brother,
II. .. Topping. I
By order of the coimcII.
A. It. :yhVH, Secretary, i
DeWltt's Sarsaparllla Is prepared for
cleansing the blood. It build up and
strengthens constitutions Impaired by
disease. Chas. Rogers.
Tho Oraii (lame nt Charles Wlrkkitla's
Looted by Two Masked Men,
About 111 lal evening llll masked
men clilero.i the saloon ill t'haiic Il k
knlii, on (seventh slivwt. mid toblx d tho
crap game of th bunk roll, iinioiiiillng
lo Tint Ulcn entered by the sldd
door, a lid, vtl oh holding a pistol, th tailor
man of the two demanded tho uncondi
tional surrender of every ,'ot'son In I do
house. This demand was promptly com.
plied with.
laaviitK the smaller man In tho center
of the lnuiM' to cover the people III t ho
saloon, his conipitultm stcHcd uxor to
the "crap'' table, which had Just liosod
for tho night, and. shoving III gun under
the uoso of tho dialer, took tint bank
roll, which tho dealer had Just placed
In a sack, from him. Tho robU'rs made
for the door, tiling a shot I brinish the'
window- us tin y wont.
tMllcer Sciifoldt and Shetlff llaro, who
worn In tho vkinlty of the saloon, heard
tho shot, md, as they approached the
placo. saw the men running up Hcwiith
street. They Immediately gave i huso, fol
lowed by the crowd front tho 'iiiloon, ami
run tho robbers to ttto hills aear the
Courl slreot school house, w hero H oy
cacuH'd In thu brush, Ihirlng the pur
suit the robbers rtrrd several hoi. nil
I of which were Into "ho ground, pr
i sumtihly for the purpose of frightening
tho crowd
When the mail pulled the gun on the
i dealer, who Is known as "I'm-klall fhttr
i ley." that Individual fainted
At I, o'clock two men slaved to :iirtt(T
llaro that tlu-y knew w ho ihe robb. r
i were and nerved to caiiluro them The
' sIiciuT mippltcd ttio men wltti suns uiut
lol.l I hem He Wllllll V0 litem It
they caught tho robi-crs. The inert are
how vflasllltf tile robticrs.
Ttiis Spanish ooeri will l presented
at lis'i.r'H tipera Hons. tnl Ftldty and
Saturday. Tickets on sale, out)' jo I ellts.
a mi sii'ai, tui:at
Tho Sons of Hermann of Ast irla have
proy.uletl upon the llarde I II. II I. Here, of
l.eriin. llci many, to ctve n museU rn
tcrtaumtelit In this .Ity before leaving
for San I'rauois.o. t Pi. hers Hall.
Thursday, April th. at ! p. Ml
ileioral adiiilssioti. ;a cents, t,i-rvetl
seals, jl cents. Tickets call bo i btalned
at J. Strauss' store.
I lou t org. t that this is a tr. at for
the music loving pooi, I. - of A.tori i. Hun t
fall to attend.
A gentleman' report, at corner Bond
and lfth street. The lines! brands of
liquor and cWar always on hand. Call
and try us.
Two thing worth knowing
first to maks friend: next, to
keep them. W hellers our
granite ware stock I doing
that dally. large Plh Pan
WANTED -A competent woman
housek. .-sr on dairy farm Aid-
help milk Emr.i good wages Apply
to Mrs. J. W. Gcachart, "..' tlrand nve
line, city
WANTED--A reliable lady or ivenlle
inan to distribute sample and mak a
l.ouse-to-house canvass for our Veg itnhlo
To. bl Soaps. 1 10 tn fTS a month r,l y
made. Address Crofts Ic Re-d, s2 to Sf-9
Austin Avenue. Chicago, III.
WANTED -An honest, ac'.lvo gentleman
or lady to travel for reliable established
house. Salary, Vf. payable 111 weekly
and cipensea. Situation permanent Ref
erence. Enclose self-addressed atamped
envelope, The Dominion Company, fit
Omaha Building, Chicago.
JAPANESE OOODH-Jut out-Just re
ceived Juat what you want at Wlnf
Lee's, Ml Commercial street
FOR RENT Two business houses, one
with 19 furnished rooms upstairs, other
with 7 furnished room upstair and bar
fixture down stairs. Call at thl office
FOR RENT A furnishes) suite of rooms
on ground floor, centrally located. 414
Exchange street
FOR RENT Nice rooms, over C. B,
Smith' candy store. Inquire of Alex
North Pacific Bremery
Bohemian Lager Beer
Leave order with J. L Carlson at th
Sunnyslde Saloon or Louis Boentg at
the Cosmopolitan Saloon. All orders will
b promptly attended to.
Acts as trustee for corporations and In
Transact a general banking builnssa
Interest paid on time depedts.
.Vice President
J. Q. A, Bowlby, C. H. Page, BenJ
Young, A. 6. Beed, D. P. Thompson
W. E. Dement, Oust Holmes,
Wouldn't it be
a good idea
to take the Burlington
next time you go east?
Not only Is It tha SHORT
line to Omaha, Kansas
City, and St Louis, but
Its servlo to those and
all other southern and
southeastern points Is bet
ter and faster than that
of any other railroad.
People who take It ono?,
take It a second, a third.
a fourth, a fifth time.
Tickets, time-tables and
full Information on appli
cation to the local ticket
agent or by addressing
Portland, Or.
r'ti . J i
Owing- to Tyndall's enormous success and the num
ber of ladles and gentlemen turned away yesterday,
on account of previous engagements
Tyndall One
Day More
...Last Day
mm JsL
... A Choice Stock of . . .
California and
Twentieth St.
,482 Bond Street.
V 1 . .
Grocers. : and : Butchers
Atorl and Upper Aitorla
Fln Tt nd Gtte , TaMe Dfllrcr, Domtitlt
and Tropical Fruits, VefftaHei, Sugar
Curd Hamb, Baton, fctc.
Choice Fresh and Salt Meats.
n .1.1! .
Oregon Vegetables
mid McKee Ave.
j Is situntt'tl nn the south siilo ol As-
! toritiV liills
Twt-iity (It'urces vanner and vpgeta-
j titni thirty days in advance of the North
i Mtle
Magnificent sites for residences, over
looking river and hay, sunny and shel
tered. Easy and natural grades; little or no
grading necessary.
. . . . Aax
Cor. Tenth sad Bond Atrcct.
le Marshall's: You take chances on
the other.